July 26, 2015 - Saint Bede the Venerable Parish


July 26, 2015 - Saint Bede the Venerable Parish
Saint Bede the Venerable
Founded 1965
1071 Holland Road • Holland, PA 18966
Web Site: www.st-bede.org
Rev. Monsignor John C. Marine
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Sean A. Loomis
Rev. Matthew J. Tralies
Parish Office
Hours: Mon-Fri 8a.m. to 9p.m.
Sat 9a.m. to Noon
Fax Number
Office Manager
Barbara Rogowski
Office Secretary
Kimberly Muldoon Ivenz
Patrick McNally
Music Coordinator
Susan DiFlorio
Facilities Manager
Tina Engle
Religious Education/C.C.D.
Director. Religious Education
Carole Obrokta
Administrative Assistant
Linda Bourcet
Parish Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Maritza Carmona-Kelly
Eucharistic & Devotional Celebrations
Vigil Mass (Saturday Evening): 5:30PM
Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:00AM, & 12:30PM
Weekday Masses (Monday through Friday): 6:30 & 9:00AM
Saturday Mass & Miraculous Medal Novena: 8:30AM
Holy Days (Except Christmas & New Year's) Vigil Mass: 5:30PM
Holy Day Masses: 6:30, 9:00AM, 5:30PM, & 7:30PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Saturday): 4:00 to 5:00PM
Parish Rosary (Tuesday). 7:15PM
24-Hour Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Parish Nurse Ministry
Sacramental Sponsorship - For letters of eligibility, one must be a registered
Parish Nurse
Kris Ingle
member of the parish for six months or more (a reference letter from your previous
parish will be accepted). Please contact the Parish Office five days in advance.
Baptism - Usually celebrated on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. MANDATORY
Pre-Jordan Classes are held on the 2nd Sunday of the month. PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED - call the Religious Education Office.
Marriage - Saturday weddings are 10:00AM, 12:00 Noon, & 2:00 PM. It is
Diocesan policy that arrangements must be made AT LEAST 6 MONTHS prior to
the wedding. Information on Marriage Instructions can be obtained from the
priests. Information on music, call Susan DiFlorio at 215-891-0869.
Anointing of the Sick - In case of serious illness (or advanced age), please call
the priests. Hospital cases should contact the Chaplain, but the Parish Office
should be notified so one of the priests may visit the patient.
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturdays 4:00 PM to 5 PM, Wednesdays of Lent
at 7 PM, or by appointment with a priest.
St. Katharine Drexel
Regional School
Laura Clark
Advancement Director
Lisa James
Grade School Secretaries
Debra Guarino
Kathleen Young
July 26, 2015
St. Bede 103
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
A Message From Your Pastor
Scripture Readings
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 2, 2015
My Dear Parishioners,
As you know from previous announce-
Exodus 16:2–4, 12–15
Psalm 78
Ephesians 4:17, 20–24
John 6:24–35
Asked about Moses and the manna in the desert,
Jesus tells the crowd that the bread of God gives life to
the world. Then He goes on to say that He Himself is
the bread of life. Accustomed as we are to hearing this
phrase, especially in Communion songs, it is a phrase
worth meditating on. As we hear God’s holy word proclaimed, let us listen for clues about what it means for
Jesus to be the bread of life.
ments in this column, the governance of our
parish school is changing somewhat as we
transition to a Board of Directors, with limRev. Monsignor
ited jurisdiction. This Board of Directors
John C. Marine
model is similar to what governs most of the
Catholic academies in our area.
It allows for the development and promotion of the regional
school to reside with several people of the community, with
many and varied talents. In a previous bulletin column, I announced the names of those members, and for your reference,
you can find their names on our website (how to find it).
At this time I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Mary T.
Michel, recently retired as President of Villa Joseph Marie
Academy here in Holland, has accepted the invitation of Fr.
Michael Davis (Assumption Parish), Miss Laura Clark
(Principal), and myself to become our first Board Chairperson. We are so fortunate that a person of her educational background and experience, combined with such a dedication to
Catholic education, has accepted this leadership position on our
board. We welcome her to St. Katharine Drexel School!
