
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Catholic Community
18430 Utica Road, Roseville, MI 48066 (586) 777-9116
Email: stpioparishsec@gmail.com; Web page: st-pio.com
Padre Pio
“Pray, hope and
don’t worry”
Our Mission Statement
We, the Catholic Community of St. Pio, inspired by the Holy Spirit,
celebrate the Eucharist with hope, to share our faith, love, and the
Good News of Jesus Christ through outreach and fellowship.
August 16, 2015
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Whoever eats my flesh and
drinks my blood remains in me
and I in him. Just as the living
Father sent me and I have life
because of the Father, so also the
one who feeds on me will have
life because of me.”
- John 6:56-57
Page 2
St. Pio Parish Directory
Pastoral Team
Rev. Greg Rozborski
Peggy Ciaramitaro
Cindy Thibodeau
George Mazich
Jeanne Wineski
Carol Reeser
Jan Pazuchowski
Mike McGarry
Business Manager
Administrative Assistant
Director of Music
Christian Service Coordinator
Secretary, Faith Formation
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Readings for the Week of August 16, 2015
Sunday: Prv 9:1-6/Eph 5:15-20/Jn 6:51-58
Monday: Jgs 2:11-19/Mt 19:16-22
Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a/Mt 19:23-30
Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15/Mt 20:1-16
Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a/Mt 22:1-14
Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22/Mt 22:34-40
Saturday: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17/Mt 23:1-12
Next Sunday: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b/Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a,
25-32/Jn 6:60-69
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Bulletin Deadline—No later than 10 days prior
to the issue you wish article to appear.
Parish Information
18430 Utica Road, Roseville MI 48066
Parish Office Phone Number
(586) 777-9116
Parish FAX Number
(586) 777-7958
Parish Emergency After Hours Number
(586) 229-6885
Parish E-mail:
Parish web page
Faith Formation Phone Number
R.C.I.A. - Ellen Olivier
(586) 772-1170
(586) 218-9211
Christian Service Hours:
9:00am to 6:00pm Monday thru Friday
Closed for Lunch - 12:00 noon to 1:00pm
Food Pantry / Baby Closet
St. Vincent de Paul
(586) 776-2943
(586) 859-0900
Parish Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:
9:00am to 12:00 pm, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Friday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Eucharist Adoration Mondays, 9:30am-5pm, 13 Mile Road
Prayer Group
Thursdays, 7:00pm, Utica Road
Saturdays 2:30-3:15, Utica Road Campus
Sacramental Prep: Baptism
Baptisms will be held on the 2nd and 4th weekends of every
month and need to be scheduled three months in advance.
Contact the Parish office at (586) 777-9116.
August 8/9, 2015
St. Pio Parish
Offertory Budgeted ................................................. $12,575.00
Total Offertory Collection........................................$8,160.10
EGiving/Direct Giving ................................................. $915.00
Kids Can Make a Difference .............................................$1.00
Difference ...................................................................(-3,498.90)
Number of Envelopes Used………………………………………………..342
E-Giving/Direct Giving Transactions…….………………….……….20
St. Pio Eucharistic Adoration
Mondays, 9:30am-5:00pm
13 Mile Road Campus
Mid-day Prayer at 1:00pm
Chaplet of the Divine Mercy at 3:00pm,
followed by the Rosary
Benediction Service at 5:00pm with Fr. Greg
Come in * Pray for a Loved One *
Please sign your name and join us!
Catechist Meeting: Thursday, August 20th, 7pm
in the 13 Mile Road Conference Room.
Sacramental Prep: Marriage
Arrangements to be made with the Parish Office one year prior
to wedding date. Please call Mark and Betty Squier at
(586) 296-9589.
St. Vincent de Paul of St. Pio Presents:
Sacred Heart Cemetery Information
Clothing Drive- This Weekend
Cemetery Phone Number
Cemetery Fax Number
Richard Pineau
Vera Lottholz
Margie Lyle
(586) 777-9116, #4
(586) 777-7958
St. Pio Pastoral Council
Vicariate Rep.
Vicariate Rep.
