Engineering Data and Installation Manual
Engineering Data and Installation Manual
Engineering Data and Installation Manual WT MODELS WATER-TO-WATER HEAT PUMPS & HYDRONIC AIR HANDLERS REVISION: B 20D082-08NN 20D082-08NN Table of Contents: Section 1: Model Nomenclature Model Nomenclature................................................................................................................4 - 5 Section 2: Installation Introduction Introduction, Pre-Installation, Components.............................................................................6 - 7 Section 3: Installation Considerations Installation Considerations..............................................................................................................8 Heating Mode Operation Considerations...................................................................................9 Buffer Tank Sizing and Usage.......................................................................................................10 Section 4: Installation Unit and Air Handler Placement...................................................................................................11 Unit Dimensional Data............................................................................................................12 - 14 (Water-to-Water Units, Hydronic Air Handlers/”A” Coils) Section 5: Unit Piping Installation Interior Piping, Water Quality..................................................................................................15 - 19 Section 6: Antifreeze Overview...................................................................................................................................20 - 21 Anitfreeze Charging.......................................................................................................................22 Section 7: Desuperheater Installation Installation................................................................................................................................23 - 25 Section 8: Controls Controls....................................................................................................................................26 - 29 Hydronic Air Handler Airflow Settings............................................................................................30 Wiring Diagrams.......................................................................................................................31 - 39 Section 9: Equipment Start-Up Procedures Equipment Start-Up Checklist and Form..............................................................................40 - 41 Section 10: Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Guide..........................................................................................................42 - 45 Superheat/Subcooling Conditions.......................................................................................46 - 47 Troubleshooting Form....................................................................................................................48 Section 11: Engineering Data Unit and Air Handler Electrical Data.....................................................................................49 - 50 Glossary & Flow Rate Calculations...............................................................................................51 AHRI Performance Data................................................................................................................52 Extended Unit Performance Data.........................................................................................53 - 64 Air Handler & “A” Coil Performance Data..................................................................................65 Section 17: Forms Warranty. Registration....................................................................................................................66 Warranty.Claim Form.....................................................................................................................67 WT Models, Rev.: B 3 Enertech Global Section 1: WT Water-To-Water Unit Model Nomenclature Section 1: Air Handler Model Nomenclature Enertech Global 4 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 1: Uncased ”A” Coil Model Nomenclature H Section 1: Cased”A” Coil Model Nomenclature H WT Models, Rev.: B 5 Enertech Global Section 2: Installation Introduction INTRODUCTION This geothermal heat pump provides heated water and chilled water as well as optional domestic water heating capability. Engineering and quality control is built into every geothermal unit. Good performance depends on proper application and correct installation. equivalent protective covering. Cap or recap unit connections and all piping until unit is installed. Precautions must be taken to avoid physical damage and contamination which may prevent proper start-up and may result in costly equipment repair. ⚠ CAUTION ⚠ Notices, Cautions, Warnings, & Dangers: “NOTICE” Notification of installation, operation or maintenance information which is important, but which is NOT hazard-related. DO NOT OPERATE THE GEOTHERMAL HEAT PUMP UNIT DURING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PHASE. “CAUTION” Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unsafe practice which, if not avoided, COULD result in minor or moderate injury or product or property damage. Storage All geothermal units should be stored inside in the original packaging in a clean, dry location. Units should be stored in an upright position at all times. Units should not be stacked unless specially noted on the packaging. “WARNING” Indicates potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury. Pre-Installation Special care should be taken in locating the geothermal unit. Installation location chosen should include adequate service clearance around the unit. All units should be placed on a formed plastic air pad, or a high density, closed cell polystyrene pad slightly larger than the base of the unit. If units are being placed on racking, the unit must be placed on a solid foundation. All units should be located in an indoor area where the ambient temperature will remain above 55°F and should be located in a way that piping and ductwork or other permanently installed fixtures do not have to be removed for servicing and filter replacement. “DANGER” Indicates an immediate hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury. Inspection Upon receipt of any geothermal equipment, carefully check the shipment against the packing slip and the freight company bill of lading. Verify that all units and packages have been received. Inspect the packaging of each package and each unit for damages. Insure that the carrier makes proper notation of all damages or shortage on all bill of lading papers. Concealed damage should be reported to the freight company within 15 days. If not filed within 15 days the freight company can deny all claims. Pre-Installation Steps: 1. Note: Notify Enertech Global, LLC shipping department of all damages within 15 days. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to file all necessary claims with the freight company. 2. Unit Protection Protect units from damage and contamination due to plastering (spraying), painting and all other foreign materials that may be used at the job site. Keep all units covered on the job site with either the original packaging or Enertech Global 3. 6 Compare the electrical data on the unit nameplate with packing slip and ordering information to verify that the correct unit has been shipped. Inspect all electrical connections and wires. Connections must be clean and tight at the terminals, and wires should not touch any sharp edges or copper pipe. Verify that all refrigerant tubing is free of dents and kinks. Refrigerant tubing should not be touching other unit components. WT Models, Rev.: B Section 2: Installation Introduction 4. 5. Components Before unit start-up, read all manuals and become familiar with unit components and operation. Thoroughly check the unit before operating. For A-Coil installations, it is recommended that coil be sprayed with liquid detergent thoroughly and rinsed thoroughly before installation to assure proper drainage of condensate from the coil fins to eliminate water blowoff and to assure maximum coil performance. If not sprayed approximately 50 hours of break in time is required to achieve the same results. Master Contactor: Energizes Compressor and optional Hydronic Pump and/or Desuperheater pump package. Logic Board: Logic Board operates the compressor and protects unit by locking out when safety switches are engaged. It also provides fault indicator(s). Terminal Strip: Provides connection to the thermostat or other accessories to the low voltage circuit. ⚠ CAUTION ⚠ Transformer: Converts incoming (source) voltage to 24V AC. ALL GEOTHERMAL EQUIPMENT IS DESIGNED FOR INDOOR INSTALLATION ONLY. DO NOT INSTALL OR STORE UNIT IN A CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENT OR IN A LOCATION WHERE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY ARE SUBJECT TO EXTREMES. EQUIPMENT IS NOT CERTIFIED FOR OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS. SUCH INSTALLATION WILL VOID ALL WARRANTIES. Low Voltage Breaker: Attached directly to transformer, protects the transformer and low voltage circuit. Reversing Valve: Controls the cycle of the refrigerant system (heating or cooling). Energized in cooling mode. High Pressure Switch: Protects the refrigerant system from high refrigerant pressure, by locking unit out if pressure exceeds setting. ⚠ WARNING ⚠ Low Pressure Switch: Protects the refrigerant system from low suction pressure, if suction pressure falls below setting. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS CAUTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY. USE CARE AND WEAR APPROPRIATE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, SAFETY GLASSES AND PROTECTIVE GLOVES WHEN SERVICING UNIT AND HANDLING PARTS. Flow Switch (Freeze Protection Device): Protects the water heat exchanger from freezing, by shutting down compressor if water flow decreases. Compressor (Copeland Scroll): Pumps refrigerant through the heat exchangers and pressurizes the refrigerant, which increases the temperature of the refrigerant. ⚠ CAUTION ⚠ BEFORE DRILLING OR DRIVING ANY SCREWS INTO CABINET, CHECK TO BE SURE THE SCREW WILL NOT HIT ANY INTERNAL PARTS OR REFRIGERANT LINES. WT Models, Rev.: B Shipping Bolts: This unit is equipped with the new COMPRESSOR ISOLATION feature. Do not loosen or remove the bolts. 7 Enertech Global Section 3: Installation Considerations Consumer Instructions: Dealer should instruct the consumer in proper operation, maintenance, filter replacements, thermostat and indicator lights. Also provide the consumer with the manufacturer’s Owner's Manual for the equipment being installed. Thermostat: Thermostats should be installed approximately 54 inches off the floor on an inside wall in the return air pattern and where they are not in direct sunlight at anytime. Loop Pumping Modules: Must be wired to the heat pump’s electric control box. A special entrance knockout is provided below the thermostat entrance knockout. A pump module connection block, connected to the master contactor, and circuit breaker is provided to connect the Pump Module wiring. Enertech Global D-I-Y Policy: Enertech Global’s geothermal heat pumps and system installations may include electrical, refrigerant and/or water connections. Federal, state and local codes and regulations apply to various aspects of the installation. Improperly installed equipment can lead to equipment failure and health/safety concerns. For these reasons, only qualified technicians should install a Enertech Global built geothermal system. Desuperheater Package: Water heating is standard on all residential units (units may be ordered without). It uses excess heat during both heating and cooling cycles, to provide hot water for domestic needs. A double wall desuperheater exchanger (coil) located between the compressor and the reversing valve, extracts superheated vapor to heat domestic water; still satisfying its heating and cooling needs. The water circulation pump comes pre-mounted in all residential units, but must be electrically connected to the master contactor. Leaving it disconnected ensures that the pump will not run without a water supply. Because of the importance of proper installation, Enertech Global does not sell equipment direct to homeowners. Internet websites and HVAC outlets may allow for purchases directly by homeowners and doit-yourselfers, but Enertech Global offers no warranty on equipment that is purchased via the internet or installed by persons without proper training. Enertech Global has set forth this policy to ensure installations of Enertech Global geothermal systems are done safely and properly. The use of well-trained, qualified technicians helps ensure that your system provides many years of comfort and savings. The Desuperheater package can make up to 60% (depending on heat pump usage) of most domestic water needs, but a water heater is still recommended. Desuperheater Piping: All copper tubes & fittings should be 5/8” O.D (1/2” nom) minimum with a maximum of 50ft separation. Piping should be insulated with 3/8” wall closed cell insulation. Equipment Installation: Special care should be taken in locating the unit. All units should be placed on a formed plastic air pad, or a high density, closed cell polystyrene pad slightly larger than the base of the unit. All units should be located in an indoor area were the ambient temperature will remain above 55°F and should be located in a way that piping and ductwork or other permanently installed fixtures do not have to be removed for servicing and filter replacement. Note: Copper is the only approved material for piping the desuperheater. Electrical: All wiring, line and low voltage, should comply with the manufacturer's recommendations, The National Electrical Code, and all local codes and ordinances. Enertech Global 8 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 3: Operation Considerations Guidelines For Heating Mode Operation For Water-To-Water Units Using Scroll Compressors Enertech recommends the aquastat setting not be set above 110°F for the storage tank temperature. Excessive vibration and part failure can occur at higher than recommended temperature settings. The higher operating temperatures cause substantial efficiency and capacity reductions. The performance is negatively affected as the unit operates at the higher water temperatures and it benefits the unit and the homeowner to operate at or below the recommended water temperature of 110°F. With the lower efficiency created by higher water temperatures, the output capacity of the unit is decreased along with the efficiency. When operating at the higher entering water temperature the heat of extraction is significantly reduced, as well. In order to maintain the needed capacity, more of the heat is coming from the compressor working harder to compress the refrigerant. The illustration below shows the parameters which are safe for compressor operation. Based on the leaving load water of 120°F, the loop would have to maintain 35°F to operate within the acceptable operating conditions for the compressor. Once your loop temperatures drop below 35°F, the acceptable leaving load temperature drops below 120°F. If you are designing loops for 30°F, the recommended leaving load temperature is 110°F. SCROLL COMPRESSOR OPERATING CONDITIONS (WATER TO WATER) HEATING MODE OPERATION 130°F • Outside Safe Operating Range FAILURE ZONE 120°F • Outside Safe Operating Range Load Leaving Water Temperature 125°F Safety Factor • • FAILURE ZONE 115°F • 110°F • 100°F • 10°F Acceptable Operating Conditions Safety Factor • Acceptable Operating Conditions • 15°F • 20°F • 25°F • 30°F • 35°F • 40°F • 45°F • 50°F • 55°F • 60°F • 65°F • 70°F • 75°F • 80°F Source Entering Water Temperature Because the water-to-water machines have become so popular for providing heated water for a multitude of uses, we’ve provided the above chart for reference. The obvious correlation is that the warmer the Source Entering Water Temperature, the hotter the Load Leaving Water Temperature can be, to a point. R410A can only handle up to about 125°F Load Leaving Water Temperature before putting the compressor at risk. Actual usage, and choices of heat distribution devices need to follow the acceptable operating conditions presented in the chart. If a question arises, please consult the Technical Services Department. WT Models, Rev.: B 9 Enertech Global Section 3: Buffer Tanks BUFFER TANKS Virtually all water-to-water heat pumps used for hydronic applications require a buffer tank to prevent equipment short cycling, and to allow lower flow rates through the water-towater unit than through the hydronic delivery system. The following are considerations for buffer tank sizing. stage. Requirements for storage are less according to the manufacturer of the HSS series non-pressurized buffer tank. Using the same conditions for maximum heating and cooling capacity mentioned above, non-pressurized buffer tanks require 6 U.S. gallons per ton. • The size of the buffer tank should be determined based upon the predominant use of the water-to-water equipment (heating or cooling). • The size of the buffer tank is based upon the lowest operating stage of the equipment. For example, a water-to-water heat pump with a two-stage compressor or two compressors may be sized for first stage capacity, reducing the size of the tank (twostage aquastat required). • Pressurized buffer tanks are sized differently than non-pressurized tanks (see guidelines listed below). Pressurized buffer tanks for predominately heating applications should be sized at one (1) U.S. gallon per 1,000 Btuh of heating capacity (10 gallons per ton may also be used) at the maximum entering source water temperature (EST) and the minimum entering load water temperature (ELT), the point at which the waterto-water unit has the highest heating capacity, usually 50-70°F EST and 80-90°F ELT. For predominately cooling applications, pressurized buffer tanks should be sized at one (1) U.S. gallon per 1,000 Btuh of cooling capacity (10 U.S. gallons per ton may also be used) at the minimum EST and the maximum ELT, the point at which the water-to-water unit has the highest cooling capacity, usually 5070°F EST and 50-60°F ELT. Select the size of the tank based upon the larger of the calculations (heating or cooling). Non-pressurized buffer tanks must also be sized based upon predominate use (heating or cooling) and based upon the lowest capacity Enertech Global 10 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 4: Unit Placement UNIT PLACEMENT When installing a geothermal heating and cooling unit, there are several items the installer should consider before placing the equipment. 1. 2. 3. 