OTM MAY PDF WEB - City of South Salt Lake
OTM MAY PDF WEB - City of South Salt Lake
CITY NEWSLETTER South Salt Lake 0D\RU¶V2I¿FH South Salt Lake Celebrates 100 Best Communities for Youth Award Y WI IT 20 12 PROMISE A L A’S NCE LIA AME RIC By Mayor Cherie Wood N NI N G CO M MU N $PHULFD¶V 3URPLVH $OOLDQFH UHFHQWO\ named South Salt Lake one of the %HVW &RPPXQLWLHV LQ $PHULFD IRU <RXQJ 3HRSOH WR /LYH /HDUQ DQG *URZ7KLVSUHVWLJLRXVQDWLRQDODZDUG ZDV JLYHQ WR 6RXWK 6DOW /DNH WR FHOHbrate our work in addressing the high VFKRROGURSRXWFULVLVDQGIRURXUSURgrams that make this an outstanding SODFHIRU\RXQJSHRSOH:HZHUHUHFRJQL]HG EHFDXVH RI RXU PXOWLIDFHWHG DSSURDFK WR FRPPXQLW\ VXSSRUW DQG HQJDJHPHQW LQFOXGLQJ WKH 3URPLVH 6RXWK 6DOW /DNH ,QLWLDWLYH WKDW ZH GHOLYHULQSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK8QLWHG:D\RI Salt Lake, South Salt Lake Coalition for Drug Free Youth, the South Salt Lake 3ROLFH$WKOHWLFV$FWLYLWLHV/HDJXHDQG other key organizations. City of South Salt Lake Neighborhood Centers The Columbus Community Center 2531 South 400 East 6RXWK6DOW/DNH87 801.412.3217 Woodrow Wilson Community Learning Center 2567 South Main Street 6RXWK6DOW/DNH87 801.386.0589 /LQFROQ$IWHUVFKRRO3URJUDP 450 East 3700 South 6RXWK6DOW/DNH87 801.503.5659 *UDQLWH3DUN-XQLRU+LJK Community Learning Center 3031 South 200 East 6RXWK6DOW/DNH87 801.440.4499 +VHU1HU0RR&RPPXQLW\DQG :HOFRPH&HQWHU 479 East 2250 South 6RXWK6DOW/DNH87 801.466.3238 +LVWRULF6FRWW6FKRRO Community Center 3271 South 500 East 6RXWK6DOW/DNH87 801.865.7981 3LRQHHU&UDIW+RXVH$UW&HQWHU 3271 South 500 East 6RXWK6DOW/DNH87 801.481.7131 &HQWUDO3DUN&RPPXQLW\&HQWHU 3$/%R[LQJ3URJUDP 2825 South 200 East 6RXWK6DOW/DNH87 801.466.3143 5RRVHYHOW&RPPXQLW\/HDUQLQJ&HQWHU 3225 South 800 East 6RXWK6DOW/DNH8WDK 801.828.8219 0D\RU:RRG,QYLWHV<RXWR7DNH3DUWLQ$UW This month, we are pleased to celebrate the arts in South Salt Lake! We are currently working to build capacity on several levels to better support the arts in our community. We are infusing new structure and energy into the Promise South Salt Lake Arts and Community Council; we are providing more outlets for our local professional artists to showcase and sell their work; we are aligning our afterschool and arts camp acMayor Cherie Wood tivities to support our children in demonstrating Utah Educational Core Standards competencies through artistic expression. We are also privileged to have many opportunities for our residents to engage in the arts through partnerships with arts organizations. School Community Center Campus at 3300 South 500 East. Also, at that same location, our long-time partner, Pioneer Craft House organization, continues to offer classes both at the beginning level and for more advanced artists, including painting, pottery, knitting, weaving, jewelry making, glass, and more. The Promise South Salt Lake Arts and Community Council is currently engaged in a strategic planning process to develop a 5-year plan that will serve as a roadmap toward adopting a more comprehensive and intentional approach to integrating arts activities into all of our city programs, events, and activities. We are planning for the 2013 SSL Arts Festival that will be held in the late summer and opening an art gallery at the newly improved Historic Scott I am excited to take part in uniting our community through the arts, and I invite everyone who lives, learns, works, and worships in South Salt Lake to take part in art! We have mapped out the major art venues, art galleries, murals, and utility art boxes (see map below) for your exploration and looking forward to experiencing a more beautiful South Salt Lake together! The Children’s Theater will be performing Charlotte’s Web from May 3rd-May 25th (Friday and Saturday performances) at their location on 3605 State Street, a beloved story with the tagline “Friends come in all shapes and sizes.” Additionally the University of Utah Arts Department has provided art camp programs to create opportunities for project-based, experiential learning for our community’s youth. We are fortunate to host an AmeriCorps VISTA Community Arts Programming Coordinator that is creating a program map for the arts in our South Salt Lake Neighborhood Centers that connects arts activities to the Utah Core Education Standards, forging new relationships and partnerships in the community, and building enrollment numbers in arts programming. She designs and oversees experiential and volunteer activities. 