Trojan Hi Points - Jenks Public Schools
Trojan Hi Points - Jenks Public Schools
April/May 2012 Volume 12, Issue 5 Trojan Hi Points A publication of Jenks High School / Jenks Freshman Academy PTA CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 16 EOI Testing Begins April 16 Mr./Miss JHS, 7pm PAC April 21 Prom May 7 AP Exams Begin May 20 Senior Awards, 3:15 pm PAC May 21 Graduation, 7:30 pm, Mabee Center May 21—GRADFEST 10:30 PM to 5:00 AM May 23—24 FINALS May 24 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Jenks High School 299-4415 x2225 Attendance Office: A-G: x2273 H-O: x2490 P-Z x2289 Freshman Academy Attendance 299-4415 x 2278 G R A D F E S T I N F O R M AT I O N You Wouldn't Understand ... It's a 2012 thing! SEE PAGES 6—10 of this newsletter for all things Gradfest Information for parents, seniors, volunteers, donations etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MANY THANKS TO OUR 2012 SPONSORS: Gold Century Club Sponsors: Arvest, Tulsa Tech, JPS Foundation and JHS PTA. Silver Century Club Sponsors: BancFirst Jenks, Kirk Crossing Other Sponsors: OneOK, Asbury United Methodist Church, St. Bernard’s Parish, QuikTrip, John Ramsey State Farm, Merritt's Bakery, Subway, Gary Box Photography, WPX Energy, PSO, Michael Hosier, DDS, Ameriprise Financial/Robert Linn, Sharp Automotive, Tedford Insurance, Hogan Taylor, Gordy & Charlotte Guest/Cyntergy AEC, Kevin & Tammy Hern/McDonalds, Jenks Community Education, Seltech, Tiger Natural Gas, Russell Coatney, DDS and Tiny and Barbara Tomsen. VO LU N TE E R O P P O RT U N I T I E S — TE S T I N G DATE S SPRING TESTING – Many volunteers are needed for spring testing at the High School. The dates are April 16th through the 27th, with make-up exams beginning April 30th through May 11th. Look for an upcoming email and/or phone calls very soon. One shift or one day will help tremendously. Contact to volunteer. AP Testing – Several volunteers will be needed for this. The dates are May 7 through the 18, and May 23 through 25. Contact to volunteer. See page 4 Trojan Hi Points Page 2 W E L C OM E T O T H E 2 01 2/ 2 01 3 J H S F A P T A 2012/2013 JHS/FA PTA Executive Board . Christy Barnes – President Marcie Corwin – Vice President Bethany Barton – Secretary Kristen Anderson – Treasurer Shanna Dutton – Exec. Advisor J H S / FA PTA M E E T IN G S Please join us—Monday, April 9 at 11:30 at the Sharp Center, 3rd Floor - Light lunch will be served. Come and get involved and informed! Plan to attend the last meeting this year: May 14th ************************************************** DONATION OPPORTUNITY—TIME TO GO THROUGH THOSE SUMMER CLOTHES At the April 9 meeting we will be collecting clothing for Burmese students. Adult small and medium sizes are most needed. Donations can be dropped off anytime w/ Mrs. Connelly Room 6172 PTA BOARD POSITIONS AVAILABLE 2012/2013 Jenks HS/FA Board Positions— LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD PARENTS Street Party Freshman Social Gradfest Hospitality Mock Testing School Board Rep 10th Grade Rep 11th Grade Rep Facebook Administrator/Newsletter/JPS Website/Power Schools Bulletin ***If you are going to take a position, it is recommended that you are present at the PTA meetings to report your committees progress, news, updates, etc. during the time of your committees duties.*** FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Buffy Ebright Page 3 Trojan Hi Points PROM INFO—VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY Jenks Parents, Prom is coming up, and volunteers are needed! On the night of prom (Saturday, April 21), we need two shifts of 6 to 8 parents, with one shift from 9-10:30 and another from 10:30-12 to work coat check. We ask that you show up 15 minutes early for your shift in order to be prepared for the start of the dance and to make the transition between shifts easier. Prom will take place at the Greenwood Cultural Center downtown. Volunteers will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are interested, email me at Please indicate if you have a preferred shift. Thank you! Emily Towler, Senior Class Treasurer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seniors, prom tickets go on sale Monday April 2nd in the Building 5 ticket office. Tickets will be sold before school from 7:15 to 7:45, during both lunches and after school until 