Welcome to St. Virgil`s… On the Schedule this Week
Welcome to St. Virgil`s… On the Schedule this Week
Welcome to St. Virgil’s… On the Schedule this Week: Mass Intentions for the Week: Sat., Aug. 22 5:00pm Edith Nunn—12th Anniversary Barbara Bruen Mary Ellen Mulholland Katherine Sooy Sun., Aug. 23 7:30am Mary Tomney 9:00am Francine Della Vecchia 10:30am Anthony Newton—25th Anniversary Margaret Patterson 12:00 pm Dolores Brennan Mon., Aug. 24 6:30am Angela Nucci 12:10pm Mary Maute Tues., Aug. 25 6:30am Patricia Dallas 12:10pm Janet Quackenbush Wed., Aug. 26 6:30am Paul Glanville, Jr.—9th Anniversary 12:10pm Steve Kubinec Jane Duffy Thurs., Aug. 27 6:30am Freda Smith 12:10pm Lortta Buzzerio Mary Ellen Mulholland Fri., Aug. 28 6:30am Concetta Magliocchetti 12:10pm Louis Biagi—1st Anniversary Sat., Aug. 29 8:00am In Thanksgiving from the Bernardo Family 5:00pm Guiseppe Ciavattone Thomas & Gerard Sainato Sun., Aug. 30 7:30am Jane Duffy—4th Anniversary Anna Russo & Gerard Palumbo 9:00am Sally Perciante 10:30am Sophie Szucs 12:00pm Virginia Murphy Thursday, August 27 Bible Study, 10:30am, CMR Divine Mercy Novena, 6:30m, Church Friday, August 28 Eucharistic Adoration following the 6:30am Mass Parish Office Summer Hours Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 2:00pm Monday, June 15 through Labor Day The complete parish schedule is also available online on our website: www.stvirgilparish.com. Please remember our family and friends in your prayers, especially: Dorrien Hughes, Marisa Smith, Domenico & Teresa Procopio, Daniela Cardamuro, Linda Ripkey, David Brager, Denise Pedrotty, Tom B., Helen Underhill, Barbara Bock, Douglas Francisco, Kara Gullo, Stephanie Morgan, Kamisha Redhead, Pam Antonaccio, Theresa Mohr, Christopher Mohr, Gene McGuinness, Jean Ruth Warrick, Glenda Bellanca, Doris Biache, Dorothy O’Neill, Antonio Francé, Marie Welby, Bob Roche, A. Logan, Annalyse LaHood, Mary Jane Barrett, Baby Emma Scannelli, Michael O’Connor, Charles Sebelle, Mary Maffeo, Louise Gibilico, Eileen Gibilico, Catherine Lillie, Rose Marie Warrick, Eric Rotella, Frances Merlo, & Susie Bryce. We offer our prayerful condolences to the family and friends of Ann Moschella, who was called home this week. May Ann rest in the Lord’s peace. The regular collection for the weekend of August 15/16 was $8,677. Thank you for your generosity. We offer our prayerful condolences to the family and friends of Pat Doran, who was called home this week. May Pat rest in the Lord’s peace. Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of August 29/30 5:00pm 7:30am Cantor W McGregor Lector D Burrows M Butchko Altar Servers G & J Landi UNFILLED Extraordinary Ministers M Altrui K Burrows J Flynn V Kelly June Sambrowski B Morgan R & D Paulison Joan Sambrowski The Sanctuary Candle honors the memory of Jayne Candura & John Racik, Jr. From the Colasurdo family The Altar Flowers honor the memory of Mary Maute & Loretta Buzzerio The Altar Bread & Wine honors the memory of the Deceased Members of the Russo Family From the Fallivene Family 9:00am J Winston K Gopon R Gopon C Urriola B Fisher E Fogleman T Gopon J Trombeta M Tufaro 10:30am A Huenerfauth M & L Connor J Pasquino N Zebick M Kelly V Rufino S & J Scannelli C & B Zebick 12:00pm K Coughlin K Butchko A & P Loia B Loia F Miller S Rosanio I Selitto L Stevens Our summer vacation is gradually coming to an end. A good number of Fr. Lance’s Letter our young people have moved into their universities. We wish them the very best and our prayer is that they begin this academic year with a great sense of motivation and industry. After all, we depend on their ability to run our world and make it a better place. Math, Mr. Ric Perez; for Music, Mrs. Nina Rangel; for Spanish, Mrs. Claudia Perez; for Technology, Mr. Larry Berkowitz; and our school nurse is Mrs. Rosemary Paulison. Additonal staff: for aftercare Mrs. Sandy Rosanio; for Ed. Com. Services, Ms. Annette Rodeiro and Ms. Barabara Dircks; and for Speech, Mrs. Mary Lou Careaga. This year Fr. Pawel will join in teaching Religion to the upper grade children. We notice children with their parents shopping for school items, and getting ready for school opening is important. Even though vacation time is great, school is very important to our personal development. Let us encourage our children and youth to begin this school year with God’s blessings. Know that it is God who have given us the special privilege to study, to learn and gather skills that will make us better people; the best we can be. Let us pray for our children and youth, for our teachers and educational staff, for all parents and grandparents that our new academic year 2015-2016 begins with God, continues under God’s loving care and grows with God’s Divine guidance. In the words of our Principal