4. Service Access. Is there enough space for service access? A general rule of thumb is at least 2 feet in the front and 2 feet on at least one side. Unit Air Pad. All geothermal heating and cooling equipment should be placed on either a formed plastic air pad, or a high density, closed cell polystyrene pad. This helps eliminate vibration noise that could be transmitted through the floor. If units are being placed on racking, the unit must be placed on a solid foundation covering the full base of the unit. Also, utilize a foam pad between the unit and the rack. The installer must verify that all applicable wiring, piping, and accessories are correct and on the job site. PRE-INSTALLATION Before you fully install the geothermal equipment, it is recommended you go through this quick checklist before placing the equipment. ⧠ ⧠ Fully inspect the unit after unpacking. Locate the Unit Start-Up form from this manual and have it available as the unit installation proceeds. HYDRONIC AIR HANDLER INSTALLATION These units have a 0” minimum clearance to combustible materials rating from all cabinet surfaces. The unit should be i9nstalled with serviceability clearance of 30” from the front of the unit. The unit can be serviced entirely from the front, including replacing the filter. Be sure and route primary and secondary drain connections so as not to obstruct replacement of filter. UPFLOW APPLICATION In an upflow installation the discharge outlet is at the top. Care should be taken to insure unit is level to permit proper condensate drainage. Normal upflow installation will be in a basement or closet. If installed in a closet, the closet should have a platform framed in, with an opening on top of the platform centered in the closet. Connect the supply air outlet to a warm air plenum. Install return air grilles from outside the closet to space below the platform. Platform must be at least 10” above the floor. If installed in a basement, run supply and return ductwork in accordance with local codes. Caution! A “P” trap must be installed in the coil drain line! Cap unused drain fittings. HORIZONTAL APPLICATION Horizontal application will normally be used in an attic or crawl space. This type of installation requires a return air duct be attached to the unit inlet. The opposite end of the return air duct is attached to a return air filter grill through the ceiling or wall. Remove filter from unit if filter grill is used. The unit is shipped in right to left configuration. For left to right applications (Begin with the unit in the verticl upright poisition and before connecting drains and refrigerant lines) remove coil and doors and move horizontal pan to right side. Reinstall coil and doors. CAUTION: IT IS MANDATORY TO USE AN EMERGENCY AUXILLARY DRAIN PAN WITH ANY COIL OR AIR HANDLER INSTALLED IN AN ATTIC OR ABOVE A FINISHED CEILING! DOWNFLOW APPLICATION Contact Enertech for proper downflow kit including instructions. Unit is shipped from the factory arranged to be installed in a vertical upflow or horizontal right to left airflow position (standard) or field convertible to a horizontal left to right airflow position. WT Models, Rev.: B 11 Enertech Global Section 4: Air Handler Dimensional and Physical Data FRONT VIEW FRONT VIEW Water Connections, Hydronic (Sweat) Water Connections, Hydronic (Sweat) G G Primary Drain Primary Drain Connection Connection (Horizontal) (Horizontal) Primary Drain Primary Drain Connection Connection (Vertical) (Vertical) Size Model (tons) B Model Size A Model (tons) Size A 024 17 5/8 17 5/8 (tons) A21 242 2 24 2 17 5/8 036 21 1/8 21 1/8 21 363 3 36 3 21 1/8 048-060 48-60 4 - 5 4 - 525 25 22 48-60 4-5 25 Return Return Supply Supply Alternate Drain Alternate Drain Connection Connection (Vertical) (Vertical) All Dimensions in Inches DIMENSIONAL DATA DIMENSIONAL DATAEin Inches C AllD Dimensions F G Water Connection Size (Sweat, “L” Copper) in Inches B C All Dimensions D E F G 20 15 12 1/212 1/2 B 1/3 16 1/3 C 1/4 20 1/4 D 1/2 15 1/2 E F 43 43G 2116 0.875” O.D. 21 1620 1/31/4 20 1/4 1512 1/2 12 1/2 48 1/448 43 2119 3/4 19 3/4 20 1/419 19 1/212 1/2 1/40.045” Wall 21 1920 3/41/2 2022 1/4 19 1/2 1/4 14 1/416121/8 58 3/458483/4 2223 3/8 23 3/8 20 1/2 1/4 19 5/8 22 23 3/8 20 1/2 19 5/8 16 1/8 58 3/4 TOP VIEW TOP VIEW F F Alternate Drain Alternate Drain Connection Connection (Horizontal) (Horizontal) BOTTOM VIEW BOTTOM VIEW D D Front A A C C E E B B Enertech Global 12 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 4: Cased and Uncased “A” Coil Dimensional and Physical Data I D F G C H E Drain Pan Drain Pan B A PAN REMOVED FOR CLARITY Front All DimensionsSide In Inches Back Model Size (Tons) A B C D E F G H I Weight (lbs) 024 2 16.63 19.00 18.5 16.00 4.00 8.67 8.67 3.27 16.00 38 036 3 19.63 19.00 21.0 20.00 6.76 6.77 6.77 6.04 16.00 46 048 4 23.92 20.50 28.0 28.58 9.38 9.38 9.38 8.66 17.50 48 060 5 23.92 20.50 28.0 28.58 9.38 9.38 9.38 8.66 17.50 67 Water Connection Size (Sweat, “L” Copper) 0.875” O.D. 0.045” Wall Return Supply All Dimensions In Inches (nominal) Model Size (Tons) A B C D E F I J K L M N O P Q Weight (lbs) 024 2 17.5 21.0 20.0 15.2 19.2 2.1 4.1 1.6 2.3 11.1 8.5 13.8 9.2 13.5 8.8 .88 8.8 45 036 3 21.0 21.0 24.0 18.7 19.2 060 5 24.5 22.0 34.0 22.0 19.9 4.0 6.0 1.8 2.3 13.0 10.5 15.6 7.8 14.6 10.5 .88 .38 50 2.2 4.2 1.9 2.3 17.3 14.8 19.8 10.3 19.6 12.5 .88 .38 72 G H NOTES: 1. The AC series coils are designed as high efficiency “A” coils to be installed on new and existing indoor furnaces. These coils may be used in upflow and downflow applications. 2. Coils are ETL and CSA approved. 3. Primary and secondary drain connections are available on the LH or RH side of the drain pan, and are 3/4” FPT. Center line of drains located from pan corner, 1 1/2” for primary and 3 1/2” for secondary. 4. Drain pan is injection molded high temperature UL approved plastic. WT Models, Rev.: B 13 ⚠ WARNING ⚠ IF USING A DUAL FUEL APPLICATION, “A” COIL MUST BE INSTALLED ON THE OUTLET OF THE FURNACE. INSTALLATION ON THE RETURN COULD CAUSE FURNACE HEAT EXCHANGER FAILURE, AND MAY VOID FURNACE WARRANTY. Enertech Global Section 4: Unit Dimensional Data Out (Source Loop) 16.000 7.500 2.000 Out (Load Loop) Out (Load Loop) Out (Source Loop) In (Source Loop) A In (Load Loop) I H G In (Source Loop) H&I HWG Water Out In (Load Loop) A HWG Water In F E FRONT VIEW Single Compressor D SIDE VIEW *Water Connection Option (Available on WT060 ONLY) F&G B 2.000 HWG Water Out HWG Water In In (Load Loop #1) In (Load Loop #2) E C D F F2 G In (Source Loop #1) In (Source Loop #2) Out (Source Loop) Out (Load Loop) G2 H I A FRONT VIEW Dual Compressor TOP VIEW Dimensions Single Compressor Units Source Water G G2 H 11.83 N/A 14.83 11.83 N/A 14.83 11.83 N/A 14.83 4.16 N/A 21.10 Factory Load Loop Source Loop Weight Charge (oz) IN OUT IN OUT 1" 1" 1" 1" 315 65 1" 1" 1" 1" 345 73 1" 1" 1" 1" 390 101 1" 1" 1" 1" 410 101 Overall Cabinet HWG Water Load Water Source Water D E A B C F F2 I G G2 H 24 30 48 19.71 21.96 17.83 14.83 2.83 11.83 8.83 5.83 24 30 48 19.71 21.96 17.83 14.83 2.83 11.83 8.83 5.83 24 30 48 19.71 21.96 17.83 14.83 2.83 11.83 8.83 5.83 Load Loop Source Loop Factory Weight IN OUT IN OUT Charge (oz) 1" 1.25" 1" 1.25" 550 68 EA 1" 1.5" 1" 1.5" 670 76 EA 1" 1.5" 1" 1.5" 670 81 EA Overall Cabinet A B C 036 24 26 34 048 24 26 34 060 24 26 36 060* 24 32 36 Dual Compressor Units Model Model 092 120 144 HWG Water D E 2.83 5.83 2.83 5.83 2.83 5.83 N/A N/A Load Water F F2 I 8.83 N/A 17.83 8.83 N/A 17.83 8.83 N/A 17.83 4.16 N/A 21.10 Notes: - *Side Connection Option available on WT060 ONLY - All models & brands (see exception below) use FPT fittings for all source & load loop connections. - Geocomfort, residential only, models 036-060 use 1" Double O-Ring fittings for source loop connections. - Dual Compressor: There are two "IN" connections, but only one "Out" Connection (Source & Load) - All Desuperheater connections are 3/4" FPT. - Electrical connections are 1" for high voltage, 1/2" for low voltage *All measurements are in inches. Enertech Global 14 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 5: Unit Piping Installation Open Loop Piping Placement of the components for an open loop system are important when considering water quality and long term maintenance. The water solenoid valve should always be placed on the outlet of the heat pump, which will keep the heat exchanger under pressure when the unit is not operating. If the heat exchanger is under pressure, minerals will stay in suspension. Water solenoid valves are also designed to close against the pressure, not with the pressure. Otherwise, they tend to be noisy when closing. velocity noise. Always double check flow rate at the P/T ports to make sure the ball valve adjustments have not lowered water flow too much, and essentially taken the flow regulator out of the equation. It’s a good idea to remove the ball valve handles once the system is completed to avoid nuisance service calls. A flow regulator should be placed after the water solenoid valve. Always check the product specification catalog for proper flow rate. A calculation must be made to determine the flow rate, so that the leaving water temperature does not have the possibility of freezing. Since the heat pump can operate at lower waterflow on first stage, two stage units typically include two water solenoid valves to save water. The flow regulators should be sized so that when one valve is open the unit operates at first stage flow rate, and when both valves are open, the unit operates at full load flow rate. For example, a 4 ton unit needs approximately 4 GPM on first stage, and approximately 7 GPM at full load. The flow regulator after the first valve should be 4 GPM, and the flow regulator after the second valve should be 3 GPM. When both valves are open, the unit will operate at 7 GPM. Other necessary components include a strainer, boiler drains for heat exchanger flushing, P/T ports and ball valves. Ball valves allow the water to be shut off for service, and also help when velocity noise is noticeable through the flow regulator. Spreading some of the pressure drop across the ball valves will lessen the Hose kits are optional, but make for an easier installation, since the P/T ports and connections are included. The hose also helps to isolate the heat pump from the piping system. Figure 1: Open Loop Piping Example TYPICAL OPEN LOOP PLUMBING AND VALVE INSTALLATION EXAMPLE HEAT PUMP P/T Port (2 required) Ball Valve (2 required) WYE Strainer From Well IN Optional Hose Kit* S OUT Single Speed Units Flow Regulator** Discharge Line Boiler Drain for Heat Exchanger Maintenance (2 required) Water Solenoid Valve S S *Hose kit used for unit isolation, includes fittings for P/T ports. **See product specifications for flow rates. WT Models, Rev.: B 15 TwoStage Units Note: All GWT, HWT, & TWT units are two-stage units. Not recommended for 3 ton and smaller. Use single solenoid and flow regulator. Enertech Global Section 5: Unit Piping Installation Water Quality The quality of the water used in geothermal systems is very important. In closed loop systems the dilution water (water mixed with antifreeze) must be of high quality to ensure adequate corrosion protection. Water of poor quality contains ions that make the fluid “hard” and corrosive. Calcium and magnesium hardness ions build up as scale on the walls of the system and reduce heat transfer. These ions may also react with the corrosion inhibitors in glycol based heat transfer fluids, causing them to precipitate out of solution and rendering the inhibitors ineffective in protecting against corrosion. In addition, high concentrations of corrosive ions, such as chloride and sulfate, will eat through any protective layer that the corrosion inhibitors form on the walls of the system. Ideally, de-ionized water should be used for dilution with antifreeze solutions since de- ionizing removes both corrosive and hardness ions. Distilled water and zeolite softened water are also acceptable. Softened water, although free of hardness ions, may actually have increased concentrations of corrosive ions and, therefore, its quality must be monitored. It is recommended that dilution water contain less than 100 PPM calcium carbonate or less than 25 PPM calcium plus magnesium ions; and less than 25 PPM chloride or sulfate ions. In an open loop system the water quality is of no less importance. Due to the inherent variation of the supply water, it should be tested prior to making the decision to use an open loop system. Scaling of the heat exchanger and corrosion of the internal parts are two of the potential problems. The Department of Natural Resources or your local municipality can direct you to the proper testing agency. Please see Table 1 for guidelines. Table 1: Water Quality Potential Problem Chemical(s) or Condition Range for Copper Heat Exchangers Cupro-Nickel Heat Exchanger Ranges Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger Ranges Scaling Calcium & Magnesium Carbonate Less than 350 ppm Less than 350 ppm Less than 0.1 ppm pH Range 7-9 5-9 7-9 Total Dissolved Solids Less than 1000 ppm Less than 1500 ppm No rigid setpoint Ammonia, Ammonium Hydroxide Less than 0.5 ppm Less than 0.5 ppm No Limit Ammonium Chloride, Ammonium Nitrate Less than 0.5 ppm Less than 0.5 ppm Less than 2-20 ppm Calcium/Sodium Chloride See Note 4 Less than 125 ppm Less than 125 ppm None Allowed Chlorine Less than 0.5 ppm Less than 0.5 ppm Less than 1 ppm* Hydrogen Sulfide None Allowed None Allowed Less than 0.05 ppm Corrosion Biological Growth Erosion Iron Bacteria None Allowed None Allowed None Allowed Iron Oxide Less than 1 ppm Less than 1 ppm Less than 0.2 ppm Suspended Solids - Note 5 Less than 10 ppm Less than 10 ppm 16-20 mesh strainer recommended Water Velocity Less than 8 ft/s Less than 12 ft/s Less than 5.5 m/s in the port * Chlorine can not be used with 304 Stainless Steel. Notes 1. Hardness in ppm is equivalent to hardness in mg/l. 2. Grains/gallon = ppm divided by 17.1. 3. Unit internal heat exchangers are not recommended for pool applications or water outside the range of the table. Secondary heat exchangers are required for pool or other applications not meeting the requirements shown above. 4. Saltwater applications (approx. 25,000 ppm) require secondary heat exchangers due to copper piping between the heat exchanger and the unit fittings. 5. Filter for maximum of 600 micron size. Enertech Global 16 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 5: Unit Piping Installation Interior Piping All interior piping must be sized for proper flow rates and pressure loss. Insulation should be used on all inside piping when minimum loop temperatures are expected to be less than 50°F. Use the table below for insulation sizes with different pipe sizes. All pipe insulation should be a closed cell and have a minimum wall thickness of 3/8”. All piping insulation should be glued and sealed to prevent condensation and dripping. Interior piping may consist of the following materials: HDPE, copper, brass, or rubber hose (hose kit only). PVC is not allowed on pressurized systems. Typical Pressurized Flow Center Installation The flow centers are insulated and contain all flushing and circulation connections for residential and light commercial earth loops that require a flow rate of no more than 20 gpm. 1-1/4” fusion x 1” double o-ring fittings (AGA6PES) are furnished with the double o-ring flow centers for HDPE loop constructions. Various fittings are available for the double o-ring flow centers for different connections. See figure 2 for connection options. A typical installation will require the use of a hose kit. Matching hose kits come with double o-ring adapters to transition to 1” hose connection. Table 2: Pipe Insulation Piping Material Insulation Description 1” IPS PE 1-1/4” ID - 3/8” Wall 1” IPS Hose Note: Threaded flow centers all have 1” FPT connections. Matching hose kits come with the AGBA55 adapter needed to transition from 1” FPT to 1” hose. 1-3/8” ID - 3/8” Wall 1-1/4” IPS PE 1-5/8” ID - 3/8” Wall 2” IPS PD 2-1/8” ID - 3/8” Wall Figure 2: Typical Single Unit Piping Connection (Pressurized Flow Center) To/From Loop Field ~~ Flow Center P/T Ports Hose Kit GSHP Source Water Out Source Water In Equipment Pad 2” Polyethylene Foam WT Models, Rev.: B 17 Enertech Global Section 5: Unit Piping Installation Typical Non-Pressurized Flow Center Installation Standing column flow centers are designed to operate with no static pressure on the earth loop. The design is such that the column of water in the flow center is enough pressure to prime the pumps for proper system operation and pump reliability. The flow center does have a cap/seal, so it is still a closed system, where the fluid will not evaporate. If the earth loop header is external, the loop system will still need to be flushed with a purge cart. The non-pressurized flow center needs to be isolated from the flush cart during flushing because the flow center is not designed to handle pressure. Since this is a non-pressurized system, the interior piping can incorporate all the above-mentioned pipe material options (see interior piping), including PVC. The flow center can be mounted to the wall with the included bracket or mounted on the floor as long as it is properly supported. Figure 3: Typical Single Compressor Unit Piping Connection Make-up Water Line Hydronic Fan Coil Backflow Preventer Shutoff Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Air Vent To / From Earth Loop Expansion Tank Water Out Check Valve Water In Water to Water Heat Pump Radiant Infloor Heating Pressurized Storage Tank Out (Load Loop) Out (Ground Loop) Shutoff Valves In (Ground Loop) In (Load Loop) Out (Desuperheater) In (Desuperheater) Figure 4: Typical Dual Compressor Unit Piping Connection Make-up Water Line Hydronic Fan Coil Backflow Preventer Shutoff Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Air Vent Water Out Water In Expansion Tank Check Valve Radiant Infloor Heating Pressurized Storage Tank Enertech Global From Earth Loop In (Load Loop #1) In (Load Loop #2) In (Ground Loop #1) In (Ground Loop #2) Heat Pump Out (Ground Loop) Out (Load Loop) 18 To Earth Loop WT Models, Rev.: B Section 5: Unit Piping Installation Radiant Infloor Zone 1 & 2 Figure 5: Typical Storage Tank Piping For Radiant Floor Heating Water to Water Heat Pump Storage Tank Out (Load Loop) Shutoff Valves In (Load Loop) Check Valves Installed APSMA PUMP SHARING MODULE Figure 11: APSMA Module Layout Figure 1: Board Layout The pump sharing module, part number 240VAC APSMA, is designed to allow two units to share 240VAC to Pump(s) Power Source one flow center. With the APSMA module, 240V IN 240V OUT either unit can energize the pump(s). Connect the units and flow center as shown in Figure 11, below. Figure 12 includes a schematic of the board. The module must be mounted in a NEMA enclosure or inside the unit control box. Relay Relay Local code supersedes any recommendations in this document. 24VAC connection to unit #1 24VAC connection to unit #2 24VAC 24VAC (Y1 & C From Thermostat) (Y1 & C From Thermostat) Figure 2: Board Schematic Figure 12: APSMA Module Wiring Schematic DC Bridge 24VAC input from unit #1 24VAC input from unit #2 WT Models, Rev.: B 19 + - LED Diode RY1 RY1 240VAC input RY2 + - Diode RY2 240VAC to pump(s) Enertech Global Section 6: Antifreeze Convenience: Is the antifreeze available and easy to transport and install? Antifreeze Overview In areas where minimum entering loop temperatures drop below 40°F, or where piping will be routed through areas subject to freezing, antifreeze is required. Alcohols and glycols are commonly used as antifreeze. However, local and state/provincial codes supersede any instructions in this document. The system needs antifreeze to protect the coaxial heat exchanger from freezing and rupturing. Freeze protection should be maintained to 15°F below the lowest expected entering loop temperature. For example, if 30°F is the minimum expected entering loop temperature, the leaving loop temperature could be 22 to 25°F. Freeze protection should be set at 15°F (30-15 = 15°F). To determine antifreeze requirements, calculate how much volume the system holds. Then, calculate how much antifreeze will be needed by determining the percentage of antifreeze required for proper freeze protection. See Tables 3a and 3b for volumes and percentages. The freeze protection should be checked during installation using the proper hydrometer to measure the specific gravity and freeze protection level of the solution. Codes: Will the brine meet local and state/ provincial codes? The following are some general observations about the types of brines presently being used: Methanol: Wood grain alcohol that is considered toxic in pure form. It has good heat transfer, low viscosity, is non-corrosive, and is mid to low price. The biggest down side is that it is flammable in concentrations greater than 25%. Ethanol: Grain alcohol, which by the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms) department of the U.S. government, is required to be denatured and rendered unfit to drink. It has good heat transfer, mid to high price, is noncorrosive, non-toxic even in its pure form, and has medium viscosity. It also is flammable with concentrations greater than 25%. Note that the brand of ethanol is very important. Make sure it has been formulated for the geothermal industry. Some of the denaturants are not compatible with HDPE pipe (for example, solutions denatured with gasoline). Antifreeze Characteristics Selection of the antifreeze solution for closed loop systems require the consideration of many important factors, which have long-term implications on the performance and life of the equipment. Each area of concern leads to a different “best choice” of antifreeze. There is no “perfect” antifreeze. Some of the factors to consider are as follows (Brine = antifreeze solution including water): Safety: The toxicity and flammability of the brine (especially in a pure form). Cost: Prices vary widely. Thermal Performance: The heat transfer and viscosity effect of the brine. Corrosiveness: The brine must be compatible with the system materials. Stability: Will the brine require periodic change out or maintenance? Enertech Global Propylene Glycol: Non-toxic, non-corrosive, mid to high price, poor heat transfer, high viscosity when cold, and can introduce micro air bubbles when adding to the system. It has also been known to form a “slime-type” coating inside the pipe. Food grade glycol is recommended because some of the other types have certain inhibitors that react poorly with geothermal systems. A 25% brine solution is a minimum required by glycol manufacturers, so that bacteria does not start to form. Ethylene Glycol: Considered toxic and is not recommended for use in earth loop applications. GS4 (POTASSIUM ACETATE): Considered highly corrosive (especially if air is present in the system) and has a very low surface tension, which causes leaks through most mechanical fittings. This brine is not recommended for use in earth loop applications. 20 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 6: Antifreeze Figure 6: Antifreeze Specific Gravity 1.0500 1.0400 1.0300 Specific Gravity 1.0200 1.0100 1.0000 0.9900 0.9800 0.9700 0.9600 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 32 Freeze Protection (deg F) Procool Methanol Propylene Glycol Notes: 1. Consult with your representative or distributor if you have any questions regarding antifreeze selection or use. 2. All antifreeze suppliers and manufacturers recommend the use of either de-ionized or distilled water with their products. ⚠ CAUTION ⚠ USE EXTREME CARE WHEN OPENING, POURING, AND MIXING FLAMMABLE ANTIFREEZE SOLUTIONS. REMOTE FLAMES OR ELECTRICAL SPARKS CAN IGNITE UNDILUTED ANTIFREEZES AND VAPORS. USE ONLY IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA. DO NOT SMOKE WHEN HANDLING FLAMMABLE SOLUTIONS. FAILURE TO OBSERVE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS MAY RESULT IN FIRE, INJURY, OR DEATH. NEVER WORK WITH 100% ALCOHOL SOLUTIONS. WT Models, Rev.: B 21 Enertech Global Section 6: Antifreeze Antifreeze Charging Calculate the total amount of pipe in the system and use Table 3a to calculate the amount of volume for each specific section of the system. Add the entire volume together, and multiply that volume by the proper antifreeze percentage needed (Table 3b) for the freeze protection required in your area. Then, double check calculations during installation with the proper hydrometer and specific gravity chart (Figure 6) to determine if the correct amount of antifreeze was added. Table 3a: Pipe Fluid Volume Type Size Copper 1” CTS Copper Copper Volume Per 100ft US Gallons 1.25” CTS Size 4.1 HDPE .75” SDR11 9.2 HDPE 1.25” SDR11 HDPE 1.5” SDR11 9.8 HDPE 2” SDR11 15.4 6.4 1.5” CTS Volume Per 100ft US Gallons Type HDPE 3.0 1” SDR11 4.7 7.5 Additional component volumes: Unit coaxial heat exchanger = 1 Gallon Flush Cart = 8-10 Gallons 10’ of 1” Rubber Hose = 0.4 Gallons Table 3b: Antifreeze Percentages by Volume Type of Antifreeze ProCool (Ethanol) Methanol Propylene Glycol Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF) 10°F (-12.2°C) Minimum Temperature for Freeze Protection 25% 15°F (-9.4°C) 20°F (-6.7°C) 25°F (-3.9°C) 21% 16% 10% 22% 25% 38% 30% 17% 22% 12% 15% Mix according to manufacturer’s directions on container label Antifreeze solutions are shown in pure form - not premixed HTF is a premixed Methanol solution Enertech Global 22 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 7: Desuperheater Installation Desuperheater Installation Units that ship with the desuperheater function must be connected to the water heater/ storage tank with the optionally offered Desuperheater Connection Kit or (as supplied by others) shown on the following sections of this manual. Note: Desuperheater capacity is based on 0.4 GPM Flow per nominal ton at 90°F entering hot water temperature. Note: Units that are shipped with a desuperheater do not have the desuperheater pump wires connected to the electrical circuit, to prevent accidentally running the pump while dry. Pump has to be connected to the electric circuit (master contactor) when the lines from the water heater are installed & air is removed. CONTENTS OF THE DESUPERHEATER FITTING KIT: • (1) p/n 20D052-01NN, Installation Instruc- tions • (1) p/n 33P211-01BN, 3/4”x 3/4”x 3/4” FPT Brass Tee • (1) p/n 33P210-01NN, ¾” Boiler Drain Valve • (1) p/n 11080005001, ¾” MPT x 3-1/2” Brass Nipple • (3) p/n 11080006001, ½” SWT x ¾” MPT Copper Adaptor • (1) p/n 11080007001, ¾” x ¾” x ½” SWT Copper Tee PLUMBING INSTALLATION NOTE: All plumbing and piping connections must comply with local plumbing codes. TIP: Measure the distance above the floor or shelf that the water heater is setting on, to where the drain valve is located. This distance must be greater than one-half the width of the tee you’re about to install, or you won’t be able to thread the tee on to the water heater. 1. Disconnect electricity to water heater. 2. Turn off water supply to water heater. 3. Drain water heater. Open pressure relief valve. 4. Remove drain valve and fitting from water heater. 5. Thread the ¾” MPT x 3-1/2” nipple into the water heater drain port. Use Teflon tape, or pipe dope on threads. 6. Thread the center port of the ¾” brass tee to the other end of the nipple. 7. Thread one of the copper adaptors into the end of the tee closest to the heat pump. 8. Thread the drain valve into the other end of the nipple. See Figure 1. 9. Above the water heater, cut the incoming cold water line. Remove a section of that line to enable the placement of the copper tee. 10. Insert the copper tee in the cold water line. See Figure 2. ⚠ WARNING ⚠ TO AVOID SERIOUS INJURY, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT AN ANTI-SCALD MIXING VALVE IS INSTALLED ON THE HOT WATER SUPPLY LINE INTO THE HOME. EVEN THOUGH HOT WATER TANK TEMPERATURES COULD APPEAR TO BE SET AT LOWER LEVELS, HIGH TEMPERATURE WATER FROM THE DESUPERHEATER COULD RAISE TANK TEMPERATURES TO UNSAFE LEVELS. WT Models, Rev.: B 11. Thread the remaining two ½”SWT x ¾”MPT copper adaptors into the ¾” FPT fittings on the heat pump, marked HWG IN and HWG OUT. 12. Run interconnecting ½” copper pipe from the HOT WATER OUT on the heat pump, to the copper adaptor located on the tee at the bottom of the water heater. 13. Run interconnecting ½” copper pipe from the HOT WATER IN on the heat pump, to the copper tee in the cold water line. 23 Enertech Global Section 7: Desuperheater Installation 14. Install an air vent fitting at the highest point of the line from step 13 (assuming it’s the higher of the two lines from the heat pump to the water heater). 18. Loosen the screw on the end of the despuerheater pump to purge the air from the pump’s rotor housing. A steady drip of water will indicate the air is removed. Tighten the screw and the pump can be connected to the contactor or teminal block. 15. Shut off the valve installed in the desuperheater line close to the tee in the cold water line. Open the air vent and all shut off valves installed in the “hot water hot”. 19. Install 3/8” closed cell insulation on the lines connecting the heat pump to the water heater. 16. Turn the water supply to the water heater on. Fill water heater. Open highest hot water faucet to purge air from tank and piping. 20. Reconnect electricity to water heater. 17. Flush the interconnecting lines, and check for leaks. Make sure air vent is shoutoff when water begins to drip steadily from the vent. Figure 10: Water Heater Connection Kit Assembly for Bottom of Water Heater NOTE: Drawing shown vertically for detail. Fitting installs horizontally into hot water tank. Connection to Hot Water Tank Copper Tee For Domestic Cold Water In Line Drain Brass Tee Adapter to Unit Water Line Enertech Global 24 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 7: Desuperheater Installation Figure 8: Typical Desuperheater Installation Cold Water Hot Water Supply Air Vent Located at System High Point Shutoff Valves Water Heater (or Storage Tank) Heat Pump Drain Valve Shutoff Valves Desuperheater Out Desuperheater In 2” Polyethylene Equipment Pad Figure 9: Desuperheater Installation in Preheat Tank Hot Water Cold Water Supply Water Heater No. 2 (or Storage Tank) Cold Water Supply Air Vent Located at System High Point Shutoff Valves Hot Water Water Heater No. 1 (or Storage Tank) Heat Pump Drain Valve WT Models, Rev.: B Drain Valve Shutoff Valves Desuperheater Out Desuperheater In 2” Polyethylene Equipment Pad 25 Enertech Global Section 8: Controls MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES AND OPERATION Enertech Global geothermal heat pump controls provide a unique modular approach for controlling heat pump operation. The control system uses one, two, or three printed circuit boards, depending upon the features of a particular unit. This approach simplifies installation and troubleshooting, and eliminates features that are not applicable for some units. solenoid valve, or a 24VAC solenoid valve with an end switch. Additional field wiring is no longer required for operation of the end switch. A microprocessor-based printed circuit board controls the inputs to the unit as well as outputs for status mode, faults, and diagnostics. A status LED and an LED for each fault is provided for diagnostics. Removable low voltage terminal strips provide all necessary terminals for field connections. Not only are the thermostat inputs included, but there are also removable terminal strips for all of the accessory wiring for ease of installation and troubleshooting. Startup/Random Start The unit will not operate until all the inputs and safety controls are checked for normal conditions. At first power-up, the compressor is energized after a five minute delay. In addition, a zero to sixty second random start delay is added at first power-up to avoid multiple units from being energized at the same time. Short Cycle Protection A built-in five minute anti-short cycle timer provides short cycle protection of the compressor. Component Sequencing Delays Components are sequenced and delayed for optimum space conditioning performance and to make any startup noise less noticeable. Test Mode The microprocessor control allows the technician to shorten most timing delays for faster diagnostics by changing the position of a jumper located on the lockout board. Water Solenoid Valve Connections Two accessory relay outputs at the terminal strip provide a field connection for two types of water solenoid valves, a standard 24VAC Enertech Global Loop Pump Circuit Breakers The loop pump(s) and desuperheater pump on single compressor units are protected by control box mounted circuit breakers for easy wiring of pumps during installation. Dual compressor units only protect the desuperheater pump but do not protect the loop or load side pumps. All loop and load side pumps must be wired externally using relays and circuit breakers supplied by others. Circuit breakers eliminate the need to replace fuses. Safety Controls The control receives separate signals for high pressure, low pressure, and low water flow. Upon a continuous 30-second measurement of the fault (immediate for high pressure), compressor operation is suspended (see Fault Retry below), and the appropriate LED flashes. Once the unit is locked out (see Fault Retry below), an output (terminal “L”) is made available to a fault LED at the thermostat (water-to-water unit has fault LED on the corner post). Low Pressure: If the low pressure switch is open for 30 continuous seconds, the compressor operation will be interrupted, and the control will go into fault retry mode. At startup, the low pressure switch is not monitored for 90 seconds to avoid nuisance faults. High Pressure: If the high pressure switch opens, the compressor operation will be interrupted, and the control will go into fault retry mode. There is no delay from the time the switch opens and the board goes into fault retry mode. There is also no delay of switch monitoring at startup. Flow Switch: If the flow switch is open for 30 continuous seconds, the compressor operation will be interrupted, and the control will go into fault retry mode. At startup, the flow switch is not monitored for 30 seconds to avoid nuisance faults. FAULT RETRY 26 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 8: Controls All faults are retried twice before finally locking the unit out. The fault retry feature is designed to prevent nuisance service calls. There is an antishort cycle period between fault retries. On the third fault, the board will go into lockout mode. Over/Under Voltage Shutdown The lockout board protects the compressor from operating when an over/under voltage condition exists. The control monitors secondary voltage (24VAC) to determine if an over/under voltage condition is occurring on the primary side of the transformer. For example, if the secondary voltage is 18VAC, the primary voltage for a 240V unit would be approximately 180V, which is below the minimum voltage (197V) recommended by the compressor manufacturer. Under voltage (<18VAC) causes the compressor to disengage and restart when the voltage returns to >20VAC. Over voltage (>31VAC) causes the compressor to disengage and restart when the voltage returns to <29VAC. When an O/U Voltage condition occurs, the board will initiate a fault, shut down the compressor, and start the five minute ASC Table 4a: LED Identification period. All four fault LEDs will flash (HP + LP + FS + CO) and the thermostat “Call For Service” indicator will be illuminated. This feature is self-resetting. If voltage returns to normal range normal operation will resume if/when the ASC period is over (except if in lockout mode). If voltage is still out of range at the end of the ASC period the control will execute a Fault Retry. On the third fault within 30 minutes, the board will go into lockout mode and illuminate the “Call For Service” indicator. When normal operation is restored the four fault LED’s will stop flashing and the “Call For Service” indicator will turn off. Intelligent Reset If the thermostat is powered off and back on (soft reset), the board will reset, but the last fault will be stored in memory for ease of troubleshooting. If power is interrupted to the board, the fault memory will be cleared. Diagnostics The lockout board includes five LEDs (status, high pressure, low pressure, low water flow, condensate overflow) for fast and simple control board diagnosis. Below is a table showing LED function. LED Color Location1 Function Normal Operation Fault Retry2 Lockout2 Green Top High Pressure OFF Flashing 3 ON3 Orange 2nd Low Pressure OFF Flashing3 ON3 Red 3rd Water Flow OFF Flashing3 ON3 Yellow Green Not applicable on water-to-water units Bottom Status Flashing4 Flashing5 Flashing4 Notes: 1. Looking at the board when the LEDs are on the right hand side 2. If all five lights are flashing, the fault is over/under voltage 3. Only the light associated with the particular fault/lockout will be on or flashing. For example, if a high pressure lockout has occurred, the top green light will be on. The orange, red, and yellow lights will be off 4. Status lights will be off when in test mode 5. Flashes alternately with the fault LED WT Models, Rev.: B 27 Enertech Global Section 8: Controls Hot Water Pump Control Controls for high water temperature and low compressor discharge line temperature prevent the hot water (desuperheater) pump from operating when the leaving water temperature is above 130°F, or when the compressor discharge line is too cool to provide adequate water heating. include power company transformer selection, insufficient entrance wire sizing, defective breaker panel, incorrect transformer tap (unit control box), or other power-related issues. Figure 10a: Lockout Board Layout CCG Lockout Board Jumper Selection The lockout board includes three jumpers for field selection of various board features. CC Lockout Board Water Solenoid Valve Delay (WSD): When the WSD jumper is installed, the “A” terminal is energized when the compressor is energized. When the jumper is removed, the “A” terminal is energized 10 seconds after the compressor. If using the Taco water solenoid valve (or a valve with an end switch), the unit terminal strip includes a means for connecting a valve of this type. The WSD jumper should be installed. If using a fast opening valve without an end switch, the jumper should be removed. A C R Y L O WSD TEST O/V HP HP LP LP FS FS CO CO Status SEQUENCE OF OPERATION: Water-to-Water Units, Single Compressor Test Mode (TEST): When the TEST jumper is installed, the board operates in the normal mode. When the jumper is removed, the board operates in test mode, which speeds up all delays for easier troubleshooting. When service is complete, the jumper must be re-installed in order to make sure that the unit operates with normal sequencing delays. While test jumper is removed, the status (bottom green light) will remain off. Heating (Y1) Water-to-Water Units, Single Compressor Heating first stage (Y1) The compressor (first stage) and loop/ desuperheater pump(s) are energized 10 seconds after the “Y1” input is received. Over/Under Voltage Disable (O/V): When the O/V jumper is installed, the over/under voltage feature is active. When the jumper is removed, the over/under voltage feature is disabled. On rare occasions, variations in voltage will be outside the range of the over/under voltage feature, which may require removal of the jumper. However, removal of the jumper could cause the unit to run under adverse conditions, and therefore should not be removed without contacting technical services. An over/under voltage condition could cause premature component failure or damage to the unit controls. Any condition that would cause this fault must be thoroughly investigated before taking any action regarding the jumper removal. Likely causes of an over/under voltage condition Enertech Global R2 R1 C2 C1 Heating second stage (Y1, Y2) The compressor solenoid is energized immediately upon receiving a “Y2” input, switching the compressor to full load. Cooling Operation The reversing valve is energized for cooling operation. Terminal “O” is connected to the reversing valve solenoid. Cooling first stage (Y1, O) The compressor (first stage) and loop/ desuperheater pump(s) are energized 10 seconds after the “Y1” input is received. Cooling second stage (Y1, Y2, O) The compressor solenoid is energized immediately upon receiving a “Y2” input, switching the compressor to full load. 28 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 8: Controls SEQUENCE OF OPERATION: Water-to-Water Units, Dual Two-Stage Compressors (WT092 Only) SEQUENCE OF OPERATION: Water-to-Water Units, Dual Single Stage Compressors (WT120 & WT144 Only) Heating first stage (Y1) Compressor A is energized in first stage 10 seconds after the “Y1” input is received. Compressor B is energized in first stage 10 seconds after Compressor A. Heating first stage (Y1) Compressor A is energized 10 seconds after the “Y1” input is received. Heating second stage (Y1, Y2) Both compressor solenoids are energized immediately upon receiving a “Y2” input, switching the compressors to full load. Cooling Operation The reversing valve is energized for cooling operation. Terminal “O” is connected to the reversing valve solenoid. Cooling first stage (Y1, O) Compressor A is energized in first stage 10 seconds after the “Y1” input is received. Compressor B is energized in first stage 10 seconds after Compressor A. Cooling second stage (Y1, Y2, O) Both compressor solenoids are energized immediately upon receiving a “Y2” input, switching the compressors to full load. WT Models, Rev.: B Heating second stage (Y1, Y2) Compressor B is energized 10 seconds after the “Y2” input is received. Compressor A remains energized. Cooling Operation The reversing valve is energized for cooling operation. Terminal “O” is connected to the reversing valve solenoid. Cooling first stage (Y1, O) Compressor A is energized 10 seconds after the “Y1” input is received. Cooling second stage (Y1, Y2, O) Compressor B is energized 10 seconds after the “Y2” input is received. Compressor A remains energized. 