Bromsgrove District Plan Examination Submission Document on
Bromsgrove District Plan Examination Submission Document on Bromsgrove District Plan Examination Submission Document on behalf of Phoenix Life Limited Matter B5 – Site Allocations November 2014 DTZ, a UGL company 1 Colmore Row Birmingham B4 6AJ Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Matters for Examination 6 3 Evaluation of BDP Evidence Base 7 3 The Market for Existing Use 8 4 Market Demand for Residential Use 10 5 Sustainability Assessment 11 6 Site Delivery 14 Appendix 1 – Qualitative Site Evaluation Appendix 2 – Site Marketing Brochure Appendix 3 – Development Appraisal Appendix 4 – Submission site Masterplan Page 2 1 Introduction 1.1 This report has been prepared on behalf of Phoenix Life for submission to the Bromsgrove District Plan (BDP) examination in relation to the land at Wythall Green Way known as Wythall Green Business Park. 1.2 W thall G ee Busi ess Pa k as de eloped i the id s as a offi e a pus fo B ita i Assu a e. The main campus building is currently occupied by Phoenix Life and Boundary House is occupied by Selco. The existing buildings comprised what was envisaged as the first phase of the development of the business park. Outline planning permission exists for the extension of the business park (see below) and was granted in 1998. This outline planning permission has been extended several times most recently in 2012. 1.3 Phoenix Life (and the sites previous owners) has actively sought to market the remaining development land within the Business Park for a substantial period of time without success. As is evidenced later in this document, the development of the remaining plots is not viable. This has been the case for a substantial amount of time and it is not envisaged the position will change in the short to medium term, if at all. 1.4 The reason for Phoenix Life s ep ese tatio s to the BDP efle t its o je tive to complete the development of the campus site through the introduction of viable and complementary uses that will make best use of the vacant land and create a sustainable and attractive environment to live and work. In accordance with best practice Phoenix Life is promoting part of the remaining site for residential development. 1.5 This document explains the benefits of the proposed allocation and why a minor modification to the plan to reflect the proposed allocation will make the BDP sound. Site Location and Description 1.6 The existing office campus at Wythall Green Business Park, off Wythall Green Way and extends in total to approximately 17 hectares. The land being promoted for residential use within this document (hereafter efe ed to as the su issio site e te ds to . he ta es a site pla sho i g the su issio site edged i red is shown at figure 1.1 below). The village of Wythall is located to the east of the site. The site lies approximately 3km south of Maypole roundabout and Birmingham urban boundary, and 2.5km north of Junction 3 of the M42/A435. 1.7 The Business Park is bounded by open farmland to the north and Kings Norton Golf Club to the west. To the south is the Bi i gha Museu of T a spo t a d “t Ma s Ca a a Pa k a d Caravan Club site. Middle Lane runs adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Business Park. There is a public footpath along the western boundary of the site. 1.8 The site is accessed from an internal road running between the site to the south and the headquarters office development to the north. Landscaping screens the site and the existing development within the Business Park. The context of the Wythall Green site is shown within the adopted Bromsgrove Local Plan proposals map at figure 1.2, which identifies the entire business park site (including the submission site) is allocated for employment use and surrounded by Green Belt land. Page 3 Figure 1.1: The Submission Site Page 4 Figure 1.2: Site Allocation 1.9 Figure 1.2 demonstrates the close proximity of the submission site to existing development to the south and the nearby settlements of Wythall and Drakes Cross. 