View bulletins online...go to www.seekandfind.com
www.serfvic.com (website) ~ goodnews@serfvic.com (email)
(734) 225-7335 (phone/fax)
Archdiocese of Detroit website: aodonline.org
Our parish web page: st-pio.com
Friday, August 14th,
Saturday, August 15, and
Sunday, August 16
We anticipate a great need for winter clothes!
Drop off your donations
any time, but help will
be available:
Saturday, 9am to 2pm,
Sunday, 8am to 2pm
Page 3
St. Pio Parish Intentions/Activities for this Week
13 Mile Road Campus
Utica Road Campus
Saturday, August 15, 4:00 pm
2:30-3:15pm, Reconciliation
Mass Intentions:
+John McCormick (Wife, Betty)
All sick Children (Michael Pockey)
+Andrew & Mary Dorko
(Japalucci Family)
+Eva R. Ross, 35th Ann. (Daughter)
+Jerry Toerper, 30th Ann. (Daughters)
+Karl Lottholz (Wife, Vera)
+Harry Kaczmarek (Family)
+Tom Bender (Wife)
+Louis Budnick (Lynn & Dick Martin)
+Raymond Plizga (Family)
Thursday, August 20
Mass Intentions:
For handicapped children
13 Mile Road Campus
Sunday, August 16, 9:00 am
Tuesday, August 18
Mass Intentions:
Mass Intentions:
+Edward Franczek Sr., 31st Ann.
(Theresa Lorio)
+Jerome Gwisdalla (Rose Carey)
+Ford & Florence Stein
(Mary Ann Stein)
+Jeannette Konnie (Theresa Lorio)
For the health of Joe Alampi &
George Thibodeau (Theresa Lorio)
+ John Lorio, 7th Ann. (Theresa Lorio)
10:00 am, Fellowship Group
Wednesday, August 19
7:00pm, Ushers meeting
Sunday, August 16, 11:00 am
Thursday, August 20
Mass Intentions:
+Annette McDowell (Husband, Dennis)
+Ronald Kowalski (Edward Ochylski)
+Dr. John Mehall, B’day Rem.
(Pat Penner)
+Ernest Hallman (Jim & Yolanda Klein)
+John Halat (George & Lynn Mazich)
10:00am, Seniors Pinochle Club
7:00pm, Catechist meeting
Monday, August 17
Mass Intentions:
For the mentally impaired
9:30 am, Eucharistic Adoration
9:00 am, RSVP
Deadline for the August 23rd Bulletin is Thursday, August 13th at noon
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 22nd and 23rd
4pm: Utica Road Campus
9am: 13 Mile Road Campus
11am: 13 Mile Road Campus
C. Ondrizek
D. Kurz
G. Harris
P. Harris
L. Legree
J. Shereda
M. Bullis - C. Lombardo
V. Lottholz - D. Monfette
R. Pineau - J. Racine
P. Zachman
B. Bileti - E. Corey
G. Corey - P. Feys
A. Niedzielski - T. Seubert
T. Shereda
J. Barba - K. Burley
B. Houbeck - K. Houbeck
R. Houbeck - C. Lombardo
M. Worth
E. Severson
J. Severson
A. Reichenbach - Al. Reichenbach
JP. Reichenbach - T. Trbovich
E. Ziegenfelder - F. Ziegenfelder
G. Ziegenfelder - Z. Ziegenfelder
M. Budnick - A. Czech
M. Cilluffo - B. Linsenmann
I. Pukala - R. Sliwinski
C. Teahan
M. Alcamo - J. Gomez
P. Huebner - K.J. Klein
K.L. Klein - G. Thibodeau
R. Williams
M. Batke - J. Medel
J. Palimino - A. Perez
P. Schattmaier
+Antonio, Carmela, Vincenzo, &
Giovanna Battaglia (Family)
+Julius & Domenica Montrose
+All deceased souls in Purgatory
(Michael Pockey)
For the health of Dr. John Romanik
(Irene Pukala, sister)
+James Stein (Mary Ann Stein)
+Christopher Barrientez (His Loving
+Joe Monty, 6th Ann. (Wife, Joan)
+Jeannette Konnie, (Tony &
Rosemarie Ruvolo)
For the health of Sergio Barrientez
(Joan Monty)
+Annette McDowell (Husband, Dennis)
+Patrick White (Family)
+Deceased members of the Novak & Gerba
Families (Bob & Isabell Novak)
+Ernest Hallman (Jim & Yolanda Klein)
+Michael J. Malley (George & Lynn Mazich)
+Albert Verkeyn (Family)
+Umberto Marrocco, 5th Ann. (Wife)
+Maria Orlando (Daughter)
Page 4
Mark your calendars:
October 3/4
Grave Blanket pre-order sales
October 17th
St. Vincent de Paul Walk
Monday, November 2nd
All Souls Mass
December 20th
Advent Choir Program
More information will follow
the closer we get to the event.
