green pop - Anna Paghera
green pop - Anna Paghera
1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7ROOTS History 9 GREEN 11 Garden Design 25Gardens 43 55 Trade Show Stands Events Outfitting 71INTERIORS 73 81 Interior Design Scenes of Interiors 101 ECO-DESIGN Objects for an everyday use 113 FRAGRANCES 117 121 123 127 131 133 Soul’s Potions - Luxury Gift Box Green Favours Soul’s Potions Eco-Logical Box Elisir Eco-Logical Box Ultrasonic Fragrance Diffusers Green Therapy Micro-spa 138REFERENCES R O O T S A nna Paghera was born into a family green fingered by definition. Five generations devoted to nature, a surname which, in the ancient local language means fir wood. A heritage of green genes and an innate vocation for beauty, harmony and architectural rigour, form the roots and habitat of a style that mixes nature and aesthetic sensitivity, modernity and classicism. An eco-green-chic vision applied to different yet complementary fields: Green design – Interior design – Fragrances collections. 7 G R E E N Design and realizations a bl e t o t ra n s f orm a n y p l ac e “E ach project, irrespective of dimensions and whether it is about a garden, studying a trade show stand or special fitting for private or company events, will engage and captivate equally. The creative-emotional part, involved in interpreting, requires research, theme study and creativity able to fly high, free from any binding, other than not exceeding the budget. And the rational part, involved instead in the realization aspect, which demands practicality, a perfect organization, calibrated on time schedules and modus operandi, studied and optimized down to the last detail given that nothing can be left out and underestimated. Experience has taught me how to outguess the unforeseen and the concreteness for solving it. It is out of this mix of ingredients that are born installations that transform any place in scenes of great visual and emotional impact, loaded of atmosphere and power of suggestion. AN.PH 9 P R O G E T TAZIO N E UNO STUDIO CUCITO AD ARTE T a v o la p la n im e t r ic a g e n e r a le v e rd e e s t ru t t u re Orie nt at o da d e s id e ri e b ud g e t d e l c lie nt e , is pirat o da l c o nt e s t o a rc h it e t t o nic o , p a e s a g g is t ic o e s t ilis t ic o o d a l t e m a , s e s i t ra t t a d i int e rp re t a re un e v e nt o o uno s t a nd fi e ris t ic o . Input c he de t e rm ina no il pe rc o rs o p r o g e t t u a le g u id a n d o lo at t rave rs o le s c e lt e s t ilis t ic he , la ric e rc a e de finizio ne di mat e riali e de t t a g li c a ra t t e riz z a nt i, la s e le zio ne de lle e s s e nze più ido ne e ris pe t t o a c lima e d e s po s izio ne . Un mix di po nde rat e zza e c re at ivit à, t e c nic a e ide e c he , pas s o do po pas s o , t e s s o no la t rama c he c o nduc e al ris ult at o s c e nic o ide ale . Un lavo ro c uc it o ad art e , un’ide azio ne la c ui c ifra s t ilis t ic a rimane unic a a pre s c inde re dal b udg e t me s s o a dis po s izio ne pe r la s uc c e s s iva fas e re alizzat iva. Il pro g e t t o si c o mpo ne di dis e g ni t e c nic i e re nde ring re alis t ic i fo rnit i in ve rs io ne c art ac e a e s t ampa fo t o g rafic a, unit a me nt e a file .pdf da vis io nare s ul pro prio pc . GARDEN DESIGN A n a rt f u l l y n eed l e-cra f t ed w o r k D riven by desires and budget of the client and inspired by the environmental and architectural contexts, if the case is the interpretation of an event or trade show stand. These inputs determine the design path, guiding it through stylistic choices and the research and definition of materials, characterizing details and the selection of the most appropriate flora according to exposure and climate. A mix of advisedness and creativity, technique and ideas that step by step weave the net that leads to the ideal scenic result. An artfully needle-crafted work, an idea of which stylistic price remains unique irrespective of the budget available for the next realization phase. The design is composed by technical drawings and realistic renderings provided on paper an photographic prints together with .pdf versions to view on own devices. 11 green initial state 3D rendering 13 green initial state 3D rendering 15 green initial state 3D rendering 17 green initial state 3D rendering 19 green initial state 3D rendering 21 green H O T E L B E N E S S E R E & S PA “ Curarsi con l’acqua e il verde del giardino” 23 green PIANO TERRA CONCEPT BOOK - IDEAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA DELLE FA C C I AT E - R E N D E R 3 D D E L L E S T R U T T U R E E L A L O R O CONTESTUALIZZAZIONE ALL’INTERNO DELL’AREA PROGETTO PRELIMINARE INTERIOR DESIGN G A R D E N Ta i l or ma d e cu s t omi z a t i o n S P roductions that we undertake with great attention and competence, shaping up our client’s desires. We aim at quality selecting the number of assignments, so that every job can continue being followed personally in every phase. We wish for each project, whichever the size, to maintain the quality of a tailoring and the attention to detail and to the project as a whole. We strive for each realization to be organized and directed personally and executed by on of our specialized and trusted teams. Or by specialized local manpower but guided by our technical and artistic direction. This to guarantee the final result and customer satisfaction, as well as our own. 25 green burgundy dehor 27 green initial state 3D rendering 29 green meditative indigo 31 green initial state 3D rendering 33 green green pop 35 green initial state 3D rendering 37 green hortus 39 green 41 green TRADE SHOW STANDS Eco-green interpretation W e interpret brand and product through the revisiting, in an eco-green key, of the exposition space concept. We design, look after style and image choosing details, materials and furniture that characterize the intervention. The realization of the structure is entrusted to local assemblers, selected on the basis of affinity and reliability, to guarantee to the customer the optimization of workforce and transportation costs. When called upon by other professionals, architects and designers, to participate to a teamwork project we might simply design the green that will dress the space, enhancing and interpreting the indicated mood. 43 green 45 green 47 green 49 green 51 green 53 green E V E N T S OUTFITTING To crea t e emot i on s t h a t wil l g e t t o t h e h ea rt of ea ch g u e st W e interpret the theme of private or company events by creating a setting taking into the plan a highly impressive green scenery, lights, sound, surprise, amazement, theme, message. These are all factors that determine the concretization of an idea within a concentrate of visual, olfactory and emotional stimuli. The idea is a show that must move and get to the heart of each guest, without breaks or ways out. It must make a name for itself, becoming a voice heard even after the show ended. 