Credenda - Notre Dame Academy


Credenda - Notre Dame Academy
Notre Dame
Spring/Summer 2011
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The Art of Science at NDA
Talent and curiosity complement each other!
“In this issue of Credenda we celebrate just a few
of the scientific fields our graduates have pursued.
We thank God for their talents, their curiosity, and
their intellectual pursuits. St. Julie would be proud.”
Since its founding in 1951, Notre Dame Academy has been in the forefront
Mission Statement
in promoting scientific endeavors. Our graduates bear witness to this fact
by the sheer volume of alumnae who have chosen careers in science, from
Notre Dame Academy’s philosophy
doctors and nurses to chemists and psychologists, from researchers and
of education is built on the belief that
teachers of science, to the fields of aerospace and hospital administration.
education should prepare students for
their roles as Christian women.
This curiosity would not have surprised the Foundress of the Sisters of
Notre Dame, St. Julie Billiart. St. Julie possessed all the requirements of a
We wish to provide our students with
good scientist. She had an expectation of excellence for herself, her sisters
the opportunity to become more aware
and the children in her care. She was a psychologist, challenging her
of what is happening in their lives and
teachers to find the correct psychological insight to understand each child.
to assume responsibility for themselves
She had the qualities of patience and persistence—so necessary to scientific
and their community.
exploration. She was a botanist believing that each child’s life must be
respected, loved, and nurtured so that “it can fully flower.”
In order to learn to make responsible
choices, Notre Dame students have the
In her personal life, having suffered from paralysis for twenty-two years,
freedom to learn in a school dedicated
Julie would have thanked the good God for the many advances in science
to high academic standards, and to
to help find cures and medical devices to help those in need.
involve themselves in the community,
Notre Dame Academy finds itself surrounded by institutions of learning,
medical facilities and research centers that offer our students and alumnae
countless opportunities to expand their scientific interests. Our teachers
are constantly adding to and refining their curricula. Our alumnae return
often to share their knowledge and experiences in their chosen fields.
In this issue of Credenda we celebrate just a few of the scientific fields our
graduates have pursued. We thank God for their talents, their curiosity,
and their intellectual pursuits. St. Julie would be proud.
Ann E. Morrison SND
Cover Photo (L-R): Rebecca Longvall ’11, Amira Farrag ’12,
and Catherine Barry ’11
both utilizing its resources and serving
its people.
The Art of Science at NDA
Talent and curiosity complement each other!
The science laboratories at Notre
Dame Academy are ideal places to teach
life lessons. In these labs students learn
how to evaluate and judge, how to test
ideas, and how to draw conclusions.
These are necessary skills, no matter
what a young woman decides to pursue
later in life. The Academy teaches
students to think independently and also
to reinforce their thoughts with concrete
proof and good judgment. The Science
Department is a perfect breeding ground
for producing confident, knowledgeable,
and curious graduates.
The four members of the Science
Department at Notre Dame Academy have
a total of eighty-nine years of teaching
experience, not counting the sixteen
years one of them spent in industry
before beginning her teaching career.
Department Chairperson Anne Marie
Joubert, Patricia Neville Mulford ’65,
P’91, ’01, Cheryl Ducharme P’08, ’11,
and Elizabeth Ott recently sat down to
discuss how scientific endeavors have
changed at the Academy over the
decades, how women’s roles in science
have expanded, and what they see in the
future for our graduates.
From its earliest years, the Academy
has seen a remarkable number of its
graduates go on to pursue careers in
all areas of science. Cheryl Ducharme
recalls what it was like for her in the
1980’s as the only female chemist in her
department in the years she worked in
industry. “Everyone assumed I was the
secretary because I was female...that is,
Members of the Science Department:
Mrs. Elizabeth Ott, Ms. Anne Marie
Joubert, Mrs. Cheryl Ducharme
and Mrs. Patricia Mulford ’65.
until I started handing out my business
cards,” recalled Mrs. Ducharme. “Today
there are so many more opportunities
for women.”
The advancements in careers for
women in the world of science correlate
with the explosion of materials needed
to be covered in the classroom. “The
depth of the material now taught at the
high school level has increased tremendously,” said Ms. Joubert. “What I learned
in college, I am now teaching at the high
school level.” This explosion of scientific
areas of concentration has spurred the
Academy to develop more course offerings. “Many years ago biology, then a
required course for sophomores, was
moved to the freshman curriculum,”
explained Mrs. Mulford. This opened
up the opportunity for a wide variety of
course offerings as electives. “It is a
testimony to the strength of our program
that, after completing the required
biology, chemistry and a science elective
“Our science students go on to
do so well; we want to expose
the sciences to as many
students as possible.”
junior year, more than fifty percent of
our seniors opt to take a science course
senior year. A few even try to take two
courses, although the workload is especially difficult.” The most recent addition
to the science program is Environmental
Science, a timely and popular elective.
Mrs. Ott sees the introduction of
biotechnology, a science little known
fifteen years ago, as one of the keys to
the future of the teaching of science.
“Our students are learning the basics
of gel electrophoresis, a common way
of separating DNA or proteins. They are
involved in laboratory work similar to work
being done in Worcester, in the Boston
area, and in the whole biotech corridor
right down to the Carolinas and as far
away as California.” These labs give
students experience with state-of-the-art
techniques should they opt to pursue
this science as a career. Although
biotechnology is only one of countless
Science Department
Awarded Grant
Notre Dame Academy’s Science Department
is the recipient of a $2,000 science teaching
school grant from the Armed Forces
Communication and Electronics Association.
The grant will be used to purchase three
LCD Deluxe Digital Microscopes and one
Ken-a-Vision Comprehensive Scope Digital
Microscope. The LCD microscope will allow
students to view specimens on an LCD
screen while the Comprehensive Scope
digital microscope will display images to a
computer screen and Smartboard. The new
equipment will be used in the Biology I and II
classes and in Anatomy and Physiology.
career opportunities for women in
science, Ms. Joubert encourages
students to look to the teaching of
science as a career as well. “Who will
instruct future scientists?” asked Ms.
Joubert. She also encourages graduates
to follow in the path of Mrs. Ducharme,
starting a career in business or industry
and then bringing their expertise into the
education field. Mrs. Ducharme agreed,
“You bring a different perspective when
you come from the business world.”
All four science teachers see the
internet as both a positive and a negative
influence when it comes to advancing the
teaching of science. On one hand, it makes
it easier to find the most recent research.
It opens students to ideas not discussed
in the classroom. It enhances classroom
discussion with new exercises and
demonstrates practical applications of the
subject at hand. On the other hand, it is
very hard for students to measure the
accuracy of what they read online. “We
caution them to sort things see
what is truly science and what isn’t,”
explained Mrs. Ott.
Department members have settled
into their renovated laboratories, including
laboratory equipment donated by Worcester
Polytechnic Institute. Ms. Joubert welcomes
graduates in the scientific fields to visit the
department and share their experiences
with current students. “Our science
students go on to do so well; we want to
expose the sciences to as many students
as possible,” remarked Ms. Joubert.
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Maryanne Galvin ’72
Most individuals strive to find a career that is
fulfilling and meaningful to them. In Maryanne
Galvin’s case, she found two! A member of the Class
of 1972, Maryanne is a forensic psychologist and
a documentary film maker. At first glance, these
two occupations might not seem to have much in
common but a common thread runs through both. As a forensic
psychologist, Maryanne must use her knowledge of the law and psychology
to ascertain an individual’s competency to stand trial or the state of mind
of a defendant at the time of the offense. As a documentary film maker,
Maryanne enters the lives of her subjects at a time when they are experiencing
life’s challenges, be it illness, economic downturns, relationships, or scientific
Like so many Notre Dame Academy graduates, Maryanne credits the
Love-In-Action program at the Academy as a major influence in her life.
“I volunteered at a childcare center run by the Black Panthers,” recalled
Maryanne. “I was working in a community at the time when the Civil Rights
Movement was just coming to the front. I also worked in a nursing home.
It was quite a profound experience and the other side of the spectrum.” The
Academy instilled a sense of confidence in Maryanne. The faculty encouraged
students to think for themselves and to help one another. “In the era of the
late ’60’s and early ’70’s with so much rebellion and change, it was good to
have teachers who said ‘We trust you. You can be anything you want to be.’”
It was in an Academy English class that Maryanne was introduced to the
writings of psychiatrist Abraham Maslow. His theory of hierarchy of needs,
physical needs, security, friendship, love and self-esteem, had a profound
influence on her and led her to earning a degree in Child Development from
Wheelock College. In graduate school at UMass Amherst, Maryanne pursued
a doctorate in psychology with a focus on child and family therapy. After
graduate school, she completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at UMass Medical
School as one of several requirements for licensure as a psychologist. She
taught for several years at the University of New Hampshire but decided to
return to Boston to work with children in the clinical realm at a program
sponsored by Tufts Medical Center. Five years later, she found herself working
at McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA
where she stepped into the forensic
“The definition of forensics
is ‘of or pertaining to the dead,’”
said Maryanne. “In the origins of
my profession, people would assist
postmortem at homicides. Forensics
has so many different meanings
today.” At McLean, she worked with
Maryanne Galvin, left, with one of
children and adolescents performing
the interviewees in Urban Audubon
clinical assessment and providing
Odyssey at a recent shoot at Habitat
Wildlife Sanctuary, Belmont, MA.
opinions regarding certain statutes
of the law that applied to these age
groups. This led to her entering a
program co-sponsored by the MA
Dept. of Mental Health and UMass
Medical School called “Law and
Psychiatry” where she studied to
become a Designated Forensic
Psychologist. “My law concentration
was basically studying Massachusetts
General Law Chapter 123. It involves
anything pertaining to mental
illness, mental health or substance
abuse with adults appearing before
judges in District and Superior
Courts.” As a forensic psychologist,
her focus is primarily on the defendant. Is he/she competent to stand
trial? Is there a question as to his/her
mental state at the time of the
crime? Is there a mental health issue
or a substance abuse issue the judge
needs to be made aware of at sentencing? “It is like being a firefighter
in a way,” said Maryanne. “Although
“ In the era of the late ’60’s
and early ’70’s with so much
rebellion and change, it was
good to have teachers who said
‘We trust you. You can be
anything you want to be.’”
we are assigned to certain areas in
the Commonwealth, we have to be
prepared to go where we get a call.
