Welcome to Our First Padre Pio Festival
Welcome to Our First Padre Pio Festival
Welcome to Our First Padre Pio Festival St. Bede the Venerable Church 1071 Holland Rd. Holland, PA 18966 Office: 215-357-5720 / Fax: 215-396-0704 www.st-bede.org www.padrepiofestivalhollandpa.com email@st-bede.org June 26, 2016 St. Bede 103 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2016 A Message From Your Pastor Scripture Readings Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 My Dear Parishioners and Pilgrims, T his weekend, St. Bede the Venerable Parish opens wide its doors not only to our parishioners, but to hundreds of devotees of Saint Padre Pio of Pietralcina. We welcome everyone, Rev. Monsignor especially all of you who have traveled a John C. Marine great distance to be here. To those of you who traveled here to honor Padre Pio, indeed you have made a pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a journey of faith. You come for many reasons. Perhaps it is to thank God for a cure you believe came from Padre Pio's intercessions. Some others come however, seeking a cure. You or a loved one or a friend were diagnosed with a serious illness. Still others come with a heavy heart because their children, who they so carefully raised as a Catholic, now no longer attend Mass and in some cases, have totally rejected the faith of their youth. If these are your reasons for coming, please be assured that Padre Pio stands with you in your need. In fact the reason why we celebrate this Festival here at St. Bede's in late June is because of its proximity to June 16. That day in the year 2002, when Padre Pio was officially canonized as a saint by Pope John Paul II. His canonization is an assurance that with his place so close to Jesus in heaven, Padre Pio carries the burdens of your heart, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. While I know that during his lifetime, Padre Pio carefully carried out what Pope Francis described as "the apostolate of listing" to people of all ages, it does appear that he has a special place in his heart for those who are young. Perhaps Padre Pio knows how important our young people are for the future of this world and Christ's Church. So we raise their needs up to him in a special way. Finally, it is the hope of our festival committee and me personally that all who come here to our first festival will leave spiritually enriched, and more aware of God's constant care, love and mercy. May Padre Pio rebuild the bridge between God and His people. We hope you enjoy our festival, and will join us next year! Isaiah 66: 10-14c Psalm 66 Galatians 6: 14-18 Luke 10: 1-12, 17-20 or 10: 1-9 “The Kingdom of God is at hand for you” is the message Jesus tells His disciples to proclaim to the places where they are sent. In the first reading we hear a description of the comfort to be found in that kingdom. Over the past few weeks we have heard about the cost of discipleship. For those who repent, the kingdom is at hand, and we are given a glimpse of the rewards of discipleship. Let us find inspiration in God’s word to proclaim that kingdom. Adoration Chapel Altar Candle Dedication June 27-July 3 Birthday wishes to Ed Zapisek (Req. by his loving wife Diane) Upcoming available weeks for 2016: Aug. 15-21, Aug. 22-28, Aug. 29-Sep. 4, Sep. 5-11, Sep. 26-Oct. 2, Oct. 3-9. Just come into the Parish Office to reserve. Candle dedications are a $30 donation for the week. Welcome Our New Parishioners Karolina Ikeda & family New parishioners can register by seeing one of our priests after Sunday Mass. Remember The Deceased Sarah M. O’Hara, Thomas Coleman We are united in prayer with their families and with one another as we and all the faithful departed await our rising with the Lord. A Men’s retreat at Malvern Retreat House July 22, 23, 24 The New Evangelization calls each of us to deepen our faith in Jesus Christ, have confidence in the gospel, and possess a conviction to share the gospel in our daily lives. A retreat provides the necessary sacred space and time for God to transform us into living authentic discipleship. Join the men of our St. Bede the Venerable parish for their Malvern retreat. To learn more, call Jim McMonagle at 215 968 5489 or email him at jimmcmonagle@verizon.net. May God Bless You, June 26, 2016 2 St. Bede 103 Adoration Society We had a great time at Vacation Bible School! P erpetual adoration is continuous prayer in the presence of Jesus in the tabernacle or monstrance. Successive adorers undertake to make a weekly holy hour of prayer once a week and these holy hours continue day and night without ceasing. Those who spend a regular weekly Holy Hour in the Eucharistic presence of Jesus find that this hour each week has changed their lives. They develop an intimate friendship with Our Lord. They share their lives with Him, but more importantly, He shares His Divine Life with them. Please note that during the festival this weekend, Perpetual Adoration will take place in the Padre Pio Chapel (downstairs day chapel) of the main church. We invite you to spend some quiet time with our Lord and thank Him and praise Him for all the blessings and graces He sends you and ask for those special intentions and needs close to your heart. For more information about perpetual adoration and to sign up for an hour please contact Debbie & Sean McDermott at 215-504-9897 or e-mail us at StBede24seven@gmail.com. Special thanks goes out to our volunteers: Bible Lessons - Theresa Agin, Crafts - Kris Ingle (Parish nurse), Maureen Finley & Joyce Devlin, Snacks - Teri Berk & Pat Lutz Gym Activities - Bridget Geary, Liam Geary & Sean Geary, Grades Pre-K & K - Mary Knesis, Claire Casey & Kathleen Mercurio, Grades 1 & 2 - Shannon Donnelly & Ryan Donnelly, Grades 3 & 4 - Irene Brusco, Grades 5 & 6 - Ray & Dorie O’Donnell & Trudie DiRugeris Altar Flower Dedications Two fresh-cut bouquets of flowers will be placed on the Baldacchino, for your intention. You can name these floral arrangements in loving memory of a deceased relative or in honor of someone who is celebrating a birthday or anniversary. Each bouquet donation is $45. The name of the memorial will be announced in our weekly bulletin. Both bouquets for June 26, 2016: In honor of the 64th Wedding Anniversary Of Marie & Jim Norton Many dedications are available during the summer, up until Advent and Christmas. For more information, contact the Parish Office at 215-357-5720. Weekly Ways to Be Merciful During this Extraordinary Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis, you are invited to take advantage of weekly suggestions on how we can live out the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. This Week’s Suggestion: 23) Offer to drive an elderly person to Mass. A complete listing of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy can be found online at www.st-bede.org. June 26, 2016 3 St. Bede 103 Free Community Patriotic Concert PATRIOTIC CONCERT FOR NORTHAMPTON COMMUNITY Sunday Evening July 3, 2016 St. Bede’s Parish Grounds 1071 Holland Road Holland, Penna. Saint Bede the Venerable Parish Grounds 1071 Holland Rd. - Holland, PA 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Featuring the Verdi Band of Norristown (In the event of rain, the concert will be held at Council Rock High School - South) Sunday, July 3, 2016 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. To help cover expenses connected with this FREE event, we are having a Program Book with sponsor ads. ———————————— CORPORATE, BUSINESS, OR PERSONAL ADS ARE WELCOME BACK COVER FRONT INSIDE COVER INSIDE BACK COVER FULL PAGE 1/2 PAGE 1/4 PAGE 1/8 PAGE PATRONS $700 (SOLD) $700 (SOLD) $500 (SOLD) $250 $150 $ 75 $ 50 $ 25 Music By… The Verdi Concert Band Enter Ad informa on in below space and return to St. Bede Parish Office, OR mail or e-mail camera ready to brogowski@st-bede.org as soon as possible (a en on: Barbara Rogowski) Please use as much space as needed. along with guest soloists: sopranos Jaye Green, Robinlynn Robbins and cornet player Rick Garrick ———————————— NAME OF ORGANIZATION OR COMPANY (If applicable) Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and a flag. Also, bring a bell, which will be rung during the Liberty Bell March and for the conclusion of the 1812 Overture. CONTACT PERSON: DANCERS NEEDED! ADDRESS: Anyone who enjoys the music of the 50’s and 60’s, and likes to jitterbug, twist and have fun, we need you! Volunteer dancers needed for July 3 concert. Call Barb Rogowski at the Parish office (215-357-5720) for more information. PHONE NUMBER: INFORMATION: June 26, 2016 4 St. Bede 103 Padre Pio Festival Confessions Pictured above is the relic of a bandage that St. Padre Pio wore around his chest to absorb the blood flow that came from the side of his chest when he received the daily stigmata. The stigmata, which occurs rarely but to very special chosen saints is a literal sharing in the very wounds that Jesus endured during His passion. The stigmata of Padre Pio was one of the most controversial aspects of his life. It was extremely, carefully examined several times by professional medical and theological experts, and eventually determined to be authentic. This relic, which will be carried in our procession and available for veneration during our festival, is on a one-week loan to St. Bede Parish in celebration of our first festival in honor of Padre Pio, courtesy of the Padre Pio Shrine in Barto, Pa. You are encouraged to visit the shrine, which is about an hour’s drive from Holland. It offers a vivid description of his life, numerous deeds, and saintly interventions. “Padre Pio was a servant of mercy. He did so full time, practicing, at times in exhaustion, the apostolate of listening. Through his ministry in the confessional, where he would at times spend 10 to 15 hours a day, Saint Pio became a caress of the living Father, who heals the wounds of sin and refreshes the heart with peace.” Pope Francis, February 6, 2016 Padre Pio Healing Service On Sunday June 26, our main Festival Day, several visiting priests will be available for confessions. Please ask our ushers and greeters for information regarding confessional locations in church and in vestibule. When the street procession returns to the church, and all participants are in place, we will begin the Healing Service at approximately 3pm. The Service will not be a Mass. It will consist of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and a short talk by Fr. Pio Mandato. At the heart of the Service will be an opportunity for everyone to come down the middle aisle, and venerate the glove of Padre Pio, and receive a blessing with holy oil. It is to be noted that this blessing with oil is not the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, one of the seven sacraments, and therefore it can be received by anyone in attendance. The Service will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. During the Healing Service, priests will be available for confessions. June 26, 2016 Confessions will be heard in the church / vestibule: ● During the 12:30pm Mass ● During the street procession (for those not participating) ● During the Healing Service 5 St. Bede 103 Welcome Everyone! St. Bede Parish First Annual Padre Pio Festival Saturday June 25: Two Days of Festivities will include: * A special children’s pavilion, with kid’s videos about Padre Pio (Free admission). * 12 Ethnic Food Vendors (right). * Over 20 Craft Vendors: 5:30pm: Vigil Mass, accompanied by blessing with relics of Padre Pio. Tastefully Simple boxed bread, cake mixes Bucks County Brittle Perfectly Posh beauty products Premier Designs Jewelry Lillie’s Threads doll clothes & accessories Relik celtic jewelry Charles Branson wood crafts Christian Bling jewelry Sentsy home fragrances GL jewelry Fox Cards Commonwealth woodcrafts Avon products Thirty-one Gifts totes, purses, etc. Italian t-shirts, novelties, keychains, caps Carol Burke Clothespin crucifixes, crafts. Classic Designs custom military shirts and hats 5pm-10pm: Social activities, entertainment on parish grounds. Sunday June 26: 12:30pm: Mass, celebrated by Fr. Pio Mandato, F.M.H.J., followed by a neighborhood street procession, accompanied by the Verdi Band of Norristown. Kelly Carpenter animal bandanas, collar sleeves, wine socks Kaminski jewelry designs Embellish accessories for women and teens Repurposed wood crafts by Candie Recycled jewelry and glass by Ava Woodn’t it Be Nice wood crafts Christina Bailey sand art Dee Smith custom bead designs Kingsbridge Olive Oil Approximately 2:45-3pm: Healing Service, with Confessions and veneration of relics. 11am-7pm: Social activities, entertainment on parish grounds. Interactive Video Game trailer - Saturday & Sunday Musical Entertainment featuring: Singer Jessica DiDonato (Saturday evening) “Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry” June 26, 2016 * Fun for all ages, carnival style concessions: Sunday 1-7pm (tickets for sale): Moon Bounce 9 Hole Mini Golf Basketball Throw Concession Game 6 Player Air Hockey Football Toss Concession Game Sinatra Tribute Singer Stephen Ritrovato (Sunday afternoon & evening) 6 St. Bede 103 1 June 26, 2016 Festival Food Menus Vecchio Osteria: Pasquale Pollo, Cavatelli Bolognese Stuffed Peppers, Sausage and Pepper Sandwich, Alla Romana Ceasar Salad, Zeppole. Café Michaelangelo: Fried Calamari, Focaccia Sandwiches (Prosciutto; Mortadella), Tomato Salad. Drexelbrook Caterers: Cheeseburgers, Veggie Burgers, French Fries, Hot dogs, Cheese steak, Meatball sandwiches, Soft pretzels, Chicken wings, Tater Tots. East Coast Pizza: Wood fired pizza. Innovative Catering Concepts: Pierogie, Kielbasa, Golabki, Italian Pork Sandwiches. Delicias: Tacos, Burritos, Chips with Salsa. Bonjour Creperie: Sweet and savory crepes. Nonno’s Bakery: Italian pastries, capaccino & espresso bar. Rita’s of Richboro: Fresh Italian water ice. Johnny Bravo’s Surf & Turf: Crabcakes, Fish & Chips, Fish tacos, Wraps, 'Po Boys, Oysters, etc. Center for Cause Awareness: Fried Chicken, Macaroni & Cheese, Collard Greens, Peach Cobbler, Cornbread, Ribs, Pulled Pork sliders. Tony’s Taste of Philly: Funnel Cake Fried Oreo. St. Bede Knights: Beer, soda, wine, bottled water. 7 St. Bede 103 Upcoming SERVICE Opportunities Mon. 6/27 Tues. 6/28 Tues. 7/5 Wed. 7/6 - 11am- 2pm Service in the SKD school 11am- 2pm Service in the SKD school 12- 5pm Philabundance (Fresh for All prog) 11– 2pm Service in the SKD School Contact the YM office to inquire about these dates and other Service opportunities this summer TRIPLE T World Youth Day Stateside Not going to Poland to celebrate WYD with Pope Francis? Celebrate in the US! July 30 & 31st - Lancaster, PA Hosted by: Lancaster Catholic H.S./Diocese of Harrisburg & Clipper Magazine Stadium (Teen Topic Thursday) NO gathering on