6RXWK6DOW/DNH$UW6FHQH The map below illustrates the various art venues, art galleries and studios, murals, and utility art boxes in the City of South Salt Lake. Residents are encouraged to check out the public art through self-guided tours and youth and families are invited to explore the art venues, galleries, and studios in our neighborhoods. If you have an Art Scene hot spot to add, please send it to jallred@southsaltlakecity.com and we will add it to our map. South Salt Lake Art Spots Cherie Wood, Mayor 801.464.6757 PD\RU#VRXWKVDOWODNHFLW\FRP Legend Art Venues Art Galleries & Studios Murals Utility Art Boxes Page 1 South Salt Lake tOn The Move tCity Newsletter &,7<2)6287+6$/7/$.( 180%(5672.12: 8WDK,QWHUQDWLRQDO&KDUWHU6FKRRO 2SHQ+RXVHDQG1RZDFFHSWLQJ6WXGHQW $SSOLFDWLRQV ,QFDVHRIHPHUJHQF\ 911 3ROLFH'LVSDWFK QRQHPHUJHQF\ 801.840.4000 Fire Administration 801.483.6043 3XEOLF:RUNV 801.412.3232 Animal Control 801.483.6024 1HLJKERUKRRG:DWFK Information Line 801.412.3668 &,7<2)6287+6$/7/$.( AMENDMENT TO NOTICE OF 081,&,3$/(/(&7,21 The City of South Salt Lake will KROGD0XQLFLSDO*HQHUDO(OHFWLRQ RQ1RYHPEHUWRHOHFWWKH IROORZLQJ 0D\RU±\HDUWHUP &LW\&RXQFLO0HPEHU'LVWULFW ±\HDUWHUP The Utah International Charter School is hosting an open house on Thursday, May 16 from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. at the former Hartvigsen School at 350 East 3605 South. “Interested families can stop by any time during our open house to PHHWVWDIIPHPEHUVDVNTXHVtions, and to get help with the application and registration process,” says Angie Rowland, Principal of the Utah International Charter School. Utah International School has an of¿FHLQWKHHDVWEXLOGLQJWKDWFDQ be visited during school hours, and the public is encouraged to ask for Utah International at the front desk at the east entrance of the building. &LW\&RXQFLO0HPEHU'LVWULFW ±\HDUWHUP &LW\&RXQFLO0HPEHU'LVWULFW $W/DUJH±\HDUWHUP 7RTXDOLI\DVDFDQGLGDWHDSHUVRQ PXVWEH 1. 2. 3. 4. $8QLWHG6WDWHVFLWL]HQDWWLPH RI¿OLQJ A legal resident of South Salt /DNHIRUFRQVHFXWLYHPRQWKV LPPHGLDWHO\SUHFHGLQJWKHGDWH RIWKHHOHFWLRQ $UHJLVWHUHGYRWHURIWKH PXQLFLSDOLW\ $UHVLGHQWRIWKH&LW\&RXQFLO 'LVWULFWLI¿OLQJIRUWKDWGLVWULFW 7KHFDQGLGDWH¿OLQJSHULRGEHJLQV -XQHDQGHQGV-XQH school in the City of South Salt /DNHDQGWKH¿UVW,QWHUQDWLRQDO School in the state of Utah, which focuses its curriculum on English Language Learners. The school opens August 21, 2013 for students in grades 7 to 10. Any child currently in grades 6 to 9 is eligible to apply. For more information or to apply for admission, call the International School at 801.448.6414 or visit Utah International online at utahinternational.org. The Utah International Charter School will open its doors in August 2013 as the only high 'HFODUDWLRQRI&DQGLGDF\IRUPVRU 1RPLQDWLRQ3HWLWLRQVPXVWEH¿OHG LQSHUVRQZLWKWKH&LW\5HFRUGHU DW(DVW0RUULV$YHQXH6XLWH 6RXWK6DOW/DNH8WDK0RQGD\ through Friday between the hours RIDPDQGSP &HOHEUDWLQJWKHWK$QQLYHUVDU\RI +DUWYLJVHQ6FKRRO ,I\RXKDYHTXHVWLRQVSOHDVH FRQWDFWWKH&LW\5HFRUGHU¶VRI¿FH at 483-6027 or 483-6028. &UDLJ'%XUWRQ&LW\5HFRUGHU City of South Salt Lake :KLFKFRXQFLOSRVLWLRQVDQGGLVWULFWV DUHXSIRUHOHFWLRQWKLV\HDU" Mayor 'LVWULFW 'LVWULFW At-Large - Casey Fitts COLT’S CORNER <RXWK&LW\&RXQFLO$ZDUGHG)LUVW 3ODFH$ZDUGRI([FHOOHQFH On Wednesday, May 1st, the Hartvigsen School will celebrate its anniversary and look back on its inclusive history. Everyone is invited to take part in tours beginning at 11:00 a.m. and to view memorabilia displays. $SULO 6HQLRU'DQFH Saturday, May 10 SPSP YOUTH CITY COUNCIL %DVHEDOODW&RSSHU+LOOV Tuesday, May 7 SPSP 3K\VLFV'D\ Friday, May 17 DPSP Memorial Day Monday, May 21 +ROLGD\ *LUOV%DVNHWEDOO&DPS Wednesday, May 29 SPSP 6SULQJ&KRLU&RQFHUW Wednesday, May 29 SPSP Page 2 The City of South Salt Lake Youth City Council earned the 2012 First Place Award of Excellence at the Association of Youth Councils Leadership Conference in Logan, Utah. ³7KLV LV WKH WKLUG \HDU LQ D URZ RXU <RXWK &RXQFLO KDV ZRQ ¿UVW place,” says South Salt Lake Youth City Council Advisor Jennifer Allred. Winners are selected from the state of Utah through essays submitted by youth councils and letters of recommendation from their respective communities. Hartvigsen School was established in its current location at 350 East 3605 South in 1972. It was originally was called the Granite Training Center, and was located at the old Rotary Center located on 7th East. On that site, new building was designed and built VSHFL¿FDOO\ IRU VWXGHQWV ZLWK GLVDELOLWLHV 7KH VFKRRO ZDV QDPHG after former Superintendent Elmer J. Hartvigsen. Today, Principal Janice Wayman leads the school and pushes the community every day to live up to the school motto, “We Care, We Share, We Dare.” Currently, the school shares a campus with Lincoln Elementary and the Hilda B. Jones Center, which assists students with job training and life skills. Hartvigsen School enrolls approximately 220 VWXGHQWVIURP¿UVWJUDGHWR\HDUVROG6XSSOHPHQWLQJWUDGLWLRQDO classroom teaching, students use computers, augmentative devices, and other technology to more easily interact with their environment. The school will undergo another change this year when it relocates to Taylorsville High. For more information on the anniversary celebration, call 385.646.4571. Utility Art Box Program May Health Tips 7DNHDZDON$GXOWVVKRXOGVSHQGDWOHDVWPLQXWHVRIHYHU\ 2700 S. W. Temple 2700 S. Main St. 2700 S. 300 E. 3300 S. State St. GD\GRLQJDSK\VLFDODFWLYLW\$ZDONZLWK\RXUGRJIDPLO\RUD IULHQGFDQDOVREHDIXQZD\WRVSHQGWLPHRXWVLGH 6RXWK6DOW/DNH8UEDQ/LYDELOLW\'HSDUWPHQW¶V8WLOLW\%R[$UW3URJUDPDGGVYLEUDQF\WR6RXWK6DOW/DNHVWUHHWVFDSHVDQGSDUWQHUV 3OD\ZLWK\RXUFKLOGUHQ<RXFDQJRRXWVLGHDQGNLFNDURXQGD ZLWKWKH3URPLVH6RXWK6DOW/DNH$UWVDQG&RPPXQLW\&RXQFLOWR VRFFHUEDOOSOD\FDWFKRUMXPSURSH<RXFRXOGWXUQRQVRPH XQLWHWKHFRPPXQLW\WKURXJKDUW7KH8WLOLW\$UW%R[3URJUDPZDV PXVLFDQGGDQFH<RXPLJKWZDQWWRSXOORXWDERDUGJDPHRU FUHDWHGWRDFKLHYHWKHIROORZLQJJRDOV DSX]]OH7KHVHQRWRQO\DOORZ\RXWRVSHQGWLPHZLWKIDPLO\ EXWPDNHV\RXUERG\DQGPLQGDFWLYH &RQWULEXWHWRWKHYLWDOLW\DQGDWWUDFWLYHQHVVRIWKH6RXWK6DOW /DNHVWUHHWVFDSHV *DUGHQLQJ LV QRW RQO\ D KHDOWK\ SK\VLFDO DFWLYLW\ EXW DOORZV 3URYLGHSODFHVIRUSXEOLFDUW \RX DQG \RXU IDPLO\ WR OHDUQ DERXW KHDOWK\ IRRG <RX FRXOG (QFRXUDJHORFDODUWLVWVWRH[KLELWWKHLUZRUN VWDUW\RXURZQJDUGHQWKLVVSULQJE\SODQWLQJDQGFDULQJIRU 'HWHUYDQGDOLVPDQGJUD¿WWLRQXWLOLW\ER[HV WRPDWRHVVTXDVKSHSSHUVSRWDWRHV]XFFKLQLJUHHQEHDQV DQGVWUDZEHUULHV 2ULJLQDO DUWZRUNLVVFDQQHG DQG VHQW WRDORFDO 6RXWK6DOW /DNH EXVLQHVVWREHSULQWHGDQGLQVWDOOHGRQWKHXWLOLW\ER[“2XU8WLOLW\ $UW%R[3URJUDPZDVLQVSLUHGE\SURMHFWVLQ0LVVRXOD0RQWDQD &RHXU G¶$OHQH, ,GDKR DQG 7DPSD )ORULGD´ VD\V *OHQQ 6PLWK 6RXWK6DOW/DNH8UEDQ/LYDELOLW\'LUHFWRU³7RGD\ZHDUHZRUNLQJ ZLWK UHVLGHQWV DQG HOHFWHG RI¿FLDOV IURP DURXQG 8WDK ZKR KDYH LQTXLUHGDERXWRXUXWLOLW\DUWER[HVLQ6RXWK6DOW/DNH´ 6DWXUGD\-XQH 7KH&LW\RI6RXWK6DOW/DNHIXQGVWKLVSURMHFWWKURXJKGRQDWLRQV DPWRSP UHFHLYHGIURPWKH&RPFDVW&DUHVGD\RIVHUYLFH5HVLGHQWV DUHLQYLWHGWRVXEPLWRULJLQDODUWLQDQ\IRUPDWWRWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI &ROXPEXV&HQWHU$XGLWRULXP 8UEDQ/LYDELOLW\VHHFRQWDFWLQIRUPDWLRQEHORZ$UWZRUNRULJLQDOV 6RXWK(DVW DUHUHWXUQHGWRWKHDUWLVW6RXWK6DOW/DNHUHVLGHQWVDQGQHLJKERUV 6RXWK6DOW/DNH FDQDOVRVSRQVRUDXWLOLW\DUWER[UHIHUDQDUWLVWIULHQGWRVXEPLW /HQGHUVUHDOWRUVKRXVLQJFRXQVHORUVFUHGLWH[SHUWVGRZQSD\- WKHLURULJLQDODUWZRUNDQGLQWHUDFWZLWKWKLVQHZSXEOLFDUWIRUPLQ PHQW DVVLVWDQFH IDFLOLWDWRUV DQG PDQ\ PRUH UHVRXUFHV LQ RQH 6RXWK6DOW/DNHWDNHDSKRWRRI\RXUVHOI SODFH,QWHUHVWHGLQEX\LQJDKRPH"&RPHOHWXVKHOS\RXSXWDOO ZLWK DQ DUW ER[ LQ 6RXWK 6DOW /DNH DQG VHH\RXUVHOIRQWKH6RXWK6DOW/DNHZHEWKHSLHFHVWRJHWKHU VLWHRU2Q7KH0RYH1HZVOHWWHU LIVABILITY &RQWDFW6WHSKDQLHZLWKDQ\TXHVWLRQVDWVWHSKDQLH#FGFXWDKRUJ (PDLODOOSKRWRVXEPLVVLRQVWR DVKOH\#VRFLDOPDUNHWLQJFRQVXOWDQWVFRP RU([WHQVLRQ Home Buyer Fair “Putting all the Pieces Together” URBAN Book Launch at Family Art Night at Woodrow Wilson Elementary Highlights Endangered Animals 7R VXEPLW DUWZRUN RU IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW $QWRLQHWWH (YDQV DW WKH 6RXWK 6DOW /DNH 8UEDQ /LYDELOLW\ 'HSDUWPHQW (DVW0RUULV$YHQXH66/&87 DHYDQV#VRXWKVDOWODNHFLW\FRP Promise South Salt Lake Arts and Community Council: Hands-on Art! Seeking South Salt Lake Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities to participate in Zion’s Paint-a-thon! 