communique - Notre Dame Academy
communique - Notre Dame Academy
NDA COMMUNIQUE Vol. 26, Issue #6 A newsletter for parents and friends of Notre Dame Academy January 2016 Mr. NDA 2015 Before a sold-out Mr. NDA audience, senior Jack Pavek became the 20th winner of the coveted crown. Senior Joe Sladek was first runner-up with Vinny Pallini, also a senior, named second runner-up. Greg Young, now a NROTC Military Scholarship student at Marquette University, returned to NDA to crown his successor. Senior Jacob Zeise was awarded Mr. Congeniality. Tuxedos for the contestants were provided by Men’s Wearhouse. Other sponsors included Green Bay Floral, Grazies Pasta Co. and The Lighthouse. Fifteen junior and senior guys, selected by a vote of all NDA students, competed for the title. Others in the contest were Matt Duffy, Cam Knight, Jabriil Nur, Ryan O’Connell, Blake Olejniczak, Ben Richards, Max Roitstein, Teddy Suda, Charlie Urick and Andrew Zipp. Staff members working with the contestants were Mrs. Jen Laaksonen, Mrs. Sarah VanGrunsven, Mrs. Julie Campbell and Mrs. Carolyn Brown. Pavek & Young Heading the production crew were NDA alum Jake Gerlikovski, senior Christian Zimonick and junior Carter Olles. Emcees were seniors Kristen Burkel and Maddi Tennity. Freshman and sophomore escorts were Bailei Anders, Ashlyn Arett, Elizabeth Bolin, Dahyana Flores, Nadine Johnson, Kiki Kussow, Courtney Ledvina, Lexi Levinson, Alana Mancheski, Abby Meyer, Elizabeth Schaupp, Katarina Kussow, Hannah VandenHeuvel, Payton Van Pelt and Katherine Zeise. A portion of every ticket sold went to a local food pantry. The program is a project of Student Government. 2015 Contestants 1 A Letter from the President Dear NDA Community, January 31 – February 6 is Catholic Schools Week at Notre Dame Academy and throughout the United States. It is a fine occasion to celebrate our school, the GRACE system of schools and all Catholic schools as places where students can achieve, believe and belong. Catholic education has always been at the heart of the Catholic mission. Catholic education, and the students who are the product of it, have been called “the greatest work of the Church”. Below is the research that states the case for Catholic schools: Catholic Schools are good for the community. • Catholic schools tend to operate as communities, rather than bureaucracies, which links to higher levels of teacher commitment, student engagement and student achievement (Marks, 2009) • The Catholic school climate, mission, and purpose positively impact student achievement and attendance (Bryk, Lee and Holland, 1995) • A faith-based orientation builds coherence and integration of schools and school community (Bryk, Lee and Holland, 1992) Catholic schools help students achieve academically. • In Catholic schools, the student achievement gap is smaller than in public schools (Jayne, 2007; Marks and Lee, 1989) • In Catholic schools, overall academic achievement is higher (Coleman, Hoffer and Kilgore, 1982; Sander, 1996) • In Catholic schools, students math scores improve between sophomore and senior years (Carbano and Covey, 2010) • Latino and African American students in Catholic schools are more likely to graduate from high school and college (Grogger and Neal, 2000) • Students with multiple disadvantages benefit most from Catholic schools (Greeley, 1982; Evans and Schwab, 1995; and Neal, 1997) • The poorer and more at-risk a student is, the greater the relative achievement gains in Catholic schools (York, 1996) • More research on student achievement from Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice Catholic Schools help build a better society. • Graduates of Catholic high schools are more likely to vote (Dee, 2005) • Graduates of Catholic high schools are more likely to earn higher wages (Neal, 1997) • Catholic schools are more likely to produce graduates who are more civically engaged, more tolerant of diverse views and more committed to service as adults. (Campbell, 2001; Wolf, Greene, Kleitz and Thielhammer, 2001) • When a Catholic school closes, neighborhood disorder increases. (Brinig, Garnett, 2009) May God continue to bless Notre Dame Academy and the GRACE system of schools in 2016! In Christ and Notre Dame, Kevin J. Shaw, President Notre Dame Academy 2 Graduation Information The 2016 Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation Ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 27 at 9:30 AM in the Schneider Triton Center. Seniors will be measured for graduation gowns on Wednesday, January 6, during their lunch periods in the NDA Commons. The fee for caps, gowns