55 green 57 green 59 green initial state 3D rendering 61 green 63 green 65 green 67 green 69 green I NTERIORS Harmony and the search for beauty “L ife styles, ways of welcoming, cooking, moving within spaces, are the inputs that drive the creative and designing phases for the interior design of private homes. The focus is wider for those spaces dedicated to hospitality, entertainment, shopping. But one factor unites every project: that eco-green thinking that is part of my DNA, that instinctively pushes me towards whatever is Nature and natural. Like thinking of healthy environments adopting quality, taking into account the rising and setting of the sun as well as light and heat exposure for orienting rooms. Conceiving indoor and outdoor spaces as one being the continuing of the other so that green, architecture and interior design can melt harmoniously giving meaning, character and coherence to the scene as a whole. With rigor and fantasy, beauty and surprise. For the eyes and the soul. AN.PH 71 4 3 2 1 PIANTA PIANO PRIMO COMMITTENTE - PURCHASER QUANTUM INVESTMENT GROUP LIMITED bagno 3/b VIA - STREET bagno 3/a ---CITTA' - CITY PADENGHE SUL GARDA 3.12 punto luce centrale INDIRIZZO CANTIERE - YARD ADDRESS punto luce centrale PADENGHE SUL GARDA CODICE - CODE 21 TITOLO - TITLE PIANTA ARREDO-ILLUMINAZIONE-PAVIMENTI OGGETTO - OBJECT punto luce a parete 1.00 termoarredo PIANO PRIMO punto luce a parete 1.15 1.00 punto luce da appoggio • ••• •• • • • ••••••••••• • • • • • • ••• ••••• • • • ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• SCALA - SCALE A 1 : 25 DISEGNATORE - DRAFTSMAN 1.00 21-03-2013 90 225 90 225 DATA - DATE PROGETTISTA - DESIGNER ANNA PAGHERA T V INTERIOR DESIGN Stylistic coherence between indoor and outdoor TECNICO • • • •• •• • • ••• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MOD. GRECHE BAGNI DATA - DATE punto luce da appoggio linea di luci led per ogni ripiano 15-05-2013 luce nella cornice linea di luci led per ogni ripiano punto luce da appoggio APPROVATO - APPROVED - • • • •• •• • • ••• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED - anticamera 1 camera 1 punto luce a pavimento • • • •• •• • • •• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 90 225 anticamera 2 90 225 camera 2 disimpegno camere DATA - DATE DICEMBRE 2013 APPROVATO - APPROVED - • • • •• •• • • •• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED punto luce a parete corridoio • • • •• •• • • •• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DATA - DATE - R.1.12 APPROVATO - APPROVED - specchio tutta altezza specchio tutta altezza 1.75 90 225 IL PRESENTE ELABORATO GRAFICO E' STATO REALIZZATO SULLA BASE CARTOGRAFICA FORNITA DALLA COMMITTENZA, VIENE SOLLEVATA QUINDI ANNA PAGHERA DA EVENTUALI ERRORI E/O OMISSIONI CONSEGUENTI. DURANTE LA REALIZZAZIONE DELLE OPERE POTRANNO ESSERE APPORTATE VARIANTI AL PROGETTO ORIGINARIO, DOVUTE AD IMPREVISTI E/O ESIGENZE DETTATE DALLA CREATIVITA' DEL PROGETTISTA. IL PRESENTE DISEGNO E' IN ESCLUSIVA PROPRIETA' DI ANNA PAGHERA CHE NE VIETA LA COPIA, LA RIPRODUZIONE E LA CESSIONE A TERZI, A NORMA DI LEGGE. LA DISPOSIZIONE E LE VARIETA' INDICATE NEL PROGETTO, NON SONO VINCOLANTI, MA POTRANNO ESSERE VARIATE PER NECESSITA' TECNICHE O PAESAGGISTICHE, CHE SI POTRANNO PRESENTARE DURANTE I LAVORI. I DATI DI COMPUTO RELATIVI AL PROGETTO PLANIMETRICO E LE SIMULAZIONI DI SCENARIO, PROPONGONO UNA AMBIENTAZIONE A VERDE PAGHERA A PRONTO EFFETTO. PER TANTO SE IL COMMITTENTE OPTERA' PER SOLUZIONI REALIZZATIVE NON A PRONTO EFFETTO, IL RISULTATO FINALE NON SARA' QUELLO PROSPETTATO NELLE TAVOLE PLANIMETRICHE E VISTE PROSPETTICHE. LA PROGETTAZIONE A NORMA DI LEGGE DEGLI IMPIANTI ELETTRICO ED IDRAULICO, SPETTA AI TECNICI NOMINATI DALLA COMMITTENZA, ABILITATI AL RILASCIO DEL CERTIFICATO DI CONFORMITA' DELLA LEGGE 46/90. THIS GRAPHIC PAPER HAS BEEN REALIZED ACCORDING TO THE CARTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL PROVIDED BY THE PURCHASER, THEREFORE ANNA PAGHERA IS NOT RESPONSABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENT CONTINGENT MISTAKE AND/OR OMISSION. DURING THE REALIZATION OF THE WORKS. THE ORIGINAL PROJECT COULD BE CHANGED, BECAUSE OF UNEXPECTED EVENTS AN/OR EXIGENCES RISING FROM THE DESIGNER'S CREATIVITY. THIS DRAWING IS SOLE OWNERSHIP OF ANNA PAGHERA; THE COPY, THE REPRODUCTION AND THE TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY ARE FORBIDDEN BY LAW THE ARRANGEMENT AND THE VARIETIES INDICATED IN THE PROJECT ARE NOT BINDING, BUT THEY CAN BE CHANGED BEACUSE OF TECHNICAL OR LANDSCAPE NEEDS THAT CAN OCCOUR DURING THE WORKS. THE COMPUTATION DATA RELATIVE TO THE PLANIMETRIC PROJECT AND THE SCENERY SIMULATIONS PROPOSE A PROMPT EFFECT ANNA PAGHERA GREEN SETTING. THEREFORE IF THE PURCHASER WILL CHOOSE RESOLUTIONS OF REALIZATION THAT ARE NOT PROMPT EFFECT, THE FINAL RESULT WON'T BE THE ONE PRESENTED IN THE PLANIMETRIC PLANS AND IN THE PERSPECTIVE VIEWS. THE ACCORDING TO LAWPROJECT OF THE ELECTRICAL AN HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS IS UP TO THE TECHNICIANS DESIGNATED BY THE PURCHASERS, WHO ARE QUALIFIED TO ISSUE THE CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE OF THE 46/90 LAW. 90 225 90 225 90 225 guardaroba padronale B CE PRODUIT GRAPHIQUE A ETE REALISE SUR LA BASE DES CARTOGRAPHIES FOURNIES PAR L'ACHETEUR, ANNA PAGHERA DONC N'EST PAS RESPONSABLE DES EVENTUELS ERREURS ET/OU OMISSIONS CONSEQUENTS. PENDANT LA REALISATION DES TRAVAUX LE PROJET ORIGINAL POURRA ETRE CHANGE, A CAUSE DES IMPREVU ET/OU EXIGENCES DUES A LA CREATIVITE DU PAYSAGISTE. CE DESSIN EST PROPRIETE EXCLUSIVE DE ANNA PAGHERA, QUI EN PROHIBE LA COPIE, LA REPRODUCTION ET LA CESSION A TIERS, AUX TERMES DE LA LOI. LA DISPOSITION ET LES VARIETES INDIQUES DANS LE PROJET NE SONT PAS CONTRAIGNANTES, MAIS ELLES POURRONT ETRE CHANGEES A CAUSE DES NECESSITES TECHNIQUES OU PAYSAGISTES, QUI POURRONT SE PRESENTER PENDANT LES TRAVAUX. LES DONNES DE COMPTE RELATIFS AU PROJET PLANIMETRIQUE ET A LES SIMULATIONS DE DECOR PROPOSENT UN MILIEU DU VERT ANNA PAGHERA A PRET EFFET. DONC SI L'ACHETEUR CHOISIRA DES SOLUTIONS DE REALISATION QUI NE SONT PAS A PRET EFFET, LE RESULTAT FINAL NE SERA PAS CELUI QUI EST MONTRE DANS LES TABES PLANIMETRIQUES ET DANS LES VUES PERSPECTIVES. LE PROJET AUX TERMES DE LA LOI DES INSTALLATIONS ELECTRIQUE ET HYDRAULIQUE REVIENT AUX TECHNICIENS QUI ONT ETE DESIGNES PAR L'ACHETEUR, QUI SONT QUALIFIES POUR LA DELIVRANCE DU CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITE DE LA LOI 46/90. NOTE: N.B.: quote e dimensioni sono state desunte dagli elaborati tecnici forniti dallo studio Zanandreis e da verifiche di cantiere prodotte dalla Soc. Senini . • ••• • •• ••• •• • • • • •• •• ••• •• • ••• •• • • • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • rigorosa una verifica di accertamento sul posto. punto luce centrale TV bagno padronale lampada a parete punto luce a parete termoarredo camera padronale 1 O ur main focus is the interior design, through which we define the architectural cut of spaces, their use, technical and executive details, stylistic choices and the research of furniture and each element that will compose the scene. But it might be necessary to also examine the image of the home as a whole, considering a restyling that will deliver a more focused stylistic coherence between outdoors and interiors. At times, few touches are sufficient to renovate the facades of a house. One example is the City villa. Otherwise, to realize an idea and quantify costs before the actual start, it might be useful to reverse design starting from the area, the buildable volumes and intended use. Thermal & Green Relais is a project born this way, initially from the study of interior spaces, disposed according to a precise logic and out of which a plan design was created. This allowed to generate the solid structure reproduction and to stylistically “dress” it. After that, the design of outside spaces and the garden were made, completing and framing the whole project. 