communique - Notre Dame Academy
communique - Notre Dame Academy
NDA COMMUNIQUE Vol. 26, Issue #7 A newsletter for parents and friends of Notre Dame Academy NDA SERVES 2016 Thursday, April 28, 2016 is the 18th annual NDA Serves community service day. NDA Serves is an opportunity for NDA to share time and talents with the wider community. The call to serve others is rooted in the Gospels. Jesus’ life of service, especially to the poor and marginalized, is the example for all of us to follow. Notre Dame Academy’s mission statement challenges us to make a “commitment to service” central to who we are as a school community. Our entire student body (excluding sophomores) together with NDA faculty, staff and some of our parents, will be participating in NDA Serves. (As a reminder: April 28th is testing for sophomores). NDA families are invited to join our students, faculty and staff in this day of service. All parents have the opportunity to sign up to serve side-by-side with their students on Thursday, ApriI 28. Your presence will set a powerful example for your student and the community. Most service sites request service teams for a 3-4 hour commitment beginning at 8:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. For the families who are new to the Notre Dame community, NDA Serves is considered a school day with attendance taken. It is a school-wide opportunity for students to learn about the needs of our local community. Some examples of the service sites are local parishes and schools, area nursing homes, the Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, Paul’s Pantry and the Wildlife Sanctuary. Over 80 sites have requested assistance from Notre Dame. If you would like to be a part of NDA Serves on Thursday, April 28 or would like to help with student sign-up on Wednesday, March 9, please contact Donna Clement in the Main Office at 429-6101 or email dclement@ February 2016 Please Join Us February 20 Will you help Notre Dame Academy build a bright future? Notre Dame Academy’s largest annual fundraiser “Tritonfest 2016” is just around the corner. This event directly supports more than 800 students in faith-filled learning experiences that lead to a lifetime of opportunities. RSVP THERE IS STILL TIME TO REGISTER! Join us for NDA Tritonfest 2016 "A Lifetime of Opportunity” We are united in our faith, our support for Notre Dame Academy and the bright opportunities ahead for our students and alumni. Saturday, February 20th 4:30 pm Mass 5 pm Cocktails 6 pm Dinner 7 to 10 pm Student Jazz Band. Auctions and Raffles. Does living generously in support of NDA interest you? The NDA community would like to feature auction items donated by parents and local businesses. We are looking for a variety of items, as well as parents, to turn out in groups to show their support. Would you kindly consider sponsoring an item? Thank you! To register online using Eventbrite: Check us out on Facebook: onate an auction item—items can be dropped off at the NDA • D atrium, attention Claire Teitz through Feb. 17th. ponsor an item, such as donating $ toward the Apple Tech Raffle, • S or other great auction items to offset the cost. • Buy a table together with a group of parents. You can be seated with other families and friends simply by noting it on your RSVP. What a great way to gather other parents together and attend as a fun group all united by the same cause. OR come and meet other parents, faculty and staff members. Let us seat you! • Win cash! Take a chance to win big and buy cash raffle tickets in advance. Parent Challenge: Could you match the value with your values? Enhance the value of the auction by donating gift certificates, baskets, artwork, jewelry, collectibles, sports items, exclusive one-of-a-kind items, travel goodies and more. Your generous donation will allow NDA to continue to build and strengthen its support of academics, faith and service. Two ways to donate and register: please contact Claire Teitz at or 920-429-6113. Items can be dropped off directly at the front desk atrium. You can also register or sponsor a dollar amount of your choice that can go toward auction items featured at the event. Go to: And select “donate in kind.” Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for making a difference. God Bless, Cheryl & Barry Martzahl and Mary & Hans Schaupp NDA Tritonfest Auction Committee Chairs 1 A Letter from the Associate Principal Dear NDA Parents, What is it about “Snapchat” that is so appealing to teens? Why are they quick to sign up for anonymous social media apps like “After School” or “Yik Yak”? Why do teens sit next to each other in a private car and text an entire conversation without ever looking up? Is social media truly new? Our most recent APP2 speaker, Dr. Justin Patchin challenged parents with questions like these during his January talk for GRACE and NDA parents. Instead of answering the questions directly, he gave us important insight. He challenged parents like me and you to think back to our own turbulent adolescence. The world is different today than it was during our teen years, but teens are more or less the same. Teens have always had a natural need for privacy, understanding and low-risk relational acceptance. Their primary motivations and needs are unchanged even while the technology more easily facilitates a false sense of security and acceptance. It is entirely natural for young adults to become self-reflective, to crave self-expression, and to seek opportunities to define themselves as individuals independent of their parents. Dr. Patchin’s takeaway was this: The technology is not what we should be focusing on. We should be concentrating on the perennial needs of teens to have