April 26, 2015 - Our Lady of the Snow Blue Point
April 26, 2015 - Our Lady of the Snow Blue Point
Our Lady of the Snow Catholic Church 175 Blue Point Avenue Blue Point, New York 11715 Telephone: 631-363-6385 April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter “There is no salvation through anyone else “(Acts 4:8-12) MASS SCHEDULE WEEK DAY MASSES: Monday—Friday 8:30AM in Mother Church WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5PM in Large Church Sunday 7:30AM in Mother Church 9AM, and 11:00AM in Large Church SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 4PM—4:30PM in Large Church Monday 6:15PM—7:15PM in Mother Church EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Monday 6PM—8PM in Mother Church MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA & BENEDICTION: Monday 7:30—8PM In Mother Church Visit us online! www.OurLadyofTheSnowBluePoint.com ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT TO GET YOUR RAFFLE TICKET GRAND PRIZE $10,000 (details on page 10) Confused on how to spend $10,000? Here are some possible solutions: New patio furniture, new living room furniture, summer vacation, pay off debt, donate to charity rent a beach house, buy a car or boat, hire a pool boy, take time off work and relax……. †The Pastoral Team Clergy† Rev. Edward R. D’Andrea, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Charles Fink, Parish Administrator Rev. John Amoah, Associate Pastor Deacon Frank Hartmann Deacon Edward Karan Deacon Robert Gronenthal Faith Formation for Adults: 363-2416 Mrs. Beth Rivalsi, Director of Faith Formation for Adults olsbeth@aol.com Religious Education: 363-6394 Mrs. Patricia Bartoldus, Rite of Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.) Persons interested in becoming Catholic and adults who have not received Confirmation or First Eucharist, please contact Beth Rivalsi at 363-2416. Marriage: Arrangements must be made at least six to twelve months in advance. It is advisable to call the church prior to arranging the reception. Baptisms Are celebrated on the second Saturday and fourth Sunday of most months. Please visit our website at for complete information Director of Faith Formation, 1-9 Mrs. Eileen Mulry, Secretary, ext. 15 Mrs. Susan Gressler, C.R.E., ext. 14 Office hours: Monday – Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. & 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. olsbpre@aol.com Parish Outreach: 363-2417 Mrs. Diana Mongan, Director Mrs. Patricia Fulco, Outreach Assistant Office hours and food pantry 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday - Thursday in the cottage Evening Hours Available by Appointment olsoutreach@yahoo.com New parishioners Please register at the parish or call 363-6385, ext. 10 for information. Communion for the Homebound: To make arrangements to have Communion brought to the home, please call the parish office at 363-6385, ext. 10. For emergency sick calls, please call the parish at any time. Catholic Marriage for couples married outside the Church Director of Music Mrs. Theresa Martin Parish Office: 363-6385 — Fax: 363-7394 Mrs. Lindsay Butler, Parish Asst., ext. 11 Mrs. Loraine Gonzalez, . Asst., ext. 10 Hours: Mon -Thurs 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-12 p.m. ourladyofthesnowbp@gmail.com If you have a civil marriage but now desire a Catholic sacramental marriage, call the Rectory for more information about a Convalidation .Convalidation is having a couple’s marriage recognized and blessed by the Church through the Catholic Rite of Marriage A Message from Father Charles Fink Page 3 April 26,2015 My dear parish family, By next weekend we’ll have begun the month of May, traditionally devoted by the Church to Mary. As noted elsewhere in this bulletin, we’ll be honoring the Blessed Mother, the patroness of our parish, at the 9 a.m. Mass on May 3 with a May Crowning ceremony in which our children will participate and at which one of them will crown a statue of Mary (weather permitting, the one in front of the mother church) with a circlet of flowers. We hope many of you will be able to join us for that. Last October, we distributed Rosary booklets to any who were interested in having them, in the hope that you’d be encouraged to begin praying the Rosary on a regular basis. If you didn’t get one and would like to know more about