march 2012 - Rotary District 7810


march 2012 - Rotary District 7810
District 7810 Newsletter
New Brunswick, Canada
Maine, USA
MARCH 2012
7810 in action
Rotary Review
March 2012
DG Leigh Message!
March—Rotary Literacy Month!
Rotary District 7810 Conference (June 1-3, 2012 Houlton, Maine, USA)
Cover Story—Rotarian’s daughter provides bed nets Papua New Guineans
“Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a tool for daily life in modern
society. It is a bulwark against poverty, and a building block of development,
an essential complement to investments in roads, dams, clinics and factories.
Literacy is a platform for democratization, and a vehicle for the promotion of
cultural and national identity. Especially for girls and women, it is an agent of
family health and nutrition. For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, along with
education in general, a basic human right.... Literacy is, finally, the road to
human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child
can realize his or her full potential.”
― Kofi Annan
LOOKING AHEAD: Coming up in April…
“Magazine Month”
(Submissions relating to this theme would be appreciated!)
Cover Photo…
Pictured is 14 year-old Shaina Wornes, a grade 9 student at École
Mathieu Martin, Dieppe, NB who provides bed nets to villagers in
Papua New Guinea.
See story page 13.
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
Dear Rotarians of District 7810:
Sandy and I would like to personally invite
each and every one of you to our District
Conference in Houlton June 1, 2, and 3,
2012.. You will experience a wonderful
weekend of information and entertainment.
You will also experience friendship and
fellowship at a level which is only available when you go beyond your local Rotary Club. I was a member of my Rotary
Club for many years before I reached out
beyond and finally became a Rotarian.
Houlton is a beautiful old town with much
to offer. Part of the St John River Basin, its
people reflect its geography. Many of the
older residents still refer to New Brunswick as "over home" and it is estimated that 70% of Houlton's genetic stock came from
New Brunswick. Houlton is often refered to as "Music Town of MaIne" and this will be
proven during our conference which will open Friday evening with a Houlton tradition,
an outdoor concert featuring McGill's Community Band, Maine's largest.
The Conference will be informative and entertaining. As DGE Allan MacLellan so often
says "Rotary has to be fun". We hear you Allan and we will make sure that everone enjoys District Conference 2012 in Houlton, Music Town of Maine.
DG Leigh and Sandy Cummings
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
"Off Beat"
Rotary District 7810 Conference
Millar Civic Center
Community Park
June 1st - 3rd, 2012
McGill's Community Band
• Friday night - "Musician Extraordinaire"
Chuck Loucka
Saturday night- "Houlton-Music Town of Maine" Extravaganza
Inspiring authors & speakers from the District and Rotary International
Renowned CBC provincial reporter and author ¾ Jacques Poitras will be a guest
speaker as well as Donn Fendler of "Lost on a Mountain in Maine" fame & outdoorsman and childrens' author, Tim Caverly.
Lots of musical entertainment and SO MUCH MORE!!!!
Join the fun, fellowship & guest speakers
Details & Registration:
For Info: Deb Clark at
Come see why Houlton is known as the
"Music Town of Maine"
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
The following is the UNESCO definition of literacy …
"the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute and use printed
and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of
learning to enable an individual to achieve his or her goals, to develop his or her knowl
edge and potential, and to participate fully in the wider society."
Many of district 7810 clubs have literacy projects and literacy will be emphasized at District
Conference 2012 in Houlton June 1-2-3, 2012.
The following authors are scheduled to speak:
Jacques Poitras: Provincial affairs reporter for CBC News in New
Brunswick since 2000. He has written numerous award-winning feature documentaries and has also appeared on Radio-Canada and Maine
Public Radio.
He is the author of The Right Fight: Bernard Lord and the Conservative Dilemma and Beaverbrook: A Shattered Legacy, which was a finalist for the National Business Book Award and the BC Award for
Canadian Non-fiction. It also won the 2008 Best Atlantic Published
Book Award.
His newest release, Imaginary Line: Life on an Unfinished Border,
was released in 2011 and was shortlisted for the Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing,
Canada's top award for books about politics. Jacques Poitras lives in Fredericton.
Donn Fendler: In 1939 twelve year-old Donn Fendler was hiking to the Summit of Maine's highest
mountain when he became separated from his family. A dark storm enveloped the peak of the milehigh mountain called Katahdin, and the boy quickly lost his way. He spent nine long days and
nights in that rugged wilderness, all alone except the wildlife he encountered as he tried to find his
way out. Meanwhile, the entire state prayed for him while hundreds of brave citizens and blood
hounds searched the mountain. It was these prayers, Donn's courage
and faith, his Boy Scout training and his "will to live" that brought
him through this ordeal.
