2015-Annual-Parish-Report - St. Bede`s Episcopal Church


2015-Annual-Parish-Report - St. Bede`s Episcopal Church
Annual Report
St. Bede’s Episcopal Church
January 24, 2016
Table of Contents
Summary of 2015 Annual Parish Meeting
Ministry Reports
Landscape & Grounds Committee
Worship Council
Music Ministry
Children and Youth Ministries
Youth Ministries
Pastoral Care Council
Outreach Council
Parish Life Council
Men of Bede
Sisters of Bede
Hispanic Ministry of St. Bede’s
The Julian of Norwich Center
St. Bede’s Episcopal Day School
Nominees for Vestry
St. Bede’s 2016 Budget
St. Bede’s Annual Parish Meeting
January 25, 2015 – Minutes Summary
The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm by the Very Rev’d Chad Vaughn who led with opening prayer.
Cathe Echterhoff was appointed as recording clerk of the Annual Parish Meeting.
Minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
Candidates for Vestry election were presented: Victor Caceres, Nina Daniel, Jim Helms and Will Mizell. Chad
announced that St. Bede’s by-laws are updated and were approved by the Vestry on 1/19/2015. The motion to
affirm the four candidates was approved. Formal installation will be later in the year after the Vestry Retreat.
Chad recognized the following groups by name and asked participants to stand: Christian Formation; Pastoral
Care; Parish Outreach Ministry either in conjunction with the church and outside the church; Worship or Music
Ministry; Parish Life; Resource Development, Stewardship, Finance; Buildings and Grounds.
Chad recognized the outgoing Vestry members, Cheryl Murphy, George Shingler, Natalie Updike and Larry
Bing, and thanked them for their service. George Shingler has agreed to continue as Chancellor. He recognized
those who had to leave the vestry for personal reasons: Stan Meiburg and Drew Spires. Trevor Cannon served as
Youth Representative for the first half of last year. Elizabeth Mizell served as Youth Representative for the 2nd half
of last year and will also serve for the first half of 2015.
Council reports are presented in written form in the Annual Report and also on the St. Bede’s website.
Comments are welcome.
Chad recognized the ministries and service of the Rev’d Caroline Branch, the Rev’d Fabio Sotelo, the Rev’d
Lynnsay Buehler, Deacon Nora Cruz-Diaz, John Whitt, Paula Curl, Beth Cannon, Justin Gibson, Ciara Rowley,
Randy Minor Sr., Randy Minor Jr., Christine Humphreys, Barbara Helms, Diocesan Council Lay delegates, and
Diocesan Board members. He also recognized office volunteers.
Chad offered a special thanks and conferred the title of Warden Emeritus to Hollis Pickett.
Senior Warden Cheryl Murphy outlined the Vestry’s work for the parish in 2014. It was noted that the
Stewardship report was addressed in Chad’s sermon.
Chad invited Leslie Joiner to be Senior Warden to replace Cheryl Murphy. Leslie accepted.
Treasurer Will Mizell reviewed the major points of the financial status of the parish. In 2014 we broke even.
A question was asked about the cut in Fellowship in the 2014 budget from 2013. Chad stated that this is the
normal amount for that ministry. Last year’s amount was larger because of some specific budgeted events: honor
Laura leaving, celebrate Caroline’s ordination and celebrate Chad’s new ministry.
The meeting was closed with prayer and adjourned at 12:55 pm.
Submitted by Cathe Echterhoff, Clerk of the Vestry
Ministry Reports
“Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above,
coming down from the Creator of light, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
In fulfillment of God’s own purpose God gave us birth by the word of truth,
so that we would become a kind of first fruits of God’s creatures.”
James 1:17-18
The annual fall stewardship campaign for the budget year 2016 commenced in October and adopted as its theme
God the Giver. St. Bede’s incorporated materials published by the Episcopal Network for Stewardship for use
during this season.
The pledge goal of $410,000 is in line with recent budget years allowing St. Bede’s to continue operation
sustainably while growing and exploring new initiatives and new calls to mission and ministry. At the time of this
report, 99 pledges in the amount of $397,000 have been received. Of those pledges received, 19 people indicated
that they were pledging at the “Tithing” (giving 10% of their income) level and another 26 indicating that they
were on a journey toward a Tithe. Thank you all for your faithful response!