Now that we have reached the mid-point of summer, I know
that many parishioners are enjoying their summer vacations. If
you are not travelling to a far-away place or the shore, and you
are wondering what to do with your free time, I have a suggestion: why not start your day by attending weekday Mass in our
lower chapel? With only a brief homily for reflection, the Mass
lasts only 20-25 minutes. And it is a great opportunity to quietly
and peacefully experience Holy Mass.
In the meantime, May God Bless all of our parishioners with
a safe and restful remainder of summer!
Welcome Our
New Parishioners
Andrew & Michele Keefe family
Melanie Johns family
Parish registration can take place immediately after Mass
by seeing one of the priests, or ask an usher or greeter
for further details.
Remember The Deceased
Regina Lynch
We are united in prayer with their families and with one
another awe and all the faithful departed await our rising with the
Holy Baptism
Congratulations to Gavin Patrick Barrett,
Robert Cohick III, Christian John Folz, and
Andrew James McClelland, who were recently
baptized in our church.
Welcome to the St. Bede Community!
Food Gift Cards Needed
Adoration Chapel
Altar Candle Dedication
I have been getting requests for food and gas gift cards
over summer months for those in need. Cards can be purchased in
the parish office and left in the Parish Nurse Mailbox. Due to the
shortage in our food pantries there has been more requests. The
food collected on Sunday goes to Jesus Focus food pantry where
people are being directed. Thank you for your generosity.
- Kris Ingle, Parish Nurse
July 26, 2015
July 27 - Aug. 2
In thanksgiving for all God’s blessings!
Req. by Linda Bourcet
Dedications are still available for 2015! Just come into the Parish
Office. Candle dedications are a $30 donation for the week.
St. Bede 103
Pilgrimage to Feast of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
50th Anniversary
Commemorative Book
Now that our 50th Anniversary year is over,
with all of its successful and joyous monthly
celebrations, we come to the last and perhaps
greatest task: compiling a commemorative
book that will help us to recall these memories
for years to come. It will also share the interesting history that has shaped us into the vibrant
community of faith that we are.
A committee of parishioners is compiling,
writing and editing what will be a 50th Anniversary, limited edition, keepsake book. The
committee envisions a book worthy of display
in your home, on the coffee table, or as the perfect Christmas gift.
The book will contain over 100 pages of history, stories, pictures and personal testimonials
from former priests, religious, etc., that will
help us to cherish and preserve the memories of
50 years for generations to come. The book will
be available for purchase in mid-November,
2015, if not sooner.
The anniversary committee would like to
invite as many parishioners as possible to be a
part of this historical record. A special section
of the book will contain a listing of the names
of book patrons, living and deceased. A donation of $30 for a single line listing in this section will also entitle the donor to a free copy.
Below you will find a sample form to assist
you in making a listing in this special section.
We ask that you complete the form and attach it
to your donation, and drop it off at the Rectory
as soon as possible.
You are invited to join Monsignor Marine and several of
our parishioners who are planning a pilgrimage to the Feast
of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (La Madonna del Soccorso)
held at Holy Saviour Church in Norristown on Sunday,
August 16, 2015. This traditional Italian Festival starts with
Solemn Mass at 11:30 a.m. followed by a procession
through the streets during which 25 men carry the Statue of
Our Lady. The procession concludes with Solemn Benediction followed by social festivities.
Anyone interested in carpooling or need directions
please call Ed Rogowski at 267-252-1412 or call Barb
Rogowski at 215-357-5720 or by e-mail at
brogowski@st-bede.org. We leave St. Bede at 10 a.m.
Pro-Life Mass for the Unborn
Friday July 31 at 7 p.m.
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church
611 Knowles Ave.
Southampton, PA
After Mass, there will be a prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood, 610 Louis Dr., Warminster. If you have any questions,
please contact Teresa Snyder at 215-672-7355.
Casserole Program for
Saint John’s Hospice
St. Bede Parish
50th Anniversary
Commemorative Book
Patron Listing
I know the summer is a
crazy time for everybody, but
please don’t forget those in
need and less fortunate than us.
St. John’s Hospice depends
solely on donations of casseroles to keep their wonderful
program up and running. Won’t you join us as we try to
help those that are hungry get a hot, nutritious meal ? Interested?? I hope so!!! Please call Barb McKeever with
any questions- 215-364-2733. Thank you so much.