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Must be 65 or older Must own the home in which they live Must income qualify Program Details: Zion’s Bank will purchase all paint and supplies The Paint-a-Thon will be held in June Zion’s employees have been painting houses for 23 years For more information, contact RaeLin Phillips @ 801-464-6712 Graduation: Time to Celebrate! Congratulations to students across South Salt Lake who have reached a major milestone - graduation day! Some students are moving on from elementary school to junior high, while others are making the big move to high school. Special congratulations to youth completing high school and making the move into college and other career preparation. Alianza Academy 8th Grade promotion - May 29 Granite Park Junior High - 9th Grade promotion - June 5 Woodrow Wilson 6th Grade promotion - June 6 Lincoln Elementary 6th Grade promotion - June 6 Roosevelt Elementary 6th Grade promotion - June 6 Cottonwood High School Graduation - June 6 Please congratulate every student you know for another year of hard work and moving closer to our promise that every child in South Salt Lake has the opportunity to attend and graduate from college. The Water Tower Chronicles A City Wide Production October 11-12, 2013 Do you sing, dance, act, play an instrument or is writing your skill? Do you have a great story to tell about coming to South Salt Lake? For more information, contact watertowerplay@hotmail.com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hurch Named South Salt Lake Volunteer Group of the Year 7KH3URPLVH6RXWK6DOW/DNH$UWVDQG&RPPXQLW\&RXQFLOLVFXUUHQWO\VHWWLQJJRDOVVXUURXQGLQJWKHLUPLVVLRQWR³8QLWHWKH&RPPXQLW\ WKURXJK$UW´ 7KH FRXQFLO LV PDNLQJ D VWUDWHJLF SODQ IRFXVHGRQSURMHFWVSROLFLHVDQGSURJUDPV 3URMHFWLGHDVLQFOXGHIXWXUHJDOOHU\VSDFHDW+LVWRULF6FRWW6FKRRO DQ DUWV UHVLGHQF\ SURJUDP LQWHJUDWLQJ DUWV LQWR HGXFDWLRQDO FXUULFXOXPVDQGDVVHVVLQJWKHFXUUHQWDUWVVFHQHLQWKH&LW\RI6RXWK 6DOW /DNH ³:H DUH YHU\ H[FLWHG DERXW FHOHEUDWLQJ WKH FUHDWLYH WDOHQWLQRXUQHLJKERUKRRGVDQGWKHRSSRUWXQLWLHVZHDOOKDYHWR PDNH WKLV FLW\ D PRUH EHDXWLIXO SODFH WR OLYH´ VD\V$PHUL&RUSV 9,67$PHPEHU/LQGVH\'XQODS $Q XSFRPLQJ DUW LQVWDOODWLRQ SURMHFW FDOOHG ³:KDW LV /RYH"´ ZLOO WUDYHOWR6RXWK6DOW/DNHIURP.&KXUFKZLWKPRUHWKDQDKXQGUHGZULWWHQVWRULHVPHWDOZRUNSKRWRJUDSKVDQGRWKHUPHGLXPV WKDWH[SORUHWKHWKHPHRIORYH6RXWK6DOW/DNHUHVLGHQWVZLOOEH LQYLWHGWRWDNHSDUWLQVKDULQJWKHLUVWRULHVDQGWKHRSHQLQJUHFHSWLRQZLOOEHLQ-XO\0RUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKLVHYHQWZLOOEHSRVWHG LQWKH2QWKH0RYH&LW\1HZVOHWWHUDQGRQVRXWKVDOWODNHFLW\FRP ³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´ Each year, South Salt Lake Mayor Cherie Wood honors one organization for their dedication and support for our city goals. “We are so fortunate that K2 Church understands our mission and believes in us,” said Mayor Wood. “They feel like they are called to be in our city and we have welcomed them with open arms. K2 Church continues to amaze us with their generosity.” “Church members have generously stepped up and volunteered their professional talents at painting, ÀRRULQJODQGVFDSLQJDQG construction,” says Glenn Smith, Urban Livability Director for South Salt Lake. “With their help, almost anything is possible and the job gets done right. We are so thankful for their commitment.” The award was presented to Eric Winter, Dave Nelson, and Lad Chapman for being leaders in the K2 Church. The South Salt Lake On the Move City Newsletter is written, designed, and produced by Social Marketing Consultants. -First Lady, Michelle Obama, excerpt from a speech at the opening of the Pittsburg Creative and Performing Arts School. 3DJH Special Activities at the Columbus Senior Center 2531 South 400 East 801.412.3297 AceCamp Brings International Success Stateside with New U.S. Division Camping equipment company opens U.S. headquarters in South Salt Lake, Utah 8WDK 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ 868 KDV EHHQ KHOSLQJ VWXGHQWV IXUWKHU WKHLUHGXFDWLRQDQGHDUQGHJUHHVIRUPRUHWKDQ\HDUV868 6DOW/DNHSULPDULO\VHUYHVSXEOLFHGXFDWRUVWKURXJKSDUWQHUVKLSV ZLWKORFDOVFKRROGLVWULFWVRIIHULQJDQXPEHURIWHDFKLQJGHJUHHV FHUWL¿FDWHV WHDFKLQJ HQGRUVHPHQWV DQG OLFHQVXUH RSSRUWXQLWLHV ,QDGGLWLRQWKH\SURYLGH:DVDWFK)URQWUHVLGHQWVDFFHVVWRDYDULHW\RI0DVWHUDQG%DFKHORUGHJUHHVDQGFHUWL¿FDWLRQSURJUDPV Lunch Served Monday-Friday at Noon Wednesday, May 1 12:30 p.m. Ice Cream Social Please RSVP 801.412.3297 Thursday, May 2, 9, & 16 11:40 am.– Noon Three part series by Health Insight, “Know before You Go: Making the most of your Doctor Appointments.” Topics include: What to do before, during, and after your appointments to ensure that your visits are worthwhile. Monday, May 6 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Free Blood glucose/pressure checks by Harmony Home Health and Hospice 11:00 a.m. Entertainment by vocalist Miya Clark Wednesday, May 8 11:00 a.m. Red Hat Ladies Friday, May 10 10:30 a.m. Class on computer set up, maintenance, and other important information. Please RSVP 801.412.3297 Monday, May 13 11:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to honor the Ladies. Special entertainment by “Mixed Nuts.” Brought to us by Heart and Soul. Wednesday, May 15 11:15 a.m. Presentation on Shingles by Emeritus Senior Living R.N. (Left to Right) Michael Beverly, VP Sales & Marketing, AceCamp; South Salt Lake Mayor Cherie Wood; Callie Birdsall, President, South Salt Lake Chamber; Paul Smith, Branch Manager, Zions Bank; Sharon Opfermann, Owner, Camp Bow Wow /HG E\ ORQJWLPH RXWGRRU LQGXVWU\ YHWHUDQ 0LFKDHO %HYHUO\$FH&DPS //& ZLOO RIIHU D IXOO OLQH RI FDPSLQJ HTXLSPHQW LQFOXGLQJ HPHUJHQF\ HVVHQWLDOV FRRNZDUH RXWGRRU WRROV OLNH D VXUYLYDO PXOWLWRROVKRYHODQGXQLTXHSURGXFWVVXFKDV)ODPHVWLFNVD ZDWHUSURRI¿UHVWDUWHUVWLFN $FH&DPS//&PDGHLWV86GHEXWWRWKHLQGXVWU\DWWKH2XWGRRU 5HWDLOHU:LQWHU0DUNHWWUDGHVKRZWKLV-DQXDU\LQ6DOW/DNH&LW\ 3ULRU WR LWV 86RSHQLQJ$FH&DPS HVWDEOLVKHG LWVHOI DV D OHDGLQJEUDQGLQ$VLD\HDUVDJRDQGODXQFKHGLQ(XURSHLQ $FH&DPS,QWHUQDWLRQDODVZHOODVWKH86GLYLVLRQLVRZQHGDQG IRXQGHGE\5D\+RX ³$FH&DPSSURGXFWVDUHDYDLODEOHLQPRUHWKDQDGR]HQFRXQWULHV DQGWKHTXDOLW\RIRXUSURGXFWVDQGWKHFRQVXPHUGHPDQGIRUWKHP KDVDQLQFUHGLEOHWUDFNUHFRUGVRZHH[SHFWELJWKLQJVLQWKH86 PDUNHW´VDLG%HYHUO\ )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW868 6DOW/DNH&LW\YLVLWVDOWODNHXVXHGX Shelly Le of South Salt Lake Wins Second Consecutive Hosokawa Journalism Award Courtesy of Read Media 6KHOO\ /H RI 6RXWK 6DOW /DNH UHFHQWO\ ZRQD+RVRNDZD$ZDUGIRU%HVW1HZV 6WRU\7HUU\7DQJGHSXW\HGLWRULDOSDJH HGLWRUIRUWKH1HZ<RUN7LPHVGHOLYHUHG WKH DZDUG 7DQJ YLVLWHG WKH :KLWPDQ &ROOHJH FDPSXV WR GHOLYHU WKH VSHHFK DQGDZDUGRQ0DUFK /H¶VDUWLFOHZDVIHDWXUHGLQWKH3LRQHHU :KLWPDQ &ROOHJH¶V VWXGHQWUXQ QHZVSDSHU,QWKHVWRU\VKHGLVFXVVHGWXLWLRQFRVWVDW:KLWPDQFRPSDUHG ZLWK QDWLRQDO WUHQGV DQG WKH HIIHFW WKDW WXLWLRQ KLNHV FRXOG KDYHRQIXWXUHFROOHJHVWXGHQWV $W:KLWPDQ/HLVDMXQLRUSROLWLFVPDMRUDQGDPHPEHURI:KLWPDQ'LUHFW$FWLRQDVWXGHQWUXQRUJDQL]DWLRQWKDWLVGHGLFDWHGWR KHOSLQJPDUJLQDOL]HGSHRSOHE\SURPRWLQJHFRQRPLFDOO\DQGHQYLURQPHQWDOO\VXVWDLQDEOHFRPPXQLW\GHYHORSPHQW Monday, May 20 10:00 a.m. Free Blood Glucose/Pressure checks by Premier Home Health. Friday, May 24 9:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m. $$536DIH'ULYLQJ&ODVVDQG&DU¿W People who complete the program may receive a discount on their car LQVXUDQFH&DU¿WRIIHUVROGHUDGXOWV the opportunity to check how well WKHLUSHUVRQDOYHKLFOHV¿WWKHP Please call the center for more information. 5HFHQW JURZWK HQFRXUDJHG 868 6DOW /DNH WR UHORFDWH WR 6RXWK 6DOW/DNH¿YH\HDUVDJR7KH\DUHORFDWHGRQWKH¿IWKÀRRURIWKH *UDQLWH(GXFDWLRQ&HQWHU*UDQLWH6FKRRO'LVWULFWDW6RXWK 6WDWH 6WUHHW +HUH WKH\ SURYLGH VWXGHQWV WHFKQRORJ\ FODVVURRPVWZRFRPSXWHUODEVDWHVWLQJFHQWHUSULYDWHVWXG\URRPV DQGDVWXGHQWFHQWHUIRUVWXG\DQGDFWLYLWLHV $FH&DPSDZHOONQRZQLQWHUQDWLRQDOQDPHLQFDPSLQJHTXLSPHQW DQGDFFHVVRULHVRSHQHGWKHGRRUVWRWKHLUQHZKHDGTXDUWHUVLQ 6RXWK6DOW/DNH8WDKDVWKHFRPSDQ\H[SDQGVWRUHDFK86FXVWRPHUV Friday May 17 10:30 a.m. Tablet, Nook, and Kindle operating class. Please RSVP Wednesday, May 22 11:15 a.m. Fall Prevention and Risk; a presentation by Woodland Park Rehabilitation. South Salt Lake Chamber’s New Member of the Month: Utah State University – Salt Lake Center /HZRQD+RVRNDZD$ZDUGIRU%HVW)HDWXUH6WRU\LQDVZHOO 6KH LV D JUDGXDWH RI &RWWRQZRRG +LJK 6FKRRO /H LV WKH GDXJKWHURI%XX/HDQG+XRQJ+RQJIURP6RXWK6DOW/DNH8WDK 9LVLW$FH&DPS¶VQHZO\RSHQHGUHWDLOVWRUHDW6:HVW7HPSOH LQ6RXWK6DOW/DNH Resident Awareness Information: Tall Weeds & Grass Credit Union One becomes American United Federal Credit Union Tuesday, May 28 10:00 a.m. Dining with Diabetes. Cooking demonstration of diabetes-friendly food. 11:00 a.m. Angel Choir Concert by Harmon Senior Recreation Center Friday, May 31 9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m. Free Pancake Breakfast Columbus Senior Center’s regularly scheduled programming includes the following: Individual computer classes for all levels, tai chi, line dance, bingo, circuit training on the treadmill, elliptical, or recumbent bicycles, wii sports, choir, art class, arts and crafts, crocheting, cooking classes, exercise classes, strength training, ping pong, pinochle, Red Hat Ladies, book club, and more! $VPHPEHUVRIWKHFRPPXQLW\FLWL]HQVDQGFLW\OHDGHUVDUHVWULYLQJ WREHDXWLI\DQGLPSURYHWKHQHLJKERUKRRGVRI6RXWK6DOW/DNH&LW\ $VLWUHODWHVWRWDOOZHHGVDQGJUDVVFLW\FRXQW\KHDOWKUHJXODWLRQ $PHULFDQ8QLWHG)HGHUDO&UHGLW8QLRQLVSURXGWRVHUYHWKHQHHGV &KDSWHUSURKLELWVJUDVVDQGZHHGVWRJURZDERYHVL[ RIWKH6RXWK6DOW/DNHFRPPXQLW\$PHULFDQ8QLWHGVWULYHVWRRI- LQFKHV7DOOZHHGVDQGJUDVVDUHQRWRQO\XQVLJKWO\EXWFDQDOVR IHUFRPSHWLWLYH¿QDQFLDOSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHVWRPHPEHUVDQGLV FUHDWH¿UHKD]DUGVDQGKDYHQVIRUURGHQWVDQGRWKHUYHUPLQ SDUWLFXODUO\IRFXVHGRQWKH¿QDQFLDOO\XQGHUVHUYHG0HPEHUVFDQ GRPRVWRIWKHLU¿QDQFLDOWUDQVDFWLRQVZLWKRXWFRPLQJLQWRDEUDQFK ,WUHDGV E\XVLQJRQOLQHEDQNLQJDQGPRELOHDSSOLFDWLRQV7KHUHDUHRYHU Owners, occupants, or other responsible persons of any premises $70V ORFDOO\ DQG QDWLRQDOO\ $PHULFDQ 8QLWHG LV DI¿OLDWHG shall not allow weeds to grow taller than 6 inches to minimize ZLWKWKHVHSURYLGHUVDQGWKHUHIRUHUHTXLUHQRVHUYLFHFKDUJH rodent harborage. 