73 interiors 0.61 0.03 0.25 0.20 0.90 3.06 10a 0.20 0.25 0.03 0.61 0.61 0.07 0.50 0.60 0.60 4.48 10b 0.60 Lavastoviglie 0.20 1.00 0.200.11 0.35 Cantina Vino COMMITTENTE - PURCHASER 0.18 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 QUANTUM INVESTMENT GROUP LIMITED VIA - STREET ---CITTA' - CITY PADENGHE SUL GARDA INDIRIZZO CANTIERE - YARD ADDRESS 1.13 PADENGHE SUL GARDA CODICE - CODE 21 COMMITTENTE - PURCHASER 0.18 0.18 0.18 TITOLO - TITLE QUANTUM INVESTMENT GROUP LIMITED 0.18 piano terra - CUCINA VIA - STREET 0.03 2.70 OGGETTO - OBJECT ---- PROSPETTI PARETI CUCINA CITTA' - CITY PADENGHE SUL GARDA 0.47 1.13 1.13 PADENGHE SUL GARDA SCALA - SCALE CODICE - CODE 0.04 1.13 3.17 0.85 3.17 0.47 DISEGNATORE - DRAFTSMAN 0.04 OGGETTO - OBJECT PROSPETTI PARETI CUCINA TAVOLA N° - PLAN N° 0.47 0.03 2.70 0.85 0.61 10b 0.07 0.50 0.61 10a 0.03 0.25 0.20 SCALA - SCALE 0.03 2.70 0.04 1 : 20 0.85 0.90 0.853.06 0.60 4.48 0.60 Lavastoviglie 0.20 0.25 0.03 0.61 0.20 Cantina Vino0.07 0.50 0.61 10a 0.03 0.25 0.20 0.90 3.06 0.20 0.25 0.03 16 APRILE 2014 PROGETTISTA - DESIGNER A ANNA PAGHERA TECNICO - 16 APRILE 2014 PROGETTISTA - DESIGNER 0.35 REVISIONE N° 1 - REVISION N° 1 ANNA PAGHERA 0.61 TECNICO - DATA - DATE REVISIONE N° 1 - REVISION N° 1 0.60 10b 0.61 kitch. 2 DATA - DATE 0.04 0.20 0.11 1.00 DATA - DATE DISEGNATORE - DRAFTSMAN 0.47 0.04 0.60 A 1 : 20 TITOLO - TITLE 0.03 2.70 0.47 0.61 21 1.13 piano terra - CUCINA 0.03 2.70 kitch. 2 TAVOLA N° - PLAN N° INDIRIZZO CANTIERE - YARD ADDRESS 0.60 4.48 0.85 Lavastoviglie 0.61 0.60 0.20 1.00 0.200.11 0.35 0.61 Cantina Vino 0.61 DATA - DATE 10d 0.07 0.50 0.60 10b 0.60 4.48 0.60 Lavastoviglie 0.20 1.00 0.200.11 APPROVATO - APPROVED - 0.35 APPROVATO - APPROVED 0.120.20 - REVISIONE N° 2 - REVISION N° 2 REVISIONE N° 2 - REVISION N° 2 0.35 DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED Cantina Vino - 0.61 DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED - 75 interiors REVISIONE N° 3 - REVISION N° 3 DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED - REVISIONE N° 4 - REVISION N° 4 REVISIONE N° 3 - REVISION N° 3 DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED - DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED - REVISIONE N° 5 - REVISION N° 5 REVISIONE N° 4 - REVISION N° 4 DATA - DATE DATA - DATE - APPROVATO - APPROVED - APPROVATO - APPROVED - IL PRESENTE ELABORATO GRAFICO E' STATO REALIZZATO SULLA BASE CARTOGRAFICA FORNITA DALLA COMMITTENZA, VIENE SOLLEVATA QUINDI ANNA PAGHERA DA EVENTUALI ERRORI E/O OMISSIONI CONSEGUENTI. DURANTE LA REALIZZAZIONE DELLE OPERE POTRANNO ESSERE APPORTATE VARIANTI AL PROGETTO ORIGINARIO, DOVUTE AD IMPREVISTI E/O ESIGENZE DETTATE DALLA CREATIVITA' DEL PROGETTISTA. IL PRESENTE DISEGNO E' IN ESCLUSIVA PROPRIETA' DI ANNA PAGHERA CHE NE VIETA LA COPIA, LA RIPRODUZIONE E LA CESSIONE A TERZI, A NORMA DI LEGGE. LA DISPOSIZIONE E LE VARIETA' INDICATE NEL PROGETTO, NON SONO VINCOLANTI, MA POTRANNO ESSERE VARIATE PER NECESSITA' TECNICHE O PAESAGGISTICHE, CHE SI POTRANNO PRESENTARE DURANTE I LAVORI. I DATI DI COMPUTO RELATIVI AL PROGETTO PLANIMETRICO E LE SIMULAZIONI DI SCENARIO, PROPONGONO UNA AMBIENTAZIONE A VERDE PAGHERA A PRONTO EFFETTO. PER TANTO SE IL COMMITTENTE OPTERA' PER SOLUZIONI REALIZZATIVE NON A PRONTO EFFETTO, IL RISULTATO FINALE NON SARA' QUELLO PROSPETTATO NELLE TAVOLE PLANIMETRICHE E VISTE PROSPETTICHE. LA PROGETTAZIONE A NORMA DI LEGGE DEGLI IMPIANTI ELETTRICO ED IDRAULICO, SPETTA AI TECNICI NOMINATI DALLA COMMITTENZA, ABILITATI AL RILASCIO DEL CERTIFICATO DI CONFORMITA' DELLA LEGGE 46/90. REVISIONE N° 5 - REVISION N° 5 - 0.35 0.120.20 10d 1.00 1.52 0.20 1.39 0.40 0.50 0.07 1.57 0.61 DATA - DATE - APPROVATO - APPROVED THIS GRAPHIC PAPER HAS BEEN REALIZED ACCORDING TO THE CARTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL PROVIDED BY THE PURCHASER, THEREFORE ANNA PAGHERA IS NOT RESPONSABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENT CONTINGENT MISTAKE AND/OR OMISSION. DURING THE REALIZATION OF THE WORKS. THE ORIGINAL PROJECT COULD BE CHANGED, BECAUSE OF UNEXPECTED EVENTS AN/OR EXIGENCES RISING FROM THE DESIGNER'S CREATIVITY. IL THE PRESENTE ELABORATO GRAFICO E' STATO REALIZZATO SULLA BASE CARTOGRAFICA FORNITA THIS DRAWING IS SOLE OWNERSHIP OF ANNA PAGHERA; THE COPY, REPRODUCTION AND THE TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY ARE FORBIDDEN BY LAW THE ARRANGEMENT AND THE VARIETIESVIENE SOLLEVATA QUINDI ANNA PAGHERA DA EVENTUALI ERRORI E/O DALLA COMMITTENZA, INDICATED IN THE PROJECT ARE NOT BINDING, BUT THEY CAN BE CHANGED BEACUSE OF TECHNICAL OMISSIONI CONSEGUENTI. OR LANDSCAPE NEEDS THAT CAN OCCOUR DURING THE WORKS. LA REALIZZAZIONE DELLE OPERE POTRANNO ESSERE APPORTATE VARIANTI AL PROGETTO THE COMPUTATION DATA RELATIVE TO THE PLANIMETRIC PROJECTDURANTE AND THE SCENERY SIMULATIONS PROPOSE A PROMPT EFFECT ANNA PAGHERA GREEN SETTING. THEREFORE IF THE PURCHASER ORIGINARIO, DOVUTE WILL AD IMPREVISTI E/O ESIGENZE DETTATE DALLA CREATIVITA' DEL PROGETTISTA. CHOOSE RESOLUTIONS OF REALIZATION THAT ARE NOT PROMPT EFFECT, THE FINAL RESULT WON'T IL PRESENTE DISEGNO E' IN ESCLUSIVA PROPRIETA' DI ANNA PAGHERA CHE NE VIETA LA COPIA, LA BE THE ONE PRESENTED IN THE PLANIMETRIC PLANS AND IN THE PERSPECTIVE VIEWS. THE RIPRODUZIONE A TERZI, A NORMA DI LEGGE. ACCORDING TO LAWPROJECT OF THE ELECTRICAL AN HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS IS E UPLA TOCESSIONE THE TECHNICIANS DESIGNATED BY THE PURCHASERS, WHO ARE QUALIFIED TO ISSUE THE CONFORMITY LA DISPOSIZIONE E LE VARIETA' INDICATE NEL PROGETTO, NON SONO VINCOLANTI, MA POTRANNO CERTIFICATE OF THE 46/90 LAW. - B ESSERE VARIATE PER NECESSITA' TECNICHE O PAESAGGISTICHE, CHE SI POTRANNO PRESENTARE 0.35 0.03 0.55 0.03 10d 0.73 10e 10d 0.120.20 1.00 1.60 1.52 0.20 0.55 0.03 0.03 0.71 1.39 0.40 0.35 10b 1.00 1.52 0.50 0.07 1.57 0.35 CE PRODUIT GRAPHIQUE A ETE REALISE SUR LA BASE DES CARTOGRAPHIES FOURNIES PAR DURANTE I LAVORI. L'ACHETEUR, ANNA PAGHERA DONC N'EST PAS RESPONSABLE DES EVENTUELS ERREURS ET/OU I DATI DI COMPUTO RELATIVI AL PROGETTO PLANIMETRICO E LE SIMULAZIONI DI SCENARIO, OMISSIONS CONSEQUENTS. PROPONGONO UNA AMBIENTAZIONE A VERDE PAGHERA A PRONTO EFFETTO. PENDANT LA REALISATION DES TRAVAUX LE PROJET ORIGINAL POURRA ETRE CHANGE, A CAUSE