29 Enertech Global MPH Series Section 8: Controls/Hydronic Air Handler HYDRONIC AIR HANDLER: ECM fan/hydronic chilled water/hot water coil Thermostat Wiring / Fan Speed Notes For two-stage thermostats, use both Y1 and Y2. For single stage thermostats, jumper Y1 and Y2, and use the “CFM Y2” column in table 6b for determining jumper location. The ECM control board in the air handler is the thermostat connection point. Wire nut the thermostat wiring to the leads connected to the 1/4” spades on the ECM board. dehumidification is needed, or if the HUM terminal is not connected (and the resistor is cut), the air handler will operate at a lower fan speed in cooling and normal fan speed in heating. Figure 10b: ECM Board (Air Handler Board) CUT TO ENABLE DEHUMIDIFY D C B A COOL For dehumidification in cooling, cut the resistor at the “DEHUMIDIFY” LED. Use either the HUM terminal (reverse logic -- designed to be used with a humidistat) to lower the fan speed when D C B A TEST (-) (+) NORM CFM HEAT ADJUST ECM Control Board (MPD series) Low Voltage Connection to ECM Motor G Y1 Y2 O W1 EM C1 R HUM Table 4b: MPH Air Handler Fan Speeds Model Number WT036 with MPH024A Change to: COOL Jumper B HEAT Jumper B ADJUST Jumper Norm WT036 with MPH036A Ships Set On: COOL Jumper C HEAT Jumper C ADJUST Jumper Norm WT048 with MPH060B Change to: COOL Jumper C HEAT Jumper C ADJUST Jumper Norm WT060 with MPH060B Ships Set On: COOL Jumper B HEAT Jumper B ADJUST Jumper Norm High SPD CFM Y2 Low SPD CFM Y1 FAN G COOL Jumper HEAT Jumper ADJUST Jumper .40” .60” .80” .40” .60” .80” .40” .60” .80” A A Norm 930 930 920 830 820 810 420 410 410 B B Norm 930 920 890 770 750 730 380 370 360 C C Norm 870 860 820 710 700 670 360 350 330 D D Norm 870 840 810 700 680 650 350 340 330 A A + 930 930 920 930 930 920 470 460 460 B B + 930 930 900 880 860 830 440 430 420 C C + 930 930 890 810 800 760 410 400 380 D D + 930 930 890 800 780 750 400 390 370 A A Norm 1556 1556 1508 1448 1448 1428 567 539 502 B B Norm 1547 1547 1518 1239 1239 1227 476 433 407 C C Norm 1312 1308 1308 1012 1006 1006 396 349 302 D D Norm 1150 1145 1139 880 873 865 322 288 N/A A A + 1556 1556 1508 1566 1566 1518 674 633 619 B B + 1547 1547 1518 1428 1428 1428 558 529 493 C C + 1528 1520 1486 1156 1156 1156 450 404 377 D D + 1317 1317 1317 1024 1020 1006 395 345 302 A A Norm 2180 2170 2116 1810 1810 1784 1157 1137 1137 B B Norm 2015 2015 2004 1678 1678 1664 1087 1087 1045 C C Norm 1710 1701 1693 1407 1407 1396 953 934 905 D D Norm 1567 1567 1546 1318 1304 1274 911 989 962 A A + 2243 2170 2116 1885 1860 1823 1289 1271 1253 B B + 2232 2170 2105 1897 1873 1848 1215 1203 1191 C C + 1937 1921 1914 1612 1612 1603 1032 1017 981 D D + 1809 1795 1752 1493 1488 1467 1003 978 945 NOTES: 1. Dehumidification mode can be enabled by cutting the jumper on the ECM board. When cut, cooling CFM is reduced by 15%, and heating/auxiliary heat CFM remains unchanged. Example: Model 036 with HEAT and COOL jumpers on C setting and ADJUST jumper on Norm setting would run at 1115 CFM with jumper cut, instead of 1308 CFM with jumper intact. 1. Gray shaded areas are recommended settings. Other settings may be used, depending upon application. DO NOT cut dehumidification jumper if CFM setting will cause airflow to be below 250 CFM per ton on first stage, and below 325 CFM per ton on second stage. Example: Model 036 should not run below 750 CFM in first stage, or below 975 CFM in second stage. 2. The COOL and HEAT jumpers should both be set at the same position. COOL controls heating and cooling airflow; HEAT controls electric heat airflow. 3. Above CFM will be maintained up to 0.50” ESP for models MPH024 and 036, and up to 0.75” ESP for models MPH048 and 60. Enertech Global 30 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 8: Controls Water-to-Water Unit, Two-Stage, Single Compressor Wiring Diagram Note: On units lower than 8 tons, load side pumping is handled via connection to the loop pump terminals (i.e. the loop and load pumps can be powered from the unit as long as no more than three UP26-116 pumps are connected total (loop and load side). 2 STAGE AQUASTAT R1 WT Models, Rev.: B Y1 Y2 31 Enertech Global Section 8: Controls Water-to-Water Unit, Two-Stage, Dual Two-Stage Compressor Wiring Diagram Note: Units 8 tons and larger are considered “commercial” size units and all pumping is handled from a separate electrical circuit outside of the unit Enertech Global 32 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 8: Controls Water-to-Water Unit, Two-Stage, Dual Single Stage Compressor Wiring Diagram Note: Units 8 tons and larger are considered “commercial” size units and all pumping is handled from a separate electrical circuit outside of the unit WT Models, Rev.: B 33 Enertech Global Section 8: Controls Water-to-Water Unit, Single, Two Stage Compressor, Three Phase, 460V, 60 HZ Wiring Diagram 2 STAGE AQUASTAT R1 Enertech Global Y1 Y2 34 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 8: Controls Water-to-Water Unit, Two-Stage or Single Stage Compressor, Three Phase , 60HZ Wiring Diagram WT Models, Rev.: B 35 Enertech Global Section 8: Controls Water-to-Water Unit, Dual Two Stage Compressors, Three Phase, 60 HZ Wiring Diagram Note: Units 8 tons and larger are considered “commercial” size units and all pumping is handled from a separate electrical circuit outside of the unit Enertech Global 36 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 8: Controls Water-to-Water Unit, Dual Single Stage Compressors, Three Phase , 60HZ Wiring Diagram Note: Units 8 tons and larger are considered “commercial” size units and all pumping is handled from a separate electrical circuit outside of the unit WT Models, Rev.: B 37 Enertech Global Section 8: Controls Water-to-Water Unit, Dual Two-Stage Compressors, Three Phase , 460V, 60HZ Wiring Diagram Note: Units 8 tons and larger are considered “commercial” size units and all pumping is handled from a separate electrical circuit outside of the unit Enertech Global 38 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 8: Controls Water-to-Water Unit, Dual Single Stage Compressors, Three Phase, 460V, 60 HZ Wiring Diagram Note: Units 8 tons and larger are considered “commercial” size units and all pumping is handled from a separate electrical circuit outside of the unit WT Models, Rev.: B 39 Enertech Global EQUIPMENT START-UP FORM Customer Name:_________________________________________________________________ Customer Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Model #:__________________________________________ Serial #:____________________________________________ Dealer Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Distributor Name:_____________________________________________ Start-up Date:____________________________ Loop Type: Open Closed (Circle One) Flow Rate Cooling Heating Cut along this line Source Water Pressure In Source Water Pressure Out Source Water Pressure Drop Flow Rate *Check pressure drop chart for GPM PSI PSI PSI GPM Unit Electrical Data PSI PSI PSI GPM Line Voltage Total Unit Amps Compressor Amps Wire Size Circuit Breaker Size Source Water Temp. Difference Cooling Heating Heat of Rejection/Extraction Cooling Heating Source Water Temperature In Source Water Temperature Out Source Water Temperature Difference Heat of Rejection Heat Of Extraction ºF ºF ºF BTU/HR Cooling V A A GA A Heating A A ºF ºF ºF BTU/HR Heat of Extraction/Rejection = GPM X Water Temp. Difference X 500 (Water - Open Loop) Heat of Extraction/Rejection = GPM X Water Temp. Difference X 485 (Water & Antifreeze - Closed Loop) Load Water Temp. Difference Load Water Temperature In Load Water Temperature Out Load Water Temperature Difference Air Temperature Difference Cooling ºF ºF ºF Cooling Supply Air Temperature ºF ºF Return Air Temperature ºF Air Temp. Difference *Confirm auxiliary heaters are de-energized for the above readings. Heating ºF ºF ºF Heating Auxiliary Heat Operation Only Heating Auxiliary Heat Electrical Data Heating Supply Air Temperature Return Air Temperature Air Temp. Difference Line Voltage Total Amperage (Full kW - All Stages) Wire Size Breaker Size CFM = (Watts X 3.413) ÷ (Air Temp. Difference X 1.08) Watts = Volts X Auxiliary Heater Amps ºF ºF ºF ºF ºF ºF V A GA A Installer/Technician:____________________________________________ Date:________________________ Equipment Start-Up Process Check the following before power is applied to the equipment Caution: Do not start-up the unit until the new structure is ready to be occupied Electrical: Geothermal unit high voltage wiring is installed correctly Geothermal unit high voltage wiring and breaker are the correct size Auxiliary electric heaters are wired and installed correctly Circulating pumps are wired and fused (if necessary) correctly Desuperheater pump is NOT wired, unless piping is complete and all air is purged Low voltage wiring is correct and completely installed Plumbing: Pipe and pump sizes are correct Air is purged from all lines Antifreeze is installed All valves are open, including those on the flow center Condensate is trapped and piped to the drain Ductwork: Filter is installed and clean Packaging is removed from the blower assembly Blower turns freely Canvas connections installed on supply plenum & return drop Equipment Start-Up 1. Energize geothermal unit with high voltage. 2. Set the thermostat to “Heat” or “Cool.” Adjust set point to energize the unit. System will energize after delays expire (typically a five minute delay). 3. Check water flow with a flow meter (non-pressurized) or pressure drop conversion (pressurized). Pressure drop tables must be used to convert the pressure drop to GPM. The pressure drop can be obtained by checking water pressure in and water pressure out at the P/T ports. 4. Check the geothermal unit’s electrical readings listed in the Unit Electrical Data table. 5. Check the source water temperature in and out at the P/T ports (use insertion probe). Allow 10 minutes of operation before recording temperature drop. 6. Calculate the heat of extraction or heat of rejection. 7. Check the temperature difference of the load coax (water-to-water) or air coil (water-to-air). P/T ports are recommended for use on the load side, but the line temperatures can be used to check the temperature difference. 8. Change the mode of the thermostat and adjust the set point to energize the unit. Check the data in opposite mode as the previous tests. Amp draws as well as temperature differences and flow rate should be recorded. 9. Check auxiliary heat operation by adjusting the thermostat set point 5°F above the room temperature in “Heat” mode or set thermostat to “Emergency." Record voltage, amperage, and air temperature difference. Section 10: Troubleshooting PERFORMANCE CHECK: Heat of Extraction(HE)/Rejection(HR) Record information on the Unit Start-up Form Equipment should be in operation for a minimum of 10 minutes in either mode – WITH THE HOT WATER GENERATOR TURNED OFF. A 10% variance from Spec Manual is allowed. Always use the same pressure gauge & temperature measuring device. Water flow must be in range of Specification Manual. If system has too much water flow, performance problems should be expected 1. Determine flow rate in gallons per minute a. Check entering water temperature b. Check entering water pressure c. Check leaving water pressure Once this information is recorded, find corresponding entering water temperature column in Specification Manual for unit. Find pressure differential in PSI column in Spec Manual. Then read the GPM column in Spec Manual to determine flow in GPM. 2. Check leaving water temperature of unit. FORMULA: GPM x water temp diff, x 485 (antifreeze) or 500 (fresh water) = HE or HR in BTU/HR Enertech Global 42 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 10: Troubleshooting A: UNIT WILL NOT START IN EITHER CYCLE Thermostat Set thermostat on heating and highest temperature setting. Unit should run. Set thermostat on cooling and lowest temperature setting. Unit should run. Set fan to On position. Fan should run. If unit does not run in any position, disconnect wires at heat pump terminal block and jump R, G, Y. Unit should run in heating. If unit runs, replace thermostat with correct thermostat only. Loose or broken wires Tighten or replace wires. Blown Fuse/ Tripped Circuit Breakers Check fuse size, replace fuse or reset circuit breaker. Check low voltage circuit breaker. Low Voltage Circuit Check 24 volt transformer. If burned out or less than 24 volt, replace. Before replacing, verify tap setting and correct if necessary. Water Flow (runs for 30 sec) If water flow is low (less than 3.5 GPM), unit will not start. Make sure Pump Module or solenoid valve is connected (see wiring diagram). Water has to flow through the heat exchanger in the right direction (see labels at water fitting connections) before the compressor can start. If water flow is at normal flow, use an ohmmeter to check if you get continuity at the flow switch. If no switch is open and flow is a normal flow, remove switch and check for stuck particles or bad switch. B: UNIT RUNNING NORMAL, BUT SPACE TEMPERATURE IS UNSTABLE Thermostat Thermostat is getting a draft of cold or warm air. Make sure that the wall or hole used to run thermostat wire from the ceiling or basement is sealed, so no draft can come to the thermostat. Faulty Thermostat (Replace). C: NO WATER FLOW Pump Module Make sure Pump Module is connected to the control box relay (check all electrical connections). For nonpressurized systems, check water level in Pump Module. If full of water, check pump. Close valve on the pump flanges and loosen pump. Take off pump and see if there is an obstruction in the pump. If pump is defective, replace. For pressurized systems, check loop pressure. Repressurize if necessary. May require re-flushing if there is air in the loop. Solenoid valve Make sure solenoid valve is connected. Check solenoid. If defective, replace. D: IN HEATING OR COOLING MODE, UNIT OUTPUT IS LOW Water Water flow & temperature insufficient. Load Side Flow Check speed setting, check nameplate or data manual for proper speed, and correct speed setting. Check for dirty air filter—Clean or replace. Restricted or leaky ductwork. Repair. Refrigerant charge Refrigerant charge low, causing inefficient operation. Make adjustments only after airflow and water flow are checked. Reversing valve Defective reversing valve can create bypass of refrigerant to suction side of compressor. Switch reversing valve to heating and cooling mode rapidly. If problem is not resolved, replace valve. Wrap the valve with a wet cloth and direct the heat away from the valve. Excessive heat can damage the valve. Always use dry nitrogen when brazing. Replace filter/drier any time the circuit is opened. E: IN HEATING OR COOLING MODE, UNIT OUTPUT IS LOW Heat pump will not cool but will heat. Heat pump will not heat but will cool. Reversing valve does not shift. Check reversing valve wiring. If wired wrong, correct wiring. If reversing valve is stuck, replace valve. Wrap the valve with a wet cloth and direct the heat away from the valve. Excessive heat can damage the valve. Always use dry nitrogen when brazing. Replace filter/drier any time the circuit is opened. Water heat exchanger Check for high-pressure drop, or low temperature drop across the coil. It could be scaled. If scaled, clean with condenser coil cleaner. System undersized Recalculate conditioning load. F: WATER HEAT EXCHANGER FREEZES IN HEATING MODE Water flow Low water flow. Increase flow. See F. No water flow. Flow Switch Check switch. If defective, replace. G: EXCESSIVE HEAD PRESSURE IN COOLING MODE Inadequate water flow WT Models, Rev.: B Low water flow, increase flow. 43 Enertech Global Section 10: Troubleshooting H: EXCESSIVE HEAD PRESSURE IN HEATING MODE Load Side Flow See E: Noisy blower and low air flow. I: WATER DRIPPING FROM UNIT Unit not level Level unit. Condensation drain line plugged Unplug condensation line. Water sucking off the air coil in cooling mode Too much airflow. Duct work not completely installed. If duct work is not completely installed, finish duct work. Check static pressure and compare with air flow chart in spec manual under specific models section. If ductwork is completely installed it may be necessary to reduce CFM. Water sucking out of the drain pan Install an EZ-Trap or P-Trap on the drain outlet so blower cannot suck air back through the drain outlet. Enertech Global 44 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 10: Troubleshooting J: COMPRESSOR WON’T START Check for proper compressor nameplate voltage. OK Does Compressor draw current when voltage is Yes applied. Are the suction & discharge pressures balanced. No Attempt to restart the compressor OK Check voltage supply & contactor operation. OK No Check motor resistance. (See Note B) Allow time for compressor to balance. OK Voltage supply is too low. Yes Allow time for the protector to reset. No Compressor Connection Block Is the voltage 197 or higher when the compressor is trying to start. Yes C Yes OK Recheck Resistance R Not OK OK Allow to start the compressor while measuring voltage on the load side of the contactor. Not OK Is the compressor hot? No Check the wiring, capacitor & contactor operation. (See Note A) Yes If the compressor fails to start after 3 attempts, replace the compressor. S Single Phase 208-230 C = Line Winding R = Run Winding S = Start Winding Replace Compressor A: Check all terminals, wires & connections for loose or burned wires and connections. Check contactor and 24 Volt coil. Check capacitor connections & check capacitor with capacitor tester. B: If ohm meter reads 0 (short) resistance from C to S, S to R, R to C or from anyone of one of these terminals to ground (shorted to ground), compressor is bad. K: COMPRESSOR WON’T PUMP CHART Is th e c o m p re s s o r ru n n in g ? Y es M e a s u re & re c o rd th e a m p s , v o lts, s u c ti o n & d is c h a rg e p re s s u re . OK D o e s th e u n it h a v e a re frig e ra n t c h a rg e ? S h u t th e u n it d o w n & re v e rse th e p h a sin g (3 - P h a s e O n ly ) OK No No R e fe r to th e c o m p re s s o r w o n 't sta rt flo w c h a rt. Y es C h e c k & v e rify th e ru n c a p a c ito r A d d re frig e ra n t to th e s y ste m . OK If th e c o m p re s s o r s till w o n 't p u m p re p la c e c o m p re s s o r. WT Models, Rev.: B 45 OK C h e c k th e o p e ra tio n o f th e re v e rs in g v a lv e . Enertech Global Section 10: Troubleshooting Table 6: Refrigeration Troubleshooting Mode Discharge Pressure Suction Pressure Superheat Subcooling Air TD Water TD Compressor Amps Heat Low Low High Low Low Low Low Cool Low Low High Low Low Low Low Heat High High/Normal Normal High High Normal High Cool High High/Normal Normal High Normal High High Heat High High/Normal Normal High/Normal High Low High Cool Low Low/Normal Low Normal High Low High/Normal Low Source Water Flow Heat Low Low/Normal Low Normal High Low High/Normal Cool High High/Normal Normal High/Normal High Low High Low Load Water Flow Heat High High/Normal Normal High/Normal High Low High Cool Low Low/Normal Low Normal High Low High/Normal Heat High Low High High Low Low Low Cool High Low High High Low Low Low Heat Low High/Normal Low Low Low Low High Cool Low High/Normal Low Low Low Low High Heat Low High High/Normal Low/Normal Low Low Low Cool Low High High/Normal Low/Normal Low Low Low System Faults Under Charge Over Charge Low Air Flow Restricted TXV TXV Stuck Open Inadequate Compression Superheat/Subcooling Conditions Superheat Subcooling Condition Normal Normal Normal operation Normal High Overcharged High Low Undercharged High High Restriction or TXV is stuck almost closed Low Low TXV is stuck open Enertech Global 46 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 10: Troubleshooting Table 4: Typical R-410A Unit Superheat/Subcooling Values Source EWT °F Source Flow Load Flow GPM/Ton GPM/Ton 1.5 30 3.0 3.0 1.5 50 3.0 3.0 1.5 70 3.0 3.0 1.5 90 3.0 3.0 Source EWT °F Source Flow Load Flow GPM/Ton GPM/Ton 1.5 50 3.0 3.0 1.5 70 3.0 3.0 1.5 90 3.0 3.0 1.5 110 3.0 3.0 WT Models, Rev.: B Load EWT Discharge °F 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 PSIG 318-363 365-411 438-488 291-332 334-377 402-447 330-376 378-426 455-506 302-344 346-390 417-463 344-390 394-442 474-525 315-357 361-405 434-480 356-403 408-457 490-543 326-369 374-418 450-496 Load EWT Discharge °F 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 PSIG 193-252 193-252 193-252 176-231 176-231 176-231 266-312 266-312 266-312 243-286 243-286 243-286 346-393 349-396 352-399 316-359 319-362 322-366 444-495 448-500 452-504 407-453 411-457 415-461 Full Load Heating-No Hot Water Generation Source Water Subcooling Superheat Temp Drop PSIG °F °F °F 49-84 11-26 6-14 7-11 51-86 10-25 5-13 7-11 53-89 8-24 4-13 5-10 56-89 6-20 7-13 3-8 58-92 5-20 5-12 3-8 60-95 3-18 4-12 2-7 77-110 12-28 6-13 11-15 79-114 11-27 4-12 10-15 82-117 9-26 4-12 9-13 86-118 7-22 9-14 5-10 89-122 6-21 7-13 5-10 92-125 4-20 7-13 4-9 106-141 13-29 6-15 15-20 109-145 12-27 5-14 14-19 113-150 11-27 4-15 13-17 118-151 8-23 11-18 8-13 122-156 7-22 10-17 7-13 125-161 5-21 10-18 6-12 134-172 15-29 9-18 19-24 138-178 13-27 7-17 19-23 142-183 12-27 7-18 17-21 149-185 9-24 16-23 10-16 154-191 8-22 15-22 9-15 158-197 6-21 14-23 8-12 Load Water Temp Rise °F 4-9 4-9 4-8 5-10 5-10 4-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 7-12 7-12 6-12 8-13 8-12 8-12 9-15 9-15 9-14 11-15 10-15 10-14 11-17 11-17 11-15 Full Load Cooling-No Hot Water Generation Source Water Suction Subcooling Superheat Temp Rise PSIG °F °F °F 58-94 12-28 5-16 13-19 65-100 12-28 5-15 14-20 71-107 12-28 5-15 15-22 66-100 8-23 6-15 6-11 73-107 7-23 7-16 6-12 80-114 7-23 7-16 7-13 62-96 14-26 4-14 13-19 68-102 13-26 4-14 14-20 75-109 13-26 4-14 15-21 69-103 8-21 6-14 6-11 77-109 8-20 7-14 6-12 84-117 8-20 7-14 7-12 64-98 12-27 4-13 13-19 71-104 12-28 5-13 14-20 78-111 12-28 5-13 15-21 72-104 7-22 6-13 6-11 80-111 7-22 7-13 6-11 87-119 7-23 7-14 7-12 67-102 9-25 3-12 13-19 74-109 10-26 3-12 13-20 82-116 10-26 3-12 14-21 75-109 4-20 5-12 6-11 83-116 4-20 5-13 6-11 91-124 4-21 6-13 6-12 Load Water Temp Drop °F 4-9 4-9 5-10 5-10 5-10 6-11 4-9 4-9 5-10 4-9 5-10 5-10 3-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-9 5-10 3-7 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-8 4-9 Suction 47 Enertech Global Section 10: Forms - Troubleshooting Customer/Job Name:____________________________________________ Date:________________________________ Model #:__________________________________________ Serial #:____________________________________________ HE or HR = GPM x TD x Fluid Factor (Use 500 for water; 485 for antifreeze) Antifreeze Type:____________________________________ °F psi °F Liquid line (heating) Load IN GPM To suction line bulb °F Liquid line (cooling) SH = Suction Temp. - Suction Sat. SC = Disch. Sat. - Liq. Line Temp. To suction line Filter Drier TXV For water-to-water units substitute a second coaxial heat exchanger for the air coil. Air Coil Load Coax °F psi psi °F Suction Line (saturation) °F Suction temp Reversing Valve psi °F Discharge Line (saturation) °F Condenser Suction Evaporator Evaporator Suction Condenser Heating Mode psi Optional desuperheater installed in discharge line (always disconnect during troubleshooting) Source (loop) IN Cooling Mode Source Coax GPM Discharge Discharge °F Diagram A: Water-to-Water Unit (Cooling Mode) psi Source (loop) OUT °F psi °F Liquid line (heating) Load IN GPM To suction line bulb °F Liquid line (cooling) To suction line Filter Drier TXV For water-to-water units substitute a second coaxial heat exchanger for the air coil. Air Coil Load Coax °F psi psi °F Suction Line (saturation) °F Suction temp Reversing Valve psi °F Discharge Line (saturation) °F Condenser Suction Evaporator Evaporator Heating Mode Suction Load OUT Condenser Cut along this line Load OUT Optional desuperheater installed in discharge line (always disconnect during troubleshooting) psi Source (loop) IN Cooling Mode GPM Discharge Source Coax Discharge °F Diagram B: Water-to-Water Unit (Heating Mode) Enertech Global 48 psi Source (loop) OUT WT Models, Rev.: B 20D237‐02NN: WT Electrical Data Section 11: Unit Electrical Data Model Voltage Code/ HWG Option Volts Phase LRA RLA HWG Pump FLA WT036 00 01 10 11 20 21 30/35 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 460 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 83.1 83.1 41.0 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 14.0 14.0 6.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 Ext. Loop Pump FLA 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 WT048 00 01 10 11 20 21 30/35 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 460 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 152.9 152.9 152.9 152.9 110.0 110.0 52.0 27.1 27.1 27.1 27.1 16.5 16.5 7.2 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 WT060 00 01 10 11 20 21 30/35 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 460 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 179.2 179.2 179.2 179.2 136.0 136.0 66.1 29.7 29.7 29.7 29.7 17.6 17.6 8.5 WT092 00 01 10 11 20 21 30/35 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 460 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 152.9 ea. 152.9 ea. 152.9 ea. 152.9 ea. 110.0 ea. 110.0 ea. 52.0 ea. WT120 00 01 10 11 20 21 30/35 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 208/230 460 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 178.0 ea. 178.0 ea. 178.0 ea. 178.0 ea. 136.0 ea. 136.0 ea. 66.1 ea. WT144 20 21 30/35 208/230 208/230 460 3 3 3 60 Hz Power Compressor Min Total Circuit Unit FLA AMPS Max Fuse HACR Min AWG Max Ft 21.2 21.7 25.2 25.7 14.0 14.5 6.4 26.5 27.0 30.5 31.0 17.5 18.0 8.0 45 45 50 50 30 30 10 10 10 8 8 14 14 14 78 76 101 99 46 44 100 0.0 0.0 5.5 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.1 27.6 32.6 33.1 16.5 17.0 7.2 33.9 34.4 39.4 39.9 20.6 21.1 9.0 60 60 60 60 35 35 15 8 8 8 8 12 12 14 94 92 78 77 60 58 89 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.7 30.2 35.2 35.7 17.6 18.1 8.5 37.1 37.6 42.6 43.1 22.0 22.5 10.6 60 60 70 70 40 40 14 8 8 6 6 12 12 14 86 84 115 114 56 55 75 27.1 ea. 27.1 ea. 27.1 ea. 27.1 ea. 16.5 ea. 16.5 ea. 7.2 ea. 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.2 54.7 54.2 54.7 33.0 33.5 14.4 61.0 61.5 61.0 61.5 37.1 37.6 16.2 80 80 80 80 50 50 20 4 4 4 4 8 8 14 119 117 119 117 77 76 44 28.3 ea. 28.3 ea. 28.3 ea. 28.3 ea. 19.2 ea. 19.2 ea. 8.7 ea. 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 56.6 57.1 56.6 57.1 38.4 38.9 17.4 63.7 64.2 63.7 64.2 43.2 43.7 19.6 90 90 90 90 60 60 25 4 4 4 4 6 6 14 113 112 113 112 106 104 37 149.0 ea. 22.4 ea. 149.0 ea. 22.4 ea. 75.0 ea. 10.6 ea. 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.8 45.3 21.2 50.4 50.9 23.9 70 70 30 6 6 12 91 90 47 Notes: 1. All line and low voltage wiring must adhere to the National Electrical Code and Local Codes, whichever is the most stringent. 2. Wire length based on a one way measurement with a 2% voltage drop. 3. Wire size based on 60°C copper conductor and minimum circuit ampacity. 4. All fuses class RK-5 * The external loop pump FLA is based on a maximum of three UP26-116F-230V pumps (1/2hp) for 048 - 060 and two pumps for 034 Proper Power Supply Evaluation: When any compressor bearing unit is connected to a weak power supply, starting current will generate a significant “sag” in the voltage reducing the starting torque of the compressor motor increasing the start time. This will influence the rest of the electrical system in the building by lowering the voltage to the lights. This momentary low voltage causes “light dimming”. The total electrical system should be evaluated by an electrician and HVAC technician. The evaluation should include connections, sizes of wires, and size of the distribution panel between the unit and the utility’s connection. The transformer connection and sizing should be evaluated by the electric utility provider. ⚠ CAUTION ⚠ CHECK COMPRESSOR AMP DRAW TO VERIFY COMPRESSOR ROTATION ON THREE PHASE UNITS. COMPARE AGAINST UNIT ELECTRICAL TABLES. REVERSE ROTATION RESULTS IN HIGHER SOUND LEVELS, LOWER AMP DRAW, AND INCREASED COMPRESSOR WEAR. THE COMPRESSOR INTERNAL OVERLOAD WILL TRIP AFTER A SHORT PERIOD OF OPERATION. WT Models, Rev.: B 49 Enertech Global Section 11: Hydronic Air Handler Unit Electrical Data Model 60 HZ Power Single Phase Volts Motor Amps / HP Minimum Circuit Ampacity Maximum Overcurrent Protection Amps 208V Amps 208V Amps 240V Amps 240V MCA 115V MCA 208V MCA 208V MCA 240V MCA 240V MOCP 115V MOCP 208V MOCP 208V MOCP 240V MOCP 240V Cr 1 Cr 1 Cr 2 Cr 1 Cr 2 Cr 1 Cr 1 Cr 2 Cr 1 Cr 2 Cr 1 Cr 1 Cr 2 Cr 1 Cr 2 # of Circuits kW 208/240 2.8 / 0.33 0 0 - - - - - - 3.5 - 3.5 - - 10.0 - 10.0 - 208/240 2.8 / 0.33 1 5 - 18.0 - 20.8 - - 25.3 - 28.8 - - 35.0 - 35.0 - 208/240 2.8 / 0.33 1 10 - 36.1 - 41.7 - - 47.9 - 54.9 - - 60.0 - 60.0 - 115 5.0 / 0.33 0 0 5.0 - - - - 6.3 - - - - 10.0 - - - - 208/240 4.3 / 0.50 0 0 - - - - - - 5.4 - 5.4 - - 10.0 - 10.0 - 208/240 4.3 / 0.50 1 5 - 18.0 - 20.8 - - 26.8 - 30.3 - - 35.0 - 40.0 - 208/240 4.3 / 0.50 1 10 - 36.1 - 41.7 - - 49.4 - 56.4 - - 60.0 - 60.0 - 208/240 4.3 / 0.50 2 15 18.0 36.1 20.8 41.7 26.8 49.4 30.3 56.4 35.0 60.0 40.0 60.0 115 7.7 / 0.50 0 0 7.7 - - - - 9.6 - - - - 15.0 - - - - 208/240 6.8 / 0.75 0 0 - - - - - - 8.5 - 8.5 - - 15.0 - 15.0 - 208/240 6.8 / 0.75 1 5 - 18.0 - 20.8 - - 29.3 - 32.8 - - 35.0 - 40.0 - 208/240 6.8 / 0.75 1 10 - 36.1 - 41.7 - - 51.9 - 58.9 - - 60.0 - 70.0 - 208/240 6.8 / 0.75 2 15 - 18.0 36.1 20.8 41.7 - 29.3 51.9 32.8 58.9 - 35.0 60.0 40.0 70.0 208/240 6.8 / 0.75 2 20 - 36.1 36.1 41.7 41.7 - 51.9 51.9 58.9 58.9 - 60.0 60.0 70.0 70.0 115 12.8 / 1.0 0 0 12.8 - - - - 16.0 - - - - 20.0 - - - - 024 036 Electric Heater Data Amps 115V 048-060 Notes: 1. Always refer to unit nameplate data prior to installation 2. Maximum overcurrent device, overcurrent protection installed on breaker are sized per MCA Enertech Global 50 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 11: Specification Glossary, Calculations Glossary COP = Coefficient of Performance = BTU Output / BTU Input HR = Total Heat Of Rejection, Btu/hr DH = Desuperheater Capacity, Btu/hr KW = Total Power Unit Input, Kilowatts EER = Energy Efficiency Ratio = BTU output/Watts input LWT = Leaving Source Water Temperature, Fahrenheit EST = Entering Source Water Temperature, Fahrenheit LLT = Leaving Load Water Temperature, Fahrenheit ELT = Entering Load Water Temperature, Fahrenheit TC = Total Cooling Capacity, Btu/hr GPM = Water Flow, Gallons Per Minute HC = Heating Capacity, Btu/hr HE = Total Heat Of Extraction, Btu/hr WPD = Water Pressure Drop, PSI & Feet of Water Heating & Cooling Calculations Heating LWT = EST - HE GPM x 500* HE = 500* x GPM x (EWT - LWT) Cooling LWT = EST + HR GPM x 500* HR = 500* x GPM x (LWT - EWT) *500 = Constant factor for pure water. Brine should be 485. Source Water Flow Selection Proper flow rate is crucial for reliable operation of geothermal heat pumps. The performance data shows three flow rates for each entering water temperature (EST column). The general “rule of thumb” when selecting flow rates is the following: Top flow rate: Open loop systems (1.5 to 2.0 gpm per ton) Middle flow rate: Minimum closed loop system flow rate (2.25 to 2.50 gpm/ton) Bottom flow rate: Nominal (optimum) closed loop system flow rate (3.0 gpm/ton) Although the “rule of thumb” is adequate in most areas of North America, it is important to consider the application type before applying this “rule of thumb.” Antifreeze is generally required for all closed loop (geothermal) applications. Extreme Southern U.S. locations are the only exception. Open loop (well water) systems cannot use antifreeze, and must have enough flow rate in order to avoid freezing conditions at the Leaving Source Water Temperature (LWT) connection. Calculations must be made for all systems without antifreeze to determine if the top flow rate is adequate to prevent LWT at or near freezing conditions. The following steps should taken in making this calculation: Determine minimum EST based upon your geographical area. Go to the performance data table for the heat pump model selected and look up the the Heat of Extraction (HE) at the “rule of thumb” water flow rate (GPM) and at the design Entering Load Temperature (ELT). Calculate the temperature difference (TD) based upon the HE and GPM of the model. TD = HE / (GPM x 500). Calculate the LWT. LWT = EST - TD. If the LWT is below 35-38°F, there is potential for freezing conditions if the flow rate or water temperature is less than ideal conditions, and the flow rate must be increased. Example 1: EST = 50°F, ELT = 95°F. Model 036 Full Load, heating. Flow rate = 5 GPM. HE = 33,600 Btuh. TD = 33,600 / (5 x 500) = 13.4°F LWT = 50 - 13.4 = 36.6°F Water flow rate should be adequate under these conditions. Example 2: EST = 40°F, ELT = 95°F. Model 036 Full Load, heating. Flow rate = 5 GPM. HE = 28,700 Btuh. TD = 28,700 / (5 x 500) = 11.5°F LWT = 40 - 11.5 = 28.5°F Water flow rate must be increased. Application Notes for Performance Data Notes: 1. Desuperheater Capacity is based upon 0.4 GPM Flow per nominal ton at 90°F entering hot water temperature. 2. Extrapolation data down to 25°F for heating and interpolation between EST & GPM data is permissible. 3. EWT (Entering Water Temperature) is also called EST (Entering Source Temperature). 4. Load flow rate is the same as the nominal source flow rate, approximately 3 GPM per ton. WT Models, Rev.: B 51 Enertech Global Section 11: AHRI Performance Data Ground Loop and Ground Water Heat Pump MODEL WT036 WT048 WT060 WT092 WT120 WT144 TYPE F/L COOL F/L EER F/L HEAT F/L COP P/L COOL P/L EER P/L HEAT P/L COP GW GL GW GL GW GL GW GL GW GL GW GL 44,300 42,000 54,300 49,400 62,700 57,800 107,100 100,200 124,400 114,800 134,000 124,500 20.6 16.0 19.8 15.1 19.0 14.6 19.8 15.2 20.1 15.4 17.2 13.5 44,900 36,400 55,100 44,100 66,200 53,200 117,000 92,400 124,900 97,400 140,800 109,400 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.8 3.1 3.5 2.8 3.3 2.7 34,600 33,300 40,800 38,800 47,800 46,100 78,500 75,700 NA NA NA NA 24.5 20.6 23.0 19.2 21.4 18.1 22.2 18.6 NA NA NA NA 33,300 29,200 40,500 35,700 49,500 44,400 82,300 75,700 NA NA NA NA 3.5 3.1 3.4 3.1 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.1 NA NA NA NA Ground Loop (GL) Notes: Rated in accordance with ISO Standard 13256-2 which includes Pump Penalties. Heating capacities based on 32°F EST & 104°F ELT. Cooling capacities based on 77°F EST & 53.6°F ELT. Entering load temperature over 120°F heating and under 45°F Cooling is not permissible. Floor heating is most generally designed for 85°F entering load temperature. Ground Water (GW) Notes: Rated in accordance with ISO Standard 13256-2 which includes Pump Penalties. Heating capacities based on 50°F EST & 104°F ELT. Cooling capacities based on 59°F EST & 53.6°F ELT. Entering load temperature over 120°F heating and under 45°F Cooling is not permissible. Floor heating is most generally designed for 85°F entering load temperature. Notice: *Model 144 is available in 3-Phase Only Model 144 is outside the scope of the ENERGY STAR program and AHRI listing. Enertech Global 52 WT Models, Rev.: B GWT036B STAGE Section 11:LOWModel 036 Performance Data: 3.0 Ton, Part Load Capacity Load GPM set to max EST °F Source GPM PSI FT 25 6.0 2.2 5.0 4.0 0.9 2.0 5.0 1.3 3.0 6.0 1.8 4.1 4.0 0.8 1.8 5.0 1.2 2.7 6.0 1.6 3.7 4.0 0.8 1.8 5.0 1.2 2.8 6.0 1.6 3.8 4.0 0.8 1.8 5.0 1.2 2.7 6.0 1.6 3.7 4.0 0.7 1.6 5.0 1.1 2.5 6.0 1.4 3.3 4.0 0.6 1.5 5.0 1.0 2.2 6.0 1.3 3.0 4.0 0.6 1.5 5.0 1.0 2.2 6.0 1.3 3.0 4.0 0.5 1.2 5.0 0.8 1.8 6.0 1.1 2.5 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 WPD ELT °F 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 Load GPM 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 WPD PSI 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 FT 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.0 3.6 Heating HC HE Mbtuh Mbtuh 24.1 16.7 23.9 15.2 23.5 12.7 25.5 18.0 25.3 16.5 24.9 13.9 26.1 18.7 25.9 17.2 25.4 14.7 26.7 19.4 26.4 17.9 26.0 15.5 29.9 22.5 29.6 21.0 29.1 18.4 30.6 23.4 30.3 21.8 29.8 19.3 31.2 24.1 30.9 22.6 30.4 20.1 34.2 27.0 33.9 25.5 33.3 22.9 35.0 27.9 34.7 26.4 34.1 23.8 35.7 28.7 35.4 27.3 34.8 24.7 38.8 31.8 38.4 30.2 37.7 27.6 39.7 32.8 39.3 31.3 38.6 28.6 40.5 33.7 40.1 32.2 39.4 29.6 43.3 36.5 42.9 34.9 42.2 32.3 44.3 37.6 43.9 36.1 43.2 33.5 45.3 38.7 44.8 37.1 44.1 34.6 47.6 40.9 47.2 39.4 46.4 36.7 48.8 42.2 48.3 40.6 47.5 38.0 49.8 43.4 49.3 41.8 48.5 39.2 52.0 45.4 51.5 43.8 50.6 41.0 53.2 46.7 52.7 45.1 51.8 42.4 54.3 48.0 53.8 46.4 52.9 43.7 LLT °F 93.0 103.0 117.8 93.5 103.4 118.3 93.7 103.6 118.5 93.9 103.8 118.7 95.0 104.9 119.7 95.2 105.1 119.9 95.4 105.3 120.1 96.4 106.3 121.1 96.7 106.6 121.4 96.9 106.8 121.6 97.9 107.8 122.6 98.2 108.1 122.9 98.5 108.4 123.1 99.4 109.3 124.1 99.8 109.6 124.4 100.1 109.9 124.7 100.9 110.7 125.5 101.3 111.1 125.8 101.6 111.4 126.2 102.3 112.2 126.9 102.7 112.6 127.3 103.1 112.9 127.6 kW 2.18 2.55 3.16 2.21 2.59 3.21 2.17 2.54 3.15 2.13 2.49 3.09 1.57 1.57 1.57 2.12 2.48 3.07 2.08 2.43 3.01 2.12 2.47 3.06 2.08 2.43 3.01 2.04 2.38 2.95 2.05 2.40 2.97 2.01 2.35 2.92 1.98 2.31 2.86 2.00 2.33 2.89 1.96 2.29 2.84 1.92 2.25 2.78 1.96 2.30 2.85 1.93 2.25 2.79 1.89 2.21 2.74 1.94 2.26 2.80 1.90 2.22 2.75 1.86 