November 9, 2014 - Kingwood Church of Christ
November 9, 2014 - Kingwood Church of Christ
Our Deepest Sympathy …is extended to Sharon Underwood at the loss of her cousin, Nathan Trammel, due to a car accident. …is also extended to Dalphene Bruton and family on the loss of her nephew’s wife, Mary Edwards, on Tuesday. …is also extended to the family and friends of Julia Palmer (age 24/childcare giver in our nursery several years ago) on her passing Tuesday night due to a car accident. Visitation is today from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Rosewood Funeral Home in Porter, and her funeral will be held on Monday at 10:00 a.m. at Rosewood Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Rosewood Memorial Park North in Porter. Kingwood Prayer Needs Ryan Ivy - recovering/outpatient knee surgery on Monday Betty Jones - Emeritus at Kingwood - rehab Clovis Kennington (Karen Power’s dad) - Emeritus at Kingwood - continued recovery and rehab Alex Kolesnikov - traveling to Afghanistan/prayers for safety Sylvia McAdams - scheduled for procedure this past Thursday/back and leg pain relief Merle Youngblood - ongoing health issues Continue to Remember Dewayne Broderick, Nancy Donovan, Kathy Doshier, Ken Hammons, Sarah Hill, Harry Jones, Kathleen Mason, Fay Nell Norwood, Carl Power Extended Family & Friends Tanner Campbell (Minister at Southside Church of Christ in Rapid City, SD) - spinal meningitis Mary Ann Cook (former member) - ICU at Conroe Regional Medical Center - critically ill/lung infection Peggy Holley (Ron Holley’s mother) - Kingwood Medical Center - rehab/quadruple bypass surgery Larry Shinn (Judy Garner’s brother) - congestive heart failure Cliff Unger (father of Babs McDonald’s coworker, Angie Burkhalter) - radiation treatments/cancer Joan Unger (mother of Babs McDonald’s coworker, Angie Burkhalter) - upcoming surgery/aggressive breast cancer Valerie (sister-in-law of Eileen Adams’ nephew) - multiple surgeries after accident on Tuesday Berwid Whitaker (Deneen Coffey’s dad) - ICU at San Jacinto Methodist Hospital coma/complications during surgery Leaders of our country and those serving our country in the military and their families Peace in Ukraine and all the displaced people Continue to Remember Spencer Bailey (Bob & Jeanese’s grandson), Cindy Breeding (former member), Brooke Brown (Hines’ daughter), Daughter and Mom of Ina Buehler (Kathe Focke’s coworker), Caleb (grandson of former members Don & Patti Johnson), Sarah & Chris Cantwell (Wanda Cantwell’s grandson and his wife), David (Ian Adams’ coworker), John Davis (Steve Davis’ brother), Polly Farrar (former member), J. B. and Nick Flores (prayer request from BJ Galvan), Tom Fuller (Eileen Adams’ brother), Brandie Garner (Lionel & Judy Garner’s daughter-in-law), Becky Gilbert (Debbie Cook’s sister), Donna Ford Greenup (prayer request from Sharon Underwood), Gilbert Ibarra (Linda Trapp’s brother), Parker Inman (grandson of former members James & Brenda DuPree), Devin Jones (Rick & Charlotte Hare’s son-in-law), Rachel McDonald (Babs’ daughter), Meredith (mother of Jeff Adams’ coworker), Greg Palmer (Rick’s brother), Evan Rector (son of Wanda Cantwell’s cousin), Arlene Rogers (Lynda Turner’s sister), Bobbie Sexton (Steve Davis’ sister), and Stella (sister of Anne Wilhite’s friend), Maude Underwood (Sharon Underwood’s mother) 2901 Woodland Hills Drive, Kingwood, Texas 77339 * (281) 358-3865 * Fax (281) 358-5203 * * e-mail * website * Elders Brad Fowler Tim Power Bill Green Jack Roland Craig Maxwell Alan Sutton Randy McWilliams John Walker David Weed Ministers Scott Thibodeaux, Preaching Shannon Rains, Children & Family Amos Gutierrez, Youth Minister Josh Costen Tim Doshier Bryce Jones Mike McNutt David Richey - When We Meet Sunday 9:00 a.m ................. Bible Classes 10:15 a.m. ....... Worship Assembly 6:00 p.m. ......... Class/Life Groups Tuesday (Sept. - May) 9:45 a.m. ......... Ladies Bible Class Wednesday 7:00 p.m. ................. Bible Classes Ministry Chairs Life Groups Mark Darby - Facilities Worship Scott Garrett - Foreign Missions Human Resources Don Looney - Finance & Admin Education Hugh Miller - Local Missions New Members Warren Springer - Family Life FALL ADULT BIBLE CLASS SCHEDULE KINGWOOD CHURCH OF CHRIST Love God, Love Each Other, Serve the World Sunday - November 9, 2014 Aux #95 - Shout Hallelujah Announcements Call To Worship - Michael Rushing #18 - Faithful Love SUNDAY MORNING 9:00 a.m. Bible 101 .............................“Introduction to the Bible” ..................................... 126 .............................................................. (Scott Thibodeaux)............................................................... Prayer - Greg Hoefar Foundations ............. “That You May Believe: John’s Gospel” ............................ 214 ................................................................ (Daniel Haynes) ................................................................. #57 - Great Is Thy Faithfulness Family Experience (FX).. ........... “Sustaining Hope” ............................................ 125 ......................................... (Scott Garrett, Wyatt Rushing & Don Smith) .......................................... Aux #89 - In Christ Alone Mid/Prime Timers .................... ..“A Study From Luke” ................................................. 110 .................................................................. (Bill Pamplin) ................................................................... SALT ........................................ “I John, II John & III John” ..................................... 219 ................................................... (Mike McNutt & Travis McHam).................................................... College/Young Singles..................... “The Parables” .............................................. 223 .................................................................. (Roger Groth) ................................................................... SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 p.m. Anchor Class ....................... “Sunday Evening Bible Study” .......................................... 110 ............(Sumpter Frazier, Ronny Landrum, Randy McWilliams, Bob Nash, Mel Schobel) ............ WEDNESDAY NIGHT 6:45 p.m. Divorce Care ................................. 13 Week Class ................................................128 .................................................. (Tim Power & Gelene McFadden) ................................................... Communion - Bill Pamplin #560 - Living By Faith “The Reality of Faith” Scott Thibodeaux #469 - Faith Is The Victory Divorce Care 4 Kids .... “Companion Class for Divorce Care” .............................. 124 .............................................. (Ruth Davis, Judy Roland, Kay Hayes) ............................................... Elder Blessing - Brad Fowler Single & Parenting ........................ 13 Week Class ................................................ 126 ............................. (Mel & Phyles Schobel, Sonny & Karen Goode, Vera Flores) .............................. #710 - The Lord Bless You And Keep You WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7:00 p.m. Adult Bible Class ............... …….”Messages From Jeremiah” .................................. 110 .............................................................. (Scott Thibodeaux)............................................................... Parenting ...................................... 13 Week Class ................................................ 125 ................................... (Travis & Jana Kay McHam, Todd & Donale Morte) .................................... Singing Class ........................................... ........................................................... 214 ...................................................... (Ryan Ivy & Melissa Zinsitz) ....................................................... Worship Attendance..……………...375 YTD Weekly Average Contribution……...……………..17,651 Budgeted Weekly Goal…………..18,575 YTD Short Fall…………………..40,663) Church bulletins are posted on the church website and are available for viewing. Go to, click on Bulletins, and select bulletin by date. E-Mail Distribution… Eileen Adams has an Email Ministry to distribute prayer requests & praises. Contact her at to be included. Notation for the ‘Aux’ songs may be found in the auxiliary books available at the rear of the Auditorium. Welcome …to all visitors, guests, and members. Along with our members, please fill out member and guest cards as the brown notebooks are passed down the pews. When filling out the pew pad, please do not tear off Notices 12th Annual Schertz Lectures Studies in the Minor Prophets Today - Nov 12, 2014 Schertz Church of Christ Schertz, Texas Lectures run from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm daily (Sun - Wed) at no charge. Each lecture (as well as previous years lectureships) are available for purchase for use by your congregation or for personal study. Lectures will be made by 31 different Bible students and scholars at approximately 40 minutes each. WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEALS WEDNESDAY NOV 12th This class is for anyone who has lost a loved one through divorce. Please register to ensure enough materials. Chicken Alfredo, Garlic Bread, Salad & Dessert The Online Academy of Biblical Studies (OABS) will also be broadcasting these lectures live. You may view each one by selecting then select “Schertz Lectures”. Previous years lectures may be viewed by selecting “Event Archives” on the OABS home page. For more info Call E-mail $4 Adults $2 Children 210 - 658 - 0269 Website Our Foreign Missions ministry covers projects and services worldwide. Several preachers are provided with financial support through Venezuelan Missions. Jeremiah’s Hope is a home for orphaned or abandoned children in The Ukraine. World Bible School (WBS) provides literature and personal correspondence to teach people of foreign countries and the United States about the Gospel of Christ. Texas International Bible Institute (TIBI) is a local entity that provides training for preachers and their families to spread the Gospel of Christ to others. All of these missions can benefit from both financial support as well as volunteer work. If you are interested in learning more about opportunities to serve in any of these areas, contact Scott Garrett. Make A Soldier Smile ! We are collecting leftover Halloween candy again to send to the soldiers. Last year, we collected over 1000 lbs of candy with help from our wonderful congregation ! There will be a box in the foyer for anyone wanting to donate. Questions, Contact Casey Irvin Dear Kingwood Family, Thank you. Two small words for such a big feeling. Your kindness really made a difference….your thoughtfulness really touched my heart….The gratitude I feel really can’t be put into words. Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, cards and the plant. Your support was appreciated at the loss of my dad. A new committee has been formed to minister to the ladies of our congregation by enhancing the women’s educational programs and by sponsoring activities that will enrich women’s lives. The committee wants to hear all your ideas and suggestions for this ministry! Please contact Dawn King, Jana Kay McHam, Mavenee Thibodeaux, Patty Peck or Linda Copeland to discuss ideas. Nov 26 No Wednesday Classes Nov 26 & 27 - Church Office Closed Nov 30 No Sunday A.M. Classes Children’s Ministry Workshop Open to Teachers & Parents November 15, 2014 8:00 9:00 10:15 11:00 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Nursery Training Cradle Roll / Preschool The Spiritual Formation of Children Learning Styles & Journey Land Training: Elementary Childcare will not be available Giving & Serving Kit Resource Class Wed - November 19 Room 223 Calendar of Events 11/11..…………..…………....Ladies Bible Class 11/18..…………………….....Ladies Bible Class 11/18.……………………..….Adult Game Night 12/2..……………………..…..Ladies Bible Class 12/2…………..…..Mid/Primetimer’s Potluck 12/6………………………….…..Fellowship Cafe 12/7………….…………………..…….Blood Drive 12/7…….…………......Nursing Home Singing 12/9……………..…………....Ladies Bible Class 12/16……………….………...Ladies Bible Class 12/16…………….…………...Adult Game Night 2015 1/1…………………….…...……...New Year’s Day 1/3……….…………………….....Fellowship Café 1/4……………………...Nursing Home Singing 1/6..………………….………..Ladies Bible Class 1/6………………....Mid/Primetimer’s Potluck 1/11.………………….………..……..Ministry Fair 1/13.………………….………..Ladies Bible Class 1/17, 18 .……..Visionary Family Conference 1/18…………………………..……..Impact Lunch 7-8 pm This class is focused on parents of children ages 9 and older, however, it is open to all parents. It will help you establish the practice of giving and serving others for God’s glory. Hub Tonight - The Thibodeaux’s 5:30 - 7:00 Sign up on website to host or provide a meal Bring $3 for Food The Lost & Found area has been relocated to the Main Foyer. Currently everything is located in the large chest. Please feel free to look through this for any lost items. We currently have several articles of clothing, blankets, children’s books, sunglasses and Bibles. Dishes and kitchen items are on a cart under the Youth Bulletin board in the adjacent hallway. Please check these areas for anything you might be missing. Missions Next Week’s Assembly Prayers Don Looney……..Rick Winters Communion Servers Mike Stagner - Coordinator Lain Gay ........................... Christian Peck Sam Peck .................................. Bo Pinner Chase Power ....................... Glenn Purser Wyatt Rushing ......................... Bill Steele Boyd Tacker........................James Tacker James Tyler ............................ Lou Zinsitz Sound Booth Elesa Mason ............................. Mike Carl Nursery Room 102 6th through 12th Grade November 21 - 23, 2014 Texas Baptist Encampment (Palacios, Tx) Cost - $80 ($70 each addt’l child) Register at Darlene Beaman....................................... Room 106 Jasmine Feliciano ................. Robin Potts Greeters Main Foyer Eddie & Gelene McFadden Jim Dudley Save The Date - Family Life January 16 - 18, 2015 Arlington, Texas Registration begins November 24, 2014 Wade & Holly Overmyer Syd Dudley Explore the vast opportunities to serve in a ministry supported by KWCOC. Each ministry will be presenting what they do and what you can do to serve... North Side Sonny Goode
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