Bulletin: September 4, 2016


Bulletin: September 4, 2016
2 3 r d S u nd a y i n O r d i n a r y T i m e
Parish Contacts
Father Paul Demuth, Pastor, x108, pdemuth@seasgb.org
Deacon Steve Meyer, steve.meyer@etkg.com
Deacon Mark Mullins, m.g.mullins@sbcglobal.net
Gloria Nolan, Pastoral Minister, x109, gnolan@seasgb.org
Carrie Lundy, Faith Formation Coord., x110, clundy@seasgb.org
Kate Ruth, Youth Minister, x111, youthminister@seasgb.org
John Popke, Liturgical Music Dir., x104, jpopke@seasgb.org
Steve Laszewski, Pastoral Council Chair, steve.laszewski@foth.com
Karin Sands, Bookkeeper, x102, ksands@seasgb.org
John Gillis, Facility Coordinator, x113, jgillis@seasgb.org
Shelly Vann, Communications Coord., x106, svann@seasgb.org
Kathy Vandersteen, Receptionist, x101, kvandersteen@seasgb.org
September 3 & 4, 2016
Sacrament of Baptism: Celebrated within our weekend worship service.
Contact the parish office two months before anticipated date of baptism.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays from 3-4pm or by appointment.
Sacrament of Marriage: Contact the parish office at least six months
prior to the date of marriage.
Ministry of the Sick: Contact the parish office when members of your
family are seriously ill, shut in, or hospitalized.
Become A Member or Questions: We welcome and register new
members the second weekend of every month. In addition, a member
of the parish staff is
present at weekend
Masses and is available
for you. Or feel free
to contact the parish
Enroll online at www.faithdirect.net
using code WI571 or scan QR Reader
Mass Intentions and Calendar Events
Saturday, September 3
St. Gregory the Great
1 Cor 4:6b-15; Ps 145:17-21; Lk 6:1-5
3:00pm Reconciliation
4:15pm Mass  Judith K. Schmidt
Saturday, September 10
Blessed Virgin Mary
1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18;
Lk 6:43-49
3:00pm Reconciliation
4:15pm Mass  Donna Christens
Sunday, September 4
Wis 9:13-18b; Ps 90:3-6, 12-17;
Phlm 9-10, 12-17; Lk 14:25-33
8:00am Rosary
8:30am Mass  James & Rose Mary Holschuh
10:30am Mass Our Parish Community
Monday, September 5
Sunday, September 11
Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19
1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 [1-10]
8:00am Rosary
8:30am Mass  Mary Ladick
10:30am Mass for Our Parish Community
10:30am Baptism: Samantha Fortney
1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-7, 12; Lk 6:6-11
7:00pm AGE Choir Practice
Tuesday, September 6
1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 6:12-19
8:00am Mass  Ted Niedzwiecki
Wednesday, September 7
1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-17
Lk 6:20-26
7:00am PC Exec. Team Mtg.
8:00am Mass  Harold Jankowski
5:30pm Catechist In-Service
7:00pm Holy Hour
Thursday, September 8
Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6
Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23]
7:00am Mass  Gene Beno
6:30pm Parish Life Committee Mtg.
6:45pm Dignity of Life Committee Mtg.
7:00pm Knights of Columbus Mtg.
Friday, September 9
St. Peter Claver
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3-6, 12
Lk 6:39-42
8:00am Mass  Deceased Members of the Demuth &
Mueller Families
9:00am Second Fridays for Seniors at Nativity
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
2771 Oakwood Drive
Green Bay, WI 54304
Ph) 920.499.1546 • email) seas@seasgb.org
October 13, 6-10pm
October 14, 6-10pm
October 15, 8am-12noon
S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 6
NEW LOCATION! We’ll watch the
Packer game, partake of food and beverages, socialize and get to know each other
better — all while raising funds to support
our ministries. Save the date and make
plans to join us. More details coming soon.
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8am to 4:30pm
8am to 12noon
M y Wo r d
I am the quantum quark of moment, the joy of right now,
Life’s only laughing, crying, breathing spark
I am a million billion neurons in full firework
Or complete shutdown
Or whatever best celebrates
the you who I AM made be
I am mindfulness
I am nothingness
Dear Fellow Pilgrims,
While on retreat last week with some close friends
and colleagues from the Graduate School of Theology
at St. John’s University, I was introduced to the
contemplative spiritual practice called Soul
Collaging. Without getting into the weeds with
details, it is a prayerful practice that starts by contemplating art and image in a way that inspires the
soul’s deepest voices to speak sacred truth. For
me, it proved to be spiritually powerful and revealing. I’d like to share just one poem with you that
resonated from within as I engaged the practice.
Journey well.
