Notre Dame Academy Class of 2015


Notre Dame Academy Class of 2015
St. Joseph Academy
St. Norbert
Central Catholic
Volume 25 - Number 2
Abbot Pennings
Notre Dame Academy
Notre Dame Academy 25th Anniversary
Celebrating Excellence In Catholic Education
Notre Dame Academy Class of 2015
In This Issue
A Letter from the President ...................................... Page 3
Feature Story ............................................................Page 4-6
NDA Celebrating 25 Years
Alumni Gym ............................................................ Page 7
Alumni Clothing ...................................................... Page 7
Annual Spring Appeal ..............................................Page 7
President's Dinner .................................................... Page 8
TritonFest 2015 ........................................................Page 9
Reunions & Gatherings ............................................Page 10 & 11
In Memoriam ........................................................... Page 11
Alum News & Notes................................................ Page 12-15 & 19
Fr. Gilsdorf CD - Celebrating His Life & Work .......Page 15
Sisters of St. Joseph Jubilarians .............................. Page 16
Central Catholic Memories ..................................... Page 17 & 18
In History ................................................................ Page 18
Triton Golf Classic 2015 ......................................... Page 20
On The Front Cover
Notre Dame Academy Class of 2015
Notre Dame Academy
compassion, forgiveness,
love of the Lord
politeness, tolerance, fairness
accountability, excellence,
caring, charity, citizenship
honesty, integrity, loyalty,
The Alumni Newsletter of
Notre Dame de la Baie Academy
610 Maryhill Drive
Green Bay, WI 54303-2092
(920) 429-6100
Mr. Robert Pauly
Dr. John Ravizza
Associate Principal
Mr. Greg Masarik
Editor of AlumNews
Mrs. Kathy Kanikula
The AlumNews is published
two times a year in November
and May.
NDA Celebrating 25 Years
Story By: Carolyn Brown
Cover Photo By: Roxanne Knight
Send articles, news notes and
other materials to the attention
of the editor:
A Letter from the President
Dear Alum,
Since this is the last time that I will have the privilege of writing to you, I wanted to begin by expressing my
thanks to each and every one of you who has enriched my life during my time as President of Notre Dame
Academy. To return and lead my alma mater in my beloved hometown was a rare gift indeed. Thank you to
those of you I did not have the pleasure of meeting, but who have supported our
students with your financial gifts over the past five years. We could not have
fulfilled our mission to love, educate and serve young people in the Spirit of
Jesus Christ without you and your continued generosity. Thank you to those
alumni and benefactors I did have the pleasure of meeting. There are no
better people in the whole world than the good people of Green Bay, WI.
I will treasure the relationships I have made with many of you for the rest
of my life.
Thank you to the parents who entrusted their greatest personal treasure
with all of us at Notre Dame Academy. Many of our parents chose
Catholic secondary education at a great personal sacrifice. Thank you
for witnessing to the great impact Notre Dame Academy can have on the
life and development of a teenage student. Thank you to our teachers,
staff and Board of Education who have helped make Notre Dame Academy
one of the greatest Catholic High Schools in the world! Your dedication
and love for our students is inspiring. Thank you as well to the many
students who touched my heart over the past five years. Some of you are now
a part of our 23,000 member alumni family. You welcomed me into your lives,
allowed me to share my love of music with you, and the exchange of lots of "high
fives." For that I am most grateful.
Lastly, a special debt of gratitude goes out to the men and women who made Catholic high school education
a reality for so many youth. To all of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, thank you for educating both of
my sisters and my high school friends. They all have great memories of the Academy. To all of my Norbertine
brothers, thank you for welcoming me back to your/our school. I left you as a young 18 year old student back in
1975 with great hopes and dreams and I returned in mid-life to experience a dream come true as the leader of
Notre Dame Academy. Your great personal and financial investment in the educational and spiritual lives of young
people in Green Bay and De Pere has left a lasting imprint on the history of northeastern Wisconsin. For me to
have the opportunity to reconnect with esteemed teachers and dear friends has been a rich blessing indeed!
On this 25th Anniversary of Notre Dame Academy, I will leave with many warm memories from my time spent
here and I will leave knowing that the leadership of Notre Dame Academy is in the very capable hands of a man
I greatly respect and know will do a fantastic job. Our new President is Mr. Kevin Shaw and his tender heart,
visionary leadership and passion for Notre Dame Academy will be just the right fit for the school as it moves
forward into the future. Please get to know him. He is a very kind, respectful and humorous man of integrity.
You will like him very much like so many already do.
To close, I will borrow a very brief quote from one of my favorite saints of our Catholic faith, Saint Thomas
More, “Pray for me, as I will for thee, until we merrily meet, in heaven!”
May God’s Tender Heart Be Yours!
Bob Pauly
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
Notre Dame Academy -- Celebrating 25 Years
By: Carolyn Brown
Photos by: Roxanne Knight
Writer’s Note: Nineteen years ago I became a teacher at Notre Dame Academy after an interview with Sr. Pat Clement, principal;
Tim Schumacher, Associate Principal; and Mike Gross, President. I had no idea then that the school was only six years old and
had been born amidst tumult—the sudden closing of three Catholic schools to create a new entity, NDA. Now we celebrate the 25th
anniversary of that school that has become such an integral part of my life. I can only imagine what it means to those of you who
“birthed” it, who melded into it, and who feared it. This article is a celebration of all of you who made NDA what it is today. It is
written with gratitude and appreciation.
A few weeks ago Jack Herlache greeted me at the hospital visitors’ desk and walked me to the recovery room of my
husband. As we chatted, I learned this helpful hospital volunteer was a 1961 Premontre graduate.
“Do you follow Notre Dame today?” I asked, remembering how some of my early-day Phonathon calls had irritated
alumni from the predecessor schools.
“Of course,” he said.
“Any follow-up problems from the old days when they closed Premontre, Pennings and St. Joe’s?”
“Just the same old, same old. You know, the idea that the school is just for the elite, the really smart kids.”
As we talked, I realized he held no bitterness, no anger that his alma mater had morphed or evolved into a new school 25
years ago. Time, it seems, does heal, and many of today’s students are clueless about the birthing pains of the school they
call home.
Three Schools Close to Create NDA
One of the key individuals in the start-up of Notre Dame was Father Dane Radecki, O. Praem., ’68 PHS, who, in his third
year as principal of Premontre High School, was named by the Board of Directors to be the new school’s first principal.
According to Father Dane, after several years of study about the viability of having three high schools, most people
anticipated some sort of change by the bishop and the leadership of the two religious orders (Sisters of St. Joseph of
Carondelet and the Norbertines). The shocker, however, was their announcement of only one co-ed school, not two.
Father Dane minced no words about how difficult it was to consolidate the three schools. “It was overwhelming,” he said.