Beginning on Sunday, October 4th the first 2 weeks of the campaign were designed to encourage prayerful
consideration of the Gifts from God that we receive and what our pledge response might be in relation to those
In lieu of a kickoff luncheon at the church, a parish wide family dinner took place on October 21, 2015 at the
Greater Good Barbeque in Tucker. God the Giver centerpieces, designed and constructed by Barbara Helms set
the theme at each table. The very well attended event featured our former Rector, The Rev’d John Porter, sharing
his personal thoughts and reflections on his time at St. Bede’s and the many gifts the parish and clergy have to
offer one another, the diocese and the wider community. It was wonderful to have John and Mary join us for the
We were led in song by our own talented musicians, Jeff Swoope, Jack Weems, Jimmy Tate, Drew Spires and
Jim Handsfield.
Pledge packets were distributed after the dinner to those present and mailed to those unable to attend. The
packets included an Invitation to Pledge from our Rector, Chad Vaughn, with additional cards conveying
messages on Giving as a Spiritual Practice and The Needs of St. Bede’s. Rounding out the packet was a
photograph of St. Bede’s Celebration of New Ministry and on the reverse the guiding scripture from the letter of
Fr. Fabio Sotelo and Claudia Fedarko led the God the Giver campaign for our Spanish-speaking parishioners. Fr.
Fabio translated the pledge information into Spanish, a tremendous effort and engaged the 5:30 congregation in
the stewardship campaign.
Each weekly bulletin during the six-week stewardship campaign contained an insert with a personal reflection on
the meaning of God the Giver. Parishioners Taylor Graves, Claudia Fedarko, Nigel Poland and Melissa Beigler
offered their reflections on the meaning of God the Giver in their lives.
The Annual Stewardship Campaign ingathering of pledges was on Sunday, November 8th.
Thank you to everyone who gave to St. Bede’s in 2015! If you have not made your pledge for 2016 there is still
time. Please see Chad or Cheryl for a pledge packet or to ask any questions.
Cheryl Murphy, Stewardship Chair
Landscape and Grounds
The Landscape and Grounds Committee oversees the maintenance and improvement of the grounds at St.
Bede’s. The budget includes a grounds-keeping expense, for a professional lawn service to periodically mow and
edge the lawn, and to help with cleaning up leaves in the fall. We take care of everything else. By having a regular
schedule of grounds maintenance, we keep the outside of St. Bede’s looking good throughout the year. Our
activities include: clearing out overgrowth, keeping up the established beds, hedge trimming, weed eating, laying
down mulch, raking and bagging leaves, picking up trash and downed branches, and maintaining the paths and
During the spring of 2015, roots from plants in the Memorial Garden grew down and damaged the old sewer
pipes underneath. A large section of azaleas had to be removed to repair the pipes, and a portion of the brick
walkway in the Memorial Garden was torn up as well. We spent about 20 hours repairing the brick walkway in
June, and plans are underway to fill the gaps in the Memorial Garden where the azaleas were removed.
I would like to acknowledge and thank the following people for their help with the grounds during the past year:
Rita Gowler, who has served on the Landscape and Grounds Committee for over 10 years.
Dixie Snider, for maintaining our beautiful rose bushes and for oiling the benches on the front entrance
Molly Graves, for her help with repairing the brick path in the Memorial Garden.
Jack Weems, for coordinating the pressure washing of the wooden pedestrian bridge, giant cross, and
side entrance steps by the Memorial Garden, and for overseeing the tree services at St. Bede’s.
The Men of Bede: Jim Helms, Steve Hadler, and George Shingler, who participated in the grounds
work day on Dec. 12.
Jim Smythe, father of Molly Graves and honorary member of the Men of Bede, who often helps with
grounds work when he is visiting us from Virginia.
Dexter Jackson, for his willing assistance with any grounds clean-up jobs that need to be done.
Taylor Graves, chair
The various groups which comprise the Worship Council strive to enhance the liturgical experience for the
congregation. They do this by consulting and working with the clergy and providing support for the liturgy
through their various ministries. These ministries include:
Acolytes -- Julie Mizell
Altar Guild -- Jean Tate
Bread Guild -- Jody Klein
Flower Guild -- Nancy Ward
Lectors/Eucharistic Ministers -- Pat Pickett
Music -- John Whitt
Ushers -- Will Mizell
The year began with a visit from Bishop Wright for the Installation of Chad Vaughn as the fifth Rector of St.
