November 23, 2014
November 23, 2014
St. Bede Catholic Church 509 South Dallas Avenue ~ Pittsburgh, PA 15208 St . Bede Mission Statement ~St. Bede Parish is a Roman Catholic faith community located in Point Breeze with members from the East End neighborhoods of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ~Rooted in our Baptism and centered in the Eucharist, we share responsibility for the mission of our parish and the universal Church. ~Blessed by our legacy of faithfulness and commitment, we reach out to include the diverse population of our dynamic city neighborhood. ~We seek to deepen our faith in all stages of our lives, to bear witness to Christ’s teachings in the secular world, and to serve the needs of others. NOVEMBER 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Reverend Edward M. Bryce, Pastor Reverend John Twinomujuni In Residence Reverend Michael Mburu, A.J. Mass Times: Daily: 7:00 & 9:00 am Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 and 12 Noon Confession: Saturday: 2:30 pm and after 5:00 pm Mass Any other time, please call the rectory Baptism and Weddings: By appointment only Rectory: Fax: School: 412-661-7222 412-661-9337 412-661-9425 Parish Pastoral Council: Perry Blatz Lisa Bush Elizabeth Cwenar John Delaney Carmine Fantini Justin Krauss Mary Anne Mason Deborah McMahon Nancy O’Brien Marybeth Olander Lenny Phillips Karen Poirier Jean-Jacques Sène Daniel Siewiorek Organizations and Officers: Mrs. Judith Meyers, Parish Secretary, 412-661-7222 Sr. Mary Elizabeth Schrei, S.C., Pastoral Associate, 412-661-9425 x 13 Ms. Mary Drummond, School Principal, 412-661-9425 Rev. Mr. Rick Tucek, Business Manager, 412-661-7222 Mrs. Shari Fetzko, CCD, 412-661-9425 x 12 Mrs. Beth Bandurski & Mrs. Carolyn Weber Parent Teacher Guild, 412-271-6814; 412-521-1748 Mr. Gary Kline, Emeritus Music Minister Mrs. Jennifer Gorske, Music Min, 412-244-0171 Mrs. Carla LaRoccaDiDonato Music Min. 412-422-2460 Mr. Gerard Rohlf, Music Min., 412-731-7179 St. Vincent de Paul, Rectory, 412-661-7222 Mrs. Dorothy Hays, St. Bede Guild, 412-242-6875 Mrs. Sarah Corcoran, Christian Mothers, 412-241-5401 Ms. Helen Daley, Sen. Cit. Coordinator, 412-441-5592 Mr. Carmine Fantini, President, SBAA, 412-422-2867 Mrs. Chiara Watkins, Altar Servers 412-362-1518 Mrs. Rita Scholle, Web-Admin/Meeting Room Scheduler 412-243-3078 Mrs. Diana Buck, Flowers, 412-260-8857 Mrs. Julie Hilzendeger, Mrs. Kathleen Patton, Bulletin, Mrs. Glennen Lloyd, Newsletter, MASSES FOR THE WEEK VIGIL (Christ the King) 5:00 p.m. Dr. Eugene Hile (Family) SUNDAY (CHRIST THE KING) [23] 8:00 John (Jock) Joyce (Family) 10:00 Giovanni Martini (Mary Grace Diana) 12:00 For All the People of the Parish MONDAY (St. Andrew Dung-Lac, priest, companions, martyrs) [24] 7:00 Dolores Elk (Family) 9:00 *T. & S. W-b: Matthew Bauerle 7:30 PM - Community Thanksgiving Service at Temple Sinai, Forbes Avenue TUESDAY (Weekday) [25] 7:00 Charlie Cornyn (Mike DiBattiste) 9:00 Marie McInerney (Family) WEDNESDAY (Weekday) [26] 7:00 Nancy Jean McFadden (Joe & Helen McKinney) 9:00 Betty & Rudy Schrei (Family) THURSDAY (THANKSGIVING DAY) [27] 7:00 Rev. Paul R. Rindos 9:00 Bill Lotzmann (James & Andrea Getsy) FRIDAY (Weekday) [28] 7:00 Charlie Cornyn (Michael Daley)) 9:00 Jason R. Boehm (M/M Timothy Conn) SATURDAY (Weekday) [29] 7:00 Marcella Galda (Sean & Bridget Kelly) 9:00 Martin Whelan (Sarah Corcoran & Family) VIGIL (First Sunday of Advent) 5:00 p.m. Martin Trichtinger (Scholle Fusco Family) SUNDAY (First Sunday of Advent) [30] 8:00 For All the People of the Parish 10:00 Barbara Owsinska & Barbara Kozak (Eva Tumiel - Kozak & Family) 12:00 For All the Souls (Bui Family) *T.