december 2015 - Peabody
december 2015 - Peabody
TEMPLE NER TAMID Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Peabody, MA No. 63 368 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 532-1293, Fax: (978) 532-0101 Website: E-mail: The Conservative Congregation of Peabody, MA Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism DECEMBER 2015 KISLEV/Tevet 5776 “OR CURRENT RESIDENT” Men’s Club Annual Auction Saturday, December 5th 6:30 PM Silent Auction Comic - Dave Russo Live Auction Vendors Tables $20 Admission $10 Auction Credit for every registered paddle Beer, Wine, Dinner & dessert! HAPPY CHANUKAH! Chanukah Begins - 1st Candle Sunday Evening, December 6 TNT SERVICE HOURS Sunday Sunday - Thursday Friday (unless otherwise noted) Saturday 9:00 AM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM Our Temple staff members and volunteers are happy to help you by phone or email Rabbi: Deborah Zuker Temple Ext.201 SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING Cantor: Stephen Abramowitz Temple Ext: 203 Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Synagogue Administrator: Beth K. Hoffman Temple Ext: 200 President: Eric Richman Cell (617) 908-2434 Vice Presidents: Harvey Dragoon Adele Lubarsky Alan Titelbaum Bookkeeper: Linda Swears Temple Ext: 202 Sisterhood President: Sue Callum Men’s Club President: Larry Malatzky Torah Fund Cards: Sue Savy Home: (617) 686-7470 “One Brick at a Time” Ponn Family Pathway Buy a brick to recognize special people or milestones in your life, or just honor someone you love! Please join Temple Ner Tamid as we secure our future while we build a solid foundation! Contact: December December December December 4 11 18 25 3:53 3:53 3:54 3:58 PM PM PM PM Chanukah begins - 1st Candle Sunday, December 6th in the evening Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, January January January January January 1 8 15 22 31 4:03 4:10 4:18 4:26 4:35 PM PM PM PM PM We accept OFFICE CLOSED MasterCard Visa Discover Friday, December 25 for your Donations & Payments Please call the office and we would be happy to help you! Friday, January 1 Monday, January 18 Rabbi Deborah Zuker L'hit-ra'ot -- Until We Meet Again As Hannukah approaches and we prepare to bring light into the darkest season of the year, I am also preparing to say goodbye to this wonderful community at Temple Ner Tamid. There are so many ways that my time here as your rabbi has shaped my life for the better -- there are too many to count! But in honor of Hannukah, and as a way of expressing my tremendous gratitude, allow me to share 8 ways that you have brought light into my life in the past 4 years: 1. You took a chance on me. As a new, untested rabbinical school graduate, you hired me and gave me the opportunity to put all of my learning and preparation to the test. I'm sure I made many 'rookie mistakes', but I have learned so much from this opportunity. 2. You opened your door to a woman rabbi. Not every congregation is ready for female rabbinic leadership, and I know that I was your first. I hope it was as good an experience for you as it was for me, and that you will know many women rabbis in the future. 3. You allowed me to share my love of Torah with you. In adult education classes, during Divrei Torah at services, and in every other informal way - sharing Torah with you has nourished my soul. 4. We have shared more than 200 Shabbatot together. With prayer, song, good food, and thoughtful discussions, you have helped make Shabbat a joyful, rejuvenating day every week. 5. You shared your children with me. I have so enjoyed spending time with your children at family programs and b'nei mitzvah. I have loved envisioning how the next generation of Judaism will thrive as your children grow. 6. You have welcomed my children. It has been a singular pleasure to welcome my two sons into the Jewish community at Temple Ner Tamid. Even though my family is not 'traditional', we have known nothing but love and support from all of you - they (well, probably just Joey) will miss you as much as I will. 7. You have allowed me to accompany you at difficult times. Believe it or not, I love officiating at funerals. It