st. bede church - St. Bede Catholic Church


st. bede church - St. Bede Catholic Church
36455 N. Wilson Road, Ingleside, IL 60041
November 1, 2015 • All Saints Day • Church website:
We pray for our Parish deceased 2014- 2015
Please pray also for those from the broader Ingleside/Fox Lake area
Shirley Magenta
Arthur Hunt
Virginia Sandre
Kelly Schoenberger
Adelia Hopp
LaVerne Jorgensen
Kathleen Zeien-Clark
Jack Hartnett
Rita Kurash
Estelle Borowczyk
Mary Piff
Barbara Hudson
Kenneth Kuper
John Walker
Carl Tadavich
Barbara Corcoran
Irene Urbanski
William Mikulcich
Mary Schroth
Priscilla Mazur
Carroll Marski
Veronica Graf
Adeline Warzenski
Christopher Suddeth
Sandra Plaiss
Robert Kramer
Karrie Reitz
John Horan
George Kozisek, Jr.
Marlene Moulis
Gabriel Bako
Lee Macaluso
Gladys Gort
Alfred Juras
Val Wilson
Justin Greenenwald
George Kozisek, Sr.
Johnny Griskenas
Janet Donehey
Light Eternal, shine upon them forever; May they rest in peace.
Today’s Liturgy
The Liturgy of the Eucharist
The Liturgy of the Word - Readings #1209
Presentation Hymn:
Gathering Hymn:
For All the Saints
Responsorial Psalm: 1209
Lord, This Is the People
Gospel Acclamation: 231 - Alleluia
Holy Acclamation:
Mem. Acclamation:
Great Amen:
Lamb of God:
Communion Hymn
Recessional Hymn:
885 - For All the Saints Who’ve Shown
Your Love
233 - Holy Holy
236 - Save Us, Savior of the World
237 - Amen
663 - Lord of All Hopefulness
539 - Sing With All the Saints in Glory
2 — All Saints Day · November 1, 2015
From Our Pastor, Fr. Shawn Gould
Support our Future Campaign Update
I want to thank Tina Lutzke, Gia Gries, Jacinda Collins, and all of the volunteers who participated in the Halloween
Hustle fun run/walk for the school. They raised more than twice the amount that had been the goal. And they
established a new and fun tradition for the school and parish community! Personally, I would like to thank all of
those who were willing to sponsor me! I was praying for you all while I walked my 5K.
As I mentioned at the end of the Masses last week, the Archdiocese agreed last Wednesday to lower our escrow
goal to $240,000. Why the change? Back in July, they gave us a goal of $310,000. That amount was derived from
an initial projection of our 2016-17 budget, which in turn was based on our 2015-16 budget. Since then we have
had many hours of meetings and have been able to provide additional information to the Archdiocese, such as a
more concrete sense of our enrollment for this year (which is currently 174 students). We were also able to
rework an initial 2016-17 budget. Our revised budget for next year reduces the school operating deficit and puts
the parish in a position to offer a subsidy to the school from church operating income.
Where are we in terms of meeting the $240,000 goal? This is our present status:
Endowment Fund:
Donations Received:
Bede Bash Proceeds in Excess of Budget:
Halloween Hustle Fun Run (projected):
$ 6,146.32
$ 12,000.00
We also are expecting additional donations from the following sources:
Remaining Campaign Pledges:
Corporate Matching Donation:
If we receive all of the funds that have been committed to the campaign at this time, our total of cash and hard
commitments to contribute equals:
I want to thank all of those who have sacrificed and put so much time and effort into working on this challenge:
our donors, the school and church staffs, the BSJ and the Parents’ Association, and our fundraising volunteers.
We have accomplished so much, especially in such a short time. I hope you feel proud of what we have done!
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 3
Please Pray for the sick and
homebound of our parish...
