9vilton Township
9vilton Township
Milton Tovh 1620 9vilton Township You 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: milton@miltontwp.org Website: www.miltontwp.org Agenda for Milton Township Regular Board Meeting Milton Township Hall - 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI Tuesday, April 19th, 7:00 P.M. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance: Community Reports: 1. Planning Commission Ex Officio Member 2. Other committee chairs and visiting officials. Anyone Wishing to Speak to the Board: (3 mm/person) Board Member Comments: Approval of Agenda: Approval of Previous Minutes: Business (w/attendees): Old Business: 1. Fire Services a. Set Fire Special Assessment District Public Hearings 2. Rental Updates - Policies, Panels, Tables-Chairs, etc. 3. Township Policy Updates 4. Risk Mitigation Response 5. Township Internet Services New Business: 1. Park Policies 2. Road Contracts 3. PTO Guidance/Discussion 4. DASAS Request 5. Weather Alert Siren 6. Resident Request to Hunt in Park Financial Report: 1. Review of Township Budget 2. Financial Reports 3. Approval of Checks Adjournment: 9Wdton Toumship dl. 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: milion@miltoniwp.org Wcbsite: www.rniltontwp.org Minutes for Milton Township Budget Public Hearing Milton Township Hall - 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, Tuesday, March 15 1h,6:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm and the Pledge of Present Supervisor Robert Benjamin, Treasurer Susan FlerJrk Sante Absent: Trustee Kelly Sweeney, Trustee Eric Benjamin presented a copy of the budget for f as roads, will likely come in lower than Anyone Wishing to SDeak to the Boai,Jc Adjournment: Motion: Flowers made a Second: Sante Discussion: None Motion Carried Unaml( yea 16-2017 indicated some costs, such Approval of Previous Minutes Motion: Sante made a motion to approve the 2/20/16 minutes as presented Second: Sweeney Discussion: None Motion Carried Unanimously Business with Attendees: Benjamin reviewed with the board the Interlocal Fire Department Agreement between Milton, Jefferson, and Ontwa. A lengthy discussion followed regarding this agreement. Rental Updates Flowers reports the income and expenses for the rental of the Townshi 2015-2016: Income: $1,738.00 Expenses: $625.11 Net Income: $1 9 112.89 Sante reports that a verbal offer has been made for move the building to another location. Sante prov estimate of some of the costs that would be inc e discussion occurred. Motion: Renken made a motion au township hall. Second: Sweeney Discussion: Benjamin indic t Roll Call: Flowers Y, Re Y, S Motion Carried ownships of ction was I has be 'or fiscal year old t ship hail. The buyer would ce received from MTA and an if the offer was accepted. A lengthy i proposals for the sale and removal of the old should be placed on the township web-site. Y, Benjamin N Township Policy U Risk Mitigatio Benjamin ade motion to approve the 2016-2017 budget as presented with a resolution number of Moti he boar levied a fire millage and a Township Millage. 2016-0 Second: Discussion: e Roll Call: Flowers Y. Renken Y, Sante Y, Sweeney Y, Benjamin Y Motion Carried 21 Page Motion: Benjamin made a motion to approve the 2016 wage resolution with a resolution number of 201605R. Second: Renken Discussion: None Roll Call: Flowers Y, Renken Y, Sante Y, Sweeney Y, Benjamin Y Motion Carried Motion: Benjamin made a motion to approve the 2016 fee schedule with a resolution Second: Renken Discussion: None Roll Call: Flowers Y, Renken Y, Sante Y, Sweeney Y, Benjamin Y Motion Carried Township Internet Services: Benjamin presented a quote for township hail internet service from occurred regarding this quote. discussion the costs shown in the Motion: Renken made a motion authorizing Benjamin to quote. Second: Sweeney Discussion: None ,B Roll Call: Flowers N, Renken Y, Sante N, Swee Motion Carried Special Board Meeting: Motion: Sante made a motion to set purposes of approving any needed b Second: Benjamin Discussion: None Roll Call: Flowers Y. RenY, Sa Motion Carried of 2016-06R. for Tuesday March 29th at 6:30pm for the Y, Benjamin Y Financial Report: Review of Motion: iution 2016-07R to be as follows: +$40.76 +$1,101.61 +$420.00 +$420.00 +$1 9000.00 +$1 1,017.01 -$3,999.38 Mechlaical Labor EleWFcal Labor nsion PC Consultant General Fund Second: Sweeney Discussion: None Roll Call: Flowers Y, Renken Y, Sante Y, Sweeney Y, Benjamin Y Motion carried 3 JP a g e Financial Reports Flowers reported the township funds total $500,814.18. Approval of Checks Motion: Sante made a motion to approve-the checks as written with the following ACH transfers to be added: Aspire John Hancock John Hancock $97.54 $540.89 $782.81 Second: Sweeney Discussion: None Roll Call: Flowers Y, Renken Y, Sante Y, Sweeney Y, Benjamin Y Motion carried Adjournment Motion: Sweeney made a motion to adjourn at 8:20pm. Second: Renken Discussion: None Motion carried unanimously 4 111 a g e Milton Township 1829 Y042a. !Mi(ton Towns/hp 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: milton@miltontwp.org Website: www.miltontwp.org Minutes for Milton Township Board of Trustees Special Meeting Milton Township Hall - 32097 Bertrand St., N 40 Tuesday March 29th, 2016 6:30 P.M. MI Meeting called to order at 6:30. Present: Supervisor Robert Benjamin, Treasurer Susan Flowers, Clerk Steve Sante Absent: Trustee Eric Renken, Trustee Kelly Sweeney Public Comment: None Budget Resolutions: Motion: Benjamin made a motion for budget resolution 2016-8R Salary-AA +$794.75 Election Meal Reimb +$16.82 Street Lights +$420. ZA Salaries +$455.00 Medicare-Match +$81.58 Assessor Postage -$1,000.00 Accrued Wages -$784.99 Second Flowers Discussion: None Roll Call Flowers Y, Sante Y, Benjamin Y Motion: Benjamin made a motion for Budget Resolution 9-R setting the fire fund budget as follows: Income: Taxes $155,109.50 Loan from Township $150,829.11 Interest $72.71 Expenses: Edwardsburg Fire $71 9 143.98 ii township Fire $84 5 346.11 al Expenses $545.00 Bank Service Fee $8.14 Pay Back Township $150,829.11 Second: Sante Discussion: None Roll Call: Flowers Y, Sante Y, Benjamin Y Joy's John Contract A lengthy discussion occurred regarding the contract from Joy John, which was presented by Benjamin. At 7:25 the board went outside to discuss positioning of the unit. Motion Benjamin made a motion to approve the contract with Joy's John for one reportable restroom with hand sanitizer at a cost of $1,365 per year. Second Sante Discussion None Motion Carried Unanimously Edwardsburg Fire Contract: Benjamin provided the contract for the Edwardsburg Fire Department. A lengthy discussion occurred. Motion: Benjamin made a motion authorizing the supervisor to submit the contract to Edwardsburg Fire as amended Second: Sante Board is not executing contract at this time Discussion: Contract needs to be revised to read 1 mil Motion Carried Unanimously Board Member Comments A lengthy discussion occurred on the follong topics Administrative Assistant POT Grounds keeping at the towns hail Motion: Benjamin made a motion to adjourn at 8:15pm Second: Flowers Discussion: None Motion Carried A Milton Township Fire District Map Milton Township Fire Protection Services ] Special Assessment District 2016-2 Milton Township Fire Protection Services _____ Special Assessment District 2016-1 RESOLUTION FOR AGREEMENT FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES WHEREAS, the Township of Milton, Cass County, Michigan, has determined that it is in the interests of the public health, safety and welfare of its residents to provide fire protection services to Township residents and property owners; and WHEREAS, PA 33 of 1951, as amended, authorizes a township to appropriate township funds and to enter agreements between municipal entities for the provision of fire protection services; and WHEREAS, the Milton Township Board has determined to enter into an Agreement with Niles Charter Township to provide fire protection services to certain properties within Milton Township for a term of eight (8) years; and WHEREAS, the Milton Township Board has determined that there is value to Milton Township residents and property owners in executing an Agreement for Fire Protection Services at a fixed cost for an eight (8) year period, including the assurance that the rates charged by Niles Charter Township for Fire Protection Services during that term will be met by the assessments collected through the Milton Township Fire Protection Services Special Assessment District 2016-1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Milton Township Board that the Township Board may enter an Agreement with Niles Charter Township for the provision of fire protection services in Milton Township for an eight (8) year period beginning April 1, 2016; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Milton Township Board hereby acknowledges that there is value to the certainty achieved through an eight (8) year Agreement and that a component of the Agreement will reflect payment to Niles Charter Township for said certainty; and BE IF FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Milton Township Board hereby authorizes the Township Supervisor to execute such Agreement with Niles Charter Township, once said Agreement is prepared and approved by the Township's legal representative. Motion made by , seconded by Upon roll call vote the following voted "aye": Upon roll call vote the following voted "no": The Supervisor declared the resolution adopted. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a Resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Milton Township Board held at the Township Hall on 2016, that said meeting was conducted and public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act, being 1976 PA 267; that a quorum of the Board was present and voted in favor of said Resolution; and that minutes of said meeting were kept and will be or have been made available as required by said Open Meetings Act. Steve Sante, Clerk Milton Township NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT FOR FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF MILTON THIS AGREEMENT, made this , 2016, by and between NILES day of CHARTER TOWNSHIP, a Michigan municipal corporation, by and through the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT and MILTON TOWNSHIP, a Michigan municipal corporation. WHEREAS, NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP, provides fire protection, and is possessed of equipment and personnel adequate to serve the fire protection needs of MILTON TOWNSHIP; and WHEREAS, MILTON TOWNSHIP is desirous of contracting for fire protection services from NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP agrees that it will provide fire protection, through the Niles Charter Township Fire Department, for the persons and property within that limited portion of MILTON TOWNSHIP depicted on the drawing attached hereto as Exhibit A and generally described as follows: Milton Township Fire Services Special Assessment District 2016-1, which is depicted on the attached Exhibit A. for a period of eight years, commencing April 1, 2016 and ending on March 31, 2024. Upon expiration of the original eight (8) year term of this Agreement, the Agreement may be renewed by the parties for four (4) year terms thereafter. 