“We only had six months to conduct all the planning.”
Starting in January 1990, students, staff and parents served on a variety of committees to form the new school. The
Premontre building was selected as the site because its facilities were the newest.
The selection of the NDA faculty was so controversial that a lawsuit was filed. Although deciding on the staff was “very
difficult,” the end result was, according to Father Dane, “positive, for as parents saw the overall quality of the teachers
selected, more and more students enrolled—almost 100 more than were planned for.”
No doubt the early days were challenging for students, parents and staff.
“It was very difficult to draw faculty and students together,” explained Father Dane. “In the first year NDA won some state
championships. We held assemblies to salute the athletes, and some seniors and juniors would not stand and sing the new
school song. By the second year, this faded a bit, and the seniors in the second year of the school asked to graduate as
NDA grads.”
In the first year of Notre Dame, seniors, wearing the colors of their original schools, graduated with diplomas from the
predecessor schools. One of those was Steve Havlichek, ’91 PHS, who joined the NDA math department 19 years ago.
“We were told,” said Havlichek, “that we each had a Notre Dame Academy diploma on file for legal reasons. Needless to
say, it was a big deal to the class of ’91 to be presented a diploma from our respective predecessor schools. I’m reminded
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
of this when I walk past the graduation picture on a wall at NDA and see the four different-colored gowns that my
classmates and I were wearing.”
“It took the first 5-7 years for the school’s identity to be embraced by most,” said Father Dane. He, like many others, must
smile at the irony of all the predecessor apparel sold in the NDA bookstore and worn by present-day students on spirit
Jenny (O’Brien) Wallberg, ’79 SJA who taught a total of 25 years at both St. Joseph Academy and NDA, believes athletic
success was the “catalyst” that eventually unified the school.
“The first years at NDA were tough from all aspects,” said the PE/health teacher. “The faculty was divided into four
groups: SJA, Pennings, Premontre and the newbies.” She admits she was fearful “NDA would turn into Premontre and
the SJA and Pennings’ identities would be lost.”
While parents and alumni of the previous schools continued to resist the new identity, Wallberg credits the NDA sports
teams with “unifying the school.” She cited her cross country team in winning the city meet and the school’s first state
championship. (Nineteen state banners now hang in the Triton Center.)
“As other teams experienced success, school spirit increased,” she said. “After the first four years of the school most
students felt they were a Triton.”
“Small successes were the reason NDA became unified: faculty that truly cared about educating the whole student, coaches
stressing the concept of team, club moderators that modeled acceptance of all, staff that felt respected and valued.”
The Growing-Up Years
One of the present teachers at NDA, Matt Schultz, ’95 NDA, was in the “second true Notre Dame class.” The history
teacher/IB coordinator described himself as “a pretty naïve freshman” but says he “did not pick up on any animosity” or
“negative vibes” at school.
He came back to teach because of his high school experience here.
“I was welcomed, educated, cared for, supported and disciplined during my time as a student at Notre Dame. It was my
home away from home, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Who wouldn’t want to come back and work in an environment
where it felt like it was home to you? This is my dream job because I still reap the benefits NDA has to offer. Not only
do I get to practice my craft and work with the amazing minds of our students, but I am also enriched spiritually on a daily
Although she considered going to Preble because she knew no one at NDA, religion teacher Katie (Vincent) Stanczak
graduated as a Triton in 2004. She, like Schultz, appreciates the opportunity to teach at her alma mater.
As an NDA and three-time SNC alum, I am very proud to be able to contribute to the Catholic community and Norbertine
values of NDA. I really appreciate that the school is willing to invest in and hire alums. I think it speaks to the long-term
values of staying committed to those that commit to you.”
Stanczak says the biggest change now from her student days is “all the non-athletic opportunities we now offer.” She fears
some of the “wealthy stereotype still exists today” but hopes it is changing.
A classmate of Stanczak and now a teacher/coach at NDA, A. J. Giovanetti, ’04 NDA, attended high school here because
his father coached football and “this building always felt like home to me.”
He too appreciates the “great faith-based atmosphere for learning” and thinks the most significant accomplishments of the
school are “the amount of service hours we put into our local community year in and year out” and “all of the great things
our alumni are doing all around the world.”
One aspect he does not think has changed from his high school days is an athletic perspective: “I feel like everyone
hated us and wanted to beat us. Even though some of the rivalries are different today, I feel like that perception is still the
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
Like so many others, Greg Geiser, ’95 NDA, “always knew” he
would come to NDA; after all, his dad was a teacher at the school.
“As a teacher/farmer’s kid, we definitely were not rich, but I never
felt judged or excluded because of that.”
In his second year as a history teacher at NDA, he really doesn’t “see
that happening now either.” He realizes that others not connected
to the school often see it as “somewhat elitist, for the rich kids” but
notes “it’s easy to judge something you’re not a part of.”
During his high school days Geiser remembers a “kind of a quiet
tension among the staff” but calls it “understandable because people
had a lot invested in the source schools and hard choices had to
be made for faculty, staff and coaching positions.” He sees none
of that tension now and believes NDA is stronger for the early
Greg Geiser teaching Intro to Social Studies
Geiser is excited about being back, about being a part of what he calls the “biggest accomplishment of the school . . .
turning out so many quality individuals.”
Holly Strong, ’07 NDA, also is in her second year as a history teacher at NDA.
“The spirit of the school called me back,” she explained. “I always knew that I wanted to
come back and be a Triton. Last year, during my first pep assembly as an adult, I wanted to
join in the Class Number chant and yell 2007, 2007, 2222-2007!”
“I participated in many events while in high school, and some of my favorites included Mr.
NDA, Cabaret Night and musicals. I loved my time as a student at NDA and am loving my
time as a teacher.”
The comments could go on and on. Many of the legends are still here—Ann Hollenback,
Harry Geiser, Sue Nelson, as well as others like John Nowak, ’66 PHS, Eric Novotny, ’88
PHS, Ken Flaten, ’77 PHS, Andrea (Smeester) Hearden, ’82 SJA, Julie (Smits) Campbell,
’86 SJA, Barbara (Berg) Brandtner, ’71 SJA, and Maureen Sloan Campbell, '72 SJA, who
attended the predecessor schools. Add in other NDA grads currently on staff - Andrea
(Motl) Gilson, ’97 NDA, Steve Stary, ’92 NDA, Peter Weiss, ’01 NDA, Gina (DeGroot)
Fredrick, ’97 NDA, Beth (Schmidt) Abler, ’01 NDA, Katie (Micksch) Gelb, ’95 NDA, and
Marisa Leza, ’09 NDA —and it’s evident the school’s heritage is alive and well.
In Our 25th Year
Holly Strong teaching
American Experience
The challenge is to continue that heritage of service, academic excellence, athletic accomplishment and spiritual focus.