1.10 A Transport Appraisal (including an accessibility and sustainability assessment) of the site has been undertaken in order to demonstrate the potential of the submission site and the clear benefits arising from its development. The Transport Appraisal identifies the existing public transport links, local facilities and identifies sustainable initiatives that would be delivered by the development of the submission site. The conclusions are contained in section six of this report. Page 5 2 Matters for Examination 2.1 The duly made objections of Phoenix Life Ltd are relevant to a number of matters that are to be discussed at the Examination of the BDP. Specifically, this submission document focuses on; Matter B5.1 Are the allocated sites appropriate and deliverable, having regard to the provision of the necessary infrastructure, affordable housing and other facilities, and taking account of environmental constraints? Are relevant development requirements clearly set out and appropriately justified? Is the overall site selection methodology robust and transparent? Matter B5.2 If there is a need to identify additional land for housing, are the alternative proposals that have been put forward in representations appropriate and deliverable? Have they been subject to sustainability appraisal compatible with that for the Local Plan and to public consultation? 2.2 Each question is answered in the following sections: 2.3 Evaluation of the evidence base The market for existing use Market Demand for Residential Use Sustainability Assessment Site Delivery By implication, this submission document is also relevant to matters relating to housing. However, this is dealt ith th ough lie t s su issio s fo a e-allocation of the submission land from employment use to residential use. Furthermore, Bromsgrove District Council accepts that in order to identify sufficient land to eet the Dist i t s housi g eeds it ill e e essa to u de take a G ee Belt ‘e ie . The de elop e t of the submission site for residential use will reduce the impacts on the Green Belt. Page 6 3 Evaluation of BDP Evidence Base 3.1 The ELR evaluates the Wythall Green Business Park site and concludes the following: 3.2 The ELR makes a number of assumptions regarding the marketing of the site and the aspirations of the site owners, which do not take into account the 18 months of active site marketing. The ELR states: 3.3 The site is designated as employment land within the Bromsgrove District Local Plan. The quality of the existing portfolio is very good and the site benefits from modern and attractive buildings with a good level of circulation space and high quality landscaping. The external environment of the site is good, being set within an attractive rural area. It is likely that the site could be attractive for a number of users. The site does not appear to have any bad neighbour uses. The site has good visibility from Middle Lane and is approximately 1.1km from the local facilities of Wythall. There appears to be no known abnormal development requirements applying to the site and the site has no formal environmental constraints or designations. Development of the remainder of the site could make a valuable contribution to meeting economic objectives including job creation. The site is lassified as Good a d the e aluatio is atta hed at appe di 1. The vacant part of the site has been available for a number of years and there is no apparent marketing of the site. The site has been marketed for over 18 months and a brochure is attached at appendix 2. The site is the subject of an extant planning permission for office-led development which is a renewal of a previous permission which was not implemented. This indicates that the site owner is supportive of employment uses on the site but perhaps suggests that interest from potential occupiers / developers is more limited. The site owners have been supportive of employment uses for over a decade. However, the lack of interest in the available development land has resulted in the need to identify alternative options for the site. The ELR recommends that sites a ked Best a d Good i.e. the su issio site should e etai ed a d their loss to other uses should only be allowed in exceptional circumstances, where it can be clearly demonstrated that continued / new employment is not viable or that a lack of demand it can be robustly proven. Page 7 3 The Market for Existing Use Are the allocated sites appropriate and deliverable, having regard to the provision of the necessary infrastructure, affordable housing and other facilities, and taking account of environmental constraints? 3.1 The development land at Wythall Green Business Park (including the submission site) has been marketed for employment use for over 18 months. There has been no interest expressed in acquiring the land for the development of offices or other employment uses. This section summarises the findings of the extensive marketing undertaken to date and explains the market context and how the Business Park and in particular the submission site compare against competing sites. Scale and Location 3.2 The Wythall Green Business Pa k site o p ises a la ge fo at head ua te s offi e a pus ith pla i g permission in place for 22,495 additional sq m of office floorspace. The scale of the site and the existing buildings are similar to other large office developments located at junctions along the M42. Similarly, the permitted extension is of a scale equivalent to the existing buildings on the business park and was intended to serve a similar office market when originally permitted. 