is a tender and special time in a family's life, and it is always an honor to be there for families surrounding the loss of a loved one. Thank you for allowing me to do this holy work. 8. You've shown me how much a small group of dedicated volunteers can accomplish. Our volunteer leadership brings to mind the famous Margaret Mead quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for these four years. I sincerely hope that this is not 'goodbye', but 'l'hit-ra'ot' - until I see you again. Wishing you all a chag urim sameach - a joyous and light-filled Hannukah! L'Shalom, Rabbi Deborah Zuker (keep in touch - President, Eric Richman Hi Everyone, Please join us on December 4th for Friday night services followed by an Oneg Shabbat to pay tribute to Rabbi Zuker for her years of spiritual leadership of our congregation. As you all know, Rabbi Zuker has decided to return home to Canada to be with family. We wish her well as she embarks on this next chapter in her life along with her two boys. This fall we began having monthly community dinners with Rabbi Bernie. They have been very well received by all who have attended. The evenings have been entertaining, with a lot of energy in the building. I would like to thank everyone that has helped to make these events so successful. The next dinner will be on December 11th and I encourage you to attend. Mark Rudin and his Restricted Funds Committee have been working diligently to clean up some of our older funds. This project has been going on for many years and I am happy to report that Mark and his committee successfully presented 9 motions to the Board to accomplish this task. The Rabbi Search committee has also been very busy. At the last board meeting, I took a straw poll to determine what we were searching for and the consensus of the board was for the search committee to interview for a full time Rabbi. The committee has been meeting and working hard to fill out all of the applications needed to start the process to find candidates. After we review some resumes, and select some candidates, we will begin bringing some here for a Friday evening or Saturday morning service so that congregants will have an opportunity to meet them. Until we hire a full time Rabbi, we will continue to provide coverage as needed. As always, I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. Eric Cantor Stephen Abramowitz 7) Get ready! The next musical Shabbat is well in the planning stages (Winter date TBA). The theme? Conquering the Post-Chanukah Conundrum Let's just say a certain "ol' blue-eyes" will be well The ascending illumination of lights. The aroma of represented. oil deep frying those crunchy potato latkes, and the 8) Eat (again)! Every Shabbat morning we enjoy a delightfully glucose-y taste of sufganiyot (jelly fabulous lunch which may consist of bagels, salads, doughnuts) and chocolate gelt. The whirr of dreidels quiches, fruit, pastries, and once in a while, Laila spinning and the crackle of ripped paper revealing Chamuel's fabulous crunchy French toast-y creation. the next gift for a child. The embracing of families And please don't lament that Saturday morning serand friends gathering. vices are too long. Unless we have an extra long Chanukah is a holiday that appeals to all our senses, Torah portion or Haftarah, the service usually ends but what happens when the light finally diminishes? safely by 11:45 am. How do we react when all the gift paper and the 44candle box have been recycled? The last night of Chanukah is December 13th, which takes us right to the 12 days of...Chinese food. do we remain joyful? Fortunately, the collaboration of the Jewish calendar and the wise leadership of Temple Ner Tamid have concocted a number of elixirs. So, with out further ado, here are eight suggestions for conquering the post-Chanukah blues. How did I do? Does your glass menorah feel half full? Feel free to let me know what you think. In the meantime, let us wish Rabbi Zuker and her young family safe travels and abundant success as she returns over the border. It has been a true honor and pleasure to work with and learn from her! 1) Eat! On the sixth night of Chanukah (December 