DES IMPREVU ET/OU EXIGENCES DUES A LA CREATIVITE PAYSAGISTE. PER DU TANTO SE IL COMMITTENTE OPTERA' PER SOLUZIONI REALIZZATIVE NON A PRONTO EFFETTO, IL CE DESSIN EST PROPRIETE EXCLUSIVE DE ANNA PAGHERA, QUI EN PROHIBE LA COPIE, LA RISULTATO FINALE NON SARA' QUELLO PROSPETTATO NELLE TAVOLE PLANIMETRICHE E VISTE REPRODUCTION ET LA CESSION A TIERS, AUX TERMES DE LA LOI. LA DISPOSITION ET LES VARIETES INDIQUES DANS LE PROJET NE SONT PAS CONTRAIGNANTES, MAIS PROSPETTICHE. ELLES POURRONT ETRE CHANGEES A CAUSE DES NECESSITES TECHNIQUES OU PAYSAGISTES, QUI LA PROGETTAZIONE A NORMA DI LEGGE DEGLI IMPIANTI ELETTRICO ED IDRAULICO, SPETTA AI POURRONT SE PRESENTER PENDANT LES TRAVAUX. TECNICI NOMINATI DALLA COMMITTENZA, ABILITATI AL RILASCIO DEL CERTIFICATO DI CONFORMITA' LES DONNES DE COMPTE RELATIFS AU PROJET PLANIMETRIQUE ET A LES SIMULATIONS DE DECOR PROPOSENT UN MILIEU DU VERT ANNA PAGHERA A PRET EFFET. DELLA LEGGE 46/90. DONC SI L'ACHETEUR CHOISIRA DES SOLUTIONS DE REALISATION QUI NE SONT PAS A PRET EFFET, LE RESULTAT FINAL NE SERA PAS CELUI QUI EST MONTRE DANS LES TABES PLANIMETRIQUES ET DANS LES VUES PERSPECTIVES. THIS GRAPHIC PAPER HAS BEEN REALIZED ACCORDING TO THE CARTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL PROVIDED LE PROJET AUX TERMES DE LA LOI DES INSTALLATIONS ELECTRIQUE ET HYDRAULIQUE REVIENT AUX THE POUR PURCHASER, THEREFORE ANNA PAGHERA IS NOT RESPONSABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENT TECHNICIENS QUI ONT ETE DESIGNES PAR L'ACHETEUR, QUI SONT BY QUALIFIES LA DELIVRANCE DU CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITE DE LA LOI 46/90. CONTINGENT MISTAKE AND/OR OMISSION. DURING THE REALIZATION OF THE WORKS. THE ORIGINAL 0.61 0.120.20 0.61 1.00 1.52 0.20 1.39 NOTE: 10d PROJECT COULD BE CHANGED, BECAUSE OF UNEXPECTED EVENTS AN/OR EXIGENCES RISING FROM THE DESIGNER'S CREATIVITY. THIS DRAWING IS SOLE OWNERSHIP OF ANNA PAGHERA; THE COPY, THE REPRODUCTION AND THE TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY ARE FORBIDDEN BY LAW THE ARRANGEMENT AND THE VARIETIES INDICATED IN THE PROJECT ARE NOT BINDING, BUT THEY CAN BE CHANGED BEACUSE OF TECHNICAL OR LANDSCAPE NEEDS THAT CAN OCCOUR DURING THE WORKS. THE COMPUTATION DATA RELATIVE TO THE PLANIMETRIC PROJECT AND THE SCENERY SIMULATIONS PROPOSE A PROMPT EFFECT ANNA PAGHERA GREEN SETTING. THEREFORE IF THE PURCHASER WILL CHOOSE RESOLUTIONS OF REALIZATION THAT ARE NOT PROMPT EFFECT, THE FINAL RESULT WON'T BE THE ONE PRESENTED IN THE PLANIMETRIC PLANS AND IN THE PERSPECTIVE VIEWS. THE ACCORDING TO LAWPROJECT OF THE ELECTRICAL AN HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS IS UP TO THE TECHNICIANS DESIGNATED BY THE PURCHASERS, WHO ARE QUALIFIED TO ISSUE THE CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE OF THE 46/90 LAW. 0.40 0.50 0.07 1.57 0.61 0.61 CE PRODUIT GRAPHIQUE A ETE REALISE SUR LA BASE DES CARTOGRAPHIES FOURNIES PAR L'ACHETEUR, ANNA PAGHERA DONC N'EST PAS RESPONSABLE DES EVENTUELS ERREURS ET/OU OMISSIONS CONSEQUENTS. PENDANT LA REALISATION DES TRAVAUX LE PROJET ORIGINAL POURRA ETRE CHANGE, A CAUSE DES IMPREVU ET/OU EXIGENCES DUES A LA CREATIVITE DU PAYSAGISTE. CE DESSIN EST PROPRIETE EXCLUSIVE DE ANNA PAGHERA, QUI EN PROHIBE LA COPIE, LA REPRODUCTION ET LA CESSION A TIERS, AUX TERMES DE LA LOI. LA DISPOSITION ET LES VARIETES INDIQUES DANS LE PROJET NE SONT PAS CONTRAIGNANTES, MAIS ELLES POURRONT ETRE CHANGEES A CAUSE DES NECESSITES TECHNIQUES OU PAYSAGISTES, QUI POURRONT SE PRESENTER PENDANT LES TRAVAUX. B 77 interiors 4 3 2 1 PIANTA PIANO TERRA COMMITTENTE - PURCHASER QUANTUM INVESTMENT GROUP LIMITED VIA - STREET ---CITTA' - CITY PADENGHE SUL GARDA GUARD. PADENGHE SUL GARDA CODICE - CODE 21 TITOLO - TITLE PAVIMENTI OGGETTO - OBJECT PIANO TERRA CUCINA • • • • • • ••• ••••• • • • ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• SCALA - SCALE p.t.pav. 1 : 25 DISEGNATORE - DRAFTSMAN DATA - DATE 21-03-2013 PROGETTISTA - DESIGNER ANNA PAGHERA TECNICO • • • •• •• • • ••• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MOD. GRECHE BAGNI DATA - DATE 15-05-2013 APPROVATO - APPROVED - • • • •• •• • • ••• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED - • • • •• •• • • •• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DATA - DATE DICEMBRE 2013 APPROVATO - APPROVED - piano 1° - bagni 1:1 • • • •• •• • • •• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED - • • • •• •• • • •• ••• •••• • • •• •• • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DATA - DATE APPROVATO - APPROVED - lampada a sospensione da esterno IL PRESENTE ELABORATO GRAFICO E' STATO REALIZZATO SULLA BASE CARTOGRAFICA FORNITA DALLA COMMITTENZA, VIENE SOLLEVATA QUINDI ANNA PAGHERA DA EVENTUALI ERRORI E/O OMISSIONI CONSEGUENTI. DURANTE LA REALIZZAZIONE DELLE OPERE POTRANNO ESSERE APPORTATE VARIANTI AL PROGETTO ORIGINARIO, DOVUTE AD IMPREVISTI E/O ESIGENZE DETTATE DALLA CREATIVITA' DEL PROGETTISTA. IL PRESENTE DISEGNO E' IN ESCLUSIVA PROPRIETA' DI ANNA PAGHERA CHE NE VIETA LA COPIA, LA RIPRODUZIONE E LA CESSIONE A TERZI, A NORMA DI LEGGE. LA DISPOSIZIONE E LE VARIETA' INDICATE NEL PROGETTO, NON SONO VINCOLANTI, MA POTRANNO ESSERE VARIATE PER NECESSITA' TECNICHE O PAESAGGISTICHE, CHE SI POTRANNO PRESENTARE DURANTE I LAVORI. I DATI DI COMPUTO RELATIVI AL PROGETTO PLANIMETRICO E LE SIMULAZIONI DI SCENARIO, PROPONGONO UNA AMBIENTAZIONE A VERDE PAGHERA A PRONTO EFFETTO. PER TANTO SE IL COMMITTENTE OPTERA' PER SOLUZIONI REALIZZATIVE NON A PRONTO EFFETTO, IL RISULTATO FINALE NON SARA' QUELLO PROSPETTATO NELLE TAVOLE PLANIMETRICHE E VISTE PROSPETTICHE. LA PROGETTAZIONE A NORMA DI LEGGE DEGLI IMPIANTI ELETTRICO ED IDRAULICO, SPETTA AI TECNICI NOMINATI DALLA COMMITTENZA, ABILITATI AL RILASCIO DEL CERTIFICATO DI CONFORMITA' DELLA LEGGE 46/90. THIS GRAPHIC PAPER HAS BEEN REALIZED ACCORDING TO THE CARTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL PROVIDED BY THE PURCHASER, THEREFORE ANNA PAGHERA IS NOT RESPONSABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENT CONTINGENT MISTAKE AND/OR OMISSION. DURING THE REALIZATION OF THE WORKS. THE ORIGINAL PROJECT COULD BE CHANGED, BECAUSE OF UNEXPECTED EVENTS AN/OR EXIGENCES RISING FROM THE DESIGNER'S CREATIVITY. THIS DRAWING IS SOLE OWNERSHIP OF ANNA PAGHERA; THE COPY, THE REPRODUCTION AND THE TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY ARE FORBIDDEN BY LAW THE ARRANGEMENT AND THE VARIETIES INDICATED IN THE PROJECT ARE NOT BINDING, BUT THEY CAN BE CHANGED BEACUSE OF TECHNICAL OR LANDSCAPE NEEDS THAT CAN OCCOUR DURING THE WORKS. THE COMPUTATION DATA RELATIVE TO THE PLANIMETRIC PROJECT AND THE SCENERY SIMULATIONS PROPOSE A PROMPT EFFECT ANNA PAGHERA GREEN SETTING. THEREFORE IF THE PURCHASER WILL CHOOSE RESOLUTIONS OF REALIZATION THAT ARE NOT PROMPT EFFECT, THE FINAL RESULT WON'T BE THE ONE PRESENTED IN THE PLANIMETRIC PLANS AND IN THE PERSPECTIVE VIEWS. THE ACCORDING TO LAWPROJECT OF THE ELECTRICAL AN HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS IS UP TO THE TECHNICIANS DESIGNATED BY THE PURCHASERS, WHO ARE QUALIFIED TO ISSUE THE CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE OF THE 46/90 LAW. B CE PRODUIT GRAPHIQUE A ETE REALISE SUR LA BASE DES CARTOGRAPHIES FOURNIES PAR L'ACHETEUR, ANNA PAGHERA DONC N'EST PAS RESPONSABLE DES EVENTUELS ERREURS ET/OU OMISSIONS CONSEQUENTS. PENDANT LA REALISATION DES TRAVAUX LE PROJET ORIGINAL POURRA ETRE CHANGE, A CAUSE DES IMPREVU ET/OU EXIGENCES DUES A LA CREATIVITE DU PAYSAGISTE. CE DESSIN EST PROPRIETE EXCLUSIVE DE ANNA PAGHERA, QUI EN PROHIBE LA COPIE, LA REPRODUCTION ET LA CESSION A TIERS, AUX TERMES DE LA LOI. LA DISPOSITION ET LES VARIETES INDIQUES DANS LE PROJET NE SONT PAS CONTRAIGNANTES, MAIS ELLES POURRONT ETRE CHANGEES A CAUSE DES NECESSITES TECHNIQUES OU PAYSAGISTES, QUI POURRONT SE PRESENTER PENDANT LES TRAVAUX. LES DONNES DE COMPTE RELATIFS AU PROJET PLANIMETRIQUE ET A LES SIMULATIONS DE DECOR PROPOSENT UN MILIEU DU VERT ANNA PAGHERA A PRET EFFET. DONC SI L'ACHETEUR CHOISIRA DES SOLUTIONS DE REALISATION QUI NE SONT PAS A PRET EFFET, LE RESULTAT FINAL NE SERA PAS CELUI QUI EST MONTRE DANS LES TABES PLANIMETRIQUES ET DANS LES VUES PERSPECTIVES. LE PROJET AUX TERMES DE LA LOI DES INSTALLATIONS ELECTRIQUE ET HYDRAULIQUE REVIENT AUX TECHNICIENS QUI ONT ETE DESIGNES PAR L'ACHETEUR, QUI SONT QUALIFIES POUR LA DELIVRANCE DU CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITE DE LA LOI 46/90. NOTE: N.B.: quote e dimensioni sono state desunte dagli elaborati tecnici forniti dallo studio Zanandreis e da verifiche di cantiere prodotte dalla Soc. Senini . • ••• • •• ••• •• • • • • •• •• ••• •• • ••• •• • • • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • rigorosa una verifica di accertamento sul posto. 1 piano 2° - bagni 1:1 WC INDIRIZZO CANTIERE - YARD ADDRESS 79 interiors SCENES OF INTERIORS Warm and welcoming atmospheres F rom the private home to commercial spaces and charming relais hotels. Styles inspired by the location, personal preference of the client or by a specific message directed to the final user. The fil rouge is the warm and welcoming atmosphere, where each piece of furniture and decorative element has a functional as well as an aesthetic value. Revisited country and Country spirit, where chosen and published by “AD – Architectural Digest”, as well as “Vivere Country” to tell of the elegance of simplicity. Temporary Shop is the example of a space created for the presentation of a new brand and imagined to be a hosting space for buyers within a building in Milan. For Fashion Shop it is a homey atmosphere, with a fireplace corner where to hobnob in between trying outfits and chatting, with a dining table set with t-shirts and where wardrobes are open and bursting with dresses and coats. Relais Russiz Felluga, surrounded by Collio’s vineyards, interprets a kind of hospitality attentive to details and the wellbeing of their guests. 7 suites each personalized by a color inspired by the wines produced by the prestigious wineries. 81 interiors Revisited country 83 interiors 85 interiors Country spirit 87 interiors 89 interiors 91 interiors Fashion store 93 interiors Charming Relais Charming Relais 95 interiors Refined modernity 97 interiors Monochromatic essentiality 99 interiors E CO-DESIGN Objects for an everyday use F urnishing elements that blend comfort, naturality and irony. Simple lines and shapes, technological fabrics and natural materials in order to create a small collection of objects of practical use that go beyond fashion trends, times and defined styles. 101 103 eco-design OTTOMAN IN FIR PEEL Soft crystal pvc Ottoman, filled with pine bark. An eco-chic sitting for indoors and porches, as well as conversation and dining areas. It combines clean and modern lines to a “desire for nature” and a materiality inspired by wood. It adapts to any style and chromatic setting, shifting from modern to country, from classic, toned down with irony, to minimal. Versatile, lightweight, easy to clean and stackable if necessary. 105 eco-design OTTOMANS IN ECO-FLOWERS Handmade with plastics or felt recovery materials, production surpluses that would otherwise be destined for the shredder. Petals shaped as quatrefoils cut out from production waste spinnakers. Roses made of felt that created using the excess of the production of shoes’ insoles. That’s how, petal after petal, bud after bud, indoor & outdoor objects bloom to life. 107 eco-design OTTOMANS IN ECO-GRASS Eco-friendly and versatile ottomans in artificial grass of the highest quality. A green-chic and ironic style that integrates harmoniously into any environment and architectural style, indoor and outdoor. Perfect as a seat for a house by the sea, in the mountains, for a lunch in the garden, to customize or improve seating areas in a less conventional way, for the boys’ room, for a terrace. Stackable horizontally and vertically at pleasure. 109 eco-design GRASS CONSOLE Furnishing elements of geometric shapes, covered in artificial turf of the highest quality, to be used as scenic banks of support, versatile and suitable for interpreting many uses: tables and green buffet islands dedicated to food and beverages at events and parties in the garden; dividers to compose at will to recreate green scenes to divide an open space, transforming it into an “Italian garden”. Perfect to complement and interpret any architectural style. 111 eco-design VERTI C A L GA RDENS Vegetable walls of great scenic impact for indoor and outdoor spaces, custom-made with selected varieties based on environmental characteristics. The blend is artfully designed with the use of many different shapes and shades of foliage to create fancy designs or institutional logos. F RAGRANCES E co-bi o-g reen i n s p i r ati o n …m y f a t h e r , m y f i r s t t e a c h e r , who taught me that by tasting a tree, its flavour would be yours forever… “A way to fixate in the memory its essence, to recognise it amongst a thousand with eyes shut: perfume, flavour, bark texture, leaves and petals. An olfactory vocabulary formed on the teaching of a great school: nature. At my full disposal I had hectares of land cultivated with all sorts of plants and shrubs. I could assist to any of their vegetating cycles, recognise their winter bark as well as spring sprouts and then their evolution into leaves, flowers and fruit. A life cycle that translated into scents and different perfumes depending on the season. Olfactory memory is where I drew out of to give life to a line of ambience perfumes inspired by what I have lived, breathed, learnt ever since I was a child. Exclusive collections of perfumes formulated as potions to improve the mood and positively influence, with a single gesture, the ambience and the emotional and olfactory spheres of the self. Each fragrance tells a story: the one found within ourselves.” AN.PH 113 S O U L’ S POTIONS Perfumes formulated as antique potions F ragrances that enclose the mystery and magic that once upon a time used to accompany the formulation of perfume recipes born in the workshop of an apothecary, a sort of alchemist fascinated by the study of essences, plants, the human body and the remedies needed by