Dolores Allred
Jacob Baldassano
David Barnes
Marcia Beake
Rich Becmer
Barbara Bernardi
Deacon Phil
Phil Bickford
Reggie Bolan
Eric Brown
Patricia Bulauski
Dolores Clausen
Lynn Cook
Bob Conway
Mary Conway
Joy Cortesi
Cathy Cyrzan
Everett Donarski
Jerry Eisenhower
Pat Fernandez
Brigid Finan
Fr. Fitzpatrick
Denise Freund
Peri Freund
Bill Freundt
Dennis Frey
Mary Frey
Laurel Fritz
Deborah Glen
Bernadette Haase
Rosemarie Hadley
Jorie Hamsin
Linda Hausen
Jacqui Hebein
Jeanette Hill
George Hoefle, Sr.
Dan Jakes
Frank Jiracek
Frank Keenan
Margaret King
Ron Korytowski
Diane Labriola
Tim LaCreta
Debbie Laurie
Charlee Lawson
Patsy Leonard
Mary Lisuzzo
Charmaine Malecki
Don Manthei
Sharon Marchetti
Joyce Matthei
Deacon Jack
Colleen Michaelson
Jake Mosansky
John Mueller
Mary Ann Nelson
Tom Newby
Veronica Olson
Sharon Palms
Pat Pawlis
Mary Pejril
Kim Petrie
Lawrence Pichotti
Melissa Powell
Manuel Prez
Rosemary Ptak
Kayla Radtke
Lydia Reca
Gretchen Renlund
Marilyn Ring
Daanish Rizwan
Joan Roden
Paul Roden
Sue Rodman
J.J. Rodriguez
Helen Rosing
Julienne Scheibe
Christine Schultz
Leonard Schultz
Bill Shafer
Jerry Smith
Robert Snyder
Scott G. Stafort
Roger Swiss
William Terry
Kris Teska
Carol Teufel
Ron Teufel
Lenore Trausch
Heather Van Daele
Kindi Warren
John Wells
Marilyn Wielgos
William E. Wollmuth
Florence Wrobel
Virginia Zeifert
Jason Zdon
…and for all whose names are written in our parish book of
intentions. Please call the rectory at 847-587-2251 if you or
your family member needs to be added to or removed from
the prayer list.
Readings for the Week
Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11; Jn 6:37-40
Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24
Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33
Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8
Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11;
Lk 16:9-15
1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28;
Mk 12:38-44 [41-44]
Mass Intentions
All Saints Day
Saturday, October 31
5:00 PM Paul Flaskamp, req. by Leo Urbanski
Sunday, November 1
7:00 AM Alfred & Dorothy Regner, req. by Regner Family
9:00 AM Charles & Marie Skittino, req. by Chuck & Marilyn
11:00 AM People of the Parish
4:30 PM People of the Parish
Monday, November 2 — All Souls’ Day
8:15 AM Purgatorial Society
Tuesday, November 3
8:15 AM Purgatorial Society
Wednesday, November 4 — St. Charles Borromeo
8:15 AM Lesia & Bill Boyczuk, req. by Paly Family
Thursday, November 5
8:15 AM Edward Peterson, req. by Marilyn & Suzanne Sink
Friday, November 6
8:15 AM Andrew Schmittlein, req. by Family
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, November 7
5:00 PM People of the Parish
Sunday, November 8
7:00 AM Dinicola Family, req. by Mr. & Mrs. Curran
9:00 AM Ted Matthei, req. by Joyce Matthei
Fred Dietz, req. by Theresa Dietz
Deceased Members of the Women’s Club
11:00 AM People of the Parish
4:30 PM People of the Parish
Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.
— Psalm 24
We pray for the repose
of the souls
of all those who have died.
May They Rest in Peace.
George Hoefle, Sr.
4 — All Saints Day · November 1, 2015
St. Bede School News
We are currently
accepting new students
for this school year.
Please contact us
at 847-587-5541 or
for more information or to
schedule your tour.