11th), we will enjoy another TNT Friday night dinner with Rabbi Bernie, all of which have been wildly successful. But over the final Fridays in December, wouldn't it be wonderful for families to invite other families over for Shabbat dinner? Perhaps grandparents with distant grandchildren can invite an unrelated young family, and longtime congregants can invite the most recent ones. I won't be offended if you show up late for Friday night services. At Kol Nidre, Janice and I had the inspiring task of receiving your food donations for Project Isaiah. It seemed like every family brought food - a wonderful way to begin our most holy of days. We filled the office and back room with bags. The day after Yom Kippur six of us sorted the food before packing in bags for delivery to The Haven from Hunger, The Jewish Family and Children’s Service Family Table, and the Danvers People to People Food Pantry. (See the TNT Facebook page for a video showing the food collected.) We gave out about 150 bags in total, each facility receiving 300 pounds, quite a feat for a Temple of our size. The coat drive was Nov.15. Thank you to all who brought in coats and to the Sisterhood for providing coats from the rummage sale. Coats will be cleaned by Anton’s cleaners and distributed to homeless shelters in the Greater Boston area by Jordan’s Furniture. Six of us helped serve supper at the Haven from Hunger on Nov 19th. Earlier that day there was a food pantry at the Haven and there were a reported 150 people who came for food. Then we came in at 3:00pm and we had to transform the hall back to a dining arrangement. By 4:00pm people were coming in to a clean dining room, at 5:00pm supper was being served and 40+ guests including several children left by 6:00pmhaving had a good meal in a supportive environment. In addition the next day the Haven was preparing to give out Thanksgiving gift bags and turkeys. Consequently the facilities were taxed to capacity. Two of the volunteers ended up spending most of their time helping assemble the gift bags (cans of vegetables, cranberries and gravy; packages of potatoes, stuffing, and candy). We received many thank you's from staff and guests. We are planning to serve on the third Thursday of every other month. We need more volunteers. Please notify the office of your interest. 2) Illuminate with a braided candle! On December 19th, Temple Ner Tamid is having a family Havdalah service featuring a dairy dinner, a Havdallah themed craft and a Havdallah story, featuring our High Holiday spiritual leader Jessica Lowenthal. All are welcome, but please note--it starts at 5pm. 3) Celebrate (with us)! December birthdays, anniversaries, and all bearers of good news, join us on Friday night or Saturday morning and we will honor you with anything from a hearty "Mazal tov!" to an aliyah (Saturday only). 4) Appreciate music! I will be introducing some new and some gently used melodies for various prayers, and I will gladly accept requests, particularly for metrical prayers like L'cha Dodi, Y igdal (Friday) as well as Eil A don and A don Olam (Saturday). 5) Collect! I know various congregants have worked quite hard organizing our winter coat drive. Hopefully our efforts can quadruple over the weeks between Chanukah and January. 6) Exercise! Beat your January 1st resolution by a few weeks, and develop an exercise routine. With Pilates, Zumba and Israeli dancing at Temple Ner Tamid, the synagogue is a one-stop cardio building spiritual center. Chag Urim Sameach, (Happy holiday of lights) Cantor Steve Social Action, Elliot & Janice Wyner Religious School, Tracy Cranson Sisterhood President, Sue Callum Dear Friends, The month of November began with another successful rummage sale. Thanks to Kim Silverman and Judy Kemp Nearly three months into the school year and things are for co-chairing and to their hard working volunteers. WithSTILL going very smoothly. Our teachers have been busy out their time, we would not be able to hold this fundraiser delving deep into their textbooks and materials, making twice a year! Their efforts make this event a success for all. huge headway with their curriculum. The customers were lined