Summer issue - St. Bede Abbey


Summer issue - St. Bede Abbey
Connected by
the Spirit of
Saint Bede
from the
I hope you will enjoy this issue of the Bedan
record with a review of events at both the
Abbey and the academy from January through
Every time I sit down to write to you our
alumni, parents and friends, I am reminded of
the true blessing of the Saint Bede family. What
is it that makes this place so unique? I came
across the word connectivity and was intrigued
by its meaning: the quality or condition of being
connected. I believe it is the quality of being
connected by the Benedictine tradition which
binds us together.
Our students are connected by their
educational goals, extracurricular activities, and
common interests. Our parents are connected
by their desire to see their child achieve
academic success, excel in extracurricular
activities and be confident in the decisions they
make on their child’s behalf. Our alumni are
connected by their experiences while attending
Saint Bede, their life-long relationships that
began here and their desire to stay connected
to the place where it all began for them.
Although, not all memories may be the
same there are some things that remain
constant: teachers who get to know their
students and care about their success; monks
who do their best to share their values and
2 q The Bedan record
traditions with all who open themselves to
their teachings; the Benedictine tradition that
emphasizes the importance of service to others;
a catholic education that thrives through
its diversity; and a place where one is always
welcomed! Whether you remember Saint
Bede with fondness is only determined by your
willingness to remain connected, and/or to get
It is my mission during this upcoming year
to work to reconnect with many of our alumni,
young and old alike. We are in the process
of updating our donor software program and
in doing so, will allow us the opportunity to
communicate with you on a more regular basis
and in the way you so desire. As an example,
just a few years ago a phone call was the best
way to connect with many of our alumni. today,
alumni prefer a quick text. We are committed
to understanding, appreciating and honoring
these differences. We are committed to doing
whatever it takes to create the connectivity
that will allow Saint Bede Academy to dive and
thrive into the future!
All My Best,
COVER PHOTO: Students connecting
during Spirit Day 2012
Alumni Trip to The Villages, FL
Hosted by Mike & Maggie Sanger and Don & Patti Carlson
L to R: Maggie & Mike (’65) Sanger, David Porter (’61), Abbot Philip Davey (’65), Donna Aleksy,
Roger Hanley (’61), Don (’50) & Sharon Rigazio, Don & Patti Carlson, & Pat O’Neill (‘62).
Not pictured Jim Hill (‘55).
Alumni Trip to Naples, FL
Hosted by Dr. Jim & Mary Ellen Mini
L to R: Dick (’56) & Diana Schlosser, Fred (48’) & Jo Golden, Dr. Jim (’57) & Mary Ellen Mini,
Abbot Philip Davey (’65), Peter (’64) & Mary Beth Koyak, Donna Aleksy, and John Perino.
Alumni Trip to Fort Lauderdale, FL
Visited with Ann (Wayland ’83) Cook
L to R: Ann (Wayland ’83) Cook,
Abbot Philip Davey (‘65), & Donna Aleksy
never too Late
To Reconnect
Donna Aleksy, Tom Norman (‘37), Abbot Philip Davey (‘65), Audrey & Steve Norman
2012 q 3
Saint Bede MyStery
for Life
In late October 8 senior
students, Megan ravnikar, Emily
Santman, Angela Silfies, Haley
Sondgeroth, Nick duncan, Noah
Jordheim, Anthony Ossola, Ihsan
Said, Mrs. Kathy Martin and Father
ronald went on a MYStErY trIP.
the trip was all about trust: trust in
one another, trust in Father ronald
and, above all, trust in God. For 5
days the students experienced trust,
firsthand, because they had no idea
where they were going or what
they would be doing. Every length
of the journey was a mystery.
the mystery unfolded as
follows: the first stop was in St.
Louis for an overnight stay with the
christian Brothers who run christian
Brothers High School for 900 boys.
the next morning we continued on to rolla, MO for breakfast. One
of the rules of the trip was: no chain restaurants. Leonna’s cafe turned
out to be a great choice. the journey continued on to tulsa, OK
and Bishop Kelley High School. Students met us, joined us at a local
sandwich place for supper and then to Oral roberts University for a
tour and we met up with Katie Williams who attended Saint Bede.
After that we went to see a movie.
Overnight we bedded down in sleeping bags in the new library
at the high school. On Saturday morning we were joined by a group
of students from Bishop Kelley High School and all of us headed out
together. Our destination turned out to be Joplin, MO. Joplin still is
recovering from a devastating tornado. the day was spent working
for catholic charities assisting tornado victims. Once our work was
done we headed and drove as far as Miami, OK where we spent
4 q The Bedan record
the night at the parish center of the catholic Parish. We
went to mass and then found a great non-chain Mexican
restaurant for supper followed by bowling.
In the morning the Bishop Kelley kids headed back
to tulsa and we continued on to Fort Scott, KA. After a great
breakfast at a local diner we went to the military cemetery
and found the grave of Mr. Bernie Moore’s father. We said
a prayer and were off again.
Our last destination was Hannibal, MO and we
were guests of Steve and Linda dinges whose 3 children
graduated from Saint Bede. they were great hosts and
served us a huge supper and breakfast. A good part of our
last day was spent visiting the Mark twain sites in Hannibal
before heading home.
Five days of mystery as a metaphor for life, which is
truly a mystery and which requires real trust in God.
Enlivens Mount Carmel
the caritas dining room was abuzz with energy as 12 students
from Saint Bede Academy in Peru, Ill., joined the sisters for dinner on
Friday, April 18. Father ron Margherio, OSB, brought the students
for a weekend of service and learning about religious life. Six senior
girls and six freshman/sophomore boys spent the weekend at Mount
carmel, getting to know sisters firsthand.
Hosted by the Initial Membership team, Lou Anglin and Kathy
carr, the students learned about the history and contributions of
women religious in the U.S., the charism and core values of the
BVMs, and heard personal vocation stories. On Saturday morning,
a panel of four BVMs (therese Frelo, Mary Mccauley, Paulette Skiba
and roberta White) shared their stories of being called to the BVM
way of life, and how their ministries have shaped and challenged
them over the years. the students were especially touched by the
many diverse ways in which BVMs live out their mission of “being
freed and helping others enjoy freedom in God’s steadfast love.”
Fr. Ron Margherio, OSB, and students from Saint Bede Academy,
the students definitely came to serve as well as learn. Abounding
Peru, Ill., arrive at Mount Carmel for a weekend
with energy, they quickly accomplished several tasks for the activities
of learning, service, prayer and fun!
department: preparing the flower beds in the Joan Keleher doyle
garden, cleaning porches, patios and chairs, and washing out pop
Saturday afternoon they got to experience some of the sites of dubuque, including
the Mississippi river Museum, prior to joining the Sinsinawa dominicans for common
Sunday provided an opportunity
for liturgy at Mount carmel,
celebrated by Father ron; quick
visits to clarke University and Loras
college, and a final dinner with the
sisters in caritas dining room.
the students seemed to be very
much at home with the sisters, and
spent long periods of time after
meals visiting with those at their
tables. From all accounts, the sisters
were as thrilled to be with the
Lou Anglin (center) works with students
students as the students were to be
Meghan Cessna and Emily Santman
with the sisters.