July 26, 2015
(Example): Mr. & Mrs. Bob Holland
□ Living
□ Deceased
St. Bede 103
10th Annual Parish Picnic
Sunday, September 20, 2015
2 p.m. to 7 pm.
Swap Shop
If your child has graduated from
Saint Katharine Drexel School or he or
she has just outgrown their uniforms,
come to the Swap Shop on Tuesday
Aug. 4 in the Cafeteria! Bring your
gently used uniforms and swap them
for something your child's size. The
Swap Shop will be open from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Take a chance on $10,000!
Only 400 chances will be sold
Donation: $100
(Support the raffle - it helps us to keep
Parish Picnic ticket prices low)
Saint Katharine Drexel
Catholic School
School Office - Summer Hours
Request your favorite number NOW (1 to 400) by
calling Nancy Carberry at 215-322-9951
or by email at cberrys@verizon.net.
 Monday- Closed
 Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday- 9am to 1pm
 Friday- Closed
Join with your friends and neighbors - Buy tickets as a
Help us to sell the popular $10,000 raffle tickets. You can
volunteer to sell after Masses, or you can take a pack of
tickets on consignment to sell at work, to friends or family.
Don’t miss the fun!
School Office will be open
Monday through Friday
starting August 24th from 9am -1pm
Volunteer to Help at the St. Bede
10th Annual Parish Picnic
Sunday, September 20, 2015.
The Picnic Committee has begun planning this year’s picnic. The picnic would not be possible without the many volunteers who help to plan, prepare for, and run the picnic. Volunteers enjoy working together and meeting other parishioner
We will be making a request for volunteers later in the summer, but we are now asking for a few volunteers to serve on the
committee and help with planning and managing the picnic.
Specifically, we are requesting individuals to help with the following:
 Committee – members to help organize the picnic and
suggest new things we might try.
 Promotion – work with Pat McNally in the Parish Office to develop promotional material for the bulletin,
parish websites, and posters.
 Popcorn and Cotton Candy – organize workers and
start up.
 Face Painting.
If you can help with any of these or have comments or suggestions for the Picnic Committee, please contact Cas Ilenda at
casmir.ilenda@gmail.com or (215) 953-9161.
Girls' Volleyball Camp
The 2015 Archbishop Wood Volleyball Camp will take place
from August 10-13th from 9am-3pm for girls entering grades 4-9 at
Archbishop Wood High School. Cost is $165.00 and please visit the
following website for a registration form and additional information:
Stump the Priest Philly
Join us for a second round of Stump the Priest, an evening of Q&A among Catholic young adults (21-35). A panel
of four priests will respond to questions from the crowd, focusing on the topic of social justice. Questions may also be submitted anonymously to stumpthepriestphilly@gmail.com.
Tough questions welcome!
We will meet at The Field House (1150 Filbert Street, Phila)
on Wednesday, August 26. Doors open at 7 PM, and questions
begin at 7:30 PM. There is no cover charge.
Rummage and Treasure Sale
The Verdi Band will
once again be
entertaining from
the main tent!
Our Lady of Mt Carmel School Gym
225 East Ashland Street, Doylestown
Wednesday, August 12, Thursday, August 13,
Friday, August 14, 9:00 A.M. To 7:00 P.M.
On Friday only, clothing will be $5.00 per bag and all other
items will be half price.
July 26, 2015
St. Bede 103
Religious Education
Dear Parishioners,
hroughout time and across all cultures,
a knot has symbolized the struggles of everyday life. In the tradition of MARY UNDOER OF KNOTS, a favorite artwork of
Pope Francis, Project HOME has commisMs. Carole Obrokta
sioned artist Meg Saligman to create a work
of public art at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, in honor of
the Pope's visit to Philadelphia in September 2015.
Artist Meg Saligman (left) is seeking help from volunteers to create her
vision of “Mary Undoer of Knots,” which will be installed in time for Pope
Francis’ visit to Philadelphia.
