ENG Monofos_11022016_PREVIEW
ENG Monofos_11022016_PREVIEW
Monocalcium phosphate About the factory MONOFOS The Prahovo Chemical Industry is located at the junction of three borders between Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia, on the bank of the river Danube. It was founded in 1960 as a part of the technological chain of the Bor-Basin mining and metallurgical complex. As of the year 2012 this industry of chemical products operates within Elixir Group System. MonoFos is a feed grade Monocalcium phosphate. It is produced by reacting calcium carbonate with wet process defluorinated phosphoric acid. Elixir Prahovo is a large chemical complex, best known for the production and processing of phosphoric component and the production of different phosphoric acid salts. Key products: phosphoric acid (fertiliser and feed grade), fertilizers (SSP, TSP; NPK, MAP/DAP), inorganic phosphates feed grade. Key to Success: The possibility of independent controlling of the phosphoric acid composition as the basic component represents the key to success, which is reflected in the final product quality. Monocalcium phosphate MCP Monocalcium phosphate Ca(H2PO4)2 * H2O is produced by chemical reaction of defluorinated, partially purified phosphoric acid (feed grade phosphoric acid) and fine ground calcium carbonate. • High content of the Phosphorus. Its guaranteed minimum 22,7% P provides flexibility and economy in formulations. • Content of Calcium as min 15% • High Biological availability. Water solubility of Phosphorus (P2O5) is min. 80% • Outstanding physical qualities provide for ease of handling and uniform dispersion in mixed feeds and minerals. • Provides maximum economy per unit of biologically available phosphorus. CaCO3 + 2H3PO4 = Ca(H2PO4)2 * H2O + CO2 Elixir Prahovo – industrija hemijskih proizvoda d.o.o Prahovo, Radujevački put bb; 19330 Prahovo, Serbia;Tel: +381 19 543 991; Fax: +381 19 542 885, email: monofos@elixirprahovo.rs; www.elixirprahovo.rs; www.elixirfeed.rs Monocalcium phosphate INORGANIC FEED PHOSPHATES AS HIGH QUALITY PHOSPHORUS SOURCE FOR ANIMAL FEED Phosphorus P Positive effects of phosphorus: Monocalcium phosphate TECHNICAL DATA SHEET • Regulates protein synthesis and improves immunity. • Performs digestive adsorption, glycolic and direct oxidation of carbohydrates, renal excretion, lipids transportation, amino acids exchange and other processes. • Being a low active chemical, phosphorus does not damage vitamins and enzymes or block amino acids and proteins; does not create inassimilable compounds in mixed feeds. • Lipid, protein, carbohydrate, mineral and energy exchange processes of organisms are connected with phosphoric acid transformations. Ca(H2PO4)2 * H2O Macro-minerals elements such as phosphorus and calcium are essential components to develop and sustain a healthy and productive animal growth. They are parts of many biological pathways such as bone and muscle formation or the energy cycle. Phosphorus shortage in animal nutrition causes: Parameter Chemical Composition Phosphorus (P) Total, min. Relative phosphorus solubility in 2% Citric acid, min. 98.00% Extraction / Spectrophotometry Relative water-soluble phosphorus, min. 80.00% Extraction / Spectrophotometry Calcium (Ca) Total, min. 15.00% Volumetry Physical properties pH (1% solution) 3-4 Humidity % (H2O) max. 2.0% Granulometry - micro granulated As a rule livestock and poultry receive less phosphorus than they need. The phosphorus content in plants feed covers only 30% of their requirements. Furthermore, only 50% of this amount is digested, as plants and animals require different forms of phosphorus . Rickets Density Loss of growth increase and body mass Undesirable Elements According to research, phosphorus from monocalcium phosphate is digested better by animals than other feed phosphates. In addition, it ensures that the organism is saturated with calcium. Monocalcium phosphate added to feed mix accelerates weight gain in livestock and poultry by 5-12%. It is far more effective than similar additives used in agriculture. Reduced milk and eggs production As a result, use of feed containing monocalcium phosphate yields far more biological, energy and economic benefits. Reproductive disorders Calcium Ca • Blocks negative effects of some elements, including sodium, potassium and magnesium. • Calcium ions improve protective functions of organism and reduce bacterial toxins permeability of cells. • Activates digestive enzymes and improves digestibility; irreplaceable for heart, nerves, muscles and affects phosphorus and zinc digestibility. Calcium shortage in animal nutrition causes: Appetite dysfunctions Growth dysfunctions Dysfunctions of the mineralization of the bones Rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis Disorder of maintaining nervous and muscular functions 0.2 - 1.8 mm, min. 90% White gray 800 - 900 g/l Potentiometry Gravimetry (3h - 60˚C) Sieve analysis Organoleptic method EN ISO 7837:2010 Fluorine (F) max. 0.2% Arsenic (As) max. 10 ppm Atomic absorption Cadmium (Cd) max. 10 ppm Atomic absorption Lead (Pb) max. 15 ppm Atomic absorption Mercury (Hg) max. 0.1 ppm Atomic absorption Dioxin max. 0.75 ppt Non dioxin like PCB s Calcium Positive effects of calcium: Method of Analysis Extraction / Spectrophotometry Color Reduced organism defense power Typical Value Date:15.12.2014 22.70% Dysfunction of appetite Reduced conversion, i. e. reduced efficiency of feed utilization Edition: 01 max. 1 ppt PACKAGING, LABELING AND CLASSIFICATION: The product is packed in bulk, in 1000 kg net big bags (PP with a PE inner lining), or 25 kg net bags (Natron with a PE inner lining), an opportunity for shrink wrapped pallet. The labels may be in different languages according to protected from dispersion, moisture, contamination and other adverse effects. STORAGE: The product should be stored indoors in a dry and cool place, properly stored it is recommended to use the product within 3 years from the manufacturing date. TRANSPORT: