Incredible? Can you Imagine THIS !! We Can Vision Statement To be world class organisation by: Enhancing values to our customers and other stakeholders. n Caring for employee to work as a motivated team in an open and learning n environment. Setting challenging new standards of performance. n Focusing on total quality,innovation and responsible care towards the n environment. Mission Statement We are in the business of: Manufacturing and Supplying Crop Protection and Speciality Chemicals Worldwide. Providing solutions to optimise farm productivity for the farmer through innovative and cost effective products to provide the customer better value for money. United Phosphorus Limited 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 CONTENTS Page No(s). Consolidated Financial Highlights at a glance for last five years 2 Board of Directors, etc. 3 Notice 4-8 Directors Report 9-17 Corporate Governance 18-24 Management Discussion and Analysis 25-26 Auditors Report 27-29 Balance Sheet 30 Profit and Loss Account 31 Cash Flow Statement 32-33 Schedules forming part of the Balance Sheet-A to N 34-45 Schedules forming part of the Profit and Loss Account-O to S 46-47 Notes on Accounts- Schedule T 48-63 Statement pursuant to exemption under section 212(8) of the Companies Act, 1956 relating to Subsidiary Companies 64 Statement pursuant to section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956 relating to Subsidiary Companies 65 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Auditors Report 66-67 Balance Sheet 68 Profit and Loss Account 69 Cash Flow Statement 70 Schedules forming part of the Balance Sheet-A to N 71-77 Schedules forming part of the Profit and Loss Account-O to R 78-79 Notes on Accounts- Schedule S 80-91 24th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Date : 18th September, 2008 Day : Thursday Time : 10.30 a. m. Place : Hotel Green View Hall, National Highway No.8, G.I.D.C., Vapi 396 195. For assistance regarding share transfers, transmission, change of address, duplicate/loss of shares and other related matters, please write to the Registrars & Share Transfer Agents Sharepro Services(India) Pvt. Ltd. Unit : United Phosphorus Ltd. Satam Estate, 3rd Floor, Above Bank of Baroda, Cardinal Gracious Road, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai- 400 099. Phone No(s). : 91-022-6772 0300 / 6772 0346 Fax No. : 91-022-2837 5646 BOOK CLOSURE Saturday, 6th September, 2008 to Thursday, 18th September, 2008 1 United Phosphorus Limited CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS AT A GLANCE FOR LAST FIVE YEARS (Rupees in Crores) Accounting Year 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Sales 1054 1356 1669 2311 3516 Total Income 1108 1423 1802 2471 3762 Earnings before Depreciation, Interest, Amortisation and Tax (EBDITA) 292 356 490 588 737 Profit after tax & minority interest 101 156 216 258 258 Gross Fixed Assets 920 1004 1100 2223 2497 Net Fixed Assets 549 562 652 1092 1280 Net worth 459 781 1276 1495 2238 Earning per share 5.66 8.69 11.57 13.04 11.64 Book Value per share 31.39 47.15 68.20 79.71 101.87 Debt Equity Ratio 1.36:1 0.78:1 0.95:1 1.31:1 0.70:1 9.64 11.59 13.06 11.16 7.40 Net Profit/Sales (%) Dividend on Equity Share (%) Return on Net worth (%) 30 40 50 60 100 22.12 20.13 17.07 17.26 11.57 SALES EBIDTA 800 3200 Rs. in crores Rs. in Crores 3800 2600 2000 1400 800 600 400 200 0 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Years 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Years Debt - Equity Ratio Dividend on Equity Share (%) 120 Percentage % 5 2.2 5 1.7 Ratio 2003-04 5 1.2 5 0.7 100 80 40 5 0.2 Years Years 11.16 10 9.64 7.34 5 2500 2000 1500 1000 20 07 -0 8 20 06 -0 7 20 05 -0 6 20 04 -0 5 500 Years 2 Net Worth Rs. in Crores 13.06 11.59 20 03 -0 4 Percentage % Net Profit % To Sales 15 0 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Years 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MR. R. D. SHROFF MRS. S. R. SHROFF MR. J. R. SHROFF MR. V. R. SHROFF MR. A. C. ASHAR MR. K. BANERJEE MR. PRADEEP GOYAL DR. P. V. KRISHNA DR. (MRS) R. RAMACHANDRAN MR. PRADIP MADHAVJI MR. VINOD SETHI MR. CHIRAYU R. AMIN - Chairman & Managing Director Vice Chairman Global CEO of the Group Executive Director Director Finance Whole - time Director COMPANY SECRETARY MR. M. B. TRIVEDI AUDITORS S. V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants BANKERS Dena Bank Bank of Baroda State Bank of India Union Bank of India Canara Bank Centurion Bank Ltd. IDBI Bank Ltd. Punjab & Sind Bank The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd. Axis Bank Ltd. Andhra Bank State Bank of Hyderabad Export-Import Bank of India ICICI Bank Ltd. ING Vysya Bank Ltd. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Uniphos House, C.D.Marg, Khar (West), Mumbai- 400 052 Tel.: 2646 8000 Fax: 2604 1010 REGISTERED OFFICE 3-11, G.I.D.C., Vapi, Dist. : Valsad, Gujarat-396 195. Tel.: 0260-2400717. Fax: 0260-2401823. SECRETARIAL DEPARTMENT 8, Shri Krishna Commercial Centre, Ground Floor, Opp. Raheja Solitaire, 6, Udyog Nagar, Off S. V. Road, Goregaon (West), Mumbai- 400 062. Tel.: 2872 4862. Fax: 2875 3485. 3 United Phosphorus Limited NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that 24th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Members of UNITED PHOSPHORUS LIMITED will be held on Thursday, 18th September, 2008 at 10.30 a. m. at Hotel Green View Hall, National Highway No. 8, G.I.D.C., Vapi - 396 195, to transact the following business: ORDINARY BUSINESS: 1. To consider and adopt the audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2008, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date and the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon. 2. To declare dividend on equity shares. 3. 4. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. J. R. Shroff, who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. To appoint a Director in place of Dr. P. V. Krishna, who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers himself for reappointment. 5. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Pradeep Goyal, who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers himself for reappointment. 6. To appoint a Director in place of Mrs. S. R. Shroff, who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers herself for reappointment. 7. To appoint Auditors and fix their remuneration. SPECIAL BUSINESS: 8. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification, the following resolution as a Special Resolution: RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the provisions of Sections 198, 269 and 309 read with Schedule XIII and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), the consent of the Company be and is hereby accorded to the reappointment of Mr. Rajju D. Shroff as Chairman and Managing Director of the Company, for a period of 5 (five) years with effect from 1st October, 2008, on the terms and conditions including remuneration as are set out in the agreement to be entered into between the Company and Mr. Rajju D. Shroff, a draft whereof is placed before this meeting which agreement is hereby specifically sanctioned with liberty to the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board which term shall be deemed to include the Remuneration Committee constituted by the Board) to alter and vary the terms and conditions of the said reappointment and/or remuneration and/or agreement, subject to the same not exceeding the limits specified in Schedule XIII to the Companies Act, 1956, including any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force or as may hereafter be made by the Central Government in that behalf from time to time, or any amendments thereto as may be agreed to between the Board and Mr. Rajju D. Shroff. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT where in any financial year the Company has no profits or its profits are inadequate, the said Mr. Rajju D. Shroff shall be paid the aforementioned remuneration as minimum remuneration subject however to the limits prescribed under the said Schedule XIII or any modifications thereof. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to take all such steps as may be necessary, proper or expedient to give effect to this resolution. 9. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the provisions of Sections 198, 269 and 309 read with Schedule XIII and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), the consent of the Company be and is hereby accorded to the reappointment of Mr. Arun C. Ashar, as Whole-time Director designated as Director - Finance, for a period of 5 (five) years with effect from 1st October, 2008, on the terms and conditions including remuneration as are set out in the agreement to be entered into between the Company and Mr. Arun C. Ashar, a draft whereof is placed before this meeting which agreement is hereby specifically sanctioned with liberty to the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board which term shall be deemed to include the Remuneration Committee constituted by the Board) to alter and vary the terms and conditions of the said reappointment and/or remuneration and/or agreement, subject to the same not exceeding the limits specified in Schedule XIII to the Companies Act, 1956, including any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force or as may hereafter be made by the Central Government in that behalf from time to time, or any amendments thereto as may be agreed to between the Board and Mr. Arun C. Ashar. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT where in any financial year the Company has no profits or its profits are inadequate, the said Mr. Arun C. Ashar shall be paid the aforementioned remuneration as minimum remuneration subject however to the limits prescribed under the said Schedule XIII or any modifications thereof. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to take all such steps as may be necessary, proper or expedient to give effect to this resolution. 10. 4 To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification(s), the following resolution as a Special Resolution: RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the provisions of Sections 198, 269 and 309 read with Schedule XIII and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), the consent of the Company be and is hereby accorded to the reappointment of Mr. Kalyan Banerjee, as Whole-time Director, for a period of 5 (five) years with effect from 1st October, 2008, on the terms and conditions including remuneration as are set out in the agreement to be entered into between the Company and Mr. Kalyan Banerjee, a draft whereof is placed before this meeting which agreement is hereby specifically sanctioned with liberty to the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board which term shall be deemed to include the Remuneration Committee constituted by the Board) to alter and vary the terms and conditions of the said reappointment and/or remuneration and/ or agreement, subject to the same not exceeding the limits specified in Schedule XIII to the Companies Act, 1956, including any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force or as may hereafter be made by the Central Government in that behalf from time to time, or any amendments thereto as may be agreed to between the Board and Mr. Kalyan Banerjee. 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 11. 12. 13. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT where in any financial year the Company has no profits or its profits are inadequate, the said Mr. Kalyan Banerjee shall be paid the aforementioned remuneration as minimum remuneration subject however to the limits prescribed under the said Schedule XIII or any modifications thereof. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to take all such steps as may be necessary, proper or expedient to give effect to this resolution. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the provisions of Section16, 94 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), the Authorised Share Capital of the Company be and is hereby increased from Rs.300,00,00,000/- (Three Hundred Crores) divided into 27,50,00,000 (Twenty Seven Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares of Rs.2/- (Rupees Two) each, 1,40,00,000 (One Crore Forty Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred) each and 50,00,000 (Fifty Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each to Rs.400,00,00,000/- (Rupees Four Hundred Crores ) divided into 127,50,00,000 (One Hundred Twenty Seven Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares of Rs.2/- (Rupees Two) each, 1,40,00,000 (One Crore Forty Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred) each and 50,00,000 (Fifty Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each and consequently the existing Clause V of Memorandum of Association of the Company relating to Share Capital be and is hereby altered by deleting the same and substituting in its place and stead the following as new Clause V. V. The Authorised Capital of the Company is Rs.400,00,00,000/- (Rupees Four Hundred Crores ) divided into 127,50,00,000 (One Hundred Twenty Seven Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares of Rs.2/- (Rupees Two) each, 1,40,00,000 (One Crore Forty Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred) each and 50,00,000 (Fifty Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each with power to increase or reduce the capital of the Company and to divide the shares in the capital for the time being into several classes and to attach thereto respectively such rights as may be determined by or in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company and to vary, modify, amalgamate or abrogate any such rights in such manner as may for the time being be provided in the Articles of Association of the Company. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification(s), the following resolution as a Special Resolution: RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 31 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), the Articles of Association of the Company be and is hereby altered as under: Existing Article No.3 of the Articles of Association of the Company, be and is hereby deleted and be substituted by the following Article: 3. The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs.400,00,00,000/- (Rupees Four Hundred Crores ) divided into 127,50,00,000 (One Hundred Twenty Seven Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares of Rs.2/- (Rupees Two) each, 1,40,00,000 (One Crore Forty Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred) each and 50,00,000 (Fifty Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs.10/- each, with power to increase or reduce the capital of the Company and to divide the shares in the capital for the time being into several classes and to attach thereto respectively such preferential, deferred, qualified, guaranteed or special rights, privileges or conditions as may be determined by or in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company for the time being and to vary, modify, amalgamate or abrogate any such rights, privileges or conditions, in such manner as may be permitted by the Act or the Articles of the Company for the time being. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: RESOLVED THAT (a) subject to such consents and approvals as may be required, and such conditions and modifications, as may be considered necessary and agreed to by the Board of Directors of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Board which expression shall also include a Committee thereof), a sum of Rs. 43,92,91,512 to be increased by a further sum that may be required on account of any conversion of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds or exercise of the options attached to the warrants issued to the Promoters after 31st March, 2008 up to the RECORD DATE to be fixed, as may be determined to be required by the Board, out of the amount of Rs.1073.87 crores standing to the credit of the Securities Premium Account as at 31st March, 2008, be capitalized and transferred from the Securities Premium Account to Share Capital Account and that such sum as may be determined to be required shall be applied for allotment of New Equity shares of the Company of Rs.2/- each as fully paid Bonus Shares to the persons who, on a date to be hereafter fixed by the Board (the RECORD DATE), shall be the holders of the existing Equity Shares of Rs.2/- each of the Company on the said date and that such New Equity Shares out of the Companys unissued Equity Shares, credited as fully paid, be accordingly allotted as Bonus Shares to such persons respectively as aforesaid in the proportion of 1 (One) new Equity Share for every 1 (One) existing Equity Share held by such persons respectively on the Record Date, upon the footing that they become entitled thereto for all purposes as capital; (b) the New Equity shares of Rs.2/- each to be allotted as Bonus Shares shall be subject to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company and shall rank pari passu in all respect with and carry the same rights as the existing Equity Shares and shall be entitled to participate in full in any dividends declared after the Bonus Shares are allotted; (c) no letter of Allotment shall be issued to the allottees of the Bonus Shares and the Share Certificates in respect of the New Equity Shares shall be issued and dispatched to the allottees thereof within the period prescribed or that may be prescribed in this behalf from time to time, except that the Bonus Shares will be credited to the demat accounts of the allottees who are holding the existing Equity Shares in electronic form; (d) the allotment of the fully paid New Equity Shares as Bonus Shares to the extent that they relate to non-resident members of the Company, shall be subject to the approval of the Reserve Bank of India, under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, if necessary; (e) the allotment of equity shares to be made in case of conversion of outstanding Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds or application for shares against warrants issued to promoters on preferential basis or exercise of options by Eligible Employees under the Employees Stock Option Plan, 2008 subsequent to the RECORD DATE, be increased proportionately by making adjustments on account of issue of the bonus shares. 5 United Phosphorus Limited (f) For the purpose of giving effect to this Resolution, the Board be and is hereby authorized to do all such acts and things and give such directions as may be necessary or desirable and to settle all questions or difficulties whatsoever that may arise with regard to the issue, allotment and distribution of the New Equity Shares. NOTES: 1. A MEMBER ENTITLED TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE MEETING IS ENTITLED TO APPOINT A PROXY TO ATTEND AND VOTE INSTEAD OF HIMSELF AND SUCH PROXY NEED NOT BE A MEMBER. The instrument appointing proxy in order to be effective should be duly stamped, completed and signed and should be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not later than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting. 2. All documents referred to in the accompanying Notice are open for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company on all working days except Saturdays between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. up to the date of 24th Annual General Meeting. 3. Members/Proxies should bring the Attendance Slip duly filled in for attending the meeting. 4. The Register of Members and The Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from Saturday, 6th September, 2008 to Thursday, 18th September, 2008 (both days inclusive). 5. The Members are requested to kindly send all their correspondence relating to the change of address, transfer of shares, etc. directly to the Companys Registrar & Transfer Agents Sharepro Services (India) Pvt. Ltd., Unit : United Phosphorus Limited, Satam Estate, 3rd Floor, Above Bank of Baroda, Cardinal Gracious Road, Chakala, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 099, quoting their Folio Number and in case their shares are held in dematerialised form, the intimation of change of address should be passed on to their respective Depository Participants. 6. Payment of dividend as recommended by the Directors, if declared at the Meeting, will be made on or after 24th September, 2008 to the Members whose names stand in the Companys Register of Members on 18th September, 2008 and to the Beneficiary Holders as per the Beneficiary List provided for the purpose by the National Securities Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (India) Limited. 7. Members seeking any information with regard to Accounts are requested to write to the Company at an early date so as to enable the management to keep the information ready. 8. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 205A of the Companies Act, 1956, unclaimed dividend for the financial year 199495 has been transferred to the General Revenue Account of the Central Government as required by the Companies Unpaid Dividend (Transfer to General Revenue Account of the Central Government) Rules, 1978. Members who have not encashed the Dividend Warrants pertaining to the said period may make their claims to the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Ahmedabad by submitting an application in prescribed form. 9. There is no outstanding unclaimed dividend for the year 1995-96. 10. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 205A(5) of the Companies Act, 1956, as amended(a) Dividend for the year 1996-97 which remained unclaimed for a period of seven years from the date of transfer of same to the unpaid dividend account of the Company have been transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund established by the Central Government pursuant to Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956. (b) Dividend for the years 2003-04 to 2006-07 which remain unclaimed for a period of seven years from the date of transfer of same to the unpaid dividend account of the Company will be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund established by the Central Government pursuant to Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956. Members who have not so far encashed the Dividend Warrant(s) are requested to make their claims to the Company immediately. It may be noted that once the unclaimed dividend is transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund, no claim shall lie, against the Company or the said fund, in respect thereof. 11. Additional information on Directors being appointed/re-appointed as required under Clause 49(VI) of the listing agreement with the Stock Exchanges: At the ensuing Annual General Meeting, Mr. J. R. Shroff, Dr. P. V. Krishna, Mr. Pradeep Goyal and Mrs. S. R. Shroff, Directors, retire by rotation and being eligible offer themselves for reappointment. In pursuance of Corporate Governance code, information of the aforesaid Directors is provided hereunder: 6 (a) Mr. J. R. Shroff is the Director of the Company since 1st October, 1992 and is a science graduate. He has worked with the Group for more than 15 years. He has substantial experience in various areas of the Groups operations. He is also a Director on the Board of various other public limited companies, viz. Uniphos Enterprises Ltd., Uniphos Agro Industries Ltd., Enviro Technology Ltd., Nivi Trading Ltd., Ventura Guaranty Ltd., SWAL Corporation Ltd., UPL Djai Power Ltd., Advanta India Ltd., Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd., Agri Net Solutions Ltd., Search Enviro Ltd., Shivalik Solid Waste Management Ltd., UPL Environmental Engineers Ltd., Nirlon Ltd., Latur Water Supply Management Co. Ltd., Sharvak Environment Ltd. and Entrust Environment Ltd. (b) Dr. P. V. Krishna is the Director of the Company since 31st January, 2002. He is a member of the Audit Committee, Shareholders/Investors Grievance Committee and Remuneration Committee. He is Ph.D.(Tech.). He is a Chemical technologist with specialisation in chemicals and petrochemicals. He has over 40 years experience in Research & Development and industry and held various positions in Government of Gujarat and Government of India. He is presently a Project Consultant for Chemicals, Petro Chemicals, Safety Management and Environment Planning. He has got an excellent technical background. (c) Mr. Pradeep Goyal is the Director of the Company since 29th March, 2001. He is a Metallurgy Engineer from IIT and Master Graduate from MIT, USA. He has been the member of various associations such as All India Manufacturers Organisation, ASSOCHAM, Indo-German Chambers of Commerce, etc. He has authored a few articles relating to steel making. He is the Managing Director of Pradeep Metals Ltd. He is also on the Board of Uniphos Enerprises Ltd., Nelito Systems Ltd., Indian Resources Information and Management Technology Ltd., Flashnet Infor Solutions (India) Ltd. and Hind Rectifiers Ltd. 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 (d) Mrs. S. R. Shroff is the Director of the Company since 1st October, 1992. She has been associated with Uniphos Enterprises Ltd. (erstwhile United Phosphorus Ltd.) since its inception. She has held various important positions in commercial, educational and social fields. She is on the Board of Uniphos Enterprises Ltd., Uniphos Agro Industries Ltd., Enviro Technology Ltd., Nivi Trading Ltd., Shroff United Chemicals Ltd., Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd., Vapi Effluent and Waste Management Co. Ltd., Ventura Guaranty Ltd. and UPL Environmental Engineers Ltd. Mumbai: 24th July, 2008 By Order of the Board of Directors Registered Office : 3-11, G.I.D.C., Vapi, Dist. Valsad, Pin - 396 195. M. B. TRIVEDI Company Secretary EXPLANATORY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 173(2) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956. The Explanatory Statement for Item Nos. 8 to 13 of the accompanying Notice set out hereinabove is as under: Item Nos. 8 to 10 Subject to shareholders approval, the Board of Directors of the Company, at its meeting held on 24th July, 2008, have reappointed Mr. Rajju D. Shroff as Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Arun C. Ashar as Whole-time Director designated as Director-Finance and Mr. Kalyan Banerjee, as Whole-time Director for a period of 5 years commencing from 1st October, 2008 on the terms and conditions as stated in the draft of agreements to be entered into by the Company with the aforesaid Directors. The Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors has approved the remuneration in respect of each of the above Directors. The broad particulars of remuneration payable to and the terms of the respective reappointments of Mr. Rajju D. Shroff, Mr. Arun C. Ashar and Mr. Kalyan Banerjee during the tenure of their respective reappointments are as under: a) b) Salary: Name Designation Salary Rs. per month including Dearness and all other allowances Mr. Rajju D. Shroff Mr. Arun C. Ashar Mr. Kalyan Banerjee Chairman and Managing Director Director-Finance Whole-time Director 17,00,000/5,00,000/1,50,000/- Commission: Such amount of Commission not exceeding 1% (one percent) of net profits of the Company, to each of the appointees, as may be decided by the Board of Directors for each financial year. c) Perquisites: Perquisites as follows shall be allowed in addition to the salary and commission to each of the appointees. The perquisites will be evaluated on the basis of the cost to the Company or as provided in the Income-tax Act 1961 or rules framed thereunder, as may be applicable: (i) Housing: (a) If residential accommodation is provided in a company owned house, then a deduction at 10% of the salary of the appointee shall be made; (b) If the Company hires residential accommodation for the appointee, the expenditure on hiring unfurnished accommodation will not exceed 60% of his salary; (c) If the company does not provide residential accommodation to the appointee, the appointee shall be paid such house rent allowance not exceeding 60% of his salary as the Board may decide; (ii) The expenditure incurred by the appointee on Gas, Electricity, Water and Furnishing shall be reimbursed by the Company as per Income-tax Rules,1962, and the same shall not exceed 10% of the salary of the Appointee; (iii) Reimbursement of all Medical expenses actually incurred for self and family; (iv) Leave travel concession for self and family once in a year in accordance with the rules of the company; (v) Fees of clubs subject to a maximum of two clubs. However, life membership and admission fees, shall not be paid by the Company; (vi) Personal Accident Insurance of an amount, the annual premium of which shall not exceed Rs.4,000/-; (vii) Contribution towards Provident Fund, Superannuation Fund or Annuity Fund as per rules of the Company; (viii) Gratuity payable at the rate of half a months salary for each completed year of service, and the same will not be included in perquisites; (ix) Car with driver shall be provided for use on companys business and the same will not be considered as perquisites; use of car for private purposes shall however, be billed by the Company; (x) Telephone at residence will be provided and the same will not be considered as perquisite but personal long distance calls shall be billed by the Company; (xi) Actual Entertainment expenses incurred for the business of the Company will be reimbursed; (xii) Even if in any financial year, the Company has no profits or profits are inadequate, the aforesaid salary and perquisites will be payable as minimum remuneration. 