2. The NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP agrees to furnish those services to that portion of MILTON TOWNSHIP described in paragraph 1 above and depicted on Exhibit A, which shall be equivalent to the fire protection, and other related services ordinarily rendered by fire departments serving communities of a size comparable to NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP and MILTON TOWNSHIP. NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP shall perform Ordinance enforcement (related to open burning, etc.) in the areas of Milton Township described in paragraph 1 above and depicted on Exhibit A. NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP shall receive all fees collected for such ordinance enforcement. 3. The NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP represents that it has the necessary emergency equipment and trained personnel to adequately provide rescue related to personal injury motor vehicle accident rescues, as well as actual fire fighting. 4. The NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP shall use its best efforts to respond to all requests for emergency services related to firefighting and personal injury motor vehicle accident rescues. In the event that the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT shall be unable to respond to a request for services because of previous commitments which may prevent or delay the deployment of resources, there shall be no liability of any kind or nature on the part of NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP or its fire department. NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP shall not be in breach of this Agreement nor shall it in any way be liable to MILTON TOWNSHIP should NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP be required to utilize its established mutual aid agreements and protocols to assist in the provision of service. 5. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that THE NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT while performing any services under the terms of this contract, shall be deemed to be acting in a governmental capacity and shall enjoy the same immunities that MILTON TOWNSHIP would have under the circumstances. 6. NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP shall maintain such insurance as will adequately protect it from claim(s) under the Worker's Compensation Disability Act and from claim(s) for damages because of bodily injury, including death, or from any other liability from enduring operation under this contract, whether such operation by NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP or its fire department or by anyone directly, or indirectly employed by them and shall name MILTON TOWNSHIP as "Additional Insured" on its insurance policy. This insurance shall be written for not less than One Million ($1,000,000.00) Dollars of liability with not less than Three Million ($3,000,000.00) Dollars of umbrella coverage. Certificate of insurance shall be filed with the MILTON TOWNSHIP Clerk. Further, NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP shall hold MILTON TOWNSHIP harmless and indemnify MILTON TOWNSHIP from any and all liability incurred of whatsoever kind or nature arising from NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP'S provision of services pursuant to this agreement. 7. MILTON TOWNSHIP shall provide at its own expense adequate police protection as may reasonably be required by the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT during such time as the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT is responding, performing its functions or returning from a service call. 8. It is agreed that when any equipment or personnel from the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT responds to any call for service within that portion of MILTON TOWNSHIP set forth in paragraph 1 above, all of the fire equipment and all of the personnel of the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT shall be under the command of the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT. 9. It shall be the responsibility of MILTON TOWNSHIP to provide routes of access and traffic control as may be necessary and reasonably convenient for the proper performance by the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT of its obligation under this contract. 10. In consideration of the foregoing services furnished by the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP through its fire department, MILTON TOWNSHIP shall pay to NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP the following sums: 1. Upon execution of this Agreement by both parties, MILTON TOWNSHIP shall pay the NILES in acknowledgement of the eight year CHARTER TOWNSHIP a sum of $ term of this Agreement. 2. Beginning with the Winter 2016 tax collection and each year thereafter for the term of this Agreement, MILTON TOWNSHIP shall pay the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP a sum of one (1) mill of the most recent year's taxable value of all real property located in the Milton Township Fire Services Special Assessment District No. 2016-1 and subject to special assessment. Said sum shall be paid by MILTON TOWNSHIP to NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP as the funds are collected by the Township through the Milton Township Fire Services Special Assessment District 2016-1. The sum paid by MILTON TOWNSHIP to NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP may be adjusted subject to MILTON TOWNSHIP Board of Review determinations or Michigan Tax Tribunal determinations/decisions. In such cases and as is applicable, MILTON TOWNSHIP will either forward additional payment to NILES 2 CHARTER TOWNSHIP or will bill NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP for any overpayment that has been made on or before March 31 of each year, preceding any annual renewal of this Agreement. 11. This Agreement may be modified or terminated by either party for any reason after giving written notice of at least one hundred twenty (120) days before the effective date of termination. The NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP shall be paid for all services performed through effective date of termination. Upon such termination, any amount of annual payment made by MILTON TOWNSHIP to the NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP shall be prorated, and any unearned amounts of money refunded to MILTON TOWNSHIP. Absent one hundred twenty (120) day advanced written notice of modification or termination, this Agreement shall automatically be renewed for additional consecutive one year terms. Said written notice must be received no later than November 30 prior to termination or modification. Additionally, in the event that MILTON TOWNSHIP fails to approve a special assessment district for fire services or if the special assessment district is challenged or otherwise determined to be invalid and/or of no effect, MILTON TOWNSHIP shall give notice to NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP terminating this Agreement in writing, no later than November 30. 12. For purposes of any notice to be given under this Agreement or any relevant statutory law or any and all purposes whatsoever, the addresses of the parties shall, until written notice is given otherwise, shall be as follows: Milton Township 32097 Bertrand Street Niles, MI 49120 Niles Charter Township 320 Bell Road Niles, MI 49120 The individual or officer who signs this Agreement certifies through his/her signature that 13. he/she is authorized to sign this Agreement on behalf of the entity that he/she represents. 14. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and each such counterpart shall be considered a valid original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have, by their duly authorized officers, hereunto set their hands and seal on the day and year first above written. WITNESSES: NILES CHARTER TOWNSHIP James Stover, Supervisor WITNESSES: MILTON TOWNSHIP Robert Benjamin, Supervisor TOWNSHIP OF MILTON CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN Minutes of a meeting of the Township Board of the Township of Milton, Cass County, Michigan, held at the Township Hall, 32097 Bertrand Street, Niles, Michigan, on the day of ,2016, ___ _.m., local time. PRESENT: Members: ABSENT: Members: The following resolution was offered by Member and supported by Member SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION NO. 1 DECLARATION OF INTENT TO TENTATIVELY DESIGNATE MILTON TOWNSHIP FIRE SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2016-1 FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WHEREAS, PA 33 of 1951, as amended ("Act 33) provides that the Township Board may proceed and exercise the powers granted by Act 33 to establish a special assessment district for the provision of fire protection services, including the purchase/maintenance of equipment needed to provide fire protection services (Improvements); and WHEREAS, there exists a need for the provision of fire protection services in the Township; and WHEREAS, Act 33 provides the means to finance the provision of fire protection services, including the purchase/maintenance of equipment used in providing same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 101706739 1) B-i 1. The Township Board intends to proceed to establish a special assessment district (2016-1) for the provision of fire protection services (operations). 2. The Township Board has obtained a proposed annual budget from the Niles Charter Township Fire Department, which is attached herein as Exhibit A. 3. Said budget and cost estimate shall be filed with the Township Clerk. 4. The Township Board hereby tentatively designates a special assessment district known as the "Milton Township Fire Protection Services Special Assessment District No. 20161 9 59 consisting of all parcels as depicted on Exhibit B, against which parcels all or a portion of the cost of said Improvements shall be assessed. 5. P.M., The Township Board shall hold a public hearing on , 2016, at local time, at the Township Hall, in said Township, to hear and consider objections to the petitions, the proposed Improvements, the special assessment district tentatively designated herein, and to all other matters relating to the Improvements. 6. The Township Clerk shall cause to be published a notice of hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the Township, a total of at least two times prior to the hearing. The first publication shall be at least ten days prior to the time for hearing and a proof of publication of such notice shall be filed with the Township Board. 7. The Township Clerk, at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing, shall send a notice of the hearing by first class mail addressed to each record owner of or party in interest in each parcel of land to be assessed, at the address shown for such record owner or party in interest upon the last Township tax assessment roll for ad valorem tax purposes which was reviewed by the Township Board of Review, as supplemented by any subsequent changes in the names or addresses of the owners or parties listed thereon (except in the case of railroad companies, which shall be mailed a notice of the hearing by registered mail within five days after the first publication of the notice in Paragraph 7, above); provided, that if a record owner's name does not appear on the Township tax assessment records, then the notice required by this paragraph shall be given to the record owner at the address shown by the records of the Cass County Register of Deeds. 8. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded. YEAS: Members: NAYS: Members: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. Steve Sante, Clerk Milton Township STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) ss. COUNTY OF CASS ) I, Steve Sante, the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Township of Milton, Cass County, Michigan (the "Township"), do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a Resolution adopted by the Township Board of the Township at a meeting thereof held on _,2016, the original of which is on file in my office. Public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, including in the case of a special or rescheduled meeting, notice by publication or posting at least eighteen (18) hours prior to the time set for the meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my official signature this ,2016. Steve Sante, Clerk Township of Milton day of TOWNSHIP OF MILTON CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN Minutes of a meeting of the Township Board of the Township of Milton, Cass County, Michigan, held at the Township Hall, 32097 Bertrand Street, Niles, Michigan, on the day of ,2016, ___ _.m., local time. PRESENT: Members: ABSENT: Members: The following resolution was offered by Member and supported by Member SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION NO. 1 DECLARATION OF INTENT TO TENTATIVELY DESIGNATE MILTON TOWNSHIP FIRE SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2016-2 FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WHEREAS, PA 33 of 1951, as amended ("Act 33) provides that the Township Board may proceed and exercise the powers granted by Act 33 to establish a special assessment district for the provision of fire protection services, including the purchase/maintenance of equipment needed to provide fire protection services (Improvements); and WHEREAS, there exists a need for the provision of fire protection services in the Township; and WHEREAS, Act 33 provides the means to finance the provision of fire protection services, including the purchase/maintenance of equipment used in providing same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Township Board intends to proceed to establish a special assessment district (2016-2) for the provision of fire protection services (operations). {01706739 1 } B-i 2. The Township Board has obtained a proposed annual budget from the Edwardsburg Fire Department which is attached herein as Exhibit A. 3. Said budget and cost estimate shall be filed with the Township Clerk. 4. The Township Board hereby tentatively designates a special assessment district known as the "Milton Township Fire Protection Services Special Assessment District No. 20162," consisting of all parcels as depicted on Exhibit B, against which parcels all or a portion of the cost of said Improvements shall be assessed. 5. The Township Board shall hold a public hearing on , 2016, at p.m., local time, at the Township Hall, in said Township, to hear and consider objections to the petitions, the proposed Improvements, the special assessment district tentatively designated herein, and to all other matters relating to the Improvements. 6. The Township Clerk shall cause to be published a notice of hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the Township, a total of at least two times prior to the hearing. The first publication shall be at least ten days prior to the time for hearing and a proof of publication of such notice shall be filed with the Township Board. 7. The Township Clerk, at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing, shall send a notice of the hearing by first class mail addressed to each record owner of or party in interest in each parcel of land to be assessed, at the address shown for such record owner or party in interest upon the last Township tax assessment roll for ad valorem tax purposes which was reviewed by the Township Board of Review, as supplemented by any subsequent changes in the names or addresses of the owners or parties listed thereon (except in the case of railroad companies, which shall be mailed a notice of the hearing by registered mail within five days after the first publication of the notice in Paragraph 7, above); provided, that if a record owner's name does not appear on the Township tax assessment records, then the notice required by this paragraph shall be given to the record owner at the address shown by the records of the Cass County Register of Deeds. 8. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded. YEAS: Members: NAYS: Members: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. Steve Sante, Clerk Milton Township STATE OF MICHIGAN) ) ss. COUNTY OF MILTON ) I, Steve Sante, the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Township of Milton, Cass County, Michigan (the "Township"), do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a Resolution adopted by the Township Board of the Township at a meeting thereof held on _, 2016, the original of which is on file in my office. Public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, including in the case of a special or rescheduled meeting, notice by publication or posting at least eighteen (18) hours prior to the time set for the meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my official signature this 2016. Steve Sante, Clerk Township of Milton day of From: Jon from Audimute <acousticspecialist@audimute.com > Subject: Re: Milton Township Sound Panels Update Date: January 27, 2016 at 2:16:48 PM EST To: Steve Sante <clerk(miltontwp.orq> Reply-To: Jon from Audimute <acousticspecialistaudimute.com > Steve, You have two ways to go with this. You can continue using the 4'x6' panels like on the last order, however with a budget of $2,000.00 you are going to be able to order 5 maybe 6 of the panels. However with the same $2,000.00 you can order 22 of the 2'x4' panels and actually have more absorption. Using the smaller panels also offers better surface variation resulting in not only absorption but diffusion as well. With 5 of the 4'x6' panels you are going to add 120ft 2 to the current 126ft 2 you have with the screen and two 4'x6' panels. If you use the 22 2'x4' panels you will add 176ft 2 to the current 126ft 2 . To get to the magic 550ft 2 of treatment the initial sound report suggested you would need either 17 more 4'x6' or 53 2'x4' panels. This though would be far more then the budget for this round. That is fine, you will still start to notice improvements with each phase. Going the route above would most likely leave you with one more phase to finish the space off. For the 17 4'x6' you would be looking at a total of $5,525.00. For the 53 2'x4' you would be looking at a total of $4,770.00. Smaller panels are always going to offer the best value as shipping costs are lower as well as labor and materials for packaging as they do not need to be crated. I am more then happy to help you in any direction you would like to go though. Just let me know what sounds best to you and we can work on creating a proper quote to pass along to the board. Sincerely, Jonathan Hensley Acoustic Specialist 23945 Mercantile Suite H Cleveland, OH 44122 p: (866)-505-6883, f: (866)809-5018 Audimute Acoustic Panels www.audimuteacousticpanels.com Audimute Soundproofing www.audimutesoundproofing.com From: "Steve Sante" <clerk©miltontwp.org > To: "Jon from Audimute" <acousticspecialist@audimute.com > Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 9:03:07 PM Subject: RE: Milton lownship Sound Panels Update Jonathan: The board has asked me to put together a proposal for the next round of sound panels. Looking at our sound report can you make a recommendation? What/where should they go? I like larger panels personally. I am thinking this round will be $2,000ish. Let me know, Steve Sante 574 220 6085 1416 N. Logan St. Mishawaka, IN 46545 Phone: 574.243 40 www.fishwindowcleaning.com/3124 ISH WINDOW CLEANING ______________ BR GHTEN YOUR WORLD WiA*iI']*II I.)tI1 Date____ 6'7/ PhoneJ1 Cell Customer/Loc i Contact Name Email AddcessL3 A/P Contact Referral Source Store# ZIP ?7' f(ITICThJ C [I (1(4fl 5o GV h C (& I Recommended Frequency: C o I IIVIM I C JJJCQ IJ I Irn.LVLJC rMII4 I, r%Jf Ci'I UD I nI- rtLJ vv,i I II 1.11% .IIIv,I',ru I PUFI IIWI vru.. .,I'I-I- I El Ground $ E3 Total Off-ground $ LI cash LI check LI Credit card LI Net 10 LI Water-fed Pole LI Long Pole LI Ladders (# Pieces LI Other LI Rain Route LI Ledger Payment Method: ) Estimate Received By: A S K:jsjIj IVISA sc LU CZI I I I Estimated By: GUT TER U White - Customer Copy Yellow - Office Copy IEv Plus Tax (if applicable) S Pease v.slt us II e orree at wwwshv:nuowcleaning.com 2nd 3rd Ii I I ----•---- to provide feedback. Individually Owned and Operated Uj Uj um I Uj X - II ic I 1140 41 Nil z 41 CL CL INA I I ) - it71 - LLJ Cn 00 t; t~ t I Estimate Perdomo Carpet Cleaning r P.O. Box 2674 South Bend, In. 46680 Date Estimate # 3'l 5/2016 36 574-310-7782 Name / Address/Phone Milion Township 32097 Bertrand St Nilcs, MI 49120 Project Description Qty Total Rate 4264 Laminate \\ood Floor - Sweep. Mop. Rotary llonnvt Scrub Total 142.04 s14104 CLEANING SERVICE INVOICE "A Beautiful Job" Cleaning Services Date: 3jJiJL' "Let us help make your life easier" Bill To: j 21127 Brick Rd South Bend, In 46628 (574) 222-0778 Q Amount Type of Cleaning Service Rendered po ( Ir\ Q) / \\ Total: ( rtCt Comments: \\ \-Q V.r . C••'T ) r o: It Ol L customer onic Name 968-7396, Address: 4312 Hunter Run Circle, South Bend IN 46628 F Milton Township Hall Address 32097 Be rtrand Street _C ity /State Niles Michigan €stimateiiumber Email: 642 Tel # I Z I P Code 04111970 1 49120 Estimate date: 311412016 Services Requested: Laminate Floor cleaning plus buffing Payment method: Check, Cash or charge Date Amount $308.00 - war VQCQUm,zne smire,area orose scir *7 witha mild ~on Prçr PqwersPfUb;anVr6 area Extract .,sthot water oweicljas,gJair rr,ove,rs - _ PW OD - - Sub total: Discount Tax: $ 308.00 $ 000.00 $000.00 Total due: $ 308M0 Make payment to the order of Ionic Fresh. Thank you for considering our services. The i onic Fresh Team 1, arrangements: payment in full is due at the time of service. in the event payment is not made at the time of service and a bill out is necessary, payment is then due upon receipt and must be paid in full no more than 30 days from the date of service unless other arrangements have been made in writing. i.f, amount due has not been paid in full within 30 days, any discounts made on the invoice will become void and full original amount will be due mnnediately. Any further delay in payment will result in legal actions. 2. Returned checks: a $30 returned check fee is added to invoice for each returned check. 3. Special instructions: We will gladly Re-service any spate that we may have missed or that have returned up to 14 days after your Any other cleaning or calls made after this time frame will be at regular pricing. Payment cleaning. INVOICE ORDER WORK Please Pay From This Invoice Mastercare, Inc. P.O. Box 479 South Bend, IN 46624 ESTIMATE: WORK DATE: 58416 03/11/16 Friday 574.234-2500 Bill To... Work Location... [118458] 269-591-7979 [118458] Milton Township WORK DATE Hall Milton Township Con 32097 Bertrand St Niles, Ml 49120-7649 32097 Bertrand St Niles, Ml 49120-7649 TIME-IN TECHNICIAN TIME 03111/16 Hall Con 11:00 AM PURCHASE ORDER BOB LAST SERVICE TERMS TIME-OUT MAP CODE C.O.D. Corner of Gumwood and Bertrand QUANTITY SERVICE 2150 PRICE DESCRIPTION ESTIMATE Laminate vinyl clean $00000 CLEAN (32x50)(1 0x22)( 1 0x22)(5x22) $03000 CORRECTED ESTIMATE, original did not include one area of 10x22 (220sf) SUBTOTAL so was short on the total square footage. TAX TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Cleaning procedures an? additives will be used in accordance with manufacturer'., an? fiber producer's recommendations. Our warrant, is limited on the foilowing... 1. Odors and/or stains caused by animals AMOUNT $0.00 $645.00 $645.00 $0.00 $645.00 $0.00 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH PROPOSED WORK I, the undersigned, am the owner/authorized representative/tenant of the premises at which the work described above is to be done. I hereby authorize you 2. Faulty carpet installation such as loose seams and poor tack strips to perform and agree to pay for the above described work, and to bill any of my 3. All allergenic conditions; please notify technician prior to beginning job credit cards for the work and materials being provided and I agree to perform the if any such conditions exist CAUTION: Until carpets are completely dry, you must exercise extreme care when stepping on to bard saifacef&ors after walking on the carpet, so you So not slip an? fall. Customer Signature: obligations set forth in the applicable card holder agreements with the credit card issuer. A monthly service charge of 1 .5% will he added after payment is due. I agree to pay any reasonable attorney's fees and court costs in the event of' legal action or reasonable costs if my check fails to clear. I have read, and agree to, and have received a copy of the contract. Customer Signature: Liable Third Party: Con Buchar From: Sent: To: Subject: Dianne Humphrey <dianne@rnastercareinc.com > Monday, April 4, 2016 2:31 PM Carl Buchar MasterCare EStimate Con and Board Members: Bob dictated the following to me over the phone so that i could send it to you today. This is what he told me: The laminate floor is a 'plank' style floor with numerous 'seams' in it. The recommended cleaning procedure per the manufacturer is to use a specialty neutral cleaning agent with a water base, lightly misted on floor so as not to overwet the flooring alowing excess water to penetrate the seams and degrade the adhesive. Our proposal is to dry vacuum the flooring first, mist the cleaning agent onto the vinyl, agitate with a soft scrub brush going with the grain and smop off the dirty soil water so as to keep the moisture levels down. Then speed dry with a high velocity air mover. If you want us to use the hooded water jet tool we have one, but it will over wet the floors and may cause damage to the seams and adhesive. We wouid not want to use this process without a disclaimer that any damage caused is at the direction of the board, that this is how they wanted the floor cleaned. \Je would accept no liability for any damage caused by using that process. Dianne Humphrey MasterCare Incorporated (574) 234-2500 www.mastercareinc.com ET:TFULLY Estimate EST0013 NAME Milton Township ADDRESS 32097 Bertrand St Niles, Ml, 49120 PHONE 2695917979 EMAIL cori@miftontwp.org DATE March 14, 2016 DESCRIPTION Vinyl Floor Cleaning Carefully Clean Charity Denlinger 22330 Stillwater Ct Apt 2B Elkhart, IN 46516 (574) 226-8013 carefuIlycIean16@gmail.com UNIT PRICE 0Th' $175.00 1 TOTA $175.00 $175 includes 4 hrs of work. Additional hours will be charged at $25/hr. SUBTOTAL $175.00 TOTAL $175.00 ALSO: You're welcome to take advantage of my !Try B4 Buy" offer which is a 50% discount to the above quote. This can ONLY be applied if looking to book recurring weekly or bi-weekly cleanings. Not applicable to one-time cleanings. Page No. 1 of 1 Page(s) ITUIJIThdI qPS;4 Kalamazoo Office 877) 880-2768 ( Michigan City/Elkhart Office (877) 880-2768 Holland Office (877) 880-2768 Customer: Phone: 1240 South Crystal Avenue Benton Harbor, Ml 49022 Phone: (269) 927-1532 Fax: (269) 927-1547 Toll Free: (877) 880-2768 Attn: Steve Sante Milton Township Hall 32097 Bertrand St. Niles, Ml 49120 574-220-6085 - Niles Office (269) 684-2644 South Bend Office (574) 233-1505 Fax (574) 288-9113 Website: arntasphaft.com March 23, 2016 Date: Job Name: Location: Fax: Asphalt striping New asphalt stevesantemaisragaiLcorn 1 Email: PARKING LOT Repaint parking lot striping and stencils with traffic paint, as it now exists. NEW ASPHALT 1. TOTAL JOB COST: $275.00 ARNT ASPHALT SEALING, INC. WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO MATCH ANVQUALIFIED. COMPETITOR'S PRICE! PAYMENT TERMS: 25% DOWN WITH SIGNED PROPOSAL - BALANCE DUE 10 DAYS FROM INVOICE DATE There shall be a one (1) year guarantee on the material and all workmanship, except that as applied to cracks. The guarantee shall be limited to the replacement of the material and application of the same. Any alterations or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado, and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Acceptance of Proposal 1 '6% interest will be charged on past due accounts over 30 days from date - NO EXEMPTIONS. This is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18%. - The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Legal fees and court costs incurred in the collection of monies according to this contract will be borne by the customer. Date of Acceptance: Signature .jBRIANHUSTON CELL# _6Q8-491 Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by days us if not accepted within 10 of billing Signature_______________________________________________________ Milton Township 1829 4 9vIi(ton Township YOU -.d '\ ~ 32097 Bcrtrzuid St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: znilton@miltontwp.org Website: www.rniltontwp.org Milton Township Park Policy 1. Park hours are dawn to dusk 2. No alcohol permitted Milton Township 1829 y9jj Wifton T ownship I' 44 v. 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Eniail: inilton@rniltontwp.org \1Vcbsitc: www.iniltontwp.org -'4~ Ball Field Reservation Request Form The Ball Field located in the Milton Township Park is free for public use and may be reserved by families or groups. In order to reserve the field, the Reservation Request Form must be completed and returned to the rental coordinator by mail, email, fax or in person. PLEASE PRINT AND FILL OUT COMPLETELY: Date submitted Responsible Party Address_____________ Phone Number______ Email Group/Team Name Reservation Date(s) Times___________ Day Comments/Information I have read and understand all policies for the Milton Township Ball Field: Signature of Responsible Party Milton Township 32097 Bertrand Street Niles, MI 49120 Phone: 269-591-7979 Fax: 269-684-1742 Email: Milton@MiltonTwp.org Milton Township £Milton Toumshe YON ,s 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: milton@miltoiitwp.org Website: www.miltontwp.org Ball Field Reservation Policy Policy: It is the intent of the Milton Township Board of Trustees to have as many groups utilize the ball field as frequently as possible and to accommodate as many people as possible. RESERVATION DATES/TIMES 1. The Milton Township ball field must be reserved through the reservation request form and returned to the Rental Coordinator at least 1 week in advance of the scheduled date. Reservations will be taken no more than 3 months in advance and will be taken based on availability. 2. Reservations will be issued on a first come, first served basis. 3. Groups may reserve only 1 (one) practice session per week. No Sunday reservations will be taken. 4. Maximum 2 hour practice time allowed. 5. Milton Township reserves the right to close the ball field and or the park area for any reason. POLICIES FOR RESPONSIBLE PARTY 1. The "responsible party" is defined as the group or organization who is using the Milton Township ball field. 2. The responsible party who signs the reservation request form must be at least 18 years of age. 3. The field must be left in the same or improved condition that existed prior to usage. If field is left in an inappropriate condition, as deemed by the Milton Township Rental Coordinator, current and future reservation privileges will be terminated. 4. The responsible party must report any unsafe or damaged equipment to Milton Township immediately. 5. The responsible party must follow the Milton Township Park Policy. LIABILITY 1. Milton Township will not be liable for damage, injury or loss to persons or property that may occur during the occupancy of the field. 2. The responsible party understands and agrees to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Milton Township, as well as all its employees, agents, representatives, successors, etc. from all losses, claims, theft, demands, liabilities, causes of action, or expenses, known or unknown, arising out of the ball diamond reservations. 3. The responsible party agrees to comply with all township, state, and federal laws. A reservation agreement may be terminated at any time if laws or policies are not followed. 4. The group reserving the field is responsible for the behavior of all participants. Milton Township, through its Board of Trustees, reserves the right to request participants to leave immediately or terminate a reservation when participants act inappropriately (fighting, abusive language, destructive, etc.). 5. The responsible party agrees to provide an adult chaperone, at least 18 years of age, and must be present throughout the entire function. 6. The Milton Township Board of Trustees reserves the right to require the applicant, when it is deemed necessary, to provide liability insurance naming Milton Township as the insured party to protect the property. CONTRACT 16-07-01 ESTIMATE NO: Leet Road TERMINI: Worrell Street north 0.62 miles STREET: TOWNSHIP; Milton WORK TYPE: LENGTH: 0.62 Miles WORK CODE: WO # TOTAL COST $ 62,354.06 Asphalt Overlay 03 This Contract is made this day of 2016, by and between the Board of County Road Commissioners for the County of Cass, Michigan, hereinafter called the COMMISSION, and the Board of Milton Township, hereinafter called the BOARD. WHEREAS, the funds for county road maintenance and construction are allocated to the COMMISSION by the Michigan State Highway Department through PA 51of 1951, as amended, which permits allocation by the COMMISSION of certain portions of said funds to the BOARD for use on approved local road projects; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other in the matter of design, construction or direction of the aforesaid improvement, and it be the desire to set forth their understanding in the form of a as follows: wntten agreement using the aforesaid funds not to exceed the sum of $ 62,354.06 10% COMMISSION; 90% BOARD; $ 6,235.41 $ 56,118.65 The balance of funds necessary to complete the project in the amount of $ 56,118.65 shall be deposited by the BOARD with the COMMISSION before the beginning of any actual physical work as follows 25% with signed contract 50% on or before June 1 Balance upon contract completion $ $ $ 14,029.66 28,059.33 14,029.66 1. All work involved shall begin and be completed during the 2016 construction season. 