Candace Wallace: “Students will receive a faith-based education rooted in ACE and designed around the Common Core State Standards, the New Generation of Science Standards, and 21st century skills. It is an education that includes the integration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics), utilizing an authentic approach to real world problem solving. The St. Virgil Academy community is built upon the pretext that it takes a collaboration between home and school to educate our children.” It is important that all of us know of that our St. Vigil Parish also has an elementary school and that we promote Catholic Education through our parochial school. Changes and shifts are not uncommon to the history of our parochial school. Today St. Vigil Academy will open on Monday, August 31, 2015 and we, too, resolve to begin this school year with God’s blessings, under the mantle of our Blessed Mother, and inspired by the educational values of our Patron Saint Virgil himself. Our Principal is Mrs. Candace Wallace who has 13 years of teaching experience and has held administrative positions as Principal and Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Professional Development in public schools. She now returns to her roots in Catholic education and begins her tenure as principal of St. Virgil Academy. We welcome her and will see a lot of her in the course of the coming year. Our school secretary is Ms. Claudette Casile; bookkeeper is Mrs. Tammy Zebick; and our maintenance is provided by Robert Lucia. Our PreK3 has Ms. Jenna Kebrdle, and our PreK4 has Mrs. Lisa Johnson. Mrs. Patsy Dewey has moved into our Kindergarten. For our 1st Grade, we have Ms. Gina Abrantes; in 2nd Grade, Mrs. Tara Guido; in 3rd Grade, Ms. Tara Alberse and in 4th Grade, Mrs. Jessica Ingrassia. For the upper school, our teachers will be Ms. Amanda Arnold, Mrs. Mary Lou DeCaprio, and Mrs. Jennifer Staples. For Art, we are glad to have Mrs. Susan Sopira; for Gym, Mrs. Shirley Simon Clarke; for Advanced As often as I can repeat it, please know that I would love to have all children of our parish enjoy and participate in our St. Virgil Academy and we will do everything possible to make your wish come true. I am personally convinced that Catholic Education is not only important but also necessary for the life of the Catholic Church in our nation and in our world. May all that we do and are for our children bear good fruit and be blessed by the Lord. I am most grateful to all of you and to our school staff for your support and loyal ministry to our children. May God bless us and keep us safe and well - Fr. Lance PRAYER I love asking “how” questions, Lord. I love understanding how things work But I can’t answer the “how” question the crowd asks - and I notice that you don’t even try. Instead, you move them to the heart of the mystery - a faith mystery that cannot be explained but can only be experienced and lived. Lord, every Sunday you feed me with the Eucharist. Help me to experience and live what you have given me. As I go about my day today, help me to experience and live what you have given me. When I encounter people in need, help me to experience and live what you have given me. When I face difficult situations, help me to experience and live what you have given me. When things go well, help me to experience and live what you have given me. When things go badly, help me to experience and live what you have given me. When I am full of doubt, pain, sorrow, or fear, help me to experience and live what you have given me. Jesus, thank you for inviting me to share your life. Please keep leading me deeper into the paschal mystery, so that, dying to myself in your love, I might rise with you to a joy that never ends. Amen. YOU, TOO, WERE WONDERFULLY MADE! Do you realize how closely alike you and John the Baptist are? God had a special purpose for John the Baptist since before he was born. The Lord did the same for you! Since the moment of your conception, even before you looked human and had a beating heart and a brain that could think, God created you with a special purpose in mind. To God, you never were just a blob of tissue. He loved you from the very beginning and chose you to help him accomplish his plans. This is true for everyone (which is why abortions are wrong), even though he foreknows who is going to reject him. Like he did with John the Baptist, God has given you a sharp-edged sword, i.e., the ability to speak the truth. He gave you this gift during your baptism when you received the Holy Spirit. The Lord is concealing you in the shadow of his arm. No matter how hard your life has been, and no matter how many times you strayed from the Lord, you still belong to him. Even though you have sometimes toiled in vain and your efforts