Kyle Kapraun, Matt Silfies and Dominic Sondgeroth
to prepare the patio in the
—Kathy carr, BVM
prepare the raised flower beds for planting.
Joan K. Doyle garden for spring.
Initial Membership coordinator
the new Saint Bede a CadeMy
Interact Club
the Saint Bede Academy Interact club
is sponsored by the local rotary club
and is dedicated to promoting service
to local and world communities through
the charitable hands of the Saint Bede
Academy students.
L to R Front row: Kyle Kapraun, Nick Miller,
Chris Sampson, Maggie Kaniewski, Megan
Ravnikar, Sophie Carus, Megan Tiger, Matt
Silfies, Gabby Mendoza, Sam Brolley
L to R Back row: Brandon Criss, Sam Said,
Laura Sickley, Raley Mauck, Max Halm,
Angela Silfies, Abby Milus, Kelsey Thompson,
Morgan King, Erin Line
2012 q 5
BaCk-to-BaCkRecord Breaking Years!
29th AnnuAl
“There’s No Place Like Home”
Auction GAlA
More than one third of the student
population volunteered their time at this
year’s auction, understanding the main
objective of the event is to support their
hopes and dreams. In the twenty-nine year
history of the auction, Bonnie Prokup &
her remarkable team raised $212,746.00
for the students of Saint Bede Academy!
Back-to-back record breaking years!!!
We want to thank everyone who
participated in this year’s auction: the
individuals and businesses who so
generously gave of their treasure; the
many adult and student volunteers who
gave of their time and talent; and to the
330 guests who attended the auction,
your continued generosity and support of
our mission allows us to do great work on
behalf of the students of Saint
Bede Academy!
6 q The Bedan record
2012 Mr. SBaContest
Bob Ficek (’55)
the Men of SAint Bede leAd By exAMple
Brother Luke McLachlan (’88)
Dave Milus
Bernie Moore
Justin Lamboley (’00)
What do you get when you
combine eight male contestants, a highly motivated
chairperson and a dynamic
Master of ceremonies?!?
An unequivocal formula for
success!!! Patti and George
Leynaud put together a
fantastic evening of entertainment and fun for all!
the stars of the show were
Mark dudek (’77), Bob
Ficek (’55), Justin Lamboley
(’00), Jeff Mauck, Br. Luke
McLachlan (’88), Bernie
Moore, dave Milus, and
Mike rosploch (’87). More
than 100 students volunteered their time on a Saturday night to be iancluded
in this event. Everyone involved shares one common
goal, to raise money for
the students of Saint Bede
Academy. And that we did,
the 2012 Mr. SBA contest
raised $46,054.00!!! the
title of Mr. SBA was passed
on from Joe Kolodziej (’75)
to Mark dudek (’77), the
reigning 2012 Mr. SBA!
Our heartfelt thanks to all
who helped to make this
event a raving success!
Mark Dudek (’77)
Jeff Mauck
Mike Rosploch (’87)
2012 q 7
the MuSic MAn
8 q The Bedan record
SBa girLS
SBa BoyS
SBa BoySTennis
2012 q 9
10 q The Bedan record
the Saint Bede Varsity Baseball
team finished 3rd and claimed the
consolation championship trophy
in the 2012 catholic Schools
tournament in Bloomington,
Illinois on May 11-12th.
the Bruins finished 2-1 in the
tournament which also included
Alleman High School, Bloomington
central catholic, Gibault High
School, Holy trinity High School,
Schlarman Academy and St. teresa
High School.
(l-r) Logan Bima, Damin Smith, Adam Burgess, Jake Postula, Brad Groleau, Steven Ebener,
Austin Schwab, Sam Lucas, Bobby Morrow, Joel Inciong, Brandon Pietrowski
(l-r, kneeling) Ty Dobrich and Ronnie Mudge
2012 q 11
Saint Bede aCadeMy
Top Ten
Saint Bede aCadeMy
L to R seated: Natalie Szczepaniak, Bucky Emmerling,
Jack Faletti, Nick Duncan, Justin Hunter
L to R standing: Maggie Bednarz, Kathy Tun,
Lauren Kunkel, Taylor Miller, Jillian Bleck
Class of 2012
their Journey
Augustana University
– Rock Island, Illinois
Sophie Bennett
Brianna Lucas
Ashley Newell
Aurora College – Aurora, Illinois
Josie Brady
Beloit College – Beloit, Wisconsin
Bethany Stavrakas
Bradley University – Peoria, Illinois
Nick Duncan
Columbia College
– Chicago, Illinois
Lynn Zheng
Drake University
– Des Moines, Iowa
Sam Daley
Adam Sickley
Gannon University
– Erie, Pennsylvania
Tianchen ‘Lan’
Illinois Benedictine College
– Lisle, Illinois
Ben Haas
Luie Arriaga
Logan Willand
Illinois Valley Community College
– Oglesby, Illinois
Samantha Ansteth
Carolann Barnes
Ali Braboy
Mia Carretto
Ty Dobrich
Lyle Eiten
Carly Ficek
Mary Gualandri
Max Halm
Holden Harlow
Mary Hartenbower
Marian Heisley
Noah Jordheim
Emily Buonomo
Michael Langham
Brianna Lucas
Joe Mauck
Ronnie Mudge
Jessica Nelson
Anthony Ossala
Ihsan Said
Emily Santman
Haley Sondgeroth
Hannah Sons
Beth Struna
Dylan Torres
North Central College
– Naperville, Illinois
Adam Burgess
Alex Niewinski
Northern Illinois University
– DeKalb, Illinois
Abby Milus
Northwestern University
– Evanston, Illinois
Natalie Szczepaniak
Parkland Community College
– Champaign, Illinois
Ashton Shaw
Regency Beauty Institute
– Aurora, Illinois
Katie Jaegle
Illinois Wesleyan University
– Bloomington, Illinois
Jillian Bleck
Bucky Emmerling
Nick Miller
Kathy Tun
Rose Hulman Institute of Technology
– Terre Haute, Indiana
John Jagiella
Indiana University
– Bloomington, Indiana
Sam Mao
St. Ambrose University
– Davenport, Iowa
Meghan Cessna
Iowa State University – Ames, Iowa
Emily Passini
St. Norbert College
– De Pere, Wisconsin
Taylor Miller
Loyola University – Chicago, Illinois
Maggie Bednarz
Marquette University
– Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Blake Dobrich
Methodist College of Nursing
– Peoria, Illinois
Dylan Brejc
12 q The Bedan record
Tiffin University – Tiffin, Ohio
Tony Yucas
United States Army
Joe Parnell
United States Navy
Angela Silfies
University of California
– Los Angeles, California
Joel Inciong
University of California
– San Diego, California
J.P. Perona
University of Dubuque
– Dubuque, Iowa
Michael Venegas
University of Illinois
– Champaign, Illinois
Lauren Kunkel
University of Illinois
– Chicago, Illinois
Kayla MacDavitt
University of Iowa – Iowa City, Iowa
Megan Ravnikar
Megan Rooney
University of Missouri Medical
Program – Kansas City, Missouri
Sammi Dodda
University of Washington
– Seattle, Washington
Tiffany Dai
University of Wisconsin
– Madison, Wisconsin
Jack Faletti
Vanderbilt University
– Nashville, Illinois
Collin Zimmerman
Webster University
– St. Louis, Missouri
Amy Stanke
Saint Bede a CadeMy
Commencement Speaker
Don Hayden ‘78
From the desk of the Superintendant,
As the academic year at Saint Bede Academy comes to an end I would like to focus my
Stage Crew takes one last pose
comments on the academic achievements of this year’s Academy graduates. Although we
with Father Dominic.
have historically taken our students’ successes for granted it is clear that the accomplishments
of the Class of 2012 have reached a level of excellence that must be recognized.