healthy, but independent lives and adequately equip them to make moral choices as they navigate their social lives and develop their online existence. Teens naturally seek privacy and anonymity so that they can test their own mettle. This is why moral education is of the utmost importance so that they have a solid compass that they trust to guide them through this process. One of the ways that NDA tries to understand the private lives of our students is to gather anonymous data about their decision making in the form of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). This helps us to see trends and zero in on problem areas. It gives us the information we need to build effective programming and develop tools to help families strengthen that compass. Developed in 1989 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the YRBS monitors health risk behaviors that contribute to mortality, ill health, and social problems among youth and adults in the United States. The YRBS monitors six categories of behavior: (a) those that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence; (b) tobacco use; (c) alcohol and other drug use; (d) sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, including HIV infection; (e) unhealthy dietary behaviors; and (f) inadequate physical activity. Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction has administered the YRBS every other year since 1993. NDA administered the YRBS in 2005 and then biennially starting in 2008. From February 15th through February 22nd, NDA will again administer the survey to all students. Inside this month’s Communique is important information regarding the YRBS. I encourage all families to review the enclosed information. The data collected over the last four surveys has shaped various programming at school and we are interested in the progress we have made. In 2010, we learned that not “everyone” is drinking alcohol, using controlled substances, or having sex and thus the creation of the APPP (Allies for Positive Peer Pressure) program. Through this program we recognize the good decision making of our students and encourage that to continue by creating positive peer pressure. The YRBS data shows the effectiveness of our comprehensive and strategic interventions as alcohol use has been reduced by ⅓ since 2010 (32.5 % of students reported using alcohol in 2010 vs. 22.5% in 2014) and marijuana use by ½ (16.3% of students reported using marijuana in 2010 vs. 8.1% in 2014). Though our NDA data is far below state and national averages, we know there is still much work to do in these areas, as well as all of the other areas that make growing up in the 21st century difficult. The NDA administration is committed to offering a safe and healthy environment for all students and to support families in this journey. APP2 (Allies for Positive Parenting) is also committed to supporting families as they negotiate the changing technology with the perennial challenges of adolescence. We are blessed to have a God who understands parenting and to whom we can turn with our questions and our dilemmas. May the Holy Family ever guide us to form our own holy families. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! Greg Masarik 2 Notre Dame Academy’s Academic Awards Ceremony Honors and High Honors students will be recognized for academic excellence at Notre Dame Academy’s Academic Awards Ceremony on: Monday, February 15, 2016 7:00 p.m. Rev. Guy E. Guyon Auditorium Students who earned Honors or High Honors during 2nd semester last Spring or 1st semester this Fall will receive an academic medal, bar or pin. Special recognition will also occur for the Class of 2016 Top Ten Seniors, students named in the National Merit Scholarship Program and IB Diploma Candidate students. Tuition Grant Applications Applications for tuition grants for the 2016-2017 school year are being accepted in the NDA Business Office. Application forms are on-line or can be picked up at the Atrium desk. On-line applications can be found on the school website at under the Admissions tab, then select Tuition, Fees & Tuition Grants and scroll down and select the form Tuition Grant Application 2016-2017. The Tuition Grant application is due in the Business Office by Wednesday, April 20, 2016. No grants will be awarded without a completed application form, including a copy of the 2014 1040 tax form. Please contact the Business Office at 429-6108 for additional information. The Notre Dame Academy newsletter is published monthly (excluding June and July) for parents and friends of the school. Articles and comments are welcome and should be sent to: Notre Dame Academy 610 Maryhill Drive, Green Bay, WI 54303-2092 (920) 429-6113 Editor: Mrs. Claire Teitz, NDA Advancement Office Campus Ministry Prayer to St. Valentine O glorious advocate and protector, St Valentine, look with pity upon our wants, hear our requests, attend to our prayers, relieve by your intercession the miseries under which we labor, and obtain for us the divine blessing, that we may be found worthy to join you in praising the Almighty for all eternity: through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. NDA Witness – Tuesday, February 9th & 23rd - NDA witness will be meeting at 7:00pm in the Chapel of St. Norbert. It is a time of faith sharing and fellowship. This month we will be talking about being an advocate for Life (Pro-Life) and Mardis Gras. Please encourage your child to attend! Senior Retreat – The Senior Retreat dates are March 8th, 15th and April 6th, 13th and the 20th at the Mulva Library on the Campus of St. Norbert College. Senior Retreat is required for graduation. More information will be sent home. Catholic Schools Week - All School Mass on Wednesday, February 3 at 9:20 in Auditorium. Bishop Ricken will be presiding at Mass. Parents and guests are invited to join us for all of our Masses. Adoration – Mondays from 8:00am - 12:45pm – “What does the poor person do at the rich one’s door, the sick in the presence of the physician, the thirsty one at a limpid stream? What they do, I do before the Eucharistic God. I pray. I adore. I love” (St. Francis of Assisi). I hope that you and your family can take part in this powerful devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Rosary Wednesday after School at 3:20pm: Every Wednesday in the month of February we will pray the rosary in the chapel. We will be praying the Sorrowful Mysteries, which, especially fitting during Lent, it is a powerful reminder of the sacrifice Christ made for our salvation! All students and family of Notre Dame Academy are invited to pray with us. February 10th at 9:26am: Ash Wednesday Mass – All are welcome to join us in the auditorium for the celebration of Ash Wednesday Mass as we remember we are called to “repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). Fr. Tom Long will be our celebrant. 3 News and Events Art Department Update The following students are winners of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration poster competition. The theme was “My Dream for My Community.” The winners were announced Saturday, January 16 at the 21st annual Brown County community celebration of MLK at Northeast Wisconsin Community College in Green Bay. Grades 7-9 First place: Rachel Stover, Notre Dame, drawing Grades 10-12 Second place: Celia Glime, Notre Dame, drawing Third place: Susan Rose, Notre Dame, drawing Honorable mention: Elise Witmer, Notre Dame, drawing Honorable mention: Chloe Noh, Notre Dame, drawing MLK Winners Picture Left to Right Susan Rose, Rachel Stover, Celia Glime, Chloe Noh, Elise Witmer Thank You! The Art Department wishes to thank John and Jennifer Budde for their generous donation of a Brent Potter’s Wheel to the Art Department. NDA students will enjoy polishing their wheel throwing skills while using this wonderful donation. Rachel Stover Members of the WCDA All state vocal jazz ensemble, who performed Saturday, January 16 at Lawrence University. Celia Glime Pictured: Mrs. Christine Salerno, Antonio Salerno, Ella Hunt, Anabelle Xiong, and Charlie Urick 4 Elise Witmer Chloe Noh Susan Rose News and Events Band Program Highlights Pep Band Tuesday, February 2nd – Boys Basketball vs Sheboygan North Thursday, February 11th – Hockey vs Ashwaubenon @ Cornerstone Community Center Thursday February 26th – Boys Basketball vs Southwest Special Event Performances February 5th – UW-Stevens Point Jazzfest, Jazz Band 1 & 2 only February 6th – UW-Green Bay Jazzfest, Jazz Band 1 & 2 only March 5th – Solo & Ensemble, Green Bay Preble March 12th – St. Patrick’s Day Parade March 19th – Cabaret Night & Spaghetti Dinner @ NDA Tuesday, March 22nd – Spring Concert, 6:00 pm Seroogy’s Easter Sale Seroogy’s homemade chocolate butter fudge eggs, milk chocolate bunnies and lambs, as well as 4 varieties of homemade gift boxed chocolates and fresh roasted coffee will be sold. Sale kicks off February 15th! To order contact any band member or Kimberlee McKeefry at Thank you for supporting the Band program! Parent Band Aid Meeting Please Join Us. All Band Parents Welcome! Next Meeting Date: February 15th, 3rd Monday of the Month, 6:00 pm in the Commons South Meeting Room For Further Info and Updates Visit NDA Band Web Pages: NDA School Store It’s always a great day to be a Triton! Stop in the Notre Dame School Store for all your winter sports spirit wear. We have great selections of Hooded Sweatshirts for Youth and Adult, New Hats, New Men’s Fleece Pants, Crew Sweatshirts, New T-shirts for Girls, Stadium Seats and Jackets. We also now carry INFANTS! Stop in and check out the New Infant blankets, Bibs and Crawlers. Too much more to mention. Library Book Club The NDA Library Book Club has announced its next book and meeting date: THE LIFE WE BURY, by Allen Eskens “Set against the backdrop of a brutal Minnesota winter, The Life We Bury is much more than a satisfying, suspenseful novel...This story kept me turning the pages, and it touched my heart. The characters are as real as my next-door neighbors, the story compelling, and the writing superb.” --SUSPENSE MAGAZINE Our third quarter meeting will be on Tuesday, February 23rd at The Daily Buzz from 6:30-8 pm. A permission slip is due by 2/17/16, so please see Mrs. Gelb or Mrs. Leonhard in the library. Sting Cancer Notre Dame Academy Sting Cancer would like to announce the campaign of Don’t Shave March and Green Strands Ladies for the month of March. With this campaign male students will be able to pay $10 starting on February 29th, 2016 in order to grow out their facial hair until Sunday March, 20th. Female students will have a similar opportunity to pay $10 to receive a green extension that will be put in by Keith’s Hair Center during designated lunches. They will be allowed to wear the extensions from February 29th, 2016 until March 20th, 2016. These campaigns will allow Sting Cancer to help promote cancer research and our St. Baldrick’s event. Our St. Baldrick’s event will take place Friday, March 18th at 9:30 in the auditorium. All proceeds will be donated to cancer research foundations. Permission slips and more information will be sent out to students as we get closer to the date. The School Store is open every day from 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Please contact Cathy Kirschling with any questions at (920) 429-6100 or ckirschling@notredameacademy. com See you at the Notre Dame School Store! 