3.3 The Cou il s e ide e ase ide tifies the site as ei g lo ated i the u al east pa t of the Dist i t. It is accepted by the Council that this is not a distinct market area and it is clear that Wythall Green Business Park is not typical of employment allocations in this part of the district (or indeed the District as a whole). 3.4 The vast majority of employment land within the rural east comprises small scale employment sites in rural locations and larger scale employment sites which closely relate to the Redditch market. Wythall Green Business Park more closely relates to business parks along the M42 corridor serving the wider West Midlands Market. 3.5 However, despite being close to the M42, Wythall Green is relatively isolated from the metropolitan urban area it does not compare well with those office parks immediately adjoining the urban area, in particular, Blythe Valley, Fore and Solihull Business Park located at junction 4. Market Demand 3.6 Larger office requirements are more likely to be attracted to business parks on the M42 corridor and which adjoin the urban area. Whilst smaller format office development (e.g courtyard office schemes) could be accommodated at Wythall Green on the submission site the occupier requirements tend to prefer locations within or surrounding Bromsgrove town as they are typically small professional local firms. Similarly, in Redditch, the office market is largely ancillary to existing industrial uses and occupier requirements also tend to be focussed on the urban area of Redditch close to the existing businesses. Figure 4.1 shows the location of those sites that are capable of competing with the submission site for similar requirements. 3.7 The marketing of the submission site to date has identified no demand for employment development. DTZ consider the format most likely to appeal to the market would be the incremental development of the site as an office courtyard development. Page 8 3.8 DTZ does not consider the site is attractive for the development of small scale light industrial units or hybrid units, such as those recently developed at Harris Business Park and this is evidenced by the lack of interest throughout the marketing period. Development Viability 3.9 The fundamental reason for the lack of interest shown by the marketing of the submission site is that office development in this location is not viable. The rental values and yields achieved by the market cannot support an office development in prime office locations within the M42 corridor and there is no current development in the pipeline in any of these locations. As the submission site is less attractive as a location it is unlikely office development will be viable on the site for the foreseeable future without facilitating development. A development appraisal of an indicative office scheme on the remaining land at Wythall Green site is attached at appendix 3 and demonstrates the extent of the viability gap. 3.10 Office development has also not come forward in recent years at the existing sites in and around Bromsgrove for the same reason. Indeed, it is noteworthy that a significant proportion of land originally envisaged for office development has been developed for alternative uses such as car showrooms at Buntsford Hill. Figure 4.1 Location of Competing Sites Summary 3.11 The existing site allocation for Wythall Green Business Park is not deliverable. The most appropriate allocation will reallocate 3.8 hectares of land (the submission site) for residential development in order to kick start the completion of Wythall Green site and create a sustainable mixed use site. Page 9 4 Market Demand for Residential Use 4.1 DTZ is currently advising on the sale of some of the largest residential development sites in the West Midlands and has substantial experience in the Bromsgrove residential market. 4.2 DTZ considers the submission site to be a very attractive location for residential development that will appeal to a wide range of national and regional house builders and developers. The submission site is capable of accommodating approximately 130 residential units, which is of a scale that meets the requirements of the widest range of the market. 4.3 Following the submission of representations by Phoenix Life to the Bromsgrove District Plan DTZ has conducted a soft marketing exercise to understand the market appetite for the site. There has been substantial interest in the site from numerous house builders and developers including David Wilson Homes. Page 10 5 Sustainability Assessment Have the proposed additional sites for housing been subject to sustainability appraisal compatible with that for the Local Plan and to public consultation? 