May 25, 2014 - St. Bede Parish
May 25, 2014 - St. Bede Parish
St. Bede Catholic Church 509 South Dallas Avenue ~ Pittsburgh, PA 15208 MAY 25, 2014 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Reverend Edward M. Bryce, Pastor Reverend John Twinomujuni In Residence Reverend Michael Mburu, A.J. Mass Times: Daily: 7:00 & 9:00 am Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 and 12 Noon Confession: Saturday: 2:30 pm and after 5:00 pm Mass Any other time, please call the rectory Baptism and Weddings: By appointment only Rectory: Fax: School: 412-661-7222 412-661-9337 412-661-9425 Parish Pastoral Council: Perry Blatz Lisa Bush Elizabeth Cwenar John Delaney Angela Maher Mary Anne Mason Tracey McCarthy Deborah McMahon Daryl Milliner Shellie Oakley Nancy O’Brien Daniel Siewiorek Kelly Weixel Organizations and Officers: Mrs. Judith Meyers, Parish Secretary, 412-661-7222 Sr. Mary Elizabeth Schrei, S.C., Pastoral Associate, 412-661-9425 x 13 Ms. Mary Drummond School Principal, 412-661-9425 Ms. Rosemary Fitzgerald, Business Manager 412 661-7222 Ms. Shari Fetzko, CCD, Sunday School of Religion 412-661- 9425 x 12 Mrs. Stefanie Bonavita Par. Teacher Guild, 412-243-1381 Mr. Gary Kline, Emeritus Music Minister Mrs. Jennifer Gorske, Music Min., 412-244-0171 Mrs. Carla LaRocca DiDonato Music Min., 412-422-2460 Mr. Gerard Rohlf, Music Min., 412-731-7179 St. Vincent de Paul, Rectory, 412-661-7222 Mrs. Dorothy Hays, St. Bede Guild, 412-242-6875 Mrs. Sarah Corcoran, Christian Mothers, 412-241-5401 Mrs. Helen Daley, Sen. Cit. Coordinator, 412-441-5592 Mr. Thomas Ayoob, Athletic Association, 412-362-5533 Mrs. Chiara Watkins, Altar Servers 412-362-1518 Mrs. Rita Scholle, Web-Administrator/Meeting Room Scheduler 412-243-3078 Mrs. Dorothy Gloninger, Flowers, 412-904-4459 Mr. Kyle Goldcamp, Youth Minister Mrs. Glennen Lloyd, Bulletin Asst. 412-243-6775 MASSES FOR THE WEEK VIGIL (6th Sunday of Easter) 5:00 p.m. Guy Geraghty (Family) SUNDAY (6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER) [25] 8:00 For All the People of the Parish 10:00 Pete Corcoran (Sarah Corcoran & Family) 12:00 Mary Ellen Best (Al & Mary Ann Zajko) MONDAY (St Philip Neri, priest) [26] 7:00 *T. & S. W-b: Carol & Harry Goepferich 9:00 *T. & S. W-b: Rosie Fitzgerald (Mary Ann Zajko) TUESDAY (Easter Weekday) [27] 7:00 *T. & S. W-b: Rosie Fitzgerald (Betty Lee Garver) 9:00 *T. & S. W-b: Angela Noonan & Cindy) WEDNESDAY (Easter Weekday) [28] 7:00 *T. & S. W-b: Mackenna Grace 9:00 *T. & S. W-b: Rosie Fitzgerald (Betty Lee Garver) VIGIL (THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD) 6:00 p.m Amy Moody (SME) THURSDAY (ASCENSION OF THE LORD) [29] 7:00 Cohen, Schweitzer, Rapport Families 9:00 Virginia V. Laverty (Audrey Fusco) 7:00 p.m. St. Bede Class of 2014 - New Evangelizers FRIDAY (Easter Weekday) [30] 7:00 Marion H. Feeney, Anniv. (Family) 9:00 Robert Anthony Scholle (Scholle, Fusco Families) SATURDAY (VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY) [31] 7:00 Goepferich, Maly Families 9:00 Lucien Charron (Mary Beth Leech) VIGIL (7th Sunday of Easter) 5:00 p.m. *T. & S. W-b: Helen Daley in celebration of her 100 birthday (Her Children) SUNDAY (7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER) [1] 8:00 For All the People of the Parish 10:00 Francis Wymard (Tom Irr) 12:00 William Lotzmann (Wm. & Jean Fitzgerald Family) *T.&S.W-b: = “temporal and spiritual well-being:” SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We welcome into the Church of Jesus Christ through the saving waters of Baptism Vera Juliana, daughter of Jeffrey and Lynda Sabatelle Sassic, and Molly Elizabeth, daughter of Eric and Jessica Patchen Setzler, and Grace Patricia, daughter of David and Jessica Obergas Wilson. May Vera Juliana, Molly Elizabeth and Grace Patricia grow strong in faith and hope within the love of their families and this parish. REFLECTIONS “ALWAYS BE READY TO GIVE AN EXPLANATION TO ANYONE WHO ASKS YOU FOR A REASON FOR YOUR HOPE, BUT DO IT WITH GENTLENESS AND REVERENCE…” GRADUATION - OUR CLASS OF 2014 Such special joy the Mass of Graduation! Our parish was founded in 1922, the school opened in 1925, last Tuesday 35 beautiful girls and goodlooking guys received their diplomas. They join an elite group - St. Bede Alumni/ae. I pray they bring to that cadre a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ. May they be the “evangelizers” Bishop Zubik hopes for to build the ‘Church Alive!’. Ariana Allen, Anthony Antario, Chelsea Calfo, Gabrielle Davis, Michael DeVito, Hope DiGioia, Zoya Domashnev, Colin Dorcak, Patrick Ellis, Joseph Fantini, Brian Freyvogel, Giulia Giampapa, Cole Gilbert, Anna Gorske, Irina Kramkova, Johanna Loughran, Kayley McDonald, James McInerney, Katarina Mico, Jason Moy, Sean Newell, Michael O’Toole, Samantha Rende, Emmet Sheehan, Warren Sipe, Sal Visco, Mimi Washington, Julia Wingard, Michael Wojcik, Carolyn Woll, Kate Wrenn, Alexander Zapinski and Julia Zoratto. Special Recognitions: American Legion Awards: Katarina Mico & Warren Sipe. Knights of Columbus Awards for Altar Servers: Michael DeVito, Colin Dorcak, Patrick Ellis, Joseph Fantini, Anna Gorske, Katarina Mico, Sean Newell, Michael O’Toole, Emmet Sheehan, Julia Wingard, Michael Wojcik, Carolyn Woll and Alexander Zapinski. ***** “And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.” ***** SICK LIST Pray for Regis Griffin, John Ceric, Joanne Schwarz, Kevin O’Brien, Mary Jane Tirk, John Davis, James Walsh, Julian Zekan, Joann Dzikowski, Fran McCarthy, D.J. Stinelli, Agnes Fox, Joseph Hamm, Gavin Boyle, Bonnie Richards-Takacs, Susan Delaney, Dr. Charlie Staley, Paul Lydon, Frances Galardi, Larry Werner, Bruno Cassara, Willa Campbell, Herbert Durbeck, Fran Kalinowski, Dorothy Meyers, Judy Siewiorek , Linda Carr, Alfred Von Arx, Margaret Soboslay, Ward Olander, Arlene Trichtinger, Ruth McGill, Sandra Vesely, Judith Dyke, Patty Gillespie, Stephen McCloskey, Mary Jane Sisk, Libby Regan, Eumenia Castro, Giovanna Nistico, Jacqueline Dumond, Marlene Handrahan, Marie Boyle, Jacqueline Dumont, Bernadette Curillo and all those in need of our prayers who wish to remain anonymous. ASCENSION THURSDAY: Thursday, May 29th is Ascension Thursday. It is a holyday of obligation. The Vigil Mass on Wednesday is 6:00 p.m. and Masses on Thursday are 7 & 9 a.m. and an evening Mass at 7 p.m. “SPEAKING UP” is The Church Evangelizing! - In today’s second reading from the first letter of Saint Peter followers of Jesus are encouraged to “always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but to do it with gentleness and reverence.” Being able to share with others the comfort and hope we experience in being friends with Jesus is what Bishop Zubik discusses in his fourth pastoral letter: The Church Evangelizing!. Visit to read the pastoral letter, download the audio file of Bishop reading the letter, access resources and learn about the movement that is The Church Evangelizing!. ST. BEDE PARISH YOUTH MINISTRY -The LAST Teen Mass of the school year will be Sunday May 25th at 7PM. Fr. Joe Freedy will be saying the mass. All high school students, their friends, and families are invited join. FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY - The Unity Committee is hosting a Fellowship Sunday after 8:00 and 10:00 Mass on June 8. Please join fellow parishioners for light refreshments and conversation with old and new friends. MUST-SEE FILM - The Adult Faith Formation Committee recommends the film, Jerusalem, currently playing in the Omnimax Theater at the Carnegie Science Center through May 30. In this new 40 minute film, the religious and archaeological history recorded in the film will be of interest to all. The cost of the film is $8.50 for adults, $6.50 for children. No General admission charge to visit the Science Center is necessary. The costs are one dollar less each for Science Center members. For showtimes, or call 412-237-3400. MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES - Calvary Cemetery, 718 Hazelwood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217, 412-4219959, Monday, May 26 11:00 a.m.; also St. Mary Cemetery, Penn Avenue & 45th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15224, 412-421-9959 Sunday, May 25 10:00 a.m. HEARTS AND SOLES SHOE DRIVE – Please donate your unwanted new or gently-used shoes, sneakers, boots to help those in need in Southwestern Pennsylvania PA while helping the environment. A CCD student created this service project last year after a CCD visit to the Food Bank revealed that many of their families, especially the children (who outgrow them), are in great need of shoes. There will be a collection box in the vestibule now through Sunday, June 8th. Please donate clean (no mud) and new or gently-used (no holes) shoes of any size or type (children’s, men’s, women’s), tied together by their laces or rubberbands if you can. Any unwanted or outgrown shoes will mean a lot to the families who can’t afford any! Last year, volunteers at a few schools and the CCD collected 400 pairs of shoes for distribution; they hope to be able to help more children and their families this year! If you know of a school or other organization that would be willing to put up a poster or box, please contact the CCD student, Kip Rodes, at or 412-243-2001. He will be happy to provide posters and boxes. PITTSBURGH CURSILLO will hold its sixth regional meeting in the Diocese of Pittsburgh at Risen Lord Parish, 3250 California Avenue [one block up from Ohio River Blvd.) on TUESDAY, MAY 27. It will begin at 7:00PM and be concluded by 8:30PM. This meeting is to provide understanding of Cursillo’s ability to support the New Evangelization efforts in parishes throughout the diocese. It is meant for those who live the Cursillo method, Catholics who need a comfortable way of returning to the practice of their faith, pastors wishing to find support for their parish evangelization efforts, and anyone who may be interested in learning more about the Cursillo method of “Make a friend, Be a friend, Bring a Friend to Christ”. For more information, contact Patty at or Fr. Tom Galvin at MARY OF NAZARETH FILM- A private viewing of the film Mary of Nazareth will be shown at the Phoenix 18 Cinema located in the Chartiers Valley Shopping Center in Bridgeville, PA. Monday, May 26 at 7pm; Tuesday, May 27 at 3pm; Thursday, May 29 at 7pm, Phoenix 18 Cinema (formerly Destinta),1025 Washington Pike, Bridgeville, PA 15017 Watch the trailer at the Mary of Nazareth website: A donation of $5.00 is requested. Come a half hour earlier to pray the rosary. If you have any questions about the film or its showings at the old Destinta (Now Phoenix 18 Cinemas) theater in Bridgeville, Please call Randy, St. Louise de Marillac, at 412-606-6012. DEADLINES! ♦ Bulletin announcements - Mondays at noon to ♦ Flyer inserts - Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. to Sister Mary Elizabeth at ♦ Mass announcements - Fridays at 9:00 a.m. to Sister Mary Elizabeth ST. BEDE - 8TH GRADE GRADUATION WHEELING PARK PICNIC SANCTUARY VOLUNTEERS- May 31st & June 1st Sarah Corcoran LECTORS - ASCENSION OF THE LORD VIGIL Wednesday 6 pm - Kelly Weixel ASCENSION THURSDAY 7pm - Christine Kush LECTORS - May 31st & June 1st 5:00 Perry Blatz 8:00, 10:00 ,12:00 TBA EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - ASCENSION OF THE LORD VIGIL Wednesday 6 pm - John Newell, Sarah Corcoran, Betsy Cwenar ASCENSION THURSDAY 7pm - Price Joan, Tom McGough, Nancy O'Brien EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - May 31st & June 1st 5:00 Bernadette Harris, Diana Buck, Kathy Haupt 8:00, 10:00 ,12:00 TBA ALTAR SERVERS - May 31st & June 1st 5:00 Daniela Watkins Michael Wojcik 8:00 Molly Ayoob Alex Zapinski 10:00 Cecelia Costello Benito Countouris Gina DeAntonis 12:00 Katarina Mico Angelina Mico CANTOR / CHOIR - May 31st & June 1st 5:00 Choir 8:00 Josie Bruce 10:00 Family Mass 12:00 Meighan Harding Protecting God’s Children: CHILDLINE Report suspected child abuse1-800-932-0313 Diocese of Pgh Victim Abuse Hotline 1-888-808-1235 THE LIGHT OF FAITH “5. Christ, on the eve of his passion, assured Peter: ’I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail” (Lk 22:32). He then told him to strengthen his brothers and sisters in that same faith. Conscious of the duty entrusted to the Successor of Peter, Benedict XVI proclaimed the present Year of Faith a time of grace which is helping us to sense the great joy of believing and to renew our wonder at the vast horizons which faith open us, so as then to profess that faith in its unity and integrity, faithful to the memory of the Lord and sustained by his presence and by the working of the Holy Spirit…. 6.The Year of Faith was inaugurated on the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. This is itself a clear indication that Vatican II was a Council on faith, inasmuch as it asked us to restore the primacy of God in Christ to the center of our lives, both as a Church and as individuals. The Church never takes faith for granted , but knows that this gift of God needs to be nourished and reinforced so that I can continue to guide her pilgrim way. The Second Vatican Council enabled the light of faith to illumine our human experience from within, accompanying the men and women of our time on their journey. It clearly showed how faith enriches life in all its dimensions.” Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter LUMEN FIDEI, #5&6. BLOOMFIELD SHADYSIDE 5300 Penn Avenue 6214 Walnut St 412-661-3134 412-661-6282 Edward G. McCabe, Supv. Owned and Operated by the McCabe Family Fine Custom Cabinetry at Affordable Prices Edward G. McCabe Jr., Supv. Trevor A. Lloyd Parishioner Office: 1-412-243-4120 1102 South Braddock Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15218 Manager – Joe Goldcamp W: 724-763-7057 H: 412-371-0634 Regent Square Branch Mary Jo Breen New to Pittsburgh? Downsizing? Lifestyle changing? Senior transition? 412-952-2522 Call me Today! 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