Youth Ministry News
High School Ministry has
begun for the 2015-2016 School Year!
We welcome back all our previous
members and a big shout out for our new
members as well! Our New Members
include: Gabrielle Vincent, Brianna
Morgan, Josephine McFadden, Angela
Runyon and Tiffany Marineau! In case
you missed it,
ALL High School
Students in grades 9-12 are welcome to
join us. Our next meeting will take place
on Tuesday, August 18 from 7-9 p.m. in
Msgr. James Stapleton Knights of Columbus. Council 3191
Located at St Pio of Pietrelcina Parish, Roseville, MI.
Please join us for BINGO at Warren Plaza Hall!
Every Saturday, doors open around 5:00pm. The games start at 6:30pm.
13408 East 11 Mile Road, Warren, MI (at Schoenherr behind
Chicken Shack) Bring this announcement and receive a dauber!
All proceeds will benefit our charitable efforts.
Thank you for your support!
Gaming License #A22462
All who were buried from our
Church this week.
Closing Mass
You can obtain a copy of the DVD of
the Closing Mass of Our Lady Queen
of All Saints by filling out the
following coupon and dropping it
off along with $20.00 to the Parish
office or in the Sunday
collection basket.
We would like the orders in by
August 23, 2015 so we can place the
order on September 1, 2015.
You can expect delivery by
September 15, 2015.
the Youth Room at 13 Mile Rd.
Campus. We hope you make plans to
join us!
Formation Classes for Grades K-6,
Middle School Ministry (Grades 7 & 8)
and Confirmation Prep Class (Grade 9)
continues until Friday August 28th.
Please see the enclosed flyer for more
information and please register as soon
as possible to avoid a late fee!
Rosaria Palazzola
Clara Kwiatkowski
Angels of the Feast
If you would like to have the
candles, wine and/or hosts
dedicated to the memory of a
loved one at one of the St. Pio
Masses, please call the Parish
Office. Candles are $30 for the
month, the hosts are $77, and
the wine is $51.
Angels of the Feast
for August
Candles, Hosts and Wine
donated by/for:
Closing Mass DVD
I would like to purchase ______
DVD(s) at $20.00 each
Phone #:
Return by August 23, 2015
The St. Pio Food Pantry is in need
of someone with an open pickup
truck. It is needed to help get our
food donations from the Macomb
Food Pantry twice a month on
Wednesday mornings. Please call
Jeanne for more information, or if
you can help,
(586) 776-2943
Ray Chevalier
Karl Lottholz
Page 5
Pinochle Games
Jack and Jill Nursery School
Lovingly educating your preschooler for over 50 years!
Jack and Jill is the perfect learning environment with fun educational
programs for your preschooler. Located in St. Pio school building at
13 Mile Road and Kelly Road.
Half-day sessions for ages 2 years 9 months thru 5 years.
Class times are: 9 a.m. to 12 noon or 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Owned and operated by St. Pio parishioner, Fran Timmerman.
Call Mrs. Fran at 586-447-1102 for more information.
Visit the website: www.jackandjillroseville.com
The St. Pio Parish Senior
Club is again hosting card
games for anyone interested.
We play on Thursdays in the
social hall at the 13 Mile Road
Campus. The first game runs from
10am to 12:00 noon, and the second
game runs from 12:00 noon to 2:00
pm. Call Madeline Bidigare at (586)
773-9737 or just join us!