Bede’s. Lent provided us with different opportunities, as did Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter. Pentecost is
always a special celebration at St. Bede’s as we join with the 5:00pm communicants and celebrate a glorious
combined English/Spanish service together. May 31 was the celebration of Lynnsay’s 25 years as a priest. A
highlight was having the Reverend John Porter preach. Las Posadas was another opportunity for joining with our
Hispanic friends for worship and decorating the Christmas Tree. Christmas Eve services and Lessons and Carols
on December 27th rounded out the year. Each of the above-listed ministries has to prepare for the special services
as well as serve at each regular Sunday of the calendar year. Because of everyone's commitment and dedication, all
these ministries function flawlessly.
New members are always welcome to join us. If you are interested in participating, just speak to the chairperson
of the group and they will train you and put you to work.
Pat Pickett
Music Ministry
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,
teaching and admonishing one another
in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord.
— Paul’s letter to the Colossians (3:16)
from an anthem of William Billings
Music continues to play an active and ongoing role in the liturgical life of St. Bede’s, and I am thankful for the
continuing support of the people at St. Bede’s. It is a moment of grace when as musicians, we learn that we have
touched someone’s spirit in the rendering of an anthem, hymn or piece of instrumental music. Thank you for
telling us about that.
Although the choirs are open to anyone at any time, we extended a special invitation to parishioners to join the
choir for Advent and Christmas to help prepare the music of this important liturgical time. We gained two new
members as a result: Rob Townes and Leslie Joiner. Welcome, Rob and Leslie!
The Choristers had a smaller turnout than last year for holiday preparations, but thanks to Isabel Jones, visiting
chorister Anson Lee, and Wil Tate, who sang the solo verse of Once in royal David’s city for the Christmas Eve
(4:00pm) and Sunday after Christmas Lessons and Carols. Thanks, Choristers!
I will repeat my annual appeal for more participation in musical opportunities at St. Bede’s:
• The St. Bede Choir (adults and advanced high schoolers)
• The St. Bede Choristers (3rd grade and up, boys with unchanged voices and girls through high school)
• Instrumental support for Christian Education and Children’s Church (guitarists and others, occasional
main liturgy participation as the need arises)
Musical participation offers many benefits:
• It is a way to experience a caring community within the larger community
• Choir explores the history and function of the music we sing, which helps to deepen its meaning and
significance of its place in worship
• Choir provides an opportunity for leadership and participation in worship life and the opportunity to
deepen the meaning of worship for others
• It’s leadership and service rolled into one package
• It’s fun. We enjoy each other’s company and laugh a lot.
• And finally, we sing occasionally.
Yours faithfully,
John J. Whitt, Organist & Choirmaster
Children & Youth Ministries
Children and youth are full and important members of the church family at St. Bede’s. Our mission is to help
them along their spiritual journey through age-appropriate and inspiring programs and activities. To accomplish
this mission, the Children & Youth Ministries Committee focuses on strengthening Sunday School programs,
recruiting, supporting and recognizing volunteers, promoting the involvement of children in worship and liturgy,
and providing opportunities for children to participate in outreach.
We continue with the Godly Play curriculum for ages 3 through 3rd grade. Godly Play is intended to help
children become more fully aware of God’s presence in their lives through a form of teaching that uses stories,
handmade materials, and the imagination of the children. In Godly Play, children experience our Christian
language - parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action - and then reflect on these through play. We are
blessed with many experienced Godly Play faculty and are grateful for new teachers Rachael Nead and Melissa
Biegler who joined this ministry in the fall of 2015. Before classes began in the fall, we moved one of our Godly
Play classrooms from the vestry room wing to the Day School wing for better convenience and sharing of
resources between the classrooms.
Godly Play teachers are as follows:
2015-2016: Jean Tate (cluster leader), Molly Graves (cluster leader), Junior Abraham, Melissa Biegler,
Lisa Main, Rachael Nead, Nancy Waring.
2014-2015: Jean Tate (cluster leader), Molly Graves (cluster leader), Junior Abraham, Cecelia Bryan,
Lisa Main, Alex Vance, Nancy Waring, Leslie Way.
Our Intermediate class includes fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. The Intermediate class uses the Crossings for Kids
curriculum, which explores a range of Bible stories. As with Godly Play, we have been blessed with a very
experienced Intermediate faculty, with the same teachers for both the 2014-2015 school year and the 2015-2016
school year. Intermediate teachers are as follows:
Nancy Ward, Terry Cannon, Jim Helms
We offer Children’s Worship year round during the first half of the 10:45am service for children ages 3 through
3rd grade. Children’s Worship is staffed by the Godly Play teachers and a rotation of parent volunteers during the
school year. Children are offered a snack, given time to play, and participate in a simple and engaging liturgy.
