September 2013 Newsletter - Professional Drycleaners Association


September 2013 Newsletter - Professional Drycleaners Association
The Professional Dry Cleaners
Association Inc. South Australia
September 2013
Volume 1, Issue 2
Dates To Remember
25th September—AGM
Friday 6th December—
Xmas Party
Inside this issue
Message from the Editor
Welcome to all members existing and new.
The 2013 TRLASA / PDASA has once again been successful, with another record attendance.
Message from the Editor
........................... 2
For the third consecutive year we teamed up with the Textile Rental Laundry Association SA (TRLASA) to run a very successful and enjoyable
Mannum............. 3 –11
This years conference was in the river location of Mannum.
A Good Luck Story 12- 13
Friday night was on the Marion Riverboat with the rest of the conference
being held at the Mannum Motel.
Leisure time on Saturday afternoon members attended a boat cruise
along the Murray River or Golf.
Training Day........ 14
This year we once again gained a lot of interstate interest , unfortunately
only two dry cleaners attended however a total of over 50 people in attendance made for a very enjoyable weekend.
Christmas Details 15
The Motel booked out very quickly, a good sign.
AGM .................. 16-17
The Newsletter has been scarce this year, with everyone quite busy in
their own roles, including the Editor. :)
Like I have said on many occasions the Newsletter can only be as good
as the information that is provided to me.
Don’t forget our Christmas Dinner on the Friday night 6th December at
Sfera’s at Modbury, live entertainment “Mr Buzzy “ More information enclosed.
Also a reminder our AGM will be at The Buffalo Restaurant at Glenelg on
Wednesday night the 25th Septemebr, Dinner provided, our guest speaker Bernhard Voll from Blue Diamond Energy Solutions
On another note, training has been steady this year considering the new
Skills 4 All having quite an impact on the funding availability.
Skills 4 All is FREE at Certificate 2 level, and the training can be undertaken in the workplace and /or at tafesa, for more information please call
me. Kerry King 0421054025
Benefits of being a member……….…...
Special points of interest.
AGM 25/9/2013
Buffalo Restaurant
TRLASA / PDASA Conference - Mannum
Another successful Conference, as per usual members and guests started arriving on the Friday afternoon.
The location on the river was beautiful and the weather a sunny 28 degrees all weekend.
Friday evening drinks and dinner were supplied by Silver Sponsors Jasol, upon the PS Marion (pictured on
the front cover),.
An enjoyable meal and great company, after the meal a small group gathered up
stairs in the bar room of the PS Marion, music, singing, dancing and charades were the self entertainment.
I believe a ferry ride was taken on the way back to the Motel.
Saturday morning after breakfast the official opening of the Conference began, TRLASA Mario Marini President opened the meeting by thanking Anthony Kingsley for his continued support in organising
another successful conference, again with another record attendance. He thanked Gold Sponsors Jensen
Australia, Silver Sponsors Jasol and International Linen Service for providing the linen for the weekend.
Mario then welcomed Cess Batten President, Professional Dry Cleaners Association SA, Cess thanked the
sponsors, Jasol for Friday Night and Jensen for tonight's drinks. We greatly appreciate your continued support Cess also thanked Anthony, Kerry & Nando for all the wonderful work they do organising this fabulous function.
Cess feels that as the economy stands now, she has decided to concentrate on profitability not turn over.
This weekends three guests speakers are exactly what is needed in this economic down turn.
“I look forward to a very educational and inspiring conference.”
Our first speaker for the day was Russell Collard from Jensens, before commencing Russell advised
us of his birthday and how pleased he was to be spending it with his wife and young family in South Australia at the Conference where the wine and company are exceptional.
He commended the TRLA SA for being the last commercial group still having a conference besides Launtex.
In true South Aussie form, all the attendees sung Russell Happy Birthday.
