Untitled - Leisure Society
Untitled - Leisure Society
AT LEISU RE SOC I ETY, WE D E SIGN WI TH THE I NTEN TI ON OF MAKI NG P RO DUC TS TH AT W IL L E ND URE. THE Y MU ST BE TI ME LE SS AND OF EX CEP TIONAL TASTE AND QUA LITY. EVE RY SMALL D ETA IL I S RE F INED, POL I SHED AND HAND CRAFTED TO OF F ER THE UTMOST I N S TY LE A ND D URA BI L I TY. O UR P RODUC TS WI LL OF F ER THE W EA RE R SU BTLE MOME NTS O F P ROUD SATI SFACTI O N T HAT W HEN LEFT IN P ERIODS O F A B SOL UTE LE I SURE, C A N ONLY BE ACCOMPANI ED BY A SMI LE A ND A GEN UINE A P PRE C IATION O F RE F I NE D D E S IGN ENGI NEER I NG. Chapter I beer was a rarity and wine-from-a-box a delicacy, Shane Baum never dreamed he’d tee off at St. Andrew’s, shack up at the InterContinental in Cannes or hunt pheasants with British Royalty. “When you’re sitting in a town of 2,500 at 12 years old, you don’t fathom those kind of things happening,” he says. But having a choreographer mother and travel-obsessed salesman father instilled Baum with an appreciation for the arts and a serious case of cultural wanderlust. He traveled out west for college, studying engineering at San Jose State before heading south to the beaches of Southern California. While hanging out in Laguna Beach, Baum met a young designer Mossimo Giannulli and eventually landed a job in Mossimo’s warehouse at the height of the brand’s craze. “I had shirts,” Baum says. His warehouse days quickly led to a position within the company’s newly launched eyewear division and four years later, at only 26, Baum became the Vice President of the three million dollar division.The company went public on the NYSE in the spring of 1996 and Baum found himself among a peer group of seasoned fashion about 10 people in 1991 to over a hundred in ‘96. It was nuts; corporate jets, egos, and lots of chaos. The stock dropped from $52 to $26 in a day. Says Baum,“I learned way more on the way down than the way up.” Baum headed to Optical Shop of Aspen, where his own. Chapter II Initially unsure where his entrepreneurial vision would lead, Baum headed back to the beach where he lived in a house on the Newport Peninsula for a summer drafting two different business plans and working on projects for MTV and the Australian clothing company Mooks. started drafting a plan to enter the eyewear business. In 2001 a licensing deal was struck With its playful image and sophisticated mid-century modern sense of design, Paul Frank wearing shield glasses, but we really believed in colorful plastics and double bridges on the nose…things we thought were uniquely Paul Frank,” he says. Early on, Baum earned a reputation for being daring when it came to design and he’s built Baumvision around a unique philosophy that favors creative satisfaction over immediate commercial success. While playing a round of golf with longtime friend Mossimo, shortly after the Paul Frank license was secured, “Moss” asked Baum to create an eyewear collection for his new company Modern Amusement. Baum agreed, the pair shook hands on the 8th hole and Baumvision had its second license. “We made a gentlemen’s agreement in the old fashioned way,” he says. Chapter III With two solid licenses under its belt Baumvision began thinking on a global level; eventually launching Baumvision Europe in 2003 out of an extra room in a Berlin apartment. The headquarters has since relocated to Vienna and grown to a staff of 12, with 17 sales reps throughout Europe. In 2008 Baum signed a distribution deal with 4th generation New York optician Kenny Moscot to distribute his classically inspired collection of Moscot Originals throughout Europe. Says Baum, “We sensed a global trend towards authenticity and all things Americana. Moscot has been an institution in New York for over 90 years. It’s the real deal and people are responding to that.” In the summer of 2009 Baum signed another distribution deal with his former boss and ex-Oliver Peoples president Bill Barton. Explains Baum,“When the VP of sales, the VP of marketing, the CFO and the head designer... (continued on the next page) Chapter III ...leave a company the caliber of Oliver Peoples to start a new one, it’s as close as you can get to a ‘sure thing’. I could not bear to not be involved.” Baumvision products are now distributed throughout all major European countries, Asia, Australia, and South America. “We’re building the empire one brick at a time,” Baum jests. A zealous proponent of the leisure lifestyle, Baum has been dubbed a “culture vulture” because of an intense passion for the arts and luxury pastimes. An evening with Baum may include the opera, followed by a set from Kings of Convenience, that concludes in a dive bar or the type of casino where jackets are required. These outings evolved into a now considers to be a watershed moment in the Leisure Society’s annals,“I was making an invitation to Opening Day at Del Mar, one of Southern California’s most storied and historic horse racing tracks. My intention was to invite an intimate group of friends to the event that has traditionally been held every July since the 1930s. I created this very formal itinerary that included a detailed account of the day’s events: breakfast at the Four Club, and a formal dinner in Rancho Santa Fe. It was all upscale and quite proper, a world not so familiar to my friends and I. So a ‘from Shane Baum’ note of address didn’t seem to do the event justice. I thought about it for a few moments and quickly wrote at the top of the invite,‘by Order of the Royal and Ancient Leisure Society...’ From that point forward all of our social gatherings from wooden racquet tennis tournaments, to Tyrolean tobogganing trips, or an odd impromptu BBQ in the backyard have subsequently become Society both in the U.S. and abroad. Chapter IV An integral component to Baumvision’s success has been the unwavering commitment and dedication of the company’s skeleton crew that handles the workload of a staff twice its size. Baum compares his team to the Army’s Green Berets, “This is the special forces.You have to be better, more focused and willing to work harder so we can pull this off,” he says. Baumvision’s staff is young (average age 28), intelligent, motivated, and part of the new generation of dialed-in luxury purveyors who knows that hard work is what will ultimately secure their spot amongst the indie luxe jet set. Everyone who works at Baumvision shares a love for music that ranges from indie-rock to hip-hop, with a little of everything else mixed in between. The company boasts a roster of seminal bands that it works closely with, including Death Cab for Cutie,The Hold Steady, Mars Volta, Spoon, and Pavement. Because company is eager to have bands they revere wearing its eyewear. “We’re honored when bands we respect enjoy our art the way we enjoy theirs,” Baum says. Chapter V After 10 years of making frames and designing in the shadows, Baum decided to go it alone by creating his own brand, Leisure Society. Says Baum, “I’ve had the pleasure of in a pencil, a blank piece of paper, and an earnest desire to create.” AT TR I B UTE S Our frames are cast in 100% pure titanium and plated in 12, 18 and 24 karat gold. Our collections superior detail includes hidden spring hinges, typically used only on jewelry. This function provides a "hyper-extension" technology using tension to pull or push the arm back into a perfect position at all times, creating LE ISURE S OCI E TY P RE C IOUS M E TA LS AT TR I B UTES Leisure Society introduces the horn to key styles for 2012. Expanding the offerings Baum has combined the exclusivity and individuality of the natural material with the technology of laser cutting and etching and the quality handicraft of a true frame maker. Each piece created from this high-grade material is featured in rich unique and distinguished character. LE ISURE S OCI E TY B UF F A L O H ORN ATTR I B UTE S the world to inset ideal VS1 diamonds. Cast in 100% pure titanium and plated in 12, 18 and 24 karat gold. Diamond insets, set by professional jewelers, complete the elegant and luxurious look of our feminine frames. LE ISURE S OCI E TY D IAM ON D S ATTR AT TR I B UTE S Our frames feature the highest the quality world polarizing to insetCR-39 ideal VS1 Lensdiamonds. Cast UGR12™, in 100% Diamond pure titanium Cast™, and and plated Hydrophobic in 12, 18 coatings. and 24 karat gold. Diamond insets, set by professional jewelers, Polarizingcomplete CR-39 Lens the elegant and luxurious Eliminateslook glareofand ourtransmits feminine frames. more usable light Optically Correct Lens 99.9% distortion free, 100% UVA/UVB protection UGR12™ Coating Absorbs bounce-back glare and reduces eye fatigue Diamond Cast™ Coating Shields against scratches Hydrophobic Coating Sheds water and snow making cleaning easy LE ISURE I SURE S OCI E TY D LENSE IAM ON S DS The Rousseau ophthalmic frames by Leisure Society lands a feature in EUROMAN Magazine — september 2nd, 2014 Damon Wayans Jr. in the Oxford for a special feature on Maxim — august 26th, 2014 Leisure Society Featured in Modern LuxuryAspen Magazine august 19th, 2014 Eyestylist the Fine Eyewear Design Review interviewed Shane Baum — july 7th, 2014 Alessandro Enriquez Wears the Byron on Lepilloledi Stefano blog — july 8th, 2014 Leisure Society plays dress up on TUXEDOPOP blog july 7th, 2014 The PFEIFFER lands a special feature as the perfect mix & match frame in EUROMAN — june 30th, 2014 The Rodrigues by Leisure Society lands a summer issue feature in M Magazine — june 12th, 2014 Leisure Society featured in Eyewear Magazine june 10th, 2014 Jaime King rocks the Voltaire by Leisure Society, with Shane Baum at CFDA Awards — june 4th, 2014 Leisure Society Clip-on Sunglasses Program make a splash on DETAILS — may 12th, 2014 BONOCLE features the latest collection