5 Development News International Baccalaureate News Phone-a-Thon Important Dates in Brief: If we did not reach you during Phone-a-Thon in October or November, you may have received a letter from us in December asking for your support for Phone-a-Thon. If you have already responded, we thank you. If you are still interested in contributing, please send your donation in now. A very special thanks to the following groups and teams of students, staff and coaches for helping with Phone-a-Thon: ASTRA (3 nights!), Cross Country, Dance Team, Golf, Boys’ Soccer, Student Government and Girls’ Tennis. A special thanks to the staff and volunteers who helped out. A very special thanks to all students who donated their time to make calls. Without their support, we could not make Phone-a-Thon happen! • February 18 – IB Parent Meeting 10:00 AM Room 114 • February 29 – Extended Essay (EE) & Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) Celebration – Senior and Junior DP students and their families and other guests, NDA Library 7:00 PM For Sophomores: The deadline to submit an intent form to become an IB Diploma Program student was in January. If you missed the deadline but are still interested, please contact Mr. Schultz ASAP. For Juniors: Current Diploma Program candidates should have their Extended Essay work underway. Keep up on the deadlines and see Mr. Schultz as you make progress. Blitz Card Winners WEEK 15 PLACEPTS 1 2 3 3 3 3 Last 150 144 143 143 143 143 53 WINNER Marlon Hermitanio Julie Walsh Molly Markland Jamie Berndt Michaele Kulick Connie Bukoski Jim Schneider WEEK 16 PLACEPTS 1 1 1 4 5 6 Last 151 151 151 149 147 145 40 WINNER Bill & Linda Roach Steve & Maria Johnson Tim Broadfoot Sally Ronsman Heidi Colleran Michelle Jacques Ball Family WEEK 17 PLACEPTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 Last 135 132 131 129 128 127 127 127 37 WINNER Sheila Re Dick Hietpas Lori Frigo Aaron Reed Terry & Bonnie Van Hout Joe Morzenti Maggie Charnon Luke Biese Crystal Raasch For Juniors and Seniors: Junior and Senior IB Diploma families and the NDA community are invited to the annual Extended Essay & CAS Celebration, Monday, Feb. 29th at 7 PM in the NDA Library. AMOUNT $50.00 $25.00 $13.75 $13.75 $13.75 $13.75 $10.00 AMOUNT $33.33 $33.33 $33.33 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 All Examining IB students: Double check your spring schedules against the IB exam schedule to be sure you have NO conflicts. There will be no alternative time or date for any IB exams. The external exam schedule can be found on our website. Students also taking AP exams should Important Dates in Brief: let Mr. Schultz know if you have any conflicts between · February 18 – IB Parent Meeting 10:00 AM Room 114 February 29 – Extended Essay (EE) & Creativity, Celebration · examinations. Parents willing to Action, help Service with (CAS) the actual IB– Senior and Junior DP students and their families and other guests, NDA Library 7:00 PM exams in May should contact Mr. Schultz to volunteer. For Sophomores: The deadline to submit an intent form to become an IB Diploma Program student was in January. If you missed the deadline but are still interested, please contact Mr. Schultz ASAP. General notes: Please check our website ( for monthly updates and additions under Academics: International Baccalaureate. For Juniors and Seniors: Junior and Senior IB Diploma families and the NDA community are invited Also, checkEssay more at 7 PM in the NDAabout Library. to the annual Extended & CAS Celebration, for Monday, Feb. 29information the IB Program. If you are interested in learning more All Examining IB students: Double check their spring schedules against the IB exam schedule to be sure they have NO conflicts. There will be no alternative time date for any IB exams. The external exam about university admittance or orcollege credit policies, schedule can be found on our website. Students also taking AP exams should let Mr. Schultz know if they please research university internet home Contact have any conflicts between examinations. Parents willing to help with the pages. actual IB exams in May should contact Mr. Schultz to volunteer. Matt Schultz, IB Coordinator anytime with questions or General notes: Please check our website for monthly updates and comments regarding IB( at mschultz@notredameacademy. additions under Academics: International Baccalaureate. Also, check for more information about the IBor Program. you are interested in learning more about university admittance or college credit com, call If429-6158. For Juniors: Current Diploma Program candidates should have their Extended Essay work underway. Keep up on the deadlines and see Mr. Schultz as you make progress. th AMOUNT $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $10.00 $10.00 $3.33 $3.33 $3.33 $10.00 policies, please research university internet home pages. Contact Matt Schultz, IB Coordinator anytime with questions or comments regarding IB at, or call 429-6158. Follow the Notre Dame IB Program on Twitter @NDAIBDP Follow the Notre Dame IB Program on Twitter @NDAIBDP 6 Athletic News Upcoming Spring Sports: Track; Boys Golf; Softball; Baseball; Girls Soccer; Boys Tennis Parent Meetings: ***All meetings will begin at 4:30pm*** Coed Track: Monday, February 29th Boys Golf: Monday, February 29th Softball: Monday, March 7th Baseball: Monday, March 14th; will also include information about upcoming Triton Baseball camp. Girls Soccer: Monday, March 14th Boys Tennis: Monday, March 14th Reminder to bring all completed paperwork and fee payments of $100 to the meeting. Forms can be found on the NDA website under the Athletics tab. All participants of Spring sports must attend