Upcoming Events
November 4 — Open House,
9:00 to 11:00 AM
November 7 — Holiday Bazaar,
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
November 20 — Boston Market Fundraiser
Open House
Wednesday, November 4th
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
St. Bede Catholic School
Educating a New
Generation of Leaders
Preschool to Grade 8
Faith-based Academic Program
Full Day and Half Day Preschool
Full Day Kindergarten
Before and After School Care
Financial Aid
Competitive Sports Program
Are you a graduate of St. Bede School?
We’d like to tell your story!
Please contact us at:
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 5
St. Bede Annual Holiday Bazaar
Saturday, November 7, 2015
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Get into the holiday spirit!
Join us for your holiday shopping with popular brand name vendors and handmade creations!
Come and shop the vendors and crafters you know and love…plus meet some newcomers!
We will also have a raffle table, bake sale, concessions, and more!
In the Faith Formation Center • 36399 N. Wilson Road • Ingleside, IL 60041
We host a handicap accessible show with additional parking at Gavin School (Rte. 59 and Wilson).
For more information, please email
or call Elizabeth McLaren at 847-845-6385
YOUTH CHOIR for Christmas Eve
Over the past several years, children of St. Bede Parish have been
part of a youth choir that sang for the 4:00 PM Mass on Christmas
Eve (Thursday, December 24th). We would like to invite all young
people of the parish, in grades 3 - 12, to be part of this celebration,
once again. Rehearsals will take place on Thursday afternoons in
November and December, from 4:00 - 5:30 PM, in the church.
These will begin November 5th. There will not be any practice
the week of Thanksgiving. During Christmas week, our final
rehearsal will be on Wednesday, December 23rd at 4:00 PM.
If you like to sing and want to be part of this special group, please
email Mrs. Gina Buckley at: or call
the parish office at 847-587-2251 and leave a message for her.
Please consider beginning your Christmas holiday in this very
special way.
6 — All Saints Day · November 1, 2015
Advent Calendars
A sweet tradition —
and a daily anticipation —
for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The First Sunday of Advent:
November 29 ,2015
Advent Season:
A Family Faith Tradition
Advent Calendars
IN EACH WINDOW, there is a piece of gourmet milk chocolate
along with a Bible text that tells a part of the Nativity story.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________ Email: ______________________________________________
I will pick up at the Holiday Bazaar on November 7 — (9 a.m. – 3 p.m.): ______________________
I will pick up on Sunday, November 21-22 after Mass: ____________
Number of Calendars ____________ x $5 each = ______________ Check No. ______________
Please place your orders in the collection basket or via mail, rectory or the school.
Payment can be made to St. Bede. Thank You!
We also have a 4 pack of candles for $5.00 and a simple wreath for $10.00.
Knights of Columbus Breakfast Buffet
Sunday, November 8th After all Masses
Coleman Hall
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 7
St. Bede Youth Ministry Group
All students - grades 6th thru 12th
Come together to learn more about your faith
and enjoy fellowship with others
Meetings are every 2nd & 4th Sundays
We meet at the Knights House from 5:30 – 7:00 PM
No Tricks, But Only Treats!
Please help our St. Vincent de Paul Society!
We'd like to help out our local food pantry at St. Bede and also help out with the monthly free dinner provided
to the community. So let's warm some people's hearts with some heartwarming treats such as cans of soup or
bags of candy. We will be collecting these items until Friday, November 6th. Thanks for sending any unopened
bags of candy, and cans of chicken or beef soup, or canned spaghetti products. They are always in need of these
items. Your donations can be dropped off at the school, rectory, or the St. Vincent de Paul blue bin in the vestibule
of the church. Thank you!
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Families and the Gospel
Parishioners! If you know of any individual, family or
friend who is in need of food, please have them contact
the St. Bede Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 224-3602562. All information is kept confidential. Also, we
welcome them to attend our community dinner in
Coleman Hall (church basement) on the 3rd Sunday of
every month. The doors open at 3:30 PM and the
dinner is from 4:00 - 5:30 PM.
