Layout 4 - Notre Dame Academy
Layout 4 - Notre Dame Academy
the Also: Congratulations to the Class of 2010! magazine of notre dame academy vita! summer 2010 | volume 6 | issue 2 Dawn till Dusk A Photo Essay of One Day at NDA Message from the President “ I begin my day at 5:00 a.m. with my usual morning routine which includes some time for prayer and reflection on the day’s scripture readings. ” We’ve got a different kind of issue of vita! for you this summer. Rather than put into words a typical day at NDA, we thought we’d show you. Hopefully you’ll be able to catch the energy and enthusiasm that permeate the classrooms and hallways every day. I am frequently asked about my role as President of NDA, so I thought I’d share with you what my day was like on April 14, the same day that we took the photos used in this issue. I begin my day at 5:00 a.m. with my usual morning routine which includes some time for prayer and reflection on the day’s scripture readings. I arrive at school about 7:45 a.m. and check in with Principal Kathleen Rowley Colin ’89 and the administrative team. We catch up on issues from the previous day and discuss upcoming meetings. Then it’s off to check e-mails and respond to as many as I can right away. My first official meeting is with the Admissions Director Patricia Spatola, and she updates me on the status of our transfer applicants. We are ready to make decisions on three of them so we review files, discuss each applicant’s potential to be successful at NDA, and happily agree to accept all three. I then meet with Lynn Flaherty, our Advancement Director. We received a significant bequest recently and the donor wishes to provide financial aid to students from Quincy. Mrs. Flaherty and I check our database for Quincy residents and design a financial plan to share with the executor of the estate. It’s now 10:00 a.m. and Business Manager Patricia Vlassakis and I have a conference call with the school’s attorney to discuss how a change in employment law will affect us at NDA. My next meeting is with Mike Minihane, our IT Director. We are planning an upgrade to our phone system and he has quotes to share with me. This meeting is followed by some paperwork, signing checks, and checking the day’s mail. Next on my “to-do” list is a phone call to Tabitha LaFarge Ross ’91, chair of the Board of Directors. I bring her up to date on what’s been going on and we do some planning for the May Board meeting. During second lunch I meet with the last of my “senior lunch” groups. Through the year I meet with groups of 10 seniors at lunchtime to hear about their college plans, their experience at NDA, and suggestions they may have. Following lunch I head to Brighton for a meeting of the heads of the Catholic girls’ schools in the archdiocese. We’ve been working on a joint marketing project for single gender education and we’re now evaluating the progress. On the way back to Hingham I stop in Weymouth for the wake of an alumna. At 4:30 p.m. I meet with the finance committee of the Board to put the finishing touches on the new budget and to review the status of our endowment. It’s now time to head home. I join four other sisters for evening prayer, dinner, and conversation. We’re all Red Sox fans so after dinner, while signing acknowledgement letters, I’m rooting for Jason Varitek and his teammates! It’s true that no two days are the same at NDA! I hope you enjoy our “day in the life” photo collection in this issue. Sister Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69 President Editor Kathryn Quinn Miller ’97 Contributing Writers Sarah Dowden Lynn Page Flaherty Ashley Simmons ’08 Design Amanda Quintin Design Printing Reynolds DeWalt Photography Mary Ellen Cahill P’13 Sara Corben ’10 Lindsey Gatto Harr ’03 Maura Connolly Longueil ’88 Sophia Love ’11 Maureen Meyer Emily Vitali ’11 iStockPhoto Published by the Office of Institutional Advancement Notre Dame Academy 1073 Main Street Hingham, MA 02043 781.749.5930 Office of Institutional Advancement Lynn Page Flaherty Director of Institutional Advancement Miriam Brownewall P’94 ’95 Development Assistant Sarah Dowden Director of Alumnae Relations Lindsey Gatto Harr ’03 Annual Fund Coordinator Kathryn Quinn Miller ’97 Director of Communications Notre Dame Academy Board of Directors 2010 – 2011 Mark Baker P’10 Sister Barbara A. Barry, SNDdeN ’69 Michael Bevilacqua P’08 Sister Edie Daly, SNDdeN Sister Mary Farren, SNDdeN Jennifer Merrigan Fay ’85 Steven Habeeb Jeanne M. Higgins ’83 Paul Mulligan P’99 Colleen Nevin ’89 Robin McCarthy Pelissier ’77 Dianne Reilly P’98 ’00 ’09 Tabitha LaFarge Ross ’91, Chair Brother Daniel Skala, CFX Perry Vieth P’05 ’07 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. contributors vita! summer 2010 | volume 6 | issue 2 inside this issue 2 8 16 2 10 from main street NDA News, Events, and Accolades 8 congratulations class of 2010! 10 cover story A Day in the Life of NDA 16 advancing nda 18 class notes Alumnae News and Moves 25 expressions NDA has a new phone system! When calling, please note the instructions to add a 2 at the beginning of your party's extension. If you would like to send a Letter to the Editor, update your information, or contribute a piece for consideration to vita!, please send information to the address listed to the left, or e-mail from Main Street news | events | accolades Call to Serve “As long as there is love within the family, and faith in God, people can be happy.” — Emily Bruce ’13 2 3 1 A t daybreak on June 11, 126 members of the NDA community – 90 students, 35 parents and faculty, and one alumna – gathered at the Hingham campus, piled into 18 vans, and headed off on a weeklong service trip to West Virginia. The group participated in the Appalachia Service Project, a volunteer program that repairs and rebuilds houses for families in need. They tackled demolition and remodeling projects such as constructing a wheelchair ramp, repairs to a front porch, and building a deck. Campus Ministry Coordinator Melissa Scott-Lorentz directed the trip and before departing she shared, “These students and adults will experience firsthand some of the poverty that is even in our own nation. That might be difficult for our young volunteers, but hopefully students will leave the experience with the understanding that material goods cannot determine happiness.” Prior to the volunteers’ arrival, a mudslide severely damaged many homes in the county. Some teams were unable to reach their assigned locations and a new game plan was quickly developed. 4 Bridget Kelly ’11 was impressed with the group’s ability to adapt. “Everyone had a sense of purpose and determination,” said Bridget. “Whether or not the task that lay before us was what we had originally anticipated, we all surprised ourselves with what we were able to accomplish.” Despite the challenging manual labor and long hours, Emily Bruce ’13 was grateful for the experience. “This service project was unlike any other … the relationships we formed and the feeling of accomplishment was worth the sweat, bug bites, and five-minute showers. I would do it again in a heartbeat.” Emily and the other students formed bonds with many of the families and she quickly learned an important lesson, “As long as there is love within the family, and faith in God, people can be happy.” Photo 1: Most students were not experienced with home repair tasks before the trip, but received training before they left. Photo 2: Volunteers and the family they helped are all smiles once the front porch is complete. Photo 3: Students formed close bonds with the families they helped. Photo 4: Elizabeth Hennessey ’11 dug holes for the concrete to support a wheelchair ramp. k o ne s c one oo ho b from Main Street What’s the Buzz Around NDA? ol We welcome and encourage all members of the NDA community to read this year’s One Book One School novel, The Secret Life of Bees. Written by Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees explores and confronts issues such as race, forgiveness, community, and belonging. Events – including guest speakers, films, and discussions – are planned throughout the coming school year to enhance the reading of the book. The One Book One School program offers a unique experience for members of the NDA community to connect through reading. The Secret Life of Bees documents the journey of Lily Owen who is haunted by the fragmented recollection of her mother’s death. In a desperate attempt to escape her father’s abuse, Lily flees and three sisters reluctantly welcome Lily and her nanny into their family. Kidd captures Lily’s struggles as she works through the disturbing memories of her past and searches for the truth and the unconditional love she craved her entire life. R emembering a sister of notre dame NDA welcomed author Michele Murdock this spring to speak about her book, A Journey of Courage, which depicts the life and work of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN. Sister Dorothy worked as an advocate for rural farmers in Brazil and sought to protect them from local gangs. On February 12, 2005, Sister Dorothy was murdered in the Amazon for her efforts to transform the local community. Junior