the meeting for their individual sport with one of their parents. Coaches’ presentations will begin as soon as everyone gets checked into the meeting and paperwork is collected. Notre Dame Academy First Annual Baseball Camp Date: Saturday, March 26, 2016 Place: Notre Dame Academy--Triton Center; Alumni Gym and Baseball Field (weather permitting) Walk-In Registration begins at 9:00am--for 7-11 year olds and 12:30pm for 12 -14 year olds Pre-registered Players should arrive by 9:15am for 7-11 year olds and 12:45pm for 12-14 year olds Ages and times: 7-11 years old: 9:30am-12:00pm 12-14 years old 1:00pm-3:30pm All participants are grouped by age and each group will have at least one Varsity Triton Baseball player. The Students will receive 2 1/2 hours of instruction from the Triton baseball team as well as former professional and college baseball players. This instruction will include skills training in pitching, base-running, infield/outfield, catching and hitting. Cost of the camp: $50.00 T-Shirts will be distributed the day of the camp for those players that are pre-registered. Those players who sign up the day of the camp will receive the shirt approximately one week after the camp. Please look for applications at the GRACE schools or in the NDA atrium Open Gyms and Strength and Conditioning is underway for the upcoming Spring sports. Please contact the appropriate coaches for the dates and times of the Spring sports workouts. Lets get ready for Spring!!! 7 YRBS Survey ONLINE YOUTH RISK BEHAVIOR SURVEY – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. A: Why is the survey being done? Notre Dame Academy will use the survey results to help measure how many youth engage in health-risk behaviors. The survey results will be used to create school health programs to help reduce these risk behaviors and promote health enhancing behaviors. Q: A: What does the OYRBS measure and why are these things important? The OYRBS (Online Youth Risk Behavior Survey) focuses on health-risk behaviors that result in the most significant mortality, morbidity, and social problems during adolescence and adulthood. These include: 1) behaviors that result in unintentional and intentional injuries; 2) tobacco use; 3) alcohol and other drug use; 4) sexual behaviors that may result in HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases, and unintended pregnancies; 5) dietary behaviors; and 6) physical activity. The OYRBS measures student attitude and perceptions related to health risk behaviors. In addition, the OYRBS measures assets and these assets have the power to protect youth from engaging in risk behaviors and at the same time promote healthy behaviors. To determine the level of risk among adolescents, priority health-risk behaviors must be measured directly. Measuring only relevant knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, or intentions will not provide an accurate description of the level of risk, because the relationship between these factors and the priority of health-risk behaviors themselves often is weak, unproven, or nonexistent. For example, even though most people know that smoking causes lung cancer, many people still continue to smoke. 8 Q: A: Will student participation be anonymous? Yes. Survey administration procedures have been designed to protect student privacy and allow for anonymous participation. Students will not put their names or other identifying information on the questionnaires. Q: A: How long does it take to fill out the survey? Does the survey include a physical test? The average student can complete the computer-based survey in 20-30 minutes. The survey does not include a physical test or exam. Q: A: Doesn’t a survey like this actually encourage students to engage in these behaviors? The causes and determinants of health-risk behaviors are very complex. Students are exposed frequently to information about tobacco, alcohol, other drug use, violence, and sexuality through the media, parents, friends, and the broader community. Exposure to a small number of questions on any one topic is not likely to cause a change in behavior – either good or bad. If it were that easy, we could simply ask students about all the things we want them to do! Q: A: Do students answer the questions truthfully? Research indicates data of this nature may be gathered as reliably from adolescents as from adults. To obtain truthful answers, students must perceive the survey as important and know that procedures have been developed to protect their privacy and allow for anonymous participation. Q: A: Who supports the survey? This survey is supported by many state educational organizations interested in the health of youth. The Wisconsin Association of School Boards, Wisconsin PTA, Association of Wisconsin School Administrators, Wisconsin Council of Administrators of Special Services, and the Wisconsin Education Association Council have given their support. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and many other national organizations support the YRBS. People from over 100 state and local health and education agencies and 19 federal agencies helped develop the survey. Q: A: Can I review a copy of the survey? Yes, a copy of the survey will be kept in the NDA Main Office. Q: A: What will be done with the results? A report summarizing the student data will be developed. Remember—no child and no class will ever be mentioned by name. In addition, NDA’s collective school data is being combined with other area Catholic high schools as part of a study comparing the at-risk behavior of teens in our diocese vs. the general state teen population. Q: A: Whom can I contact if I have questions about the survey? Name: Greg Masarik Title: Associate Principal Phone: 429 - 6100 E-mail: YRBS Survey PASSIVE PARENTAL PERMISSION FORM (Comprehensive Survey) Notre Dame Academy is taking part in the Wisconsin Online Youth Risk Behavior Survey sponsored by the WI Department of Public Instruction. The survey will ask about the health behaviors of 9th through 12th grade students. The survey will ask about behaviors that result in unintentional and intentional injuries, tobacco use, and alcohol and other drug use. It will also ask about sexual behaviors that may result in HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, dietary behavior and physical activity. Students will be asked to fill out a computer-based questionnaire that takes about 30 minutes to complete. They will take the survey during regular class time. Completing this anonymous Internet survey will cause little or no risk to your child. The only potential risk is that some students might find certain questions to be sensitive. The survey has been designed to protect your child’s privacy. Students will not put their names on the survey. Also, no class or student will ever be mentioned by name in a report of the results. Your child will get no benefit right away from taking part in the survey. However, the results of this survey will help our students in the future by influencing health and safety programs. We would like all selected students to take part in the survey, but the survey is voluntary. No action will be taken against you, or your student, if your student does not take part. Students can skip any question that they do not wish to answer. In addition, students may stop participating in the survey at any point without penalty. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page for more facts about the survey. Please read the section below. If you do not want your child to take part in the survey, check the box, sign and date the form and return the form to the main office no later than February 9. Signing and returning this form will dismiss your child from taking the survey. If you have no objection to your child taking part in the survey, you should do nothing with this form. Thank you. Child’s name: __________________________________________ Grade: ___________ I have read this form and know what the survey is about. [ ] My child may not take part in this survey. Parent’s signature:___________________________________ Date:_________________ Phone number: __________________________________________ 9 Student Services Spanish Placement Exam PLEASE SAVE THE DATE! The Spanish placement exam can be taken by any incoming Freshman that is registered at Notre Dame Academy for the 2016-2017 school year to help determine whether the student should be placed in a Spanish I or Spanish II course. If you know that you would like your son/daughter to start in Spanish I, he/she should NOT take the placement exam. Incoming freshman interested in enrolling in Spanish II must take the placement exam. The test will be offered on-site at NDA on Saturday, March 5, 2016 from 9:00 – 10:00am. The test may also be offered on-site at some GRACE middle schools in mid-March. More details will follow in February after the majority of students have registered. If there is a conflict or if you have any questions, please contactAmy Stover at 920-429-6175 or ¡Gracias! Scholarships Seniors - A list of local scholarships is posted on the NDA Student Services website. Hard copies of some of the scholarship applications are located in the scholarship drawer in the Learning Resource Room of Student Services. This list includes many scholarships that are not connected with any particular college or university. Eligibility requirements vary by scholarship, so when going through the list, highlighting which ones you qualify to apply for may help you. Ms. Bain continues to email seniors several helpful documents about the college application process, scholarship and financial aid processes. Financial Aid 101 is a particularly good comprehensive reference document. It is important for seniors to check their NDA e-mail regularly. If extra copies of any of these documents are needed, please stop up in Student Services and see Ms. Bain. 10 Advanced Placement (AP) Exams We are pleased to announce the 2016 Advanced Placement Exams will be offered here at NDA! With qualifying AP Exam scores, students can earn college credit, advanced placement or both at the majority of US colleges. Individual colleges grant course credit and placement, so please check college websites to understand how each college applies AP Exam scores. Students interested in taking the AP Exams MUST sign up in Student Services before Friday, March 11th. The exams will be held May 2-6 & May 9-13. Dates and times are mandated by the College Board and cannot be varied. Each exam is 3 hours long; the cost is $92.00 each and must be paid in full to NDA before Friday March 11th. For more AP Exam details, (specific exam times & dates, etc.) visit College Fair at Xavier High School Xavier will host their 18th annual College Fair on Tuesday, March 8 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. All high school students are welcome to attend and speak with representatives from over 100 colleges. For more information, see Honor Roll - 1st Semester 2015-16 Senior High Honors: Alexa Algas, Caitlin Aude, Billie Bal, Andrea Ball, Quinn Bowman, Rachael Brady, Madelyn Brusda, Matthew Budde, Jacqueline Calba, Olivia Campbell, Cole Chronowski, Nathan Ciriacks, Barret Collard, Peter DeGroot, Samantha DeGroot, Ethan Diestler, Jack Dooley, Liam Edgar, Eric Erb, Hannah Farrell, Julia Fassbender, Anne Fife, Gage Garrity, Emily Gerlikovski, Aidan Glaser Schoff, Celia