St. Bede Catholic Church
St. Bede Catholic Church
St. Bede Catholic Church 509 South Dallas Avenue ~ Pittsburgh, PA 15208 October 21, 2012 The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reverend Edward M. Bryce, Pastor Reverend John Twinomujuni In Residence Reverend Michael Mburu, A.J. Mass Times: Daily: 7:00 & 9:00 am Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 and 12 Noon Confession: Saturday: 2:30 pm and after 5:00 pm Mass Any other time, please call the rectory Baptism and Weddings: By appointment only Rectory: Fax: School: 412-661-7222 412-661-9337 412-661-9425 Parish Pastoral Council: Perry Blatz Lisa Bush Elizabeth Cwenar John Delaney Angela Maher Mary Anne Mason Tracey McCarthy Deborah McMahon Daryl Milliner Shellie Oakley Nancy O’Brien Christopher Reiling Daniel Siewiorek Kelly Weixel Organizations and Officers: Mrs. Judith Meyers, Parish Secretary, 412-661-7222 Sr. Mary Elizabeth Schrei, S.C., Pastoral Associate, 412-661-9425 x 13 Ms. Mary Drummond School Principal, 412-661-9425 Ms. Rosemary Fitzgerald, Business Manager, 412-661-7222 Mrs. Bridget Kelly, CCD, Sunday School of Religion, 412-661-9425 x 12 Mrs. Stefanie Bonavita Parent Teacher Guild, 412-243-1381 Mr. Gary Kline, Music, 412-687-5503 Mrs. Jennifer Gorske, Music, 412-244-0171 St. Vincent de Paul, Rectory, 412-661-7222 Mrs. Dorothy Hays, St. Bede Guild, 412-242-6875 Mrs. Sarah Corcoran, Christian Mothers, 412-241-5401 Mrs. Helen Daley, Senior Citizens Coordinator, 412-441-5592 Mr. Thomas Ayoob, Athletic Association, 412-362-5533 Mrs. Chiara Watkins, Altar Servers 412-362-1518 Mrs. Rita Scholle, Web-Administrator/Meeting Room Scheduler 412-243-3078 Mrs. Dorothy Gloninger, Flowers, 412-242-6897 MASSES FOR THE WEEK VIGIL (29th Sunday in Ordinary Time) 5:00 p.m. Jock Joyce (Pearl McCourt) SUNDAY (29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME) [21] 8:00 Mrs. Betty Goldcamp (LoBello Family) 10:00 Evelyn Diana (Josephine Scampone) 12:00 For All the People of the Parish MONDAY (Weekday) [22] 7:00 Mrs. Stella Konchak (Carroll & Turner Families) 9:00 Rita Reiling (Mary Newell & Family) TUESDAY (Weekday) [23] 7:00 T & S. Well-being: Gary, Pat, Kary &Andy 9:00 C. A. McInerney (Family) WEDNESDAY (St. Anthony Mary Claret, bishop) [24] 7:00 Thomas Clancy (Frances Clancy Family) 9:00 Klikowicz Family (Eva Tumiel—Kozak) THURSDAY (Weekday) [25] 7:00 Mildred & William Kunz (Connie & Jack Kunz) 9:00 John Bryce (Paul & Mary Lydon) FRIDAY (Weekday) [26] 7:00 T. & S. Well-being: Carolyn, Scot, Reece, Blake & David 9:00 Rita Reiling (Parish Pastoral Council) SATURDAY (Weekday) [27] 7:00 Joseph & Maureen Vigliotti (John & Lisa Bush) 9:00 Jock Joyce (Sisk Family) VIGIL (30th Sunday in Ordinary Time) 5:00 p.m. For All the People of the Parish SUNDAY (30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME) [28] 8:00 John Joyce (David & Ellen White) 10:00 Alice Villing (Bud & Nancy O’Brien) 12:00 Dolores Voelker (Ianni Family) SICK LIST Pray for Mary Podercheck, Regis Griffin, John Ceric, Joanne Schwarz, Kevin O’Brien, Mary Jane Tirk, Mizan Berhe, Al Kiefer, Debra Tenney, Lucy Schoyer, Maureen Budway, John Davis, James Walsh, Julian Zekan, Joann Dzikowski, Fran McCarthy, D.J. Stinelli, Peter McKinney, Lillian Rice, Agnes Fox, Joseph Hamm, John di Battiste, Gavin Boyle, “Baby Lucy”, Bonnie Richards-Takacs, Susan Delaney, Dennis Hurley, Dr. Charlie Staley, Paul Lydon, Frances Galardi, Larry Werner, Helen McKinney, Bill Lotzmann, Ellen Pagnotta and all those in need of our prayers who wish to remain anonymous. ***** ALL SOULS DAY, Nov. 2— EVENING MASS @ 7 P.M. Our evening Mass on All Souls Day will be for all our parishioners and other loved ones who have gone to God this past year. We will continue the practice of recent years of lighting a candle for each parishioner and family loved one that we have lost. Of course, all are invited to attend and participate fully in praying for our faithful departed. Please contact Sr. Mary Elizabeth if you are a family member of one of our departed and plan to attend this Mass. (412-661-9425 x13) ***** FBAMC cont. The items NOT in need are: Clothing, Computers & Monitors, Printers, Stuffed Animals, Text Books & Encyclopedias, Bread machines & TV’s. The exclusion of clothing surprised me. I will check on this item again. If, however, you intend to donate clothing, I am sure that St. Vincent de Paul will welcome the gift with gratitude. REFLECTIONS “ THE CUP THAT I DRINK YOU WILL DRINK, AND WITH THE BAPTISM WITH WHICH I AM BAPTIZED, YOU WILL BE BAPTIZED; …” We must not be disturbed by the brashness of the young Apostles James and John asking for places of honor beside Jesus in the Kingdom. Nor should we be upset by the ‘oh so’ human response of the rest of the Apostles to their request for preference. They did respond positively to Jesus question to them of their willingness to “follow Him”, though they had little idea of what was to be entailed. Brash? Yes! Part and parcel of their faith in Jesus? YES! While Jesus took the occasion to teach the importance of service, I cannot help but think of the lesson to all who make and keep their baptismal vows. There will be the cup to drink and the baptism to be imparted, but in faith the true goal is RESURRECTION! THE E-MAIL A PASTOR LOVES TO RECEIVE: “On behalf of the inaugural St. Bede Crusaders varsity soccer team, I am pleased to report that with our 7-0 victory over St. Ursula on Saturday afternoon, we have clinched the Section 4 championship in the Diocese of Pittsburgh Soccer League. We will also be the #2 seed in the diocesan divisional tournament which start Nov. 1 and includes the top teams from Sections 3 and 4. We are currently 7-0, with one more game to go before the tournament. Thank you for this opportunity to coach such a great group of kids. I think they're truly living up to the diocesan athletic principle to "have fun, make friends, and celebrate life." Ken Zapinski Thank you, Ken, and all your coaches and “staff” for your dedication to the parish and the kids. MSGR. RALPH BEITING APPALACHIAN MISSION For three score years Monsignor Beiting has made his way north to Point Breeze from Louisa, Kentucky to engage us in his apostolic work on behalf of the poor of Appalachia. It has been a blessed project. Of course, we will miss his charming presence and his captivating stories of real life in the mountains. God called Father Ralph to Himself this summer. I am sure the heavens thundered with the Lord’s resounding, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!” This year Dominic R. Capria, Director of Operations for the Father Beiting Appalachian Mission Center has agreed to come to be with us on the weekend after Thanksgiving. He will fill us in on the transition and how their work will still welcome our involvement. Dominic did send me their priority NEED list: it includes Furniture, Appliances, Electric Heaters, Pots, pans and utensils, Building supplies, Tools, NonPerishable food items, Diapers, Paper products, Cleaning supplies, Bottled Water (all sizes), Lightly used toys, Bedding, School Supplies, Personal Hygiene Products. Please continue to keep Msgr. Beiting in your prayers. (cont. col. 1) Protecting God’s Children St. Paul Cathedral 108 N Dithridge St Lower level of the Cathedral Contact Fr Steven Palsa 412-621-4951 x13 October 25, 2012 at 7:00 PM Children’s Liturgy of the Word Service Project – Operation Christmas Child collects and donates gift-filled shoeboxes to needy children which individuals, churches, and groups in the United States and around the world prepare and collect. The shoeboxes are sent to children in over 100 countries in Asia, Africa, and South America. Brochures with information about how to fill and donate a shoebox are located at the back of the church. More information is available at Although this service project was chosen to allow the children of St Bede the opportunity to learn to work together with others and serve those in need, all parishioners are welcome to participate. Please contact Carolyn Weber at 412-521-1748 or for further information. Specific instructions are available on the Saint Bede web site. THANK YOU UPDATE to the 72 individuals who volunteered for S.O.S. Our next project is the Appalachian Clothing Drive. Please contact Paula Blaney 412-363-3965 or Sue Rudzki 412-687-4470 if you can be available the day after Thanksgiving to make light work of loading the truck for Kentucky. More info to come! RITE OF INTENTION FOR CONFIRMATION-At the 10:00 a.m. Mass this weekend the eighth grade students will declare their desire to enter fully into their preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. They ask you, the parish community of St Bede, to support them with your prayers. You can do this by picking a card from the RED BASKET in the back of Church. You are asked to say