2. Contract completion for payment shall mean completion of all work except pavement marking which is done county wide for all projects at the end of the paving season. ITEM OF WORK Small Job Mobilization Charge Job Preperation HMA 2 "X 20 feet Shoulder Edgeline Centertne Seaicoat Gravel Fogseal QUANTITY 0 1 904 UNIT Each LSUM Tons UNIT COST Tons $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Mi $ 2 "X 3 feet 206 0.62 0.62 Tons Mi Mi 0 0 "X 0 feet feet 0.00 000 0.00 Mi 250,00 $ $ $ $ 62.96 2428 454.61 249.48 S $ $ $ $ 0.00 12.00 3650.00 TOTAL $ EXTENSION 0.00 0.00 56,915.84 5,00168 28186 154.68 0.00 000 0.00 62,354.06 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorixed officers to be effective on the day written above. BOARD OF CASS COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS TOWNSHIP OF: Manager Supervisor Clerk Clerk Treasurer Date Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Date Milton CONTRACT WORK TYPE: TOWNSHIP: Milton WORK CODE: LENGTH: 0.51 Miles WO # TOTAL COST $ 8,174.41 160702 ESTIMATE NO: STREET: Gumwood Road TERMINI: US 12 to joint Sealcoat 29 2016, by and between the Board of County Road This Contract is made this day of Commissioners for the County of Cass, Michigan, hereinafter called the COMMISSION, and the Board of Milton Township, hereinafter called the BOARD. WHEREAS, the funds for county road maintenance and construction are allocated to the COMMISSION by the Michigan State Highway Department through PA 51of 1951, as amended, which permits allocation by the COMMISSION of certain portions of said funds to the BOARD for use on approved local road projects: and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other in the matter of design, construction or direction of the aforesaid improvement, and it be the desire to set forth their understanding in the form of a as follows: 8,174.41 written agreement using the aforesaid funds not to exceed the sum of $ 817.44 $ $ 7,356.97 10% COMMISSION: 90% BOARD: 7,356.97 The balance of funds necessary to complete the project in the amount of S shall be deposited by the BOARD with the COMMISSION before the beginning of any actual physical work as follows 25% with signed contract $ 50% on or before June 1 Balance upon contract completion $ $ 1,839.24 3,678.48 1,839.25 1 All work involved shall begin and be completed during the 2016 construction season. 2. Contract completion for payment shall mean completion of all work except pavement marking which is done county wide for all projects at the end of the paving season. ITEM OF WORK Small Job Mobilization Charge Job Preperation HMA 0X 0 feet Shoulder 0 "X 0 feet Edgeline Centerline Soalcoat 20 feet Gravel 0 "X 0 feet Fogseal QUANTITY 0 1 0 0 0.51 UNIT Each LSUM Tons Tons Mi 0.51 Mi 0.51 0.00 Mi Tons 0.00 Mi $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ UNIT COST 250.00 $ $ $ 6296 24.28 454.61 249.48 15324.16 S $ $ $ $ $ 12.00 3650.00 TOTAL $ EXTENSION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 231.85 127.23 7,81532 000 0.00 8,174.41 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorixed officers to be effective on the day written above. BOARD OF CASS COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS TOWNSHIP OF: Manager Supervisor Clerk Clerk Treasurer Date Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Date Milton CONTRACT 16-07-03 ESTIMATE NO: Runkle Street STREET: TERMINI: Anderson Road to Conrad Road WORK TYPE: TOWNSHIP: Milton LENGTH: 1.00 Miles WORK CODE: WO # TOTAL COST $ 16,028.25 Sealcoat 29 2016, by and between the Board of County Road This Contract is made this day of Commissioners for the County of Cass, Michigan, hereinafter called the COMMISSION, and the Board of Milton Township, hereinafter called the BOARD. WHEREAS, the funds for county road maintenance and construction are allocated to the COMMISSION by the Michigan State Highway Department through PA 51 of 1951, as amended, which permits allocation by the COMMISSION of certain portions of said funds to the BOARD for use on approved local road projects; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other in the matter of design, construction or direction of the aforesaid improvement, and it be the desire to set forth their understanding in the form of a as follows: written agreement using the aforesaid funds net to exceed the sum of $ 16,028.25 $ 1,602.83 $ 14,425.43 10% COMMISSION: 90% BOARD: The balance of funds necessary to complete the project in the amount of $ 14,425.43 shall be deposited by the BOARD with the COMMISSION before the beginning of any actual physical work as follows: $ 3,606.36 $ 7,212.71 $ 3,606.36 25% with signed contract 50% on or before June 1 Balance upon contract completion 1. All work involved shall begin and be completed during the 2016 construction season. 2. Contract completion for payment shall mean completion of all work except pavement marking which is done county wide for all projects at the end of the paving season. ITEM OF WORK Small Job Mobilization Charge Job Preperation HMA 0 "X 0 feet Shoulder 0 "X 0 feet Edgeline Centerline 20 feet Sealcoat Gravel 0 ' X 0 feet Fogseal QUANTITY 0 1 $ $ EXTENSION 0.00 0.00 62.96 $ 0.00 24.28 $ 0.00 $ $ S 454.61 249.48 15324 16 $ $ S 454.61 24948 15,324.16 $ $ 12.00 3650,00 $ S 000 0.00 $ 16,028.25 UNIT Each LSUM $ $ 0 Tons $ 0 Tons $ 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mi Mi Mi 0.00 0.00 Tons Mi UNIT COST 250.00 TOTAL IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorixed officers to be effective on the day written above. BOARD OF CASS COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS TOWNSHIP OF: Manager Supervisor Clerk ,,-..... Clerk Treasurer Date Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Date Milton CONTRACT ESTIMATE NO: Sealcoat 29 WORK TYPE: TOWNSHIP; Milton WORK CODE: LENGTH: 0.25 Miles WO # TOTAL COST $ 3,831.04 16-07-04 STREET: Carter Avenue TERMINI: Redfield Street to end 2016, by and between the Board of County Road day of This Contract is made this Commissioners for the County of Cass, Michigan, hereinafter called the COMMISSION, and the Board of Milton Township, hereinafter called the BOARD. WHEREAS, the funds for county road maintenance and construction are allocated to the COMMISSION by the Michigan State Highway Department through PA 51of 1951, as amended, which permits allocation by the COMMISSION of certain portions of said funds to the BOARD for use on approved local road projects; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other in the matter of design, construction or direction of the aforesaid improvement, and it be the desire to set forth their understanding in the form of a as follows: 3,831.04 written agreement using the aforesaid funds not to exceed the sum of $ 383.10 $ $ 3,447.94 10% COMMISSION: 90% BOARD: 3,447.94 The balance of funds necessary to complete the project in the amount of $ shall be deposited by the BOARD with the COMMISSION before the beginning of any actual physical work as follows: 861.98 $ $ 1,723.97 861.99 $ 25% with signed contract 50% on or before June 1 Balance upon contract completion 1. All work involved shall begin and be completed during the 2016 construction season. 2. Contract completion for payment shall mean completion of all work except pavement marking which is done county wide for all projects at the end of the paving season. ITEM OF WORK Small Job Mobilization Charge Job Preparation HMA 0 "X 0 feet Shoulder 0 "X 0 feet Edgelirie Centerline Sealcoat Gravel Fogseal 20 feet 0 "X 0 feet QUANTITY UNIT 0 1 Each LSUM $ $ 0 Tons $ 0 Tons $ 0.00 000 0.25 Mi Mi Mi $ $ $ 0.00 Tons $ 0.00 Mi $ EXTENSION 0.00 UNIT COST 250.00 $ $ 0.00 62.96 24.28 454.61 24948 15324.16 12.00 365000 $ $ $ $ $ $ S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,831.04 0.00 0.00 $ 3,831.04 TOTAL IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorixed officers to be effective on the day written above. BOARD OF CASS COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS TOWNSHIP OF: Manager Supervisor Clerk Clerk Treasurer Date Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Date Milton CONTRACT ESTIMATE NO: 16-07-05 STREET: Carter Avenue TERMINI: Redfield Street to end TOWNSHIP: Milton LENGTH: 0.00 Miles TOTAL COST $ 912.50 WORK TYPE: WORK CODE: WO # Fogseal 29 This Contract is made this day of _______ 2016, by and between the Board of County Road Commissioners for the County of Cass, Michigan, hereinafter called the COMMISSION, and the Board of Milton Township, hereinafter called the BOARD. WHEREAS, the funds for county road maintenance and construction are allocated to the COMMISSION by the Michigan State Highway Department through PA 51 of 1951, as amended, which permits allocation by the COMMISSION of certain portions of said funds to the BOARD for use on approved local road projects; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other in the matter of design, construction or direction of the aforesaid improvement, and it be the desire to set forth their understanding in the form of a written agreement using the aforesaid funds not to exceed the sum of $ 912.50 as follows: 10% COMMISSION: 90% BOARD: $ $ 91.25 821.25 The balance of funds necessary to complete the project in the amount of $ 821.25 shall be deposited by the BOARD with the COMMISSION before the beginning of any actual physical work as follows: 25% with signed contract 50% on or before June 1 Balance upon contract completion $ $ $ 205.31 410.63 205.31 1. All work involved shall begin and be completed during the 2016 construction season. 2. Contract completion for payment shall mean completion of all work except pavement marking which is done county wide for all projects at the end of the paving season. ITEM OF WORK Small Job Mobilization Charge Job Prepeation 0 ' X 0 feet HMA Shoulder 0 X 0 feet Edgeline Centerline Sealcoat 0 feet 0 ' X 0 feet Gravel Fogseal QUANTITY 0 UNIT Each $ 1 LSUM $ 0 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.25 Tons Tons Mi Mi M Tons Mi $ $ $ $ $ $ $ UNIT COST 250.00 $ $ 0.00 62.96 24.28 454.61 249.48 0.00 12.00 3650.00 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 000 912,50 S 91250 TOTAL EXTENSION 0.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authonxed officers to be effective on the day written above. BOARD OF CASS COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS TOWNSHIP OF: Manager Supervisor Clerk Clerk Treasurer Date Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Date Milton CONTRACT WORK TYPE: Milton TOWNSHIP: WORK CODE: LENGTH: 2.83 Miles WO # TOTAL COST $ 1992.57 16-07-06 ESTIMATE NO: STREET: Various TERMINI: Various Pavement Marking 11 2016, by and between the Board of County Road This Contract is made this day of Commissioners for the County of Cass, Michigan, hereinafter called the COMMISSION, and the Board of Milton Township, hereinafter called the BOARD. WHEREAS, the funds for county road maintenance and construction are allocated to the COMMISSION by the Michigan State Highway Department through PA 51 of 1951, as amended, which permits allocation by the COMMISSION of certain portions of said funds to the BOARD for use on approved local road projects; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other in the matter of design, construction or direction of the aforesaid improvement, and it be the desire to set forth their understanding in the form of a as follows: 1,992.57 written agreement using the aforesaid funds not to exceed the sum of $ 199.26 $ $ 1,793.32 10% COMMISSION: 90% BOARD: 1,793.32 The balance of funds necessary to complete the project in the amount of$ shall be deposited by the BOARD with the COMMISSION before the beginning of any actual physical work as follows: 25% with signed contract 50% on or before June 1 Balance upon contract completion $ $ $ 448.33 896.66 448.33 1. All work involved shall begin and be completed during the 2016 construction season. 