We must remain a community that “feels like home.” Our roots are deep; our gratitude great. All of us are invested in
something that matters.
A letter pinned on the bulletin board in the staff lounge sums up my hope for this school in the next 25 years: “A word
of praise for creating and sustaining a state-of-the-art learning center focused on the whole student. Throughout my three
visits to observe a student teacher, I was most impressed by the helpfulness of both students and staff and the general ‘feel’
that this is a caring place.”
The letter was from a UW-GB professor. The “learning” and “caring” he mentioned was from all who have made NDA
what it is today.
Editor's Note: For a personal account of the creation of NDA from the three predecessor schools, read the first-person narrative by
Lynn Gerlach, former NDA faculty member and admissions director, at → publications → tritonian
(web version).
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
Alumni Gym at NDA
Notre Dame Academy is born out of the legacies of our five predecessor high schools: St. Joseph Academy, St.
Norbert High School, Central Catholic High School, Abbot Pennings High School, and Our Lady of Premontre High
School. Notre Dame continues to be the storehouse for the rich legacies of those legendary schools, the students who
attended them, and the teachers who taught at them. Students and staff from St. Joseph Academy, Abbot Pennings, and
Premontre, joined together in 1990 to create Notre Dame Academy; they chose the school’s name, colors, crest and
mascot with the mission of building upon the strong foundations established by Notre Dame’s predecessor schools.
To celebrate our alumni and to remember their rich histories, we have created our alumni room which is located inside
our library. It contains wonderful articles and memorabilia from our predecessor schools. We invite you to stop in and
take a look, and enjoy a walk down memory lane. We also recently finished renovating the old Premontre Gym and
have renamed it the Alumni Gym. Each of our predecessor schools has their name, shield, colors and years of operation
boldly displayed throughout the gym. Here are pictures displaying your school. We hope it rekindles warm memories
of former classmates and teachers from years gone by!
Alumni Clothing
Annual Spring Appeal 2015
Alumni clothing from St. Joseph Academy,
Premontre High School, Abbot Pennings
High School and Notre Dame Academy
is now available for purchase online.
Orders can be placed by going to the NDA
website. The next order time periods are:
June 1-24, 2015 and September 1-23,
2015. Orders will be filled three weeks
after the closing date.
Hello friends and supporters of Notre Dame Academy! If you have
not already done so, please consider giving a financial gift to our
Spring Appeal. This year’s goal is to raise $80,000. This goal will
contribute to our annual fundraising goal of $400,000. All of the
money that is raised is used to provide tuition assistance for each
and every one of our students so that tuition can remain affordable
for our families. We want every student who has the desire to attend
Notre Dame Academy, regardless of economic background, to have
the opportunity live out their dream of experiencing the miracle of
an NDA education! Your financial contribution is vital to helping us
carry out our mission to love, educate and serve young people in the
Spirit of Jesus Christ. You may contribute to supporting our mission
and our students by using the envelope that is found within this
AlumNews or the envelope that was sent out with the spring appeal
letter. Either way, please know that your financial gift is going to
impact 780 young minds and hearts for the better. Thank you in
advance for your generous gift!
To order go to www.notredameacademy.
com. Select the Alumni Tab → Alumni
Apparel for a link to the KT Online
Store. Questions can be directed to Kathy
Kanikula at 920-429-6112.
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
President's Dinner 2015
The Notre Dame Academy 25th Annual President's Dinner was held on Wednesday, May 6 at the Rock Garden/Comfort Suites in
Green Bay. Guests and Family members celebrated Catholic education and the contribution of the honorees.
2015 Founders Award
The Founders Award, the highest honor of the evening, was presented to Cecile M. Faller. The awards is
presented to individuals who over time have made significant contributions to Catholic education in the
Green Bay/De Pere area.
Cecile served eight years on the Notre Dame Academy’s Board of Education and four years as Board Chair.
She continues to serve Notre Dame Academy as a member of its Corporate Board and also serves on the
Board of Directors of the Notre Dame Academy de la Baie Foundation. Cecile also served seven years on the
Board of Directors and as a Treasurer of St. Joseph Real Estate Services Corporation – Diocese of Green Bay
and currently serves on the Diocesan Board of Education for the Diocese of Green Bay. In addtion, she also
serves as the Trustee of the Isadore Mednikow Educational Trust, which was established by the late Isadore
Mednikow to provide funds to parochial schools in Brown County for children under 18 years of age.
She is truly humbled to receive this award and would like to express her gratitude to Notre Dame Academy, President Bob Pauly, Father
Dane Radecki, and the previous recipients of the Founders Award for this great honor.
Distinguished Alumnus Award
Patton Prunty, ’95 was honored with the 2015 Distinguished Alumnus Award. Patton grew up in Allouez,
attending Resurrection Catholic grade school and graduated from Notre Dame Academy in 1995.
Catholic education assisted Patton in developing core values needed to grow one self. He practiced law
in Rochester, Minnesota.
Patton was involved with various organizations in his life: the Olmsted County Parks Commission, as
a parent-youth coach, Rochester Youth Baseball Association, church executive council, stewardship
committee and call committee for family and youth program director and the University of Minnesota,
College of Natural Resources Alumni Board. His effort & time devoted to his community, its youth and
church serves as a strong, positive example for his family.This was an honor he never expected.
The Distinguished Alumnus Award was made posthumously to Patton Prunty who passed away unexpectedly on April 15, 2015.
Notre Dame Academy offers our deepest sympathy to the Prunty family
Distinguished Alumnus Award
Dr. Donald Kommers , '50 SNHS, was presented with the 2015 Distinguished Alumnus Award. He began
his long-lasting Norbertine relationship with St. Norbert High School in the mid-1940’s as a boarding
school student. He is the author of well over 100 major articles and books. He has lectured widely
in dozens of American colleges and is is the recipient of numerous awards and prizes. Currently, Dr.
Kommers is the endowed chair of the Joseph & Elizabeth Robbie Professor Emeritus of Political Science
& concurrent Professor Emeritus of Law, at Notre Dame Law School, and Senior Fellow for the Institute
for Policy Research & Catholic Studies at the Catholic University of America.
Dr. Kommers maintains a very close relationship with his Norbertine colleagues and visits on a regular
basis. He has been a great NDA alumni supporter and Catholic education supporter. Having traveled the
world sharing his knowledge of law, ethics, constitutional jurisprudence & social justice, Dr. Kommers
appreciates where it all started – the Norbertines & northeastern Wisconsin.
President's Award
Fr. Gery Meehan, O. Praem., was presented with the President’s Award. Young Gery Meehan arrived at
the Norbertine Abbey in the fall of 1952.
After he graduated from St. Norbert College in the spring of 1956, he became a part-time teacher at St.
Norbert High School. After he was ordained in 1960, he became a full-time teacher at Abbot Pennings
High School, teaching Latin, Religion, English and French. His resume at Abbot Pennings High School
included: 1960-79 – Faculty; 1979-90 – Principal. After the closing of Abbot Pennings, Fr. Gery was a
faculty member and pastor at St. Norbert College.
Caring, affirming and positive are three words Father Gery said described Abbot Pennings High School.
And these three words also wonderfully capture the spirit of Fr. Gery.
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
TritonFest 2015
“Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education”
was the theme for this year’s TritonFest. With silvery
jeweled centerpieces we celebrated the 25th Anniversary
at the Lambeau Atrium on February 9. Over 300 parents,
staff, alumni and community supporters enjoyed an evening
of fun, fellowship and fundraising. The hard work and
dedication of so many volunteers ensured for a successful
event. Countless adult and student volunteers served on the
planning committee and assisted with activities that evening.
During our “Fund the Future” over $24,000 was pledged as
senior Jessica Reigh offered her insights on being an NDA
student and what it has meant in her life.
A very special thanks to all of those who made TritonFest
2015 a huge success. Special thanks to our Choral
Director, Chris Salerno and the Tritones for sharing their
musical talents with us that evening. Over $130,000 was
raised to support NDA’s academics, tuition assistance and
faith enrichment programs. Thanks to all for supporting
Catholic secondary education and making it affordable and
accessible to all families in our community.
NDA Student Volunteers
Bronze Sponsors
Cornerstone Mortgage
St. Norbert Abbey
Table Sponsors
BMO Harris Bank
Conway, Olejniczak & Jerry, S.C.
Cornerstone Foundation of NE WI
Hingtgen Family
K.C. Stock Foundation
Kress Family Foundation
Lin.Liebmann LLC
Prevea Health
Dean & Sheila Re
Schenck S.C.
Schreiber Foods
Scripp Family
St. Norbert College
Baird - Jim Ritchay
Schneider Foundation
Cocktail Service - J. W. Industries, Inc.
Dessert Sponsor – Dr. Pam Vanderwall
Hilliard Family Foundation
Kinziger Family
Lech Family
Schick Family
NDA Tritones
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
Reunions and Gatherings
CCHS Class of 1945
The class meets on the third Thursday of
June and October for lunch at the Bay
Family Restaurant at 12:30 p.m.
CCHS Class of 1952
The class meets the 1st and 3rd Monday
of the month for breakfast at 8:00 a.m. at
Perkins Restaurant, East Town Mall.
SJA Class of 1946
The class meets four times a year for
lunch on the last Thursday of January,
April, July and October at 12:00 p.m. at
St. Brendan's Inn on Washington Street,
Green Bay. Please contact Peggy
Rocheleau Flaten at 920-468-5590 if
you plan to attend.
SJA Class of 1953
The class meets for breakfast the third
Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at
the Bay Family Restaurant.
CCHS Class of 1947 & 1948
The classes have lunch together
periodically throughout the year at
Kroll’s West in Green Bay. The next
lunch is scheduled for Tuesday, July 14
at 11:30 a.m. Questions can be directed
to Jack Wigman at 434-2544.
CCHS Class of 1949
The class meets monthly for breakfast at
9:00 a.m. on the second Friday of at the
Bay Family Restaurant.
SJA Class of 1950
The class meets the third Tuesday of the
month at 9 a.m. at the Village Grille,
Green Bay. Direct questions to Marion
Rentmeester Ripp at 468-6354.
CCHS Class of 1950
The class will hold its 65th anniversary
class reunion on Friday, July 24 at noon
at Wally’s Spot Supper Club. For details
contact James Prosser at 920-465-9935.
The class also meets quarterly on
the first Thursday of March, June,
September and December. The
December and March meetings are
breakfasts held at 8:00 a.m. at Perkins
Restaurant, East Town Mall. The June
and September meetings are luncheons
held at noon at the Titletown Brewery.
Contact James Prosser at 920-465-9935
for all information.
SNHS Class of 1950
The class will hold its 65th anniversary
class reunion on Wednesday, June 24 at
11 a.m. at the Village Grille, Green Bay.
Direct questions to Tom Greenwood at
SJA Class of 1951
The class meets for breakfast the third
Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at
the Village Grille in Green Bay. Please
contact Janet Janquart Lenss at 920544-8035 or Joan Rocque Miller at 920437-3654 or Dolores Heimerl Eisch at
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
CCHS Class of 1953
The class meets on the first Monday of
each month for lunch at Kroll’s West
from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
SJA Class of 1954
The class meets for breakfast at the
Village Grille at 9:30 a.m. on the first
Thursday of every month. Contact
Rosalyn Herlik Simonar at 920-3363290 if you have any questions.
SNHS Class of 1954
The class reunion this summer will be
held June 24 & 25.
SJA Class of 1955
The 60th class reunion will be held
on Saturday, August 22 beginning with
a social at 11:00 a.m. and followed
by a noon luncheon at the Rite Place.
Please contact Carol Junion Jones at or Connie Kane
Clusman at if you
have questions.
The class also meets the first Wednesday
of every other month for a noon
luncheon (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct and
Dec) at the 1951 West Club. Contact
Carol Junion Jones at 920-680-1871 if
you have any questions.
CCHS Class of 1955
The 60th class reunion will be held on
Saturday, August 22, 2015 beginning
with a social at 11:00 a.m. and followed
by a noon luncheon at the Rite Place.
The class also meets for lunch on the
first Thursday of each month at Kroll’s
West at 11:30 a.m.
SJA Class of 1956
The class meets for lunch on the first
Tuesday of the month at the 1951 West
Club, Green Bay at 11:30 a.m. Questions
can be direct to Ruth Feldhaus at 920494-8241.
SJA Class of 1957
The class meets for Mass at St.
Willebrords on the first Friday of every
month December through March and at
the Cathedral April through November.
Breakfast follows after the Mass with
the location yet to be determined.
Questions can be directed to Mary Funk
Melum at 662-7609.
PHS Class of 1958
The class meets for breakfast on the
first Wednesday of every month at 8:30
a.m. at the Allouez Café. Contact John
Brosteau at 920-494-9284 or Gary
Goodmanson at 920-499-7801.
SJA Class of 1958
The class meets for lunch the third
Wednesday of each month at noon at
the Nicolet Restaurant in West DePere.
Questions can be directed to Judeann
Danen Maslinski at 920-499-5472.