3:00. Tickets are also available for purchase in Mrs. Nunnelee’s room 215 in the JMASC between classes. Tickets are $25 each and will be sold through April 13th. Make sure you hurry! Free t-shirts will be given to the first 500 students to purchase tickets! If you have any questions please see Mrs. Nunnelee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seniors if you plan to invite someone to the senior prom who does not attend Jenks High School, you will need to have a visitor permission completed in order for that person to attend. Please remember that your date must be under the age of 21. Forms can be picked up in the Bldg 5 office or Mr. Means’ office in Bldg 6. Completed forms should be returned to Mrs. Nunnelee in the Math and Science Center. VO LU N TE E R O P P O RT U N I TY CALLING Senior parents OR ANYONE WILLING TO HELP! Volunteers are needed ASAP for “It’s Your Choice Senior Prom Event.” Paula Lau is in need of 4-5 volunteers who can help move students from station to station during this event. At each station, there will be a first responder who is someone who would typically be at the site of a drunk driving accident such as EMSA, Life Flight, the Fire Department, etc. The volunteers help direct the kids and answer any needs the first responders may have like, “Where is the bathroom or the snacks, etc.?” We are currently looking at Tuesday, April 17th with a rain date of Thursday, April 19th. We have not established a timeline yet for the event, but the volunteers will definitely be finished by 3pm that afternoon if not sooner. It would be helpful if she has one volunteer who wouldn’t mind picking up food donations from Chic-Fila and Quik Trip. These businesses helped us out last year and she believes will do so again this year. Please let me or Paula Lau know ASAP if you can help out. Page 4 Trojan Hi Points DISTRICT VOLUNTEER PROGRAM - News! Don’t forget to keep recording those hours! Program – hover over the Volunteer Program label on your left and choose “Record My Hours.” Or, you may email your hours to Kathy @ and she will record them for you. Thank you! There are several volunteer opportunities on-going and coming this semester, and for the next school year. Please contact the person listed. Important Volunteer Needs: SPRING TESTING – Many volunteers are needed for spring testing at the High School. The dates are April 16th through the 27th, with make-up exams beginning April 30th through May 11th. Look for an upcoming email and/or phone calls very soon. One shift or one day will help tremendously. Contact to volunteer. AP Testing – Several volunteers will be needed for this. The dates are May 7 through the 18, and May 23 through 25. Contact to volunteer. High School - Building 6 - Finance office. Volunteer needed to help out once a week. Contact Beverly Burns at 918-299-4415 ext. 2559. High School – 5 to 7 volunteers to help with the It’s Your Choice Pre-Prom Event on April 17th. Rain date April 19th. Please contact Paula Lau at Emergency Exercise – Tornado Drill: Tuesday, May 1, 3pm to 5:30pm. Rain date May 8. Middle School. Parents are encouraged to participate in this exercise, and students ONLY 7th grade and older. Students can receive service hours for this. You will receive a t-shirt and pizza dinner. To volunteer contact Kathy Guenther at 299-4415, ext. 2291 or Freshman Academy - Need office help this semester and for next year. Contact Donna Rutch at or 918-408-7849. East Intermediate - Lunch time reading program for students. Reading to the students and/or listening to them read. 5th grade - 11:00-11:40 Mondays and Wednesdays. 6th grade - 11:50-12:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays will be "Fun Reward Days!" We have 2 coaches who come and teach soccer skills leading up to intramural soccer games at the end of each semester – if you would like to come along and ‘play” during those times – “role models” are welcome in all areas. Contact Jamie Huth @ or 918-406-3518. Jenks Foundation - Need one-time and on-going volunteers to help out with general office support, and the Ford Car Fundraiser event coming up April 28th. Contact Marlo Duffy, at, or 918-299-4463. Print Shop - Volunteers needed to help with counting out forms to be wrapped and placed on shelves, making holes, making copies, etc. Volunteers would report to Dwight