Jill Robinson was particularly struck by Murdock’s presentation. Jill first learned of Sister Dorothy in her Scriptures class. “The more I learned about her, the more interesting she seemed to me. She was only one person, yet she had an amazing impact … she gave her life for a cause she believed in, to help improve others’ lives.” Jill was inspired by Sister Dorothy’s tireless work, “Now, I feel like it’s possible for just one person to help change the world.” miaa representatives foreign relations ctrl group Emily LaFond was selected as NDA’s Class of 2012 representative to the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA). She joins senior Jessica Nevins in providing student-athlete perspectives to the MIAA. Selected for their commitment to athletics, sportsmanship, and student leadership, Jessica and Emily will participate in student panels and MIAA events. Social Studies teacher Erin Fontana ’97 accompanied 14 students to the United Nations Association of Greater Boston meet, held at Northeastern University. After much research, the girls gave presentations focusing on topics such as Haitian relief and primary education in the world’s poorest nations. Seniors Molly Sullivan, Vittoria Smeglin, Lenna Dwyer and freshman Catherine Andersen each received an honorable mention for negotiation. Technology is everywhere at NDA and a group of students is now ready to help facilitate the use of Smart Boards, laptops, and projectors in the classroom. The Classroom Technology-Ready Leaders (CTRL) learned about basic troubleshooting of classroom equipment and will help implement new software in the coming year. vita! summer 2010 | 3 best in show! from Main Street lenten campaign a huge success Sister Mary Janice Bartolo, SNDdeN, reports that this year’s Lenten Campaign was extraordinarily successful, raising our $4,356. Funds raised during this camcommunity paign benefit the work being done by the Sisters of Notre Dame in Haiti. Junior homeroom 321 and freshman homerooms 307 and 305 were responsible for raising over 25 percent of our grand total. We congratulate the entire community for their spirit and generosity during our continued effort to provide aid to the people of Haiti. Serving easter morning surprise In the weeks leading up to Easter, members of Campus Ministry collected buckets, small toys, and candy from their classmates to assemble over 125 Easter baskets. Baskets were distributed to children at Julie’s Family Learning Center in South Boston, Carolina Hill in Marshfield, and Head Start in Plymouth. Campus Ministry Coordinator Melissa Scott-Lorentz hoped these baskets would, “be a sign and symbol that allows families and children in our area to feel the loving embrace of Christ on Easter morning.” Six students were recognized at the annual 10th Congressional District Art Show, hosted by Congressman Bill Delahunt. Sara Corben ’10, Jaimee Cooke ’10, and Christine Wojner ’12 each placed in their respective areas of expertise, with Beth Gilcoine ’11 earning an honorable mention. Senior Alison Wotton was recognized as Best in Show, and her piece, “Study in Black and White,” will be featured in a year-long exhibition in Washington, D.C. She will travel to the capitol to attend the National Congressional Art Show opening. by Alison Wotton ’10 Artwork setting a good example Juniors Kaitlynn O’Leary and Molly Morrissey were honored by the Archdiocese of Boston’s Office for the New Evangelization of Youth and Young Adults for their efforts in their respective parishes. Molly received a Discipleship Award for her involvement in her youth group and Kaitlynn was presented the Cardinal’s Award for her efforts to start a youth group at her parish. and… action! The NDA Players wowed audiences at the annual “Senior Spring One Acts.” This showcase offers seniors the opportunity to experience the entire production process from start to finish, under the guidance of theater teacher Abigail Russell. Congratulations to seniors Jacqueline Garcia, Lenna Dwyer, and Brenna Shanahan for successfully directing their own productions and thoroughly entertaining the audience. 26.2 The following members of the NDA community successfully completed the Boston Marathon: Ashley Peterson ’99, former faculty member Adrienne Fowkes Ramsey ’96, Caitlin Donovan ’08, Cross Country Coach Jennifer Richardson, Mary Gryzbinski P ’06 ’08, Lauren Muise ’08, Jeanne Harran ’04, and Hilary O’Riordan ’07. Congratulations runners! taking a stand Sophomores Courtney Collins, Marypat Henry, Gabrielle Hunt, and Caroline Rizzo, and juniors Ashley Morris and Raleigh Norris participated in the first annual Social Justice Summit held at Boston College High School. Nominated by their classmates and teachers, these students focused on the causes of bullying, as well as potential solutions. from Main Street focus on the faculty Mathematics teacher Betty Cheyne spent the month of July as an instructor at the Google CAPE program in Cambridge where she taught programming and computer related topics to a group of eighth grade students. and staff Guidance counselor Barbara Mitchell completed her Master’s of Education in School Administration from Emmanuel College. In a trip sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame, Sister Patricia Toce traveled to France and Belgium to visit the areas where Saint Julie lived and worked. Guidance counselors, Joan Perrault, Barbara Mitchell, and Heidi Hayes, traveled to Maine to meet with members of the admissions staff at several colleges and universities in the area. As part of a college counselor tour, Joan Perrault also traveled to Ireland where she visited four major universities. Art teacher Lisa Marder once again taught beginner digital photography and Photoshop through the South Shore Art Center. Rosemary Parise and John Souther served as AP readers for the Spanish and Math exams, respectively. Social Studies teacher Susanne Beldotti attended a workshop at the JFK Library and Museum entitled “The U. S. and the World in the 21st Century: Foreign Policy Dilemmas, Economic Interdependence, and Cultural Exchanges” and plans to incorporate what she learned in her AP Government classes this fall. World Languages faculty members Rosemary Parise and Marilyn Gilboy attended seminars through Primary Source, an organization that enhances history and humanities education by connecting educators to people and cultures throughout the world. Joan Delany traveled to China for two weeks where she participated in various workshops, lectures, and expeditions. Joan spent time in Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi’an and attended the Shanghai World Expo and even saw the Terra Cotta Warriors in their tomb. She looks forward to sharing her experiences with her World History II classes this fall. Library Director Patricia Bologna was named a recipient of the Lucile Cornetet Individual Award for professional development from the Delta Kappa Gamma Education Foundation, an organization that honors woman educators. Librarian Carol Troy traveled to Guatemala, where she and her family participated in a community service project. In addition to working in a Mayan school, Carol and her family built a stove for a Mayan family. Fond farewell … With best wishes for the future, we say goodbye to the following faculty and staff who leave NDA to pursue other interests this fall: Melissa Scott-Lorentz, Jessica Slade, John Souther, Erin Fontana ’97, and Marilyn Wilburn. ready, set, college! Kicking off the highly anticipated college process, the Guidance Department hosted its annual spring College Fair. Admissions representatives from 99 colleges and universities from around the nation participated. Students were exposed to an array of colleges in almost every field of study. big changes for the uniform egg-cellent! Nineteen of Rick Kates’ physics students took part in the Trebuchet Competition at Merrimack College, building catapults capable of tossing eggs into frying pans up to 60 feet away. Seniors Ariel Kenyon and Meaghan Leong advanced to the final rounds and were asked to present their designs to Merrimack’s Civil Engineering Department. This spring, Student Council members explored potential additions to the current uniform. To gauge student reaction, members modeled two new polo shirts and, based on the positive reaction, a blue polo shirt will be available to all grades and a yellow polo shirt will be offered to seniors for the start of the new school year. Students welcome the change and are excited to further enhance the iconic NDA plaid. vita! summer 2010 | 5 from Main Street Winter SPORTS wrap-up Alpine Ski Hockey The Alpine Ski team placed first in the league, with four girls in the top ten and Amelia Brown ’13 and Jordan McSherry ’12 as the league’s top two skiers. NDA had nine skiers qualify among the top 18 invited to participate in state competition. The team placed ninth out of 20 teams at states. Captained by Kelly Coleman ’11, Jennifer Gerhard ’10, Elizabeth Lanata ’10, and Bridget Nestor ’10, the Hockey team finished its sixth season 8-11-1. Kelly Coleman, Emily LaFond ’12, Meaghan Leong ’10, and Bridget Nestor were named league all-stars. NDA hosted the annual Cougar Classic Invitational, the state’s largest sanctioned girl’s hockey tournament, with 12 teams. Basketball Captained by seniors Alicia Mosesso, Lauren McClelland, and Kara Stefaniak, Basketball finished the season 9-11. Bridget Costantino was named a Franklin Invitational All-Star. The team was dedicated to the season and Coach Michael Barrett thanks them for their excellent effort. Dance The Dance team had an exciting season performing during halftime at basketball games and competing in several different competitions, including the Reggie Lewis MSSAA Competition. Captained by Kristina English ’11, Angela Mercurio ’10, and Mackenzie Shea ’11, the team placed tenth at the state competition. Cheerleading Led by senior captains Courtney Donovan, Katey Linskey, and Nicola Morton, Cheerleading finished first at competitions in Attleboro, North Attleboro, and Abington. Placing third at regionals, the team qualified for states, where they placed eighth. Gymnastics Gymnastics finished the season with an impressive 7-1 record, with terrific performances by Keelin O’Connell ’10, Sarah Jaklitsch ’13, Christen Constantino ’10, Emily Nonnamaker ’12, Colleen Barry ’11, and Olivia Lehane ’12. Finishing fifth in the Cranberry League Championship, NDA had three students named to the league all-star team. The team finished ninth at sectionals, with Keelin O’Connell qualifying for the Senior National Team. Indoor Track Indoor Track claimed the Catholic Conference title this season and was the Dual County League (DCL) Division II runner up. Ariel Kenyon ’10, Mollie O’Leary ’13, Clara King ’13, and Corrina Lucini ’10 were all named DCL All-Stars. In the state sectional meet, NDA placed 18th out of 64 teams. At the All State meet, Kelsey Whitaker ’12 placed sixth in the 1000m, breaking the school record set by Ellen Callahan in 2007. 9th Straight Golf For the ninth year in a row, the NDA Golf team captured the MIAA State Golf Championship! With a team dominated by sophomores, expectations were held somewhat in check for this year’s squad, but there was no stopping the Cougars, as they beat their closest competition — and archrival — Fontbonne Academy by 16 strokes. Lauren Flynn ’12 led all golfers with a 72, followed by Aimee Dubois ’12 (85), Emily LaFond ’12 (89), Alyssa Barrett ’11 (94), Katie McNulty ’10 (94), and Jillianne Tripp ’12 (95). Lauren Flynn, Alyssa Barrett, and Aimee Dubois were named league all-stars, with Aimee and Lauren both earning the Boston Herald and Boston Globe All-Scholastic honors. Congratulations to the entire golf team and coaches David Gianferante, John Levangie, and Rick Nash. Spring SPORTS wrap-up Tennis Tennis clinched the Catholic Conference title, with a record of 13-4. Devin Curley ’10, Meghan Hall ’10, Erin Fontaine ’10, and Nicole Hayes ’11 were named League All-Stars. The team hosted the MIAA South Sectional Individual Tournament. Qualifying for the state tournament, the team had a first round bye, but unfortunately lost in the second round. Track & Field With more than 100 participants, Track finished first in the Catholic Conference. League all-stars included Angela Skeiber ’10, Sophia Wojtasinski ’10, Kelsey Whitaker ’12, Kelsey Steeves ’11, Larkin Beecher ’10, Shauna Owen ’12, Katharine Lunny ’10, Molly Heissner ’10, Lauren Varela ’12, and Kaleigh Erickson ’12. Coach Rick Kates was selected as a New England region Coach of the Year. At the Division II MIAA Track & Field Championship meet, NDA placed 14th out of 45 teams. Softball Lacrosse Lacrosse finished the season 9-5-4. After being chosen as a preseason “player to watch” by the Boston Globe, Grace Ciolfi ’10 (80 points) was selected as a Patriot Ledger All-Scholastic, along with Jessica Roach ’11 (79 points). The team qualified for the state tournament and advanced to the quarterfinals. Goalie Kate McCarthy ’10 made 130 saves over the course of the season. Sailing Captained by seniors Bridget Costantino, Molly Dunbar, and Bridget Nestor, Softball finished the season as co-champions of the Catholic Conference. With an outstanding record of 12-6, the team boasted four league all-stars: Bridget Costantino, Molly Dunbar, Bridget Nestor, and Shawna Gillen ’10. Bridget Costantino was also named a Patriot Ledger All-Scholastic. NDA Sailing had a very successful season, coming in third in their division and hosting the first Lincoln Open alongside Hingham. Captains Katherine Baker ’10, Courtney Collins ’10, and Emily Kent ’10 played a key role in motivating and building the confidence of this team. Editor’s note: Special thanks to Ashley Simmons ’08 for contributing to from Main Street vita! summer 2010 | 7 2010 Graduation C 1 2 5 6 class of 2010! ongratulations Photo 1: Mary Carroll Sullivan ’68, a nurse-bioethicist-attorney, offered graduates advice when making decisions. She encouraged her audience to “respect differences and celebrate them, but search for common ground and consensus.” Photo 2: Emily Kent was chosen, via an anonymous essay contest, to be the student graduation speaker. She cited lessons from Disney films including the Lion King’s motto of “Hakuna Matata.” Family and friends of the 142 members of the Class of 2010 gathered on May 21 to celebrate the graduation of NDA’s 157th class. The graduates – hailing from 28 communities – were accepted at 185 different colleges around the nation and abroad. 4 3 7 Photo 3: Principal Kathleen Rowley Colin ’89 recognized valedictorian Lauren Burke. Lauren will attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Photo 4: Salutatorian Bridget Nestor was acknowledged for her achievements. Bridget will attend Harvard College. Photo 5: Abigail Squires received the St. Julie Award which is given to the graduate who best personifies the qualities of NDA’s patron saint. Photo 6: Senior Class Treasurer Caroline Roche announced that the class gift will create a scholarship fund to aid a current freshman in continuing her studies at NDA. Joining her on stage are Senior Class Officers (l – r): Secretary Abigail Squires, President Angela Skeiber, and Vice President Emily Donovan. The award will be given to a student who shows commitment and dedication to athletics and/or the arts. These criteria were inspired by late classmate Laura Guidoboni who shared a passion for athletics, the arts, and had “a true team spirit.” Photo 7: Members of the class of 2010 gathered for a photo before the graduation ceremony. accalaureate B Graduation celebrations officially began with one of NDA’s most treasured traditions, Baccalaureate, where each soon-to-be-graduate is presented with a medallion by her alumna sponsor. 8 10 11 12 9 13 14 Photo 8: Emily Doran and Molly Dunbar were all smiles. Photo 10: Kristen Kennedy reflected upon faith formation during her four years at NDA. Photo 12: Hailey Chalhoub ’09 and Alexandra Tobin Photo 9: Victoria Barney cheered with her classmates. Photo 11: Members of the A Cappella Choir perform during Liturgy. Photo 13: Courtney Donovan and Lea Czorniak ’05 Photo 14: Sister Barbara A. Barry SNDdeN ’69 presented medallions to each graduate. vita! summer 2010 | 9 Cover story Freshmen Thaisha Milord, Olivia Love, and Samantha Fabien arrive on the bus from Milton with plenty of time before homeroom. A Day in the Life of NDA Those of us at Notre Dame Academy every day know that 1073 Main Street is a busy – often hectic – place. A photo essay presenting the various activities taking place on (and off ) campus on a typical day seemed like the perfect way to share the spirit and energy of the students with the readers of vita! We wanted to showcase a day that would represent as many aspects of life at NDA as possible – collaborative learning, faculty and students interacting, new friendships, quiet study, and after school interests. These pictures will give you some sense of the activities that make up the NDA experience. And for our alumnae readers, we wanted to create a visual story that would recall your four years of high school. We hope this photo essay triggers a memory or two and brings a smile to your face. With books in hand, this trio makes their way up from the locker room to homeroom. Katie Quinn Miller ’97 Director of Communications P.S. In the neighborhood? We always encourage alumnae to visit NDA and hope you will stop by to see the campus for yourself! Parlez vous français? World Language Department Chair Mrs. Jane Wessen leads a French class in the Maribeth Merrigan Multimedia Learning Center and Kelsey Steeves ’11 practices her pronunciation. During period 2, juniors Morgan Peterson and Madison Tombari hang artwork while Eva Schrall sings, accompanied by sophomore Bailey Jordan, in preparation for the evening’s Spring Show. Meghan Kosak ’10 presents her project about the ethics of xenotransplantation in Sister Mary Janice’s bioethics class. Calm before the storm: the locker room is quiet before the bell rings for the 9:19 a.m. locker break. vita! summer 2010 | 11 Cover story During Period 4, sophomore Erika Wolff puts the finishing touches on an art project and Rebecca Dickinson ’10 completes an assignment in the computer lab. Senior Katherine Baker volunteers her time during a free period to help prepare