November 2015 - Cache La Poudre Elementary
November 2015 - Cache La Poudre Elementary
CLPE Pirate Pages NOVEMBER 2015 PAGE 1 Pirate Pages Cache La Poudre Elementary School 3511 W. Cty. Rd. 54G LaPorte, CO 80535 Principal Landus Boucher Dear CLPE Families, Vice Principal Kelly Hirneisen General Information Office Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm Phone Numbers Office 488-7600 Fax 488-7676 Attendance Line 490-3070 *If your child is ill or will not be at school, please leave a message on the Attendance line. School Hours 8:55am - 3:40pm Supervision begins at 8:40am October came and went in a blur! We were busy and had a variety of exciting activities. The Pirate Peg Leg run was a great success! It would not have been so successful without the tremendous amount of work from our P.T.O. It was well organized and the students had fun while they ran! Thank you so much for your support of this annual fund raiser! Of course, October couldn’t conclude without our annual Halloween costume parade. I would like to thank the parent volunteers for supporting the Halloween festivities. I know that the children enjoyed the parade and afternoon celebration. Thank you to all the parents for attending our Parent Conferences in midOctober. There was a lot of anticipation and excitement in the air during conference days as we celebrated students’ successes and talked about ways to continue academic and social growth. Although we host parent conferences in Part Time Kindergarten Monday 8:55am - 11:55am Tuesday/Thursday 8:55am - 3:40pm Preschool AM 8:55 - 11:40 PM 12:10 - 3:40 Website Advertising in this newsletter does not imply endorsement by Poudre School District. continued on next page CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 2 Principal’s Note continued the fall and spring, the CLPE staff feels that communication should be frequent and ongoing. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher at any time to discuss progress. Our teachers are happy to use a variety of tools to share student progress and classroom happenings. Phone conversations and emails are always welcome as well as face to face meetings. At the end of October we hosted our 2nd CREW assembly and honored October’s Pirates of the Month. The honored students and staff demonstrated CLPE’s traits of Cooperation, Respect, Empathy and Integrity in an exemplary manner. Each month every classroom will receive a book to read and reflect on to continue the book of the month club. The books were chosen by each grade level because they provide good examples of the IB Learner Profile Attributes we are all working to demonstrate! We were able purchase the books for the year through a donation we received from Walmart. Brandon Tarango nominated our school to receive the “Safe Miles for Education” donation of $2,783.34. We are super appreciative of this donation and want to send a huge thank out to both the Tarango Family as well as Walmart! Our fast pace doesn’t seem to slow down as November promises to bring more exciting times. As I reflect on these first few months of the 2015-2016 school year at CLPE, I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be the captain of this wonderful pirate crew! I am thankful for the support of our parents and continued on next page CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 3 Principal’s Note continued families. I have extreme appreciation for the commitment and dedication to the success of our students that the CLPE staff shows every day. Getting to come to work each day to be a part of genuine, kind, reflective, and intelligent students’ lives is an honor. I would like to wish all our families a peaceful and relaxing Thanksgiving break. Enjoy this time with your family and friends! Best, Landus Vision/Hearing Screening Vision/Hearing Screening is on Tuesday, November 17 th from 9-12. We screen all children grades K-3 & Grade 5. This is just a screening to let us know if a student may need further evaluation. It is important and we hope you will make every effort to have your student at school on this day. We do not screen 4th graders, however if a parent or teacher would like to have a 4 th grade student screened, we will happily do so. Call the office at 488-7600 if you would like further information. We are looking for a few more volunteers to help with this screening! CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 4 Running Club No running club on Nov 4th. Our last running club meeting is November 18th . We hope to start up again in the spring! Lost and Found PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE CHECK THE LOST AND FOUND. THERE ARE SO MANY HOODIES, SWEATSHIRTS, SHIRTS, JACKETS and other items just waiting to be claimed. If you write your child’s name on the tag on their clothing, we will return it to them. All items that remain in the lost in found at Winter Break will be donated to charity. Spelling Bee It’s almost time for the annual CLPE spelling bee, which happens in December each year. Third, fourth, and fifth graders will get the chance to compete. Classroom spelling bees will be happening at the end of November. Top spellers in each class will go on to compete in the school-wide bee. Watch for further information