Among this year’s graduates we can boast three National Merit Scholars, 20% of the Class
of 2012 are Illinois State Scholars and the class as a whole boasts an average ACT score of
24. This class is the first class that has been able to take advantage of two years of college
classes offered through the Academy’s partnership with Illinois Valley Community
College. As a result of this opportunity four members of the class of 2012 will be
leaving the Academy with one year of college credit completed. In total 67% of
this year’s graduates have earned college credit during their last two years at
Saint Bede.
As a testament to the aforementioned successes three Saint Bede seniors
were chosen as “Top Ten” graduates of the Illinois Valley. Our three students
join seven other students out of almost 2,000 Illinois Valley graduating seniors.
Not only does Saint Bede have one of the smaller graduating classes amongst
Illinois Valley high schools but Saint Bede also is the only high school with more
S en
than one student named to the Top Ten List.
ior S
les show
Add to the outstanding scholastic accomplishments the fact that this year’s
the Spirit of Sa
graduates have performed over 10,000 hours of community service and it becomes
evident that the Class of 2012 has set a standard that future classes will be challenged to
Ted Struck
2012 q 13
SBa Student
Jack Faletti, Sam Brollie, Natalle Szczepaniak, Steven Zhang,
Marcus Cerone, Nick Duncan and Brandon Criss
(Not pictured Emilly Hass)
$500 Gift From
Saint Bede Academy
Student Government
toward the
Thomas J. Heitmenn
Memorial Fund.
Donna Aleksy, Ty Dobrich and Max Halm
1956 – Kenneth Glubczynski is beginning his 47th year as a school
psychologist in Whiteriver, AZ. He is looking forward to celebrating
his 50th year in 2015.
1978 – Rich Dudek is currently the Senior Vice President of Marketing
at Auxilium Pharmaceuticals and living in Malvern, PA with his wife,
colleen and their four active sons – clay (17), tristan (15), quinn
(13), and Brock (10).
1996 – Kristen (Schmitt) Heron is a Vice President, Senior credit
Products Officer for Bank of America, focusing specifically on lending
to Senior Living providers. She, her husband and two year old son,
Elliot reside in chicago, IL.
1996 - Saraheva (Krancic) Monroe was recently hired as a Senior
Advertising Strategist for President Obama’s 2012 re-election effort.
She is working as a member of the campaign’s digital team at
headquarters in downtown chicago (see photo at right).
60th Birthday
Dan Cawley (’70)
– from Jeanne & Jeff Hayden (’70)
90th Birthday
Photo: Saraheva, Milo Monroe (on lap), and Foster Monroe.
Henry Konieczny
– from Esther Brucki
14 q The Bedan record
50th Wedding anniversary
In honor of Rick & Judy Guerrini
– from Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sondgeroth (’56)
30th Anniversary
girLS’ BaSketBaLL
Alumni Game
In the spirit of tradition and in celebration of the 30th Anniversary year of girl’s basketball at Saint Bede Academy,
an Alumni Girls Basketball Game has been scheduled for Saturday, February 16th.
We are asking every girls basketball player to come back, suit up and play the game just one more time!
coach don carlson and coach tom McGunnigal have agreed to coach our alumni game!
For more information contact donna Aleksy at (815) 223-3140, ext. 243.
tickets will go on sale in August.
Join in the FUN and celebrate 30 years of athletic excellence!
Lady BruinS BaSketBaLL
Thirty Years Strong
“I will prepare myself, and perhaps my chance will come.” the excitement of taking the court with my friends as a real team.
these words of Abraham Lincoln inspired a young girl in the the season ended with a 9-5 record.
early ‘70s to believe “someday, somewhere, somehow, I’m going
Now, thirty years later, I remember the little things that
to play basketball on a team.” dad had been coaching boy’s have nothing to do with wins and losses. I remember: how hard
basketball since before I was born. I grew up in the gym shagging we worked; how we joked about the number of bruises we got
rebounds during free throw sessions, keeping stats during games, during practice; how Lori worked the ball at the point to set up
and generally loving the game while dreaming of playing. “Girls for a clear shot; how Audra was so slick sliding into position for
don’t play basketball,”
rebounds; how Z was
was the line I often
so much taller than
heard. “I will, you wait
everyone that would
and see,” was always
rebound her own shots;
my response.
Shelly coming off the
I entered Saint Bede
bench and playing
as a freshman in 1979.
relentless defense and
Much to my dismay,
setting crusher screens;
there was no girl’s
I remember all the
laughter, silly pranks,
In May of 1982, the
singing on the bus,
board approved a girl’s
and overcoming the
challenges together. I
It was my senior year,
loved playing basketball
and there would be
with my friends.
too much to learn for
What I remember
just one season. Until The premier Saint Bede girls’ basketball team consisted of, L to R front row: Kris Bima, and cherish the most;
my dad said he would
however, is that little
Brenda Walters, Tina Clancy, Lori Howarth, Mary Schweickert, and Dawn Carlson.
coach, if I would play.
girls dream coming
L to R back row: Stephanie Waszkowiak, Joanne Renkosik, Shelly Gruenwald,
dream come true – I Stephanie Zeman, Lori Jasiek, Audra Bima, Michele Greene, and Coach Don Carlson. true, and the joy of
would play on a team
seeing the seeds we
and the man I love and admire most is the coach!
planted 30 years ago blossom and continue growing. thank
We took to the court in November for 2 months of practice you, dad. thank you, coach. thank you tEAM. thank you to
and teaching before we played our first game. In January of every coach who ever worked in the Lady Bruins program over
1983, the first Saint Bede Lady Bruins suited up for our first game. the years and helped make those dreams come true. thank you
Fifteen total players in the program and 6 designated varsity – to the parents and fans that supported us no matter what. thank
Freshmen: Audra Bima, Lori Howarth, Juniors: Joanne renkosik, you to every Lady Bruin that has put on the uniform in the last
Stephanie Zeman, Seniors: dawn carlson, Shelly Gruenwald. I 30 years. We all carry different memories, but we all carry the
have no idea if we won or lost that first game. It was such a love of the game and love of each other. It’S GrEAt tO BE A
privilege to have the opportunity to play.