The Children’s Worship experience is enhanced with music provided by a group of talented volunteer guitarists
(Jimmy Tate-coordinator, Terry Cannon, Drew Spires and Jeff Swoope). During the summer we have a
simplified format that does not include a liturgy. Summer Children’s Worship was again ably led by Sylvia
Abraham who was assisted by parent volunteers. Throughout the year, we also provide tote bags with crayons and
children’s bulletins for young ones to bring into the Nave during services.
We also provide a Nursery for our youngest members, year round beginning with the 8:15am service through the
conclusion of the 10:45am service. Christine Lanier and Carol McNabb are our long-time, experienced nursery
staff members. During 2015, we celebrated Christine’s ten-year anniversary of service to St. Bede’s and look
forward to celebrating Carol’s ten-year anniversary during 2016.
Our youth participate in the Journey to Adulthood program, which includes the Rite 13, J2A, and Young Adults
in Church (YAC) classes. Beth Cannon is our amazing Director of Youth. Please refer to Beth’s report for more
details on the Youth program.
Annual highlights of the Children & Youth Ministries year include the following:
• Teacher Work Day held in the fall before Sunday School classes begin
• Collection of school supplies for children in need and Blessing of Backpacks to mark the beginning of a
new school year
• Rally Day festivities held on the Sunday after Labor Day
• Intergenerational Advent Wreath Making Workshop for all ages held on the first Sunday in Advent
• Baby Jesus Baskets project to collect baby supplies for new mothers in need
• Celebration of the Feast of St. Nicholas with a special visitor
Christmas Pageant held on Christmas Eve with reception afterwards
Burying and resurrecting the Alleluias
Easter Egg Hunt
Festive liturgy led by the children and youth to mark the end of the Sunday School year
End-of-year party for our volunteers and their families
In addition, we sponsored two new “intergenerational” gatherings during the Christian Education hour on
Sundays when regular Sunday School was not meeting (a “craft potpourri” party in August to reconnect after the
summer and a holiday movie on the first Sunday in January). We also hosted a meeting in October 2015 to give
interested parishioners an opportunity to discuss possibilities for summer offerings for children.
The Children & Youth Ministries Committee wishes to thank everyone at St. Bede’s for their support of the
programs for children and youth. Additionally, the committee thanks all the wonderful Sunday School teachers
for their gifts of time and talent; our nursery workers, Christine and Carol, for their devotion to and tender care
of our youngest members; and all of the parents and volunteers who help in large and small ways to make our
programs possible for the children and youth of St. Bede’s.
Current members of the Children and Youth Ministries Committee:
Jean Tate, Sandy Spires, Sue Ellen Lampros
Molly Graves
Julie Mizell, co-chairs
Youth Ministries
The Christian Formation Council Youth Program coordinates Christian programs for youth ages 11-18 years.
The purpose of the Youth program is to guide the young people of our parish grades 6th- 12th as they journey
through their teen years. We do so by helping and encouraging them to develop their own individual
relationships with God, themselves and our community as a whole. Our youth participate in the Journey to
Adulthood program, which includes the Rite-13, J2A and Young Adults in Church (YAC) classes.
The members of the Youth Council are:
Beth Cannon, Director of Youth Ministries
Julie Mizell, Christian Formation Council Chair
Sue Ellen Lampros, Vestry Liaison
The Sunday School Teachers as of September 2015
Young Adults in Church (YAC – 10th-12th grades) – Carol Kemker, Cheryl Murphy, Fred Murphy
Journey to Adulthood – (J2A – 8th-9th grades) – Bo Bancroft, Beth Cannon, Julie Mizell
Rite 13 (R-13 – 6th-7th grades) – Julia Dalbom, Harrison Fair, Taylor Graves
Youth Group/Program Highlights of 2015:
January – MLK service project in Decatur
February – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
March – Labyrinth Walk with Lynnsay, Hunger Walk
April – Easter celebration and egg hunt
May – Youth Liturgy, Senior Homilies, (Elizabeth Mizell, Noah Newborn, Robert Townes)
June – Pilgrimage to New York
August – Kick off trip to Weems lake house
September – Began a new two year cycle
October – Marched in Pride Parade
November – Emmaus House Fill-the-Bag Challenge
December – Fill the Baby Jesus Baskets Challenge, Sold Honey Baked Ham Gift certificates, sold 32
Christmas trees, delivered 12 trees and installed 6 trees, served as readers for the Christmas pageant and
had an EPIC Lock-in with 28 youth participating.