2.18 2.70 COP W/W 3.24 2.75 2.18 3.38 2.86 2.27 3.52 2.99 2.36 3.67 3.11 2.47 4.06 3.43 2.72 4.23 3.58 2.84 4.40 3.73 2.96 4.73 4.02 3.19 4.93 4.19 3.32 5.13 4.36 3.46 5.55 4.69 3.72 5.79 4.90 3.87 5.99 5.09 4.04 6.35 5.40 4.28 6.62 5.62 4.46 6.91 5.84 4.65 7.12 6.01 4.77 7.41 6.29 4.99 7.72 6.54 5.19 7.86 6.68 5.30 8.21 6.96 5.52 8.56 7.23 5.74 Operation Not Recommended DH ELT °F Mbtuh 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.9 40 4.0 45 4.0 50 4.0 40 4.0 45 4.0 50 4.0 40 4.3 45 4.2 50 4.5 40 4.5 45 4.4 50 4.6 40 4.5 45 4.5 50 4.6 40 4.7 45 4.5 50 5.1 40 5.1 45 5.1 50 5.1 40 5.2 45 5.1 50 5.3 40 5.5 45 5.5 50 5.7 40 5.5 45 5.6 50 5.7 40 5.8 45 5.6 50 6.0 40 5.9 45 5.8 50 6.3 40 6.3 45 6.3 50 6.4 40 6.6 45 6.5 50 6.6 40 6.8 45 6.7 50 7.0 40 6.9 45 6.8 50 7.1 40 7.1 45 6.9 50 7.3 40 7.2 45 7.1 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 Load GPM WPD PSI FT Cooling TC HR Mbtuh Mbtuh LLT °F kW EER DH Mbtuh 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.87 1.21 1.19 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.17 1.16 1.15 1.15 1.46 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.41 1.41 1.40 1.39 1.39 1.71 1.69 1.69 1.67 1.65 1.65 1.64 1.62 1.62 1.98 1.96 1.96 1.94 1.92 1.92 1.91 1.88 1.88 2.31 2.28 2.28 2.27 2.24 2.24 2.23 2.20 2.20 3.10 3.06 3.06 3.04 3.00 3.00 2.98 2.94 2.94 35.33 39.34 41.87 38.33 42.58 45.28 37.95 42.30 44.94 25.62 28.66 30.50 27.88 30.94 32.91 27.50 30.52 32.52 20.89 23.33 24.79 22.59 25.25 26.88 22.43 24.82 26.40 17.54 19.53 20.77 19.04 21.21 22.55 18.78 20.93 22.28 14.80 16.43 17.50 16.03 17.81 18.96 15.76 17.61 18.78 12.38 13.77 14.69 13.35 14.87 15.85 13.18 14.68 15.64 8.52 9.51 10.10 9.21 10.27 10.93 9.13 10.17 10.82 4.1 4.6 4.8 4.4 4.8 5.1 4.2 4.6 4.5 4.1 4.6 4.8 4.4 4.8 5.1 4.2 5.1 4.9 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.7 4.6 3.9 4.3 4.6 4.1 4.5 4.8 4.0 4.9 4.7 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.4 3.8 4.2 4.5 4.1 4.4 4.8 3.9 4.3 4.6 3.5 3.9 4.1 3.8 4.1 4.4 3.6 3.9 4.2 Operation Not Recommended 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 32.5 35.8 38.1 34.5 37.9 40.3 33.4 36.8 39.1 31.0 34.1 36.3 32.9 36.2 38.5 31.9 35.1 37.4 30.5 33.6 35.7 32.3 35.6 37.9 31.4 34.5 36.7 30.0 33.0 35.1 31.8 35.0 37.2 30.8 33.9 36.1 29.3 32.2 34.3 31.1 34.2 36.4 30.1 33.1 35.3 28.6 31.4 33.5 30.3 33.3 35.5 29.4 32.3 34.4 26.4 29.1 30.9 28.0 30.8 32.8 27.2 29.9 31.8 35.6 38.9 41.2 37.6 40.9 43.3 36.4 39.8 42.1 35.1 38.2 40.4 36.9 40.2 42.5 35.9 39.0 41.3 35.5 38.5 40.6 37.2 40.4 42.7 36.2 39.2 41.4 35.8 38.8 40.9 37.5 40.6 42.8 36.4 39.4 41.6 36.1 38.9 41.0 37.7 40.8 43.0 36.6 39.5 41.7 36.5 39.2 41.3 38.0 40.9 43.1 37.0 39.8 41.9 37.0 39.5 41.3 38.4 41.0 43.0 37.4 39.9 41.8 29.2 33.1 37.3 28.5 32.4 36.6 28.9 32.7 37.0 29.7 33.6 37.9 29.0 32.9 37.2 29.4 33.3 37.5 29.8 33.8 38.1 29.2 33.1 37.4 29.5 33.5 37.8 30.0 34.0 38.3 29.4 33.3 37.6 29.7 33.7 38.0 30.2 34.3 38.6 29.6 33.6 37.9 30.0 34.0 38.2 30.5 34.5 38.8 29.9 33.9 38.2 30.2 34.2 38.5 31.2 35.3 39.7 30.7 34.7 39.1 30.9 35.0 39.4 *Notes: See Page 13 for Application Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Capacity data includes water pumping watts and is based upon 15% (by volume) propylene glycol antifreeze solution. Desuperheater capacity is based upon 0.4 GPM Flow per nominal ton at 90°F entering hot water temperature. Interpolation between above catagories is permissible; extrapolation is not. See Flow Rate Selection on page 7 for proper application. WT Models, Rev.: B 53 Enertech Global GWT036B HIGH STAGE Section 11: Model 036 Performance Data: 3.0 Ton, Full Load Capacity Load GPM set to max EST °F Source GPM PSI FT 25 9.0 4.0 9.2 5.0 1.5 3.5 7.0 2.6 5.9 9.0 3.8 8.8 5.0 1.4 3.1 7.0 2.3 5.4 9.0 3.4 8.0 5.0 1.2 2.8 7.0 2.1 4.8 9.0 3.1 7.2 5.0 1.1 2.6 7.0 1.9 4.4 9.0 2.8 6.5 5.0 1.0 2.4 7.0 1.8 4.1 9.0 2.6 6.1 5.0 1.0 2.3 7.0 1.7 3.9 9.0 2.5 5.8 5.0 0.9 2.2 7.0 1.6 3.8 9.0 2.4 5.6 5.0 0.9 2.0 7.0 1.5 3.4 9.0 2.2 5.1 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 WPD ELT °F 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 Load GPM 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 WPD PSI 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.2 FT 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 5.9 5.8 5.1 Heating HC HE Mbtuh Mbtuh 30.9 21.6 30.4 19.7 29.1 16.2 35.0 25.4 34.5 23.5 33.0 19.8 35.8 26.4 35.4 24.6 33.8 20.8 35.9 26.6 35.4 24.7 33.8 20.9 40.1 30.6 39.6 28.7 37.8 24.7 41.1 31.8 40.6 29.9 38.8 25.9 41.2 32.0 40.7 30.1 38.8 26.0 45.1 35.6 44.5 33.6 42.5 29.4 46.2 36.9 45.6 34.9 43.6 30.7 46.3 37.1 45.7 35.1 43.7 30.9 51.5 42.0 50.8 39.9 48.6 35.5 52.8 43.5 52.1 41.4 49.8 36.9 52.9 43.7 52.2 41.6 49.9 37.1 57.5 47.9 56.8 45.8 54.2 40.9 58.9 49.4 58.1 47.2 55.5 42.4 59.1 49.8 58.3 47.6 55.7 42.8 61.4 51.7 60.6 49.4 57.9 44.4 62.9 53.3 62.1 51.0 59.3 46.0 63.0 53.5 62.2 51.3 59.4 46.3 65.1 55.2 64.3 52.9 61.4 47.7 66.7 56.9 65.8 54.5 62.9 49.4 66.9 57.2 66.0 54.9 63.0 49.6 LLT °F 91.9 101.8 116.5 92.8 102.7 117.3 93.0 102.9 117.5 93.0 102.9 117.5 93.9 103.8 118.4 94.1 104.0 118.6 94.2 104.0 118.6 95.0 104.9 119.4 95.3 105.1 119.7 95.3 105.2 119.7 96.4 106.3 120.8 96.7 106.6 121.1 96.8 106.6 121.1 97.8 107.6 122.0 98.1 107.9 122.3 98.1 108.0 122.4 98.6 108.5 122.9 99.0 108.8 123.2 99.0 108.8 123.2 99.5 109.3 123.6 99.8 109.6 124.0 99.9 109.7 124.0 kW 2.74 3.15 3.79 2.80 3.22 3.87 2.76 3.17 3.82 2.73 3.14 3.78 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.74 3.15 3.79 2.71 3.12 3.75 2.77 3.19 3.83 2.73 3.14 3.78 2.70 3.11 3.74 2.78 3.20 3.85 2.74 3.15 3.79 2.71 3.12 3.75 2.81 3.23 3.89 2.77 3.18 3.83 2.74 3.15 3.79 2.85 3.28 3.95 2.81 3.24 3.89 2.78 3.20 3.85 2.91 3.35 4.02 2.87 3.30 3.97 2.83 3.26 3.92 COP W/W 3.31 2.83 2.25 3.66 3.14 2.50 3.80 3.27 2.59 3.85 3.30 2.62 4.23 3.63 2.88 4.40 3.78 3.00 4.46 3.82 3.03 4.77 4.09 3.25 4.96 4.26 3.38 5.03 4.31 3.42 5.43 4.65 3.70 5.65 4.85 3.85 5.72 4.90 3.90 6.00 5.15 4.08 6.23 5.35 4.25 6.32 5.42 4.31 6.31 5.41 4.30 6.56 5.62 4.47 6.64 5.70 4.52 6.56 5.63 4.48 6.81 5.84 4.64 6.93 5.93 4.71 Operation Not Recommended DH ELT °F Mbtuh 4.1 4.1 3.8 4.6 4.6 4.3 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.7 4.6 4.4 5.2 40 5.4 45 5.3 50 5.3 40 5.3 45 5.3 50 5.2 40 5.6 45 5.5 50 6.0 40 5.9 45 5.7 50 6.1 40 5.9 45 5.8 50 6.0 40 5.9 45 5.7 50 6.7 40 6.7 45 6.7 50 6.7 40 6.8 45 6.6 50 6.7 40 7.2 45 7.0 50 7.6 40 7.3 45 7.2 50 7.6 40 7.6 45 7.2 50 7.7 40 7.6 45 7.3 50 8.0 40 8.1 45 7.9 50 8.1 40 8.3 45 8.1 50 8.1 40 8.4 45 8.2 50 8.7 40 8.6 45 8.2 50 8.9 40 8.8 45 8.4 50 8.9 40 8.8 45 8.4 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 Load GPM WPD PSI FT Cooling TC HR Mbtuh Mbtuh LLT °F kW EER DH Mbtuh 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.79 1.79 1.79 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.01 2.01 2.02 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.26 2.25 2.26 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.52 2.52 2.53 2.97 2.97 2.98 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.90 2.90 2.90 3.83 3.83 3.84 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.74 3.73 3.74 28.39 31.26 33.29 29.65 32.55 34.68 30.14 33.17 35.32 21.09 23.15 24.67 22.04 24.20 25.80 22.35 24.58 26.15 18.41 20.24 21.55 19.22 21.13 22.50 19.55 21.49 22.77 16.38 17.99 19.17 17.04 18.84 19.96 17.35 19.06 20.31 14.13 15.56 16.56 14.78 16.24 17.29 15.00 16.47 17.47 12.02 13.23 14.03 12.53 13.79 14.68 12.69 13.97 14.86 8.62 9.48 10.08 8.97 9.87 10.53 9.09 10.03 10.67 5.1 5.7 6.0 5.3 5.7 6.2 5.2 5.8 5.6 5.1 5.7 6.0 5.3 5.7 6.2 5.2 6.4 6.1 5.5 5.4 5.6 5.6 5.4 5.6 5.6 5.9 5.7 5.0 5.4 5.8 5.0 5.5 5.9 5.0 6.2 5.9 5.3 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.2 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.5 4.8 5.4 5.6 5.0 5.4 5.8 4.9 5.4 5.7 4.4 4.8 5.2 4.5 4.9 5.3 4.5 5.0 5.3 Operation Not Recommended 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 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35.8 40.2 31.4 35.6 40.0 31.4 35.6 39.9 31.9 36.0 40.5 31.6 35.8 40.2 31.6 35.8 40.2 32.1 36.3 40.7 31.8 36.0 40.4 31.8 36.0 40.4 32.7 36.9 41.4 32.5 36.7 41.2 32.4 36.7 41.1 *Notes: See Page 13 for Application Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Capacity data includes water pumping watts and is based upon 15% (by volume) propylene glycol antifreeze solution. Desuperheater capacity is based upon 0.4 GPM Flow per nominal ton at 90°F entering hot water temperature. Interpolation between above catagories is permissible; extrapolation is not. See Flow Rate Selection on page 7 for proper application. Enertech Global 54 WT Models, Rev.: B GWT048B STAGE Section 11:LOWModel 048 Performance Data: 4.0 Ton, Part Load Capacity Load GPM set to max EST °F Source GPM PSI FT 25 9.0 2.3 5.2 5.0 0.5 1.2 7.0 1.0 2.3 9.0 2.2 5.0 5.0 0.5 1.1 7.0 0.9 2.1 9.0 1.9 4.5 5.0 0.4 1.0 7.0 0.8 2.0 9.0 1.8 4.2 5.0 0.4 1.0 7.0 0.8 2.0 9.0 1.8 4.2 5.0 0.4 1.0 7.0 0.9 2.0 9.0 1.8 4.2 5.0 0.4 1.0 7.0 0.8 2.0 9.0 1.8 4.2 5.0 0.4 0.9 7.0 0.8 1.8 9.0 1.7 3.8 5.0 0.4 0.9 7.0 0.7 1.7 9.0 1.6 3.6 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 WPD ELT °F 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 Load GPM 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 WPD PSI 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.9 FT 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 5.0 4.9 4.4 Heating HC HE Mbtuh Mbtuh 30.3 21.2 29.4 19.0 28.5 15.7 29.4 19.7 28.6 17.5 27.7 14.2 31.4 22.2 30.5 19.9 29.5 16.6 32.3 23.4 31.4 21.2 30.4 17.9 34.5 24.9 33.6 22.6 32.5 19.1 36.8 27.7 35.8 25.4 34.7 21.9 37.9 29.1 36.9 26.8 35.7 23.4 39.6 30.1 38.5 27.7 37.3 24.1 42.2 33.2 41.1 30.8 39.8 27.2 43.5 34.8 42.3 32.3 41.0 28.8 44.0 34.8 42.8 32.3 41.4 28.5 46.9 38.1 45.6 35.5 44.2 31.9 48.3 39.8 47.0 37.3 45.5 33.7 48.2 39.3 46.8 36.6 45.4 32.9 51.4 42.9 49.9 40.1 48.4 36.5 52.9 44.7 51.5 42.1 49.8 38.3 52.7 43.9 51.3 41.2 49.7 37.4 56.2 47.8 54.7 45.1 52.9 41.2 57.9 49.8 56.3 47.1 54.5 43.2 57.2 48.6 55.6 45.7 53.9 41.8 61.0 52.7 59.3 49.8 57.4 45.9 62.8 54.8 61.1 52.0 59.2 48.1 LLT °F 91.7 101.5 116.3 91.5 101.4 116.2 92.0 101.8 116.6 92.2 102.0 116.8 92.7 102.5 117.2 93.2 103.0 117.7 93.4 103.2 117.9 93.8 103.6 118.3 94.4 104.1 118.8 94.7 104.4 119.1 94.8 104.5 119.2 95.4 105.1 119.8 95.7 105.4 120.1 95.7 105.4 120.1 96.4 106.1 120.8 96.8 106.4 121.1 96.7 106.4 121.0 97.5 107.2 121.8 97.9 107.5 122.1 97.7 107.4 122.0 98.6 108.2 122.8 99.0 108.6 123.2 kW 2.67 3.06 3.74 2.84 3.24 3.97 2.71 3.10 3.79 2.61 2.99 3.65 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.68 3.06 3.75 2.58 2.95 3.61 2.77 3.17 3.87 2.65 3.03 3.70 2.55 2.92 3.57 2.70 3.08 3.77 2.58 2.95 3.60 2.48 2.84 3.47 2.62 2.99 3.66 2.50 2.86 3.50 2.41 2.76 3.37 2.58 2.95 3.60 2.46 2.82 3.44 2.37 2.71 3.32 2.53 2.90 3.54 2.42 2.77 3.38 2.33 2.67 3.26 COP W/W 3.33 2.82 2.23 3.03 2.59 2.04 3.40 2.88 2.28 3.63 3.08 2.44 3.61 3.07 2.43 4.02 3.43 2.71 4.31 3.67 2.90 4.19 3.56 2.82 4.67 3.98 3.15 5.00 4.25 3.37 4.78 4.07 3.22 5.33 4.53 3.60 5.71 4.85 3.84 5.39 4.59 3.64 6.03 5.11 4.05 6.43 5.47 4.33 5.99 5.10 4.05 6.70 5.68 4.51 7.16 6.09 4.81 6.63 5.62 4.46 7.39 6.27 4.98 7.90 6.71 5.32 Operation Not Recommended DH ELT °F Mbtuh 3.9 3.9 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.6 4.2 4.1 3.9 4.3 4.1 4.0 4.5 40 4.7 45 4.6 50 4.8 40 4.9 45 4.8 50 4.9 40 5.0 45 5.0 50 5.3 40 5.1 45 5.0 50 5.6 40 5.4 45 5.3 50 5.7 40 5.5 45 5.4 50 5.7 40 5.9 45 5.8 50 6.0 40 6.1 45 6.0 50 6.2 40 6.2 45 6.1 50 6.4 40 6.1 45 6.0 50 6.7 40 6.5 45 6.3 50 6.9 40 6.6 45 6.5 50 6.8 40 7.1 45 7.0 50 7.3 40 7.4 45 7.3 50 7.5 40 7.5 45 7.4 50 7.6 40 7.5 45 7.2 50 8.2 40 7.9 45 7.7 50 8.4 40 8.2 45 7.9 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 Load GPM WPD PSI FT Cooling TC HR Mbtuh Mbtuh LLT °F kW EER DH Mbtuh 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.64 1.63 1.62 1.57 1.56 1.54 1.51 1.50 1.49 1.95 1.94 1.92 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.79 1.78 1.77 2.25 2.24 2.22 2.15 2.14 2.12 2.08 2.06 2.04 2.61 2.60 2.58 2.50 2.49 2.46 2.41 2.39 2.37 3.01 2.99 2.96 2.88 2.86 2.83 2.77 2.76 2.73 3.93 3.91 3.87 3.75 3.73 3.70 3.62 3.60 3.56 30.27 33.24 35.64 34.25 37.55 40.29 36.02 39.80 42.77 18.29 20.18 21.54 20.64 22.76 24.48 21.85 24.13 25.84 15.03 16.55 17.76 17.04 18.76 20.16 18.04 19.89 21.24 12.71 14.02 15.00 14.37 15.84 16.98 15.14 16.80 17.99 10.42 11.46 12.25 11.72 12.93 13.90 12.45 13.72 14.73 8.47 9.33 10.00 9.55 10.52 11.31 10.14 11.16 11.98 5.57 6.14 6.59 6.29 6.94 7.43 6.66 7.33 7.89 4.0 4.4 4.6 4.3 4.6 5.0 4.3 4.6 4.5 4.0 4.4 4.6 4.3 4.6 5.0 4.3 5.2 5.0 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.5 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.0 4.4 4.7 4.1 5.0 4.8 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.0 4.2 3.4 3.8 4.0 3.7 4.1 4.3 3.8 4.1 4.4 2.9 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.7 3.2 3.5 3.7 Operation Not Recommended 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 33.6 36.9 39.2 36.3 39.8 42.3 37.1 40.6 43.2 30.0 32.9 34.9 32.4 35.5 37.7 33.0 36.2 38.5 29.3 32.1 34.1 31.7 34.7 36.9 32.3 35.4 37.6 28.6 31.4 33.3 30.9 33.9 36.0 31.5 34.6 36.7 27.2 29.8 31.6 29.3 32.2 34.2 30.0 32.8 34.9 25.5 27.9 29.6 27.5 30.1 32.0 28.1 30.8 32.7 21.9 24.0 25.5 23.6 25.9 27.5 24.1 26.4 28.1 37.4 40.7 43.0 39.9 43.4 45.9 40.6 44.1 46.6 35.6 38.5 40.4 37.8 40.8 43.0 38.2 41.3 43.6 36.0 38.7 40.7 38.0 41.0 43.1 38.4 41.5 43.6 36.3 39.0 40.9 38.2 41.2 43.2 38.6 41.6 43.7 36.1 38.7 40.4 37.8 40.7 42.6 38.2 41.0 43.0 35.8 38.1 39.7 37.3 39.9 41.7 37.6 40.2 42.0 35.3 37.3 38.7 36.4 38.6 40.1 36.5 38.7 40.2 32.5 36.8 41.3 31.9 36.2 40.6 31.8 36.0 40.4 33.3 37.7 42.2 32.8 37.1 41.6 32.7 37.0 41.4 33.5 37.9 42.4 33.0 37.3 41.8 32.8 37.1 41.6 33.6 38.0 42.6 33.1 37.5 42.0 33.0 37.3 41.8 34.0 38.4 43.0 33.5 37.8 42.4 33.3 37.7 42.2 34.3 38.8 43.4 33.9 38.3 42.9 33.8 38.2 42.7 35.1 39.7 44.3 34.8 39.2 43.9 34.6 39.1 43.8 *Notes: See Page 13 for Application Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Capacity data includes water pumping watts and is based upon 15% (by volume) propylene glycol antifreeze solution. Desuperheater capacity is based upon 0.4 GPM Flow per nominal ton at 90°F entering hot water temperature. Interpolation between above catagories is permissible; extrapolation is not. See Flow Rate Selection on page 7 for proper application. WT Models, Rev.: B 55 Enertech Global GWT048B STAGE Section 11:HIGH Model 048 Performance Data: 4.0 Ton, Full Load Capacity Load GPM set to max EST °F Source GPM PSI FT 25 12.0 4.2 9.7 6.0 0.7 1.6 9.0 2.2 5.2 12.0 4.0 9.2 6.0 0.6 1.4 9.0 2.0 4.6 12.0 3.6 8.3 6.0 0.6 1.3 9.0 1.8 4.2 12.0 3.2 7.5 6.0 0.5 1.2 9.0 1.7 3.9 12.0 3.0 6.9 6.0 0.5 1.2 9.0 1.6 3.8 12.0 2.9 6.8 6.0 0.5 1.2 9.0 1.7 3.9 12.0 3.0 7.0 6.0 0.6 1.3 9.0 1.8 4.1 12.0 3.2 7.4 6.0 0.6 1.4 9.0 1.9 4.4 12.0 3.4 7.9 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 WPD ELT °F 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 Load GPM 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 WPD PSI 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 FT 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.4 7.9 7.9 Heating HC HE Mbtuh Mbtuh 41.1 29.8 40.2 27.4 38.9 23.7 40.8 28.4 39.9 26.0 38.7 22.2 43.5 31.7 42.5 29.2 41.2 25.4 44.2 32.8 43.2 30.3 41.9 26.6 46.9 34.4 45.8 31.7 44.4 27.7 49.9 38.0 48.8 35.4 47.3 31.4 50.7 39.2 49.6 36.6 48.0 32.6 53.1 40.5 51.9 37.7 50.3 33.4 56.6 44.6 55.3 41.8 53.6 37.5 57.4 45.8 56.1 43.0 54.4 38.8 59.5 46.7 58.1 43.7 56.3 39.2 63.4 51.2 61.9 48.1 60.0 43.7 64.4 52.6 62.9 49.6 61.0 45.2 66.3 53.3 64.8 50.1 62.8 45.3 70.7 58.3 69.1 55.1 66.9 50.2 71.8 59.8 70.1 56.5 68.0 51.9 73.6 60.3 72.0 57.0 69.7 51.9 78.5 65.8 76.7 62.4 74.3 57.3 79.7 67.4 77.9 64.0 75.5 59.1 81.1 67.5 79.3 64.0 76.8 58.6 86.5 73.6 84.5 69.9 81.9 64.5 87.8 75.3 85.8 71.7 83.1 66.3 LLT °F 91.9 101.7 116.5 91.8 101.7 116.5 92.3 102.1 116.9 92.4 102.2 117.0 92.8 102.6 117.4 93.3 103.1 117.9 93.5 103.3 118.0 93.9 103.7 118.4 94.4 104.2 118.9 94.6 104.4 119.1 94.9 104.7 119.4 95.6 105.3 120.0 95.7 105.5 120.2 96.1 105.8 120.5 96.8 106.5 121.2 97.0 106.7 121.3 97.3 107.0 121.6 98.1 107.8 122.4 98.3 108.0 122.6 98.5 108.2 122.8 99.4 109.1 123.7 99.6 109.3 123.9 kW 3.32 3.74 4.45 3.62 4.08 4.85 3.45 3.89 4.63 3.34 3.77 4.48 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.48 3.93 4.67 3.38 3.80 4.52 3.69 4.16 4.95 3.52 3.97 4.72 3.41 3.85 4.57 3.75 4.22 5.02 3.58 4.03 4.79 3.46 3.90 4.64 3.82 4.30 5.12 3.64 4.11 4.88 3.53 3.98 4.73 3.89 4.39 5.22 3.72 4.19 4.98 3.60 4.06 4.82 3.98 4.48 5.33 3.79 4.28 5.09 3.67 4.14 4.93 COP W/W 3.63 3.15 2.56 3.30 2.87 2.34 3.70 3.20 2.61 3.88 3.36 2.74 3.77 3.26 2.66 4.20 3.64 2.97 4.40 3.83 3.11 4.22 3.66 2.98 4.71 4.08 3.33 4.93 4.27 3.49 4.65 4.03 3.29 5.19 4.50 3.67 5.45 4.73 3.85 5.09 4.42 3.59 5.69 4.93 4.02 5.96 5.16 4.21 5.55 4.81 3.91 6.18 5.36 4.37 6.49 5.62 4.59 5.97 5.19 4.22 6.69 5.79 4.72 7.01 6.07 4.94 Operation Not Recommended DH ELT °F Mbtuh 5.4 5.3 5.1 5.4 5.3 5.1 5.8 5.6 5.5 5.8 5.6 5.5 6.1 40 6.4 45 6.3 50 6.5 40 6.5 45 6.5 50 6.5 40 6.8 45 6.6 50 7.1 40 6.9 45 6.7 50 7.5 40 7.2 45 7.1 50 7.5 40 7.4 45 7.1 50 7.8 40 8.0 45 7.9 50 8.2 40 8.3 45 8.1 50 8.3 40 8.5 45 8.4 50 8.8 40 8.4 45 8.3 50 9.2 40 9.0 45 8.7 50 9.4 40 9.1 45 8.9 50 9.6 40 9.9 45 9.8 50 10.2 40 10.4 45 10.2 50 10.3 40 10.6 45 10.4 50 10.9 40 10.6 45 10.3 50 11.6 40 11.3 45 11.0 50 11.7 40 11.5 45 11.1 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 Load GPM WPD PSI FT Cooling TC HR Mbtuh Mbtuh LLT °F kW EER DH Mbtuh 1.98 2.00 2.02 1.89 1.91 1.93 1.83 1.85 1.87 2.51 2.54 2.57 2.40 2.42 2.45 2.32 2.35 2.37 2.78 2.82 2.84 2.66 2.69 2.71 2.57 2.60 2.63 3.05 3.09 3.12 2.91 2.94 2.97 2.82 2.85 2.88 3.41 3.44 3.48 3.25 3.29 3.32 3.15 3.18 3.21 3.84 3.88 3.92 3.66 3.70 3.74 3.55 3.59 3.62 4.85 4.90 4.95 4.62 4.67 4.72 4.48 4.53 4.57 23.79 25.45 27.03 26.56 28.38 30.10 29.56 31.57 33.53 17.17 18.31 19.42 19.08 20.45 21.67 21.29 22.72 24.18 14.86 15.82 16.83 16.54 17.62 18.78 18.44 19.69 20.87 12.92 13.79 14.65 14.43 15.41 16.36 16.06 17.16 18.23 10.88 11.66 12.36 12.15 12.98 13.80 13.52 14.47 15.39 9.09 9.72 10.31 10.16 10.84 11.52 11.30 12.06 12.82 6.47 6.92 7.35 7.23 7.73 8.20 8.04 8.59 9.15 5.7 6.2 6.6 6.1 6.5 7.1 6.5 6.7 6.6 5.7 6.2 6.6 6.1 6.5 7.1 6.5 7.6 7.5 5.9 5.8 6.1 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.8 6.5 6.4 5.2 5.5 6.0 5.4 6.0 6.3 6.0 7.1 6.9 5.4 5.3 5.4 5.7 5.7 5.9 6.2 5.6 5.8 4.7 5.1 5.4 5.0 5.4 5.8 5.4 5.8 6.2 4.2 4.6 4.9 4.5 4.8 5.2 4.8 5.2 5.6 Operation Not Recommended 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 47.1 50.9 54.6 50.2 54.2 58.1 54.1 58.4 62.7 43.1 46.5 49.9 45.8 49.5 53.1 49.4 53.4 57.3 41.3 44.6 47.8 44.0 47.4 50.9 47.4 51.2 54.9 39.4 42.6 45.7 42.0 45.3 48.6 45.3 48.9 52.5 37.1 40.1 43.0 39.5 42.7 45.8 42.6 46.0 49.4 34.9 37.7 40.4 37.2 40.1 43.1 40.1 43.3 46.4 31.4 33.9 36.4 33.4 36.1 38.7 36.0 38.9 41.8 53.9 57.7 61.5 56.6 60.7 64.7 60.3 64.7 69.1 51.7 55.2 58.7 54.0 57.8 61.5 57.3 61.4 65.4 50.8 54.2 57.5 53.1 56.6 60.1 56.2 60.1 63.9 49.8 53.1 56.3 51.9 55.3 58.7 54.9 58.6 62.3 48.7 51.8 54.9 50.6 53.9 57.1 53.3 56.9 60.4 48.0 50.9 53.8 49.7 52.7 55.9 52.2 55.5 58.8 47.9 50.6 53.3 49.2 52.0 54.8 51.3 54.4 57.4 32.2 36.5 40.9 31.6 36.0 40.3 31.0 35.3 39.6 32.8 37.3 41.7 32.4 36.8 41.2 31.8 36.1 40.5 33.1 37.6 42.0 32.7 37.1 41.5 32.1 36.5 40.9 33.4 37.9 42.4 33.0 37.5 41.9 32.5 36.9 41.3 33.8 38.3 42.8 33.4 37.9 42.4 32.9 37.3 41.8 34.2 38.7 43.3 33.8 38.3 42.8 33.3 37.8 42.3 34.8 39.4 43.9 34.4 39.0 43.6 34.0 38.5 43.0 *Notes: See Page 13 for Application Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Capacity data includes water pumping watts and is based upon 15% (by volume) propylene glycol antifreeze solution. Desuperheater capacity is based upon 0.4 GPM Flow per nominal ton at 90°F entering hot water temperature. Interpolation between above catagories is