I remember the special feeling of putting on the Saint Bede
uniform. I remember all the work that went into preparing, and
By dawn (carlson ’83) Williams
2012 q 15
Class Reunion Chairmen
John Geiger
tony Musar, Ken Hanley
& Fr. Patrick Fennell
Saint BCalendar
of Events
rich Koehler & Bill Schulte
Auction Kick-Off Party at the SBA Shelter
Bill Prokup & Lori (Janko) Wilke
Nicole Norris, Eric Santos & John duncan
Natasha Norris
Amy (Janko) Gahan
& Gina-Marie (Aleksy) tipton
5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m./7:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
So what’S nWith
Alumni: send us your news. The Bedan Record welcomes contributions
to the Alumni class Notes section. Use this form to fax or mail in your
personal and professional news items. Photos, news clippings, etc.,
are also welcome, as well as tips about other alumni who may make
good feature story subjects.
• Submission guidelines: Alumni Class Notes are printed in The Bedan
Record so that Saint Bede alumni can share news of significant events
in their lives. We welcome items about personal and professional
achievements, as well as life milestones such as weddings, births,
adoptions and deaths. Photos and news clippings are welcome, but
cannot be returned.
• Minimum submission requirements: Your legal name, class year
and e-mail address (if applicable); home address; and home phone
number; other useful information includes your business title and
company name.
Name ____________________________________ class year ________
E-mail ______________________________________________________
Spouse’s name ____________________________ class year ________
Address ____________________________________________________
city, State, Zip ______________________________________________
Home phone _______________________________________________
Business name ______________________________________________
Business address ____________________________________________
city, State, Zip ______________________________________________
Your title ______________________________ Years in position ______
What’s new?
Send to:
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
SBA task Force Meeting
3:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
‘drive One 4 Ur School’
test drive Fund
7:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
30th Anniversary
“A Night at the Academy”
Saint Bede Academy
24 W US Highway 6, Peru, IL 61354
Phone: 815-223-3140 • FAX: 815-223-8580
16 q The Bedan record
Jr. High tailgate Party
Home Opener – JV/Varsity
Football vs. Newman
Bags tournament sponsored
by Student Government
6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Green & White Back-to-School
dance sponsored by
SBA development team
11:30 a.m.
All School dedication
of the SBA Fountain
12:00 p.m.
Abbot Philip davey
Legacy Society Luncheon
5:30 p.m./ 7:30 p.m.
JV/Varsity Football vs. Morrison
6:30 p.m.
Homecoming Powder Puff
Football Game
5:00 p.m.
Homecoming Parade
followed by Bonfire
7:30 p.m.
Saint Bede Variety Show
class reunion Gatherings
8:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Jim Lattan Walk/run
Hall of Fame
Induction ceremony
Homecoming JV/Varsity
Football vs. Fulton
class reunion Gatherings
12:00 p.m./2:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
All Alumni Mass
& Golden Bedan ceremony
All Alumni Breakfast
Homecoming dance
5:30 p.m./7:30 p.m. JV/Varsity Football vs. riverdale
(Senior Night)
1:00 p.m.
Holiday tea Party & Style Show
date & time to be Announced
Breakfast with Santa
at the Academy
**For a complete schedule of all Fall athletics go to or contact Tom McGunnigal,
Athletic Director at (815) 223 – 3140, ext. 279
Abbey Views
Father Patrick’s
Icon Writing
Saint Bede Abbey
Peru, IL
July 24-29, 2012
Iconographer Joseph Malham
will offer a five day icon retreat and
workshop in which participants
will learn the ancient and sacred
art of iconography and write their
own icon. the cost for the five
day workshop is $500 per person,
which covers room, meals and
materials including wooden panel,
paint and gold leaf.
this is a beginner’s level
workshop, and no previous art
or icon writing experience is
necessary. this is a silent icon
retreat and participants will have
the opportunity to pray with
the monks of Saint Bede Abbey
through the course of the day.
Space is limited to 10 participants.
So please reserve space soon.
deadline for the participant’s
payment is Monday, July 2, 2012.
Please make checks payable to
Saint Bede Abbey and mail them
Saint Bede Abbey
24 W Us Highway 6
Peru, IL 61354
AttN. Icon retreat
In the 60’s and 70’s Abbot david duncan trained Father Patrick to make
100% beeswax candles for the Abbey’s liturgical celebrations. About 30 years
later Father Patrick decided to further develop his skill of candle making and in
2002 established the Abbey candle Shop to produce candles for the Abbey
as well as to sell them to friends of Saint Bede. He now produces Standard
tapers, colonial candles and Hexagonal tapers in a variety of lengths and
colors. More recently he has developed a line of seasonal decorative candles
including pumpkins, a turkey, a rabbit, a Victorian Santa, a three Angel Votive
candle, a Honeycomb Pillar candle and Advent candles.
You can see a
number of samples in the picture that accompanies this article. If you are
interested in purchasing some 100% beeswax candles, or would like to see the
candle Shop, you may contact Father Patrick at (815)223-3140 or email him
2012 q 17
Be Dedicated to Thanksgiving (Col. 3: 15)
At the Academy Baccalaureate Mass for the class of 2012, I
invited graduates to reflect on all the reasons they should be thankful.
Among those I included all of you who have helped to make their
education at Saint Bede possible. What
really struck me, however, was the
long line of monks who have been
part of Saint Bede. I thought of the
men who come in 1889 to supervise
and help in the building of the Abbey/
Academy building. From that time on
so many others have followed in their
footsteps and have helped to build up
the community and spirit of Saint Bede.
One of those holy men was Father
Marion, the 5th Abbot of Saint Bede,
who died in March. He was a brilliant
teacher who conveyed to the monks and
his students solid information, but more
importantly the love of learning. Many
people remember his sermons for their
simplicity and depth. At the same time
he was a practical man who directed the
construction of the Abbey church, and
the remodeling of monastery rooms for
the elderly and infirm. In recent years,
he provided a listening, prayerful ear
for the guests who came to visit Saint
this will be a busy summer at
Saint Bede Abbey. Sister Mary Forman
OSB will be the retreat master for the
monastic community from May 27 to May
31. She will help us to grow in the wisdom of the desert Fathers
and Mothers who developed the monastic spirituality on which the
Rule of Saint Benedict is based. Some of the monks will be attending
workshops this summer: Father Gregory to the Scripture Workshop at
Mundelein, Brother david to the junior formation institute in Schyler,
Nebraska, and Brother robert to classes at the catholic theological
Union in chicago.
Using our boarding facilities, we will be hosting several retreats
this summer. Father dominic will direct a retreat for herb gardeners
in June. Abbot Philip will lead some of our oblates on a weekend of
reflection on the Prologue of the Rule of Saint
Benedict. In late July, Joe Malham of trinity
Icons will direct five days of retreat in an
Icon painting workshop for beginners. By
the end of the workshop the participants
will have painted their first icon. If you are
interested in information about the Icon
painting workshop, contact Abbot Philip.
there will also be a number of projects
taking place to improve the Abbey and
Academy campus. the bridge to the
cemetery will be replaced, the remaining
structures from the hog farm operation
will be removed and the land prepared
for farming, some needed tuck pointing
will be done on the east side of the
academy building, and the floors of the
abbey choir chapel as well as the top of
the choir stalls will be refinished. the list
could go on and on but suffice it to say
we will be working hard.