Russell commenced with some Jensen history, Jensens commenced in Bornholm in Denmark in 1937, with
a machine shop making farming machines and equipment. Mr Jensen “Father” as he is kindly remembered,
founded the business, the first piece of laundry equipment was the combi folder, to the now steamless
laundries. The majority of ironers in Australia are gas fired.
Russell spoke of Jensen’s innovations throughout the years.
Peopleless - Jensen Evolution
Jensens Cockpit—monitoring staff and equipment from one control consul.
Rail systems - new improved trolleys to handle bigger systems.
Bin Tippers
Eco-Safeguard - Batch data
Jensen Quick Soak - new to batch washers, designed to be a wetting agent for fabrics like poly’s that don't
wet easily in the wash. This innovation has water scoops in the first module that as the cage turns, it
scoops up water and pours it over the linen, helping to soak it. Simple but effective, something Jensen’s
pride themselves on.
Conference - Continued
Our next guest speaker - Bernhard
Voll - Blue Diamond Energy Solutions.
Bernhard has 27 years experience in energy efficiency, and is more comfortable underground in mines wearing full PPE
Personal protection equipment than he is in a suit.
Blue Diamond Energy Solutions provides detailed Energy Efficiency Solutions reducing energy bills and improving business performance for clients in the Mining Industry, The Hospitality Industry, Laundry/Dry Cleaning Industry and the Manufacturing Industry.
Bernhard gave us a very informative presentation on energy efficiencies and how we as individuals and business’s can reduce our resources to become more sustainable.
He commented on the lighting in the conference venue as an example; the room was full of fluorescent lights,
however the whole length of the room was lined with windows, with blinds fully drawn??
Why not use the natural light, open the blinds, turn the fluro’s off, they are expensive to run and they light more of the roof
than the tables where the light is needed.
In the laundry or dry cleaning plant look at some of the following, what resources can you save?
steam pipes, do they have sufficient lagging
machines - over loaded or under loaded
Reduce rinse cycles
Use more water efficient machines (not necessary the cheapest is the best)
Chemical vs Temperature
Natural ventilation
Analyse leaks
Power cords away from heat etc
Maintain equipment - maintenance saves dollars
Moisture content in dryers, spin more before drying, use gas than electricity. 1/3 of the cost.
Look at gas flow heating exchange, save 50%
Energy Costs “Every Dollar saved is
one dollar more profit”
Some scenarios that Bernhard brought to our attention, there’s more, not sure If I can remember them all though;
Wonder why Apricots are expensive in Australia?.
Next time you go to the supermarket check the back of the label on the Apricot Jam - Is it made in Denmark or France?
Think about the aviation fuel costs and energy costs to bring the jam to Australia, and the effects on the environment, the
air emissions.
1 kg of jam consumes a glass of aviation fuel.
Our growers can’t compete.
Buy Australian!
Grapes, we don't sell grapes in Australia during October, but the supermarkets have them, Where are they grown?
Think of Televisions, most house holds have at least two TV's, some more. How many people live in Australia? Over 22
million in 2011. How many people leave your TV on standby, just push the off button on the TV?
Think of the Electricity usage, by turning the switches off at the wall, think of what you will save and how it will help our
It’s about you!
Look at the cars we drive, you have a choice of what car you want to use to drop off some damaged goods or rubbish to
the tip.
How many SS utes do you see being used by contractors, builders etc, is a high performance sporty ute really required?
“It’s about you!”
Reduce Energy Costs!
Energy costs - “Every Dollar saved is one dollar more profit”
The Conference - Continued
Our next speaker to be presented was
Wayne McDonald from Success
Know How.
As his brochure states, A recent worldwide
study of 90,000 people found that only 21%
were fully engaged in their work and, alarmingly, 40% were disengaged. Companies with
low level employee engagement had a 33%
decline in income.
“The growth of your business will ultimately
depend on the growth of the people in your
business….starting with YOU!”
Wayne commenced with the topic “Going
out of Business”
80% go out of business in the first 5 years
20% of the remaining 20% go out of business
in the next 5 years.