Watson or Steve Wasson. Any weekday except Tuesdays. Contact Kathy Guenther at 918-299-4415, ext. 2291. SCHOOL YEAR 2012-13 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Schedule Pick-up at the High School – For 3 days the week before school starts (August 16th.) Will be either August 7, 8, or 9, or 8, 9 and 10th. Volunteers needed in many areas. Contact to volunteer. High School Building 6 Guidance Office – AM and PM volunteers. Contact to volunteer. High School / Math & Science Center, Building 6 Admin office, and Building 5 Admin office – Lunchtime volunteers needed to monitor office during lunch breaks. Contact for more information and to volunteer. Trojan Hi Points Page 5 J E N K S P U B L I C S C HO O L ROAD CONSTRUCTION WILL GO THROUGH END OF SCHOOL The reconstruction of "K" Place between the Union Pacific Railroad and Jenks levee at 5th Street is in cooperation between the City of Jenks, Tulsa County “4 To Fix” Program and State & Federal transportation departments. Anticipated project time is approximately 6 months with an estimated completion date in July. This project includes reconstruction of the roadway, adding curb and gutter and other drainage improvements, and a sidewalk on the south side of the street. The roadway will be reconstructed in a manner that will maintain the existing residential collector nature of the street and provide an overall facelift to the street and neighborhood. During construction the roadway will be open to local traffic only with signs directing traffic through the construction zone. Initially traffic on “K” Place will be reduced to west bound only from 5th Street to Elm Street to allow the contractor to install underground drainage and other utility improvements. Access to adjoining side streets will be available throughout the duration of the project. NEW Jenks Public Schools App Jenks Public Schools is working with School Connect, an Oklahoma-based, mobile application developer for K12 school systems and institutions, to launch a free mobile app for the district. The app is currently available for download in both the Apple and Android app stores. School Connect’s app development and hosting services are free to the school district and there will be no download charges for mobile users. To download the app, search for “School Connect” in the app store and download the “schConnect” app. After downloading, open the app and pick “Oklahoma” and then “Jenks.” Once you have done this, it will automatically open to the Jenks app in the future. The app will be financially supported by school-friendly sponsors and will feature: * Push messaging from both the district and school site levels, * GPS mapping and navigation, * Online gradebook access, * Tap screens for email and phone for district staff, * Tap screen for email for board of education members, * Multiple language options, including Spanish, * Lunch menus, athletic information, and much more. For more information about School Connect, visit L E G I S L A TI V E A C T I O N C O M M I T TE E Tulsa area Parent Legislative Action Committee has reserved the following dates at the Capitol to allow our members the opportunity to provide input regarding specific bills moving through this Legislative Session. Please consider going along to support this group. If you are interested, contact Leanne Buxton at 2012 Capitol Lobby Days: Thursday, April 26 Monday, May 21 Page 6 Trojan Hi Points J H S G RADFEST! You Wouldn't Understand ... It's a 2012 thing!" GradFest! This celebration is a drug and alcohol free event designed specifically for the seniors by their generous parents, corporate sponsors and local restaurants. Following graduation, seniors will head directly to Jenks Middle School for the party of a lifetime! The party follows the diploma ceremony (approximately 10:30 p.m.) and ends at 5:00 am. Each Senior that attends GradFest receives an excused school absence for the day after graduation. How's that for a true Senior Skip Day?! DATE: TIME: PLACE: COST: Monday, May 21, 2012 10:30 p.m. – 5 a.m. (following Graduation) Jenks Middle School $35 per student until April 1, then $40 DON’T LET YOUR SENIOR MISS THE FOOD, CASINO, COFFEE HOUSE, FOOD, MONEY MACHINE, CARICATURES, FOOD, VELCRO WALL, SUMO WRESTLING, FOOD, DRUNK DRIVING SIMULATIONS . . . AND MORE FOOD! PRIZES INCLUDE