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Pages 1-20 - Notre Dame Academy
Notre Dame
Fall/Winter 2011–2012
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Minds Full of Passion
Art Sets the Stage
“Witnessing how our young women blossom with
insight and grace through their participation in
the Arts is truly a profound experience.”
This issue of Credenda celebrates the role the Arts play in the lives of our
graduates. We are so proud of all our graduates who continue to make the
world a more beautiful place.
The Arts are essential to our students’ education. It is no coincidence that
one of the first courses required of incoming freshmen is Creative Arts. This
course introduces the newest members of our community to all aspects of
the arts: visual arts (i.e. painting, sculpture, photography,) dance, drama and
music. A young girl may not comprehend as she memorizes her first sonnet,
analyzes her first painting, or listens to one of the great composers, that she
is gaining skills that will benefit all aspects of her academic life and beyond.
Her experience in theater will improve her communication skills. Dance
will heighten her spatial awareness and motor skills. The visual arts will
teach her how to view the world from different perspectives. As a math
teacher, I know the importance of music as a means to increase mathematical ability by strengthening the areas in the brain that transmit information.
Music strengthens the neural chords that pass information between the two
hemispheres of the brains.
The Arts at NDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Alumnae Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–5
Featuring: the Ferranto Sisters; Maria
Dodson Starzyk; and Karen Walsh Rullman
Technology Meets Talent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
NDA’s Visual Arts Department
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–7
National Recognition for Coach Provost;
Sports Wrap-Up
Knollwood Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–9
Heritage Chapel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
NDA Playbill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Alumnae Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Class Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13–19
The Arts at the Academy are not taught in a vacuum. The 9th grade Creative
Arts program collaborates with the History and English departments in a
musical production featuring the culture of another country. Our seniors are
required to complete a project identifying, tracing and examining a theme
(i.e. friendship, sacrifice, nature, courage) from a literary work and articulate
that theme in another art form (i.e. dance, art, music, poetry).
Witnessing how our young women blossom with insight and grace through
their participation in the Arts is truly a profound experience.
Alleluia for the Arts!
Ann E. Morrison SND
Cover Illustration by Mary Estes
Zywar depicting the four artistic
disciplines at NDA: Visual Arts,
Dance, Music and Theatre.
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Arts at Notre Dame Academy
The word “art” is derived from
the Indo-European root meaning “fit
together.” The same can be said of the
work of the Arts Department at Notre
Dame Academy. Mrs. Virginia Byrne
(Theater), Mr. Kallin Johnson (Music),
Mrs. Mary Zywar (Visual Arts) and
Mrs. Rachel Rubin (Dance) collaborate
throughout the year to foster the
talents of their students, to expand
their students’ imaginations, and to
give students the confidence and tools
to express themselves, not only in
their arts classes, but in all other
academic areas as well.
Mrs. Byrne describes the purpose
of the theatre department as two-fold:
“to train students who might seek
a career in theater, but, more importantly, to use the skills of an actor to
provide life skills.” Students learn to
trust each other, to take responsibility
for each other, and to take risks. “As
actors, they develop their memorization skills and are thus able to speak
in public without notes,” explained
Mrs. Byrne. When freshmen enter
the theater for their first theater arts
classes, they are surprised to find a box
at the door in which they are asked
“All of this creates a firm foundation
for a student’s self-confidence,
a belief that a problem can have
more than one solution, and that
there are many ways to see
and interpret the world.”
to figuratively drop the words “like,”
“er,” and “um” from their vocabulary.
They are taught to speak clearly and
concisely. “Some teenage girls have a
tendency to speak as if each sentence
is a question . . . as if they are not sure
of what they speak. Theater classes
emphasize the use of declarative
sentences teaching self-assurance and
assertiveness.” Mrs. Byrne likens the
training students receive in theater
class to a sports team. “They learn
to focus and rely on one another for
the greater good of the ensemble.”
“Many of the NDA music
organizations are named ‘ensemble,’
a group producing a single effect, a
‘union formed by mutual communication’,” explains Mr. Johnson. All of
these ensembles combine students
from all four classes and they fit
together in the production of their
four seasonal concerts as well as any
special functions that occur during
the year. Their goal is to give vocalists
and instrumentalists a chance to grow
and develop their talents and come
together with others at whatever
their skill level. “Many studies have
shown that learning to play music
increases intelligence, helps to
develop self-discipline, relieves stress,
gives students a special sense of
achievement and most of all, it is
fun! Performing music together builds
special self-reliance and gives students
a unique collaboration opportunity
to produce beautiful music together.”
According to Mrs. Zywar, the
visual arts program epitomizes the
definition of art as bringing things
together. “It may be creating art
history icons to help in the study of
significant events in religion,” says
Mrs. Zywar. “Studying skeletal drawings and anatomy promotes interest
in the sciences. Drawing from a grid,
digital art and lettering skills carry
into projects in all academic areas.”
The visual arts curriculum teaches
students to take pride in craftsmanship
and mastering a technique. They learn
to work together on group projects.
Art becomes an outlet for their poetry,
thoughts and feelings, and they learn
patience, precision and care. “All of
this creates a firm foundation for a
student’s self-confidence, a belief that
a problem can have more than one
solution, and that there are many
Members of the Arts Department:
(back) Kallin Johnson and Virginia
Byrne, (front) Rachel Rubin and Mary
Estes Zywar.
ways to see and interpret the world.”
The old saying “one step at a
time” aptly describes what students
learn to do in dance class. Dance
helps students conquer their fears.
Dance develops muscle memory
that the conscious brain might
Instructor Mrs. Rubin sees her
discipline as a way to share emotions
and thoughts that are hard to share
verbally. “I tell students to come to
class and just dance it out. If you have
had a bad day, use it. If you have had
a good day, do the same! On stage you
connect with others. You share your
story and de-stress your life.” Dance
makes students more comfortable in
front of an audience and gives one
confidence to try new styles and
techniques. “Dance is like life; it is
constantly evolving.” Dance is poetry.
Dance is athletics. Dance is music
played with the body. Dance combines
body and soul!
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
The Ferranto Sisters
If the dictionary definition of the arts is defined as the “expression or application
of creative skills and imagination,” then the Ferranto sisters, Janet, Maria, and Cynthia,
should be pictured in the dictionary as examples of all that the arts encompass. Janet
Ferranto Raslavsky is a European kitchen designer in Portland, Maine; Maria is an
internationally renowned opera singer; Cynthia is one of the top landscape designers in
the Washington, D.C. area. Although the arts were always a part of the sisters’ lives, the
paths to their present careers took several twists and turns.
Janet recalls her NDA art classes with Sr. Margaret Imelda as furthering her
enthusiasm for art and developing her budding talent for things creative. She was
a sociology major at Newton College of the Sacred Heart and went on to acquire a degree
in counselor education at the University of Southern Maine. Believing the adage “you will
never make a living as an artist,” Janet, nevertheless, minored in art and while pursuing
a career as a social worker and raising her daughters, she also took classes in pottery,
sculpture and weaving. Today, Janet runs New World Kitchens in Portland, Maine. “Jim,
my husband of forty-two years, developed the business,” says Janet. “After training in the
United States and Europe, I gradually developed the confidence to deal with clients on
my own, and for six years ran the business on my own while Jim pursued other creative
ventures. We are now working together again.”
As a student at NDA, Maria, who is known as Maria Ferrente in the music world,
recalls that she had no idea one could make a living singing. “I was going to be a
classical guitarist,” said Maria. She was encouraged by Sr. Marita Larkham, her
music mentor. “She allowed me opportunities to sing solos in choir and musicals
and encouraged me to accompany myself on the guitar.” Maria treasures a note
she received from her music mentor after one of her performances: “. ..true art is
a whole experience, an experience of learning and refining, and an experience
of rising to our best expression and of giving back with humbleness...” Maria always
knew she would be a teacher and musician, but it was not until her junior year at Temple
University that the world of singing opened up for her. After graduating from college,
Maria worked at four teaching assignments to pay for singing lessons in New York. She
accompanied her singing coaches, Franco and Loretta Corelli, to Italy and Vienna, honing
her craft. She has been called a true singing actress with roles ranging from stage heroines to serving girls. She has sung all over the world including England, Japan, the Czech
Republic and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Closer to home, she has performed with the Central
Mass Symphony, the Thayer Symphony Orchestra, and the Master Singers. She has an
extensive series of recordings including Christmas in Worcester and Sea Tides and
Time. With her prolific schedule of concerts, operas and recordings, Maria still finds time
to teach at both the secondary and college level.
Cynthia credits NDA English and religion teacher Susan Peckitt with helping
her see that what she learned in the classroom was relevant to life. At Boston
University Cynthia majored in economics and worked at a real estate development
company before coming to the realization that she preferred the field of architecture. She
studied landscape architecture at Cornell University. The studio design courses she took
in graduate school taught her the importance of believing in your art and “standing by what
you believe.”Cynthia is creator and owner of Cynthia Ferranto Landscape Design in our
nation’s Capitol. “When you own a small business, you wear many hats and need a team
Sister Act, continued on page 5
“I was once counseled: ‘If you have
everything you ever wanted, but no
creativity in your life, you would
never be happy. If you had nothing,
but had creativity in your life, you
would be truly content.’” ~ Janet
“Do what you love and choose a path with
a heart. Be practical about tedious tasks
and get them done.” ~ Maria
“Never give up looking for the right path.
Don’t be afraid to change direction.”
~ Cynthia
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Alumnae SPOTLIGHT on The Ferranto Sisters and Maria Dodson Starzyk ’63
Maria Dodson Starzyk ’63
Maria Dodson Starzyk ’63 has always grown where she has been planted.
Her artistic interests are as diverse as the number of places she, her husband Ed,
and daughters Jennifer and Kerry have lived: Texas, California, Ohio, Oklahoma,
New Jersey and Massachusetts. The common thread running through her work,
be it home décor, garden design, or photography, is a sense of the ordinary being
seen as extraordinary. According to Maria, this talent was first nurtured in
Sr. Margaret Imelda’s art class at the Academy. “The times I spent in her classes
were the most memorable moments of my high school years,” remembers
Maria. “There was a peacefulness and wonderful vibe about her studio. She had
a gift of making everyone feel very special and talented.” It was Sr. Margaret
who taught Maria about color and composition. But, more importantly, she
taught her to believe in herself.