up in anticipation waiting for the doors to open. It looks like a Black Friday morning! Spotlight: Our 7th grade curriculum was amended this year by adding in lessons on the Holocaust through group Midway through the month we hosted another Game night. study of the youth novel, The Four Pebbles, written by a Thanks to Tracy Cranson and her crew for all their hard teenager who was a Holocaust survivor. The students work. The dinner was delicious as well, as we’ve come to along with teacher Andy Allen made life size murals of expect from our Sisters. some of the main characters, in the book, and worked in groups to create some beautiful artwork and interpretations This year Chanukkah arrives in early December which of the characters’ thoughts and actions. These will be dis- means our Chanukkah Party is right around the corner on played at school and I invite you to stop by TTS to check December 9. Please join us for this fun evening. You never them out. know what the committee has in store for the night. In fact, bi-weekly our bulletin boards change with lesson plan displays from all of our classes. Our teachers plan wonderful and inventive lessons but it’s the artwork and written interpretations by the students, which makes it all worthwhile. Recent Happenings: At our teacher /madr ich bimonthly meeting on November 15th, we learned new techniques for communicating with students and interpreting students’ behavior through effective communication. Teachers took part in an interactive activity to play the role of the student who may have difficulties understanding directions. It was an eye-opening experience for everyone and gave us as teachers, a forum to share ideas for making our classrooms safe and comfortable environments for our students to communicate in the best way they can. It was a great meeting and a chance for all of us to learn from each other. The Kindergarten and First Graders did a wonderful job participating in the family service on Friday November 20th. Todah Rabah to their teachers, Miss Rebecca and Mrs. Cheryl and their madrichot, for preparing the students so well! I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving with friends and family and more importantly, for those who get up early, a rewarding day of Black Friday shopping. Lastly, a very early Happy and Healthy New Year to all! I hope 2016 brings you all that you are hoping for! L’Shalom Susan Callum Men’s Club, Larry Malatzky On November 19th the men’s club gathered together for a delicious dinner at our annual Men’s Club Paid Up Supper. This year the featured speaker was Peter Abraham, sportswriter for the Boston Globe. He entertained us with his stories and his personal insights on Boston sports and working as a writer in the new media age. Thank you to all that helped make this event a success. Looking ahead in December is our major fundraiser: The Annual Auction. We need the support of the entire temple community for this to be a success. Please join us for fun night of entertainment, food and great items for both silent and live auction. We have vacations, Sporting event tickets and many other items available during the auction. Please see our flyer on the temple web site. Upcoming: The 6th grade service scheduled for December Also inth December is our Texas Hold-em tournament on Decem11th at TNT has been rescheduled to January 22nd and will ber 14 . No experience is necessary to join us. still be held at TNT. There will be a dinner held beforeIf you are interested in joining the Men’s club, have any ideas for hand – stay tuned for a flyer with information. new events or just want to email me spam, send email to me at The students in grades 2-7 will be treated to a surprise entertainer to celebrate Chanukah on Sunday, December 13th, L’Shalom, during school. At the same time, students in K/1st will join Larry the North Shore Jewish Families with Young Children for a Chanukah sing-a-long with Cantor Toubes from TTS. All students will receive a special Chanukah matanah – gift, generously given by the Sisterhoods of both TNT and TTS. Wishing you all a bright, family-oriented, latke-filled Chanukah! B’ahava, Tracy MAZEL TOV! Sharyn & Mark Solomon on their son Gregory’s marriage to Robin Cohen Lois & Stephen Goldberg on the birth of their granddaughter, Alice Susan & Harvey Dragoon on the birth of their granddaughter, Madison Teddy GET WELL Gary Sparr Larry Levine Ron Generazzo Al Fogel KIDDUSH & ONEG SPONSORS Sisterhood & Men’s Club To share your news or if you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Luncheon in honor of a special occasion, Contact: ************************************************************************************** Friday, December 4 Shabbat Evening Service 8:00 PM “Shalom Rabbi Zuker” Bid Farewell to Rabbi Zuker Oneg Shabbat To Follow Every Monday Evening 6:15 PM – 7:15 PM Instructor: Jenn Pomerantz Co-sponsored by Temple Ner Tamid & NSJCC Only $5.00 per class Call Arlyne Greenspan at 978-471-5520 for more info. ISRAELI DANCE GROUP TUESDAY NIGHTS AT 8:00 PM DONATION $1.00 ALL ARE WELCOME! HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE AT TNT FOR EVERY SERVICE AND PROGRAM IN OUR SANCTUARY & SOCIAL HALL SEE GREETER FOR HEADPHONES The Pransky Financial Group ARE YOU TRAVELING?? PROBLEMS HAPPEN… Now offering Worldwide Travel Insurance from one of the leading global providers for information… Contact Alan Pransky 617-538-0058 Insurance coverage is underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: Oakwood Terrace, IL), rated “A-“ (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: Richmond, VA), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on the insured’s state. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are brands of AGA Service Company. AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator of this plan and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage because of the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Yahrzeit Fund in memory of: ALLEN KRESNOW (Husband) by Kalah Kresnow BARBARA RICH (Wife) by Harry Rich BILL ZIDE (Husband) by Beatrice Zide CELIA MARMER (Mother) by Paul Marmer CHARLES WILLENS (Brother) by Richard Willens DOROTHY PAUL (Mother) by Rhoda Kantor EVELYN LEVENTHAL (Mother) by Sandra Hoffman GERTRUDE KRAVETZ (Mother) by Bethann Baskies GUSSIE TITELBAUM (Grandmother) by David Titelbaum HAROLD STONE (Father) by Peter Stone HILDA KOBRIN (Mother) by Evelyn Rothschild HYMAN SINMAN (Father) by Anita Rudin JACOB COMAK (Father) by Lisa Stone & Barry Comak LAURA WEINSTEIN STEINMAN (Mother) by Ina Friedman LOUIS KRESNOW (Father-in-law) by Kalah Kresnow MARIAN TANENHOLTZ (Aunt) by Dorothy Eisenman MARILYN SHAW (Mother) by Donna Lubarsky MOLLIE FALEK (Mother) by Carol Willens MOLLY LEVINE (Grandmother) by Naomi Brodie & Adele Lubarsky NATHAN LEVINE (Grandfather) by Adele Lubarsky & Naomi Brodie PHYLLIS FEINSTEIN (Mother-in-law) by Harriet Feinstein ROSE RUDIN (Mother) by Mark Rudin SADIE APPELSTEIN (Mother) by Martin Appelstein SAMUEL LEVINE (Father) by Laurence Levine SUMNER FEINSTEIN (Father/Zayde) by Linda, Rob, Zachary and Rachel Gross TILLIE GOLDBERG (Mother-in-law) by Alvin Fogel THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTORS ARNOLD DOLLIN SCHOLARSHIP DEBORAH & ALAN PRANSKY In Memory of Deborah’s mother, Evelyn Reiss by DEBORAH & RICHARD STRAUSS DEBBIE COLTIN In Memory of Father, Jack by DEBBY & RICHARD STRAUSS JORDAN RUBIN AND FAMILY In Memory of Jordan's father by IRENE & ED GUSTAT LOIS & STEVE GOLDBERG Mazel Tov on the birth of granddaughter, Alice Rae by MERLE & LARRY SHUMAN MARCI & JORDAN RUBIN In Memory of beloved Father, Herb Rubin by PAUL DOLLIN MARCI & JORDAN RUBIN In Memory of Jordan's father by DEBORAH & RICHARD STRAUSS THE RUBIN FAMILY In Memory of Herb Rubin by MARILYN & STAN GILMAN DEE DEE TALEWSKY MEMORIAL ALLEN TALEWSKY In Honor of You! by SHARYN & MARK SOLOMON GENERAL FUND ANITA & MARK RUDIN In Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of grandson, Max by LAILA & STEVE CHAMUEL DEBORAH PRANSKY In Memory of beloved mother, Evelyn Reiss by NANCY & FRED BECKER DEBORAH PRANSKY In Memory of beloved mother, Evelyn Reiss by IRENE & ED GUSTAT DEBORAH PRANSKY AND FAMILY In Memory of your mother, Evelyn Reiss by FRAN & IRVING SCHULMAN DEBORAH PRANSKY AND FAMILY In Memory of your mother, Evelyn Reiss by