the body and the mind. An ironic revisiting of ancient potions, mixed with the conviction that nothing more than nature and its perfumes can take us closer to our true essence, our truest nature. Remedies to improve the mood and favour happiness. They evoke positive sensations and are useful to trigger optimism, encourage to an immoderate light heartedness, dust off congenital but asleep hilarity, and stimulate a strong inclination to exceed in good taste. Usage Precautions: distribute with no moderation. Contraindication: the content may generate side effects only on subjects lacking in sense of humour or generally allergic to irony. Before using, take a good look in the mirror, forget about yourself and fill up with yourself. *Anna Paghera’s fragrances are guaranteed by the compliance to Ifra standards (International Fragrance Association) 115 fragrances S O U L’ S P O T I O N S L U X U R Y G I F T B O X EAU DE TOILETTE & AROMATHERAPY The luxury of naturality and handcrafting G reat attention paid to details for a sophisticated and modern packaging. Tree bark paper, produced by and ancient paper factory, FSC certified to preserve the environment, is used for the production of the outer package and the History Books that accompany each fragrance to tell about the history and origins of the line. Bottles of a rounded shape, to evoke ancient ampoules, to enclose the preciousness and unicity of the fragrances, each identified by a differently coloured Murano glass seal, marked with the monogram of the brand. A curiosity: the real shape and measures of wisteria seeds inspired the idea of seals to characterize the eight fragrances, linked to as many colours and legendary evocative places. 117 fragrances 8 POTIONS L U X U R Y G I F T B O X ROSSO DI CIPRO BLU D’ARABIA VERDE DI KENT DREAM POTION For those who use too much brain and too little heart ENERGISING POTION To alleviate the daily puffing REGENERATING POTION For those suffering of continuous discontent MEDITATIVE POTION For those lacking in determination even knowing what to do CATHARTIC POTION For those setting work as a first priority in life BIANCO DI NINIVE SEDUCTIVE POTION To poke asleep desires REVEALING POTION For those looking to find themselves again EVOCATIVE POTION For those taking everything too seriously Petals light as whispered words, blended to warm precious aromas, mysterious and powdery. It evokes antique rituals from the island dedicated to Venus and Love. The magic of oriental gardens’ nights, the mild air that smells like wisteria, jasmine and sumptuous white datura. It invites to dream, lightens and softens thoughts. Orange peel, cinnamon sticks and cloves blanched on ardent embers and embellished by touches of oriental spices. Reminds of timeless gestures and perfumes. Blue as a summer sky permeated with an intense perfume of sea, flowers and joy. it celebrates the famous flowery prairies of the legendary Sicilian town. Saffron, star anise, aromatic wood and amber resins. Meditative exhalation that ever since the mists of time awakens the spirit and imagination motion. The colour of waves lapping the shore of a forsaken island in the pacific ocean. ferns, water flowers and corals for a fragrance that whispers of times of freedom. The inebriating perfume of fleshy and balsamiferous white flowers to re-evoke the sensual pleasure of walking barefoot on a carpet of fragrant petals. RECIPE Nine ounces of buds and scarlet poppy flowers, nine pounds of precious sandalwood, nine pinches of bourbon vanilla, nine eights of Porgi Amor air borrowed from the “Marriage of Figaro” opera, nine thoughts loaded with love. RECIPE Seven units of ylang ylang flowers, three pounds of warmed up wisteria, five newly blossomed blue hyacinth flowers, an ounce of suaveolens datura, one of tender lilies of the valley, a pinch of romanticism to dream in technicolor. RECIPE Seven pounds of blanched orange peel, an ounce of cloves, some benzoin drupe, a handful of tarragon leaves, a pinch of moss and one of cinnamon, an ounce of antique wisdom and a good dose of healthy selfishness. RECIPE A handful of full-blown pittosporum flowers, picked at sunset, three pounds of sweet osmanthus and orange blossom pick in the early morning, an ounce of apricot flesh, a tip of moss and a blue summery sky segment. RECIPE Three ounces of amber, one pound of saffron, a patchouli tear, two eights of cedar wood and two of cardamom and star anise, a handful of laurel, a few nutmeg berries, a drop of dragon courage and a pinch of human boldness. RECIPE Eight ounces of maidenhair fern, a pound of shehelet shell, a handful of tiger orchids of the pacific, a pound of moss, one spoon of coral powder, two eights of grinded black pearls, a handful of light heartedness. RECIPE Seven ounces of newly blossomed dare flowers, three pounds of white poppies picked with good care, a spoon of caramel powder, one ounce of abelmosk seeds, on pod of polynesian vanilla, four rhymes blessed with tender poetry. RITUAL Spray in the air and on palms then pass on earlobes and nape. Wait faithfully. RITUAL Spray in the air, close your eyes and enter the cloud of perfume abandoning yourself to a deep liberating breath. RITUAL Spray in the air carelessly while repeating, profoundly and for as long as it takes, some “never mind” and a couple “amen”. RITUAL Spray in the air and on hands, then rub them, sniff voraciously and repeat to yourself how lucky you are in life. RITUAL Spray in the air and on wrists and, with a clear mind, repeat to yourself for thirty-three consecutive days: “time that counts in life can be counted down to a handful of minutes: the times of decision-making”. RITUAL Sprayed in the air and breathed for long, induces to dream of freedom and crave for flying. An invite to the lightness of being, that spurs on reflecting about the actual importance of things. ARANCIO DI TANGERI AZZURRO D’IBLA GIALLO DI TEBE TURCHESE DI NILA RITUAL Spray in the air and fly with imagination in a place where everything is beauty, a palace where carpets are made of fragrant flowers, walls whisper poems and everything is rich of love. You are inside yourselves, open the doors. Freshly mowed down grass, flowers and field sprouts to talk directly to the heart, to listen to olfactory memory bonded to the pleasure of simple 119 things. fragrances RECIPE Five pounds of field grass mowed before noon, two ounces of clover flowers, a pound of wild buttercups and cornflower, a handful of homegrown tomatoes, some cricket in the head and a good amount of gaiety. RITUAL Spray in the air, go back to being a child and spread wings turning round and round in whirls until all thoughts have fallen in the feet tickling grass. Exaggerate doses if a sense of inadequacy persists. G R E E N FAV O U R S A gift beyond time and fashion T he favourite “Soul’s Potion” chosen out the 8 Luxury Gift Box Fragrances, becomes the perfumed present for special occasions: birth, life and religious milestones, birthdays, graduations, weddings, anniversaries and theme parties. The emotion