coming soon. Please ask Mrs. Flail or Mrs. Mosley if you have any questions. CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 5 Counselor’s Corner Hello CLPE parents. October was National Anti-bully month. So during the month of November, I will be taking our IB Learner Profile of Open-mindedness and coaching students on the strategy of being an Upstander-someone who speaks out against bullying. We will be talking about the responsibility of upstanders when a bully is targeting another student. We will also discuss strategies that students can use when they are being targeted by a bully. “Bullying is not allowed at CLPE!” Through discussion and role play, students will practice strategies through role play activities as we continue to work towards a bully free school. I would like each grade level to come up with an action plan to insure that all students are safe at CLPE. As always thank you for your support in having these discussions with your children at home! CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 6 Music Notes Greetings from the music room! Our busy fall continues as choir, modern band, and the third grade program preparation are in full swing! RiverSong Choir began the second week of school in preparation for our performance at the Colorado Music Educators Association Clinic/Conference at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs in January. We have just received a slight adjustment to our performance time: our concert will be Thursday, January 28, 2016, at 4:20 p.m. Much more information will go home with choir students in the coming weeks and months. Remember that choir is Wednesday mornings from 7:45-8:40, with students able to arrive as early as 7:30. Thanks for a great Culver’s Night! It was amazing to hear our pirates singing in such a crowd! Please mark your calendars for after-school practice on Tuesday, November 10, until 5:00 p.m. Also, the choir will sing in the afternoon on Grandparents’ Day, November 24. Little Kids Rock Club is in full swing. Guitars are being loaned to members for use at home, and we are working on songs. The club meets after school on Thursdays until 4:30, including the Little Kids Rock Captains, who also meet at the end of choir on Wednesday mornings. Watch for information about performances from this Band of Pirates, and a huge thank you to Mrs. Rundquist and Mrs. Schneider for their help in making this group a success! continued on next page CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 7 Music Notes continued Mark your calendars for our Thursday music program dates: November 19 -Third Grade December 17- First Grade February 4- Kindergarten February 25-Second Grade April 28-Fourth Grade May 5-Choir May 19-Fifth Grade Program Programs are performed for the school at 2:30 p.m., and then for parents, friends, and family at 6:30 p.m. More specific information will be sent home about a month before each program. Students usually need to arrive at school at 6:10 p.m. the night of the program. We were fortunate to receive a grant from The Kayla Foundation, memorializing Kayla Adsit, a former Rocky Mountain High School student who loved music and was taken from this life in a car accident before high school graduation. These funds provide choir T-shirts to students who can’t afford them, recorders for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders, and color-coded drumsticks (coming soon!). We are grateful for their continued support. As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns. I am at CLPE on Tuesday, Wednesday, and in the afternoon on Thursday. Melissa Flail, 488-7645 CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 8 Physical Education Time Again for Morning P.E. Morning P.E. is back for another year! Funds raised from the Pirate Peg Leg Walk will be used to help pay for this program in 2015-2016. Schedule: Meeting time is 8:00-8:50. Grades 3-5 will start meeting Friday October, 30th. Grades K-2 will start meeting on Friday, November 6th. The two grade level groups will alternate Fridays for the remainder of the first semester. See the schedule below! Things to Remember: There is no cost, and no sign up. Students will enter the school building through the East Gym door (which will be propped open). Please do not enter the school building through the front door. Students need to come prepared for physical activity (tennis shoes required). Students who attend will be expected to participate in all activities. Dates: 10/30 – Grades 3-5 11/6 – Grades K-2 11/20 – 3-5 12/4 – K-2 12/11 – 3-5 12/18 – K-2 Please call or email Mr. Haas for questions. (970)488-7600 or CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 9 Spanish Class Hi CLP community, Here are current happenings in Spanish class: K, 1 and 2 - We work on counting, the calendar, and talking about the weather each week during our welcoming activities. We recently finished asking How are you? working with the following words: cómo estás-how are you, bien-well, así así-so so, mal-bad, dice-says. We are just beginnning working on this new vocabulary: hay-there is or there are, se llama-calls himself/herself/itself, el muchacho-boy, muchacha-girl, él-he, ella-she. We acquire the words through song, games, art, reading, and storytelling. 