&S.W-b: = “temporal and spiritual well-being:” SICK LIST Pray for Marie Boyle, Willa Campbell, Linda Carr, Bruno Cassara, Eumenia Castro, John Ceric, John Davis, Susan Delaney, Ruth Ann Donnelly, Jacqueline Dumond, Herbert Durbeck, Judith Dyke, Joann Dzikowski, Joseph Esposito, Agnes Fox, Frances Galardi, Patty Gillespie, Regis Griffin, Joseph Hamm, Fran Kalinowski, Paul Lydon, Fran McCarthy, Stephen McCloskey, Ruth McGill, Dorothy Meyers, Rita Miller, Giovanna Nistico, Kevin O’Brien, Ward Olander, Libby Regan, Joanne Schwarz, Judy Siewiorek, Mary Jane Sisk, Rex Smith, Margaret Soboslay, D.J. Stinelli, Mary Jane Tirk, Arlene Trichtinger, Sandra Vesely, James Walsh, and Julian Zekan and all those in need of our prayers who wish to remain anonymous. ********************************************** SIGNS OF ST. BEDE GENEROSITY Offertory Collection Actual Budget Over/(Under) Sunday: 11/16 $10,167 $10,912 ($745) Yr. to date $210,333 $229,152 ($18,819) *************************************************** REFLECTIONS “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him.” Though already present in his Church, Christ’s reign is nevertheless yet to be fulfilled ‘with power and great glory’ by the King’s return to earth. This reign is still under attack by the evil powers, even though they have been defeated definitively by Christ’s Passover. Until everything is subject to him, ‘until there be realized new heavens and a new earth in which justice dwells, the pilgrim Church, in her sacraments and institutions, which belong to this present age, carries the mark of this world which will pass, and she herself takes her place among the creatures which groan and travail yet and await the revelation of the sons of God.’ That is why Christians pray, above all in the Eucharist, to hasten Christ’s return by saying to him. Marana tha! “Our Lord, come!” (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC] (671) ***** COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE For 39 years the various religious communities in the East End of Pittsburgh have come together at Thanksgiving time to pray together and to offer to God our thanks for the many blessings that enrich us all. The service this year will take place on Monday, November 24 at Temple Sinai at 7:30 p.m. THANKSGIVING DINNER INVITATION Once again an invitation is extended to all who would otherwise be alone on Thanksgiving Day. Come to the Rectory and enjoy with us a turkey dinner. November 27, 2014. Call the Rectory, please, 4112-661-7222 if you plan to come. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We welcome into the Church of Jesus Christ through the saving waters of Baptism: Matilda Marie, daughter of Christopher and Cheryl David Amar and Andrew Garczyk, son of Gregory and Jennifer Garczyk Ullom. May Matilda Marie and Andrew grow strong in faith within the love of their families and this parish. CURIOUS INQUIRY! If anyone is seeking to get rid of a refrigerator that is still functional, please let the Rectory know of this opportunity. We are aware of someone in need of such a gift. Many thanks! IMPORTANT: The issue of the PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC this weekend was mailed to every registered household in this parish, courtesy of the parish. This particular issue is packed with information about our faith including articles about the upcoming visit of Pope Francis next fall, the recent Bishop’s meeting in Baltimore and the beginning of Advent which starts next Sunday. Be sure to put this on your reading list. APPALACHIAN CLOTHING DRIVE: TRUCK LOADING: We are gearing up to pack 500+ boxes in the truck that will travel to Kentucky next Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Our faithful, trusty driver, Paul, will be here with the truck by 9:30 a.m. In order for him to be on the road by 10:00, we need a crew of strong, robust packers! Please see the signup sheet on the white board in the back of Church or contact Sr. Mary Elizabeth 412-669425 x13 / RETIREMENT FUND for RELIGIOUS - Never counting the cost, some 35,000 senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests like them—have offered their lives in service to others. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious provides funding for prescription medications, nursing care, and more. Please be generous. CORE - YOUTH MINISTRY - CORE Nights - Due to the retreat and Thanksgiving, there will be no youth group on Nov 23 or Nov 30. The next CORE meeting will be Dec 7. All teens and their friends are invited to come. Fall Retreat - This weekend, Nov 21-23, is the Pittsburgh Fall Retreat. There are 6 teens from St. Bede going and each are very excited. Please pray for all who are going. Teen Hang Out - The next teen hangout will be Dec 3rd from 4-6pm. All teens are invited to come hang out with Julie, do homework, watch movies, etc. Service Opportunity - There is a service opportunity for all teens interested. St. Bede needs help loading their clothing drive truck on Black Friday, Nov 28. If you are interested please contact Julie for more info. CHECK OUT CORE! See what is happening with our Youth Ministry on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter @core_sbyg JOURNEY FROM GRIEF TO HEALING During the Holidays - St. Joseph Spirituality Center will sponsor Journey From Grief to Healing During the Holidays, on two Tuesday afternoons (December 2 and 16) from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Sessions consist of input, sharing, and mutual support – helping to cope with loss during the holidays. There is no fee. To register, call 412-600–3247. MARK YOUR CALENDARS The St. Bede Guild Holiday Party will be December 6th at the Pittsburgh Field Club. Info - Judy Hays Daw, 412-486-0302 or Kathleen O’Brien 412-441-5731 9th annual St. Bede Pasta Dinner on Friday, January 23rd. For info - Megan Walsh CITY DINING CARDS - will be available at the Guild Holiday Party and after Masses on December 6 & 7. SENIOR CITIZENS' CHRISTMAS PARTY - The St. Bede Senior Citizens will celebrate Christmas with a luncheon on Tues, December 2nd at 12 noon in the Activities Room. Our parishioner, Sean Kelly, will be the caterer. RSVP to Dorothy Hays at 412-242-6875 by Nov. 30th. PARISH SURVEY - Complete your survey now! SBAA CHRISTMAS TREE SALE - SBAA Christmas Tree sale starts December 4. Mon- Thurs 5:30p -8:30p; Fridays 5:30p - 9p; and Saturday and Sunday 9a-9p. CALLING ALL BAKERS! - The Hoilday Guild Party is looking for your homemade baked goods. Please bring baked goods to the school office by Noon Fri. Dec. 5th. Questions or need a different drop off - Rayme Olsavsky at 330-518-9381 or Thank you! ST. BEDE WELCOMES NEW PARISHIONERS: Karyn Maria Sulit Mr. & Mrs. Jon Weiss Marcella 4yrs. Gisella 2yrs. ANGEL TREE 2014 - Once again, St. Bede Parish is sponsoring a Christmas Angel Tree to help those who are less fortunate. In the past years we have been able to provide gifts for hundreds of children and adults in need. The recipients of our generosity are from the Holy Family Institute, Auberle, Bethlehem Haven, Lifeline, Every Child, Inc., St. Vincent de Paul, and the parish needy. Instructions: Choose an Angel tag from the tree and be sure to register it by printing your name & phone number neatly on the tag. Drop the tag in the gold box. This is the only way we have to keep track of who has taken which gift tag!!!Buy a gift for the person on your tag. Wrap gift & bring it to any WEEKEND Mass by Sunday, December 7th, or leave gifts at the RECTORY any day. HORN CONCERT - The Pgh. Horn Club's fall concert will be held TONIGHT (Sun.) at 7pm in the church. Enjoy beautiful music played by members of the Pittsburgh Symphony & area French hornists, with reception to follow. The concert is free but a goodwill donation will benefit both St. Bede and the PHC. ST. BEDE FINE ARTS ASSOC. NOTES: The Pittsburgh Horn Club, founded by members of the Pittsburgh Symphony, is enjoying its 4th year as “Artists in Residence” at St. Bede! This free club welcomes French horn players of all ages & abilities. The PHC is grateful to St. Bede Parish