this favored Catholic devotion and how to practice it, feel free to see me, and I’ll get you a copy of the booklet. If you’re interested in learning more about the Blessed Virgin Mary and her place in salvation history and the life of the Church, there’s an inexpensive little book called A Short Catechism of Mary by the late Charles Cardinal Journet, available from Amazon and other online sources. It’s only about seventy pages long, in question and answer form, and includes a wealth of information about Mary and the prayers that have come to be associated with her. Cardinal Journet was a brilliant theologian, but this little catechism is written in language anyone can understand. For one of the most beautiful books ever written on the Blessed Mother, try Caryll Houselander’s The Reed of God. Anything she wrote is well worth reading and absolutely unique in tone and approach, but she was especially good on Mary. If you’re one of the dying breed that appreciates poetry, John Lynch’s A Woman Wrapped in Silence is not to be missed. It’s the life of Christ as seen through the eyes of Mary, all in iambic pentameter. It doesn’t rhyme, but every line is ten syllables, and the language is beautiful. Let’s all take advantage of this May to deepen our love of and devotion to our Blessed Mother. And let’s make it a point to share devotion to her with our children and grandchildren. Our faith is like a garden. If we don’t maintain it with care and diligence, especially in the world in which we’re living, it’ll soon be a desert or a jungle. With love and prayers, Fr. Charles Fink Prayers & Intentions † MEMORIALS FOR THE WEEK † Altar Bread and Wine In loving Memory of Anna Schwartz Sanctuary Candle in Mother Church In Memory of Mary Tierney Gallagher MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK April 27 ,2015 Saints and Special Observances also indicated Monday 8:30AM April 27 Eric Nickerson † Tuesday April 28 St. Peter Chanel St. Louis Grignion de Montfort Annette Fiore † 8:30AM Wednesday April 29 St. Catherine of Siena 8:30AM Joan Nolan † Thursday 8:30AM April 30 St. Pius V Josephine Montulto † Friday 8:30AM May 1 St. Joseph the Worker Damaso Conste † Saturday 5:00PM May 2 St. Athanasius John W. Hunt Jr.† Richard & Laura Willis Sunday 7:30AM 9:00AM 11:00AM May 3 Parishioners † Higgin-Barresi Family † Barbara “Peep” Fredrick † John Petrizzi † Lt. Col Christopher Ederle Major Meghan Ederle Capt Kyle Brown 1st Lt. Tara Brown Gomez 1st Lt Thomas Gomez Lt. Jg Sean Brown 3/c Midshipman Shannon Brown Army Specialist Justin Brown E3/ACAN Connor Rooney USN Page 4 April 26, 2015 Pray for Our Sick We pray for all who are sick, for their healing in both body and spirit…. Kathleen & Follan Wedell, Judy Drazan & Larry Wolffe In Sympathy For all who have died this past week, that they rejoice in the heavenly banquet… Dinner Dance May 1, 2015 ,7-11 PM $35 Per Ticket Raffle drawing at this event Knights of Columbus Hall Patchogue Tickets on Sale at the Rectory office Milk and Cookies Night Join us in the Mother Church for Bedtime stories and prayers May 7th from 7:00pm-7:30 pm For children ages 3-6 years old Attire is PJs Bring your favorite teddy bear etc. KNOWING OUR FAITH XIV. THE HEART OF A DISCIPLE In Jesus Christ we see the whole history of salvation recapitulated: God’s love for us; how we ought to love God and one another; the nature of sin and its bitter fruit; God’s permission of evil and His bringing good out of that evil, the last state of creation being more glorious, in spite of sin, than the first. Truly it is a life’s work to plumb the depths of all the Lord has to teach us, as it is to know and love Him as we should. In our last lesson, we indicated how seeing Jesus is seeing the eternal heart of God. Now we will look briefly at what the Lord has to teach us about the shape our hearts ought to take on as we journey along the path of love to eternal life. We will have more to say about this later, when we come to discuss the virtues and commandments. This is just a quick glimpse ahead. There are certain of Jesus’ teachings that we might call the acid tests of Christian discipleship. Take, e.g., His saying: “. . . love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44) On very good days, obedience to this command may appear merely to be the full flowering of what is best in us, but on