A judge might have a statutory
question or he/she might just want a
consult. You can ask a competency
question at any phase, but it is
usually at the beginning of a trial.
As a forensic psychologist, I am not
there to advocate for either side
but to offer a clinical opinion to
the finder of fact. No one going to
court is happy. It is a very stressful
experience for everyone.”
What does she see as the rewards
of her profession? “Working with the
legal profession, social services and
Maryanne, continued on page 4
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Alumnae SPOTLIGHT on Maryanne Galvin ’72 and Catherine Riordan ’77
Catherine Riordan ’77
Dr. Catherine Riordan ’77 did not have to look far
for inspiration when choosing a career. Her father John,
now retired, was a pediatrician in Worcester and her
mother Rosemary, a nurse at Worcester City Hospital.
In fact, her lineage includes a great-uncle, Sanfrey
Lilystrom, who was known as “Dr. Stork” because of
the thousands of babies he delivered. Unlike her great-uncle Sanfrey, who
commuted daily from his home in Spencer, MA to Tufts University School
of Medicine, Catherine, while a student at Notre Dame Academy, was not
interested initially in becoming a doctor. “I enjoyed my science classes at NDA
with teachers like Larry Weathers and Ron Paoletti, and I consider Sr. Ann
Morrison one of the best math teachers I have ever had but the thought of
spending eight more years in school didn’t interest me,” recalls Catherine. She
did, however, enjoy working in her father’s office and interacting with patients.
After graduating from the Academy, Catherine enrolled in Boston University’s
School of Nursing earning a Bachelor of Science degree in 1981. She began
her nursing career at Boston City Hospital. “The building was old and in
need of renovation,” recalls Catherine, “but there was a camaraderie among
the students and medical professionals that made it a cooperative learning
Thoughts of medical school still lurked in Catherine’s mind, and in the
mid-80’s, while working full time, she returned to Boston University and
began taking courses such as organic chemistry and physics, prerequisites for
enrolling in medical school. “I really enjoyed these classes. As an older student,
I was more focused, and although the classes were very intense and competitive, I had the luxury of concentrating on just a few classes.” She was accepted
into the University’s School of Medicine. She described medical school as a
mosaic that after four years of study fits together. The first two years were filled
with reading, memorization, and lectures. “In retrospect,” says Catherine,
“it was a lot of information that, at the time, you didn’t know how to use and
wouldn’t know until you had to use it! You learned to filter out what you
needed and didn’t need.” The last two years of school were more hands on,
Dr. Catherine Riordan, right, and the staff of Chandler Pediatrics.
clinical rotations in areas such as
surgery, pediatrics, OB/GYN, and
psychiatry. One of her favorite rotations was Community Health which
included home visits. “When you
see patients in your office, you may
have no idea where they come from,
where they live. When you go to
their home, it is an entirely different
ball game. You get to see more of the
whole picture.”
When it was time for her
residency, Catherine could have
returned to the comfortable
surroundings of Boston City
“ In medicine, your education
never ends. You are constantly
reading, going to seminars
and studying for re-certification
every ten years.”
Hospital, but she decided a change
was needed and came to UMass
University Hospital in Worcester.
“Some doctors describe their residency as ‘being paid to be tortured,’”
mused Catherine. “In all seriousness,
it is the time in your training when
you learn to be a problem solver, to
think independently.” As part of her
residency, she worked at Chandler
Pediatrics in Worcester under the
tutelage of Dr. Lynda Young, the
recipient of Notre Dame Academy’s
2004 Knollwood Community Award.
Chandler Pediatrics turned out to
be a perfect fit for Catherine and she
joined the practice after graduation
and completion of her residency
and internship. “Since the days of
working in my father’s office while
at NDA, I always knew that if I ever
worked in the medical field, it would
be in pediatrics.”
What changes has Catherine
seen in her practice over the last
sixteen years? “Medicine has become
much more complex. Patients and
Catherine, continued on page 4
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Maryanne Galvin,
continued from page 2
the general citizenry,” explains
Maryanne. “The challenge is to take
problems and complicated situations
and, hopefully, offer the person
before the court and the judicial
system some useful insights.”
Maryanne’s other career offers
her a little more flexibility in looking
at the human condition and finding
insight into people’s lives. “In
graduate school and at UNH, I
wrote in the academic vein. I loved
research and writing—skills I learned
at Notre Dame. I wanted to write for
the mass reading population.” She
took a course in creative writing at
Emerson College which led her
to pursue a Masters in Fine Arts
(MFA) within Emerson’s Creative
Writing, Literature and Publishing
Department. Her writing interests
gravitated toward writing for screen
and cinema, so much so, that her
MFA thesis resulted in writing a
feature fiction screenplay. Maryanne
had discovered an entirely new craft.
“I realized that the only way to
guarantee I would see my work on
screen was to make it myself.” Like
most independent filmmakers, she
Catherine Riordan,
continued from page 3
their families are advocates in their
care. There is a lot more interaction
between doctor and patient. Because
of the research in many fields of
science, we know so much more
about illness.” How does she keep
from becoming too emotionally
involved with the families under her
care? “There is always a separation,
because if you get too emotionally
involved, you can’t be objective.
However, you can’t help becoming
involved if you have taken care of
a family for a dozen years...if you
know them as neighbors...if your
children go to school together.”
Catherine sees many challenges
apprenticed and assisted on other
directors’ projects, took production
and editing workshops in Boston,
LA and New York, and gradually
advanced her skills. “I bought some
used equipment on eBay and started
making (writing, shooting, producing) my own documentaries.”
Her primary career as a forensic
psychologist is full time, with every
weekday in the Boston area courts.
“I work on film projects weekends,
nights and vacations. You have to
have passion for it because it is so
much work.” Her films have won
many awards at independent film
festivals. Among her titles are High,
Fast and Wonderful, Maryanne’s
self-exploration of faith, mortality
and the individuals she encounters
who minister to people on the
fringe of society, circus performers
and migrant workers among them;
What’s Going On Up There?,
(narrated by former Bostonian,
Leonard Nimoy—Mr. Spock) which
explores what direction future
space exploration will be taking;
Real Danger: Restraints and Our
Children, a sobering look at the
practice of restraining and secluding
children in schools and juvenile
justice treatment centers. Her current
work in progress, Urban Audubon
Odyssey, chronicles the activities
of three inner-city teens and three
suburban retirees who are focused on
returning those of us who have lost
touch with nature, back to the garden. These six are driven by two
strong beliefs: first, when children
spend quality time outdoors it can
have a lasting, positive impact on
both their personal lives and on the
future of our great natural heritage.
Second, happiness comes from
engaging in activities fostering a
sense of place and a sense of opportunity.
Reminiscing about her time
at NDA, Maryanne offers present
students the same advice she was
given during her high school
experience. “Stay open. Gravitate
toward the things that are pulling
you. Dig deep. Develop skills that
will interest you for the foreseeable
future and consider informational
interviews with someone who is
doing something that you want
to learn about.” Sound advice from
someone who has taken that advice
to heart.
ahead in the medical field. New
medical techniques and new medicines bring with them the promise
of better health but also are very expensive. “Drug companies advertise
so much that people automatically
think they need a certain drug
when that isn’t the case.” Insurance
companies are another challenge,
especially when they question a test
or procedure.
“In medicine, your education
never ends,” says Catherine. “You
are constantly reading, going to
seminars and studying for re-certification every ten years.” Her father
and great-uncle’s generations put in
extraordinarily long hours between
office hours and hospital visits. “If I
had to practice medicine the way
my father did, I don’t know if I
could have. I’m able to be home
most evenings. I can enjoy my
daughter Allison’s soccer games.”
What advice would Catherine
give Notre Dame Academy students
today? “I can’t imagine a seventeen
or eighteen year old really knowing
what she wants to do after high
school. It is important having
teachers and guidance personnel
helping you figure out what your
interests are. Writing? Science?
Music? The Love-in-Action program
was just a few years old when I was
a student, but I know it plays an
important role today in shaping the
future of students at the Academy.”
AcademyCredenda| Spring/Summer
| Spring/Summer
Notre Dame Academy would like to acknowledge the
Hermann Foundation for its generous lead gift of $100,000.
We are grateful for its support and confidence in this worthy
endeavor. Notre Dame
Academy is pleased
to present a number
of commemorative
opportunities to help
support the Heritage
Chapel. These giving
opportunities include
key elements within
the renovation area.
Commemorative gifts
afford the chance to
forever link your own
family name with this
blessed space or to
honor and perpetuate
the name of a loved
one. These gifts will
be recognized with
dedication plaques
and listed on a donor
honor roll within the
The stained glass window from Ascension
Church binds the history of the Sisters of Notre
Dame in the Worcester area to the education
of young women today and in the future.
Notre Dame Academy is grateful to
Mary E. Zywar, our visual arts teacher and
watercolor artist, for designing and creating
two stained glass murals for the Heritage
Chapel. Each mural is composed of three
six-foot panels that bring to life the mission
and philosophy of St. Julie and the Sisters
of Notre Dame de Namur. The north side
mural depicts St. Julie’s commitment to educating young
women; the south mural represents the
transference of knowledge and nurturing
throughout the world. Countless hours and
detailing precision were rendered by Mary
Zwyer into this masterful 141 square-foot
artwork. Her expertise, dedication, and commitment to this project are to be commended.
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
The NDA Varsity Ski Team finished in
second place in the team standings with
19 wins 10 losses and 1 tie, scoring 2139
points. The JV Team ended up taking
the top spot in the league with an 11–4
record. We are really proud of all our
athletes. We were especially proud to
hear other coaches say what
a great group of girls NDA
has on the team. Special
congratulations to Libby
McCusker ’14 and Erica Shear
’11 who finished in 2nd and
11th in league play at the
States. Alternate skier Hannah
Dowd ’14 finished in 18th
place. Competing at
Berkshire East in the State
Championship Race, Libby
finished 8th in the Slalom
and 27th in the Grand
Slalom out of 136 skiers. Erica finished
121 in Slalom and 116 in Grand Slalom.