Our ongoing service project was the creation of over 400 Bede’s Bags that parishioners have utilized to help us
feed the homeless and those in need.
Pastoral Care Ministries
During 2015 pastoral care ministries at St. Bede’s were expanded and revitalized. After discussion between the
rector and the Rev’d Lynnsay Buehler, the vestry approved an expansion of Lynnsay’s responsibilities and time
spent on pastoral care activities. Her coordination of pastoral care activities has contributed significantly to the
revitalization and expansion. There are now six pastoral care ministries at St. Bede’s: Eucharistic Visitors,
Daughters of the King, Share the Care, Caregivers Support Group, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and St. Bede’s Scribes.
A new Pastoral Care Ministry brochure has been developed which describes each of these ministries. It will be
used to inform parishioners and others about these ministries and will serve as a means of inviting interested
persons to join one or more of the groups.
Eucharistic Visitors take the Eucharist to members of the parish who are unable to attend Sunday services due to
illness or infirmity. EVs share this sacrament, and their presence, in the home, hospital, or other place of healing
and/or rest. The leader of this group is Carol Kemker. During 2015 four new Eucharistic Visitors were trained:
Junior Abraham, Molly Graves, Justin Gibson, and Melissa Beigler.
Daughters of the King is an order in the Episcopal Church that emphasizes daily prayer and service. The group is
headed by Nina Daniel. They meet on the third Sunday of each month in the Vestry Room. As a service project,
they make sandwiches for Emmaus House at the beginning of each meeting. They maintain a prayer list which
each Daughter prays daily. They also study together to promote spiritual growth.
Share the Care Committee provides home-cooked and take-out favorite meals and other support to parishioners
during life events such as the birth of a baby, surgery, other health challenges, grieving the loss of a loved one,
and at other times of need. This committee is currently led by Laura Martin and Cheryl Murphy. The group uses
Meal Train Plus, an on-line software program, to share information. It is an excellent tool for organizing meals,
transportation, and other support.
Caregiver Support Group is for those who have or have had significant responsibilities caring for a parent, child,
spouse or other person who has special needs. The leader is Sarah Jane Ohl. The group meets on the second
Sunday each month in Fr. Sotelo’s office after the 10:45 am service. They share successes and struggles and
receive and give each other support.
Prayer Shawl Ministry is a relatively new group formed in 2014 for fellowship and for knitting and crocheting
prayer shawls and scarves. They meet on the 4th Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:00 pm currently at the
home of Cheryl Murphy.
St. Bede’s Scribes are actually “an aspirational group”, that is, the Pastoral Care Council hopes to revive the
ministry of writing notes to parishioners in times of transition and/or need. This is a simple but important
ministry for letting people know that they are not forgotten and not alone; that the St. Bede’s community cares
and is holding the person/family in their thoughts and prayers.
Finally, the Pastoral Care Council, in conjunction with the Flower Guild, distributes flowers to homebound or
hospitalized parishioners at Christmas and Easter.
Dixie Snider, vestry liaison
Outreach Council
The congregation of St. Bede’s Episcopal Church continues joyfully to “join God in the neighborhood” by
addressing needs and concerns locally and beyond.
Our major missional project for 2015 was the re-build of a house gutted by fire at 2735 Glenvalley Dr., Decatur.
The DeKalb Habitat for Humanity organized the project, and St. Bede’s donated $10,000 to the cause. This
disbursement was allocated from outreach funds, the 2012 BB&B, and from parishioners’ donations. The
dedication for the completion of the project for new homeowner Rebecca Karlar was Dec. 13, 2015. Thanks to
Steve Hadler, Larry Bing, Tom Cordner, Elaine and Terry McClean and to Jeff Swoope for leadership of the
habitat re-build.
St. Bede’s continues to serve others by the following ministries:
• Ongoing – English as a Second Language on Tuesday and Thursday nights, directed by Samantha Burke
• Ongoing – Path to Shine – tutoring for children of those attending ESL on Tuesday nights, headed by
Anita Montelione
• Ongoing – NET Food Pantry, jars of jelly collection, headed by Lewis and Sally Cook and Nancy Ward,
and the staffing of the pantry in assigned months
• Ongoing – Bede Bags for those in need, headed by St. Bede’s Youth and Beth Cannon
• Ongoing – new ministry of Justice Journeys, led by Tommie Thompson, to address needs of those who
are incarcerated
• March – the Hunger Walk, led by the youth
• Spring and summer – produce from our Community Garden, organized by Tommie Thompson, Fran
Snider, and Rita Gowler, distributed to the NET Food Pantry
• Fall and winter – sock collection for NETworks Cooperative Ministry
• Fall and winter – sweater and cold weather clothing for Nicholas House, headed by Elaine McClean
• Fall – Emmaus House Thanksgiving meals for Peoplestown residents, led by Dee Weems
St. Bede’s contributed 155 bags of Thanksgiving groceries, 435 bunches of collards, and 20 boxes of
sweet potatoes.
• Advent and Christmas – Baby Jesus Basket collection of essential newborn items for Genesis Shelter in
downtown Atlanta, led by Amy Busch
• Emmaus House matching gift pledge fulfillment of $1,100 partnering for academic achievement and
economic success for Peoplestown families
May we continue to be aware and to respond to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in our “neighborhood”,
locally and globally.
Jan Swoope, vestry liaison
Parish Life
2015 was another fun and busy year for the Parish Life Council at St. Bede’s, filled with beloved annual
fellowship events as well as other celebrations in the life of our parish. The council continues to discern how St.
Bede’s can best utilize its human and physical resources for the benefit of all current and prospective church
members and the community at large.
The Parish Life Council currently consists of standing groups and committees such as Sisters of Bede, Men of
Bede as well as the Kitchen Committee. The Men of Bede meet monthly at the Old Hickory House and come
together, as needed, to help with the maintenance and beautification projects for the church and grounds. The
Kitchen Committee diligently keeps the church well stocked with paper goods and other kitchen supplies. The
Sisters of Bede meet throughout the year for fellowship and leadership of special projects and events such as the
Mother’s Day Tea, the annual Christmas Bake Sale and next year’s BB&B!
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The council had a full year of fellowship and celebration. We started the year with our Celebration of New
Ministry as we formally welcomed Chad as our Rector. Our annual Parish Meeting followed soon after in
January with a festive potluck lunch. In February, we once again made tamales, combining the Hispanic and
English speaking congregations for what is becoming a favorite annual event! Eastertide was marked by a
bountiful brunch followed by our beautiful morning services. Both congregations united again, in May, on the
Feast of Pentecost for the annual Parish Picnic. It was a festive day of dancing, music and food for all! This fall
was our first Service of Remembrance for Infant and Pregnancy Loss. This evening service was a moving tribute
for our church family and friends and was our hope that we helped to spiritually honor those during their
journey of grief. This Christmastide brought back the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Las Posadas liturgies.
Las Posadas was followed by a soup and tamale feast and then the annual tree decorating party! Both
congregations enjoyed food, music and fellowship together.
None of these events and activities would have been possible without the volunteer support and participation of
our many friends and members of St. Bede’s. Thank you to everyone who washed dishes or linens, prepared
food, set up tables and chairs, cleaned the kitchen, made coffee, and so much more.... and always with a smile!
Please accept the sincere appreciation of the Parish Life Council for everything you have done for the good of our
parish in 2015. We couldn't have done it without you!
Molly Seif
Leslie Joiner, Vestry Liaisons
Men of Bede
The Men of Bede (MOB) is an organization of men that is built around helping, assisting and service. We
welcome men from all age groups to join us in fellowship and camaraderie. We come together as a group
monthly for breakfast at the Northlake Old Hickory House. We are a no-guilt group with an informal
organization and we always show up with helping hands when the need arises.
Some of the MOB activities in 2015 included working with Habitat for Humanity in renovating a house in the
Decatur area; helping clean and salvage a house nearly destroyed by fire; cleaning and clearing the children’s
playground; preparing soup for Maundy Thursday; cooking at the annual parish picnic; moving furniture around
the church; helping set up for events at the church, helping install a series of outside lights from the church to the
lower parking lot, outside grounds maintenance and minor repairs when needed. When called upon, we also
come together to help out and assist our fellow parishioners with their personal needs.
We enjoy our time together and we seek to actively welcome and include new members. When a call goes out for
assistance, all you got to is show up when you can.
Jim Helms
Sisters of Bede
The year 2015 was one of old favorites and new experiences. So many of our projects began as labors of love and
continue as happy traditions. We began the year by making the most of our Sister’s Room by meeting together
there each month, working together on projects, planning new events and just enjoying each other’s company.
Together we celebrated the wonderful women in our lives with the Mother’s Day Tea led by Fran Snider, Loretta
Vail and Kathy Nelson, raising money for our projects and giving some of the Men of Bede a chance to shine as
servers and saints. Our community garden flourished under the guidance of Tommie Thompson and Fran
Snider, and we funded the planting of the community garden so that we could continue to provide fresh
tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers to the Net Food Pantry. We provided flowers and support to some of our
Sister’s in need. We started dreaming about the possible renovation of the Parish Hall and Loretta Vail and
Kathy Nelson did the work needed to apply for an Interfaith Energy Grant to help fund replacement of the
windows. While we didn’t get the grant, the tremendous work done by this committee paves the way for further
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attempts at designing and financing the renovation project. We helped clean the playground under the guidance
of Barbara Helms. We helped with the Baby Jesus Baskets under the guidance of Amy Busch, and the
Thanksgiving food collection, led as always by Dee Weems, and we held another very successful Advent Bake
Sale, raising over $800.00. We provided supplies and labor for the NET Food Pantry, under Nancy Ward’s
direction. And, this year, the entire Parish helped the Sisters provide assistance to the Church of the Good
Shepherd in Ft. Defiance, Arizona. We raised enough money, through individual donations and from the
proceeds of a great Game Night, to buy mattresses, rugs, linens, lamps, paintings and other items needed for the
cleaning and renovation of the retreat house and other buildings on the Church property. The experience was
As we move into 2016 we hope to continue our favorite traditions: the Mother’s Day Tea, the Community
Garden, the monthly gatherings- while we begin to plan for and organize BBB, 2016. Our goal is to find projects
and social events that excite and interest our diverse sisterhood.
Lois Shingler
Hispanic Ministry of St. Bede’s
There are many great things to report about our Hispanic Ministry. Here are the only the main happenings the
year 2015:
Our average attendance at our 5:00 pm celebration in Spanish is about 80 people, half of them are children and
In addition to our weekly Holy Eucharist we offer celebrations for Quinceañeras, baptisms, first communions,
confirmations, and weddings that show that our ministry is growing and is very much known by hundreds of
people in the areas of Atlanta, Tucker, Norcross, Chamblee, and Doraville.
This past year we started ministering to people in Plaza Fiesta, a Latino Mall located on Buford Highway and
Clairmont Road in Chamblee. Our presence there covered several religious services including: Ash Wednesday,
Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunday, and Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our bishop Robert Wright and
Fr. Chad were part of our Missionary Team to celebrate Maundy Thursday. Our presence at Plaza Fiesta keeps
very active our missionary identity, and helps us to be present in the world evangelizing and proclaiming the
good news of Jesus Christ in Plaza Fiesta, considered the biggest Latino Mall in Georgia. I personally continue
attending the spiritual needs of the people who work in this center.
New families have joined our parish signing as members and pledging toward our financial goal for the year.
To keep our identity as one parish serving in two languages we celebrated together several services throughout the
year: The three most attended and beautiful were Pentecost on May 24, Our Lady of Guadalupe on December
11, and Las Posadas on Dec 20th.
I must say that our Hispanic ministry in our parish is strong and brings a lot of vitality and happiness to our
The Rev’d Fabio A. Sotelo
The Julian of Norwich Center
January 2015-December 2015 Summary of Activities for the Annual Parish Meeting
56 individuals seen for Spiritual Direction
37 Episcopalians: 4 from St. Bede’s; 33 from 13 other parishes in the Diocese of Atlanta, 1 in
Tennessee and 1 in Alabama
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19 from other denominations: United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic,
Southern Baptist, Moderate Baptist, African Methodist Episcopal, Non-denominational
49 women, 7 men
2 people seen for Couples’ Spiritual Direction/Enneagram work
12 people served through the Contemplative Living/Centering Prayer Group
11 members in 2014-2015
1 new member (with 10 returning from last year) in 2015-2016
8 Episcopalians: 4 from St. Bede’s; 4 from 4 other parishes
4 from other denominations: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, African Methodist Episcopal, United Methodist
12 women
8 people served through the Education for Ministry (EfM) Group
6 members in 2014-2015
2 new members in 2015-2016
6 Episcopalians: 2 from St. Bede’s; 4 from other parishes
2 from other denominations: Presbyterian, African Methodist Episcopal
7 women, 1 man
37 people served through two Quiet Days and one Workshop/Quiet Day offered through
the Center: Lenten Quiet Day, 3/7; Loving My Transgender Neighbor as Myself
Workshop/Quiet Day, 10/10; and Advent Quiet Day, 12/5
31 Episcopalians: 19 from St. Bede’s; 12 from 4 other parishes
6 from other denominations: Roman Catholic, African Methodist Episcopal, United Methodist
33 women, 4 men
91 people served through Offerings in other locations: “Living with Loss” Workshop/Quiet
Day, with Dr. Doyle Hamilton, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, 1/24; Leader,
Columbia Theological Seminary Contemplative Worship, 1/29 and 8/10; Teaching class on
the Enneagram for CPE students and Chaplains, CHOA-Emory, 6/25; Teaching Centering
Prayer to Intercessory Prayer Team, Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, 8/9
St. Bede’s parish served: 4 Popcorn Theology gatherings serving 88; shepherding Ordination Discernment
process for parish seminarian; working with Pastoral Care Team and with Caroline Branch to design and to
offer Adult Formation classes this Fall; participated in the liturgical life of the parish.
Many served through providing referrals to spiritual directors, retreat centers, spiritual direction training
programs, peer supervision groups and therapists; 4 coached in beginning a spiritual direction center.
The Rev’d Lynnsay Buehler, Director
St. Bede’s Episcopal Day School
The Day School’s last year is going well, although smaller than usual. We have 34 families with a total of 41
students. We’ve recently lost 2, but signed 2 more. The monthly tuition income averages $6,900.
Our staff is reduced as well. We usually have 11-12 teachers, but this year there are 7 very loyal and dedicated
Christine Humphreys, Director
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Nominees for Vestry
Connie Coralli
Connie Coralli has been a member of St. Bede's Church for 4 years arriving coincidentally (or
under God's direction) on Chad's very first Sunday at St. Bede's. She is a nurse practitioner
who started the Standardized Patient Program and Clinical Skills Center for the School of
Medicine at Emory University in 2007 and has directed it since that time growing it from 4
clients to over 100. Church has always been an important part of her life and she feels she has
found the church home she was looking for at St. Bede's. She is active in the Sisters of Bede,
Flower Guild and the book club. She also enjoys teaching ESL at St. Bede's. Connie has three
young adult children who attended St. Bede's Day School when they were younger so she has
been familiar with St. Bede's for many years before becoming a member. She is appreciative for this opportunity
to be on the Vestry and see how God leads her to serve St. Bede's going forward.
Jody Klein
Jody Klein has been attending St. Bede's for 18 years. As a member of St. Bede's, Jody has
baked altar bread for 15 years and has coordinated the Bread Guild for the past two years. He
has also served as a Godly Play teacher for many years and has served as an adult chaperon for
youth outings as well. Jody proudly serves as the Education Coordinator for Atlanta Habitat for
Humanity. Jody is married to Heidi and they have two sons, Benjamin and Johnny. Jody looks
forward to being of service to St. Bede's and working as a member of the Vestry.
Lois Shingler
Lois Shingler has been a member of St. Bede’s for over thirty years and has served on the Vestry
twice including stints as both Junior and Senior Warden. As a member of the Sisters of Bede,
Lois has leant her leadership to St. Bede’s Bargains, Bangles, and Bede’s (BB&B) event every
other year – along with countless garden plantings, bake sales, Mother’s Day Teas, and Bunco
Games. Lois also serves as an Usher and on the Flower Guild (wondering occasionally when she
will get fired for weird arrangements incorporating Spam and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese or for
using leaking containers on the altar). Lois has recently served on a Diocesan Task Force tasked
with strengthening the self-sufficiency of many of the Diocese’s long-standing outreach
ministries. Lois practices Family Law and resides in Tucker with hubby George, son Paul and two contrary cats
– with daughter Emily, son-in-law Yotam and sweet, sweet granddaughter Sophie close by. Lois looks forward to
serving on the Vestry to concentrate making the next BB&B the best ever (which means you will get recruited to
carry and sell stuff); help organize an adult pilgrimage; push for the renovation of the Parish Hall and try to stay
beneath the radar.
Ramon Valle
Ramon Valle was born in Honduras and had lived in the USA since April, 2012. He
immediately joined the Spanish community of the Cathedral of St. Phillip and in 2014 became
member of St. Bede’s Spanish community. He is currently working as Supply Chain consultant
in a Medical Devices company located in Alpharetta. Ramon (by the grace of God) is married to
Larissa who is also a member of St. Bede’s, blessed with 2 boys and expecting a third boy in
April. Ramon participated in the 1996 Olympic Games representing Honduras in swimming,
gaining plenty of experience and getting to know many people and cultures. Ramon is excited
about serving on the Vestry.
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St. Bede’s 2016 Budget
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St. Bede’s Episcopal Church
2601 Henderson Mill Road NE ✠ Atlanta, Georgia 30345 ✠ www.stbedes.org
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