2. Contract completion for payment shall mean completion of all work except pavement marking which is done county wide for all projects at the end of the paving season. ITEM OF WORK QUANTITY UNIT EXTENSION UNIT COST Small Job Mobilization Charge Job Preperation 0 "X 0 feet HMA Shoulder 0 "X 0 feet Edgel:ne Centerline 0 feet Sealcoat 0" X 0 feet Gravel 0 1 Each LSUM $ $ 250.00 $ $ 0.00 0.00 0 0 2.83 2.83 Tons Tons Mi Mi $ $ $ $ 62.96 24.28 454.61 249.48 $ $ $ $ 0,00 0.00 1,286.55 706.03 0.00 000 Mi Tons $ S 0.00 S 0.00 Fogseal 0.00 Mi $ 12.00 3650.00 $ $ 0.00 0.00 $ 1,992.57 TOTAL IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorixed officers to be effective on the day written above. BOARD OF CASS COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS TOWNSHIP OF: Manager Supervisor Clerk Clerk Treasurer Date Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Date Milton From: Joe Bellina [mailto:jbellina@casscoroad.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 9:23 AM To: Robert Benjamin <supervisormiltontwp.org > Cc: Steven Lucas <slucas@casscoroad.com > Subject: Frantz Drive Robert, Attached is a contract to repave Frantz Drive. We are working on an estimate to mitigate the water on the road at the low spot and will forward costs as soon as they are developed. We plan to construct shallow swales to hold the water and let it drain into the soils. Frantz Drive was constructed through a low lying depression area which does not have positive drainage, the only way for water to be removed is by infiltration or evaporation. In speaking with residents on the road the water is usually gone within 24-48 hours so developing added space for the water should help, but I cannot guarantee that water will never be on the road due to the existing topography. Joseph Bellina, P.E. Chief Engineer CONTRACT 16-07-07 ESTIMATE NO: STREET: Frantz Drive TERMINI: US 12 to end TOWNSHIP: Milton WORK TYPE: LENGTH: 0.42 Miles WORK CODE: TOTAL COST $ 54,426.28 WO # Asphalt Overlay 03 This Contract is made this day of ________......._., 2016, by and between the Board of County Road Commissioners for the County of Cass, Michigan, hereinafter called the COMMISSION, and the Board of Milton Township, hereinafter called the BOARD. WHEREAS, the funds for county road maintenance and construction are allocated to the COMMISSION by the Michigan State Highway Department through PA 51011951, as amended, which permits allocation by the COMMISSION of certain portions of said funds to the BOARD for use on approved local road projects; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other in the matter of design, construction or direction of the aforesaid improvement, and it be the desire to sot forth their understanding in the form of a written agreement using the aforesaid funds not to exceed the sum of $ as follows: 54,426.28 10% COMMISSION: BOARD: 90% $ 5,442.63 $ 48,983.65 The balance of funds necessary to complete the project in the amount of $ 46,983.65 shall be deposited by the BOARD with the COMMISSION before the beginning of any actual physical work as follows: 25% with signed contract 50% on or before June 1 Balance upon contract completion $ 12,245.91 $ 24,491.83 $ 12,245.91 1. All work involved shall begin and be completed during the 2016 construction season. 2. Contract completion for payment shall mean completion of all work except pavement marking which is done county wide for all projects at the end of the paving season. ITEM OF WORK Small Job Mobilization Charge Job Preperation 2.5 "X 20 feet HMA Shoulder 2.5 'X 3 feet Edgelirie Centerline 0 feet Sealcoat 0 "X 0 feet Gravel Fogseal QUANTITY 1 I 793 175 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 UNIT Each LSUM Tons Tons Mi Mi Mi Tons M $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ UNIT COST 250.00 62.96 24.28 454.61 249.48 0.00 12.00 3650.00 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EXTENSION 250.00 0.00 49,927.28 4,249.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 54,426.28 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorixed officers to be effective on the day written above. BOARD OF CASS COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS TOWNSHIP OF: Manager Supervisor Clerk Clerk Treasurer Date Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Date Milton con Buchar From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Joe Bellina <jbellina@casscoroad.com > Wednesday, April 13, 2016 9:30 AM Robert Benjamin Steven Lucas Gumwood Path Phase 2 Robert, I have revised the Grant Application with MDOT as they requested. Currently the project is planned to cost $59,600 with a local share of $23,500. There will also be local share needed for inspection, I would estimate that at 10-13% of construction costs. Please keep in mind construction costs are still estimates until bids are taken. We will also need to think about design efforts for Phase 3 which we had previously estimated at $9,700. I hope this answers your questions going into budget discussions. Joseph Bellina, P.E. Chief Engineer k4.i.. Domestic And Sexual Abuse Services E1p0weiI%9 Vtis 1 &PP06K9 S IA NiVO PSfor Over 20 \eos P.O. Box 402 Three Rivers, Ml 49093 24 hour crisis line: 800-828-2023 www.dzasmi.org Phone: 269-273-6154 Fax: 269-273-9465 Milton Township 32097 Bertrand St Niles, MI 49120 March 11,2016 Dear Milton Township Council, I am writing to request your agreement to enter into a contract with DASAS to help fund our emergency services, outreach and advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and their children. We hope that you will consider supporting our work with a contract for services based on a nominal contribution of ($.25) per resident. Our shelter in Three Rivers is a safe house to a number of domestic violence survivors (and their children) who come to escape abuse by their partner. In addition to emergency shelter, domestic violence and sexual assault survivors from both Cass and St. Joseph counties make use of outreach services, support groups, crisis intervention, assistance with obtaining personal protection orders, help navigating the criminal justice system, assistance in applying for Crime Survivors Compensation, and accessing other community resources. We offer many of our services right in your community and at the county courthouses in Cassopolis and Centreville, so that they are easily accessible by those in need. We engage school students with Healthy Relationships, our dating violence and sexual assault prevention program, since 1996. Evaluation of this five-hour program has shown that it is effective in changing attitudes and building awareness among young people. If we are to reduce the incidence of domestic violence and sexual assault, we must continue prevention efforts like Healthy Relationships. All of our initiatives keep us working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Approximately 80% of our funding is state and federal, with the remaining 20% being raised locally. We find that we need to rely more and more on local funding due to state and federal budget cuts. The value of a contract based on your population of 3878 would be $969.50. Our board encourages you to approve a contract with DASAS for the fiscal year 2015-2016 for this amount, or any amount you consider to be appropriate for the value of our services to your community. A decision not to participate in this request will in no way affect our willingness to provide services to your citizens. Please remember that DASAS is a locally-based program addressing one of the biggest social problems in the community when you consider our request. Our Executive Director, Kim Kramer, would be happy to answer questions or schedule a presentation to your board. Please contact her at 269-273-6154 ext. 102. Thank you for your consideration. Warmlegards,A ie( ",—// Nd Haylett DSAS Board Pr9ent AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE SERVICES This agreement to provide services ("Agreement") is entered into on April 1, 2016 , between the Milton Township ("Governmental Agency") and Domestic and Sexual Abuse Services, 312 N. Main St., P.O. Box 402, Three Rivers, MI 49093 ("DASAS"). Recitals: The parties acknowledge that the following recitals are accurate and incorporate them as integral provisions of this agreement. A. DASAS is a nonprofit organization that provides emergency services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault (and their children). These include emergency housing, crisis intervention, 24-hour telephone support, support groups in the community, prevention programming in the schools, victim outreach, and legal advocacy. B. Governmental Agency desires to support the funding of DASAS's services. Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: 1. General Terms: DASAS agrees to provide the services provided in paragraph A of the Recitals section of this Agreement to the residents of the Milton Township Governmental agency agrees to contribute DASAS $0.25 per resident, based on a population of 3878 representing a total allocation would be $969.50. 2. Term of Agreement: The term of this Agreement shall commence on April 1, 2016.. 3. Third Parties: This Agreement is entered into for the benefit of the listed parties, and the general public. The parties agree that any claims under this Agreement against either of the parties from third parties shall be barred. This contract is entered into freely by the listed parties and DASAS will continue to provide services at no cost to clients, regardless of whether the governmental agency enters into this contract. A client is defined as anyone receiving services from DASAS. 4. Entire Agreement: This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes any and all prior agreements. 5. Modification: Neither this Agreement nor any provision of this Agreement may be modified, except by written agreement between the parties. 6. Severability: If any provisions of this Agreement are determined to be illegal or unenforceable, then the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be binding with the same force effect as if the illegal or unenforceable parts were deleted. 7. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the laws of the state of Michigan, and the parties consent to jurisdiction of the Michigan courts over this Agreement and over the parties in any proceeding to enforce this Agreement. 8. Good Faith Cooperation: The parties shall in good faith undertake all steps reasonably necessary to facilitate the transaction contemplated in this Agreement and to execute such documents reasonably necessary and customary to carry out the transaction. 