Masks are common at Halloween. Is your family hiding
behind the mask of The Conforming Family and quietly
blending into the culture? A Christian family is baptized
to be different and to make a difference. — by Bud Ozar
Our current Food Pantry needs:
Canned Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Mashed Potatoes
Just a reminder that the needy in our community
depend on your donations. The St. Vincent de Paul
poor boxes are located at the exits of the church.
Thank you!
Is the Spirit nudging you?
“He is able for all time to save those who approach God
through Him, since He always lives to make intercession
for them.” Are you being called to help others approach
the mercy of God as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated
life? Call Father Francis Bitterman at 312-534-8298, or
8 — All Saints Day · November 1, 2015
As most of our parishioners know, St. Bede complies with the policies and procedures required by the Archdiocesan
Office for the Protection of Children and Young People. These policies and practices form the framework through
which we fulfill the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) promise to protect children and promote
healing of victims / survivors of clerical sexual abuse. What this means practically is that all School and Parish
employees, and all volunteers over age 18 who work with children on our premises in conjunction with school and/
or parish sponsored activities or events are required to meet specific standards or they cannot be employed or be
accepted as volunteers.
In an effort to apprise all of what is required of volunteers and employees, the following summarizes the key
elements of the policies and procedures:
All are required to complete an online application which authorizes a criminal background check;
All are required to attend a 3-hour training program and respond to monthly bulletin updates;
All are required to agree to and sign the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct;
All are required to annually sign and submit a copy of the Illinois Department of Children & Family Services
Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System form (CANTS form) which is reviewed by the DCFS for abuse and
neglect offenses;
All school employees and clergy (including priests and deacons) are Mandated Reporters by State law and
are required to complete Mandated Reporter Training. In addition, Directors of Religious Education,
Catechists, Youth Ministers and Athletic Coaches are required as of this year to also complete this
All school employees hired on July 1, 2007 and later have been required to be fingerprinted for the
background check.
In addition, each year the children in both our Religious Education Program and our School receive safe
environment training.
We wish to thank all our volunteers who maintain their compliance and give up their time to perform the various
ministries to which they feel called. We also ask that they respond to the soon to be sent annual request to
update their compliance documentation.
All Souls Mass to remember, in a special way, our 2014-2015 Parish deceased
Monday, November 2, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the church
All Are Welcome
Firewood For Sale — The Knights have been collecting dropped trees and are selling seasoned
wood once again. The cost of a face cord is $95.00—free delivery if within 5 miles. Stacking will be an
additional $5.00. If you would like wood delivered, please call Leo at 847-909-4259 or Ed at 708-305-7215.
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 9
Stewardship Update
Week at a Glance
Parish Stewardship Report
Weekend of October 24/25, 2015
17th Sunday of the 2016 Fiscal Year
15 via Give Central
211 envelopes
Loose cash
Sunday Collection Total:
2nd Collection: Refugees
Building Repair/Maintenance
Current Fiscal Year (2016)
Average per Sunday - $9,604.83
$ 163,282.14
Last Fiscal Year (2015)
Average per Sunday - $9,665.72
$ 164,317.29
2nd Collections for November:
Nov. 1: Support Our Future
Nov. 8: Faith Formation
Nov. 15: Building Repair/Maintenance
Nov. 22: Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Nov. 29: No Second Collection
Please see Fr. Shawn’s letter on page 2 for the most
recent update on SUPPORT OUR FUTURE.
Thank you to all for your support as we strive to support
the future of our school!
In the meantime donations may be made through which can be accessed through either
the Church or School website. Checks or cash with the
indication of SUPPORT OUR FUTURE are also appreciated.