June 30. Cost: $175 until May 31st. (Sunday only ticket is $50) Registration deadline is May 31st Triple T will resume on July 7th at 12:30pm in the St. Francis Center. ALL H.S. & Middle School Youth are invited to Come out on July 7th for a Meet & Greet with Father O’Donald!!!! Featuring: Emcee & Headliner: Jackie Francois Main Celebrant for Closing Mass: Bishop Edward Malesic - Diocese of Greensburg Featuring Special Guests: Ceili Rain, Sean Patrick Malloy & More!! (During the summer months our Triple T gatherings are at lunchtime) ALL Teens are welcome!!! Tues. Aug. 16th 9am – 5pm ALL youth (M.S. & H.S.) are invited to join us for a Shrine Tour led by Father Tralies. Families are welcome!!! We will visit the following shrines: St. Katharine Drexel Shrine - Bensalem St. John Neumann Shrine - Philadelphia Also tour the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul Lunch in the area of City Hall and the Museum row. AND MORE!!!!!! COST I$25 to cover the cost of the bus. Lunch is not included! SIGN UP NOW! — CONTACT THE YM OFFICE!! June 26, 2016 8 St. Bede 103 Parish Calendar This Week Mass Intentions This Week Monday through Friday Masses are in the Daily Mass Chapel (unless noted) Saturday and Sunday Masses are in the Church. DC: Drexel Center SFC: Saint Francis Center Monday, June 27 6:30am - Margaret Svegel (Req. by the Simiriglio family) 9am - Frances & Thomas Sullivan (Req. by Joan McHale) Tuesday, June 28 6:30am - Mabel Coyle (Req. by her friends & family) 9am - Phyllis Boyle (Req. by Peggy Kopania) Wednesday, June 29 6:30am - Candeloro & Adelina DePaolo (Req. by the Pontarelli family) 9am - John Slater (Req. by Mary Farrell) Thursday, June 30 Friday, July 1 Monday, June 27 11am 12:30pm After Mass 2:30pm Grounds Church Neighborhood Church - Rosary - Faith Enrichment 8:30 a.m. 7pm Chapel DC-Ofc. Tuesday, June 28 - Rosary - Rosary 8:30 a.m. 7pm Chapel Chapel Wednesday, June 29 - Rosary 8:30 a.m. Chapel - Rosary - Adult Choir practice - Legion of Mary - Men’s Basketball 8:30am 7pm 7pm 9pm Chapel Church DC-Office Gym - Rosary - Men’s Basketball 8:30am 9pm Chapel Gym - Kings Men - Confessions 9:15am 4pm DC-A Church - Baptisms - Patriotic Concert 1:30pm 7pm Church Grounds Friday, July 1 6:30am - John Falco (Req. by John & Marianne Verling) 9am - Lucy Cook (Req. by Helen Visco) Saturday, July 2 Saturday, July 2 8:30am - James & Dorothy Agnew (Req. by the Spearing family) 5:30pm - For the People of the Parish Sunday July 3 Sunday, July 3 7:30am - St. Bede Enrollment Society 9:30am - Special Intentions 11am - Frank Hoenisch (Req. by Bill & Jean Damico) 12:30pm - Mark Ziemba (Req. by Norma & Jerry Wansor) Can’t Make the Padre Pio Festival? Listen To It Live! St. Bede’s Collection God Bless Your Generosity! $20,862 $20,678 $20 $23,290 - PADRE PIO FESTIVAL - Padre Pio Mass - Padre Pio Procession - Healing Service Thursday, June 30 6:30am - Antonio & Firdelisa Pontarelli (Req. by the Pontarelli family) 9am - Nicholas Lombardo (Req. by Chris Connors) Plate: Last Year: Grade School: Year’s Average: (Fiscal year began July 1, 2014) E-Giving (Plate): Sunday June 26 Week of June 19, 2016 If you are unable to get to the Padre Pio Festival, there’s no reason to be left out. At 12:30pm on June 26, tune your radio to Catholic Radio 1260 AM and listen LIVE to the Padre Pio Mass, direct from St. Bede Church. The entire Mass, celebrated by Fr. Pio Mandato, F.M.H.J. will be included. Learn more about the Padre Pio festival when a recorded interview with Monsignor Marine will be included on both our website and Facebook page. $3,353 Pray for the Sick Catherine Siwiecki, Georgie Hartley, Fr. Matthew Tralies, Donna Kimmel, Lorraine Dougherty, Vickie Frattari, Joan