and tassels is included in Senior tuition. Planning is underway for our annual Senior Send-Off event. If you are interested in assisting with this event, please contact Dr. John Ravizza at: or 429-6103. Yearbook Deadline Dates Senior Memory Pages: Friday, February 5 Yearbook Orders: “Early Bird” Discount ($50.00 rather than $60.00), Friday, March 4 View the Yearbook website for more information about creating and purchasing memory pages or ordering yearbooks: PublicationsAndCodes/Trident-(Yearbook).aspx Get Ready for the ACT! If your student hasn’t started preparing for the ACT, now is the time! There are many resources available, including: All students have free access to this online resource through NDA. Practice Test: A full-length practice ACT test is available in Student Services. ACT Prep Workshop: Structured prep in the evenings. Registration forms are on the NDA Website under Student Services. Everything ACT, including registration. Parents, challenge your student to answer the ACT Question of the Day! The Notre Dame Academy newsletter is published monthly (excluding June and July) for parents and friends of the school. Articles and comments are welcome and should be sent to: Notre Dame Academy 610 Maryhill Drive, Green Bay, WI 54303-2092 (920) 429-6113 Editor: Mrs. Claire Teitz, NDA Advancement Office Campus Ministry New Year Prayer Come, Holy Spirit, Be with us today and always. May this new year be a time of deep spiritual growth for us, A time of welcoming, Your graces and gifts, A time for forgiving freely, And unconditionally, A time for growing in virtue and goodness We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen NDA Witness Tuesday January 12th and Tuesday January 26th NDA Witness will be meeting at 7:00pm in the Chapel at Notre Dame Academy Tuesday, January 12th and Tuesday, January 26th. It is a time of faith sharing and fellowship. Senior Retreat The Senior Retreat dates are March 8th, March 15th, April 6th, April 13th and April 20th at the Mulva Library on the Campus of St. Norbert. Senior Retreat is required for graduation. Students can choose the date of their retreat until January 12th. If they are not signed up by then they will be assigned a date. Freshman Retreat will be held January 28th and January 29th. The students will be divided into gender groups. The girls will go to Camp Tekawitha on Thursday, January 28th and the boys will go to Camp Tekawitha on Friday, January 29th. More Information will be sent home later in January. Adoration – Mondays from 8:00am – 12:45pm “If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion (St. Maximilian Kolbe).” I hope that you and your family can take part in this powerful prayer devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Rosary Wednesday after School at 3:25pm Every Wednesday in the month of January we will pray the rosary in the chapel. All students and family of Notre Dame Academy are invited to celebrate the Glorious Mysteries and share in this powerful devotion. Blood Drive Tuesday, January 19th On January 19th we will have our first on campus blood drive of the year, and we hope to do as well as we did last year. We far exceeded our goal last year and I hope you encourage your child to give blood if they are able. Donating blood saves lives. February 3rd at 9:25am Catholic Schools Week Mass All are welcome to join us in the auditorium for a celebration of our Catholic Schools and all Catholic Education. The Most Reverend Bishop David Ricken will be our celebrant. 3 News and Events Save the Date! APP2 Speaker Series Event “Teen Technology Use and Misuse - Parenting in the Digital Age” Dr. Justin Patchin, PhD. Who: All NDA & GRACE Parents When: Thursday, January 14th 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Where: NDA Auditorium What: It’s not like when we were kids! Raising our children in a digital age can be very challenging and how do we deal with changing technology where our children know more than us. This presentation will describe many of the online environments popular among adolescents today and strategies to use to make sure they are used safely and responsibly.Topics will include Digital Citizenship, Online Reputation, Hidden Apps and Cyberbullying. The presentation will discuss the role of parents in preventing and responding to inappropriate online behaviors. It will include a broad overview of cyberbullying, including issues parents, educators, and teens need to know about how youth use and misuse technology to cause harm to their peers. Dr. Justin Patchin is a professor of criminal justice at the University of WisconsinEau Claire. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Since 2002 he has been exploring the intersection of teens and technology, with particular focus on cyberbullying and social networking. He travels around the United States and abroad training educators, counselors, law enforcement officers, parents, and youth on how to prevent and address the consequences of cyberbullying. Dr. Patchin is Co-Director of the Cyberbullying Research Center ( and has written six books and numerous articles on adolescent behaviors online. His co-authored book: Bullying beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying was named Educator Book of the Year by ForeWord reviews. A book for teens Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral was published in December, 2013 and a revised edition of Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard was published in October, 2014. He has presented at the White House and the FBI Academy, and has appeared on CNN, NPR, and in the New York Times to discuss issues related to teens use and misuse of technology. NDA Parents who attend will earn a Jean’s Day for their student. All parents who attend are eligible for a drawing for two NDA-approved devices for BYOD in 2016-17: “2 in 1 Tablet/Laptops” For more information: This free event is sponsored by APP2 (Allies for Positive Parenting) “Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.” - Proverbs 22:6 4 News and Events Band Program Highlights Spring Play: Ashland Falls Pep Band Thursday, January 7th – Boys Basketball vs. Ashwaubenon (Alumni Night) Saturday, January 9th – Boys’ Hockey vs. Bay Port @ Cornerstone Community Center Tuesday, January 12th – Girls Basketball vs. Pulaski Thursday, January 21st – Boys Basketball vs. Preble Tuesday, January 26th – Girls Basketball vs. DePere Tuesday, February 2nd – Boys Basketball vs. Sheboygan North Thursday, February 11th – Boys’ Hockey vs. Ashwaubenon @ Cornerstone Community Center Tuesday, February 26th – Boys Basketball vs. Southwest Auditions for NDA Drama Club’s Spring Play “Ashland Falls” will be in late January. “Ashland Falls” will be performed at NDA on April 14-17. Special Event Performances – Jazz Band Only Friday, February 5th – UW-Stevens Point Jazzfest Saturday, February 6th – UW-Green Bay Jazzfest Parent Band Aid Meeting Please Join Us. All Band Parents Welcome! Next Meeting Date: January 18th 3rd Monday of the Month, 7:00 pm in the Commons South Meeting Room For Further Info and Updates Visit NDA Band Web Pages: Library Book Club The NDA Library Book Club has announced its next book and meeting date: THE LIFE WE BURY, by Allen Eskens “Set against the backdrop of a brutal Minnesota winter, The Life We Bury is much more than a satisfying, suspenseful novel...This story kept me turning the pages, and it touched my heart. The characters are as real as my next-door neighbors, the story compelling, and the writing superb.” --SUSPENSE MAGAZINE Our third quarter meeting will be on Tuesday, February 23rd at The Daily Buzz from 6:30-8 pm. A permission slip is due by 2/17/16, so please see Mrs. Gelb or Mrs. Leonhard in the library. Prayer Garden Donation NDA School Store It’s always a great day to be a Triton! Stop in the Notre Dame School Store for all your winter sports spirit wear. We have great selections of Hooded Sweatshirts for Youth and Adult, New Hats, New Fleece Pants, Crew Sweatshirts, Stadium Seats and Jackets. Too much more to mention. The School Store is open every day from 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Please contact Cathy Kirschling with any questions at (920) 429-6100 or See you at the Notre Dame School Store! I would like to send a special thank you to Tina Pallini for the donation of winter greens for the Our Lady of the Baie Prayer Garden planter. Tina made this gift in honor of all families at NDA to come to know the love and mercy that God has for us all. Tina, we are grateful for your special gift and your assistance in helping to maintain the garden throughout the summer months. If you have questions about the Prayer Garden, please contact Char at 920-429-6110 or 5 News and Events Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) Policy Reminder: Tardiness to School Notre Dame Academy participates in the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP). To learn about the program and discover if your student is eligible to apply for a school choice voucher, please feel free to check out NDA’s website. Questions may also be directed to Karen Konop, Director of Admissions and Choice Administrator at or (920) 429-6115. Students who are tardy