After a quick recovery from malnutrition and hundreds of scrapes,
cuts, and insect bites, Donn was celebrated with a huge parade in
Millinocket. He also met the President of the United States and was
the subject of a story in Life Magazine. But the greatest tribute to
this young boy's courage was publication of "Lost on a Mountain in
Maine," the story of Donn Fendler told by Joseph Egan and enjoyed
by young readers for almost 70 years.
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
Donn Fendler is now living in Tennessee. He summers in Maine where he remains for a few weeks
in the fall so he can visit schools across the state to share his story and answer kids' questions about
his incredible experience. His memories are vivid and he always has a positive message for children about faith, courage, preparation, and the will to live.
Since his brush with death in Baxter State Park more than seventy years ago, Donn Fendler has received thousands of letters, mostly from Maine school children, which he always answers. He still
visits many Maine schools every year. Donn lives in Clarksville, Tennessee, but summers in Newport, Maine. He attended Maine Central Institute, in Pittsfield, and the University of Maine. He is
retired from the U.S. Army. Donn says his book was not dedicated to anybody, but if he was to
dedicate the book today it would be to the Boy Scouts of America. His appreciation of Scouting is
shown by his active involvement in scouting, attaining the rank of Life Scout
Tim Caverly has spent his life in Maine’s outdoors. Growing up shadowing his father who was a
fire warden with the Maine Forest Service and his brother,
a ranger in Baxter State Park, it was natural for him to seek
a career in the outdoors. Tim is originally from Skowhegan, Maine and has a Bachelor of Science Degree from
the University of Maine at Machias.
While in college, Tim began working as a ranger at Sebago
Lake State Park for the State Parks and Recreation Commission. After Sebago, he continued his employment with
the Department of Conservation with assignments as a
manager of Aroostook and Cobscook Bay State Parks as
well as a regional supervisor of the Allagash Region, which
included the Allagash Wilderness Waterway and the Penobscot River Corridor. Tim was supervisor of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway for eighteen
In 1999, Tim retired from the Department after a 32-year career, and became director of Maine
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Tim resides in Millinocket, and
worked for five years in the Millinocket School System. He now writes and presents programs full
time, enjoys raising Golden Retrievers, and sharing stories about the Allagash.
We very much look forward to hearing from these notable authors at District Conference 2012.
Full conference details and registration
instructions are available at:
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
How can you submit your article?
Please email by the middle of each month for submissions you would
like to appear in that month’s newsletter. Send photos too! They make reading the newsletter so much
more interesting and it’s great to see Rotarians in action! Please make sure submissions are spellchecked. For various reasons not all submission may appear in the newsletter.
Where can I get a copy? Whether you have lost the email with the newsletter attachment or were
handed a paper copy…. You can get the latest edition of the District 7810 Newsletter by visiting the
For those not tech-savvy….
Articles and copies can also be mailed or faxed to me. Please call me at (506)357-3638 for my address.
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
Brenda Commander, has been the elected Chief of the Houlton of Band of Maliseet
Indians since 1997. Chief Commander is the first female Chief elected by the Maliseet Citizens. Under Chief Commander’s leadership the Tribe applied for and
received funding to develop the Maliseet Domestic Violence Program in 1998.
Her support and leadership was instrumental in the growth of the Maliseet Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault including the opening of the emergency
shelter in 2009.
In 1999, Chief Commander received the 'Women in Government' award from the
State of Maine American Association of University Women. She also received
an honorary award from her tribe for being the first elected female Chief. Some
of Chief Commander’s major accomplishments have been the Tribal State Indian
Child Welfare Agreement which mandated more authority for all the Tribes in Maine in child welfare cases and outcomes. Under Chief Commander the Tribe has established economic growth
through the small business administration allowing the Tribe to enter into 8A Federal Contracting
which has brought much needed revenue which will spin off continued economic growth.
Another major accomplish has been passage of legislative laws that have expanded the Tribe’s sovereignty in the areas of law enforcement and tribal court. She has pushed through legislation to appoint the first ever Maliseet representative to the Maine State Legislature. Brenda is a 2011 graduate of the Maine Development Foundations 'Leadership Maine' Sigma Class. In 2012 Brenda was
appointed to the 'Permanent Commission of the Status of Women' by Maine Governor LePage.
Chief Commander is honored and humbled to serve her Tribe and proudly represent them at the
local, regional, state, national and international level.
Shiretown Inn & Suites
Block of rooms held until May 15, 2012
Prices from $74 - $89 + tax (dbl occ.)
Other Houlton lodging options:
Star Dust-- motel // My Brother's Place – camping
Best Western—Woodstock
506-328-2378 or 888-580-1188
Holding a block of rooms
Traditional rooms—1 or 2 queen beds
$119 plus tax
Ivey's Motor Lodge
800-244-4206--US only
207-532-4206--US and Canada
Block of rooms held until May 1, 2012
Prices range from $72 - $82 + tax (dbl occ.)