Any questions and/or suggestions pertaining to this
campaign may be emailed to
Monday, November 2
• Girls Volleyball/Boys Basketball Team Pictures —
5:00 - 7:00 PM, Gym
• Brownie Troop Meeting — 6:00 - 7:00 PM, Room 110
• Girls Scouts — 6:30 - 8:30 PM, Fitz Hall
• All Souls Mass — 7:00 PM, Church
Tuesday, November 3
• Staff Meeting — 5:30 PM, Conference Room
• Bible Study — 6:30 - 7:30 PM, Knights’ House
• Boy Scout Troop 85 Meeting — 7:00 - 8:30 PM,
Fitzpatrick Hall
• Baptism Prep Class — 7:00 PM, Coleman Hall
Wednesday, November 4
• School Mass — 8:15 AM, Church
• St. Bede School Open House — 9:00 - 11:00 AM
• Religious Ed, 1st - 8th Grades — 6:30 - 8:00 PM, FFC
• Bede Bash Follow-up Meeting — 6:30 PM,
Conference Room
• BSJ Full Board Meeting — 6:30 PM, Room 111
Thursday, November 5
• 6th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball Games, St. Bede vs.
St. Joe — 6:00 & 7:00 PM, Gym
• Parents First Reconciliation Meeting —
7:00 - 8:30 PM, Coleman Hall
• Student Council Dance — 7:00 - 9:30 PM,
Fitzpatrick Hall
• St. Bede Choir Practice — 7:00 - 9:00 PM, Church
Friday, November 6
• Staff Development Day/No School
• Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament —
6:30 - 7:30 PM, Church
• Evening of Discipleship for CRHP — 7:00 PM, Library
Saturday, November 7
• St. Bede Holiday Bazaar — 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, FFC
Sunday, November 8
• Knights of Columbus Breakfast Buffet —
After All Masses, Coleman Hall
• Religious Ed, Pre-K - 8th Grades —
9:30 - 10:40 AM, FFC
• Children’s Liturgy during Mass — 11:00 AM
• Mother/Son Bowling — 12:00 - 1:30 PM,
Raymond’s Bowl, Johnsburg
• Baptisms — 12:30 PM, Church
10 — All Saints Day · November 1, 2015
St. Bede Women’s Club
Annual Floral Demonstration
The St. Bede Women’s Club invites all the women of the parish and their
friends to our annual floral demonstration presented by Sue Glashagel
of Prunella’s Flower Shoppe. Sue will create some beautiful and
seasonal flower arrangements as we watch. The arrangements will be
given away as door prizes at the end of the evening.
Join us on Monday, November 9th, at 7:00 PM in Coleman Hall. After
the floral demonstration, we will have a prayer service for the deceased
members of the Women’s Club and a short business meeting.
Club members whose last name begins with A through G are asked to
provide refreshments and to help with the clean up after the meeting.
Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women
(ACCW) 84th Annual Fall Assembly Breakfast
Ann Wach and Mary Ann Danko, Co-Presidents of the St. Bede
Women's Club, attended the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic
Women (ACCW) 84th Annual Fall Assembly Breakfast at the
Belvedere Chateau in Palos Hills on October 24th with Nancy Klein,
our 2015 Woman of the Year. Archbishop Blase Cupich was
originally scheduled to be our guest speaker but Pope Francis needed him more in
Rome for the Synod of Bishops. He did send his best wishes to the 2015 ACCW
College Scholarship Recipient, Parish Presidents of the Women's Clubs, and the
2015 Vicariate Women of the Year/Women of Distinction. Events of this kind
replenish the soul and spirit, being welcome reminders of what can be done
through membership.
Have you been planning to make a change in your life, but you can’t find the time and energy? Maybe we can help.
The Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago provides counseling services at our
office in Mundelein and other locations. We have affordable fees, and we accept private pay and/or behavioral health
insurance. We are in network with BC/BS PPO. To schedule an appointment or find out about our other locations,
please call Catholic Charities’ Holbrook Counseling Center at (847) 782-4049.