LEONA & HENRY KAPLAN ELISA & SID ZIMMERMAN In Honor of Shira's Bat Mitzvah by IRENE RABINOVITCH JANET COHEN Mazel Tov in honor of your grandson Drew Cohen's Bar Mitzvah by IRENE RABINOVITCH JANICE & ELLIOT WYNER In Honor of the birth of grandson, Levi Daniel by LAILA & STEVE CHAMUEL LOUISE SADUR In Memory of husband, Joseph Sadur by BETTY GRAY GREEN MOE SACK Congrats on your Special Honor as "Keeper of the Flame", 5776 by HARRIETT SHERMAN MOE SACK In Honor of you being named "Keeper of the Flame" by DEBRA & BARRY SACK MOE SACK Mazel Tov in honor of your "Keeper of the Flame" award by IRENE RABINOVITCH RICHARD STRAUSS In Honor of your Special Birthday by ILENE & MYRON BERMAN TEMPLE NER TAMID Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year by ISRAELI DANCING KITCHEN CINDY & BARRY BERMAN In Honor of Ashley's marriage to Adam Waxman by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE DEBBIE COLTIN On the loss of your uncle by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE DEBORAH PRANSKY & FAMILY In Memory of mother, Evelyn Reiss by SIMONE & TODD LEVINE SUSAN & STEVE RING In Honor of granddaughter Sarah's Bat Mitzvah by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE SUSAN & STEVE RING In Honor of granddaughter Sarah's Bat Mitzvah by SIMONE & TODD LEVINE RABBI DISCRETIONARY FUND ANITA & JORDAN WALDMAN AND MARY & NATHEN WALDMAN In Memory of beloved sister and sister-in-law, Rose Waldman by ARTHUR GOLDBERG SARITA PICKARD MEMORIAL In Memory of beloved father, Oscar Pickard, father of Bernie Pickard by BARBIE & BERNIE PICKARD In Memory of my beloved wife Sarita, by Bernie Pickard by BARBIE & BERNIE PICKARD YOUTH In Memory of parents, Ann & Paul Wisotsky by JO ANN & STEVE WISOTSKY In Memory of parents, Clara & Robert Kleiner by JO ANN & STEVE WISOTSKY ANITA & MARK RUDIN Mazel Tov on Bar Mitzvah of grandson by GAIL & BARRY FALKOFF DEBORAH PRANSKY In Memory of your mother by DAVE GOLDBERG JANICE & ELLIOT WYNER Mazel Tov on the birth of your grandson by GAIL & BARRY FALKOFF HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS! Don’t see your DECEMBER birthday? Make sure the office knows the date. Mel Babner Selma Baker David Barbash Nancy Becker Marvin Berman Joan Bornstein Richard Brody Bill Cole Lene Demeule Zipora Feiner Steven Feinstein Ina Friedman Ron Generazzo Gary Goldstein Marsha Goldstein WHY SCHELP TO BROOKLINE? VISIT THE SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP FOR ALL OF YOUR SHOPPING! Marlene Goodman Liza Goss Linda Gross Esther Kaufman Celia Levine Bernard Pickard Geraldine Potash Ruthann Remis Moe Sack Liz Schultz David Titelbaum Ruth Titelbaum Jo Ann Wisotsky Audrey Yanco Ira Zigelbaum Social Action Meeting Tuesday, December 15 7:30 PM The Caring Committee Offers to have 2 temple members stay at a home during the funeral services of a congregant. Members will stay at the home and will set up prepared food for the “Seudat Havra ah” or meal of consolation served upon arrival of family from the funeral. For more details about the committee or if you wish to volunteer to be a part of the Caring Committee, please call the temple office. DECEMBER YAHRZEITS: WE REMEMBER THEM Hinda Abrams [sister-in-law of Rena Zellin] Minna Sarah Annis [mother of Paula Dollin] Sadie Appelstein [mother of Martin Appelstein] Abraham Applebaum Herbert M. Arnold [father of Marsha Goldstein] Arthur Barbash [father of David Barbash] Florence Barbash [mother of David Barbash] Sidney Bornstein [father of Steven Bornstein] Theodore Henry Brenner Minnie Brown Anna Buchbinder [step - mother of Bea Zide] Jacqueline Chait [mother of Mona Pessaroff] Raymond Chait [father of Mona Pessaroff] Harry A. Cohen [father of Gail Silverman] Harry L. Cohen [grandfather of Peter Stone] Jeanette Hanna Cohen [mother-in-law of Janet Cohen & grandmother of Jen Peary] Milton J. Cohen [father of Philip Cohen] Jacob Comak [husband of Estelle Comak, father of Bruce Comak, Barry Comak & Lisa Stone, grandfather of Heather LeDoyt] Rose B. Covitz Sara Cushinsky [mother of David Cushinsky] Albert Demeule [father of Michael Demeule] Samuel Louis Epstein Mollie Falek [mother of Carol Willens] Herbert Falkoff [brother of Barry