He asked for contributing factors of business’s going out of business.
 Cash flow/Taxes/Rent
 Failure to plan
 Government policies
 Inability to change
 Wrong people
 Bad ethics
He then asked what makes good business?
 Contingency Plans
 Goal Setters
“Plans are nothing, Planning is everything”
And in Wayne’s words,
“Ever had too much month at the end of the
Wayne explains why it is important to have a
business plan.
Clarifies viable business
Clarifies Direction
Generates possibilities
Reduces fire fighting
Justifies course of action
Best ideas
In a nutshell “Its a GPS in business”
Left to Right Gold Sponsors Jensen’s Australia - Russell Collard,
TRLASA President Mario Marini, PDASA President Cess Batten and
Silver Sponsors Jasol - John Smithers
Basically Wayne said ‘If you have got a business plan, you’ve got a
track, review it monthly so you stay on track.
It’s easier to get back on track if you have only veered off for a short time,
if you don't review it and you have been off track for awhile it is harder to
Wayne explained that it is also important to include marketing in your
business plan.
Should include;
Who we are
Why we exist
What we sell, how we sell it
Where we going, and how to get there
2 Reasons to do a Business Plan
Raise Money
Predict Future
Clarity is the first step to Power!
Create an environment that creates self motivation.
Determine what motivates you, What is The Carrot!
It has to be relevant, external motivation - runs out!
Conference - Continued
Life Plan - Wayne suggests you do a 3 year life plan with your spouse, look at the following 9 catagories, dot point under each category what you want to achieve;
General Life style
Social Friendship
Home material possessions
Personal development /new skills abilities
Other / like holidays etc
Wayne went on to talk about Mind set and behaviours in people.
He used the elephant syndrome as an example.
Ever wondered why a circus elephant can stand for hours just tied to one stake, why doesn't it break free?
Answer: the elephant was trained as a baby!
The elephant syndrome is unconscious behaviour.
At the following ages Self image is already there, the mindset and behaviour is installed at these stages in our lives;
3 years old - 50%
7 years old - 80%
11 years old - 90%
18 - 21 years old - 95%
A good plan can help you get right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus
Staff - Good plans help
Negative People - make you feel like you’re an interruption.
How do your reception staff treat people?, take the time to watch and listen.
They are the front of your business!
Has the person with negative behaviour been confronted?
Has any one got to the root cause of the negative behaviour?
Staff are scared of negative people, they are bullies, you need to find out why?
“A good plan can help
you get right people on
the bus and the wrong
people off the bus”
Performance Reviews are essential in getting the right people on or off the bus.
Treat people how you want to be treated.
Promote a positive culture!
Unwritten Ground Rules
First impressions when you walk into a business, personality of the company.
Values, Symbols, Systems
Mindsets, Behaviour, Culture
“Culture is the shadow of the leader”
Lead By Example!
Life Mission Statement & Values
same as your company values
The Conference - Continued
Unique Selling Position—USP
Who are we
What do we stand for
How we do it
How are we different
Think about your business how are
you different?
Eg: Greener, Home deliveries, Variety, Most energy conservative, experience in high customer service?
Do a SWOT analysis - Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunity & Strengths
When someone buys my ….(service)
They always get …….(satisfaction)…
Wayne said the Primary focus is
GOALS, achieve in next 12 months.
A question to ask yourself
“What is the one thing that you could
do that is impossible, but if you could
do it, would totally transform your
Wayne left us on that note but offered
a 20% discount on Business Coaching
for TRLASA / PDASA members.
Contact Wayne in Glen Osmond SA
Ph: 08 83396781 or email
Mario Marini advised attendees that
there will be two boat trips along the
river after lunch . The boat trips are
free to all attendees as part of the
Bubbly and soft drinks provided.
Golf was also available to those wanting a round of golf.
Saturdays Guest Speakers—Clockwise from top Anthony Kingsley thanking
our Speakers.