Deacon Steve
To you I give my life
so you might taste the kiss of another
melt into an unknown child’s smile
dance among the dandelions
and inhale a drunkard’s draw on autumn air
I want you to remain here with me, in me
To share me freely, to love me fully
To live and never die
I am the moment who lives only once forever
I am not God alone
but through you, in you
and with the sinners next door,
together we are all that I AM
-s. james
We extend our condolences to
parishioners Sue Koeune and
Judy Brown on the recent
passing of their brother-in-law,
You’re Invited to Join Us for
Eucharistic Holy Hour
Wednesday, September 7, 7 to 8pm
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring
the good news!” ~Romans 10:151
“We must be open to the action of the Spirit of God, without fear of what He
asks us or where He leads us. Let us entrust ourselves to Him! He enables us to
live and bear witness to our faith, and enlighten the hearts of those we meet . . .
bringing the Gospel means we, in the first place, must live reconciliation, forgiveness, peace, unity, love that the Holy Spirit gives us.” ~Pope Francis
▪ For Children who are K4 and in
For grades 1 - 11 including First Reconciliation
(Confession), First Eucharist (First Communion), and
Confirmation. Forms are in the hospitality area of
church and on our website on the Youth & Education
page. Contact Carrie or Kate at the parish office if you
have any questions at (920) 499-1546. Pre-registration is
required. Students not pre-registered will not be able to
attend class on September 14.
Do you have a love for the Catholic faith? Are you being called to
deepen and share your faith with
others? There is a place where
you and your gifts belong. It’s as
. For more information about becoming a catechist or catechist aide, contact
Carrie or Kate at (920) 499-1546 or seas@seasgb.org.
*A catechist is a teacher of children in
the principles of our faith.
Pamela Otto, Principal, (920) 494-1931
School Masses: Kindergarten through 8th grade will
attend Mass on Thursdays at St. Agnes Parish at 8:45am
every week. All are welcome to pray with the students
and staff.
4K/Kindergarten Parent Meeting: Thursday, September 15, 7pm. Current early childhood, 4K and kindergarten parents meet with their child’s teachers in
their respective classrooms.
International Bacculaureate Parent Meeting:
Thursday, September 15, 6:30pm, in Room 20. For
those interested in learning more about this program.
Scrip and TSF Meeting: Thursday, September 15,
6:30pm, in the Science Lab. Find out more about these
and how you can help with the school’s fundraising
8th Grade Parent Meeting: Thursday, September 15,
7pm, in the Library. Informational meeting in preparation for your 8th grader’s graduation.
▪ Starts September 25 during the
10:30am Mass.
▪ No need to register for this class.
▪ No fee for this class.
Children will be with their family when Mass
begins and will be called forward for class
after the “Gloria.” They will return to Mass
prior to the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This
program focuses on the Gospel reading, but
at the children’s learning level. Children will
hear the Gospel and discuss it with their
Catechist (teacher). Then a simple project or
coloring page will be completed. Children
will also be introduced to parts of the Mass,
things used at Mass, and Mass terminology.
Contact Carrie at clundy@seasgb.org
or (920) 499-1546 ext. 110
 For current servers.
 For new servers.
For anyone interested in becoming a server.
Learn more about becoming an altar server, or get
an overview if you’re already a server. Get to
know and connect with your fellow servers. After
training, we’ll enjoy pizza and refreshments.
RSVP to Kathy by September 20.
kvandersteen@seasgb.org or (920) 499-1546
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This could be your child! Enroll today by calling (920)
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SEAS Cares Packages
If your child graduated from high school
this year, we want to send them one of
our care packages. Each fall, the Stewardship Committee sends recent graduates a box of goodies and information
from the parish letting them know that we are thinking of
them and keeping them in our prayers. Whether they are
going off to college, entering the military, working in town
or out of town, or still at home, we want to include them.
Please forward their name and address by September 12
to Linda or Dennis. Thank you.
Linda, l.barrette70@yahoo.com or (920) 496-8796
Dennis, dnwille@msn.com or (920) 497-2205
Discernment Retreat: Seeing with the Eyes of St.
Francis, September 16-18, facilitated by Sister Anne Marie
Lom. Could God be calling you to be a Franciscan Sister?
Time for prayer, reflection, and conversations with Sisters.
For more information, www.fscc-calledtobe.org or (920)
▪ 15-part video series
▪ Facilitated by Carrie Lundy
▪ Twice a month on a Monday evening
▪ No pre-registration necessary
▪ Drop in as your schedule allows
▪ Free-will offering
This is for anyone who:
▪ wants to learn more about our Catholic faith
▪ has questions and wants to be more confident in
their faith and beliefs
▪ wants to be able to answer questions that others
ask or challenge you with
▪ Approximately 14 weeks
▪ New participants welcome
▪ Workbook fee $20
▪ Facilitated by parishioner Jeanne Smith
For questions or to register,
call Jeanne at (920) 499-0366.
If so, join us for one of our
informal discussion meetings.
Both meetings will be in the Family Room
If you are interested, but not able to attend one of
the informational meetings, contact Deacon Mark
Mullins at m.g.mullins@sbcglobal.net.