for the Appalachia Service Project trip to West Virginia. Math class isn’t what it used to be. Mr. Eiji Tamura uses the Smart Board to explain equations. It’s first lunch and Marypat Henry ’12 shares a smile with friends while the Class of 2013 enjoys a break from class. Don't forget those Otis Spunkmeyer cookies for dessert! Juniors Claire Pozniak, Hannah Flynn, Rebecca Openshaw, and Sara Ratto test out a mousetrap car for Mr. Mark Pumphrey’s honors physics class. Science teacher Mr. Rick Kates works with senior Madison Baker on a physics problem. Not much has changed in the senior locker room – posters, mom’s old couch, and an all-around general mess! Shown here are seniors Amy Kearns, Gabriella Marciante, and Abigail Squires. English teacher Mrs. Courtney Murray Rusillo ’00 helps Jennifer Gerhard ’10 in the Writing Lab. vita! summer 2010 | 13 Cover story It’s the last period of the day and the honors environmental science class visits Cushing Pond in Hingham with Mrs. Maura Lockett P’08. Molly Gorman ’11 jots down notes while her classmates perform water quality tests. Sophomores Eileen Mai and Katherine Morley finish up class work right before the final bell. Violet Landry ’13 gets an early start on her homework with a last period study. Acknowledgements: The images that captured April 14 at NDA were brought to you by Maura Connolly Longueil ’88 of Abbey Knoll Photography in Hanover and Mary Ellen Cahill P’13. We thank them for scurrying to every corner of campus! We also want to recognize our student photographers Sophia Love ’11 and Emily Vitali ’11, as well as Art Department Chair Maureen Meyer. Special thanks also to Annual Fund Coordinator Lindsey Gatto Harr ’03 who managed every detail of this project with care and creativity. The hallways are filled with smiles as students head to the locker room to grab their books. Don’t forget to take home the all-important daily planner! Gabrielle Lueck ’13 completes her homework in the library while waiting for her ride home. A beautiful day winds down. Gina Stadelmann ’11, Lenna Dwyer ’10, Jacqueline Garcia ’10, and Rebecca Douglas ’12 study on the circle lawn. Sophia Love ’11 has the finish line in her sight and Shawna Gillen ’10 keeps her eye on the ball during warm-ups. April 14 ends with the Spring Show. Parents and friends in attendance enjoyed the artwork on display in the Drey Foyer, as well as the concert in the Chapel. Shown in photos are Heather Flaherty ’10, Lea Cunningham ’12, and Julietta Gratta ’10 playing the clarinet and Aimee DuBois ’12 playing the cello. What will tomorrow bring? vita! summer 2010 | 15 Advancing NDA 18th Annual Golf Tournament Dear Friend, Advancing NDA is the section of vita! where we share how your philanthropy is making a difference for our students. In this issue, similar to our cover story, we wanted to show you some of the many ways the NDA community supported the Academy in just the past few months. From participation at fundraising events, to capital gifts and scholarships, the photos in this section give you a glimpse of giving at NDA. On Monday, June 7 nearly 100 golfers headed to Indian Pond Country Club in Kingston for Notre Dame Academy’s 18th Annual Golf Tournament. It was a beautiful day on the links and funds raised from the event supported the NDA Annual Fund and the Laura Guidoboni Scholarship Fund. A special thanks to Committee Chairs Megan Tonderys Bearce ’74 P’03 ’06 and William Bearce P’03 ’06 and to the entire committee for their work in making the tournament a success. Tournament Chairs Megan Tonderys Bearce ’74 P’03 ’06 and William Bearce P’03 ’06 joined their daughter Hannah ’06 on the course. I am also pleased to announce that, with your help, we raised in excess of $1,000,000 this past fiscal year. While we will fully celebrate this achievement in our next issue of vita!, this is an important milestone we wanted to share with you as soon as our fundraising numbers were finalized. With many thanks, Lynn Page Flaherty Director of Institutional Advancement Scholarships Awarded Each year, NDA awards in excess of $600,000 in financial aid and scholarship grants. At the last Liturgy of the school year, donor families were invited to a private reception, giving them the opportunity to get to know the students receiving their scholarships. A special thanks to all our benefactors who give throughout the year, truly allowing us to carry out St. Julie’s work. Left: Mary Welch P’92 presented the Christine Welch Gillis ’92 Memorial Scholarship to Kathleen Calnan ’12. Above: Congratulations to the winners of the Tournament (l-r): Ralph Scally, Tara Joy-Connelly ’91, Linda Mulligan P’99, and Paul Mulligan P’99 Left: David Landry P’88 ’94, shown here with Sister Barbara A. Barry SNDdeN ’69 , has set the standard for our Medallion Parents – he has attended all 18 golf tournaments! Save the Date Fideles Society Reception In Recognition of Notre Dame Academy’s Leadership Donors October 6, 2010 Right: Kasey McNamara ’13, Caitlin Landy ’12, and Shauna Owen ’13 received the Erin and Allison Darling Scholarship. Michael Darling P’99 ’02 presented the award. Invitations will be mailed to all society members. Gala Success! What’s Different at NDA? Braving torrential rains on the evening of March 13, nearly 400 parents, alumnae, and friends helped raise more than $101,000 to support financial aid programs and school wish lists. Thirteen more families will receive financial aid in the next school year thanks to our generous guests and sponsors. Master of Ceremonies and actress Adrienne Cote ’74 hosted the auction portion of the evening while reprising her role of “Sister” from Late Nite Catechism. Hilarity ensued. The new windows and blue panels on NDA’s front façade were made possible through the generous unrestricted bequest of Gertrude Drey ’43G. (The panels on the building were previously green.) Many thanks to all our faithful and hardworking committee members and particularly event co-chairs Douglas Farrington P’11 and Jane Dever Barry ’76. McAndrew Society gifts can literally change the face of the Academy. From capital improvements to financial aid, even facility maintenance and faculty support, a gift made in your will can have a lasting effect on NDA. If you’d like to discuss how you can make your own commitment to NDA, please contact Lynn Page Flaherty, Director of Institutional Advancement, at 781.749.5930, ext. 2246 or via e-mail at 1 2 1. A family affair! Sisters Eileen McDonnell Casciari ’91, Christine McDonnell Smoragiewicz ’94, and Marie McDonnell ’90 enjoyed their time at the event. 3 2. Medallion parents Peter and Maryanne Merrigan P’85 ’87 ’90 pose for a photo during the silent auction. 3. John and Lauren Concannon P’13 catch up with Edward Gaudet P’12 ’14. 4. Adrienne Cote ’74 energized the crowd. 4 In the Red… Truck Gifts to NDA come in all shapes and sizes, but seldom with fourwheel drive! Due to the kindness of Joe Hajjar P’13 and Fall River Ford, the facilities department is proudly driving a brand new truck as they go about their work on our 68-acre campus. Our sincere thanks to Mr. Hajjar for making the purchase of this vehicle possible for the men who work so hard to keep our fields and lawns ready for our students. Make a Wish Come True Department Wish Lists make an immediate impact on the learning environment at NDA. Wishes funded at the Gala included: • • • • • Guest speakers for Campus Ministry A new centrifuge for Science Eight DVDs for Theology classes Transportation for a French class field trip A pop up tent for Athletics To learn how you can make a wish come true at NDA, click the “Support NDA” button at or contact the Advancement Office. vita! summer 2010 | 17 Classnotes news received through june 30, 2010 Classnotes .............................................................................................................................................................. 1935 OIA Note: We regret to inform you of the death of Martin DeMatteo, Jr., husband of Rosaria Tomasello DeMatteo ’35R, on March 3. 1940 OIA Note: Our condolences to Sister Virginia Ball, SNDdeN ’40R on the death of her sister, Sister Catherine St. Alice Ball, SNDdeN, on April 9. 1942 class agent Elizabeth McCarty Grimes OIA Note: We regret to inform you of the death of Paul Keefe, husband of Theresa Scannell Keefe ’42R, on April 19. 1944 class agent Eleanor Hannigan McKinnon OIA Note: Our condolences to Jeanne Gaffney Costello ’44R upon the death of her husband James on March 1. 1947 class agents Sheila Heffernan Clark Janet LaPoint Manning 1948 class agent Constance Kearney Hanley 1949 class agent Patricia O’Neal Schmitt Please keep Patricia Neville Carey ’49G in your prayers as she regains her health after an illness. 1950 class agent Joanne Roland McCarthy Gloria Ford Murphy ’50G and husband George celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 5. A Mass was held at the chapel at B.C. High, alma mater of Gloria’s husband, four sons, and a grand- son. Dinner was held afterwards at Common Market in Quincy with five families in attendance, including ten adults and 11 grandchildren who traveled from as far away as Georgia! The extended Murphy family capped off the weekend with a Red Sox game, a tour of Gillette Stadium, cookouts, and a pool party. Gloria and George will be forever grateful for their good health and the gift of their children and grandchildren over these past 50 years. They now look forward to continued blessings in year 51 of their marriage! Class Agent Joanne Roland McCarthy reports that classmates Mary O’Connor Gallagher ’50R, Adrienne Barry Thompson ’50R and Betty Shea Mitchell ’50R should be remembered in prayer due to serious illness. Mary is the mother of nine children and currently lives in West Roxbury. Barbara McGarry Frawley, Marie Noble Stapleton, Eunice O’Brien Twitchell, Jane Perry, Barbara Raftery, and Maureen Sullivan Carey. All alumnae in attendance look forward to their 61st Reunion and hope to see more classmates in 2011. If you know someone who did not receive an invitation to the gathering, please contact Class Agent Joanne Roland McCarthy. 1951 class agent 1954 class agent Carolyn Nash Blair OIA Note: We regret to inform you of the death of Kevin McCarthy, husband of Nancy Kelley McCarthy ’54G, on April 30 after a long illness. 1955 class agents Anne Clancy Botsch Rosemary McGee Sheila Sullivan Henaghan 1952 1956 class agent class agents Position Available 1953 Barbara Gilboy Gillis class agent – granby street Carol Wynne McDermott Rita Greene Sullivan Maureen Murphy McMahon class agent – roxbury Barbara London Ryan Twenty-one members of the Class Gloria Spriano O’Connor of 1950R attended a reunion gathering at Woodland Country Club in Newton on May 25 – such a wonderful time for renewing friendreunion 2010 ships, remembering school days, and sharing each family’s activiThe Class of 1960 kicked off their 50th Reunion with a “Day at NDA” ties. Unfortunately, Janet Healy on April 30, enjoying classes and activities with current students. Weeks and Joan Rose Kearns were On May 1, the celebrations continued for Reunion classes with the Alumnae unable to attend from California Memorial Mass and class receptions. The highlight of the day was the due to conflicts. Pat Nally Golden Alumnae Luncheon, where an audience of nearly 100 alumnae Tangney’s husband was very sick and friends attended the re-dedication of the chapel foyer in memory but she sent her love to all who of benefactor Gertrude Drey ’43G. attended. Maureen Malloy Walsh flew in from Phoenix to join the To view more photos from Reunion 2010, visit group and attend her granddaughand click on Alumnae. ter’s graduation from Boston College School of Nursing. Paula Winchester Trask’s granddaughter graduated in the same class! Among those present at the luncheon were Pat Cunningham Harrison, Ellie McDonough Good, Paula Winchester Trask, Joanne Roland McCarthy, Jeanne Connelly McLellan, Joan Cunniff Kennedy, Rosemarie Flanagan Cronin, Joan Kraw Kornack, Ann Grady O’Connor, Maureen Malloy Walsh, Nancy Mann Lovezzola, Alice Moloney Hennessey, Sallyann MacLeod Members of the Class of 1960 pose for a photo to commemorate their 50th Reunion. Donovan, Helen Anne Murphy Maichle, Carole McInnis White, Classnotes Virginia Burchill Shannon 1965 OIA Note: Our condolences to Elaine Hayden Farrand, who lost her husband Paul on February 17. class agent 1957 Class Agent Mary Mulvoy Lofty reports: “Ten of the 93 grads from Roxbury traveled to Hingham for the 45th Reunion. What a wonderful afternoon! There was a lot of talk of careers, spouses, children, grandchildren, and world events. I brought my yearbook and other mementos from a box labeled ‘NDA’ that I found at my mom’s house. It was interesting to see how technology has changed school paperwork. Sodality notes from Sr. Catherine St. Martin, songsheets from special events, and even our newsletters were ‘purple.’ Those attending were Ann O’Malley Casey, Dottie Madden Dunford, Kathy Curran Kelley, Bonnie Condon Callanen (and me) from Dorchester. West Roxbury was represented by Katie Kenneally Kelly, Debbie Gross Simonds, Ginny McViney Flynn, Pam Tullock and Judy Cummings Settana. We went through the class picture and had some brief information about all. Judy was able to tell about many from the class who stayed in the Boston area. Several from our group could not make it to the Reunion but sent notes to share. Nancy Edwards reports that she is retired and living on the Cape where she keeps busy with volunteer work. Mona Waldron Marcucella was attending a granddaughter’s First Communion. Maureen Clancy Shiftan was biking in Santa Barbara, Calif. and had just visited Boston a few weeks earlier. She lives in La Jolla and was Food Editor and Restaurant Critic for the San Diego UnionTribune for 25 years. We will soon be planning our 50th Reunion! The date will be May 2015. If you would like to assist with planning, drop me a note or e-mail.” class agent Patricia Fagan Arnold 1958 class agents Mary Pat Kelly Bartsch Anne Reardon Gildea Adele Chapman Urbsas Maureen Rooney has an updated email address: 1959 class agent Carole Ponzo McCormack 1960 class agent Anne Madden Fancelli The Class of 1960 had a great turnout at Reunion, with close to half of the class attending. Mary Bivins McCarthy made a beautiful blue and gold medallion quilt to raise funds for the class gift. The winner of the quilt was Ginny Dunn Cahill, and as Mary noted, having her longtime best friend receive the quilt was an added bonus! 1961 class agents Mary McGivern Bell Mary Gillen McElroy 1962 class agent Sally Burns DiZinno 1963 class agent Sandra Wysong Deneault 1964 class agents Carolyn Combie Dolan Patricia Golding Paolucci Karen Mulloney Rattin Maureen White Mary Mulvoy Lofty 1966 class agents Catherine Coccimiglio Mary Ann Stanford McCulley 1967 class agent Adele Chiachio OIA Note: Our condolences to Sister Ann Malone, SNDdeN, upon the death of her sister Patricia Malone Reardon on January 31. 1968 class agent Position Available Mary Carroll Sullivan returned to the NDA campus in May to give the commencement address for the Class of 2010. 1969 class agent Julie Nesbit Valiton OIA Note: We regret to inform you of the death of Margaret Niland, mother of Dorothy Niland, on April 10. Our condolences also to Janet Keefe Parnes, who lost her father Paul Keefe on April 19. 1970 class agent Mary Barry OIA Note: Our condolences to Paula Keefe, whose father Paul passed away on April 19. 1971 class agent Position Available OIA Note: We regret to inform you of the death of Paul Keefe, father of Carolyn Keefe Thompson, on April 19. 1973 class agents Denise Murphy Cargill Judith White Brenda McHugh King Beverly Willhauck Herbert has accepted a new job as Development Officer at the Mount Hood Medical Center Foundation in Portland, Oregon. Congratulations to Michele Surette-McCarthy whose daughter Allison graduated in the Class of 2010. 1974 class agents Megan Tonderys Bearce Joanne Knasas Pretti OIA Note: Our condolences to Mary Keefe, whose father Paul passed away on April 19. 1975 class agents Kerry Gilmore Burke Paula Carroll Pozniak Maria Gillis Read Maureen Sullivan 1972 1976 class agents class agents Jane Malloy Corry Jane Dever Barry Katherine Fogarty Mary Beth Vargus Margaret Butler McSweeney has some happy news to report from her family: she and husband John just celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary. Their daughter Meghan is graduating from King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. with a bachelor’s degree in English. In addition, their son John was married on June 18! OIA Note: We regret to inform you of the death of Philip Vargus, father of Class Agent Mary Beth Vargus, on March 8. Our condolences also to Nancy Keefe-Nash, whose father Paul Keefe passed away on April 19. 1977 class agents Congratulations to Patricia Goggin Susan Dever Marriner Nestor whose daughter Bridget was the Class of 2010 Salutatorian. Patricia Malone Perry OIA Note: We regret to inform you of the death of Jeanne Morin, sisCongratulations to Susan Cronin ter of Michele Morin Shoemaker. Robinson and Maryanne Murphy Our condolences also to Patricia Kenyon whose daughters Courtney Doolan Gillespie upon the recent and Ariel graduated in the Class death of her mother Marie Doolan. of 2010. vita! summer 2010 | 19 Classnotes 2 1 1985 1 Pamela Hynes Hayden ’93 with son Callum Michael class agents 2 Julianne Grace Kelly, daughter of Katie Sullivan Kelly ’94 Nancy Stolfa Loewe 3 Jeri-Lee O’Donnell ’95 and new husband Seamus Kneeland with their wedding party 4 Caden Matthew Altobello, son of Rachel Quinlan Altobello ’95 5 Clara Meredyth Bailey, daughter of M.E. Puzo Bailey ’96 6 Katherine Murphy Snider, daughter of Keeley Dwyer Snider ’96 1978 class agent Dianne Chase 1979 class agents Mary Hayes Lawrence Rita McNulty Taugher Congratulations to Patricia Sullivan Kennedy whose daughter Kristen graduated in the Class of 2010. 