October Highlights - Peabody
October Highlights - Peabody
TEMPLE NER TAMID 368 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 532-1293, Fax: (978) 532-0101 Website: www.templenertamid.org E-mail: templenertamid@verizon.net Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Peabody, MA No. 63 The Conservative Congregation of Peabody, MA Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism OCTOBER 2015 TISHREI/HESHVAN 5776 “OR CURRENT RESIDENT” October Highlights Men’s Club Sukkot Dinner & Service Friday, October 2 (see flyer) Shabbat Dinner & Service Friday, October 16 (see flyer) Service led by Rabbi Bernie Horowitz & Cantor Steve Sisterhood Paid Up Supper Wednesday, October 28 (see flyer) Friday, October 30 Gordon College visits Services led by Rabbi Bernie Horowitz & Cantor Steve Saturday, October 31 Shabbat Services led by Rabbi Bernie Horowitz & Cantor Steve TNT SERVICE HOURS Sunday Sunday - Thursday Friday (unless otherwise noted) Saturday 9:00 AM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM Our Temple staff members and volunteers are happy to help you by phone or email SHABBAT & HOLY DAY CANDLE LIGHTING Rabbi: Deborah Zuker Temple Ext.201 rabbi@templenertamid.org Friday, October 2 Cantor: Stephen Abramowitz Temple Ext: 203 cantor@templenertamid.org Shmini Atzeret Sunday, October 4 6:03 PM Simchat Torah Monday, October 5 7:00 PM Synagogue Administrator: Beth K. Hoffman Temple Ext: 200 office@templenertamid.org President: Eric Richman Cell (617) 908-2434 pres@templenertamid.org Vice Presidents: Harvey Dragoon hardra535@aol.com Adele Lubarsky lubarskya@hotmail.com Alan Titelbaum alan@asmallcreation.com Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, October October October October Bookkeeper: Linda Swears Temple Ext: 202 ltswears@comcast.net Sisterhood President: Sue Callum scallum16@gmail.com Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, November November November November Men’s Club President: Larry Malatzky lmalatzky@gmail.com Torah Fund Cards: Sue Savy Home: (617) 686-7470 suesavy@comcast.net Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, December December December December “One Brick at a Time” Ponn Family Pathway Buy a brick to recognize special people or milestones in your life, or just honor someone you love! Please join Temple Ner Tamid as we secure our future while we build a solid foundation! Contact: office@templenertamid.org 6:06 PM 9 16 23 30 5:54 5:43 5:32 5:22 PM PM PM PM 6 13 20 27 4:13 4:06 4:00 3:55 PM PM PM PM 4 11 18 25 3:53 3:53 3:54 3:58 PM PM PM PM We accept OFFICE CLOSED MasterCard Visa Discover Monday, October 5 Shimini Atzeret for your Donations & Payments Tuesday, October 6 Simchat Torah Please call the office and we would be happy to help you! Monday, October 12 Columbus Day President, Eric Richman (Kol Nidre High Holy Day Appeal) Shana Tova! synagogue. There are many unaffiliated Jewish families on the North Shore in search of a warm, welcoming and nurturing temple with a strong sense of and commitment to community. We offer all of that and so much more. Yet, despite tonight’s attendance, we, unfortunately, have far too many empty seats at services and programs throughout the rest of the year. Simply, we need to expand our membership in order to sustain this Temple for future generations. Membership outreach is not a one person job. It takes all of us here tonight, working together, to get the word out as to what makes our Temple so special and welcoming and to assist in attracting new members. If we all take this pledge and join forces to attract new members, then standing room only will not just be limited to the high holidays, but will become the norm at every Temple service and event. Our involvement with the Temple, however, cannot end with our commitment of time and energy. Expanding programming and the upkeep of this building strains our budget each and every year. As such, to achieve all of our aspirations and dreams for this Temple, each of us must dig deeper and find a way to increase our individual financial contributions to the Temple. In order to house our programming and attract new members, this building needs to shine. We all need to give what we can to keep our Temple beautiful and our programming strong. As you walked into the synagogue tonight, you received an envelope. As you consider your annual donation, I challenge each of you to exceed your donation from years past, as well as the one you had in mind when you walked in this evening, and donate more. Every little bit helps! Every dollar received will be used to improve and strengthen the foundation of the Temple and will benefit all of us. This is a challenge we all must accept. We can no longer rely on the person sitting to the right or left of us to step up while we