Glime, Evan Haas, Madeline Halama, Rachel Hall, Miranda Hansen, Brian Hansford, Sophie Harpt, Kari Healy, Faith Hicks, Isaac Hingtgen, Ingrid Hirte, Zachary Janssen, Jorey Jossart, Shannon Kaufmann, JiHyeong Ko, Benjamin Krysiak, Zachary Krysiak, Katie Kyles, Megan Landwehr, Jack Lemkuil, Tera Leonhard, Veronica Letter, Michael Linehan, Claire Loritz, Emily Luebke, Dominic Maino, Monica Majeski, Alexander Malcore, Brooke Malcore, Elizabeth Markland, Brooke Marshall, Jack Martzke, Dominic McClain, Michael Miller, Samuel Moss, Emma Neumeyer, Nae Kyung Noh, Maria Nolen, Colin O’Toole, Annika Olson, Gabrielle Otto, Keeli Otto, Anna Patterson, Jack Pavek, Andrew Quigley, Marissa Rahn, Jacob Re, Nicklaus Robinson, Maxwell Roitstein, Holly Schantz, Caroline Schaupp, Maureen Schick, Elizabeth Segrin, Nicholas Shade, Joseph Sladek, Elizabeth Smith, Megan Southwick, Stephanie Staed, Heidi Swanson, Elizabeth Templeton, Madigan Tennity, Abigail Thillman, Alma Torres, Anne Treleven, Cadell Van Den Heuvel, Nicole VandenPlas, Madeline VanSaders, Meghan Vogel, Nicholas Wagner, Ruoyao Wang, Joshua Wiesner, Elise Witmer, Christopher Wolcanski, Jacob Zeise, Christian Zimonick. Senior Honors: Beau Bellmore, Elizabeth Bobinski, Samuel Brada, .Jon Brandt Jr., Aryn Brault, Grace Caldie, Kyrsten Charles, Zikang Chen, Spencer Collard, Jake Darling, Andrew Dellamater, Andrew Devroy, Matthew Duffy, Benjamin Durkin, Jacob Elmer, Morgan Emmel, Aaron Gerondale, Bailey Gerondale, Morgan Gille, Maxwell Herrick, Catherine Hummel, Jett Jaraczewski, Soobin Kim, Cameron Knight, Alexander Koehler, Ryan Konop, Ariana Kussow, Yiling Lan, William Leggett, Zhaoyu Li, Danielle Matuszak, Morgan McKeefry, Olivia Moran, Hunter Mura, Beaux Myers, Emily Ness, Hanzhen Nie, Jabriil Nur, Blake Olejniczak, Vincent Pallini, Kelsey Paluda, Jordan Pappas, Marie Patz, Robert Petitjean, Elizabeth Porter, Adam Rakers, Adam Ronsman, Susan Rose, Kadejah Ross, Katherine Ruiz, Samuel Savona, Alex Schneider, Kayla Scoggins, Ryan Scripp, Lauren Seidl, Steven Strutt, Cesar Fernando Torres Romero, Carolyn Tressler, Grace Tressler, Hannah Van Drisse, Macey VanDenMeerendonk, Evan Vecera, Yuzhu Wang, Madison Weber, Matthew Wendricks, Michael Wengrzyn, Cierra Windey, Noah Wleczyk, Xiaofei Yang, Sarah Zehms, Nathaniel Zeller. Junior High Honors: Isabel Canadeo, Anya Carlson, Chelsea Chrudimsky, Collin Clark, Jack Colleran, Michael DeLeers, Alissa DeWilde, Katrina Dietsche, Maria Ehlinger, Ryan Ehlinger, Jinqiu Fan, Alexandra Fitzgerald, Madalyn Foscato, Katherine Gapinski, Steven Gerbers, Emily Gibson, Jackson Gille, Kristin Griesbacher, Sylvia Griffitt, Willis Guo, Hailey Gutowski, Joshua Hock, Kelly Hogan, Elizabeth Hunt, Michael Karow, Madeline Kaye, Brooke Kerscher, Matthew Krzewinski, Jack Kumbalek, Sophia Kummers, Elisabeth Lasecki, Nicholas Lasecki, Jake LeBreck, Jonathan Lemens, MariJo Lesatz, Huilai Li, Clayton Lisowski, Colleen Lois, Graham Lorsung, Emily Martin, Diego Mendoza, Noah Meyers, Katelyn Morgan, Madeline Moureau, Maureen Nesvacil, Mikayla Neveau, Carly Noble, Ryan O’Connell, Brendan O’Neil, Eric Parks, Zachary Pethan, Shelby Rahn, Benjamin Ricker, Emma Riedi, William Roach, Benjamin Rose, Jacob Rose, Christin Roskos, Heather Ruby, Jonathan Santaga, Megan Schumer, Thomas Shade, Eleanor Sladek, Quinn Snyder, Claire Sternkopf, Oliver Struger, Ireland Sweeney, Ellie Sylvester, Zhangchi Tian, Paige Vaughn, Alexander Wasilkoff, Cami Wendricks, Maria Weronska, Annabelle Whatley, Melissa Wilke, Anabelle Xiong, Kyle Yurek, Mary Zakowski, Sarah Zarvan. Junior Honors: Callie Adamczak, Brenda Aguilar, Alexander Arnold, Greta Bosco, Jingnan Cao, Matthew Carlson, Morgan Carlson, Bennett Christensen, Cameron Cichocki, Samuel Conard, Devin Cribben, Patrick Darling, Ariana Del Moral, Quinn Dellise, Whitney DeMeuse, Barrett Desotell, Lauren Dovorany, Noah Duncan, Meghan Dwyer, Christopher Fineout, Jordan Flaten, Marina Frechette, Hope Gourley, Allyson Groher, Mitchell Grzybowski, Kira Gunville, Cali Gurnicki, Andrea Hall, Jacob Hardy, Maria Haske, Noah Huntley, Nathan Ihlenfeldt, Marisa Jacques, Warren Johnson, Madison Kaster, Maria Keenan, Gina Kerscher, Taekyu Kim, Taylor King, Cassie Klim, Hanna Lech, Chloe Ledvina, Emily Lelinski, Maxwell Liegel, Yucong Lin, Stephen Lovell, Han Lu, Samantha Lucero, Elena Martin Sierra, Jackson D. Martin, Jackson T. Martin, James Matthews, Corinne Meglic, Jack Mickelson, Lauren Mihalski-LaPointe, Jadon Motquin, William Motquin, Olivia Nelson, Erika Odberg, Carter Olles, Emma Panure, John Perron, Maddi Reise, Madison Remington, Jason Revolinsky, Benjamin Richards, Claire Rotherham, Cameron Rottier, Felix Siegert, Rachel Sladky, Emily Smits, Alexandra Socha, Jonathan Sollberger, Shanelle Steeno, Daniel Stewart, Haoyu Sun, Kaifeng Tan, Michael Trgovac, Anna Tristani, Charles Urick, Sinead Van Dreese, Brennan VanWychen, Whitney Walczyk, Juliette Weslow, Claire Weydt, Angela White, Jenna Wozney, Jordyn Zehms, Marissa Ziefle, Andrew Zipp. Sophomore High Honors: Emily Agen, John Allen, Laken Anderson, Deidre Bellmore, Felicity Bieker, Anastasia Brada, Nathan Budde, Trevor Burke, Delaney Butterfield, Grace Campbell, Morgan Christensen, Hannah Ciriacks, Jennifer Cluckey, Katherine Coyle, Cole Cullen, Gracie DeGroot, Emma Del Frate, Hannah Dercks, Nadine Druar, Wade Druar, James Fitzwater, Dahyana Flores, Sam Frantz, Molly Gallagher, Tori Gantz, Paul Gapinski, Madelyn Glosny, Aldo Gonzalez, Andrew Gruesen, Joel Haas, Jack Halama, Keith Hansford, Connor Hennigan, Marion Hermitanio, Tessa Hingtgen, Conor Hogan, Ryan Hornberger, Zachary Jerzyk, Emily Johnson, Christopher Kapic, Matthew Kini, Andrew Lampereur, Jacob Larsen, Ashley Laskowski, Qingran Lei, Charles