by Leisure Society shown at Vision Expo East 2014 — may 8th, 2014 Jennifer Lawrence seen wearing the Byron by Leisure Society — april 24th, 2014 The Pfeiffer by Leisure Society featured in The New York Times Style Section — april 1st, 2014 The Pallina featured in Dutch trade magazine Oculus march 27th, 2014 The Rousseau, Aristotle, Maddalena, Rodrigues and Sandon featured in Inbenessere — march 18th, 2014 Leisure Society makes a splash in Blink magazine march 13th, 2014 Leisure Society featured in LYF Magazine for the special MIDO 2014 issue — march 5th, 2014 The Oxford is one of CEO G.J. Hart’s top must-haves featured on Wall Street Journal — february 27th, 2014 Shane Baum featured in Condé Nast Magazine february 19th, 2014 The Byron featured on Gold Digest Stix Magazine february 4th, 2014 Actor Joel Kinnaman spotted wearing the Harvard 51 by Leisure Society — february 3rd, 2014 Shane Baum featured in Orange County Riviera january 15th, 2014 The Pallina is featured in Invision Magazine january 10th, 2014 Japanese magazine Men’s Ex features the Stanford from Leisure Society — december 16th, 2013 King Magazine features the Cavallet december 9th, 2013 The Cambridge featured in Glamour Magazine, Netherlands november 20th, 2013 Mad Men’s Jarris seen wearing the Oxford in Black/24k gold at his wedding — november 15th, 2013 Blogger Kier Mellour (wearing the Montalivet) features the Leisure Society Fall Picnic — november 1st, 2013 The Ducap and Merrimac featured in Eyewear Magazine october 14th, 2013 Italy’s L’Uomo Vogue features the Oxford from Leisure Society — october 10th, 2013 Italian magazine LYF features the Stanford october 9th, 2013 The Dartmouth, Harvard, Stanford, and Cambridge featured in Male Standard — september 9th, 2013 The Cambridge from Leisure Society is featured in Fashion Magazine Euroman — august 26th, 2013 The Cambridge from Leisure Society is featured in Fashion Magazine Euroman — july 25th, 2013 The Byron from Leisure Society Featured in Swedish Magazine Residence — july 22nd, 2013 The Como featured in Italian Magazine Nuova — july 2nd, 2013 The Petite Vallee featured in Golf Today june 14th, 2013 Jennifer Lawrence wearing Leisure Society featured on People.com — may 20th, 2013 Leisure Society’s Du Cap in French Magazine Bien Vu — may 15th, 2013 Shane Baum Featured in EYEWEAR Magazine may 14th, 2013 Shane Baum Featured in SCENE Magazine may 4th, 2013 Jennifer Lawrence spotted in Byron from Leisure Society — may 1st, 2013 The Byron featured on Vision Monday april 30th, 2013 Shane Baum featured in LEON Magazine april 26th, 2013 The Du Cap, Pallina, and Merrimac featured on Eyewear Magazine Online — april 25th, 2013 Glamour Italy features the Como from Leisure Society — april 24th, 2013 The Brummel and Doyle in Mode & Tendances — april 16th, 2013 An Interview with Shane Baum in German Magazine Brille&Mode — april 8th, 2013 The Byron featured in the Italian Magazine Pambianco — april 4th, 2013 The Duke, Como, and Stanford featured in The Desert Guide — march 29th, 2013 The Casuarina in the TZ, Munich, Germany Fashon Guide — march 27th, 2013 LYF Magazine features the Doyle, Harvard, Byron march 14th, 2013 GENTE Magazine Italy features the Byron march 11th, 2013 Leisure Society was featured on the cover of Blink Eyewear Magazine — march 11th, 2013 Leisure Society featured in L’Uomo Vouge’s Fashion Fashion Guide Guide — —march march 6th, 6th, 2013 2013 Leisure Society in Wallpaper* Magazine — february 20th, 2013 LE ISURE SO CI E T Y P RE S S Jennifer Lawrence wears Leisure Society’s, Byron, sunglasses arriving at Heathrow Airport — february 8th, 2013 Film-director Chan-wook Park wearing, Middlebury — january 28th, 2013 LE ISURE SO CI E T Y P RE S S Crane.tv in Conversation with Shane Baum — january 28th, 2013 Josh Dallas wears Leisure Society’s, Cornell — january 24th, 2013 LE ISURE SO CI E T Y P RE S S Leisure Society is featured in the latest videos from, The Girls With Glasses Show — january 23rd, 2013 Leisure Society featured in Eyewear Magazine — september 24th, 2012 LE ISURE SO CI E T Y P RE S S Leisure Society featured in Flaunt Magazine — september 13th, 2012 LE ISURE SO CI E T Y P RE S S Hugh Grant in Leisure Society for Cloud Atlas — september 11th, 2012 Jennifer Lawrence in Leisure Society — august 24th, 2012 LE ISURE SO CI E T Y P RE S S James Van Der Beek in Leisure Society — august 9th, 2012 Leisure Society featured in Lifestyle Magazine — july 18th, 2012 LE ISURE SO CI E T Y P RE S S Leisure Society featured in Marie Claire — june 19th, 2012 Leisure Society featured in Elite Traveler — may 29th, 2012 LE ISURE SO CI E T Y P RE S S Leisure Society featured in Eyewear Magazine — may 22nd, 2012 Kristen Stewart in Leisure Society at Coachella — april 25th, 2012 LE ISURE SO CI E T Y P RE S S Leisure Society in Le Monde de l’Optique — february 9th, 2012
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