and Choir for their support. More information? or YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM - The Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation (BGC) is seeking 18-21 year olds who are having difficulty gaining permanent employment. Each youth will be paid by the BGC for 150 hours of work that leads to permanent employment at a quality worksite. In addition to paid work, free bus passes, and educational trips, each youth will receive a customer service credential and career guidance. Those seeking to enter college or trade school will be provided with support. Call 412-254-4007 & leave message with your name, address, phone number. ST. BEDE PREPARES FOR ADVENT Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (later. Pope Benedict XVI) Reflections on the Encyclical “Redemptoris Mater” Marian Mediation So far, we have described very generally the possibility and limits of mediation in dependence upon Christ. Basing himself on this description, the Pope goes on to develop his terminology. Mary’s mediation rests upon participation if Christ’s mediatorial office, in comparison to which it is in a positon of subordination and service. The Pope borrows these terms from the Council. Also borrowed from the Council is Pope’s claim that Mary’s task of mediation flows “from the superabundant merits of Christ, relies on his mediatorship, depends completely upon it, and draws from it its entire efficacy” (Lumen Gentium, #60). Consequently, Mary performs her mediation in the mode of intercession. The foregoing is true not only of Mary, but of any human cooperation in Christ’s mediatorship. It thus does not yet tell us how her mediation might differ from that of other human beings. But the Pope does not stop here. Even though Mary’s role of mediation is continuous with the nature of creaturely cooperation in the work of the Redeemer, it nonetheless has and ‘extraordinary’ character. It uniquely transcends the mode of mediation that is in principle possible for every man. The encyclical also develops this train of thought under the tight control of the biblical text. DEADLINES! ♦ Bulletin announcements - Mondays at noon to ♦ Flyer inserts - Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. to Sister Mary Elizabeth at ♦ Mass announcements - Fridays at 9:00 a.m. to Sister Mary Elizabeth ♦ Newsletter - By the 12th of the month to SANCTUARY VOLUNTEERS- November 29 & 30th Barbara Tierno and Pat Griffin LECTORS - November 29th and 30th 5:00 Kelly Weixel 8:00 Mary Jean Havern 10:00 Tim Burke 12:00 Melanie Sammons EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - November 29 and 30th 5:00 Jim Sahovey, Kathy Haupt, Kathy Spechtold 8:00 Lisa Bush, Cathy Fitzgerald, Bridget Kelly 10:00 Nancy O'Brien, Tom McGough, Eric Setzler 12:00 MaryJo Breen, Diana Buck, Rita Scholle ALTAR SERVERS - November 29th and 30th 5:00 Eithne Hartnett Ben Azar 8:00 Madeline Denko Nina Fratto 10:00 Benito Countouris Cecelia Costello Maria Costello 12:00 Danielle Sene Lina Sora CANTOR / CHOIR - November 29th and 30th TBA Protecting God’s Children: CHILDLINE Report suspected child abuse 1800-932-0313 Diocese of Pgh Victim Abuse Hotline 1-888-808-1235 THE LIGHT OF FAITH Faith and Truth 25. Today more than ever, we need to be reminded of this bond between faith and truth, given the crisis of truth in our age. In contemporary culture, we often tend to consider the only real truth to be that of technology: truth is what we succeed in building and measuring by our scientific know-how, truth is what works and what makes life easier and more comfortable. Nowadays this appears as the only truth that is certain, the only truth that can be shared, the only truth that can serve as a basis for discussion or for common undertakings. Yet at the other end of the scale we are willing to allow for subjective truths of the individual, which consist in fidelity to his or her deepest convictions, yet