5 6 1982 class agent Maureen Feeley Ridings Jean Tracy Masterson is living in Walpole with husband Stephen and their five children. In the fall, son Daniel will be a junior at Harvard College and Christopher will join him as a Harvard freshman. Her daughters now attend Ursuline Academy: Victoria will be a sophomore and Alexandra will be entering the seventh grade. Youngest son Joseph will be a fourth grader at the Fisher School in Walpole. Christopher is also a state champion in original oratory and is competing at the National Forensic Tournament in Kansas City this summer. Janice Hayes Cha When Mona Lynch Ogden’s son Mark (7) had a Flat Stanley project for St. Hilary School in Tiburon, Calif., he sent it to Trish Gillis in Boston. She collaborated with classmates Priscilla Karle Pilon to get Mark’s Flat Stanley to Houston, Tex. and Cate Sullivan to get him to Chapel Hill, N.C. The Flat Stanley team is on deck to help out Mark’s little sister, Theresa, next year. Michelle McGee 1983 OIA Note: Our condolences to Julie Vargus Fisher upon the death of her father, Philip Vargus, on March 8. 1980 class agents Shelagh Foley Sullivan Congratulations to Regina Toland Bender whose daughter Alyssa graduated in the Class of 2010. 1981 class agents Mary Sullivan Butler Mary McHugh McKelvey Lauren Murphy Tobin Congratulations to Susan Gordon McLeod whose daughter Jessica graduated in the Class of 2010. 3 class agents Linda Federico Diane O’Brien Gaudet Jeanne Higgins Jennifer Clary Rohnstock Congratulations are in store for Mary-Alice Muise, who was married on April 25 to Jonas Shaw Green. She has also relocated from Bridgewater to Salem, Mass. 1986 class agents Kathryn McConville Flatley Ellen Sullivan Haynes Mary Furlong Healey Kara Sullivan Lynch 1987 class agent Patricia Hart Kelly Laura Bower-Haley and her husband Dell welcomed their first child, Alexis Haley, born on October 2, 2009. Jean-Ellen Torpey Metivier is married to Scott and is the mother of three teenagers. She is currently working on her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, Calif. Jean is the Founder and Director of the Integrative Therapy Institute, Inc. in Saint Johnsbury, Vt. Jean and her family reside in Peacham, Vt. 1988 class agents Amy Graham Delaney 4 Congratulations to Eileen DeGraan Flaherty, the new Vice-President of the Alumnae Association Board of Directors. 1990 class agent Beth Bernier Crowell 1991 class agents Robin Sullivan Campbell Kathryn Sullivan Everett Shelagh Foley O’Brien Tabitha LaFarge Ross Cheryl Arlanson Russo Antoinetta Ruscio was married to Jim Gross in 2003 and is now a drama/theater teacher and director at Sacred Heart School and Saint Francis Xavier School, both located in Weymouth. She also runs her own company named Athena Productions. Toni now resides in Weymouth. 1992 class agents Kathleen Devin Dauphinais Kendra LaFauci Garvin Amy Hunter Therese Santoro Schaffer Amy Hunter Torres and her husband moved from New York City to Hingham a year ago. She gave birth to twin girls Isabella Daisy and Emma Rose this spring. M. Kate Hartford Kennedy 1993 class agents 1989 Jill Flaherty Dunbar class agents Amanda Condon Adamczyk Eileen DeGraan Flaherty Nicole Anderson Cox Ann Furlong Luukko Erica Rettman Welch 1984 Jennifer McDermott Lance Congratulations to Class Agent Jill Flaherty Dunbar whose daughter Molly graduated in the Class of 2010. Colleen Knight Harvey class agents Jennifer Gately Clark gave birth to a healthy baby boy named John “Jack” Robert Clark in March. He joins his big sister Madeline who Classnotes 2 1 Elizabeth Coyte ’97 at her master’s degree graduation with daughter Madeline 2 Lisa Skayne Herron ’97 and Katie Quinn Miller ’97 3 Aidan David and Lila Jane Stevens, twins of Katelyn McNulty Stevens ’98 4 Ryan Joseph Farley, son of Julie Fitzgerald Farley ’98 Pamela Hynes Hayden and husband John welcomed the birth of their son, Callum Michael, on October 1, 2009 at 8:48 a.m. Callum weighed in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces and measured 20 ½ inches long. The Hayden family currently resides in Holliston. Pam’s sister, Jennifer Hynes Toland ’90, is Callum’s godmother and favorite aunt! 1994 class agents Erin Wall Brighton Jennifer Mackin Gustafson Katie Sullivan Kelly and husband John welcomed daughter Julianne Grace on October 16, 2009. Big brothers Jack (6) and Brendan (4), along with big sister Tess (2) were very excited to meet little Julianne. career day More than fifty alumnae returned for Career Day on March 25. The richness and diversity of the speakers’ experiences surely inspired some new thoughts about careers and life after high school for our students. We thank all of our speakers for their willingness to take a day out of their busy schedules to participate. To view more photos from Career Day, visit and click on Alumnae. Katie is a stay-at-home mom and resides with her family in Lowell. Melissa McGunagle Nowell and her husband Chris welcomed their second baby, Cole Clayton, on November 12, 2009. His big brother, Mickey (2 ½ years), is very happy about Cole’s arrival! Aileen Giovanello Kenney is now the Director of Permitting at Deepwater Wind LLC, a leading offshore wind developer. She is responsible for overseeing the permitting of Deepwater Wind’s portfolio which includes projects off the coast of Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts. Class Agent Jennifer Mackin Gustafson has started a new chapter in her life and become an independent stylist for Stella & Dot, a company that offers couture-designed, affordable jewelry. The line has been featured in numerous magazines and is being worn by quite a few celebrities. Check out her website at! OIA Note: Our condolences to Molly Ball upon the recent loss of her mother Lillian. 1995 class agents Elizabeth Banker Costello Jennifer Howley D’Ambra Marianne Kroha Nicole Palermo Rooney Jeri-Lee O’Donnell was married to Seamus Kneeland on May 15. NDA alumnae who took part in the wedding were Lauren Sears Cummings, Jennifer Pagel O’Malley, and Elaine O’Donnell McCabe, sister of the bride. Sisters Courtney Reilly ’00 and Nicki Reilly Disch ’98 and Kelly Manning Collins ’95 and Colleen Manning Parnell ’99 Rachel Quinlan Altobello and husband Dana welcomed baby boy, Caden Matthew, on October 27, 2009. Caden was welcomed home by big sister Arianna (3). The Altobello family currently resides in Marshfield. Erin Fontana Kara Lynch On May 30, Lisa Skayne and Paul Herron, a lawyer and Ph.D. student at Brandeis University, were married on the grounds of the Larz Anderson Museum in Brookline. Katie Quinn Miller did a reading at the wedding. The couple traveled to Tanzania on their honeymoon and now reside in Newton. Lisa is working as a nurse practitioner at Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates in Boston. Megan Madden Jessica O’Hearn Boylen has relocated to London, England. Gina Muscato Erin Fontana moved to Sidney, Montana and will teach in the public school system there this fall after teaching social studies at NDA for the past nine years. 1 recently turned 4. Jennifer is still teaching in Cohasset and living in Hanson. 4 3 Theresa Spencer Hickey added a new addition to her family on May 2 with baby #4, Brooke Elizabeth Hickey. 1996 class agents Heather Oberg Luiza Nanu Pellerin Adrienne Fowkes Ramsey Jennifer Schraut Keeley Dwyer Snider, her husband Britt, and their daughter Katherine Murphy Snider (2) reside in Washington, D.C. Keeley received her MBA from American University in 2007. Elizabeth Coyte graduated from UMass Boston in June with her master’s degree in nursing. She will sit for her boards as an adult nurse practitioner this summer. Her nine-year old daughter, Madeline, helped her celebrate this achievement. OIA Note: Our condolences to Bethany Ann Youngclaus Edwards upon the death of her husband Bruce Michael on June 10. M.E. Puzo Bailey and her husband Frank welcomed their third child, Clara Meredyth, on March 27 at 2:17 p.m. Clara weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 18 ½ inches long. She joins big brother Ronan (6) and sister Nora (4) in the Bailey household. The family currently resides in Hingham. 1998 Niki Palmieri Farrag currently works as a nurse clinical leader on a telemetry unit. She just celebrated her seventh year of marriage to husband David and is the mother of two beautiful boys, Charlie (4) and Henry (8 months). Allison Quinn Guido Kudos to Adrienne Fowkes Ramsey, who ran the Boston Marathon in April. Katelyn McNulty Stevens gave birth to twins on March 22. Aidan David Stevens was 5 pounds, 9 ounces and measured 19 ½ inches long, while his sister Lila Jane Stevens arrived at 6 pounds, 8 ounces and 20 inches long. Katelyn and her husband Kevin reside in Norfolk. 1997 class agents Colleen Carney Elizabeth Condon Driscoll class agents Courtney Curran Lindsay Deneault Claire Duffy-Finn Lindsay Worswick-Caron Julie Fitzgerald Farley had a baby boy, Ryan Joseph, on January 16. vita! summer 2010 | 21 Classnotes 1 Caroline Stebbins Noschese ’99 with new husband Dan at their wedding 1 4 2 2 James Patrick Jordan III, son of Kristin Moore Jordan ’99 3 Hannah Lin Siller, daughter of Courtney Hagan Siller ’99 4 Kathryn Szymanski ’00 and NDA bridesmaids at her bridal shower 5 3 6 5 Claire Sarah Cardiasmenos, daughter of Liz McCarthy Cardiasmenos ’01 6 Caitlin Murphy King ’02 with new daughter Molly Marie and her delivery nurse, Kate Watkins MacDonald ’02! 