I hope that you will enjoy the articles
we have included in this issue of Abbey
Views. You will learn a bit about Father
Patrick’s candle shop. the following
section is dedicated to our Oblate
Program: explaining the purpose of the
program, what our oblates studied this
part year, and the blessings that one person
found in becoming an oblate. You will also be able to read more
about our deceased Father Marion.
Again, I want to express my deepest thanks to all of you who
remain essential members of our Saint Bede community. Without
your help we would not be able to continue our important apostolates
of prayer, education and hospitality. May the Rule of Saint Benedict
be our guide, and may the Spirit of Saint Bede stay with us forever.
What is an oblate?
We at Saint Bede are a community of Benedictine monks, which
means that the religious rule according to which we live, which guides
and shapes our lives together, is that written by Saint Benedict in the
sixth century. When one tries to distinguish and define Benedictine
monastic life, one finds that, celibacy notwithstanding; it is really
a pure distillation of the basic christian life to which we are all
committed by our baptism. And so it is not surprising that christian
lay people have often found the rule of Benedict a source of spiritual
wisdom and of guidance for their own lives.
Some therefore associate themselves with – attach themselves
to, so to speak – a particular monastery of men or women in a
mutually beneficial relationship and dedicate themselves to living
out their baptismal commitment, as far as they are able in their own
vocations, according to the rule. they formalize their dedication by
a rite of oblation, of self-offering, to God in which they state their
intention publicly. Hence they are known as “oblates”.
18 q aBBey Views
to get a good sense of the value of the centuries-old rule of
Benedict for lay people of our day, one need only turn to the works
of such well known spiritual writers as Kathleen Norris and Ester de
Waal, who have written extensively of the role of the rule in their
own lives and, in so doing, helped considerably in making the rule
accessible to other lay folk.
the oblates of Saint Bede Abbey meet monthly from September
to May, on designated Sundays, for choral prayer, group or individual
meditation, a presentation on some spiritual topic, discussion, and
just plain socializing (always with wonderful refreshments). the
group publishes a bi-monthly in-house organ, Our Family News,
each issue of which contains both practical information and an essay
on some aspect of spiritual life.
For more information about the Saint Bede Abbey’s oblate
program, contact the director of Oblates, Brother Nathaniel at
(815) 223-3140, ext. 233.
Guidance, Balance, and Community:
Finding Home as a Benedictine Oblate
Several months after having attended a
meeting of the oblates of Saint Bede Abbey
for the first time, I wrote to Father James, the
director of oblates at the time, that I knew I
had found my home. No longer satisfied with
being a “recliner christian,” comfortable
with my spirituality at a level that demanded
few commitments, and content with private
devotions, I had discovered my prayers
for guidance, balance, and community
pleasantly answered on nervously taking a
seat at the back of the meeting room. the
peace that permeated the room that January
day has permeated every meeting since and
is something continually remarked upon by
regular attendees and visitors alike. Peace
is accessible in abundance at Saint Bede
“Guide me in the path of your
commands, for there is my delight. Bend
my heart to your will and not to love of
gain” (Ps 119:35-36) I love the psalms. they
span the breadth of human emotions, and
they are as relevant today as ever in their
guidance, through the Holy Spirit. One of
the objectives for oblates is to be men and
Father James Murray, refounder of Oblate
program & oblate, Kathy Yerley
women of prayer. Prayer results in guidance.
Oblate meetings include part of the divine
Office, laden with those beautiful psalms,
lectio, a presentation pertaining to spiritual
nourishment and growth, group discussion,
and fellowship. the benefits of partaking of
this support-and-guidance buffet endure as
I return to my daily routines and personal
“But seek first the kingdom of God and
his righteousness, and all these things will be
given you besides” (Mt 6:33). the paradox
of christian teaching continually astounds
me. How can I achieve balance in my life by
concentrating on one objective? the idea
defies my human understanding and baffles
my logical mind, but it has proven to be
true repeatedly. Although I have just started
to study the rule of Benedict, I can already
see the common sense and balance woven
into the rule. the belief that God is present
everywhere allows me to seek his kingdom
regardless of where I am and what I am doing.
When I am open to God’s grace, permitting
me to seek and see him everywhere, my like
is in balance and I am at peace.
2011 – 2012 was a year of getting back to basics for the oblates
of Saint Bede Abbey, a year in which they and I explored humility as
the foundation of the Benedictine way of life. Because the chapter
of humility in the sixth-century rule of Benedict is, not surprisingly,
difficult for twenty-first-century readers to properly understand, we
used our monthly meetings to gradually work up to that chapter
rather than start with it.
After considering two pertinent tenets of our faith-first, that Jesus
christ won salvation for us once and for all by his passion, death, and
resurrection, and, second, that the individual christian, nonetheless,
can attain salvation only by a lifelong process of ongoing conversionwe came to see that the task that lay before Saint Benedict in writing
the rule was one of legislating a way of life that best ensures that
ongoing conversion can and will take place.
An examination of the rule made it clear that its bedrock is a belief
“do nothing out of selfishness or out of
vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as
more important than yourselves, each looking
out not for his own interests, but everyone for
those of others” (Phil 2:3-4). I have so much
yet to learn about the meaning and practice
of community. My mortal and therefore
sinful nature convinces me that simply being
part of the church and practicing my private
devotions (remaining comfortable in the
spiritual recliner) constitutes community.
receiving and applying the understanding
of a unified whole that exists and acts as
one rather than as many individual parts put
together will be a central theme in my oblate
journey. It will require me to leave behind
my secure default position of solitude and
trust the gentle persuasion of the Holy Spirit
to reach out and share the many blessings
God has so graciously given me. I know it
will be challenging and sometimes even
frightening, but God has also provided me
with an exceptional gift of love and support
in my new home, the Benedictine oblates of
Saint Bede Abbey.
Abbot Philip & Dr Valencia
at the Oblate Picnic
in the abiding presence of God-our Father, who revealed himself as a
loving God through the incarnation of this Son, and who ceaselessly
continues to reveal himself as such in the activity of their Holy Spirit in
the church and in our hearts. It also make it clear that the ongoing
conversion that Saint Benedict envisaged for his monks consists
precisely in their constant mindfulness of God’s constant presence
and in the concrete ways in which they should respond to it.
this coming year the oblates will be pondering how they, in their
daily lives outside the monastery, can remain mindful of God’s abiding
presence and respond to it as he would have them respond, or, in
other words, how they can allow God to be more accessible to them
and make themselves more accessible to God.
Br. Nathaniel, Grossmann, O.S.B.
director of Oblates
2012 q 19
The Big Bake
Kaylee Sienza, Father Dom and Xavier Stewart
Each year for Lent, Academy chaplain
Father ronald Margherio challenges each
class to raise the equivalent of $10 per class
member for charity. the period c junior
religion class and I undertook a special project
to bring one of the parables to life in support
of a school in Haiti.
the parable was from Matthew 13:33:
“the kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a
woman took and mixed with three measures
of wheat flour until the whole batch was
leavened.” the amount of flour is the most
surprising element of the parable, which is not
entirely evident in most English translations.