5.1 The submission site is allocated for employment use and benefits from outline planning permission. Reallocating the site for housing will kick start the delivery of the remaining development land at Wythall Green. It will deliver a sustainable mixed use site that is capable of accommodating additional employment land. 5.2 A Transport Appraisal (including an accessibility and sustainability assessment) of the site has been undertaken in order to demonstrate the potential of the submission site and the clear benefits arising from its development. The Transport Appraisal identifies the existing public transport links, local facilities and identifies sustainable initiatives that would be delivered by the development of the submission site and these are summarised below: The overall public transport provision provides links towards employment and retail opportunities in Birmingham City Centre, Shirley, Solihull and Redditch. Bus services that stop in the vicinity of the site include Service numbers 50, X50, 150, and S3, which can e a essed o the Al este ‘oad to the o th of Be kett s Fa Isla d a out k f o the p oposal site. Services 150 & S3 can also be accessed on Chapel Lane off Middle Lane at 800m from the proposal site. A private bus service operates to and from the Phoenix Life building on the site. The service provides a link from site between; the Man on the Moon public house on the Redditch Road, Maypole, Alcester Road, Wythall Railway Station, and the Phoenix Group building. There is a possibility that any residential development on site might be able to utilise this sustainable travel resource. The closest rail station to the proposal site is Wythall about 2.5km from the proposal site. The station lies on the line between Stourbridge Junction via Birmingham Snow Hill and Moor Street to Stratfordupon-Avon. The service is hourly with the earliest and latest weekday services towards Stourbridge Junction at 06:59 and 22:56. Towards Stratford-upon-Avon the earliest and latest services are 06:53 and 22:56. Some additional services also run at peak commuting times. The station has cycle storage spaces but no car park. The station is accessible by bus; service S3 provides early morning and late afternoon/early eveni g li ks to a ds Be kett s Fa Isla d a d Chapel La e. The existing private bus service operated by Phoenix Life provides a link to and from the railway station during peak hours of arrival/departure from the site. The nearest local cycle route to the proposal site is a local on-road route along Icknield Street with access to Middle Lane from Clewshaw Lane. The majority of local roads are rural or semi-rural in nature and the A435 is a busy radial route between Birmingham, the M42, and beyond to settlements such as Alcester and Evesham. As a result, such routes are unlikely to be ideal for all cyclists but proficient cyclists would find the routes, apart from the A435, fairly lightly trafficked and acceptable for commuting; certainly as far as Wythall Railway Station. A footway is provided on the southern side of Middle Lane providing a walk link to leisure, restaurant, a d etail fa ilities p o ided at the Be kett s Fa outlet. The foot a also p o ides a li kage to a ds local bus services off Chapel La e a d Be kett s Fa Isla d. The alk oute to fa ilities at D ake s C oss Page 11 will be along Wilmore Lane and Silver Street. Wilmore Lane has no footways but is a quiet single track road subject to a 30mph speed limit. As part of the 1998 outline permission for 22,600 sq m B1 development on the site that a S106 Agreement was entered into to provide a footway/cycle way link along the southern side of Middle Lane to a ds a d a oss the southe a of Be kett s Isla d. O e e al of this pe issio i 03 and again in 2006 Worcestershire CC confirmed receipt of these monies although the combined footway/cycleway has yet to be implemented. Local Facilities Figure 6.1 identifies local shops and facilities and also the location of nearby bus stops and Wythall Railway Station. The Be kett s Fa outlet p o ides a u e of fa ilities i ludi g; ake , ut he s, deli atesse , takea a , afe, estau a t, a d g o e s. Also o the site a e; o fe e i g fa ilities, fu itu e etaile s, cookery school, a beauty salon, florist, gift shop, tyre & exhaust centre, and a golf shop & driving range facility. This facility is a 750m walk from the proposal site. O the Al este ‘oad at D ake s C oss a out . k o th of the site is the White “ a pu li house. Other facilities in this location include; post office, beauty salon, hairdresser, mini-markets, Chinese