permissible; extrapolation is not. See Flow Rate Selection on page 7 for proper application. Enertech Global 56 WT Models, Rev.: B GWT060B STAGE Section 11:LOWModel 060 Performance Data: 5.0 Ton, Part Load Capacity Load GPM set to max EST °F Source GPM PSI FT 25 12.0 5.4 12.5 6.0 1.6 3.6 9.0 2.8 6.5 12.0 5.1 11.8 6.0 1.4 3.3 9.0 2.7 6.2 12.0 4.6 10.6 6.0 1.3 2.9 9.0 2.5 5.8 12.0 4.1 9.5 6.0 1.2 2.7 9.0 2.5 5.8 12.0 3.8 8.7 6.0 1.1 2.5 9.0 2.4 5.5 12.0 3.5 8.1 6.0 1.0 2.4 9.0 2.3 5.3 12.0 3.3 7.7 6.0 1.0 2.3 9.0 2.3 5.3 12.0 3.2 7.3 6.0 0.7 1.6 9.0 2.2 5.1 12.0 2.3 5.2 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 WPD ELT °F 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 Load GPM 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 WPD PSI 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 3.2 3.0 2.2 FT 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 7.5 7.0 5.1 Heating HC HE Mbtuh Mbtuh 36.4 25.4 35.3 22.7 34.2 18.8 35.7 23.9 34.6 21.1 33.5 17.0 37.5 26.4 36.4 23.7 35.3 19.8 38.8 28.1 37.7 25.4 36.5 21.5 41.9 30.2 40.6 27.3 39.4 23.1 44.0 33.0 42.7 30.1 41.4 26.1 45.6 35.0 44.2 32.1 42.9 28.1 48.0 36.5 46.5 33.3 45.1 29.0 50.5 39.6 48.9 36.5 47.5 32.4 52.3 41.8 50.7 38.7 49.2 34.6 53.3 42.1 51.7 38.9 50.1 34.4 56.0 45.5 54.3 42.3 52.7 38.0 58.0 47.8 56.3 44.6 54.6 40.3 58.4 47.5 56.6 44.1 54.9 39.6 61.4 51.2 59.5 47.8 57.7 43.4 63.6 53.7 61.7 50.4 59.8 45.9 63.9 53.2 62.0 49.8 60.1 45.1 67.2 57.1 65.2 53.7 63.2 49.1 69.6 59.9 67.5 56.4 65.5 51.9 69.4 58.9 67.2 55.2 65.2 50.5 72.9 63.0 70.7 59.4 68.6 54.7 75.5 65.9 73.2 62.2 71.0 57.6 LLT °F 91.1 100.9 115.7 91.0 100.8 115.6 91.3 101.1 115.9 91.5 101.3 116.1 92.0 101.8 116.6 92.3 102.1 116.9 92.6 102.4 117.2 93.0 102.8 117.5 93.4 103.2 117.9 93.7 103.5 118.2 93.9 103.6 118.4 94.3 104.1 118.8 94.7 104.4 119.1 94.7 104.4 119.2 95.2 104.9 119.6 95.6 105.3 120.0 95.7 105.3 120.0 96.2 105.9 120.5 96.6 106.3 120.9 96.6 106.2 120.9 97.2 106.8 121.4 97.6 107.2 121.8 kW 3.22 3.68 4.50 3.46 3.96 4.84 3.25 3.72 4.55 3.14 3.60 4.40 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.21 3.68 4.49 3.11 3.55 4.35 3.38 3.87 4.73 3.18 3.63 4.44 3.07 3.51 4.29 3.29 3.76 4.60 3.09 3.53 4.32 2.99 3.42 4.18 3.19 3.65 4.47 3.00 3.43 4.20 2.90 3.32 4.06 3.14 3.59 4.39 2.95 3.38 4.13 2.85 3.26 3.99 3.09 3.53 4.32 2.90 3.32 4.06 2.81 3.21 3.92 COP W/W 3.31 2.81 2.23 3.02 2.56 2.03 3.38 2.87 2.27 3.62 3.07 2.43 3.59 3.04 2.42 4.02 3.40 2.70 4.30 3.65 2.89 4.16 3.52 2.79 4.65 3.95 3.14 4.99 4.23 3.36 4.75 4.03 3.19 5.31 4.51 3.58 5.69 4.82 3.83 5.37 4.54 3.60 6.00 5.08 4.03 6.43 5.45 4.32 5.96 5.06 4.01 6.68 5.65 4.48 7.16 6.07 4.81 6.58 5.58 4.42 7.37 6.24 4.95 7.87 6.68 5.31 Operation Not Recommended DH ELT °F Mbtuh 4.8 4.7 4.5 4.7 4.6 4.4 5.0 4.8 4.7 5.1 4.9 4.8 5.4 40 5.6 45 5.5 50 5.7 40 5.8 45 5.7 50 5.8 40 6.0 45 5.9 50 6.4 40 6.2 45 6.0 50 6.7 40 6.4 45 6.3 50 6.8 40 6.6 45 6.4 50 6.9 40 7.1 45 7.0 50 7.2 40 7.3 45 7.2 50 7.4 40 7.5 45 7.4 50 7.8 40 7.4 45 7.3 50 8.0 40 7.8 45 7.5 50 8.3 40 8.0 45 7.8 50 8.3 40 8.5 45 8.4 50 8.7 40 8.9 45 8.8 50 9.0 40 9.1 45 8.9 50 9.3 40 9.0 45 8.7 50 9.8 40 9.5 45 9.2 50 10.1 40 9.8 45 9.5 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 40 45 50 Load GPM WPD PSI FT Cooling TC HR Mbtuh Mbtuh LLT °F kW EER DH Mbtuh 1.36 1.35 1.34 1.28 1.27 1.26 1.24 1.23 1.22 2.00 1.99 1.97 1.88 1.87 1.85 1.82 1.81 1.79 2.38 2.36 2.34 2.23 2.22 2.20 2.16 2.15 2.13 2.75 2.74 2.71 2.58 2.57 2.55 2.50 2.49 2.46 3.19 3.17 3.14 3.00 2.98 2.95 2.90 2.88 2.85 3.67 3.65 3.62 3.45 3.43 3.40 3.33 3.32 3.29 4.79 4.77 4.72 4.50 4.48 4.44 4.35 4.33 4.29 33.24 34.74 37.76 37.42 39.13 42.54 40.24 42.03 45.74 22.00 22.91 24.97 24.79 25.83 28.16 26.65 27.79 30.28 18.03 18.86 20.51 20.40 21.22 23.09 21.90 22.84 24.84 15.24 15.84 17.27 17.21 17.90 19.45 18.48 19.24 20.98 12.76 13.31 14.49 14.37 15.00 16.34 15.48 16.15 17.61 10.71 11.18 12.15 12.09 12.59 13.71 13.03 13.55 14.74 7.66 7.97 8.69 8.62 9.00 9.77 9.29 9.68 10.54 5.8 6.1 6.5 6.2 6.4 6.9 6.4 6.5 6.5 5.8 6.1 6.5 6.2 6.4 6.9 6.4 7.2 7.1 6.1 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.5 6.5 5.6 5.7 6.2 5.8 6.1 6.5 6.1 6.8 6.8 5.8 5.6 5.9 6.0 6.0 6.2 6.3 5.9 6.2 5.3 5.4 5.9 5.5 5.8 6.2 5.8 6.0 6.5 4.9 5.1 5.5 5.2 5.4 5.8 5.4 5.6 6.0 Operation Not Recommended 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 45.2 46.9 50.6 47.9 49.7 53.6 49.9 51.7 55.8 44.0 45.6 49.2 46.6 48.3 52.1 48.5 50.3 54.2 42.9 44.5 48.0 45.5 47.1 50.8 47.3 49.1 52.9 41.9 43.4 46.8 44.4 46.0 49.6 46.2 47.9 51.6 40.7 42.2 45.5 43.1 44.7 48.2 44.9 46.5 50.2 39.3 40.8 44.0 41.7 43.2 46.6 43.4 45.0 48.5 36.7 38.0 41.0 38.8 40.3 43.4 40.4 41.9 45.2 49.8 51.5 55.2 52.3 54.0 57.9 54.1 55.9 60.0 50.8 52.4 55.9 53.0 54.7 58.4 54.7 56.5 60.3 51.0 52.6 56.0 53.1 54.7 58.3 54.7 56.4 60.2 51.3 52.7 56.0 53.2 54.8 58.3 54.7 56.4 60.0 51.6 53.0 56.2 53.3 54.9 58.3 54.8 56.3 59.9 51.8 53.3 56.4 53.5 54.9 58.2 54.8 56.3 59.7 53.0 54.3 57.1 54.2 55.6 58.5 55.2 56.7 59.8 32.5 37.2 41.6 32.0 36.7 41.1 31.7 36.4 40.7 32.7 37.4 41.8 32.2 37.0 41.3 31.9 36.6 41.0 32.9 37.6 42.0 32.4 37.2 41.5 32.1 36.8 41.2 33.0 37.8 42.2 32.6 37.3 41.7 32.3 37.0 41.4 33.2 38.0 42.4 32.8 37.6 42.0 32.5 37.3 41.6 33.5 38.2 42.7 33.1 37.8 42.2 32.8 37.5 41.9 33.9 38.7 43.2 33.5 38.3 42.8 33.3 38.0 42.5 *Notes: See Page 13 for Application Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Capacity data includes water pumping watts and is based upon 15% (by volume) propylene glycol antifreeze solution. Desuperheater capacity is based upon 0.4 GPM Flow per nominal ton at 90°F entering hot water temperature. Interpolation between above catagories is permissible; extrapolation is not. See Flow Rate Selection on page 7 for proper application. WT Models, Rev.: B 57 Enertech Global GWT060B STAGE Section 11:HIGH Model 060 Performance Data: 5.0 Ton, Full Load Capacity Load GPM set to max EST °F Source GPM PSI FT 25 15.0 6.5 15.0 10.0 3.3 7.7 13.0 5.1 11.8 15.0 6.4 14.8 10.0 3.2 7.4 13.0 4.9 11.3 15.0 6.1 14.1 10.0 3.1 7.1 13.0 4.7 10.8 15.0 5.9 13.6 10.0 3.0 6.8 13.0 4.5 10.5 15.0 5.7 13.1 10.0 2.9 6.7 13.0 4.4 10.2 15.0 5.5 12.8 10.0 2.8 6.5 13.0 4.3 9.9 15.0 5.4 12.4 10.0 2.7 6.3 13.0 4.2 9.6 15.0 5.2 12.0 10.0 2.6 6.0 13.0 4.0 9.2 15.0 5.0 11.6 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 WPD ELT °F 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 85 95 110 Load GPM 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 WPD PSI 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 5.2 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77.4 71.7 74.0 78.2 31.7 36.4 40.7 31.4 36.1 40.4 31.2 35.9 40.2 31.9 36.6 41.0 31.6 36.3 40.7 31.5 36.2 40.5 32.1 36.8 41.2 31.8 36.5 40.9 31.7 36.4 40.7 32.3 37.0 41.4 32.0 36.7 41.1 31.9 36.6 41.0 32.5 37.3 41.7 32.3 37.0 41.4 32.1 36.8 41.2 32.8 37.5 41.9 32.5 37.2 41.7 32.4 37.1 41.5 33.3 38.0 42.5 33.0 37.8 42.2 32.9 37.6 42.1 *Notes: See Page 13 for Application Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Capacity data includes water pumping watts and is based upon 15% (by volume) propylene glycol antifreeze solution. Desuperheater capacity is based upon 0.4 GPM Flow per nominal ton at 90°F entering hot water temperature. Interpolation between above catagories is permissible; extrapolation is not. See Flow Rate Selection on page 7 for proper application. Enertech Global 58 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 11: Model 092 Cooling Performance Data: 8.0 Ton, Full Load Capacity Load Water WPD LST ELT Flow LLT °F °F GPM PSID FT °F 57.7 40 4.0 9.3 32.5 12.0 1.3 2.9 59.0 45 3.9 9.1 36.9 60.3 50 3.9 8.9 41.3 52.8 40 4.0 9.3 31.8 40 18.0 2.6 6.0 24.0 53.7 45 3.9 9.1 36.2 54.6 50 3.9 8.9 40.5 49.7 40 4.0 9.3 31.6 24.0 4.4 10.1 50.4 45 3.9 9.1 36.0 51.1 50 3.9 8.9 40.3 67.2 40 4.0 9.3 33.1 12.0 1.2 2.8 68.4 45 3.9 9.1 37.5 69.6 50 3.8 8.9 42.0 62.3 40 4.0 9.3 32.4 50 18.0 2.5 5.8 24.0 63.2 45 3.9 9.1 36.8 64.0 50 3.9 8.9 41.2 59.3 40 4.0 9.3 32.3 24.0 4.2 9.6 60.0 45 3.9 9.1 36.6 60.6 50 3.9 8.9 41.0 77.2 40 4.0 9.3 33.2 12.0 1.2 2.7 78.3 45 3.9 9.1 37.7 79.4 50 3.8 8.9 42.2 72.3 40 4.0 9.3 32.6 60 18.0 2.4 5.6 24.0 73.1 45 3.9 9.1 37.0 73.9 50 3.9 8.9 41.4 69.3 40 4.0 9.3 32.5 24.0 4.0 9.3 69.9 45 3.9 9.1 36.9 70.5 50 3.9 8.9 41.2 87.0 40 4.0 9.3 33.5 12.0 1.2 2.7 88.1 45 3.9 9.1 38.0 89.2 50 3.8 8.9 42.4 82.2 40 4.0 9.3 32.8 70 18.0 2.4 5.4 24.0 82.9 45 3.9 9.1 37.3 83.8 50 3.9 8.9 41.7 79.2 40 4.0 9.3 32.7 24.0 3.9 9.0 79.8 45 3.9 9.1 37.1 80.4 50 3.9 8.9 41.5 96.8 40 4.0 9.2 33.8 12.0 1.1 2.6 97.9 45 3.9 9.1 38.3 99.0 50 3.8 8.9 42.8 92.0 40 4.0 9.3 33.2 80 18.0 2.3 5.3 24.0 92.7 45 3.9 9.1 37.6 93.5 50 3.9 8.9 42.1 89.0 40 4.0 9.3 33.0 24.0 3.8 8.9 89.6 45 3.9 9.1 37.5 90.2 50 3.9 8.9 41.9 106.8 40 4.0 9.2 34.1 12.0 1.1 2.6 107.8 45 3.9 9.1 38.6 108.8 50 3.8 8.9 43.2 101.9 40 4.0 9.3 33.5 90 18.0 2.3 5.3 24.0 102.6 45 3.9 9.1 38.0 103.3 50 3.9 8.9 42.5 98.9 40 4.0 9.3 33.4 24.0 3.8 8.8 99.5 45 3.9 9.1 37.9 100.1 50 3.9 8.9 42.3 126.8 40 4.0 9.2 34.7 12.0 1.2 2.7 127.7 45 3.9 9.1 39.3 128.6 50 3.8 8.9 43.9 121.7 40 4.0 9.3 34.2 18.0 2.4 5.4 110 24.0 122.4 45 3.9 9.1 38.7 123.1 50 3.8 8.9 43.3 118.8 40 4.0 9.3 34.1 24.0 3.9 9.0 119.3 45 3.9 9.1 38.6 119.8 50 3.8 8.9 43.2 LST is based on 15% (by volume) methanol antifreeze solution only or 485 multiplier LLT is based on water only or 500 multiplier Performance data accurate within ± 10% Discharge pressure is ± 20 PSI; Suction pressure is ± 10 PSI SubCooling is ± 5 °F; Superheat is ± 6 °F EST °F Source Water WPD Flow GPM PSID FT WT Models, Rev.: B 59 TC HR MBtuh MBtuh 89.6 103.3 96.6 110.5 104.0 117.9 98.5 111.6 106.2 119.5 114.2 127.6 100.2 112.9 108.1 120.9 116.2 129.2 83.1 100.2 89.6 106.8 96.4 113.8 91.3 107.7 98.5 115.0 105.9 122.6 92.9 108.8 100.2 116.2 107.8 123.9 81.0 99.9 87.4 106.4 94.0 113.1 89.0 107.1 96.0 114.2 103.3 121.6 90.6 108.0 97.7 115.3 105.1 122.8 78.4 99.2 84.6 105.5 91.0 112.0 86.2 106.1 92.9 113.0 99.9 120.2 87.7 106.9 94.6 113.9 101.7 121.2 74.6 98.0 80.5 104.1 86.6 110.4 82.0 104.5 88.4 111.1 95.1 118.0 83.5 105.1 90.0 111.8 96.8 118.8 70.8 97.6 76.4 103.4 82.1 109.4 77.8 103.5 83.9 109.8 90.3 116.4 79.2 104.0 85.4 110.4 91.9 117.1 63.4 97.6 68.3 102.9 73.5 108.3 69.6 102.5 75.1 108.3 80.8 114.2 70.9 102.6 76.4 108.4 82.2 114.4 Cooling EER Discharge Suction Subcooling kW Btuh/W PSIG PSIG °F 4.02 22.3 182.3 81.4 13.2 4.05 23.8 182.3 87.8 13.1 4.09 25.4 182.3 94.6 13.0 3.86 25.5 171.6 87.5 10.1 3.89 27.3 171.6 94.4 10.0 3.92 29.1 171.6 101.7 9.9 3.72 27.0 166.1 88.0 8.6 3.75 28.8 166.1 95.0 8.5 3.78 30.7 166.1 102.3 8.4 5.01 16.6 231.6 78.9 23.5 5.05 17.7 231.6 85.2 23.4 5.09 18.9 231.6 91.8 23.2 4.81 19.0 218.1 84.8 19.8 4.85 20.3 218.1 91.5 19.8 4.89 21.7 218.1 98.6 19.6 4.63 20.1 211.0 85.4 18.1 4.68 21.4 211.0 92.1 18.0 4.71 22.9 211.0 99.2 17.9 5.52 14.7 261.0 80.2 22.2 5.57 15.7 261.0 86.5 22.0 5.61 16.7 261.0 93.2 21.9 5.30 16.8 245.7 86.1 18.3 5.34 18.0 245.7 92.9 18.2 5.39 19.2 245.7 100.2 18.1 5.11 17.7 237.8 86.7 16.5 5.15 19.0 237.8 93.5 16.4 5.20 20.2 237.8 100.8 16.2 6.08 12.9 292.3 81.0 21.3 6.13 13.8 292.3 87.4 21.2 6.18 14.7 292.3 94.1 21.0 5.83 14.8 275.2 87.0 17.4 5.89 15.8 275.2 93.9 17.3 5.93 16.9 275.2 101.1 17.1 5.63 15.6 266.4 87.6 15.5 5.68 16.7 266.4 94.5 15.4 5.72 17.8 266.4 101.8 15.2 6.86 10.9 332.6 81.3 22.7 6.92 11.6 332.6 87.7 22.6 6.98 12.4 332.6 94.5 22.4 6.59 12.5 313.1 87.3 18.8 6.65 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°F 19.5 85 3.2 7.5 92.2 25 24.0 4.9 11.2 24.0 19.9 95 3.1 7.2 102.1 20.5 110 3.0 7.0 117.0 20.8 85 3.2 7.5 91.5 12.0 1.4 3.3 21.5 95 3.1 7.2 101.5 22.7 110 3.0 7.0 116.4 21.9 85 3.2 7.5 92.8 30 18.0 2.9 6.7 24.0 22.4 95 3.1 7.2 102.8 23.3 110 3.0 7.0 117.6 23.8 85 3.2 7.5 92.9 24.0 4.8 11.0 24.2 95 3.1 7.2 102.8 24.8 110 3.0 7.0 117.6 29.0 85 3.2 7.5 92.5 12.0 1.4 3.1 29.7 95 3.1 7.2 102.4 31.0 110 3.0 7.0 117.2 30.5 85 3.2 7.5 93.9 40 18.0 2.8 6.4 24.0 31.0 95 3.1 7.2 103.9 31.9 110 3.0 7.0 118.7 32.7 85 3.2 7.5 94.0 24.0 4.5 10.5 33.1 95 3.1 7.2 103.9 33.8 110 3.0 7.0 118.7 37.1 85 3.2 7.5 93.4 12.0 1.3 3.0 37.9 95 3.1 7.2 103.3 39.3 110 3.0 7.0 118.1 39.0 85 3.2 7.5 95.0 50 18.0 2.6 6.1 24.0 39.5 95 3.1 7.2 105.0 40.5 110 3.0 7.0 119.7 41.6 85 3.2 7.5 95.1 24.0 4.3 10.0 42.0 95 3.1 7.2 105.0 42.7 110 3.0 7.0 119.8 45.0 85 3.2 7.5 94.4 12.0 1.3 2.9 45.8 95 3.1 7.2 104.4 47.3 110 3.0 7.0 119.2 47.3 85 3.2 7.5 96.3 60 18.0 2.5 5.8 24.0 47.8 95 3.1 7.2 106.2 48.9 110 3.0 7.0 121.0 50.4 85 3.2 7.5 96.3 24.0 4.2 9.6 50.7 95 3.1 7.2 106.3 51.5 110 3.0 7.0 121.0 52.8 85 3.2 7.5 95.5 12.0 1.2 2.8 53.6 95 3.1 7.2 105.5 55.1 110 3.0 7.0 120.2 55.6 85 3.2 7.5 97.6 70 18.0 2.4 5.6 24.0 56.1 95 3.1 7.2 107.5 57.2 110 3.0 7.0 122.2 59.0 85 3.2 7.5 97.7 24.0 4.0 9.3 59.4 95 3.1 7.2 107.6 60.2 110 3.0 7.0 122.3 60.7 85 3.2 7.5 96.6 12.0 1.2 2.7 61.5 95 3.1 7.2 106.5 63.1 110 3.0 7.0 121.3 63.9 85 3.2 7.5 98.9 80 18.0 2.4 5.5 24.0 64.4 95 3.1 7.2 108.8 65.6 110 3.0 7.0 123.5 67.8 85 3.2 7.5 98.9 24.0 3.9 9.0 68.2 95 3.1 7.2 108.9 69.0 110 3.0 7.0 123.5 68.6 85 3.2 7.5 97.7 12.0 1.1 2.7 69.5 95 3.1 7.2 107.6 71.1 110 3.0 7.0 122.3 72.2 85 3.2 7.5 100.2 18.0 2.3 5.4 90 24.0 72.7 95 3.1 7.2 110.1 73.9 110 3.0 7.0 124.7 76.5 85 3.2 7.5 100.3 24.0 3.8 8.9 76.9 95 3.1 7.2 110.2 77.7 110 3.0 7.0 124.8 LST is based on 15% (by volume) methanol antifreeze solution only or 485 multiplier LLT is based on water only or 500 multiplier Performance data accurate within ± 10% Discharge pressure is ± 20 PSI; Suction pressure is ± 10 PSI SubCooling is ± 5 °F; Superheat is ± 6 °F EST °F Source Water WPD Flow GPM PSID FT Enertech Global 60 HC HE MBtuh MBtuh 86.3 63.5 85.7 59.6 83.7 52.4 78.5 53.8 78 49.7 76.2 42.3 94 70.3 93.4 66.2 91.2 58.7 94.5 71.6 93.9 67.7 91.7 60.3 89.4 64.3 88.8 60.0 86.8 52.4 107 82.9 106.4 78.8 103.9 70.8 107.6 84.4 106.9 80.3 104.4 72.5 100.5 75.0 99.9 70.7 97.5 62.5 120.3 95.8 119.6 91.5 116.8 83.2 120.9 97.3 120.2 93.1 117.3 84.9 113.2 87.3 112.4 82.7 109.8 74.2 135.5 110.7 134.6 106.1 131.4 97.3 136.1 112.1 135.2 107.7 132.1 99.2 126.4 100.1 125.6 95.4 122.6 86.5 151.3 126.1 150.3 121.3 146.8 112.1 152 127.6 151.1 123.2 147.5 114.1 139.1 112.2 138.2 107.4 135 98.1 166.5 140.7 165.5 135.9 161.6 126.1 167.3 142.4 166.3 137.8 162.4 128.2 152.1 124.6 151.1 119.6 109.9 147.6 182.1 155.7 180.9 150.6 176.7 140.5 183 157.5 181.8 152.6 177.5 142.6 kW 6.68 7.65 9.17 7.24 8.30 9.93 6.94 7.96 9.53 6.70 7.68 9.19 7.35 8.43 10.09 7.06 8.09 9.69 6.81 7.80 9.34 7.48 8.57 10.26 7.18 8.23 9.85 6.92 7.93 9.50 7.59 8.70 10.42 7.28 8.35 10.00 7.02 8.05 9.64 7.71 8.84 10.59 7.40 8.49 10.16 7.14 8.19 9.80 7.88 9.04 10.82 7.57 8.67 10.39 7.30 8.36 10.02 8.06 9.24 11.06 7.73 8.87 10.62 7.46 8.55 10.24 COP W/W 3.79 3.28 2.68 3.18 2.75 2.25 3.97 3.44 2.80 4.13 3.58 2.92 3.56 3.09 2.52 4.44 3.85 3.14 4.63 4.02 3.28 3.94 3.42 2.79 4.91 4.26 3.48 5.12 4.44 3.62 4.37 3.79 3.09 5.45 4.72 3.85 5.68 4.92 4.02 4.80 4.16 3.39 5.99 5.19 4.23 6.24 5.41 4.41 5.17 4.48 3.66 6.45 5.59 4.56 6.72 5.83 4.75 5.53 4.79 3.91 6.90 5.98 4.88 7.19 6.23 5.08 Heating Discharge Suction Subcooling PSIG PSIG °F 308.7 65.9 14.6 352.4 68.4 14.2 421.6 70.7 12.7 342.9 68.9 20.8 391.4 71.4 19.9 468.3 73.8 18.6 322.8 74.0 17.0 368.5 76.7 16.3 440.9 79.3 14.7 312.4 74.5 15.2 356.6 77.2 14.7 426.7 79.8 13.1 349.3 81.9 21.8 398.6 84.9 20.8 477.0 87.7 19.6 328.8 87.9 18.0 375.3 91.2 17.3 449.1 94.3 15.7 318.2 88.5 16.2 363.2 91.8 15.6 434.6 94.9 14.0 355.7 95.2 22.7 405.9 98.7 21.6 485.7 102.0 20.6 334.9 102.2 18.9 382.2 106.0 18.1 457.3 109.6 16.5 324.1 102.9 17.2 369.9 106.7 16.4 442.6 110.3 14.8 362.7 110.1 23.4 414.0 114.2 22.2 495.4 118.0 21.4 341.5 118.3 19.7 389.8 122.7 18.6 466.4 126.8 17.1 330.5 119.1 17.9 377.2 123.4 17.0 15.4 451.4 127.6 369.8 125.8 23.8 422.1 130.5 22.5 505.1 134.9 21.9 348.2 135.2 20.1 397.4 140.2 18.9 475.5 144.9 17.4 337.0 136.1 18.3 384.6 141.1 17.3 460.2 145.9 15.6 376.3 141.3 23.9 429.5 146.5 22.5 513.9 151.4 22.1 354.3 151.8 20.3 404.3 157.4 18.9 483.8 162.7 17.5 342.9 152.8 18.5 391.3 158.4 17.3 468.2 163.8 15.6 382.8 157.0 24.0 436.9 162.8 22.4 522.8 168.3 22.2 360.4 168.7 20.3 411.3 174.9 18.8 492.2 180.8 17.5 348.8 169.8 18.6 398.1 176.0 17.2 476.3 182.0 15.5 Superheat °F 8.1 6.6 5.6 6.4 4.9 3.8 5.4 3.9 2.9 6.8 5.3 4.3 5.7 4.2 3.3 5.4 4.0 3.1 7.3 5.8 5.0 5.8 4.3 3.6 6.3 4.8 4.1 8.6 7.2 6.6 5.8 4.4 3.7 7.0 5.6 5.0 9.9 8.5 8.0 6.2 4.8 4.2 8.0 6.6 6.2 11.4 10.0 9.7 7.3 5.9 5.4 9.7 8.3 7.9 13.6 12.2 12.0 8.7 7.2 6.8 11.7 10.2 9.9 16.1 14.6 14.5 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 11: Model 120 Cooling Performance Data: 10.0 Ton, Full Load Capacity Load Water WPD LST ELT Flow LLT °F °F GPM PSID FT °F 54.7 40 6.1 14.1 33.9 15.0 2.0 4.5 55.7 45 6.0 13.8 38.4 56.8 50 5.9 13.5 42.9 50.2 40 6.1 14.1 33.5 40 22.5 4.0 9.3 30.0 50.9 45 6.0 13.8 38.0 51.7 50 5.9 13.6 42.5 47.9 40 6.1 14.1 33.3 30.0 6.7 15.5 48.4 45 6.0 13.8 37.7 49.0 50 5.9 13.6 42.2 64.7 40 6.1 14.1 34.0 15.0 1.9 4.4 65.8 45 6.0 13.8 38.5 66.8 50 5.9 13.5 43.0 60.2 40 6.1 14.1 33.6 50 22.5 3.9 8.9 30.0 61.0 45 6.0 13.8 38.1 61.7 50 5.9 13.5 42.6 57.9 40 6.1 14.1 33.4 30.0 6.4 14.8 58.5 45 6.0 13.8 37.9 59.0 50 5.9 13.5 42.3 74.8 40 6.1 14.1 34.1 15.0 1.8 4.2 75.8 45 6.0 13.8 38.7 76.8 50 5.9 13.5 43.2 70.2 40 6.1 14.1 33.8 60 22.5 3.7 8.6 30.0 71.0 45 6.0 13.8 38.3 71.7 50 5.9 13.5 42.8 67.9 40 6.1 14.1 33.6 30.0 6.2 14.3 68.4 45 6.0 13.8 38.0 69.0 50 5.9 13.5 42.5 84.8 40 6.1 14.1 34.3 15.0 1.8 4.1 85.8 45 6.0 13.8 38.8 86.8 50 5.9 13.5 43.4 80.2 40 6.1 14.1 34.0 70 22.5 3.6 8.4 30.0 80.9 45 6.0 13.8 38.5 81.6 50 5.9 13.5 43.0 77.9 40 6.1 14.1 33.8 30.0 6.0 13.9 78.4 45 6.0 13.8 38.2 79.0 50 5.9 13.5 42.7 94.8 40 6.1 14.1 34.5 15.0 1.8 4.0 95.8 45 6.0 13.8 39.1 96.7 50 5.9 13.5 43.6 90.2 40 6.1 14.1 34.2 80 22.5 3.6 8.2 30.0 90.9 45 6.0 13.8 38.7 91.5 50 5.9 13.5 43.2 87.8 40 6.1 14.1 34.0 30.0 5.9 13.6 88.4 45 6.0 13.8 38.5 88.9 50 5.9 13.5 43.0 104.8 40 6.1 14.1 34.8 15.0 1.7 4.0 105.7 45 6.0 13.8 39.4 106.6 50 5.9 13.5 43.9 100.1 40 6.1 14.1 34.5 90 22.5 3.6 8.2 30.0 100.8 45 6.0 13.8 39.0 101.4 50 5.9 13.5 43.6 97.8 40 6.1 14.1 34.3 30.0 5.9 13.6 98.3 45 6.0 13.8 38.8 98.8 50 5.9 13.5 43.3 124.6 40 6.1 14.1 35.4 15.0 1.8 4.1 125.4 45 6.0 13.8 40.0 126.3 50 5.9 13.5 44.6 119.9 40 6.1 14.1 35.1 22.5 3.6 8.4 110 30.0 120.5 45 6.0 13.8 39.7 121.1 50 5.9 13.5 44.3 117.6 40 6.1 14.1 34.9 30.0 6.0 13.8 118.0 45 6.0 13.8 39.5 118.5 50 5.9 13.5 44.1 LST is based on 15% (by volume) methanol antifreeze solution only or 485 multiplier LLT is based on water only or 500 multiplier Performance data accurate within ± 10% Discharge pressure is ± 20 PSI; Suction pressure is ± 10 PSI SubCooling is ± 5 °F; Superheat is ± 6 °F EST °F Source Water WPD Flow GPM PSID FT WT Models, Rev.: B 61 TC HR MBtuh MBtuh 91.5 106.7 99.0 114.3 106.8 122.1 96.9 111.2 104.9 119.3 113.0 127.6 100.6 114.6 108.8 122.9 117.3 131.5 90.1 107.3 97.4 114.8 105.0 122.5 95.3 111.6 103.1 119.5 111.2 127.7 98.9 114.9 107.0 123.1 115.4 131.5 88.0 107.7 95.2 115.0 102.6 122.5 93.1 111.7 100.8 119.5 108.6 127.5 96.6 114.8 104.6 122.9 112.7 131.2 85.3 107.8 92.3 115.0 99.5 122.3 90.3 111.6 97.7 119.1 105.4 126.9 93.7 114.5 101.4 122.4 109.3 130.4 82.1 107.8 88.8 114.7 95.8 121.8 86.9 111.2 94.1 118.5 101.4 126.0 90.2 114.0 97.6 121.5 105.2 129.3 78.3 107.6 84.7 114.1 91.3 121.0 82.9 110.6 89.7 117.5 96.7 124.7 86.0 113.1 93.1 120.3 100.3 127.7 69.0 106.5 74.6 112.3 80.4 118.4 73.0 108.5 79.0 114.7 85.2 121.1 75.8 110.5 82.0 116.9 88.4 123.5 kW 4.44 4.47 4.50 4.20 4.23 4.26 4.11 4.13 4.17 5.05 5.08 5.12 4.78 4.80 4.84 4.67 4.70 4.73 5.76 5.80 5.84 5.45 5.48 5.53 5.33 5.36 5.41 6.59 6.63 6.68 6.23 6.27 6.32 6.10 6.13 6.18 7.52 7.57 7.63 7.12 7.16 7.21 6.96 7.00 7.06 8.57 8.62 8.68 8.10 8.15 8.21 7.93 7.97 8.03 10.99 11.05 11.13 10.39 10.45 10.53 10.16 10.22 10.30 EER Btuh/W 20.6 22.2 23.7 23.1 24.8 26.5 24.5 26.3 28.2 17.8 19.2 20.5 20.0 21.5 23.0 21.2 22.8 24.4 15.3 16.4 17.6 17.1 18.4 19.7 18.1 