“three measures” is the usual translation for
the original Greek “tria sata” which is a little
over a bushel of flour (1.125 bushels, to be
that’s a ridiculously large amount of flour--you’d need a 100-quart Hobart mixer with
a dough hook as big as your leg to knead
Brendan Zimmerman Eric Li, Bobby Morrow
and Sam Lucas
Touch the Dough
it! translating into kitchen measures, 1.125
bushels is 144 cups of flour. Presuming we
used a common recipe for basic white bread
that uses 5 ½ cups of flour, 144 cups is
enough to make twenty-six batches of bread
of two loaves each, giving us a total of fiftytwo loaves.
We decided that we would try to make
the parable come alive by baking “tria sata”
worth of bread and selling it along with other
Easter treats. there was some skepticism:
Megan tiger admitted, “I kept thinking,
well, the parable’s nice and all, but do people
really want to buy bread?” Others found
the logistics of the project stimulating: Sam
Brolley said, “I enjoyed the planning process
that required compromise and creativity.”
So Holy thursday, after a half day of
classes, we measured out 1.125 bushels
of flour (including some whole wheat we
ground ourselves), mixed the dough in
the abbey kitchen, and then carted all our
supplies to Saint Joseph’s parish hall for the
Big Bake. the students were organized into
teams for dividing and measuring dough,
shaping loaves (Kaylee Sienza proved to have
amazing braiding skills), baking, and clean
up. Others had made rice Krispies treats and
other goodies for the sale, put up signs, and
20 q aBBey Views
delivered the finished loaves.
the hours spent shaping and baking
the bread were especially enjoyable. “this
experience was the most fun I’ve had in a
long time,” said Megan cain. “I got to spend
time with classmates I normally don’t hang
out with, and I got to see a whole new side
of some people. doing this project didn’t
just help raise money, it brought a group
of students closer together.” According to
Bobby Morrow, “It showed me how doing
charity could be a joyful experience.”
doors opened at 3:00 p.m. and we were
sold out of bread in about 20 minutes. Some
people paid for loaves that were still in the
oven and just sat down to wait. After all our
bread and goodies were sold, we had earned
$475—each student had paid $3.00 in
advance to buy groceries, so it was all profit.
When we added our earnings to the funds
collected during lunch periods and at prayer
services, the junior class total was $1,021.00.
Jake Postula reflected, “this project has
opened my eyes about the God-given talents
we possess that allow us to help others.”
In the end, what’s the message of the
parable? It’s simple: the kingdom of heaven
is like a woman who wants to do more than
feed her family: the kingdom of God is like a
woman who wants to feed the world. the
Academy juniors in period c religion class
experienced what the woman in parable
felt and did. Sam Lucas summed it up well:
“Believing in the Gospel and learning from it
are one thing, but living it is what develops
that sense of spirituality that people need in
their lives.”
Jake Postula
the right reverend Marion Balsavich, O.S.B., former abbot of Saint Bede
Abbey, aged 86, died from complications of chronic lymphocytic leukemia on
March 16, 2012 in the infirmary of the abbey where he had been receiving
hospice care for two weeks.
Abbot Marion was born in Springfield, IL on June 11, 1925 and baptized
as Eugene Ignatius. His mother, Mary Marenda, was a native of Spring Valley,
and his father, John Balsavich, was a native of northern Illinois who had come
to Spring Valley to work in the coal mines.
His family returned to Spring Valley in 1926. After elementary education
at Immaculate conception grade school in Spring Valley, he came to Saint Bede
Academy in 1939, initially as a day student, where he excelled academically
and was an active participant in extra-curricular activities. during his last two
years of high school and his first two years of college he lived at Saint Bede as
a boarding student with the intention of entering the monastic community.
His novitiate year was spent at Saint John’s Abbey in collegeville, MN,
followed by simple profession in July of 1946. He spent the next two years
completing college studies, first at Saint Benedict’s college in Atchison,
KS, and then at Saint John’s University in collegeville, MN, from which he
graduated magna cum laude with a BA in philosophy in 1948.
He thereupon undertook further studies in the school of theology at
Saint Bede for three years until 1951, during which he also taught remedial
reading at Saint Bede Academy and Greek in the junior college.
Ordained on September 22, 1951 by Bishop Joseph Schlarman of Peoria,
he was then assigned to graduate study in theology at the international
Benedictine university in rome, Italy, where he obtained the degree of
licentiate in sacred theology (S.t.L.) after two years. He then pursued further
studies for the doctorate in theology and was awarded the S.t.d. degree in
June of 1955.
Upon returning to Saint Bede, Father Marion became the seminary rector
and professor of dogmatic theology, as well as student chaplain and prefect of
the seminary students in the junior college. Beginning in 1957, he also taught
moral theology and offered a course in preaching to the theology students.
In 1962 Father Marion was appointed subprior of the abbey and superior
of junior monks, as well as assuming a number of administrative duties. He
then served as prior of the monastery under Abbot david duncan from 1968
to 1981. during these years he was instrumental in planning the construction
of the abbey church that was completed in 1974 and in facilitating many
of the changes, especially in the area of worship, that were required by the
decrees of Vatican council II.
Upon the resignation of Abbot david in 1981 he was elected fifth abbot
of Saint Bede on April 10 of that year and was blessed on May 25 by Bishop
Edward O’rourke in our abbey church. He served as abbot until he reached
the age of 65 in 1990, when he submitted his resignation as required by the
law in force at that time. during his administration he had spearheaded a
renovation of the monastery that modernized the building and adapted it to
current needs.
during the years when he was abbot he suffered a heart attack, from
which he recovered, and also had surgery for skeletal problems in his back. A
second surgery in 1998 did not completely resolve this issue, and in his final
decade of life he was obliged to wear a leg brace and to use a walker, with
increasing problems of balance.
Nevertheless he continued to take an active part in the community’s
life, especially as guest master for more than twenty years. He also served for
part of this time as director of the abbey’s theological library and oversaw the
scheduling for the use of the abbey church.
Father Marion was a true scholar who daily demonstrated a deep love for
God, the church, his confreres and the many friends and guests who had the
good fortune of spending time with him. He embodied the words of Saint
Benedict that “all guests should be received as christ”.
Using a diagram, Father Marion explains a religious
concept to seniors, George Kapacinskas ‘68
and Larry Snyder ‘68.
2012 q 21
In MeMorIaM
February 6, 2010
Odessa Scherer*
Wife of William Scherer ‘40
* William Scherer ‘40 is not deceased
as noted in the last Bedan Record
December 2, 2011
Dr. Edmund Andracki ‘47
January 19, 2012
March 10, 2012
Lawrence Duncan ‘34
Father of James ‘59
Dr. Paul Wolf ‘53
March 16, 2012
The Right Rev. Marion Balsavich, O.S.B.