SJA Class of 1959
The class meets for breakfast the second
Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. at
the Village Grille in Green Bay. The
class also meets for monthly lunches
at 12:20 p.m. The next lunches are
scheduled for May 21 at Olive Garden;
June 18 at Red Lobster; July 16 at the
1001 Club; August 20 at Cranky Pat’s;
September 17 at Legends; October 15
at Old Chicago Pizza; November 19 at
Longhorn Steakhouse and December
17 at the Union Hotel. Questions can
be directed to Mary Van Ess Froelich at
PHS Class of 1959
The class meets for breakfast on the
second Tuesday of each month at
Perkins Restaurant, East Town Mall on
East Mason Street at 8 a.m.
SJA, PHS & APHS Classes of 1960
The 55th High School Class Reunion
will be held on Saturday, August 8,
2015, on the beautiful campus of St.
Norbert College. Enjoy a Packers
tailgate themed picnic on the banks of
the Fox River, 12:30 – 4:30, at the Van
Den Heuvel Family Campus Center
(formerly the Van Dyck Center). Cost is
$ 25.00 per person. There will be Mass
on campus at 5:00. Wear your favorite
Packers gear and join us for an afternoon
of friendship and memories. For more
information contact Betsy Biebel at
920-983-6997 or,
Mary Jo Cook at 920-321-0379 or or Cal Granius at
920-336-2805 or conveyor@execpc.
SJA Class of 1962
The class will meet quarterly for
breakfast at the Village Grille at 9:00
a.m. in the months of January, April,
July and October. Please RSVP to Di
Willard Barrett at 920-494-5574 or
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
SJA Class of 1963
The class meets for breakfast on the third Tuesday of the month (October
through May) at 9:00 a.m. at the Bay Family Restaurant. Questions can be
directed to Donna Meeuwsen Babiarz at 920-337-0905.
In Memoriam
PHS Class of 1963
The class meets for breakfast the first Friday of each month at 8 a.m. at the
Golden Basket, located at 1350 Military Avenue, Green Bay.
PHS Class of 1964
The class meets for breakfast every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Allouez Café.
SJA, PHS & APHS Classes of 1965
The tri-school 50th reunion is set for July 18, 2015 at the Stadium View Bar
and Restaurant. Cocktail hour is from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. with unlimited hot
and cold hors d'oeuvres to be served from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. with a DJ playing
tunes from our era.
The SJA girls will be meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Aldo Leopold for a tour of the
school with a catered lunch to follow. Please call Lee Ann Scovell at 920468-4460 if you would like to attend.
There will also be an ice breaker on Friday, July 17 at the Fox Harbor Pub
and Grill starting at 5:00 p.m. This is open to all three schools and anyone
who would like to come and get reacquainted with old friends.
contact one of the following people and provide your email: Nanci Gleason
Maes at; Brad Nuss at;
Don Babler at
SJA Class of 1965
The class meets twice a year for lunch on the third Tuesday of May and
September. Please contact Kathy Mallon at 920-336-7449 or kpmirish@ for more information.
SJA Class of 1971
The summer dinner is set for Tuesday, July 14 at 5:30 p.m. at Kroll’s West.
We will also gather on October 17 at a place yet to be determined. RSVP
to Cathy Neville Strom at or Mary Morgan Gauthier at
SJA, PHS & APHS Classes of 1975
The 40th reunion will be held on August 8 at Hagemeister Park in downtown
Green Bay starting at 6 p.m. The cost is $25 per person. Heavy hors
d’oeuvres will be served all night and two drink tickets. There will be a cash
bar. Prior to the reunion, a Mass will be held at the Chapel of St. Norbert at
Notre Dame Academy beginning at 4:30 p.m.
Also, on Friday, August 7, there will be an informal get together at Nicky’s
in De Pere, starting at 7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Anne Basten
Lesperance at; Tom Ebert at or
Mike Mackin at 920-360-5987 or
SJA & PHS Classes of 1980
The classes will be gathering to celebrate our 35 year reunion on August 15,
2015, with a golf outing and cocktail reception at the Titletown Tap Room.
We would like to include the Abbot Pennings class as well, and are looking
for volunteers to assist with plans. For more information, please contact
Mary (Parins) Reynebeau or or go to the reunion
facebook page at We look
forward to seeing everyone!
Noella Stenger Howlett '24 SJA
Agnes Anne Marie Wieber '29 SJA
Sr. Carlotta Ullmer '37 SJA
Adris Elizabeth Weber Robinson '39 SJA
Lois Agnes Beno Vickman '41 SJA
Thomas Clabots '42 CCHS
John Neugent '43 CCHS
Eugene Fischer '46 SNHS
Marcella Cross Berendsen '46 SJA
Anna Marie Kaster Umentum '47 SJA
Rita Duquain '47 SJA
John Dillon '47 CCHS
Thomas William Gabriel '47 SNHS
Rosemary Simon Rollin '48 SJA
Calvin Oshefsky '48 CCHS
Don La Violette '49 CCHS
Eugene Nolan '49 CCHS
Don Beernsten '49 CCHS
Evelyn Kellner Lindsley '50 SJA
Leon Vanderheyden '50 CCHS
Franklin Bjorklund Jr. '51 CCHS
Barbara Crooks Londo '53 SJA
Glenna Touhey '54 SJA
Kenneth J. Allen '57 PHS
Bonita Mommaerts Heimerl '57 SJA
Larry Goral, Sr. '59 PHS
Roger Stodola '59 PHS
Ron Suski '59 PHS
Lucille Micolichek Scheis '61 SJA
Dr. William Ehlinger '61 PHS
John Prechter '62 PHS
Mary Bushman '64 SJA
Kay Derenne '67 SJA
Bruce Pamperin '68 PHS
Curt Fahlstrom '68 PHS
Don Van Straten '73 PHS
Bruce Adamski '76 PHS
Dr. Robert A. Gruesen, Jr. '77 APHS
David Moore '78 APHS
John F. Basche '81 PHS
Patrick J. Murphy '82 PHS
Patrice Galvin '85 SJA
Patton Prunty '95 NDA
Please keep us updated when planning your reunions and gatherings. Send
information to or call 920.429.6112.
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
Alum News
& Notes
Arnold J. Rentmeester, '44 CCHS is retired but still active
with the Red Cross, the NEW Zoo and his church.
Tom Janssen, '45 CCHS was honored as a member
of the inaugural group of coaches and athletes inducted
into the Wauwatosa West High School Hall of Fame on
January 17, 2015. Tom started the wrestling program and
coached the sport for three years; he served as an assistant
football coach for four years and head coach for eleven
years. He was also West’s Athletic Director from 1967-75
and the Wauwatosa District Athletic Director from 197589. Additionally, he was the recipient of the National
Federation of State High School Association’s Citation,
in recognition of his contributions to interscholastic
athletics, and in 1986, he was the recipient of the National
Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association’s
Distinguished Service Award. Tom retired from education
in 1989. In 2000, he and his wife, Peg, retired to
Goodyear, AZ, where they are active participants at St.
Thomas Aquinas Parish. The pastor is Very Rev. Kieran
Kleczewski, V.F., who attended Premontre from 1964-1967.
Don Bettine, '47 CCHS went on an Old Glory Honor
Flight on May 8, 2014. It was a great trip to Washington
D.C. to see the memorials to Veterans.
Helen Albers Massey, '49 SJA and her husband Donald
celebrated sixty years of marriage. Their family gave them
a beautiful wedding anniversary celebration in June 2014.
Mary Panure Zingler, '50 SJA is retired and lives
in Florida for six months. In the summer, she runs a
campground in Wisconsin. She has sixteen grandchildren
and ten great-grandchildren.
Magdalene Press Rabby '54 SJA is retired but keeps
very active as a volunteer. She is a Eucharistic minister
to homebound; a tutor at the adult learning center in
Milwaukee; and a volunteer for the Oconomowoc Hospital
Auxiliary, the American Cancer Society and the Ronald
McDonald House.
Wilbert G. Ferry, Jr., '55 CCHS retired on March 1,
1999. He spent twenty-three years with CUNA as a senior
programmer. He has been married to Margaret Fandel
since August 6, 1966. They have seven children, and
fourteen grandchildren. They have traveled to many of the
fifty states, Panama Canal, and to the Czech Republic and
Germany. He is enjoying retirement.
Thomas Holmes, '55 CCHS and his wife Deanne have
been married for fifty-three years. They both graduated
from the University of Texas in 1961. They have two
daughters and one grand-daughter. They reside in Austin,
TX and are staunch followers of the Packers and the Texas
Charleen Kilster, '56 SJA recently retired from teaching
English for fifty-four years – fifty-two of which were at St.
Pius X Catholic School in Atlanta, GA.
James Goral, '56 PHS is currently retired but still subs
as a teacher in the Green Bay Area Public School District.
He is also a minister of the word at St. Joseph Parish in
Oneida; a member of the Knights of Columbus at Oneida;
a member of KOFC 4th degree assembly at Oneida; and a
member of 4th degree honor guard – U.S. Navy Veteran.
Claude LeDuc, Jr., '56 PHS and his wife, Lois, have six
children and twelve grand-children.
Leland Jauquet, '57 PHS and his wife, Joyce have six
children and sixteen grandchildren. Their family keeps
them busy at home and traveling for visits.
James Cygan, Sr., ’57 PHS is retired after working thirtysix years at Ft. Howard Paper Company. He and his wife,
Grace have been married for fifty-one years.
Karen Hallada, '58 SJA is retired and living in Seymour,
WI. She is a member of the Health-Wellness Committee
at the St. John the Baptist Church in Seymour. She likes to
visit friends in Brookfield where she worked as an RN.
John E. Ross, '60 PHS is retired from the Wisconsin
Division of Juvenile Corrections. He is enjoying
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
Gene Nelson, '65 PHS and Michael King, '65 PHS
visting Balboa Park. Mary Blahnik King, '64 SJA
and David Gobson, '58 PHS also joined in the
vacation to San Diego to visit Gene.
William Shier, '61 APHS is still running his own business
of designing and manufacturing industrial controls. He
resides in Watertown, WI.
Daniel Albers, '62 PHS and Mary Meyer Albers, '62 SJA
celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on June 27,
2014. They have been blessed with three children, nine
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Judy Derenne, '63 SJA celebrated fifty years of marriage
on November 28, 2014. She and her husband have been
blessed with two children and six grandchildren.
Curt Orde, '63 PHS was presented with the Outstanding
EMT Instructor/Coordinator of the Year Award for 20132014 by the Wyoming Officer of Emergency Medical
Service for pre-hospital Emergency Care education.
James Sutton, '63 PHS retired after working for the State
of California. He and his wife, Melissa, have been married
for forty years. He has climbed the highest point in fortythree states.
Margaret O’Leary Nemetz, '65 SJA celebrated forty-five
years of marriage on November 22, 2014. She and her
husband became first-time grandparents on May 26, 2014.
They are enjoying being grandparents.
Thomas Schampers, '65 PHS retired in 2003 after
teaching thirty-four years in New London, WI. He is
staying active being involved as a member of the St. John
the Evangelist Church and Parish as the historian/archivist.
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
Mary Beth Brooks Cross, '82 SJA recently released
a techno-pop-dance video of the Noel Brazil Classic,
"Babes in the Wood." Mary Beth is an award winning
folk-Americana artist. She resides in Denver, CO.
John Langer, '66 APHS recently retired from Marshfield
Clinic in Minocqua after thirty-six years as a physician
assistant. He resides in Lake Tomahawk with his wife,
Dave Bodoh, '66 APHS retired after thirty years with the
Wisconsin Medicaid Program. He has been married for
twenty-seven years.
Dick Pigeon, '68 PHS retired in November, 2014 after
working forty-two years in commercial banking.
Barbara Nielsen Dix, '68 SJA is happily looking forward
to retirement. Her three children are all teachers in the
Green Bay School System. She has nine grandchildren.
She is a medical assistant for Prevea Health and also
volunteers wherever she can help.
Dan DeBaker, '68 PHS and Barb Kerwin DeBaker,
'70 SJA live in Racine, WI. They have nine grandchildren.
They are enjoying retirement and the grandchildren.
Gardner Orsted, '69 PHS retired on June 1, 2014 after
completing thirty-nine years as an auditor with the USDAFMMA based in Appleton, WI.
Jean LeFevre Peter, '71 SJA and her husband, Don, have
two children and four grandchildren. They spend as much
time as they can spoiling the grandkids.
Dennis Garrity, '71 PHS is the President/CEO/Owner of
Event USA. The company is beginning its twenty-third
year as the Official Game Package Company of the Green
Bay Packers.
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
Molly Gray, '05 NDA graduated from Butler University
with a degree in theatre. She currently is an actress, living in
Manhattan and recently completed a project entitled "86 My
Life", a short film. The film premiered at the Green Bay Film
Festival in March 2015 and was accepted into the Garden State
Film Festival in Atlantic City, NJ.
Molly wrote the film and played the lead role. She stated, "Last
year I was fortunate enough to be a part of projects that were
screened at the New York City Television Festival, the Tribeca
Film Festival, Soho International Film Festival and Hollyshorts. I had so much
fun creating those projects and premiering them that I wanted to try the filmmaker
process for myself, using stories and characters from my bartending career."
Janet Defnet, '74 SJA lives in Muskego, WI and
is working as a Property Management Assistant for
Transwestern Commercial Services in Milwaukee. She and
her husband, Greg Kent, are long-time scuba instructors,
and enjoy participating in underwater archeology projects
related to Great Lakes maritime history.
Bob Olson, '74 PHS recently retired after twenty-five years
at Associated Bank. He is now moving on to a real estate
Mina Lorberblatt Teske, '76 SJA has worked for the
Brown County Human Services for the past thirty years.
