Annual Report 2013
Annual Report 2013
FIJI HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Report of the Fiji Higher Education Commission for the year ended 31st December 2013 to the Hon. Minister for Education, Dr. Mahendra Reddy, in accordance with section 49 of the Higher Education Promulgation 2008. Presented by Richard Wah Ph.D. Executive Chairman Fiji Higher Education Commission FIJI HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION Level 1 | Fiji Red Cross Building | Gorrie Street | Suva P.O Box 2583 Government Buildings | Suva Phone: (+679) 3100031 | (+679) 3100032 Website: Email: Table of Contents Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................. i A Message from the Executive Chairman ............................................................................................... 1 Members of the Fiji Higher Education Commission 2013 ...................................................................... 2 Values .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Vision................................................................................................................................................... 3 Mission ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Philosophy ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Logo Representation ............................................................................................................................... 4 Members of the Fiji Qualifications Council 2013 .................................................................................... 5 Recognition and Registration Committees ............................................................................................. 6 Members of the Recognition Committee ............................................................................................... 6 Members of the Registration Committee ............................................................................................... 7 Committee for the Accreditation of University Qualifications (CAUQ) .................................................. 8 Overview by Director .............................................................................................................................. 9 Industry Standards Advisory Committees (ISACs) ................................................................................ 11 2013 ACHIEVEMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 12 Appendix A: Registration Status of Higher Education Institutions as at 31 Dec, 2013 ......................... 21 Appendix B: Number of Unit standards developed for each National Certificate 4 Qualification ....... 27 Appendix C: Total Programme Distribution by Discipline for the 3 Universities (USP, FNU & UoF) ... 28 Appendix C1: Distribution of Programmes by level .............................................................................. 29 Appendix C2: Distribution of Programmes by level .............................................................................. 30 Appendix D: ISAC Meetings Held in 2013 with the Respective Trade Qualifications ........................... 31 Appendix E: Number of ISAC Members per Trade for the Meetings held in 2013 ............................... 38 Appendix F: Number of ISAC Members per Trade Developed. ............................................................ 39 Appendix G: 2013 Secretariat Staff ....................................................................................................... 40 Appendix H: 2013 Auditors Report ....................................................................................................... 41 Acronyms ABP - Annual Business Plan MoE - Ministry of Education APQN - Asia Pacific Quality Network MoL – Ministry of Labour ANZ - Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Limited CATD - Centre for Appropriate Technology & Development MoU – Memorandum of Understanding MoY- Ministry of Youths CBT - Competency Based training NARIC - National Academic Recognition Information Centers CEO - Chief Executive Officer NEC - National Employment Centre EER – External Evaluation & Review NQs - National Qualifications ENIC - European Network of Information Centers PINZ - Polytechnic Zealand EQA - External Quality Assurance PRQS - Pacific Register for Qualifications and Standard EU - European Union International New PS - Professional Services FCEF - Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation PSC – Public Service Commission FHEC – Fiji Higher Education Commission PSET - Post- Secondary Education and Training FNPF - Fiji National Provident Fund PSM - Professional Staff Meeting FNU - Fiji National University Q & R - Qualifications & Research FQC - Fiji Qualification Council QA - Quality Assurance FQF – Fiji Qualification Framework GCT Governance Technological Corporate QMS - Quality Management System & ROL - Record of Learning GGP - Guidelines of Good Practices RPL - Record of Prior Learning HEIs - Higher Education Institutions SGs – Solicitor Generals HR - Human Resources SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures INQAAHE - International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education SPBEA - Secretariat of the Pacific Board for Educational Assessment IQA - Internal Quality Assurance TEST - Technical Employment Skills Training ISAC – Industry Standard Advisory Council TVET - Technical Vocational Education and Training IT - Information Technology VTC - Vivekananda Technical Centre MoA - Memorandum of Agreement UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization MBT – Monfort Boys Town i A Message from the Executive Chairman I have sincere pleasure in presenting the 2013 Annual Report of the Fiji Higher Education Commission. The Commission’s endeavour in pursuing quality, relevance and consistency in the higher education sector across Fiji has reflected significant and notable progress. The embarking of major initiatives in our fourth year of operations has continuously reflected the many critical steps needed towards reaching our objectives. Our emphasis and ultimate vision of quality graduates is an important component of our ambition to become a ‘premier higher education destination’. Each of the achievements outlined in our Annual Report builds on much hard work across the sections toward achieving our outcomes and conforming to government’s strategic alignment for a sustainable economic growth. We have further developed our international profile, with particular focus on enriching our engagement with international Higher Education bodies and Quality Assurance agencies. We also explored new directions with our transitional funding system that aspires fair and justifiable funding for recognized and registered Institutions. On the educational outlook, we continue to pursue the advocacy and up taking of National Qualifications, ensuring that the pathways for both white and blue collar jobs are equitable and clearly understood across the communities. The Commission has embarked on plans to develop its staff professionalism and capabilities to international standards, host conferences and symposiums both in the local and international arena for collaboration and networking of institutions, industries, government bodies, donors and other key stakeholders. This is to raise standards required of the Commission as an accrediting body and thereby ensuring recognition of the Fiji Qualifications Framework as professionally competent with our counterparts in other developed countries. I take this opportunity to thank the Minister for Education for his continually support and governance. My sincere appreciation extends to the Commission, including institutions, industries, professional and government bodies and our key stakeholders, in their continuous assistance and efforts with achieving our strategic objectives. I also thank