During her years at Annhurst College in Connecticut, Maria put her interest
in art on a back shelf. “At that time art didn’t play an important role,” says Maria.
“I have to admit, initially I didn’t think out of the box when it came to art. It
seemed the only option it offered was the picture of a starving artist standing
before an easel in a cold water loft, and, realistically, I felt my talent in that area
would lead to starvation.” She concentrated on studying history and social studies.
After her marriage to Ed, a pilot in the Air Force and, later, a commercial pilot,
Maria taught 8th grade for a short time while raising her two daughters. It was after
the family moved back to Massachusetts that her interest in interior design took
hold. “I took some courses with a designer in Boston.” The family soon moved
once again to California where Maria
“I have learned through the years that
set about recreating the charm of New
England, especially Cape Cod with its
art is not just a photograph or painting
cottages and picket fences, in her home
meant to be hung on a gallery wall.
and gardens. A chance participation
It is anything and everything we
in a garden tour where California
put a piece of our soul into.
contributing editors were in attendance
Isn’t that wonderfully freeing?”
led to her home being photographed
for a local magazine. That encounter was the springboard to her career in home
and garden styling. “I had my work published in two books, Country Living Cottage
Style and Country Living Perfect Patterns. She was also featured in Romantic Homes,
Woman’s Day, Family Circle, and Country Decorating.
Maria’s artistic endeavors have taken many different shapes over the years.
Her canvas in her early career had been her home and gardens. Recently, she
has taken her talent in a different direction, photographing her surroundings.
Her affinity for things vintage and simple combined with her appreciation of
the beauty of the state of California make a perfect match. “I spend most of my
free time exploring the state, the people and the architecture, looking for props
in antique stores—always accompanied by my camera.” Her talent was recognized
once again last year when her photography was accepted by Getty Images, the
Seattle based supplier of images and illustrations on-line. She is also pursuing an
emerging art form, digital painting, which she sees as another way to enhance
her photo images, images that have been described by other photographers as
“soft, warm, interesting and wonderful.”
“Believe in yourself and, if you are
happy with your work and what you
create, that is all that truly matters.”
~ Maria ’63
Thinking “out of the box” is
something Maria has developed
throughout her artistic career and that
philosophy is something she feels
would serve anyone as well. Even with
a poor economy, and gloom and doom
expressed in the media, “this is an
amazing time to start a career. There is
access to so much inspiration. Believe
in yourself and, if you are happy with
your work and what you create, that is
all that truly matters,” advises Maria.
“I have learned through the years that
art is not just a photograph or painting
meant to be hung on a gallery wall.
It is anything and everything we put
a piece of our soul into. Isn’t that
wonderfully freeing?”
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Alumnae SPOTLIGHT on Karen Walsh Rullman ’93
Karen Walsh Rullman ’93
Broadway, off-Broadway, Lincoln Center, regional theater, television ... there aren’t
many theatrical venues that Karen Walsh Rullman ’93 has not explored since her days at
NDA. In her young career she has shared the stage with such luminaries as Blythe Danner
(Suddenly Last Summer), Claire Danes and Boyd Gaines (Pygmalion), David Hyde Pierce
(Accent on Youth), Sam Waterston (Law and Order), John Mahoney (Prelude to a Kiss),
and Steve Buscemi (HBO’s Boardwalk Empire), to name just a few! Her interest in
all aspects of theater took root and flourished in the theater department at the
Academy. “Theatre Director Virginia Byrne and Musical Director Kallin Johnson cast me
as a supporting player in the 1990 spring musical Godspell my freshman year. I was so
inspired and excited by what happens both onstage, in rehearsals and behind the scenes,”
says Karen. Her minor roles in Godspell and West Side Story at NDA lead to leading
roles her junior and senior years: Julie Jordan in Carousel and Mabel in the Pirates of
At Indiana University Bloomington, she immersed herself in music and theater. “I
honestly remember only three courses that weren’t related to the arts,” recalls Karen.
Starting out as an opera major, she found herself gravitating more and more towards
theater. She launched a campaign with
“I think the small class size and the many
the music school to allow her to create a
strong women we were surrounded by
program in which she could earn a theater
enabled me to discover my own voice.
degree as well. Armed with degrees in
vocal performance and theater, Karen
The confidence I had, that I had a right
moved to San Francisco to begin her
to the education I wanted, was certainly
theater career. This led to a move to
fostered at NDA.”
Chapel Hill where she earned a master
of fine arts from the University of North Carolina at the Playmakers Repertory Theatre.
Then it was off to New York City.
Karen describes the life of a performing artist in New York as a roller coaster ride.
“You can have a television show as well as a Broadway show one year and you can have
very little the next. “She says it is important to keep yourself in the game, even if you are
not working. “For me this means going to the theater at least twice a week, maintaining
connections with people I’ve worked with on and off the stage, keeping in touch with my
agents, and staying educated on what is happening in the industry on a daily basis. What
is required is faith, relaxation and a life
outside of your art.” Karen finds this life
off-stage with her husband Todd and two
year old daughter Zoe. Living in such a
vibrant city, Karen also takes advantage
of all the city has to offer. “I have taken
pottery classes, frequented museums,
volunteered at a soup kitchen, and
explored every neighborhood I can.”
Being an actor is not for the faint
of heart cautions Karen. “The biggest
Karen (front row left) with the
challenge is that there are no guaranRoundabout Theater Company
tees.” One of the pitfalls for young actors
of Suddenly Last Summer. Blythe
she says is not choosing their training
Danner, (back row, left).
ground carefully. “There are far too many
programs that say they train actors, but too
few good programs. You must do your
research and be honest with yourself at
every turn of the corner.”
Many of Karen’s colleagues in the acting
world are what she describes as “working
class actors.” “You may not know their
names but you have seen them a million
times. They choose to be in New York City
because they love it here and they love the
theater.” As a working class actor, Karen
spends much more time being selected for
roles rather than selecting the roles herself.
“Sometimes you have an amazing, fulfilling
experience because an exciting director has
chosen you to join a cast of inspiring people.
Sometimes you are doing a job because
you need the work and that’s all.” As in any
profession, nurturing relationships with
people in the industry is of prime importance.
“You never know when you might have the
opportunity to work with them again.” Sound
advice no matter what your profession!
Karen is producing a benefit concert for
the American Cancer Society, Cancer
Action Network, on January 23, at
Birdland in New York City. A variety
of broadway performers will gather to
raise money through music in the fight
against cancer. To learn more contact
Karen at
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Technology Meets Talent
Notre Dame Academy’s Visual Arts
Department offers a range of courses:
Art History, Graphic Design, Drawing
and Painting, Sculpture, and Creative
Arts. These diverse courses offer the
students the opportunity to discover
their hidden talents and interests and
spark their creativity and imagination
.. . knowing there are no boundaries
in art!
In an ever-changing world the
artist often leads the way. Technology
now has an important role in how
art is created and presented. With
exclaims, “It is exciting as a teacher
to witness the students interact with
this relatively instantaneous digital
sharing. The girls become excited,
inspired, motivated, and challenged
—all of which provides the perfect environment for teaching and learning!”
With the iPad 2, Mrs. Zywar’s students
can not only create art, complete
assignments and use it as a text book,
they can use this technology as the
ultimate cooperative tool, sharing their
artwork with parents, classmates and
students from around the world.
“It is exciting as a teacher to
witness the students interact with
this relatively instantaneous digital
sharing. The girls become excited,
inspired, motivated, and challenged
—all of which provides the perfect
environment for teaching and learning!”
this in mind, Mrs. Mary Zywar, head
of the Visual Arts Department is
introducing the iPad 2 into her
curriculum to impact her students’
natural curiosity, engagement and
over-all achievement. For example,
all art students will be introduced to
the AccuDraw App which updates the
traditional grid drawing. These exercises and techniques stress proportions
and perceptions. Students will be able
to design their own fonts and upload
them to any computer. Other apps are
also being introduced:
• Story Kit – a storybook illustrator tool
• Photocard – a digital graphic postcard
• Smart History – an amazing virtual
art history tour
• Good Reader – review, edit and share
text files
• Pages – word processing and layout
• Instapaper – web page saver
When used with Dropbox and
Wikispaces these become powerful
collaborative tools. Mrs. Zywar’s
enthusiasm is contagious as she
Visual Arts instructor, Mary Zywar,
introduces her students to the school’s
newly acquired technology tools.
Students become acquainted with the
new Apple iPad 2 drawing tool.
Talent Meets
Continued from page 2
to help you,” says Cynthia. In order to
do the best for her clients, she tries to
choose projects where her artistic goals
and the goals of her clients complement
each other. “You must believe in your
projects one hundred percent or you will
not sustain yourself as an artist.” Her work
has been featured in Home and Design
and Capitol File magazines and in The
Washington Post.
As diverse as their careers have
been, all three sisters share a common
passion for nature. Maria tends fruit trees,
vegetables and bees with the help of
her husband Marc Andelman. Janet takes
advantage of the beautiful coastal area
of Harpswell, Maine and has taken up
watercolor painting. Cynthia’s home
borders a national park. “Like so many
woodlands, it is being taken over by
invasive, exotic weeds. My husband, a
neighbor and I have started a community
group to weed out these invasives,”
reports Cynthia.
Some of Maria’s fondest memories
of her sisters are of Cynthia visiting her
in college and drawing beautiful, inspirational designs in her thick, black design
book, and Janet, who accompanied
her on her first classical voice audition.
“Janet’s smile after that audition is etched
in my brain.”
Notre Dame Academy
has a long history of
legacies: sisters, mothers,
daughters, grandmothers
and granddaughters.
These special relationships
enrich our traditions
and deepen our bonds
as a true sisterhood.
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
National Recognition for Coach Provost
Athletic Director Patricia Provost will be inducted into
the National Field Hockey Coaches’ Association Hall of
Fame in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on January 14, 2012.
