December 2015 - Cache La Poudre Elementary
December 2015 - Cache La Poudre Elementary
CLPE Pirate Pages DECEMBER 2015 PAGE 1 Pirate Pages Cache La Poudre Elementary School 3511 W. Cty. Rd. 54G LaPorte, CO 80535 Principal Landus Boucher Vice Principal Kelly Hirneisen General Information Office Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm Phone Numbers Office 488-7600 Fax 488-7676 Attendance Line 490-3070 *If your child is ill or will not be at school, please leave a message on the Attendance line. School Hours 8:55am - 3:40pm Supervision begins at 8:40am Part Time Kindergarten Monday 8:55am - 11:55am Tuesday/Thursday 8:55am - 3:40pm December already! At the end of last month on Thanksgiving Day we all paused to take a breath, assess our good fortune and give thanks for what we value. In education we are thankful for the opportunities to impact young lives. Our students are the reason we’re here. Their learning and progress is the school’s mission. We strive to challenge all learners to inquire, know and care about the world! We’ve almost completed the first half of the year. Students and staff have been working extremely hard! 95% of families attended our first round of parent teacher conferences. We are pleased that our partnership continues to be reciprocal! We are working to ensure that students have what they need to make growth while at school. We need your help making sure your students are at school every day, on time! One of the keys to the success of your child is regular attendance. Every minute adds up and each minute lost will have a cumulative impact on your child’s education! We are monitoring attendance because we know how important our time is with our students. You may receive a letter of concern if your child has an excessive number of absences. It is considered excessive if your child misses more than 10 days of school over the Preschool AM 8:55 - 11:40 PM 12:10 - 3:40 Website Advertising in this newsletter does not imply endorsement by Poudre School District. continued on next page CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 2 Principal’s Note continued entire year. If you receive a letter and would like to set up a meeting to brainstorm ways the school can help please let us know. Our students are being exposed to engaging instructional strategies and our staff is constantly assessing the progress of our students. Our assessments indicate that steady growth is being made, yet some of our students are not performing at grade level. We believe that all students can learn if given the proper time and resources. We feel it is best to approach each child as an individual and work together to meet each student’s needs to the best of our abilities. Please continue to support your child and the CLPE community by reminding students to come to school each day, ready to do their best thinking and demonstrate on our “CREW behaviors”. C = Cooperation, R = Respect, E = Empathy, and W = With Integrity. We wish all of our CLPE families a safe and happy holiday season! We will be celebrating the holiday season here at CLPE on Friday, December 18th, the last day of school before the winter break begins. Please look for specific information to come home to the families explaining classroom festivities. The holiday season can be a busy and stressful time for students and families. One of the best and most memorable gifts you can give your children is the gift of time. Sit down to a meal together or have a family game night. Tell stories and laugh together! These activities and good memories will last far longer than toys or video games will! During the time off it is also important that students take time to continue reading, writing, and practicing their skills every day. Make learning fun by tying it into your daily routine so students understand the importance of education. CLPE would like to thank all families for being involved with their children’s progress. We are further grateful to the community for providing the resources for teachers, parents, and students. And as the holiday season advances, we would like to wish the very best to all our educational partners. Mrs. Boucher-Principal CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 3 From The Assistant Principal Dear CLPE Families, The holiday season is a perfect time to think about our Learner Profile Characteristics. Our IB Learner Profile enrichment classes are well underway and helping all of us to become even more familiar with the Learner Profile characteristics than we already are. Our specialists and staff members are doing a fantastic job of helping our students understand the meaning behind our Learner Profile characteristics and how to truly become an IB student with these qualities. Students aren’t the only ones we expect to emulate these qualities. Our entire CLPE community should become aware of these characteristics and reflect on how we can grow in each area. When interacting within our community, the IB Learner Profile characteristics remind us to be open-minded, caring, communicators, risk-takers, balanced, knowledgeable, principled, inquirers, reflective, and thinkers. Your child is very knowledgeable about these qualities and bring them to school every day. This holiday season think about which characteristic you’re strong in and which one you could work on to nurture our CLPE IB community. Happy Holidays! Kelly Hirneisen, Assistant Principal and IB Coordinator CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 4 Counselor’s Corner—Mrs. Lawler-Perry The character trait for the month is principled. Principled students seek to go above and beyond. Principled students also do the right thing even when no one is watching! Throughout the month we will talk about principled behavior as it relates to being an Upstander-standing up for the right thing no matter how difficult. Students will discuss how to be Upstanders against bullying so that we can keep CLPE a safe, smart school. I would like to thank the 5th graders!! They have done a wonderful job with the 5th grade anti-bullying campaign. Projects included a power point, lessons taught in 3rd grade by 5th graders, posters, buttons,and announcements that included anti-bullying strategies! Nice action 5th grade!! Happy December! Physical Education Tennis Shoes Winter is coming and we’ll be breaking out the snow boots soon. Please remember to send your child with tennis shoes on their P.E. day. Morning P.E.: Reminder that grades K-2 and 3-5 are on an alternating Friday schedule. Please send your child on the correct Friday. Morning P.E. Dates: 12/4: K-2 12/11: 3-5 12/18: K-2 Mr Haas CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 5 Kindergarten Our Central Idea is how our daily lives have changed over time. We are working on the key concepts of change, perspective and causation. We are wondering about our personal histories, the changes in lifestyle throughout history and the impact of technology on how we live. Last month we celebrated Settlers Day. Students learned about how the Settlers lived. Students practiced weaving, knitting, making corn husk dolls, and learning about antique items that were useful during that time period. Kindergartners enjoyed a ride in a wagon pulled by two beautiful work horses Jack and Jill from the Colorado Carriage and Wagon. It was fun for all! Lost and Found PLEASE CHECK THE LOST AND FOUND. THERE ARE SO MANY COATS, HOODIES, SWEATSHIRTS, SHIRTS, JACKETS and other items just waiting to be claimed. If you write your child’s name on the tag on their clothing, we will return it to them. All items that remain in the lost in found at Winter Break will be donated to charity. CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 6 2nd Grade Second Grade Happenings: We are having fun and working hard in second grade! We wrapped up our insect inquiry unit by sharing the wonderful projects that the students did on insects and their habitats. We have begun our next inquiry unit which is "Stories provide an understanding of cultures around the world". We will be diving into stories from around the world and learning about other cultures along the way. During the month of December, we will be studying geometry in math. We will be working with shapes and their attributes. Keep up the good work on homework and remember that it comes home on Monday and is due on Thursday. Thank you! Mrs. Donovan and Mrs. Campbell CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 7 4th Grade Fourth Grade IB unit of Inquiry How We Express Ourselves- Central Idea- Diverse opinions may enrich a community Our 4th graders are working hard on their persuasive writing pieces and starting to prepare for their debate. They are recognizing that is it great to be passionate about an issue and other people can be just as passionate about the other side of the topic. We are reading about many different people that have affected their communities with their diverse opinions and open-mindedness. In Colorado History we are finishing up Timelines of Our Lives that tell our story and beginning to study and create a timeline of the Paleo Indians to help tell Colorado's Story. In math we are studying Geometry and solidifying all of the vocabulary that it entails and working to measure and create angles. Lesli Glenn and Missy Dunnion Is Your Child Celebrating a Birthday? Students may now choose to use the BIRTHDAY BOXES instead of bringing treats. Inside the boxes are games that students can play with their classmates. What to choose? Bubbles? Sidewalk chalk? Parachute? An extra recess? A rousing game of Dodgeball? All of this fun can be theirs on or near the big day! Notify the teacher a few days in advance about celebrating this special day with a turn with the birthday boxes! CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 8 5th Grade Academic News The Central Idea of our current unit of study is: “Implications accompany transitions.” Our lines of inquiry include: How exploration and migration affects individuals, societies, and cultures; Motives of exploration and migration; and Rewards and consequences of exploration and migration. One of our goals is for the 5th graders to be able to answer this question: How are the motivations and consequences of explorers and colonists of the past similar and different to today’s explorers and migrants? Other news: We just finished a fun field trip to the CSU Museum of Art to view an exhibit about Football from the Civil War to the present. We used it to tie into our previous unit of study’s central idea about Forces transforming our surroundings. Thanks to Mrs. AwsumbConn for setting this up for us! Mr. Mosley & Mr. Clark School of Choice If your child is a school of choice student and already attending CLPE IB WORLD SCHOOL, you do not need to do anything to stay enrolled at our school. If you have a child starting school or