Lemkuil, Nicholas Markland, Josey McClain, Alexander McKean, Peighton Milton, Kelsey Mullen, Cora Nesvacil, Simon Neta, Grant Noble, Elizabeth Opichka, Maxwell Pallini, Alexandria Papacosta, Jacob Peterman, Rachel Petermann, Madison Polack, Maxwell Polack, Allison Rakers, Clare Ravizza, James Ruby, Lillian Schumacher, Emily Seidl, Grant Shilbauer, Jackson Strohmeyer, Kathryn Stumpf, Katherine Sullivan, Elizabeth Tressler, Regan Umentum, Morgan Van Drisse, Katherine VanDenHeuvel, Benjamin Weber, Lauren Welker, Carli Wendricks, Andrew Wolfram, Jonathan Zacharias. Sophomore Honors: Olivia Allen, Bailei Anders, Ashlyn Arett, Connor Bell, Olivia Blumb, Jacob Bongiorno, Ryan Brabant, Logan Braun, Ellie Coles, Jonah Collard, Rebecca DeBoer, Wyatt Druar, Alex Eclavea, Ashlyn Fitzgerald, Jack Flis, Tyler Foytik, Jonathan Fry, Kaycee Gierczak, Nathan Gille, Ryan Green, Michael Gregoire, Raija Hansen, Michael Heide, Lauren Hummel, Tessa Jadin, Thomas Jensen, Noah Jessick, Jason Kukay, Katarina Kussow, Allison Landwehr, Connor Ledvina, Benjamin Lelinski, David Letter, Danielle Lippert, Lucia Martinez Molina, Maighdlin McHugh, Molly McKenna, Massiel Mendoza, Nichole Michaletz, Kennedy Morgan, Chase Mura, Samuel Nennig, Daniel Patz, Bryce Poshak, Matthew Rader, Eric Ritchay, Adam Roitstein, Katherine Romes, Yvonne Roznik, Andrew Schaut, Samuel Schmitz, Amolia Schneider, Phillip Schneider, Morgan Schram, Stephen Scripp, Olivia Seering, Grace Shaw, Claire Sievert, Serena Siudzinski, Sydney Slack, Rachel Southwick, Ian Spaulding, Kimberly Umentum, Payton Van Pelt, Samuel Warpinski, Eric Weycker, Rebekah Witte, Madeline Woodward, Ryan Zasuly, Olivia Zehms. Freshman High Honors: Maya AbuJamra, Elizabeth Bolin, Karli Borths, Lily Brabazon, Abigail Comar, Josh Cribben, Jenna Cuene, Madeline Darling, Claire Edgar, John Ehlinger, Maya Filon, Wesley Glime, Ava Griffitt, Anna Grzelak, Madison Hansen, Marybeth Healy, Trinity Janowski, Emily Jerzyk, Rachel Johnson, Anna Kaye, Isabel Kellner, Zach Kellner, Claire Kini, Charles Kippley, Hope Krumrei, Madeline Laaksonen, Sophie Le Mieux, Samantha LeFever, Vanessa Lent, Elizabeth Lesatz, Brandon Limoni, Bailee Malcore, Naira Martin Gil, Owen Martzke, Brelyn McCarron, Elliot McGinnity Schneider, Alana Mencheski, Abigail Meyer, Grace Paulson, Grace Purcell, Suseela Raj, Matthew Re, Allyson Robb, Elizabeth Schaupp, Matthew Shade, Audrey Sladek, Jessa Smith, Rachel Stover, Helen Treankler, Ashley Tuszka, Theodore Van Straten, Hannah Vanden Heuvel, Andrew Webster, Kevin Wengrzyn, Kayla Whatley, Katherine Zeise, Isabella Zent, Katherine Ziefle. Freshmen Honors: Caleb Baeten, Grace Balison, Noah Berger, Aiden Berndt, Megan Berndt, Keighley Blindauer, Rebekah Boucher, Kennedy Bowes, Emily Burgess, Chloe Capomaccio, Mitchell Chosa, Jack Chovan, Samantha DeMeuse, Samuel Drake, Grace Fangman, Ryan French, Anastasia Geigel, Kyle Griesbacher, Jacob Gryboski, Qinghua Han, Benjamin Hathaway, Kayla Hawley, Anna Huntley, Stephanie Huss, Natalie Jacques, Joshua Janssen, Benjamin Jensen, Lily Kabat, Suraiya Kambandu Schilz, James Kanning, Nicholas Koehler, Madalyn Krysiak, Kaitlyn Kulick, Benjamin LaLuzerne, Courtney Ledvina, Ryan Martin, Thomas Martzahl, Mary Matthews, Garrett Moureau, Quintin Nelson, Bergin Olson, Madeline Rentmeester, Larry Reyes, Duncan Riedi, Gabrielle Roemer, Charles Sauter, Emma Savona, Annelise Schaut, Kaylee Schill, William Schneider, Elizabeth Scott, Julia Slusarek, Maxwell Sonnenburg, Josephine Sullivan, Hailey Swonger, William Templeton, Logan Tennity, Courtney Tilkens, Ella Tristani, Mia Turek, Ciara Van Dreese, Benjamin Van Handel, Cade Van Hout, Ava Vande Corput, Olivia Vanden Elzen, Jacob VanderLeest, Aeva Ver Boort, Cole Whatley, Grace Wheeler, Benjamin Wiesner, Erik Witmer, Hannah Zehms, 11 Notre Dame de la Baie Academy 610 Maryhill Drive Green Bay, WI 54303 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID GREEN BAY, WI PERMIT NO. 200 Return Service Requested SCHOOL CALENDAR 2016-17 DATES Start of School - August 22, 2016 End of School - May 25, 2017 Christmas Break - December 24-January 2 Spring Break - March 13-17, 2017 Graduation - May 27, 2017 February 2016 Notre Dame Academy School Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 YRBS 10:00 AM IB Parent Meeting (114) “Spirit Day” HOMEROOM SCHEDULE YRBS TRITONFEST 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration 12 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration YRBS 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration 7:00 PM Academic Awards Ceremony 7:00 PM Band Aid Mtg. (S. Commons) 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration 6:30 PM IB EE/CAS Celebration (Library) 4:30 - Mandatory Parent/Athlete Meeting (Co-ed Track and Boy’s Golf CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 6:30 PM COLLEGE NIGHT YRBS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Mass at 9:20 in the Auditorium MASS SCHEDULE 3:25 PM Rosary in Chapel MASS SCHEDULE - ASH WEDNESDAY 3:25 PM Rosary in Chapel YRBS 3:25 PM Rosary in Chapel ACRE TESTING - Juniors EARLY DISMISSAL SCHEDULE 3:25 PM Rosary in Chapel CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK “Spirit Day” HOMEROOM SCHEDULE 6:00 PM GRACE Night of the Arts - (Art Exhibit @ 6:00; Concert @ 6:30) ACRE TESTING - Juniors EARLY DISMISSAL SCHEDULE Friday 5 Saturday 6 “Spirit Day” CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK HOMEROOM SCHEDULE Jazz Bands @ UWSP Jazz Festival (all day) Senior Memory Pages due for Yearbook Jazz Bands & Tritones @ UWGB Jazz Festival (all day) 8:00 AM ACT Test @ NDA 8:00 PM Sweetheart Switch Dance 12 13 NO CLASSES - Staff Retreat 19 “Spirit Day” 20
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