sit on the sidelines and hope that no one discovers that we conveniently misplaced the envelope. No more excuses. We all have something to give. As congregants, we all have the responsibility to get into the game. This is OUR Temple. This is OUR spiritual home. This is OUR community. We all must participate. No donation is too small and every donation is greatly appreciated. I realize that I am asking a lot of each you tonight. In some cases, I am challenging you to take on a new, unfamiliar role and move outside of your comfort zone. Embrace the challenge. Don’t leave tonight content to let others do the work in and outside of this Temple that must be done. If everyone commits to donating more tonight, being more active at the Temple and actively recruiting new members in the coming year, then a year from now, when we again come together during the Days of Awe and the shofar sounds, we will do so in a stronger, more diverse and even more vibrant Temple Ner Tamid. It is wonderful to see so many members of our Temple community and their guests here tonight as we come together as one to mark the beginning of Yom Kippur. For many of us, Yom Kippur is a time to reflect on all we have experienced over the last twelve months. For some, it is a time to celebrate accomplishments and mitzvahs, both personal and professional. For others, it is a time to reflect on the loss of a loved one and recall cherished memories of happier times. For all of us, it is a time to celebrate, remember, and reflect. A year ago, I stood before you and pledged, as your newly appointed president, that I would shake things up in order to energize our Temple. We would work hard, be open-minded, listen to new voices, and we would embrace positive change. I am happy to report that, with the help of so many of you, we have shaken things up in many different ways. In one of my first Board of Trustees meetings, I asked everyone to be creative, to think outside the box, and to come up with programs and initiatives that could add new life and activity to the Temple. Many new and exciting ideas came from this exercise, and from those initial discussions sprung new programs for all of our congregants, young and old. We moved beyond the status quo, and developed programs that met the needs and interests of our congregants today. Many of our programs were without walls as we collaborated with other local temples and Jewish organizations throughout the North Shore. Our children continue to thrive in our vibrant joint Religious School with Temple Beth Shalom. Leaders and volunteers stepped forward to help implement each of these programs. Our Board of Trustees and our other volunteers are the lifeblood of this Temple - it has been only through your innovative thinking and your willingness to help out that we have been able to do all that we have accomplished in the last year. To all of you, I want to extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude. Yet, as I begin my second term as President, I am here to tell you tonight that last year was just the beginning and we are far from done. For example, on October 16th, we will be having our inaugural monthly Shabbat family dinner lead by Cantor Steve and Rabbi Bernie Horowitz. I hope that these dinners will be red circle events on everyone’s calendar, and you will make every effort to join us as often as possible. More and more programs for all ages will be introduced over the coming months. In order to continue to build upon what we have started, we, however, need more of you now than ever before to step up and devote time and energy to the Temple as the New Year begins. Believe me, I can find something for any one to do. It is always possible to find an opportunity that interests you and also fits your schedule and other time commitments. No one is too young or too old to step up and share their ideas as to how Susan, our children and I, wish you a happy and healthy we strengthen our Temple community. Everyone is wel- holiday. comed…and everyone is needed. In addition to committing to be more involved within the four THANK YOU! walls of the Temple, I also need all you to pledge tonight to become goodwill ambassadors for the Temple outside of this Cantor Stephen Abramowitz Sisterhood President, Sue Callum I hope everyone's holidays were spiritually fulfilling. It’s always nice to see so many members of our temple family during these days. Our year is off to a great start. On September 10 we enjoyed an evening painting wine glasses, mugs, or pint glasses with Drinkable Art. Everyone showed off their talents with a variety of designs. Thank you to Judy Kemp for spearheading this event. I hope everyone has enjoyed drinking from their own art work. Once again, Lisa Stone and Tracy Cranson will organize