An unknown artist originally painted Mary Undoer of
Knots. It was inspired by a meditation of Saint Irenaeus
(Bishop of Lyon and martyred in 202) based on the parallel
made by Saint Paul between Adam and Christ. Saint Irenaeus,
in turn, made a comparison between Eve and Mary, saying:
"Eve, by her disobedience, tied the knot of disgrace for the
human race; whereas Mary, by her obedience, undid it."
What are some of these knots? They are the problems and
struggles we face for which we do not see any solution: Knots
of discord in your family, lack of understanding between parents and children, disrespect, violence, the knots of deep hurts
between husband and wife, the absence of peace and joy at
home. They are also the knots of anguish and despair of separated couples, the dissolution of the family, the knots of a drug
addicted son or daughter, sick or separated from home, knots of
alcoholism, the practice of abortion, depression, unemployment, fear, solitude . . . Ah, the knots of our life! How they
suffocate the soul, beat us down and betray the heart's joy and
separate us from God.
Mary, who undoes the knots, who was chosen by God to
crush the evil with her feet, comes to us to undo the knots of
our sins which dominate our lives, so that we can receive the
promises reserved for us from all eternity through the merits of
her Son. In the tradition of Mary, Undoer of Knots, visitors to
the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul will be able to add or remove knots, symbolizing their personal struggles and sharing
the burdens of others.
Would you like to participate? See the bulletin board inbetween the church & school or go online to
mercyandjustice.org/knots to submit your prayer or struggle.
God Bless,
Carole Obrokta
Director of Religious Education
(Office: 215-357-2130)
July 26, 2015
St. Bede 103
Host a Family
New Mobile App,
Film Festival Announced
for World Meeting of Families
Many people have asked, "How
can I help with the World Meeting of
Families — Philadelphia 2015? One
way is to Host a Family, since the
number of visitors expected greatly
exceeds the number of hotel rooms
in the region.
Homestay, a Dublin company, works every day to match host
families with visitors with an online system and they created a special
online host family site just for WMOF 2015. Parishioners, school
families, and others can easily sign up online to be host families.
For more information, simply click the WMOF icon on the St.
Bede website, then navigate to “Get Involved - Host a Family.” Please
email host@worldmeeting2015.org if you have any questions about
The World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015, with
IBM, has announced the “Go Philadelphia!” app, a mobile application designed to enhance the visitor experience for the
Eighth World Meeting of Families Congress and Papal Visit,
during a press conference last week in The Kimmel Center
for the Performing Arts’ Hamilton Garden.
Adoration Society
Come to the Chapel ASAP
(Always Stop And Pray)
ome people may want to join the Adoration Society but
feel that they cannot commit to an hour every week. Why not
consider becoming a prayer partner? This commitment is
usually two times a month instead of every week. It is a great
way to get involved and join the Adoration Society without a
weekly commitment.
Our current prayer partner hours of need are as follows:
Sunday 3PM, Monday 4AM & 4PM, Wednesday 3AM &
12PM, and Friday 5AM.
Our ultimate goal is to have two adorers for every hour so if
these hours are impossible for you due to your schedule, please
contact us to arrange a more convenient time. We can accommodate every schedule.
For more information about perpetual adoration please contact Debbie & Sean McDermott at 215-504-9897 or e-mail us
at StBede24seven@gmail.com.
The Go Philadelphia! App will give visitors to the World Meeting of Families
easy access to information on events, attractions and locations.
Donna Crilley Farrell, Executive Director of the World
Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015, was joined by Diane
Melley, Vice President of Global Citizenship Initiatives in IBM
Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs; as well as Meryl
Levitz, CEO of VISIT PHILADELPHIA® and Sharon
Pinkenson, Executive Director of the Greater Philadelphia
Film Office, who serve as Co-Chairs of the “Go Philadelphia!”
committee for the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia
2015. The press conference showcased this interactive, digital
guide that will provide visitors from around the world with
easy-to-access information this September, including locations
and details on dozens of cultural institutions, exhibits, events
and attractions across the region.
The World Meeting of Families will also add to the list of
cultural events scheduled during the week of the Congress and
Papal Visit by officially announcing an exciting four-day film
festival, focused on families, which will be presented by the
Greater Philadelphia Film Office.
Films set to be shown in the Perelman Theater at the
Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts include, "The Mighty
Macs," the story of the NCAA Champion Immaculata College
Women's Basketball Team and "Diary of a City Priest," which
tells the story of Father John McNamee and his work at St.
Malachy Parish in North Philadelphia. "The Mighty Macs" and
"Diary of a City Priest" star Philadelphia-born actors in David
Boreanaz and David Morse, respectively. Other films to be
shown include "The Wizard of Oz," "Invincible" and M. Night
Shyamalan's "Wide Awake." The festival will also premiere
"Urban Trinity," a film chronicling the history of Catholicism
in Philadelphia, produced by Sam Katz. This film will premiere
on Wednesday, September 23 at 8 p.m.
A final schedule which will include additional films will be
released in August and ticket information for all shows will be
Too Busy for a Retreat?
Retreat in Daily Life
with the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer
An extended Come & See Retreat for single Catholic women
ages 18-35 seeking God and interested in learning moreabout
religious life in the midst of our busy world. Stay with the Sisters and join for prayer, meals and community while maintaining your daily schedule.
August 5 – 9, 2015
begins 6pm Wednesday
Offered by the
Sisters of the Holy Redeemer
1600 Huntingdon Pike
Meadowbrook, PA 19046
For more information or to participate please contact
Sr. Ana Dura CSR or Sr. Katharina Maria Pies, CSR vocations@holyredeemer.com 215-914-4109; 215-914-4010
Forever Faithful to Life
July 26, 2015
St. Bede 103
Two Months and Counting For World Meeting of Families!
longer legacy of social service and organized presence in the
Most importantly, today's world is very different from even
20 years ago; but not nearly as different as the world will be 20
years from now. Marriage, family and the raising of children
with a strong faith - these things are under great pressure today
from the surrounding culture. The future in Philadelphia and
worldwide will have big challenges for anyone serious about
being Christian. It will need a new generation of disciples
formed by joy and perseverance.
The family is where new life begins: new life for the world;
new life for the nation; new life for the Church. It's where we
learn love and patience, and how to work with others in peace.
Encouraging this new life is the purpose of the World Meeting
of Families. It's the reason Pope Francis is coming across an
ocean to Philadelphia.
In exactly two months - barely a heartbeat in the life of a
community -- the Church in Philadelphia will celebrate the joy
of the family with families from across the globe. We'll bring to
it all the exuberance of a great American city; all the excitement, energy and enthusiasm we feel in our hearts. The World
Meeting of Families is a moment for new beginnings and a new
spirit of hope.
Don't delay. Register now. And then please join us for an
event that will be remembered - with delight and gratitude - for
By Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput
Archbishop of Philadelphia
hen Pope John Paul II chose Denver for
World Youth Day 1993, skeptics were aghast.
Colorado was an empty square in the middle of
nowhere. A second-tier city with a Ku Klux Klan
legacy, Denver was planted in the most
"unchurched" region of the United States. It was
more than 1,000 miles from any historic center
of Catholic life. It had all the warning signs of a Charles J. Chaput
disaster. Critics worried that it would break the
finances of Church and city. A few tens of thousands of visitors
might turn up, at most.
They were wrong - and not just "wrong," but wildly so. An
ocean of young people converged on the city, the crime rate
dropped to nearly zero during the week, and the final papal
Mass brought together as many as 750,000 pilgrims. World
Youth Day profoundly changed the local Church, the city and
the state. It sparked an energy that continues more than 20 years
The change took time. There were no miracles of the sun.
No sudden spike in baptisms. No surge in Mass attendance or
priestly vocations. A year after the event, some people wondered if the whole thing had just been a very big party, with
some religion thrown in.
But over the next few years, the spirit of the place gradually
came alive in dramatic ways. A generation of Catholic young
adults had found their faith, the Pope, and the presence of Jesus
Christ in a life-changing way at World Youth Day. And as time
went by, the local Church served as a tractor beam for scholars,
teachers, seminarians, youth ministers, new apostolic communities, ministries and movements, young families and dedicated
Catholics from around the country.
To put it simply: World Youth Day remade and reignited the
Church in Colorado. Two decades later, the fruit of that conversion is still being harvested. And if a miracle could happen in
Denver, the same miracle might happen - with God's grace and
a lot of work - almost anywhere else.
So much for background.
Three years ago, the Holy See asked if Philadelphia would
stand as one of the possible sites for the World Meeting of
Families in 2015. Saying "yes" wasn't easy: At the time, Philadelphia's local Church faced very serious problems.
Yet our priests and laypeople warmed to the idea immediately. From the start, public officials and business leaders actively committed their help. In September, with as many as
15,000 visitors expected for the family congress, and more than
1 million for the closing papal events, the economic impact for
Greater Philadelphia could be extraordinary. For the Church,
this global meeting offers a chance to renew Catholic life in the
city where our nation began.
Of course, Philadelphia 2015 is a long way from Denver
1993. A mass gathering of families is different from a meeting
of young adults. Colorado was largely unchurched. Pennsylvania has deep religious roots. The Church in Colorado was
small and young. The Church in Philadelphia is large in numbers but older in her demographic profile. She also has a much
July 26, 2015
Register for the Congress
Registration for the World Meeting of
Families — Philadelphia 2015, which is
being held September 22-25, 2015, is still
open. Individual registrants and families can
register via
Register for the four day Congress at the Pennsylvania Convention
Center. Multiple registration and pricing options are available, allowing delegates to select a pack-age that best suits their needs.
The World Meeting of Families — Philadelphia 2015 offers an
Adult Congress and a Youth Congress (ages 6-17).
•The Adult Congress, for ages 18 and older, will consist of keynote
presentations and breakout sessions that address the many ways in
which families can strengthen their bonds, especially in the face of the
significant challenges facing the family globally in the 21st century.
•The Youth Congress will provide interactive programs designed for
youth to play, listen, serve, build, and embrace the mission of love in a
There will also be a licensed daycare for children under the age of
Don’t Forget Your Keepsakes
Over 200 official World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015
products, memorializing this global event are coming to our website!
Get your keepsakes including t-shirts, knit scarves, rosaries, and more
on our online shop: shop.worldmeeting2015.org.
Take the Transportation Survey
Are YOU going to the World Meeting of Families? Help us plan
for this exciting event by taking our quick online survey about how
you are getting to the World Meeting of Families!
Please visit worldmeeting2015.org on our Transportation page to
take the survey.
St. Bede 103
Upcoming Activities:
Mon., July 27th—Twining Village visit (Service)
Tues July 28th - Gleaning at Del Val Univ (Service)
Tues. July 288 @ 6pm - Trip to Skyzone
Wed. July 2th - 9am Mass followed by Breakfast
Wed. July 29th - TASK (Trenton Soup Kitchen SERVICE)
- ONLY 2 spots left, call NOW if you want to go!
Mon. Aug. 3 - TASK (Trenton Soup Kitchen SERVICE)
Mon. Aug. 3— Twining Village visit (Service)
Tues Aug. 4th - TASK (Trenton Soup Kitchen SERVICE)
Tues. Aug. 4th - 5pm- Philabundance (Service)
- Teens 13 or over ONLY
Wed. Aug. 5th - Gleaning at Del Val Univ (Service)
Triple T
(Teen Topic Thursday’s)
Next gathering is
July 30th at 12:30pm
in the NEW Youth Center
Activities will/may be cancelled if NO/little interest
We are playing Water Games!
Wear clothing that can get wet but make sure
to dress appropriately!
Check our website for MORE Summer activities.
Youth Ministry happenings……
On July 20th a group of our young people went to Twining Village to play BINGO with the residents.
July 26, 2015
St. Bede 103
Parish Calendar This Week
Mass Intentions This Week
Monday, May July 27 (Chapel)
6:30 a.m. - James McDonald (Req. by The Nowicke family)
9 a.m. - Bill Niemann, Jr. (Req. by Harry & Joanne Niemann)
Tuesday, July 28 (Chapel)
6:30 a.m. - James Dobson, Sr. (Req. by the Thomas family)
9 a.m. - Anna Heinrich (Req. by the Lampman family)
Wednesday, July 29 (Chapel)
6:30 a.m. - Elizabeth O’Donnell (Req. by Melody Stark)
9 a.m. - Dorothy Shekell (Req. by the Don Schultz family)
Thursday, July 30 (Chapel)
8:30 a.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
July 28
- Rosary
- Adult Religious Education
- Rosary
- Adult Religious Education
8:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
- Rosary
8:30 a.m.
- Rosary
- Triple - T
- Legion of Mary
- Men’s Basketball
8:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
9 p.m.
- Rosary
- Teen Choir
8:30 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
- Kings Men meeting
- Confessions
9:15 a.m.
4 p.m.
- Baptisms
- Rosary for Priests
1:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
July 31
Aug. 1
7:30 a.m. - For the People of the Parish
9:30 a.m. - Gaetano & Elvira Salemme (Req. by Antonio Siravo)
11 a.m. - Dan Harkins (Req. by his sister Clara)
12:30 p.m. - St. Bede Enrollment Society
- Rosary
- Faith Enrichment Group
- Teen Choir
July 30
Sunday, Aug. 2 (Church)
7 p.m.
9 p.m.
July 27
Friday, July 31 (Chapel)
Saturday, Aug. 1 (Church)
- Rosary for Priests
- Men’s Basketball
July 29
8:30 a.m. - Michael Colozzi, Jr. (Req. by Tony & Joan Canuso)
5:30 p.m. - Special Intentions
July 26
6:30 a.m. - James McDonald (Req. by Jim & Kathy Schmitt)
9 a.m. - Jeanne Misanin (Req. by the Willson family)
6:30 a.m. - Henry Good (Req. by Jim & Kathy Schmitt)
9 a.m. - Robert Swift (Req. by the Swift family)
Aug. 2
Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage!
St. Bede’s Collection God Bless Your Generosity!
Last Year:
Grade School:
Year’s Average:
(Fiscal year began July 1, 2015)
E-Giving (Plate):
The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers
help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved
their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille
weekend and the six post sessions that follow
it. Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of seminars but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the
weekend of August 7- 9 at the Family Life Center in Malvern,
PA. For more information, or to register for our upcoming
weekend, visit our web site at www.helpourmarriage.com or
call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential.
Week of
July 19, 2015
Pray for the Sick
Blessing of the Waters
Tami Hubbard, Frederick Hubbard, Baby Hanna
Smith, Amy Boland, Joseph Cusick, Nicki Goodwin,
Fran Cunningham, Donna Pimble, Michelle Lisi, Cheryl
Travagline, Russell Kemp, Marge Moss, Cailyn Stratton, Dean Andersen, Carolyn Walsh, Elizabeth Schluth,
Nancy Martin, Nina Philipp, Edward Rogowski, Ray
O’Donnell, Terry Miller, Robert Geisheimer, Patricia
Gossard, Ann Orth, Drew Miller, Bill Damico, Dwayne
Schwarz, Mary Bogdan, Maryann Leisner, Pauline
Haynes, William Kilroy, Danny Mullane, Rene Albert,
Dr. William L. Nash, III, Msgr. Robert Grudowski,
Thomas Weir, Ed Rodgers, Michael Taub, Mary Adams, Fr. John Wilz, Pat Triolo.
The St. Bede Women’s Club is sponsoring an Excursion to
Ocean City, NJ on August 15 for the Blessing of the Waters. A Hagley bus will leave the St. Bede parking lot
promptly at 8:00 a.m. and return at 6:30 p.m.
We will have Mass at St. Augustine’s Church at 10:15 a.m.,
followed by a walk to the beach for the Blessing of the Waters
and a blessing upon the sick. We will leave Ocean city for
lunch at Fred & Ethel’s Lantern Light Tavern in Smithville. Lunch will be from 1:30 – 3:00 and the choices are
chicken, fish or steak. We will have an hour for shopping in
The bus will depart at 4:00 p.m. to return back to St. Bede
parking lot. The cost will be $70.00. We need at least 30 people. The trip is open to all people, men or women, so bring
your husbands and friends. Contact Mary DeHaven at
marydehaven1@verizon.net or call 215-840-5050 to sign up
for the excursion.
July 26, 2015
Names can be put on the prayer list by contacting the Parish
Office in person, by phone (215-357-5720) or by email
(pmcnally@st-bede.org). All names will be left on the list for a
period of 4 weeks. If you would like the intention to stay on for
more than 4 weeks, please contact us again.
St. Bede 103