Zielinski, Jim Zoll, Linda Sutton, Joan Boland, Betty Martin, John Wozniak, Bill Bornak, Bill Cowdon, Theresa Webster, John Dietz, Diane Plane, Tom Kennedy, Marge Moss, Denise Mayer, Beckett Daniel Wisniewski, Norine Cross, Stephanie Weidner, Janet Lynch, Irene Cross, James Bagdon, Charles Branson, Judy Connelly, Eugene Hummel, Michael Corless, Agnes Samra, Mary Parkinson, Shirley Kates, Vincent Amodei, Rosalie Esposito, Angelique Couturier, Sr. Frances DeSales, Richard Kern, Baby Hanna Smith, John O’Connor, Amy Boland, Len Scannapieco, Leona Wolanin, Shaun Lambert, Mary Adams, Dean Anderson, Cailyn Stratton, Russell Kemp, Danny Mullane, Nina Philipp, Ray O’Donnell, Terry Miller, Robert Geisheimer, Ann Orth, Drew Miller, Bill Damico, Dwayne Schwarz, Maryann Leisner, Pauline Haynes, William Kilroy, Rene Albert, Dr. William L. Nash III, Lauren P. Riccotone, Msgr. Robert Grudowski, Thomas Weir, Ed Rodgers, Edward Herman, Fred Hubbard, Ray Rios, Joan O’Neill, Cathy Reardon-Flynn, Dillon Godwin, Joseph Cusick, Baby Curston Boland, Leslie Kobsina. Names can be put on the prayer list by contacting the Parish Office in person, by phone (215-357-5720) or by email (pmcnally@stbede.org). All names will be left on the list for a period of 4 weeks. If you would like the intention to stay on for more than 4 weeks, please contact us again. June 26, 2016 9 St. Bede 103 HOLLAND FLOOR COVERING KAIT DIAMICO One Day Bath Tub To Shower Conversions Acrylic Tub Liners • Walk-In Tubs Showers & Wall Surrounds Registered Master Plumber Family Owned & Operated www.bathmaxpa.com 20% OFF First Service $300 OFF Any New Stair Glide With This Ad New • Used • Rentals Call Now For Your Free Home Evl. 35 Swamp Road • Newtown, PA 18940 Primary Color Salon Parishioner 215-808-3298 FREE NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATES!!! kaitnowicke@gmail.com • Parishioner 215.579.7900 126 S. 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WE REMOVE MOLD OUR UNIQUE SYSTEM REMOVES ALL MOLD & MOLD SPORES urch Ch er • Free Visual InspecƟon Membunt Disco • Complete Mold MiƟgaƟon SoluƟons • Mold TesƟng F InspeREE ction • Complete DisinfecƟon • Guaranteed Workmanship r Senio n Citize nt u co • Water Damage RestoraƟon Services is D • 24/7 Emergency Water Removal Response ELITE WATER DAMAGE RESTORATION INC. 855.354.8383 www.EliteWaterDamage.com 103 St. Bede, Holland (i) (Route A) Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs 15% OFF 1.888.799.3056 HARTLEY'S RAINGUTTERS PLUS, INC. Interior • Exterior • Carpentry • Repairs ROOFING ◊ SIDING ◊ WINDOWS Home Improvements EZ SHIELD COVERS 215-443-5056 www.paparopainting.com 215-752-3076 • Infants Through Full Day Kindergarten • Before & After School Program • Monday Through Friday 6:30am to 6:00pm • “Voted Best In Bucks” 4 Free Weeks & Free Registration *Certain Restrictions Apply Tina Fisher 47 Bridgetown Pike • 215-942-4100 Director Assumption Parishioner Just above Bristol Rd. Mike Lawler Tax Consultant • Former IRS Agent Tax Returns Prepared • Federal • State • Local Free Electronic Filing Parishioner 215-322-0403 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net JAMES G. PIROLLI, CPA 207 Buck Road, Suite 1C Holland, PA 18966 364-8016 Business & Personal Taxes Accounting • Consulting Member St. Bede’s Parish CITADEL SECURITY SYSTEMS QUALITY ALARM SYSTEMS 833 Holland Rd. • Holland MICHAEL A. SPADAFORA, DDS MICHAEL T. SPADAFORA, DMD NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 215-357-3434 PA021631 Member, St. Bede’s John F. Kraft CLU (215) 860-2229 johnfkraft@allstate.com www.buckscountydentaldesign.com 215-364-2420 Richboro BUCKS COUNTY DENTAL DESIGN Parish Member Parishioner Carole Resch, CRS, ABR, GRI Associate Broker Properties, Ltd. 215-968-7442/7400 office 215-407-3795 cell cresch@remax.net Parishioner Domestic & Foreign Car Repairs Serving Bucks County & St. Bede families for 25 years Will donate $200.00 toward Capital Campaign at time of settlement Call Carole for a free & confidential consultation. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Mallard Creek Village, Richboro Additions, Alterations, Siding, Roofing, Windows, Doors, Decks, Kitchens, Etc. 215-357-8388 Parish Member FREE ESTIMATES M I C H A E L DW Y E R R e n ova t i o n s & F i n i s h C a r p e n t r y Kitchens • Bathrooms • Basements • Interior & Exterior Doors Windows & Metal Capping • Moldings & Stair Work • Built-Ins Closet Shelving • Drywall & Spackle Repairs • Wallpaper Removal Painting • Power-Washing • Handyman Services LICENSED 215.357.7239 #PA106320 INSURED Performance & Fitness Center The Buck Hotel $350 OFF atpfit.com DUNRYTE for Parishioners with this Ad ELECTRIC, INC. Residential & Commercial Prompt & Professional Service For All St. Bede Homes BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Mold Remediation • Foundation Repair Sump Pump Installations Master Plumber Always on Site www.DUNRYTEELECTRIC.com 844-778-9767 • getparadigm.com Edward Allahand Associate Broker Chris Clee, Parishioner TURCHI CALL TODAY AT Home of the Richard R. Turchi $49.95 DiagnosƟc Roof Repair Owner ~ Parishioner Murphy Law Group, LLC 215-638-4785 215-208-1406 and the www.turchiconstruction.com Roofing • Siding • Windows Employment Attorney Doors • Bathrooms Kitchens • Basements Phone: 215-208-9127 murphy@phillyemploymentlawyer.com Additions • Custom Homes Dedicated to Protecting Employee Rights Parishioner #PA009390 674-0696 Parishioner CARL J. KASCHAK, D.M.D. Family Dentistry Creating Beautiful Smiles to Last a Lifetime Conveniently Located Across the Street From St. Bede’s 215-355-4242 2 www.kaschakdental.com Discount for St. Bede Parishioners Newtown Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. 267-784-6969 215ͳ752ͳ6145 CONSTRUCTION O: 215-757-6100 x138 • C: 215-356-2744 Home Office: 215-357-6771 584 Middletown Blvd., Ste. A50, Langhorne Frank E. Dischinger, Jr., Prop. BOB LATINI Joe Saracino, Agent joesaracino.com 645 Knowles Ave. Southampton 215-355-8877 968-5600 Don & Kelly Schaffer Diocesan Members Guaranteed Leak Repair New Roofs & GuƩers Roof & GuƩer Repairs Siding and Windows www.abrooksconstrucƟon.com Counseling Services for Children, Teens and Adults DAVID R. WHITE Patrick Cleary, MD - Board Certified in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Angelika Montalbano, PsyD - ADHD & Psychoeducational Evaluations Christine Trainer Haas, PhD • Susan Dougherty, PhD Joanne Moeller-Moon, MA, LPC • Jessica Collins, PsyD • Alexa Balsam, MFT mkplusnewtown.com 215-968-5151 Village of Southampton where living is easy by Toner Development Luxury 55+ Active Adult Community Starting at $219,000 PLUMBING & HEATING 215-364-8073 ALL WORK GUARANTEED FULLY INSURED• FREE ESTIMATES Parish Member Thomas Rodman CRPC Portfolio Manager • Associate Vice President • Financial Advisor 12 Terry Drive, Newtown, PA 18940 215-497-7042 http://www.morganstanleyfa.com/thomas.rodman Kevin Nowicke (215) 637-8000 Since 1914 © 2014 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CRC897541 06/14 Mention Your Parish For THE ORIGINAL Senior and 756 Street Road $50 OFF Military Plumbing • Heating Call today see our finished model! TREE HVAC • Supplies Discounts www.villageofsouthampton.net 215-322-4604 SERVICE 215-785-2168 103 St. Bede, Holland (b) (Route A) John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net RICK’S
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