the prayer on the card for the young person whose name is on the card. Pray that they may feel the graces of the Holy Spirit as the Confirmation preparation continues throughout the year. Please pray also for the diocesan bishops, our pastor, teachers and parents who are preparing the candidates for this sacrament. THANK YOU to JUDY and CHUCK LIGHTNER and the UNITY COMMITTEE for hosting a wonderful WELCOME SUNDAY last weekend. Friends old and new enjoyed one another’s company along with delicious breakfast refreshments. Parish Directory Update: We have received a proof of the directory and are very excited about the results. Thanks to the commitment of many volunteers, the Lifetouch professionals and the 300 families and individuals that are pictured, this has been a very successful project. Directories should be received sometime in early November and will be distributed after masses. Triple 3 Club - The 2012-13 Triple 3 Club has started! We have 9 memberships remaining for a donation of $100 each. In exchange for your donation, you will be assigned four random 3-digit numbers. If one of your numbers matches the 7:00 drawing of the Saturday PA Lottery drawing, you win $150! Congratulations to recent winners: Joe & Jennifer Mico (10/13), Chiara and Dan Watkins (10/6), Sherri Knight (9/29) and Carrie & Skylar Van Soest (9/22 - $1,000 Grand Prize Drawing). If you would like to purchase one of the remaining memberships and help fund technology investment at St. Bede School, please send a $100 check, payable to St. Bede PTG to the school office (attention Triple 3 Club) or drop it in the collection basket. Please provide your name, address, phone number and email address. On Sept. 22nd, the St. Bede School cafeteria was transformed into an Italian Trattoria for the 2011-12 Triple 3 Club Party. We wish to thank Jennifer & Joe Mico of Pino's Contemporary Italian for catering the event with such culinary delights as Italian roast beef, chicken scallopini, Sicilian eggplant, and a chef-made strawberry mascarpone cake. Moving the event in-house saved us over $1,000 in party expenses, helping us to put more of your generous donations to use for the students. Thank you to all who helped with the event including Carol Azar, Diana Buck, Jennifer & Ralph Hamilton, Beth Jack, Kathy Osth, the Mico family, Linda Rizk, Andrea Rockovich, Carolyn & Doug Weber, and all of the party goers who helped restore order to the cafeteria at evening's end. If you have any feedback to share about the party or questions about the Triple 3 Club, please contact Stefanie Bonavita at St. Bede Parish Unity Committee will be holding a mobile Central Blood Bank Drive on Nov 11,2012. The hours will be 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The need for blood increases during the Holiday's, which is why we chose to do this now. t's truly an unselfish act of kindness to others, and you will know that you will have helped to save 3 lives. We are encouraging parishioners to use Face Book to spread the word ,or any means possible, even word of mouth. Please engage your family and friends to donate. For information or help making an appointment please contact Annie Reck at DOCSERVANNIE@AOL.COM, OR Melissa Schuetz at We truly appreciate your cooperation with us and look forward to seeing you on November 11! You can make an appointment for Sunday Novemebr 11 by going to click make an appointment, under new donors choose click here for a quick search of donor centers and mobile drives, then choose search mobile drive locations, then choose group name search, then choose church drives, page through the list until you find Saint Bede and then click on the date and follow the prompts. You can also search with sponsor code G0040055 Coupons for the Military Please remember to clip those coupons that you do not plan on using and donate them to the military. The clipped coupons can be placed in the container in the back of the church. Expired coupons are acceptable. Thank you to all those who have given coupons so far. ST. BEDE ACTIVE DUTY Lt. W. Douglas Chrisner, USNavy; Flight Surgeon with HMW-362 Please continue to search for pictures of ‘your’ family member who has served in the Armed Forces of the USA. We need to recognize their gift to us with prayers and thanks. Please continue to search for pictures in uniform of your veteran. Further, if you would be interested in being part of the