TV’S, COMPUTERS, $$$, GIFT CARDS . . . PERFECT FOR EVERY GRADUATE! All funds for the GradFest event come from generous Jenks parents, and sponsors from the surrounding community. The GradFest committee encourages each family to give a $100 tax deductible donation to assist with the festivities. Please send your tax deductible donation to GradFest treasurer, Rhonda Lopez 9838 S. 67th E. Place, Tulsa, OK 74133. For questions about a corporate sponsorship, please contact: HENRI SABIN To volunteer, please contact: Lynne Schonacher at *In years past, 95 percent of senior students have attended the all-night event…make sure your Senior comes, too! Registration and volunteer forms are available on the Jenks High School website,, under High School Activities (and attached to this newsletter) Join us on Facebook at Jenks GradFest 2012. GradFest Executive Chairs: Donna Collins – 918-633-3667 Amie Farris – Henri Sabin – 918-260-1571 Thanks, parents, for helping make this year’s GradFest the BEST! Trojan Hi Points Page 7 GRADFEST LETTER PAGE 1 Dear Parents of Graduating Seniors, About Gradfest: Gradfest planning is underway and an exciting and long night of fun is store. The all-night, postgraduation celebration for the Class of 2012 will be May 21, 2012. Gradfest is a drug and alcohol free event designed specifically for the seniors by their generous parents and guardians, corporate sponsors and local restaurants. Following graduation, seniors head directly to Jenks Middle School for the party of a lifetime! The theme is "You Wouldn't Understand ... It's a 2012 thing!" – and, you won’t understand unless you have your senior come…it’s an amazing evening! Gradfest follows the diploma ceremony (beginning at approximately 10:30 p.m.) and ends at 5:00 a.m. the following morning, May 22. Each senior that attends Gradfest receives an excused absence for the day after graduation from school. There will be food, a casino room, a coffee house, food, a money machine, food, drunk-driving simulations, caricatures, a Velcro wall, sumo wrestling...and MORE food! Also, a hypnotist, massage chairs and prizes - giant TV's, computers, $$$, gift cards...perfect things graduates will need! 200+ parent volunteers are the true secret to this wonderful event! Traditionally, around 95% of new graduates attend Gradfest, so make plans now for your student to attend. Registration for this event is open. It is required for those who would like to attend. For questions about registration, please contact: is Shari Williams at Interested in Volunteering? Many volunteers are needed to staff the event. We need help with set up, take down, food service, games, decorations, in the coffee house, and more. If you are able to work, we have the perfect job for you! If interested in volunteering, please contact Lynne Schonacher at All about Donations: All funds for Gradfest come from parents and sponsors from the generous Jenks and surrounding community. Because the event costs about $65,000, the Gradfest committee encourages each family who is able to give a $100 tax deductible donation to assist with the festivities. If you are interested in supporting this safe alternative to post-graduation parties, please send your tax deductible donation to Gradfest treasurer, Rhonda Lopez, 9838 S. 67th E. Place, Tulsa, OK 74133. All funds for Gradfest come strictly from the generous donations of Jenks families and our community. Special thanks to our sponsors to date: Gold Century Club Sponsors: Arvest, Tulsa Tech, JPS Foundation and JHS PTA. Silver Century Club Sponsors: BancFirst Jenks, Kirk Crossing Other Sponsors: OneOK, Asbury United Methodist Church, St. Bernard’s Parish, QuikTrip, John Ramsey State Farm, Merritt's Bakery, Subway, Gary Box Photography, WPX Energy, PSO, Michael Hosier, DDS, Ameriprise Financial/Robert Linn, Sharp Automotive, Tedford Insurance, Hogan Taylor, Gordy & Charlotte Guest/Cyntergy AEC, Kevin & Tammy Hern/McDonalds, Jenks Community Education, Seltech, Tiger Natural Gas, Russell Coatney, DDS and Tiny and Barbara Tomsen. We still need donations to ensure the success of Gradfest. If you are interested in contributing or know someone who could assist in this way, please contact: Henri Sabin at 918-260-1571 She also may help with questions about individual donations. Also, please ask your employer to match your donation. Again, thank