the staff of the Secretariat, members of the Fiji Qualifications Council and members of various committees of the Commission for the time, dedication and endeavours commitment. Dr. Richard Wah Executive Chairman 1 Members of the Fiji Higher Education Commission 2013 The Higher Education Promulgation was gazette on 14 th October 2008 and came into effect on 1st January 2010 giving birth to the Fiji Higher Education Commission as an autonomous governance framework. The FHEC comprises of a Chairman, and six Commissioners who are citizens with standing in their current or past fields of work. Since its inception in January 2010 the Commission has been working towards regulating the operation of HEIs and the qualifications they offer through its recognition, registration and accreditation processes. In 2013, a total of nine meetings of the FHEC were convened. Dr Richard Wah Executive Chairman Mr Arun Narsey Chartered Accountant Mrs Emi Rabukawaqa Former Permanent Secretary for Education Dr John Fatiaki Consultant Physician Mr Alipate Qetaki General Manager iTaukei Lands Trust Board Mr Pratarp Singh President, Fiji Institution of Engineers Mr Savenaca Madanavosa FQC Chairman 2 Vision The Commission has a vision of Fiji being a premier, world class higher education destination. Mission To ensure that higher education institutions pursue an indispensable level of quality, excellence and relevance in higher education that is globally competitive and internationally recognized. Philosophy The Commission’s pursuit of the above mission is guided by the belief that higher education is essential for social, economic, political and cultural progress. Higher education also provides expanded opportunities for learners to realize their potentials so they can become productive and competitive in the workplace, constructive in the community, creative in their endeavours and peaceable. Values In fulfilling its mission, the Commission is committed to act in ways that are consistent with the value it places on: • Aligning with national and international imperatives in higher education • Quality education and training to develop quality graduates • Equity, access and relevance in higher education • Critical thinking, creativity and free intellectual inquiry • Lifelong learning • Cooperation and partnerships with industry and professional bodies • Transparency, accountability and responsiveness. 3 Logo Representation The FHEC’s logo is composed of a representation of a spherical mass and arcs. The spherical mass denotes the globe to express recognition of and commitment to universal imperatives and standards in higher education. The blue arcs represent organization and alignment in approach to issues and in finding solutions. The orientation of both the arcs and the globe stand for 4 openness to ideas, responsiveness and transparency. Members of the Fiji Qualifications Council 2013 The Fiji Qualifications Council is a forum of the FHEC, whose primary role is to administer the Fiji Qualifications Framework. The Council is governed by the Higher Education (Qualifications) Regulations 2009. It has six members and a Chairman. The Council is responsible for accrediting qualifications at levels 1-6 on the FQF and reviews such qualifications every 5 years to ensure their currency and adherence to acceptable and relevant standards of teaching and assessment. The Council held six meetings in 2013. Mr Savenaca Madanavosa (Chairman) Retired University Administrator Mr David Qumivutia Chief Executive Officer Suva Private Hospital Mrs Salote Rabuka Director Fiji Higher Education Commission Mr Hymphrey Chan Managing Director Wing Lee Motors Mr Meli Nacuva Pilot Project Manager Connexional Plan Methodist Church Mr Neeraj Kumar Senior Mechanical Engineer Ministry of Labour Mr Raymond Nicholls Company Manager/ Director Integrated Welding Industries Mr Kamlesh Krishna GCT Consultant 5 Recognition and Registration Committees Applications by institutions for recognition by and registration with the Commission are thoroughly assessed and scrutinized by the members of the Recognition and Registration Committees respectively. The Committees then make recommendations accordingly to the Commission. Members of the Recognition Committee Mr Etuate Koroi Former CEO Land Transport Authority Mr Vikram Deo Retired University Lecturer Mrs Rigieta Nadakuitavuki Former Director of Nursing 6 Members of the Registration Committee Dr. Robin Taylor – Curriculum Director & Co Founder Multiple Intelligence School Mrs Salote Dugu Former Principal Education Officer TVET Ministry of Education Mr Josefa Matau Former Permanent Secretary Ministry of Defence Mrs Elena Wakolo Financial Controller Land Transport Authority 7 Committee for the Accreditation of University Qualifications (CAUQ) The Committee for the Accreditation of University Qualifications (CAUQ) is a committee of the Fiji Higher Education Commission. It comprises of the vice chancellors of the University of the South Pacific, Fiji National University and the University of Fiji and an independent chairman, Dr. John Harre of New Zealand. The universities had been established by individual statutes, which to varying degrees empowered them to approve their own qualifications. However, the power was not consistent with the statutory responsibilities of the Fiji Higher Education Commission. For this reason, the Vice-Chancellors negotiated a procedure with the Commission whereby they took joint responsibility for the approval of new programmes at Level 7 and above. This involved the formation of the CAUQ. Two meetings of the CAUQ were convened in 2013, including its inaugural meeting on 20th June. Dr John Harre Chairman Professor Rajesh Chandra Vice Chancellor University of the South Pacific Dr Ganesh Chand Vice Chancellor Fiji National University Dr Chandra Dulare Acting Vice Chancellor The University of Fiji 8 Overview by Director The implementation of the Commission’s policies gathered much momentum during the year as it meant pursuing, expanding and further developing those activities that had started in the previous three years as well as taking on new initiatives towards the achievement of the Commission’s mandated functions and the outcomes of the Commission’s Strategic Development Plan 2012 2015. The appointment of the Commission’s first Executive Chairman in July meant a redistribution of tasks at the policy and management levels to enable a greater emphasis on the Commission’s strategic direction and functions while ensuring its support by a viable and effective infrastructure. The processes of the Fiji Qualifications Framework (FQF) expanded into the development of two additional national qualifications (NQs); the trialing of NQs at two institutions including the conduct of relevant CBT assessment by industry assessors and the repackaging of national qualifications at levels 1,2 and 3 upon the advice of the relevant Industry Standards Advisory Committees (ISACs). The NQs at these levels are intended to be taught at vocational centres that are attached to secondary schools. For this reason, the Commission took the initiative to liaise with the Ministry of Education (MoE) to pave the way for the accreditation of these centres. Such liaison will continue in 2014. The trial of the program accreditation process was conducted resulting in the successful accreditation of the first provider program on the FQF. Related to the FQF’s processes is the establishment of the CAUQ (Committee for the Accreditation of University Qualifications) in June for the purpose of assessing university programs in levels 7 -10 of the FQF to determine their eligibility for funding by Government. The Committee is made up of Fiji’s three Vice Chancellors and an independent Chairman in Dr John Harre of New Zealand. In his inauguration address, the Minister for Education considered the CAUQ as evidence