9LVLWRXUZHEVLWHDWZZZDPXFXRUJRUFDOO 7KH 8UEDQ /LYDELOLW\ 'HSDUWPHQW VHHNV \RXU FRRSHUDWLRQ LQ VXVWDLQLQJWKHKHDOWKVDIHW\DQGDSSHDUDQFHRI\RXUFRPPXQLW\E\ Upcoming South Salt Lake FXWWLQJDQGPDLQWDLQLQJJUDVVDQGZHHGJURZWKRQ\RXUSURSHUW\DW Chamber Events DKHLJKWRIVL[LQFKHVRUOHVVDWDOOWLPHVDQGE\UHPRYLQJWKH FOLSSLQJVIURP\RXUSURSHUW\,I\RXDUHSK\VLFDOO\XQDEOHWRGRWKH May 1-2 *UHDW6DOW/DNH%XVLQHVV([SR ZRUNGXHWRDJHRUGLVDELOLW\WKHUHPD\EHUHVRXUFHVDYDLODEOHWR May 10/($'61HWZRUNLQJ0HHWLQJ DVVLVW\RX )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQYLVLWVVOFKDPEHUFRP 3DJH 3OHDVH FRQWDFW WKH &RGH (QIRUFHPHQW 'LYLVLRQDW URBAN LIVABILITY South Salt Lake tOn The Move tCity Newsletter 3URPLVH6RXWK6DOW/DNH3DUWQHUVKLS +LJKOLJKWWKH(QJOLVK6NLOOV/HDUQLQJ Center (ESLC) In January 2013, the English Skills Learning Center (ESLC) started a citizenship class at the Historic Scott School Community Center in South Salt Lake, in addition to the English FODVVHV SURYLGHG DW ¿YH RI WKH nine Promise South Salt Lake Neighborhood Centers. Mother-Son Diamond Blast Friday, May 3 SPSP &HQWUDO3DUN&RPPXQLW\&HQWHU 2825 South 200 East South Salt Lake 3ULFHSHUFRXSOHIRUHDFK DGGLWLRQDOVRQLQJURXS Mothers and sons of all ages are ZHOFRPH ESLC staff visits the class on a regular basis to better support the volunteer teacher and to help the students improve their English skills. “We are thankful to South Salt Lake for giving us this space to teach classes,” says Garstka. “In addition, we are excited for the students who will and who have recently applied for citizenship.” &ROXPEXV/LEUDU\3UHVHQWV Remember Mom Wednesday, May 1Saturday, May 11 (Closed Sunday, May 5) $OOGD\DFWLYLW\ (YHU\RQHLVZHOFRPHWRFUHDWHD VSHFLDOJLIWIRU0RPIRU0RWKHU¶V'D\ Columbus Community Center 2531 South 400 East South Salt Lake Interested in learning more about the ESLC and volunteer opportunities? Contact the English Skills Learning Center (ESLC) today at 801.328.5608 or info@eslcenter.org 7KH1HZ+RXVLQJ%RRP1HZ +RPHVLQ6RXWK6DOW/DNH6LQFH %\)UDQN/LO\'HSXW\'LUHFWRU+RXVLQJ$GPLQLVWUDWRU 6RXWK6DOW/DNH&LW\&RPPXQLW\'HYHORSPHQW 8SFRPLQJ&RPPXQLW\ (YHQWV South Salt Lake 4thRI-XO\3DUDGH 5HDG\6HW0DUFK &ROXPEXV6HQLRU&HQWHU3UHVHQWV $$536DIH'ULYLQJ&ODVVDQG&DU¿W 6HUYLFHV Friday, May 24 DP±SP Columbus Community Center 2531 South 400 East South Salt Lake (Full listing of Columbus Senior &HQWHU6SHFLDO$FWLYLWHVDYDLODEOHRQ SDJH +RPH%X\HU)DLU ³3XWWLQJDOOWKH3LHFHV7RJHWKHU´ 6DWXUGD\-XQH DPSP Columbus Center Auditorium 2531 South 400 East South Salt Lake Home on 2700 South Interested in working on or participating in South Salt Lake’s very special 4th of July Parade? We’d love to have you! We’re looking for families, groups, organizations, and businesses who would like to participate in this year’s parade, including planning, setting up, and marching in the parade. This year we celebrate the City’s 75th Anniversary, and we want our parade to be the best ever. Each entry that incorporates the “diamond” theme will receive a special Commemorative Award. For more information call 801-464-6757. Home on Adams Street If you have noticed a new house going up in your neighborhood, you are not alone. Since January 2012, 50 new single-family homes have been built or approved for construction – making last year a major turning point in homebuilding in our city. Many of these homes are now part of Terra Sol, South Salt Lake’s newest and distinctly modern neighborhood off 300 East and Penney Avenue, but ten of the new homes approved in the last 16 months DUHLQ¿OOSURMHFWVFRQVLVWLQJRIDQ\ZKHUHEHWZHHQRQHDQGWKUHH homes tucked into many of the City’s existing, classic neighborKRRGV 7KH LQ¿OO SDUFHOV DUH D PLQLPXP RI VTXDUH IHHW which is the size of a typical South Salt Lake lot. The homes typiFDOO\UDQJHIURPVTXDUHIHHWWRVTXDUHIHHWDQGDUH selling from just under $200,000 to over $250,000. Some homes stand out for their design innovation and creativity. Icon Homes recently built a home on 2700 South that is designed