Ms. Provost is being recognized for her thirty-four years of
phenomenal success as a coach at NDA. Induction into the
NFHCA’s Hall of Fame is usually reserved for college and
university coaches. “To be selected for accomplishments
at the high school level is a special honor,” explained Kate
Mulford Phillips ’01 who, along with Meg Guiney ’94,
nominated Coach Provost. Ann Ash Zelesky, associate
athletic director at the College of the Holy Cross and
a longtime teammate and friend, will introduce Coach
Provost at the induction.
Words of Praise
from Former Athletes:
Kate Murphy ’08, captain of the
nationally ranked Boston University
field hockey team, recently quoted
in The Telegram and Gazette: “Miss
Provost always pushed me past my
limits—she expected more of me than
I expected of myself—always in a way
that was encouraging and proactive
and got me going. I’m the type of
player I am because of her.”
Coach Provost’s consistent accomplishments in field hockey are legendary:
# 4 State Field Championships
# 13 Field Hockey District Championships
# 24 consecutive years winning the Field Hockey Central Massachusetts
Conference League Championship
# Her teams have scored 489 victories, 121 losses and 93 ties.
Under her tenure as Athletic Director, her athletes have striven to reach their
highest goals:
Tennis: 3 State Champions; 15 District Championships
Cross Country: Central Mass Conference Champions – 11 years
Spring Track: Central Mass Conference Champions – 4 years
Golf: 2nd in State – 2004
Indoor Track and Field: District Champions – 2007
Swim: 2 Central Mass Conference Championships
Softball: State Finalists – 1997/Semi-Finalist – 1998 and 2001;
3 District Championships
# Basketball: 1 District Championship and 1 Conference League Championship
Coach Provost describes her time at NDA as living a dream. “I was hired in 1974 by
Sr. Justina Daley and found myself amazed by this small, all-girl school. It is such a special
environment to help young women learn, grow, develop their skills and find passion in life.”
Ms. Provost has seen the Academy’s athletic program grow from one basketball team
in 1974 to a ten sport program. “Approximately two-thirds of the student body is involved in
at least one of our athletic programs. The enthusiasm, dedication, and expertise of the
entire NDA teaching and coaching staff has had a positive impact on our success on and
off the playing field.”
We are so proud of Coach Provost and truly grateful for her dedication to our young
women. Congratulations, Ms. Provost!
Heidi Huggett O’Connor, MD ’91:
“Playing sports for Coach Provost
helped us learn the importance of
discipline and team work which
helped us prepare for our future
careers. Most importantly, we
developed strong friendships and
memories that will last a lifetime.”
Dianne Williamson ’77, columnist
for The Telegram and Gazette:
“Patty Provost was such a huge
inspiration to me when I was in
high school. She came to NDA in
my sophomore year. Keep in mind
that this was the 1970s, when girls'
sports were just making headway,
and she pretty much revolutionized
high school athletics. She was so
committed to the program and to all
of her athletes. She was a mentor,
role model and friend when you
needed one. She had a way of
making us feel special and honored
to play on her teams. Her devotion
was complete and her enthusiasm
infectious. I simply adored playing
for her and have nothing but the
best memories of that experience.”
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Continuing a Winning Tradition
Track: Central Mass Conference Champions – Spring, 2011
Tennis: Central Mass Conference Champions – Spring, 2011
Golf: Central Mass Conference Champions – Spring, 2011
Cross Country: Central Mass Conference Champions – Fall, 2011
Field Hockey: Central Mass Conference Champions – Fall, 2011
Coach Holland
Reports Swim
Coach Wilson
Reports Track
With its victory over St. Peter-Marian
on October 20 at Hogan Center on
the campus of the College of the Holy
Cross, the NDA Swim Team was crowned
Central Mass Conference Champion!
The final score was 88–81. Congratulations to our new CMC All-Stars:Carrie
Isakson ’12, Corrine Michaud ’14,
Samantha Durand ’13, Sara Cammuso
’12, Mackenzie Niness ’14, Kelsey
Leigher ’14, Olivia Martin ’14, and
Ali Manzello ’13.
Congratulations also go out to
those of you who achieved the
season’s best times at the meet:
The roster, consisting of 43 talented girls,
finished the season undefeated with a
record of 10-0. Regular season wins
included victories over Burncoat, Doherty,
Holy Name, Main South, St. Peter-Marian,
and South High School. By defeating all of
their city rivals, our athletes were officially
the best female spring track team in
Worcester. The girls also found a great
deal of success in championship meets
by winning the Central Mass Conference
league meet, and also having strong finishes
(4th at the Class B Meet, 7th at the District E
Division II Relays, and 9th at the District E
Championship) against the rest of Central
• Carrie Isakson, Isabel Russell and
Ali Manzello in the 200 free
• Claire Russell in the 200 IM and
the 100 breaststroke
• Paige Gaudette in the 50 free
• Sara Cammuso and Olivia Martin
in the 100 free
• Mackenzie Niness and Kristen Rezuke
in the 100 fly
• Mackenzie Niness in the 100 backstroke
• Molly Kelliher ’11 set the school record in
the 400 meter hurdles in 76.8 seconds.
• Hannah White ’11 broke a 13 year old
record by running the two mile in
11:30.09 minutes
• Jane Clark ’14 broke a 15 year old record
in the 800 meter en route to becoming
Class B champion in the event with a time
of 2:23 minutes.
The 200 medley relay team of Samantha
Durand, Olivia Martin, Mackenzie Niness,
and Sara Cammuso qualified for sectional
competition and did their best time of
the year.
The 200 freestyle relay team of Samantha
Durand, Mackenzie Niness, Kelsey
Leigher, and Sara Cammuso did
their best time of the year and have
qualified for State Competition!
The relay team of Katie Knox ’12, Emily Knox
’14, Jane Clark ’14, and Hannah White ’11
also broke a 13 year old record in the 4x800
meter multiple times, finishing with a time
of 9:56.5 to end the season over 40
seconds better than the old school record.
At the District E championship meet, three
individuals and one relay team qualified for
the All-State Championship meet. These
competitors included senior Rebecca
Longvall ’11 (Javelin), Hannah White ’11
(Two Mile), Jane Clark ’14 (200 meter),
and the 4x800 meter relay team (Katie
Knox ’12 , Emily Knox ’14, Jane Clark ’14,
and Hannah White ’11).
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
On October 14th alumnae, family and friends of the Academy attended the annual
reception honoring the achievements of exceptional women. This year’s awards were presented to
Kate Monahan Myshrall ’80, Vice-President of Advancement for the Seven Hills Foundation in
Worcester, and Alison Clarke Kenary, a volunteer in many local non-profit organizations including
the Diocese of Worcester’s Office for Vocations and the Holy Name of Jesus House of Studies. The
biographies of our recipients and photographs from the reception can be found on our website
1. Sr. Ann Morrison presents Kate Monahan Myshrall ’80 the Alumna Award
2. (Front row) Elizabeth Myshrall ’11, Patrick Myshrall, Kate Monahan Myshrall ’80, Kaitlyn Myshrall,
Tom Myshrall; (back row) Jack and Cynthia Monahan, Linda Monahan, Lenore and Charles Monahan,
Maureen Monahan D’Amico and Gerry D’Amico
3. Elizabeth O’Connell-Inman ’75 and Marianne Saulnier Jordan ’83
4. (Left) Sheliah Dooley with Sr. Gemma from the Little Sisters of the Assumption
5. Kathee Reville
6. Tricia Moran Iandoli ’71
7. Sr. Ann Morrison greets the Honorable Vito Virzi and his wife Nancy
8. Mary Shea Kennedy ’65 gathers guests together
9. Trustee Patrick Maloney and his wife Kristine
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
The Knollwood Awards is the only scholarship raising event of the year. If you
weren’t able to attend the event and would like to help a young girl attend Notre Dame, please
send a gift today. You can support the Scholarship Program by making an on-line donation at
our website under “Support NDA.” Donations can also be sent to The Office of Institutional
Advancement, Notre Dame Academy, 425 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609. Please make
check payable to Notre Dame Academy.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
To all those who donated to the
Scholarship Fund. Your donation
makes it possible for a young girl
who needs financial assistance to
attend NDA. A special thanks for
the event to our corporate sponsors
whose generosity makes it
possible for every dollar that is
donated to go directly to the
Scholarship Fund.
Our Corporate Sponsors:
10. Sr. Ann Morrison presents the Community Award to Alison Clarke Kenary
11. Hank Kenary (left) and Doug French
12. Dianne Bruce ’76
13. Alison Clarke Kenary surrounded by the seminarians from the Holy Jesus
House of Studies where she volunteers. Also in the photograph: (standing
far left) Alison’s son, Hank, (behind Alison) Fr. Jim Mazzone, Fr. Charles
Dunphy, and Alison’s son, Sam
14. John Paul Massarelli looks on as his mother, Shelia O’Connor Massarelli
’79 greets a friend
15. Joan Barry ’65
16. Nadine Reinhold and Kevin Crowley
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
The response to the Heritage Chapel Campaign has been
tremendous. The Sisters of Notre Dame are truly touched by
the support, generosity and enthusiasm shown by our alumnae,
students, parents, grandparents and friends. Construction is well
underway and the Chapel is expected to be completed this spring.
As of today, there are only four remaining memorial gifts: two
stained glass windows, the holy water font, and one Stations of
the Cross. Could you donate one of these gifts and help us reach
our goal? For more information, please contact Rachel Kenary
Egan, 508-757-6200, Ext 226.
“Let there be many windows in your soul, that
all the glories of the universe may beautify it.”
~ Ralph Waldo Trine, American Poet
Ascension Window
Holy Water Font
“Teach the World”
stained glass mural
Stations of the Cross
“Commitment to Education”
stained glass mural
Stations of the Cross
Ascension stained glass window
Heritage Chapel Floor Plan
“Commitment to Education”
The Sisters of Notre Dame (SND)
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
NDA Playbill
Sr. Ann and current student actress, Julia Witt ’14
Carrying the Light of Faith
A Play that Celebrates the Origins of
Sisters of Notre Dame in America
When Theater Director Virginia
Byrne volunteered to research the
background of the first Sisters of
Notre Dame de Namur in America,
little did she know that her research
would lead to the creation of a
full-fledged theater production
staged at the Academy on November
21 and 22.
Her play, Carrying the Light of
Faith, chronicles the journey of the
sisters who arrived in Cincinnati,
Ohio in 1840 from their native
Antwerp, Belgium. The play opens
as each sister introduces herself and
explains her personal desire
to go to America. The sisters
leave home for a six week
voyage aboard the vessel
Eliza Thornton where they
encounter strange foods,
storms and seasickness.
Arriving in America, the
sisters are transfixed by the sites
in Pittsburg and Philadelphia before
arriving in their new home in Ohio.
There they strategize their plans
for the students in their care and
the courses they will teach.
Without their passion to spread
the mission of their Foundress,
Julie Billiart, there would never
have been the next wave of Sisters
of Notre Dame who arrived in
Worcester in 1872 and, fortunately
for us, changed the landscape of
education in Central Massachusetts.
Spring Theater Production
“The Royal Worcester Corset Company”
A musical written by Theater Director Virginia
Byrne and Musical Director Kallin Johnson
• March 15, 16, and 17, at 8:00 pm
• March 18, at 2:00 pm
The lively musical numbers and dialogue in this production
are full of references to companies, cultures, street names and
landmarks in the City of Worcester. This attention to detail and the
obvious pride Mrs. Byrne and Mr. Johnson displayed in telling
Worcester’s story resulted in the playwrights’ receiving the 1993
Worcester Telegram and Gazette’s Cultural Enrichment Award.
The setting of this production is David H. Fanning’s corset
company on Grand Street. A fixture in Worcester for almost one
hundred years, the company in its day was the largest employer of
women in the United States, 2000 strong. “Using the company as its
backdrop, their musical tells the story of Jennie Balou, French-Canadian Catholic,
who falls in love with Per Larson, a Swedish Lutheran who works across town at
the Norton Factory.
The musical was originally staged in 1993 at Anna Maria College by the
New England Theater Company. A decade later, the playwrights fine-tuned the
scenes and scores and staged their work at the new Worcester Technical High
School. “This year we could think of no better place to produce our play than on
the stage of Notre Dame Academy. When you think about it, our students are very
much like the women who worked on Grand Street—strong, forward-thinking, and
independent,” asserts Mrs. Byrne.
Illustration courtesy of the Worcester Historical Museum.
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Alumnae Events
Cape Cod 2011
NDA Alumnae and Graduates of Ascension High School
dined at the Flying Bridge in Falmouth on a perfect summer’s
day in July. Sr. Ann Morrison reminded graduates from both
schools about their common heritage with the Sisters of Notre
Dame and the exciting plans for the new Heritage Chapel at
NDA. Elizabeth Gamache ’62, a member of the Academy’s
Alumnae Advisory Board, was instrumental in organizing the
event right down to the creation of centerpieces.
Chicago 2011
Academy Alumnae Area Director, Nicki Carignan
Lazaros ’89, met with Chicago area alumnae in September
at the Adler Planetarium at an Adler After Dark networking event. Regional leaders Colleen Carignan ’96 and
Jennifer Smith Ciccone ’92 were on hand to discuss
future plans for various events in the Windy City.
Nicki Carignan Lazaros ’89, Colleen Carignan ’96
and Jennifer Smith Ciccone ’92
Rhode Island 2011
Left to right: Susan Hanam Henchey, Donna Gray Mahan,
Kathleen O’Connor Gruszka, Sheila Armstrong Mansfield,
Jane Candito Corr, Maryliz Volin O’Brien, Brenda SmithBurke and Deborah Shemeth Sinkis.
Academy Alumnae in the Rhode Island area
gathered for the first regional event held in Newport,
RI on October 1st. Alumnae enjoyed a private tour of
the International Tennis Hall Of Fame followed by
lunch at the LaForge Casino Restaurant. Special thanks
go out to the newly established regional leaders from
The Class of 1988: Kristen Burgess Anderson, Kristin
McGrath Bernstein and Michele Consiglio for making
this event possible.
At center court: Nicki Carignan Lazaros ’89, Nicole
Nicas Rovner ’94, Kristen Burgess Anderson ’88 and
Kristin McGrath Bernstein ’88
Back row: Elizabeth Gamache and Nannette St. Pierre-Locke;
front row: Eileen McCann Wickham and Mary Ann Scannell
2012: • January 17 – Reunion Planning meeting,
7:00 pm (snow date January 24)
• March – Naples, FL and Oakland, CA
• April 10 – Book Swap
• April 28 – Reunion
• July – Cape Cod Luncheon
2013: • April 6 – DC Area Alumnae Gathering
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Do we have your email address?
1957– Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribes: Nan Connor and
Patricia O’Connell Doherty
Joyce Harney Dubuque and Lauraine
Longval Laurence met in 1954 in
Sr. Louise’s homeroom. They attended
Worcester State University together.
This past June, Joyce and her husband
Roger celebrated their 50 year wedding
anniversary with Lauraine and her
husband Jerry who met at Joyce and
Roger’s wedding. To add to the togetherness, Roger and Jerry are cousins!
1962 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribes: Karen Sonia Bouffard,
Grace Purcell Dietz and Fran Murphy
Scribe Grace writes, “I’m still in
Poughkeepsie but retired from school
nursing. Spend most of my time
volunteering, quilting and playing
tennis. All 8 grandchildren are finally
living back East so we get to see them
more often now. Hope to see you all
at the reunion.” Scribe Fran writes, “I
live in Kensington, Maryland outside
Washington, D.C. I still work in local
TV from time to time.” Fran has
produced a documentary on Hattie
McDaniel who was the first African
American to win an Oscar. She was also
involved in a PBS program for AARP
called Inside E Street and has been busy
producing videos to celebrate the 75th
Anniversary of the National Wildlife
Federation. When not producing, Fran
can be found in her garden, on the
tennis court or online. Elsie Brennan
and Kathy Shea Perkins are looking
forward to their reunion in the spring.
Since her retirement from the Medical
Library at the National Institutes of
Health, Eve Marie Lacroix has spent
her time volunteering, traveling, sailing
her 36 foot sailboat and cycling. Eve
Marie is pleased that her niece, Josette
LeDoux, just began her first year at
NDA. After 35 years, Mary Paulukonis
Brosnihan has moved from Northborough to Worcester to a condo on the
southern end of Lake Quinsigamond.
The welcome mat is always out for
friends wishing to visit. Joan Steiner
Ellerbeck and husband Eldon live in
Avoca, Iowa. She makes an annual
trek back home to Worcester to visit
her family and will be attending the
reunion this spring. Patricia Fessenden
Defeudis recently retired from the field
of psychology, both in research and
private practice. She hopes to get herself
and her garden into shape and improve
her language skills. (A significant regret
Class Notes
is not doing her French homework.) She
and her husband, Felix, enjoy traveling,
hiking, cycling and skiing. She has a
3 year old granddaughter, Astrid Clara,
courtesy of her son, Francis, and
daughter-in-law, Holly, who live in
Victoria, British Columbia. Denise Doyle
Hughes and husband Frank spent 6 years
in the active U.S. Navy and just returned
from Frank’s 45th Reunion at the Naval
Academy. They live in Alabama where
they raised 4 daughters and now have
9 grandchildren. In 1993, Denise left her
position as an elementary art teacher and
went to work for Suburban Software.
Class Scribes: Helen O’Byrne Juckins
and Martha Bergin Liddy
Claudia Collins comes to Worcester
often to visit her mother at Notre Dame
Long Term Care.
1967 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Kathleen Shea Colling,
Scribe Kathy’s daughter, Mary Kate,
married Matthew Kenton in September
in Corvallis, Oregon. In attendance was
Mary Shea Kennedy ’65, Kathy’s sister.
Kathy also became a grandmother for
the third time. Archer Fox Colling was
born in April to her son, Tim, and his
wife, Angela. Kathy recently retired from
Class Scribe: Mary Conway Moynagh
Karen DeMichele, who works at Savvy
Staffing Solutions, was recently interviewed by The Worcester Business Journal
regarding how the economy is affecting
hiring. Karen is optimistic about the
Class Scribes: Nancy Arvanigian Brown
and Lisa Ursoleo Eddy,
Scribes Nancy and Lisa are happy to
report that Reunion 35 was a great success
and they and their classmates enjoyed
seeing all the changes at the Academy.
Lisa is grandmother to Rylie and Liam,
children of her son, Zachary, and his wife,
Katelyn. Nancy Gallagher was thrilled to
be part of the NDA Career Day this past
year. Nancy is Director of Sales and
Advertising for Frederick Rose Hall at
the Lincoln Center in New York City.
The new wing of catechetical/social
center in St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
in Bartow, Florida, was dedicated to
Send to
Mary Ellen Murphy Stidham on
Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.
Mary Ellen’s mother, Eleanor, writes,
“I like to think it’s in remembrance
of her infectious laugh. But the parish
says it wants to recognize her and her
husband Jeff’s contributions to parish
life. Mary Ellen was a devoted teacher
and friend to first communicants and
their families, both in Bartow and at
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Mission in
Fort Meade. The new building houses
the parish’s food pantry, as well as
meeting/activity rooms and classrooms,
including those for adult learners,
especially migrant workers.” Kathryn
Tsandikos Kelleher, manager of
her family’s George’s Coney Island, was
featured on the cover of the Worcester
Business Journal in August. Dianne
Bruce recently organized a group
of volunteers at Chestnut Nursery
School/Elm Park Center where they
built a playground. Diane Eckland Van
Parys and her husband have completed
their move to Naples, FL. Diane is on
the 3.5 USTA Naples tennis team and
is proud to be representing Florida at
the Nationals in Tucson, AZ. Diane is
looking forward to hosting an NDA
alumnae get-together in Florida. Julie
Nawn Boyle is thrilled to report that
she now has 13 grandchildren!! Nancy
Arvanigian Brown continues her
work as the Compliance Coordinator
at Worcester State Hospital and is
on the Academy’s Alumnae Advisory
Board. Debi Nabhan Rowland is
involved in her family business,
Beauty Works, and is also working
as a Medical Aesthetician for a facial
plastic surgeon in Worcester.
1977 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Margaret Flynn,
Class Scribe: Cathy Woods Goodwin
Later in the spring a large group of
’79ers enjoyed each other’s company
at a local restaurant. They have
decided to plan get-togethers every so
often at a central spot. Scribe Cathy
asks you to keep NDA up-to-date on
your whereabouts and give her suggestions where the class should meet.
Cathy was treated by her cousin,
Visit our website for updates
on events, sports, theater,
and alumnae gatherings.
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Class Notes
Do we have your email address?
Megan O’Toole ’80, to a luxurious spa
retreat at the Canyon Ranch resort in
Lenox, Massachusetts. Cathy credits
her newfound devotion to yoga with
restoring flexibility and core strength
which she’s missed since the 1990s.
Rob Morris organized a global conference call for his wife, Sarah Mulkern
Morris, so that friends from around
the world could extend their wellwishes to the birthday girl. Rob and
Sarah are living in southern France.
To celebrate their anniversary Rob
and Sarah toured northern Italy
with Lizanne Allard-Madaus Foley,
visiting from her Falmouth home.
Lucia Tomaiolo O’Keefe and her
husband, Jim, celebrated their 50th
birthdays with a trip to Ireland. Jean
Marie Paradis welcomed classmates
and others to her Boston studio during
the Beacon Hill Art Walk in June.
Her ParadisART Studio creates twoand three-dimensional commissions,
installations and murals, and offers
private lessons for those developing
their artistic sensibilities. She and
husband, Peter, have a home north
of the city. Another artist from the
class, Michele Italiano-Perla, juggles
her professional graphic design career,
teaching graphic design at Anna Maria
College, managing the business side of
her equestrian program, and keeping
up with the crazy schedules of two
children. She reports, “Somehow it all
comes together. My daughter, Rachele,
is a sophomore at Notre Dame and
committed to her love of dance. Son,
Bryan, is a 7th grade student at the
Carroll School in Lincoln, which is
one of the most amazing schools in
New England.” Classmates visiting the
UMass Memorial Center’s Cardiac Care
Unit will be delighted and comforted
to see Patty Kupcinskas Longvall on
staff. Patty returned to school in the
1990s to become a nurse after her
own experience with heart disease.
Her daughter, Allison Longvall ’07,
a recent graduate of Worcester State
University, followed her mother into
nursing and works as a school nurse
for Immaculate Conception in
Marlboro. Allison married Zach Cairns
in September. Lynne Gemma Perreault’s daughter, Liza, is now a junior
at NDA and her son has just started his
freshman year at Roger Williams University studying marine biology. Lynne
continues to head the accounting department at High Output, Inc., in
Canton, MA. She traveled to Haiti
in October as part of a service trip
with her parish. Sheila O’Connor
Massarelli completed her second
triathalon in July and says her work in
the University of Massachusetts Memorial’s pediatric ICU is very rewarding.
Three of her and husband Dan’s five children are still in school. Their daughter, a
student at Georgetown University, is
spending a semester in France, while a
son begins his studies at Drexel University. Sheila muses, “Two out of college,
two in college and an 8th grader .. . Life is
good!” Please keep the families of Lucia
Tomaiolo O’Keefe and Robyn Jozefowski Marx in your prayers. Lucia’s
brother, Lenny, passed away in May.
Robyn’s son, Eric, lost his life in an auto
accident in March.
Class Scribe: Patricia Mahon Hurley,
Amy Harmon recently joined the Board
of Trustees at the Academy.
Class Scribe: Roseanne Reardon,
Scribe Roseanne reports: “Our 30th
reunion this past April was a great
success. Twenty-four out of 50 of us
attended, and everyone loved seeing
how beautiful the campus looks. We
met for an after-party at O’Connor’s
Restaurant and let’s just say that ‘what
happened at O’Connor’s will stay at
O’Connor’s.’ Kudos to Rita MoranGreiman, who chaired our reunion,
and everyone who helped her put the
evening together. We now have a private
Facebook page for our class thanks to
Joan Soulliere-Denshaw. All of you
Facebookers, be sure to join.” Wendy
MacIver Mara had the best reason ever
for not making it up from Florida for
reunion. On April 6 she gave birth to her
fifth child, Robbie, named after his dad!
Lynn Tessier Ferri was sorry to miss our
reunion, but not too sorry! She and
her husband, Lou, were in Barbados
celebrating their 23rd anniversary.
Lynn lives in Rhode Island and works
for Sovereign Bank as a Mortgage
Underwriter. Maryellen Ducharme
Ferranti writes: “All is well in
Connecticut. Life is still very busy. Jim
and I are almost empty nesters and I
finish my MSN in nursing in the spring.
The years go by too fast. How soon can I
retire? I am sad to have missed reunion,
but love hearing news of classmates.”
Jody Roy Halpin works for the State of
Vermont as a Benefits Program Specialist.
She lost her entire office in the post-Irene
flooding. She just moved to a new home,
in Richmond, VT. Jody loves spending
time with her 2 year old grandson,
Jayden, and with her two grown children,
Meg, 21, and Bobby, 24. Kate Donovan
Cleary was promoted to Regional Vice
Send to
President and Relationship Manager
at Fidelity this past July. She is
responsible for developing and
maintaining long-term business
partnerships with public sector clients
within Massachusetts. Her daughter,
Meaghan, graduated in May from
Fordham Lincoln Center with a
Bachelor of Science in Psychology.
She trains at Alvin Ailey and is the
event coordinator for their extension
program. Kate’s son, Jack, a college
sophomore, is an aspiring musician.
In August Liz Ryan Swikart participated in the PanMass Challenge to
honor and remember her sister,
Kathy Ryan Bedard ‘83. Liz and
Kathy’s husband, Steve, biked a total
of 110 miles. This year’s PMC raised
$35 million which will go directly to
cancer research and patient care at
Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the
Jimmy Fund at Children’s Hospital.
Elizabeth’s niece, Valerie Bedard ’11,
volunteered for the PanMass in
Sturbridge and met her father and her
aunt at several of the water stops.
Steve Bedard P’11 and Elizabeth (Liz)
Ryan Swikart ’81
1982 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Kelly Jefferson,
Steve Bedard P’11 and Elizabeth (Liz)
Scribe Kelly humbly apologizes for
the dearth of class notes in the spring
newsletter. She bought a house in
Webster, MA, in February and was still
waist-deep in boxes at the newsletter
deadline. Debbie Dattis Kielion is a
Director of the Claims Department at
Unum, where she has worked for 12
years. She works out of the Worcester
office, but is temporarily reassigned to
Portland, ME, as part of the company’s
Talent Sharing Initiative. Every weekend, she returns home to Holden, MA,
where she and husband, Mike, live.
Also in Holden is Donna Mallozzi
Perkins, who just celebrated 20 years
of marriage to husband, Stephen. They
have a landscaping and pet-sitting
business. Edwina Geenty Bell and
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Class Notes
Do we have your email address?
Amy Racicot Oddo have been posting
reminders on our Facebook page
that out 30th reunion is next year!
If anyone is interested in helping
organize a get-together, let us know.
Class Scribes: Veronique Culhane
Pitney and Rosemary Shea
Bethann Guerard Cormier is head
coach of the Auburn High School field
hockey team and hopes to bring her
squad back to the state championship
game this fall. (Are you listening,
Coach Provost?) Ann Murray Paige is
the author of Pink Tips: Breast Cancer
Advice from Someone Who’s Been There.
Kerry Dowling has received rave
reviews for her recent performances
at the Gloucester Stage Stoneham
Theatre and SpeakEasy Stage in Boston
in Sorry, Wrong Number. Her classmates
all knew in 1983 that our “Mother
Abbess” in the Academy’s Sound of
Music production had star power!
Class Scribes: Christina Murphy
Pyman and Lucinda Smith
Scribe Lucinda writes: “Several
members of the Class of 1984
descended upon Washington, D.C.
the last weekend in March for what
has become an annual spring
mini-reunion. I served as hostess and
in attendance were Patti Ouellette
Laughren, Allison Gallic Schneider
(and her brave husband, Pat, who put
up with all of us), Julie Hernandez
Harrigfeld, Tracey White, Deborah
Jackson, Kathleen Dickman Dunn,
Trina McAfee Lachance, Beth
Swanstrom and JoanAnn McCorkle
Natola. A welcome dinner celebrating
JoanAnn’s birthday kicked off the
weekend followed by a day of fun
on Saturday—hitting all the sights in
downtown D.C. courtesy of our limo
bus. We made it to the Iwo Jima
Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, a drive
around all of the monuments, some
Smithsonian museum time, boxed
lunch by the Sculpture Garden, a tour
of the U.S. Capital (Beth is now an
honorary tour guide) and ended our
D.C. tour at Washington Harbour. A
big cookout on Saturday night was
followed by a brunch at Fabbioli
Cellars in Leesburg hosted by owner
and winemaker, Doug Fabbioli. It was
a great weekend! Who knows where
we’ll go next year!”
Alumnae from the Class of 1984 in
D.C. at Iwo Jima Memorial.
1987 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Sarah Carney Brown
Class Scribes: Michele Consiglio and
Charlene Stolberg
Cynthia Walsh MacKenzie and her
husband, Scott, have added to their
family. Brooke Ryleigh MacKenzie was
born last April 4. Big sister Caroline is
so excited! Celeste Maykel Zack was
thrilled to find the Phantom Gourmet
at her restaurant EVO, American Dining
Evolved. Celeste and her brother, Albert,
opened EVO on Chandler Street in
Worcester last year and have already
won “Best Business Luncheon Location”
and “Best New Restaurant” in local
competitions. Kristen Burgess Anderson
recently accepted the position of the
Regional Admissions Representative for
Assumption College in Rhode Island,
Bristol County, MA and Eastern, CT.
Kristen is a 1992 graduate of Assumption
Send to
spending the past four years living in
Minnesota. She, her husband Paul, and
two daughters, Eleanor and Margaret,
are settled into their new home and are
enjoying getting reacquainted with life
in Massachusetts. While happy to be
back near friends and family, there are
some aspects of life in the Twin Cities
they miss, among them the Minnesota
State Fair and the Mall of America!
Alexis Rougas-Ermilio, owner of
Adventure Boot Camp, was honored
in The Worcester Business Journal as a
young leader in the 40 Under Forty,
Class of 2011. Some of her community
work includes coaching the Worcester
Department of Public Works in the
city’s Biggest Loser Contest, running
boot-camp fundraisers, promoting
positive and healthy choices at Career
Day at NDA, and helping at her son’s
preschool. Alexis credits her success to
her sister Karen Rougas ’82. “We were
raised to work hard, but Karen taught
me how to run a business.”
Class Scribes: Tracy O’Connell Novick
and Katharine Howard O’Connell
Sima Avakian married Stephen
Baylerian on Aug. 20. The couple
resides in Michigan with Sima’s two
daughters, Ossanna and Taleen.
Sima has finished a second degree
in mental health/social work and
would love to connect with classmates
via Facebook.
1992 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Eloise Thibault
Scribe Eloise and her daughter, Olivia,
traveled in August to Germany and
France to visit with husband Chris who
is deployed as a pharmacist for a year at
Landstuhl Medical Center with the
Class Scribes: Meg Munger Beriau and
Maureen Burke Power
Nicole Leroux Lawlor is officially a
Licensed Special Education Teacher
and is teaching at Gates Lane School
Worcester. Tracey Pakstis Claiborne’s
daughter, Caitlin, is a freshman at NDA
this year, and, if you can believe it,
Sr. Evelyn is her religion teacher too!
Class Scribes: Michelle Donabedian
and Kimberly Koontz Doncaster,
Scribe Kim and her family moved
back to Boston earlier this year after
Eloise and Chris Woodruff with
daughter Olivia.
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Class Notes
Do we have your email address?
US Navy Reserves. The Center is where
injured servicemen are brought for
stabilization prior to being flown
to the States. They visited Paris,
Strasbourg, France and Bavaria,
Germany. Olivia was entranced with
the Neuschwanstein Castle, the
inspiration for Walt Disney’s Sleeping
Beauty castle. Upon returning home,
Olivia started Kindergarten. Carol
Provo Zeitlin is happy to announce
the birth of her daughter, Arianna
Rose, on February 12. Carol writes,
“She looks just like a Provo!”
second child, Connor McNamee Savage,
on November 5, 2011. Catherine writes,
“He weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz., and his brother
Aidan (age 3 1/2) is his biggest fan.
I am currently working at the U.S.
Department of Justice as a Policy Advisor
at the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Hope
all is well in Worcester!”
Send to
Class Scribe: Catherine West
Last August 9th, was a busy day for two
of our classmates. Keri McKenna Tilson
welcomed Luke Robert, who joins big
brother, Drew. Kristina Newman Ryan
welcomed Delaney Grace, who joins big
sisters, Allie, Katie, and Molly. Class scribe
Stephanie Lewis Weinfurt welcomed
John Walter on April 12th. John joins
big brother, Matthew. Keri Svenning
Silvestri, a Nurse Practitioner at
Memorial Hospital, was one of the many
wonderful medical professionals who
cared for John during his short stay in
the NICU after his premature delivery.
Sarah Anne Maloney Dowden is happy
to announce the birth of her third child,
Claire Brigid Dowden. Big brother, Ryan,
and sister, Rory, are excited about the
new addition, as is Grandma Mary
Elizabeth Tobin Maloney ’62.
Meaghan Daly began her residency
in dermatology in Chapel Hill, North
Carolina this past summer. Marissa E.
Borst holds an Associates in Science
Degree from Becker College, and a
Bachelor of Fines Arts from the New
England School of Art & Design,
Suffolk University. She started her
career in Sales & Marketing for Allied
Domecq Liquors & Jim Beam Brands in
the Boston area. She currently spends
her days in the Metro Washington
D.C. area as a Commercial/Hospitality
Interior Designer for Architecture +
Design Associates, Inc.
(, and Owner
of All’s Well That Ends Well Designs
(, which
specializes in miscellaneous Art &
Graphic Design. Marissa is a member
of Cambridge Who’s Who, Filipino
Young Professionals DC, and will be
the 2012 Director of Programming
for Network of Executive Women in
Hospitality. She teaches weekly piano
lessons & choreographs competition
dances. Melissa is mother to “beautiful,
energetic, and inquisitive” 3 year old
Eve Autumn.
Class Scribes: Katherine Liberatore
Kelly and April Lionett
Class Scribe: Elizabeth O’ConnorBartlett
Class Scribe: Brittney Lazar Burgess
Mary Beth Fecteau did it again! She
ran the Virginia Wine Country half
marathon on June 4 to raise funds
for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
of America ( Crohn’s
Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are
chronic, painful and often debilitating
digestive disorders. Mary Beth writes,
“As an alum of two prior half
marathons and having been a Team
Challenge mentor last summer, I was
so honored and excited to be coming
back as a participant and mentor for
the 2011 summer season. For those
who don’t already know, I have
Crohn’s Disease and this is my 25th
year with this horrible, debilitating,
life changing disorder. I have had
uncountable hospital visits and several
surgeries. Finding Team Challenge
has been the best thing I could have
possibly done to make a connection
with others and prove that my body
doesn’t hold me back!”
Dr. Beth Rymeski and NDA student
Sarah Nann ’14 met at the Academy’s
Career Day and Beth invited Sarah to
her hospital in Delaware. Beth writes,
“Sarah scrubbed into an OR case (which
typically you don’t get to do until you
are a medical student.) I know that she
really had a great time and wish that we
could have spent more time together.
I am always happy to have any NDA
student spend time with me or talk to
them about a career in medicine—don’t
hesitate to pass others along if anyone
asks.” Colleen Carignan ran in the
Chicago Rock and Roll half marathon
in August and crossed the finish line in
just under 2 hours!
Scribe Nicole has relocated to Atlanta,
Georgia and is currently working at CNN
as an Editorial Producer.
Arianna Rose Zeitlin
Class Scribe: Meg Kennedy,
Catherine McNamee and her husband
Bryan welcomed the arrival of their
Class Scribe: Stephanie Lewis Weinfurt
1997 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: BethAnne Reidy DiFonso
Class Scribes: Meghan Kane Bride,
Nicole Dow and Erika Lazar Farrell,
After working for six years at the
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and,
most recently, taking a year to coach
Division 1 women’s swimming at
Yale University, Toni Pullman is
currently pursuing her MBA at Babson
College. She will graduate from the
full-time program in May, 2013 with a
focus in marketing and retail/consumer
products. Toni lives in Cambridge, MA.
Class Scribe: Katy Noone-Kesselman
Marissa Holland and the nurses of 4C
of the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit of
Brigham and Women’s Hospital were
highlighted in The Boston Globe in
its Salute to Nurses series. Juli Burch
Doggart and her husband are happy
to announce the birth of their first
child, Samuel John, in May. Meredith
Bond was recently profiled in The
Worcester Telegram & Gazette’s Careers
Now section. Meredith is an event
planner and owner of Crave 26.
Meredith reports most of her events are
weddings. Amanda West was married
this year in New Orleans to Jordan
Abshire. Amanda finished a one-year
clerkship for the Honorable Barbara
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Class Notes
Do we have your email address?
Milano Keenan on the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and
recently started a new position as
an associate at the law firm of
McGuireWoods. Kate Mulford Phillips
volunteered once again this year at
the Academy’s field hockey tryouts.
Kate is currently the assistant coach
for the varsity field hockey team.
Victoria Begley is working as the
speech-language pathologist & reading
specialist at Needham High School and
recently moved to Roslindale, MA.
2002 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribes: Meghan Coonan and
Sarah Epstein
Scribe Meghan began her summer
volunteering and researching for
Crescent House, a domestic violence
shelter in New Orleans, LA. She also
worked as a pre-school and toddler
teacher at a school in Brookline, MA.
Now entering the second and final
year of her MSW program at Wheelock
College, Meghan will be interning at
Franciscan Hospital for Children in
Brighton, MA. She will be running
individual and group therapy for
children ages 4–14.
Class Scribes: Julie Beer and Lynn
Andrea Hurley volunteered at this
year’s Academy field hockey tryouts.
Jaclyn Farwell ran the Virginia Wine
Country half marathon June 4 with
Mary Beth Fecteau ’93 to raise funds
for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
of America ( Jacy
writes, “I was diagnosed with Crohn’s
when I was 20 years old, discharged
immediately from the US Navy (which
broke my heart) and was hospitalized
due to complications from this terrible
disease. I thought I’d lost my ability to
live life. Finally, a new medication came
on the market thanks to funding for
Crohn’s and Colitis research. The catch?
It will eventually stop working. For
now, I’m making the most of my second chance. Thank you, NDA alumnae,
for supporting this important cause.”
Class Scribe: Michaela Prouty
Scribe Michaela writes: “You may have
seen the news story in April of this year
about Mitch Hunter who received a face
transplant at Brigham and Women’s
Hospital. If you saw the news footage of
the medical staff in the operating room,
you may have noticed our own Kendra
Currier in the red scrub cap.” Kendra is
attending Regis College and is pursuing
her masters in nursing administration.
Caitlin Murphy and Danielle Perron
volunteered with the field hockey team
pre-season. Danielle is this year’s junior
varsity field hockey coach. Stephanie
Texeira writes, “My second son, Logan
Alexander, was born July 18. A week later,
my husband deployed to Afganastan. Son,
Ryan, who turned four on May 7, loves
being a big brother and is attending
preschool.” Kelly DeCharles is currently
working in Boston as a graphic designer.
Kelly writes, “Our ice cream store, Lil’
Caboose, had a good season this year
despite the “hurricane” madness, and
closed after Columbus Day.” The season
premiere of Top Chef, Just Desserts, which
aired on the BRAVO channel Aug. 24,
featured Kathryn Guy-Hamilton. She
runs the pastry program at the Grand
Hyatt in New York City.
Class Scribe: Maude Okrah
Biz Hennigan walked the Susan G. Komen
3-Day for a Cure this summer in honor
of her grandmother. MacKenzie Granger
received her RN at the Mass College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences. MacKenzie
also volunteered at this year’s field hockey
tryouts in August.
Class Scribe: Lianne Henderson
Airman Alyssa Owens graduated from
basic military training at Lackland Air
Force Base, San Antonio, TX in July. Her
training consisted of an eight-week program
including military discipline and studies,
Air Force core values, physical fitness and
basic warfare principles and skills. Erin
Iandoli was another alumna volunteer at
this year’s field hockey tryouts. Emily
Egan is getting her masters in theology at
Loyola in Chicago and is currently working
at the Paris Club, a restaurant in the Windy
City. Lauren Dylewicz is teaching in an
elementary school autism classroom, and
getting her masters. Lianne Henderson is
working as a legal assistant at Lawson &
Weitzen, a law firm in Boston. Christine
Griffin is working at Pricewaterhouse
Coopers in Manhattan after having
completed her Masters in Accounting
from Boston College and completing
her CPA exam.
2007 – Reunion, April 28, 2012
Class Scribe: Megan Quick
Jessica Bove graduated this year from the
University of Connecticut where she made
the Dean’s List. She spent the summer as
Send to
tennis instructor in the Auburn
Recreation Department. Jessica was
highlighted in The Worcester Telegram
& Gazette in an article on tennis.
Tina Lauring is doing freelance
graphic design work in Los Angeles.
Nikki Okrah works for Visa, Inc., in
San Francisco. Rachel Egan is living
in Norfolk, VA, and working for
Operation Smile. Her first two missions
are in Kenya and Ethiopia. Rachel
Chinian is working as a nurse in the
Cardiothoracic Surgical Intensive Care
Unit at the Hospital of the University
of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
Cassie Kowal is working in Alexandria, VA, doing international corporate
relocation for Dwellworks. She was
recommended for the position by
Julie Quitadamo ’78. Jess Kelliher
is enrolled in a master’s in clinical
psychology program at Western
Carolina University. Jen Kanavos is
back in Alabama finishing her degree
in graphic design at Auburn University
after a summer interning for the
Boston Bruins. Jackie Packard has
started her first year at Florida Coastal
School of Law. Courtney Kelly is
working in marketing and advertising
for CROSSMARK, Inc., in Dallas.
Scribe Meg Quick is teaching 6th
grade science and 7th grade special
education at Freedom Prep, a charter
middle school in Memphis, TN.
Amanda Eddy is preparing to take
the Massachusetts Tests for Education
Licensure while finishing up her
degree at UMass and Courtney Lynch
is an inclusion aide at Norwood High
and enrolled in a MAT program at
Bridgewater State. Sarah Palmgren
is a nurse in the pediatric ICU at
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.
Maura Coyne is at YOU Inc., while
pursuing an associate’s degree in
deaf studies. Molly Madaio is a staff
member in District Attorney Joe Early’s
office and is applying to law school.
Rachel Aspero is working as a tax
accountant near Albany, NY. Brittany
Florin is a medical oncology nurse at
Northern Westchester Hospital. Alison
Amorello is a freelance writer for She taught
English in Italy last summer. Fatima
Razzaq and Julia Noone are roommates in Boston where Fatima
works as a drafting architect while
enrolled in a master’s program. Farrah
Lawrence has been traveling the
country while working on tours for
various artists. KC Murphy resides
in Rhode Island and is working in
marketing for Fidelity while enrolled
in an MBA program. Allison Longvall
Cairns became the first member of the
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Class Notes
Do we have your email address?
orientation leader this year at
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
and Health Sciences.
Class of 2007 to tie the knot when
she married Zach Cairns on September
10 at his parents’ farm in Charlton,
MA. Kirsten Nelson, Lindsey Glass,
and Erin Cahill are all finishing up
their last year of school, studying
economics, nursing, and landscape
architecture, respectively.
Class Scribes: Alexandra Rawson
and Sarah Roberts
Class Scribes: Lucy Higgins and
Samantha Pegg
Megan Donnelly spent her summer
abroad in Dublin, Ireland through
Boston University’s summer internship
program. She worked at Celtic Media, a
social media company, in the Dublincard division and enjoyed extensive
travel throughout Ireland. Megan looks
forward to her senior year at Assumption College where she will graduate
next May with a degree in English and
mass communications. Colby Chaput
will be graduating in May from the
Air Force Academy and is waiting to
hear if she gets a pilot slot. She was
able to take Powered Flight, an intensive training program, and had 12-15
hours of flight time with an instructor
pilot (IP) before making her solo flight.
The plane Colby flew was a T-52. She
also participated in a summer research
project at Walmart Headquarters where
she created a wildly successful computer tool to help make one of their
processes more efficient. After spending January in southwestern Uganda
doing community health research,
Caroline Komanecky studied abroad
in Cardiff, Wales for 5 months. She
spent the summer living in Boston
and interning at Boston Healthcare
for the Homeless program and is now
back at Colgate for her senior year.
Nicole Lilly transferred to Assumption
College from the University of Rhode
Island her sophomore year. Nicole is
executive director of an on-campus
organization that raises funds and
awareness for St. Jude Children’s
Hospital. After graduation, Nicole
hopes to attend law school. Lucy
Higgins spent the summer working
and life guarding for children ages
5-16. Now back at Rider University,
she is studying and playing softball;
helping out with Special Olympics and
the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure,
Relay for Life; and teaching private
catching lessons. She also completed a
documentary about the Red Bull Cliff
Diving competition where she worked
with Red Bull athletics and a local cliff
diver on the circuit. Sam Pegg recently
transferred from Xavier University to
Worcester State University. Alexandra
Send to
Colby Chaput ’08
Giorgio is in her last year at UMass
Dartmouth in the nursing program
where she is the Student Nurses’
Association president. She has just
launched a program that she designed
with the associate dean of nursing for
nursing majors modeled after NDA’s
“Big Sister/Little Sister Program.” Alli
will be completing her honors thesis
this semester entitled, Von Willebrand’s
Disease and Pregnancy: Pre-Conception, In
Utero, and Post-Partum.
Class Scribe: Laura Madaio
Erin Rogers is currently studying
at Northeastern and was also a
volunteer for the Academy’s field hockey
tryouts in August. Caroline Massarelli
is studying in Strasbourg, France. Liz
Pinzino is abroad in Florence, Italy. Jess
Lynch is back in the States studying
dance at the Eugene Lang College, The
New School for Liberal Arts. Kim Dowd
is studying in Seville, Spain. Scribe
Laura writes, “I am in my third season
of field hockey at Western New England
University. I have been accepted into a
study abroad seminar next August where
I will travel to London for the Olympics.”
Class Scribe: Julia Moynagh
Kelsey O’Donnell transferred to
UMass Amherst and she could
not be happier about it! Brittany
Wheeler is currently teaching dance
in New York. She writes, “I had the
opportunity to dance in Disney World
this past summer with my dance team
from Manhattanville College. My team
was asked to go back next summer and I
have been asked to assist with choreography.” Tiff Le plays the flute in the Colleges of the Fenway Orchestra and was
recruited as a student ambassador and
Ethel McGinn is an executive on
the hall council and an admissions
ambassador at Assumption College.
Sarah Coderre is studying industrial
and labor relations and is a member
of the Cornell (University) Tradition
Fellowship. Sarah writes, “I just
started my campus job. I am working
at the Public Service Center as a
center programs specialist. I edit the
e-newsletter and help people who
come in looking for ways to volunteer.” Kamille Sobolewski writes,
“I’m at UMass Amherst, studying
psychology. I’m really looking to
branch off into neuroscience. I’m
planning to join intramural soccer.
I’m in women’s choir and on the
hall council. I’ve bumped into
Hannah White, Val Bedard, and
Kailey Steele more than once. It’s
nice to see a familiar face once in a
while!” Kaitlyn Feraco is a media
communications/journalism major.
She writes, “I’m currently writing for
the school paper, working on the hall
council, joining intramurals, and still
doing some creative writing. Allie
Reis lives right down the hall from
me.” Ali Sivazlian is at Mount Ida
studying video game art animation.
Ali writes, “I managed to find that one
hidden room with a grand piano in
it.” Caroline Seals is at Quinnipiac
University studying public relations
& political science. Caroline writes,
“I do community service, I’m a part
of a national public relations
organization and I’m joining a
sorority.” Rachel Machunski is at
Beloit College in Wisconsin, and
planning on double majoring in
modern languages (Russian and
Japanese) and biology with a pre-med
track. Rachel is in the martial arts club,
ballroom dance club, substance free
activity planning, Spanish Club, and
BSFFA. Ali Labaire is studying at the
University of Connecticut in the preteaching program, soon to be majoring
in elementary education! Ali writes,
“I’m involved in CEA (a club for future
teachers) tutoring 4-8 graders at
Horace Porter School, and involved in
a program called K-5 and College Bound
which brings children from the inner
city in to UCONN to help them get
on the right track for college.” Laura
Huggard is undeclared at Boston
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Do we have your email address?
College but thinking about applying
to the international studies program
and minoring in French. Laura is on
the dance team. Kelsey McCarthy is
a speech pathology major at Stonehill
College. She is planning to specialize
and work with the deaf. Kelsey writes,
“I’m in the Colleges Against Cancer
Club, and am joining many others
such as Art Club, disABILITY, Campus
Diversity and RA training for next year.
I’m rooming with Jenny Foley and
loving it”! Jen was named Rookie of
the Week in the North East Ten in
September after making the winning
goal for Stonehill in over-time against
St. Anselm. Two weeks later she was
named National Rookie of the Week!
Sarah Roberts is studying at The
College of the Holy Cross and has
an undeclared major although she is
leaning toward sociology and political
science. Sarah is on the performance
team and dance ensemble with fellow
NDA classmate Liz Inman. Sarah
writes, “I also work in the dining
services office and volunteer for Big
Brothers/Big Sisters. I am involved
with the house council for my dorm
and often see NDA grads walking
around campus.” Brenna Falconi is
a hospitality major at Lynn University
in Boca Raton, Florida. She joined the
Tri Sigma Sorority and is currently
doing community service for Helping
Hands. Erin Ostromecky is at
Framingham State University studying
psychology in the honors program.
She is considering double majoring
in marketing. She is a part of the FSU
Dance Club, the Psychology Club, and
the Student Union Activities Board.
She has also taken full advantage of
the dining hall’s “eat as much as you
want” dining plan. Salsa Bayou is
majoring in biology and in the
pre-med program at Clark University.