our Paid Up Supper on October 28. I hope to see everyone there for a delicious and entertaining evening. On November 1 and 2 Sisterhood will hold its annual Rummage Sale. If you anything to donate or time to help, please let me know. There will be a card party on November 18. Keep the night open and join us for dinner and games. More information will be available soon. Keep watching for more exciting events that we have planned for this year. L’Shalom, Sue Callum Religious School, Tracy Cranson Men’s Club, Larry Malatzky “Not by might and not by power, but by SPIRIT alone RUACH – Shall we all live in peace!” Our first day of Religious School on September 20th started with a terrific RUACH rally! Nearly 100 students and their families joined us in celebration of a new school year. It was quite a sight to see everyone on their feet singing and dancing. A special thank you to Diane Shapiro who learned the songs and accompanied our rally on the piano…she jammed!!! I am so thankful for this new position and look forward to the upcoming year as Head of School. With all of the Fall holidays, it’s hard not to continue to have school spirit as we celebrated Sukkot together in the TBS sukkah. Students were treated to our own special 7th grade Ushpizin (visitors). Students got to guess who the students were portraying. We got to shake, shake, shake the lulavim and etrogim thanks to both TBS and TNT for providing kits to our school for use. The RUACH continues….Simchat Torah (October 4th) at school will be celebrated by a schoolwide – “Marching of the Flags”. Students will make their own Degelim (Flags) and we are very excited to see all the creativity that our students will display. The festivities will continue that evening, beginning at 5:30 p.m., with a Consecration/Simchat Torah party. We will honor over 15 students, Kindergarten -3rd grade, with Consecration certificates to signify their first year at our school. There is no better way to celebrate the holidays than with our children and their families and fellow congregants….of course the Pizza and Ice Cream Sundae bar certainly will make the night even more stupendous and DELICIOUS!! Men’s Club Happening’s By the time you read this Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are behind us but we are still in the midst of the holiday season with Sukkot and Simchat Torah happening soon. Thank you to Richard Band and his team for an outstanding job at ushering during the services. The Men’s Club is looking ahead to our next event, our 17th annual Sukkot Dinner. Alan Talewsky and his committee are preparing a traditional Friday night dinner to be held on October 2nd, beginning with hors d’oeuvre’s in the Sukkah. Don’t miss it! Looking forward to Sunday, October 25th at Temple Emunah in Lexington, for the Keeper of the Flame, where our own Mo Sack will be our well-deserved honoree. Details on this event can be found in the bulletin and here: http://www.nerfjmc.org/regionalprograms/kof . I hope many of you will join us in celebrating this honor with Mo. In between these two events, the Men’s Club will be sponsoring the Ice cream social as part of the Simchat Torah festivities to be held on October 5th. If you are interested in joining the Men’s club, have any ideas for new events or want to help me understand if anyone is reading these articles, please email me at lmalatzky@gmail.com In November we will hold our annual Paid Up Supper, more details will be announced as they become available. Please save the date of December 5th on your calendar for our annual auction. The entire Men’s club is promising to make it a fun as well as an exciting evening. L’Shalom, Though the lull of the Fall holidays concludes the end Larry of October, it provides invaluable time to our teachers to really delve into their curriculum and get the students knee deep into the Alef Bet, Hebrew, Torah and other Judaica topics… Upcoming: Friday, October 23rd – 2nd grade lead Family Service and “Birthday Blessings” – 7:00 p.m. at TBS B’ahava, Tracy Cranson Head of School To our newest TNT Member Jenn Peary MAZEL TOV! Jason Mazur’s grandson, Zachary Mazur, on his Bar Mitzvah Sharyn & Mark Solomon’s son, Greg on his engagment Larry Levine GET WELL Ron Generazzo Mark Lerner Al Fogel KIDDUSH & ONEG SPONSORS Sisterhood & Men’s Club Larry Levine & family for sponsoring the Yom Kippur “break the fast” To share your news or if you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Luncheon in honor of a special occasion, Contact: office@templenertamid.org ********************************************************************************************* Condolences to: Debbie & Gary Coltin on the loss of Debbie’s father, Jack Soll ********************************************************************************************** Save The Date! Saturday, December 5th Men’s Club Annual Auction ZUMBA FOR FITNESS Every Monday Night At TNT 6:15 PM - 7:17 PM Instructor: Jenn Pomerantz Try out your class for $5.00. 