to first period must report directly to the Main Office. As per page 34 of the Student and Parent Handbook, students are permitted two excused tardies to first hour per semester. All tardies are considered unexcused until the student’s parent contacts the Main Office to have them marked excused. With our winter weather, it is important for students to plan enough time to get to school with road conditions. The school encourages students/families to drive safely at all times and will work with families on the tardies. Freshman Admission & Registration New students who intend to enroll at Notre Dame Academy for Fall 2016 are invited to submit their Admission Application Form to the NDA Admissions Office now. Applications can be submitted on-line. Go to the NDA website at Under the ADMISSIONS tab, select APPLICATION. The application can then be filled out and submitted to the Admissions Office at NDA. Since we value the individual parent communication for each student, only the student’s parent can excuse their tardy. This applies to carpool situations. In a carpool, each student’s parent must contact the Main Office to excuse their student, not just the driver’s parent. Please contact the Attendance Office at 429-6104 within 24 hours to excuse your student’s tardy to first period. When students receive their admit slip to first hour from the Main Office, this is their cue that they will be considered unexcused until their parent calls them in. Please contact 429-6104 if you have any questions. FRESHMAN REGISTRATION DAY IS SATURDAY JANUARY 30, 2016 Students will be assigned times to register beginning at 9:00 a.m. Advisors will assist students and parents in creating a schedule of classes. Students who have not already submitted their Freshman Application Form prior to Registration Day will need to complete the application and other scheduling materials and pay the $50 application fee that morning. If you do not receive scheduling information in the mail or have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office at 429-6191 or 6 Spanish Placement Exam PLEASE SAVE THE DATE! The Spanish placement exam can be taken by any incoming freshman that is registered at Notre Dame Academy for the 2016-2017 school year to help determine whether the student should be placed in a Spanish I or Spanish II course. If you know that you would like your son/daughter to start in Spanish I, he/she should NOT take the placement exam. Incoming freshman interested in enrolling in Spanish II must take the placement exam. The test will be offered onsite at NDA on Saturday, March 5, 2016 from 9:00 – 10:00am. The test may also be offered on-site at some GRACE middle schools in mid-March. More details will follow in February after the majority of students have registered. If there is a conflict or if you have any questions, please contact Amy Stover at 920-429-6175 or astover@notredameacademy. com. ¡Gracias! News and Events 5th Annual APPP Wellness Challenge New APPP Event for 2016: Video Game Tournament “If it doesn’t CHALLENGE you, it doesn’t CHANGE you” (Fred Devito) is the theme for the 5th annual Wellness Challenge. There will be a three week challenge for all students starting on Monday, January 11th and ending on Friday, January 29th. In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, APPP is challenging members of the student body to live a healthier life. The challenges are: All NDA students are invited to compete in an after school Video Game Tournament in January. APPP will offer an individual tournament for each of the video games offered below. Preliminary rounds will be scheduled from January 11th - 20th from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM. The actual schedule will be posted on the APPP Haiku page on Friday, January 8th. The finals for each video game will occur on Thursday, January 21st at 1:30 PM in the auditorium on the big screen. Students must compete at their scheduled time slot or they will forfeit that game. Week 1, January 11-15: “Increase Water Intake & Try to Eat Healthier Foods” To meet this challenge, students must drink 8 (8 oz.) glasses of water each day and eat 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups of vegetables. Week 2, January 18-22: “Focus on Physical Activity” To meet this challenge, students must exercise for at least 45 minutes each day. Week 3, January 25-29: “Get more Sleep and Focus on Taking Time for Yourself” To meet this challenge, students must aim for 8 hours of sleep per night and commit at least 20 minutes each day for themselves (prayer, reading for fun, etc.). Parents will be