7 Katie Hall ’02 with local children on her mission trip to Haiti 8 Lisa Kelly Hart ’02 with NDA alumnae at her May 30 wedding 7 godmother. Courtney currently resides in Hoboken, N.J. and is a registered nurse at New York – Presbyterian Hospital. Kristin Moore Jordan and husband Jimmy welcomed their first baby, James Patrick Jordan III, on DeCourtney Curran is taking the helm cember 9, 2009. James was bapin 2010 as racing coach for the tized in April at St. Joseph’s Cohasset Sailing Club. Her “day Church in Quincy. Kerry Dwyer is job” is teaching sixth grade EngJames’ godmother. lish in Weymouth. She earned her Caroline Stebbins was married to bachelor’s degree in English from Dan Noschese at St. Mary’s Church Bridgewater State College and a master’s degree in education from in Scituate on October 10, 2009. Matrons of honor were Caroline’s Fitchburg State College. sisters, Kristen Stebbins Lesser ’87 Congratulations to Allison and Sarah Stebbins ’97. The couple Quinn-Guido, the new President currently resides in Boston. of the Alumnae Association Board Ashley Taylor Peterson completed of Directors. the 2010 Boston Marathon in 3 hours and 20 minutes! 1999 class agents Jennifer Boussy Amanda Callahan Kristen Cwirka Caitlin Fowkes Jamali Ashley Taylor Peterson Katie Miller Dawidow and husband Peter welcomed their first child, a baby girl named Emilie Cecilia, on April 12! Emilie weighed in at 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19 inches long. Stephanie Canton Haddad and husband Michael (B.C. High ’99) welcomed daughter Elissa June on February 22. She weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 20 inches long. Lauren Parlee announced her engagement to David Devane of Waltham. She is a graduate of Salve Regina University, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. Lauren also earned her master’s degree in Curriculum and Teaching from Fitchburg State College. She is currently a kindergarten teacher in the Pembroke School system. We look forward to photos of their July wedding! Amanda Callahan was featured in Rhode Island Monthly magazine in an article entitled “The Great Race,” highlighting her role as the sailing coach at Roger Williams University. A former All-American sailor at Hobart and William Smith College, she took over the Roger William program three years ago following a stint as the assistant coach at Stanford University. Lastly, she performed “O Canada” at the September 20, 2009 Red Sox-Blue Jays game, which was her second performance at Fenway Park. The video of the performance and some other performances can be found on her You Tube page: 2000 class agents Hayley Cammarata Meghan Corry Carolyn Launie Courtney Madden Kathryn Szymanski and Patrick Milmoe (B.C. High ’00) will be married on 10/10/10 at St. Mary’s Church in Scituate. She is currently enrolled in the Regis College medical radiography program. Katie and Patrick will reside on the South Shore. Kathryn’s bridal shower was held at the Scituate home of Ann Delaney Szymanski ’69 this past May. NDA guests included Stephanie Dalomba Fearon ’99, Kristin Moore Jordan ’99, Kerry Logan ’99, Beth Anne Bowen ’99, Kerry Dwyer ’99, Caroline Stebbins Noschese ’99, and Laura Finn ’98. JoEllen Melville is married to Joseph Chiusano (B.C. High ’00) and the couple lives outside of Sarasota, Fla. On April 27, JoEllen and Joseph welcomed their first son, James Vincent. Carolyn Launie has been named an Ameriprise Platinum Financial Services Advisor based on the Amanda Daly will start her Ph.D. success of her financial services Courtney Hagan Siller and husin Ethnomusicology at Boston Uni- practice in 2009. She is one of band Justin welcomed their first versity this fall. Amanda is tutoring only approximately 15 percent of child, Hannah Lin, on March 11. French this summer and thanks the 10,000 Ameriprise financial Hannah was baptized in May at St. Mme. Gean and Mme. Wessen advisors to achieve this status. Christine’s Church in Marshfield. “for sharing their expertise and enErin Hagan Welch ’96 is Hannah’s thusiasm with all the chou-choux!” 8 Erica Mastrogiacomo is the head women’s soccer coach and LEAP Coordinator at Simmons College. Katelyn Kennedy has been busy planning a June 19 wedding! 2001 class agent Alyssa Mazeika Elizabeth McCarthy Cardiasmenos and husband Tim welcomed a baby girl, Claire Sarah, on April 13. Liz teaches French and is the language department head at the Newman School in the Back Bay. Lindsey Kelley Brazdis is a casting recruiter for SuperNanny. She spent this past spring casting families in the Boston area for the upcoming season on ABC. Dianna Tarallo married Jess Pettit on May 15 at the Equinox in Manchester, Vermont. He and Dianna will be relocating to the Washington, D.C. area this fall. A moonlit cruise on the Spirit of Boston will be held on October 22 to benefit the Liz Shields Scholarship at NDA. For more information, please visit 2002 class agents Erin Daly Jillian Harrison Caitlin Murphy King and husband Dan welcomed daughter Molly Marie to their family on January 30. Caitlin had a friendly face in the delivery room; her delivery nurse was none other than Kate Watkins MacDonald! Molly joins big brother Colin, who will turn two in August. The King family resides in Holbrook. Lisa Kelly married Brenden Hart on May 30 at St. Mary’s Church in Classnotes 1 Quincy. A reception followed at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston. Many family members and old friends were part of the wedding, including an all-NDA bridal party! Matron of honor Kate Kelly Poles ’99 was joined by bridesmaids Jessica Cotter ’99, Alisa Cotter, Brook Capello, Francesca DiBona and Caitlin Munkley. Other NDA guests included Emma March ’01, Erin Pagel Carey ’01, Christina Mihal, Katie Hall, Jessica Krantz, Meghan Mullaney and Maura Kelly ’10. The Harts are currently living in northern Italy, where Brenden is stationed with the U.S. Army. Lisa graduated from Northern Carolina State University in May with a master’s degree in Public Administration, though she is currently enjoying her travels throughout Europe. The couple plans to run their third marathon together this fall in Berlin, Germany. In May, Katie Hall went on a mission trip to Haiti, working at orphanages in the villages of Dandann and Duverger. She helped build a wall around a future school site and worked with local children. It was a life-changing experience for her, and she looks forward to heading back to Haiti next spring! Deborah Kim became engaged on June 22 to Seong Wook Jeong of Seoul, South Korea. Both Debbi and her fiancé received their DMD’s from Tufts Dental School this May. They are planning a wedding in Korea following his military service. Katelyn Smith recently became engaged to Brian Sullivan of Braintree. Katelyn and Brian met during college while both were working for an ambulance service! Brian is currently an agent for ICE. They are planning a 2012 wedding. Kim Dong received her DO with honors from New England School of Optometry this spring. Jillian Harrison received her J.D. from Duke University School of Law in May and received the Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement in Labor and Employment Law. She will be joining the Boston office of Ropes & Gray LLP after taking the Massachusetts bar exam. Karen Dennehy and Lauren Snyder Wells were recently certified to be Zumba instructors and are starting their own class at the Knights of Columbus in Randolph. They are very excited to be starting a business together! 2 1 Molly Griffin ’07 and Jill Cochran ’07 standing in front of Notre-Dame in Paris 2 Rachael Sparks ’07 with a few girls from the New Hope, New Life Orphanage in India Classmates Jill Cochran and Molly Griffin met up in Paris during their study abroad experience last fall. Chelsea Brace has been named the Head Swim Coach at NDA. She has served as the assistant coach since 2006. OIA Note: Our condolences to Mary Ryan Blake upon the death of her father Richard on March 31. 2003 class agent Meredith Daly Kaitlyn Bellenoit Santa Lucia graduated in May with her master’s degree in international management from Harvard University. 2004 class agents Jill O’Sullivan Meaghan Cotter Jeanne Harran ran her first marathon this spring in Boston, finishing in 4 hours and 40 minutes. 2005 class agents Katelyn D’Entremont Kristina Valente Amy Wright After graduating from Fairfield University with a bachelor’s degree in biology, Stephanie Simpson was accepted to the Atlantic Veterinary College at the University of Prince Edward Island. 2006 class agents Meagan Dwyer Molly English Alyssa Williams Alison Harran graduated in May from St. Anselm College, where she received the Dr. Joanne Farley Nursing Award for a senior nursing student. Stephanie Tetreault graduated magna cum laude from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science with a bachelor’s degree in premedicine and health studies and a minor in medical humanities. She will be attending Ross University Medical School in Dominica this fall to follow her dream of becoming a doctor. Caitlyn Czarniak graduated in May from Fairfield University with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. She is studying to take her NCLEX in early July and will begin her job as a registered nurse at Yale New Haven Hospital in Connecticut on a general surgery/trauma floor. Christine Griffin graduated magna cum laude from Boston University in May. She received a bachelor’s degree with a major in sociology and a minor in Spanish. Christine will attend Suffolk University Law School this fall. Caitlyn Melville is living in Florida and is a nanny for her nephew James, son of sister JoEllen Melville ’00. Caitlyn is also pursuing her degree in special education at UMass Boston. 