most days, it is bound to seem nearly an impossible task, one that runs completely counter to the inclinations of our fallen human nature. Or take His statement that, “. . . if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28), the same being true obviously for the woman who looks lustfully at a man. By that standard, I think it is safe to say that there are not too many non-adulterers on the loose out there. We have already referred to the Golden Rule. Perhaps you will agree when I say that it comes more naturally to us to treat others as they treat us rather than as we would like them to do. The entire Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and much of the rest of Jesus’ teaching and life are like a sketch of a truly christened heart, which is to say, a heart that loves as it should. It is not a picture with which we have very much first-hand experience, because we daily fall so far short of making it our own. Clearly, to measure up to such an imposing standard, we need help, and, as we have said, help is available. Believing with Joy! Stewardship - A Way of Life Steward ship and the Good Sheppard Traditionally, the Fourth Sunday of Easter (today) is also called Good Shepherd Sunday. Christ tells us in today’s Gospel from John, “I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me.” The image of Christ as the shepherd is one of the oldest in the Church. Even in the Catacombs there is an ancient drawing of Christ carrying a sheep on his shoulders. Sometimes it is difficult for us to view ourselves as sheep. There is something passive and reliant in that image which may bother our sense of independence. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we know that we need the Lord’s help and guidance. An essential part of living a stewardship way of life is placing our lives in the hands of our Good Shepherd nonetheless. Throughout this Easter Season we celebrate that one mystery — that Christ gave His life for us on the Cross. If we accept the fact that He is our Savior and that He is our Shepherd, we are better able to serve as shepherds to one another. Stewardship is a life of giving self, a life of self-giving. We must constantly work to live up to the Lord’s expectations of us, but we also must always know that He is our shepherd, our Good Shepherd, and He is always there for us. Stewardship Bulletin Reflections Reflection Question How well do I know Jesus, the Good Shepherd? Prayer Opportunity The Rosary will be prayed on April 28 at 4:45 in the Mother Church. A way to know Jesus is to pray the rosary and meditate on the Mysteries of his life, death and resurrection. Second Collection; Catholic School Collection May 2nd– May 3rd This collection goes to Tomorrow’s Hope scholarships O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today! We will crown our outside statue of the Blessed Mother, on May 3 after the 9 a.m. Mass. Please join us as we honor Mary our Blessed Mother! The Joy of the Gospel “The joy of the Gospel is for all people: no one can be excluded. That is what the angel proclaimed to the shepherds in Bethlehem: “Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people (Lk 2:10).” Book Discussion We are reading and discussing The Lamb’s Supper, by Scot Hahn starting this week on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 in the Cottage. All are welcome to join. You can order this book on line or call Beth at 363-1624 STEWARDSHIP FINANCIAL REPORT For the week of April 19, 2015 Mass Attendance Envelopes $ Loose $ Total 5:00 pm 221 1870 480 2350 7:30 am 109 1994 628 2622 9:00 am 11:00 am 230 1340 503 1843 212 1652 371 2023 772 6856 1982 8838 Total Parish Outreach & Local Events Page 7 Parish Outreach News April 26, 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS Girls night out—The heart of Long Island Chorus is currently recruiting women singers of all ages to become members of the chorus. Rehearsals held every Tuesday evening from 7-10 pm in Holbrook. Call 553-0910 for more details. ♦ Part time Bookkeeper—The Diocese is Rckville Centre seeks a professional , full –charge bookkeeper to work with select parishes within Suffolk County. Position requires an experienced bookkeeper who has knowledge of computerized accounting systems, bank recociliations and account analyses. Proficiency in Excel and Word required. ♦ Young Adults , Faith on Tap- Join us at Lily Flanagan's at 345 Deer Park Ave, Babylon on May 4th , Guest speaker Father Ted Brown ,MS , a member of the Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette whose topic is: “Saints You Should Know..and Saints to be”.. Talks begin at 7:30 but come early to eat and meet. ♦ Our Lady of the Snow Seniors We will be celebrating a special morning Mass for our seniors on Wednesday May 20, 2015 11am in the Large Church. Following Mass , please join us for a light luncheon and friendship, hosted by Our Lady of the Snow Outreach. RSVP By Wednesday May 13, 2015 to Outreach at 3632417 Monday—Thursday 10am—1pm or you may leave a message on their machine at any time. We look forward to seeing you! BAKERS NEEDED Parish Outreach Spring bake sale fundraiser. Parish Outreach will be hosting our Spring bake sale after all masses on Saturday May 2nd and Sunday May 3rd. Please would you consider baking a cake, pie, bread, cookies, cup cakes, brownies or a snack of your choice? Please drop your items off in the vestibule of the large Church before or after any mass. Thank you so much for helping us help those in need. FOOD PANTRY ALERT!! During the spring months, donations to our food pantry drop drastically. Due to these tough economic times, we are helping an increased number of our neighbors in need. We are currently in need of all food items, but especially: pasta sauce, cookies, crackers, boxed milk, canned meats, tuna, mayonnaise, tea, coffee, all juices, cereal, pancake mix and syrup, paper towels, laundry detergent, baby wipes, chili, stew, chicken, jelly, rice, all toiletries, but especially tissues, shampoo and conditioner. We are also in desperate need of supermarket gift cards in $10 denominations to all area supermarkets, also CVS and Costco gift cards are needed for pharmacy assistance. Food can be dropped off at the outreach office Monday—Thursday 10AM—1PM or in the food bin outside the pantry door in the foyer of the large church before or after every Mass. THANK YOU ~ GOD BLESS OUR LADY OF THE SNOW RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 363-6394 olsbpre@aol.com Office Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9:30—4:30 or by appointment The ministry of Religious Education strives to bring all into a closer relationship with Jesus through Word, Worship and Service Week of April 26 Liturgy of the Word—during the 9am Mass Upcoming Events Week of April 26 Level 1 Parent /Child Celebration This will be our last meeting for this year. Please have all 7 Unit Reviews completed and handed in. Level 6—Faith Conversations—A copy of the questions can be found on the parish website ourladyofthesnowbluepoint.com Please remember to call or email the Religious Education Office to reserve a time for your child's 15 minute Faith Conversation LIVE and SHARE YOUR FAITH! We are beginning to prepare for next year’s program. Please consider sharing your Catholic faith as a Catechist with the children in our parish. Call Pat or Susan for more information Registration 2015—2016 Keeping in mind our call to be good stewards of God’s creation and parish financial resources we will not be mailing registration forms home to our over 600 Religious Education families. Please look for registration forms and instructions on our parish website (at the end of April) ourladyofthesnowbluepoint.com A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO MADE THE CELEBRATION OF CONFIRMATION SO BEAUTIFUL Our Ushers Andrea Barry, Mike Dawidziak, Susan Gressler, Jeanne Williams, Rosemarie Libertelli and Sally McDonald, who did a magnificent job in setting up, cleaning up and kept everything and everyone moving so beautifully during our celebration Our Staff Eileen Mulry Our Coordinators Sally McDonald and Rosemarie Libertelli Our Catechists Cathie Balbera, Tricia Cieslak, James Dean, Christine Dougherty, Tina Festa, Kathleen Giuliano Loraine Gonzalez, Elizabeth Malia, Stephanie Moses, Leah Ranaudo, Barbara Somers, Jeannine Stewart, Bernadette White and Roberta Zoller For sharing faith with our young people. Our Eucharistic Ministers Eileen Babin, Lucille Curley, Christine Dougherty, Loraine Gonzalez, Camille Kiefer, Denise McFadden and Edward Newbeck For helping to distribute the gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus. Our Environment Committee Who