The Highclimber - Wishkah Valley School District
The Highclimber - Wishkah Valley School District
The Highclimber Schoo g Wishkah Valley Students Bringin l News to Your D Volume 2010, Issue 3 oor! November/December SNOW! by Scotti West and Stephanie Grove Wishkah Valley School District Inside this issue: Let it Snow! 2 We need your $$$ 3 Student Ambassadors 3 Say it in Pictures! 4 Bat Houses for Sale 5 Kindergarten Celebrates Autumn 5 Wishkah Valley School students enjoy an unusually early, heavy snowfall Monday, November 22, 2010. (For more photos, see page 2.) New WVSD School Board Member 5 District Policy Access 5 Where are They, Now? 5 Logger Laughs 6 Learn German 6 Middle School News 6 ASVAB News 6 A BIG Thank You! 7 Finally, for the first time in about a year... we received snow! Yeah! The Fraser Outflow that brings cold air down from Canada arrived throughout Western Washington. Snow fell most of the day Sunday and began falling again Monday after Wishkah Valley School students arrived for a day of study. Breaks were taken to enjoy the unusually early, heavy snow. Due to snow and icy road conditions, the school had a closure of 1 1/2 days which excited the students and some teachers. The Highclimber staff hopes everyone has a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Box Tops for Education 7 Elementary Bake Sales 7 Christmas Wish List 8 New Year’s Resolutions 8 December Fun! Crossword 8 October Fun! Crossword Key 8 January Lunches 9 Advanced Academics 9 Need Help? InvestED 9 November/December Students of the Month 10 To honor our veterans, Wishkah Valley School presented an hour long program with special speakers and awesome performances from our band and music classes. Mr. Sorsby, as well as WWII veteran Al Bragg, spoke to the importance of honoring our veterans. Mrs. Erickson’s class performed the “Star Spangled Banner”, Mrs. Reibel and Mr. Maurer’s classes performed “God Bless the USA”, the high school guitar class played “Minka” and “La Bergamasca”, and the band performed the “Eagle Summit March”. Vet Al Bragg. More photos, page 4. Page 2 The Highclimber Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Volume 2010, Issue 3 Page 3 We need Y-O-U & your $$$ Donate GREAT photos to our Yearbook staff! Email Contact Booster Club to purchase “I Bleed Orange & Black” T-Shirts – Sizes S-3XL - $15.00 Logger Bleacher Seats - $15.00 Logger “W” Hats - $22.00 Personalized Window Decals – all Sports & Academics - $10.00 SUPPORT WVS SENIORS! BAKE SALE EVERY HOME GAME In JANUARY!! Donut Sales EVERY WEDNESDAY ~ $1 each ~ Support WVS 8th Graders! Contact Mrs. Rodriguez to purchase “9th Man” gear! T-shirts $15.00 SUPPORT WVS Juniors! WVS Loggers Window Stickers ~ $5. See Madison Heyting. WIN A TRUCK! BUY tickets from a senior. $5 PER TICKET SUPPORT GIRLS BASKETBALL! Buy a camouflage or orange beanie or an orange WVS scarf! $15 each PEOPLE TO PEOPLE STUDENT AMBASSADORS — TWO fundraisers planned: Auction Night and Women’s Night-Out with 4 vendors (Miche purses, Scentsy candles, Pampered Chef, and Lia Sophia jewelry) WATCH FOR THE DATES IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH! People to People Student Ambassadors People to People Student Ambassadors experience unique and engaging educational opportunities while exploring different cultures, making new friends in other countries and in their own community, and connecting with extraordinary people and places across the globe. People to People programs are exciting, enjoyable, and activity rich. They are also highly educational and practical, helping students: Earn academic credit Gain unique access to key people and places Develop leadership skills Gain an edge in the college admissions process Thrive in an increasingly competitive and globalized world United Kingdom as a People to People Student Ambassador. This year, she is joined by Dani Zembal, Hannah Olson, and Zack Anderson. Making such a trip takes tremendous community support for the fundraisers planned and implemented by the students. Thanks to everyone who has helped by purchasing holiday During the 2010 summer break, desserts , trimmings, and Shelby Reibel toured the decorations. Page 4 The Highclimber Volume 2010, Issue 3 Page 5 Bat Houses for Sale Fall Festivities! Mr. Ashler is selling bat houses for $20 so bats can hibernate in style! WVSD Welcomes New School Board Member, Martha Bodner The Wishkah Valley School District #117 welcomes Martha Bodner, new school board member representing Director District #5, the area encompassing 4660 Wishkah Road north to 6547 Wishkah Road. During these hard economic times, Ms. Bodner will help guide the district through tough financial decisions. She joins fellow school board members Dee Busse, Rick McDougall, Rebecca Richie, and Karen Stutesman. District Policy Access Keeping our community informed of district policies is an important function of our school website: posted: Wishkah Valley School homepage. 4130 & 4130P Title 1 Parent Involvement On the WVS homepage click on the “School Board” link. 4215 Use of Tobacco on School Property In the drop-down menu, click on “Consolidated Program Review Policy” link. 4210 Regulation of Links to specific information on Dangerous Weapons on the following district policies may School Premises be found on the Wishkah Valley 5201 Drug Free School District website homepage. Presently, four policies are To access these policies, go to the If you wish to view these policies in their entirety, click on the “Complete Text of Policies” link found in the orange column on the left-hand side of the website. Where are They, Now? Brandon Pauley (1996) — graduate, Grays Harbor College, 1999, Applied Sciences, Microcomputer Technology; pursuing BS, Kaplan University; Master at Arms, US Navy, Sasebo, Japan. Justin Talevich (2009) – Quigg Brothers, Wishkah Valley Science; graduate, University of Western States, College of Chiropractic, 2010, Bachelor of Science, Human Biology, Doctorate of Chiropractic; currently completing specialty training in crainiosacral therapy, diplomate in pediatric, pregnancy, and postpartum care. Kelso, WA. Kyna McFall Wilson (2000) – graduate, Louisiana State University, Eunice, Associates of Heidi Hull Marcou (2004) – Grays Harbor College, 2006, AA/ AS in criminal justice; Saint Martin’s University, 2008, Bachelor of Arts in criminal justice, chemical dependence professional trainee license; Chemical Dependence Professional (drug and alcohol counseling) Stafford Creek Corrections Center, Aberdeen, WA David Marbut (1996) — Grays Harbor College. 2003, AA in Natural Resources; UPS since 1992. Longview, Washington. Page 6 The Highclimber Learn German contributed by Jacob Russell by Marcel Rast German ↔ English Christmas = Weihnachten Santa Claus = Weihnachtsmann Christmas tree = Tannenbaum Presents = Geschenke Snow = Schnee New Year = Middle School News! Neujahr by Aleah Park and Ryan Anderson Middle Schoolers are excited to learn Christmas songs for the concert. If they receive an encore, they are prepared to play The Student ASVAB Tuesday, December 7, 2011, twenty-five Wishkah Valley School students, grades 10-12, took the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Test (ASVAB). The ASVAB is a timed multi-aptitude test, which is given at over 14,000 schools and Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) nationwide and is developed and maintained by the Department of Defense. The Student ASVAB is used for an additional song! Middle School Band has done so well that they received a tater tot party for excellence. When they practice at lunch, Mrs. Patterson rewards them for their extra effort and participation. Kudos to our WVS middle school students! career exploration for high school and college students. This pen and paper test version is given in high schools, colleges, or vocational schools. It is approximately three hours and is composed of eight subtests: General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Work Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge, Electronics Information, Auto & Shop Information, and Mechanical Comprehension. The participants were: 12th Nutcracker = Nussknacker Candles = Kerzen Ask Marcel to help you pronounce the words in German! grade — Scotti West, Nick Asseln, Kyle Ayres, and Maggie Knight, 11th grade — Shawn Williamson, Shelby Reibel, Sierra Nations, Mark Pauley, Seth Bowers, Brandon Higgins, Jake Rasler, Sarah Osgood, Diamon Eaton, Josh Talevich; 10th grade — Dani Zembal, Zach Anderson, Erin Anderson, Devon Hayes, Hannah Olson, Samantha Lake, Caitlin Livingston, & Austin Barber. Volume 2010, Issue 3 Page 7 THANK YOU!!! Wishkah Valley School teachers received a BIG surprise last week Usborne Book Fair is a from the great success! parents of Wishkah Valley School students. Diana Wise with Usborne Book Fair was here, Looking for ways to assist Wishkah Valley School raise funds? Consider Box Tops for Education. Clipping and returning to school the PINK Box Top for Education labels off of products that families already are purchasing earns the school ten cents per label. There are now hundreds of products that have the PINK label on them, including Kleenex, Hamburger Helper, and Cheerios. Mrs. Eager is our Wishkah Valley School Box Tops for Education coordinator. and many teachers were gifted books from parents who wished to remain anonymous. Usborne books are fun, educational, and stimulating. Please accept this HUGE, sincere thank you from Mrs. Kilpatrick, Mr. Sorsby, Mr. Richardson, Mrs. Rodriguez, Mrs. Daniels, Mr. Hay, Mrs. Eager, Mrs. Erickson, Mrs. Reibel, Mrs. Addison, and Mr. Maurer. Your generous, kind remembrance of us is much appreciated ! Mrs. Kilpatrick received three titles to use in her English classes as homework or for Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) — Raven Queen, Space Cowboy, and Roll up the Streets. Mrs. Kilpatrick enthusiastically adds, “Thank you again to the donors for these three great books and for making SSR such high quality fun.” by Ray Yoder As we get closer to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, the school board and staff would like to thank all the parents and the Wishkah community for its continued support. We have much to be thankful for as we face the many challenges at school and in our lives today. It is great to have a season to celebrate, get some much needed rest, and enjoy family ELEMENTARY BAKE SALES FOR FIRST SEMESTER January 21 - 5th & 6th ELEMENTARY BAKE SALES FOR SECOND SEMESTER February 4 - Kinder February 18 - 1st & 2nd April 8 - 5th & 6th April 22 - 1st & 2nd May 20 - 5th & 6th time. Hopefully, we can remember the Reason for the Season and help spread good cheer and happiness. Enjoy some time off, and we’ll come back to school recharged and ready to go. 2010 will slip into 2011 with many new goals and New Year’s resolutions. We look forward to the New Year with excitement and hope. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!! March 11 - 3rd & 4th May 6 - 3rd & 4th Page 8 The Highclimber Christmas Wishes! by Bradley Helbert Michael Harder wishes for the X-Box 360. Noah Arnold wishes for all foreign countries to be at peace. by Stephanie Grove and Scotti West (Answers in next month’s edition.) Jacob Russell wishes for a stuffed teddy bear. Robert Hiller wishes for a Nintendo DSI. Gwen Hamilton wishes for an early retirement & BMW convertible so she can drive off into the sunset when she gets to retire early. by Stephanie Grove Mr. Yoder — hopes the state won’t cut any more education dollars Mr. Gallington — hopes cattle prices stay high Mr. Richardson — wants to eat healthy and lose more weight Mrs. Kilpatrick — wants to practice yoga and have a monthly massage Erin Anderson — wants to eat healthier by Stephanie Grove and Scotti West Volume 2010, Issue 3 Page 9 Lunch Calendar — January 2011 by Robert Hiller This institution is an equal opportunity provider Su 2 9 16 Mon Tue Wed 6 Pizza Salad Fruit Cookie Milk Beef Teriyaki Strips, Rice Wheat Roll Veggie Fruit, Milk 5 Pig on a Blanket Pork & Beans Fresh Veggie Fruit Milk 10 Hot Ham & Cheese on Hoagie Pork & Beans Fresh Veggie Fruit, Milk 11 Turkey Gravy Mashed Potatoes Wheat Roll Veggie Fruit, Milk 12 Taco With Meat & Cheese Refried Beans Fruit Jello, Milk 13 Chicken Noodle Soup Wheat Roll Salad Fruit, Milk 14 17 Martin Luther King Jr. Day 18 19 Beef Bean Burrito Rice Veggie Fruit Milk 20 21 26 