of a special day is fixated into the olfactory memory by the evocative power of smell, together with the uniqueness of a special packaging. A sort of “vegetable dress” inspired by the event, the message and the memory wished to be donated to guests. A “tailor-made” gift, curated with great care and passion. A versatile packaging, thought for being reused in different ways: placeholder for the decoration of dining tables, flowery band to place around a vase or a candle. Perfume and decorative element. Two gifts in one. 121 fragrances S O U L’ S P O T I O N S E C O - L O G I C A L B O X Home Fragrances & Aromatherapy Sinthesis of essentiality and convenience T he advantage of a double amount of fragrance combined with an attractive packaging, focusing on the essentials to make room for convenience. The Eco-Logical line is in response to the need of those who love the “Soul’s Potions”, who regularly buy for themselves, or make use of them for private, commercial, or work spaces, which require a greater amount of product sprayed into the air. The fragrances are enclosed in special “absolute black” glass bottles, to screen and ensure against the oxidation over time of essential oils. Box in matte black cardboard complemented by a folding leaflet inside the pack, to tell at a glance the philosophy of the line and the history and uniqueness of each fragrance. 123 fragrances 8 POTIONS E C O - L O G I C A L B O X ROSSO DI CIPRO Seductive potion To poke asleep desires BLU D’ARABIA Dream potion For those who use too much brain and too little heart ARANCIO DI TANGERI Energising potion To alleviate the daily puffing AZZURRO D’IBLA Regenerating potion For those suffering of continuous discontent GIALLO DI TEBE Meditative potion For those lacking in determination even knowing what to do TURCHESE DI NILA Cathartic potion For those setting work as a first priority in life BIANCO DI NINIVE Revealing potion For those looking to find themselves again VERDE DI KENT Evocative potion For those taking everything too seriously 200 ml Home Spray – 30 ml Essential Oil 125 fragrances E L I S I R E C O - L O G I C A L B O X Home Fragrances and Tonics for the mind O l f a c t o r y r e m e d i e s with therapeutical and “miracoulous” virtues to cure the disharmonies of living and working areas. Universal panacea to instantly restore an air of happiness, health, success, joy, charm and luck. A distillate of six different elements, all essential to health, which together translate into the elixir of life. Compositions of medieval inspiration made to perfume, purify and sanitize the air and thoughts. Elixirs for every room and for every daily gesture, made with precious essences of plants, wood, flowers, mosses and natural resins, artfully grown and processed according to the strictest criteria for the safeguard of wellbeing and the environment *Anna Paghera’s fragrances are guaranteed by the compliance to Ifra standards (International Fragrance Association) 127 fragrances ELISIR E C O - L O G I C A L B O X N°9 ELIXIR Health Precious resins, wood, myrrh, spikenard, calamus Indispensable to purify and disinfect the air in poorly ventilated areas FELIX ELIXIR Happiness Air after a thunderstorm, green moss, galbanum, herbs Ideal for night zone rooms and relaxation areas SUCCESSUS ELIXIR Success Leather and wood, tobacco leaves and peaty spirits Perfect for those rooms in which the brain is at work GAUDIUM ELIXIR Joy Oriental resins, labdanum, saffron and flower petals A joyous and invigorating scent for day zones QUID IN + ELIXIR Charm Unripe cypress berries, musk and sagebrush bark Fresh and soothing, suitable for places where you love to read AMULETUM ELIXIR Luck Amber, cedar wood, fragrant bark resins, myrrh and patchouli Propitiatory, especially if brought as a gift 200 ml Home Spray – 30 ml Essential Oil 129 fragrances ULTRASONIC F R A GR A N C E D I F F US E R S P erf u mes , i on i z es , h u mi d if i e s T he most efficient, healtiest automatic system to purify and lighten the air we breathe while humidifying and perfuming it instantly and for many hours depending on the chosen program. A stylish olfactory furnishing element to characterize homes and workplaces. Producing 2.5 million vibrations per second, the ultrasonic waves transform water into a micronized and ionized mist, reproducing the effect that in nature is found in forests and next to waterfalls. The essential oil added to water is nebulized without heat, the only system to maintain unaltered the active principles and olfactory notes. The perfume is immediately spreaded in the air making the environment healtihier and more pleasant for 3 or 7 consecutive hours, depending on the selected program. When water runs out the security stop system is activated. A combined action of water and aromatherapy studied to favour wellbeing with aromatherapeutical beneficial effects for people and ambiences. 131 fragrances GREEN THERAPY Micro-Spa for the demanding traveller A radically new interpretation of the amenity product conceived to satisfy the needs of the modern traveler, whether man or woman, traveling for work or for leisure and stopping at charming Relais or 5 star Hotels. Ancient methods and novel formulations to gratify the spirit and alleviate the tiredness of the journey. A portable spa, at once precious and simple, gratifying and fragrant with the perfume of Bianco di Ninive. Uniqueness and inspiration: a collection born out of Anna Paghera’s personal observation, to which she passionately transposed her love for nature. A few touches to stimulate better health: pomade soap in tube, for a diversified and more hygienic use; oldfashioned scrub, with grinded apricod seeds; velvety oil of impalpable texture as rose petals; ultralight leg gel, to instantly reset heaviness; cream shampoo to make hair soft and shiny. Natural and precious raw materials: certified formulations, developed with care and prepared with lavish ingredients. Eco-friendly accessories made of natural materials, wrapped in eco-paper and in packaging that is minimal yet elegant. A guarantee the health and wellbeing of both the user and the environment. 