2007 class agents Maura Dee Molly Griffin Mary Kate Jasper Fiona Moriarty Rachael Sparks recently traveled to Kolkata, India for three weeks with staff and students from St. Michael’s College to work with Mother Theresa’s Missionaries of Charity, the New Hope, New Life Orphanage and the Sabera Foundation. The group raised more than $10,000 to donate to these organizations. Don’t miss her photo with girls from the New Hope, New Life orphanage! Congratulations are in store for Hilary O’Riordan, who ran the Boston Marathon this spring. 2008 class agents Brittany Concannon Hilary Ippolito Margaret Maguire Joanna Timmons Classmates Caitlyn Donovan and Lauren Muise each completed the Boston Marathon in April. Meghan Austin planned a summer trip to Syria as part of a study abroad experience to study Arabic and Middle Eastern Literature. In the fall, she is headed to Paris with Ann Meyer to study French for a semester. She and Ann have been planning this trip to France since they first met in Mme. Gean’s class! 2009 class agents Molly Burke Maggie Holland Kara Dunford Katie Laque and Isabella Villani, along with Marina Alberti ’08, will travel to Montego Bay, Jamaica in January for a mission trip with St. Anselm’s College. All three are nursing students who will assist with the care of orphans who are physically and mentally challenged. They will be aiding the organization Blessed Assurance through Mustard Seed Communities. In Jamaica, they will study the children’s disorders and care for their basic medical needs, in addition to completing a project of building or painting a facility for this community. All three students have asked for your spiritual support during this journey and would appreciate being kept in your thoughts and prayers. If you are interested in vita! summer | 23 Classnotes making a donation to this cause or learning more, please contact them at,, or 2010 Angela Skeiber Emily Donovan Abigail Squires Caroline Roche OIA Note: Welcome to our newest alumnae! We encourage you to share your stories with us as your embark upon your next journey. 2010-2011 alumnae association board of directors Allison Quinn Guido ’98 President Eileen DeGraan Flaherty ’89 Vice President Mary Furlong Healey ’86 Secretary Carol Wynne McDermott ’56R Treasurer Kerry Gilmore Burke ’75 Heather Carlson ’95 Kelly Manning Collins ’95 Jane Malloy Corry ’72 Mary Ellen Monahan Curtis ’54G Kate Devin Dauphinais ’92 Past President Katherine Fogarty ’72 Diane O’Brien Gaudet ’83 Nancy Doyle Graham ’68 Colleen Knight Harvey ’89 Jennifer Ioli ’04 InMemoriam Listings reflect notifications received by the Office of Institutional Advancement through July10, 2010. In order to accommodate all listings, we are able to include only basic family, educational, and professional information for alumnae obituaries. Our Friends and Family section lists only immediate family members of our current students, faculty, and staff. We will continue to publish updates on the families of alumnae in the Class Notes section of vita! and the Intentions section of the Alumnae E-Newsletter. Should you wish to have a classmate or family member remembered, please contact Sarah Dowden at 781.749.5930, ext. 2247 or at ............................................................................................... 1920s Catherine N. Murdock Dewey ’26R, a resident of Quincy, passed away at 101 years of age on July 10. A graduate of the Portia School of Law, she was one of the first female lawyers in Boston and founded the first all-female practice in the city. She is survived by her two daughters, four sons, seventeen grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, and a sister, Charlotte Murdock Hogan ’42. Margaret Louise Deely ’27R, a resident of Springfield, passed away on September 12, 2009. She was one month shy of her 103rd birthday. Margaret was a nurse at the former Northampton Hospital and the Ring Nursing Home in Springfield, as well as a private duty nurse for many years. She is survived by four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. 1930s Gertrude O’Driscoll O’Dea ’36R, a resident of Randolph, passed away on March 11. She was a recipient of the Mother of the Year Award given by the Knights of Columbus Council of Randolph. Gertrude is survived by her nine children and two sisters. She also leaves 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. 1940s Mary Alice Scanlan Connolly ’44G of Wellesley passed away on April 4. She is survived by her daughter and son, three grandchildren, and four siblings. Mary Louise Perry Gallant ’44R of Duxbury passed away on February 24. She was a graduate of Emmanuel College. Mary Louise is survived by her five daughters, thirteen grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and three siblings, including Jane Perry ’50R. She was also the sister of the late Ann Perry Curley ’48R. Barbara McCarthy Collins ’48R, a resident of Washington Township, N.J., passed away on March 30. A homemaker, Barbara is survived by two sons, three daughters, nine grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. She also leaves one brother and a sister-in-law, Joanne Roland McCarthy ’50R. Joan Powers Curtin ’48G, a resident of Pocasset and Sarasota, Fla., passed away on June 15. She was a graduate of Emmanuel College and taught at St. Patrick’s School in Stoneham and the Stoneham Public School System. Joan is survived by her husband Richard, two sons, two daughters, ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Janet Claire Cull Venti ’48R of Dedham and Manomet passed away on May 25. She was a graduate of Emmanuel College. Janet is survived by her husband John, two sons, three daughters, six grandchildren, and her two sisters. Elinor Sullivan Foley ’49G of Pembroke passed away on March 23. She is survived by her daughters Siobhan Foley ’75, Meave Foley Fontes ’81 and Deirdre Foley Stiles ’83 along with nine grandchildren, including Hannah Fontes ’07. Elinor also leaves her sister Margaret Sullivan Gulla ’55R and two brothers. Ann Furlong Luukko ’89 1950s Courtney Madden ’00 Heather Gartland Mensching ’89 Florence Horn Chamberlain ’50R, a resident of Alexandria, Va., passed away on May 7, 2009. She is survived by her husband Charles, four daughters, one son, eight grandchildren, and a brother. Amanda Murphy ’00 1970s Colleen Manning Parnell ’99 Arlene Malloy Slattery ’70 of Duxbury passed away on November 18, 2008. She was a graduate of Dean Junior College and Boston State College. Arlene had worked at the Workingman’s Cooperative Bank, later part of Quincy Cooperative Bank. She is survived by her husband George, her mother, a son, and a daughter. Adrienne Fowkes Ramsey ’96 Jennifer Clary Rohnstock ’75 Cheryl Arlanson Russo ’91 Terri Santoro Schaffer ’92 Lauren Murphy Tobin ’81 1990s Sinead Mannion Lovett ’99 of Braintree passed away on July 9. A preschool teacher, Sinead is survived by her parents Barbara and James. Family & Friends James T. Dowden, father-in-law of Alumnae Director Sarah Dowden, on April 19. Elaine Paradise Shea, mother of Jessica Shea ’10, on February 26. Expressions iPod Reflection By Sara Corben ’10 Sara’s artwork won first place in the digital art category at the 2010 10th Congressional District Art Show. She created the image using Adobe Illustrator, a graphic program, for her Advanced Placement two dimensional design portfolio. “Ipod Reflection” is one of a series of 12 images of reflections and distortions. Sara’s brother, Alex, modeled for this piece. Sara will attend Providence College in the fall. Feeling creative? vita! is looking for artists! Expressions is a new feature and readers are invited to contribute artwork and photography to be considered for future editions. Please contact Director of Communications Katie Quinn Miller ’97 at .............................................................................................................................. Mission Notre Dame Academy is a vibrant, Catholic, college-preparatory learning community, sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. The Academy guides young women in their personal faith formation, challenges students to pursue academic excellence, and encourages social responsibility on behalf of global justice. In support of this mission, vita! magazine communicates through its pages the newsworthy activities of members of the NDA community. vita! is published three times a year for alumnae, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of the Academy. Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit Number 7 Hingham, MA Notre Dame Academy 1073 Main Street | Hingham, MA 02043-3996 What’s different in this picture? Turn to page 17 to find out!
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