that child is in a different PSD school and you would like them to attend CLPE, you will need to apply for School of Choice. The Elementary School of Choice Deadline is February 12, 2016. To apply for School of Choice, please go to the link below. Attendance Please remember to call the Attendance line (970-490-3070) in the morning if your student will not be at school, even if they will be late. We try to get our attendance done by 9:30. If we do not receive a call about a student that is marked absent, we will call to locate the student. Thank you for help with this! CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 9 Music Notes Greetings from the music room! November was an exciting month, with the third graders performing this year’s first program and the choir performing for Grandparents’ Day. RiverSong Choir continues to prepare for our performance at the Colorado Music Educators Association Clinic/Conference at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs on Thursday, January 28, 2016, at 4:20 p.m. Choir parents and guardians should watch for paperwork in early December; there will be information, permission slips, medal order forms, and DVD orders, among other things. Remember that choir is Wednesday mornings from 7:45-8:40, with students able to arrive as early as 7:30. Please mark your calendars for our performance downtown at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 10, and our Pre-CMEA concert at Poudre High School at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, 2016. We also have after school practices until 5:00 on some Tuesdays: December 8, January 5, January 19, and January 26. Little Kids Rock Club is in full swing. Guitars have been loaned to members for use at home, and we are working on songs. The club meets after school on Thursdays until 4:30, including the Little Kids Rock Captains, who also meet at the end of choir on Wednesday mornings. Watch for information about performances from this Band of Pirates, and a huge thank you to Mrs. Rundquist and Mrs. Schneider for their help in making this group a success! Programs: Congratulations to third grade for a successful program performance! Great job! Also, a big thank you to all our staff, especially third grade teachers and specials teachers. In particular, Mrs. Awsumb-Conn and her student teacher, Jennie Maydew, put together a wonderful art display and backdrop for the program. Mark your calendars for our upcoming Thursday music program dates: December 17 First Grade February 4 Kindergarten February 25 Second Grade April 28 Fourth Grade May 5 Choir May 19 Fifth Grade Program Programs are performed for the school at 2:30 p.m., and then for parents, friends, and family at 6:30 p.m. More specific information will be sent home about a month before each program. Students usually need to arrive at school at 6:10 p.m. the night of the program. As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns. I am at CLPE on Tuesday, Wednesday, and in the afternoon on Thursday. Melissa Flail, 488-7645 CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 10 Spanish Class In our 5th Grade class, our Central Idea focus is on how rewards and consequences accompany human exploration and migration. We are making connections about migration from England to the USA with current immigrants from Central America. Our 4th Grade students are beginning our 2nd novel: Isabela captura un congo. It is the second book in a series that we started in 3rd grade. 3rd Graders are beginning to read our first novel completely in Spanish: Aventuras de Isabela. Ask them about the story. Second graders are continuing to review describing words and numbers 1-10. Be sure to ask them to tell you what they have learned so far. Practicing these words in different settings really helps to solidfy these skills. Kindergartners are learning how to describe people and things. Mrs. Swanson Recess and Weather We often get questions about outdoor recess. We will have outdoor recess if the temperature is 17 degrees or above. If there is snow on the ground, students are only allowed out on the field or playground equipment if they are wearing snow boots and snow pants. Otherwise they have to stay on the blacktop. Be sure to send your child with hats and gloves/mittens so they can stay warm when we have outdoor recess! Label all clothing so if it is misplaced, we can reunite it with its owner! J In the morning before school, if the weather is too cold, we will have students go to the gym before school. The gym door should be open, if it is not at the time you drop off your student, have them come through the front door. Thank you! CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 11 December 1 Mrs. Snow’s Craft Class 1st & 2nd Grade 3:45-4:45 1 PTO Meeting 2:30 2 Young Rembrandts 3:45-4:45 3 Chessmates 3:45-4:45 Little Kids Rock 3:45-4:30 Mrs. Snow’s Craft Class 3rd & 4th Grade 3:45-4:45 8 Mrs. Snow’s Craft Class 1st & 2nd Grade 3:45-4:45 9 Young Rembrandts 3:45-4:45 10 Chessmates 3:45-4:45 Little Kids Rock 3:45-4:30 Mrs. Snow’s Craft Class 3rd & 4th Grade 3:45-4:45 15 Mrs. Snow’s Craft Class 1st & 2nd Grade 3:45-4:45 17 Little Kids Rock 3:45-4:30 1st Grade Music Program 6:30 Mrs. Snow’s Craft Class 3rd & 4th Grade 3:45-4:45 21 Winter Break begins Have a Very Happy New Year!! CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 12 CLPE Pirate Pages PAGE 13
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