7 United Phosphorus Limited The draft agreements to be entered into between the Company and each of Mr. Rajju D. Shroff, Mr. Arun C. Ashar and Mr. Kalyan Banerjee respectively incorporating the above particulars of remuneration are available for inspection by the Members of the Company at the Registered Office of the Company on all working days (except Saturdays), up to the date of the 24th Annual General Meeting between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. The above may be treated as an abstract of the terms of the contract/agreements proposed to be entered into between the Company and Mr. Rajju D. Shroff, Mr. Arun C. Ashar and Mr. Kalyan Banerjee respectively pursuant to Section 302 of the Companies, Act, 1956. Mr. Rajju D. Shroff, Mr. Arun C. Ashar and Mr. Kalyan Banerjee are interested in the resolutions which pertain to their respective reappointments and remuneration payable to each of them. Further, Mrs. S. R.Shroff, Mr. J. R.Shroff and Mr. V. R.Shroff may also be deemed to be interested in the resolutions pertaining to the reappointments and remuneration payable to Mr. Rajju D.Shroff as they are related to each other. Save and except the above, none of the other Directors of the company is, in any way, concerned or interested in the resolutions. As per Part I (c) (ii) of Schedule XIII of the Companies, Act, 1956, the aforesaid reappointment of Mr. R. D. Shroff and the remuneration payable to him is required to be approved by the members in General Meeting by passing a special resolution as he has attained the age of 70 years and he is a relative of Mrs. S. R. Shroff, Mr. J. R. Shroff and Mr. V. R.Shroff, Directors of the Company. Mr. Kalyan Banerjee will attain the age of 70 years during the period of re-appointment and his re-appointment and remuneration is required to be approved by members in general meeting by passing a special resolution. The reappointment of Mr. Arun C. Ashar and the remuneration payable to him is required to be approved by the members in General Meeting. Your Directors commend the resolutions at Item Nos. 8 to 10 of the Notice for approval. Item No. 11 The present Authorised Capital of the Company is Rs.300 Crores. In order to facilitate the capitalisation of reserves as set out in the Resolution at Item No. 13 of the Notice, it is proposed to increase the Authorised Capital from Rs. 300 crores to Rs.400 Crores in the manner as set out in the Notice in accordance with Section 94 of the Companies Act, 1956. Consequently, Clause V of the Memorandum of Association of the Company is proposed to be altered. The alteration of the capital clause of the Memorandum of Association of the Company is purely consequential, in accordance with the provisions of Section 16 of the Companies Act, 1956. Directors recommend the resolution for approval of the shareholders. A copy of the Memorandum of Association of the Company showing proposed alterations is available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company during office hours on all working days except Saturdays between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. up to the date of the 24th Annual General Meeting. None of the Directors of the Company is, in any way, concerned or interested in the resolution. ITEM NO. 12 The alteration to Article 3 of the Articles of Association is consequential to the alterations of Capital Clause of the Memorandum of Association of the Company as proposed in the Resolution under Item No.11 of the accompanying Notice. As per the provisions of Section 31 of the Companies Act, 1956, a company may by special resolution alter its Articles of Association. Accordingly, the Directors recommend the resolution for approval of the shareholders. A copy of the Articles of Association of the Company showing proposed alterations is available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company during office hours on all working days except Saturdays between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. up to the date of the 24th Annual General Meeting. None of the Directors of the Company is in any way concerned or interested in the resolution. Item No. 13 Within the guidelines prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) for capitalization of reserves and in order to bring the paid up capital of the Company more in line with the capital employed, the Board at its meeting held on July 24, 2008 recommended an issue of Bonus Shares in the proportion of 1 (One) new Equity Share of the Company of Rs.2/- each for every 1 (One) existing Equity Share of the Company of Rs.2/- each held by the Members on a date to be fixed by the Board, by capitalizing a part of the Securities Premium Account. As per Article 183 of the Articles of Association of the Company, it is necessary for the Members to approve the issue of Bonus Shares. It is also necessary to authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to complete all the regulatory formalities in connection with the issue of Bonus Shares that may be prescribed by SEBI, the Stock Exchanges on which the Companys securities are listed and/or any other regulatory authority The Directors of the Company may be deemed to be concerned or interested in the issue of the Bonus Shares to the extent of their shareholding in the Company, or to the extent of the shareholdings of the companies / institutions / trusts of which they are directors or members or trustees. The Directors recommend the resolution for approval of the shareholders. By the Order of the Board of Directors For UNITED PHOSPHORUS LIMITED Registered Office: 3-11, G.I.D.C., Vapi, Gujarat - 396 195. Dated: 24th July, 2008. 8 M.B. TRIVEDI COMPANY SECRETARY 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 DIRECTORS REPORT TO, THE MEMBERS OF UNITED PHOSPHORUS LIMITED Your Directors have pleasure in presenting their report and audited accounts for the year ended on 31st March, 2008. FINANCIAL RESULTS: Sale of Products (net of excise and rebate and discounts) and other income from operations. Profit before depreciation, interest and amortization of Deferred Revenue Expenses and Minority Interest Depreciation/Amortisation Interest Amotisation of Deffered revenue expenses Exceptional Items Minority Interest Profit Before Tax Provision for Taxation: Current Tax MAT Credit Entitlement Deferred Tax Fringe Benefit Tax Balance Brought Forward Tranfer from General Reserve Amount available for Appropriations: APPROPRIATIONS: Preference Dividend Interim/Final Equity Dividend Tax on Distributed Profits Transfer to General Reserve Balance carried forward (Rs. in lacs) Stand Alone Current Previous Year Year 376169 247094 164468 145519 73666 15222 16882 11436 98 30028 58825 16557 10461 764 1 31042 29158 6691 12761 265 9441 34425 9517 8696 46 16166 2459 (1046) 2626 198 3073 (1765) 3722 220 4237 25791 2218 28009 2550 Profit After Tax Share of Profit in Associates Debenture Redemption Reserve written back Prior Period Adjustments (Net) Debenture Redemption Reserve (Net of write back) Capital Redemption Reserve Consolidated Current Previous Year Year 2260 4821 1062 (1052) 179 5250 25792 2415 28207 2123 7975 12 7081 23478 41736 65214 4393 747 1000 1775 (1765) 5069 205 189 9252 9252 2550 61 4821 10110 18097 26307 1000 45404 1 2251 316 1100 5284 10882 10882 178 7975 12 4882 6920 390 7310 4393 747 1000 8165 2717 341 1000 4058 1 2251 316 1100 6140 3668 6140 3668 59074 41736 1170 390 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE: The year witnessed satisfactory rainfall in the country. However, U.S.A. experienced another year of drought and reduced average of cotton plantings. The Companys sales in U.S.A. were affected badly. However, in Europe, the sales improved considerably. The exports during the year were Rs.738.38 crores as against Rs.693.17 crores in previous year. Total revenues had gone up from Rs.1495.51 crores to Rs.1649.41 crores showing a growth of 10%. Due to steep rise in price of raw materials, the profits are less as compared to previous year. FUTURE OUTLOOK: In the current year, the rain forecast for India is again of near-normal. The company has taken adequate steps to offset the adverse effects of steep rise in prices of raw materials. It is expected that U.S.A. too, will have normal monsoon this year and this will boost the companys sales in those parts. DIVIDEND: Your Directors have recommended dividend of Rs.2/- per Equity Share of Rs. 2/- each for the financial year ended 31st March, 2008, which if approved at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, will be paid to all those Equity Shareholders of the Company whose names appear in the Register of Members as on 18th September, 2008 and whose names appear as beneficial owners as per beneficiary list furnished for the purpose by National Securities Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (India) Limited. 9 United Phosphorus Limited ISSUE OF BONUS SHARES: The Directors have, subject to the approval of the shareholders, approved a bonus issue of equity shares in the ratio of ONE equity share of the Company of Rs.2/- each for every ONE equity share of the Company held by the shareholders of the Company. Necessary resolutions for obtaining the approval of the shareholders have been incorporated in the Notice for the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company. The Bonus Shares, if approved at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, will be issued to all those Equity Shareholders of the Company whose names appear on the Record Date to be fixed later, in the Register of Members or as beneficial owners as per beneficiary list furnished for the purpose by National Securities Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (India) Limited. FINANCE: During the year, the Company issued and allotted 2,41,66,000 equity shares of Rs.2/- each @ Rs. 350/- per equity shares to Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs). Further, during the year, the Company issued 3,11,70,000 warrants @ Rs. 340/- per warrant to the promoter group of the Company, on preferential placement basis. Out of this, the Company issued and allotted 60,87,100 equity shares on exercise of the option attached to the said warrants. EMPLOYEES STOCK OPTION SCHEME (ESOS): Pursuant to the resolution passed by the Shareholders at the Extra-ordinary General Meeting held on 28th April, 2008, stock options up to 15,00,000 options are proposed to be issued to Eligible employees. FIXED DEPOSITS: The Company has not accepted fixed deposits during the year. The Company has discontinued its Fixed Deposits Scheme and there are no fixed deposits outstanding as at 31st March, 2008. ACQUISITIONS: During the year, the following acquisitions were made by the Company: a) The Company acquired from DuPont, its global triphenyltin hydroxide contact fungicide (TPTH) and fenbutatin-oxide miticide (TNTO) businesses, marketed primarily as Super Tin ® and Vendex ® respectively. This acquisition of both products will strengthen the Companys position in the fruit, nut, vegetable and row crop markets. b) The Company also acquired 100% stake of ICONA and ICONA San Luis S.A., a manufacturer and distributor of crop protection products headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This acquisition has provided the Company with a much stronger platform to expand and strengthen its presence in Argentina. c) The Company also acquired 100% stake of Evofarms group of Companies, a major Marketing company of generic products in the crop protection industry headquartered in Bogota, Colombia. This is the first acquisition of the Company in the Andean Region which is an interesting and fast growing Agchem market. SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN THE COMPANY AND SWAL CORPORATION LIMITED: A Scheme of Arrangement between the Company and SWAL Corporation Limited and their respective shareholders under sections 391 to 394 read with Section 78 and Sections 100 to 103 of the Companies Act, 1956 was sanctioned by the Honble Bombay High Court on 29th February, 2008 and High Court of Judicature at Gujarat on 16th April, 2008 and became effective from 30th April, 2008. As per the said Scheme the whole of the undertaking and properties of Haldia Division being the manufacturing division of agrochemicals of SWAL Corporation Limited is demerged and transferred to and vested in the Company as a going concern with effect from the appointed date, viz. 1st April, 2007. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: Your Company is giving maximum importance to research and development by regular upgradation and modernization of all R&D laboratories and by recruitment of talented scientists and engineers. With the constant endeavor to improve quality, cost reduction and penetrate new local and global markets, research is carried out continuously at Companys R&D laboratories at Ankleshwar, Thane and Vapi. Many new products have been developed by the R&D team which will be commercialized in the coming years. The Company is also working on producing the molecules which are going off patent in the near future. The R&D team is continuously working and developing new ecofriendly formulations and new combination formulations of various pesticides for which patents are obtained in India and in other countries. Extensive field trials and data generation work for various pesticides is undertaken by R&D team, alongwith agricultural universities, with a view to further improve their quality and safety. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Right from the inception of your Company, from its days as a small-scale Industry, the endeavour for social upliftment has been a continuous process. It has always been very active in the area of social service for the benefit of communities, in and around, 10 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 where its factories are located. Various initiatives are taken in the fields of education, health care, environment protection and promotion of sports. Over the years, the services are extended to other areas and into many diverse fields. Large funds are earmarked for social and welfare activities. At Vapi and Ankleshwar, Schools for English Medium and Gujarati Medium are managed with active support from your Company. Management and Engineering Colleges have been set up with financial and management support of the Company. A state-of-art hospital is funded by the Company at Vapi which has the most modern equipments and highly competent doctors and nurses. Your Company has been a national leader in prevention and treatment of burn injuries and has helped put up a Burns Hospital in Mumbai. The Company has promoted many rural health check camps; provided medicines and other medical facilities at Vapi, Ankleshwar and other neighbouring areas. Environment protection can best be undertaken by growing more trees. The Company is vigorously following the practice of growing more trees every year. Whenever any calamity strikes in any part of the nation, your Company rises to the occasion and takes initiatives in rehabilitation of the affected areas. Apart from financial help, the Company provides pesticides free so as to check outbreak of any epidemic. The Company has got a Disaster Relief Team which helps in the incidents of flood, collapse of bridge, earthquake, tsunami and such other calamities. SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES: Your Directors are pleased to inform you that the DCA has vide its letter dated 27th June, 2008 approved the Companys request and exempted the Company from attaching the Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Directors Report and Auditors Report of its subsidiaries subject to the condition that the Company will attach the consolidated financial statements of its subsidiaries for the year ended 31st March, 2008. The Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of your Company as per Accounting Standard 21 form part of this Report Annual accounts of subsidiary companies are available for inspection at the Companys Registered office and Administrative office. The same will be made available to the investors of the companies upon request. Overall performance of all the subsidiary companies except in U.S.A. have been satisfactory. INSURANCE: All the properties and operations of the Company have been adequately insured. AUDITORS AND AUDITORS REPORT: M/s S. V. Ghatalia & Associates, Chartered Accountants, the statutory auditors are retiring at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible for re-appointment have expressed their willingness to continue, if re-appointed. Your Directors recommend their appointment as the Statutory Auditors and fix their remuneration for the year 2008-09. The auditors have qualified their Report in respect of net deferred tax liability of Rs.2121 lacs as on 31st March, 2008 without recognizing deferred tax asset to that extent. In this regard, your attention is invited to Note no. 16(a) in Schedule T, which is self-explanatory. The Board has taken a cautious view of the matter in this regard and not recognized deferred tax asset. The notes to the accounts referred to in the Auditors Report are self explanatory and do not call for any further comments. In respect of consolidated accounts, the auditors have qualified their report for non-inclusion of accounts of certain subsidiaries and recognition of deferred tax asset for certain subsidiaries of the Company. In this regard, your attention is invited to Notes 1(b), 6, 8 and 9 of Schedule S of the consolidated accounts which are self-explanatory. COST AUDIT: The Board of Directors appointed M/s M. B. Ashtamkar, Cost Accountant, Mumbai as Cost Auditor of the Company for conducting audit of the cost accounts maintained by the Company in respect of insecticides for the year 2008-09. DEPOSITORY SYSTEM: 97.44% of the total paid up equity shares of the Company are dematerialized as on 31st March, 2008. DIRECTORS: In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. J. R. Shroff, Dr. P. V. Krishna, Mr. Pradeep Goyal and Mrs. S. R. Shroff, Directors of the Company, retire by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company, and being eligible offer themselves for re-appointment. As required by Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges, the brief resume of Mr. J. R. Shroff, Dr. P. V. Krishna, Mr. Pradeep Goyal and Mrs. S. R. Shroff, Directors of the Company are provided in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting of the Company. 11 United Phosphorus Limited PERSONNEL: The relationship with all employees and workers at all sites of the Company remained very cordial throughout the year. Your Directors would like to place their appreciation for the contribution made by all the employees of the Company. SAFETY, HEALTH PERFORMANCE AND ENVIRONMENT: The Company, at all units, have implemented Quality Management System Standards ISO 9001, Environmental Management System Standards ISO 14001; and Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Standards OHSAS 18001. The Company is Signatory to Responsible Care initiative of Indian Chemical Council and has taken various efforts for improvement of all aspects related to Safety, Health and Environment. During the current year, the Company has conducted Environmental Impact Assessment Studies at various units and got Environmental Clearances for expansion of Plants at various locations like Vapi, Jhagadia and Ankleshwar. The Company has Emergency Rescue Team available at all manufacturing units and they are helpful to our manufacturing units and neighbouring industries in mitigating any emergency situation. With continuous efforts, accident rates and frequency rates have come down. Our units were also subjected to Environmental Audit and Safety Audit through expert agencies. INFORMATION REGARDING CONSERVATION OF ENERGY ETC AND PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES: Information required under Section 217 (1) (e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Rule 2 of the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988 and information as per Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956, read with Companies (Particulars of employees) Rules, 1975, as amended from time to time form part of this report and annexed to this report. DIRECTORS RESPONSIBILITY: Your Directors confirm the following Directors Responsibility statements pursuant to provisions of Section 217 (2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956: 1. in the preparation of Annual Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2008, the Company has followed the applicable accounting standards with proper explanations relating to material departures; 2. appropriate accounting policies have been selected and applied consistently and judgements and estimates are made prudently and reasonably so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March, 2008 and of the profit of the Company for that year; 3. proper and sufficient care has been taken for maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; 4. the annual accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis. GROUP FOR INTERSE TRANSFER OF SHARES: As required under Clause 3(1)(e) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 persons constituting Group (within the meaning as defined in the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969) for the purpose of availing exemption from applicability of the provisions of Regulation 10 to 12 of the aforesaid Regulations, are given in the Annexure attached herewith and forms part of this Annual Report. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: Auditors certificate regarding compliance with Corporate Governance to the extent set out in this respect as a separate report, in pursuance of requirement of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. The Management Discussions and Analysis Report forms part of this Report. Auditors certificate regarding compliance of the conditions of the corporate Governance as stipulated under the said clause is also attached to this Report. LISTING OF THE COMPANYS EQUITY SHARES: The equity shares of your Company are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. There is no default in paying annual listing fees. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Your Directors are thankful to all the stakeholders and various government agencies and ministries for their continued support. Mumbai 24th July, 2008 Registered Office: 3-11, G.I.D.C., Vapi Dist. Valsad, Gujarat Pin: 396195 12 On behalf of the Board of Directors R. D . Shroff Chairman & Managing Director 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 ANNEXURE TO DIRECTORS REPORT PARTICULARS REQUIRED UNDER THE COMPANIES (DISCLOSURES OF PARTICULARS IN THE REPORT OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS) RULES, 1988. A. CONSERVATION OF ENERGY: (a) (b) (c). B. Energy Conservation Measures Taken: 1. Conversion of boilers, hot oil units, VAM machines from furnace oil fired to natural gas 2. Use of new energy efficient technologies like multiple effect evaporator, falling film evaporators, boiler burners & high efficiency motors 3. Conversion of reciprocating compressors to screw compressors Additional / New Proposals for reduction of energy conservation: 1. Installation of Captive power plant for Vapi unit 2. Installations of energy efficient furnaces 3. Installation of economizers for boilers 4. Installation of Coal fired boiler at Jhagadia unit Proposed Benefits: 1. Reduction in Utility bills 2. Ease of operations / low maintenance 3. Reduction in Steam and power consumption TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION, ADAPTATION & INNOVATION: The following efforts were taken by the Company towards technology absorption, adaptation and innovation: 1. The Company has continued its aggressive drive to develop & commercialize new generation of chemical molecules based on novel chemistries of Herbicides, Fungicides & Insecticides. 2. Technologies of one new insecticide and one herbicide were successfully absorbed on commercial scale during the year. 3. The capacities of three existing products were expanded by process improvements and adapting latest engineering techniques and equipment. 4. Technology upgradation was pursued by way of making linkages with scientists of institutes of national and international reputes like MUICT / CSIR laboratories, IITs and GLP testing laboratories. 5. No technology was imported by the Company during the year 2007-2008. a. Research & Development activities taken during the year. Research and technology development has been one of the key activities and integral part of the Company policy. To further strengthen it, additional scientists and engineers were recruited and new equipment / instruments were added during the year. Spectrum of activities undertaken during the year is summarized as below: b. i) The processes of one insecticide and one herbicide were tested in the laboratory and implemented on commercial scale. ii) The process technologies of several new products were developed. iii) Several new eco friendly formulations were developed and commercialized during the year. iv) Improvements in the process of existing products were done towards cost reduction, capacity enhancements and waste reduction. v) Efforts were continued to reduce effluents by developing environment friendly processes and by recovery and recycle. vi) Registration data generation work for several products was completed during the year. Benefits Derived from R&D activities. i) Company has exhibited immense growth in the business of agrochemical as well as specialty chemicals by introducing new products, improving the quality standards and producing the products at competitive prices. 13 United Phosphorus Limited c. ii) New products developed will result in the increase of sales turnover and profitability of the Company. iii) Improvements in the processes of existing products will result in the raw materials cost reduction, waste reduction and capacity enhancement. Future Plan of Action d. i) Development of molecules with new chemistries ii) Development of green processes iii) Development of continuous processes wherever possible instead of batch processes iv) Development of newer safe / ecofriendly formulations. v) Generation of product profiles for world wide registration of technical and formulations. Expenditure incurred on R & D i. ii. C. Capital - Rs.104 lacs Recurring - Rs.898 lacs Total - Rs.1002 lacs Total R & D expenditure 0.71% (as a percentage of turnover) FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO: 1. Activities relating to Export, initiatives to increase exports, Development of new export markets for products and Services and Export promotion plans: The Company is constantly trying to increase its exports. Strategic alliances are made with various parties to increase exports. The Company is acquiring companies abroad, thereby pushing its exports. Registrations held by such companies help to increase the exports of products of company. During the year, the company had exports (FOB value) of Rs.73838 lacs. 2. Total Foreign Exchange earned and used: 2007-08 (Rs. In Lacs) 2006-07 (Rs. In Lacs) a. Total foreign exchange earned 85,157 76,561 b. Total foreign exchange used 75,739 57,366 On behalf of the Board of Directors Mumbai 24th July, 2008 14 R. D . Shroff Chairman & Managing Director 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 ANNEXURE TO DIRECTORS REPORT FORM A Form for disclosure of particulars with respect to Conservation of Energy Part A Power and Fuel consumption POWER & FUEL 2007-08 2006-07 27357427.55 150192277.26 5.49 12866607.64 69093683.00 5.37 608304.00 2.79 16.74 380434.00 2.84 20.97 OWN GENERATION (POWER PLANT) UNITS (kwh) Unit per M3 of Natural Gas Cost/Unit (Rs.) 255294700.00 4.04 3.01 291895040.00 4.02 2.85 FURNACE OIL Quantity (Litres) Total Cost (Rs.) Rate/Litre (Rs.) 7524716.80 141416219.45 18.79 8250893.37 134704681.74 16.33 NATURAL GAS Quantity (M3) Total Cost (Rs.) Rate/Unit (Rs.) 79613453.00 763853645.39 9.59 88217195.00 765124750.27 8.67 Rate/Unit 2007-08 Rate/Unit 2006-07 2.12/.10 0.05 0.11 1.89/.08 0.04 0.08 ELECTRICITY Purchased units (kwh) Total Cost (Rs.) Rate/Unit (Rs.) OWN GENERATION (D G HOUSE) UNITS (kwh) Unit per Litre of Diesel Oil Cost/Unit (Rs.) CONSUMPTION PER UNIT OF PRODUCTION - ALL PRODUCTS Electricity Furnace oil Natural Gas For and on behalf of the Board, Mumbai 24th July, 2008 R. D. Shroff Chairman & Managing Director 15 16 Vice President International Business Farokh N Hilloo R. D. Shroff K. M. Banerjee Jai. R. Shroff Arun. Ashar Vikram R. Shroff K. R. Srivastava Bhupen Dubey A. A. Panjwani S. Krishnan Anupindi S. Rao * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2,075,093 3,918,504 3,126,536 2,904,905 11,162,005 18,616,162 9,200,580 6,900,000 2,974,062 24,326,753 3,446,544 Remuneration Gross (Rs.) B.Sc., CPL, Airline Transport Licencer (Helicopter) M.Com., L.L.B., C.A, C.S., ICWA B.E. (Chemical Engineering) B.Chem, PGDBMA (IIM) , DSM M.Sc. - Agri Entomology B.Sc., Chemistry B.Com, A.C.A B.Sc. B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) B.A., Diploma in Import Export Management B.Sc. Qualifications 13/08/2007 01/04/2004 06/02/1989 01/04/2003 01/10/2003 01/10/2003 01/10/2003 01/10/2003 01/10/2003 01/10/2003 08/07/1991 Date of Joining the Organisation 58 46 59 46 51 35 60 43 66 75 46 Age in Years United Helichartars Pvt. Ltd. Duphar Inter-Fran Ltd. NIL Parmaceutical Products of India Ltd. Bayer Crop Science Ltd. Nil Excel Industries Ltd. Nil Nil Nil Indian Commercial Company Ltd. Last Employment Mumbai 24th July, 2008 R. D. Shroff Chairman & Managing Director Notes : 1) Gross Remuneration shown above is subject to tax and comprises salary, allowances, commission, incentives, monetary value of perquisites, companys contribution to provident fund and superannuation fund. 2) In addition to the above, employees are also entitled to gratuaity, medical benefits, etc, in accordance with Companys Rules. 3) All employees have adequate knowledge in their line of operation to discharge assigned responsibilities. 4) Shri R. D. Shroff is the father of Shri J. R. Shroff and Shri V. R. Shroff 5) Shri J. R. Shroff and Shri V. R. Shroff are brothers * For Part of the year. For and on behalf of the Board, Executive Pilot Chief Financial Officer Executive Director Vice President - Sales & Marketing (Formulations Devipmt) Chief Operating Officer Executive Director Director - Finance Executive Director Director - Marketing Chairman & Managing Director Designation & Nature of Duties Sr. Name No. STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 217(2A) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 READ WITH THE COMPANIES (PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES) RULES, 1975 AND FORMING PART OF THE DIRECTORS REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2008. ANNEXURE TO DIRECTORS REPORT United Phosphorus Limited 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 ANNEXURE FORMING PART OF THE DIRECTORS REPORT Group for interse transfer of shares under Regulation 3(1)(e) of the Securities & Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. PROMOTER DIRECTORS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Rajnikant Devidas Shroff and Family Sandra R. Shroff and Family Jaidev R. Shroff and Family Vikram R. Shroff and Family 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. RELATIVES OF PROMOTER DIRECTORS: Poonam J. Shroff and Family Namrata V. Shroff and Family Varun J Shroff and Family Tania J Shroff and Family Rudritara J. Shroff and Family Mekhala V. Shroff and Family Ranjit V. Shroff and Family Shilpa R Shroff and Family Pradip Sagar and Family Jyotsna Bhatt and Family Jyotindra Bhatt and Family Shaila S Shroff and Family 1. TRUST: Jai Trust 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PARTNERSHIP FIRMS: Akruti Products Sarjan Chemicals Prakriya Pharmachem Urja Chemicals UPL India Pot Plants Ultima Search 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. GROUP COMPANIES: Advanta India Ltd. Agraja Properties Ltd. Agrinet Solutions Ltd. Archana Overseas Pvt. Ltd. Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd. Bloom Industrial Plastics Pvt. Ltd. Bloom Packaging Pvt. Ltd. Bloom Seals and Containers Pvt. Ltd. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Bharuch Airport Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. Coimbatore Integrated Waste Management Co. P. Ltd. Daman Ganga Pulp & Papers Pvt. Ltd. Demuric Holdings Pvt. Ltd Entrust Environment Ltd. Enviro Technology Limited Esthetic Finvest Pvt. Ltd. Force Aviation Pvt. Ltd. Gharpure Engineering & Constructions P. Ltd. Heline Environment Pvt. Ltd. Isar Builders & Developers Pvt. Ltd. Kerala Enviro Infrastructure Ltd. Khagay Environment Pvt. Ltd. Khaline Environment Pvt. Ltd. Latur Water Supply Management Co. Ltd. Mrugal Properties Ltd. Nerka Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Nivi Trading Ltd. Praskand Environment Pvt. Ltd. R. Shroff Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Sanguine Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Search Enviro Ltd. Seiko Properties Pvt. Ltd. Sharvak Environment Ltd. Shatataraka Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Shivalik Solid Waste Management Ltd. Shroff Envirotral Pvt. Ltd. Shroffs United Chemicals Ltd. SWAL Corporation (I) Ltd. Uniphos Enterprises Ltd. Uniphos Agro Industries Ltd. UPL Environmental Engineers Ltd. UPL Djai Power Ltd. Uniphos (Cyprus) Limited Timberlane PTE. Ltd. United Phosphorus (Cayman Islands) Uniphos (Cayman Islands) Uniphos Envirotronic Pvt. Ltd. Venture Drive Limited (Cayman Islands) Vyom Finvest P. Ltd. and any body corporate and/or entity promoted / formed by any of the above. Family Family for this purpose includes spouse, dependent children and parent 17 United Phosphorus Limited CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 1. Companys Philosophy on Code of Corporate Governance The Companys philosophy on Corporate Governance relates to providing maximum service to all its stakeholders. It wants to enhance shareholder value with best practices of corporate governance. The high standard of corporate governance is maintained by being transparent, accountable and continuous interaction with shareholders, employees, lending institutions, banks, govt. agencies and all the dealers. The Companys products are marketed not only in India but all across the globe. The Company is therefore conscious of the fact that to achieve success very high ethical value of the management and the employees is inevitable. 