to do God's work have seemingly been for nothing, as if you uselessly spent your strength, your reward is with the Lord. He will give you recompense. No matter how ugly you think you are, no matter if you are too short or too tall or diseased or malformed by a birth defect, you were made glorious in the sight of the Lord, your Creator. The verses in our responsorial Psalm confirm this: You are wonderfully made! Since the moment of your conception, your life has been precious and important. Whatever you can imagine doing for the Lord, it's never as much as what God desires for you. It's "too little" compared to what he knows you can do. He has bigger plans for you, a more important use for your gifts and talents and experiences and training than what you've done so far. He will make his light shine ever brighter through you! As it says of John in Luke 1:80, you, too, are God's child; growing and becoming strong in spirit. You have experienced the desert of hardships and training, you have suffered and lacked and thirsted and hungered. And all of this is valuable and useful when you follow Jesus into greater service for his kingdom. I praise and bless you, my Lord, because you want to write a new history in my life, due to your great love for me. May the things you work in me be a motive of praise by all of those who, like me, are ardently waiting in You. Amen. ESL Are you willing to be an ESL English Second Language coach? No previous teaching experience is required - just a desire to help, and the ability to spend one hour a week with a student. Literacy Volunteers will train us and provide guidance. It is apparent that St. Virgil’s is well located to provide ESL, English Second Language lessons to our neighbors in Morris Plains. This could also be an opportunity to be involved in the New Evangelization process. If you would be interested, please contact the Parish Office. Evangelization Corner This week our column turns to the lighter side of evangelization and provides a little humor. We received the following email message and while you may have seen it before, we thought it was worth repeating here. It was written to answer the question: 'WHY GO TO CHURCH?' If you're spiritually alive, you're going to love this! If you're spiritually dead, you won't want to read it. But, if you're spiritually curious, there may still be hope! A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. “I've gone for 30 years now,” he wrote, “and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the priests are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all.” This started a real controversy in the 'Letters to the Editor' column much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher: "I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!" When you carry "the Bible", Satan has a headache. Thank God for our physical and our spiritual nourishment and always remember: When you are DOWN to nothing, God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible! When you open it, he collapses; When he sees you reading it, he loses his strength, AND When you stand on the Word of God, Satan can't hurt you! When you are about to forward this to others, the devil will discourage you. And, when Satan is knocking at your door, simply say, 'Jesus, could you get that for me, while I forward this message to your children?' So go on, now that you're done reading this, you need to send it on ! We think everyone should read this! IF YOU CANNOT SEE GOD IN ALL, YOU CANNOT SEE GOD AT ALL! Please copy this and forward it to people who are DEAR to you and TRUST GOD. For those of you who didn’t know B. I. B. L. E. simply means: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! May His grace be with each of us as we continue on our journey with Christ. St. Virgil’s Evangelization Ministry Did you know that. ..... ? St. Virgil’s Academy HAPPY SUMMER FROM SAINT VIRGIL ACADEMY… …we would love for you to join us this fall! The school office will be open to provide information and give tours throughout the summer. Simply call the office on 973-539-7267. Please come take a closer look at our parish school, you will be so glad you did. Saint Virgil Academy provides an exceptional, co-ed education from Pre-K 3 through Grade 8. A faith-filled learning experience that is second-to-none! Formation 2015-2016 PREP Registration Reminder Just a gentle reminder about PREP registration. Please note that it is Diocesan policy that all students preparing for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist must have two years of classroom instruction prior to receiving. If you would like your child to stay on course for receiving his/her sacraments in 2nd grade, please be sure to register for 1st grade this year. We look forward to journeying with your family for another faith filled year! Thank you. Youth Ministry/Confirmation/Appalachia Confirmation is a two-year program usually beginning in 9th grade but can begin during any high school year. Our ministry program is a retreat and service-based program built to incorporate youth into adult life in the parish. If you have not received a registration via email, please email me for a registration packet at mansersvym@gmail.com, or stop by the parish office for a hard copy of the packet. I look forward to journeying with the youth of our parish into adult faith. Have a great summer. AN INVITATION TO JOIN USFOR AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEY OF FAITH The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church. RCIA is an opportunity For those who have not been baptized and would like to learn more about the Catholic religion. For those who have been baptized in another religion who think they might like to become Catholic For those baptized Catholic who have not completed the Initiation Sacraments or who have not been raised in the Catholic faith. For those who want to learn and ask questions about the Catholic faith. We will begin to meet in October 2015 to prepare for the celebration of the Initiation Sacraments at the Easter Vigil and/or Pentecost in the spring of 2016. If you or someone you know may be interested in joining this group, or have any questions, please contact Deacon Richard Pinto at deaconrpinto@verizon.net or 973-476-6797. Registrations for the RCIA process are being taken now. Ministries & Outreaches St. Virgil Rosary Society Tuesday, September 1, 7pm, in the Tracy Center Enjoy an evening of conversation and ideas sharing while enjoying a glass of wine and some cheese. Bring along your ideas for future Rosary Society meetings that are of interest to you. All ideas are welcome and bring a friend. Radio City Christmas Spectacular featuring the World-Famous Rockettes on Wednesday, December 2 Don’t miss the famous Rockettes as they perform their annual Christmas show. Watch them kick up their heels with their bright smiles and precision dancing in the beautifully restored Music Hall. Lunch is included at the Grasshopper Restaurant after the show. Space is limited so book soon. Reservations forms are available at the doors of the church or call the parish office at 973 538-1418. Prime Time Summer is flying by. Have you sent in your $16 (made out to St. Virgil’s Prime Time), checks only, to Jeanne McGuinness, 18 Central Avenue, Morris Plains, NJ 07950? Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of a warm, friendly group which meets every 3rd Friday (except July and August) at 1pm in the Tracy Center. It’s always a great afternoon— often with a speaker, sometimes with free pizza, always with ample desserts and beverages. Try us free for a test meeting. You will meet many good parishioners and come away more connected to our parish. Not only is it a fun afternoon, it’s actually good for your health. September 18 at 1pm following the 12:10 Mass—let’s make a date. Look for me. I’ll personally welcome you? Bishop McLaughlin Council will be holding the annual Msgr. Fallon Golf Outing on Monday, September 14, 2015. Tee off time is 11am at the Minebrook Country Club in Hackettstown, NJ. All proceeds to benefit St. Virgil Academy. The price per golfer is $115 (includes buffet breakfast available 9-11am), late lunch (after golf), greens fees, cart and prizes). Please mail your check, payable to: Bishop McLaughlin Council 3495, PO Box 67, Morris Plains, NJ. Be sure and include the names(s) of the golfers in your party. Hole sponsorships are available for golfers and non-golfers (Price: $100.) If you have any questions, call Jack O’Brien at 973 539-8338 or Walter Wayne at 973 267-5320. Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________Phone:_____________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed:____________________ Number of Golfers__________________ Mass to honor S.t Lorenzo Ruiz and St. Pedro Calungsod The Diocesan Commission for Catholic Filipino Ministries (DCCFM) is honoring two Filipino Saints - St. Lorenzo Ruiz and St. Pedro Calungsod, on Saturday, September 19, 2015 at Our Lady of the Valley Church, 630 Valley Road, Wayne. This year's theme is: "Pamilyang Pilipino, Nagkakaisa Kay Kristo" (Filipino Family United in Christ). Most Rev. Arthur J. Serratelli, Bishop of Paterson, will be the principal celebrant at the Holy Mass. Please come at 12:30 p.m. for the rosary and novena followed by Mass at 1:00 p.m. Fellowship and a simple program will immediately follow at the Parish Hall. Come and celebrate with us! Coming this Fall: Family Portraits with Life Touch Studios, with delivery just in time for the holidays! Stay tuned for more details.