takea a , estate age ts, fish a d hip shop, ut he s, flo ist a d opti ia . Other facilities nearby include; a mini-market, Chinese takeaway, stationers, fish and chip shop, beauty salon and pharmacy, all located on Station Road about 2.1km from the proposal site. Kings Norton and Fulford Heath Golf clubs are also nearby. Further afield retail facilities, including supermarkets and a range of typical High Street shops, are available at the Maypole. The closest primary school to the development site is Meadow Green Primary School on Meadow Road off Station Road within 1.3km of the proposal site. Further afield on Shawhurst Lane, off Alcester Road is Coppice Primary School. Adjacent to the Coppice Primary School is Woodrush Community High School. Sustainable Initiatives 5.3 The Transport Appraisal confirms that a residential development proposal would be accompanied by a travel plan, the purpose of which would be to promote the use of sustainable travel to and from the site. It is envisaged that the measures would include, but not be limited to, the following; Appoint a travel plan coordinator; Promote the travel plan and sustainable travel opportunities on the development website; Provide travel plan packs to new residents; Provide vouchers redeemable against public transport travel cards for the initial occupants of the site; Upgrade nearest bus stops to shelters; Provide cycle parking for dwellings (whether in a garage for those with garages or in an alternative storage area). Page 12 Figure 6.1: Local Facilities Evaluation of Evidence Base Assessment 5.4 The Cou il s 2014 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) considers the submission site and concludes that it should be discounted as a potential site for the following reasons: Strategy Location – The site is physically separate from all defined settlements, it would be unsustainable to build homes in such a detached location, and the sprawl of such housing estates across the district would materially harm the character and appearance of the area. 5.4 Whilst the site is physically separate from defined settlements it is allocated as an employment site and benefits from extant planning permission for development. The submission site adjoins existing development (including residential uses) and is located in close proximity to Wythall. The creation of a mixed use site provides the opportunity to improve the sustainability of the existing business park, make best use of the outstanding facilities on site, as well as improve the links between the Wythall Green site and the surrounding settlements. In doing so the development of the submission site would not result in the sprawl of housing estates across the district and it would not materially harm the character and appearance of the area. Green Belt – To ensure that there is permanence to Green Belt boundaries, sites within the Green Belt will initially be discounted. 5.5 The submission site is not located within the Green Belt and, therefore, should not be discounted for this reason. Page 13 6 Site Delivery If there is a need to identify additional land for housing, are the alternative proposals that have been put forward in representations appropriate and deliverable? 6.1 A su ary of the site details a d a lear u dersta di g of the site’s o strai ts are set out elow (consistent with information required by the SHLAA) which demonstrates that the submission site is capable of delivery within five years: 6.2 Site area: 3.8 hectares – the attached masterplan demonstrates the potential capacity of the site. The site is allocated for development The site is access from Wythall Green Way Public transport access includes bus services (approximately 800 metres from the site with the opportunity of bus services from the site. The nearest railway station is approximately 2 kilometres from the site. Utilities and services are available on the Wythall Green business park site and capable of accommodating development on the submissions site. The site benefits from extant planning permission for office development. The site is in single ownership with a willing seller There is a high level of developer interest for residential use The site is viable for residential use The site lies within flood zone 1 and is not at risk of flooding The site is le el a d is ot affe ted TPO s The site is constrained by an employment land allocation The submission site has the potential to make a signifi a t o t i utio to a ds eeti g the Cou il s housing land supply and this would still retain development land for employment use within the Wythall Business Park site. Site Masterplan 6.3 The submission site masterplan attached at appendix 4 provides an indication of how the site could be developed for residential use that would enhance the environment of the wider site and its surroundings. The indicative layout shows 130 dwellings at a development density of 34 dwellings per hectare reflecting the development density of nearby residential development. 