Reservations must be made by phone to receive the Rotarian group rate. On-line reservations will be at their
usual rates.
Only a limited number of rooms being held, so early
registration for the Conference and lodging reservations
are highly recommended.
Conference lodging info….
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
District Conference Program
FRIDAY June 1, 2012
1:00 – 4:00 pm
Golf on own
4:00 -- 8:00 pm
5:00 pm
Registration Table Open
PDG Dinner—Courtyard Café
7:00 pm
McGill’s Community Band concert – Monument Park *
8:00 – 10:00 pm
Welcome Party – Civic Center “Musician Extraordinaire” Chuck Loucka
On Own with Our Suggestions: O’Kelly’s Irish Pub – Ivey’s Motel
Poolside Lounge – Shiretown Inn & Suites
SATURDAY June 2, 2012
BREAKFAST 7:00 – 8:00AM
desk open
7:30 – 10:00AM Registration
8:00 – 8:10
8:10 – 8:20
8:20 – 8:25
8:25 – 8:30
8:30 – 8:45
Piped Procession
Parade of Flags
Welcome and introduction of Master of Ceremonies Fred Grant by
District Governor Leigh Cummings
Welcome from Town Manager
Welcome from Host Club President – Scott Dionne
RI President Representative Opening Comments
8:45 – 8:55
Address via video from Rotary International President Banerjee
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
9:00 – 9:20
9:20 – 9:30
9:30 – 9:45
Membership –PDG John Carkner and Crew
Membership and Attendance Awards presented by PDG John Carkner
Camp Rotary
9:45 – 10:00
Public Relations and other awards presented by DGN Pat Perry
10:00 – 10:30
Foundation –PDG Rick Rogers and Crew
10:30 – 10:35
10:35 – 10:50
The Gus Trophy for international service (club) presented by
DGE Allan MacLellan
10:50 – 11:10
Entertainment – Special Surprise for all Rotarians!
11:10 – 11:20
PDG McNeill Award – President of the Year presented by DGN Pat Perry
11:20 – 11:40
Chief Brenda Commander, Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians—
“Strengthening Our Community by Strengthening Our Fami-
11:40 – Noon
Tim Caverly – Childrens’ author
Book signing
LUNCH 12:00 – 2:00
12:00 – 12:30
12:30 – 1:00
1:00 – 1:05
1:05 – 1:15
1:15 – 1:20
Lunch Buffet line
Jacques Poitras –“ Imaginary Line: Life on an Unfinished Border”
Book signing
Campbellton Club adult literacy video
Presentation of Paul Harris Fellows
Significant Achievement Award
1:20 – 1:50
1:50 – 2:05
2:05 – 2:20
“Four Club Projects That Will Work For You”
Entertainment – Jazz Ensemble
Rotary Youth Merit Awards – Larry Corley
2:20 – 2:30
2:30 – 2:40
Rotaract – Robin Walker
Interact – Greg MacDairmid
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
2:40 – 2:50
2:50 – 3:20
3:20 – 3:35
3:35 – 3:50
Donn Fendler – “Lost on a Mountain in Maine”
Book signing
District Conference 2012-2013 Moncton DGE Allan McLellan
District 7810 Water Theme – Bob Chagrasulis
3:50 – 4:10
World Community Service – Leslie VanPatter
FREE TIME 4:10 – 5:30
Soap Box Derby Demo on hill
5:30 – 6:00
6:00 – 6:05
6:05 – 6:20
Social & Entertainment – Heavenly Harpers
Reception Line -- Introduction of head table / VIPs
Introduction of RI Rep -- Address by RI Rep
6:20 – 6:25
6:25 – 6:35
6:35 – 7:00
7:00 – 7:50
Thank RI Representative
Entertainment – a Capella “Camerata” & “Off Beat” Percussion
District Awards / DG Citations
7:50 – 8:00
PDG Frank Hussey Award – Rotarian of the Year presented by
DGE Allan MacLellan
Entertainment –“ Music Town of Maine Extravaganza”
8:00 --
On Own at Local Pub – O’Kelly’s at Ivey’s Motor Lodge or Shiretown Inn Poolside Lounge
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
SUNDAY June 3, 2012
BREAKFAST 7:30 – 8:30 am
8:30 – 9:00
Memorial Service
9:00 – 9:30
District Business Meeting
9:30 – 9:45
9:45 – 9:50
9:50 – 10:00
Thank DC Committee – Fred Grant
The Year in Review – District Governor Leigh Cummings
10:05 – 10:15
10:15 – 10:25
10:25 – 10:35
10:35 – 10:55
Closing Remarks by RI Representative
Change of Leadership Ceremony
DGE Plans and Objectives—DGE Allan MacLellan
District Conference 2012-2013 Promo
10:55 – 11:05
Close of Conference
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
Shaina Wornes is 14 yrs old and a grade 9
student at École Mathieu Martin in
Dieppe, NB. She is pictured her with her
dad Wayne Wornes after she made a presentation to the new Greater Moncton Sunrise Rotary club on Mar 13th 2012.