9. Attorney fees: If any legal proceeding is brought under this Agreement by either party, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party all costs in the subsequent litigation, including reasonable attorney fees. The paqies have executed this , --- / , , , Nd Haylett IAAS Board Pre Kimberly kramer DASAS Executive Director eement on the date and year first written above. - 4:16 PM Milton Township 04/13/16 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Cash Basis April 1 through May 1, 2016 Income A BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (For Budgeting only) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 0.00 A TAXES 403 REAL TAXES - CURRENT 447 SUMMER TAX (REIMBURSEMENT - SUMMER TAX) 304,542.00 2,7000 307,242.00 0.00 500.00 20.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 33,915.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,435.83 000 900.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,400.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 400.00 155,249.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Income Gross Profit 0.00 208.34 1,395.00 208.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 204.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 406.54 214.06 0.00 000 .567,342.04 -567,342.04 -126,863,95 -4,100.00 .130963.95 -23,800.00 -16,000.00 -6,000.00 -5,000.00 -4,000.00 -54,800.00 -304,542,00 -2,700.00 -307,242.00 -500.00 -20.00 -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 -33,915.83 -36,435.83 -900.00 -1,000.00 -1,500.00 -3,400.00 -1,000.00 -1,250.00 -400.00 -155,249,34 157,899.34 -157,899,34 0.00 1,258,083.16 -1,258,083.16 0.00 1,258,083.16 -1,258,083.16 0.00 Total F OTHER REVENUES Expense A TOWNSHIP BOARD 101-101-136.5 BUILDING NOTE PMT 101-101-702 Trustee Salary 101-101-710 SALARY-AA 101-101-710.1 SECRETARY WAGES 101-101-710.2 ACCRUED WAGES 101-101-725.1 Amb. Board Meet 101-101-725.2 NATS Meetings 101-101-725.3 FOIA Expense 101-101-725.4 FIRE BOARD MEETIN 101-101-726 Office Expense 101-101-728 Postage Expense (Postage Expense) 101-101-731 Publications Exp. 101-101-802 Conferences 101-101-802.2 Trustee Training 101-101-802.3 Admin Trainin 101-101-813 MTA Dues 101-101-813.1 NATS Membership 101-101-815 Computer & Software 101-101-818 LOAN TO FIRE FUND 101-101-850 Telephone 101-101-850.1 Internet 101-101-861.2 Commitee Mileage 101-101-861.3 Admin/Sec.Mileage 54,800.00 0,00 0.00 Total E INTEREST AND RENTS F OTHER REVENUES 675 DONATIONS & GRANTS (DONATIONS & GRANTS) 676.2 SMCAS ANNUAL CONTRACT (SMCAS ANNUAL CONTRACT) 678 REIMBURSEMENT - ELECTIONS (REIMBURSEMENT - ELECTIONS) 678.2 REIMB. FROM FIRE FUND 23,800.00 16,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 0.00 Total D CHARGES FOR SERVICES E INTEREST AND RENTS 665 INTEREST INCOME (Interest Income) 667 RENTAL - SMITH CHAPEL (RENTAL - SMITH CHAPEL) 669 Township Room Rentals 130,963.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total C STATE GRANTS D CHARGES FOR SERVICES 626 CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION 627 FOIA FEES 628 SITE PLAN REVIEW 628.1 PARCEL BOUNDRY ADJUSTMENT 628.3 REZONING REQUEST APPL. 629 ZBA HEARINGS ((ZBA - APPEAL HEARINGS)) 631 PTAF 126,863.95 4,100.00 0.00 Total B LICENSES & PERMITS C STATE GRANTS 574 STATE SHARED REVENUE (STATE SHARED REVENUE) 575 METRO FUNDS 567,342.04 0.00 0.00 Total A TAXES B LICENSES & PERMITS 472 COMCAST FRANCHISE (COMCAST FRANCHISE REIMBURSEMENT) 477 BUILDING PERMITS 477.1 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 477.2 MECHANICAL PERMITS 477.3 . PLUMBING PERMITS 567,342.04 0.00 Total A BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (For Budgeting only) $ Over Budget Budget Apr 1 -May 1, 16 .- 128,344.28 5,000.00 33,480.00 5,408.00 1,796.23 300.00 240.00 20.00 320.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 200.00 200.00 2,800.00 2,000.00 4,800.00 155,249.34 5,000.00 1,900.00 122.00 100.00 -128,344.28 -4,791.66 -32,085.00 -5,200.00 -1,79&23 -300.00 -240.00 -20.00 -320.00 -4,795.24 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 -4,000.00 -200.00 -200.00 -2,800.00 -2,000.00 -4,800.00 -155,249.34 -4,593.46 -1,685.94 -122.00 -100.00 Page 1 4:16 PM Milton Township 04/13/16 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual April 1 through May 1, 2016 Cash Basis Apr 1 - May 1, 16 101-101-901 Legal Notices 101-101-970 Equipment/Furniture Total A TOWNSHIP BOARD B SUPERVISOR 101-171-702 (Salary) (Supervisor Salary) 101-171-702.1 (Deputy Salary) (Deputy Supervisor Wages) 101-171-802 (Training) (Supervisor - Conference&Work) Total B Total C Total D 2696.73 60417 E EXTERNAL AUDITS 101-202-802 Other Acct Fees 80.70 F BOARD OF REVIEW 101-247-725 (Wages) (BOR - per diem) 101-247-731 (Publications) (BOR - Publications) 101-247-802.1 (BOR Training) (BOR Training) 101-247-861 (Mileage) (BOR - mileage) 101-247-864 (Meals) (BOR - Meals & Lodging) 101-247-901 (Legal/Notices) (BOR - Legal notices) 812.50 G TREASURER 101-253-702 (Salary) (Treasurer Salary) 101-253-702.1 (Deputy Wages) (Deputy Treasurer Wages) 101-253-734 (Service Fees) (Treasurer Bank Service Fees) 101-253-802.1 (Treasurer Train) (Treasurer Training) 101-253-815 (Computer) (Treasurer - computer/software) 101-253-816 (Tax Roll Printing) (Treasurer - Tax Roll MntlPrt) 101-253-861 (Mileage) (Treasurer - mileage) 101-253-970 (Equipment) (Treasurer/New Equipment) 0.00 H ASSESSOR 101-257-728 POSTAGE EXPENSE 101-257-809 ASSESSOR TRAINING 101-257-815 BSA SOFTWARE 101-257-817 ASSESSOR WAGES Total H ASSESSOR I SMITH'S CHAPEL 101-265-921.2 SC Electric 101-265-923.2 SC Heat 101-265-933 (SC-Maintenance) (Smith Chapel Main.BIdg.) 101-265-940 (SC-Rent Commission (Sm ChpI - Rental Commission) Total I 0.00 770.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 J TOWNSHIP HALL 101-265-921.2 TH Electric 101-265-923.1 TH Gas 101-265-924TH Security 101-265-931 GROUNDS KEEPER 101-265-931.4TH Cleaning 101-265-933 TH Equip. Maint. 101-265-933.2 TH Maintenance Total J TOWNSHIP HALL -7,919.30 8,000.00 -18,687.50 -1,300.00 -200.00 -1,200.00 -250.00 -21,637.50 22,450.00 -7,000.00 -7,000.00 7,000.00 -1,760.00 -100.00 -552.50 -100.00 -300.00 -120.00 -2,932.50 2,932.50 -17,729.17 -1,300.00 -50.00 -200.00 -50.00 -5,800.00 -150.00 -300.00 18,500.00 1,300.00 50.00 200.00 50.00 5,800.00 150.00 300.00 770.83 0 00 0.00 0.00 1,041.67 -25,579.17 26,350.00 -2,200.00 -1,000.00 -2,000.00 -24,350.33 2,200.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 25,392.00 1,041,67 36.82 342.42 130.94 212.28 450.00 0.00 0,00 93.49 1,229.13 -29,550.33 30,592.00 400,00 500.00 2,000,00 200.00 36.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 SMITH'S CHAPEL -4,000.00 -1,500.00 -100.90 -1,950.00 31.60 -400.00 1,760.00 100.00 552.50 100.00 300.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total G TREASURER -14,719.83 15,324.00 7,000,00 0.00 Total F BOARD OF REVIEW -13,895.83 -624.00 -200.00 19,500.00 1,300.00 200.00 1200.00 250.00 812.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total E EXTERNAL AUDITS -365,583.12 368,279.85 4,000.00 1,500.00 150.00 1,950.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 49.10 0.00 31.60 0.00 CLERK -939.97 -5000.00 14,500.00 624.00 200.00 604.17 0.00 0,00 ELECTIONS D CLERK 101-215-702 Salary-Clerk (Salary-Clerk) 101-215-702.1 Wages - Deputy (Wages - Deputy) 101-215-802.1 (Clerk Training) (Clerk Training) 101-215-815 Computer Software (Computer Software) 101-215-902 Forms (Forms) 1000.00 5000.00 60.03 0.00 SUPERVISOR C ELECTIONS 101-191-705 Wages Elect Inspec 101-191-726 Election - Supplies 101-191-901 Legal Notices (Election - Legal Notices) 101-191-931.1 Elect Mach Progm 101-191-933 Elect Machine Maint 101-191-975 Elec Meal Reimb $ Over Budget Budget 3,100.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 1,200,00 9,744,00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 19,444.00 , -363.18 -500.00 -2,000.00 -200.00 -3,063.18 -4,157.58 -1,369.06 -987.72 -9,294.00 -500.00 -1,000.00 -906.51 -18,214.87 Page 2 4:16 PM Milton Township 04/13/16 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual April 1 through May 1, 2016 Cash Basis Apr 1 -May 1, 16 J.1 OLD TWSP HALL 101-265-726 RENTAL EXP. 101-265-921 ELECTRIC 101-265-923.2 HEAT 101-265-931.5 CLEANING 101-265-933.3 MAINT. Total L INSPECTORS M ROADS 101-446-969 ROADS 101-446-969.2 STRIPING 101-446-969.3 MULl USE PATH 101-446.969.1 SIGNS Total N Total P 60000 798.40 1,148.00 125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total R ZONING 4,000.00 4,800.00 12,800.00 3,000.00 3,200.00 665.00 300.00 2,671.40 28,765.00 99,775.68 2,550.78 34,000.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 137,126.46 0.00 707.33 0.00 707.33 7,000.00 500.00 7,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 6,650.00 200.00 500.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 200.00 220.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 220.00 14,550.00 800.00 100.00 250.00 100.00 1000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Q ZBA R ZONING 101-410-705.2 SALARIES 101-410-802.3 ZA TRAINING 101-410-826.2 LEGAL 101-410-861.2 ZA - MILEAGE 101-410-970 EQUIPMENT 12,000.00 0.00 PLANNING COMMISSION Q ZBA 101-410-725.1 )ZBA WAGES) (ZBA Wages) 101-410-726.1 )ZBA SUPPLIES) (ZBA - Office Supplies) 101-410-826.1 (ZBA-LEGAL) (ZBA - Legal Services) 101-410-861.1 (ZBA-MILEAGE) (ZBA - Mileage) 101-410-901.1 ZBA-LEGAL NOTICE (ZBA - Legal Notices) 12,000.00 0.00 Total 0 Spring Cleaning P PLANNING COMMISSION 101-410-725 (PC-Wages) (Planning Commission Wages) 101-410-726 (PC-supplies) (Plan comm - Office Supplies) 101-410-802 (PC-Conferences) (Plan Com Conf & Workshop) 101-410-812 (PC-consultants) (Plan comm - Consultant) 101-410-826 (PC-Legal) (Plan comm - Legal Services) 101-410-901 (PC-Legal/Notices) (Plan comm - Legal Notices) 23,400.00 0.00 STREET LIGHTS O Spring Cleaning 101-528-943 TRASH CONTAINER 1,200.00 200.00 22,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total M ROADS N STREET LIGHTS 101-448-820 STREET LIGHTS - ALL 101-448-820.2 SL INSTALLATION 8,300.00 0.00 Total K ATTORNEY COSTS L INSPECTORS 101-371-702.3 MECHANICAL LABOR (Mechanical Inspector Wages) 101-371-724 ELECTRICAL LABOR (Electrical Inspector Wages) 101-371-724.2 BUILDING WAGES (Building Inspector Wages) 101-371-724.3 BUILD MAINT. WAGE 101-371-724.4 PLUMBING LABOR (Fees Plumbing Inspector) 101-371-726 INSPECTOR SUPPLIES (Inspector Office Supplies) 101-371-802 CONFERENCES (Inspector - conf & workshops) 300.00 500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total J.3 WEATHER SIRENS K ATTORNEY COSTS 101-266-826 LEGAL 3,420.00 0.00 Total J.2 RENTAL EXP. J.3 WEATHER SIRENS 101-265-934 Siren Maint. 101-265-970 SIREN EQUIP 101 .265.970.1 SIREN NEW CONST - 720.00 1,200.00 500.00 500.00 5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total J.1 OLD TWSP HALL J.2 RENTAL EXP. 101-265-710 Event Manager Pay 101-265-726 SUPPLIES 101-265-970 EQUIPMENT 101.265.970.1 RENTAL EQUIP Budget 0.00 725.00 0.00 000 17.25 0.00 1,350.00 17,400.00 500.00 1,00000 300.00 500.00 742.25 19,700.00 $ Over Budget -720.00 -1,200.00 -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 -3,420.00 -300.00 -500.00 -5,000.00 -2,500.00 -8,300.00 -1,200.00 -200.00 -22,000.00 -23,400.00 -12,000.00 -12,000.00 -3,400.00 -4,001.60 -11,652.00 -2,87500 -3,200.00 -66500 -300.00 -26,09160 -99,775.68 -2,550.78 -34,000.00 -800.00 -137,126.46 -6.292.67 -500.00 -6,792.67 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 -6,430,00 -200.00 -500.00 -5,000,00 -2,000.00 -200.00 -14,330.00 -800.00 -100.00 -250.00 -100.00 -100.00 -1,350.00 -16,675.00 -500.00 -1,000.00 -282.75 -500.00 -18,957.75 Page 3 4:16 PM Milton Township 04/13/16 Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Cash Basis April 1 through May 1, 2016 Budget Apri May 1, 16 S PARK & RECREATION (PARK & RECREATION) 101-751-931 PARK -MAINTENANCE (Park - Bldg Gr Maint) 101-751-931.1 PORTA POTTY 101-751-931,2 PARK-IMPROVEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total S PARK & RECREATION (PARK & RECREATION) T OTHER 101-850-822 FICA - MATCH (Employer - FICA Matching Share) 101-850-822.1 PENSION - MATCH (Twp Bd - Pension matching) 101-850-822.2 MEDICARE - MATCH (Employeer - Medicare Match Share) 101-850-822.3 PENSION - FEES (Twp Bd - Pension costs) 101-850-860 PAYROLL EXPENSES 101-850-910 INSURANCE (Twp Bd - Insurance) Total OTHER Total Expense Net Income 500.00 1,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 13.64 679.00 111.