of the growth of a trusting relationship among the three universities, and between the three universities and the Commission. These, he stated, augured well for the cooperation of the three universities in maintaining academic standards that were internationally respected among universities. Another significant achievement was the endorsement by the Cabinet in November of a transitional implementation mode of the funding model which had been developed in 2012 to govern the allocation of government grants to higher education institutions (HEIs). The implementation of the model was to begin in 2014. To support this activity, the Commission established a Finance and Research arm to collect and analyse data, monitor progress and make recommendations to support the management of the funding system. In relation to the funding and other operational systems of the Commission, a number of major ICT improvements were made to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the Commission’s processes. These included the upgrading of the office’s server and Record of Learning database, the upgrading of the telephone system and the purchase of new laptops for use by the staff to assist them in their work. 9 The Commission’s quality assurance (QA) framework gave rise to policies and guidelines that were to govern the processes of internal quality assurance (IQA) and external evaluation and review (EER). The latter is for HEIs and the former is for both the Commission’s secretariat and the HEIs. For the implementation of these policies, site visits and workshops were conducted to prepare institutions for the QA processes. Four registered HEIs piloted the program resulting in reports that were submitted to the institutions for verification before they were tabled before the Commission. These QA activities were in recognition of the emphasis currently given to QA in higher education worldwide for the delivery of quality and relevant higher education. They included the Commission’s representation in April at conferences and meetings of both the Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN)and the INQAAHE (International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education). The recommendations from these conferences were considered for implementation one of which has resulted in the external review of the Commission as a QA agency in December 2014 by the APQN. The year saw the revision of the Higher Education Promulgation 2008, the Higher Education Regulations 2009 and the Higher Education (Qualifications) Regulations 2010 to ensure their currency in a changing higher education environment. While a set of these amendments were gazetted, the others are likely to be gazetted in 2014. The level of advocacy activities increased tremendously during the second half of the year reaching out to rural and urban communities and taking full advantage of the opportunities offered by various forms of media and media outlets. Lastly, I acknowledge the sterling effort of the Commission and its committees in providing direction and advice in the conduct of its various processes. Of course, the achievements made would not have been possible without the commitment and dedication of the staff of the secretariat. Salote Rabuka Director 10 Industry Standards Advisory Committees (ISACs) ISACs are made up of people with standing in their various trades and professions who are appointed by the Commission to develop National Qualifications in levels 1 to 6 on the Fiji Qualifications Framework (FQF). Their membership is drawn from industry, professional associations, accrediting agencies and higher education institutions. ISAC members are trained and registered by the FHEC. They ensure that training and assessment meet industry requirements and that each qualification outlines the minimum number of unit standards a learner must achieve in any particular field. A total of 23 National Qualifications have been developed by the ISACs and have been registered on the FQF. Seven (7) of the National Qualifications were piloted and rolled out at Montfort Boys Town and Vivekananda Technical Centre in 2013. The roll out included the assessment of learners under the Competency Based Assessment model which focuses for any programs on assessment at the workplace and the provision of evidences of the achievement of the learning outcomes concerned. To assess the learners undertaking the National Qualifications at level 4, registered assessors were consulted and contracted by the FHEC. 11 2013 ACHIEVEMENTS Strategic Outcome 1 Strategy Quality, relevance and consistency of education and training provision across the nation is assured. Implement the FQF and quality assurance system and ensure their continuing development. Priority Formulation and adoption of the FHEC Quality Assurance Policy Objectives Develop and implement policies and procedures that ensure quality education and training and engender stakeholders’ confidence in the FQF Progress made in 2013 a. Policy on EER endorsed by the Commission. b. Guidelines on EER endorsed by the Commission (work in progress to have different guidelines for Universities). c. Guidelines for EER Evaluators endorsed. d. A consultant engaged to conduct awareness on EER as well as in the training of evaluators. e. Four HEIs invited to participate in the piloting for the EER Guidelines. f. Reports on the EER for the four HEIs were compiled. Gaps identified were discussed with the HEIs for continuous improvements and for the finalization of reports. g. Two workshops were conducted for HEIs on the two policies: Policy and Guidelines on EER Policy on Quality Assurance for higher education institutions including universities h. Developing QMS tools to improve processes and systems: Developing planning and reporting templates Unit Plan SOPs PSM Reporting achievements to MoE j. Monthly and Quarterly reports were submitted to the Commission for perusal. k. The ABP 2013 was enhanced in April 2013 by including the mandated functions of the Commission. l. Legislations were reviewed. m. Policies were reviewed. n. Site visits to selected HEIs on the IQA systems and processes were conducted. o. External consultations were conducted for the training of EER evaluators. p. Awareness workshops for selected HEIs and relevant stakeholders conducted on the QA policy and its implications. 12 Strategic Outcome 1 continued Strategy Quality, relevance and consistency of education and training provision across the nation is assured. Implement the FQF and quality assurance system and ensure their continuing development. Next Steps for 2014 q. Repackaging of National Qualifications at Certificate Levels 1, 2 and 3. r. Development of 2 new qualifications namely; Mining and Security. s. Advocacy meetings conducted with stakeholders and consultations on the ROL Database conducted with the relevant HEIs. t. Roll out of National Qualifications in two HEIs. u. Meetings with MoE TEST conducted to determine the possibility of having the vocational centres registered with the FHEC. v. Procedures and Guidelines for External Evaluation and Review (EER) and Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) systems developed. w. Accreditation of qualifications piloted. x. Registration of institutions process reviewed and new approach adopted to speed up process. a. Develop QA tools for adoption by HEIs. b. HEIs to use the Guidelines of Good Practices (GGP) as a tool for selfassessment and benchmarking. c. CHIBA principles to be used in selfassessment and benchmarking. d. A workshop for registered HEIs in the West and Central divisions on the EER process. e. To adopt recommendations on best practices documented in reports on international meetings attended. f. A position to be created to monitor and provide necessary support for HEIs on QA matters. g. Strengthen the development of IQA in all HEIs through workshops and institutional visits. h. More training and ground work on IQA to be conducted for the Secretariat. i. Capacity building on QMS tools. j. Self - assessment process to be strengthened. k. Strengthen customer service at all levels of operations of the Secretariat. l. Improve on the reporting process by having internal monitoring matrix. m. Enhance the FHEC website. n. Follow up with the SGs Office the approval of amendments to the legislations and adoption of revised legislation and policies. 