WREHHQHUJ\HI¿FLHQW6HWEDFNIURPWKHVWUHHWZLWKODUJHZLQGRZV to take advantage of solar heat during the day, it too is a modern design with clean, elegant lines that contrasts with and complements the late Victorian homes and bungalows along the street. Other homes, like a new rambler by VP homes on Adams Street, feature a traditional design that references the more traditional elePHQWVRI6RXWK6DOW/DNH¶VXQLTXHQHLJKERUKRRGFKDUDFWHU In addition to the new homes being built, the Community Development Corporation of Utah has purchased and rehabilitated three dilapidated homes, two on 300 East and one on Rigdon Avenue. Two of these homes are owned by families who were looking to plant roots in an affordable, comfortable community. 6RXWK6DOW/DNH3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQW 1RWLFHRI8QFODLPHG3URSHUW\ South Salt Lake City &RXQFLO0HHWLQJV Wednesday, May 8 SP (DVW0RUULV$YHQXH Wednesday, May 22 SP (DVW0RUULV$YHQXH -RLQWKH6RXWK6DOW/DNH2QWKH 0RYH1HZV&RPPXQLW\ 7RUHFHLYHWKLVQHZVOHWWHUYLDPDLO RUHPDLOSOHDVHFDOORU HPDLOMDOOUHG#VRXWKVDOWODNHFLW\FRP +LVSDQLF5RWDU\6HUYHV2XU &RPPXQLW\/RFDOO\,QWHUQDWLRQDOO\ 3LRQHHU&UDIW+RXVH &RPHSOD\ZLWKXV 3LRQHHU&UDIW+RXVHRIIHUVGR]HQV RIFUDIWFODVVHVDQGDFWLYLWLHV to brighten your life! Our fun DQGNQRZOHGJHDEOHIDFXOW\DUH H[FLWHGDERXWVKDULQJWKHLU VNLOOVZLWK\RX(DFKFODVV OLVWHGRQRXUZHEVLWHLQFOXGLQJ IHHVWLPHVFKHGXOHDQGWKH UHTXLUHGSUHUHJLVWUDWLRQDW SLRQHHUFUDIWKRXVHFRP ³+LVSDQLF 5RWDU\ LV D XQLTXH FOXE ZHUH SURIHVVLRQDOV DQG EXVLness people can help locally and internationally,” says Alicia Gomez, Hispanic Rotary President 2012-2013. This year, Hispanic Rotary Club President Mabel Langford is working on a service SURMHFWLQ,UXDSXDWR*XDQDMXDWR0H[LFRWRLPSURYHWKHTXDOLW\RI life of the elderly residing in “La Casa Hogar-La Paz,” which is a nursing home serving approximately 90 seniors with severe physical, medical, and nutritional needs. The Hispanic Rotary has been providing supplies and volunteers to assist with this project, and they are raising funds to be able to contribute more to the service project. On a local level, Hispanic Rotary serves dinner on Christmas Eve to the South Salt Lake refugee community and donates hygiene supplies to community residents as well. “This is an organization of volunteers who serve the community and that is what we are about—trying to better our town through service,” says Jesse Soriano, Vice President of Hispanic Rotary. The South Salt Lake Police Department currently holds various unclaimed properties in our evidence room. They include bicycles, “We are working with different Latin American programs as well VWHUHR HTXLSPHQW FRPSXWHU HTXLSPHQW &'VWDSHV WRROV DQG as local programs in South Salt Lake,” says Rotary Member Maria Ester. “I like how we partner with different local organizations like other miscellaneous items. the LDS Church and the refugee camps for different winter drives. If you believe we currently have property belonging to you, please The International Rotary is trying to get rid of Polio around the contact us in person at 2835 S Main St. or at 801.412.3665. Own- ZRUOGULJKWQRZDQGHDFKPHPEHUGRQDWHVDVSHFL¿FDPRXQWMXVW HUVKLSPXVWEHSURYHQLQWKHIRUPRIUHFHLSWVDQGRUGHWDLOHGGH- for this.” scription. Interested parties are welcome to contact Mabel Langford at Unclaimed property will be auctioned or destroyed nine days from 435.714.0426 or rotaryclubhispanolatinosslc@gmail.com, or to learn more, visit utahrotary.org. the date of this notice. ¢8VWHGHVWiEXVFDQGRODLQIRUPDFLyQ VREUH6RXWK6DOW/DNHHQHVSDxRO" &RQWDFWRVVOHVSDQRO#JPDLOFRP -RLQRXUHPDLOOLVWIRURXUPRQWKO\ 3URPLVH66/(1HZVOHWWHU (PDLO Ashley@ VRFLDOPDUNHWLQJFRQVXOWDQWVFRP FOLLOW SSL *Photographs for the SSL City Newsletter masthead provided by the South Salt Lake Coalition for Drug Free Youth Community Character Initiative Changing the odds in South Salt Lake through shared vision, leadership, data and program support Read more at uw.org Page 5 A World of Learning the ultimate power lunch school scheduled to open on August 21, 2013 at 350 East Baird Circle (3605 South) in the city of South Salt Lake. We Public/Private Partnerships theforfuture are accepting students in grades 7 are to 10 our opening of Salt County’s Meals year, and will Lake add 11th and 12th gradeoninWheels 2014 and 2015. 48 # of Salt Lake County organizations currently volunteering to deliver meals program. Salt Lake County Aging Services Our Mission is currently recruiting existing businesses Our mission is to provide a rigorous and relevant education and organizations to help support homefor secondary students interested in global perspectives, including recently arrived immigrants, refugees, and native bound seniors by delivering mid-day meals. English speakers. Meal delivery team service provides the Our Vision Our vision is to honor and celebrate eachemployee student’s culture opportunity to build exceptional and identity while empowering him or her with language, employee communication, globalmorale, literacy, facilitate collaboration, leadership, and critical thinkpromotes team building and provides great ing skills. corporate social impact. 2XU8QLTXH(GXFDWLRQDO$SSURDFK +LJKO\4XDOL¿HG7HDFKHUV Delivery team volunteers really make a Small Class Sizes Teachers Serving as Mentors difference to people in need of nutritious ,QFUHDVHG/DQJXDJH$FTXLVLWLRQ meals and human connection.....the Increased Engagement and Student Learning ultimate power lunch! Students currently in grades 6-9 are invited to apply. For more information or to apply for admission, call the International School at (801) 448-6414 or visit Utah International online at utahinternational.org. For more information or to form a volunteer team at your organization, contact Aging Services at: daily # of people Aging Services provides with mid-day meals 1 # of organizations it takes to make a difference in someone’s life + = (you) (a difference) Do you know someone who lives, learns, information works, worships, or plays in the City of South Salt Lake and demonstrates exceptional charhow it works: acter in our community? If so, here is your chance to nominate that person be one of » Organizations form volunteer delivery teams (8-10topeople). our‘meal monthly Faces” for the upcomTeams adopt routes’“Character close to their geographic ing delivery 2014 Community Character Initiative. Any location. Each route takes one hour or less to complete. SHUVRQVZKRH[HPSOL¿HVWKHTXDOLWLHVDERYH is eligible for nomination. To make your nomination, please email » Employee volunteers donatevisit one www.ssldrugfree.org, lunch hour weekly (or less or pick up a depending nominations@ssldrugfree.org, on the number of volunteers per team). QRPLQDWLRQIRUPDWWKH0D\RU¶V2I¿FH&ROXPEXV5HF&HQWHURUWKH&RDOLWLRQ2I¿FH » Food is delivered to the organization’s location by 11:00 am. » Flexible delivery time up to 1:00 pm. » Salt Lake County Aging Services provides: volunteer recruitment assistance volunteer background checks, orientation and training community engagement & resources CITY NEWSLETTER 385.468.3196 aging.slco.org 1,200 (us) Welcome to the South Salt Lake On the Move City Newsletter! To receive this newsletter via email, please contact Jennifer Allred at 801-464-6757 or jallred@southsaltlakecity.com. Salt Lake County Aging Services Meals on Wheels provides mid-day meals to frail, LVRODWHGROGHUDGXOWVZKRKDYHGLI¿FXOW\RU $ERXW8WDK,QWHUQDWLRQDO prepare for themselves. Utah cannot International is a meals public charter junior high and high Helping you navigate the transitions of aging February 2013 Utah International Charter School information Opening August 2013 in South Salt Lake! Mayor Cherie Wood and the Promise South Salt Lake Team formulated our goals, or promises, based on very specific research and models of other high achieving communities. Our promises were created with South Salt Lake children, families, residents, and seniors in mind. Promise South Salt Lake is about working with each other and in partnership with United Way of Salt Lake and other organizations to coordinate, collaborate, and to pool resources to make real, measurable progress toward defined goals that will improve our young people’s futures and enhance the overall quality of life for everyone in our community. Three Promises: 1. Every child has the opportunity to attend and graduate from college 2. Everyone has a safe, clean home and neighborhood 3.Everyone has the opportunity to prosper Promise South Salt Lake Motto: What we wish for ourselves and for our families, we wish for everyone in our community. ~Mayor Cherie Wood Be in the know about your City of South Salt Lake! To receive the South Salt Lake City On the Move Newsletter by mail or email, send your email To receive this official South Salt Lake City On the Move Newsletter by mail each month, send your mailing address to or mailing address to jallred@southsaltlakecity.com jallred@southsaltlakecity.com and we will put you on our list!