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,500.00 0.00 18,000,00 2,500.00 200.00 1,200.00 11,000.00 $ Over Budget -- -500.00 -1,000.00 -12,000.00 -13,500.00 13.64 -17,321.00 -2,388.21 -200.00 -1,200.00 -11,000.00 804.43 32,900.00 -32,095.57 12,417.96 808,483.81 -796,065.85 -1 2,417.96 449,599.35 -462,017.31 Page 4 mlk ~ To-hip m4 11 Wiifton Townshi p General Fund Balance Treasurer Flowers March, 2016 FIFTH THIRD Checking $ 313,417.67 $ $ $ 38,571.03 157,274.62 $ 134,785.48 $ $ 150.00 Shared Revenue in Transit CHEMICAL BANK: CD CD Escrow Funds 3,450.40 HUNTINGTON BANK: Savings Treasurers Cash Box Admin Assistant Cash Box 200.00 35853.97 Fire Fund TOTAL 647,849.20 4:09 PM Milton Township 04/13/16 Transaction List by Date March 15 through April 19, 2016 Type Mar 15 - Apr 19, 16 Check Check Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Check Check Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Check Check Paycheck Check Check Check Paycheck Liability Check Check Check Check Check Paycheck Liability Check Liability Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Paycheck Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Deposit Deposit Deposit Check Check Check Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Date 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/15/2016 03/16/2016 03/20/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/21/2016 03/25/2016 03/25/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/28/2016 03/29/2016 03/30/2016 03/30/2016 03/30/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03131/2016 03/31/2016 Num 9903 9923 9926 9927 9928 9929 9931 9933 9935 9932 9942 9943 9930 9934 9944 9945 9946 9947 9948 9949 9950 9952 9953 9954 9956 9957 9958 9960 E-pay 9961 9962 ACH ACH 9963 E-pay 9964 ACH ACH 9966 9967 9968 9969 9987 9988 9991 E-pay E-pay 9992 ACH ACH ACH Name Memo Cir The Irrigator, Inc Southwest Michigan... Benjamin, Robert Botts-Flowers, Sus... Braden, Christopher... Buchar, Cori L Glick, W. Eileen Renken, Eric R Sweeney, Kelly Hardin, Wayne Bauckham, Sparks,... Leader Publications Gibert, William M Sante, Steve W. Botts-Flowers, Sus... Can, Patricia J Corbett, William Kempton, Roger K Kraft, Virginia M Stewart, Revie R Talley, Thomas R Louis Stennis Ann Brown Kraft, Virginia M BUCHAR, CORI Ed Wainwright Johnny M. Hamilton Brown, Herbert P EFTPS Chemical Bank Milton Township Midwest Energy Co... Midwest Energy Co... Dalrymple, Sally L EFTPS State of Michigan. Indiana Michigan P... Indiana Michigan P... Cass County Treas... Robert Benjamin First Bankcard Bauckham, Sparks,... Bauckham, Sparks,... Pummill ProMark Gibert, William M EFTPS EFTPS State of Michigan. JOHN HANCOCK, ... JOHN HANCOCK, ... Aspire Financal Ser... inv # 20042 ... inv# 59 NATS X X X X X X inv# 18382 inv# 108530 election 3/8/... election 3/8 1... Event Mgr 7 ... permits 1/28/... permits MT-i... 38-1861254 ... See 3/15/16 ... acct # 183500 acct # 589901 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 38-1861254 ... 38-1861254 acct # 041-05 ... street lights invoice date/... BOR lunch re... March 8 prim... VOID: invoic... invoice# 184... Invoice # 134... X 38-1861254 ... 38-1861254 ... 38-1861254 54424 X X X X X X X X X X X JOHN HANCOCK, ... Semco Energy Corbett, William Kempton, Roger K Kraft, Virginia M Montoya, Jonathan B Stewart, Revie R Talley, Thomas R Benjamin, Robert Botts-Flowers, Sus... Braden, Christopher... Buchar, Con L X X X X X X X 022041 Deposit 22042 ACH 9970 9971 9972 9973 9974 9975 9976 9977 9978 9979 9980 X X X X acct # 03598... Amount -79.50 -1729.00 -425.23 -616.20 -393.78 -1096.48 -560.09 -109.76 -96.16 -1,663.81 -815.49 -157.88 -826.80 -52.81 -121.43 -208.71 -96.91 -96.91 -96.91 -268.90 -96.91 -176.00 -176.00 -150.21 -80.50 -988.80 -577.60 -148.69 -36.40 -1,112.89 -9.75 -36.58 -399.35 -126.98 -21.04 -7.61 -321.08 -69.52 -196.00 -39.18 -1,020.80 0.00 -205.00 -170.39 -826.74 -1,204.30 -128.20 -243.59 -398.01 -579.91 -72.54 394.28 2,527.00 150,829.11 -484.08 -333.43 -70.30 -96.90 -96.90 -96.90 -75.98 -187.48 -96.90 -425.23 -616.20 -393.78 -1,096.49 Page 1 4:09 PM Milton Township 04/13/16 Transaction List by Date March 15 through April 19, 2016 Type Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Check Check Check Deposit Deposit Deposit Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Check Check Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Check Check Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Paycheck Check Check Check Check Date 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 03/31/2016 04/11/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/13/2016 04/14/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/15/2016 04/19/2016 04/19/2016 04/19/2016 Num 9981 9982 9983 9984 9985 9986 9989 9990 9993 9994 ACH 9995 9996 9997 9998 9999 10000 E-pay 10020 ACH ACH ACH ACH ACH 10007 10001 10002 10003 10004 10005 10006 10008 10009 10010 10011 10012 10014 10016 10017 10013 10015 10018 ACH ACH 10019 Name Gibert, William M Glick, W. Eileen Hardin, Wayne Renken, Eric R Sante, Steve W. Sweeney, Kelly Svoboda, Richard J Gibert, William M McNally Elevator C... Kretchman, Scott A Semco Energy First Bankcard Leader Publications Cintas Indiana Michigan P... ADT Security Servi... ELECTION SYSTE... EFTPS State of Michigan. Aspire Financal Ser,,. JOHN HANCOCK, ... JOHN HANCOCK, ... COMCAST CABLE-_ Indiana Michigan P... Hardin, Wayne Benjamin, Robert W Botts-Flowers, Sus... Braden, Christopher... Buchar, Con L Gibert, William M Glick, W. Eileen Renken, Eric R Sante, Steve W. Sweeney, Kelly Ed Wainwright Johnny M. Hamilton Kretchman, Scott A Shirk, Karen J Stewart, Revie R Hebard, Richard D Romanetz, Paul E Glick, W. Eileen Midwest Energy Co... Midwest Energy Co... COMCAST CABLE-... Memo Cir VOID: X VOID: X VOID: X Failed to pay ... Interest Interest Interest Service Charge service addre... acct # 54772 ... mv # 108889 ... acct # 336-06... street light ac.. acct #40106... inv# 961827 ... 38-1861254 ... 38-1861254 54424 internet servi... outdoor light permits 16-5... permits MT-1 ... mileage reim... acct #58990... acct # 18345... X X X X X Amount 0.00 -560.10 0.00 -90.73 -52.81 -96.16 -128.20 0.00 -225.00 -45.00 17.12 31.59 62.28 -12.00 -130.94 -204.76 -109.13 -93.49 -183.90 -212.28 -31.60 -1,464.86 -274.70 -72.50 -679.00 -464.30 -214.06 -61.05 -996.59 -425.27 -616.17 -393.07 -1111.99 -826.79 -568.79 -90.77 -52.81 -96.20 -600.00 -798.40 -92.35 -8.80 -181.08 -48.45 -48.45 -17.25 -399.35 -36.82 -406.54 Mar 15- Apr 19, 16 Page 2 9'1ifton Tawwhip Milton 1wnhlp 1829 32097 Bcrtraiid St., Nilcs, MI 4912() Plioric (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Entail: rnikon@miltotitwp.org Wcbsiic: wwv.rniRontwp.org APPLICATION TO COMBINE PARCELS 49 12-0 7I o Property Location/Address: q '0—Z0--Oo1 —( ParcellPropertylD#s: 5 107°i22— Name of Owner: S UA /. (e s NameofApplicant: $,btuo.r k. / -1o , 4e) Phone: /-v/i Address of Applicant: /(' , CO2—fc2 1_. 7 Applicant's Interest in the Property if not t 0 ner: Date: Signature of Applicant: BASIS OF REQUEST TO COMBINE PARCELS APPLICATION: p—f o f) fr)i L2C 41y 4QI b1'(J. Please attach a legal description of the property and a site plan drawn to scale showing the dimensions of the property and the location of all existing improvements. In some cases, Legal Surveys of the parcels and the proposed new parcel may be required. (Note: Fees as listed on the Milton Township Schedule of Fees must accompany this application.) For Office Use Only Date of Review by Zoning Administrator /Application Cqpaplete: Zoning Administrator Decision/Signature: Stipulations/Conditions Date of Review by Assessor: Recommendations/Decision: Signature: Date of County Action: County Action: Approved/Denied and Date: k1L Vilton Towwhip Mfltosi ThwsshIp 32097 Bertrand St., Niles, MI 49120 Phone (269)684-7262 Fax (269)684-1742 Email: mi1ton@miltoI1t).org Wcbsitc: www.miltontwp.org ( I _ APPLICATION TO COMBINE PARCELS Property Location/Address: Parcel/Property ID#s: j o / go - 03'O-ol Name of Owner: Name of Applicant: C Phone: Address of Applicant: ¶7 G& 4 CD ( 0 c t -\ -O - / c)o - O - C) 6 - Applicant's Interest in the Property if not the Owner: Date: O? Signature of Applicant. BASIS OF REQUES'ITO COMBiNE PARCELS APPLICATION: O eec\ Lc cbe cry,-v,, A--o* Please attach a legal description of the property and a site plan drawn to scale showing the dimensions of the property and the location of all existing improvements. In some cases, Legal Surveys of the parcels and the proposed new parcel may be required. (Note: Fees as listed on the Milton Township Schedule of Fees must accompany this application.) For Office Use Only Date of Review by Zoning Administrator /Application Complete: Z% Zoning Administrator Decision/Signature: Stipulations/Conditions Date of Review by Assessor: Recommendations/Decision: Signature: Date of County Action: — County Action: Approved/Denied and Date: LL J' Milton Township Residents Only Saturday, May 7th 7am—llam (Or until the dumpsters are full) Milton Township is providing FREE drive through services for our residents!! Trash Collection, Paper Shredding, Metal Recycling and Tire Collection! NEW!!! Cass County Sheriff will be on site to collect old J) . or unwanted or prescription or over the counter drugs! Tire Collection fees: Regular Car Tires $2.50 each Semi/Trailer Tires $7.00 each Tractor Tires $10.00 each A Goodwill truck will be here again! Time to clean out closets and de-clutter your home. Donate your gently used clothing, books, small appliances (in working order), housewares, furniture and toys! You will receive a tax deductible receipt and a coupon for your next visit to a Goodwill store. IL Niles Charter Fire Department will be here to make (on site) Address Signs! For only $15.00 SMCAS will provide complimentary Blood Pressure Testing! Freon Removal offered for only $25.00! Bring in your old Refrigerators, Air Conditioners and Freezers for disposal! Please note: We must honor the 11:00 am cut off time no exceptions but we may end the day earlier if the dumpsters are full. Absolutely NO Commercial Trash! We Will Accept: Bagged trash Metals for recycling Tires (Small Fee) Documents that need shred Goodwill donations (gently used items) Computer Monitors TV sets Electronics All computer related items Computer Boards Freon Removed: Refrigerators, Freezers, Air Conditioners and Dehumidifiers (Freon Removal $25.00) Prohibited Items: Roofing Shingles Railroad Ties Propane tanks Car Batteries Oil Solvents Thinners Liquid Paints Hazardous Materials Pesticides Animal waste Medical Bio-Hazardous Waste Ashes Construction or Remodeling Materials Yard Waste Dirt, Concrete, Earth or Sod Household Hazardous Waste can be taken to Cass County on Saturday May 2 1st, 2016 (We reserve the right to turn away anything not on this list due to space in dumpsters and or weight of material)