2. Board of Directors The Board of Directors consists of 12 directors as on 31st March, 2008. Six Board Meetings were held during the year, as against the minimum requirement of four meetings. The dates on which the meetings were held are as follows: 3rd May, 2007, 31st July, 2007, 14th September, 2007, 29th October, 2007, 20th December, 2007 and 31st January, 2008. COMPOSITION AND CATEGORY OF DIRECTORS, OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS : Name of the Director Mr. R. D. Shroff Mrs. S. R. Shroff Mr. J. R. Shroff Mr. V. R. Shroff Mr. A. C. Ashar Dr. P. V. Krishna Mr. Pradeep Goyal Mr. K. Banerjee Dr. (Mrs) Reena Ramachandran Category Promoter & Executive Chairman & Managing Director Promoter & Non-Executive Vice Chairman Promoter & Non-Executive Director Promoter & Executive Director Non-Promoter Executive Director Independent & Non-Executive Director Independent & Non-Executive Director Non-Promoter Executive Director Attendance Particulars Board Last Meeting AGM No. of other directorships and Committee memberships/ chairmanships* Other Committee Committee Directorships Memberships Chairmanships 6 Present 13 1 - 3 2 4 6 6 4 2 Absent Absent Absent Present Present Absent Present 9 17 7 15 5 1 2 3 3 - 1 3 - Independent & Non-Executive Director 5 Absent - - - Mr. Pradip Madhavji Independent & Non-Executive Director 6 Present 1 - 1 Mr. Vinod Sethi Mr. Chirayu R. Amin Independent & Non-Executive Director Independent & Non-Executive Director 3 - Absent Absent 7 9 4 - 2 1 Notes: * Excludes Directorship in Private Limited companies and Foreign Companies. 3. Information supplied to the Board Following information was provided to the Board as part of the agenda papers in advance of the Board Meeting or presented at the time of the Board Meetings: c c c c c c c c c c 18 c c c c c c c c c Annual Budget, Financial Results of Company and consolidated results, Commission to Executive and Non-Executive Directors, Inter-corporate investments, loans and guarantees, Material show cause notices, legal judgements etc., Issue of privately placed Debentures, Acquisition of business, abroad, Approval for contracts entered into with parties covered in the register under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956, Review of the procedure for risk assessment and minimization, Consideration of any disclosure made by senior management relating to any transaction having potential conflict with interest of the Company, Appointment of Cost Auditors, Appointment of Chief Financial Officer, Issue of warrants to promoters on preferential basis, Issue of shares to Qualified Institutional Buyers, Revision of remuneration payable to executive directors, Investment of surplus fund, Availing credit facilities from bank, Transfer and vesting of Haldia division of SWAL Corporation Ltd., subsidiary of the Company, Formulation of Employees Stock Option Plan, 2008. 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 4. Disclosures The particulars of transactions between the Company and related parties as per the Accounting Standards are mentioned separately in schedule T of the Annual Report. However these transactions are not likely to have any conflict with the Companys interest. No strictures or penalties have been imposed on the Company by the Stock Exchange or The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or any other regulatory body on any matter relating to capital markets in the last three years. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide notification dated 20th February, 2002, has amended the SEBI (Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992. As per these regulations, the Company has appointed Mr. M. B. Trivedi as a Compliance Officer, who will be responsible for formulating policies, procedures, monitoring adherence to the rules for the preservation of price sensitive information, pre- clearance of trades, monitoring of trades and implementation of the Code of Conduct under the overall supervision of the Board. The Company also has framed its own code of internal procedure and conduct for prevention of Insider Trading which provides for Trading Window restrictions, disclosure requirements and also preclearance of trades in the Companys securities. Shareholding of the Directors as on 31st March, 2008 was as under: Name of the Director Mr. R. D. Shroff Mrs. S. R. Shroff Mr. J. R. Shroff Mr. V. R. Shroff Mr. A. C. Ashar Dr. P. V. Krishna Mr. Pradeep Goyal Shareholding 3597560 2427375 2768502 2140563 111295 Nil Nil Mr. K. Banerjee Dr. (Mrs) Reena Ramachandran Mr. Pradip Madhavji Mr. Vinod Sethi Mr. Chirayu R. Amin 167560 Nil Nil Nil Nil 5. Code of Conduct The Board of Directors has adopted the Code of Conduct for the Board Members and the Senior Management. The said Code has been communicated to the Board Members and the Senior Management. The Code has also been posted on the Companys website 6. Audit Committee The Board of the Company has constituted an Audit Committee, comprising of three Independent & Non-Executive Directors. Five meetings of the Audit Committee were held on 5th April, 2007, 3rd May, 2007, 31st July, 2007, 29th October, 2007 and 31st January, 2008. Composition of members of Audit Committee is as follows: Composition Meetings attended during the year Mr. Pradip Madhavji Chairman Mr. Pradeep Goyal Dr. P. V. Krishna 5 4 4 The constitution of Audit Committee also meets with the requirements under Section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956. Mr. Pradip Madhavji who has financial and accounting knowledge has been nominated as the Chairman of the Audit Committee. The role and terms of reference stipulated by the Board to the Audit Committee covers areas mentioned under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement and Section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956 besides other terms as may be referred by the Board of Directors. 7. Remuneration Committee The Board of the Company has constituted a Remuneration Committee, comprising of three Independent & Non-Executive Directors. Two meetings of the Remuneration Committee was held on 14th September, 2007 and 29th October, 2007. Composition of members of Remuneration Committee is as follows: Composition Meetings attended during the year Dr. (Mrs.) Reena Ramachandran Chairman Mr. Pradeep Goyal Dr. P. V. Krishna 2 1 2 19 United Phosphorus Limited The Remuneration Committee has been constituted to recommend/review the remuneration package of the Managing/ Whole time Directors based on performance and defined criteria. Details of the remuneration to all the Directors for the year: The aggregate value of salary, perquisites and commission for the year ended 31st March, 2008 to four Whole time Directors is as follows: Mr. R. D. Shroff, Chairman & Managing Director Rs. 212.97 lacs; Mr. Vikram R. Shroff, Executive Director Rs. 170.87 lacs; Mr. Kalyan Banerjee, Whole time Director Rs. 26.50 lacs and Mr. A. C. Ashar, Whole time Director Rs. 79.86 lacs. Besides this, these Directors are entitled to Companys contribution to Provident Fund, Superannuation, Gratuity and encashment of leave at the end of the tenure as per the rules of the Company. The Company has paid the sitting fees for the year ended 31st March, 2008 to Independent & Non-Executive Directors for attending Board Meetings, Audit Committee Meetings, Remuneration Committee Meetings and Shareholders/Investors Grievances Committee Meeting as follows: Dr. P. V. Krishna Rs. 1,30,000/-; Mr. Pradeep Goyal Rs. 1,00,000/-, Dr. (Mrs.) Reena Ramachandran Rs. 70,000/-, Mr. Pradip Madhavji Rs. 1,30,000/- and Mr. Vinod R. Sethi Rs. 30,000/-. In addition, the Company has provided for payment of commission to Independent & Non-Executive Directors of Rs. 2.00 lacs each to Dr. P. V. Krishna, Mr. Pradeep Goyal, Dr. (Mrs.) Reena Ramachandran, Mr. Pradip Madhavji, Mr. Vinod Sethi and Mr. Chirayu R. Amin. 8. Shareholders/Investors Grievance Committee The Board of the Company has constituted a Shareholders/Investors Grievance Committee, comprising of three Independent & Non-Executive Directors to look into the Shareholders and Investors Grievances. One meeting of the Shareholders/Investors Grievance Committee was held on 31st January, 2008 Composition of members of Shareholders/Investors Grievance Committee is as follows: Composition Meeting attended during the year Mr. Pradip Madhavji Chairman Mr. Pradeep Goyal Dr. P. V. Krishna 1 1 1 The Company also has its separate shares transfer committee consisting of Mrs. S. R. Shroff and Mr. A. C. Ashar, Directors and two other senior executives of the Company. This committee normally meets twice a month to approve transfer of shares, issue of duplicate certificates, etc. Share certificate submitted for dematerialisation and request for rematerialisation are also approved by the committee. The total numbers of complaints received during the year under review were 533 and all the complaints were replied to the satisfaction of shareholders on or before 31st March, 2008. 1 request for transfers and 1 request for dematerialisation were pending for approval as on 31st March, 2008, which were approved and dealt with by 15th April, 2008. 9. Annual General Meetings Location and time for last three Annual General Meetings were: Year AGM 2004-2005 21st AGM 2005-2006 22nd AGM 2006-2007 23rd AGM 10. (a) Location Hotel Green View Hall N. H. No. 8, Vapi 396 195 Hotel Green View Hall N. H. No. 8, Vapi 396 195 Hotel Green View Hall N. H. No. 8, Vapi 396 195 Date Time 31/08/2005 9.30 a.m. 19/09/2006 10.30 a.m. 14/09/2007 10.30 a.m. Disclosures on materially significant related party transactions i.e. transactions of the Company of material nature, with its promoters, the directors or the management, their subsidiaries or relatives, etc. that may have potential conflict with the interests of the company at large. During the year, the Company had no materially significant related party transaction, which are considered to have potential conflict with the interest of the Company at large. (b) Details of non-compliance by the Company, penalties, strictures imposed on the Company by Stock Exchanges or SEBI, or any statutory authority, on any matter related to capital markets, during the last three years. None. 11. Means of communication Half-yearly results for the half-year ending 30th September, 2007 were not sent to each household of shareholder. The quarterly and annual results are published by the Company in the Financial Express in Gujarati and Financial Express 20 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 and Economics Times in English. The results are also displayed on corporate Website, Official news releases are sent to the Stock Exchanges at Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., where the equity shares of the Company are listed. During the year, no presentations were made to analysts or Institutional Investors. The Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) forms a part of the annual report. 12. General Shareholder Information 12.1. Annual General Meeting : - Date 18th September, 2008 at 10.30 a.m. - Venue Hotel Green View Hall N. H. No. 8, Vapi 396 195. 12.2. Financial Calendar : Annual General Meeting 18th September, 2008 Results for quarter ending June 30, 2008- Last week of July, 2008 Results for quarter ending September 30, 2008- Last week of October, 2008 Results for quarter ending December 31, 2008- Last week of January, 2009 Results for quarter/ year ending March 31, 2009 Last week of April, 2009/June 2009. 12.3. Book closure date : 6/09/2008 to 18/09/2008 (Both days inclusive) 12.4. Dividend payment date : 24th September, 2008 12.5. (a) Listing of Equity : Shares on Stock Exchages at 12.6 Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (b) Listing of GDR on the Stock Exchages at : Luxembourg Stock Exchange (c) Listing of FCCBs(2006) - Series B on the Stock Exchages at : Singapore Stock Exchange (a) Stock Code : Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. : 512070 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. : UNIPHOS (b) Demat ISIN Number in NSDL & CDSL for Equity Shares of Rs.2/- each : 12.7. Stock Market Data Month April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 INE628A01036 Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE) (In Rs.) Months High Months Low Price Price 351.00 307.05 338.95 277.15 317.15 268.70 332.00 297.00 347.00 295.05 406.90 325.10 402.50 313.00 365.00 310.00 380.00 334.00 425.00 262.00 322.00 296.10 343.00 228.00 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) (In Rs.) Months High Months Low Price Price 351.00 305.10 341.00 277.50 318.00 268.10 325.00 296.55 349.70 290.25 406.10 302.00 403.90 311.00 369.00 310.00 399.00 332.00 425.00 255.00 367.00 296.00 344.85 227.00 21 United Phosphorus Limited 12.8. Share price performance in comparison to broad-based indices BSE Sensex. UPL share price performance relative to BSE Sensex based on share price during the year. RELATIVE PERFORMANCE OF UNITED PHOSPHORUS LTD. (UPL) 12.9 BSE Sensex Registrar and Transfer Agents (Share transfer and communication regarding share certificate, dividends and change of address). Mar-08 Feb-08 13500.00 Jan-08 250.00 Dec-07 15000.00 Nov-07 280.00 Oct-07 16500.00 Sep-07 310.00 Aug-077 18000.00 Jul-07 340.00 June-07 19500.00 May-07 370.00 BSE Sensex 21000.00 400.00 Apr-07 UPL Share Price UPL Share Price Sharepro Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. Unit : United Phosphorus Limited Satam Estate, 3rd Floor, Above Bank of Baroda, Cardinal Gracious Road, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai- 400 099. Also, for the benefit of the Shareholders, the documents will continue to be accepted at the following office of the Company: United Phosphorus Limited Secretarial Department 8, Shri Krishna Commercial Centre Ground Floor, Opp. Raheja Solitaire 6 Udyog Nagar, Off S. V. Road, Goregaon (West), Mumbai 400 062. 12.10 Share Transfer System : : Presently, the share transfers which are received in physical form are processed and the share certificates returned within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt subject to the documents being valid and complete in all respects. 12.11. Distribution of Shareholdings as on 31st March, 2008: Shareholding of Nominal Value of (Rs.) 1 Numbers 5,000 27827 Share Amount % of Total Nos. In (Rs.) % of Total Amt. 94.09 20236742 4.61 5,001 10,000 1087 3.68 7540308 1.72 10,001 20,000 294 0.99 4148336 0.94 20,001 30,000 62 0.21 1521450 0.35 30,001 40,000 22 0.07 804242 0.18 40,001 50,000 15 0.05 704292 0.16 50,001 1,00,000 50 0.17 3726984 0.85 above 218 0.74 400609158 91.19 Total 29575 100.00 439291512 100.00 1,00,001 22 Shareholders and 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 12.12. Shareholding pattern as on 31st March, 2008: Indian Public 7.07% NRIs/OCBs 3.07% Promoter 28.00% 14.90% 43.10% Fll Mutu. Funds/LIC/Banks 3.86% Corporate Bodies 12.13. Dematerialisation of Shares : Liquidity : 97.44% of the outstanding shares have been dematerialised up to 31st March, 2008. Trading in Equity Shares of the Company is permitted only in dematerialised form w.e.f. 28th August, 2000 as per notification issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The shares of the Company are among the most liquid and actively traded shares. Relevant data for the average daily turnover for the financial year 2007 2008 is given below: Bombay Stock Exchage Ltd. (BSE) National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) BSE+NSE 165.69 345.73 511.42 In no. of shares (in thousand) (Source : This information is compiled from the data available from the websites of BSE and NSE) 12.14. Outstanding GDR/Warrants and Convertible Bonds, Conversion date and likely Impact on the Equity : As on 31st March, 2008 (a) Outstanding GDRs represent 434460 shares (0.20%). (b) Outstanding FCCBs(2004): pending conversion represent 50 Bonds of US$ 10,000 each, which are convertible into equity share of Rs. 2/- each at the rate of Rs.145.76129. (c) Outstanding FCCBs(2006): pending conversion represent 682 Bonds of US$ 100,000 each, which are convertible into equity share of Rs. 2/ each at the rate of Rs.272.06 (d) Outstanding warrants issued to promoters on preferential basis: pending to be exercised of the option attached to 2,50,82,900 warrants. 12.15. Plant Locations : 12.16. Address for Correspondence (i) Investor Correspondence The Companys plants are located at Vapi, Ankleshwar, Jhagadia, Halol and Jammu. : For Shares held in Physical Form Sharepro Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. Unit : United Phosphorus Limited Satam Estate, 3rd Floor, Above Bank of Baroda, Cardinal Gracious Road, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 099. Also, for the benefit of the Shareholders, the documents will continue to be accepted at the following office of the Company: 23 United Phosphorus Limited United Phosphorus Limited Secretarial Department 8, Shri Krishna Commercial Centre Ground Floor, Opp. Raheja Solitaire 6 Udyog Nagar, Off S. V. Road, Goregaon (West), Mumbai 400 062. For Shares held in Demat form To the Depository participant (ii) Any query on Annual Report : (iii) Exclusive e-mail ID of the grievance : redressel division Mr. M. B. Trivedi C/o. United Phosphorus Limited Legal & Secretarial Department Uniphos House, C. D. Marg, Madhu Park, Khar (West), Mumbai 400 052. E-Mail : On behalf of the Board of Directors Mumbai 2nd May, 2008 R. D. Shroff Chairman & Managing Director DECLARATION As provided under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges, the Board Members and the Senior Management Personnel have confirmed compliance with the Code of Conduct laid down by the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2008 On behalf of the Board of Directors R. D. Shroff (Chairman & Managing Director) Mumbai 2nd May, 2008 CERTIFICATE To The Members of UNITED PHOSPHORUS LIMITED We have examined the compliance of conditions of corporate governance by United Phosphorus Limited for the year ended 31st March 2008, as stipulated in clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of the said Company with Stock Exchanges. The compliance of conditions of corporate governance is the responsibility of the management. Our examination was limited to procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the conditions of Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above mentioned Listing Agreement. We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company. For S.V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants (P. V. Paranjape) Partner Membership No. 047296 Mumbai 2nd May, 2008 24 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS INDUSTRY STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT :The Company is engaged in the business of agrochemicals, industrial chemicals, chemical intermediates and speciality chemicals. The Company also has a captive power plant in Jhagadia. The agrochemical industry is highly consolidated industry. The agrochemical market is divided into products protected by patents and products where the patents have expired. The majority of sales in the world is dominated by multi-national corporations. In the last ten years, the industry has witnessed a significant increase in number of mergers and acquisitions involving acquisitions of products and businesses. The industry is highly regulated by specific and separate registration processes in different countries and is subject to various environmental and safety legislations. This results into very few new entrants in this industry. In India, agriculture is important economically. Inspite of large arable area in India crop yields are low as compared to other countries because of lack of adequate water supply and poor rural infrastructure. The consumption of agrochemicals is also far below the international average. Sales of agrochemicals in the domestic markets is highly seasonal due to monsoon and majority of sales takes place between June and November. In India, demand for agrochemicals is affected by adverse weather conditions such as droughts, flooding and subsequent damage to crops. Any adverse agriculture season in India will have a negative effect on the domestic sale of the Company. In India, the Company is one of the largest manufacturers of off-patent generic agrochemical products. It has the largest agrochemical product portfolio in India. Globally, it ranks among top five generic agrochemical companies. The Company and its subsidiaries have 23 manufacturing plants across different locations in the world. It has a very wide domestic and global distribution network for the sale of its products in India and worldwide. It has got stock points at strategic locations throughout the world. It is the largest exporter of agrochemicals from India. During the year, the Company acquired M/s ICONA and ICONA San Luis, S.A. This acquisition will provide the Company with a strong platform to expand and strengthen its presence in Argentina. It also acquired Evofarms group of companies, who is a major marketing company of generic products in the crop protection industry in Colombia. The Company is conscious of the needs of farmers and is committed to offer high quality agrochemicals at reasonable prices to farmers. It also provides education to farmers to avoid indiscriminate use of agrochemicals. Farmer education will help them to get higher yields for the crops by optimum use of agrochemicals. OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS :Indian agrochemical industry has very good growth potential. Opportunities are increasing due to high prices of agriculture commodities and use of bio fuels. There is growth in the area of land coming under cultivation. Farmers are also willing to invest more to increase productivity. Further, there are significant cost advantages in manufacturing various agrochemicals in India. There is tremendous opportunity for growth of the Company. The Indian Agrochemical industry is in a position to supply quality agrochemicals at economical price and hence, exports go up every year. The threats faced by the agrochemical industry in India will primarily be indifferent weather which is highly unpredictable. Further, increased use of biotechnology products will have a negative impact on the traditional business. The industry has to rely on import of certain chemicals and intermediates. Non-availability of them at times can be a threat for the industry. The Company is now exporting to all the countries in the world so that effect of adverse weather conditions on its business is neutralized by diverting sales to other parts of the world. The Company builds up enough inventory at all times to ensure that all inputs are available at all times. At times, there is negative perception for the agrochemical industry. For this, the industry is taking steps to educate and improve communication with actual users. SEGMENTWISE PERFORMANCE:a) agrochemicals agrochemicals accounted for 80% of total sales of the Company. This business has been growing rapidly in domestic as well as world market. b) Industrial chemicals and intermediates this segment accounted for 19% of total sales. c) Power power plant is a captive plant and electricity generated therefrom is used captively. Small surplus is sold to Gujarat Electricity Board. 25 United Phosphorus Limited d) Exports During the year the exports were almost 55% of total sales. This segment grows every year in terms of value as well as volume. BUSINESS OUTLOOK:There are tremendous opportunities for growth for the Company. All over the world, consumption of agrochemicals is going up. The Company has been introducing 2 to 3 new agrochemicals every year in the market. Its R & D team is engaged in improving the quality of the products as also manufacturing processes and technology. Its excellent network for distribution both in domestic and international markets has made it a very reliable supplier and this helps to improve its sales. Acquisition of new business and products also enables the Company to enter into new markets with its products which increases sales and profits. Overall, the business outlook is encouraging. INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM AND THEIR ADEQUACY :The Company has a system of internal controls to effectively provide for safety of its assets, reliability of financial controls and compliance with various statutory requirements. The internal controls are designed to provide efficient operations and processes and ensure the use of resources in the best possible way. Data security measures are in place to ensure that there is no unauthorized use of any assets or property of the Company. The Company has an in-house internal audit team which regularly carries out audit of factory operations, records of subsidiaries, job worker sites and various other functions. The team examines the adequacy and compliance of various statutory requirements. It also evaluates risk management system for various functions. The Company has also appointed professionals to carry out internal audit of various functions and records of depots. In addition, the top management and the audit committee of the Board regularly review the findings and recommendations of internal audit team. RISKS AND CONCERNS :The Agrochemical industry faces the risk of seasonal and weather factors. The weather can affect the presence of pest infestations and affect the demand for crop protection products as also mix of such products. In the domestic markets, the sales are highly seasonal, mainly during the monsoon. Any adverse agriculture season in India will have a negative effect on the sales. Another risk faced by the industry is the difficulty in development and introduction of new agrochemicals. Research and development is expensive and prolonged, and entails uncertainty as to its returns and results. Another risk faced by the Company is the increased use of biotechnology products. The usage of agrochemicals is significantly less for genetically modified (GM) crops. The growth and acceptance of GM crops by consumers may have an adverse effect on Companys business. The Company safeguards itself by obtaining global insurance cover for its assets, stock, receivables, product liability, etc. Companys exports go up every year and exchange rate fluctuations can affect its realizations for sale of its products. To overcome this, the Company obtains forward cover. FINANCIAL AND OPERATION PERFORMANCE :During the year, the turnover has gone up from Rs.1450.94 crores to Rs.1590.89 crores. Majority of the Companys sales are in international markets, through various subsidiaries. The consolidated turnover has gone up from Rs.2311.18 crores to Rs.3515.51 crores. Profit before taxes and exceptional items of restructuring costs have gone up from Rs.318.07 crores to Rs.415.62 crores. HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT :The Company employs skilled and talented people to look after various operations. The Company provides adequate training to all its staff and workers and offers opportunities and growth so as to bring the best out of them. Employees stock option scheme, 2008 is introduced by the Company. This will provide motivation and sense of participation to the employees. As on 31st March 2008, the number of employees was 2081. CAUTIONARY STATEMENT :Certain statements in this section relating to estimates, projections and expectations may be forward looking within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. The actual results may be different from what has been envisaged. The factors that may affect the performance will be adverse season, non-availability of raw materials, introduction of GM crops, exchange rate fluctuations, Government policies, tariff, delay in product registrations and various other factors. 26 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 AUDITORS REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF UNITED PHOSPHORUS LIMITED We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of UNITED PHOSPHORUS LIMITED as at 31st March 2008, the Profit and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement of the Company for the year ended on that date, annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Companys management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. As required by the Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003 issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub-section (4A) of Section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the Annexure, a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order, on the basis of such checks of the books and records of the Company as we considered appropriate and the information and explanations given to us during the course of our audit; Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to above, we report that: (a) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit; (b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as appears from our examination of those books; (c) The Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books of account; (d) The Company has continued with the net deferred tax liability amounting to Rs.2,121 lacs as on 31st March, 2008 without recognising deferred tax asset to the said extent as required by Accounting Standard (AS) 22 Taxes on Income issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (Refer Note No. 16(a) in Schedule T), Except for the above, in our opinion, the Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this Report comply with the Accounting Standards referred to in sub-section (3C) of Section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956; (e) On the basis of written representations received from the Directors and taken on record by the Board of Directors, we report that none of the Directors is disqualified as on 31st March, 2008 from being appointed as a Director under clause (g) of subsection (1) of Section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956; (f) (i) The Company has continued with the net deferred tax liability amounting to Rs.2,121 lacs as on 31st March, 2008 without recognising deferred tax asset to the said extent. As a result of the above, the profit after taxation for the year and reserves and surplus as at 31st March, 2008 are lower by Rs.2,121 lacs and deferred tax liability as at 31st March, 2008 is higher by Rs.2,121 lacs (Refer Note No. 16(a) in Schedule T). (ii) Subject to the above, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the accounts, read together with the notes thereon, give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India; (a) In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March, 2008; (b) In the case of the Profit and Loss Account, of the profit of the Company for the year ended on that date; and (c) In the case of the cash flow statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date. For S. V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 (P.V.PARANJAPE) Partner Membership No. 47296 27 United Phosphorus Limited ANNEXURE TO THE AUDITORS REPORT* (* Referred to in our Report of even date on the accounts of United Phosphorus Limited for the year ended 31st March, 2008) 1. 2. 3. 