Every skier brought spirit and commitment
to the team and the Academy each and
every race! (We think it was the new race
bibs!) I am looking forward to next year
and winning the Central Mass League title.
– Coach Andrea Salvidio Brewster ’85
Notre Dame’s Winter Track
team had quite the successful
season. They were led by
seniors Molly Kelliher, Gina
Riggieri, and Amanda Silva.
The track team had a dual meet
record of 8-6. There were nine
other athletes who had the honor
of representing Notre Dame at the
District Meet. After a strong showing at Districts, a group of athletes
then moved onto the Division 4
State Championship Meet held at
the Reggie Lewis Track Center.
Competing at the state meet was
Katie Knox ’12. Katie finished 10th
overall in the mile and broke a 16 year
old school record running a time of 5:33.
She went on to place 8th overall in the
2 mile. She was the only competitor
in Division 4 to double in the mile and two
mile at the State Meet. Emily Knox ’14
also competed in the 2 mile at the State
Meet. Kristen Bania ’12 took part in the
55 meter hurdles. Liza Perreault ’13
and Jenna Masiello ’12 vied in the long
jump. Liza, Jenna, Kristen, and Melissa
Elrod ’12 represented Notre Dame in the
4x200. Our team worked hard and braved
the elements. The team’s dedication was
rewarded with successes on the individual,
team, district, and state level.
– Coach Alison Frew Kimball ’92
The NDA basketball team ended their
season with an impressive 16-6 record.
It tied the best regular season record
in NDA history. The last team going 15-5
in the regular season was in 1996-97.
This year’s team made it all the way to
the Central Mass District quarter finals
before losing to Lunenberg High School
50-43. Danielle Gaudette ’12, Taylor
McVey ’11, Jessica Snow ’11 and
Jacqueline O’Connor ’11 were named
to the Central Mass Conference All-Star
Team. These four teammates also scored
the highest number of points per game.
The foursome also scored in double
figures for at least one game along with
Sarah Ducharme ’11 and Nicole Weldon
’12. Taylor and Jessica were the top
rebounders. Danielle had the most
assists and Danielle and Sarah had the
highest 3-point shooting percentage.
Also contributing to a remarkable season
were Jen Foley ’11, Angela Razzano ’11,
Ashley Bradley ’12, Haley Degnan ’12,
Victoria Talentino ’14, Madison Snow ’14
and Lauren McCarthy ’12.
– Coach Peter Bogren
Photo used with permission from the Telegram & Gazette
AcademyCredenda| Spring/Summer
| Spring/Summer
Alumnae , their children and friends stepped into the pages of Dr. Seuss at a special post production party after the matinee performance of “Seussical, the Musical” on March 20. Cast members,
still in costume and character, greeted and posed for photos with the star-struck youngsters. Playbooks
were quickly covered with autographs from the likes of Cat-in-the-Hat, Horton the Elephant, Gertrude
McFuzz and even the Grinch. Guests were treated to face painting and tattoos (the washable kind)
and trays full of Seussical themed cupcakes made by the talented bakers at Worcester Technical High
School. Coloring book pages and Seussical puzzles covered the tables in the Student Center.
Special thanks to the members of the Alumnae Advisory Board who hosted the party and created
some very happy memories for young and not so young alike. They include: Elizabeth Gamache ’62,
Kathleen O’Connor Gruszka ’66, Nancy Arvanigian Brown ’76, Lisa Ursoleo Eddy ’76, Catherine
Bowe Caputo ’77, Elizabeth Mattei Lajoie ’96, Michaela Prouty ’04, Christine O’Connor ’04,
Catherine Woods Goodwin ’77, Lynne Gemma Perreault ’79 and Elizabeth O’Connor-Bartlett ’96.
Cat-in-the-Hat, Julia Witt ’14, Jo-Jo, Laura Cattarin ’04 and Who, Amira Farrag ’12, strike a pose
Mayzie LaBird, Olivia Goliger ’13, with Sydney Kennedy, daughter of Kim Ragsdale Kennedy ’90
Catherine Bowe Caputo ’77 and her daughter Gina
Elizabeth Mattei Lajoie ’96 with twin sons Cameron and Bryce
Erin Keenan Salamone ’96 and her nieces, Caroline and Avery Bierfeldt, and her daughter Brooke
(Second from left) Teagan Lazaros, daughter of Nicki Carignan Lazaros ’89, with Erin Lynch ’11
and Sarah Roberts ’11, members of the dance company, and a Who, Alex Rawson ’11
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Alumnae Share Careers and Goals
Over seventy Notre Dame Academy graduates returned to the campus on March
31st to share their education and career paths with NDA students. Maude Okrah ’05
was the keynote speaker before the morning sessions. She struck a theme that would
reverberate through many of the presentations given at the sessions to follow:
“Discover your passion.” Maude spoke about the many career choices she pondered
during her high school years, from doctor to dentist to lawyer. It was at an event
that she attended with a friend while a student at Emerson College that lead her
to her true calling, marketing. She presently works as a national accounts manager
for Shell Lubricants and travels throughout North America helping companies
reach their goals. She urged students to become involved in as many co-curricular
opportunities as possible and stressed the importance of getting involved in
activities in which they might not think they have an interest. “It might be an
accidental experience that helps define your career,” suggested Maude.
After the morning sessions, students gathered in the Athletic Center with Alexis
Rougas-Ermilio ’90, owner of Adventure Boot Camp, a workout and training camp
for women of all ages, and Suzanne McMullen Cushing ’92, owner of Your Element
Yoga. Both women put the entire student body through a series of exercises and
yoga positions. After a final afternoon session, students gathered in the auditorium
to hear Maude and Stephanie Logan ’01, manager with Partnership Marketing,
the Macy’s Parade and Marketing Group. Maude and Stephanie spoke about the
positive and negative aspects of social media and urged students to use media
such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn wisely.
(Top Left): Michele Consiglio ’88,
Beth Rymeski ’96; Elizabeth Etrie
’96 and Cecily Taylor Walsh ’96
(Top Right): Michele Morelli
Howard ’90, Alexis Rougas-Ermilio
’90 and Kim Ragsdale Kennedy ’90
Career Day
(Top Right):
Allison Doody LeDoux ’80 and
daughter, Melanie LeDoux ’04
(Bottom Right) Maude Okrah ’05
Many of the Career Day participants on the Kenary Terrace
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Dianne Williamson ’77 and
Lucy Ebersold Swedberg ’98
(Right): Polly Dolan ’72 and
Anne O’Connor Kane ’71
Participants in Career Day
Mary Egan Aleksiewicz ’63, Vice President of Nursing,
Fairlawn Rehabilitation Hospital
Joan Barry ’65, School Principal, St. Mary School,
Nancy Gallagher ’76, Director of Sales & Scheduling,
Courtney Moran Muller ’89, Director of Special
Frederick P. Rose Hall, home of Jazz at Lincoln
Education & Pupil Personnel, Leominster Public
Chelsea Gammon ’03, Applications Engineer, Kubotek
JoanAnn McCorkle Natola ’84, Entrepreneur, Element
Ashley Boy Baylor ’02, Meteorologist, WWLP, Springfield
C. Brittany Boisvert ’94, Physician, Orthopedic Surgeon,
USA, Inc.
Financial Group
Elisabeth Prouty Gilbride ’02, Editor, “Horsemen’s
Tracy O’Connell Novick ’91, Worcester School
Health Alliance, Leominster, MA
Yankee Pedlar Magazine”
Committee, Member
Mary Mahoney Braney ’66, Director of Libraries,
Lynne Deterando Grden ’85, Civil Engineer Consultant
Amy Harmon ’80, Regional Sales Manager,
Elizabeth O’Connell-Inman ’75, Lecturer and Director,
Independent Spanish Curriculum, College of the
Holy Cross
Westwood Public Schools & Library Consultant
Child Services
Virology/Specialty Care RSM, New England
Vanessa Hofstetter Bumpus ’93, Exhibit Coordinator
Kelli Burch Hiller ’97, Blood Bank, Central Processing
Shell Lubricants
& Designer, Worcester Historical Museum
& Phlebotomy Supervisor/Adjunct Professor of
Clinical Lab Sciences
Kerin O’Toole ’04, R&D Engineer, Specialty Materials
Elena Larson Palladino ’03, Faculty Coordinator,
Dianne Bruce ’76, Executive Director, Edward Street
Melissa Byrne ’82, Substance Abuse II, STOP Program
Elaine Fadgen Carder ’98, School Psychologist/Team
Chair & District 504 Coordinator
Donna Colorio ’75, Sociology/Psychology Professor
Michele Consiglio ’88, Veterinarian
Siobhan Cunningham ’94, Team Lead, Business Systems
Analysis, Information Services & Technology, MIT
Suzanne McMullen Cushing ’92, Owner, Your Element
Yoga, RYT
Hilary Sweeney de Arce ’99, Dancer, Aerialist, &
Kelly DeCharles ’04, Graphic Designer/Prepress
Maude Okrah ’05, National Accounts OEM/FWS
Marissa Holland ’01, Oncology/Bone Marrow
Department of History, Harvard University
Transplant Nurse, Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Eileen Harvey Perron ’75, Registered Nurse, Disability
Diane Hovenesian ’75, Alexander Technique Teacher
Michele Morelli Howard ’90, Owner, Linabella’s
Michaela Prouty ’04, Real Estate Consultant, Millyard
Gourmet Garlic Farm, LLC
Industrial Properties
Sarah Kelley Johnson ’04, Safety & Environment
Meera Bhalotra Reynolds ’97, Lead Analyst, National
Anne O’Connor Kane ’71, Registered Nurse, Assistant
Professor, University of Massachusetts Graduate
School of Nursing
Boot Camp, LLC
Traci-Marie Sweet Kasparian ’88, Director of Behavioral
Health, Fallon Community Health Plan
Kimberly Ragsdale Kennedy ’90, Market Consolidation
Alexis Rougas-Ermilio ’90, Entrepreneur, Adventure
Margaret Ryan ’91, Educator, Teach for America
Beth Rymeski ’96, Physician/General Surgeon
Kathleen Salmon-Robinson ’86, Marketing
Operations Leader, Countrywide–Personal Lines
Communications Director, SALMON Health and
Julie Graves Krishnaswami ’95, Lawyer Librarian
Deborah Shemeth Sinkis ’66, Elementary School
& Legal Research Professor, Vermont Law School
Allison Doody LeDoux ’80, Director, Respect Life
Principal, Worcester Public Schools (Retired),
Adjunct Professor of Education AIC
Quality Systems
Office, Office of Marriage & Family, Diocese of
Lucy Ebersold Swedberg ’98, Editorial Director,
Magazines, WIS Publishing
Erin McGuirk Dobson ’88, Assistant Principal, Tatnuck
Melanie LeDoux ’04, HR Associate/Intern Program
Magnet School
Sara Swillo ’01, Associate Director of Student
Programs & Involvement, College of the Holy Cross
Polly Dolan ’72, Senior Vice President, US Customer
Stephanie Logan ’01, Manager, Partnership Marketing-
Development Sales & Marketing
Macy’s Parade & Entertainment Group
Diana Tsotsis ’97, Director, Alumni & Parent
Relations, UMass Medical School
Katherine Donnelly ’02, Registered Nurse
Molly Diggins Duggan ’83, Attorney
Elizabeth Etrie ’96, Attorney/Program Director,
Kathleen Blute Madaus ’78, Research Analyst, Clark
University Advancement Office
Priscilla Thompson Underwood ’66 Professor,
Leandra Manos ’93, Owner/Principal Advisor,
Cecily Taylor Walsh ’96, Lieutenant Naval Flight
Officer, Mission Systems Project Officer
Kimberly Desto ’99, Sales Marketing and Trade Show
Alison DeWolfe ’90, General Manager–Web Division,
Newbury Comics, Inc.