Shaina has been attending Rotary fundraisers with her parents since she was
5yrs old. At 11yrs old, Shaina asked her
dad “What can I do to help”. Wayne was
reading a copy of the Rotarian and there
was an article about malaria and the bed
nets that help families survive.
After much research Shaina decided to take on the mission to
provide bed nets to villagers in
Papua New Guinea. She found
a site called “Adopt a Village”
and it was sponsored by World
Rotary Action Group called
R.A.M. Rotarians Against Malaria, headed by Rotarian Ron
Sedden from the Rotary club of
Port Moresby, Papua New
Guinea. Shaina then took the
summer of 2007 to compile a
bilingual PowerPoint presentation and with the help of her
dad she presented to her first
organization, the Moncton West
and Riverview Rotary club raising $250, that summer. Many
presentations followed including the Convent at Notre Dame
de Sacre de Coeur, Dieppe Rotary Club, Moncton Rotary
Club, and all the grade seven
classes at her school, to name a
few. You might think that this is
an easy task to speak in public
when you are 11 years old but
Shaina was identified as Dyslexic and Dyscalculei and the
simple act of compiling information is more difficult than
lation 212 but she also accompanied her parents to the Rotary
International Conference in
New Orleans and met Ron Sedden and his Team at the House
of Friendship.
In Shaina’s first full year, 20082009 she raised $1200cdn
which she then contacted a surprised Ron Sedden in Papua
New Guinea and sent the
money. Her first two villages
Kokona population 172 and
Lovai population 113 were provided bed nets for each family.
These nets are treated with an
insecticide (harmless to humans
and environment and approved
by W.H.O) and have a life span
of five years. In 2009-2010 she
was able to raise enough funds
for her third village Izovitai
population 143. 2010-2011 was
a special year for Shaina as not
only did she raise enough for
her fourth village Iomare popu-
Shaina moved onto to grade 9 in
2011-2012 and became a charter member of the Interact club
of Mathieu Martin. She continues to raise awareness and
funds for the eradication of Malaria in Papua New Guinea.
Shaina’s plan is to - as she explained to the nuns at the convent—“continue this until she is
pruned and wrinkly”, also she
plans to apply for Youth Exchange to Australia or New
Zealand when she is 17 so that
she can visit the villages she has
adopted. 1 Bed Net = $10, if
you wish to help Shaina or have
her speak at your club please
contact her at .
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
Congrats RC Dieppe on your new Interact Club at École Mathieu-Martin!
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
Photo: District Governor Elect Pat Perry explains the purpose of Purple Pinkie Day to students at
Gretna Green Elementary.
The Rotary Club of Newcastle is pleased to announce that students at Croft, Gretna Green and Harkins Elementary Schools raised $1,549.80 for Purple Pinkie Day. Club members attended a mock
immunization day at each of the schools. Two additional schools took part in this year’s program.
The Club matched the donation making the total raised this year for PolioPlus $3,100.00. WOW!
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA
Rotary Review
March 2012
Dear Rotarian:
RE: Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Conference: An intensive training program for young
Is your club interested in promoting youth? If so, we are hosting a RYLA Conference on the
Miramichi April 27th and 28th, 2012 at the Douglastown Community Center, 1 Marina Drive,
Miramichi, N.B. Registration 6:00 – 7:00 pm April 27th.
Each club is responsible to nominate one or more participants, provide transportation to the venue
and pay $100 per student or $50 for Rotary Youth Exchange Students.
RYLA will help the students discover their potential and develop the skills needed to be a leader in
their community, career and everyday life.
During this conference an outstanding student (must be 18 or older) will be chosen and will win a
trip to RYLA North American Conference in Washington, D.C. July 11-15th, 2012.
This event will be an opportunity for our youth to live up to the ideal of Mahatma Gandhi when he
said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Our guest speakers will provide a fun and informative weekend to motivate our youth to discover themselves, their inner strength and to embrace humanity.
Last year’s RYLA Conference was a huge success in Moncton. We have worked closely with Mike
Walsh to continue the momentum. At this time we need confirmation from your club if you plan
to participate and how many students you will be sending. We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours in Rotary,
Valerie Bowes
RYLA Chair
Hosted by Rotary Clubs of
Chatham and Newcastle
Please contact Valerie for a RYLA
application form and brochure.
Applications must be submitted by
April 5th, 2012.
New Brunswick, Canada and Maine, USA