these are truths valid only for that individual and not capable of being proposed to others in an effort to serve the common good. But Truth itself, the truth which would comprehensively explain our life as individuals and in society, is regarded with suspicion. Surely this kind of truth — we hear it said — is what was claimed by the great totalitarian movements of the last century, a truth that imposed its own world view in order to crush the actual lives of individuals. In the end, what we are left with is relativism, in which the question of universal truth — and ultimately this means the question of God — is no longer relevant. Pope Francis’ Encyclical: “Lumen Fidei” (25) BLOOMFIELD SHADYSIDE 5300 Penn Avenue 6214 Walnut St 412-661-3134 412-661-6282 Edward G. McCabe, Supv. Owned and Operated by the McCabe Family Fine Custom Cabinetry at Affordable Prices Manager – Joe Goldcamp W: 724-763-7057 H: 412-371-0634 New to Pittsburgh? Downsizing? Lifestyle changing? Senior transition? Edward G. McCabe Jr., Supv. Trevor A. Lloyd Parishioner Office: 1-412-243-4120 1102 South Braddock Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15218 Mary Jo Breen For over 100 years Family owned & operated 412-952-2522 1-800-860-3794 Call me Today! Parishioner Yvonne Wingard PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 860.399.1785 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Wagner Quality Shoes New Balance - SAS - Ugg Red Wing - Dansko & More 4313 Butler St., Lawrenceville 412-682-2759 Quality, Comfort, Fit *First Three Months JOHN A. FREYVOGEL SONS, INC. The primary care physicians for your car... 235½ Carron Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 412-361-3554 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Owned and Operated by the Freyvogel Family Since 1907 John A. Freyvogel, III F.D., Supervisor J. Kirk Freyvogel, F.D. 4900 Centre Avenue at Devonshire • 412-621-1665 • MikeAgent Newell Insurance & Financial Services 4772 Liberty Ave. 412-621-0600 Serving Pittsburgh for more than 100 Years. Hot Metal Harley-Davidson JFK Piano & Furniture Service Catering to Interior Designers Specializing in Piano, Retirement Villages & Small Residential Moves JACK KLEMM Cell (412) 760-9283 E-mail (412) 241-0542 1122 Lebanon Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15122 412-464-9453 Your Dream. Our Passion. A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. John C. R. Kelly Realty, Inc. 3535 Boulevard of the Allies • Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Multi List Member Ridgeville Street Townhouses Monthly Rent: $1,295 P: 412-683-7300 DEAN HONDA.COM 412-466-8120 911 Clairton Blvd. Rte. 51 • Pleasant Hills, PA 15236 • $15.95 OIL CHANGE AT SERVICE DEPT. (most makes & models) Also Lifetime FREE state inspections and 1st scheduled maintenance FREE with purchase of any new or used vehicle. Rent A Honda Dean’s Car Wash Low Rates • 1 Free Day Rental with 1 Paid Day Rental 1 Free Car Wash with with purchase of One Email for Coupon Email for Coupon 100550 St Bede Church Michael J. Boyle Meyer, Unkovic & Scott LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1300 Oliver Building Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 456-2810 Chimney Repair Brick Cleaning BILL McDONOUGH MASONRY POINTING Mortar Color Matching Masonry Repairs 412-243-5688 Serving You With Excellence 10940 Frankstown Road • Pittsburgh, PA 15235 412.241.5415 • fax: 412.241.0312 Bernadette L. Rose, Funeral Director Supervisor BELLISARIO’S AUTO BODY, INC. THE INSURANCE EXPERTS Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. “Specializing in Fine European Automobile Collision Repair” Joe Bellisario, President For further information, please call the Parish Office. 3750 Childs Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 687-9258 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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