you for your assistance and contributions! Trojan Hi Points Page 8 G R A D F E S T L E T TE R P A G E 2 Picture Boards: The Picture Board Committee needs your student’s pictures! Each senior is allowed to turn in up to 25 photos. These can be senior pictures, grade school pictures, class pictures, activity pictures or pictures with friends. The committee will use the photos collected to make large collages that will be displayed at Gradfest, Baccalaureate and future reunions. We want all students to be represented so please be sure to submit photos! It is important that the photos you submit be duplicate prints or color copies because pictures will not be returned. Photo prints are preferred, but color copies will be accepted. For your convenience, several picture drop-off locations have been designated. It is not required (but definitely appreciated) if you use these businesses to print your photos or make color copies. The drop-off locations are as follows: Walgreens in Jenks and 101st and Yale (photo printing services are available) UPS Store on Riverside, next to Tin Star (color copying services are available) Katie Stockard’s house (bin at front door): 11026 S. Toledo Ave (1 block west of 111th and Yale) JHS Building 5 and 6 Offices NOTE: If you turn in formal class pictures (think elementary/grade school) or formal team pictures, this does not count against the 25 photo limit for your student. Photo Slideshow: Photos are also being collected for a slideshow that will be played the night of Gradfest. The slideshow will also be archived to be used at future High School class reunions. Each senior is allowed to submit FIVE photos. We prefer photos with two or more people, but one individual photo is allowed as long as it is not a copyrighted photo (i.e.senior pic). Photos should be posted to the “Jenks Gradfest 2012” Facebook page. The first step is to request to be added to the FB group, so do that ASAP. Once you are added, you will be able to post photos. The deadline for all picture submissions is April 15. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Keeling at To Find Forms or to Register Your Senior: You may find forms for registration, volunteering and donations in the Jenks High School offices of Building 5 or 6. Or, go to Select “Schools”, “High School”, “Activities” then “Gradfest”. ONLY parents who volunteer may attend the party. Thank you! This letter is long and contains much info. Thank you for reading it, for your help and for your time making your senior’s Gradfest safe, memorable and fun! Here’s to the outstanding Class of 2012! Sincerely, The Gradfest 2012 Committee Gradfest Executive Chairs: Donna Collins – Henri Sabin - Amie Farris – For any questions, feel free to call Henri Sabin at 918-260-1571. Trojan Hi Points Page 9 GRADFEST GRADFEST 2012 – INFORMATION AND VOLUNTEER FORM Senior’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Parent Names: ______________________________________________________________________ Address and zip: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home ________________Cell _______________Work ______________________ Parent email address: _____________________________________________________ DONATE Please check if you can help in any of the following areas. We will be in contact with you. Thanks! _____ Parent Donation Please make checks payable to: JHS Gradfest 2012 _____ Corporate Donation Business Name: _________________________________________ _____ Food Donation No homemade food items are allowed by JPS. Do you have a contact at a com pany that might consider donating food for Gradfest? ___________________ VOLUTEER * Donations to Jenks Gradfest 2012 are tax-deductible * _____ Volunteer to Work at Gradfest (Volunteer Co-Chairmen will contact you and begin scheduling workers in late March/April) _____ Volunteer to help Breakdown after Gradfest party _____ Help on committees during school year: _____ Making Photo Boards _____ Soliciting and collecting food for the Food Committee _____ Help with decorating for Gradfest the weekend before and/or the day of Gradfest THANK YOU for taking time to complete this form. Your support of Gradfest is the best “gift” you can give your Senior!! The form can be returned to the counseling office in bldg 6 or mailed to Lynne Schonacher, 4613 E 94th St, Tulsa OK 74137. Trojan