Newsletter - 2010 Aug
Newsletter - 2010 Aug
ST. ANN PARISH NEWSLETTER Volume 15, Issue 3 August 2010 STEPHANIE BAHR By Jen Raker A A New Face for PREP 14-year parishioner of St. Ann Parish, Stephanie Bahr is the new coordinator for our PREP program. Stephanie grew up in Springfield, Delaware County and moved to Phoenixville in 1996. She and her husband Matt were married at St. Ann's in 1999 and have two sons, Christopher, 7 and Michael, 4 ½. For the past three years, Stephanie has participated in such ministries as the Chapel Cleaners, Gardening Team as well as teaching third grade as a catechist for PREP. Will There Be Any Changes to PREP? In her new role, Stephanie plans to offer childcare services for catechists and aides with small children during PREP class time. Ages of the children would be limited to potty-trained 3 to 5 year olds with activities including artwork and bible stories. Stephanie also intends to update our parish website to include weekly PREP e-mails to parents, a link to resources, the PREP calendar, homework due, and photos. What Is PREP? Stephanie, Matt, Michael and Christopher PREP, which stand for Parish Religious Education Program, is our Catholic education program for children in kindergarten through 6th grade, who do not attend a Catholic elementary school. These children must participate in PREP for at least two consecutive years in order to receive their sacraments. Through PREP, they learn about our Catholic faith, including prayers, the bible, the saints, and social justice. Where Does PREP Take Place? PREP classes take place on Tuesdays during the school year from 6:25 to 7:45 PM in Holy Family School building. The next session of PREP for 2nd to 6th grades will begin on September 7 in St. Ann’s Church. Kindergarten and 1st grades begin on September 14 in St. Ann Church. After the first night, Kindergarten through 3rd grade will meet in the School (Continued on page 2) Page 2 MEET STEPHANIE BAHR (Continued from page 1) cafeteria and 4th through 6th grades will continue to begin their sessions at the Church. After several minutes of prayer and bible instruction, all children will process over to their respective classrooms in Holy Family School. How Can You Register for PREP? To sign-up for PREP, parents must complete a registration form that can be obtained at the rectory. Stephanie will also email or mail this form to you if you request it. If a child is attending PREP for the first time a copy of his/her baptismal certificate must be included with the registration form. A new form must be completed each year. How Can You Help? This rewarding ministry is still in need of catechists and aides. Stephanie will be offering two orientation sessions in August for returning and new volunteers. Can’t commit to every Tuesday? Consider becoming a hall monitor, crossing guard or childcare provider. To volunteer, please contact Stephanie at 610-755-1077 or Junior High Youth Group Tuesday, September 7 6:30 - 7:45 PM Senior High Youth Group Sunday, September 12 7:00 - 8:30 PM For information contact Brett Illig at 610-304-6222 or +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUNDAY SCHOOL COORDINATOR In order to be able to continue our very popular Sunday School program for 3, 4 and 5 year olds during the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass we need someone to step forward to coordinate the sessions and volunteers. If you feel the Lord is calling you to this Ministry and would like more information, please contact the rectory. T he ability to connect our members with their financial support serves several purposes. It allows us to provide an accurate statement of annual contributions at your request. It also indicates that you attend Mass regularly which is a requirement for letters of eligibility to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. There are many different ways you can help us identify your donations. You can use the parish provided envelopes, personal checks, place cash in an envelope with your name on it, use direct deposit or automatic check dispersements. If you have any questions regarding your donations, please contact Monica at 610-933-3732 or (for emails please put St. Ann in your subject line.) St. Ann’s Newsletter is published by St. Ann Parish Fr. John J. Newns, Pastor Contributors Bob Burghardt Lisa Burghardt Monica Moyer Jen Raker Page 3 PARISHIONERS TAKE FOURTH DEGREE By Bob Burghardt M emorial Day weekend saw two St. Ann parishioners take their Fourth Degree in the Knights of Columbus. Mike Alati and John Grasso were among 175 brother Knights from various councils throughout eastern Pennsylvania, who took their fourth degree, the highest level in the Knights of Columbus. Joining Mike and John were other Knights from St. Ann’s, along with their spouses. Pictured (from left) Andrea Griffiths, Tim Griffiths, John Grasso, Theresa Grasso, Mike Alati, Debbie Alati, Lisa Burghardt, Bob Burghardt, Eleanor Calvecchio (John Calvecchio, photographer) The fourth degree is the most recognizable arm of the Knights of Columbus because of the honor guard – a group of Fourth Degree Knights with capes and swords who often appear when a bishop or the Cardinal is present for a function. But there’s more to the Knights than just capes, swords and the honor guard. Here at St. Ann’s you may know the Knights for their crab cake sales and scholarship tickets. What you may not know is that the Knights use the proceeds raised to support local charities in our community. Boy Scouts, Holy Family School students, St. Charles Seminarians and anonymous community members have been aided by the work of Phoenixville Council 1374. Over the past four years, Holy Family School has been awarded over $12,000 in scholarship relief for families in need. But the Knights also have helped St. Ann Parish in non-financial activities. Knights have assisted in setup and cleanup at the Ministry Fair, pancake breakfasts and other parish