Currently, she is working in the Brown County Human
Service Child Protection Intake Services.
John P. Teske, Psy.D., '76 APHS is the lead clinician –
student counseling service at Northeast Wisconsin Technical
College. He has been at NWTC for three years. He
continues to work his private practice on a part-time basis.
Scott Payant, '79 APHS is the Senior Manager of Treasury
for PSEG Long Island. He and his wife, Lauren, an
American Airlines pilot, reside in New York City.
Robert Manders, '81 APHS and his wife, Cheryl, have
been married for thirty-one years. They have three sons
and two grandchildren.
Jane Kehoe Higgins, '81 SJA has spent her professional
life in public education. She is now the Director of New
York City Writing Project (NYCWP), where she leads the
largest site of the National Writing Project. Father Gordon
Gilsdorf was a profound influence on the direction of her
life, for which she has been ever grateful.
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
Paul Krueger, '81 PHS lives in the Chicago area with
his wife, Nancy. They have three daughters. He has been
with the Valspar Corp his entire career – thirty years, and is
currently managing growth initiatives for global packaging
Brennan Feldhausen, '03 NDA has returned to Wisconsin
after spending eight years in Baltimore. He has joined the
Milwaukee Brewers as Director of Corporate Marketing.
Chris Yerges, ’03 NDA After two seasons on the
NASCAR Spring Cup circuit at Tommy Baldwin Racing,
Chris was named the lead Race Engineer for the #54
Monster Energy Toyota Camry team at Joe Gibbs Racing
with primary driver Kyle Busch. The team competes in the
newly rebranded NASCAR Xfinity Series.
Kathleen Georgia, ’06 NDA received her master’s degree
in Physician Assistant Studies from Midwestern University
–Downers Grove on August 28, 2014. She is currently
working as a PA at the Lisa Sullivan, MD-Allergy, Asthma
& Immunology in Buffalo Grove, IL.
Dana Pokel, ’10 NDA graduated from Carroll University
with honors and a major in organizational leadership. She
works for the Bay Area Humane Society as the Marketing
& Programs Manager.
Got News? Please keep us updated. Send News Notes
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
Class Ring Found
Jennifer Kanikula, '08 NDA, graduated from
the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point with a
double major in Dietetics and Spanish in May 2013.
She completed her ten month dietetics internship at
the Mayo Clinic in Rochester in August 2014.
Jennifer is currently a Registered Dietitian at the
Mayo Clinic-Franciscan Healthcare System in
LaCrosse, WI.
A 1967 Premontre class ring with initials
RMJ has been found and turned into the NDA
Development Office. It may belong to Robert M.
Jeffcott…does anyone know how to get in touch
with him?
Please contact Minnie Bouche at the NDA
Development Office at 920-429-6114 if you can
CD Celebrates Life and Work of Father Gordon Gilsdorf
A newly released two-hour-long commemorative ‘tribute and memoir’ CD program honoring the life and work of Father Gordon
Gilsdorf, who taught generations of student writers over a career spanning nearly six decades, is now available through the Alumni
Office of Notre Dame de la Baie Catholic High School in Green Bay.
‘An Afternoon with Father Gordon’ features musically underscored readings of poetry from Father
Gilsdorf’s last book, Everything is Grace, as well as professionally performed musical settings of
thirteen of the book’s poems, assembled by composer-host Randolph L.Remmel into a song ensemble
entitled ‘A Day in the Life of a Good and Wise Man.’
The set also includes reflections on Gilsdorf’s remarkable life and classic humor as well as
‘Chronicle of an Ancestral Journey,’ an extended poem that Remmel, a student and lifelong admirer
of Father Gilsdorf’s, has written as a tribute to a contemporary of Father Gilsdorf’s.
The subject of the musically underscored ‘Chronicle’ is a bilingual German-American World War II interpreter and medic who, in
the post-war decades when Father Gilsdorf taught high school and college, married a Japanese nurse-interpreter with whom he ran
his family’s ancestral farm as they raised generations of enlightened descendants of their two formerly enemy nations.
Though the two men never met, they shared a common heritage in boyhood spent on farms in the northernmost United States --and professions in which both taught and exemplified to their posterity the ways of understanding and peace. Music throughout is
by Remmel and award-winning performer-composer Lou Marzeles.
The set, in full color throughout and including a six-panel pull-out cover including song texts and biographical notes on the featured
award-winning performers, is available for $30 which includes tax, S&H. To place an order, send a check for $30 made payable to
NDA. Mail to NDA Alumni Office, Attn: Kathy Kanikula, 610 Maryhill Dr., Green Bay, WI 54303. Questions can be directed to
Minnie Bouche, Director of Development at 920-429-6114.
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
Sisters of St. Joseph Jubilarians
Sister Roberta Houlihan, CSJ - 70th
Jubilarian. She entered the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Carondelet in 1944. She received
a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a
master's degree in education counseling and
guidance. She taught at St. Joseph Academy
for fifteen years beginning in 1959. She
retired in 2006, and since 2012 has resided at
Nazareth Living Center in St. Louis
Sister Anne Christine Looze, CSJ - 70th
Jubiliarian. She entered the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Carondelet in 1944. She received a
bachelor's degree in mathematics/physics and
a master's degree in mathematics. She taught
at St. Joseph Academy from 1966-1976.
Since 2005, she has resided at Nazareth
Living Center in St. Louis.
Sister Elizabeth (Betty) Conrad, CSJ - 60th
Jubilarian. She entered the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Carondelet in 1954. She received
a bachelor's and masters degree in Spanish.
Her first ministry as a sister was at St. Joseph
Academy for ten years. She currently serves
as support staff.
Sister Janet Kuciejszyk, CSJ - 50th
Jubilarian. She entered the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Carondelet in 1964. She received
a bachelor's and masters degree in French.
She taught at St. Joseph Academy from 19781980. She retired in 2014 and serves as a
volunteer and in family care.
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
Central Catholic High School Memories
By Jack Wigman ’48 CCHS
Central Catholic High School – 1944. The school was not located in
a building like Green Bay East or Green Bay West. Instead, it was
located in downtown Green Bay at 115 South Jefferson Street
and currently occupied by WBAY-TV. The building was built
by the Knights of Columbus for their organization. It had
four floors, an auditorium on the first floor, and a small gym
on the fourth floor. Bishop Rhode, our local bishop at the
time, wanted a Catholic high school for young men because
St. Joseph Academy was the Catholic high school for young
women in Green Bay at the time. Bishop Rhode suggested the
Norbertine Fathers begin a Catholic high school,which they started on September 8, 1941. In the 1944-45 year, there were 500 students
enrolled at Central Catholic High School.