28 (a) The Company has maintained proper records to show full particulars including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets. (b) As explained to us, some of the fixed assets have been physically verified by the management under the phased programme of physical verification which, in our opinion, is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. The frequency of verification is reasonable and no material discrepancies have been noticed on such physical verification. (c) During the year, the Company has not disposed off a substantial part of the fixed assets. (a) The inventories, except for stock-in-transit and materials lying with outside parties, have been physically verified by the management during the year. In our opinion, the frequency of verification is reasonable. (b) In our opinion, the procedures of physical verification of inventories followed by the management are reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the Company and the nature of its business. (c) The Company has maintained proper records of inventories. The discrepancies noticed on physical verification of stocks as compared to book records were not material and the same have been properly dealt with in the books of account. (a) The Company had granted unsecured loans to four companies covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. The maximum amount involved during the year was Rs.14,986 lacs and the year end balance of the said loans was Rs.801 lacs. (b) In our opinion, the rate of interest and other terms and conditions of the aforesaid loans granted to the companies covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 are not, prima facie, prejudicial to the interest of the Company. (c) The parties have repaid the principal amount as stipulated and have been regular in payment of interest. (d) There are no overdue amount of the loans granted to the companies covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. (e) Since the company has not taken any loan from companies, firms or other parties covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956, the provisions of clauses 4(iii)(e), 4(iii)(f) and 4(iii)(g) of the Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003, in respect of number of parties from whom the loan had been taken and the amount involved, whether the rate of interest and other terms and conditions of the loans are prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the Company, and whether the principal amount and interest has been paid regularly, are not applicable to the Company. 4. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, there is an adequate internal control system commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its business with regard to purchases of inventory, fixed assets and for the sale of goods and services. During the course of our audit, we have not observed any continuing failure to correct major weaknesses in the internal control system. 5. (a) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the particulars of contracts or arrangements referred to in Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 have been entered in the register required to be maintained under the said section. (b) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the transactions made in pursuance of contracts or arrangements entered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 and exceeding the value of rupees five lakhs in respect of any party during the year have been made at prices which are reasonable having regard to the prevailing market prices at the relevant time. However, in respect of certain transactions of purchases and sales of goods, materials or services, we are unable to comment in respect thereof in the absence of similar transactions with other parties. 6. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not accepted any deposits during the year and accordingly, the provisions of Sections 58A and 58AA or any other relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975 with regard to the deposits accepted from the public, are not applicable to the company. We have been informed that no Order has been passed by the Company Law Board or National Company Law Tribunal or Reserve Bank of India or any Court or any other Tribunal. 7. In our opinion, the Company has an internal audit system commensurate with its size and nature of its business. 8. We have broadly reviewed the books of account maintained by the Company pursuant to the Order made by the Central Government for the maintenance of cost records under Section 209(1)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956 and are of the opinion that prima facie, the prescribed records have been maintained and the prescribed accounts are being made up. We have however, not made a detailed examination of the said records. 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 9. (a) According to the records of the Company, undisputed statutory dues including Provident Fund, Investor Education and Protection Fund, Employees State Insurance, Income-tax, Sales-tax, Wealth-tax, Service-tax, Custom Duty, Excise duty, cess and any other statutory dues have generally been deposited regularly during the year with the appropriate authorities. There were no arrears of the aforesaid dues as on the date of the Balance Sheet for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable. (b) According to the records of the Company, the dues of sales tax, income tax, custom duty, wealth tax, excise duty, service tax, cess which have not been deposited on account of disputes and the forum where the dispute is pending are as under: Sr. Name of the statute No. 1 Income tax Act, 1961 Nature of dues Income-tax Demands Amount (Rs. In lacs) 0.27 5.86 2 Sales tax Act Sales Tax Demands 2,314.23 435.48 20.57 3 Central Excise Act Excise Duty Demands 1,209.43 1,586.00 Forum where dispute is Pending Income-tax Appellate Tribunal, Ahmedabad Income-tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai Commissioner of Sales-tax, Baroda High Court, Gujarat. Sales tax Tribunal, Chandigarh Commissioner (Appeals) Central Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai 10. The Company has no accumulated losses as at year-end and has not incurred cash losses during the financial year covered by our audit and in the immediately preceding financial year. 11. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to a financial institution or bank or debenture holders. 12. The Company has maintained adequate documents and records in respect of loans and advances granted on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares. 13. In our opinion, the Company is not a Chit Fund Company or a nidhi / mutual benefit fund / society. Therefore, the provisions of clause 4(xiii) of the Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003 are not applicable to the Company. 14. In our opinion, the Company is not dealing in or trading in shares, securities, debentures and other investments. Accordingly, the provisions of clause 4(xiv) of the Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003 are not applicable to the Company. 15. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the terms and conditions on which the Company has given guarantees for loans taken by its subsidiary companies from banks or financial institutions are not prejudicial to the interest of the Company. 16. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has generally applied the term loans for the purpose for which the loans were obtained. 17. According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the balance sheet and the cash flow statement of the Company, we are of the opinion that the funds raised on short-term basis have not been used for longterm investments. 18. The Company has made preferential allotment of share warrants to a company covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. In our opinion, the price at which the aforesaid share warrants have been issued is not prejudicial to the interest of the Company. 19. The Company has not issued any debentures during the year. Accordingly, the provisions of clause 4(xix) of the Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003 in respect of creation of security or charge for debentures issued are not applicable to the Company. 20. We have verified the end use of money raised by public issue as disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. 21. According to the information and explanations given to us, no fraud on or by the Company has been noticed or reported during the course of our audit. For S. V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 (P.V.PARANJAPE) Partner Membership No. 47296 29 United Phosphorus Limited BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2008 Schedule Rs. in lacs A 4,393 8,528 165,918 As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1 SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS: (a) Capital (b) Warrant Application Money (c) Reserves and Surplus 2 LOAN FUNDS: (a) Secured Loans (b) Unsecured Loans 3 DEFERRED PAYMENT LIABILITIES 4 DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY (NET) B C D 17,640 133,027 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS: (a) Gross Block (b) Less: Depreciation (c) (d) E Net Block Capital Work-in-Progress 112,675 32,911 160,819 150,667 2,815 193,730 4,153 2,121 4,617 334,442 315,175 103,953 48,953 94,116 43,246 55,000 12,730 50,870 6,079 2 INTANGIBLE ASSETS F 67,730 14,102 56,949 57,429 3 INVESTMENTS G 83,120 39,239 4 CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES: (a) Inventories (b) Sundry Debtors (c) Cash and Bank Balances (d) Other Current Assets (e) Loans and Advances H I J K L Less: CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS: (a) Liabilities (b) Provisions M N 30,227 49,852 30,383 7,101 130,871 25,942 38,056 18,377 8,377 140,658 248,434 231,410 73,804 5,140 69,852 _ 78,944 69,852 NET CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL NOTES ON ACCOUNTS 30 108,925 178,839 APPLICATION OF FUNDS: 1 3,750 _ 169,490 161,558 334,442 315,175 T As per our attached Report of even date For S.V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants R. D. SHROFF Chairman and Managing Director S. KRISHNAN Chief Financial Officer P. V. PARANJAPE Partner A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director M.B. TRIVEDI Secretary Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2008 Schedule INCOME: Sale of Products: [Including sale of raw materials: Rs.4,325 lacs (Previous Year : Rs. 1,340 lacs)] Less: (a) Excise Duty (b) Rebate and Discounts Other Income from Operations Other Income O P Increase in Stocks Q EXPENDITURE: Manufacturing and Other Expenses Amortisation/Depreciation Interest and Other Financial Costs Amortisation of Deferred Revenue Expenses R S PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION AND EXCEPTIONAL ITEM Exceptional Items PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION Less: Provision for Taxation: Current Minimum Alternative Tax entitlement Deferred Fringe Benefits Tax Rs. in lacs 145,094 11,611 6,665 140,813 12,031 11,624 164,468 473 164,941 10,337 8,028 126,729 8,416 10,374 145,519 4,032 149,551 155,235 9,706 265 9,441 115,126 9,517 8,696 46 133,385 16,166 _ 16,166 135,783 6,691 12,761 _ 1,062 (1,052) _ 179 Prior Period Adjustments - Others (Net) Prior Period Adjustments -Taxation Capital Redemption Reserve Debenture Redemption Reserve 61 _ _ 4,821 Balance brought forward from Previous Year Add: Amount transferred from General Reserve 390 _ Balance Carried to Balance Sheet EARNING PER SHARE (Refer Note No. 28 in Schedule T ) Basic Earning per Share (Rs.) Diluted Earning per Share (Rs.) Face Value per Share (Rs.) NOTES ON ACCOUNTS 189 9,252 2,550 11,802 4,882 6,920 390 7,310 AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION Appropriations: (a) Preference Dividend (b) Dividend on Equity Shares (i) Interim (ii) Final (c) Tax on Distributed Profits: (i) On Preference Dividend (ii) On Equity Dividend (d) Transfer to General Reserve Previous Year Rs. in lacs 159,089 PROFIT AFTER TAXATION Add: Debenture Redemption Reserve written back Less: (a) (b) (c) (d) Current Year Rs. in lacs 1,775 (1,765) 5,069 205 5,284 10,882 _ 10,882 180 (2) 12 7,975 8,165 2,717 341 1,000 1,341 4,058 _ 1 _ 4,393 2,251 - _ 747 1,000 6,140 1,170 316 1,100 3,668 390 4.61 4.18 2.00 5.71 5.38 2.00 T As per our attached Report of even date For S.V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants R. D. SHROFF Chairman and Managing Director S. KRISHNAN Chief Financial Officer P. V. PARANJAPE Partner A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director M.B. TRIVEDI Secretary Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 31 United Phosphorus Limited CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2008 For the year For the year ended 31st ended 31st March, 2008 (Rs. in lacs) (A) (Rs. in lacs) March, 2007 (Rs. in lacs) (Rs. in lacs) CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (1) Net Profit Before Tax and Extraordinary/Exceptional Items (2) 9,706 16,166 Adjustments For : Amortisation / Depreciation 6,691 9,517 Amortisation of Expenses _ 46 Loss/(Profit) on Sale of Fixed Assets _ (203) Assets Written Off Loss/(Profit) on Sale of Investments 7 98 (1,644) (2,657) 69 84 Provision for Diminution in Value of Long-Term Investments Provision for Doubtful Debts and Advances (Net) Excess Provision Written Back (Net) Bad Debts and Sundry Debit Balances Written Off Sundry Credit Balances Written Back Dividend/Interest on Investments 50 359 (550) (182) 205 69 (155) (82) (330) (1,531) Other Interest Income (9,595) (6,139) Interest Expenses 10,733 8,089 1,525 (1,579) (33) (26) Exchange difference on Loans Manufacturing Expenses Capitalised Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes (3) 5,863 16,679 22,029 Adjustments for : Trade and other receivables Inventories Trade Payable and other Liabilities 2,195 (1,879) (3,747) (6,092) 1,932 14,059 380 6,088 Cash Generated from Operations 17,059 28,117 (4) Total Interest Paid 11,300 (6,976) (5) Taxes Paid 1,571 (2,269) Cash Flow Before Extraordinary Items 4,188 18,872 (265) - (61) (180) 3,862 18,692 (6) Exceptional Items (6) Prior Period Expenditure Net Cash from Operating Activities 32 6,973 A 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 CASH FLOW STATEMENT (CONTD.) : For the year For the year ended 31st ended 31st March, 2008 (Rs. in lacs) (B) CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (1) Purchase of Fixed Assets (2) Purchase of Intangible Assets (3) Sale of Fixed Assets (4) Investments in Subsidiaries (5) Purchase of other Investments (6) Sale of Investments in Subsidiaries (7) Sale of Investments (8) Dividend Received (9) Interest Received (10) Sundry Loans (11) Advances and loans to subsidiaries March, 2007 (Rs. in lacs) (14,955) (14,030) 26 (11,451) (35,000) _ Net Cash used in Investing Activities (C) (Rs. in lacs) B CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (1) Redemption of Preference Share Capital (2) Borrowings (Net) (3) Warrant Application Money (4) Proceeds from Issue of Shares (5) Share/Bond/Debenture Issue Expenses (6) Dividends Paid (7) Tax on Distributed Profits Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents as at the Beginning of the year Cash and Cash Equivalents as on 1st April, 2007 transferred pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement (Refer Note No. 5 in Schedule T) 4,145 330 9,498 (19,866) 17,622 (10,149) (46,153) 235 (37,937) (8,700) 84,726 11,220 1,531 1,103 (3,191) (105,685) (63,681) (113,000) _ (12) 83,118 _ _ (40,434) 8,528 105,278 (1,404) (144) _ Net Cash From Financing Activities (Rs. in lacs) (77) (3,957) (579) C 71,824 78,493 (A + B + C) 12,005 (15,815) 18,377 34,192 1 _ Cash and Cash Equivalents as at the Close of the year Note: Cash and Cash equivalents at the end of the year are after adjustments of foreign exchange loss of Rs. Nil (Previous Year: Rs. 24.44 lacs) 18,378 30,383 34,192 18,377 As per our attached Report of even date For S.V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants R. D. SHROFF Chairman and Managing Director S. KRISHNAN Chief Financial Officer P. V. PARANJAPE Partner A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director M.B. TRIVEDI Secretary Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 33 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET SCHEDULE A: As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 15,500 14,000 500 5,500 14,000 500 30,000 20,000 4,393 3,750 4,393 3,750 CAPITAL: Authorised: 77,50,00,000 (Previous Year : 27,50,00,000) Equity Shares of Rs. 2 each 1,40,00,000 Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each 50,00,000 Preference Shares of Rs. 10 each Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up: 21,96,45,756 (Previous Year : 18,75,22,068) Equity Shares of Rs. 2 each fully paid-up Notes: 34 TOTAL 1. Of the above, 12,73,31,215 Equity Shares of Rs.2 each fully paid-up have been allotted pursuant to a Scheme of Arrangement, without payments being received in cash. 2. During the year, out of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) of Series B issued in financial years 2005 and 2006 and outstanding as on 31st March, 2007 amounting to USD 79.24 million, FCCB amounting to USD 10 million have been converted into 18,70,588 equity shares of Rs. 2 each fully paid-up. The said equity shares shall rank pari-passu with the other equity shares. In respect of the balance FCCB aggregating to USD 68.70 million, the bond holders have an option to convert the said FCCB into equity shares. 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE B: RESERVES AND SURPLUS: 1. Capital Redemption Reserve: Balance as per last Balance Sheet Add: Transferred from Profit and Loss Account 2. 3. 4. 3,312 3,312 Securities Premium: Balance as per last Balance Sheet Less: Adjustment of Balance in Product Registration and Product Acquisitions Accounts as on 31.3.2007 pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement (Refer Note No.5 in Schedule T) Add: A m o u n t a r i s i n g o n c o n v e r s i o n o f Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds into equity shares Add: Received on issue of equity shares during the year Less: Expenses incurred on issue of Equity/ Shares/Bonds/Debentures/Notes 53,327 7. 890 104,672 1,404 107,387 General Reserve: Balance as per last Balance Sheet Less: Adjustment of Balance in Product Registration and Product Acquisitions Accounts as on 31.3.2007 pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement (Refer Note No.5 in Schedule T) Less: Excess of liabilities over assets taken over pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement (Refer Note No.5 in Schedule T) Less: Transferred to Profit and Loss Account 77 53,327 38,494 Less :Provision for Gratuity 6. 4,119 Capital Reserve: Balance as per last Balance sheet [Rs.0.26 lacs (Previous year : Rs 0.25 lacs)] Add: Amount arising in respect of fractional entitlement on conversion of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds into equity shares. [Nil (Previous Year: Rs.0.01 lacs)] [Rs.0.26 lacs (Previous Year: Rs.0.26 lacs)] 3,312 52,514 53,327 Add: Transferred from Profit and Loss Account 5. 3,300 12 38,481 360 115 1,000 38,019 37,481 1,000 1,100 39,019 38,581 87 38,494 39,019 Debenture Redemption Reserve: Balance as per last Balance Sheet Add : Transferred from Profit and Loss Account 16,987 4,821 9,012 7,975 Less : Transferred to Profit and Loss Account 21,808 2,550 16,987 16,987 19,258 Foreign Currency Translation Reserve : Balance as per last Balance sheet Add: Exchange difference in respect of nonintegral foreign operation Balance in Profit and Loss Account TOTAL (3,585) (351) (643) (3,234) (3,585) 390 108,925 (4,228) 1,170 165,918 35 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE C: As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs SECURED LOANS: 1. Secured Redeemable Non-convertible Debentures: of Rs.10,00,000 each fully paid up (a) 100 - 7.2% 7 year (Refer Note No. 1 below) (b) 500 - Floating Rate 7 year 2. 3. From Banks: (a) On Term Loan Accounts (Refer Note No. 2 below) (b) Under Vehicle Finance Schemes (Refer Note No. 3 below) (c) On Cash Credit and Working Capital Demand Loan Accounts (Refer Note No. 4 below) From Others: (a) From Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (Refer Note No. 5(a) below) (b) From Industrial Development Bank of India (Refer Note No.5(b) below) (c) External Commercial Borrowing from International Finance Corporation (Refer Note No. 5(c) below) (d) From G.E.Capital Services India TOTAL 36 1,000 1,000 5,000 1,000 6,000 6,375 8,050 140 251 5,149 10,116 11,664 18,417 8 21 93 314 4,875 6,284 1,875 4,976 8,494 17,640 32,911 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET SCHEDULE C (Contd.): Notes: 1. Debentures referred above are redeemable at par in three annual instalments in the ratio of 30%, 30% and 40% commencing from 1st October, 2009 and have a put and call option at the end of 5th year i.e. 1st October, 2009. The aforesaid Debentures are secured by a first mortgage and charge on immovable property at Ahmedabad, Gujarat and further are to be secured by way of first charge on intangible assets of the Company. 2. (a) Term Loan from UTI Bank Limited amounting to Rs. 1,375 lacs is secured by first charge on all movable Plant and Machinery, Equipments, Furnitures, and Fixtures etc. of the Company situated at Vapi, Ankleshwar, both present and future, ranking pari-passu with existing chargeholders except fixed assets on which specific charge has been created in favour of other Financial Institutions/Banks. (b) Term loan from State Bank of India amounting to Rs. 5,000 lacs is secured by way of a first charge on pari-passu basis by hypothecation of movable plant and machinery, machinery spares, tools and accessories and other movables, both present and future, whether installed or not, situated at Vapi, Ankleshwar and Halol units of the Company excluding assets on which specific first charge is already created/to be created in favour of other lenders. Further, the aforesaid loan is further secured by way of first mortgage and charge on leasehold land situated at Vapi and Ankleshwar units and land at Halol Unit together with all buildings and structures thereon and all plant and machinery attached to earth. 3. Term Loans from ICICI Bank Limited and Citibank Limited under Vehicle Finance Schemes amounting to Rs. 135 lacs and Rs.5 lacs, respectively, are secured by an exclusive charge by way of hypothecation of vehicles purchased under the said Schemes. 4. Cash Credit and Working Capital Demand Loan Accounts from Banks are secured by hypothecation of present and future inventories, book debts, etc. of the Company wherever situated. 5. (a) Term loan from Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) amounting to Rs. 8 lacs is to be secured by a first charge by way of hypothecation of all movable assets other than book debts, both present and future, except stock of raw materials, stores, semi-finished and finished goods, on which charge has been created and/ or is to be created in favour of Companys bankers and such other movables which may be agreed to by TIFAC. (b) Term loan from Industrial Development Bank of India amounting to Rs. 93 lacs is secured: (i) exclusively by way of hypothecation of plant and machinery of Aluminium Phosphite Plant, Pesticides Technical Plant, D.V.Ester Plant and D.G.Set situated at Vapi and Phosphomidon Plant and Para Chloro Ortho Cresol Plant situated at Ankleshwar. (ii) by way of first charge by hypothecation of movable properties of the Company including movable plant and machinery, machinery spares, tools and accessories and other movables, both present and future, situated within the Companys factories, premises and godowns or elsewhere. (iii) by way of first mortgage and charge on leasehold land situated at Vapi, Ankleshwar and Halol Units. (c) External Commercial Borrowing from International Finance Corporation amounting to Rs. 4,875 lacs is secured by pari-passu first charge by way of hypothecation of specific movable assets, present and future, situated at Jhagadia Unit of the Company. 37 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET SCHEDULE D: As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 7,500 19,500 UNSECURED LOANS: 1. Term Loans from Banks 2. Commercial Papers [Maximum amount outstanding at any time during the year Rs. 15,000 lacs (Previous Year: Rs.19,500 lacs)] 3. Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds 27,562 34,519 4. External Commercial Borrowings 64,211 65,723 5. Syndicated Notes 33,754 34,076 6. From Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited under Employees Housing Loan Scheme TOTAL 38 133,027 7,000 1 160,819 Total Capital Work-in-Progress (Refer Note No.2 given below) Previous Year Land - Freehold Land - Leasehold Buildings (Refer Note No. 1 given below) Plant and Machinery Laboratory Equipments Furniture, Fixtures and Equipments Vehicles Temporary Structures Assets taken on Lease: (a) Plant and Machinery (b) Computer Equipments 1,032 94,116 - - 10,900 93 86,834 791 19 6 - 3 213 Assets transferred pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement* 71,965 168 2,564 1,328 3 193 2,610 4,292 As at 31st March, 2007 7,605 8,914 - 7,420 23 296 - 1,175 323 109 - 31 3 75 - - Additions during Deductions the year during the year G R O S S B L O C K (AT COST OR BOOK VALUE) 94,116 103,953 10,900 93 80,145 210 2,863 1,253 3 193 2,613 5,680 As at 31st March 2008 38,187 43,246 5,519 77 34,058 37 1,779 691 3 1,082 Upto 31st March, 2007 14,030 69,382 23,229 Total Previous Year 46,153 873 1,440 11,664 53 Additions during the year 6,071 9,095 810 53,281 125 Data Access Fees Product Registrations Task Force Expenses Product Acquisitions Software/Licence Fees As at 31st March, 2007 - 62,376 9,095 53,281 - Adjustments pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement* GROSS BLOCK - - - Deductions during the year 69,382 21,036 6,944 1,440 810 11,664 178 As at 31st March 2008 7,688 11,953 4,963 3,675 776 2,489 50 Upto 31st March, 2007 193 76 - 12 3 61 - - - - - Deductions/ Adjustments - 6,164 3,675 2,489 - 4,265 1,145 737 288 8 76 36 Adjustments Provided during pursuant the year to the Scheme of Arrangement* 5,252 5,546 537 6 4,487 10 213 157 - 136 Deductions/ Provided during Adjustments the year AMORTISATION 237 - 198 1 2 - 36 Transferred pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement* DEPRECIATION Notes: 1. Certain intangible assets which are required to be held outside India and where the Company is the beneficial owner of the said intangible assets, are held in the name of overseas subsidiary companies. 2. * Refer Note No. 5 in Schedule T 1 2 3 4 5 Sr. Description of Assets SCHEDULE F: INTANGIBLE ASSETS: Notes: 1. Buildings include those purchased on hire purchase basis amounting to Rs.4.92 lacs, the ownership whereof has not yet been transferred to the Company. 2. Capital Work-in-Progress includes Advances for Capital Expenditure Rs. 668.19 lacs (Previous Year: Rs.515 lacs). 3. * Refer Note No. 5 in Schedule `T' 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 Sr. Description of Assets SCHEDULE E: FIXED ASSETS: SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET 11,953 6,934 5,700 288 784 76 86 Total upto 31st March, 2008 43,246 48,953 6,056 83 38,731 48 1,991 787 3 1,254 Total upto 31st March, 2008 (Rs. in lacs) 56,949 67,730 14,102 1,244 1,152 26 11,588 92 57,429 1,108 5,420 34 50,792 75 As at 31st March, As at 31st March, 2008 2007 NET AMOUNT (Rs. in lacs) 6,079 50,870 5,381 16 37,907 131 785 637 - 193 2,610 3,210 12,730 55,000 4,844 10 41,414 162 872 466 - 193 2,613 4,426 As at 31st March, As at 31st March, 2008 2007 NET BLOCK 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 39 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET SCHEDULE G: INVESTMENTS (At Cost): I. LONG-TERM: 1. IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES: (Unquoted) (a) National Savings Certificates [Face Value: Rs. Nil (Previous Year: Rs. 1 lac)] Deposited with Government Authorities (b) Indira Vikas Patra [Face Value: Rs. 0.06 lac] Deposited with Government Authorities [Rs.0.06 lacs] 2. 3. 4. IN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES: Unquoted: (a) 2,36,000 Ordinary Shares of US $ 100 each fully paidup in Bio-Win Corporation Ltd. (b) 2,00,00,000 (Previous Year: Nil) 3% Redeemable Preference Shares of US $ 1 each fully paid-up in Bio-Win Corporation Limited (c) 60,00,000 (Previous Year: Nil) 3% Redeemable Preference Shares of Euro 1 each fully paid-up in Bio-Win Corporation Limited (d) 50,007 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Shroffs United Chemicals Limited (e) 10,00,007 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid-up in SWAL Corporation Limited (f) 702,000 6% Non-Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares of Rs.100 each fully paid-up in SWAL Corporation Limited. (g) Nil (Previous Year: 84,00,000) Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid-up in Advanta India Limited (h) Nil (Previous Year: 26,00,000) Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid-up in Kerala Enviro Infrastructure Limited TRADE INVESTMENTS : (Unquoted) (a) 1,627 Equity Shares of Tk.1,000 each fully paid-up in United Phosphorus (Bangladesh) Limited (b) 57 Ordinary Shares of 1 Rand each fully paid-up in Cropserve (PTY) Limited IN SHARES (OTHER THAN TRADE): (a) Quoted: (i) 84,00,000 (Previous Year: Nil) Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Advanta India Limited (i) 28,100 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Gujarat State Financial Corporation (iii) 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid-up in Nivi Trading Limited. (iv) 41,150 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Transpek Industry Limited (v) 5,307 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in IDFC Limited (vi) 3,598 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Bank of Baroda Limited. Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs 1 9,419 40 1 9,419 8,004 3,447 5 5 1,691 1,691 702 702 23,649 260 23,268 4 35,726 4 289 289 293 23,649 293 6 6 6 6 68 68 2 2 8 8 23,739 Carried Forward As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 90 23,561 36,020 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET SCHEDULE G (Contd.) (b) Brought Forward Unquoted: (i) 10,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Agrinet Solutions Limited (ii) 18,52,088 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Bharuch Eco Aqua Infrastructure Limited. (iii) 10,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Janakalyan Sahakari Bank Limited (iv) 10,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Uniphos Agro Industries Limited (v) 45,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Bloom Packaging Private Limited. (vi) 26,00,000 (Previous Year: Nil) Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up in Kerala Enviro Infrastructure Limited Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 23,561 36,020 315 315 185 185 1 1 50 50 185 185 260 996 5. OTHER INVESTMENTS: Unquoted: (I) Nil (Previous Year: 2,27,82,157) Unit Prudential ICICI Liquid Fund - Super Investment Plan [Net Asset Value: Nil (Previous Year: Rs. 2,500 lacs)] (ii) 947 6.75% Tax Free Bonds of Unit Trust of India of Rs.100 each fully paid-up 826 2500 1 Less: Provision for Diminution in value of Long-Term Investments II. 736 24,735 1 1 2,501 48,297 39,347 177 108 48,120 39,239 CURRENT INVESTMENTS: IN MUTUAL FUNDS (UNQUOTED): (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 1,13,95,665 (Previous Year: Nil) units of Principal Income Short Term Plan of Rs.10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.1,552 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] 3,41,050 (Previous Year: Nil) units of Templeton Short Income Fund of Rs. 1,000 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.4,108 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] 1,98,89,415 (Previous Year: Nil) units of ICICI Prudential Short Term Plan of Rs. 10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.3,085 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] 1,80,23,604 (Previous Year: Nil) units of Reliance Short Term Fund - Retail of Rs. 10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.2,589 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] 1,00,00,000 (Previous Year: Nil) units of J.M.Interval Fund of Rs.10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.1,009 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] 1,00,00,000 (Previous Year: Nil) units of Sundaram BNP Paribas of Rs. 10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.1,008 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] 2,82,12,459 (Previous Year: Nil) units of LIC MF Liquid Plus Fund - Growth Option - Liquid plus of Rs. 10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.3,026 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] Carried Forward 1,500 4,000 3,000 2,500 1,000 1,000 3,000 48,120 39,239 41 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE G (Contd.) Brought Forward (viii) 1,84,75,580 (Previous Year: Nil) units of Reliance Monthly Interval Fund - Series II Institutional Growth Plan of Rs. 10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.2,017 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] (ix) 2,37,07,473 Previous Year: Nil) units of Switch LIC Mutual Fund - Liquid Scheme of Rs. 10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.2,542 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] (x) 1,97,53,607 (Previous Year: Nil) units of Birla Sunlife Liquid Fund of Rs.10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.3,012 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] (xi) 2,75,576 (Previous Year: Nil) units of Reliance Liquid Plus Fund of Rs. 1,000 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.3,013 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] (xii) 3,24,579 (Previous Year: Nil) units of UTI Liquid Plus Fund - IP - Growth Option of Rs. 1000 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.3,504 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] (xiii) 2,33,54,446 (Previous Year: Nil) units of LIC Mutual Fund Liquid Plus Fund of Rs. 10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.2,505 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] (xiv) 2,21,92,041 (Previous Year: Nil) units of HSBC Liquid Plus of Rs. 10 each [Net Asset Value: Rs.2,502 lacs (Previous Year: Nil)] TOTAL Notes: 1. Aggregate amount of Quoted Investments: Cost (Net of Provision for Diminution) Market Value 2. Aggregate amount of Unquoted Investments: Cost (Net of Provision for Diminution) 3. During the year, the Company has purchased and sold the following shares/units a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) 42 UTI Liquid Plus Fund - IP - Growth UTI Liquid Cash Plan Institutional - Growth Sundaram BNP Paribas Money Fund Super Inst. Growth PRU ICICI INST LIQ PLAN LIC MF Liquid Plus Fund - Growth Kotak Quartely Interval Plan Series 3 Growth JM Money Manager Fund - Super Plus Plan JM High Liquidity Fund-Super IP Plan-Growth HSBC Liquid Plus Fund - IP Plus - Growth HDFC Cash Mgmt Fund - Savings Plus - Wholesale - Growth HDFC Cash Mgmt Fund - Savings Plan - Growth DWS Money Plus Fund - IP - Growth DWS Insta Cash Plus Fund Birla SunLife Liquid Plus - IP - Growth Birla Cash Plus -Inst Premium Plan-Growth Bio-Win Corporation Ltd. Pref. Shares USD Bio-Win Corporation Ltd. Pref. Shares EURO AIG India Treasury Plus Fund - Super IP - Growth ABN AMRO Money Plus IP Fund - Growth ABN AMRO Cash Fund Institutional Plus-Growth As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 48,120 39,239 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,500 2,500 2,500 35,000 83,120 39,239 23,707 84,218 56 43 59,413 36,683 No. of Shares/Units 768,179 311,080 70,841,955 88,155,877 135,212,489 10,000,000 44,970,373 20,253,903 18,390,128 58,769,495 30,602,003 137,405,118 48,452,899 70,649,843 39,857,470 35,000,000 14,000,000 19,823,963 21,607,737 24,849,660 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE H: INVENTORIES: As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs (Taken, valued and certified by a Director of the Company) (At lower of Cost or Net Realisable Value) 1. Stores and Spares (including Fuel) 1,229 1,152 2. Packing Materials 1,576 1,525 3. Stock-in-Trade: (a) Finished Products (b) By-Products (c) Semi-finished Products (d) Traded Goods (e) Raw Materials [Includes goods-in-transit Rs. 153 lacs (Previous Year: Rs. Nil)] 10,513 1,007 3,979 637 11,286 TOTAL 11,985 871 2,627 492 7,290 27,422 23,265 30,227 25,942 SCHEDULE I : SUNDRY DEBTORS: Unsecured: 1. 2. Debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months: Considered Good Considered Doubtful 10,403 2,655 11,388 2,744 Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts 13,058 2,655 14,132 2,744 Other Debts: Considered Good TOTAL 10,403 11,388 39,449 26,668 49,852 38,056 61 14 SCHEDULE J: CASH AND BANK BALANCES: 1. Cash on hand 2. Bank Balances: (a) With Scheduled Banks: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) In Current Accounts In Margin Accounts In Foreign Currency Accounts In Fixed Deposit Accounts [Including Fixed Deposit Receipts for Rs. 76 lacs (Previous Year: Rs. Nil) pledged with Bankers against guarantees given by them] In Unclaimed Dividend Accounts TOTAL 25,187 11 4 5,076 8,156 14 4 10,001 44 188 30,322 18,363 30,383 18,377 43 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE K: OTHER CURRENT ASSETS: 1. Interest/Dividend accrued on Investments (Refer Note No. 1 given below) 2. Interest Receivable Considered Good Considered Doubtful 3,729 5 3,734 5 Less: Provision 3. 4. (Refer Note No. 2 given below) Export Benefits Receivable Others Considered Good Considered Doubtful 578 186 764 186 Less: Provision Notes: 1. Interest/Dividend accurued on Investments include amounts due from a subsidiary Company 2. Interest receivable include amounts due from : (a) Subsidiary Companies (b) Uniphos Enterprises Limited, a company under the same management [Maximum amount due at any time during the year Rs. 6,481 lacs (Previous Year: Rs.410 lacs)] TOTAL SCHEDULE L: LOANS AND ADVANCES: Unsecured and Considered Good, unless otherwise stated: 1. Advances and loans to subsidiaries 2. Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received: Considered Good Considered Doubtful Less: Provision for Doubtful Advances 3. 4. 5. 6. Payment of taxes less provision for taxation Minimum Alternative Tax Credit Entitlement Loans and Advances to Employees Sundry Loans: Considered Good Considered Doubtful 1,942 76 2,018 76 Less: Provision for Doubtful Loans 7. 8. 9. Deposits with the Collectorate of Central Excise and Customs Sundry Deposits Share Application Money Notes: 1. Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received include advance to: (a) Uniphos Enterprises Limited, a Company under the same management.[Maximum amount due at any time during the year: Rs.6,481 lacs (Previous Year: Rs.3,834 lacs)] (b) A director for advance rent 2. 44 Sundry Deposits include amounts due from Directors 10,233 456 10,689 456 TOTAL As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 245 148 3,729 5,327 5 5,332 5 5,327 2,549 2,793 578 7,101 109 173 282 173 109 8,377 245 148 1,638 4,870 827 410 106,137 123,759 10,233 531 4,032 186 6,460 330 6,790 330 6,460 201 2,980 170 1,942 341 76 417 76 341 5,538 1,984 288 130,871 4,996 1,751 140,658 6 19 23 23 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE M: LIABILITIES: As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 6,949 15,901 51,112 47,063 1. Acceptances 2. Sundry Creditors [Includes amount due to subsidiary companies Rs.13,258 lacs (Previous Year: Rs.17,378 lacs)] (Refer Note No. 4 in Schedule T ) 3. Advances against Orders [Includes amount due to subsidiary companies Rs.267 lacs (Previous Year: Rs.57 lacs)] 2,847 1,127 4. Trade Deposits 1,309 591 5. Investor Education and Protection Fund shall be credited by the following amounts, as and when due: (a) Unpaid Dividend (b) Unpaid Matured debentures (c) Interest Accrued on above 6. 7. 8. 44 13 3 Bank Accounts Excess Drawn [Rs.0.68 lacs (Previous Year : Rs. 0.48 lacs)] Interest accrued but not due Other liabilities TOTAL 188 18 8 60 214 1 1,821 9,705 1,815 3,141 73,804 69,852 SCHEDULE N: PROVISIONS: 1. 2. Proposed Dividend on Equity Shares Provision for Tax on Distributed Profits on Equity Shares TOTAL 4,393 747 5,140 45 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE O: OTHER INCOME FROM OPERATIONS: 1. Export Incentives Current Year Rs. in lacs Previous Year Rs. in lacs 4,188 3,762 2. Job-Work Charges 603 402 3. Management Service Fees 107 201 4. Refund of Excise Duty 1,318 1,851 5. Refund of Sales-tax/Sales-tax set-off 6. Discount Received 8 1 84 101 7. Excess Provisions in respect of earlier years written back (Net) 550 182 8. Sundry Credit Balances written back (Net) 155 82 9. Exchange Difference (Net) 10. Profit on Sale of Assets (Net) 1,136 899 203 11. Income from Carbon Credits 1,475 12. Landfill Charges 1,787 13. Miscellaneous Receipts TOTAL SCHEDULE P: OTHER INCOME: 1. Income from Long-Term Investments (Gross) (a) Dividend from Subsidiary Companies (b) Dividend on Trade Investments (c) Dividend/Interest on other than Trade Investments 2. 3. 4. TOTAL 620 732 12,031 8,416 245 85 Interest on Loans, Deposits etc. (Gross) [Tax Deducted at Source Rs.59 lacs (Previous Year: Rs. 164 lacs)] Rent Profit on Sale of Investments 1,491 8 32 330 9,595 1,531 6,139 55 1,644 47 2,657 11,624 10,374 SCHEDULE Q: INCREASE IN STOCKS: Closing Stocks: (i) ( ii ) ( iii ) ( iv ) Finished Products By-Products Semi-finished Products Traded Goods 10,513 1,007 3,979 637 16,136 Less : Opening Stocks : (i) ( ii ) ( iii ) ( iv ) Finished Products By-Products Semi-finished Products Traded Goods Add: Stocks transferred pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement (Refer Note No. 5 in Schedule T) Less: Excise Duty on Stocks 46 11,985 871 2,627 492 15,975 11,985 871 2,627 492 7,891 790 2,123 530 15,975 11,334 106 16,081 11,334 55 4,641 (418) 609 473 4,032 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE R: MANUFACTURING AND OTHER EXPENSES: 1. RAW MATERIALS CONSUMED: Opening Stock Add: Stocks transferred pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement (Refer Note No. 5 in Schedule T) Add: Purchases Less: Closing Stock PURCHASES OF TRADED GOODS PAYMENTS TO AND PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEES (a) Salaries, Wages, Bonus and Other Benefits (b) Contribution to Provident Fund and Other Funds (c) Retirement Benefits (d) Welfare Expenses 4. OPERATING AND OTHER EXPENSES: (a) Stores and Spares Consumed (b) Power and Fuel (c) Repairs to Buildings (d) Repairs to Machinery (e) Other Repairs (f) Labour/Processing Charges (g) Rent (h) Rates and Taxes (i) Insurance Charges (j) Commission on Sales (k) Advertisement and Sales Promotion (l) Travelling and Conveyance (m) Legal and Professional Fees (n) Charity and Donations (o) Bad Debts written off (p) Provision for Doubtful Debts and Advances (Net) (q) Provision for Diminutions of Long-term investments (Net) (r) Effluent Disposal Charges (s) Assets written off (t) Directors Fees (u) Other Expenses 5. 6. CONTAINERS AND PACKING MATERIALS CONSUMED TRANSPORT CHARGES TOTAL SCHEDULE S: INTEREST AND OTHER FINANCIAL COSTS: 1. On Debentures 2. On Term Loans 3. On Cash Credit and Working Capital Demand Loan Accounts 4. On Fixed Deposits and Fixed Loans 5. Other Interest 6. Cash Discount 7. Exchange Difference on Borrowings 8. Other Financial Charges TOTAL Previous Year Rs. in lacs 7,290 6,248 338 80,060 67,802 87,688 11,286 74,050 7,290 [Including cost of raw materials sold Rs.3,773 lacs (Previous Year: Rs. 1,328 lacs)] 2. 3. Current Year Rs. in lacs 76,402 66,760 7,099 3,950 6,707 336 625 1,065 5,292 251 294 924 8,733 2,293 5,151 148 815 416 5,666 950 761 755 2,999 1,400 2,018 2,672 325 205 50 69 1,557 7 5 2,282 6,761 2,243 3,649 160 813 340 3,761 651 341 649 4,649 1,192 1,974 2,028 208 69 359 84 1,149 98 3 2,019 30,544 7,948 5,057 26,439 6,770 4,446 135,783 115,126 1,559 4,873 2,116 122 1,392 671 1,525 503 1,630 3,639 1,266 102 1,565 607 (1,579) 1,466 12,761 8,696 47 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T: NOTES ON ACCOUNTS: 1. 48 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (a) System of Accounting: (i) The Company follows the mercantile system of accounting and recognises income and expenditure on accrual basis and for this purpose, certain items of income such as overdue interest from customers, etc. have been considered to the extent the amount is ascertainable/accepted by the parties. (ii) Revenue from sale of Certified Emission Reduction (CER) is recognised as income on delivery thereof in terms of the contract with the respective buyers. (iii) Financial statements are based on historical cost. These costs are not adjusted to reflect the impact of the changing value in the purchasing power of money. (b) Fixed Assets: Fixed Assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and provision for impairment, if any. (c) Intangible Assets Intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation. (d) Depreciation: (i) Leasehold Land: No amount has been written off against leasehold land since as per the lease agreements, the leases are renewable at the option of the Company for a further period of 99 years at the end of the lease period of 99 years, without/marginal payment of further premium. (ii) Other Fixed Assets: a) In respect of all assets at Ankleshwar Unit, Jhagadia Unit, Vapi Unit at A-2/1, GIDC, Vapi, Haldia Unit, Research and Development assets and additions to Plant and Machinery from 1st January, 1983 of Vapi Unit at 11, GIDC, Vapi, on straight line basis in accordance with Section 205(2)(b) of the Companies Act, 1956 as under: (i) At the straight line rates corresponding to the rates applicable under the Income-tax Rules in force at the time of acquisition/installation of the said assets, in accordance with Circular No.1/86 dated 21st May, 1986 issued by the Department of Company Affairs in respect of additions to the aforesaid Fixed Assets upto 1st April, 1987. (ii) At the straight line rates specified in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956 in respect of additions to the aforesaid Fixed Assets on or after 2nd April, 1987. (iii) In respect of additions to the following Plant and Machinery after 1st October, 2001 at the straight line rates specified below: Membrane used in Caustic Chlorine Plant - 20% Hot section in the Power Plant - 33% (b) In respect of all other Fixed Assets, on written down value basis in accordance with Section 205(2)(a) of the Companies Act, 1956 at the rates specified in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956. (c) Assets costing Rs.5,000 or less have been depreciated at the rate of 100%. (d) In respect of additions to/deletions from the Fixed Assets, on pro-rata basis with reference to the month of addition/deletion of the Assets. (e) Inventories: (i) Stocks of stores and spares, packing materials and raw materials are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value and for this purpose, cost is determined on moving weighted average basis. However, the aforesaid items are not valued below cost if the finished products in which they are to be incorporated are expected to be sold at or above cost . (ii) Semi-finished products, finished products and by-products are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value and for this purpose, cost is determined on standard costing basis. (iii) Traded goods are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value. (f) Amortisation of Intangible Assets: (i) Expenditure incurred on product acquisitions are amortised on straight line basis over a period of fifteen years from the month of addition, to match their expected future economic benefits. (ii) Other intangible assets are amortised on straight line basis over a period of five years. (Also Refer Note No. 5 below) (g) Investments: Long-term investments are carried at cost of acquisition. However, the carrying amount is reduced to recognise a decline, other than temporary, in the value of long-term investments by a charge to the profit and loss account. Current investements are stated at lower of cost and fair value determined on individual investment basis. (h) Export Benefits: Duty free imports of raw materials under Advance Licence for imports as per the Import and Export Policy are matched with the exports made against the said licences and the net benefit / obligation has been accounted by making suitable adjustments in raw material consumption. 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : The benefit accrued under the Duty Entitlement Pass Book Scheme as per the Import and Export Policy in respect of exports made under the said scheme has been included under the head Export Incentives in Other Income from operations. (i) Retirement Benefits: (i) Provident Fund is a defined contribution scheme established under a State Plan. The contributions to the scheme are charged to the profit and loss account in the year when the contributions to the funds are due. (ii) Superannuation Fund is a defined contribution scheme and contributions to the scheme are charged to the profit and loss account in the year when the contributions are due. The scheme is funded with an insurance company in the form of a qualifying insurance policy. (iii) The Company has a defined benefit gratuity plan. Every employee who has completed five years or more of service gets a gratuity on post employment at 15 days salary (last drawn salary) for each completed year of service as per the rules of the Company. The aforesaid liability is provided for on the basis of an actuarial valuation made at the end of the financial year. The scheme is funded with an insurance company in the form of a qualifying insurance policy. (iv) The Company has other long-term employee benefits in the nature of leave encashment. The liability in respect of leave encashment is provided for on the basis of actuarial valuation made at the end of the financial year. The aforesaid leave encashment is funded with an insurance company in the form of a qualifying insurance policy. (v) Actuarial gains/ losses are recognised immediately to the profit and loss account. (j) Foreign Currency Transactions: (i) Transactions in foreign currency are recorded by applying the exchange rate at the date of the transaction. Monetary items denominated in foreign currency remaining unsettled at the end of the year, are translated at the closing rates, prevailing on the Balance Sheet date. Exchange differences arising as a result of the above are recognised as income or expense in the profit and loss account except for exchange differences arising on a monetary item which, in substance, form part of the Companys net investment in a non-integral foreign operation which is accumulated in a Foreign Currency Translation Reserve until the disposal of the net investment. (ii) In the case of forward contracts, the premium or discount arising at the inception of the contract is amortised as an expense or income over the life of the contract. (k) Derivative Instruments The Company uses derivative financial instruments such as forward exchange contracts, option contracts and interest rate swaps to hedge its risks associated with foreign currency fluctuations and interest rate. Accounting policy for forward exchange contracts is given in Note No. 1 (j) above Interest rate swap - Swap contracts are initially recognised at fair value on the date on which a derivative contract is entered into and subsequently remeasured at fair value. Such contract is carried as assets when fair value is positive and liabilities when the fair values are negative. Option contracts - The Company provides for losses in respect of all outstanding option contracts at the balance sheet date by marking them to market. Research and Development Costs: Research and Development Costs (other than cost of fixed assets acquired) are charged as an expense in the year in which they are incurred and are reflected under the appropriate heads of account. (l) (m) Borrowing Costs: Interest and other costs incurred for acquisition of qualifying assets, upto the date of commissioning / installation, are capitalised as part of the cost of the said assets. (n) Assets taken on Lease: (i) Operating Leases: Rentals and all other expenses in respect of assets taken on lease are treated as revenue expenditure. (ii) Finance Leases: Assets acquired under finance leases are capitalised and a corresponding loan liability is recognised. The lease rentals paid are bifurcated into principal and interest component by applying an implicit rate of return. The interest is charged as a period cost and the principal amount is adjusted against the liability recognised in respect of assets taken on financial lease. (o) Taxation: Income-tax expense comprises of current tax and deferred tax charge or credit. The deferred tax charge or credit is recognised using current tax rates. Deferred tax assets are recognised only if there is sufficient evidence that future taxable income will be available. (p) Premium on redemption of Debentures/Bonds: Premium payable on redemption of Debentures/Bonds is provided in the year of redemption of Debentures/Bonds. (q) Provisions A provision is recognised when the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events and it is possible that an obligation of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made. 49 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : 2. 50 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES NOT PROVIDED FOR: (a) Disputed Income-tax Liability (excluding interest) (b) Disputed Excise Duty Liability (excluding interest) (c) Disputed Sales-tax Liability (d) Disputed Custom Duty liability (e) Disputed Penalty on water tax (f) Bills/Cheques purchased/discounted with the banks and remaining unpaid as at the date of the Balance Sheet (g) Bills discounted under Letter of Credit and remaining unpaid at the date of the Balance Sheet (h) Guarantees given by Companys Bankers on behalf of the Company to third parties (i) Corporate guarantees given on behalf of subsidiary companies: (i) Bio-win Corporation Limited (ii) United Phosphorus Limited, U.K. (iii) United Phosphorus Limited, Hong Kong (iv) United Phosphorus Inc. USA (j) Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts (k) The Company has undertaken an export obligation of 8 times the CIF value of machinery imported by the Company to be fullfilled over a period of 8 years. The obligation outstanding as on the date of the Balance Sheet amounts to Rs.4,387 lacs (Previous Year: Nil) 3. Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for (net of advances) 4. In absence of information with the Company, the names of suppliers who are registered as micro, small or medium enterprises under The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, as at 31st March 2008 have not been given. 5. A Scheme of Arrangement between the Company and SWAL Corporation Limited (SWAL) and their respective shareholders under sections 391 to 394 read with Section 78 and Sections 100 to 103 of the Companies Act, 1956 was sanctioned by the Honble Bombay High Court on 29th February, 2008 and High Court of Judicature at Gujarat on 16th April, 2008 and became effective from 30th April, 2008. As per the said Scheme: (a) The whole of the undertaking and properties of Haldia Division being the manufacturing division of agrochemicals (Demerged Undertaking) of SWAL (Demerged Company) is demerged and transferred to and vested in the Company as a going concern with effect from the appointed date, viz. 1st April, 2007. (b) All the assets and liabilities pertaining to the Demerged Undertaking existing immediately before the appointed date, as certified by the board of Directors of both the Companies, have been transferred to the Company and have been recorded at their respective book values as appearing in the books of account of SWAL immediately before the demerger. (c) The entire share capital of SWAL is held by the Company and its nominee/s. Accordingly, no consideration of demerger has been made. (d) The excess of liabilities over the assets acquired by the Company as on the appointed date under the aforesaid Scheme amounting to Rs.115 lacs has been debited to the general reserve. (e) Transfer of materials from Haldia Division to the Marketing Division of SWAL from the appointed date till the effective date has been treated as sales by the Haldia Division and purchases by the Marketing As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 69 2,795 2,750 138 161 69 2,858 1,778 138 2,000 6,687 2,165 988 5,521 1,491 6,375 1,003 2,407 421 545 1,089 2,614 411 2,625 2,561 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : (f) (g) Division at the rates as mutually decided by the board of directors of the Company and SWAL. Reduction of Capital under sections 100 to 103 of the Companies Act, 1956 has been sanctioned under the scheme and accordingly, the debit balance aggregating to Rs.56,212 lacs in respect of Product Registrations and Product Acquisitions amounting to Rs.5,420 lacs and Rs.50,792 lacs respectively appearing as on 31st March, 2007 has been debited to the Securities Premium Account and the General Reserve after adjusting for deferred tax arising on account of these assets amounting to Rs.2,525 lacs. The stamp duty payable in respect of transfer of ownership of assets pursuant to demerger of Haldia Division of SWAL with the Company will be accounted for in the year of payment / adjudication. 6. During the year, the Company has made an issue of 2,41,66,000 equity shares of Rs.2 each on 19th October, 2007 to Qualified Institutional buyers at a price of Rs.350 per share and a preferential issue of 3,11,70,000 warrants with an option to apply for equivalent number of equity shares of Rs. 2 each to a promoter group Company on 25th October, 2007 at a price of Rs.340 per share. Out of the said warrants, 60,87,100 warrants have been converted into equal number of equity shares of Rs. 2 each till 31st March, 2008. 7. Details of utilisation of proceeds from issue of shares to Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB) are as stated below: Particulars 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Repayment of loans Investment in wholly owned subsidiary Investments in Mutual Funds Fixed Deposit with Bank Share Issue Expenses Total 8. 9. Utilisation as on 31st March, 2008 (Rs. in lacs) 39,350 4,579 35,000 5,000 652 84,581 Provision for Taxation includes Provision for Wealth-Tax Research and Development costs, as certified by the Management, debited to the Profit and Loss Account : a) Revenue Expenses debited to appropriate heads of account. b) Depreciation on Research and Development Assets 10. Auditors Remuneration: a) Audit Fees b) For Taxation matters c) For other matters d) For Certification work e) Reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses Notes: 1. Audit Fees includes fees for auditing consolidated financial statements amounting to Rs.10 lacs (Previous Year: Rs.10 lacs) 2. The aforesaid amount of auditors remuneration does not include an amount of Rs.13 lacs (Previous Year: Nil) paid for carrying out the professional work in relation to the issue of shares of the Company, which have been adjusted against Securities Premium Account Current Year Rs. in lacs Previous Year Rs. in lacs 10 10 815 83 650 56 43 15 16 2 1 31 13 17 1 1 51 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : 11. Deferred Payment Liabilities: (a) are net of interest in respect of future instalments (b) repayable within one year (net of interest) 12. Minimum Lease Payments in respect of assets acquired under finance leases are as under: (a) Payable not later than 1 year (b) Payable later than 1 year and not later than 5 years Total Minimum Lease Payments Less: Future Finance Charges Present Value of Minimum Lease Payments 13. Pre-operative expenses capitalised: a) Interest and other costs b) Salaries, wages and Other Expenses 14. Details of Donations to Political parties : Bharatiya Janata Party 15. (a) Managerial remuneration for Managing/Wholetime Directors: i. Salaries ii Contribution to Provident Fund iii Superannuation Scheme iv. Gratuity v. Perquisites vi. Commission TOTAL (b) Computation of Commission payable to Managing/ Wholetime Directors Profit before Taxation. Add: (i) Depreciation charged in Accounts (ii) Managerial Remuneration (iii) Directors Fees (iv) Commission to other Directors (v) Profit on sales of Fixed Assets as per Section 350 of the Companies Act, 1956. (vi) Assets Written off Less: (i) Depreciation as per Section 350 of The Companies Act, 1956 (ii) Profit on sale of Fixed Assets as per Accounts (iii) Prior Period Adjustments - others (net) (iv) Profit on Sale of Investments Net Profit as per Section 309(5) of the Companies Act, 1956. Commission to Managing/Wholetime Directors in terms of agreements. Restricted to : Commission to other Directors @ 1% thereof Rs.83 lacs, (Previous Year Rs 140 lacs) which the Directors have agreed to restrict to 16. (a) (b) The Company has continued with the net deferred tax liability amounting to Rs.2,121 lacs as on 31st March, 2008 without recognising deferred tax asset to the said extent. As a result of the above, the profit after taxation for the year and reserves and surplus as at 31st March, 2008 are lower by Rs.2,121 lacs and deferred tax liabilities as at 31st March, 2008 is higher by Rs.2,121 lacs Break up of Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities: a) Deferred Tax Assets: (i) Unabsorbed Depreciation (ii) Provision for Doubtful debts and advances (iii) Others b) 52 Deferred Tax Liabilities: Depreciation As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 2,815 1,024 4,773 1,954 21 38 59 8 51 954 954 33 921 Current Year Rs. in lacs Previous Year Rs. in lacs 569 34 318 26 35 274 33 41 13 36 180 577 198 24 30 10 38 238 538 9,441 5,546 577 5 12 16,166 5,252 538 3 12 7 6,147 203 98 6,106 5,546 61 1,644 7,251 8,337 333 180 5,252 203 259 2,657 8,372 13,900 664 238 12 12 As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 6,233 1,148 213 7,594 3,298 1,131 142 4,571 9,715 9,188 9,715 9,188 Note: Deferred Tax Asset on account of unabsorbed depreciation has been recognised, as the Company has timing difference on account of depreciation, the reversal of which will result in sufficient taxable income. 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : 17. Additional information pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 3,4C and 4D of Part II of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956: (A) Licenced Capacity, Installed Capacity and Production: SR. No. PRODUCT Unit 1 Speciality Chemicals Tonnes 5,470 2 Chloro-Alkaline Products Tonnes NM3 101,700 Tonnes 51,000 39,480 28,761 51,000 39,480 30,558 MW 48 48 2,553 (lacs KWH) 48 48 2,919 (lacs KWH) Tonnes 40,411 52,018 30,155 36,735 45,205 30,076 Licenced Capacity 3 Industrial Chemicals 4 Power 5 Pesticides Current Year Installed Production Capacity 5,318 Licenced Capacity 18 5,470 112,500 77,504 10,536,381 101,700 6 Mercury Salts Tonnes 100 100 7 Pesticides Intermediates Tonnes KL 27,581 28,467 12,945 Previous Year Installed Production Capacity 5,318 86 112,500 109,640 12,015,623 100 100 24,701 27,667 15,617 378 Notes: 1. Licensed and Installed Capacities are as certified by a Director on which the Auditors have relied, being a technical matter. 2. Licensed capacity represents registered capacity with Directorate General of Technical Development (D.G.T.D.), capacity intimated to D.G.T.D. under Industrial Licensing Policy and/or capacity intimated to Secretary for Industrial Approvals. 3. Production includes quantities produced for captive consumption. 4. During the year, the Company has produced 1,03,05,460 Litres (Previous Year: 98,47,265 Litres), 1,86,04,162 Kilograms (Previous Year: 1,96,18,501 Kilograms) 1,38,640 pounds (Previous Year: 1,53,240 pounds) and 13,66,659 numbers (Previous Year: 25,61,575 numbers) of formulations out of Technical Grade Products manufactured/purchased by the Company. 5. Production includes 3,068 Tonnes (Previous Year: 2,408 Tonnes) produced on Job-Work basis for outside parties. (B) Details of opening and closing stocks of finished products : Class of Goods Unit (I) Manufactured Goods: 1. Pesticides 2. Pesticides Intermediates 3. Speciality Chemicals 4. Chloro-Alkaline Products 5. Industrial Chemicals 6. Others Current Year Previous Year Opening Stock Closing Stock Opening Stock Closing Stock Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value ( lacs) ( lacs) ( lacs) ( lacs) Tonnes 2,938 K.L. 1,024 No. 743,320 LB 30,921 2. Others TOTAL 5,529 2,290 209 2,259 1,201 92,688 3,655 2,938 2,406 1024 242 7,43,320 30,921 6,308 2,095 1,798 102 Tonnes 245 916 405 1,555 153 992 245 916 Tonnes 2 12 5 35 2 12 Tonnes 841 75 914 129 418 38 841 75 Tonnes 835 663 16 765 583 183 734 544 14 835 663 16 TOTAL (II) Traded Goods: 1. Pesticides 6,308 2,262 2,095 1,006 1,798 109,981 102 11,985 Tonnes K.L. 146 28 261 149 82 492 10,513 136 26 235 243 159 637 7,891 64 36 11 449 70 530 11,985 146 28 261 149 82 492 53 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : (C) Turnover: Units (I) Manufactured Goods : 1. Speciality Chemicals 2. Chloro-Alkaline Products 3. Industrial Chemicals 4. Power 5. Pesticides 6. 