events. Anytime service is needed at St. Ann’s, the Knights stand ready to assist. The Knights are a fraternal organization dedicated to service to the Church. The Knights of Columbus is also a social organization, organizing family-friendly activities for its members such as picnics, Communion Breakfasts, and Reading Phillies outings. Underlying everything is the goal to bring men together as one body to build up the body of Christ. Presenting Scholarship Check to Holy Family School Any Catholic male, 18 years or older in good standing with the Catholic Church is eligible to join the Knights of Columbus. If this organization is what you seek to enhance your spiritual and service life then check us out at Membership information and upcoming events can be found there. Page 4 The 2010 Parish Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 19 from 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM at the Lower Perkiomen Valley Park 101 New Mill Road, Oaks, PA conveniently located adjacent to the Oaks exit of Rte 422. The event is for all parishioners, friends and family. There is a modest fee for hamburgers, hot dogs and beverages. Everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert. Last year the tables were overflowing with incredible homemade specialties. Our pavilion is between the playground and the open fields where we will have volleyball, wiffle ball, horseshoes and more. If you’d like to help, please call Bob Opalkowski at 610-415-9637. PARISH TRIP TO ISRAEL H eads up! When you are planning your vacations for 2011 you may want to consider joining us in a Fall trip to Israel. The exact dates with itinerary details will be forth coming later in the year, but for those of you who need to plan ahead we wanted you to know that Fr. Newns and Fr. Lyons will be escorting a trip to this amazing country. Watch the bulletin and future newsletters for more information. Page 5 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE RECTORY NOW? 1. Ginny Nettles, Parish Secretary, is located on the first floor. 2. Monica Moyer, Fr. Newn’s Secretary is located on the second floor. 3. Lisa Burghardt, Parish Accountant, is located on the second floor. 4. Liz Deal, Coordinator of Adult Formation, is on the second floor. 5. Brett Illig, Youth Minister, is located on the second floor. 6. Sr. Marie Rose Gibson, RSM, Spiritual Minister, is located on the second floor. 7. Stephanie Bahr, PREP Coordinator, is on the third floor. 8. Tom Denny, Music Director, is located on the third floor 9. Numerous parish groups use the remaining first floor rooms for meetings and gatherings. Parish Business Office Hours are: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Saturday - 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Church Hours are: Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Saturday - 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM WHERE IS THE PRIEST’S RESIDENCE NOW? 1. Fr. Newns lives at 602 S. Main Street (formally the Parish Center now referred to as “602.”) 2. When Fr. Heim joins our parish in October as a Retired Priest in Residence he will also live at “602.” ARE ANY PARISH ACTIVITIES STILL TAKING PLACE AT “602”? 1. Children’s Liturgy still meets in the living room of “602”on Sunday morning during Mass. 2. Aid for Friends freezer and supplies are located for pick up and drop off on the back porch. 3. The Spanish Musicians have a storage area on the porch for the instruments they use for Mass. Church Hall The Church Hall located beneath the Church on Third Avenue and Main Street is now used daily by our parish groups, and for numerous other activities. The entrance to the Hall on Third Avenue is under construction and will be handicapped accessible by the end of August. Parish Cemetery Roads and Prayer Garden Additional roads are being added to our cemetery to increase access to the various sections as well as pave the way (literally) for our new Prayer Garden. Our Cemetery Improvement Fund is paying for the roads. Page 6 Page 7 CURRENT FISCAL YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARY OPERATING REVENUE Church Collections Other Income Cemetery Operations TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENDITURES Diocesan Assessment Payroll Payroll Taxes & Fringe Benefits Administration Maintenance & Repairs Utilities Holy Family School Subsidy TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES EXCESS OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010 Current Fiscal Year 07/01/09 - 06/30/10 $986,966 $26,785 -$4,263 $1,009,488 Current Budget 07/01/09 - 06/30/10 $954,080 $40,403 -$6,851 $987,632 Previous Year 07/01/08 - 06/30/09 $950,145 $71,021 -$371 $1,020,795 $103,000 $314,116 $105,698 $140,263 $38,194 $51,507 $194,284 $103,000 $306,755 $113,499 $162,589 $35,156 $59,469 $194,284 $120,880 $341,354 $108,271 $138,623 $28,512 $46,567 $222,414 $947,062 $974,752 $1,006,621 $62,426 $12,880 $14,174 Statement of Total Receipts & Expenditures $74,279 Operating Cash Balance 7/01/09 Add: Excess Operating Revenue Diocesan Collections Extraordinary Collections $62,426 $54,668 $5,043 Total Additions $122,137 Long Term Liabilities 06/30/10 $133,177 Griffin Hall Loan McCallum House Loan Deduct: Diocesan Collections Loan Payments Facilities Cemetery Endowed Care Truck Loan $54,668 $16,000 $12,351 $8,900 Total Deductions $91,919 $9,645 $172,322 Operating Cash Balance 06/30/10 $76,079 Operating Accounts Cemetery Improvement Acct Operating Cash Balance 06/30/10 $29,500 $104,497 Visit for monthly financial reports Questions, contact Lisa at $28,418 $104,497 Page 8 502 South Main Street Phoenixville, PA 19460 Non-Profit Org U. S. Postage PAID Mineola, NY Permit No. 70 HEARTFELT THANKS TO FR. DONNELLY FOR EIGHT WONDERFUL YEARS OF SERVICE TO ST. ANN PARISH. Don’t forget to pick up one of our new Parish Calendars. They will be on the shelves of Chapel at the end of this month, and are filled with a host of parish activities and information.