133 fragrances PO M A D E S O A P S OAP BAR MI LD MI LK A soap translated into pomade packed in tubes for a cleaner and more hygienic use. Its formula, with the soothing properties of witch hazel and aloe vera, is dense and rich, but in contact with water creates a soft and silky foam, perfect for washing hands and body, for personal hygiene and as a shaving cream. A mild soap personalized by the incision of a rose, part of the flower symbol in the logo and enclosed in a box made of recycled paper. The Evening Primrose oil, Sunflower Seed oil and Glycerin are just some of the natural ingredients that enhance its formulation created to cleanse and soften the skin. Soft and delicate, soothing milk for the body, moisturizes and tenderly nourishes the skin leaving it soft and dry. Precious and ancient recipe made with Sweet Almond Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil and Rice Bran Oil, enriched with Vitamin E as a contribution to the anti-aging emollient and soothing properties of natural oils. Recipe: spread on the body without skimping on the elbows and knees. A unique gesture for many uses... Del i cat e as a f l o wer... O L D- FAS H I O N E D S C R UB AROMATIC S HOWER GEL N a t u r a l ox yg en ... A peeling thousands of years old to precede a bath or shower with an invigorating and oxygenating massage. An extraordinary compound, nourishing and smoothing, created with a blend of natural oils of sweet almond, lime zest, rice bran, jojoba, and the addition of finely crushed apricot seeds and shea butter. Ritual: spread on dry skin, massaging gently in a circle. Cat har t i c mo ment ... Gel designed to preserve the natural moisture of skin, enriched with Vitamin E, Provitamin B5, Glycerin and Sweet Almond Oil. A soft and fragrant texture, delicate and rich for your skin, designed to make the contact with water an even more relaxing and cathartic moment for the body and the mind. P u re coz i n es s ... Lavish relief for skin and mind... Pure oil of Macadamia nuts, precious and unique, considered to be the excellence among oils due to its high content of palmitoleic acid, the same that makes up the sebum of human skin. This feature makes it naturally akin to the skin and highly moisturizing. The ritual: pour it on skin while still warm and lightly wet, gently massage and wear a bathrobe. Leaves skin silky and free of greasiness. VITAMINIC CONDITIONER ULTRAL I GHT LEG GEL A creamy formula to gently wash the skin and at the same time feed and take care of every single hair in a sole gesture. Rich in active ingredients such as Witch Hazel Extract, Sweet Almond Oil and Glycerin, makes up for the need of balm by smoothing and softening the hair in a natural way. Energizes and deeply moisturizes hair with a generous formulation of Provitamin B5, Biotin, Macadamia Nut Oil, Rice Bran Extract, Sweet Almond Oil and Glycerin. A rich compound that yet does not weigh down the hair. The ritual: apply to wrap stretching to the whole length of the hair, comb with slow gestures for a few minutes and rinse thoroughly. A quickly absorbing gel compound, extremely refreshing and comforting, designed to give relief to tired legs and feet, to lighten steps and thoughts. Formulated with Aloe Vera Extract, draining and anti-inflammatory and enriched with the emollient and soothing properties of Glycerin. Lo vi ng t o uc h... Individually wrapped in mulberry paper and packaged in a personalized recycled paper band, embellished by a black ribbon closing VELVETY OI L CRE A M S H A M P O O B e a u t y t rea tm en t... EC O-A C C ESSORI ES A n d t h e s k y g et s cl os er... For the SMILE Toothpaste &eco-toothbrush For your SHAVE Disposable Razor For the HAIR Wooden comb For your BATH Shower cap & natural linen band For the BODY Natural loofah For your PERSONAL CARE Cotton & Emery board 135 fragrances REFERENCES G REEN & INTE RIOR For privacy reasons only certain clients are mentioned… BULGARI GIOIELLI - in the suggestive setting of Dante’s House in Torre dé Passeri she creates a medieval inspired scenography for the presentation of the private collection. SIMONE MICHELI - for the eclectic architect she creates innovative grassy carpet textures for two separate installations at “Abitare il Tempo” and Paris’ “Salon du Meuble”. TEATRO CARCANO - for the Gozzano’s theatrical “Le rose che non colsi”, “The roses I hadn’t picked” interpreted by Michele Placido and Eleonora Brigliadori, she creates a water and roses garden in the entrance hall. TEATRO ALLA SCALA - on the occasion of the opening of the Aida Opera directed by Franco Zeffirelli she signs the fitting-out inspired by the ancient Egypt of Pharaohs, for the floral decoration of stages and foyers. VOGUE, CONDÉ NAST - she reconstructs a Hortus conclusus of herbs in the square of Sforzesco Castle in Milan on the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of the magazine. LAPO ELKANN - she invents a revisiting down the line of postimpressionism/hi-tech of Manet’s Dejeuner sur l’herbe, for the fitting-out of Italia Independent’s stand during Pitti Immagine Uomo in Florence. GIANFRANCO FERRÉ – she restores the hystorical gardens of Biki palace for the new opening of the boutique in Via Sant’Andrea and temporary scenery for the headquarter in Via Pontaccio. G&BNEGOZIO – she gives birth to a setting of great scenic effect transforming outdoor spaces in an incredible vegetable plot-garden, with alfalfa sheaves as seats, field flowers and overshadowing wild mulberrytrees. HENRY COTTON’S – she realises a birch wood set in the Polveriera di Palazzo Pitti in Florence, amongst wooden perfumes and barks and for the following edition, a garden divided in rooms reconstructed in an indoor space. MONSIEUR, GRUPPO SWAN – she recreates an interior that echoes back to the atmosphere of Marrakesh. SPIRITO DI VINO, GRUPPO SWAN – Swan Gruppo Swan – for the Vinitaly trade show stand, she creates a ruby red space, peach trees and flowers and eco-green seats. RELAIS MARCO FELLUGA – designs the interiors of the new relais hotel, set in the enchanting hamlet Russiz Superiore, surrounded by Collio’s vineyards. Seven suites studied to the last detail, each characterized by a different mood. GRUPPO ITTIERRE Design and creation - interior design Temporary Shop EXEDRA SHOP Design and creation - showroom ALDO COPPOLA - at the top floor of Rinascente Milano, she creates a sensory path in a fir wood, hosting the presentation of the Aldo Coppola’s Calendar. ...and other projects and creations for private customers, safeguarded by privacy REFERENCES F R A G R A N C E S ARTICHOKE Reggio Calabria Fashion & Design LOCANDA COLLOMB La Thuile, Aosta Literary Hotel and exclusive Chalet BABOCHKA BOUTIQUES San Pietroburgo, Russia Luxury Fashion Boutiques MARIABRUNA BEAUTY Brescia Niche Perfumery & Day SPA Institute BEAUTY LAB Treviso Wellness & Beauty MAZZOLARI Milan Excellence of Niche perfumery and furnishing complements CORSO ROMA Alessandria Fashion Store PALACE MERANO - ESPACE HENRY CHENOT Merano Wellness & Beauty Resort G&B NEGOZIO Flero Fashion Store RELAIS&CHATEAUX L’ALBERETA Franciacorta Luxury Spa Resort L’ANDANA La Badiola, Castiglione della Pescaia Tuscan Resort & Lifestyle RELAIS SAN MAURIZIO S.Stefano Belbo, Cuneo Luxury Spa Resort LIDIA SHOPPING Rodigo, Mantova Luxury Mega Store RESORT & SPA SAN CRISPINO Tordandrea di Assisi Wellbeing & Health STEFANO BONGARZONE Roma Look Maker STUDIO 40 Brescia Green, Design & Fashion TEAROSE Milano e Monza Contemporary lifestyle TSVETNOY CENTRAL MARKET Mosca, Russia Luxury Concept Department Store VIVERE Arco di Trento Design Hotel WHITE GALLERY Roma Temple of luxury Anna Paghera Srl Via Aldo Moro,1 25017 Lonato del Garda, Brescia - ITALY General Communications M T +39.02.646.726.65 - F +39.02.646.724.00 Fragrances & More Richiesta distribuzione prodotti Italia-Estero M T +39.349.424.77.27 Administrative Communications M T +39.393.070.64.02 “All art is an imitation of nature.” (Seneca)