Boundary Retail Park, Colne Lancashire
Boundary Retail Park, Colne Lancashire
Boundary Retail Park Boundary Retail Park, Colne Lancashire Re ce nt Le tti ng to : SatNav: BB8 8LB LAST UNIT REMAINING 10,200 sq ft Proposed Bulky Goods Re-Development (Subject to Planning) 0161 277 7219 This image is published for convenience of identification only and although believed to be correct its accuracy cannot be guaranteed and is expressly excluded from any contract. Boundary Retail Park • Ref: 103426.005 • September 09 Boundary Retail Park, Colne Lancashire Boundary Retail Park Boundary Retail Park Boundary Retail Park Boundary Retail Park Location These maps are published for convenience of identification only and although believed to be correct their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they are expressly excluded from any contract. 0161 277 7219 Boundary Retail Park • Ref: 103426.005 • September 09 Boundary Retail Park, Colne Lancashire Boundary Retail Park A limited opportunity to acquire open A1 non-food retail space in a highly specified development close to an Asda food store and the new Boundary Mill store. Boundary Mill Stores is the UK’s No. 1 Mill Store attracting in its own right over 2 million shoppers per annum1 to Colne Lancashire. • Highly accessible and visible, located close to the end of the M65 motorway • Major retail destination (established for over 20 years) for over 2 million non food shoppers per annum1 • 3 million people within 1 hours drive time1 • 58.5% of the population A / B / C1 • Next consistently trading above target2. Other tenants include Argos and M&S Outlet • Excellent car park ratio comprises 338 dedicated car parking spaces (1:118) 1 Boundary Mill Stores 2 Next 0161 277 7219 Boundary Retail Park • Ref: 103426.005 • September 09 Boundary Retail Park L re as m tu ai ni ni t ng Boundary Retail Park, Colne Lancashire Reg ent Str eet A TO LET 10,200 sq ft B Co rp C or at io n D St re et Pe Ro ad Ro y le rn • Built to 7m Eaves Bu Ro ad • Full Glazed ground floor elevation lto n o d se Go po lky ent ) o Pr Bu pm ning d o oo el lan -F Dev to P n No Re ect bj u (S ith ad ds nr Ca re • Immediate occupation ad Penrith Cres ent iv Dr k Ro ic ld sw fie un ib Br G e • Frontage c. 21m 0161 277 7219 This plan is published for convenience of identification only and although believed to be correct its accuracy cannot be guaranteed and is expressly excluded from any contract. Boundary Retail Park • Ref: 103426.005 • September 09 Boundary Retail Park Boundary Retail Park, Colne Lancashire TO LET 10,200 sq ft 21m 0161 277 7219 This image is published for convenience of identification only and although believed to be correct its accuracy cannot be guaranteed and is expressly excluded from any contract. Boundary Retail Park • Ref: 103426.005 • September 09 Boundary Retail Park Boundary Retail Park, Colne Lancashire Boundary Mill 250,000 Sq Ft LAST UNIT REMAINING 10,200 sq ft M65 Proposed Leisure Development By R.B.Business Parks Ltd Proposed Bulky Goods Re-Development (Subject to Planning) 0161 277 7219 This image is published for convenience of identification only and although believed to be correct its accuracy cannot be guaranteed and is expressly excluded from any contract. Boundary Retail Park • Ref: 103426.005 • September 09 Boundary Retail Park PIC TO FOLLOW PIC TO FOLLOW Exceptional Retail Opportunity Boundary Retail Park, Colne, Lancashire • • • • Last unit of 10,200 sq ft Open A1 (non food) planning permission Immediately Available A development by R. B. Business Park Ltd. 0161 277 7219 Craig Hudson 0161 277 7219 (m) 07870 555 759 MISREPRESENTATION NOTICE Savills for themselves and for the Vendors of the property whose Agents they are, give notice that:i. the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract; ii. all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, but any intending purchaser should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact and must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; iii. no person in the employment of Savills has any authority to make or give any representations or warranty whatever in relation to this property or the particulars, nor enter into any contract relating to the property on behalf of Savills nor any contract on behalf of the vendors; and iv. no responsibility can be accepted for any expenses incurred by intending purchasers in inspecting properties which have been sold or withdrawn. Designed and produced by 0800 783 0696 Boundary Retail Park • Ref: 103426.005 • September 09