Russel Collard - Jensen Australia, Wayne McDonald - Success Know How &
Bernhard Voll - Blue Diamond Energy Solutions
The Conference - Continued
Saturday Night Dinner
The theme for the evenings event was “River Theme” This caused some confusion for some people however a handful did dress for the occasion, Kerry the River Pirate, Mario the River Fisherman and the lovely Shirley Naylor a lady from all Rivers Run. Irene Cooper from Australian Linen Supply looked lovely in
her tiara. It would have to be the first time we have had a tiara other than Princess Shirley’s at one of our
events. Shirley took it quite well LOL
Former president of the TRLASA Paul Hill Werner Linen Services was the MC for the night, his speech as
Can I take your minds back a while to the year 1988.
Microsoft released MS DOS 4
Australia celebrated 200 years of European settlement.
A Current Affair debut on TV.
Nick Greiner became Premier of NSW.
Kay Cottee sailed into Sydney as the 1st woman to circle the globe alone.
And, it was in May 1988 that we held our first conference.
This conference was organized by the Discussion Group of the then Laundry and Linen Rental Association, now the TRLA SA. What a great achievement with our association holding an annual conference for
25 years. That first conference was organized by Peter Werner then of Bronsons Laundry, Audine
Vanderland then of Aldersgate Laundry, Steve McNicol of Alsco and
myself also of Alsco.
I believe that it was the first conference attended by Irene Cooper
who had just joined Australian Linen Supply. At that conference ALS
sent 3 representatives. Norm Hill and Alan Chambers were the other
2. This trio knew how to party, just ask our life member, Gary Sywak,
who is here tonight. As you all know Irene was taught well because
she still party's well.
What a year, a great year.
But there was something else that happened that year.
Fancy Dress Saturday
Night “River Theme”
Kerry King (Editor)
The River Pirate
The Conference - Continued
Shirley Naylor became Editor of the National Drycleaner and Launderer.
I first met Shirley in 1979 at the Hospital Laundry Managers Seminar held at Kings Cross.
In those days she was the assistant to the State and National Secretary of the ILLS, the predecessor to the TRLA.
I believe that Shirley cut her teeth on a Twin Clean in 1977 when her boss went on long service leave.
That would have been a real baptism of fire. And here she is now still at industry conferences.
Shirley has been a tremendous stalwart for our industry. Reporting on issues that effect drycleaners and launderers alike.
Attending conferences Australia wide and internationally. You only have to pick up any issue of the mag and you would
get a travel itinerary of our famous Shirley Naylor.
I would assume that in the last quarter of a century, Shirley has seen so much change. The advent of new technology, and
at a rapid pace, has seen the industry change. There have been many takeovers and many closures which Shirley would
have witnessed.
We all have seen the change and growth of the magazine from black and white to a glossy full colour periodical. We all
have felt for Shirley during the trying time but we still appreciate the mag when it arrives.
We here in South Australia want to mark this milestone and have a little something to commemorate this occasion.
I now call on our President Mario Marini to make the presentation.
Paul Hill
What a great achievement with our
association holding an annual conference
for 25 years
The Conference - Continued
On Sunday Mario Marini started the morning with a very interesting presentation on the Adelaide Plains Water Allocation
Plan. Not only is he the sole owner/Director of International Linen and President of the TRLASA he is also on the Adelaide
Mount Lofty Management Board.
Mario is a community advisory committee member for Central Adelaide and is supported by staff of the Department for
Environment , Water and Natural Resouces. You are welcome to contact Mario for any further information.
Water allocation plan advisory committees provide water allocation planning advice to the board, bringing their knowledge,
experience and community connections to water planning.
Mario tabled a paper on The Latest groundwater status for Central Adelaide. For the first time this year the central Adelaide report only covers the status of the T1 aquifier, as the vast majority of commercial groundwater use in central Adelaide is from this resource.
Annual groundwater status reports can be found online.
More information raised by Mario was the allocation of permits for wells, metering and water licenses.
Mario asked the room “who has a bore?” “Do you have a license have you registered it?”
This will be the new changes of owning bores. You will have to register them, they will be your asset, you will be able to
sell your bore or charge people to use it. Mario said “Allocation of water will become an asset”
Mario spoke of examples of water savings, the Salisbury Council being innovative in producing their own Wetlands /
catchment area.
In 2006 the then Minister of Water Carlene Maywald spoke with Mario about being a volunteer in a water efficiency program, in 2008 the business International Linen Service participated in the pilot program. Bench marking water allocation
for laundries.
Laundries being one of the largest consumers of water proved to be a touchy subject amongst the members present, it
was agreed that the topic of water consumption could go on for hours and perhaps a day could be allocated in the future
just on this topic. 45 mins was not long enough, and our next speaker was due to be introduced.
Our next speaker Ennui Bianchi has over 25 years of experience within the area of risk management and has designed
and undertaken a diverse range of auditing, incident investigation, hazop, property risk , technical and systems management and consulting assignments.
Ennui has written and delivered papers on risk management and associated presentations to a wide range of audiences
nationally and internationally. He has key responsibilities in the implementation of risk management processes within various organisations and within the National Safety Council of Australia.
Ennio talked about Workplace Health and Safety, WHS Regulations and Legislation, the changes as of January 2013.
The harmonisation across Australia, worksafe police it. WA and Victoria are not included, they haven't adopted it as yet.
The Conference - Continued
Save you time energy and money and keep you safe.
Systems should include all of the following;
Document Control (Audits etc)
Changes to the following;
Eliminate / Minimise
Capture all falls
Clarification Safety Reps
Asbestos Register—buildings built prior 2003
Electrical Safety RCD’s (safety switches)
Confined Spaces / Ignition Source
Penalties for breaches have increased.
PCBU = Owner Employer
Resonable Practical
Ennio spoke of a fatality in an Australian company where a gentleman died in a confined space, he spoke of the risks and
what the PCBU /employer should have done to prevent the incident occurring.
Was the PCBU / employer due diligence (opposite to negligence), reasonable and practical, reasonable care. Terms used to
investigate accidents, Was it reasonable? Was it practical, Did he provide reasonable care?
Very much compared to a court room and a lawyer asking the questions.
Assess the risk
Clearly specify
Prequalification checks
Safe work
Establish service contract
Risk Assessments
Likelihood of occurrence
Degree of harm
What was known or should have reasonabley been known
Availability of controls
After risk assessment, the cost and wether it is grossly disproportionate to the risk.
Ask the 8 W’s
The Best Birthday Present a McLeod’s Daughters
Fan could imagine.
June 12th, 2013.
Dear Cess,
I cannot thank you enough for the once in a lifetime opportunity
we experienced at your shop – Gawler Dry Cleaners.
For our daughter Nelly, we organised a surprise 16th birthday
present – a day tripper tour to Mcleod’s Country.
It was with much excitement we entered your shop to see the
famous wedding dress our favourite actor Simmone Jade
Mackinnon (Stevie) wore. And you can imagine our disappointment when the dress was not available as it was being dry
cleaned! And then, just as we were about to leave, one of your
friendly staff members caught us at the door with the dress in his
arms. As he quickly attempted to put it back on the mannequin, so we could take a look – he
experienced some trouble, so I cheekily suggested we had a real model to wear it – this being
So with such great timing, you arrive and somehow it is agreed for Nelly to try on the dress.
Well Cess, the photos tell the rest of this wonderful story – don’t they!
How beautiful does she look – especially with no preparation or makeup! How remarkable,
quite uncanny that it fitted so well! How lucky was Nelly?
How thrilled was she when she found out she was the ONLY person EVER to have worn the
dress since worn by Stevie?
How envious are all her friends at home here in Victoria – or any Mcleods fans for that matter?
But mostly, how appreciative were we all for the BEST BIRTHDAY PRESSIE any sixteen year
old, die hard Mcleods Daughter’s fan could ever get?