13 Strategic Outcome 1 continued Strategy Quality, relevance and consistency of education and training provision across the nation is assured. Implement the FQF and quality assurance system and ensure their continuing development. o. Expand the adoption of the IQA and EER systems to other HEIs. p. Continue with training of external evaluators. q. Continue with awareness workshops for selected HEIs and relevant stakeholders on the QA policy and its implications. r. Continue the process of setting qualification standards and their registration on the FQF. s. Vigorous advocacy of FHEC’s role, functions and benefits by the Dynamic Marketing team. u. Collection of ROL data and upload to the database. v. Trial of ROL. w. Roll out of National Qualifications in other selected HEIs. x. Progress the accreditation of the vocational centres in Secondary schools. 14 Strategic Outcome 2 Strategy Education and training that is internationally recognized. Advance initiatives to grow international recognition of education and training in Fiji. Priority Represent the Government and postsecondary education providers in international education and training forums. Promote the value of FHEC’s national and international responsibilities for QA with all stakeholders. Strengthen links with regional QA agencies and networks. Objectives Promote Fiji’s interests in international QA forums to ensure that Fiji is in touch with international directions and developments. Progress made in 2013 a. Presentation to the MSG and government officials including potential stakeholders on the role of the Commission through the FQF, in relation to the transfer of skills and employment, across borders. b. Meetings with MoE on recognition/registration of vocational schools. c. Attending SPBEA meeting on ‘Mutual Recognition of Qualifications’ to present on the QA developments of the FHEC. d. Staff attended regional and local meetings on QA systems and processes. e. Apply for full membership of APQN. f. Cabinet paper on the ratification of the 1983 Convention on the recognition of qualifications submitted. g. SPBEA conducted external review on FHEC. h. Staff attended SPBEA regional workshop on QA and PRQS. i. Credit matrix developed for the recognition of qualifications. j. Establish links with Quality Assurance agencies, namely; APQN, INQAAHE and APN. k. Consultation meetings conducted and continuing with I-Taukei, PSC, National Planning, MoL, MoY, MoE; and donor agencies such as EU, DFAT. l. Consultation meetings with relevant stakeholders on the supply and demand of Fiji’s skilled workers. m. Worked with SPBEA on PQRS as a means of linking with other Qualifications framework in the region to promote qualifications recognition. n. Implementation of Policy on Registration of Qualifications. o. SPATS formally requested to submit to FHEC the outcome of its review of its criteria for accreditation. 15 Strategic Outcome 2 Strategy Education and training that is internationally recognized. Advance initiatives to grow international recognition of education and training in Fiji. Next Steps for 2014 a. Link up with vocational schools to advocate on the uptake of NQs. b. More awareness on the mandated processes for registered institutions. c. Partnership with MoE and other government departments on roadshows in remote rural areas. d. More staff to attend regional and international meetings. e. FHEC to host an international conference/symposium for all stakeholders in 2015/2016. f. Attain full membership status with relevant professional bodies. g. Fiji gaining full membership to the Asia Pacific Convention to facilitate the recognition of its qualifications and foreign ones. h. Facilitate external review of FHEC by APQN. i. Benchmarking our qualification systems with international organizations such as NARIC and ENIC. j. Programme accreditation to begin in 2014. 16 Strategic Outcome 3 Strategy An informed and progressive Fijian society. Optimize participation in education and training. Priority Enhance access to, and participation in, education and training across all levels of society. Objectives Ensure that access to education and training is equitable and that pathways for progression are clear and widely understood across the community. Progress made in 2013 a. Presented to the PRS and CATD on the role of FHEC and the expectations of QA standards and criteria. b. Possibility of recognizing the BEST programmes in secondary schools. c. Draft policy on RPL developed. d. Awareness sessions and campaign continued in schools, industries, exposition, showcases, and roadshows on the mandated functions of the Commission. e. HEIs were requested to formalize the adoption of the credit point ratio 1:10. f. Develop ROL database and harmonize the collation of data from HEIs. g. USP’s willingness to assist in the provision of better broadband to the other two universities formally communicated to Minister for Education. h. Draft OER Policy developed and advocacy meeting conducted with teachers, curriculum developers, MoE, FHEC and USP. i. Dialogue with the FNPF continued on a case by case basis with individual HEIs. j. Research into trends on enrolment and other performance indicators carried out in relation to finding system for HEIs. Next Steps for 2014 a. Adopt the recommendations and directions stated in the ‘Communications Plan 2011’ to ensure professionalism in communication with the public and stakeholders. b. Conduct meetings to forge/enhance the relationship of FHEC with all government departments and key stakeholders c. Obtain approval to formalize trial of RPL. d. Apply the credit point system in the accreditation of programmes. 17 Strategic Outcome 4 Strategy Sustained economic growth supported by key capability development. Ensure that education and training builds competitive advantage in areas of economic importance for Fiji. Priority Foster industry involvement in standards and qualifications development to ensure relevance of education and training. Objectives Consolidate partnerships with key industry groups and employers to ensure that education and training is relevant and sensitive to future needs. Progress made in 2013 a. Conducted observations and assessments of Competency Based Training at MBT and VTC. b. Criteria for selection of ISACs incorporated in the policy on developing National Qualifications. c. Assessors training conducted in the Central and Western division. d. FHEC attained membership of the committee on HR Strategic Planning in the Ministry for National Planning. e. Members of licensing boards appointed to Industry Standards Advisory Committees (ISAC) to strengthen National Qualifications. f. Participation in Thematic workgroup on Social Development under the Green Growth Framework to link higher education with other social initiatives. 18 Strategic Outcome 4 Strategy Sustained economic growth supported by key capability development. Ensure that education and training builds competitive advantage in areas of economic importance for Fiji. Next Steps for 2014 a. Capacity building for the assessors, HEIs, supervisors, students and the Secretariat staff. b. Signing of agreements with key stakeholders to ensure support of the Commission’s mandated functions. c. Organize industry conference and establish corporate networking with professional associations and regulatory agencies. d. Strategic recruitment, selection and profiling of ISAC members to ensure and enhance the development phases of the National Qualifications. e. Uptake of National Qualifications by HEIS that meet the minimum requirements. f. Establish the IQA and EER in HEIs. 19 Strategic Outcome 5 Strategy An informed and progressive Fijian society. Optimize participation in education and training. Priority Develop a Post-Secondary Education and Training (PSET) funding model for Fiji that is fair, equitable and sensitive to national priorities. Objectives Review legislations governing the operation of the FHEC and FQC and ensure necessary amendments are made to avoid overlapping of functions. Ensure the deployment of funds for PSET is fair and equitable. Progress made in 2013 a. A total of 7 policies were reviewed and 5 new policies drafted. b. Awareness sessions were conducted for HEIs on the Funding System. c. Cabinet approval of the transitional funding system to be implemented in 2014. d. Implementation of the transitional funding system. e. Revision of the FHEC organization structure. f. Revised QA systems and processes. g. On Funding Model, funding sought from external donor but unsuccessful. h. Meeting for Commissioners with PS National Planning. a. Minister for Labour b. Minister for iTaukei & Affairs and Scholarship unit i. Reports on international forums – INQAAHE and APQN submitted with recommendations to improve quality of education. j. Research unit setup within Finance & Research unit. Next Steps for 2014 a. Continue awareness on Funding System for all HEIs and key stakeholders. b. Review the FHEC’s organizational structure. c. Strengthen the function and supervisory roles of the QA unit. d. Organize an Industry forum with stakeholders to address issues of quality, relevance and employability. e. CAUQ to be in full operation in the accreditation of new university programmes at Levels 7 – 10. 20 Appendix A: Registration Status of Higher Education Institutions as at 31 Dec, 2013 COLOUR CODE: Registered [8] Provisional Registered [4] Recognized [34] Yet to be Recognized [31] Name 1 Academy of Kingdom Ambassadors Training Institute Advance Aviation Training (Fiji) Ltd P O Box 1473 Nabua Suva Bible School 50 Knolly Street Suva 9353222 P O Box 10864 Nadi Airport Aviation School 6758757 3 Airports Fiji Limited Aviation Academy Aviation School 4 Apostolic College of Theological Studies C/- Airports Fiji Limited Private Mail Bag Nadi Airport P O Box 5293 Raiwaqa Suva 5 Appin Technology Institute P O Box 7151 Nasinu 6 Asia Pacific College P O Box 4938 Samabula Computer Training School Language School 7 Australia Pacific Technical College P O Box 10885 Nadi Airport Institute of Technology 8 Caregivers Services International P O Box 18113 Suva Care giving School Canberra Avenue Nadi Airport Nadi 1 Delana Road AFL Compound Nadi Airport Nadi 331 Grantham Road Raiwaqa Suva Nand's Mall 3 Miles Nabua Suva 119 Ragg Avenue Road Namadi Heights Suva 14 Concave Avenue Namaka Nadi Level 2 Pacific Properties Building Cumming Street Suva 2 Postal Address Type Business Address No. Bible School Telephone 6725777 3370409 9918461 3382109 6728777 3306131 21 9 Caregivers Training Institute P O Box 1200 Nadi Care giving School 10 Centre for Appropriate Technology & Development Chevalier Training Center City Educational Institute Private Mail Bag Nausori Vocational School P O Box 1354 Suva P O Box 3286 Lautoka 13 College of Theology and Evangelism Fiji P O Box 315 Lautoka 14 Community Education Training Centre 15 Comp-Tech Training Institute Secretariat of the Pacific Community Private Mailbag Suva P O Box 267 Nabua 16 Cooperative College of Fiji 17 Corpus Christi Teachers College 18 Darul Uloom and Darul Yataam of The South Pacific Dateline Business College Davuilevu Theological College Delltech Institute of Computer Education Department of Forests 11 12 19 20 21 22 23 Department of Youth and Sports Naicker Street Nakurakura Sub – Division Nadi Town Nadave Bau Tailevu 6701089 Vocational School Computer Training School Theological School Wainadoi Navua 7 Yasawa Street Lautoka 3363838 BuaBua Road Lovu Lautoka 6283805 Training Center Beaumont Road Narere Nasinu 3391033 Computer Training School Training Center 407 Ratu Mara Rd Nabua Suva 3380859 10 Marine Drive Draunibota Lami 3362479 399 Queen Elizabeth Drive Suva 3311458 P O Box 2685 Lautoka Teacher Training Institute or College Training Center Drasa Lautoka 6284377 P O Box 14378 Suva Vocational School 3312971 P O Box 146 Nausori Theological School 190 Renwick Road Suva Davuilevu Nausori P O Box 923 Rakiraki Computer Training School Vocational School Rakiraki Town Rakiraki 9269734 Takayawa Building Toorak Suva Nasoqo House 3 Gordon Street Suva 3301611 P O Box 2356 Government Buildings Suva P O Box 1173 Suva P O Box 221 Government Buildings Suva P O Box 2448 Vocational Government Building School Suva 6030218 6662531 3400018 3315960 22 24 Family Support & Education Group P O Box 5693 Lautoka Training Center 25 Femmus School of Hospitality Fiji Electricity Authority Training Centre P O Box 523 Suva Fiji Electricity Authority Private Mail Bag Navutu Lautoka P O Box 55 Sabeto School of Hospitality Training Center P O Box 7222 Nasinu University Fiji Police Academy Fiji School of Hairdressing Fishers of Men Training Institute P O Box 239 Suva 51 Rewa Street Suva P O Box 4223 Lautoka Police Academy Hairdressing School Theological School 32 Fulton College 33 Global Information Technology Education Centre Private Mail Bag Suva P O Box 3649 Ba University College Vocational School 34 Harvest Vernacular Bible School Theological School 35 HIM Ministry Training Centre Institute of Computer Technology Calvary Temple P O Box 3697 Samabula P O Box 6032 Lautoka P O Box 948 Suva P O Box 17582 Suva Computer Training School Computer Training School 26 27 28 29 30 31 36 37 38 Fiji Muslim League Islamic Education Centre Fiji National University Integrated Information Services Ltd International College P O Box 2194 Labasa Vocational School Bible School Computer Training School 127 Meghji Building 1st Floor Vitogo Parade Lautoka 20 Suva Street Suva Fiji Electricity Authority Navutu Depot Lautoka 6650482 Naboutini Road Sabeto Nadi Fiji National University HQ Nasinu Campus Nasinu Nasova Road Suva 51 Rewa Street Suva Fishers of Men Training Institute Dromuliku Nadi 6282416 Kings Road Tailevu Kamil Road Valele Yalalevu Ba Calvary Temple Samabula Suva 11 Salala Place Lautoka Sports City 1st Floor Shop 21 Suva 193 Victoria Parade Suva Labasa Town Labasa 3100777 6664555 3394000 3312522 3100200 6667411 9976922 3381583 9387773 9425270 3563833 8814023 23 39 Keshals Business Education Institute P O Box 12479 Suva Vocational School 40 Lighthouse Vocational Institute P O Box 9575 Nakasi Post Office Nasinu Vocational School 41 Mantra School of Beauty Therapy and Ayurveda Limited P O Box 857 Suva Beauty Therapy School 42 Marist Champagnat Institute Methodist Deaconess Training Centre Methodist Divisional Bible and Vocational Institution P O Box 532 Nabua Care giving School P O Box 3757 Samabula Suva Theological School Methodist Church of Fiji P O Box 357 Suva Bible School 45 Methodist Lay Training Center P O Box 46 Nausori Bible School 46 Montfort Boys' Town P O Box 14421 Suva Vocational School 47 Northern Christian Training Centre Pacific Eye Institute Vocational School School of Medicine Aviation School 43 44 49 Pacific Flying School P O Box 2581 Labasa P O Box 18641 Suva P O Box 9452 Nadi Airport 50 Pacific Regional Seminary Private Mail Bag Suva Theological School 51 Pacific Theological College Private Mail Bag Suva Theological School 48 63 Mark Street 4th Floor Deoji's Building Suva Suite 3&5 Savilla House Daniva Road Valelevu Nasinu Level 2 Suite 8 Suva Central Building Pratt Street Suva Nakelo St Vatuwaqa Suva 29 Moala Street Samabula Suva The Methodist Church in Fiji Epworth House Stewart Street