Hi Points JENKS HIGH SCHOOL GRADFEST 2012 REGISTRATION AND EXCULPATORY AGREEMENT GradFest 2012 is a drug-free and alcohol-free party on the night of graduation for graduating seniors of 2012. Please read and fill out all required information and submit with the required fee. For the student to be eligible to attend, both student and parent/guardian must sign this form. ________________________________________________ Student Name (please print clearly) ___________ Student ID GradFest upholds its reputation for providing a safe and secure environment for Jenks students. Please be aware that past GradFest events have reported no injuries or claims of injuries and all parties involved go above and beyond to continue those results. As with any large event, it is in the best interest of the school and the event to require the following exculpatory clause: I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the risks involved in attending Jenks High School GradFest 2012. In the event of an accident, personal injury, death, misadventure or the loss or damage of personal property through malicious mischief, negligence or theft, I hold blameless Jenks Independent School District, Jenks High School, all sponsors, organizers, representatives, volunteers and agents associated with the event. I understand that in addition to the above mentioned possible casualties, the above named entities or persons may not be held responsible, legally or otherwise, for: Injuries to attendees due to the conditions of the premises where Jenks GradFest 2012 is held. Injuries to attendees in events or activities at Jenks GradFest 2012. Injuries to attendees due to the intentional or negligent acts of other attendees, guests or any third party. I understand that check-in for GradFest 2012 is Monday, May 21, 2012 from 10:30 pm to 11:30pm and that after 11:30pm, no further admissions will be allowed. I understand that graduates will not be allowed to leave before 5:00am on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 without prior written parental permission and a phone call from a parent, or unless they are released into a parent’s custody. Please understand that this in an all-night event that starts at 10:30 pm and ends at 5:00am. With this in mind, we are advising that parents pick up their students at 5:00am at Jenks Middle School. Please know that if students/parents make the choice to have the student drive themselves home from this event, it is against our advice. The statistics on driver safety compare driving without appropriate sleep to driving while intoxicated. Please help us keep all our students safe by giving them a ride home. I completely understand the terms of this agreement and voluntarily attach my signature hereto. **______________________________________ _________________________ _______________ Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian Phone Number Date **______________________________________ _________________________ _______________ Student Signature **Please circle choice of t-shirt size: S Student Cell Phone Number M L XL Date XXL The success of this event is dependent on the support of JHS senior parents. As in years past, families are encouraged to make a $100 tax-deductible donation to help defray costs associated with this party. In addition, volunteers are needed throughout the party. Please include donations, as well as names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for volunteers. For expedited entrance to GradFest 2012, this completed form MUST be returned to bldg. 5 attendance office of bldg. 6 counseling office by Friday, May 11, 2012, accompanied by your payment. Cost is $30 through October 19, 2011. After Oct 19, the fee is $35 and after April 1, 2012, the fee will jump to $40. Checks should be made payable to JHS GradFest 2012 and should be dropped off at above locations or mailed to JHS GradFest, 205 East B Street, Jenks OK 74037 or Shari Williams at 7316 E 111th Place South, Bixby, OK 74008. Scholarships are available by contacting Mrs. French in the counseling office. For more information, go to our link at under the high school tab or check us out on Facebook at Jenks High School GradFest 2012. For office use only: Rec’d ________________ Cash/Check #_____________ Amount______________
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