Falkoff] Jacob Louis Feinstein Jeanette Feinstein Phyllis Feinstein [mother-in-law of Harriet Feinstein] Jill Lori Finn [daughter of Donald Finn & sister of Lisa Finn] Ruth Fishbein [mother of Geraldine Potash] Jennie Freedman Tillie Goldberg [mother-in-law of Alvin Fogel] Jacob Goldfarb Sarah Graff Louis Greenblatt [father- in - law of Donald Finn & grandfather of Lisa Finn] Frank J. Harris M. Theodore Karger Doris Kaye Hilda Kobrin Israel (Izzy) Kornitsky [father of Joel Kornitsky] Gertrude Kravetz Allen Kresnow [husband of Kalah Kresnow & father of Marnie Zammer] Louis Kresnow [father-in-law of Kalah Kresnow & grandfather of Marnie Zammer] Robert Langee [father of Leona Kaplan] Samuel Leavitt [father of Janice Wyner] Sylvia Leibowitz [mother of Dorothy Wallman] Judith E. Leventhal [mother of Elisa Zimmerman & Mark Leventhal, sister-in-law of Sandra Hoffman] Benjamin Levine Molly Levine [grandmother of Adele Lubarsky & Naomi Brodie] Samuel Levine [father of Laurence Levine & grandfather of Todd Levine] Morris Lipsky [father of Irene Rabinovitch] Fannie Lubow Hai Makhluf Louis Mashist [father of Myra Newton] Sarah Mazur [mother of Jason Mazur] Bessie Melman Isabel Messer [aunt of Audrey Yanco] Maxwell Miller [father of Marc Miller] Fanny Mishkin [grandmother of Irene Gustat] Joseph Moldau [father of David Moldau] Etta Rona Muchnikoff Samuel M. Newton [father of Jeffrey Newton] Max Ogust Arthur Pearl Oscar Pickard [father of Bernard Pickard] Lawrence Poires Abraham Ponn [husband of Evelyn Ponn, father of Sandra Rosenbaum & David Ponn] Sarah Ponn [grandmother of Sandra Rosenbaum & David Ponn] Gisia Rabinovitch [mother-in-law of Irene Rabinovitch] Ruth Raiter [mother of Estelle Comak] Isaac Remis Adeline F. Richer [mother of Rosalinda Jacobson] Benjamin Richer [grandfather of Rosalinda Jacobson] Joseph Romo Max Harold Rosen Stanley Rosenberg [father of Howard Rosenberg] Harriet Rucker [mother of Clifford Rucker] Rose Rudin [mother of Mark Rudin] Isadore Saphir Edward Schultz [father of Jeffrey Schultz] Herman Leonard Shaw Mabel Sheinhait Charles H. Sherman Edward Irving Siden Miriam Siden Helen Siegelwax Hyman Sinman [father of Anita Rudin] Ida Smith Sumner Stern Harold Stone Harold Stone [father of Peter Stone] Max Sullaway Harold D. Swartz [husband of Annabelle Swartz & father of Suzanne Swartz] Pauline R. Torch [aunt of Marvin Jacobson] Abraham Wallace [father of Miriam Levy] Rose Webber Beatrice Weisbrot [mother of Harriet Moldau] George Weisbrot [father of Harriet Moldau] Charles Willens [brother of Richard Willens] Melvin Williams [uncle of Edward Gustat] Sarah Rita Wyman [mother of Beverly Zigelbaum] Samuel Zetlan William Zide [husband of Bea Zide] Condolences to: Deborah Pransky, On the loss of her mother, Evelyn Reiss JF&CS Family Table (Kosher Food Pantry) IS IN NEED OF Canned Vegetables & Tuna Fish Please drop off your donations in the bin located in the TNT Coat Room Food Pantry Distribution at Temple Sinai, Marblehead on Sunday, December 13, 2015 North Shore Men’s Clubs Texas Hold-em Circuit Temple B’nai Abraham Beverly Monday Dec. 14 Temple Ner Tamid, 368 Lowell Street Reservations by Fri, December 11 Steven Ring ( Mark Rudin (978-774-7057) Congregation Shirat Hayam Swampscott $25 Donation – Dinner & $5000 chips 6:30 pm Dinner 7:45 pm ~ 10:30 Poker + 50/50 Raffle + Rebuys up to 9 PM $15 for $3000 + 1st, 2nd, 3rd place gift certificates + prizes for 1st 4 of-a-kind & 1st straight-flush + BOUNTY PRIZE (knocking a player out) Men & Women – 18 and Older Men & Women – 18 and Older Temple Ner Tamid Peabody Names(s) Address Email address TEMPLE NER TAMID January 2016 CALENDAR RAFFLE 21 Total Daily Prizes q $10 q $25 q $50 q $100 16 daily $50 prizes 4 weekly $100 prizes 1 $500 GRAND Prizes 1 Ticket 3 Tickets 8 Tickets 18 Tickets Best Bet Phone Participants do not have to be present to win. Winners will be notified by phone and prizes will be mailed. Please make checks payable to Temple Ner Tamid and mail your check to the Temple office. City, State, Zip ● ● ● 978-532-1293 Temple Ner Tamid is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization.
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