Open house every Friday morning in August, 9am - Noon.
register Now for Fall
St. Pio Prayer Shawl Ministry
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells
us that “Whoever eats my flesh and
drinks my blood, remains in me and I
in him.” As we know, our loving
God cannot be seen by our eyes, but
only experienced through loving people. With love for your neighbors
who have nothing, look around your
house to see what household items
and clothing you no longer use…and
give it to the Society of St. Vincent
de Paul.
This is the weekend of our
drive for St. Vincent de Paul and
there is a box out in the parking lot
on 13 Mile waiting to be filled with
your donations. Tell your neighbors
and your family about our need so
that our box can be filled with donations for those who live in poverty in
our community.
We would like to thank you
in advance for your very generous
donations to our drive. On behalf of
the poor that we serve, “Thank You”.
Please continue to pray for
those who live in poverty, for the
homeless, the people of Haiti, Africa,
Syria and Nepal and for all those
who minister to the needs of the poor
around the world.
I am a licensed cosmetologist looking to
do your hair, in your home! I am a member of St. Pio Parish. I will also do some
cleaning for you as well. Please call
Margie at (586) 771-3788 for an
appointment .
Welcome our
Mckenzie Rae Orzel
Jaxson Truman Kelsey
Peanut Butter
Canned Goods:
Pastas - Stew
Peaches - Pears
Beef Soup - Tomato Soup
Chicken Soup
Tomato Sauce
Brown Paper Bags
All those who knit and/or
crochet are invited to join the prayer
shawl group. We will meet on the 1st
and 3rd Thursdays of the month from
1:30-3:30 pm. Meet at the 13 Mile
Road Campus, room 102. The shawls
are donated to shut-ins, the Veteran’s
hospitals and nursing homes.
Attention Seniors . . .
I invite you to join the
St. Pio Senior Group.
We meet the 2nd and
4th Tuesdays of each
month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the 13
Mile Road Campus in the parish hall.
After a short meeting, we play cards
and games. It would be wonderful to
have you join us.
Darlene Zalewski,
St. Pio Fellowship Group
You are invited to join the St.
Pio Fellowship Group on the first and
third Tuesday of each month. We
meet at the 13 Mile Road Campus
after the 9am Mass until noon in the
Parish Hall. Coffee, tea and goodies
will be served.
This would be a great
opportunity to meet our fellow
Joyce Franzone, Joan Hickey, Del Hogan
Page 6
Religious Education Corner
Registration for Faith Formation Classes for the 2015-2016 School Year has
begun. Information has been available in the weekly bulletin, and has been
mailed to all students who attended classes last year.
Thinking About Joining the
Catholic Church?
Every year in the Archdiocese of Detroit hundreds of people
join the Catholic Church. Since
becoming Catholic requires a commitment to God, the Church and a
worshipping community, the person
must enter a process of preparation
and discernment. In our day and
age, this process is called the RCIA,
an acronym for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
In the RCIA a person takes
a journey with the RCIA Team to
learn about and come closer to God.
Part of learning about God means
that you need to learn about God’s
Church. In the RCIA we learn about
how the Church was formed, and
many of the particulars that are
unique to Catholicism.
While learning about Catholicism is essential to the RCIA, it
is only part of the process. The
most important part of the RCIA is
discovering, developing, and nurturing your relationship with God. If
you feel in your heart that God is
calling you, the parish community of
St. Pio of Pietrelcina welcomes you!
The RCIA process is open
to people who are not baptized,
baptized in another Christian faith,
or baptized a Catholic but who have
never received the Sacraments of
Eucharist or Confirmation. The
RCIA for the coming year will begin
in September 13, 2015.
If you or anyone you know
is interested in the RCIA process,
and would like to know more please
contact Ellen Olivier at
(586) 218 -9211
Experienced caregiver for the
elderly seeks work. References
available upon request.
Call (586) 222-6072
Anyone wishing to enroll their children in the Faith Formation Program for this
fall should complete the registration forms and return them with payment as
soon as possible to the Faith Formation Office.