5 class punch card passes are $40.00 for NSJCC/TNT members and $50.00 for non members. Call Arlyne Greenspan at 978-471-5520 for more info. ISRAELI DANCE GROUP TUESDAY NIGHTS AT 8:00 PM DONATION $1.00 ALL ARE WELCOME! HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE AT TNT LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOR EVERY SERVICE AND PROGRAM IN OUR SANCTUARY & SOCIAL HALL SEE GREETER FOR HEADPHONES Maple Hill Cemetery Sabino Farm Road (P.O. Box 2104) Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 531-0606 info@maplehillpeabody.org www.maplehillpeabody.com The Pransky Financial Group ARE YOU TRAVELING?? PROBLEMS HAPPEN… SUPPORT FUNDRAISER FOR TNT Now offering Worldwide Travel Insurance from one of the leading global providers for information… Contact Alan Pransky alan@pranskyfinancial.com 617-538-0058 Insurance coverage is underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: Oakwood Terrace, IL), rated “A-“ (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: Richmond, VA), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on the insured’s state. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are brands of AGA Service Company. AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator of this plan and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage because of the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. DONATE YOUR DEPOSIT BOTTLES TO TNT! RAISE SOME MONEY AND HELP THE ENVIRONMENT! Come and visit TNT’s Lending Library Choose a selection from some of these authors James Patterson Dan Brown Anita Shreve Faye Kellerman Jodi Picolt Robert Ludlum Sue Monk Kidd Liane Moriarty Naomi Ragen SOCIAL ACTION MEETING Monday, October 26 7:30 PM Join this group and make a difference in our community RSVP to Elliot Wyner efwyner@aol.com THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTORS GENERAL FUND TEMPLE NER TAMID Todah Rabah! by ISRAELI DANCING THE DERMAN FAMILY In Memory of Husband, Father and AND FAMILY THE DERMAN FAMILY In Memory of Husband, Father and THE DERMAN FAMILY In Memory of Husband, Father and THE DERMAN FAMILY In Memory of Husband, Father and Grandfather, David by WENDY & MARK GERSHLAK Grandfather, David by SANDRA LITNER Grandfather, David by JANET COHEN Grandfather, David by GLORIA & MURRAY SIMONS JUDY LEVENTHAL FUND In Memory of mother, Anita Baker by STEPHEN BAKER KITCHEN DEBBIE COLTIN AND FAMILY In Memory of Father and Grandfather, Jack by SIMONE & TODD LEVINE MARK PERLMUTTER AND FAMILY In Memory of wife and mother, Sue by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE MR. & MRS. ALLEN LEVINE In Memory of sister-in-law, Sue by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE MR. & MRS. GERALD LEVINE Wishing you Happy Anniversary! by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE MR. & MRS. HAROLD PERLMUTTER In Memory of daughter-in-law, Sue by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE THE DERMAN FAMILY In Memory of Husband, Father and Grandfather, David by SIMONE & TODD LEVINE THE DERMAN FAMILY In Memory of Husband, Father and Grandfather, David by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE RABBI DISCRETIONARY FUND RABBI ZUKER In Honor of the birth of your new addition by GLORIA & MURRAY SIMONS RABBI ZUKER AND FAMILY Wishing you Mazel Tov on the birth of Daniel by VITA FREEDMAN SARITA PICKARD MEMORIAL THE LYMAN FAMILY In Memory of Wife, Mother and Grandmother, Phyllis by JUDY & KEN ROSENTHAL VITA FREEDMAN Wishing you a complete recovery by JUDY & KEN ROSENTHAL YOUTH RABBI ZUKER In Honor of the birth of your son, Daniel Simon by DAVE GOLDBERG Yahrzeit Fund in memory of BERNICE LEVINE BRESS (Mother) by Ellen Chmara EDWARD EISENMAN (Husband) by Dorothy Eisenman IRVING BERG (Brother) by Rosalyn Stein MARSHA KEMP (Wife) by Alexander Kemp Join us on Friday, October 30 - 8:00 PM As we welcome Gordon College & Professor Wilson Services will be led by Rabbi Bernie Horowitz and Cantor Steve Saturday, October 31 Shabbat Services at 9:30 AM led by Rabbi Bernie Horowitz and Cantor Steve HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS! Don’t see your OCTOBER birthday? Make sure the office knows the date. Marty Appelstein Gordon Bowman Sherry Brass Stephen Brass Edith Braverman Joe Cherkas Janet Cohen Susan Comak Selma Derman Paula Dollin Donald Finn Henry Kaplan Alex Kemp Marty Krinsky Simone Levine Mark Lubarsky Jeff Newton Elyse Novak David Ponn Eric Richman Steve Ring Lisa Rivero Richard Strauss Paul Wacks Richard Willens Michael Zero WHY SCHELP TO BROOKLINE? VISIT THE SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP FOR ALL OF YOUR SHOPPING! OCTOBER YAHRZEITS: WE REMEMBER THEM Freida Ainbinder Esther Alperson Samuel Bacherman [gr-uncle of Suzanne Swartz] Benjamin Bankler [father of Brenda Halper] Lillian Bankler [mother of Brenda Halper] Martin H. Bargad Samuel Elliot Barr Lillian Becker [mother of Frederick Becker] Nat Berland [father of Renee Zimmerman] Samuel Block [grandfather of Sharyn Solomon] Jacob Bromberg [father of Edward Bromberg] Louis Brownrout [father of Susan Salkovitz] Irene Burday [mother of Irving Burday] Abraham S. Cohen [father of David Cohen] Hyman Cohen Frederick Donald Cole [brother of William Cole & father of Marcia Levine] Edward Eisenman [husband of Dorothy Eisenman] Celia Abramson Finn George S. Freedman [father-in-law of Vita Freedman] Jessie Freedman [mother-in-law of Vita Freedman] Dorothy Frye Sheldon Gesson Nathan Glasser [father of Judy Jacobson] Eli Gordon Solomon Graff Andrew S. Gross Anne Hurwitz [grandmother of Stuart Spitzer] Samuel Katcher [brother-in-law of Gladys Katcher] Rachael L. Kerbel [mother-in-law of Milton Rapaport] Martin Emanuel Kestenbaum Louis Kliger [father of Estelle Dubin] Harvey Robert Langee, MD [brother of Leona Kaplan] Minnie Kobrin Levey Joseph Levin Eva Levine [mother of Laurence Levine & grandmother of Todd Levine] Bezalel Lifshitz Bess Litner [mother-in-law of Sandra Litner] Bernard Hyman Long [husband of Barbara Linda] Shirley S. Lubarsky [mother of Mark Lubarsky] Morris Lubow David Mazonson [father-in-law of David Goldberg] Isaac Mazur [father of Jason Mazur] Kenneth Allen Miller [brother of Nannette Shible] Isaac M. Naggar Mary Newman Freida Oppenheim [aunt of Arlene Titelbaum] Mack G. Paul [father of Ronald Paul & Stanley Paul] Pauline Pransky [mother of Alan Pransky] Albert Robbins Israel Rogosa [uncle of Martin Rogosa] David Rosoff [father of Marlene Goodman] Elias Ross Minnie Sack [mother of Morris Sack] Harriet Schechter George Schulman [father of Irving Schulman] Arnold Schultz [brother of Jeffrey Schultz] Harry Segal Karl Shain [father of Neal Shain] Melvin Shapiro Jennie Shible [mother of Maxwell Shible] Beatrice Shneider Asher Joel Shuffer Rose B. Shuman Bella Siegel [mother-in-law of Edward Goldberg] Harry William Silverman Louis Siskind Joseph Spector Ruth Spitzer [mother of Stuart Spitzer] Sheila Jane Sprinsky Leonard Stein [husband of Rosalyn Stein] Sophie Stein [aunt of Marlene Goodman] Annie Swartz [mother-in-law of Annabelle Swartz & grandmother of Suzanne Swartz] Marian Tanenholtz [aunt of Dorothy Eisenman] Martin B. Taylor Solomon Thurman Phillip Toby [father-in-law of Sylvia Toby] Benjamin Willens [father of Richard Willens] Ina Winokur [mother-in-law of Ellen Winokur] Helen Yodler [sister of Janet Cohen & Aunt of Jenn Peary] Condolences to: Selma Razin Derman on the loss of her husband, David Derman Neal Kaufman On the loss of his brother, Fred Kaufman Remember your loved one with a Memorial Plaque Space is limited Contact Beth in the office for details We are still Collecting! Save Cancelled Postage Stamps For the Holocaust Stamps Project! JF&CS Family Table (Kosher Food Pantry) IS IN NEED OF Canned Vegetables & Tuna Fish Students, staff, parent volunteers, and friends of Foxborough Regional Charter School have been saving, trimming, and counting cancelled postage stamps since 2009 as part of a Community Service Learning initiative, the Holocaust Stamps Project. Five years ago, an ambitious goal was set – to collect 11 million stamps to visually illustrate the enormity of that number of children, women, and men having been killed as a result of prejudice, racism, and discrimination by the Nazi regime. Six million Jewish people and five million others considered by Germany’s dictator to be “enemies of the State” are being honored and memorialized by each of the collected stamps. Thousands of the stamps are being used, by small groups of talented middle and high school FRCS students, to create a series of 18 unique collage pictures that reflect causes and effects of the Holocaust. Long-term plans are for a public venue to be found where the entire collection of stamps can be permanently displayed in a custom designed acrylic sculpture, along with the whole collage series. As of mid-November, more than 5,467,130 stamps had been counted, but there is a long way to go before the goal is reached. Please drop off your donations in the bin located in the TNT Coat Room Food Pantry Distribution at Temple Sinai, Marblehead on Sunday, October 18, 2015
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Sisterhood President: Sue Callum scallum16@gmail.com Men’s Club President: Larry Malatzky mensclub@templenertamid.org Torah Fund Cards: Sue Savy (617) 686-7470 suesavy@comcast.net
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