asked to sign the verification forms prior to returning them to school. Students who complete the challenge and have their forms verified, will qualify for weekly prizes. Students who have verified forms completing all three challenges will earn a Jean’s Day and are eligible for 3 grand prizes - 4 Tundra Lodge Day Waterpark Passes and two separate $50 iTunes gift cards. Students will receive the forms in 1st period class at the beginning of each challenge and turn them in to their first hour teacher the following Monday. Forms will be available via the APPP Haiku page. Each form frames the expectations for each challenge and will have suggestions for ways to meet the challenge. Students can sign up for a maximum of two video game tournaments. There is $5 entry fee per video game. Entry forms and rule sheets for each game are available on the APPP Haiku page. Entry forms and fees are due to the Main Office by Thursday, January 7th. Space is limited and entries are accepted on a first come basis. Prizes for the winner of each video game tournament will be: 1st Place - $25 iTunes gift card 2nd Place - $10 iTunes gift Card Video Games: • Just Dance • Super Mario Kart • FIFA Soccer • Madden NFL Football • NHL Hockey • Wii Sports - Bowling • Wii Sports - Tennis Video Game Tournament is sponsored by: “APPP Moving A.H.E.A.D. Team” (A Healthy Environment against Alcohol & Drugs) 7 Development News Phone-a-Thon Over 6,200 calls were made by nearly 200 NDA students to families, alumni, past donors and friends during October and November for Phone-a-Thon 2015. Thanks to all of you who pledged to this important fundraiser. A follow-up letter was sent in late December to those we were unable to reach by phone. We hope that you will consider donating as we are nearly $22,500 short of our 2015/16 goal of $135,000. With your help, we will be able to provide nearly 800 high school students with a wonderful Catholic education and tuition assistance for those in need. Thanks for your generous support! TritonFest 2016 NDA Tritonfest is a fun evening that directly supports that faith-filled learning experience! It is our largest, special event fundraiser to ensure the lifetime of learning continues. We have been busy making improvements to NDA Tritonfest to make it the most successful, engaging and interactive event ever. In fun and faith, your hosts: Barry & Cheryl Martzahl and Hans & Mary Schaupp When: Saturday, February 20th Where: Hosted at the Lambeau Field Atrium Mass: 4:30 pm Event: 5 pm Cocktails, 6 pm Dinner, 7-10 pm Music, Auction. Live and Silent Auction. Apple Technology Raffle. Cash Sweepstakes. Be part of this special evening. Come with friends. Dinner is included and your support of $100 per person goes directly to Notre Dame Academy. Your RSVP is needed by February 1st, please go to: NDA TRITONFEST 2016 Save the Date: Sat. Feb. 20th a lifetime of 8 OPPORTUNITY Student Services Development News NDA Blitz Winners College Night at NDA Tuesday, February 9, 2016 6:30 - 8:30 pm WEEK 10 PLACE TICKET PTS WINNER AMOUNT 1 ND15910540350 143 Bill Laluzerne $50.00 2 ND15245610340 137 Jan Anhalt $25.00 2 ND15369365540 137 Bart Johnson $25.00 4 ND15481275452 135 Joe & Vicki Dooley $10.00 5 ND15679168252 132 Gary Poehls $10.00 6 ND15669820450 131 Sean Dwyer $5.00 6 ND15569861341 131 Rose Romes $5.00 Last ND15845909249 34 Bryan & Karen Lampereur $10.00 $140.00 WEEK 11 PLACE TICKET PTS WINNER AMOUNT 1 ND15313004547 148 Mary Schaupp $50.00 2 ND15535683449 142 Renee Fitzgerald 25.00 3 ND15942898451 140 Bart Johnson 25.00 4 ND15480766340 138 Joe & Vicki Dooley 10.00 5 ND15783149344 135 Ken Zacharias $10.00 6 ND15792669240 134 Robert & Lorie Janssen $10.00 Last ND15519953246 38 Mark & Deborah Ernst $10.00 $140.00 WEEK 12 PLACE TICKET PTS WINNER 1 ND15665978446 141 Kathy Limoni 1 ND15278972548 141 Kathy Gibson 3 ND15153377540 140 Sharon McKinney 4 ND15121916349 139 Tina Olson 5 ND15324953350 138 Pam Mommaerts 5 ND15143704443 138 Christine Motquin Last ND15368633350 45 Kathy Limoni WEEK 13 PLACE TICKET PTS WINNER 1 ND15290176440 153 Steve Cecchi 2 ND15073933552 152 Barbara Witte 3 ND15025837451 151 Tonja Brabazon 4 ND15731802449 150 Lawrence Hermes 4 ND15834356242 150 Jamie Hornberger 6 ND15422355549 148 Joe Hooyman 6 ND15115208547 148 Steve Moss Last ND15633105449 25 Cindy Lech WEEK 14 PLACE TICKET 1 2 2 4 5 6 Last ND15875216351 ND15404920548 ND15907229250 ND15197025552 ND15268282352 ND15853292340 ND15321137450 PTS 147 146 146 143 141 137 19 WINNER Amy Stover Jim Fruzen Rhoda Kambandu Paul Nickel Mike Stoer Kim Lasecki Leanne Welker AMOUNT $37.50 $37.50 $25.