Do you know anyone who considers themselves Catholic but hasn’t been to church in a while? Do they
have questions about the Church’s position on an issue? Have they been thinking of returning to the
Church? Have they felt hurt or rejected by the
Church? St. Bernard’s is offering a program open to
inactive Catholics beginning
, for five Tuesdays. For questions or to register,
contact Deacon Larry at (920) 468-4922.
This faith group focuses on episodes when Jesus changed
people’s lives. The questions that follow are designed to
spark discussion and allow each person to consider how
the story applies to his or her own life. Each week stands
alone, so come to all or come to those that fit your
schedule. Facilitated by Mary Marquardt. To register,
email seas@seasgb.org or call the parish office at (920)
This faith group focuses on growing into a deeper
intimacy with Christ and a greater love for the Church.
Facilitated by Linda Barrette. To register, email
seas@seasgb.org or call the parish office at (920) 499-1546.
An older parishioner suffering from cancer needs an older
model car for transportation. His current vehicle is beyond
repair. If you have a vehicle that you no longer need, please
contact Fr. Paul Demuth or Gloria Nolan for details. (920)
2nd Fridays for Seniors
September 9
At Nativity of Our Lord, Green Bay
You don’t need to be a senior to attend. All are welcome.
We start this event with Mass at 9am, then breakfast, and
then the program which is Lynette Schiefer of Lyndahl
Funeral Home who will talk about pre-planning. Please
RSVP by September 7 by calling (920) 499-1546.
Salad Supper and Meeting
Thursday, September 15, 6pm
Social Hall
Our business meeting will highlight the events we have
planned for the year. Then we’ll have a fashion accessory
swap. Bring a salad to share and a wrapped, gently used
fashion accessory such as earrings, necklace, bracelet, or
scarf to swap. All women are welcome to attend. You don’t
need to be a member. Call Mary at (920) 498-0553 with any
Paper Drive Fundraiser
The orange receptacle is here.
Acceptable Items
Clean Paper
Clean Cardboard (broken down)
The Diocesan Bishop’s Appeal and Seminarian Appeal
continue. Thank you to those who have made a gift. For
those of you who have not, please consider doing so. Any
gift is appreciated. Either return the pledge card that was
mailed to you, call 877-500-3580, or go to www.Catholic
In this weekend’s
Gospel Jesus says,
“Whoever does not
carry his own cross and
come after me cannot
be my disciple.” At
different times in our lives our crosses are heavier than other times. Or we may notice that our
family members or friends are having a difficult
time carrying their cross. When we look back
to Good Friday, we know that when Jesus was
struggling to carry His cross, Simon came to
help Jesus. Each time we step up to serve one
another, we are helping to carry the cross.
Another way to step up in service and To
Grow as Disciples, is to get involved and help
at the parish level. Maybe that’s where you are
being called to serve. Everyone doing their
part helps us achieve our mission and realize
our vision of Welcoming, Valuing and
Enriching all in Christ. Later this month,
we’ll be having committee selection. If
you’re interested in helping on a committee,
contact Gloria Nolan at the parish office to
discuss options. gnolan@seasgb.org or (920) 499-1546
New on our Website Blog!
Mother Teresa: An Ordinary Person
Who Did Extraordinary Works of Mercy
An article submitted by
parishioner Kathy Vandersteen
The Canonization of
Blessed Mother Teresa
September 4
Tune to EWTN Global Catholic Network for
the most extensive television coverage of the
canonization of Blessed Mother Teresa live from
Rome on Sunday, September 4. Visit
www.ewtn.com for more information.
First choir rehearsal of the season is Tuesday,
September 13, at 7pm. New singers are welcome! Musicians please join us! (piano, organ,
instrumentalist). If you are interested, please contact John Popke so that he can have music ready
for you at the first rehearsal.
jpopke@seasgb.org or (920) 499-1546 ext. 104
Wednesday, September 7, 6-7:30am
at St. Agnes Church, 1484 9th St., Green Bay
We are invited to join the men of St. Agnes
Church. This program is 13-weeks long and will
focus on making your marriage better. There is
a light breakfast, DVD presentation, and small
group discussion. Men will be available after all
Masses this weekend in the hospitality area to
answer any questions. The contact person is
Bob Peters, (920) 366-5826.
The Spirituality of Aging, from September 22 through November 10 from 9 to 11:30am, at Annunciation, 1087 Kellogg St.,
Green Bay. Register by September 18 by calling (920) 496-2160.
As we mature in wisdom, age and grace, we encounter many
changes. How does our faith help us to face the challenges and
realize the blessings and opportunities of later life?
Transportation Options: Getting Where You Want to Go. The
Aging & Disability Resource Center serves older adults and adults
with disabilities and their caregivers, and has many resources,
options, and recommendations. Information is in the brochure
rack in the hospitality area. Or go to their website
www.ADRCofBrownCounty.org or call 211, which is The Community Services database.
Grief Support Directory is in our library. There are many
support groups in our area to help with your grief process from
the loss of a child, a loved one from suicide, infant loss,
miscarriage, loss of a relationship, etc.
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