Memorial Committee (it is still in formation) please contact Kathy Haupt ( or call the Rectory. MEET MOTHER & CHILD SANCTUARY VOLUNTEERS B. Tierno LECTORS - October 27-28 5:00 Perry Blatz 8:00 Joe Goldcamp 10:00 Justin Krauss 12:00 Mary Jean Havern EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - October 27-28 5:00 Bernadette Harris, Margaret Soboslay, Diane Totten 8:00 Joan Price, Paul Brecht, George Danko 10:00 John Belechak, Lynda Burkel, Nancy O’Brien 12:00 Betsy Cwenar, Paul Scholle, Rita Scholle ALTAR SERVERS - October 27-28 5:00 Luisa Watkins, Aria Eppinger 8:00 Madeline Denko, Gannon Leech 10:00 Anna Gorske, Joseph Fantini, Mia Fantini 12:00 Chase Murton, Martin Scholle CANTORS & CHOIR MASS - October 27-28 5:00 Erin Acton 8:00 Anna Scheid 10:00 Choir 12:00 Lisa Colautti DEADLINES! Bulletin announcements - Mondays at noon to Rita Scholle at Flyer inserts - Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. to Sister Mary Elizabeth at Mass announcements - Fridays at 9:00 a.m. to Sister Mary Elizabeth at Protecting God's Children: Diocese of Pittsburgh Hotline: 1800-808-1235. SHADYSIDE BLOOMFIELD 6214 Walnut St 5300 Penn Avenue 412-661-6282 412-661-3134 Edward G. McCabe, Supv. Now Hiring! DEAN HONDA 2918 Lebanon Church West Mifflin, PA 15122 412-466-8120 • $14.95 OIL CHANGE AT SERVICE DEPT. (most makes & models) Also Lifetime FREE state inspections and 1st scheduled maintenance FREE with purchase of any new or used vehicle. Edward G. McCabe Jr., Supv. Owned and Operated by the McCabe Family 412.731.0733 Wagner Quality Shoes Brian F. Boyle M.D. New Balance - SAS - Ugg Red Wing - Dansko & More 4313 Butler St., Lawrenceville Rewarding Work 412-682-2759 with Seniors Quality, Comfort, Fit New to Pittsburgh? Mary Jo Breen Downsizing? 412-952-2522 Lifestyle changing? Senior transition? Call me Today! 1211 S. Main St., Greensburg JFK Piano & Furniture Service (724) 832-9590 Catering to Interior Designers Member, American Academy of PM&R Specializing in Piano, Retirement Villages and AANEM. Quick, convenient nerve & Small Residential Moves studies for Westmoreland County patients. Cell (412) 760-9283 JACK KLEMM Evening hours available. E-mail (412) 241-0542 Michael J. Boyle Meyer, Unkovic & Scott LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 412-224-2595 Electrical Services 1300 Oliver Building Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Licensed and Insured (412) 456-2810 TREDWAY PAINTING Maureen States Interior / Exterior, Broker 412-241-4700 EXT. 11 Wall Paper Removal, Pressure Wash, Bastone Auto Service Seal Decks, Concrete. A family business since 1959 Over 15 Years Experience. • Courtesy Shuttle available • ASE certified technicians • AAA approved Insured, References. South Highland and Alder 235 ½ Carron Street DAVE TREDWAY (412) 736-3237 PA077128 412-361-3554 Fax# 412-362-7449 Trevor A. Lloyd 1102 South Braddock Ave., Suite 3, Pgh, PA 15218 412-243-4120 JOHN A. FREYVOGEL SONS, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Serving Pittsburgh Owned and Operated by the Freyvogel Family Since 1907 for more than John A. Freyvogel, III F.D., Supervisor J. Kirk Freyvogel, F.D. 4900 Centre Avenue at Devonshire • 412-621-1665 • 100 Years. Hot Metal Harley-Davidson 1122 Lebanon Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15122 412-464-9453 Your Dream. Our Passion. Starting January 2012 7332 Penn Avenue Open Mon-Sat 11am-7pm Pittsburgh, PA 15208 Serving sandwiches, salads, wraps & soups (412) 241-4830 Delivery for lunch Email: website: Owner: Jay Boyle Catering for any occasion and size with fresh made meals by our own chef Chimney Repair Brick Cleaning BILL McDONOUGH MASONRY POINTING Mortar Color Masonry Repairs Matching 412-243-5688 100550 St Bede Church Mike Newell Agent Insurance & Financial Services 4516 Liberty Ave. 412-621-0600 CHRISTINA SCHMELER D.D.S. John C. R. Kelly Realty, Inc. 3535 Boulevard of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Multi List Member FAMILY, COSMETIC, AND IMPLANT DENTISTRY 728 COPELAND STREET PGH, PA Ridgeville Street Townhouses Monthly Rent: $1,195 412-683-3304 P: 412-683-7300 Your One Stop Pet & Plant Shop Weekly Tropical Fish Specials Visit Our Greenhouse 2225-31 Murray Ave. at Nicholson 10% DISCOUNT WITH COUPON UNTIL 412-521-2770 OCT. 28, 2012 EXCLUDES DOG AND CAT FOOD For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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