6.4 Open space is retained within the site close to the existing sports and recreation facilities already on site. The orientation of the layout is informed by retaining views into the cricket field located centrally within Wythall Green. Page 14 Appendix 1 – Qualitative Site Evaluation Criteria Ranking for Wythall Green Business Park (submission site only) BDC DTZ Key: 4 = Best, 3 = Good, 2 = Moderate, 1 = Other Market Attractiveness Quality of the existing portfolio, internal and external environment o Quality of the existing environment o Amenity impacts (e.g. noise, dust and smell) Quality of the Wider Environment o Adjoining land uses o Road frontage visibility o Perception of the wider environmental quality (attractive, countryside setting, urban context in need of regeneration etc) o Availability of local facilities including retail and housing Accessibility o Ease of a ess to the st ategi high a et o ks i.e. a A oad / oto a o Quality of local road access o Quality of site access Market Conditions / Perception of Demand o Duration of availability o Marketing and enquiry interest Ownership o Ownership / owner aspirations Site Development Constraints o Environmental constraints and abnormal development requirements (e.g. landscape / nature conservation designations, heritage features (listed buildings a d o se atio a eas . TPO s a d ide tified i de elop e t e ui e e ts / issues / constraints set out in Local Plan policies, site development briefs etc) o Physical site features (e.g. site size, shape, topography, pylons, drainage ditches and known underground utilities infrastructure dissecting the site) o Ground conditions / contamination o Flooding Environmental Sustainability Prudent use of Natural Resources o Sequential Location o Land classification o Ease of access to public transport o Ease of walking and cycling Effective protection and enhancement of the environment o Potential to enhance environmental quality without impacting on the sensitivity of environmental resources Strategic Planning Social Progress and Regeneration 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 - 4 3 - 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Page 15 o o Multiple Deprivation Indices (national statistics website) Ability to deliver specific regeneration objectives (including comprehensive / mixed use development) Economic Development o Ability to improve local economic activity rates o Economic Development 2 3 1 3 1 3 Page 16 Appendix 2 – Site Marketing Brochure Page 17 Wythall Green BUSINESS PARK Design and Build Pre-Let Development Opportunity 3.2 acres and 8.42 acres sites available The Opportunity Wythall Green BUSINESS PARK Wythall Green is a prestigious landmark scheme, strategically located just two miles from junction 3 of the M42 at the heart of the Midlands’ business network and in close proximity to Birmingham City Centre. The 42 acre landscaped environment is characterised by waterscapes and countryside views, offering an unrivalled working environment. Already home to the 220,000 sq ft corporate headquarters of Phoenix Life Assurance Limited with associated onsite facilities, Wythall Green provides an excellent prospect for a high profile development opportunity with extensive on site car parking. Design and Build Pre-Let Development Opportunity 02 The Site Two separate development sites of 3.2 acres and 8.42 acres with outline planning consent for up to 243,000 sq ft are available as design and build opportunities within one of the Midlands’ premier office environments. Wythall Green BUSINESS PARK Phoenix Life Assurance Development Areas Plot 1100 Plot 1100 3.2 acres (1.3 hectares) Plot 1200 8.42 acres (3.4 hectares) Site Boundary Plot 1200 Design and Build Pre-Let Development Opportunity 03 The Location Wythall Green benefits from easy access and communication links with Birmingham’s central business district. Road Situated just minutes away from the region’s extensive motorway network, Wythall Green’s prestigious location offers access to almost 75% of the UK within two hours’ drive. The site is approximately two miles away from junction 3 of the M42 (less than five minutes by car) and five miles to the M40 south for Oxford and London. The M6 for both north and south destinations is easily accessed via the M42 junction 7. Wythall Green BUSINESS PARK Rail & Air Both Birmingham International railway station and Birmingham Airport are approximately 15 miles away (around 20 minutes’ drive time) when accessed by the M42 junction 6. The railway station provides direct access to Birmingham New Street railway station along with fast links to the rest of the West Midlands and the UK. The airport offers hundreds of national and international flights serving over 125 direct destinations with the runway extension due for completion in 2014 set to increase its global reach. Bus Within easy reach of a skilled workforce, a fast and efficient bus service is operational five days a week from dedicated bus stops along the south Birmingham suburb routes. Design and Build Pre-Let Development Opportunity 04 For all enquiries: DTZ, a UGL company, for themselves and for the vendors or lessor of this property for whom they act, give notice that: (i) these particulars are a general outline only, for the guidance of prospective purchasers or tenants, and do not constitute the whole or any part of an offer or contract; (ii) DTZ cannot guarantee the accuracy of any description, dimensions, references to condition, necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details contained herein and prospective purchasers or tenants must not rely on them as statements of fact or representations and must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy; (iii) rents quoted in these particulars maybe subject to VAT in addition; (iv) DTZ will not be liable, in negligence or otherwise, for any loss arising from the use of these particulars; and (v) the reference to any plant, machinery, equipment, services, fixtures or fittings at the property shall not constitute a representation (unless otherwise stated) as to it’s state or condition or that it is capable of fulfilling its intended function. Prospective purchasers/tenants should satisfy themselves as to the fitness of such items for their requirements.(vi) no employee of DTZ has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty or enter into any contract whatever in relation to the property. Produced by Core 0121 232 5000. February 2013. Appendix 3 – Development Appraisal Page 18 DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Development Appraisal Report Date: 12 November 2014 APPRAISAL SUMMARY DTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG Summary Appraisal for Phase 1 Currency in £ REVENUE Rental Area Summary Plot 1300 & 1400 Investment Valuation Plot 1300 & 1400 Market Rent (1yr Rent Free) Units 1 ft² 170,000 Rate ft² 16.00 Initial MRV/Unit 2,720,000 Net Rent at Sale 2,720,000 2,720,000 YP @ PV 1yr @ 7.5000% 7.5000% 13.3333 0.9302 33,736,434 GROSS DEVELOPMENT VALUE Initial MRV 2,720,000 33,736,434 Purchaser's Costs 5.80% (1,956,713) (1,956,713) NET DEVELOPMENT VALUE 31,779,721 NET REALISATION 31,779,721 OUTLAY ACQUISITION COSTS Residualised Price Town Planning Survey (3,009,035) 20,000 5,000 (2,984,035) CONSTRUCTION COSTS Construction Plot 1300 & 1400 Developers Contingency ft² 190,000 ft² Rate ft² 120 pf² Cost 22,800,000 3.00% 684,000 22,800,000 684,000 PROFESSIONAL FEES Professional Fees 10.00% 2,280,000 2,280,000 MARKETING & LETTING Marketing Letting Agent Fee Letting Legal Fee 15.00% 5.00% 170,000 408,000 136,000 714,000 DISPOSAL FEES Sales Agent Fee Sales Legal Fee 1.00% 0.50% 317,797 158,899 476,696 FINANCE Debit Rate 6.000% Credit Rate 0.000% (Nominal) Land Construction Letting Void Total Finance Cost (192,349) 868,617 2,987,600 3,663,868 TOTAL COSTS 27,634,529 PROFIT 4,145,192 Performance Measures Profit on Cost% Profit on GDV% Profit on NDV% Development Yield% (on Rent) Equivalent Yield% (Nominal) Equivalent Yield% (True) IRR Rent Cover Profit Erosion (finance rate 6.000%) File: [Untitled] ARGUS Developer Version: 6.00.002 15.00% 12.29% 13.04% 9.84% 7.50% 7.87% 12.53% 1 yr 6 mths 2 yrs 4 mths Date: 12/11/2014 Appendix 4 – Submission site Masterplan Page 19 © This drawing and the building works depicted are the copyright of the Architect and may not be reproduced except with written consent. Figured dimensions only are to be taken from this drawing. All contractors must visit the site and be responsible for taking and checking all dimensions relative to their work. Lathams are to be advised of any variation between drawings and site conditions. Do not scale off drawings. All dimensions to be checked on site. NORTH Open Space Open Space Rev Comments Date Drawn PLANNING STATUS Derby: St. Michael's, Queen Street ,Derby DE1 3SU t: +44 (0) 1332 365777 London: 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ t: +44 (0) 20 7490 0672 e: Architecture Conservation Urbanism Landscape PROJECT WYTHALL GREEN ROAD OFF MIDDLE LANE, Wythall Birmingham CLIENT TITLE SITE PROPOSAL 0 5 metres 1:500 10 15 30 SCALE 1:500 DATE NOV 2014 DRAWN PJ CHECKED SH PROJECT NO. DWG NO. REV NO. DWG SIZE A A1 © copyright