3 - Third graders finished acquiring a story called el Bebé Malo or the Bad Baby. Ask them to retell the story to you in English or in Spanish! We will begin preparation to start reading our first novel in Spanish, las Aventuras de Isabela or the Adventures of Isabela. We will discuss strategies for reading in another language and do some activities to build confidence before we begin! 4 - Fourth grade also acquired a story called el Bebé Malo or the Bad Baby during October. Ask them to retell the story to you in English or in Spanish! We are just beginning to use some words from the novel we will be reading, Isabela captura un congo or Isabela captures a congo. It is the 2nd book in a series that they read in 3rd grade. Ask your student to fill you in on Isabela's adventures in Costa Rica! 5-Fifth grade students spent October telling the silly story about a mythological creature from Puerto Rico, el chupacabra. During the last week of October, students drew and wrote about the myth in Spanish. We will begin having discussion using words from the first chapter of the novel we will be reading in 5th grade, Berto y sus buenas ideas, or Berto and his Good Ideas. Please keep encouraging your students to make connections to language learning outside of the classroom! The blue certificates are abundant this year! Gracias, Leah Swanson (970) 488-7602 CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 10 2nd Grade Hello second grade families! WOW! We have been working hard on being scientists and entomologists! We are continuing our study of insects and habitats in science and the students are doing an amazing job showing curiosity. Our trip to the Butterfly Pavilion was a great success. We are continuing great work in math on single and double digit addition and sharing our strategies for tackling tricky math tasks. The students are also enjoying doing a little research on the insects we have been studying. Great job second graders!! Thank you for all of your help and support during the busy month of October! Mrs. Donovan and Ms. Campbell 5th Grade Currently in math, students are studying how to perform operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with multi-digit numbers and with decimals to hundredths. In Language Arts, students have been and continue to create personal and fictional narratives with the goal of a developing a strong personal voice. Using narrative techniques, such as dialogue and description, to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations are our learning targets. The Central Idea of our current unit of study is Forces cause transformation, adaptation, and motion. Our lines of inquiry include: The Earth’s surface changes through a variety of processes, interactions among a variety of factors affects an area’s weather and climate, and human adaptations to natural forces. Mr. Clark and Mr. Mosley CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 11 November 3 PTO Meeting 2:30 4 Choir 7:45 Young Rembrandts-Last class for Session #2 3:45-4:45 Chessmates 3:45-4:45 Little Kids Rock 3:45-4:30 Choir 7:45 Running Club 3:50-4:30 5 11 Young Rembrandts Session 3 Class #1 12 Chessmates 3:45-4:45 Little Kids Rock 3:45-4:30 13 No School (K-5)-Teacher Work Day 17 Vision/Hearing Screening 9-12 18 Choir 7:45 Running Club-last day 3:50-4:30 Young Rembrandts-Session 3 Class #2 19 Chessmates 3:45-4:45 Little Kids Rock 3:45-4:30 3rd Grade Music Program 6:30 24 Grandparents Day 2:30 25-27 Thanksgiving Break December Calendar on next page CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 12 December 2 Choir Young Rembrandts Session 3-Class #3 3 Chessmates 3:45-4:45 Little Kids Rock 3:45-4:30 9 Choir 9 Young Rembrandts Session 3-Class #4 –Last class 10 Chessmates 17 1st Grade Music Program 21 Winter Break begins 6:30PM Pirate Peg Leg Parade Results Dear CLPE community, Thank you so much for another great Pirate Peg Leg Parade! We raised $8641, more than any other year. In addition, our students, teachers and staff collectively ran and walked 1900 laps (475 miles)! A huge thank you to you, your child(ren) and their pledge donors for supporting this year's successful fun run. Please say "thank you" to our generous business and community supporters. • • • • • • • • • • • • Healthy Hids Club of UC Health Scott’s Towing Steel Ops Rodelle, Inc. Poudre Fire Authority Mountain White Water Descents Laporte Hardware The Edge Sports Center Fort Fun Snooze Karate West Inner Strength Rock Gym Sincerely, CLPE PTO • GK Gymnastics • Mountain Kids Gymnastics, Dance and Preschool • Trader Joes • Walmart • Fly High Trampoline Park • Jumpin’ • Whole Foods • Chipper's Lanes • Fort Collins Bike Coop • Rollerland Skate Center • Sprouts Farmers Market CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 13 CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 14 CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 15 CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 16 CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 17 CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 18
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December 2015 - Cache La Poudre Elementary
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