So, what was the new school like? It had a very academic curriculum – four years of
English, mathematics, science, social studies; four foreign languages – Latin, French,
Spanish and German; four years of religion; business education, band, chorus, and
ROTC (Reserved Officers Training Corp). ROTC was available to any student in their
second year of high school, who was physically fit and was over 14 years of age.
Football Program
1948 Commencement
Most of the classes were held on the fourth floor. The business education classes were
on the third floor facing Jefferson Street. On the fourth floor facing Jefferson Street,
was the library, and on the fourth floor on the east side of the building was a very small
gym. At the beginning of the 1945-46 school year, a small Chapel was opened for the
students. The Chapel was located on the North Mezzanine which was on the northwest
corner of the building.
The hallways on the fourth floor were extremely narrow with student lockers on one
side of the hallway. Thus, everyone had to go to their right when class was over to
move on to the next class. Traffic was one way. If you went to your left, you would
probably end up in detention. If you wanted to play a prank on someone, you pushed
him past the door of the class he was entering so he would have to go around the entire
building, and most likely be late for class, which would also result in a detention.
It was the only high school that had a bar in the basement. That is because there was
a bowling alley located in the basement. That bowling alley was also our hot lunch
room. At lunch time, students would rush down the stairs with their bag lunch or order
a bowl of John Proski’s chili. The other option for lunch were downtown places like
Al’s Hamburger, Holzer’s Drug Store, or Woolworth’s to name a few.
1944-45 Handbook
1947 Play Program
Central had a sports program, but did not have the amenities of other high schools.
There was freshmen, junior and varsity football and the teams would practice at
different parks and play their home games at either J.C. Minahan Stadium in De Pere or
at City Stadium. There was also basketball offered at all three levels as well. However,
Central did not have a gym in which to play the home games, since a government
agency had taken over the entire first floor of the auditorium because of the war. In the
fall of 1946, the school was able to reclaim the auditorium.
Football Program
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
The basketball teams practiced and played their
home games at the old Vocation School on South
Broadway, which is now the administrative offices
for the Green Bay Public School District. The
spring sport was boxing. A ring was set up in the
small gym for practice and all the matches were at
our opponent’s gym. There were also intramural
golf and tennis teams and a rifle team.
The drama program was under the direction of
Rev. Guy E. Guyon. The plays were held at the
Orpheum Theater until the school reclaimed the
auditorium. Usually, one or two plays were held
each year.
The high school had a Student Council and a
student newspaper, “The Beam”, which was
published once a month. Student dances were held
in the Crystal Ballroom of the Hotel Northland or at
the Riverside Ballroom on Main Street.
Central Catholic High School Basketball Team 1947
The first principal of the high school was Rev. Sylvester Killeen. Before the start of the 1947-48 school year, he was
named Abbot of the Norbertine order. Rev. Richard Mulroy was then named the new principal. Most of the faculty
were priests, although as time went on, lay teachers were added to the staff. Norbert Ecker was in charge of the music
department which had a band and a choir. There was one female on the staff other than the secretaries and she was the
librarian. The priest lived in a home on South Jefferson Street in back of St. Willebrord’s Church.
On the first Friday of each month, there was a Mass for the entire student body held at St. Willebrord’s church. The
entire student body would march over by classes and somehow a few boys hid behind the bushes by the public library
which was adjacent to our school, and never made it to Mass.
When you were a freshman, you had to buy a CCHS beanie cap and wear it proudly. Everyone in the school knew who
was a freshman!
Great memories of a wonderful part of our lives. And yes, there was tuition, a whopping $5.00 per month for a sum of
$45 per year. I am sure the students at Notre Dame Academy today would like those good old days!
In History
The photo was taken in the fall of 1964. (L-R) Dave Mocco, '65
PHS, David LePage, '66 PHS and Greg Aubenger.
David LePage is now living in Vancouver, BC, Canada and is still
running an average of twenty miles a week.
He is a prinicpal with Accelerating Social Impact CCC, Ltd. (ASI),
one of Canada's first incorporated social purpose hybrid corporations.
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
Keep Us Updated
Please keep us updated with your news items (awards, college graduation, wedding and birth
announcements, career developments, etc.) The information may be used in the NewsNotes of
AlumNews, space permitting. Mail to: 610 Maryhill Dr, Green Bay, WI 54303
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Class: _____________________
School: ____________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________________
Home Telephone (________)___________________________ Cell (________)________________________
News to share:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
SJA 1971 Gathering - (L-R): Mary Gallant Krehbiel, Debbie Smits Latus, Anne Platten Lemke, Sue Smits Jolly,
Di Renard Gorbette, Elizabeth Yuenger, Robbie Robertson Jadin, Cathy Neville Strom, Mary Morgan Gauthier, Patti
Mackin Cole. The class summer dinner is set for Tuesday, July 14 at 5:30 p.m. at Kroll’s West. We will also gather
on October 17 at a place yet to be determined. RSVP to Cathy Neville Strom at or Mary Morgan
Gauthier at
"So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:7
AlumNews Spring Summer 2015
Notre Dame de la Baie Academy
610 Maryhill Drive
Green Bay, WI 54303-2092
Phone: 920-429-6112
Fax: 920-429-6140
Keep Us Updated: If you have a summer and winter address, please contact us with your travel dates so that
we may update our record. We do not want you to miss out on receiving the most current AlumNews. Call
920-429-6113. Thank You.
Parents: If this publication is addressed to your son or daughter who no longer lives with you, please call
the Development Office at (920) 429-6112 with new contact information. Thank You.
Triton Golf Classic
Mark your calendar for the 15th Annual NDA Triton Golf
Classic to be held at Oneida Golf and Country Club on
Monday, August 10. Co-Event Sponsors Ver Halen, Inc. and
Nicolet Bank welcome you to join in the fun and athletic
challenge of this premier golfing event. Other sponsorships
available include: Dinner, Lunch, Golf Carts, Beverage Cart,
Par, Tee & Green and Birdie Sponsors. We are also seeking
items for the raffle as well as the live and silent auctions.
Start getting your foursomes together now -- for $220 per
person or $880 a foursome you will get a cart and 18 holes of
golf with lunch served on the course and dinner in the dining
room. Prizes will be awarded to golfers and teams and there
will be live and silent auctions to follow.
Hilliard Family & Friends
Proceeds from the Golf Classic go to support the outstanding
tradition of NDA athletics. Your sponsorship and attendance
at the event is greatly appreciated. Hope to see you on
August 10. For more information or to register please
contact NDA’s Director of Development, Minnie Bouche at
920-429-6114 or email
We are seeking alumni teams from St. Norbert High School, Central Catholic
High School, St. Joseph Academy, Abbot Pennings, Premontre and NDA to
compete in our Alumni Challenge.
Nicolet Bank Team

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