Options for returning forms are:
 In person to the Parish Office or Faith Formation Office during normal
business hours
 By mail to: St. Pio Faith Formation, 18430 Utica Rd., Roseville, MI 48066
 Place in an envelope marked “Faith Formation” and drop in the Offertory
Basket at Mass
If you want to guarantee a particular day for your child to attend, please note
that classes are limited to a first come first serve policy so register as soon as
St. Pio Parish Office Hours are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00 am - Noon and 1- 4 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Registration deadline is August 28, 2015.
For more information please contact the office (Grades K-6) at 772-1170 ext. 4
or Jan Pazuchowski (Grades 7 & 8) at 772-1170 ext. 5.
Attention Parents of Kindergarteners!
Did you know that two years of preparation is required before receiving First
Holy Communion? In order for your child to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion at the traditional time of second grade, he/she
must attend Religious Formation classes or Catholic school starting in the fall of
first grade.
Please contact the Faith Formation office @ 586-772-1170 (ext. 4) for
more information.
Mark your calendars!
“Lord, hold our troops in
your loving hands. Protect
them as they protect us.
Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts
they perform for us in our
time of need. Amen.”
Matthew Huck, SSgt. Army
Justin Keown, SSgt. Army
Phil Keown, CWO, Army
Brian Paret II, SP2, Army
Timothy J. Smith, PO, Navy
David C. VanceII, SrA, Air Force
Robert Weiss, C, Air Force
St. Pio Flea Market
September 11th & 12th, 2015
You can drop your treasures off at
the south end of the 13 Mile Road
Campus M-F, 9 am until noon, and
Please, NO computers,
TV’s or clothing.
September 2015
Page 7
Joseph Balmas
Sergio Barrientez
Louise Biange
Madeline Bidigare
Kevin Blanton
Fr. James Brooks
Robert Brown
Elliana Budnick
Haven Budnick
Leonard Budnick
Madeline Budnick
Bernadette Calabro
Catherine Ciaramitaro
Cookie Claeys
Jim Clark
Kathy Cook
Meagan & Steven
Beth (Blaga) Crofton
Martha Cusmano
Joe Cusumano
Irene Elkin
Annette Escalante
Anthony G.
Jim Gillahan
Geraldine Gold
Kathleen Gunther
Ryan Gunther
Amy Hauser
Earl Healey
Jill Heersink
Catherine Hooper
Gary Hunsanger
Donna Janiczek
Ron Jed
Mickey Jordan
Stacey Jordan
Maryann Kablak
Ida Kew
Francine Kramer
John Lappin
Mark Lappin
Nancy Lappin
Tom Lappin
D’Ann Laudon
Maggie Leahy
Tammi Lech
Diane Leitermann
Gary Lelenek
MaryAnn Mann
Laura Mazich
Tricia McCready
Gerty McGraw
Barbara Michalik
John Moritz
Winnie Nicholson
Rosanne O’Keefe
Barbara Olevenick
Sherry Priesz
Carrie Qasawa
Arnaldo Remigio
Aiden Reslow
Dr. John Romanik
Frances Rubello
Linda Rzonca
Don & Mary Jane Small
Margo Smith
Peter Solomon
Thomas Spada
Cheryl Sparks
Connie & Maria Spencer
Laura Sullivan
Irene Tadrzynski
Joanna Totty
Sue Vander Hagen
Angie Ventimiglio
Laura Weakland
Sarah Weisler (Call)
Bob & Joan Whipple
Ava Williams
Erin Wineski
Veronica Wolschon
Laura Wunderlich
Christine Wyatt
In Hospitals, Nursing
Homes, Assisted Living
Julie Becigneul
Jennie Bianco
Dave Clark
Harry Gorney
Robert Houbeck Sr.
Jennie Kayl
Robert Koss
Larry Lappin
Clarence Majchrzak
Helen Moore
Shelby Rundgren
Rita Shendel
Margo Smith
Special Intentions:
Parker Kauer
Barbara Patton
Lawyer Pearson
Gloria Pearson
Eren Yaman
Kayra Yaman
Linda Yaman