St. Bede Abbey
February 10, 2012
Robert Micaletti ‘48
March 20, 2012
Lorraine Johnson
Mother of Larry ’69 & Gerald ‘70
February 26, 2012
Robert Lanciotti ‘56
Rev. Richard Kolczaski ‘47
January 17, 2012
Edmund Engels ‘46
March 5, 2012
April 20, 2012
Patricia Gualandri
Mother of Dean ‘81
Harold Hildebrandt ‘66
Duarte Andrade
Howard Family
Francis Ballerine
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Perona
Rev. Marion Balsavich, O.S.B.
Johanna Bowland
Helen Brown
Mike Brown
Joseph Dooley
John & Pat Gaughan
Dick & Carol Janko
Lorraine Kubera
Betty A. Kunkel
Eugene Lesniak
Dr. & Mrs. Louis P. Lukancic
Paula Maddio
Clydia Marenda
Kathy Martin
Jim Rooney
Virginia Schulte
Jim & Adrienne Stack
Jackie White
Betty Lou Willand
Joe & Mary Beth Zelenski
Kenneth Bernardi
Lorraine Kubera
James Bernicky
Harry & Pam Pappas
Paul Bertsche
Tom & Gerri Cleary
Dolores Boblick
Jim Hargadon
Jim Botts
Jon Wayland
Robert Cappaert
Christina Aversing
John & Nicki Hilligoss
Charles & Ruth Ann Hyser
Martha Nelson
Gilbert Norris
James & Judith Smith
Jack & Kay Whan
John Corpus
Bea Verucchi
Barbara Corsale
Joseph Corsale
Nick & Josephine Corsale
Joseph Corsale
Nicole Corsale
Joseph Corsale
Chuck Dolinger
Fred Golden
Shirley Drost
Marty & Luanne Conrad
Arnie & Lynn Davis
Rita Pearson
Stan & Karen Pearson
Steve & Lisa Pearson
Lawrence Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kotecki
Msgr. Edward Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Duncan
Dan & Susie Lawler
Dick Dunfee
Fred Golden
Joseph Elfring
Tom & Lois Koncan
Bonnee J. Ellerbrock
Kerry & Julie Eilers
Shirley Erlenborn
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wayland
Richard J. Essl
Norb & Betty Dudek
Bob & Connie Marini
Lennart Fahlander
Bill Crane
Joan Crane
Dorothy Fahler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Snyder
Bob Fandall
Fred Golden
Skip Felinski
Jim & Adrienne Stack
Richard Freschi
LaRayne Remkus
Albert Gehrke
Jon & Tami Wayland
Natalie “Nettie” Glupczynski
Arnold & Joann Daley
John & Karen Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. George Knafelc
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kotecki
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Krogulaski
Betty A. Kunkel
Audrey Smudzinski Family
Edward Govekar
Tom & Lois Koncan
Ed & Gail Pasiewicz
Tony & Jean Rygiel
William Gregorich
Bob & Carol Schmidt
Lillian Grotti
Mike & Diane Crowley
Ann Ganze
Sandra Grivetti
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Koehler
Rich & Marcie Koehler
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Krogulski
Jo Ann Legner
Elmer & Jeannie Liesse
Jim & Mary Ellen Mini
Leah Mini
Tony & Gretchen Rigazio
Pat Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Sondgeroth
Eugene Gulandri
Ralph & Marion Grivetti
Phylis Hageman
Ron & Karon Mini
Jack Halm, Jr.
Frank & Carolyn Magana
Tracy Hamrick
Frank & Jackie Assalley
Ron & Kim Groleau
Ron & Carol Kulpa
Don Hann
Terry Templeton
William Hebel, Jr.
Catherine Pelton
William Heffron
Roger Dooley Family
Ed & Reta Ersfeldt
Capt. Thomas Heitmann
Teresa Blomquist
Eureka Savings
JP Chevrolet Nissan
Mollly Kuchenbecker
Janet Leffelman
Heidi Loebach
Lloyd Meador
Judy Novreske
Jason Pisarczyk
Prokup Family
Todd Schmitt
22 q The Bedan record
Mr. & Mrs. John Spoeri
Valley View School
Harold Hildebrandt
Joseph J. Dooley
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gengler
Andrew & Claudia Lynn
Management & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Martinaitis
Randy Martinaitis
Elizabeth Millwood
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Zeglis
Fr. Bernard Horzen, O.S.B.
John & Pat Gaughan
Paul Herrmann
Mischke Family
Mr. & Mrs. William Vlastnik
Sara Hougom
Frank & Carol Drasler
Judy Howard
Donald & Rose Smith
Hattie Hughett
Ron Groleau Family
Ron & Carol Kulpa
Debbie Jo Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Dooley
Lorraine Johnson
Sandra Blanco
Anne Bukovic
Ted & Christy Burke
Jack & Marilyn Bussa
Marty & Linda Cochrane
Steve, Davey & Nicholas Crain
Chuck & Karol Doran
Lyle & Ellen Eiten
Dick & Lori Fiocchi
Loretta Fransen
Helen Gambiani
Ralph & Marion Grivetti
Tom Jacobson
George & Anne Johnson
Gerald Johnson
Larry & Mary Jane Johnson
Maureen Keutzer
Debra Guidorini Leo
Gregg & Joyce Loebach
Joe & Loretta Lorenzi
Rich & Nancy Lucas
Chuck & Emily Marchiori
Laura Margherio
Claude & Lynda McKibben
John & Jean Mignone
Bud & Marsha Moroni
Terry & Debra Murray
Rodney & Jackie Nelson
Leroy & Minnie Padgett
Catherine Pelton
Marcia Pinter
Lorena Reviglio
Peggy Sebastian
Herb & Mary Stith
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Velazquez
Mary Jean Wieczorek
Charles Winans
Mary Jurkowski
Janet Harmon Baum
Margie Kaszynski
Chuck & Carol Swanson
Ellen Katish
John & Karen Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wayland
William H. Kelso
Jack Kelso
Ray King
Dorothy Lund
Freeman Kirzeder
Mr. & Mrs. Edard Krolak
Donald E. Klein
Henry & Deb Hackman
Raymond Klimek
Gene Knafelc
Mr. & Mrs. George Knafelc
Mary Jean Koskosky
Frank & Lorraine Ludford
Ronald & Dorothy Malooley
Tony & Jean Mertel
Margaret Ann Koehler
Evelyn Coulter
Rev. Richard Kolczaski
Terry & Marie Emmerling
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Krogulski
Betty A. Kunkel
Tony & Jean Mertel
Bill & Sandra Perra
Frank & Fran Zeller
Adam Kopplin
Mike Mulligan
Josephine Kossow
Terry & Laurie Arkins
Dan & Linda Ferrari
Bill & Peggy Plantan
Goody & Diane Toraason
Bea Verucchi Family
Mary Koster
Frank & Jackie Assalley