Kerri O’Connor DiPietro ’94, Director, Global Clinical
Development Studies
Northeast Sector Service Network
Amer*I*Can Educational Consulting Services, LLC
Gael Evangelista - Uhl ’79, Nurse Practitioner/Partners
Melissa Rocha Meyerowitz ’91, Director of Field
Dianne Williamson ’77, Columnist, “Telegram &
Health Care System Workers Compensation Medical
Case Manager
Marketing & Marketing Services, Silverlink
Melanie Muccio Perraglia ’01, Senior Account
Supervisor, Consumer Marketing, Edelman Public
Kathleen Wood ’83, Director of Marketing, EDIC
Margaret Flynn ’77, Nurse Care Manager,
Neighborhood Health Plan
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
The 2010 Reunion attracted more than 250 alumnae to the Academy on Saturday, April 30th.
The Classes of 1961, 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, and 2006 were the guests
of honor. (The Class of 1956 was with us in spirit as many of its members were still wintering in
warmer climates. They will hold their “official” reunion in October!) The afternoon events included
a pre-reunion reception for members of the Class of 1961 celebrating their 50th Reunion. Alumnae
then gathered in the Cuvilly Auditorium for a Mass celebrated by Rev. Peter Precourt A.A. Deceased
members of the reunion classes were remembered during the Eucharistic celebration. Alumnae then
gathered in the Student Center for a reception and photo opportunities on the Kenary Terrace. The
Flagg Gallery’s exhibition of student art as well as the site of the new Heritage Chapel attracted many
graduates as they took tours of the school. Alumnae then departed for their reunion dinners at area
restaurants and the opportunity to continue their celebrations. More reunion pictures can be found
on our website: under “About NDA.” For even more photographs, please send your
e-mail address to
Meg Turpin Belsito ’91, Sr. Ann Morrison and Kate Marmen
Kelleher ’91
Jane Candito Corr ’66 and Mary Mercer Mattei ’66
The Class of 1961
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Pamela Bombard Boyle ’71 and
Birgitta Evengard ’71
The Class of 2001
(Below, third from left) Maria Cataldo-Cunniff ’86 with her former
students in the Class of 2006: Katie Foley, Marissa Frongillo, Deirdre
Milionis, Catherine Hayden, Rachel King and Hannah Kenary.
Stephanie Logan ’01 and
Ashley Granger Jackson ’01
Dorothy Malboeuf Cronin ’61 and Rosanne Sullivan
Matulaitis ’61
1981 classmates: Susan Harrity Glatki, Elizabeth Ryan
Swikart, Lisa MacAllister and Joan Murray Schulz
The Class of 1986
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Marissa Holland ’01
You could say that Marissa K. Holland ’01 dances to the tune of a different drummer.
A graduate of Wheaton College with degrees in theater and dramatic literature and business management, Marissa went on to earn her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree
from Simmons College. The leap from theater to nursing was not as wide as it might seem.
“During my junior year at NDA,” said Marissa, “I took anatomy and physiology where I
began to learn how the body works. The hands-on lab experiences developed my ability to
analyze and reflect on how each component in our bodies operates. The science classes
I took at Notre Dame sparked my interest in medicine.” Her love for the arts was also
nurtured at NDA. “Dance and theater at NDA taught me how to be organized and creative.”
Today, a nurse at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the Oncology/Hematology/Bone
Marrow Transplant Unit, Marissa is also a choreographer for the Wheaton College Dance
Company and performs with the Adrienne Mincz Company in Newburyport, MA. “I see
many commonalities between my two professions. Both dance and nursing require
listening to and interacting with people while
maintaining a clear vision and focus. The main
connection between my two passions is
that in order to excel, one must know how
the human body works both mentally and
physically. Medicine is artistic in many ways.
Each patient is complex and requires nurses
and doctors to be innovative when solving
problems.” She sees her daily hospital work
as a form of choreography, teaching about
illness and demonstrating care to patients and
their families.
Her interest in oncology began at Notre
Dame Academy. Maggie, a close friend,
passed away from leukemia during Marissa’s
Marissa and her patient and
freshman year. “I was touched by how much
friend Matty
courage Maggie had. She taught me to be
strong, stay positive, and never let the little things in life bring me down.” Marissa sees
oncology nursing as an incredibly broad field that encompasses everything from cancer
prevention to end-of-life care. She loves interacting and spending time with her patients
and their families. “Oncology care is a ‘team’ approach which involves many health care
professionals and family members. I like the cutting edge treatments and high skill set
that is involved in being an oncology nurse,” explained Marissa.
In addition to her nursing and dance, Marissa also volunteers each summer at the
Dream Street Camp/Foundation located in California. The camp provides 125 children
with life-threatening illnesses the opportunity to have a respite from their illness if only for
a brief period. “During their week-long stay, kids feel as though they’re at a theme park
and their days are full of fun activities including arts and crafts, swimming, horseback
riding, an exotic petting zoo, and holiday
“Medicine is artistic in many ways.
theme and DJ dance parties.” According to
Each patient is complex and
Marissa, nothing is more rewarding than a
requires nurses and doctors to be
camper saying “Thank you. This is the best
when solving problems.”
day of my life.”
Sr. Marie-Angèle Kitewo
You might say that Sr. MarieAngèle Kitewo, Director of Mission
Integration, is the guardian of the
mission of the Sisters of Notre Dame
here at the Academy. As with any
“family” it is sometimes taken for
granted what the family is all about,
what it is trying to accomplish as a
family, and how the family is viewed
by others. Sr. Marie-Angèle’s personal
mission is to make students, faculty
and alumnae aware of the hallmarks
of the Sisters of Notre Dame. Her goal
and our goal is to make the mission of
St. Julie Billiart consciously integrated
into the daily life of the Academy and
in the lives of our graduates.
The hallmarks of the Sisters of
Notre Dame are:
• Hallmark One – We proclaim
by our lives even more than with
our words that God is good.
• Hallmark Two – We honor the
dignity and sacredness of each
The Arts and Science:
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Rena DesRosiers ’04
• Hallmark Three – We educate for
and act on behalf of justice and
peace in the world.
• Hallmark Four – We commit
ourselves to community service.
• Hallmark Five – We embrace the
gift of diversity.
• Hallmark Six – We create community
among those with whom we work
and with those we serve.
• Hallmark Seven – We develop
holistic learning communities
which educate for life.
Our students and teachers certainly
adhere to these principles. They put
these hallmarks into action through
their interaction with one another,
their dedication to Love-in-Action,
and their concern for others through
such programs as “Pink Out” for breast
cancer awareness, the Thanksgiving
Food Drive, Christmas gifts for AIDS
Project Worcester, Special Olympics,
the Lenten Mission Appeal, and the
Red Cross Blood Drive. As one reads
the stories of our graduates, their
embrace of the mission of St. Julie
Billiart is quite evident. Their concern
for others, their awareness of what is
important to make a life successful
in the eyes of God, and their respect
for what they learned at Notre Dame
Academy shines through.
For those who wish to learn more
about the mission efforts of the Sisters
of Notre Dame de Namur, Sr. MarieAngèle suggests the following websites:
Characteristics of the Sisters of Notre Dame:
Mission of the Sisters of Notre Dame:
A keen interest in science might not be the first way to describe Rena DesRosiers ’04.
Many at the Academy will remember her for her outstanding music ability, culminating in
her receiving the 2004 Mabel Knowles Gage Award for enriching the lives of others
through her music. “I recently found the essay I wrote as part of the college application
process,” recalled Rena. “When asked to describe where I would be in five years, my
answer was ‘working in a medical or pharmaceutical laboratory.’” That is exactly where
Rena finds herself today. After working as a research associate at Foldrx Pharmaceuticals,
she recently took a position at a Novartis-affiliated company called Zalicus in Cambridge,
MA. At Zalicus Rena is working in the field of cancer therapeutics.
Her interest in biochemistry had its roots in her studies at the Academy. “I thought of
the most challenging field and made it my goal,” said Rena. She attributes her passion for
science and appetite for investigation to the teachers at NDA. With some humor, Rena
recalls some of the lighter moments in her classes at the Academy. “I remember learning
about peristalsis, the ability to eat
upside down, and the time I dressed
as an FBI agent in Mrs. Cheryl
Ducharme’s class to explain how DNA
electrophoresis is used as evidence
in a crime scene.”
During her years as a student
at UMass Amherst, she distinguished
herself as a community leader and
resident assistant. In all the women’s
organizations in which Rena took part,
there was one common thread her
sisterhood shared. They made their
voices heard. “There was no shyness
in raising your hand and speaking up,
something else I first learned at the
Rena (right) and her colleague Sabrina
Academy.” While at college, she took
part in a summer honors program at Harvard Medical School and was an intern at the
Dana-Farber Institute. At Dana-Farber she worked in Dr. Judah Folkman’s laboratory.
Dr. Folkman, author of Dr. Folkman’s War, discovered the first angiogenesis inhibitors, a
new frontier in cancer therapy. Rena graduated from UMass Amherst with a Bachelor of
Science degree and a secondary major in Spanish. Instead of opting to go on and obtain
another degree, she chose to go directly into research. “I would rather learn more as an
apprentice,” explained Rena. Although she values her college degree and realizes that
today more women are obtaining bachelor’s degrees than men, Rena sees value in other
educational options.
Rena took special note of the influence music teachers Mr. Kallin Johnson and
Mr. Jeff Dostal had on her musical maturation. She sees a direct link between her
love of music and the research she does
“When asked to describe where
today. Each takes a variety of elements and
I would be in five years, my answer
composes a whole. Music is still a huge part
was ‘working in a medical or
of her life. She is involved in music at her
church and sees music akin to learning anpharmaceutical laboratory.’”
other language, a skill that expands the mind.
Working Hand in Hand
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Alumnae Gather in Spring
NDA Alumnae gathered in Boston on April 2 for brunch on Atlantic
Avenue at The Merchantile Wharf Building. The graduates, many of
them “neighbors” in the Boston area, reminisced about the old days at
the Academy and renewed friendships. This event was co-ordinated
by the Boston Regional Alumnae Leaders, Elizabeth O’Connor-Bartlett,
Marissa Holland, Meaghan O’Rourke, and Elizabeth “Biz” Hennigan. Special
thanks to Elizabeth O’Connor’s godmother, Joan Grady, for the use
of her beautiful condo and Elizabeth’s mother, Nancy, for her delicious
(Back Row, L-R:) Tracey Normand Roode ’01, Meaghan Gnieski ’05, Bridy Loughlin-Mysliwicz
’05, Molly MacDonald ’05, Rebecca Epstein ’04, Elizabeth Hennigan ’05, Meaghan O’Rourke ’03,
Laura Holberger ’01, Mary Bowe Rose ’74, Elizabeth O’Connor- Bartlett ’96; (Front Row, L-R:)
Dominica Danzilio ’05, SooBee Murray ’06, Marissa Holland ’01, Martha Deedy Magner ‘74
Washington Alumnae Luncheon
Lois Romano ’70 graciously opened her Washington, D.C. home on
April 9 to twenty-three NDA alumnae for the annual Cherry Blossom
Luncheon. Lois, a reporter and columnist for The Washington Post for
the last twenty-nine years, announced at the luncheon that she was
leaving the Post to join the staff of Tina Brown’s The Daily Beast and
Newsweek. She entertained the gathering with “inside stories” of
Washington politics and the Washington social scene.
(Back Row L-R): Judith Duggan Freeman ’75, Anne Harvey Wright ’68, Mary Ann Gardner Gill
’64, Kathleen Philipp, Stephanie Holland ’01, Katie Warwick Johnson ’97, Allison McCarthy ‘93,
Meghan O’Day ’06, Frances Murphy ’62, Kate Allard- Madaus Chartener ’85, Paula Schultz Lemire
’66, Julie Glavin ’69, Margaret Hannafin McGraw ’81, Patricia Tinsley Steen ’64, and Michelle
Clermont ’89; (Front Row L-R): Maryann Horton Luongo ’93, Ellen “Muffin” Harrington Ylitalo
’68, Sr. Ann Morrison, Lois Romano ’70, Mary Shea Kennedy ’65, Nicki Carignan Lazaros ’89,
Jane Dooley Jennings ‘72
1. Washingtonians Ellen Harrington Ylitalo ’68, Lois Romano ’70 and Anne
Harvey Wright ’68
2. Sr. Ann Morrison greets Mary Kiritsy Foley ’74 and her daughter Elizabeth
Foley ’04 in Washington.
3. Paula Shultz Lemire ’66 and Katie Warwick Johnson ’97 at the lunch in D.C.
4. Boston celebrants Martha Deedy Magner ’74, Mary Bowe Rose ’74 and
Nicki Carignan Lazaros ’89
5. Boston area residents Meaghan O’Rourke ’03, Elizabeth “Biz” Hennigan ’05
and Marissa Holland ’01
6. Tracey Normand Roode ’01, Rebecca Epstein ’04, Bridy Loughlin -Mysliwicz ’05
and Dominica Danzilio ’05 enjoy brunch in Boston
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Class Notes
Class Scribe: Maryann O’Brien Lord
Class Scribes: Martha Bergin Liddy and
Helen O’Byrne Juckins
Class Scribes: Marsha Bottom McCarthy
and Candace Vessella
Martha Bergin Liddy welcomed two new
grandbabies: Cameron Joseph, December
2010 and Aiden John, February 2011.
“I am the proud grandmother of eight
grandchildren, 7 boys and 1 girl,” reports
Class Scribe: Mary Lou Ballentine
Barbara Talbot Taylor is the President of
Lortay, Inc., in St. Petersburg, Florida. Her
company works on personal safety issues
as well as elderly crime prevention. Save
the Date: Because so many of us are
away for the winter months, the Class of
1956 will celebrate its 55th reunion on
October 8, 2011 at the 111 Chop House
in Worcester. Email Mary Lou for more
1957 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribes: Nan Connor and
Patricia O’Connell Doherty
Class Scribe: Karen Chalmers Baudin
The Fall Credenda failed to include
Maryellen Donoghue Atchue as the
grandmother of Emily Helenius, Class of
2014. We are giving credit where credit is
due, Maryellen!
Class Scribe: Marianne May O’Day
Ann McAuliffe Waddell is living in
Great Barrington and has been a nurse
for over thirty years. “I have a garden,
and recently purchased chickens for
laying eggs. I love it here, and really
can’t imagine wanting to live anywhere
else at this point!”
Class Scribe: Jo-Anne Dillon Gretemeyr
Class Scribes: Nancy Arvanigian Brown
and Lisa Ursoleo Eddy
Class Scribe: Barbara Shannon Anderson
Class Scribe: Frances Locke Halverson
Class Scribe: Sharon Giarusso Dieter
Diane Eckland Van Parys is planning a
get-together for any NDA alumnae living
in the Naples, Florida area or visiting
the area during February/March of 2012.
Be sure to let the Alumnae Office at know if
you will be in the area and would like
to receive an invitation. Her email is Scribe Lisa
Ursoleo Eddy writes, “All is well, life is
full and busy…just the way I like it!”
Lisa’s daughter Amanda ’07 is a senior at
UMass Amherst. Son Zach is married with
a daughter Rylie Ann. Lisa loves being a
“Nona.” Worcester area alumnae recently
gathered for a social and Academy
fundraiser at Beauty Works in Worcester
owned by Debi Nabhan Rowland and
her mother Ann Marie. The event was
co-sponsored by present parent Lisa Oates
owner of The Treasure Chest in Shrewsbury.
1977 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Margaret Lawlor
Class Scribe: Margaret Flynn
Class Scribe: Deborah Clifford O’Connor
Class Scribe: Mary Conway Moynagh
Class Scribe: Mary Frances Madigan
Scribe Mary Conway Moynagh is having
a very hard time thinking that it has been
40 years since she graduated from Notre
Dame. Her daughter Julia graduated this
past June and Mary spent the past four
years with NDA being present in her life
once again. “How things have changed in
40 years! It’s fun to see the pictures posted
on Facebook. I keep a very low profile on
Facebook, as I am a middle school teacher
in Ashland, Massachusetts. If you have any
news, please send it along, and I’ll
get in the next issue.”
Elizabeth Pitney Seidler writes, “Almost
3 months before my 50th birthday, I ran
and finished a marathon. My time was
4:59:00, just breaking 5 hours. This was
a journey I started last April when a
neighbor suggested we sign up for, train
Paula Schultz Lemire spent time last
summer with a week long sojourn in
Acadia National Park in Maine, where the
family climbed Mt. Cadillac. Paula writes,
“After our trip to Maine it was on to Prince
Edward Island and Nova Scotia where we
all enjoyed seeing a wind turbine farm and
rode on an authentic sailboat.” Paula, aka
“Nama,” works three days a week taking
care of her grandchildren Aiden (4) and
Eiley (2).
Fran Locke Halverson writes, “The Class
of 1958 was very happy to see each other
in September on the Cape. We all prayed
for our dear friend Andrea Tinsley
Carlson, a Cape regular, and our other
classmates who have passed away. Attending the weekend were Mary Lou Jennette
Lehigh, Peg Turner Knab, Linda Ford
Bull, Pat O’Grady King, Sally Murphy
Healy, Mary Eileen Martin Brosnan,
Elena Girard Bresnahan, Katherine
Mahoney Guilmette, and Barbara
Nelligan Nordstrom. Joining us this
year was another Cape Codder, Evelyn
Dauphinais LaDuke. On Friday night
Mimi Griswold Connors ’59 gave a
cocktail party at her beautiful home.
We were right near the beach at our old
haunt the Seadar Inn in Harwich. Barbara
Nordstrom had a wonderful brunch for us.
If you have not been able to come in the
past, please join us next year.”
1967 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Rosemary Cox Blackman
Class Scribe: Judith Zinkus
Joan Mulvihill Kennedy is a “professional
grandmother” to Sydney (11), Patrick (7),
Sean (11), Phoebe (8), Abigail (3) and
Keegan (1).
1962 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribes: Frances Murphy and
Grace Purcell Dietz
Class Scribe: Kathleen Shea Colling
Class Scribe: Kathleen Young Gero
1972 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Debra Dyer-DuGuay
Class Scribe: Rita Banks Fleming
Debi Nabhan Rowland, Ann Marie
Nabhan and Lisa Oates P’14
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Class Notes
for, and run the Marine Corps Marathon
in DC last October. Another neighbor
soon joined us. After months of jogging
anywhere from 15-35 miles per week
at outrageous hours (4:40 and 5:00
a.m.), we were somewhat road weary
and slightly injured, but ready and
determined. In the process, I raised
over $1000 for the Diabetes Research
Foundation. I whined on Facebook,
posted my training, and received tons
of support and encouragement in the
on-line world! If bets were to have been
taken in the ’70s, I am pretty sure that I
am the LAST person you would expect
to get this done. The closest I ever came
to being an athlete was as a cheerleader
for the Blessed Sacrament CYC basketball
team (eventually, I quit that and became
the seamstress). I am still running, but
would prefer to work on my ‘short race.’
As I’ve entered a new age class (50-59) I
am ever hopeful. At the very least, I can
on setting new personal time records.”
Class Scribe: Cathy Woods Goodwin
Michelle Italiano-Perla’s daughter
Rachele is a freshman at Notre Dame.
Michelle writes, “Rachele continues to
be dedicated to her dance, she has been
accepted to Chautauqua School of Dance
this summer, an elite ballet program
which offers only 20 invitations to
dancers nationwide. Our son Bryan is a
6th grade student at the Carroll School
and is enjoying level 7 gymnastics.
Frank and I continue to run a 22 acre
equestrian program in West Boylston and
I try to find time to juggle my freelance
graphic design business.”
Class Scribe: Patricia Mahon Hurley
Maria Viapiano and her husband were
part of the French Language Festival in
New Orleans this April. Festivities included
an old-fashioned mardi gras-style parade
with the Nevilles and other local bands and
a special stage presentation for parents and
children of L’Ecole Bilingue using traditional
song and folk dance to learn French.
Class Scribe: Roseanne Reardon
Joan Soulliere Denshaw reports from
Pittsburgh, “I’m in my third year as a Girl
Scout leader and love it. My troop has
made supper for the local Ronald McDonald
House, winter-camped in West Virginia,
and now we’re planning an overnight
horseback riding trip in May. The girls sold
over $7,000 worth of cookies. Since I was
never a Girl Scout myself, I’m enjoying
doing all these wonderful things with my
daughter Maeve and 11 other 10-year-old
girls. It’s great working with them to develop
their confidence and an appetite for trying
new things, but the overnights can be a bit
taxing!” Susan Saulnier O’Gorman lives
in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Son Patrick,
age 18, earned his Eagle Scout Award last
September and is planning to attend St.
Joseph’s University in Philadelphia in the
fall. Andrew, who is 16, played hockey this
winter. His team won the championship
and he, too, is close to earning his Eagle
Scout Award! Susan was elected to her
church’s Parish Council and continues to
be busy as committee chair for their Boy
Scout troop. Lovleena Anand Kalia is
living in Hopkinton. She recently started
a new job as a database developer at
Virgin Health Miles in Framingham
and “is ecstatic not to have to drive to
Waltham every day anymore! All three
kids are finally in high school; my daughter
Aneeka is a junior at NDA, and the boys
are a freshman and sophomore at St John’s.
We spent a year and a half inHong Kong
and last summer we took the kids on a road
trip to see colleges and volunteer in Beards
Fork, West Virginia. We’re hoping to go
again in the summer of 2012.”
1982 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Elizabeth Pitney Seidler at the finish line.
which affects over 12.5 million people
worldwide and is the most common
life threatening hereditary disease. We
would like to invite our fellow alumnae
to join us on this day. We hope to see
some of you there.” For more information find us on Facebook at “Worcester
Walk for PKD.”
Class Scribes: Veronique Culhane Pitney
and Rosemary Shea
Wendy McAfee Casker is living in
Westminster, MD, working for Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory as a manufacturing engineer.
“I have been working on space craft
electronics for two satellites that will
launch next year. Very cool stuff! I am
also enrolled in a master’s degree
program at Johns Hopkins University.
My son Ian is a high school senior, and
we are in the waiting game for college
acceptances. He has been accepted to
Assumption College, so perhaps he will
be a neighbor to NDA. My daughter
Jocelyn is a sophomore, a wonderful
student, and will be the starting
goalkeeper on the varsity team in the
fall. The team is currently the Maryland
State Champion, so she has big shoes
to fill! My classmates can find me on
Facebook, and in fact, some already
Class Scribes: Christina Murphy Pyman
and Lucinda Smith
Lucia Giannetta is currently in the
25th Anniversary National Tour of
Les Miserables and would love to see
alumnae who may be in the areas where
she is touring.
Class Scribe: Kate Allard-Madaus
Class Scribe: Maria Cataldo-Cunniff
Maria Cataldo-Cunniff’s 2 year old
son Joseph Felix welcomed baby sister
Margaret Jane Anne to the family.
Class Scribe: Kelly Jefferson
1987 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Paula Robert Bushey writes, “My family
has a hereditary disease called Polycystic
Kidney Disease (PKD). My sister Martha
Robert Lellman ’83 and I both have this
disease along with two of our three brothers.
I am currently in need of a transplant but
have been unable to find a living donor
match to date. There is no cure for this
disease and the only treatment is lifelong
dialysis or a kidney transplant. On Sunday,
October 2, 2011, our family will be hosting
the 5th Annual Worcester Walk for PKD to
raise money and awareness for this disease
Class Scribe: Sarah Carney Brown
Kirsten Cordial Prindle lives in Oak
Hill, VA, with her husband Craig and
daughter Shannen, age 10. Kirsten works
as a concert planner/administrator for a
baroque chamber music ensemble, and
she is always happy to see and meet NDA
Class Scribe: Charlene Stolberg
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Class Notes
Class Scribes: Maureen Burke Power
and Meg Munger Beriau
Tracey Pakstis Claiborne is working on
her doctorate while helping daughter
Caitlin prepare for her freshman year
at NDA in the fall. Tracey frequently
sees classmates Tina O’Rourke Schirner,
Melissa Reid Blanchette, Michele
Recor-Bollar and Maribeth Cronin
Class Scribes: Michelle Donabedian and
Kimberly Koontz Doncaster
Maryellen “Mimi” Gruszka Paquette
welcomed daughter Mairead Aeryn
Paquette born on February 18. Grandmother Kathleen O’Connor Gruszka ’66
writes, “Mimi’s first child Maeve is very
excited to be a big sister!” Heidi Belanger
White recently ran in her first marathon
on Cape Cod and is looking forward to
the next one.
Class Scribes: Katharine Howard
O’Connell and Tracy O’Connell Novick
Meghan Elizabeth McGrath is planning
a Floridian get-together for any NDA
alumnae living in the Delray Beach/West
Palm Beach area. If you plan to be in
the area or visiting the area during
February/March of 2012 and would
like to receive an invitation, be sure
to contact the Alumnae Office at Sima
Avakian lives in Michigan with her
two daughters and is attending school
to get her degree in mental and health
social work.
1992 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Dr. Eloise Thibault
Sarah Scrogin is happy to announce the
arrival of her second child Lily Scrogin
Pravda born November 6, 2010 and
weighing in at 10 pounds.
Class Scribes: April Lionett and
Katherine Liberatore Kelly
Class Scribe: Margaret Kennedy
Brittany Boisvert who specializes in
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine has
joined Health Alliance Orthopedics and
Sports Medicine in Leominster. Brittany
has a degree from UMass Medical School
and completed a fellowship at the
Rothman Institute at Thomas Jefferson
University Hospital. Nicole Nicas Rovner
welcomed son Desmond James on
November 21st. The Rovners live in
Cape Cod Luncheon, Falmouth, MA
Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 12 Noon
Flying Bridge Restaurant, Falmouth, MA
$35 per person
by July 6, 2011
Chicago, Illinois Alumnae Gathering
Thursday, September 15, 2011 from
6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Adler Planetarium, Adler After Dark,
$10 per person (must be 21 or older to attend)
by September 8, 2011
Rhode Island Alumnae Gathering
Tennis Hall of Fame, Fall of 2011
Florida Area Gatherings
Naples and Delray Beach
February/March 2012
Newport, RI. Mary Ann Daly Coppolino
welcomed Genevieve Marie born February
14th. Genevieve joins big sister Grace.
Class Scribe: Stephanie Lewis Weinfurt
Sorcha O’Sullivan-Murphy announces the
birth of her second daughter Orla on July
16. She was welcomed home by big sister
Class Scribe: Elizabeth O’Connor-Bartlett
Colleen Carignan has taken a new
position with Bank of America and is
currently Vice President of Global
Corporate Aircraft Finance with Bank of
America Leasing. Angela Corby Dennis
has been appointed Executive Director
of Lincoln Technical Institute in Brockton,
MA. The Institute trains students in a
variety of fields including culinary arts,
health services and business and IT. Scribe
Elizabeth O’Connor-Bartlett writes,
“Please let me know if you have been
involved in anything exciting in the last
12 months! We are trying to make the
NDA class notes section a better snapshot
of what is REALLY happening in the lives
of graduates.” Allison Fredette Wilson is
proud to announce the birth of Gemma
Monica Wilson born September 17, 2010.
Elizabeth Mattei Lajoie, a member of
the Alumnae Advisory Board, enjoyed the
reception after “Seussical” with twin sons
Cameron and Bryce. One-year-old son
Trevor stayed at home.
1997 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: BethAnne Reidy DiFonso
Meera Bhalotra Reynolds is happy to
announce the birth of her first child Priya
Charlotte Reynolds on May 14. “She was
a little early, but was a healthy 6lbs 11oz
and 19.5 inches,” reports Meera. Priya
loves spending time with her “Aunty”
Kara Mancini Morton ’97, and has also
had the pleasure of a couple visits from
“Great Aunt” and NDA English teacher
Fran Krauss. She also met “Aunty” Cyp
Slosky Coehlo ‘96 and her daughter Julia
over the summer. “I’m back at work three
to four days a week at National Grid, still
working on policy and regulatory issues
for energy efficiency efforts throughout
the Commonwealth.” Denise Kelley is
pursuing her Doctorate of Veterinary
Medicine at Tufts University. Last
August, Sara Fox married Matthew Bull
and they currently reside in Bronxville,
New York. Katie Warwick Johnson
graduated from Vermont Law School
last May and is currently working as a
Law Clerk at the Fairfax Circuit Court
in Fairfax, Virginia. Kelli Burch Hiller
is running the blood bank, phlebotomy
and central processing departments at
Brockton Hospital. Sarah Foley Lawlor
is teaching Spanish at Algonquin Regional
High School in Northborough. She is
actively pursuing her masters degree
in Secondary Education at Worcester State
University. She is the proud mom of Liam
Taber (3) and Will Jameson, born on
September 20! BethAnne Reidy DiFonso
is currently teaching fifth grade at
Boylston Elementary School in Boylston.
This year she was promoted to Head
Teacher/Vice Principal. Son Ben James
is a year old. Cara DiPierro bought and
renovated a condo in Atlanta which was
featured on HGTV as well as in a few local
magazines. Cara reports, “It’s now finally
under contract to sell...bad economy for
too long!! I’ve lived in Australia and now
I live and work in London. I’m the lead
building information model coordinator
for a huge new cancer research center for
the firm HOK, a US based firm.” Megan
McCarthy Brodeur resides in Sturbridge
with her family including daughter Riley
who will be 3 this June. Megan writes,
“She makes us laugh every day.” Megan
is also completing her masters in special
education in May and loves her job as a
5th grade special education teacher in the
Charlton Middle School.
Class Scribes: Nicole Dow, Meghan Kane
Bride and Erika Lazar Farrell
Kelley Gaffney enjoyed ringing in the
New Year with wedding bells. Maid
of Honor was Katherine Hennigan
Holter and bridesmaids were Ann Lahey,
Emily Rourke and Junjira Saengvanich.
Christina O’Hara received a medical
student leadership award from the AMA’s
Foundations in Excellence in Medicine
2010 program. Upon graduation from
medical school this May, she will start
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Class Notes
Princeton, MA. Teagan Drawbridge was a
bridesmaid and Erin Carden ’05 was the
maid of honor. Tess received a graduate
degree from Cornell University’s Industrial
and Labor Relations School in December
2009. She is now employed with Chevron
in their human resource department and
will be spending 6 months in Nigeria as
part of her international rotation.
Class Scribe: Michaela Prouty
Mrs. Fran Krauss and Meera Bhalotra
Reynolds at Career Day.
her emergency medicine internship
at Brook Army Medical Center in San
Antonio, Texas.
Class Scribe: Catherine West
Class Scribe: Brittney Lazar Burgess
Brittney Lazar Burgess is happy to
announce the birth of her first child
Grace Perryn Burgess born February 19.
Brittney writes, “Grace and mom are
doing great! We are so in love and feel
incredibly blessed!” Rhiannon Doherty
was recently profiled in Pulse as a 2011
“Person to Watch.”
Class Scribe: Katy Noone-Kesselman
Jessica Hubacz King announces the
birth of Imoen Cathleen King born
January 24. Imoen joins her older sister
Alora and brother Noah.
2002 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Renee DiBenedetto is working in New York
City at Goldman Sachs as Senior Financial
Analyst for the Finance Division. Renee
loves working in their new headquarter
building in the downtown financial district
and hopes to go back to school for her
MBA. In June 2010, Jen Shea accepted a
new job with the A.C. Nielsen Center for
Marketing Research in the Wisconsin
School of Business at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison as student services
coordinator. As part of this new position,
Jen organized and coordinated the center’s
biannual summit for over 150 alumni,
friends and marketing research professionals. Kelly DeCharles is currently working
as the head of the graphics department in a
small print shop on Cape Cod. Kelly keeps
herself busy in her spare time enjoying
her adorable adopted dog named Zac and
running the Lil’ Caboose Ice Cream & More
with her sister Jackie. They are looking
forward to a great season. Jackie Murphy
is working for the non-profit Spectrum
Health Systems, Inc. as the correctional
program coordinator. She is involved
with the Second Chance Act grant geared
towards reducing recidivism within the
Massachusetts Department of Corrections.
Jackie now lives in Brighton and is one year
away from receiving her M.S. in non-profit
management from Worcester State
University. Christina Kach is working as a
Class Scribes: Meghan Coonan and
Sarah Epstein
After spending the last 3 years as a
primetime meteorologist in Eau Claire,
WI, Ashley Boy Baylor is back in the
Bay State working as the weekday
morning meteorologist for WWLP-22
News (NBC) in Springfield. In addition
to working ridiculous hours, she also
coaches Holyoke High School’s swim
team. Mary Beth McGee works at
Jazz at Lincoln Center in the corporate
relations department. Alumnae enjoyed
a visit and tour of the Lincoln Center
with Mary Beth and her co-worker
Nancy Gallagher ’76.
Class Scribes: Julie Beer and Lynn
Tess Carden Singha was married last
August 27, at Harrington Farm in
Ann and Mary
McGee in New York
team leader in Andover, MA at Raytheon
Integrated Defense Systems. This summer
she will graduate from the Raytheon
Operations Talent Development Program.
In January, Christina was lucky enough
to go on vacation to Aruba, which she says
was “easily the most relaxing place I’ve ever
Tess Carden Singha, Erin Carden ’05
and Teagan Drawbridge
been.” Last spring Christina went
on a two week trip to Sydney, Australia.
Stephanie Teixeira-Collins’ husband
Jared will be deployed to Afghanistan in
July. Stephanie and their son Ryan will
miss him.
Class Scribe: Maude Okrah
Class Scribe: Lianne Henderson
Lauren Dylewicz graduated from Eckerd
College in Saint Petersburg, Florida, in
May 2010 with a double major in English
Literature and International Relations.
Lauren is currently completing a term of
service with AmeriCorps. Lauren writes,
“The program I’m working in is called
the Chicago Health Corps. I am stationed
at the Respiratory Health Association of
Metropolitan Chicago as a health educator specializing in asthma management
and smoking cessation in the lowest income neighborhoods and schools of
south and southwest Chicago. I love my
job. I’ve been considering law school
and was accepted to the University of
Chicago, Stetson University and DePaul
University. Currently I’m applying to the
Peace Corps. I traveled to Ghana, South
Africa, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand,
Vietnam and South Korea to volunteer
throughout college. I’m enjoying
“Chitown”, but having a difficult time
adjusting to the weather after spending
my 4 years of college on a beach. I’ve
been spending Saturday mornings
downtown at Mercy Home working on
training to become a mentor. It’s similar
to a Big Sister/Little Sister program. I’ll be
officially matched with my mentee friend
soon and am excited to officially be done
with training.” Helen Longvall made the
President’s List at Bentley College. She
also enjoyed a semester abroad at Bond
University, Australia where she tried her
hand at skydiving.
2007 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Megan Quick
Maria Albano is graduating from Penn
State University in May with a degree in
finance and economics. She’s moving
to Boston this summer to start her job
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
Class Notes
Helen Longvall takes
a skydive in Australia.
in financial services consulting with
Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Kate Barry
graduated from Boston University in
August and moved to New York City
this past September. She works for the
W Hotel New York in Times Square.
Kate hopes to attend culinary school
within the next few years. Jess Lajoie
is graduating this May with a BS in
Biology and a certificate in marine and
coastal sciences from UMass Amherst.
She recently completed an independent
study project studying the effects of a
parasite on juvenile bluefish from the
Hudson River Estuary. Kelly Foley is
finishing her fourth year in the doctor
of physical therapy program. She’s
currently doing her second co-op at
Boston Medical Center working in both
the Neurorecovery Network and the
outpatient physical therapy clinic.
Scribe Meg Quick is graduating from
Boston College with a BA in Sociology.
After graduation she’ll be moving down
to Memphis, Tennessee to teach secondary English with Teach for America.
Amanda Eddy is an English major at
UMass Amherst. As a senior, Amanda is
exploring the many options her major
allows, but is leaning towards teaching.
She has recently joined the Academy’s
Alumnae Advisory Board.
rence for next fall! Liz is looking forward to
playing softball again this spring and
recently traveled to Florida with the team
at Tufts. Bridget Merrill is attending
Providence College and declared her
major as elementary/special education.
She started student teaching this semester.
She is involved in PC Pals where underprivileged kids are mentored with college
students. She is also a pacesetter for Relay
For Life, as the top fundraiser at Providence
College. Bridget is training for a spring
marathon in Providence in honor of her
mother who is battling breast cancer.
Rebecca Chinian is an accounting and
business double major with a concentration
in international business at Muhlenberg
College. She is a member of Alpha Phi
Omega, a community service fraternity.
Rebecca also participates in a mentor
program with kids in local high schools.
Jessica Lynch is choreographing Chicago
for American University of Paris. She is
also enrolling in The New School in New
York City next semester studying modern
dance. Jess is interning for the company
CheckyourRoom. Scribe Laura Madaio
made President’s List last semester at
Western New England College and recently
traveled to Clermont, Florida with the
college’s softball team. Kaitlyn Crawford
is enrolling in a culinary school in the fall.
Class Scribes: Samantha Pegg and Lucy
Class Scribe: Julia Moynagh
Class Scribe: Laura Madaio
Katharine Hanavan made the Dean’s
List at Salve Regina University. Liz
Pinzino made the Dean’s List again last
semester, and was accepted into the
Syracuse Study Abroad Program in Flo-
Link up with
Alumnae, please include Notre Dame
Academy on your LinkedIn profile as
well as on any professional biographies.
This will help you stay connected to the
Academy, other alumnae, and with other
business professionals in your field.
For more information visit us at
Juliette Longvall made Dean’s List
at Colby Sawyer last fall. Juliette is
currently studying psychology and
celebrated Christmas with her family
in Hawaii.
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
In Memoriam
Joyce McSherry Degnan ’61
Susan Sullivan DeWinter ’57
Barbara LoConto, mother of Madeleine
Loconto-Gentile ’74 and Elizabeth Loconto ’79
and grandmother of Kirstin Gentile ’00
Mary Lou Golden Walsh ’69
Jozsef Lore, father of Elizabeth Lore ’79, Jennifer
Lore Callahan ’82 and Rebecca Lore Snyder ’87
Elizabeth Marshall, mother Maura Marshall
McCarthy ’80
Stephen Coyne, brother of Mary E. Coyne ’05
Zachary Ford, brother of Brittany Ford ’05
Harold McAfee, father of Wendy McAfee Casker
’83 and Trina McAfee LaChance ’84
Allen McCarthy, Jr., father of Susan
McCarthy-Pope ’76
John Corr, husband of Jane Candito Corr ’66
Benjamin Sabacinski, grandfather of Leanne
Sabacinski ’99
Irene Siegelman, grandmother of Daria
Siegelman ’10
Patricia Streeter, grandmother of Rebecca
Streeter ’12
Edward Swillo, grandfather of Sara Swillo ’01
Basilios Tsantinis, grandfather of Elena
Cordova ’03 and father of former faculty
member Barbara Tsantinis
Mary McGinnis, mother of Mary McGinnis ’85,
Patricia McGinnis ’86 and Ann McGinnis ’87
and grandmother of Christine McGinnis ’02
Barry Kilfoil, DDS, husband of Denise Turgeon
Kilfoil ’66
Richard Traina, husband of Margaret Traina,
former trustee and 1993 Knollwood Community
Award recipient
T. Laurence O’Connell, father of Mary (Kerry)
O’Connell ’76 and Lauren O’Connell Martin ’80
Irene Burke, mother-in-law of faculty member
Rosanna Burke
Orma Jean Johnson, mother of faculty member
Kallin Johnson
Doris Powers, mother of Doris Powers
Whitworth ’65 and grandmother of Michelle
Whitworth Gallant ’96
Marcello Faiola, son of Louise Duesberg Faiola ’61
Norma Racicot, mother of Amy Racicot Oddo ’82
Eric Marx, son of Robyn Josefowski Marx ’79
James Reidy, father of BethAnne Reidy DiFonso
’97 and husband of former faculty member
Terry Reidy
Bruce Bak, father of Katherine Bak Connor ’91
and Julie Bak Patnode ’94
Maria Schupp, mother of Kimberly Schupp
Green ’91
Hazel Brosnihan, mother of Gail Brosnihan
Walsh ’56
Margaret Shea, mother of Margaret Shea
Herbert ’69
Anthony Cataldo III, father of Olivia Cataldo ’09
Judith Standring, mother of Susan Standring
Wagner ’85
Mildred Cavan, mother of Maryellen Cavan ’68
and Susan Cavan ’80 and grandmother of Jennifer
Cavan Fors ’90
Mary Cronin, mother of Maribeth Cronin
Petrocelli ’89
Carol Cullen, mother of Christina Cullen Kirby
’84 and Cynthia Cullen Payne ’86
Robert Steele, father of Jennifer Steele ’81,
Theresa Steele Worek ’82 and Stephanie Steele
Allen ’84
Leo Tougas, father of Susan Tougas Leahy ’67
and Janice Tougas Donahue ’73, and grandfather
of Allison Leahy ’94
Frank DiPasquale, father of Esther DiPasquale
Powers ’60 and grandfather of Tara Mercandante
Simard ’86
Frank Vessella, Jr., father of Candace Vessella ’73
Alice Fanning, mother of Mary Beth Fanning
Pulsifer ’70 and Ann Marie Fanning Chrobak ’75
and grandmother of Abigail Chrobak ’10
Richard Ahlquist, grandfather of Margo
Ahlquist ’00
Anne Flynn, mother of Margaret Flynn ’77 and
Catherine Flynn Bolduc ’80, and wife of former
trustee James Flynn
Donald Gillis, father of Judith Gillis ’71 and
Jane Gillis ’76
Raymond Hagglund, father of Deanna Hagglund
’83 and Kara Hagglund LeSiege ’87
Riccardo Cavaioli, grandfather of Jennifer
Medbury Grebel ’99 and father of Linda Cavaioli,
2000 Knollwood Community Award recipient
Eva Cundall, grandmother of Rachel Savage ’00
Virginia Gibson, grandmother of Nora Quigley
’05 and mother of faculty member Sandra
Dorothy Granger, grandmother of Mackenzie
Granger ’05
Elizabeth Halko, mother of Beth Halko Danforth
’67, Nancy Halko Paul ’69 and Mary Ellen Halko
Stockdale ’73
Irene Keenan, grandmother of Erin Keenan ’12
Agnes Hannon, mother of Mary Lou Hannon
Ansel ’76
Thelma Lapriore, grandmother of Alicia
Lapriore ’05
William Italiano, father of Michele Italiano-Perla
’79 and grandfather of Rachele Perla ’14
William Lee, grandfather of Reagan Savas ’98
and Courtney Savas ’03
Maryanne Kenary, mother of Rebecca Kenary ’75
and Rachel Kenary Egan ’77, grandmother of
Emily Egan ’06, Rachel Egan ’07, Abigail Egan ’08,
Sarah Kenary ’01 and Hannah Kenary ‘06
Rose Perreault, grandmother of Liza Perrault ’13
Frederick Levitsky, father of Mary Jo Levitsky
Moran ’75
Mary Hurley, grandmother of Andrea Hurley ’03
Margaret Recupero, grandmother of Sarah
Recupero ’02 and Sonya Recupero ’05
Evelyn Razzano, grandmother of Angela
Razzano ’11
Bruce Arnott, brother-in-law of Admissions
Director Mary Riordan
Elvira Kerxhalli, mother of faculty member
Valerie Kerxhalli
Rev. George O’Brien, former trustee
Notre Dame
425 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
Tel: 508-757-6200
Fax: 508-757-1888
The Notre Dame Academy Magazine is
published twice a year in the Fall and the Spring
by the Office of Institutional Advancement.
Julie Glavin ’69
Nicki Carignan Lazaros ’89
Mary Shea Kennedy ’65
Mary Shea Kennedy ’65
Stan Miller
Barbara A. Truell/Truell Design
A PDF of the magazine is available online
on the Alumnae page of our website
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Spring/Summer 2011
“Here at Notre Dame Academy, I have gained
confidence and found a sense of belonging.
The faculty here encourages you to try new
things, to set in motion your potential, and,
cre·denda (kri den′də)
more importantly, strive to reach your goals.
I speak on behalf of my class when I say we
Sarah Roberts ’11
Senior Class President
believe we have all been brought here and
together for a reason. Like so many classes that
plural noun sing. credendum
have gone before us, we will always be a little
piece of the mosaic of Notre Dame Academy.
— den′·dum (-dəm)
The Academy has been everything I wanted
it to be, everything I needed it to be, and
everything I expected it to be.” ~ Sarah Roberts ’11
doctrines to be believed;
Your gift to the 2010–2011 Annual Fund will enable
matters of faith
the Academy to continue to be all that Sarah wanted
and needed for future generations of students.
Our Fund Year ends June 30 so please make
origin: L, pl. of ger. of credere
your gift in the enclosed envelope or online at today! Thank you.
Notre Dame
Non-Profit Organization
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Permit No.16
Worcester, MA
425 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
NDA Calendar
Parents: If this issue of the NDA Credenda is
addressed to your daughter who now resides at
a separate permanent address, please let us
know. Call 508-757-6200, Ext. 227 or e-mail
November 1
All Saints’ Day • Liturgy 10:50 a.m.
May 26
Class Day • Liturgy 8:15 a.m.
Class Day Awards
November 3
Fall Concert • 7:30 p.m.
November 4
End of First Quarter
May 29
Graduation • 2:00 p.m.
November 5
Entrance Exam • 8:30 a.m.
Memorial Mass • 4:00 p.m.
June 30
Close of Annual Fund
July 13
Cape Cod Luncheon
The Flying Bridge, Falmouth
November 11
Veterans’ Day, No Classes
November 14–18
Thanksgiving Food Drive
September 8
Faculty Meeting • 9:00 a.m.
Book Distribution (Soph,. Jr., Sr.)
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Reception for New Parents
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
November 17
Report Cards mailed
College Financial Aid Night
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
September 9
Orientation for Freshmen
8:00 a.m. to Noon
Orientation for Transfer Students
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Book distribution for Freshmen
and Transfers
October 6
Open House • 7:00 p.m.
November 19
Volunteer Day
October 10
Columbus Day (observed),
No Classes
November 22
Fall Production • 10:50 a.m.
October 12
Testing Day for Freshmen,
Sophomores and Juniors
College Visit Day for Seniors
September 12
Classes resume
September 15
Chicago Area Alumnae
Adler After Dark
October 14
Interims Reports mailed
Knollwood Awards • 6:00 p.m.
September 22
Magazine Drive begins
October 18
Breast Cancer Awareness Day
“Pink Out”
September 26–30
Freshman Parents’ Meeting
October 21
Freshman Day • 1:50 p.m.
September 29
Curriculum Meeting for Classes
of ’13 and ’14 • 7:00 p.m.
October 28
Ring Day • 1:50 p.m.
Freshman Spree
7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
October 4
Magazine Drive ends
November 23–25
Thanksgiving Break
November 30
Parent/Teacher Conferences
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Art Students’ Festival of Trees,
Flagg Art Gallery
December 1
Parent/Teacher Conferences
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Art Students’ Festival of Trees,
Flagg Art Gallery
December 2
Trustee Gathering
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Art Students’ Festival of Trees,
Flagg Art Gallery
Visit us at
cre·denda (kri den′də)
plural noun sing. credendum — den′·dum (-dəm)
doctrines to be believed; matters of faith
origin: L, pl. of ger. of credere
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