19.5 20.9 13.0 13.9 14.9 14.5 15.6 16.7 15.4 16.5 17.7 10.9 11.7 12.6 12.2 13.1 14.1 13.0 13.9 14.9 9.1 9.8 10.5 10.2 11.0 11.8 10.9 11.7 12.5 6.3 6.8 7.2 7.0 7.6 8.1 7.5 8.0 8.6 Cooling Discharge PSIG 181.9 181.9 181.9 172.4 172.4 172.4 167.4 167.4 167.4 213.1 213.1 213.1 201.9 201.9 201.9 196.0 196.0 196.0 247.7 247.7 247.7 234.8 234.8 234.8 227.9 227.9 227.9 285.9 285.9 285.9 271.0 271.0 271.0 263.0 263.0 263.0 327.6 327.6 327.6 310.4 310.4 310.4 301.3 301.3 301.3 365.5 368.5 371.8 346.4 349.2 352.4 336.2 339.0 342.1 464.4 468.2 472.5 440.1 443.7 447.7 427.2 430.7 434.6 Suction PSIG 66.5 72.3 78.2 71.0 77.2 83.5 73.3 79.6 86.2 73.3 79.7 86.2 78.2 85.1 92.0 80.8 87.8 95.0 75.8 82.4 89.2 80.9 88.0 95.2 83.6 90.8 98.3 76.7 83.3 90.2 81.8 88.9 96.2 84.5 91.8 99.4 77.5 84.2 91.1 82.7 89.9 97.2 85.3 92.8 100.4 78.9 85.8 92.8 84.2 91.6 99.1 86.9 94.5 102.3 82.1 89.3 96.6 87.7 95.3 103.1 90.5 98.4 106.5 Subcooling Superheat °F °F 19.1 15.5 19.0 15.4 18.8 15.5 16.3 15.1 16.1 15.3 15.9 15.7 14.7 15.4 14.6 15.8 14.4 16.4 19.4 10.6 19.1 10.4 18.9 10.5 16.2 10.2 16.0 10.3 15.8 10.6 14.6 10.5 14.4 10.7 14.1 11.3 19.9 9.1 19.7 8.9 19.4 8.9 16.5 8.7 16.3 8.7 16.0 9.0 14.7 8.9 14.5 9.2 14.2 9.7 20.6 8.8 20.3 8.6 20.0 8.6 17.0 8.3 16.7 8.4 16.4 8.7 15.1 8.6 14.8 8.9 14.5 9.5 20.8 8.5 20.5 8.3 20.2 8.4 17.3 8.1 17.0 8.2 16.6 8.5 15.4 8.4 15.1 8.7 14.8 9.2 19.0 7.8 19.2 7.7 19.4 7.7 15.6 7.4 15.8 7.5 16.1 7.9 13.8 7.7 14.0 8.0 14.3 8.6 16.4 7.1 16.6 7.1 16.8 7.2 12.9 6.8 13.0 7.0 13.2 7.5 11.1 7.1 11.3 7.6 11.4 8.3 Enertech Global Section 11: Model 120 Heating Performance Data: 10.0 Ton, Full Load Capacity Load Water WPD LST ELT Flow LLT °F °F GPM PSID FT °F 20.3 85 5.0 11.6 91.2 25 30.0 7.5 17.3 30.0 20.6 95 4.9 11.3 101.1 21.2 110 4.7 10.8 115.9 20.5 85 5.0 11.6 91.4 15.0 2.2 5.1 21.2 95 4.9 11.3 101.3 22.5 110 4.7 10.8 116.1 23.2 85 5.0 11.6 91.7 22.5 4.4 10.2 30.0 30 23.7 95 4.9 11.2 101.6 24.5 110 4.7 10.8 116.4 24.7 85 5.0 11.6 91.8 30.0 7.3 16.9 25.1 95 4.9 11.2 101.7 25.7 110 4.7 10.8 116.5 28.5 85 5.0 11.6 92.4 15.0 2.1 4.8 29.3 95 4.9 11.3 102.3 30.6 110 4.7 10.8 117.1 31.8 85 5.0 11.6 92.7 40 22.5 4.2 9.8 30.0 32.3 95 4.9 11.2 102.6 33.2 110 4.7 10.8 117.3 33.7 85 5.0 11.6 92.8 30.0 7.0 16.1 34.0 95 4.9 11.2 102.7 34.7 110 4.7 10.8 117.5 36.5 85 5.0 11.6 93.4 15.0 2.0 4.6 37.3 95 4.9 11.2 103.3 38.7 110 4.7 10.8 118.0 40.4 85 5.0 11.5 93.7 50 22.5 4.0 9.3 30.0 41.0 95 4.9 11.2 103.6 41.9 110 4.7 10.8 118.3 42.6 85 5.0 11.5 93.9 30.0 6.7 15.4 43.0 95 4.9 11.2 103.8 43.7 110 4.7 10.8 118.5 44.5 85 5.0 11.6 94.4 15.0 1.9 4.4 45.3 95 4.9 11.2 104.3 46.8 110 4.7 10.8 119.0 49.0 85 5.0 11.5 94.8 60 22.5 3.9 9.0 30.0 49.6 95 4.9 11.2 104.6 50.5 110 4.7 10.8 119.3 51.5 85 5.0 11.5 95.0 30.0 6.4 14.7 51.9 95 4.9 11.2 104.8 52.7 110 4.7 10.8 119.5 52.4 85 5.0 11.5 95.5 15.0 1.9 4.3 53.3 95 4.9 11.2 105.3 54.8 110 4.7 10.8 120.0 57.6 85 5.0 11.5 95.9 70 22.5 3.7 8.6 30.0 58.2 95 4.8 11.2 105.7 59.2 110 4.7 10.7 120.4 60.4 85 5.0 11.5 96.1 30.0 6.2 14.2 60.8 95 4.8 11.2 105.9 61.6 110 4.7 10.7 120.6 60.3 85 5.0 11.5 96.5 15.0 1.8 4.2 61.3 95 4.9 11.2 106.3 62.9 110 4.7 10.7 121.0 66.1 85 5.0 11.5 96.9 80 22.5 3.6 8.4 30.0 66.7 95 4.8 11.2 106.8 67.8 110 4.6 10.7 121.4 69.3 85 5.0 11.5 97.2 30.0 6.0 13.9 69.8 95 4.8 11.2 107.0 70.6 110 4.6 10.7 121.6 68.2 85 5.0 11.5 97.5 15.0 1.8 4.1 69.2 95 4.8 11.2 107.4 70.9 110 4.7 10.7 122.0 74.7 85 5.0 11.5 98.0 22.5 3.6 8.3 90 30.0 75.3 95 4.8 11.1 107.8 76.5 110 4.6 10.7 122.4 78.2 85 5.0 11.5 98.3 30.0 5.9 13.6 78.7 95 4.8 11.1 108.1 79.5 110 4.6 10.7 122.7 LST is based on 15% (by volume) methanol antifreeze solution only or 485 multiplier LLT is based on water only or 500 multiplier Performance data accurate within ± 10% Discharge pressure is ± 20 PSI; Suction pressure is ± 10 PSI SubCooling is ± 5 °F; Superheat is ± 6 °F EST °F Source Water WPD Flow GPM PSID FT Enertech Global HC HE MBtuh MBtuh 93.4 68.7 92 63.8 89.2 55.4 96.2 69.1 94.7 63.8 91.8 54.7 99.8 74.2 98.3 69.1 95.3 60.2 101.8 76.7 100.3 71.7 97.2 62.8 111 83.5 109.3 78.0 106 68.4 115.2 89.2 113.4 83.7 110 74.4 117.5 92.1 115.7 86.7 112.2 77.4 125.9 98.1 124 92.2 120.2 82.1 130.6 104.3 128.7 98.7 124.8 88.7 133.3 107.5 131.3 101.9 127.3 92.0 141.4 113.0 139.3 106.9 135 96.1 146.7 119.8 144.5 113.9 140.1 103.3 149.6 123.3 147.4 117.4 142.9 106.9 157 128.1 154.7 121.7 150 110.4 162.9 135.5 160.5 129.3 155.6 118.1 166.2 139.4 163.7 133.2 158.7 122.0 172.5 143.2 169.9 136.4 164.8 124.6 179 151.3 176.3 144.6 170.9 132.9 182.6 155.4 179.9 148.9 174.4 137.2 188.1 158.3 185.3 151.3 179.6 138.8 195.1 166.9 192.2 160.1 186.4 147.8 199.1 171.6 196.1 164.7 190.1 152.4 62 kW 7.24 8.26 9.92 7.94 9.06 10.88 7.51 8.57 10.29 7.35 8.38 10.07 8.05 9.18 11.03 7.61 8.69 10.43 7.45 8.50 10.20 8.16 9.31 11.18 7.72 8.80 10.57 7.55 8.61 10.34 8.32 9.49 11.40 7.87 8.98 10.78 7.70 8.78 10.55 8.48 9.68 11.62 8.02 9.15 10.99 7.85 8.95 10.75 8.60 9.81 11.78 8.13 9.28 11.15 7.96 9.08 10.90 8.72 9.95 11.95 8.25 9.41 11.30 8.07 9.20 11.05 COP W/W 3.78 3.26 2.64 3.55 3.06 2.47 3.89 3.36 2.71 4.06 3.51 2.83 4.04 3.49 2.82 4.44 3.82 3.09 4.62 3.99 3.22 4.52 3.90 3.15 4.96 4.29 3.46 5.17 4.47 3.61 4.98 4.30 3.47 5.46 4.72 3.81 5.69 4.92 3.97 5.43 4.68 3.78 5.95 5.14 4.15 6.20 5.36 4.33 5.88 5.08 4.10 6.45 5.57 4.49 6.72 5.81 4.69 6.32 5.46 4.40 6.93 5.99 4.83 7.23 6.25 5.04 Heating Discharge PSIG 306.7 349.1 416.2 337.9 384.6 458.5 320.2 364.5 434.5 310.8 353.8 421.7 343.8 391.3 466.5 325.8 370.9 442.1 316.2 360.0 429.1 349.7 398.1 474.6 331.4 377.3 449.7 321.7 366.2 436.5 356.8 406.2 484.2 338.2 384.9 458.9 328.2 373.6 445.4 364.0 414.3 493.9 344.9 392.6 468.1 334.8 381.1 454.3 370.0 421.2 502.1 350.7 399.2 475.9 340.4 387.5 461.9 376.1 428.2 510.4 356.5 405.8 483.7 346.0 393.9 469.5 Suction PSIG 62.6 64.2 66.0 64.5 66.1 68.0 68.8 70.6 72.5 71.0 72.9 74.9 78.2 80.2 82.4 83.5 85.6 88.0 86.2 88.4 90.8 92.0 94.4 97.0 98.2 100.7 103.5 101.3 104.0 106.8 106.4 109.2 112.2 113.6 116.5 119.7 117.2 120.3 123.6 120.9 124.1 127.5 129.1 132.4 136.1 133.2 136.7 140.5 135.0 138.5 142.4 144.1 147.8 151.9 148.8 152.6 156.8 149.1 153.0 157.2 159.2 163.3 167.8 164.3 168.6 173.2 Subcooling Superheat °F °F 8.8 13.1 7.9 12.9 7.3 10.8 19.0 9.4 18.4 8.5 16.3 8.0 15.4 8.4 15.1 7.5 12.9 7.0 13.6 8.3 13.3 7.4 11.1 7.0 8.3 19.5 7.3 18.8 7.0 16.7 16.0 7.8 15.5 6.9 13.2 6.7 8.1 14.1 7.2 13.7 7.1 11.4 20.0 8.2 19.2 7.3 17.2 7.2 16.5 8.3 15.9 7.5 13.5 7.5 14.7 9.0 14.1 8.2 11.8 8.3 9.0 20.6 8.1 19.7 8.3 17.8 17.2 9.7 16.4 8.9 14.1 9.2 10.9 15.4 10.1 14.7 10.5 12.2 21.3 10.2 20.3 9.4 18.6 9.8 17.9 11.6 17.0 10.8 14.7 11.3 16.1 13.2 15.3 12.4 12.8 13.0 11.5 21.9 10.7 20.8 11.3 19.4 18.5 13.4 17.5 12.6 15.3 13.3 15.3 16.7 14.6 15.8 15.4 13.4 22.6 13.0 21.4 12.3 20.2 13.0 19.2 15.4 18.1 14.7 16.0 15.6 17.4 17.7 16.4 17.0 14.0 18.0 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 11: Model 144 Performance Data: 12.0 Ton, Part Load Capacity EST GPM 10.0 30 14.0 18.0 10.0 50 14.0 18.0 10.0 70 14.0 18.0 10.0 90 14.0 18.0 10.0 110 14.0 18.0 PSI 2.2 4.0 6.5 2.0 3.7 6.0 2.0 3.6 5.8 1.9 3.3 5.3 1.8 3.3 5.3 FT 5.0 9.3 15.0 4.7 8.6 14.0 4.7 8.3 13.3 4.3 7.7 12.3 Heating Cooling ELT HC HE KW LLT COP DH 85 58.8 42.2 5.13 96.7 3.36 7.3 ELT TC HR KW LLT EER DH 95 57.1 39.7 5.40 106.4 3.10 7.5 110 55.3 37.4 5.66 121.0 2.86 7.8 85 60.5 44.0 5.18 93.7 3.42 7.5 95 58.9 41.3 5.46 103.4 3.16 7.8 110 57.3 38.9 5.73 118.2 2.93 8.0 85 61.3 44.8 5.18 91.8 3.47 7.6 95 59.7 42.3 5.45 101.6 3.21 7.9 110 58.1 39.7 5.73 116.5 2.97 8.2 85 76.0 58.9 5.37 100.2 4.15 9.5 40 61.9 72.8 3.57 27.6 17.3 5.2 95 73.7 55.4 5.66 109.7 3.82 9.7 45 67.2 77.5 3.65 31.6 18.4 5.3 110 71.2 52.2 5.93 124.2 3.52 10.0 50 72.6 82.1 3.73 35.5 19.5 5.5 85 79.2 61.7 5.48 96.3 4.24 9.9 40 62.5 73.1 3.41 31.1 18.3 5.0 95 76.6 58.2 5.77 106.0 3.89 10.1 45 67.9 77.7 3.48 35.3 19.5 5.1 110 74.2 54.6 6.06 120.6 3.58 10.4 50 73.3 82.4 3.55 39.5 20.6 5.2 85 80.8 63.3 5.50 94.0 4.31 10.1 40 63.1 73.5 3.31 33.0 19.1 4.7 95 78.2 59.7 5.79 103.7 3.96 10.3 45 68.6 78.2 3.38 37.4 20.3 4.8 110 75.6 56.1 6.09 118.4 3.64 10.6 50 74.1 82.8 3.45 41.8 21.5 5.0 85 92.5 74.3 5.71 103.5 4.75 11.5 40 58.0 70.9 4.29 28.4 13.5 7.5 95 89.2 70.1 6.01 112.8 4.35 11.8 45 63.0 75.4 4.39 32.4 14.3 7.7 110 85.9 65.8 6.30 127.2 4.00 12.1 50 68.1 80.0 4.47 36.4 15.3 8.0 85 97.1 78.3 5.88 98.9 4.84 12.1 40 58.9 71.2 4.09 31.6 14.4 7.2 95 93.7 73.8 6.19 108.4 4.44 12.4 45 64.0 75.8 4.17 35.8 15.3 7.5 110 90.2 69.4 6.51 122.9 4.06 12.7 50 69.1 80.4 4.25 40.1 16.2 7.6 85 99.7 80.7 5.95 96.1 4.92 12.4 40 59.4 71.6 3.96 33.4 15.0 6.9 95 96.1 76.1 6.26 105.7 4.50 12.7 45 64.7 76.2 4.04 37.8 16.0 7.1 110 92.5 71.5 6.57 120.3 4.13 13.0 50 69.8 80.6 4.13 42.2 16.9 7.4 85 106.6 87.6 5.67 106.3 5.52 13.3 40 52.8 68.2 5.31 29.4 9.9 9.9 95 102.7 82.5 6.41 115.5 4.70 13.6 45 57.4 72.6 5.41 33.5 10.6 10.2 110 98.8 77.6 6.59 129.7 4.39 13.9 50 62.0 77.0 5.50 37.6 11.3 10.4 85 112.7 92.9 6.22 101.1 5.31 14.0 40 53.8 68.6 4.99 32.3 10.8 9.5 95 108.6 87.6 6.55 110.5 4.86 14.4 45 58.5 73.0 5.12 36.6 11.4 9.8 110 104.3 82.4 6.88 124.9 4.45 14.6 50 63.3 77.3 5.19 41.0 12.2 10.0 85 116.5 96.1 6.32 97.9 5.40 14.5 40 54.5 68.7 4.87 33.9 11.2 9.1 95 112.0 90.7 6.64 107.4 4.94 14.8 45 59.2 73.1 4.96 38.4 11.9 9.4 110 107.6 85.3 6.98 122.0 4.52 15.1 50 63.9 77.5 5.07 42.9 12.6 9.7 40 46.0 64.9 6.61 30.8 7.0 12.2 45 50.0 69.1 6.70 35.0 7.5 12.6 50 54.1 73.2 6.87 39.2 7.9 13.0 40 47.2 65.2 6.19 33.3 7.6 11.8 45 51.4 69.3 6.33 37.6 8.1 12.2 50 55.5 73.5 6.50 42.1 8.5 12.4 40 47.7 65.2 6.06 34.7 7.9 11.3 45 51.9 69.3 6.14 39.2 8.5 11.7 50 56.0 73.5 6.25 43.8 9.0 12.1 4.2 7.7 Operation Not Recommended 12.1 Operation Not Recommended * See Page 13 for Application Notes WT Models, Rev.: B 63 Enertech Global Section 11: Model 144 Performance Data: 12.0 Ton, Full Load Capacity EST GPM 17.8 30 24.9 32.0 17.8 50 24.9 32.0 17.8 70 24.9 32.0 17.8 90 24.9 32.0 17.8 110 24.9 32.0 PSI 2.3 4.4 7.0 2.2 4.1 6.6 2.2 3.9 6.2 2.0 3.6 5.8 2.0 3.6 5.7 FT 5.4 10.1 16.2 5.0 9.4 15.1 5.0 9.0 14.4 4.7 8.3 13.3 Heating Cooling ELT HC HE KW LLT COP DH 85 117.5 84.3 10.26 98.2 3.36 14.6 95 114.2 79.4 10.81 107.8 3.10 15.1 110 110.6 74.8 11.33 122.4 2.86 15.5 85 121.1 87.9 10.37 94.7 3.42 15.1 95 117.7 82.7 10.92 104.5 3.16 15.6 110 114.5 77.8 11.47 119.2 2.93 16.1 85 122.6 89.6 10.36 92.7 3.47 15.3 95 119.4 84.7 10.91 102.5 3.21 15.8 16.3 ELT TC HR KW LLT EER DH Operation Not Recommended 110 116.2 79.4 11.45 117.3 2.97 85 152.0 117.8 10.75 102.1 4.15 18.9 40 123.7 145.7 7.14 26.1 17.3 10.4 95 147.5 110.9 11.32 111.6 3.82 19.5 45 134.4 155.1 7.30 29.9 18.4 10.7 110 142.5 104.3 11.87 126.0 3.52 20.0 50 145.1 164.3 7.45 33.7 19.5 10.9 85 158.5 123.4 10.95 97.7 4.24 19.7 40 125.0 146.2 6.82 29.9 18.3 9.9 95 153.2 116.5 11.54 107.3 3.89 20.3 45 135.7 155.4 6.97 34.1 19.5 10.2 110 148.3 109.3 12.13 121.9 3.58 20.8 50 146.7 164.8 7.11 38.2 20.6 10.4 85 161.7 126.6 11.01 95.1 4.31 20.1 40 126.3 146.9 6.62 32.1 19.1 9.4 95 156.5 119.4 11.59 104.8 3.96 20.7 45 137.2 156.4 6.76 36.4 20.3 9.7 110 151.2 112.2 12.17 119.4 3.64 21.2 50 148.2 165.6 6.90 40.7 21.5 9.9 85 185.0 148.6 11.42 105.8 4.75 23.0 40 116.1 141.8 8.59 27.0 13.5 15.0 95 178.4 140.1 12.01 115.1 4.35 23.6 45 126.0 150.8 8.79 30.8 14.3 15.5 110 171.8 131.6 12.60 129.3 4.00 24.1 50 136.2 159.9 8.93 34.7 15.3 16.0 85 194.2 156.5 11.76 100.6 4.84 24.2 40 117.9 142.3 8.17 30.5 14.4 14.5 95 187.3 147.6 12.37 110.1 4.44 24.8 45 128.1 151.5 8.35 34.7 15.3 15.0 110 180.5 138.7 13.02 124.5 4.06 25.3 50 138.3 160.7 8.51 38.9 16.2 15.2 85 199.5 161.4 11.89 97.5 4.92 24.8 40 118.9 143.1 7.92 32.6 15.0 13.7 95 192.3 152.2 12.51 107.0 4.50 25.4 45 129.3 152.3 8.08 36.9 16.0 14.2 110 185.1 143.1 13.14 121.6 4.13 26.0 50 139.5 161.2 8.25 41.3 16.9 14.7 85 213.3 175.2 11.33 109.0 5.52 26.6 40 105.6 136.5 10.62 28.1 9.9 19.8 95 205.4 165.0 12.82 118.1 4.70 27.2 45 114.8 145.1 10.82 32.1 10.6 20.3 110 197.5 155.2 13.19 132.2 4.39 27.7 50 124.0 154.1 11.00 36.1 11.3 20.8 85 225.4 185.7 12.44 103.1 5.31 28.1 40 107.6 137.2 9.99 31.3 10.8 19.1 95 217.2 175.2 13.10 112.5 4.86 28.7 45 117.1 145.9 10.23 35.6 11.4 19.6 110 208.7 164.7 13.75 126.8 4.45 29.3 50 126.5 154.6 10.38 39.8 12.2 20.1 85 233.0 192.3 12.64 99.6 5.40 29.0 40 108.9 137.5 9.73 33.2 11.2 18.3 95 224.1 181.4 13.29 109.0 4.94 29.6 45 118.4 146.2 9.91 37.6 11.9 18.8 110 215.2 170.6 13.95 123.5 4.52 30.2 50 127.8 155.1 10.14 42.0 12.6 19.3 40 92.1 129.8 13.22 29.6 7.0 24.4 45 100.0 138.3 13.40 33.8 7.5 25.2 50 108.2 146.4 13.73 37.8 7.9 25.9 40 94.4 130.4 12.38 32.4 7.6 23.6 45 102.8 138.5 12.65 36.7 8.1 24.4 50 111.0 146.9 13.00 41.1 8.5 24.9 40 95.4 130.4 12.11 34.0 7.9 22.6 45 103.8 138.5 12.28 38.5 8.5 23.4 50 112.0 146.9 12.51 43.0 9.0 24.1 4.5 8.3 Operation Not Recommended 13.2 * See Page 13 for Application Notes Enertech Global 64 WT Models, Rev.: B Section 11: Air Handler and “A” Coil Performance Data Air Handler / “A” Coil Corrections Air Handler / “A” Coil Capacities Airflow Correction Factors Hot Water Heating Capacity -- 68°F EAT (DB) Model CFM MPH/ ACH024 MPH/ ACH036 MPH/ ACH048 MPH/ ACH060 789 1058 1564 1952 EWT °F CFM Heating Capacity Tot Cooling Capacity Sensible Capacity 880 1.047 1.046 1.074 789 1.000 1.000 1.000 690 0.949 0.950 0.920 98.5 584 0.895 0.897 0.833 1058 1.000 1.000 1.000 30,131 103.4 1023 0.987 0.987 0.979 1.9 17,808 83.6 831 0.913 0.915 0.862 1.9 23,527 88.6 657 0.846 0.850 0.757 1.9 29,246 93.6 1952 1.101 1.098 1.159 1761 1.051 1.050 1.081 1564 1.000 1.000 1.000 1385 0.954 0.955 0.927 1952 1.000 1.000 1.000 1761 0.960 0.961 0.937 1564 0.919 0.921 0.873 1385 0.882 0.885 0.814 WPD Ft Hd Htg Cap Btuh LAT °F 100 1.9 13,526 83.9 105 1.9 17,677 88.7 1.9 21,829 93.6 115 1.8 25,980 120 1.8 100 105 110 110 GPM 3.0 4.5 115 1.8 34,965 98.6 120 1.8 40,684 103.6 100 2.5 25,339 83.0 105 2.4 33,373 87.8 2.4 41,407 92.5 115 2.4 49,441 97.3 120 2.3 57,474 102.0 100 4.0 34,801 84.5 105 3.9 44,796 89.2 3.9 54,791 94.0 115 3.8 64,785 98.7 120 3.7 74,779 103.5 110 110 6.0 7.5 Model MPH/ ACH024 MPH/ ACH036 MPH/ ACH048 MPH/ ACH060 Chilled Water Cooling Capacity -- 80/67°F EAT (DB/WB) Model CFM EWT °F GPM WPD Ft Hd TC Btuh SC Btuh MPH/ ACH024 800 45 3.5 2.1 32,350 22,190 MPH/ ACH036 1200 45 4.0 3.3 41,540 30,430 MPH/ ACH048 1600 45 5.5 5.5 51,940 38,600 MPH/ ACH060 2000 45 7.0 8.4 63,750 47,340 Air Handler / “A” Coil Corrections Entering Air Correction Factors Heating Cooling EAT Total °F (WB) Capacity Sensible Capacity EAT °F (DB) Heating Capacity 60 65 70 75 80 85 50 1.038 50 0.743 0.911 ** ** ** ** ** 55 1.028 55 0.820 0.771 0.882 1.019 ** ** ** 60 1.018 60 0.896 0.670 0.854 1.047 ** ** 65 1.007 65 0.971 0.649 0.866 1.081 ** 68 1.000 67 1.000 0.556 0.780 1.000 1.216 70 0.995 70 1.044 0.638 0.865 1.085 75 0.984 75 1.116 0.601 0.832 EAT °F (DB) **At this condition, Total Capacity = Sensible Capacity. Gray shaded area includes conditions not typical for cooling operation. WT Models, Rev.: B 65 Enertech Global WARRANTY ORDER & CLAIM PHONE : 618.664.9010 FAX : 618.664.4597 EMAIL : WARRANTY@ENERTECHGEO.COM ALL WARRANTY REGISTRATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 10 DAYS OF INSTALLATION (Form submitter) DATE ___________________ COMPANY NAME ____________________________________________________ PHONE _________________ FAX _________________ EMAIL ________________________________________ ORDERED BY _____________________________________ JOB NAME/PO # ____________________________ UNIT Model # _____________________________________ Serial # ____________________________________ FAILURE DATE ____________________ SHIP TO HOMEOWNER ADDRESS (If different than company) Required if claim is for defective flow center FLOW CENTER MODEL # ________________________ FLOW CENTER SERIAL # __________________________ FAILURE CODES, DESCRIPTION AND LABOR REIMBURSEMENT MUST BE FOUND IN WARRANTY MANUAL FAILURE CODE DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER ____________ _________________________________________________ __________ ____________ _________________________________________________ __________ ____________ _________________________________________________ __________ LABOR REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTED DO YOU NEED PARTS ORDERED? NO (If no, and replacement was purchased from another vendor, attach copy of bill if reimbursement is needed3.) YES NO YES ____________ ____________ OTHER NOTES _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR ENERTECH COMPANIES USE ONLY SRO# _________________________________________ CREDIT MEMO# ________________________________ 1) See warranty coverage summary sheet for labor allowances, conditions and exclusions, etc. 2) Warranty start date is ship date from Enertech facility unless proof of startup is presented. 3) Outsourced warranty replacement parts will be reimbursed in the form of credit for the part only. Credit will be no more than the standard equivalent part cost through Enertech. 4) Factory pre-approval is required for anything outside the scope of this document. 5) Fuses, hose kits and items not mentioned on Warranty Coverage Summary are not covered under this program. WARRANTY REGISTRATION PHONE : 618.664.9010 FAX : 618.664.4597 EMAIL : WARRANTY@ENERTECHGEO.COM ALL WARRANTY REGISTRATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 10 DAYS OF INSTALLATION MODEL NUMBER ___________________ SERIAL NUMBER ____________________ BRAND ________________ DATE OF SALE ________________DELIVERY DATE __________________ INSTALL DATE __________________ APPLICATION RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL GEO REPLACEMENT MULTI-FAMILY (CONDO/TOWNHOME/MULTI-PLEX) COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL RETROFIT OTHER ___________________________________ USE SPACE CONDITIONING DOMESTIC WATER HEATING RADIANT HEAT SWIMMING POOL SNOW MELT OTHER ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Check all that apply SOURCE CLOSED LOOP (HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, POND/LAKE) OPEN LOOP (WELL WATER) OTHER ______________________ SUPPLEMENTAL / EMERGENCY NONE ELECTRIC GAS PROPANE OIL WOOD OTHER _______________________________________ PURCHASER-USER ________________________________________________ PHONE ____________________ ADDRESS __________________________________ CITY _________________STATE/PROV ________________ POSTAL CODE _____________ EMAIL (OPTIONAL)_________________________________________________ WE HAVE SUPERVISED THE INSTALLATION AND START-UP IN ACCORDANCE WITH ENERTECH MANUFACTURING, LLC. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. THIS UNIT IS PERFORMING SATISFACTORILY NOT SATISFACTORILY, IF NOT EXPLAIN ________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE AND I REQUEST THE WARRANTY TO BE PUT INTO EFFECT. DEALER (INSTALLER) ________________________________________________________DATE _____________ CUSTOMER / END USER ______________________________________________________DATE _____________ DEALER (INSTALLER) EMAIL ____________________________________________________________________ MAIL THIS FORM TO: ENERTECH GLOBAL LLC 2506 SOUTH ELM STREET GREENVILLE, IL 62246 OR REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.ENERTECHGEO.COM FAX THIS FORM TO: ENERTECH GLOBAL LLC 618.664.4597 Greenville, IL - Mitchell, SD MEMBER Rev Tab Enertech Global is continually working to improve its products. As a result, the pricing, design and specifications of each product may change without notice and may not be as described herein. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our website, or contact our Customer Service department at Statements and other information contained herein are not express warranties and do not form the basis of any bargain between the parties, but are merely Enertech Global’s opinion or commendation of its products. 20D082-08NN ENERTECH GLOBAL, LLC 160113G
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