7. II. 1. Pesticides Intermediates Others Traded Goods : Pesticides 2. Industrial Chemicals 3. Hybrid Seeds 4. Others Current Year Quantity Value ( lacs) Previous Year Quantity Value ( lacs) Tonnes Tonnes NM3 Tonnes (Lacs kwh) Tonnes K.L. Nos. LB Tonnes 61 71,682 10,464,150 10,356 50,631 9,563 2,595,522 169,560 7,213 147 10,360 1,489 7,731 185 84,451 22,519 8,117 597 8,766 1,987 85 79,713 11,980,053 10,813 42,048 8,735 1,906,921 122,320 7,354 281 12,326 1,546 8,649 78,215 19,820 8,237 465 7,652 1,790 Tonnes K.L. Tonnes K.L. Tonnes 2,544 398 50 48 1,041 5,882 1,171 153 98 889 222 154,764 1,351 106 15 3,773 810 42 148 143,754 TOTAL (D) Purchases of Traded Goods: Sr. Class of Goods No. Unit 1. Pesticides Tonnes K.L. Tonnes K.L. Tonnes 2. Industrial Chemicals 3. Hybrid Seeds 4. Others Current Year Quantity Value ( lacs) 2,534 396 50 48 1,041 TOTAL (E) 1,432 98 3,678 206 66 3,950 Raw Material Consumed (excluding captively produced and consumed) Sr. Class of Goods No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Phosphorus & Compounds Salt Gas/HSD Organic Chemicals 5. Pesticides Intermediates 6. Solvents 7. Technical Pesticides Units Tonnes Tonnes SM3 M.T. K.L. M.T. K.L. M.T. K.L. M.T. K.L. M.T. M.T. M.T. M3 M.T. M.T. M.T. K.L. LB 8. Minerals 9. Metal and Metal Powder 10. Hydrogenated Compounds 11. Emulsifiers 12. Metal chlorides 13. Inorganic Chemicals 14. Others 54 4,720 1,172 123 90 821 173 7,099 Previous Year Quantity Value ( lacs) TOTAL Current Year Quantity Value ( lacs) 4,227 93,076 62,986,481 32,997 2,482 33,114 17,470 2,344 3,602 494 2,618 953 712 147 770 2,735 27,625 19 42,586 3,997 701 6,678 11,274 459 15,874 6,373 986 8,934 1,059 175 1,376 360 13 642 769 2,688 1 14 10,256 72,629 Previous Year Quantity Value ( lacs) 3,827 97,960 72,508,846 30,365 1,261 39,371 6 18,737 2,198 1,829 145 3,669 845 568 165 1,046 2,254 24,212 4 5,284 3,842 653 6,284 11,976 284 10,903 65 6,343 667 6,310 654 98 1,155 282 26 1,250 901 2,811 1 10,927 65,432 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : 18. Consumption of Raw Materials, Components and Spare Parts. A. B. Raw Materials: Imported Indigenous Current Year Rs. in lacs Percentage TOTAL Components and Spare Parts*: Imported Indigenous Previous Year Rs. in lacs Percentage 31,335 41,294 43.14 56.86 25,596 39,836 39.12 60.88 72,629 100.00 65.432 100.00 * In giving the above information, the Company has taken the view that Components and Spare Parts as referred to in Clause 4(c) of Part II of Schedule VI cover only such items as go directly into production and not those used as spares for repairs and maintenance of Plant and Machinery. Current Year Previous Year 19. Value of Imports on C.I.F. basis : Rs. in lacs Rs. in lacs (a) Raw Materials and Traded Goods 41,425 27,496 (b) Stores and Spares 46 21 (c) Components and Spare Parts* (d) Capital Goods 2,907 735 * In giving the above information, the Company has taken the view that components and spare parts as referred to in Clause 4-D(a) of Part II of Schedule VI cover only such items as go directly into production and not those used as spares for repairs and maintenance of Plant and Machinery 20. Expenditure in Foreign Currency (on cash basis): (a) Commission on Export Sales (b) Foreign Travelling Expenses (c) Interest and Bank charges (d) Legal and Professional charges (e) Product Registration and Data Access Fees (f) Bond Issue expenses (g) Purchase of Packing Materials (h) Others 21. Amount remitted during the year in Foreign Currency on account of dividends; (a) Number of Equity Shareholders (b) Number of Equity Shares held (c) Face value per share (Rs) (d) Year to which the dividend related (e) Amount remitted (net of tax) 22. Earnings in Foreign Exchange: (a) Exports of goods calculated on F.O.B. basis [including exports through Export Houses: Rs. 8 lacs (Previous Year: Rs.43 lacs)] (b) Interest/Dividend (c) Others 23. The Company has 50% ownership interest in United Phosphorus Limited, Bangladesh, a jointly controlled entity incorporated in Bangladesh. The proportionate interest of the Company in the said entity as per the latest available audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2007 is as under: (Rs. in lacs) Assets 138 Liabilities 73 Income 214 Expenses 199 2,774 269 4,542 2,987 19,415 1 37 1,336 Current year 1,570 401 1,218 262 24,460 48 96 1,059 Previous Year Interim 148 142,210 2 2006-07 2 Final 160 141,150 2 2005-06 1 Current Year Rs. in lacs Previous Year Rs. in lacs 73,838 10,902 417 69,317 6,720 524 55 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : 21. Segment information 1. Information about Primary Business Segments (Rs. in lacs) Particulars Current Year Agro Industrial Chemicals Chemicals Revenue External Inter Segment Total Revenue Segment Results Contribution Add:Inter Segment Profit Total Segment Results Unallocated Expenses Net of Unallocated Income Interest Profit Before Taxation and Exceptional items Exceptional Items Profit Before Taxation Provision for Taxation Current Mat credit Entitlement Deferred Fringe Benefit Tax Net Profit after Tax Other Information Segment Assets Segment Liabilities Capital Expenditure Depreciation Non Cash Expenses other than Depreciation 2. 104,283 (21,493) 82,790 13,106 (2,311) 10,795 24,865 17,153 42,018 Previous Year Power Others Unallocated Total Agro Industrial Chemicals Chemicals 185 4,340 4,525 8,136 8,136 3,344 3,344 140,813 140,813 94,943 (20,270) 74,673 5,182 (6) 5,214 (2,903) 10,396 (2,909) 566 566 (370) (370) 18,478 18,478 12,179 (3,398) 8,781 Power Others Unallocated 4,854 4,854 2,874 2,874 7,375 6,145 (2,747) 13,520 (2,747) 213 213 189 189 19,956 19,956 26,097 15,416 41,513 Total 2,815 126,729 2,815 126,729 3,929 (12,762) 4,728 (8,696) 9,645 265 9,380 15,988 15,988 (1,062) 1,052 (179) 9,191 (1,775) (5,069) 1,765 (205) 10,704 28,594 11,754 12,227 124 2,715 186 2,100 1,228 1,741 5,003 1 272,482 162,440 2,258 846 413,386 234,547 22,944 5,546 124,245 52,766 49,292 1,170 20 245 1,476 4,676 98,816 54,753 17,785 1,371 982 229 26,153 10,759 13,256 299 1,758 194 1,974 1,339 31 35 878 222,992 385,027 2,190 203,841 272,352 2,514 53,758 2 767 5,252 186 4,928 Information about Secondary Business Segments (Rs. in lacs) Current Year PreviousYear India Outside India Total India Outside India Total External Inter Segment 65,173 75,640 140,813 55,502 71,227 126,729 Total 65,173 75,640 140,813 55,502 71,227 126,729 377,250 36,136 413,386 354,424 30,603 385,027 22,944 22,944 53,758 53,758 Revenue by Geographical Market Carrying amount of Segment Assets Additions to Fixed Assets (including Intagible assets) 3. Notes (1) The Company is organised into four main business segments namely : a) b) c) d) (2) Segment Revenue in the above segments is sale of products (3) Inter Segment Revenue has been computed on the basis of average selling price for the year. (4) Segment Revenue in the geographical segments considered for disclosure are as follows: a) b) (5) 56 Agro Chemicals - comprising of Agrochemicals Technicals and Formulations. Industrial Chemicals - comprising of Industrial Chemicals and Speciality Chemicals. Power. Others - primarily comprising of Traded Products. Revenue within India includes sales to customers located within India. Revenue outside India includes sales to customers located outside India . Segment Revenue, Results, Assets and Liabilities include the respective amounts identifiable to each of the segments and amounts allocated on a reasonable basis. 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : 25. Related party disclosure as required by Accounting Standard (AS) - 18 Related Party Disclosures issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India are given below: (a) Relationship: (i) Subsidiary Companies: Agrodan Aps Biowin Corporation Limited United Phosphorus De Mexico S.A. De C.V United Phosphorus Limited (Australia). United Phosphorus Limited (Hong Kong) United Phosphorus Limited (Russia). United Phosphorus Limited (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., China United Phosphorus, Inc. (USA) United Phosphorus Limited, Japan United Phosphorus Limited U.K. United Phosphorus Limited (Zambia) United Phosphorus De Argentina S.A. United Phosphorus Belgium S P R L United Phosphorus South Africa Limited United Phosphorus (Korea) Limited United Phosphorus Limited New Zealand PT. United Phosphorus Indonesia Shroffs United Chemicals Limited United Phosphorus Limited, Gibraltar Inventa Corporation United Phosphorus Do Brazil Ltda. Advanta Finance BV (upto 12th April, 2007) Advanta India Limited (upto 12th April, 2007) Advanta International BV (upto 12th April, 2007) Advanta Netherlands Holding BV (upto 12th April, 2007) Advanta Semilas SAIC, Argentina (upto 12th April, 2007) Advanta Holdings BV (upto 12th April, 2007) Agrindustrial, S.A. Compania Espanola Indusrtrial Quimica de Productos Agricolas Y.Domesticos, S.A. Pacific Seeds Holding Limited, Thailand (upto 12th April, 2007) Pacific Seeds Limited, Thailand (upto 12th April, 2007) Pacific Seeds Pty Limited, Australia (upto 12th April, 2007) Phosfonia, S.L. Reposo S.A.I.C SWAL Corporation Limited Transterra Invest, S.L.U. United Phosphorus Sole Partner Limited, Greece United Phosphorus (Taiwan) Limited, Universal Pestochem Industries Limited PT Catur Agrodaya Mandiri United Phosphorus Limited, Vietnam Crop Serve (Pvt) Ltd - Zambia Prime Agri Centre (Pvt) Ltd Agri Pack Zambia Limited United Phosphorus Limited, SRL, Italy Cerexagri - Costa Rica S.A. Safepack Products Limited Cerexagri - BV, Netherlands Cerexagri Italia S.R.L. Cerexagri Iberica S.A.U. Desarollo Quimico Industrial S.A. Cerexagri SAS - France Cerexagri Ziraat Ve Kimya Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sti Cerexagri - Delaware Inc (DE) Cerexagri Inc (PA) Anning Decco Fine Chemicals Co. Limited - China United Phosphorus Switzerland Limited United Phosphorus Holding Japan Co. Ltd. 57 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : United Phosphorus Holdings BV, Netherlands Decco Italia Eddyville Consultant Group Inc - Panama Evofarm Colombia SA Evofarms SA - Colombia Global Chem Trade Corp - Panama Icona S.A. Icona San Luis S.A Jaingzu Kaznam Chemical Group Corp. - Panama United Phosphorus Limited, Colombia Nippon UPL KK (ii) Associate Companies: Advanta India Limited (From 13th April, 2007) Advanta Finance BV (From 13th April, 2007) Advanta International BV (From 13th April, 2007) Advanta Netherlands Holding BV (From 13th April, 2007) Advanta Semilas SAIC, Argentina (From 13th April, 2007) Advanta Holdings BV (From 13th April, 2007) Pacific Seeds Holding Limited, Thailand (From 13th April, 2007) Pacific Seeds Limited, Thailand (From 13th April, 2007) Pacific Seeds Pty Limited, Australia (From 13th April, 2007) Agrinet Solutions Limited United Phosphorus Zimbabwe Limited Advanta Seed International, Mauritius Longreach Plant Breeders Managements pty Limited, Australia (iii) Joint Venture Company: United Phosphorus Limited Bangladesh. Hodogaya UPL Co. Limited, Japan Nisso TM LLC Cerexagri - Nisso LLC (iv) Enterprises over which key management personnel and their relatives have significant influence: Uniphos Agro Industries Limited Uniphos Enterprises Limited Nivi Trading Limited Bloom Packaging Private Limited Bloom Industrial Plastics Private Limited Kline Chemicals Private Limited Nerka Chemicals Private Limited Equator Holdings Private Limited Shroff Envirotral Private Limited Ultima Search Jai Research Foundation Vikram Farm Search Enviro Limited Enviro Technology Limited Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Limited UPL Environmental Engineers Limited Demuric Holdings Pvt. Ltd. (v) 58 Key Management Personnel and their relatives : Whole Time Directors and their relatives Mr. Rajnikant.D. Shroff Mrs. Sandra R. Shroff Mr. Kalyan Banerjee Mr. Jaidev R. Shroff Mr. Arun C. Ashar Mr. Vikram R. Shroff Mrs. Shilpa Sagar Mrs. Asha Ashar Mr. Navin Ashar 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : (b) The following transactions were carried out with the related parties in the ordinary course of business. Current Year (Rs. in lacs) Nature of Transactions 1. Subsidiary Associate Companies Companies Previous Year (Rs. in lacs) Joint Venture Company Other related Parties 108 Subsidiary Associate Companies Companies Joint Venture Company Other related Parties Income Sale of Goods (Net of Rebates and Discounts) 47 185 56 Management Fees 64 Dividend Received 245 84 Services Sale of DEPB licence Sale of Fixed Assets 42,699 3 90 53 293 4,882 755 11,696 45,205 137 267 161 1,491 64 8 243 1 85 1,279 1,131 2. Expenses Purchase of Goods 1,631 (Net of Rebates and Discounts) Purchase of Intangible Assets Purchase of Fixed Assets Services Rent Commission on Exports Others 3. Write Back of Payables 45,342 52 266 246 625 3,027 1,454 126 125 241 6 494 75 2,633 2 2 4. Finance Loans Given 62,392 Purchase of Shares 33,316 Sale of Shares Interest Received Preferential Issue of Warrants 7,854 147,255 37,937 84,726 522 5,531 311 105,978 22,872 7,682 205 10,990 5. Reimbursements Received Made 1,176 8 150 560 33 144 88 356 10 13,405 1,401 925 17,378 224 6. Outstandings as at the Balance Sheet Date Payables (Including Trade Advances) Receivables (Including Trade Advances) Loans Given (Refer Note 1 below) Sundry Deposits given Interest/Dividend Receivable 30,308 28 111 33,741 106,137 123,759 38 115 75 75 1,883 306 861 5,018 410 9,785 11,071 7. Guarantee Given on behalf of Companies 59 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : Note 1 Current Year (Rs in lacs) Nature of Relationship Previous Year (Rs in lacs) Amount outstanding at the year end Maximum amount of loan outstanding during the year 106,035 184,254 Amount Maximum outstanding amount of loan at the outstanding year end during the year Subsidiaries Bio-win Corporation Limited SWAL Corporation Limited Shroffs United Chemicals Limited (c) 123,657 151,707 997 102 102 102 102 Current Year Rs in lacs Previous Year Rs in lacs Remuneration Rent Paid Professional Fees Sale of Fixed Assets 577 114 545 43 7 198 Outstandings as at the Balance Sheet Date: Remuneration Payable Sundry Deposits given Rent Payable Advance Rent 180 58 22 238 58 13 29 EUR USD USD EUR INR Amount outstanding ( In lacs) 250 603 2,984 890 5,000 Purpose Hedging/ Speculation Hedging Hedging Hedging Hedging Hedging EUR GBP JPY USD AUD EUR GBP JPY USD 662 17 1,461 3,154 21 789 14 1,083 2,624 Transactions with Directors and their Relatives 26. Foreign exchange derivatives and exposures outstanding as at the Balance Sheet date: Nature of Instrument a) b) c) Forward contract - Buy Forward contract - Sell Derivative contracts - Payables Un-hedged Foreign Currency Exposure on: (i) Payable (ii) Receivable 27. The Company, as part of its hedging policy, has taken option contract and has paid the premium thereon amounting to Rs.2,177 lacs. Out of the said amount, during the year, the Company has recognised an amount of Rs.1,803 lacs as an expense under the head exchange difference in Schedule S - Interest and Other Financial Costs. 60 Currency 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : Current Year Rs in lacs Previous Year Rs in lacs 9,252 61 10,882 1 180 (2) (A) 9,191 10,703 (B) (A)/(B) 199,226,283 4.61 2.00 187,294,871 5.71 2.00 9,252 10,882 61 1 180 (2) 9,191 10,703 92 9,283 117 10,820 199,226,283 22,680,602 187,294,871 13,624,668 (B) 221,906,885 200,919,539 (A)/(B) 4.18 2.00 5.38 2.00 28. Earning per Share (a) Basic Earning Per Share: Profit after taxation as per Profit and Loss Account Less: (a) Preference Dividend including tax thereon (b) Prior Period Adjustments - others (c) Prior Perid Adjustments - Taxation Weighted number of Equity Shares Outstanding Basic Earning Per Share (in Rupees) Nominal value of equity shares (in Rupees) (b) Dilluted Earning Per Share: Profit after taxation as per Profit and Loss Account Less: (a) Preference Dividend including tax thereon (b) Prior Period Adjustments - others (c) Prior Perid Adjustments - Taxation Add: Increase in profit attributable to equity shareholders (net of tax) (A) Weighted number of Equity Shares Outstanding Add: Dilutive impact of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds and Share Warrants Weighted number of Equity Shares for Computing diluted earning per share Dilluted Earning Per Share (in Rupees) Nominal value of equity share (in Rupees) 29. Retirement Benefits: Disclosure as required by Accounting Standard (AS) - 15 (Revised 2005) Employee Benefits issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India are given below: a) The amounts recognised in the statement of Profit and Loss Account are as follows: (i) Defined Benefit Plan Current service cost Interest cost on benefit obligation Expected return on plan assets Net actuarial gain recognised during the year Amount included under the head payments to and provisions for employees in Schedule R Manufacturing and Other Expenses. Actual return on plan assets (ii) Defined Contribution Plan Current service cost included under the head payments to and provisions for employees in Schedule R Manufacturing and Other Expenses. (iii) Defined Contribution Plan Current service cost included under the head payments to and provisions for employees in Schedule R Manufacturing and Other Expenses. Gratuity Current Year (Rs. in Lacs) 70 58 66 (65) Previous Year (Rs. in Lacs) 127 50 (41) (70) 129 66 90 61 Provident Fund Current Year Previous Year (Rs. in Lacs) (Rs. in Lacs) 299 224 Superannuation Fund Current Year Previous Year (Rs. in Lacs) (Rs. in Lacs) 151 106 61 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : b) The amounts recognised in the Balance Sheet are as follows: Defined Benefit Plan - Gratuity As at As at 31st March, 31st March, 2008 2007 (Rs. in Lacs) (Rs. in Lacs) 809 719 911 817 Present value of funded obligation Less: Fair value of plan assets Net Asset included under the head Loans and Advances in Schedule L - Loans and Advances c) 102 Changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation representing reconciliation of opening and closing balance thereof are as follows: Opening defined benefit obligation Interest cost Current service cost Benefits paid Actuarial gains on obligation Gratuity As at As at 31st March, 31st March, 2008 2007 (Rs. in Lacs) (Rs. in Lacs) 719 631 57 50 70 127 (116) (39) 79 (50) Closing defined benefit obligation d) 98 809 719 Changes in the fair value of plan assets are as follows: Opening fair value of plan assets Expected return Contibutions made by employer during the year Benefits paid Actuarial gains Gratuity As at As at 31st March, 31st March, 2008 2007 (Rs. in Lacs) (Rs. in Lacs) 817 66 41 5 756 23 20 Closing fair value of plan assets 911 817 Gratuity (Rs. in Lacs) e) Expected contribution to defined benefit plan for the year 2008 - 09 f) The major categories of plan assets as a percentage of the fair value of total plan assets are as follows: Gratuity As at As at 31st March, 31st March, 2008 2007 (Rs. in Lacs) (Rs. in Lacs) Investments with insurer under: (a) Group Balanced Fund 19.77 19.54 (b) Group Growth Fund 80.23 80.46 g) The principal actuarial assumptions at the Balance Sheet date. Discount rate Expected rate of return on plan assets Mortality table Proportion of employees opting for early retirement 62 50 Current Year 8% 8% LIC (1994 - 96) Ultimate 5% for age 18 to 49 and 1% hereafter. Previous Year 8% 8% LIC (1994 - 96) Ultimate 5% for age 18 to 49 and 1% hereafter. The estimates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuation, takes account of inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors such as supply and demand in the employment market. 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE T (CONTD.) : 30. Additional Information as required under Part IV of Schedule VI to the Companies Act 1956 BALANCE SHEET ABSTRACT AND COMPANYS GENERAL BUSINESS PROFILE (i) Registration Details Registration No. 25132 Balance Sheet Date (ii) State Code: 3 1 Date 0 3 Month Capital raised during the year (Amount in Rs. Thousands) Public Issue 483,320 2 0 0 Year 04 8 Rights issue NIL Private Placement/ Bond Conversions 159,154 Bonus Issue NIL (iii) Position of Mobilisation and Deployment of Funds (Amount in Rs. Thousands) Total Liabilities Total Assets 33,444,285 33,444,285 Souces of Funds Paid up Capital Reserves & Surplus 439,291 16,591,880 Warrant Application Money Unsecured Loans * 852,819 13,796,353 Secured Loans 1,763,942 Application of Funds Net Fixed Assets @ Investments 8,183,223 8,312,040 Net Current Assets Misc. Expenditure 16,949,022 Accumulated Losses NIL * Including Deferred Payment Liabilities of Rs. 281,514 and Deferred Tax Liability of Rs. 212,087 @ including Intangible Assets of Rs.1,410,239 (iv) Performance of Company (Amount in Rs. Thousands) Turnover (Total Revenue) Total Expenditure 16,446,788 15,476,220 + / - Profit/Loss before Tax +/Profit/Loss after Tax + 944,115 + 925,181 Earning per Share in Rs. Dividend Rate % 4.61 100% (v) Generic Names of Three Principal Products/Services of the Company (As per monetary terms) Item Code No. (ITC Code) 380810.24 Product Description CYPERMETHRIN TECHNICAL Item Code No. (ITC Code) 2815.11.00 Product Description CAUSTIC SODA Item Code No. (ITC Code) 291900.09 Product Description TRIMETHYL PHOSPHITE 31. Previous Years figures have been regrouped/rearranged wherever necessary. As per our attached Report of even date For S.V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants P. V. PARANJAPE Partner Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 SIGNATURE TO SCHEDULES A TO T R. D. SHROFF Chairman and Managing Director A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 S. KRISHNAN Chief Financial Officer M.B. TRIVEDI Secretary 63 United Phosphorus Limited Statement pursuant to exemption received under section 212(8) of the Companies Act, 1956 relating to Subsidiary Companies Sr. Name of the Subsidiary Company No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 United Phosphorus Limited, U.K. United Phosphorus Inc., U.S.A. United Phosphorus Limited, Australia United Phosphorus de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. United Phosphorus Limited, Hongkong Bio-win Corporation United Phosphorus Limited, Russia United Phosphorus (Shanghai) Company Limited United Phosphorus (Zambia) Limited United Phosphorus Limited, Japan United Phosphorus de Argentina, S.A. United Phosphorus Limited, Korea Agrodan, ApS United Phosphorus Limited, New Zealand United Phosphorus Limited, Gibraltar United Phosphorus Limited, Indonesia Shroffs United Chemicals Limited Inventa Corporation United Phosphorus Belgium S P R L United Phosphorus do Brasil Ltda Compania Espanola Industrial Quimica de Productos Agricolas y Domesticos, S.A. Agrindustrial, S.A. Phosfonia, S.L. Reposo S.A.I.C. SWAL Corporation Limited Transterra Invest, S. L. U. United Phosphorus Sole Partner Limited, Greece United Phosphorus (Taiwan) Limited United Phosphorus Holdings B.V. United Phosphorus Italy S.R.L. PT Catur Agrodaya Mandiri United Phosphorus Holding Japan Co. Ltd. United Phosphorus Switzerland Ltd. United Phosphorus Vietnam Limited Agpack Zambia Limited Prime Agri Centre Zambia Limited Cropserve Zambia Limited Cerexagri Iberica, S.A.U. Cerexagri Italia S.R.L. Cerexagri Delaware, Inc. Cerexagri SAS Cerexagri B.V. Cerexagri Costa Rica, S.A. Anning Decco Fine Chemical Co. Limited Desarrollo Quimico Industrial, S.A. Cerexagri, Inc. Cerexagri Ziraat Kimya San Tic Ltd Sti Safepack Products Limited UPL Columbia Icona S A Icona Sanluis S A Decco Italia SRL Nippon UPL K.K. Global Chem Trade Corp. Jiangsu Kaznam Chemical Group Eddyville Consultants Group Inc. Evofarms Colombia S A Evofarms S A Reporting Currency Exchange Rate Capital GBP USD AUD MXN 79.69 40.12 36.60 3.75 HKD USD RUB 5.14 40.12 1.71 0.01 94.68 0.01 RMB ZMK JPY ARS KRW DKK NZD USD IDR INR USD EUR BRL EUR 5.72 10.87 0.40 12.69 0.04 8.50 31.58 40.12 4.70 1.00 40.12 63.28 22.97 63.28 0.95 0.01 0.40 0.13 0.28 2.13 0.02 0.46 0.05 0.08 0.12 1.64 0.34 (0.25) 1.02 (0.01) (0.11) (1.32) 11.41 (0.03) 423.78 0.09 (0.04) (1.01) (0.12) (1.03) 24.92 EUR EUR ARS INR EUR USD 63.28 63.28 12.69 1.00 63.28 40.12 0.63 8.02 54.51 0.09 NTD EUR EUR IDR 1.32 63.28 63.28 4.70 0.13 466.51 1.96 0.47 JPY CHF VND ZMK ZMK ZMK EUR EUR USD EUR EUR CRC CNY EUR USD TRY ILS COP ARS ARS EUR JPY USD USD USD COP COP 0.40 40.30 2.51 10.87 10.87 10.87 63.28 63.28 40.12 63.28 63.28 0.08 5.72 63.28 40.12 30.63 11.29 21.87 12.69 12.69 63.28 0.40 40.12 40.12 40.12 21.87 21.87 Rs. in Crores Reserves Total Assets Total Liabilities Investment other than Investment in Subsidiary Turnover Profit Provision Profit Proposed before for after Dividend Taxation Taxation Taxation 181.31 (40.95) 200.60 (128.30) 0.37 4.97 0.20 11.22 846.86 974.47 51.90 43.10 706.50 902.17 46.56 31.68 - 383.48 833.76 60.85 65.98 5.25 (1.62) 3.63 (38.97) (15.38) (23.59) 2.44 (0.74) 1.69 4.98 1.43 3.55 8.39 23.25 153.32 1,576.00 5.06 8.64 14.86 1,331.18 3.56 3.19 - 40.58 20.91 3.90 2.43 20.32 (0.34) 0.76 - 2.43 21.08 (0.34) 2.45 - 2.66 4.76 1.36 0.14 1.88 13.76 2.18 565.89 8.74 1.03 0.11 0.03 0.65 92.56 1.97 3.74 0.96 0.12 3.00 0.22 2.22 142.10 8.19 1.02 1.04 0.03 0.04 67.34 0.08 0.04 4.58 1.01 3.76 4.50 0.05 1.71 213.75 5.38 128.73 0.11 0.22 0.07 (0.02) (0.73) 0.80 0.16 88.62 0.09 * (0.01) 0.16 9.68 0.03 0.20 * (3.03) 0.11 0.22 0.03 (0.02) (0.73) 0.60 0.16 88.62 0.09 * (0.01) 0.16 6.65 - 8.88 (1.63) (6.47) (37.81) 76.01 83.63 221.96 40.33 66.50 77.24 159.24 78.06 - 83.67 123.18 0.13 363.09 4.41 1.91 (7.27) 10.11 (1.56) (0.32) 3.77 - 2.85 1.60 (3.49) 10.11 - (0.48) (75.05) 0.25 0.32 0.00 769.50 18.47 6.66 0.35 378.03 16.26 5.87 - 18.16 6.44 (0.20) (73.81) 0.46 0.35 - (0.20) - (73.81) 0.19 0.27 (0.04) 0.32 - 0.60 0.02 0.40 (0.07) 3.63 (0.50) 0.03 (1.49) 0.27 (1.21) 0.11 0.48 1.14 21.41 0.63 2.19 427.81 (285.79) 83.80 (31.00) 143.07 7.64 0.41 0.14 4.58 7.89 6.69 (30.81) 124.15 11.11 0.93 4.02 * 21.05 0.01 (0.09) 1.23 19.47 3.71 12.04 6.65 4.25 2.02 0.00 0.04 9.83 0.04 5.22 0.04 0.03 0.61 5.84 0.04 (0.07) 2.10 0.34 32.14 0.35 3.31 23.12 43.82 177.86 166.40 235.01 249.67 4.93 13.62 47.63 159.62 19.39 26.54 5.66 36.99 22.49 19.16 4.78 18.55 6.18 0.65 24.62 0.15 89.75 0.01 29.09 1.82 4.24 22.53 21.27 175.04 24.37 182.21 98.96 4.39 1.15 71.75 24.37 14.44 5.49 5.74 16.28 6.73 8.26 2.76 8.67 0.91 0.57 18.17 0.18 88.28 0.08 - 1.01 23.46 0.07 5.81 30.08 60.44 67.33 71.53 523.70 280.05 3.23 18.27 100.97 71.53 23.55 26.54 4.34 33.20 20.37 79.42 1.17 0.99 4.64 - 0.09 (0.05) 0.18 (0.09) (0.13) 1.33 4.88 2.25 1.81 (23.85) 2.92 (0.12) 2.43 (46.75) 1.62 2.81 3.31 0.08 0.54 4.31 (7.56) 0.01 0.49 (0.00) (0.00) 1.27 (0.08) 0.07 0.02 - (0.05) 0.18 - (0.09) - (0.13) (0.19) 1.14 1.41 3.47 1.12 1.13 2.66 (0.85) - (23.85) 0.89 2.04 - (0.12) 0.24 2.19 (1.96) (44.79) 2.60 (0.97) (0.85) 1.96 0.83 2.48 0.17 (0.09) 0.02 0.56 (1.34) 2.98 (0.08) (7.64) 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.00 - (0.00) 0.43 0.87 0.08 - * Negligible Amount Notes :1. As required under para (iii) of the Approval Letter dated 27/6/2008 issued by the Ministry of Company Affairs, Indian Rupees equivalents of the figures given in foreign currencies in the account of the subsidiary companies, has been given based on exhange rate as on 31/03/2008. 2. United Phosphorus Inc., U.S.A. results include the results of Cerexagri Delaware, Inc.; Cerexagri, Inc. & Inventa Corporation. 3. Compania Espanola Industrial Quimica de Productos Agricolas y Domesticos, S.A. results include the results of Agrindustrial, S.A.; and Phosfonia, S.L. R. D. SHROFF Chairman & Managing Director A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director Mumbai, 24th July, 2008 th 64 18 August, 2006. M. B. Trivedi Secretary - 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 Statement pursuant to section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956 relating to Subsidiary Companies Sr. Name of the Subsidiary Company No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 @ @@ United Phosphorus Limited, U.K. United Phosphorus Inc., U.S.A. United Phosphorus Limited, Australia United Phosphorus de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. United Phosphorus Limited, Hongkong Bio-Win Corporation Limited, Mauritius United Phosphorus Limited, Russia United Phosphorus (Shanghai) Company Limited,China United Phosphorus Limited, Zambia United Phosphorus Japan Limited, Japan United Phosphorus de Argentina, S.A. United Phosphorus Limited, Korea Agrodan ApS, Denmark United Phosphorus Limited, New Zealand United Phosphorus Limited, Gibraltar United Phosphorus Limited, Indonesia Shroffs United Chemicals Limited Inventa Corporation,USA United Phosphorus Belgium S P R L United Phosphorus do Brasil Ltda Compania Espanola Industrial Quimica de Productos Agricolas y Domesticos, S.A.U.,Spain Agrindustrial, S.A.,Spain Phosfonia, S.L.,Spain Reposo S.A.I.C.,Argentina SWAL Corporation Limited,India Transterra Invest, S. L. U.,Spain United Phosphorus Sole Partner Limited, Greece United Phosphorus (Taiwan) Limited United Phosphorus Holdings B.V.,Netherlands United Phosphorus Italy S.R.L. PT Catur Agrodaya Mandiri,Indonesia United Phosphorus Holding Japan Co. Ltd. United Phosphorus Switzerland Ltd. United Phosphorus Vietnam Limited Agpack Zambia Limited Prime Agri Centre Zambia Limited Cropserve Zambia Limited Decco Iberica Postcosecha, S.A.U., Spain (formerly Cerexagri Iberica) Cerexagri Italia S.R.L. Cerexagri Delaware, Inc.,USA Cerexagri SA ,France Cerexagri B.V., Netherlands Cerexagri Costa Rica, S.A. Anning Decco Fine Chemical Co. Limited,China Desarrollo Quimico Industrial, S.A.,Spain Cerexagri, Inc. (PA) Cerexagri Ziraat Ve Kimya Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Turkey Safepack Products Limited,Israel United Phosphorus de Colombia Ltda., Colombia Icona S.A., Argentina Icona Sanluis S A , Argentina Decco Italia SRL,Italy Nippon UPL K.K.,Japan Global Chem Trade Corp.,Panama Jaingzu Kaznam Chemical Group Corp. - Panama Eddyville Consultants Group Inc - Panama Evofarms Colombia S A Evofarms S A Financial Year No. of Shares held by United Phosphorus Ltd. in the Subsidiary Company at 31-03-2008 % holding in Subsidiary Company 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 @ ++ @ (@) @ 236,000 ++ 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 Net aggregate of Profits/(Losses) of the Subsidiary Company so far as it concerns the members of the company 100 - Not dealt within the accounts of United Phosphorus Ltd. for the subsidiary Companys financial year ended as on 31.03.2008 Pounds 456,000 US $ (5,879,118) Aus $ 462,807 Mex. Pesos 9,447,459 HK $ 4,729,477 US $ 5,255,226 Rbls (2,009,713) Not dealt within the accounts of United Phosphorus Ltd. for the previous financial years of the subsidiary company Pounds (55,95,000) US $ (20,014,844) Aus $ 896,217 Mex. Pesos 20,471,853 HK $ 11,591,608 US $ 22,506,044 Rbls 31,632,511 + @ * @ # ++ @ @ @@ 50,007 ** ++ @ +++ 100 - Renminbi 192,282 K 202,096,572 Yen 718,953 ARS (19,381) Won (180,586,797) DKK 701,139 NZD 50,144 US$ 22,089,477 IDR 193,892,467 Rs. (70,899) EUR (2,363) BRL 68,428 EUROS 1,051,286 Renminbi (691,796) K 710,857,000 Yen (915,340) ARS (556,502) Won (145,788,740) DKK 12,717,179 NZD (59,918) US$ 83,537,452 Rs. (315,009) EUR (15,960) BRL (515,502) EUROS 961,100 - - 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 ### ### *** 1,000,007 ++ 100 - ARS 2,244,271 Rs. 15,967,616 EUROS (552,103) ARS 3,533,645 Rs.(12,350,356) EUROS (470,031) - - 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 @ @ @ @@@ ^ @ ++ @ #^* #^* #^ - US $ 2,519,642 NTD (1,500,288) EUROS (11,662,631) EUROS 42,676 IDR 342,874,503 Yen 581,918 CHF (12,301) VND 703,628,000 ZMK (85,743,343) ZMK (118,312,417) ZMK 1,050,000,000 US $ (11,945,000) NTD (2,147,133) EUROS (196,113) EUROS (3,721) Yen (9,806) CHF (6,089) VND (1,049,749,000) ZMK (183,260,388) ZMK (602,748,450) ZMK (1,129,131,000) - - 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 +++ ^^^ ** ++ @@@ (*) (^) ^^ *^ - EUROS 548,103 EUROS 178,511 US $ (212,437) EUROS (3,768,000) EUROS 322,000 CRC (15,204,953) CNY 2,104,215 EUROS (7,077,808) US $ (242,458) EUROS 325,241 EUROS 4,016,000 EUROS 885,000 CRC (10,336,846) CNY 28,239 EUROS (37,504) - - - 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 31/03/2008 *# (*) (^^) (^^^) (***) (**) @ +++ +++ +++ (!!!) (<>) - TRY 639,260 ILS 2,200,000 COP (22,771) ARS 439,680 ARS 2,345,649 EUROS (1,206,930) Yen 81,494 US $ 122,578 US $ (518) US $ (898) COP 396,221,607 COP (38,785,961) TRY 305,888 ILS 1,423,000 EUROS 456,491 - - - All the shares of the Company are held by Bio-win Corporation Limited. 51% shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Limited, Hongkong and 49% shares of the Company are held by Bio-win Corporation Limited. (@) 95.24% shares of the Company are held by Bio-win Corporation & 4.76% shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Limited, UK. ++ All the shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Limited, U.K. + All the shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Limited, Hongkong. * 90% shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Limited, Hongkong. ** All the shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Inc. # 99% shares of the Company are held by Bio-win Corporation Limited. ## All the shares of the Company are held by Agvalue Enterprises, Inc. +++ All the shares of the Company are held by Transterra Invest, S. L. U. ### All the shares of the Company are held by Compania Espanola Industrial Quimica de Productos Agricolas y Domesticos, S.A. *** 90% shares of the Company are held by Transterra Invest, S.L.U. and 10% shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Limited, U.K. @@@ All the shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Holdings B.V. ^ 51% shares of the Company are held by Bio-win Corporation Limited. ^^ 99.99% shares of the Company are held by Cerexagri B.V. and 00.01% shares of the Company are held by Cerexagri Iberica S.A.U. R. D. SHROFF Chairman & Managing Director A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director Mumbai, 24th July, 2008 Net aggregate of Profits/(Losses) of the Subsidiary Company so far as it concerns the members of the company Dealt within the Dealt within the accounts of United accountsofUnited Phosphorus Ltd. for thePhosphorus Ltd. for Subsidiary Companys the previous financial financial year ended years of the as on 31.03.2008 Subsidiary Company US $ 611,593 US $ 4,322,527 - ^^^ *^ *# All the shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Italy S.R.L. All the shares of the Company are held by Cerexagri Delaware, Inc. 99% shares of the Company are held by Cerexagri B.V. and 1% shares of the Company are held by Cerexagri S.A #^ All the shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Limited, Gibraltar. #^* All the shares of the Company are held by Cropserve Zambia Limited. (^) 55% shares of the Company are held by Cerexagri B.V. (*) All the shares of the Company are held by Cerexagri B.V. (**) Formerly known as Cerex Agri Italia S.R.L & all the shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Italy S.R.L (^^) 50% shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Limited, UK and 50% shares of the Company are held by Bio-win Corporation Limited. (^^^) 90% shares of the Company are held by United Phosphorus Limited, UK and 10% shares of the Company are held by Transterra Invest. (***) All the shares of the Company are held by Icona SA . (!!!) 95% shares of the Company are held by Eddyville Consultants Group and 5% shares of the Company are held by Jiangsu Kaznam Chemical Group (<>) 66% shares of the Company are held by Eddyville Consultants Group and 34% shares of the Company are held by Jiangsu Kaznam Chemical Group M. B. Trivedi Secretary 65 United Phosphorus Limited AUDITORS REPORT ON CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To, The Board of Directors United Phosphorus Limited Uniphos House, 11 C. D. Road Khar (W) Mumbai 400 052 Dear Sirs, We have audited the attached Consolidated Balance Sheet of United Phosphorus Limited, the Holding Company, and its subsidiary companies except for subsidiary companies mentioned in paras 6(a), (b) and (c) below (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Group) as at 31st March, 2008, the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account and the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on that date, annexed thereto (consolidated financial statements). 66 1. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of United Phosphorus Limiteds management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. 2. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an identified financial reporting framework and are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 3. We did not audit the financial statements of certain subsidiaries whose financial statements reflect total assets of Rs.693,834 lacs as at 31st March, 2008 and total revenues of Rs.391,596 lacs for the year then ended. These financial statements have been audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished to us, and our opinion, insofar as it relates to the amounts included in respect of these subsidiaries, is based solely on the report of the other auditors. 4. We have relied on the certificates given by the management in respect of all inter-group balances as on 31st March, 2007 and 31st March, 2008 and for all transactions inter-se between the group companies during the year ended on 31st March, 2008. We have also relied on certificates in respect of goods lying in stock as on 31st March, 2007 and 31st March, 2008 out of inter-group transactions. 5. We report that the consolidated financial statements have been prepared by the United Phosphorus Limiteds management in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standard (AS) 21, Consolidated Financial Statements, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and on the basis of separate audited financial statements of United Phosphorus Limited, consolidated financial statements of United Phosphorus, Inc. and its subsidiaries, consolidated financial statements of Compania Espanola Industrial Quimica de Productos Agricolas Y. Domesticos, S.A. and its subsidiaries and separate audited financial statements of other subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statements after incorporating changes to the extent they were material and identifiable from the audited accounts of each of its subsidiaries. 6. (a) Advanta India Limited, Advanta Finance B.V. Netherlands, Advanta International B.V. Netherlands, Advanta Netherlands Holding B.V. Netherlands, Advanta Semilas SAIC Argentina, Pacific Seeds Holding Limited Thailand, Pacific Seeds Limited Thailand, Pacific Seeds Pty. Limited Australia and Advanta Holdings B.V., Netherlands (hereinafter referred to as Advanta Group) were 100% subsidiaries till 12th April, 2007. Advanta India Limited (AIL), the holding company in the Advanta Group, has allotted shares to the public in an initial public offering on 13th April, 2007 resulting in the Advanta Group ceasing to be a subsidiary and becoming an associate from the said date. With effect from 1st April, 2006, these subsidiaries have not been consolidated but have been treated as an associate for the purpose of preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements though as per Accounting Standard (AS) - 21 Consolidated Financial Statements, the results of operations of a subsidiary with which parent-subsidiary relationship ceases to exist are required to be included in the Consolidated Statement of profit and loss until the date of cessation of the relationship. Further, Accounting Standard (AS) - 23 Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements has been applied to the Advanta Group with effect from 1st April, 2007 though the said Standard can be applied only from the date it became an associate i.e. 13th April, 2007 (Refer Note No.1(b)(i) in Schedule T). (b) 100% subsidiaries viz. United Phosphorus South Africa Limited has not been considered for the purpose of preparation of the consolidated financial statements. (Refer Note No. 1(b)(ii) in Schedule T) 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 (c) Universal Pestochem Industries Limited in which the Group holds 60% ownership has not been considered for the purpose of preparation of the consolidated financial statements. (Refer Note No. 1(b)(iii) in Schedule T) (d) Proportionate consolidation in respect of investments in Joint Venture and effects of investment in associate on the financial position and operating results of the Group have not been considered in the consolidated financial statements (Refer Note No.8 in Schedule T). (e) Consolidated Segment Information has not been given in the consolidated financial statements as required by Accounting Standard (AS) 17 Segment Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. (Refer Note No.9 in Schedule T). (f) The Holding Company has continued with the net deferred tax liability amounting to Rs.2,121 lacs as on 31st March, 2008 without recognising deferred tax asset to the said extent. As a result of the above, the consolidated profit after taxation for the year and reserves and surplus as at 31st March, 2008 are lower by Rs.2,121 lacs and deferred tax liability as at 31st March, 2008 is higher by Rs.2,121 lacs (Refer Note No. 6 in Schedule T). (g) Subject to the foregoing, based on our audit and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us and on the consideration of reports of other auditors on consolidated financial statements of United Phosphorus, Inc. and its subsidiaries, consolidated financial statements of Compania Espanola Industrial Quimica de Productos Agricolas Y. Domesticos, S.A. and its subsidiaries and separate audited financial statements of other subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statements, we are of the opinion that the consolidated financial statements read together with the other notes thereon, give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India: (i) in the case of the Consolidated Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Group as at 31st March, 2008; (ii) in the case of the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, of the profit for the year ended on that date; and (iii) in the case of the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date. For S. V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Mumbai, 2ND May, 2008 (P.V.PARANJAPE) Partner Membership No. 47296 67 United Phosphorus Limited CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2008 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1. SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS: (a) Capital (b) Warrant Application Money (c) Reserves and Surplus 2. 3. 4. 5. Schedule Rs. in lacs A 4,393 8,528 210,875 B C D 23,349 133,477 DEFERRED PAYMENT LIABILITIES DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY TOTAL APPLICATION OF FUNDS : 1. FIXED ASSETS: (a) Gross Block (b) Less: Depreciation 2. 3. 4. 5. Net Block Capital Work-in-Progress INTANGIBLE ASSETS INVESTMENTS DEFERRED TAX ASSET CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES: (a) Inventories (b) Sundry Debtors (c ) Cash and Bank Balances (d) Other Current Assets (e) Loans and Advances 68 34,284 161,641 156,826 8,623 2,536 195,925 6,946 495 392,379 353,391 226,086 112,288 206,380 104,697 113,798 14,176 101,683 7,525 109,208 78,154 39,096 219 127,974 31,956 75,695 5,631 F G H I J K L M N 108,534 85,405 49,460 5,852 36,554 104,347 56,969 46,042 3,601 40,731 285,805 251,690 125,139 9,590 125,041 134,729 125,041 NET CURRENT ASSETS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURE: (to the extent not written off or adjusted) Deferred Revenue Expenses NOTES ON ACCOUNTS 149,536 489 E Less: CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS: (a) Liabilities (b) Provisions 6. As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 3,750 145,786 223,796 598 MINORITY INTEREST LOAN FUNDS: (a) Secured Loans (b) Unsecured Loans (c) (d) As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs TOTAL S As per our attached Report of even date For S.V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants R. D. SHROFF Chairman and Managing Director P. V. PARANJAPE Partner A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 151,076 126,649 47 65 392,379 353,391 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2008 Schedule INCOME: Sale of Products (Net) Other income from operations Other Income Rs. in lacs O P EXPENDITURE: Manufacturing and Other Expenses Amortisation / Depreciation Interest and Other Financial Costs Q R PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION AND EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS Exceptional Items - Restructuring Costs PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION Add/(Less) : Provision for Taxation: Current Minimum Alternate Tax Credit Entitlement Deferred Fringe benefits tax Current Year Rs. in lacs Previous Year Rs. in lacs 351,551 21,506 3,112 376,169 231,118 13,858 2,118 247,094 334,607 41,562 11,436 30,126 188,269 16,557 10,461 215,287 31,807 764 31,043 4,237 25,889 98 25,791 3,073 (1,765) 3,722 220 5,250 25,793 1 25,792 302,503 15,222 16,882 2,459 (1,046) 2,626 198 PROFIT AFTER TAXATION Less: Minority Interest PROFIT AFTER TAXATION AND MINORITY INTEREST Add: Share of Profit in Associate (Refer Note No. 1(b) (i) in Schedule S) Add: Debenture Redemption Reserve written back Less: (a) Prior Period Adjustments (Net) (b) Debenture Redemption Reserve (c) Capital Redemption Reserve 2,260 4,821 2,218 28,009 2,550 30,559 7,081 23,478 Balance brought forward from previous year Add: Transferred from General Reserve 41,736 41,736 65,214 AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION Less : Appropriations: (a) Preference Dividend (b) Dividend on Equity Shares (i) Interim (ii) Final (c) Tax on Equity Dividend (d) Transfer to General Reserve 4,393 747 1,000 Balance Carried to Balance Sheet CONSOLIDATED EARNING PER SHARE (Refer Note No. 13 in Schedule S) Basic Earning Per Share (Rs.) Basic Earning Per Share without Exceptional Items (Rs.) Diluted Earning Per Share (Rs.) Diluted Earning Per Share without Exceptional Items (Rs.) Face Value Per Share (Rs.) NOTES ON ACCOUNTS 2,415 28,207 28,207 2,123 7,975 12 10,110 18,097 26,307 1,000 27,307 45,404 1 6,140 59,074 2,251 316 1,100 3,668 41,736 12.92 18.66 11.64 16.80 2.00 13.93 14.33 13.04 13.42 2.00 S As per our attached Report of even date For S.V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants R. D. SHROFF Chairman and Managing Director P. V. PARANJAPE Partner A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 69 United Phosphorus Limited CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2008 (A) CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit Before Taxation And Extraordinary Items Adjustments for: Provision for Depreciation/Amortisation Interest Expense Provision for Doubtful Debts & Advances Assets written off Loss on sale of assets Profit on sale of assets Bad Debt written off Dividend / Interest on Investments Other Interest Received Manufacturing Expenses Capitalised Exchange Difference (Net) Diminution in value of long-term investments written off/(back) Excess Provision in respect of earlier years written back Sundry Credit balances written back Profit on sale of Other Investments 41,562 15,222 14,742 113 22 39 446 (1) (2,423) (34) (25,525) 69 (962) (127) (632) (2,121) (18,675) (3,273) Cash Generated from Operations Interest paid Taxes (Paid) / Refund (14,728) 2,602 Cash Flow Before Extraodinary/Exceptional Items Exceptional Items Prior Period Adjustments (11,436) (2,260) As per our attached Report of even date For S.V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants P. V. PARANJAPE Partner Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 31,807 16,557 11,737 386 101 3 (203) 320 (294) (1,761) (26) (12,946) 84 (233) (82) (9) 949 42,511 Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes Adjustments for : Inventories Trade and Other Receivables Trade Payables and Other Liabilities Net Cash from / (used in) Operating Activities (B) Cash flow from Investing Activities Purchase of Fixed Assets (Net of sale) Purchase of Intangible Assets/Miscellneous Expenditure Incurred Purchase of Investments (Net of sale) and acquisition of Business Sundry Loans Dividend Received Interest Received Net cash used in Investing activities (C) Cash Flow from Financing Activities Proceeds from Issue of Shares Warrant Application Money Redemption of Preference Shares Borrowings (Net) Dividends Paid Tax on distributed Profits Bond/Notes/Debenture Issue Expenses Net Cash from Financing Activities Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents as at the Beginning of the Year Cash and Cash Equivalents as at the Close of the Year Note : Cash and Cash Equivalents as at the close of the year include: (i) Cash and Bank Balances (ii) Short-term investments 70 For the year For the year ended 31st ended 31st March, 2008 March, 2007 (Rs. in lacs) (Rs. in lacs) (Rs. in lacs) (Rs. in lacs) (A +B + C) R. D. SHROFF Chairman and Managing Director A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 (24,069) 18,442 (12,126) 6,316 (13,696) (7,380) 13,634 45,441 (20,950) 69,250 (4,056) (10,302) (4,757) (764) (2,123) 44,244 89,685 (15,059) 74,626 (2,887) 71,739 (18,699) (15,265) (26,501) 7,247 1 913 (52,304) (12,695) (43,499) (69,860) (5,790) 294 1,466 (130,084) 105,278 8,528 (32,789) (144) (1,404) 79,469 19,785 51,075 70,860 (12) 72,466 (3,957) (579) (77) 67,841 9,496 41,579 51,075 49,460 21,400 70,860 46,042 5,033 51,075 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE A : CAPITAL: Authorised: 77,50,00,000 (Previous Year : 27,50,00,000) Equity Shares of Rs.2 each 1,40,00,000 Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each 50,00,000 Preference Shares of Rs. 10 each Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up: 21,96,45,756 (Previous year: 18,75,22,068) Equity Shares of Rs. 2 each Fully paid-up TOTAL 15,500 14,000 500 5,500 14,000 500 30,000 20,000 4,393 3,750 4,393 3,750 3,312 3,312 107,387 53,327 SCHEDULE B : RESERVES AND SURPLUS: 1. Capital Redemption Reserve 2. Securities Premium 3. General Reserve 28,930 28,291 4. Capital Reserve 7,744 7,034 5. Debenture Redemption Reserve 19,258 16,987 6. Foreign Currency Translation Reserve Account (14,830) (4,901) 7. Balance in Profit and Loss Account 59,074 41,736 210,875 145,786 TOTAL 71 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Contd.) Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE C : SECURED LOANS: 1. Secured Redeemable Non-convertible Debentures: of Rs.10,00,000 each fully paid up (a) 100 - 7.2% 7 year (b) 500 - Floating Rate 7 year 2. 1,000 1,000 5,000 1,000 From Banks: (a) On Term Loan Accounts (b) On Cash Credit and Working Capital Demand Loan Accounts (c) Under Vehicle Finance Schemes 10,406 8,594 6,827 10,945 140 251 17,373 3. 6,000 19,790 From Others: (a) From Technology Development Board (b) From Industrial Development Bank of India 8 21 93 314 4,875 6,284 (c) External Commercial Borrowing from International Finance Corporation (d) From GE Capital Services India TOTAL 1,875 4,976 8,494 23,349 34,284 7,950 20,322 SCHEDULE D : UNSECURED LOANS: 1. Term Loans from Banks 2. Commercial Papers 3. Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds 27,562 34,519 4. Syndicated Notes 33,754 34,076 5. External Commercial Borrowings 64,211 65,723 6. From Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited TOTAL 72 133,477 7,000 1 161,641 Land-Freehold Land - Leasehold Building Building - Leasehold Plant and Machinery Laboratory Equipments Furniture, Fixtures and Equipments Vehicles 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Product Registration/ Acquisitions Task Force Expenses Software./Licence Fees 2. 3. 4. * Also Refer Note No. 5(f) in Schedule S Total Data Access Fees 1. Sr. Description of Assets No. SCHEDULE F : INTANGIBLE ASSETS Total 217 136,855 217 Taken over in respect of acquisitions during the year 2,651 811 126,327 7,066 As at 31st March, 2007 518 206,380 Capital Work-in-Progress 820 137 13. Building Improvements 10,900 93 805 73 2,287 3 35 134 114 90 72 5,651 3,437 112,174 1,690 23,745 2,743 2,179 39,716 Taken over in respect of acquisitions during the year 12. Land Improvements 11. Assets taken on Lease: (a) Plant and Machinery (b) Computer Equipment (c) Furniture, Fixtures and Equipments 10. Temporary Structures Goodwill (Refer Note No. 15 in Schedule S) 1. Sr. Description of Assets No. As at 31st March, 2007 28,618 173 24,423 4,022 Additions during the year 69,552 69,552 Deductions during the year 4,603 1 144 572 817 1,845 1,188 36 Deductions during the year Gross Block 20,405 99 54 605 10,454 1,977 2 7,214 Additions during the year Gross Block SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Contd.) SCHEDULE E : FIXED ASSETS (4,753) 210 (4,885) (78) Foreign Exchange Adjustment 3,386 (8) 63 (59) 14 16 89 1,882 140 1,239 5 5 Foreign Exchange Adjustment 91,385 3,034 811 76,530 11,010 As at 31st March, 2008 226,086 228 882 10,900 93 800 3 2,230 5,735 2,709 122,799 1,830 25,887 2,802 2,258 46,930 As at 31st March, 2008 58,701 2,571 777 50,390 4,963 Upto 31st March, 2007 104,697 89 818 5,519 77 468 3 1,169 4,251 2,735 69,263 1,690 18,615 Upto 31st March, 2007 621 446 175 Taken over in respect of acquisitions during the year 215 57 11 119 22 6 Taken over in respect of acquisitions during the year 11,359 207 9 9,584 1,559 Provided during the year 8,053 46 8,007 Deductions during the year 3,294 1 136 401 649 1,016 1,091 Deductions during the year Amortisation 7,471 9 1 537 6 56 259 544 106 5,053 900 Provided during the year Depreciation (3,199) 210 (3,409) Foreign Exchange Adjustment 3,199 (4) 63 (35) 19 15 101 1,690 140 1,210 Foreign Exchange Adjustment Rs. in lacs 48 2 5,381 16 337 1,118 1,400 702 42,911 5,130 2,743 2,179 39,716 Rs. in lacs 109,208 101,683 7,525 Net Block 127,974 113,798 14,176 134 1 4,844 10 311 862 1,315 416 47,690 6,231 2,796 2,258 46,930 59,429 2,942 786 49,004 6,697 31,956 92 25 27,526 4,313 78,154 80 34 75,937 2,103 As at As at Upto 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 2008 2008 2007 112,288 94 881 6,056 83 489 3 1,368 4,420 2,293 75,109 1,830 19,656 6 As at As at Upto 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 2008 2008 2007 Net Block 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 73 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Contd.) Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE G: As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs INVESTMENTS (At Cost): I. Long-Term: 1. IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Unquoted 2. TRADE INVESTMENTS Quoted Unquoted 8,828 860 6,208 689 9,688 3. IN SHARES (a) Quoted (i) In Associate company (Includes goodwill of Rs. 3210 lacs (Previous Year:Nil) (ii) In others (b) Unquoted (i) In Subsidiary companies (ii) In others 4. OTHER INVESTMENTS: Unquoted II. Current: 1 6,897 23,649 4,639 90 18 996 26,342 736 Units of Mutual Funds Less : Provision for Diminution in value of Long-Term Investments TOTAL Notes: 1. Aggregate amount of Quoted Investments: Cost (Net of Provision for Diminution) Market Value 2. Aggregate amount of Unquoted Investments: Cost (Net of Provision for Diminution) 29,302 27,168 1,882 5,138 35,000 75,872 39,204 177 75,695 108 39,096 37,084 93,409 56 43 38,611 39,040 SCHEDULE H: INVENTORIES: (Taken, valued and certified by the Management) (At lower of Cost or Net Realisable Value) 1. Stores and Spares (including Fuel) 1,955 1,876 2. Packing Materials 4,643 3,502 3. Stock-in-Trade: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Finished Products and Traded Goods By-Products Semi-finished Products Raw Materials Work-in-progress 64,628 1,007 5,530 30,745 26 TOTAL 74 69,761 883 8,514 19,780 31 101,936 98,969 108,534 104,347 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Contd.) Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 85,405 56,969 3,958 3,758 89,363 60,727 3,958 3,758 85,405 56,969 390 46 SCHEDULE I : SUNDRY DEBTORS: UNSECURED: Considered Good Considered Doubtful Less : Provision for Doubtful Debts TOTAL SCHEDULE J: CASH AND BANK BALANCES: 1. Cash on hand 2. Bank Balances in India: (i) In Current Accounts 25,786 8,575 (ii) In Margin Accounts 11 14 4 4 5,248 10,003 44 188 (iii) In Foreign Currency Accounts (iv) In Fixed Deposit Accounts (v) In Unclaimed Dividend Accounts 3. Bank Balances Outside India: In Current Accounts TOTAL 31,093 18,784 17,977 27,212 49,460 46,042 75 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Contd.) Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE K: OTHER CURRENT ASSETS: 1. Interest Receivable Considered Good Considered Doubtful Less : Provision 2. Discount Receivable 3. Export Benefits Receivable 4. Others: 2,097 587 5 5 2,102 592 5 5 2,097 587 578 110 2,549 2,793 Considered Good Considered Doubtful 628 186 111 173 814 284 Less : Provision 186 173 TOTAL 628 111 5,852 3,601 SCHEDULE L: LOANS AND ADVANCES: Unsecured and Considered Good, unless otherwise stated: 1. Advances recoverable in cash or kind or for value to be received: Considered Good Considered Doubtful 16,371 456 13,520 642 Less: Provision for Doubtful Advances 16,827 456 14,162 642 13,520 366 613 Loans and Advances to Employees 3. Sundry Loans: Considered Good Considered Doubtful 6,275 76 13,522 76 Less: Provision for Doubtful Loans 6,351 76 13,598 76 6,275 13,522 Deposits with the Collectorate of Central Excise 6,076 5,046 5. Sundry Deposits 3,096 4,221 6. Minimum Alternate Tax Credit Entitlement 4,082 3,000 7. Payment of Taxes less provision 809 8. Share Application Money 4. TOTAL 76 16,371 2. 288 36,554 40,731 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Contd.) Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE M: As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 7,054 16,313 83,701 85,345 LIABILITIES: 1. Acceptances 2. Sundry Creditors 3. Advances against Orders 2,833 1,541 4. Trade Deposits 1,531 792 5. Investor Education and Protection Fund shall be credited by the following amounts, as and when due: (a) Unpaid Dividend 44 188 (b) Unpaid Matured Debentures 13 18 3 8 (c) Interest accrued on above 6. Interest accrued but not due on Loans 7. Other liabilities TOTAL 60 214 1,913 1,899 28,047 18,937 125,139 125,041 4,393 747 4,450 9,590 SCHEDULE N: PROVISIONS: 1. Proposed Dividend: 2. On Equity Shares Provision for Tax on Distributed Profits: On Equity Shares 3. Provision for taxes less payments TOTAL 77 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE O: OTHER INCOME FROM OPERATIONS: Current Year Rs. in lacs Previous Year Rs. in lacs 4,188 3,763 607 593 1,447 1,851 9 1 85 105 962 233 8,913 5,613 127 82 1. Export Incentives 2. Job-Work / Service Income 3. Refund of Excise Duty 4. Refund of Sales-tax/Sales-tax set-off 5. Discount Received 6. Excess Provisions in respect of earlier years written back (Net) 7. Exchange Difference (Net) 8. Sundry Credit Balances written back (Net) 9. Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets 203 10. Income from Carbon Credits 1,475 11. Landfill charges 1,787 12. Miscellaneous Receipts 1,906 1,414 21,506 13,858 1 294 2,423 1,761 56 54 632 9 3,112 2,118 TOTAL SCHEDULE P: OTHER INCOME: 1. Income from Long-Term Investments (Gross) 2. Interest on Loans, Deposits etc. (Gross) 3. Rent 4. Profit on Sale of Investments TOTAL 78 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT (Contd.) Current Year Rs. in lacs Previous Year Rs. in lacs COST OF RAW MATERIALS, PACKING MATERIALS AND TRADED GOODS 181,457 118,218 2. PAYMENTS TO AND PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEES 40,165 18,960 3. OPERATING AND OTHER EXPENSES: Rs. in lacs SCHEDULE Q: MANUFACTURING AND OTHER EXPENSES: 1. (a) Stores and Spares Consumed (b) Power and Fuel (c) Repairs to Buildings (d) Repairs to Machinery (e) Other Repairs (f) Labour / Processing Charges (g) Rent (h) Rates and Taxes (i) Insurance Charges (j) Commission on Sales (k) Advertisement and Sales Promotion (l) Travelling and Conveyance (m) Legal and Professional Fees (n) Charity and Donations (o) Bad Debts written off (p) Provision for Doubtful Debts and Advances (Net) (q) Loss on Sale of Assets (r) Assets written off (s) Provision for Diminution in value of Investment (t) Warehousing Costs (u) Communication Costs (v) Effluent Disposal Charges (w) Other Expenses 4. 3,238 6,581 250 3,763 1,176 15,257 2,336 3,376 2,368 3,566 3,714 4,924 5,301 392 446 113 39 22 69 2,756 1,529 2,187 5,749 TRANSPORT CHARGES TOTAL 2,675 4,346 210 1,416 590 8,705 1,253 1,197 1,658 2,588 2,404 3,596 4,372 262 320 386 3 101 84 1,546 1,034 1,507 2,835 69,152 43,088 11,729 8,003 302,503 188,269 SCHEDULE R: INTEREST AND OTHER FINANCIAL COSTS: 1. On Debentures 1,559 1,630 2. On Term Loans 4,918 3,660 3. On Cash Credit and Working Capital Demand Loan Accounts 2,754 1,418 4. On Fixed Deposits and Fixed Loans 122 103 3,234 1,722 973 1,117 5. Ohers Interest 6. Cash Discount 7. Exchange Difference 2,140 (2,393) 8. Other Financial Charges 1,182 3,204 16,882 10,461 TOTAL 79 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S: NOTES ON ACCOUNTS: 1. Consolidation: (a) The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of United Phosphorus Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Holding Company) and its subsidiary companies, other than subsidiary companies referred to in note 1(b) below, (hereinafter referred to as the Group). (b) (i) The Group had in the financial year 2005-2006 acquired 100% of shareholding in Advanta India Limited, Advanta Finance BV, Netherlands, Advanta International BV, Netherlands, Advanta Netherlands Holding BV, Netherlands, Advanta Semilas SAIC, Argentina, Pacific Seeds Holding (Thai) Limited, Thailand, Pacific Seeds (Thai) Limited Thailand, Pacific Seeds Pty Limited, Australia and Advanta Holdings B.V., Netherlands (hereinafter referred to as Advanta Group). Advanta Group had not been considered for consolidation in the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2006 keeping in view the managements intention of disposing off / diluting the majority shareholding in the said companies in the near future. During the year ended 31st March, 2007, Advanta India Limited (AIL), the holding company in the Advanta Group, has issued shares to other shareholders and had also an initial public offering (IPO) of equity shares to the public which were allotted on 13th April, 2007. Consequently, the Groups holding in AIL has come down to 49.90% effective 13th April, 2007 and it ceased to be a subsidiary and became an associate of the Group from the aforesaid date. The Advanta Group had never been considered as a subsidiary for consolidation in the Consolidated Financial Statements, but has been treated as an associate with effect from 1st April, 2006 and the Group has recognised profit to the extent of 49.90% being its shareholding in the Advanta Group post IPO by applying Accounting Standard (AS) 23 Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements. (ii) 100% subsidiary company United Phosphorus South Africa Limited has not been considered for consolidation. However, there are no material transactions in the said subsidiary company. (iii) 60% subsidiary company viz. Universal Pesto Chem Industries Limited is also not considered for consolidation, since the management intends to dispose off / dilute the majority share holding in the said subsidiary. (c) The list of subsidiary companies considered for consolidation together with the proportion of share holding held by the group is as follows: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 80 Name of the Subsidiary Bio-win Corporation Limited United Phosphorus Limited United Phosphorus Limited United Phosphorus, Inc. United Phosphorus Holdings B.V United Phosphorus S.R.L. United Phosphorus De Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Agrodan ApS United Phosphorus Limited United Phosphorus (Shanghai) Co., Limited JSC United Phosphorus Limited United Phosphorus (Korea) Limited United Phosphorus Limited PT. United Phosphorus Indonesia PT. Catur Agrodaya Mandiri United Phosphorus Limited, Gibraltar United Phosphorus do Brazil Limiteda United Phosphorus Limited, Belgium SPRL SWAL Corporation Limited Reposo S.A.I.C. United Phosphorus Sole Partner Limited United Phosphorus (Taiwan) Limited United Phosphorus Vietnam Ltd. United Phosphorus Limited, Zambia United Phosphorus Limited, Japan United Phosphorus Holding Japan Co.Limited Country of Incorporation Mauritius U.K. Hong Kong U.S.A. Netherlands Italy Mexico Denmark Australia China Russia Korea New Zealand Indonesia Indonesia Gilbraltar Brazil Belgium India Argentina Greece Taiwan Vietnam Zambia Japan Japan % of Group Holding 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 51.