27 3 4 No School 23 30 24 Hamburger Gravy Mashed Potatoes Hot Roll Veggie Fruit, Milk Tomato Soup Baked Cheese Sandwich Fresh Veggie Fruit, Milk 25 Chili Wheat Roll Salad Fruit Milk Spaghetti Garlic Bread Veggie Fruit Milk Thu Fri 7 Chicken Nugget Wheat Roll Tator Tots Fresh Veggie Fruit, Milk 8 Baked Potatoes With Meat Roll, Fruit Jello, Milk 15 Hot dog French Fries Fresh Veggie Apple Crunch Milk Turkey Gravy over Noodle Wheat Roll Veggie Fruit, Milk 22 Logger Burger Tator Tots Fresh Veggie Fruit Milk 28 Nacho Salad Fruit Milk Sa 29 Chicken Nugget Wheat Roll Tator Tots Fresh Veggie Fruit, Milk 31 French Toast Turkey Sausages Potato Wedge Fruit, Milk Online Learning with AA and Wishkah Valley School Advanced Academics (AA) options allows students to recover credits and graduate on time. AA also offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses which allow students to earn college credit during high school. AA students may earn their credits at home or other off-campus locations. Each of the courses is correlated to state standards and designed specifically for the online Need Help? See Mrs. learning environment. Students Petheram. may attend Wishkah Valley by using a choice transfer to enter our “…to help promising young people at critical times in their district and take online AA as a lives. To do that which otherwise Wishkah Valley Logger! Contact would not be timely done.” – Saul Haas the school to transfer here! Of Special Interest: NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE January 17 — Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday PAID Aberdeen, WA January 21 — End of 1st Semester Permit No. 88 February 21 — Presidents Day Holiday Wishkah Valley School District 4640 Wishkah Road Aberdeen, WA 98520 Phone: 360-532-3128 Website: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED This institution is an equal opportunity provider. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER STUDENTS OF THE MONTH by Scotti West is expected of her, often before she is even asked, and she is an excellent model to her classmates as the 5th/6th grade class president.‖ Mr. Yoder chose Gavin Baltzell adding that, ―Gavin is a very courteous, respectful, hard working kid. He takes on additional responsibilities very well.‖ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER STUDENTS OF THE MONTH (From left to right) Emily Olson, 6th grade; Taylor Dziubak, 7th grade; Gavin Baltzell, 9th grade; Henry Fultz, 9th grade; Jared Miller-Maurer, 8th grade; Erin Anderson, 10th grade; and Teaka Dahlstrom, 11th grade. Although there wasn’t a November HighClimber, we still wanted to recognize those students of the month and the December nominees. For November, Mr. Richardson selected Erin Anderson. He added, ―Erin works hard and is very conscientious. She is a great student and has maintained excellent grades.‖ Taylor Dziubak was chosen by Mrs. Petheram. ―Taylor presented a poem, solo, in front of the entire school as well as community members who were present at the Veterans Day assembly. He took the initiative to locate and present the poem, quite a remarkable effort for a young man his age. I was very proud of Taylor and his classmates at the assembly.‖ Also chosen was Emily Olson. Mr. Maurer selected Emily and also mentioned that, ―Emily Olson is a self-motivated student who accomplishes what For December, Mr. Ashler chose Henry Fultz as student of the month for the high school. ―During my time with Henry in shop, he tries very hard and is always willing to take on the task that others won’t do, such as digging the ditch for a new supply line or making coat hangers for a person he didn’t even know. Henry does a pretty good job with clean up and his own projects, also.‖ Jared Maurer was selected by Mrs. Rodriguez. She mentioned that, ―Jared is always so willing to help anyone and everyone he can.‖ Last, Teaka Dahlstrom was chosen by Mr. Yoder. He added, ―Teaka is also a very hard worker. She is very active and participates in many activities. Staff and students appreciate Teaka’s attitude and personality.‖
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