She is joining the International and
Diversity Clubs. She is planning on
getting a job in the foreign languages
and literature department. She sees
Sumer Shaikah and Jackie O’Connor
around campus. Leah Ellis is a nursing
major at Quinnipiac University. She is
on the hip-hop dance team and also a
member of the Hellenic society and
student nursing association. Hilary
Savage is majoring in biomedical
engineering at RPI in New York. She
is participating in club tennis and is
part of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters
program. Caitlin Corfey is undecided
on her major at UMass Amherst. She is
currently on a pre-med track enrolled
in chemistry and calculus classes. She
has joined the pre-med society, Habitat
for Humanity, and Best Buddies.
Class Notes
Debbie LeDoux is at Cazenovia College
in New York. She is studying fashion
design. She has joined the dance team,
the Middle Eastern belly dancing club
and fashion club. Katie Butler is at
the University of Connecticut in
pre-teaching and applying for the
special education program. She made
the UCONN dance company and is also
a member of Best Buddies and Autism
Speaks. Sheila Hurley is at Endicott
College studying hospitality management and minoring in Spanish. She is
president of her residential hall and
playing field hockey. Catie Barry is
majoring in chemical engineering at RPI.
She is part of swim club, the Society of
Women Engineers, and the American
Institute of Chemical Engineering.
Erica Shear is at Temple University
in Philadelphia studying international
business and, hopefully, picking up
another major in marketing. She is
minoring in Spanish and hoping to
double up with MIS (management
information systems.) She has joined
The American Marketing Association
and is on the Professional Development
Committee, the International Business
Association and she is on the Committee
for Marketing. She joined Hillel, the
Temple Students for Israel Club, and the
Temple University Community Service
Association. She would like to Join
Toastmasters next semester. Rachel
Garabedian is at Catholic University in
Washington, D.C. studying engineering.
She is involved with campus ministry
and community service and is tutoring
underprivileged children. Sarah
Ducharme is at Springfield College
in the physician assistant program.
She plays field hockey and works in the
admissions building. Christina Bailey is
at WPI majoring in chemical engineering
with a pre-health track. She is involved
in the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers, the Society of Women Engineers, Student Ambassadors, Student
Alumni Society and Mu Sigma Delta
where she is co-chair of fundraising. She
is also on the freshman class board and
will be going through rush in November
to join Greek life! She has met many
wonderful people including Molly
Ott, her community advisor, and
NDA science teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth
Ott’s daughter! Elizabeth Armitage
is a student at West Virginia University
and is a member of Invisible Children
(, an organization that uses
documentary film and social action
to protest the use of child soldiers
and restore peace and prosperity to
affected communities in central Africa.
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Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
In Memoriam
The souls of the just are in the hands of God. They shall shine forever like the stars of the sky. ~ Wisdom 3:1
Jacqueline Grenier Fitzpatrick ’56
Valerie Karolkewicz Pulaski ’58
Mary Louise Feeney, sister of Meg
Kirkendall ’55
R. Paul Harney, brother of Joyce Harney
Dubuque ’57
Dane Johnson, brother of Lela Johnson ’81
Paul Meyer, brother of Mary Meyer
Kilburn ’80
Leonard Tomaiolo, brother of Lucia
O’Keefe Tomaiolo ’79
George Daly, husband of Elizabeth Wolanin
Daly ’59
Paul Greaney, husband of Kathleen Foley
Greaney ’67
Graham Cataldo Davies, son of Suzanne
Cataldo ’71 (died 2007)
Eric Marx, son of Robyn Josefowski Marx ’79
Lauren Wilkinson, daughter of Robin
Silva-Wilkinson ’73
Earl Atchue Sr., father of Maryellen Atchue
Standring ’65, grandfather of Michaela ’03
and Callie Atchue ’05 and great-grandfather
of Emily Helenius ’14
Alice Bowen, mother of Alice Bowen ’66
J. Philip Bouvier, M.D., father of Ann Marie
Bouvier ’61 and Phyllis Bouvier Demers ’64
Gerald Bowen, M.D., father of Joan Bowen
Dowd ’84, grandfather of Hannah Dowd ’14
Eileen Longden, mother of Ellen Longden
Breyer ’66
Jane Fitzgerald, sister of Ann McColgan,
faculty member
Donald Mallozzi, father of Donna Mallozzi
Perkins ’82
Donald Nicholson, brother of Anne
Patrick Nicholson SND
Margaret McPhillips, mother of Mary Kay
McPhillips ’79
Francis O’Brien, father of Trustee Patricia
O’Brien SND
John Mockler, father of Nancy Mockler
Mattson ’72
Mary Ann Popec Gormley, former
faculty member
Frederick Morgan, father of Ann
McColgan, faculty member and grandfather
of Elaine McColgan ’07
T. Blaine Robertson, father of Academy’s
Angela Haynes, music instructor
James Phillips, father of Patricia Phillips
Parsons ’71, Virginia Phillips Croudace ’72,
Elizabeth Anne Phillips Normand ’74,
Reenie Phillips McCarthy ’82 and
grandfather of Tracey Normand Roode ’01
Peter Rougas, father of Karen Rougas ’82,
Theodora Rougas Pace ’85 and Alexis
Rougas-Ermilio ’90
Bernice Rymsza, father of Judith Rymsza
Mailhiot ’69
Judith Standring, mother of Susan
Standring Wagner ’85
Leo Tougas, father of Susan Tougas Leahy
’67 and Janice Tougas Donahue ’73,
grandfather of Allison Leahy ‘94
Tony Wood, father of Julie Wood ’11 and
husband of Denise Wood, faculty member
Arthur Aube, grandfather of Brenna Aube
’12 and Michelle Aube ’14
Jacques Boilard, grandfather of Lauren
Bellerose ’10
Louise Desto, grandmother of Kerri Desto
’96 and Kimberly Desto ’99
Frances Ann Candito, mother of Jane
Candito-Corr ’66
Margaret Noone, grandmother of Katy
Noone-Kesselman ’01, Alison Noone ’03
and Julie Noone ’07
Mary Curll, mother of Elizabeth
Curll-Chappell ’98
Robert O’Connell, Jr., grandfather of
Jenna O’Connell ’13
Leonard Gabrila, father of Amy Gabrila ’93
Mary Pashko, grandmother of Lindsay
Pashko ’06 and Amanda Pashko ’09
Mary Harvey, mother of Anne Harvey
Wright ’68, Maureen Harvey ’70, and
Kathleen Harvey Kelly ’72
William Ritacco, grandfather of Arianna
Bacon ’12
Priscilla Hassett, mother of Patricia
Hassett ’85
George Wood, grandfather of Kyra and
Emily Robins ’15
Claire Lauring, mother of Trustee John
Lauring, Maryanne Lauring Seibold ’79,
Lisa Lauring Kennedy ’77 (deceased);
grandmother of Christina Lauring ’07 and
Elizabeth Lauring, NDA library assistant,
Rachael Seibold ’05, and Allison Seibold ’09.
Mary Casavant, aunt of Patricia Provost,
faculty member
Nilton DaSilva, brother of Natalino Silva
and Solange Blitz, staff members
Notre Dame
425 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
Tel: 508-757-6200
Fax: 508-757-1888
The Notre Dame Academy Magazine is
published twice a year in the Fall and the Spring
by the Office of Institutional Advancement.
Rachel Kenary Egan ’77
Nicki Carignan Lazaros ’89
Mary Shea Kennedy ’65
Mary Estes Zywar, Visual Arts Instructor,
Notre Dame Academy
Harry Clough
Barbara A. Truell/Truell Design
A PDF of the magazine is available online
on the “About NDA/Publications” page of
our website
We remember members of our community who have passed away as of November 15, 2011.
Notre Dame AcademyCredenda
Fall/Winter 2011-2012
Your donation advances Notre Dame Academy’s
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in Central Massachusetts. The interest and support
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Thank you!
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Non-Profit Organization
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Parents: If this issue of the NDA Credenda is
addressed to your daughter who now resides
at a separate permanent address, please let us
know. Call 508-757-6200, Ext. 227 or e-mail Thank you.
Campus Events – All
November 26
are welcome!
Director Kallin Johnson. Featuring
actors and musicians from NDA
and surrounding schools. Tickets
go on sale in early March.
Alumnae Field Hockey Game
11:30 am
November 30 – December 16
Festival of Trees • 7:00 – 9:00 pm
December 1
March 18
“The Royal Worcester Corset
Matinee Performance • 2:00 pm
Festival of Trees • 3:00 – 5:00 pm
December 8
Immaculate Conception Liturgy
10:50 am
December 15
April 26
Dance Ensemble Performance TBA
April 27
Red Cross Blood Drive
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Christmas Concert • 7:30 pm
Featuring the Glee Club, Chamber
Chorale, Chamber Orchestra,
Instrumental Ensemble, Percussion
Ensemble, Flute Choir, and Guitar
April 28
Reunion Mass • 4:00 pm
Reunion Reception
5:00 – 7:00 pm
For the Classes of 1957, 1962,
1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987,
1992, 1997, 2002, and 2007.
February 3 – March 2
Ad Drive
Monies raised through advertisements
in the Spring Musical playbook benefit
the entire school
February 16
Winter Concert • 7:30 pm
Featuring our vocal and instrumental
March 15 -17
The Junior Duck Stamp
Traveling Show Art Exhibit
March 15 -17
Individual Class Dinners following
at area restaurants. Members of
your class’s Reunion Committee
will contact you with details.
May 17
Ascension Liturgy • 10:50 am
Student Art Show
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Spring Concert • 7:30 pm
“The Royal Worcester Corset
Company” 8:00 pm
Written and produced by Theater
Director Virginia Byrne and Music
Mission Statement: Notre Dame Academy’s philosophy of education is built on the belief that education should prepare students for their roles as Christian women. We wish
to provide our students with the opportunity to become more aware of what is happening in their lives and to assume responsibility for themselves and their community.
In order to learn to make responsible choices, Notre Dame students have the freedom to learn in a school dedicated to high academic standards, and to involve themselves
in the community, both utilizing its resources and serving its people.
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