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 90.00 100.00 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : Sr. No. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Name of the Subsidiary United Phosphorus De Argentina S.A. United Phosphorus Switzerland Limited Shroffs United Chemicals Limited Inventa Corporation Transterra Invest, S.L.U. Compania Espanola Indusrtrial Quimica de Productos Agricolas Y.Domesticos, S.A. Agrindustrial S.A. Phosfonia S.L. Agri Pack Zambia Limited Prime Agri Centre Zambia Limited Cropserve Zambia Limited Cerexagri Iberica S.A.U Cerexagri Italia S.R.L Cerexagri Delaware, Inc Cerexagri S.A.S. Cerexagri B.V. Cerexagri Costa Rica S.A. Anning Decco Fine Chemicals Co Limited. Desarrollo Quimico Industrial S.A. Cerexagri Inc. Cerexagri Ziraat Ve Kimya Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi Safepack Products Limited United Phosphorus Limited - Colombia Icona SA Icona San Luis SA Decco Italia Nippon UPL KK Global Chem Trade Corp. Jiagzu Kaznam Chemical Group Corp. Eddyville Consultant Group Inc. Evofarm Colombia SA Evofarms SA Country of Incorporation % of Group Holding # # * * # * * * * * Argentina Switzerland India U.S.A. Spain 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Spain Spain Spain Zambia Zambia Zambia Spain Italy U.S.A. France Netherlands Costa Rica China Spain U.S.A. 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 55.00 100.00 100.00 Turkey Israel Colombia Argentina Argentina Italy Japan Panama Panama Panama Colombia Colombia 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 * Acquired during the year # Incorporated during the year (d) The financial statements of each of the subsidiaries, other than Advanta Group, drawn upto the same reporting date i.e year ended 31st March, 2008 have been used for the purpose of consolidation. (e) The consolidated financial statements of Advanta Group drawn upto 31st December, 2007 have been used for the purpose of consolidation. (Also refer Note No. 1(b)(i) above). (f) Consolidated financial statements have been prepared in the same format as adopted by the Holding Company to the extent possible, as required by Accounting Standard (AS) 21 Consolidated Financial Statements issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. (g) Changes have been made in the accounting policies followed by each of the subsidiaries to the extent they were material and identifiable from their respective audited accounts to make them uniform with the accounting policies followed by the Holding Company. Where it has not been practicable to use uniform accounting policies in preparing the consolidated financial statements, the different accounting policies followed by each of the group companies have been followed. (Refer Note No. 2 below) (h) Translation of the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries for incorporation in the consolidated financial statements have been done by using the following exchange rates: (1) Assets and liabilities have been translated by using the rates prevailing as on the date of the balance sheet. (2) Income and expense items have been translated by using the average rate of exchange. 81 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : (3) (i) 2. Exchange difference arising on translation of financial statements as specified above is recognised in the Foreign Currency Translation Reserve. For the purpose of consolidation, the group has not followed Accounting Standard (AS) 27 Financial Reporting of Interest in Joint Ventures in respect of United Phosphorus Limited, Bangladesh, Nisso TM LLC, Cerexargi-Nisso LLC and Hodogaya UPL Co. Limited, Japan and Accounting Standard (AS) 23 Accounting for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements in respect of United Phosphorus Zimbabwe Ltd. and Agrinet Solutions Ltd. (Refer Note No. 8 below). Significant Accounting Policies: The significant accounting policies followed by the group in the consolidated financial statements are stated hereunder. In case a uniform policy is not followed by each company in the group, the same, as disclosed in the audited accounts of the said company, has been reproduced, if material. (a) System of Accounting: The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention following the mercantile system of accounting and income and expenditure has been recognised on accrual basis. Revenue from sale of Certified Emission Reduction (CER) is recognised as income on delivery thereof in terms of the contract with the respective buyers. (b) Fixed Assets and Depreciation: Fixed Assets: (i) Tangible Assets: Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation and provision for impairment, if any. (ii) Intangible Assets: Intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation. (Refer Note No. 5 below) (iii) Assets taken on Lease: (a) Operating Lease: Rentals and all other expenses in respect of assets taken on lease are treated as revenue expenditure. In respect of United Phosphorus Limited, UK Rentals under operating leases are charged on a straight line basis over the lease term, even if the payments are not made on such a basis. Benefits received and receivable as incentive to sign an operating lease are similarly spread on a straight line basis over the lease term, except where the period to the review date on which the rent is first expected to be adjusted to the prevailing market rate is shorter than the full lease term, in which case the shorter period is used. (b) Finance Lease: Assets acquired under finance leases are capitalised and a corresponding loan liability is recognised. The lease rentals are bifurcated into principal and interest component by applying an implicit rate of return. The interest is charged as a period cost and the principal amount is adjusted against the liability recognised in respect of assets taken on finance lease. Depreciation: (i) Leasehold land : United Phosphorus Limited (India) No amount has been written off against leasehold land since as per the lease agreements, the leases are renewable at the option of the Company for a further period of 99 years at the end of the lease period of 99 years, without / marginal payment of further premium. United Phosphorus Vietnam Limited Lease Rentals and other costs incurred in conjunction with securing the use of lease land are recognised on a straight line basis over 37 years in accordance with the term of the lease. 82 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : (ii) Other Assets : Sr.No. Name of the Company and Description of Assets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Method Rates Useful Life of Assets United Phosphorus Limited, India Membrane Hot Section Other Assets S.L.M. S.L.M. * 20% 33% * Cerexagri B.V., Netherlands Buildings Machinery and Equipment Other Tangible fixed assets S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. 1830 Years 1015 Years 310 Years Cerexagri S.A., France Buildings Plant and Machinery Motor Vehicles Office Materials Capitalised Leased Assets S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. 10 Years 5 Years 3 Years 5 Years United Phosphorus Limited, U.K. Freehold Buildings Plant and Machinery Fixtures and fittings Motor Vehicles Leasehold Land and Buildings S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. 50 Years 520 Years 520 Years 4 Years 50 years or Term of Lease if shorter Desarrollo Quimico Industrial S.A. Buildings Machinery and Technical Installations Other Installations, tools and furniture Hardware Vehicles Other Fixed Assets S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. S.L.M. 50 Years 10 Years 10 Years 4 Years 6 Years 47 Years Proportion to Gross Block 0.60% 0.53% 47.24% Over the lease terms { 11.59% { 9.55% { { 3.50% 2.06% * At the various S.L.M. / W.D.V. rates as applicable to the respective assets as specified in Schedule XIV of the Indian Companies Act, 1956. (c) Inventories: (i) Stocks of stores and spares, packing materials and raw materials are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value. However, the aforesaid items are not valued below cost if the finished products in which they are to be incorporated are expected to be sold at or above cost. (ii) Semi-finished products, finished products and by-products are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value. Cost for this purpose is derived on Standard Costing basis in case of United Phosphorus Limited, India, United Phosphorus Limited, Australia, United Phosphorus De Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Mexico, SWAL Corporation Limited, United Phosphorus Inc., United Phosphorus Limited, UK, Cerexagri BV, Netherlands, Cerexagri Italia SRL, Italy and Cerexagri SAS, France, on Weighted Average basis in case of Agri Pack Zambia Limited, Zambia, Safepack Products Limited, Israel and Anning Decco Fine Chemicals Co Ltd., China and on FIFO basis in case of United Phosphorus Ltd., Hong Kong, United Phosphorus Ltd., New Zealand, REPOSO S.A.I.C., Icona SA and Icona San Luis SA. The method of deriving cost is not mentioned in the audited accounts of the other subsidiaries. Approximately 96% of the total finished goods inventory as on 31st March, 2008, has been valued on standard cost basis. (iii) Traded goods are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value. (d) Investments: Long-Term Investments are carried at cost of acquisition. However, the carrying amount is reduced to recognise a decline, other than temporary, in the value of long-term investments by a charge to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account . Current investments are stated at lower of cost and fair value determined on individual investment basis. 83 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : (e) Finance costs and debts: (f) 1. United Phosphorus Limited (U.K.): Finance costs of debts are recognised in the Profit and Loss Account over the term of such instruments at a constant rate on the carrying amount. Debt is initially stated at the amount of the net proceeds after deduction of issue costs. The carrying amount is increased by the finance cost in respect of the accounting period and reduced by payments made in the period. 2. Bio-win Corporation Ltd., Mauritius and United Phosphorus Sole Partner Limited, Greece. Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value being their issue proceeds net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortised cost; any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value is recognised in the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method. Export Benefits: United Phosphorus Limited (India): Duty free imports of raw materials under Advance Licence for imports as per the Import and Export Policy are matched with the exports made against the said licences and the net benefit / obligation has been accounted by making suitable adjustments in raw material consumption. The benefits accrued under the Duty Entitlement Pass Book Scheme as per the Import and Export Policy in respect of exports made under the said scheme have been included under the head Export Incentives, in Other Income from Operations. (g) Foreign currency transactions: (i) Transactions in foreign currency are recorded by applying the exchange rate at the date of the transaction. Monetary items denominated in foreign currency remaining unsettled at the end of the year, are translated at the closing rates, prevailing on the Balance Sheet date. Exchange differences arising as a result of the above are recognised as income or expense in the profit and loss account. (ii) In the case of forward contracts, the premium or discount arising at the inception of the contract is amortised as an expense or income over the life of the contract. (h) Derivative Instruments The group uses derivating financial instruments such as forward exchange contracts, option contracts and interest rate swaps to hedge its risks associated with foreign currency fluctuations and interest rate. Accounting policy for forward exchange contracts is given in Note No. 2(g) above. Interest rate swap Swap contracts are initially recognised at fair value on the date on which a derivative contract is entered into and subsequently remeasured at fair value. Such contract is carried as assets when fair value is positive and liabilities when the fair values are negative. Option contracts The group provides for losses in respect of all outstanding option contracts at the balance sheet date by marking them to market. 84 (i) Government grants: Subsidies received under the central and state investment subsidy schemes are credited to Capital Reserve and treated as part of shareholders funds. Subsidies received from State and Central Government for Fixed Assets are credited to respective fixed assets accounts in proportion of their acquisition value. (j) Amortisation of Intangible Assets (a) Product acquisitions are amortised on straight line basis over a period of fifteen years from the month of addition to match their expected future economic benefits. (b) Other intangible assets are amortised on straight line basis over a period of five years. (k) Retirement Benefits: 1. United Phosphorus Limited (India), (i) Provident Fund is a defined contribution scheme established under a State Plan. The contributions to the scheme are charged to the profit and loss account in the year when the contributions to the funds are due. (ii) Superannuation Fund is a defined contribution scheme and contributions to the scheme are charged to the profit and loss account in the year when the contributions are due. The scheme is funded with an insurance company in the form of a qualifying insurance policy. (iii) The Company has a defined benefit gratuity plan. Every employee who has completed five years or more of service gets a gratuity on post employment at 15 days salary (last drawn salary) for each completed year 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : of service as per the rules of the Company. The aforesaid liability is provided for on the basis of an actuarial valuation made at the end of the financial year. The scheme is funded with an insurance company in the form of a qualifying insurance policy. (iv) The Company has other long term employee benefits in the nature of leave encashment. The liability in respect of leave encashment is provided for on the basis of actuarial valuation made at the end of the financial year. The aforesaid leave encashment is funded with an insurance company in the form of a qualifying insurance policy. (v) Actuarial gains/ losses are recognised immediately to the profit and loss account. (l) 2. United Phosphorus Limited (U.K.) In respect of the defined contribution scheme, the amount charged to the Profit and Loss Account in respect of pension costs is the contributions payable in the year. Differences between contributions payable in the year and contributions actually paid are shown as either accruals or prepayments in the balance sheet. 3. Cerexagri B.V., Netherlands Awarded pension rights are financed by means of annual premiums paid to the insurance company. A provision for pension commitments or a receivable is included as at balance sheet date for a negative or positive balance respectively of the present value of the awarded pension entitlements as at balance sheet date less the fair value of the fund investments. Account is taken of the actuarial results not yet recognised in the results as at balance sheet date when the balance of the receivable or liability is calculated. If the balance of the present value of the awarded pension rights, less the fair value of the fund investments is positive, a receivable is included which is maximised at the sum of: - any negative actuarial results not yet recognised in the result as at balance date; - the charges for past service still to be allocated to the coming financial years; - and the present value of reimbursements from the scheme or lowering of future contributions to the scheme. If the accumulated actuarial results exceed the higher of 10% of the present value of the pension rights and 10% of the fair value of the fund investments, the excess amount is recognised in the profit and loss account of the expected average remaining service of the active participants. The pension charges are calculated actuarially on the basis of expectations in the current financial year concerning the movements of the present value of the pension rights and fund investments, and the portion of accumulated actuarial results not yet recognised in the profit and loss account that are allocated to the financial year. 4. All other subsidiaries : The companies contribute to a defined contribution retirement benefit plan, and contribution to the retirement benefit plan are charged to the Profit and Loss Account as incurred. Research and Development Costs: Research and Development Costs (other than cost of fixed assets acquired) are charged as an expense in the year in which they are incurred and are reflected under the appropriate heads of account. (m) Borrowing costs: Interest and other costs incurred for acquisition of qualifying assets, upto the date of commissioning / installation, are capitalised as part of the cost of the said assets. (n) Income-tax: Income tax expense comprises of current tax and deferred tax charge or credit. Deferred taxation is provided under the liability method, in respect of significant timing differences between profit as computed for taxation purposes and profit as stated in the financial statements, except where it is considered that no liability will arise in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets are not recognised unless the related benefits are expected to crystalise in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax charge or credit is recognised using current tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date. (Also Refer Note No. 6 below) (o) Premium on redemption of Debentures/Bonds: Premium payable on redemption of Debentures/Bonds is provided in the year of redemption of Debentures/Bonds. (p) Provisions Provisions are recognised when the company has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made. 85 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : 3. Contingent liabilities not provided for: I) As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs In respect of group companies other than associate companies a) Disputed Excise Duty Liability (excluding interest) 2,795 2,858 b) Disputed Income-tax Liability (excluding interest) 69 69 c) Disputed Sales-tax Liability 2,750 1,778 d) Disputed Customs Liability 138 138 e) Disputed Penalty on water tax 161 - f) Bills / Cheques purchased / discounted with the banks and remaining unpaid as at the date of the Balance Sheet 2,000 6,687 Bills discounted under Letter of Credit remaining unpaid as at the date of the Balance Sheet 2,165 988 h) Guarantees given by Groups Bankers on behalf of the Group to third parties 5,521 1,491 i) Guarantees given by the Group to third parties 301 270 j) Claims against the Group not acknowledged as debts 2,202 1,418 k) Export Obligation: g) The Holding Company has undertaken an export obligation of 8 times the CIF value of machinery imported by the Holding Company to be fullfilled over a period of 8 years. The obligation outstanding as on the date of the Balance Sheet amounts to Rs.4,387 lacs (Previous Year: Nil) II) 86 In respect of Associate Companies a) Disputed Income-tax Liability (excluding interest) 851 - b) Gurarantees given by Associates Bankers on behalf of the Associates to third parties 400 - c) Claims against the Associates not acknowledged as debts. (However, by way of an agreement entered into with a third party, the associate has a counter claim receivable from the said thir party) 12,025 - 4. Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for (net of advances) 2,686 2,602 5. A Scheme of Arrangement between the Holding Company and SWAL Corporation Limited (SWAL) and their respective shareholders under sections 391 to 394 read with Section 78 and Sections 100 to 103 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 was sanctioned by the Honble Bombay High Court on 29th February, 2008 and High Court of Judicature at Gujarat on 16th April, 2008 and became effective from 30th April, 2008. As per the said Scheme: (a) The whole of the undertaking and properties of Haldia Division being the manufacturing division of agrochemicals (Demerged Undertaking) of SWAL (Demerged Company) is demerged and transferred to and vested in the Holding Company as a going concern with effect from the appointed date, viz. 1st April, 2007. (b) Reduction of Capital under sections 100 to 103 of the Companies Act, 1956 has been sanctioned under the scheme and accordingly, the debit balance aggregating to Rs.56,212 lacs in respect of Product Registrations and Product Acquisitions amounting to Rs.5,420 lacs and Rs.50,792 lacs respectively appearing as on 31st March, 2007 in the 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : books of Holding Company has been debited to the Securities Premium Account and the General Reserve after adjusting for deferred tax arising on account of these assets amounting to Rs.2,525 lacs. (c) The stamp duty payable in respect of transfer of ownership of assets pursuant to demerger of Haldia Division of SWAL with the Holding Company will be accounted for in the year of payment / adjudication. 6. The Holding Company has continued with the net deferred tax liability amounting to Rs.2,121 lacs as on 31st March, 2008 without recognising deferred tax asset to the said extent. As a result of the above, the consolidated profit after taxation for the year and reserves and surplus as at 31st March, 2008 are lower by Rs.2,121 lacs and deferred tax liabilities as at 31st March, 2008 is higher by Rs.2,121 lacs. 7. During the year, the Holding Company has made an issue of 2,41,66,000 equity shares of Rs.2 each on 19th October, 2007 to Qualified Institutional buyers at a price of Rs.350 per share and a preferential issue of 3,11,70,000 warrants with an option to apply for equivalent number of equity shares of Rs. 2 each to a promoter group Company on 25th October, 2007 at a price of Rs.340 per share. Out of the said warrants, 60,87,100 warrants have been converted into equal number of equity shares of Rs. 2 each till 31st March, 2008. 8. Joint Ventures and Associate Companies: While preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements, the group has not done proportionate consolidation in respect of its investment in joint ventures and has also not recognised the effects of investment in associates on the financial position and operating results of the group. The investments in the aforesaid companies included in the Consolidated Financial Statements are as under: a) Joint Venture Companies United Phosphorus Limited, Bangladesh Nisso TM LLC Cerexargi-Nisso LLC Hodogaya UPL Co. Ltd., Japan b) As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs 4 4 4 4 46 46 244 280 280 Associate Companies: Agrinet Solutions Limited. (Net of Provision for Diminution) United Phosphorus Zimbabwe Ltd. 9. As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs Segment Information: Segment information has not been given as the management is of the view that the said information would be prejudicial to the interest of the group. 10. Related Party Disclosures: Companies in the group have entered into transactions with the following related parties as identified by the management and relied upon by the Auditors. a) List of related parties: i) Joint Venture Companies: United Phosphorus Limited Bangladesh Nisso TM LLC Cerexargi-Nisso LLC Hodogaya UPL Co. Limited, Japan ii) Associate Companies: Agrinet Solutions Limited United Phosphorus Zimbabwe Limited Advanta Finance BV Advanta India Limited Advanta International BV Advanta Netherlands Holding BV Advanta Semilas SAIC, Argentina Advanta Holdings BV Advanta Seed International, Mauritius 87 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : Pacific Seeds Holding Limited, Thailand Pacific Seeds Limited, Thailand Pacific Seeds Pty Limited, Australia Longreach Plant Breeders Management Pty Limited, Australia 88 iii) Enterprises over which key management personnel and their relatives have significant influence: Uniphos Agro Industries Limited Uniphos Enterprises Limited Bloom Packaging Private Limited Nerka Chemicals Private Limited Ultima Search Jai Research Foundation JRF International Limited Vikram Farm Search Enviro Limited Enviro Technology Limited Bharuch Enviro Infrastucture Limited UPL Environmental Engineers Limited Demuric Holdings Private Limited iv) Key Management Personnel and their relatives : Whole Time Directors and their relatives Mr. Rajnikant D. Shroff Mrs. Sandra R. Shroff Mr. Kalyan Banerjee Mr. Jaidev R. Shroff Mr. Arun C. Ashar Mr. Vikram R. Shroff Mrs. Shilpa Sagar Mrs. Asha Ashar 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : (b) The following transactions were carried out with the related parties in the ordinary course of business as disclosed in the audited accounts of the individual companies. Rs. in lacs Current Year Nature of Transactions 1. Income Sale of Goods (Net of Rebates and Discounts) Services Management Fees Dividend Received Sale of DEPB Licence Joint Associate Venture Companies Companies Previous Year Other related Parties Subsidary Companies Joint Associate Venture Companies Companies Other related Parties 185 - 47 56 84 - 108 3 64 53 56 - 5,559 8 - - 274 64 85 2. Expenses Purchases of Goods Fixed Assets Services Rent Commission and Discount given Others - 755 625 75 - 1,631 52 3,027 126 - 150 - 1,102 - 6 - 1,154 266 1,454 125 8 2 3. Write off of Payables - - - - - - 2 4. Finance Interest Paid Interest Received Loan Given Preferential Issue of Warrants Purchase of Shares -- 907 1,057 522 7,854 10,990 - 105,978 - 719 25,058 5,985 - - 311 - 5. Reimbursements Received Made - 8 88 150 - 57 - - - 31 27 - 1,401 925 69 262 - 323 28 - 2,697 7,151 306 111 861 466 13,114 128 125 - - 115 75 410 6. Outstandings as at the Balance Sheet Date Payables (Including Trade Advances) Receivables (Including Trade Advances) Loans Taken Loans Given Sundry Deposits given Interest Receivables 89 United Phosphorus Limited SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : c) Current Year Rs. in lacs Previous Year Rs. in lacs 577 114 - 545 43 7 198 192 58 22 - 238 58 13 29 As at 31st March, 2008 Rs. in lacs As at 31st March, 2007 Rs. in lacs Payable not later than 1 year Payable later than 1 year and not later than 5 years 196 786 1,108 854 Total Minimum Lease Payments Less: Future Finance Charges 982 8 1,962 33 Present Value of Minimum Lease Payments 974 1,929 Operating Leases The minimum annual rentals under the operating leases are as under: i) within one year ii) between two and five years iii) above five years 401 829 857 290 839 - 43 15 16 2 1 38 13 7 1 1 Current Year (Rs. in lacs) Previous Year (Rs. in lacs) 274 33 41 13 36 180 198 24 30 10 38 238 577 538 Transactions with Directors of the Holding Company and their Relatives Remuneration Rent Paid Professional Fees Sales of Fixed Assets Outstandings as at the Balance Sheet Date Remuneration Payable Sundry Deposits given Rent Payable Advance Rent 11. Lease Commitments: a) Finance Leases Future Minimum Lease Payments in respect of assets acquired under finance leases are as under: (a) (b) b) 12. Remuneration to Auditors of the Holding Company: a) Audit Fees b) For Taxation matters c) For other matters d) For Certification work e) Reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses Note : The aforesaid amount of auditors remuneration does not include an amount of Rs.13 lacs (Previous Year: Nil) paid for carrying out the professional work in relation to the issue of shares of the Company, which have been adjusted against Securities Premium Account 13. Remuneration to Managing / Wholetime Director of the Holding Company: a) Salaries b) Contribution to Provident Fund c) Superannuation Scheme d) Gratuity e) Perquisites f) Commission Total 90 24th Annual Report 2007-2008 SCHEDULE FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT SCHEDULE S (Contd.) : Current Year Rs. in lacs Previous Year Rs. in lacs 25,791 2,218 25,792 2,415 28,009 2,260 28,207 1 2,123 (A) 25,749 26,083 (B) Nos. 199,226,283 Nos. 187,294,871 Rupees Rupees 14. Consolidated Earning per share: (a) Basic Earning Per Share: Profit after Taxation and Minority Interest as per the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Add : Share of Profit in Associate Company Less: (a) Preference Dividend including tax thereon (b) Prior Period Adjustments (Net) Weighted Number of Equity Shares Outstanding Basic Earning Per Share (A/B) 12.92 13.93 Basic Earning Per Share excluding exceptional items (A/B) 18.66 14.33 Nominal Value of equity share (b) 2.00 2.00 Diluted Earning Per Share: Profit after Taxation and Minority Interest as per the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Add : Share of Profit in Associate Company 25,791 2,218 25,792 2,415 Less: (a) Preference Dividend including tax thereon (b) Prior Period Adjustments (Net) 28,009 2,260 28,207 1 2,123 25,749 26,083 92 117 25,841 Nos. 199,226,283 26,200 Nos. 187,294,871 22,680,602 13,624,668 Add: Increase in net profit attributable to equity shareholders (net of tax) (A) Weighted Number of Equity Shares Outstanding Add: Dilutive Impact of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds Weighted Number of Equity Shares for Computing Diluted Earning per Share (B) 221,906,885 200,919,539 Rupees Rupees Diluted Earning Per Share (in Rupees) (A/B) 11.64 13.04 Diluted Earning Per Share before exceptional itesms (in Rupees) (A/B) 16.80 13.42 Nominal Value of equity share (in Rupees) 2.00 2.00 15. In the earlier year, the Group had under a share purchase agreement between United Phosphorus Limited and Arkema France, acquired Cerexagri group of companies for a preliminary purchase consideration. The preliminary purchase consideration was subject to revision in accordance with the aforesaid share purchase agreement. In the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2008, the Goodwill arising on acquisition of Cerexagri Group of Companies has been recomputed on the basis of the final purchase consideration. 16. During the year the Group has acquired Icona SA and Icona San Luis SA, on 18th July 2007 and Global Chem Trade Corp., Jiagzu Kaznam Chemical Group Corp., Eddyville Consultant Group Inc., Evofarm Colombia SA & Evofarms SA on 1st January 2008. The aforesaid acquisition has the effect of increase in assets, liabilities and results by Rs. 6544 lacs, Rs. 2306 lacs and Rs. 141 lacs respectively in the consolidated financial statements. 17. In view of the acquisition of Cerexagri Group of companies in the previous year from 1st January, 2007 and acquisition of certain other companies during the current year as mention in Note No. 16 above, the current year figures are not comparable with those of the previous year. Previous Years figures have been regrouped/ rearranged wherever necessary. As per our attached Report of even date For S.V. GHATALIA & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants SIGNATURE TO SCHEDULES A TO S R. D. SHROFF Chairman and Managing Director P. V. PARANJAPE Partner A. C. ASHAR Whole-time Director Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 Mumbai, 2nd May, 2008 91 United Phosphorus Limited NOTES 92
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