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $140.00 AMOUNT $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $140.00 AMOUNT $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 College Night is an evening specifically for juniors and their parents to learn about the college application process. The following information will be covered by NDA faculty members and various guest speakers from area colleges: • College application process • Strategies for touring colleges • Choosing colleges based on best fit • Financial aid • Triton Parent Network (TPN) • Family Connection (a new computer program critical to the application process) The 2015-2016 NDA College Handbook will be distributed and there will be lots of college information materials to browse through and take home. Registration for this event is required. Please e-mail Ms. Becky Bain at to register. Class Registration for 2016-17 During the week of January 11, students will receive information to help them choose classes for the 2016-17 school year. Members of the Student Services team will bring all of the students into a computer lab, where they will be given a copy of the Educational Guide and will be advised about graduation requirements, college preparedness and appropriate class choices. Parents, you will have several days to speak with your son or daughter, log on from home, and contact Student Services with questions before choices need to be finalized on January 22. Your input is invaluable. Please ask your son or daughter to show you the materials that we give them, especially the Educational Guide, and log on to PowerSchool to choose classes with them. If you do not have access to PowerSchool, email Gina Fredrick at with your student’s name. Please contact Student Services with questions: Students with last names A —K, contact Mrs. Jill Zamzow Gerl at 429-6135 or Students with last names L —Z, contact Mr. Beth Abler at 429-6136 or 9 International Baccalaureate News Important Dates in Brief: • January 11th (6:30 PM): Sophomore IB Information Night – sophomore students and their parents are invited to hear what the IB program is all about at NDA. Students considering the full diploma or just a few classes are welcome to attend. • January 19th (3:30-7:00 PM), 23rd (8:00 AM-Noon), & By Appointment: IB Course Coaching – Future IB Diploma Candidates & Parents (soph.) – families will sign up for a 20 minute session within the listed times and meet with the IB Coordinator to determine a suitable Diploma Schedule. • January 26th (7:00 AM): Extended Essay Kickoff Breakfast in TOK class – (jr. DP students) • January 28th: Deadline for Sophomores intending to become full diploma candidates to turn in an intent form to Mr. Schultz (available outside his office P-107) & sign up for a course coaching session. Important IB News for Sophomore Families Sophomores who plan on becoming IB Diploma Program candidates must turn in an “Intent to Become an IB Diploma Program Candidate” form to Mr. Schultz by January 28, 2016. This document can be picked up outside Mr. Schultz’s office (P-107). It must be signed by the student and by a parent(s)/guardian(s). Families who have paperwork turned in by this deadline will be asked to sign up for a Sophomore Course Coaching Session. This is a required meeting to assure that Diploma candidates are fulfilling both IB requirements and NDA requirements when they register for classes. Course Coaching sessions will be held to advise sophomores on which IB classes to take (see times above). Special arrangements can also be made for an alternative time and date, but should occur prior to student’s finalized class registration. Students and parents are asked to sign up for a 20 minute session within the times listed. During this session, students will be able to sit down and plan their specific diploma track with Mr. Schultz. Students interested in IB certificates (only taking a couple of IB classes) simply register for those classes at the same time as they register for other classes and need not attend this event. Please note that anyone who signs up for an IB exam will be required to take the IB exam for completion of the course and pay an exam fee. Sophomores had the opportunity to shadow as many as two IB classes in December to get an idea of the nature of the courses. For those sophomores and their parents who are undecided about IB, you will have an opportunity to hear more about IB and the IB classes NDA offers on January 11, 2016. Mr. Schultz will provide information to your questions. Please call Mr. Schultz (429-6158) if you have any questions. Attention Junior Diploma Candidate Parents I (Mr. Schultz) am still looking for a few more volunteers to help orchestrate and/or work at the EE/CAS celebration on Monday, February 29, 2016. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Mr. Schultz ASAP. I would like to have an organizational meeting in early January. Thank you to those parents who have already volunteered. Attention Senior Diploma Candidates Please remember to document your CAS activities in ManageBac by January 15th to receive credit for what you have done. Also remember to save the date Monday, February 29, 2016 for the CAS/EE celebration. Attention any Student Taking an IB Exam in May 2016 Remember to check the IB exam schedule for exams this May and keep in mind you will have to let your parents, coaches, employers and/or teachers know that you must take the IB exam at the posted day and time. IB will not make an exception for family vacations, sporting events (including state tournaments) or anything short of a natural disaster or medical emergency. IB’s answer to your conflict will always be that you can take the exam in November if you have a conflict with the May date. If you have a conflict, please see Mr. Schultz. An IB Exam schedule can be found on NDA’s IB webpage found under the Academics tab. 10 Athletic News Athletic News PDQ Car Wash tickets have been distributed to all NDA Athletes. If your student has not brought the tickets home, please contact the Athletic Office. All of the profits from sales of these tickets support Notre Dame Athletics. Each full service certificate sells for $14 – a savings of $3.92 for cars and $4.98 for trucks. We also have extra tickets for sale. Contact Margaret in the Athletic Office at 429-6117 or Remember, either the cash from sales or unsold tickets must be returned to the Athletic Office by January 23 or we will send you an invoice for the cost of the unreturned tickets. Thank you for supporting NDA athletics! ASH VICE W R E S FULL H FULL SERVICE WAS ry ng Eve Washi g xterior, onsole, Dryin g the E leanin the Dash & C Winter. C y el s in iping or, Saf ck ri W Lo te s, In Bag g Out g the & Litter ing, Blowin cuumin Trays Dry es: Va Includ Emptying Ash Air & Towel w, Warm s, rs Windo m ca ior, Washing Every r Ja fo the Exter Door UVs or, Safel g ValuyeCleaning dS g the Interi Dash & Console, Dryin the Includes: Vacuumin $16.99 Bags vansgan , Wipin Trays & Litter trucks, Blowing Out Locks in Winter. r fo Window, Emptying Ash e alu V& Towel Drying, Air 9 Warm , .9 Jams 7 Door $1 FULL SERVICE WASH Includes: Vacuuming the Interior,$16 Safely thecars Exterior, Washing Every Value for .99Cleaning s Window, Emptying Ash Trays & Litter Bags, Wiping the Dash &SUV Console, Drying e for trucks, vans and Valu $17&.99 Door Jams, Warm Air Towel Drying, Blowing Out Locks in Winter. $16.99 Value for cars $17.99 Value for trucks, vans and SUVs Congratulations to Coach Nowak and the 2015 WIAA Division III State Champions! 11 Notre Dame de la Baie Academy 610 Maryhill Drive Green Bay, WI 54303 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID GREEN BAY, WI PERMIT NO. 200 Return Service Requested SCHOOL CALENDAR 2016-17 DATES Start of School - August 22, 2016 End of School - May 25, 2017 Christmas Break - December 24-January 2 Spring Break - March 13-17, 2017 Graduation - May 27, 2017 January 2016 Notre Dame Academy School Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 NO CLASSES CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY 3 4 5 Classes Resume 2nd Semester begins 8am Eucharistic Adoration 10 17 24 lunches - measuring for graduation gowns 3:25pm Rosary in Chapel 7 3:3pm IB Teacher Meeting (P100) Band Alumni Night 8 9 Spirit Day Homeroom Schedule 11 12 13 14 15 APPP Wellness Challenge Begins 8am Eucharistic Adoration 6:30 PM Soph. IB Information Night (Library) Common Prayer 3:30 PM Dept. Chair Mtg. NDA Witness SPECIAL SCHEDULE - Dr. Justin Patchin Assembly 3:25pm Rosary in Chapel HOMEROOM SCHEDULE 7pm APP2 Speaker for Parents - Dr. Justin Patchin (Aud.) Spirit Day Pep Assembly Schedule 16 18 19 20 21 22 9:00 AM BLOOD DRIVE 3:25pm Rosary in Chapel EARLY DISMISSAL SCHEDULE 1:30pm APPP Video Game Tournament Finals (aud.) Spirit Day EARLY DISMISSAL SCHEDULE 1:30pm GRACE Academic Forum 6:30pm Middle School Dance 23 8am Eucharistic Adoration 7pm Band Aid Mtg. (S. Commons) 7pm NHS Induction Ceremony/Mass (Chapel) 25 26 27 28 29 30 3:25pm Rosary in Chapel Freshman Girl’s Retreat Spirit Day APPP Wellness Challenge Ends Freshman Boy’s Retreat 9am Freshman Registration 8am Eucharistic Adoration 12 6
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