brought the gift of God’s beautiful outdoors in to our worship space. Our Altar Servers Joseph Barry, Matthew Ranaudo, Andreanna Nagy and Arianna Martinez For assisting the Bishop. Our Music Ministry Led by our Music Director, Terry Martin Who brought the music of the angels to our celebration. Our Pastoral Staff For their contribution to a beautiful day AND ESPECIALLY TO OUR CONFIRMANDI Your enthusiastic spirit made this a special year for all who were part of your preparation and Your smiles and prayers brought the sunshine in on Confirmation Day. Patrick Alles Peter Argerakis Thomas Arpino Chris Bacalla Britney Balbera Hailey Balestra Dylan Belz Alexa Blum Nina Bonetti Matthew Brockbank Jenna Castilletti Sandra Cieslak Rachel Cody Anthony Cooney Zachary Costanzo Max Davern Kevin Dean Garrett Degnan Tyler Diaz Liam Dougherty Hannah Duffield Katelyn Eames Jordan Echevarria Ryan Ferrante Steven Festa Lia Frabizio James Gallo Sydney Geoghan Frank Giacchetto Julianna Giacchetto Jake Giannico Haley Giuliano Caitlyn Gonzalez Camryn Gonzalez Kayla Goodey Vincent Grazidei Christian Henke Julia Hodgkinson Congratulations to our Newly Confirmed Paul Hoernel Lily Hooks Brendan Hurley John Hussey Gianna Inserro Ciara Joseph Danielle Keenan Julia Keiffert Jonathan Kelly Emma Keyser Kyle Krumholz Ryan Lawrence Cassandra Licalzi Darian Licata Salvatore LoCascio Timothy Malia Cavan Malinauskas Antonio Martinez Angelina Mazzei Justin McCaffrey Tanner McCarthy Melanie McGuire Daniel Milazzo Kevin Mischo Matthew Montgomery Sean Morge Brian Mucaria Samantha Nagy Elizabeth Grace Naro Hailey Neumeyer Edward Newbeck Jr. Sidney Okray Jaime Petersen Kevin Polanish Peter Prisinzano Erik Ram Gabriella Ranaudo Robert Ray Shannon Reilly Jake Rhodes Nolan Rooney Margaret Ross Quinton Rumpf Timmy Sacca Joseph Salaway Ashley Schmidt Kyle Schmitt Lauren Schroder Alyson Sena Garrett Sirico Ashley Smith Ava Snyder Aidan Somers Kyle Spano Nicholas Stewart Kieran Thomas William Vita Nicholas Vlachos Ashley Walsh Kaitlin Weber Bridget Wehrle Gabriella White William Zoller Page 10 Our Lady of the Snow Raffle Final Drawing - May 1st at The Dinner Dance First Prize $10,000 Second Prize $5,000 Third Prize $1,000 Seller of winning Ticket $500 LESS THAN ONE WEEK LEFT TO GET YOUR TICKET! First Name________________ Last Name _________________ Street Address_____________ Town ____________________ Phone Number_____________ 1) Fill out the above information. 2) If sharing the ticket, include the other names and information on the extra lines. 3) Include a check for $100 made out to Our Lady of the Snow. 4) Print clearly. 5) Drop the form off at the rectory office or mail it to us. 6) When the Rectory receives all your information and your payment a ticket will be mailed to you. Good Luck !!!! April 26, 2015 WHAT’S YOUR CATHOLIC IQ? This educational self-assessment is a fun way to help you see how much you know about your Catholic faith. Answers can be found on the bottom of this page. 1. What special day marks the end of the Easter Season and celebrates the birth of the Church? (a) the Feast of the Holy Family; (b) the Solemnity of Christ the King; (c) the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception; (d) the Solemnity of Pentecost 2. According to the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene joined Mary the wife of Clopas and __ at the foot of the cross on Calvary. (a)Mary and Martha; (b) Peter’s mother; (c) Jesus’ mother; (d) Veronica 3. —— obligates all Catholics to receive Communion at least once a year during the Easter Season. (a)A Holy Day of Obligation; (b) The Easter duty; (c) Canon Law (d) The pope 4. When we pray the Nicene Creed at Mass, we state, “...he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the __ day.” (a) last; (b) third; (c) holy; (d) first 5. According to Luke’s Gospel, the Apostles believed the stories of the Resurrection right away. True False Answer key1. d; 2. c; 3. b; 4. b; 5. False A little humor from Father Fink When Chris Mullin was recently named the new coach of St. John’s University basketball team, his mentor and former coach, Lou Carnesecca, gave him a small laminated card that he had received years ago from another famous coach, Joe Lapchick. On the card were the words: “Peacock today, feather duster tomorrow.”
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