Suva Methodist Young People’s Department Davuilevu Rd Nausori Queens Road Veisari Lami Vuinika Labasa Brown Street Suva London Avenue CAAFI Compound Namaka Nadi 461 Queen Elizabeth Drive Nasese Suva 78 Vuya Road Veiuto Suva 3307577 3606511 3314122 3381970 3382641 3311477 3477706 3361432 8865030 3684075 6720681 3302224 3311100 24 52 Pacifika Institute of Tourism Studies P O Box 175 Tavua School of Hospitality 53 Republic of Fiji Military Forces P O Box 102 Suva 54 Resource Business Training Centre of the Pacific P O Box 14683 Suva Army Training School Training Center 55 Sangam Institute of Technology P O Box 9 Nadi School of Nursing 56 ServicePro International Tourism & Hospitality Institute P O Box 17033 Suva School of Hospitality 57 Small Hospitality Training Institute P O Box 1356 Nausori School of Hospitality 58 Social Leadership Training Institute P O Box 13476 Suva Vocational School 59 South Pacific Academy of Beauty Therapy P O Box 10670 Nadi Airport Beauty Therapy School 60 South Pacific Baptist College P O Box 3147 Ba Bible School 61 South Pacific Bible College St Louise Development Centre St. John the Baptist Theological College The Master’s Use Baptist Institute P O Box 1413 Suva P O Box 1424 Nausori Theological School Computer Training School Theological School P O Box 836 Sigatoka Bible School The Pacific Institute of Technology P O Box 3422 Nadi Institute of Technology 62 63 64 65 P O Box 35 Suva Lot 2 Rukuruku Road Tavua 4A/4B Berkley Cresent Suva Lot 46 Kaudamu Pl Delainavesi Suva Vunavou Lane Park Street Nadi Level 2 Kims Investment Building 33/45 Toorak Road Suva Rydges Hideaway Resort Sigatoka 256 Waimanu Road Suva Pala's Buildings Queens Road Nakavu Nadi Lot 1 Race Course Road Namosau Ba Wainadoi Suva 5 Rt Edward Cakobau Rd Nausori 9-11 Desvouex Road Suva Lot 48 Olosara Nadroga Sigatoka Headquarters TPIT Nadi Campus Nadi 3573455 3313799 3362194 6700016 3550595 9933233 3312649 6725280 7071972 3362933 3400212 3304705 6520534 6702735 25 66 The Style Gallery (Fiji) Institute of Hairdressing, Health & Beauty Therapy The University of Fiji P O Box 3587 Lautoka Training Center 5 Nede Street Lautoka 6640633 Private Mail Bag Lautoka University 6640600 68 The University of the South Pacific Private Mail Bag Suva University Queen's Road Saweni Lautoka Laucala Bay Road Suva 69 Universal Network of Infotech P O Box 18675 Suva U-Tech Institute P O Box 206 Suva 71 Victory Bible Institute of the Fiji Islands P O Box 13818 Suva Bible School 72 Vishaninfotech P O Box 372 Lautoka 73 Vivekananda Vocational Centre Western Division Bible Academy P O Box 716 Nadi P O Box 1467 Sigatoka Computer Training School Vocational School Bible School 75 Work Bridge Fiji P O Box 12550 Suva Vocational School 76 World Harvest Institute P O Box 7615 Nasinu Bible School 77 Youth With A Mission P O Box 17164 Suva Theological School 32 Spring Street Toorak Suva 68 Henson Building Level 8 Thomson Street Suva ANCF HQ Building 108 Waimanu Road Suva 111 Vitogo Parade Lautoka Nawaicoba Nadi Narata Valley Road Sigatoka Natalei Eco Lodge Dawasamu Tailevu Nukutatava Khalsa Road Nasinu 19 Domain Road Suva 3302257 70 Computer Training School Computer Training School 67 74 3231000 3100217 3303727 6640646 6702786 6256568 9497460 3397472 3302885 26 Appendix B: Number of Unit standards developed for each National Certificate 4 Qualification Trade Number of unit Standards 1. Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanic 19 2. Automotive Electrical and Electronics 14 3. Welding Fabrication 59 4. Aircraft Maintenance 18 5. Refrigeration, Heating Ventilation & Air 18 Conditioning 6. Electrical Fitter Mechanic 15 7. Electronics Engineering 14 8. Baking & Patisserie 25 9. Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic 14 10. Automotive Mechanic 54 11. Fitting & Machining 59 12. Body Works 54 13. Plumbing and Sheetmetal 59 14. Carpentry 37 15. Cookery 47 16. Joinery & Cabinet 43 17. Agriculture 13 18. Marine Engineering 15 19. Navigation & Seamanship 26 20. Saw Doctor 21 21. Printing 19 23 Beauty Therapy 30 24. Tour Guiding 19 25. Bus Driving 24 27 Appendix C: Total Programme Distribution by Discipline for the 3 Universities (USP, FNU & UoF) Discipline No. of Programmes Commerce 344 Expressive Arts 21 Engineering 80 Humanities 407 Medicine 74 Science 240 Total Programme Distribution by Discipline for 3 Universities 21% 29% Commerce Engineering 6% Expressive Arts 7% Humanities Medicine 35% 2% Science 28 Appendix C1: Distribution of Programmes by level Distribution of Commerce Programmes by Level 1% 2% Foundation 13% 9% Unclassified 1% Certificate 18% Diploma 2% 19% Undergraduate Degree Graduate Certificate 35% Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma Masters PhD Distribution of Expressive Arts Programmes by Level Certificate 1% Diploma 12% 15% 20% Undergraduate Degree Graduate Certificate 25% Postgraduate Certificate 18% 7% Postgraduate Diploma Masters PhD 2% Distribution of Engineering Programmes by Level 1% Certificate 8% 45% 26% Diploma Advanced Diploma Undergraduate Degree 16% 4% Postgraduate Diploma PhD 29 Appendix C2: Distribution of Programmes by level Distribution of Humanities Programmes by Level 2% 5% 5% 10% Foundation 5% Certificate 9% Diploma 1% Undergraduate Degree Graduate Certificate Graduate Diploma 63% Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma Masters PhD Distribution of Medicine Programmes by Level Certificate 15% 12% 14% 27% 20% Diploma Undergraduate Degree Graduate Certificate Postgraduate Certificate 9% Postgraduate Diploma Masters 3% Distribution of Science Programmes by Level 5% 3% 7% Foundation Certificate 12% 10% 11% Advanced Certificate Diploma Undergraduate Degree 1% 51% Postgraduate Certificate Postgraduate Diploma Masters PhD 30 Appendix D: ISAC Meetings Held in 2013 with the Respective Trade Qualifications MEMBERS PROGRAMMES Aminiasi Driu Agriculture Asinate Moroca Agriculture Makelesi Driu Agriculture Dr. Apaitia Macanawai Kywan Win Nitendra Raj COMPANIES/INDUSTRIES Community Education Training Centre (SPC) Fiji National University POSITION Trainer Agriculture Ministry of Education/TVET Ministry of Agriculture Lecturer/Head of Department Senior Education Officer Agriculture Education PRO Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Principal Engineer Agriculture FCDCL Dairy Advisor Dr. Visoni Timote Agriculture BAF Plant Pathologist Mr. Akuila Nacoke Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture SEPO Tepola Seniloli Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture PRO Simione Sela Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture PRO Napolioni Seru Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture A/PRO Dr. Steve Angus Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture PRO Poasa Nauluvula Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Principal Research Officer Manuel Alcgcan Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Senior Engineer Amelia Karavanua Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Nilesh Naidu Suva City Council Fiji National University Lecturer Fiji National University Training Officer Carpenters Motors Technical/Training Officer Niranjans Autoport Limited Fiji National University Apprentice Joseva Lesivakadua Automotive Electrical & Electronics Automotive Electrical & Electronics Automotive Electrical & Electronics Automotive Electrical & Electronics Automotive Electrical & Electronics Automotive Mechanic Agriculture Officer Farm Management Auto Electrician Narayan Chandra Automotive Mechanic Carpenters Motors Technical & Training Officer Atish A. Singh Automotive Mechanic Montfort Boys Town Trade Instructor Harry Smith Automotive Mechanic Josevata Wakolo Automotive Mechanic Ministry Of Education/TVET Fiji National University Acting Senior Education Officer Lecturer Sumesh Kumar Automotive Mechanic and Auto Electrical & Electronics Automotive Mechanic and Auto Electrical & Electronics Automotive Mechanic and Auto Electrical & Electronics Fiji National University Training Officer Fiji National University Training Officer Fiji National University Lecturer Setareki Tagica Sumesh Kumar Narayan Chandra Siddhant Singh Joseva Lesivakadua Setareki Tagica Training Officer 31 Alumeci Cakau Baking & Patisserie Tanoa Sky Lodge Hotel Pastry/cook Manueli Tabote Baking & Patisserie Fiji National University Training Assistant Matthew Allan Baking & Patisserie Bakels (Fiji) Limited Chef/Baker Mohammed Faruk Baking & Patisserie Fiji National University Training Officer Mukh Ram Baking & Patisserie Fiji National University Chef Eric Jioje Baking & Patisserie Fiji National University Food Production Lecturer 1 Ritesh Raj Baking & Patisserie Vocational Teacher Vivita Damudamu Baking & Patisserie Nilesh Chand Baking & Patisserie Anne Hazelman Beauty & Therapy Courtney Hazelman Beauty & Therapy Ministry of Education (TVET) Vivekananda Technical Centre Jacks of Fiji (Restaurant) Mandara Spa Fiji, SOFITEL Pivot Point Fiji Debra Sadranu Beauty & Therapy Fareena Feroz Beauty & Therapy Senikai Spas Manager/Director Spa Manager Inise Baravi Beauty & Therapy South Pacific Academy of Beauty and Therapy Intercontinental Resort & Spa Grey Hut Beauty & Spa Nirmala Naidu Beauty & Therapy Spa Manager Pauline Campbell Beauty & Therapy Shangri-La Fijian Resort & Spa Pivot Point Fiji Roselyn Navutu Beauty & Therapy Warwick Fiji Spa Manager Salote Boila Beauty & Therapy Fiji National University Training Officer/Coordinator Satrupa Raj Beauty & Therapy Internal Assessor Shirley Chand Beauty & Therapy Sonia Prasad Beauty & Therapy Vasiti Baledrokadroka Virisine Laca Beauty & Therapy South Pacific Academy of Beauty and Therapy South Pacific Academy of Beauty and Therapy The Westin Denarau Island Resort & Spa Fiji National University Beauty & Therapy Grey Hut Beauty & Spa Yvette Bhurrah Beauty & Therapy Assistant Spa Manager Josua Wasasala Body Works - Spray Painting & Panel Beating Body Works -Spray Painting & Panel Beating Body Works- Spray Painting & Panel Beating Cabinet Making & Joinery Cabinet Making & Joinery Cabinet Making & Joinery Outrigger on the Lagoon Fiji National University Pacific Coating Limited Lecturer Carpenters Motors Panel Beater PWD Ministry of Works Foreman PWD Ministry of Works Fitter TVET Ministry of Education Acting Senior Education Officer Fiji National University Training Officer Mohammed Sadiq Nemani Cakausese Abinesh Bhan Eliki Tusaqa Muneshwar Prasad Pramesh Chand Cabinet Making & Joinery Head of Department Kitchen Manager Area Director & Trainer Mandara Spa Fiji Trainer Trainer Director/Principal Institute Trainer/Beauty Therapist Spa Supervisor Head of Department Hair & Beauty Managing Director Lecturer 32 Parmesh Chand Carpentry Fiji National University Training Officer Muneshwar Prasad Carpentry Abinesh Bhan Carpentry Ministry of Education (TVET) PWD Ministry of Works Senior Education Officer (Carpentry and Joinery) Foreman Daud Ali Carpentry PWD Ministry of Works Setter Eliki Tusaqa Carpentry PWD Ministry of Works A Joiner Taniela Naulivou Carpentry Fiji National University Turuone Durunibou Carpentry Fiji National University Vilimone Delasau Carpentry Fiji National University Lecturer/Head of Department/Section Lecturer/Programme Leader Training Officer Jope Seniloli Carpentry CATD Nadave Technical Training Manager Ritesh Raj Cookery Vocational Teacher Eric Jioje Cookery Ministry of Education (TVET) Fiji National University Simione Toanikeve Cookery Fiji National University Trainer Pranil Prakash Cookery Teacher Mohammed Yunus Cookery Mukh Ram Cookery Vivekenanda Technical Centre Intercontinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa Fiji National University Manueli Tabote Cookery Fiji National University Trainer Shailesh Naidu Cookery Outrigger Lagoon Executive Chef Jiuliasi Uluiburotu Fiji National University Head of School/Lecturer 1 Fiji National University Training Officer Fiji Electricity Authority Fiji National University Training Officer Electrical Engineer Manager Electrical/Electronics Lecturer/Assistant to Dean Fiji National University Training Officer Fiji Electricity Authority Team Leader Training Manasa Bainivatu Electrical Fitter Mechanic Electrical Fitter Mechanic Electrical Fitter Mechanic Electrical Fitter Mechanic Electrical Fitter Mechanic Electrical Fitter Mechanic Electrical Fitter Mechanic Electronic Engineering Fiji National University Training Officer Praveen Rajan Electronic Engineering Fiji National University Training Officer Ulaiasi Gudru Electronic Engineering Fiji National University Lecturer 1 Vivian Koi Electronic Engineering Tecair Limited Senior Technician Isoa Ledua Electronic Engineering Fiji Electricity Authority Team Leader Comms Paula Tuivanuyalewa Electronic Engineering Fiji National University Lecturer Epeli Narisia Fabrication & Welding Ministry of Labour Senior Mechanical Engineer Jeke Tagicakibau Fabrication & Welding PWD Ministry of Works Leading Hand Ray Nicholls Fabrication & Welding Director Rudra Nand Fabrication & Welding Integrated Welding Industries Fiji National University Suliasi Ravunikau Fabrication & Welding Fiji National University Kamual Dayal Fabrication & Welding Fiji National University Training Officer/Head of Training Apprenticeship Officer Jone Filipe Maciu Waqaira Marfaga Solomone Saimoni Matawalu Setoki Buka Tupou Semisi Fiji National University Lecturer in food production Senior Sous Chef Lecturer Head of Department 33 Harry Smith Fabrication & Welding Fabrication & Welding Ministry of Education (TVET) Carpenters Motors Assistant Senior Education Officer Vocational Foreman Raj N. Kumar Josua Volavola Fitting & Machining PWD Ministry of Works Supervisor Melton Simmons Fitting & Machining Fiji National University Lecturer Pita Turaganikeli Fitting & Machining Fiji National University Lecturer Patrick Michael Fitting & Machining Fiji National University Lecturer Atish Amendra Singh Fitting & Machining Monfort Boys Town Trade Instructor Jone Tuikoro Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanic TVET Teacher Josaia Vunitali Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanic Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanic Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanic Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanic Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanic Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanic Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Commercial Veh./Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Commercial Veh./Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Commercial Veh./Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Commercial Veh./Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Commercial Veh./Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Heavy Commercial Veh./Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Ministry of Education/Tailevu North College Fiji National University Carpenters Motors Supervisor Niranjans Autoport Limited CATD Nadave Heavy Mechanic B W Holdings Garage Supervisor Fiji National University Training Officer Fiji National University Lecturer Ministry of Education (TVET) PWD Ministry of Works TVET Teacher Carpenters Motors Workshop Foreman Niranjans Autoport Limited CATD Nadave B W Holdings Heavy Commercial Vehicle Technician Mechanical/Maintenance Tutor Garage Supervisor Fiji National University Lecturer PWD Ministry of Works Leading Hand Ministry of Labour Senior Technical Officer TVET Ministry of Education Acting Senior Education Officer Vocational Carpenters Motors Supervisor Tebara Transport Buses Limited Director Operations Ram Sanehi Elvis Prakash Sekove Ravouvou Shaneel Chand Sumesh Kumar Amenatave Vuatalevu Jone Tuikoro Ratu Marika Johansen Vetaia Turagabeci Elvis Prakash Sekove Ravouvou Shaneel Chand Amenatave Vuatalevu Joji Nawaqaliva Mohammed Shiraz Harry Smith Ram Sanehi Saten Maharaj Lecturer Automotive Supervisor garage 34 Josaia Sumasafu Fiji National University Training Officer Savenaca Seniloli Heavy Commercial Veh./Heavy Mobile Plant Mechanic Mining Orica Fiji Limited Country Manager Ranjeev Lal Mining Tia'paka Laava Mining National Operations Manager Quarry Manager Louis Botha Mining Metromix Concrete (Fiji) Limited Metromix Concrete (Fiji) Limited Vatukoula Gold Mine Joeli Senivota Mining Vatukoula Gold Mine Safety Superintendent Joseva Naudre Mining Vatukoula Gold Mine Training Coordinator Emori Toloi Mining Country Manager Moape Navia Mining AMEX Resources Limited Lion One Limited Tausia Kerto Mining Geopacific Limited Country Manager Jonathan Hoye Mining Geopacific Limited Joanna Amato Mining Oak Mines Senior Exploration Geologist/consultant Lab chemist/technician Joni Dagoya Mining Oak Mines Project Geologist Simione Drole Mining Viti Mining Limited Manager Engineering Isireli Nagata Mining Asst. Director Mines (Actg) Onisimo Fonmanu Mining Iliesa Raketekete Navigation & Seamanship Navigation & Seamanship Navigation & Seamanship Navigation & Seamanship Plumbing & Sheet Metal Department of Mineral Resources Department of Mineral Resources Government Shipping Services Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji Fiji National University Pauliasi Vakaloloma Toka Waqabaca Waisea Bolatolu Aminiasi Ragigia Taniela Naulivou Tomu Dari Panapasa Sigatoka Vula Vakacegu Ilaitia Nakautoga Aca Uluiviti Adrian Quai Hoi Elia Raione Plumbing & Sheet Metal Plumbing & Sheet Metal Plumbing & Sheet Metal Plumbing & Sheet Metal Plumbing & Sheet Metal Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Fiji National University Centre for Appropriate Technology & Development, Nadave Fiji National University Manager OHSE and Training Manager Land/Permits STO Training Officer Manager Qualifications & Licensing Lecturer/Program Coordinator Training Officer Trainer PWD Ministry of Works Lecturer/Head Section Plumbing Foreman Monfort Boys Town Instructor Water Authority of Fiji RME Water Authority of Fiji Team Leader Fiji National University Lecturer Kooltech Refrigeration Limited Managing Director Fiji National University Training Officer 35 Inia Kubuabola Ministry of Labour Technical Officer Fiji National University Lecturer Ministry of Labour Post Technical Officer Department of Environment ODS Inspector PWD Ministry of Works Supervisor Fiji National University Technician Trade Air Engineering Technician Usaia Saukuru Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Security Genesi Security Training Facilitator Josaia Korovulavula Security Eye-Spy Security Director Joeli Raione Security Eye-Spy Security Marketing Officer Jonitani Tatau Security Victory Academy Director Vijay Prakash Security Professional Security Managing Director Shiu Narayan Security City Security General Manager Rusiate Tudravu Security Fiji Police Force Chief Operations Officer Vinod Lal Security Fiji Police Force Planning Officer Pita Keni Security Fiji Police Force Jacob Abraham Security Fiji Police Force Maciu Vatuloka Security Ministry of Defense Police Officer/commanding officer Police Officer/operations planning officer Senior Admin Officer Vosita Gucake Security Ministry of Defense Assistant A/O Vilitati Ratucoga Security Managing Director Jeke Vakararawa Security Fenton Barrack Security Hi-Tech Pro Serve Security Services (Fiji) Fiji Ports Corporation Limited Tyco Fiji Limited Sunia Mateyawa Security Managing Director Avinish Kumar Security Leveni Muriwaqa Security DIEFAR Security Services Republic Fiji Military Forces LEIE Security Paula Uluinakauvadra Mosese Qio Dobui Security Director Security Tactical Resource Group Eye-Spy Security Jeanette Mario Security Tyco Fiji Limited Training Officer Isimeli Uluilakeba Security USP Security Chief Security Officer Rob Robertson Security USP Security Consultant Vilimoni Druma Security Victory Academy Trainer Mervyn Magnus Sereana Waqatabu Seru Ramakita Tavua Ravu Alipate G. Kau Prem Prasad Senior Port Security Officer General Manager CSO Training and Doctrine Managing Director Managing Director 36 Ana Navitio Tour Guiding Tourist Transport Fiji Transport Manager Arun Devi Prasad Tour Guiding Tourist Transport Fiji Atunaisa Vuniyayawa Aubrey Whippy Tour Guiding Tour Guiding Fiji Island Guides Association Exclusively Fiji Resident/Customer Services Manager President Elenoa Nimacere Tour Guiding South Sea Cruises Hospitality Manager Emele Tuilagivou Tour Guiding Pacific Destinationz Fiji HR Team Leader Epi Gonewai Tour Guiding Service Pro Hospitality Consultant/Director Josaia Dalituicama Tour Guiding Rosie Holidays Josevata Koroitamana Kiji Niurou Tour Guiding All Pacific Travel Concept a.t.s Pacific Fiji Tour Guide/Group Coordinator Groups Manager Maikeli Seru Tour Guiding Mere Kevu Tour Guiding General Manager Manager Groups Director Tour Guiding All Pacific Travel Concept Destinations World Rusiate Baleirara Tour Guiding Jacks of Fiji Sales Executive Ryan Kafoa Tour Guiding Unity Surf Fiji Sakeasi Sakuwai Tour Guiding Salote Boila Tour Guiding Fiji Island Guides Association/jacks of Fiji Fiji National University Fatiaki Panapasa Tour Guiding Entrepreneur Sales & Operations Manager Assistant Manager Marketing Training Assistant/Coordinator Volunteer Bruce Baleirara Tour Guiding Jacks of Fiji Assistant Manager Sales and Marketing Executive 37 Appendix E: Number of ISAC Members per Trade for the Meetings held in 2013 Trade ISAC members 1. Agriculture 15 2. Automotive Electrical and Electronics 8 3. Automotive Mechanic 5 4. Baking & Patisserie 9 5. Panel Beating and Spray Painting 3 6. Cabinet Making & Joinery 4 7. Carpentry 9 8. Cookery 8 9. Electrical Fitter Mechanic 7 10. Electronic Engineering 6 11. Fabrication & Welding 8 12. Fitting & Machining 5 13. Heavy Commercial Vehicle 7 Mechanic 14. Heavy Commercial Vehicle 7 Mechanic 15. Navigation & Seamanship 4 16. Plumbing & Sheet Metal 6 17. Refrigeration & Heating Ventilation Air 10 Conditioning 38 Appendix F: Number of ISAC Members per Trade Developed. (Meetings held between 2012/2013/2014) Trade ISAC membership per trade developed 1. Security 24 2. Tour Guiding 18 3. Beauty & Therapy 15 4. Mining 15 ISAC Membership per Trade Developed Mining 21% Security 33% Beauty & Therapy 21% Tour Guiding 25% 39 Appendix G: 2013 Secretariat Staff Section DIRECTOR’S OFFICE QUALIFICATIONS & RESEARCH ACCREDITATION CORPORATE SERVICES Name Position Dr. Richard Wah Executive Chairman (Part – Time) Salote Rabuka Director Sereseini Vuki Senior Quality Assurance Officer Anu Rekha Mani Executive Secretary Anaseini Rayaqona Personal Assistant Waisea Rokobera Temporary Relieving Clerical Officer Eci Naisele Manager [Qualifications & Research] Parneet Singh Senior Professional Officer(Qualifications Development) Pranil Prabhakar Professional Officer(Qualification Development 1) Leba Halofaki Professional Officer(Qualification Development 2) Sinate Yaranamua Professional Officer(Qualification Development 3) Julia Radrodro Temporary Clerical Officer Rajendra Prasad Manager [Accreditation] Kaveeta Prasad Senior Registration Officer (Institutions) Rabin Kumar Senior Registration Officer (Programmes) Alvin Sandeep Prasad Computer Operator Mere Vunuqa Temporary Relieving Clerical Officer Robert Misau Manager Corporate Services Melissa Kwan Accountant Yasumala Lal Senior Administrative Officer Sereana Tuluga Administrative Officer Epineri Rawalai Communications Officer Eparama Loganimoce IT Programmer Pauliasi Koroi Data Entry Officer Vidotma Prasad Office Assistant/Cleaner Luke Qionibaravi Driver/Messenger 40 Appendix H: 2013 Auditors Report 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Fiji Higher Education Commission 22 Gorrie Street| Suva, Fiji Phone: + (679) 3100031 | + (679) 8358165 Email: Website: