The Church News - Schertz United Methodist Church


The Church News - Schertz United Methodist Church
The Church News
January Birthdays
Volume 9 Issue 1
January 2014
December Baptisms
01 Patricia Gerdes
Emily Hodgkins
Ocean Zuniga
03 Ellie Behun
Shirley Menard
05 Darren Ortiz
George Ullmann
07 Sue Karrer
08 Robert Riddle
09 Lois Beck
George Ricks
11 Nolan Wright
14 Tomas Diaz
18 Benjamin Kuhlmann
Robert Lynch III
20 Charlie Dunn
Cathy Lewis
Paul Stockton
Emily Tyler
21 Maddux Dorsey
22 Kristi Stuller
23 Lydia Murray
Tony Todd
Rachel Wall
Diane Lampman
Barbara Morris
Morgan Wollslager
Samantha Bonica
Mitchell Don Campbell
Don Kumpost
Betty Todd
Laura Thompson
Don Wall
Dianna Cooper
Rebecca Montgomery
Beverly Pawlik
Welcome New Members
Randy and Dolores Geiger
Beverly Pawlik
Ruben, Karen, and Keli (Pokrywka) Sanchez
Bryan, Jenna, Dylan, and Carter Stone
Jack and Frances Weaver
Lori Beth Jenkins
Church Staff Listing
Pastor - Rev. Linda Montgomery
Cell Number (210) 535-0187
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Jodi Gutierrez
Director of Music and Worship Arts Leah Krenek
Nursery Supervisor
Cheri Riddle
Kimberly Campbell
Grace Place Learning Center
Director - Stefani Behun
Treasurer/Program CoordinatorAlice Sutherlun
Director of Adult Ministries
Rev. Stephanie Roberts White
Grace Place Learning Center
Assistant Director
Tracy Volz
Church Secretary - Stephanie Roberts White
Custodian - Sharon Bramer
Church Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
9 am to 3:30 pm
(210) 658-3202
Fax (210) 658-1280
Grace Place Learning Center
210- 658-0846
Schertz United Methodist Church Council
Highlights of November 20, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Grace Place: Grace Place has been profitable for 3 months in a row. There are 26 children on
the waiting list. Changes being made to the rooms will accommodate 7 of the children, all 2year olds.
Worship: Worship is getting ready for Advent and Christmas. Sandra Lippert said it was her
last meeting as Worship Chairperson and thanked all who had volunteered during her term.
Mission: Missions will continue with Texas Ramps project, the 4th of July Coke Booth and
Faith in Action Sunday. The committee will emphasize what is needed for RACAP each month
next year.
Flying Colors: Barbara Ricks reported 13 children will be going on the annual Christmas shopping trip to Walmart.
Adult Council: An Advent Study, “Finding Bethlehem in the Midst of Bedlam” will be offered
at 3 different times.
Children’s Ministries: The Halloween Festival was a huge success with over 1,200 in attendance. Pre-Youth Group program for 5th and 6th graders is going strong. We have 40 -50 children in Children’s Sunday School each week. Confirmation Class starts in January on Sundays
from 4:00 – 5:00 for 6th to 12th graders. 56 Operation Christmas Child boxes were donated.
United Methodist Women: Sandra Lippert reported UMW adopted 2 families from Wesley
Health and Wellness Center for Christmas. Our Mission project for next year will be making
birthing kits for UMCOR.
United Methodist Men: Billy Timberlake thanked all who supported the Pancake Supper.
United Methodist Youth: 30 -35 youth attend UMYF. The Winter Retreat will be on February
7 - 8 at a conference in Houston, with the youth staying at a church.
Finance Report: Jerry Randecker distributed and discussed the financial summary of the
church through October, which showed a loss of $68,055 year-to-date. Average monthly offerings remain steady at $39,311. We will not pay out on apportionments again this year. We will
have a second Capital Budget Campaign in May for debt retirement.
SPRC: Sharon Bramer has been cleared by her doctor to return to work. Stephanie White has
been hired as our new Church Secretary and will continue as Adult Ministries Coordinator, a
position funded by designated offerings.
Trustees: Christ Church is still meeting in our four-plex and two Sunday School rooms on
Sunday evenings and paying us a rental fee of $800 per month.
Online Giving
Online giving is available at Schertz UMC
for both one time and regular contributions. To set up an account, visit Our on-line
giving connection has moved on our web
page. There is now a Stewardship tab at
the top of the homepage. If you run your
mouse across tab, our on-line giving shows
up. If you have saved our old website or
have it as a favorite or bookmarked, please
delete it and save our new one. The links
on the old site are incorrect and will send
you to the wrong place to sign up to give.
If you have questions or problems getting
set up, contact Alice Sutherlun in the
church office at 658-3202.
Prayer requests can be emailed to
Or phone Millie Cooper at
The United Methodist Men invite men of all
ages to join us for food and fellowship.
Fourth Wednesday of Every Month
(January 22, 2014), 7:00 PM
No Cost. Your first visit, please bring only
yourself. After that we request you bring your
favorite dish to share.
The Library Committee kindly requests a cease in
book donations for a while. They are working
hard to organize current books and will inform the
church when they are ready to accept more.
Sunday Schedule
Family Praise Service
at 9:00 am
Traditional Family Service
at 11:15 am
Sunday School and Small
Group time from
10:15 to 11:00 am
Pre Youth Group
(5th-6th grade)
Youth Group
(7th-12th grade)
Communion is served on
the first Sunday of the
month at both services
and on the third Sunday
of each month in
the Prayer Room at
10 am and 12:15 pm.
Everyone is invited.
For information about
Schertz United Methodist
Church please call the
office at 210-658-3202 or
visit our website at
Page 2
The Diamond Club
Monday, January 27th at 12:00 PM.
It is a potluck for anyone over 50. Bring your covered
dish and join us to learn all the little unknown facts
about the month of January. If it is your first time,
please come as our guest.
Hosted by Chuck and Carol Flick.
The Church News
Volume 9 Issue 1
Ladies, come join the Wuest Circle group
for fellowship, fun and interesting programs. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of
each month at 10 AM in the Choir Room. If
you would like more information call Vi
Dries at 210 658-1730. They will be meeting on January 15.
Page 3
Lillian Abbot
Dot Bolin
Hazel Ring
Lou Ann Allison, Alice and
Chuck Sutherlun
Barry and Barbara Blackman,
Norm and Euna Harrell, Alice
and Chuck Sutherlun, George
and Jo Ullman, Augusta Wuest
Circle, Larry McAllister, Arnold
and Greta Gittens, Hank
Malone, Ray and Joyce Wiggins, James and Carolyn Duffy,
Patsy Woodward, Texas Delta
Delta Master
(Lou Ann Allison’s Aunt)
Lois Bennett
(Tom Bennett’s mother)
Billy and Anna Timberlake
Nancy Gonzalez
Harvey and Ethel Seiler
When Christians Get it Wrong
More and more young adults have opted out of
Christianity and the church.
The reason? Christians.
When young adults talk about the problems they have with Christianity and the
church, they often name certain attitudes and behaviors they believe are practiced
too often by Christians: judging others, condemning people of other faiths, rejecting science, injecting politics into faith, and being anti-homosexual. Those who
read When Christians Get It Wrong will gain a different way of understanding the
issues that keep people away from Christianity and keep Christians from living a
more compelling faith. Because, honestly, if we don’t start getting it right, we may
lose an entire generation.
Join Pastor Stephanie for a 6 week session
discussing these important topics.
Beginning Monday January 13
Fox’s Pizza and Tap Room
3900 Roy Richard Drive, 7:00 PM
The Mesquite Magnolias will be back from vacation on Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 11:00
AM. All women are invited to join us in the
choir room. We are studying
Really Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs.
For more information, contact
Allie Kuhlmann at 210-658-6065.
Join Pastor Linda for
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Beginning January 9, 2014, 10:00 AM
We will be continuing in the Book of Genesis
at chapter 10.
All are welcome.
If you have recently begun visiting Schertz
UMC and would like to know more, we invite
you to join
Know Your Story…
Encounter the faith narrative from creation to Christianity.
Confirm Your Faith…
Embrace the essential beliefs and practices of the UMC
Live Your Commitment…
Embody the vows and embark on the Christian journey.
Beginning Sunday, January 12, 2014 at 4 PM
All 6th - 12th graders are invited
Not only will we learn about our faith and our church, we
will also watch videos, play games, make crafts, and attend a
retreat to emphasize what we are learning.
Don’t miss the fun!
Contact Pastor Linda or Jodi Gutierrez in the church office
for more information.
Pastor Linda for Lunch
January 26
12:15 PM.
Come for an informal time of fellowship and
fun and get to know Pastor Linda and more
about Schertz UMC. For more information,
please call the church office. There is no cost
for this event.
Round Tuits
Do you have projects that you need to get done at
home but you just can’t seem to find the time to sit
down and do them? Come and join other women
every Friday at 10 am for the Round Tuits! Bring
your project and sit and enjoy the company of other
ladies in the same predicament. It makes your project a lot more fun!
Diane E. Jacob
Elaine Kuperstein
Ray Mitchell
Lori Beth Jenkins
Jill Brady, George and Barbara
Ricks, Lou Ann Allison, Harvey
and Ethel Seiler, Elsie DeMeritt
Arnold and Greta Gittens
Harris Taylor
Barry and Barbara Blackman,
Chuck and Alice Sutherlun,
George and Jo Ullman
John Strom
Larry McAllister, Alice and
Chuck Sutherlun,
Nancy Johnson, Lou Ann
Alice and Chuck Sutherlun, Ray
and Joyce Wiggins
Gifts Given in Honor Of
Dot Condreay
Nancy Johnson,
Billy and Anna Timberlake
Carol Flick
Nancy Johnson
Billy and Anna Timberlake
Euna Harrel
Nancy Johnson
Billy and Anna Timberlake
The Crisis Committee would like to praise and
give thanks for the people of this church who
Euna and Norman Harrell
supported us for the recent call of baked needs.
We are so grateful that the Schertz Church
Allie Kuhlmann
body continues to provide this compassionate
Euna and Norman Harrell
need for families in crisis. All of 2013 volunBilly and Anna Timberlake teers in service to our committee have brought
Euna and Norman Harrell
much relief and comfort. So we wish to shout
a very big THANK YOU to all volunteers.
Leah Krenek,
Kimberly Campbell, and the We ask the Lord to provide us with a successful 2014 as we pray for all our loved ones.
entire Music Department
Nancy Johnson
Gertrude Lonsberry
Sunday Brunch
Upside Down
Make no mistake, Jesus was and is different.
The things he said shocked. The way he lived surprised. The
people he associated with offended the religious leaders of the
day. Jesus turned the expected on its head. If the predictable
was right-side up, then Jesus turned things upside down.
Jesus was revolutionary, subversive, and shocking.
Redefining Happiness. Being Salt and Light.
Raising the Bar. Loving Enemies.
Join us for a four week worship study exploring how
His followers are called to this
Upside Down Living.
Beginning January 5, 2014, 9:00 AM and 11:15 AM
Bring a dish to share
during the
Sunday school hour.
January 19, 2014
10:15 AM