Joanne Koszala
James Hargadon
Jim Hargadon
Constance Kotar
Ronald & Dorothy Malooley
Gwendolyn Kubera
Lyle & Ellen Eiten
Bob Lanciotti
Ron & Karon Mini
Rose Letizia
Tony Rygiel Family
August Liebhart
C. R. Jasiek
George Knafelc
Jerry Sickley
Fern Liner
Bill & Kaye Arkins
Jim Arkins
Marian Costello
Billy Crane
Joan Crane
Dorothy Curry
W. Patrick Dooley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Krolak
Betty A. Kunkel
Jane Kunkel
Dorothy Lund
Bill & Linda Senica
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wayland
Richard Magnani
Mr. & Mrs. Don Bernardi
Ronald & Dorothy Malooley
Ron & Karon Mini
Fran Malpede
Mike & Jeanne Kubera
Geno Martuzzo
Mac & Gina Cawley
Virginia Moran
William Senica
Marge Mueller
Frank & Jackie Assalley
Dale Mueller
Betty Navin
Mike & Diane Crowley
Buck & Bev Emmerling
Terry & Marie Emmerling
Richard & Mary May
Marian Nottoli
Mike Mulligan
John Novario
Frank & Jackie Assalley
Mr. & Mrs. John Fusinatto
Ron & Carol Kulpa
Bea Verucchi
Mary Pagliarello
Adam & Jess Aleksy
Mike & Colette Anderson
Mark & Emily Balestri
Evelyn Biagi
Irma Boyles
Jan Brandner
Anna Cervone
Class of ‘61
Mike & Diane Crowley
Connie Dobrydnia
Sally Eichenberg
Andy Eiten
Karen Eiten
Jim & Rosemarie Fagan
Dan & Linda Ferrari
Bob & Jean Ficek
Mary Fleming
Jason & Amy Gahan
Jim & Pam Giordano
Ron Groleau Family
Shirley Guerrini
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hanley
Lee Ann Hartert
Gene & Janice Jakse
Mark & Leigh Janko
Dana Strell Jauch
Johnson Family
Diane Kaste
Don & Marlene Klug
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Krogulski
Ed & Pat Krolak
Andy & Debbie Kunkel
Esther Lambert
Lambert Family
Leynaud Family
Edith Loger
Mary Beth McGuire
Jim & Treva McPhedran
Mary Beth Meier
Joanne Milby
Jim & Mary Ellen Mini
Florence Moe
K. C. & Mona Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy
Donna Novak
Tom & Rosalyn Pigati
Podein Family
Tim & Eve Postula
Betty Potthoff
Kim Power
Bill Prokup Family
Gino Raimondi Family
Ramirez Family
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ray
Ed & Betty Rogosich
Scott &Maier Runyon
St. Bede Academy Faculty & Staff
Tony & Jenni Shelton
Dave & Debbie Sickley
Jeff & Tammie Sikes
Michael Slingsby
Mike Girton & Jodi Slingsby
Lucille Sommers
Seth Sorrentino
Jim & Adrienne Stack
Ted & Jean Struck
Betty Svocvzek
Neil & Leisa Tipton
Connie Tonarelli
Butch & Gerry Torri
Gerry Vicini
Walinski Family
Mr. & Mrs. James Wall
Art & Mary Ann Windy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Yant
Christine Patrick
Tom & Lois Koncan
Jerry Pienta
Mac & Gina Cawley
Len & Pat Inda
Betty A. Kunkel
Joe & Betty Pienta
Edward & Mary Wieczorek
JoAnn Prostko
Buck & Bev Emmerling
Ronald & Dorothy Malooley
Francis Pyrz
Leo & Mary Plese
Bernice Pyszka
Margaret Gerace
Paul & Carole Perona
Mickey & Jeanette Rodda
Ruvena Reihl
Betty A. Kunkel
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Wozniak
Christ Remgis
Tony Dakewicz
Mitch Riley
Art Otten
Mary Torri
Robert Ruskusky
Elva Bergonia
Drew & Denise Bernabei
Jack Cosgrove
Mike & Diane Crowley
Bill & Jolene Kulpa
Ronald & Dorothy Malooley
Marilyn Yucus
Jessie Salcedo
Manuel Salcedo
Linda Sarosinski
Evelyn Coulter
Joseph V. Dooley
Kathy Martin
Regina Maurer
Bill & Sandra Perra
Bill & Peggy Plantan
Ronald Savitch
Terry & Marie Emmerling
Ronald & Dorothy Malooley
Lillian Seghi
Gary & Kathy Filippini
Jim Shaw
Buck & Bev Emmerling
Barbara Smith
Sandra Grivetti Family
Theresa Sorrentino
Drew & Denise Bernabei
Mac & Gina Cawley
Evelyn Coulter
Leona Gunia
Jim & Sue Happ
Alex & Linda Hueneburg
Tony & Jean Mertel
Bill & Peggy Plantan
Atty. & Mrs. Douglas Schweickert
Ben Sroka
Ron & Karon Mini
Robert Strassburger
Laurie Herlihy
Sylvia Montanan
Morton Chamber of Commerce
G. A. Strange
Richard & Patricia Strassburger
Richard & Kathleen Van Dorn
Mark & Sue VanDeWyngaerde
Daniel Terando
Joe Taliano
Larry Tessier
Ed & Linda Hachenberger
Mike & Ali Rivara
James P. Tiger
Don & Donna Aleksy
Kim Mercer
St. Bede Academy Faculty & Staff
Tom Tonozzi Family
Joe & Mary Beth Zelenski
Elizabeth Torchia
Billy Crane
Joan Crane
Lanny & Christy Slevin
Josephine Torchia
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Stuart
Bridget Treharne
Jim & Leslie Andreoni
Jim Arkins
Terry & Laurie Arkins
Eugene Lesniak
Gary & Lana Peterlin
Joe & B.J. Pienta
Bill & Peggy Plantan
Mark & Reggie Stuart
Cleo Underwood
Joseph Magana
Peter Usuzzo
Michael Mulligan
Robert Wilmot
Joan Crane
Lyle & Ellen Eiten
Agnes Yesinowski
Rena Ingegnoli
Carol Schmidt
Joyce Yocum
Jim & Adrienne Stack
Vio Zanarini
Nellie Cattani
Theresa Connolly
Charles Zichichi
Fred Golden
These names indicate memorial gifts mailed or delivered to Saint Bede
February 1, 2012 to May 15, 2012.
Some memorials, given at the time of visitation,
are presented to Saint Bede by the family as a single donation
without individual donor names.
Each Sunday, Abbot Philip offers Mass in memory of
the deceased listed in this issue and past issues of
The Bedan Record.
2012 q 23
The Bedan RecoRd
Winter Edition 2012
Volume 36, Number 2
Permit No. 100
LaSaLLe, iLLiNoiS
Saint Bede Academy
24 W US Highway 6
Peru, IL 61354-2903
legal title: The Benedictine Society of Saint Bede
Parents: If this issue of the Bedan Record is
addressed to your son or daughter who has
established a separate permanent address,
please notify us of the new address:
(815) 223-3140 ext. 243
Bringing the Spirit of Saint Bede to Epcot
Saint Bede Academy Marching Band performs at Epcot in April 2012