Our visit to Gawler Dry Cleaners in South Australia will be a lifetime memory –
Viola, Craig and Nelly Ganim
Another successful training day in SA
In June this year The PDASA in conjunction with TAFESA
conducted a FREE to members training course on the Safe
Handling of Dry Cleaning Chemicals & Solvents. John &
Cess Batten of Gawler Dry Cleaners were very happy to
allow us to use their premises for the training. The training was held on a Sunday to benefit the dry cleaners
whom work six days a week.
Our Guest Speakers, Peter Corones, Nando Focareta,
Grant Smith and Dick Kubiac, all specialists in their field
provided attendees with relevant specific information and
hands on demonstrations.
It was a great turn out with approximately twenty people
in attendance. All whom participated received a 5 year License and a Statement of Attainment as part of the formal
qualification Certificate in Dry Cleaning Operations.
It was very pleasing to have so many of our country members attend the training in addition to our metropolitan
SA Members
Adelaide Curtain Cleaners
Barossa Dry Cleaners
Ceduna Dry Cleaners
Chehade Bros Dry Cleaners
Ford Dry Cleaners
Fussy Dry Cleaners
Gawler Dry Cleaners
Hills Dry Cleaners
Manhattan Dry Cleaners
Marryatville Dry Cleaners
Ridgehaven Dry Cleaners
Snowtex Dry Cleaners
South Dry Cleaners
Tip Top Dry Cleaners
Victor Dry Cleaners
Xtraclean Dry Cleaners
Yorke Peninsular Dry Cleaners
Email your logo NOW
With live entertainment
Sferas Convention Centre
Friday Evening
6th December 2013
Contact the PDASA NOW!
Annual General Meeting
The Buffalo
The Buffalo was scheduled to be closed down in 2012 but with some great
support from the community and new ownership it was able to stay afloat.
Annual General Meeting 2013
Buffalo Restaurant in Glenelg
DATE: 25th September 13
Dinner & Drinks 7.00pm
Guest Speaker s
Followed by the AGM
Attention Dry Cleaners & Allied Traders
7.00pm Dinner & Drinks FREE to Members
The Professional Dry Cleaners Association - SA Invite
you to attend the Annual General Meeting aboard the
Buffalo in Glenelg.
Wednesday Night 25th September 2013
Dinner will be provided FREE of charge
Guest Speakers
Bernhard Voll - Blue Diamond Energy Solutions
Helen Jannsen—TAFESA Fashion
Benefits of becoming a member
The Professional Dry
Cleaners Association
Inc. South Australia
The Professional Dry
Cleaners Association is
the only name you
need to remember. It is
wholly South Australian run; your President
and Vice President ,
and Committee, are
all South Australian Dry
Reasons to belong to PDASA
Your annual membership saves you money, protects your
business, keeps you informed and provides a range of services
to ensure your business is operating professionally.
To Elevate the standards of the dry cleaning industry
To Promote the interests of Dry Cleaners Association members
To Bring about a spirit of cooperation among all dry cleaners
To Extend opportunities to dry cleaners for education along
the lines of industrial, scientific, and vocational Activities
Free and subsidised Training
Regular seminars and workshops with topics including
spotting, solvemt handling, plant maintenance and customer service
Traineeships in nationally accredited courses
Cleaners and Affiliates.
Your membership
money stays in our
State, and any help and
advice you need, come
from fellow members
in our State.
Free legal employee advice
Having an issue with a member of staff, then speak to our legal consultant for free telephone advice
Cheaper waste disposal
Do the right thing and dispose your waste with our accredited
disposal (epa approved) at cheaper rates
The Professional Dry Cleaners
Association Inc. South Australia
Po Box 526
South Australia
Ph. 8234 1121 or 0401 994434
Email :
Regular Meetings
Email newsletter 6 times a year or as required
Industrial relations updates
Library - Training literature and dvds
Free subscription to National Drycleaner magazine
Annual State Conference