St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 11
Congratulations Newly Baptized — Sunday, October 11, 2015
Emily Julianne Berger
Beckett Blume Norby
Imani Isabel Deleon
Callie Dane Shankle
12 — All Saints Day · November 1, 2015
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for November 7/8
Fr. Gould
Fr. Gould
Deacon Zeifert (preach)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
J. Hebein
K. Hoxie
C. Magnine, B. Galloway, H. Le
7:00 AM
Fr. Gould
Deacon Zeifert (preach)
B. Obenauf
A. Gort
D. Jakes, M. Obenauf, B. Obenauf
9:00 AM
Fr. Kinn
A. Wach
C. Carpenter
T. Carpenter, D. Cotter, C. Cunningham
11:00 AM
Fr. Gould
Deacon Spohr (preach)
K. Simmett
B. Tilli
L. Mahoney, J. Miculinich, K. Pederson
4:30 PM
Fr. Gould
Deacon Spohr (preach)
M. Young
4 PM Confessions
5:00 PM
Ministers of Care Schedule for November
Paradise Park
Lakeland Apartments
Nov. 6
Nov. 13
Nov. 20
Nov. 27
Nov. 8
Nov. 15
Nov. 22
Nov. 29
Ann & Frank Wach
Ed Portalski
Gregg Zeifert
No Service
Sandra Prez
Bill & Mary Lou Obenauf
Tina Carpenter
Ed Portalski
See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.
— 1 John 3:1
Meat Raffle at
Four Coyne’s Grill & Bar
Tickets are 4/$1.00
Come and take a chance on winning your choice of meat
every Saturday at 2:00 PM at Four Coyne Grill & Bar in
Round Lake. All proceeds are donated to St. Bede by one
of our parishioners, Tom Coyne.
New Parishioner Registration
or Change of Address
Place in the collection basket to receive a registration form.
You are registered when that form is returned to us.
If you are changing your address, check here
Name _________________________________________
Winner is selected each Saturday at 2:00 PM and given
the choice to choose from steaks, roasts, chops, ribs
and/or chicken. Also, after the meat raffle there is a
drawing for 2 free drinks. All are invited to stop by for
some good times, food and a chance to win from a
selection of great meats.
Address ________________________________________
Four Coyne’s Grill & Bar/847-740-3742
302 Nippersink Road, Round Lake
City ________________________ Zip ________________
Apt. # ________ Phone # __________________________
If you would like a parish registration form emailed to
you, please provide your email address below:
St. Bede Parish Mission Statement
“St. Bede Catholic Church is a welcoming spiritual community
where sacraments, education and evangelization lead us to Jesus Christ.”
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Shawn Gould, Pastor (
Rev. John F. Krebs, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Robert J. Fitzpatrick, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. James W. Kinn, Weekend Assistant
Phil Bertolani, Deacon (Holly)
Jack McMahon, Retired Deacon (Marge)
Larry Spohr, Deacon (Fran), Pastoral Minister
Gregg Zeifert, Deacon (Eileen)
Parish Office Staff
Fred Konopasek, Business Manager
Elaine Kavanaugh, Parish/School Bookkeeper
Jane Nischan, Administrative Assistant
Parish Office: 847-587-2251/Parish Fax: 847-973-1765
St. Bede School & Religious Education
36399 N. Wilson Road, Ingleside, IL 60041
Patricia Strang, Principal
School Office: 847-587-5541/School Fax: 847-587-2713
Mark Buckley, Director of Religious Education
Mary Richards, Religious Ed Administrative Assistant
Religious Education Office: 847-587-2301
Web Address:
Weekly Mass Schedule
Monday thru Friday: 8:15 AM
Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 4:30 PM
Holy Day Masses
As scheduled in the Bulletin.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:00 to 4:30 PM in the Church.
Second & Fourth Sundays of the month at 12:30 PM.
Registration is necessary by phone or at the Rectory.
Preparatory instruction for parents is required.
Call the rectory at least 4 months in advance.
Communion for Homebound
Call the rectory at 847-587-2251.
New to the Parish? Welcome to St. Bede
Please call parish office to register yourself and/or your family.
Parish Pastoral Council: Bob Fesus, President
Market Day, Audrey Mathis: 847-587-7251
Parish Email Address: