Galileo Fares Agency Private Fares
Galileo Fares Agency Private Fares
Galileo Fares Agency Private Fares Course Book Acknowledgement: © 2007 Galileo International. All rights reserved. All Travelport logos and marks as well as all other proprietary materials depicted herein are the property of Travelport and/or its subsidiaries. © Copyright 1999-2006. All rights reserved. For questions or comments, please send a message to including this reference: Galileo Number GN 591v8.3 CONTENTS Module 1: Introduction ....................................................................1.1 Course Objectives........................................................................................................ 1.2 Features and Benefits .................................................................................................. 1.3 Accessing Agency Private Fares.................................................................................. 1.4 Terms of Use ............................................................................................................... 1.5 Security ........................................................................................................................ 1.6 Module 2: Main Menu Functions.......................................................2.1 Module Objectives........................................................................................................ 2.1 Home Page .................................................................................................................. 2.1 Search Function ........................................................................................................... 2.3 Help ............................................................................................................................. 2.6 Logout.......................................................................................................................... 2.8 Module 3: Exercise to Create a basic Standard Contract ...............3.1 Module Objectives........................................................................................................ 3.1 Demonstration.............................................................................................................. 3.1 Create a basic Standard Contract ................................................................................ 3.2 Fares/Routes.......................................................................................................... 3.3 Distribution and Ticketing ....................................................................................... 3.5 Validate and Commit .............................................................................................. 3.7 Module 4: Planning your Database...................................................4.1 Module Objectives........................................................................................................ 4.1 Rule I.D. ....................................................................................................................... 4.1 Planning your Database ............................................................................................... 4.2 Module Review............................................................................................................. 4.5 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens .........5.1 Module Objectives........................................................................................................ 5.1 Contract Header........................................................................................................... 5.1 Fares/Routes ............................................................................................................... 5.4 Non-North American Routing ................................................................................. 5.5 North American Routing ......................................................................................... 5.6 Non-North American Booking Code Exceptions ..................................................... 5.7 North American Booking Code Exceptions............................................................. 5.8 View Zones associated with a Fare Group ............................................................. 5.8 Distribution/Ticketing.................................................................................................... 5.9 Agency Private Fares, Course Book iii Contents General Ticketing Instructions ................................................................................ 5.9 NVB/NVA Options and Endorsements.................................................................. 5.10 Specific Ticket Detail/Selling Level ....................................................................... 5.11 Specific Ticket Detail screen ................................................................................ 5.12 Tour Box / Fare Box ............................................................................................. 5.13 Plating Carrier / Baggage Override....................................................................... 5.14 Commission Override ........................................................................................... 5.15 Set Selling Levels................................................................................................. 5.16 Summary Screen.................................................................................................. 5.16 Committing a Contract ............................................................................................... 5.17 Module Review........................................................................................................... 5.10 Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality.........................................6.1 Module Objectives........................................................................................................ 6.1 Account Code/Endorsements Text/Tour Code ....................................................... 6.2 Days/Week............................................................................................................. 6.2 Seasons ................................................................................................................. 6.2 Flight Rules ............................................................................................................ 6.3 Code Share Restrictions......................................................................................... 6.4 Advance Reservations/Ticketing ............................................................................ 6.5 Min Stay, Max Stay................................................................................................. 6.6 Stopovers ............................................................................................................... 6.7 Transfers................................................................................................................ 6.8 Combinations ......................................................................................................... 6.9 Blackouts.............................................................................................................. 6.10 Surcharges........................................................................................................... 6.10 Discounts ............................................................................................................. 6.11 Exception Screens ............................................................................................... 6.11 Rules Text ............................................................................................................ 6.12 Module Review........................................................................................................... 6.13 Module 7: Search, View and Edit a contract ...................................7.1 Module Objectives........................................................................................................ 7.1 Retrieving a Contract ................................................................................................... 7.1 View Summary ....................................................................................................... 7.2 View Full Contract .................................................................................................. 7.3 Audit Trail(view changes) ............................................................................................. 7.4 Uncommitted Contracts................................................................................................ 7.5 Locked Contract ........................................................................................................... 7.5 Module Review............................................................................................................. 7.6 Module 8: Zones ................................................................................8.1 Module Objectives........................................................................................................ 8.1 Create a Zone .............................................................................................................. 8.2 Search, Edit, Copy, Delete a Zone ............................................................................... 8.3 iv Agency Private Fares, Course Book Contents Search for a Zone in Active Contract............................................................................ 8.3 Module Review............................................................................................................. 8.4 Module 9: Distribution Groups .........................................................9.1 Module Objectives........................................................................................................ 9.1 Creating Global Distribution Groups............................................................................. 9.2 Security Level......................................................................................................... 9.2 Search, Edit, Copy, Delete Distribution Groups............................................................ 9.4 Search for Distribution Group within a Contract ........................................................... 9.4 Contract Specific Distribution Groups........................................................................... 9.4 Module Review............................................................................................................. 9.5 Module 10: Add-on Fares ................................................................10.1 Module Objectives...................................................................................................... 10.1 Creating Add-on Fares............................................................................................... 10.2 Defining Add-on Linking Criteria ........................................................................... 10.3 Search, Edit, Copy Add-on Fares............................................................................... 10.5 Zones for Add-on Fares ............................................................................................. 10.6 Gateway Zones .................................................................................................... 10.6 Interior Zones ....................................................................................................... 10.7 Searching for Add-on Zones................................................................................. 10.7 Edit an Interior Zone............................................................................................. 10.7 Searching for Add-on Zones in active Add-on Fares ............................................ 10.8 Copy an Add-on Zone .......................................................................................... 10.8 Delete an Add-on Zone ........................................................................................ 10.8 Module Review........................................................................................................... 10.9 Module 11: Create a new Calculated Contract ..............................11.1 Module Objectives...................................................................................................... 11.1 Private Tariff............................................................................................................... 11.1 Contract Header......................................................................................................... 11.2 Base Fare .................................................................................................................. 11.2 Calculated Fare Screen........................................................................................ 11.4 Calculated Fare Group ......................................................................................... 11.5 Distribution ................................................................................................................. 11.6 General Ticketing Instructions .............................................................................. 11.6 Specific Ticket Detail/Selling Level ....................................................................... 11.7 Set Selling Level................................................................................................... 11.9 Fare Rules ............................................................................................................... 11.10 Module Review......................................................................................................... 11.11 Module 12: Copy a Contract ...........................................................12.1 Agency Private Fares, Course Book v Contents Module Objectives...................................................................................................... 12.1 Standard Contract within your own Supplier Code ..................................................... 12.2 Calculated Contract within your Supplier Code ......................................................... 12.2 Any Contract outside your Supplier Code .................................................................. 12.2 Module 13: Admin and Master Account Code Function ...............13.1 Module Objectives...................................................................................................... 13.1 Admin......................................................................................................................... 13.1 Edit My Profile ...................................................................................................... 13.2 Site Admin.................................................................................................................. 13.2 Search.................................................................................................................. 13.2 Unlock .................................................................................................................. 13.2 Master Account Code................................................................................................. 13.3 New Master Account Code ................................................................................... 13.3 Search for Master Account Code.......................................................................... 13.3 vi Agency Private Fares, Course Book Contents Appendix A: Agency Private Fares Contract Template Appendix B: Contracts for Exercises VS ..........................................................................................................................B.1 AA ..........................................................................................................................B.3 JM ..........................................................................................................................B.5 BA ..........................................................................................................................B.6 SQ..........................................................................................................................B.8 MS........................................................................................................................B.10 LX.........................................................................................................................B.14 KM........................................................................................................................B.16 BA(2) ....................................................................................................................B.18 US ........................................................................................................................B.20 TP ........................................................................................................................B.22 UA (North American) ............................................................................................B.24 CO (North American)............................................................................................B.25 Appendix C: Module Review Answers Module 5 ............................................................................................................... C.1 Module 6 ............................................................................................................... C.1 Module 7 ............................................................................................................... C.2 Module 8 ............................................................................................................... C.2 Module 9 ............................................................................................................... C.3 Module 11 ............................................................................................................. C.4 Completed VS template from Module 4 ……………………………………………….C.5 Appendix D: Agency Private Fares in Galileo®. Fare Display Entries .............................................................................................. D.1 Fare Display Examples.......................................................................................... D.2 Fare Quote Entries ................................................................................................ D.5 Fare Quote Examples............................................................................................ D.6 Net Ticket Display ................................................................................................. D.7 Appendix E: Contract Spreadsheet®. Contract Spreadsheet ............................................................................................E.1 Agency Private Fares, Course Book vii Module 1: Introduction Agency Private Fares has been designed as a GUI (Graphical User Interface) product, which enables travel agencies and consolidators to load their special/negotiated fare contracts into Galileo or Apollo, where they are then available for automated distribution. Standard contracts are the paper and e-mailed contracts distributed to travel agents by many airlines. The agent has to load all fare and rules. Calculated contracts are based on airline filed public and private fares. Fares filed via Agency Private Fares reside within the Galileo Fares database. This ensures that full rule validation is applied when quoting and filing into a booking. Fares will be integrated with Public, Agency Private Fares and Airline Private Fares that may already be in use by the agency. Dependant on APF contract and Airline combination filings, fares filed via Agency Private Fares may combine on a half round trip basis with public fares, Airline Private Fares or other APF fares filed by the same supplier. Housekeeping The following should be noted: • Fire Exits • Toilets • Smoking Policy • Breaks • Communication • Mobile Phones Course Length The full course is scheduled for three days. Agency Private Fares, Course Book, 1.1 Module 1: Introduction Course Materials Course Book The Agency Private Fares Course Book provides areas to take notes, write down entries and complete exercises. ASK Travelport ASK Travelport is a database available to Galileo agents in most markets. Check with your Galileo representative for your access details. Reference to ASK Travelport is made throughout the course book. Answers to APF questions can be found within the database which is a valuable resource once you have finished the course. To access ASK Travelport use the following link. relevant to your market.) (replace gb with the country code If it is the first time you have used ASK Travelport you will need to set up a User ID (e.g. email address) and password of your choice. Help Agency Private Fares has a comprehensive and easy to use Help system, which is covered in depth in module 2. Module Reviews Your trainer will instruct you which Module Reviews (exercises) to complete. Answers are contained in Appendix C. Course Objectives By the end of the course you will be able to: 1.2 • Identify the features and benefits of Agency Private Fares. • Interpret contract information. • Use ‘best practice’ to upload private fare information. • Create Zones, Distribution Groups and Add-on Fares. • Load and copy contracts through Agency Private Fares. • Identify private fares on fare displays and access the fare notes. • Interpret automated Fare Quote for private fares. Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 1: Introduction Features and Benefits: Features: Agency Private Fares can handle complex private fare contracts, which may include multi-carriers/classes, complex routings, add-ons and stopover restrictions. Contracts for all types of passenger can be supported i.e. Adults, youths, Group Fares, Senior Citizen etc. Net and selling levels are supported. Fares will be distributed to your own agency, and also to any other Galileo agency you wish to have access to your fares. A copy facility allowing for fast contract entry. Complete validation of all Fare Rule categories that are entered. Fares maintained within Agency Private Fares are uploaded to Galileo Fares Database five times a day at the following GMT times: 04:00, 08:00, 13:00, 18:00, 23:00 ASK Travelport 8739: When are the Agency Private Fares updates? Benefits Fares will be available for sale at selling locations within 24 hours. Contracts are quick and easy to load. A better range of fares can be offered quickly and easily. There are no new fare entries to be learnt as an integrated display of fares ensures that staff can concentrate on customer service, not manual administration. Baggage and Tax information is automatically validated and updated so there is no need for a separate fares database. Galileo International continues to encourage as many airlines as possible to file fares on your behalf. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 1.3 Module 1: Introduction Accessing Agency Private Fares Agency Private Fares is accessed via This is the how the LOGON screen will appear at sign on. All three fields must be populated. SUPPLIER CODE Five Character code starting with the letter G for the Galileo system, or A for Apollo, followed by the agency Pseudo City Code (PCC). . USERNAME 5-8 characters alphanumeric PASSWORD Minimum 6 characters, case sensitive must contain at least one numeric character. Currently there is no expiration date set on this password, but note that 3 wrong entries will lock the login process. ASK Travelport 5659: In Agency Private Fares how would I unlock my password? 1.4 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 1: Introduction TERMS OF USE The first time you Log on to Agency Private Fares, and each time the Terms are updated, you will be required to agree to the Terms of use of the application. A pop-up will appear as soon as you have clicked the Enter button. Click on “Terms of Use” to read the document, and then Click on the “Agree” button. The Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy are included in the bottom bar on the front page of the application if you should wish to read them at any time whilst using Agency Private Fares Agency Private Fares, Course Book 1.5 Module 1: Introduction Security There are a number of profiles with different permissions created for Users. • Galileo Information Security • Galileo HQ & NDC/SMO • Agency XML interface • Agency Site Admin • Agency User (Update & View) • Agency User (View Only) • Trainee (Update and View) The permissions define the actions the user can perform. Level ® Galileo Description Defines the levels of access granted to Galileo employees at Information Security level and NDC/SMO level. Agency Defines the levels of access granted to Agency employees. Within the Agency grouping, there are these levels of access: Agency XML Interface - The user with this permission is enabled to upload via the XML Interface for that Supplier Code. Within the APF GUI these users will have the same rights as a Site Admin user. Galileo and Agency Admin level users can view these profiles but are not able to do anything to them. Site Admin - Site Admins can create user profiles for their supplier code and view and update all contracts within that supplier code. If a Site Admin manages multiple suppliers, they must have separate profiles for each supplier. The Site Admin has the ability to “unlock” contracts. User (Update & View) - Users who have authority to view and/or update contracts for their supplier code. User (View Only) - Users who have authority to view contracts for their supplier code. Trainee - Users who have authority to view and update contracts for their supplier code, but cannot create Distribution Groups. Used by Galileo for training. 1.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 2: Main Menu Functions Every time you log on to Agency Private Fares, you will be brought to the Home Page, which contains the Main Menu. Module Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: • Navigate around the Main Menu and Access the various options • Describe the functions of each option • Search for Contracts • Use the Help Function Home Home page from login: The blue buttons across the middle of the screen are for use with Contract construction and viewing/amending. The functionality of these buttons will be described in detail in the relevant modules in this course. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 2.1 Module 2: Main Menu Functions The Main Menu functions are shown along the top of the screen. 2.2 Home Takes you to the home/main page, i.e. this one, from where you can choose options. Admin The screen and functionality varies dependent on the user’s access level. Create, edit and search for users. Unlock Contracts. Create and search for supplier codes. Change one supplier code to another. Search Terms of Use. Search Allows you to search for a contract, zone or distribution group. Help Gives access to the Online Help for Agency Private Fares. Logout Logs the user out and returns the system to the logon page. Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 2: Main Menu Functions Search Function The main menu bar Search function (or the blue Search button on the Home page) allows you to search for Contract, Zones, or Distribution Groups within your supplier code, or in another supplier code that allows you access. Searching for Zones is covered in Module 8 and searching for Distribution Groups is covered in Module 9. In this module, we will look at searching for contracts. All three searches start from the same page. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 2.3 Module 2: Main Menu Functions Searching for contracts ASK Travelport 5875: How do I search for contracts within Agency Private Fares? Screen Description: Entry Active Historical Copied Contracts / Pending Purge Uncommitted My Supplier Code Only Not My Supplier Code Supplier Account Code Standard / Calculated Airline Code Rule ID Contract Description Contract Type Effective Date Discontinue Date 2.4 Description Committed contracts within your supplier code. Expired contracts remain available for 1 year after expiry. When an active contract is edited and committed, a new active version is created. The previous version of the contract remains in the historical search until the daily extract (daily file transfer) runs. After one day, the previous version of the contract is moved to the purged section, which contains all versions of each contract. Exception: Old versions of contracts that are copied outside supplier ARE NOT removed from the All Versions search by the extract. To prevent disputes, these versions are retained in the search until all of their "children" contracts expire. This retention allows the contract originator to readily recreate the original contract data. Contracts that have been saved, but not yet committed and/or uncommitted updates of committed contracts. All contracts within your supplier code only. Contracts outside your supplier code only. Contracts in the specified supplier code only. Account set up and used in fare display and fare quote entries Type of contract Two letter airline code. Contract code/name. Description used for contract. Net or Selling level used. Date contract is valid from. Date the contract expires. Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 2: Main Menu Functions Response to search request for Active Contracts of “My Supplier Code Only” with airline VS. Click the radio button in the first column on the left hand side to select the contract you wish to access: • ‘View Summary’ gives an overview of the contract. • ‘View Full’ to see the contract details. • ‘View Changes’ to see history of amendments. • Edit a contract by clicking on the page icon in the “Edit” column. • Copy a contract by clicking on the page icon in the “Copy” column. Any contract with a padlock icon in the ‘’Edit’ column is locked and can only be unlocked by the administrator within your agency, or by searching the uncommitted contracts, selecting it for editing and then committing it. All of these options will be covered in more detail in other Modules. Escape from this screen by clicking on “Home”; or start a new search by clicking on “Search”. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 2.5 Module 2: Main Menu Functions Help Agency Private Fares has a comprehensive and easy to use help facility that can take you step by step through any particular element of the system. It is designed to open up the section that corresponds to the page you are on in Agency Private Fares. There are 3 ways of using the on line help: − View the entire Contents by chapter heading − View the Index in alphabetical order and search for key words in the chapter headings − Use the Search function to locate a word or phrase in any passage within any chapter Additionally a Glossary of commonly used terms and words is constantly updated. Contents Click “Help” from any screen in the GUI; another window opens and it defaults to the Contents section, with the relevant chapters being displayed for you. From here you can navigate through the help by chapter heading. Details will be displayed on the right hand side with all the relevant sub headings being displayed on the left hand side with hyperlinks directly into those chapters. 2.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 2: Main Menu Functions Index This search facility displays paragraphs whose title has a word that matches what you type in the search panel. The scroll bar on the right hand side of the Index window allows you to manually view all the topics in alphabetical order. To select a particular paragraph within a topic click on it once in the right hand half of the screen and it will display. Search This functionality displays any paragraph that has words that match these words typed in the search panel. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 2.7 Module 2: Main Menu Functions Glossary The left hand part of the screen is divided in two: • the top half comprising a list of words; • the bottom half displaying the meaning of the highlighted word. When you select the Glossary tab only the left half of the screen changes. Any information that was displayed on the right hand side remains the same. Notes: All of the Help functions open up a separate window. Click on the X in the top right corner to close it and return to the main screen. Logout The function of this button should be self explanatory, however caution is needed. If logout is chosen after opening a contract but before committing it, even without making any changes, it will appear locked the next time you log-in. This requires opening the uncommitted version and either cancelling or editing it. 2.8 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 3: Exercise to create a basic Standard Contract A new contract can be created within the system at any time. The Contract Header screen must be completed before any others are started. After that, the other screens may be completed in any order. There are only two other screens that are mandatory for the completion of a minimal viable contract; Fares/Routes and Distribution/Ticketing. Module Objectives Upon completion of this module you will be able to: • Create a basic Standard Contract Demonstration Type the following link into your browser to review an e-Learning Quick Hit course on how to create a basic contract. Select your country; add your PCC, your trainer will advise your country code and PIN if you do not know it; register into the eLearning system; from the Homepage, select “Quick Hits” and then “APF: Build a Basic Contract” Agency Private Fares, Course Book 3.1 Module 3: Create a basic Standard Contract Create a basic Standard Contract Select the New Standard Contract button from the Home Page. You will be presented with the Contract Header page. Fields with a red asterisk are mandatory. Complete the mandatory boxes as instructed. Completed basic Contract Header Screen: 3.2 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 3: Create a basic Standard Contract The buttons at the bottom of the screen are used for performing the following functions: Reset Restores all the boxes back to original entries. Save You can save data in all screens. However, data is also saved automatically when the user moves onto another screen after completing the current one. The contract is stored but not yet committed to the Fares system. Validate Check if all mandatory parts of Contract are completed. Commit Commit contract to the live Fares system. Completing the Screen Once you complete the information in this window; complete other applicable windows. Click on the relevant light blue button across the top of the screen. ASK Travelport 9296: How do I create a basis standard contract in Agency Private Fares? Fares /Routes All fares with the same routing may be entered as a group. When creating a new contract, you will enter a new name for a group of fares in the “Name” box and ‘Add Fare.’ Agency Private Fares, Course Book 3.3 Module 3: Create a basic Standard Contract Complete the screen with the relevant data: Routing This sub-page needs to be completed even if the fares are to be permitted on direct flights only. 3.4 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 3: Create a basic Standard Contract Distribution/Ticketing The second mandatory screen is Distribution/Ticketing. Ensure all the required Global Distribution Groups for this contract have been moved into the right hand box. Select multiple groups by holding down the Control key on the keyboard. Select the ‘Specific Ticketing Detail/Selling Level button.’ Ticketing and Selling level Exceptions can be created here. This will be covered in Module 5. Click on ‘Add Specific Ticketing/Selling Level Detail’ button. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 3.5 Module 3: Create a basic Standard Contract Adding Ticketing Details will be covered in Module 5. For now, just click the ‘Set Selling Levels’ button at the bottom of the screen. For Net and Selling contracts set the selling level. For Net only contracts a minimum and maximum selling range can be added. This screen is not available for Sell only contracts. Although no other screens are mandatory, it would be usual to complete others. 3.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 3: Create a basic Standard Contract Validating and Committing the Contract After completing the mandatory and as many other screens as required, you can save your work and commit it to the system. First you may VALIDATE the contract, which effectively checks that the mandatory items are in place in the correct format. Click on the blue “Validate” button at the bottom of the screen. Response: The contract has passed the validation. Now commit the contract by clicking on the blue “Commit” button and the contract will be saved to the APF system, and will be available for viewing after the next extract. Failure to close the contract correctly (i.e. just exiting this screen) will leave it as uncommitted, but it will now show as “locked”. This will require someone with Site Admin rights to unlock the contract in order for further work to be done or for it to be committed to the system. Full coverage of validating and committing is covered in module 5. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 3.7 Module 4: Planning your Database It is critical that you take time to plan and organise your database for each new contract. Making amendments after a contract is created takes time and could lead to confusion. Module Objectives Upon completion of this module you will be able to: • Create a contract database plan Contract Rule ID Every contract loaded through Agency Private Fares must have a unique Contract Rule ID. It is the responsibility of each Agency Private Fares user to create their own Rule IDs and allocate them per contract. They are not contained within the contracts sent to you from the airline/consolidator. Each ID may be alpha, numeric or alphanumeric and contain exactly four characters. Each will be linked to an airline code. You could create them using the airline or country code with a number: BA01 ; KL02; GB03; NL04 Or using the same number with different airline codes: 0001; 0002; 0003; 0004 Note: Do not use ID 9999. This will be used for combining any Rule ID from within your Supplier Code when it is used on the combinations screen in the “Outside this Rule ID” section. Note: Together, a rule ID and airline is unique to one contract and cannot be reused at any time. The way in which you decide to create and allocate your Rule IDs will be dependent on the type and volume of contracts used in your office. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 4.1 Module 4: Planning Your Database Other Considerations Before entering details onto the system, consider: Do you need to assign an Account Code to a contract? This will save time when locating the fare from the fare display if it is for a designated account. For example, if you have an account with the BBC, maybe you would consider these: − − − BBCUS1 BBCGB1 BBCCA1 Note: An account code may be alpha or alphanumeric, maximum 20 characters but must begin with an alpha. What type of contract is this? − − − NET NET & SELLING SELLING Whom do you want to receive this contract and what security levels do you want them to have: − − − − UPDATE REDISTRIBUTION SALE TICKET Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Note: Only the ‘Sale’ field is read in Apollo. Any agency with ‘Sale’ authority will also be able to ticket the fare. We recommend that Apollo users set Sale and Ticket to the same value. This information is created in a Distribution Group which will be covered in depth in Module 9. ASK Galileo 9301: How do I add a distribution group within Agency Private Fares? Once you have these elements determined, the rest of the information from your paper contract can be easily transferred. Planning your Database It is critical that you take time to plan and organise your database. For guidance we have created a fares template, see Appendix A We recommend that you use this template as it will ensure that all information from your paper contract is accurately accounted for when loading to the Agency Private Fares database. We would also recommend keeping a copy of the completed template with your paper contract for reference purposes. 4.2 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 4: Planning Your Database Sample Contract for Class Exercise WORLDWIDE PREMIUM ECONOMY Special Net Fare Addendum From VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRWAYS Validity 01 November – 31 March ADULT RETURN NET FARES Route LHR – JFK - LHR LHR – EWR– LHR LHR – BOS – LHR LHR – IAD – LHR LHR – MIA – LHR LGW – MCO – LGW LHR – SFO – LHR LHR – LAX – LHR LGW – LAS – LGW Midweek Fare GBP 900.00 GBP 900.00 GBP 900.00 GBP 875.00 GBP 1,060.00 GBP 1,060.00 GBP 1,500.00 GBP 1,500.00 GBP 1,550.00 Minimum Street Selling Price Agency Private Fares, Course Book Weekend Fare GBP 995.00 GBP 995.00 GBP 995.00 GBP 975.00 GBP 1,160.00 GBP 1,160.00 GBP 1,600.00 GBP 1,600.00 GBP 1,650.00 Net fare plus GBP60.00 4.3 Module 4: Planning Your Database Conditions Header Application Advance Purchase Booking Class Weekend Supplement Minimum Stay Maximum Stay Routing Stopovers Discounts Blackouts Fare Basis Endorsements Airport Taxes Security Charge Date Changes Route / Name Changes Cancellations Tour Code Ticket Type Commission 4.4 Rule Flying Club miles ARE permitted with the above net fares. No advance purchase necessary. W Class – Premium Economy. As per price sheet, Mon-Thu midweek, Fri-Sun Weekend. Outbound and inbound on different days of week permitted at half applicable fare in each direction. 7 days 21 days One Ways not permitted. Open Jaw permitted in USA, charge half of each applicable fare for each leg. Not permitted. Child Fare Applicable for children aged between 2 – 11 years of age inclusive. Pay 67% of the adult net fare Infant Fare Applicable for infants under 2 years of age and not occupying a seat, pay 10% of the adult net fare. 20 December – 26December inclusive. Midweek – WXAP21 Weekend – WWAP21 NON END / REFUNDS RESTRICTED. CHANGES GBP100.00. VALID VS ONLY To be collected IN ADDITION to the above net fares. Please see CRS at time of ticketing for correct values to be collected. Not applicable. Permitted – once ticket is issued a charge of GBP100.00 per ticket will be applicable. Strictly not permitted. Once a ticket is issued a cancellation charge of GBP200.00 per ticket will be applicable. Within 24 hours of departure no refund is given. Any unused portion of the ticket is non – refundable. A1234567. IT 0 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 4: Planning Your Database Module Review 1. Create a Template for this Private Fare. It will be used during Module 6. AMERICAN AIRLINES CONTRACTED FARE RATES These fares are valid on AA London Heathrow- John F Kennedy (JFK) routings only. EWR is not Common Rated. These fares are valid from 01August through 31July next year Base Rates GBP275.00 midweek, GBP 325.00 weekend Selling Price not to exceed GBP345.00 / 395.00 respectively RULES OF NET FARE DEAL Application Advantage Miles not permitted Advance Purchase These fares must be purchased at least 14 days before departure Fare Basis QMW7NR for midweek, QWE7NR for weekend travel Booking Class Q class Minimum Stay 7 Days Maximum Stay 1 Month One Ways Not applicable Open Tickets Not permitted Stopovers Not permitted Discounts Accompanied children pay 75% of the adult fare. Unaccompanied minors not permitted at this fare. Infants pay 10% of adult fare Tour Code AA73736574 Endorsements VALID AA ONLY/ NON REF NO CHANGES Security Charge / PFC/TAX See CRS on date of reservation/booking/confirmation, not included in this fare. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 4.5 Module 4: Planning Your Database Cancellations 100% non-refundable before/after departure Changes Inbound only GBP100.00/USD 175.00 TOD EX UK GBP 75.00 (used for Galileo only) Flight Restrictions Not valid on AA115 Outbound ex LHR Days of Week Midweek as Monday through Friday in both directions Weekend as Saturday and Sunday in both directions. Half of each fare value for crossover fare values. Blackouts 20 November through 30 November 16 December through to 31 December Ticketing Instructions Bulk Tour tickets (BT), must be issued on AA paper. Electronic Tickets only. Baggage Allowance 4.6 2 Pieces Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens The Contract Header screen must be completed before any others are started. Complete other screens in any order. To successfully commit a contract you must complete Fares/Routes, including the Routing screen, and Distribution/ Ticketing. Module Objectives Upon completion of this module you will be able to: • Create a Standard Contract with the mandatory details. • Save and Commit the contract. • Explain the contents of the mandatory screens Contract Header Select the New Standard Contract button from the Home Page. • Some parts will be pre-populated with today’s date, expiry date, your Supplier Code and login details. • Parts that are “greyed-out” cannot be changed. • Mandatory fields that must be completed are identified by a red asterisk (*). • Others are optional. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 5.1 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens Completed Contract Header Screen: Field Supplier Contract Type Effective Date Discontinued Contract Rule ID Description Airline Code Account Code Is this a North American Contract Add-on Construction Options Add-on Rules Ticketing Rules First / Last Date Travel First / Last Date Ticket Last Changed By Verify combinations for this contract 5.2 Screen Description: Description Automatically defaults to your Supplier Code. Choose from the drop down list: Net; Net & Selling; Selling. Default to the date you are loading the contract. The date the contract is removed from the database. Defaults to one year from the contract load date. Amend to the date when the contract ends. The contract name that distinguishes one from another. This can be four alpha, numeric or combination of characters, e.g. VST4 or VSST. Special characters ( / : etc are not permitted. Enter a description for your contract. Two Letter Airline Code for contract carrier. If two or more carriers issue a contract together then only one can be the lead carrier. The contract will need to be duplicated with the other carrier as the lead carrier. Optional code with a maximum of 20 alpha numeric characters which must start with an alpha character. Select one or other radio button. Not permitted; Permitted or Required (if all fares have to be combined with Add-ons) Choose criteria used to combine with Add-on fares. Rule ID and Fare Basis code; Rule ID and Fare Type; Rule ID; Fare Basis code; Fare Type; All. Enter a Tour Code only if it applies to all fares in the contract. For Calculated Contracts choose ‘Create Contract Ticket Rules’ to add ticketing details, or ‘Apply Airline Ticket Rules’ to use details filed by carrier. Enter the first and last dates of travel for which the contract is valid. (Note : Last Date is date by which all travel must be completed.) Enter the first and last dates when tickets can be issued. The contract will not display on a Fare Display until the First Date of Ticket, if entered. Automatically records the current user name and supplier code. Takes the user to the combinations screen, see page 6.20 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 5: Create a Standard Contract Mandatory Screens The buttons at the bottom of the screen are: Reset Restores all the boxes back to original entries. Validate Check if all mandatory parts of Contract are completed. Save Saves material entered. Contract is stored but not yet committed to the Fares system. You can move to another screen, or continue on this screen or start another contract. Commit Commit contract to the live Fares system. The combination of supplier code, airline code, rule ID, and effective and discontinued dates forms the unique identifier for the contract. It displays in the lower left hand portion of every screen after the contract is saved and becomes a hyperlink back to the Contract Header window on subsequent windows. Is this a North American contract? If you select the Yes button for this question, you will get a warning on the screen:- Completing the Screen Once you complete the information in this window, you may proceed and complete any other applicable windows. Click on the relevant light blue button across the top of the screen. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 5.3 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens Fares /Routes The Fares/Routes window allows you to enter the specific fares, booking code, and route information for a contract. It is necessary to create “Fare Groups” to contain the data. • Each fare group has its’ own routing information. • All fare groups in the contract share the same set of rules. • Useful if large number of fares to keep contract more manageable. Enter a new name for a group of fares in the “Name” box and click on Add Fare. ASK Travelport 5660: Can I rename a fare group within Agency private Fares? Completed screen: ASK Travelport 5703: How do I load fares into an Agency Private Fares standard contract? ASK Travelport 5705: How do I amend a fare amount within Agency Private Fares? 5.4 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 5: Create a Standard Contract Mandatory Screens Non – North American Routing ASK Travelport 5706: What is the difference between a simple and a complex routing in Agency private Fares? ASK Travelport 5707: How can I find an airline route number to use in an Agency Private Fares contract? Agency Private Fares, Course Book 5.5 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens North American Routing ASK Travelport 7809: What is the difference between the Routing screen on North American contracts vs. non-North American contracts? 5.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 5: Create a Standard Contract Mandatory Screens Non-North American Booking Code Exceptions Booking Code exceptions for the both the Primary, contract airline and any Secondary airline entered in the Routings screen, must be added here. City/airports or country codes can be used. ASK Travelport 5708: How do I load Booking Code exceptions within Agency Private Fares? Agency Private Fares, Course Book 5.7 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens North American Booking Code Exceptions Because North American contracts require online travel, booking code exceptions are allowed for the contract airline only. Cities/airports or country codes must be included. View Zones associated to a Fare Group. A zone typically consists of a logical grouping of cities, US states/CA provinces, countries, or IATA area that you use frequently when creating fares. The zones are linked to your supplier code and are therefore unique to your agency. Module 8 will cover this topic in depth ASK Travelport 5791: How do I to view zones associated to a fare group in Agency Private Fares? 5.8 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 5: Create a Standard Contract Mandatory Screens Distribution/Ticketing This is a mandatory screen. A Global Distribution Group may be selected from a list, or a Contract Specific one created. This is also the area where any relevant ticketing information must be added, and selling levels/parameters are set for Net and Net and Selling contracts. ASK Travelport 9301: How do I add a Distribution Group to a contract? General Ticketing Instructions Select the ticket type to apply for the entire contract. Note: If ET is selected the fare would not quote if the user made a Fare Quote entry with a PT modifier. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 5.9 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens NVB/NVA Options and Endorsements Enter NVB/NVA Option and endorsements. All six endorsement lines can be viewed in a Filed Fare display. However, only the first THREE endorsement lines are used when ticketing. Make sure endorsements for ticketing are in the first three lines only. A maximum of three endorsement messages (26 characters each) will print on an OPATB2 ticket. A maximum of two endorsement messages (26 characters each) will print on an OPTAT/TAT ticket ET processing allows up to 6 lines of endorsements to be generated in an ET message to the carrier. However, ultimately each carrier has its own limitations on how many lines they can process. Note: The validity boxes cannot be changed at the time of ticketing. Any endorsements entered here cannot be removed at the time of ticketing, but additional ones may be added as per standard functionality. ASK Travelport 9608: How do I specify Not Valid Before and Not Valid After dates to my Agency Private Fares contract? ASK Travelport 9309: How do I add endorsements to my contract? ASK Travelport 1898: What is the maximum number of characters allowed in the endorsements of an Agency Private Fares contract? 5.10 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 5: Create a Standard Contract Mandatory Screens Specific Ticket Detail/Selling Level Highlight a Distribution Group(s) (to select more than one use the control key) and click the ‘Specific Ticket Detail/Selling Level' button. The Ticketing and Selling Level Exception screen displays. Exceptions can be created for any Distribution Group based on the type of fare (OW, RT or OW/RT), by Fare Basis Code or by Fare Family. By selecting Fare Family multiple fare basis codes can be grouped together. Use one or two letters and a wildcard (e.g. B* or YL*) After completing any details required on this screen, select ‘Add Specific Ticketing/Selling Level Detail’, to add the specific ticketing details (e.g. Tour code, Fare Box details.) ASK Travelport 9303: How do I set selling levels within a Distribution Group? ASK Travelport 9611: How can I enter ticketing details if they vary for different fares within my contract? Agency Private Fares, Course Book 5.11 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens Specific Ticketing Detail Screen Field General Ticketing Detail Summary Exception Group Distribution Group This specified Ticketing detail applies to: Tour Box Fare Box Plating Carrier Box Baggage Override Commission Override 5.12 Description Ticket Type selected on previous screen and button to view existing NVB/NVA and Endorsements. Exception Group which the ticketing detail screen applies to Name of Distribution Group this applies to. Default is All. Option to override with any passenger type that has been used in the Fares/Routes screen. Leave blank if no override. Used to select the type of tour override. Galileo users: Choose from Tour Code, CAR Code, Value Code, CAR/Value code. Apollo users: Tour Code is the only option Apollo validates. Leave blank in no override. Used to indicate what should be shown in the Fare Box of the ticket. Galileo users: Choose from IT, BT, Ticket Fare. Apollo users: Leave blank. Apollo does not validate this data. Optional Plating Carrier 2 character airline code. Then choose Required on Not Permitted Optional amount in KG or PC. Leave blank if no override. Galileo users: Leave blank if no override, or choose from Net, Gross or Calculate. Apollo users: Leave blank. Apollo does not validate this data. Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 5: Create a Standard Contract Mandatory Screens ASK Travelport 9609: How do I enter ticketing details to my Agency private Fares contract? Fare Box Note: This option is only validated for Galileo users. IT and BT are used in Tour Ticketing. When Ticket Fare is selected, other options in the Fare Box are activated. Ticket Fare overrides the fare box amount on the ticket. Select one of the options on the right to specify which fare basis, fare family, and fare amount are to be retrieved, and then complete the corresponding fields on the left. Specify if an IATA YY fare is to be used. If this is not selected, the contract carrier fare basis, fare family, and/or fare amount are to be retrieved. Enter the Fare Basis or Fare Family (e.g. Y* or BE*70). Galileo will select the appropriate fare to show on the ticket. This is used in Net Remit Ticketing. Note: If the Fare field is left blank, the Selling Fare amount will become the Ticket Fare, and for Net only contracts the Net fare will be the Ticket Fare. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 5.13 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens Tour Box Tour Codes are used in Tour Ticketing, usually when IT or BT is shown in the Fare box. CAR (Commercial Agreement Reference) and/or Value Codes are used with Nett Remit 2 ticketing. Note for Apollo Users: The Tour Code entry is the only value validated in Apollo. Plating Carrier This can be used to stipulate that the ticket must be or must not be plated on a particular carrier. Note: If used the fare quote entry may need the plating carrier included, for example FQCVS in Galileo, and $BCVS in Apollo. Baggage Override 5.14 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 5: Create a Standard Contract Mandatory Screens If required select KG or PC with a 1 or 2 digit allowance. Please note 0 is a valid allowance. This will display an amount of NIL on the ticket. Commission Override Note: This option is only validated for Galileo users Blank -The standard commission will be used, or that entered by the agent using a Ticket Modifier. Net – The commission percentage/amount entered will apply to the net fare in the contract. Gross – The commission percentage/amount entered will apply to the gross fare in the contract. Calculate – System automatically calculates the percentage difference between the Net and Selling fares entered in the contract. Click the ‘Save and Close’ button for Sell only contracts and Net only contracts (unless you wish to Set Selling Parameters.) For Net and Selling contracts users must select the Set Selling Levels button, enter the Mark up and then save the details. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 5.15 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens Set Selling Levels • ‘Set Selling Fare' must be completed for Net and Selling fares only. • ‘Set Selling Parameters’ may be entered for Net contracts. • Save and Continue to add additional selling levels for different routes using city/airport codes or zones. • Save and Close when completed. ASK Travelport 9303: How do I set selling levels within a Distribution Group? Summary Screen This shows a summary of all the ticketing details and selling levels for the selected distribution group. Use the ‘Open’ icon to edit either the ticketing or selling level data. The delete icon will remove both the ticketing and selling data for that line. 5.16 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 5: Create a Standard Contract Mandatory Screens Committing a Contract After completing the mandatory screens, you can commit the contract to the system. Alternatively, it remains as an ‘uncommitted’ contract, which may be edited and committed at a later time. Validate the contract first using button from bottom of any screen. This checks the contract has all the mandatory requirements. Commit the contract using the button from the bottom of any screen. The fares will be available to view in Focalpoint/Viewpoint after the next scheduled upload time. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 5.17 Module 5: Create a Standard Contract - Mandatory Screens Module Review 1. In addition to the Header screen, Fares/Routes and Routing screen, what is the other screen which must be completed to create a minimum viable contract? 2. What is the entry to find the airline routing and tariff numbers from a Fares Display? 3. How many characters make up the contract rule ID? 4. What is the difference between a ‘One Way’, and a ‘One Way Only’ fare? 5. What is the definition of a complex routing? 5.18 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality This module goes through the procedure to complete all the other optional screens, the various fields contained within each window and their relevance. Module Objectives Upon completion of this module you will be able to: • Add the details of a completed Template to a New Contract • Explain the contents of each section of a contract When to Use Every time you wish to create a new contract on the system, after completing the template. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 6.1 Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Days/Weeks Only need to complete this if travel restricted to certain days of the week. ASK Travelport 5805: How do I load contracts that are only valid for travel on certain days of the week? Seasons The Seasons screen allows you to enter details of the seasonality of contracts which are not valid at the same level of fare all year round. You can also specify to which sectors they are applicable. ASK Travelport 5806: How do I load a contract that has various seasons? 6.2 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Flight Rules This window is used to restrict airlines and/or flight numbers that can be used on all, or part of the journey. The top half of the window is for entering the airline codes and flight numbers and/or range of numbers The bottom half of the screen allows you to designate a specific portion of the journey to which that restriction applies. ASK Travelport 5822: How do I complete the Flight Rules window within Agency Private Fares? More information and scenarios can be found in the Help pages. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 6.3 Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Code Share Restrictions Information must be entered on this screen to impose any code share restrictions. If left blank, the fare would quote on any other operating carrier that the marketing carrier (contract airline) code shares with. The Marketing airline box is automatically populated, but it may be overridden. ASK Travelport 5826: How do I add code share restrictions to a contract? ASK Travelport 1906: How do I load an Agency Private Fare contract that states that travel on code share flights is NOT permitted? 6.4 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Advance Reservation and Ticketing You can input multiple advance purchase and/or ticketing restrictions, buy using the ‘Add’ button. Also, individual Exceptions can be added for specific fare basis, city or country pairs. ASK Travelport 1908: How do I load an Agency Private Fares contract with multiple advance purchase and/or ticketing deadlines? ASK Travelport 1910: How do I load an Agency Private Fares contract that can only be purchased within a specified number of days before departure? Agency Private Fares, Course Book 6.5 Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Min Stay Input one or more minimum stay requirements, by using the ‘Add’ button. ASK Travelport 1912: How do I load an Agency Private Fares contract that has more than one Minimum stay requirement? Max Stay ASK Travelport 5829: How do I complete the Maximum stay window in Agency Private Fares? ASK Travelport 1913: How do I load an Agency Private Fares contract if the minimum and maximum stay restrictions vary depending on the destination? 6.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Stopovers ASK Travelport 5830: How do I enter free and chargeable stopovers in an Agency Private Fares contract? ASK Travelport1915: How are stopover charges in an Agency Private Fares contract identified in a fare quote? ASK Travelport 1914: Can you mark up a stopover when you load an Agency Private Fares contract? Agency Private Fares, Course Book 6.7 Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Transfers Enter details of transfers and surface sectors permitted within a contract. If nothing is entered, transfers and surface sectors are not restricted. ASK Travelport 5831: How do I specify that no surface sectors are permitted on my contract? ASK Travelport 5834: How do I enter transfer restrictions into my contract? More detailed information can be found in the Help pages. 6.8 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Combinations Complete details on this screen to specify permitted combinations. The system automatically combines all fares within this contract on a round trip basis. ASK Travelport 5835: What is a Turnaround Open Jaw? ASK Travelport 5837: What is an Origin Open Jaw? ASK Travelport 5838: What is a Double Open Jaw? Combinations within this Contract Rule ID ASK Travelport 5849: How can I make all the fares within my contract combinable with each other? Combinations Outside this Contract Rule ID ASK Travelport 1918: How do you combine one Agency Private Fares contract with another Agency Private Fares contract? ASK Travelport 5842: How can I combine my Agency Private Fares contract with an airline private or public fare? Agency Private Fares, Course Book 6.9 Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Blackout Dates ASK Travelport 5852: How do I enter blackout dates into my Agency Private fares contract? Surcharges This screen allows for the collection of surcharges which appear as a ‘Q’ charge in the fare calculation. ASK Travelport 5854: In Agency Private Fares can I make my contract exempt from the standard public ‘Q’ surcharge? ASK Travelport 5856: How do I add a surcharge amount into my Agency Private Fares contract? 6.10 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Discounts ASK Travelport 5859: How do I load child and infant discounts into an Agency Private Fares contract? ASK Travelport 1922: Which passenger type codes can I use in the Discount screen of Agency Private Fares? Exception Screens Exceptions can be added on most of the rule screens except Fares/Routes, Distribution, Acct Code and Combinations. They are used when the conditions differ to that of the general rule. Each screen has a choice of adding exceptions by fare basis code, city pair, country pair, fare basis and city pair or fare basis and country pair. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 6.11 Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality In this example the maximum stay exception for a specific fare basis code has been entered. Any subsequent maximum stay exceptions would also have to be entered by fare basis code. The other options would not appear. Rules Text ASK Travelport 5871: How do I complete the Rules Text window in a contract and what is it used for? 6.12 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Module Review Refer to your trainer to discuss how many contracts to complete. 1. Take the Template you created in Module 5 Review for American Airlines and create a new contract on the system. Save the contract once entered, but do not commit it. Ensure the Contract I.D. includes your first name initial and the airline code as well a numeric. I.e. for Tom Smith the contract code could be AAT3. 2. Complete contracts from Appendix B as informed by your trainer. Each contract has different challenges, so liaise with your trainer to attempt the ones most likely to mirror the contracts you will be working with when back at your agency. 3. Alternately, as instructed by your trainer, work on any contracts you may have brought to the course. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 6.13 Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Notes 6.14 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 7: Search, View and Edit a Contract At any time after saving or committing a contract, you can retrieve it, look at it in full or summary format, make amendments to it and commit previously uncommitted documents to the main fare system. Module Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: • Retrieve a contract • View a contract in full and summary format • Edit a contract • Commit a contract Retrieving a Contract Use the search option from the Home page. ASK Travelport 5875: How do I search for contracts within Agency Private Fares? Note: If searching by description it must be exactly as typed in the contract header screen and is case-sensitive. If searching by account code, this box is also case-sensitive. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 7.1 Module 7: Search, View and Edit a Contract View Summary Select the contract you wish to view and click on the View Summary button and a separate window opens up. This shows the header, fares and basic rules, just like the validation screen. 7.2 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 7: Search, View and Edit a Contract View Full Contract Click on the View Full button and a separate window opens up: Here you can see the full contract, including all the rules, exceptions and rule text. If you find any details which are incorrect, or need updating you may have to edit the contract. Close this screen using the button at the bottom, and use the Edit button from the search screen. If a contract has been edited and not committed, or a contract was saved and not committed, you will have to delete the uncommitted version or continue editing the uncommitted version. Once changes are made to the contract it must be re-committed. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 7.3 Module 7: Search, View and Edit a Contract Audit Trail (View Changes) This display records all the changes that have been made to a contract displayed in descending order with the most recent changes displayed at the top and the original information right at the bottom of the screen. On an Uncommitted contract it just shows the creation details. The following data is shown: − The Action performed in the system − The Function (paragraph) in which the action was performed − The Time at which the action was performed − The ID of the user who performed the action − A Before view of the data that was modified − An After view of the data that was modified − The Version of the contract in which the action was performed If it is a new contract (as above) it will be version 1, and no ‘Before’ information will be shown. ASK Travelport 1928: What is the difference between Commit and Extract in Agency Private Fares? ASK Travelport 1934: Why are Agency Private Fares contracts not available even though they were committed in time for the extract? Once a committed contract has had changes made to it, the Contract Version number in the final column changes, so it is easy to track all of the different changes made to the contract. 7.4 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 7: Search, View and Edit a Contract Here is another contract after it has been committed more than once. The contract version number changes each time it is committed. Uncommitted Contracts ASK Travelport 5876: What is an Uncommitted contract in Agency Private Fares? Locked Contract ASK Travelport 5878: What should I do if my contract has a padlock symbol next to it? Agency Private Fares, Course Book 7.5 Module 7: Search, View and Edit a Contract Module Review 1. During Modules 5, and 6 you created a number of Contracts. Commit all of those which have not yet been committed. 2. Retrieve the third contract you created. Change the Minimum Stay rule, you can choose the new regulation. Commit the contract. 3. Retrieve the contract you have just amended. Check the changes have been implemented and date/time stamped. 7.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 8: Zones A zone is a group of cities, states or countries, or IATA areas. Zones are used for Standard Contracts where fares are common rated, and for Calculated Contracts when a group of city pairs are to be increased or decreased by the same amount. Module Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: • Describe the function of a zone • Create a zone • Search for zones • Search for a zone in active contracts • Edit a zone • Copy zones • Delete a zone Using Zones The use of zones speeds up the process of entering contracts by allowing you to input more than one city at a time When creating contracts it is possible to enter more than one zone in both the From and To fields instead of, or as well as, individual city codes. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 8.1 Module 8: Zones Create a Zone Zones are created separately and usually prior to your contract, which means you can use any zone for any contract you create. Once a zone has been created it can be copied, edited or deleted. ASK Travelport 5880: How do I create a Zone in Agency Private Fares? Airport codes cannot be used within a zone. If needed, they must be listed individually in each contract without a zone. A zone (i.e. a set of cities) cannot be combined with airport codes either in the same boxes or opposite boxes in a contract. For example, a Zone called FRANCE containing PAR MRS NCE and TLS. Examples of contracts could be:From LON to FRANCE From LON to FRANCE and STR (extra city code) From LHR LGW to CDG LBG (all airport codes only) LHR to FRANCE LON to FRANCE and LBG (airport code) But NOT From Or From 8.2 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 8: Zones Search, Edit, Copy or Delete a Zone ASK Travelport 5882: How do I search for a Zone in Agency Private Fares in order to edit, copy or delete it? Search for a Zone in Active Contracts Updating or deleting a zone does NOT affect contracts with which the zone has already been associated. This is to prevent you accidentally invalidating current contracts. However, you may wish to also amend those contracts which have that zone. ASK Travelport 5883: How do I find a list of contracts containing a particular zone? Contracts copied from Outside Suppliers If a contract was copied from outside this supplier code, which is indicated by an icon in the “Source” column, it means that there is another source for the contract. Contracts of this type cannot be committed using this function. This type of contract would have to be opened for edit and the Zone (and/or Global Distribution Group) be manually updated. The search returns these types of contracts for reference only, so you will know which ones you will need to update manually. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 8.3 Module 8: Zones Module Review 1. Can a zone be created containing these codes ADL;SYD;BNE;MEB; 2. You have created and saved a Zone for QANTAS flights Australia to LON/AMS/PAR called QFAUSEH. QANTAS now adds a new city (ASP perhaps) to its routings at the same price and therefore you needs to include it in the contract. What do you do ? 3. Create a zone for cities in the USA for routings from Europe. Include cities NYC, BOS, WAS, PHL, PIT, CLT. Include your initials in the name, and give a good description. 4. Once you have created your Europe to USA zone, you find you need a similar one for travel from the UK only. Copy the current zone and add two more cities YTO and YMQ. Rename the new one in an appropriate manner. 5. Once you have created your new zone, you now find you do not need it after all. Take the steps to delete the copied zone. 8.4 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 9: Distribution Groups Distribution Groups must be created in order for contracts to be viewed ® through Focalpoint and Viewpoint™. A Distribution Group contains a list of agency pseudo city codes/IATA numbers and/or locations that have the same security level (ability to view, update, and/or sell). A Global Distribution Group is created separately from a contract and therefore can be used within any contract. A Contract Specific Distribution Group is created within a one specific contract. Module Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: • View the Distribution Groups within a contract • Create a Distribution Group • Search for a Distribution Group in active contracts • Edit or delete Distribution Groups • Describe the different security levels of Distribution Groups. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 9.1 Module 9: Distribution Groups Creating Global Distribution Groups ASK Travelport 9614: How do I create a Global Distribution Group? Security Level The Security Level determines the level of access available to the agencies/geography with the Distribution Group. The levels of security given MAY differ for each agency/geography within the group. However, the authority for Sale and Ticket must be included in the same Distribution group. 9.2 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Update • Yes - To give agencies access in Agency Private Fares to copy outside the contract and change certain fields. Redistribution • Yes - This allows other agencies with selective access or group coding arrangements to also view the fares and rules. Sale • Yes - The agent can sell these fares, and make fare quote entries but cannot view the net ticketing data. Ticket • Yes –The agent can ticket these fares and see net ticketing data. Note: When all options are set to NO, access is view only which means they will display in the fare display but will not auto quote and cannot be filed into a booking. In addition the agency must also have the correct settings in their AAT to allow Agency private Fares. Note for Apollo Users: Only the ‘Sale’ field is read in Apollo. Any agency given ‘Sale’ authority will also be able to ticket the fare. If only ‘Ticket’ authority is selected they will not be able to quote or ticket the fare. All locations that require to sell and/or ticket must have ‘Sale’ selected. We recommend that you set Sale and Ticket to the same value. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 9.3 Module 9: Distribution Groups Search, Edit, Copy, or Delete Distribution Groups ASK Travelport 5888: How do I edit, copy or delete a Global Distribution Group? ASK Travelport 1894: Can I delete an Agency Private Fares Distribution Group? If so, must the Distribution Group be cancelled from a specific contract? Search for a Distribution Group within a Contract. Although changing a Global Distribution Group does not affect existing contracts, you can easily find those which occur in existing contracts if you need to amend them manually. ASK Travelport 5889: How do I find a list of contracts containing a specific Distribution Group. Contract Specific Distribution Groups Once a Global Distribution Group has been created, it can be inserted into any contract which you subsequently create. It can be edited within a specific contract to create a Contract Specific Group. Alternatively a new Contract Specific Group can be created here, for use only with this particular contract. ASK Travelport 9619: How do I create a Contract specific Distribution Group? 9.4 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module Review 1. Give the steps to creating a Global Distribution Group. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2. How do you cancel a Global Distribution Group? 3. You need to add another office IATA number to an already created Global Distribution Group. How do you do it? 4. You are creating a contract in which your (already created) Distribution Group “Head Office” will fit almost perfectly. However, you want the security details in this contract only, to be YES in the “Update” box. Your move. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 9.5 Module 9: Distribution Groups This page intentionally left blank. 9.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 10: Add- On Fares An Add-on Fare is linked to fares within a Standard contract to create a through fare for fare display and pricing. This is known as a ‘constructed fare.’ The Add-on fare will not display or quote alone, and there are no rules attached to it. The fare rules come from the Standard contract after the through fare is created. Once created, the Add-on fare can be combined with any number of Standard contracts if required. Note: You do not “commit” add-on fares. Once you save the add-on fare, it is available to construct with standard contracts after the next Agency Private Fares extract. Module Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: • Create an Add-on Fare. • Define Add-on Linking Criteria • Create Gateway and Interior Add-on Zones • Search for Add-on Fares • Edit Add-on Fares • Copy Add-on Fares • Search for Add-on Zones • Edit Add-on Zones • Copy Add-on Zones From the Home page, click on the Add-on button. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 10.1 Module 10: Add-on Fares Creating Add-on Fares Select New Add-on Fare Field Supplier Airline Effective Date Discontinued Add-on ID Description Currency Amount Type Interior Cities/Zones Gateway Cities/Airports/Zones View Zones Airline Booking Code Contract Rule ID Fare Type Fare Basis Code 10.2 Description Defaults to your Supplier Code. 2 character code of owning airline Defaults to date loading fare. Defaults to one year from the contract effective date. Can be changed to any date up to 3 years from effective date. Mandatory, 4 character alpha-numeric identifier. 9999 cannot be used Enter a description for your contract. 3 character currency code. This can be different to the currency used in standard contract. Final constructed fare is always converted to currency of constructed fare origin. Add-on fare amount Round trip, one way/round trip, or one way only Up to 10 city codes or 1 zone Up to 3 city/airport codes or 1 zone Optional button to see Interior and Gateway zones Permitted Airlines 2 character airline code. Up to 10 airlines permitted Up to 8 per airline Define criteria by which this Add-on will link with Standard fares (see below for full explanation) 4 character Standard contract rule ID Type of fare used in standard contract - Economy, Business or First Fare Basis code used in Standard contract Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 10: Add-on Fares ASK Travelport 1878: How can I load Add-on amounts to my Agency private Fares contract? Defining Add-on Linking Criteria You set the criteria that defines how the Add-on fare will construct with Standard Fares. The criteria for the Add-on Fare and the Standard contract must ‘match’ in order for the through fare to be created. Within the Add-on creation screen the options are: • Contract Rule ID – This will construct fares only with this specific Standard contract. And/Or • Fare Type – Economy, Business or First. This will construct with any fares in any Standard contract of that type, for the owning airline. • Fare Basis Code – This will construct with any fares with this fare basis code in any Standard contract , for the owning airline Any of the three options can be used independently, or the Contract Rule ID can be used with either Fare Type or Fare Basis. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 10.3 Module 10: Add-on Fares This shows that this Add-on could only be used with fares in Standard Contract VS01. Within the Standard Contract Header screen the criteria must also be defined. The options are: • Rule ID and Fare Basis Code • Rule ID and Fare Type • Rule ID • Fare Basis Code • Fare Type • All Fares – This permits any Add-on Fare that matches the Rule ID, Fare type, or Fare Basis Code to construct. In this example ‘Rule ID’ is selected. The Add-on the previous page would combine with fares in this contract to form through fares as the criteria ‘matches’. ASK Travelport 6619: How do I link an Add-on Fare to my contract in Agency Private Fares? For more information on defining criteria see the Help pages. 10.4 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 10: Add-on Fares Search for Add-on Fares Use the Search Add-on button within the Add-on Menu. ASK Travelport 6527: How do I search for an Add-on Fare in Agency private Fares? Edit Add-on Fares ASK Travelport 6529: How do I edit an Add-on Fare in Agency private Fares? Copy Add-on Fares ASK Travelport 6531: How do I copy an Add-on Fare in Agency private Fares? Agency Private Fares, Course Book 10.5 Module 10: Add-on Fares Zones for Add-on Fares A zone for an Add –on Fare is a group of cities or airports (Gateway zones only) used to make loading the Add-on fare quicker. Once a zone has been created it can be used in numerous contracts if required There are two types of zones used with Add-ons, Gateway Zones, and Interior Zones. Gateway Zones A Gateway is the first point of arrival, or the last point of departure in a country or area. Gateway zones are always international points of departure an arrival. For example in a contract with fares to NYC/CHI/BOS/PHL, and add-on amounts to DEN/ HOU/LAX, a Gateway zone could be created containing NYC/CHI/BOS/PHL. City and/or airport codes can be used in Gateway zones. However, the gateway city/airport code has to match city/airport code used on the Standard contract. If the contract has fares loaded form LON, and the zone is created using LHR, then the through fare will not be constructed. Creating a Gateway Zone ASK Travelport 6519: How do I create a Gateway zone to use in an addon fare? 10.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 10: Add-on Fares Interior Zones Interior refers to cities or zones that are the ultimate origin or destination of the constructed fare. Using the same example as above, an Interior Zone could be created containing DEN/HOU/LAX. Only city codes may be used in Interior zones, not airport codes. Creating an Interior Zone ASK Travelport 6520: How do I create an Interior zone to use in an addon fare? Searching for Add-on Zones ASK Travelport 6620: How do I search for existing Gateway and Interior zones? Edit an Add-On Zone ASK Travelport 6621: How do I edit an existing Add-on zone? Agency Private Fares, Course Book 10.7 Module 10: Add-on Fares Search for An Add-on Zone in Active Add-on Fares Updating or deleting a Gateway or Interior Zone does NOT affect any Add-on Fares with which the zone has already been associated. However, you may wish to also amend those Add-on fares which use that zone. ASK Travelport 6622: How do I find a list of Add-on fares containing a particular Gateway or Interior zone? Copy an Add-on Zone ASK Travelport 6623: How do I copy a Gateway or Interior zone used in Add-on fares? Delete an Add-on Zone You can delete a Gateway or Interior zone. This does not remove the zone from any Add-on fares with which is it associated. ASK Travelport 6625: How do I delete a zone used with Add-on fares? Important Note When you delete a zone: It does not affect any Add-on Fares to which the zone had been assigned. Therefore if Add-on fares containing a particular zone need to be amended, do so before deleting the zone. That way you will be still be able to find the Add-on Fare details within the “Active Add-ons” search function. 10.8 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 10: Add-on Fares Module Review 1. Create a Gateway Zone with the following cities/airports: JFK EWR BOS IAD MIA MCO SFO LAX LAS 2. Build an Add-on Fare of USD 100.00 return using the Gateway zone created in question 1, and the Interior zone just created. Set the criteria to combine with by rule ID with your Virgin Airlines contract from module 4. Agency Private Fares, Course Book 10.9 Module 10: Add-on Fares This page intentionally left blank. 10.10 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract A Calculated Contract creates fares calculated from existing base airlinefiled public or private fares. It is not possible to use any existing Agency Private Fares contract as a base fare or a fare already created as a result of a calculation. (E.g. Category 25 Fare by Rule) Module Objectives Upon completion of this module you will be able to: • Create and amend a Calculated Contract • Explain the contents of each section of a contract How to Use Before starting to create a calculated fare contract you must ascertain on which fare the contract will be based. For a public fare the information required is the fare basis code. For a private fare, the tariff number and fare basis code is needed. This information could come from the airline paper contract, but can also be found in the fare notes. Private Tariff ASK Travelport 5909: How do I find the tariff number for an airline private fare to use in Agency Private Fares? ASK Travelport 9612: How do I create a Calculated contract? Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines 11.1 Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract Contract Header To enter fares, Select Fares and Routes, and add a new fare group. The Base Fare screen is opened and must be completed. Base Fare 11.2 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract Field Fare Private Tariff Action Choice / Mandatory Greyed Description Choice of Public or Private fares Input tariff number for private only. Greyed out if public selected. Use any 3 letter PTC. Default is ADT (adult) Fares with Passenger Mandatory Type OW/RT Choice Type of fare for the new contract. At least one of the following must be entered : Include Fare Type Public only. The type of fare to be used in the contract. Blank, All, Choice Economy, Business, First. Exclude Fare Type Public only Becomes available if “All” is selected in “Include” Choice (above). Blank, Economy, Business, First. Specific Fare basis Codes / Wildcards ASK Travelport 5910: Can I use wildcards in the fare basis of a Calculated contract? Include Public or Actual fare basis to be used. Wildcards can be used. Private See Help pages/ASK Travelport. This box is not available if ‘All’ used in Include Fare Type. Exclude Public or Specific Fare basis codes to exclude. Private Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines 11.3 Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract Calculated Fare Screen This screen is used to determine how much you increase or decrease the base fares to create your new fares. Additionally this is where you can override fare basis and booking code information. Screen Explanation Direction Chose ‘From’ and ‘To’, or ‘Between’ and ‘And’ Enter city code, country code or zone. At least one of the Choose between Percent and/or Amount tables. following must be entered: Increase/Decrease Choose between Increase and Decrease. Percent By which to increase or decrease. To input O% use decrease. Amount 1 Currency 1 Amount 2 Currency 2 Amount and currency to increase/decrease fare by. (0 not allowed). Currency 2 may be used for an amount to be charged in a currency different to the base fare currency. Passenger Type Any 3 character passenger type code. Fare Basis Code To override Fare Basis Code of base fare. Primary Booking Codes To override booking class of base fare. Ticket Code The Ticket Code replaces or alters the Fare Basis Code on the ticket and in the linear fare construction when the fare is quoted. NOTE: If the airline filed base fare has a ticket code associated with it, this will always override any fare basis code entered, unless you input a new ticket code for your calculated fare. See Online HELP pages for detail. Ticket Designator 1-10 character alphanumeric entry that appends to the fare basis code. The completed screen above shows a GBP20.00 increase on all fares from the UK to South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia. 11.4 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract Calculated Fare Group window This page summarises all of the details you have extracted from the base fare in preparation for completing the new contract. Open Fare Rules – Options to override base fare rules. (See next page.) Open Base Fare – Returns to Base Fare window to amend details. View Zones – Associated with this contract Add Calculated Fare – Enter another calculated fare to this fare group. Booking Code Exceptions – Shows screen to enter exceptions for both primary and secondary airlines. (Only required if details differ to those of the base fare.) Mandatory/Optional Screens The only other mandatory screen required to successfully commit a Calculated Contract is ‘Distribution. Any of the other buttons can be used, but only if the base fare rules need to be altered for the new calculated fare. Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines 11.5 Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract Distribution As per standard contracts, the Distribution Groups required must be selected from the list of Global groups, or a new Contract Specific Group may be created. ASK Travelport 9301: How do I add a Distribution Group into a contract within Agency Private Fares? General Ticketing Instructions General Ticketing Detail may be added -Ticket Type, NVB/NVA and Endorsements. ASK Travelport 9608: How do I specify Not Valid Before and Not Valid After dates to my Agency Private Fares contract? ASK Travelport 9309: How do I add endorsements to my contract? ASK Travelport 1898: What is the maximum number of characters allowed in the endorsements of an Agency Private Fares contract? 11.6 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract Specific Ticket Detail/Selling Level Only complete this screen if ‘Create Contract Rules’ was selected on the header screen, and if you want to create ticketing exceptions for different types of fare (e.g. one way and return.) The default is for any ticketing details entered to apply to all fares in the contract. ASK Travelport 9611: How can I enter ticketing details if they vary for different fares within my contract? Select ‘Add Specific Ticketing/Selling Level Detail’ to enter any ticketing details and to set selling levels for applicable contracts. ASK Travelport 9609: How do I enter ticketing details to my Agency private Fares contract? Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines 11.7 Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract When creating ticketing rules, complete any of the boxes as required: Tour Box, - Tour Code, Car Code, Value Code or Car/Value code. Fare Box – IT, BT or Ticket Fare (Fare Basis or Fare Family) Plating Carrier Baggage Override Commission Override – Blank, Net. Gross or Calculate Note: The Fare Box, Commission Override and Tour Box (with the exception of the Tour Code entry) are not validated for Apollo users. 11.8 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract Set Selling Level For Net and Selling contracts, the Selling level must be set. This will create a mark-up on the ‘net’ fare created in previous screens. ASK Travelport 9303: How do I set selling levels within a Distribution Group? Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines 11.9 Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract Fare Rules After any of the Optional rules screens have been completed, enter any Rules Text and then complete the Fares Rules screen. Use this screen to advise the system that the default base fare rule applies (Airline Rule) for each part of the calculated fare contract, or that the new rules entered using the buttons at the top of the screen apply (Contract Rule), or to use a combination of both. (Both). ASK Travelport 5914: How do I complete the ‘Fares Rules’ screen for a Calculated contract? The contract can then be committed using the button at the bottom right corner of any screen. Module Review 1. Refer to your trainer to discuss other contracts to complete. 11.10 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 12: Copy a Contract A committed contract can be copied, amended and recommitted. This functionality will be particularly useful when: • An airline issues similar contracts to but to different destinations/areas of the world. • When alliance airlines issue the same contract. • When separate contracts need to be created for different passenger types. • When airlines have numerous booking classes/seasons within a contract which all share the same fare basis code. Module Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: • Copy a contract within your supplier code • Copy a contract outside your supplier code When you copy a contract: • If the rule ID/airline code combination is unique, a new uncommitted contract is created. • The fare basis codes and/or booking classes can be changed automatically. • The copied contract is linked to the original contract by including the original contract ID in the contract header of the copied contract. • Data in the confirmation window is removed. Discontinue date and last ticket date default to the dates of the original document. • The details from combinations screen is NOT copied. The user will need to go to this screen and input the combinations rules for the new contract. Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines 12.1 Module 12: Copy a Contract Standard Contract within your own Supplier Code ASK Travelport 5921: How do I copy a Standard contract in Agency Private Fares? ASK Travelport 1937: Can you use the copy facility in Agency Private Fares to modify booking codes and the fare basis? Calculated Contract within your own Supplier Code ASK Travelport 5924: How do I copy a Calculated contract in Agency private Fares? Any Contract from outside your own Supplier Code When you copy a contract from outside your supplier code the following occurs within the system: • An uncommitted copy of the “copy from” contract is created. • The copied contract shows a “lock” icon, which denotes that it has been copied but not committed. If you delete the copy contract before committing it, the original contract displays in the Search Results window. When the copied contract is committed the original no longer displays and will not now be available for copying. • Save and Close will confirm you will be able to commit a contract once the mandatory fields have been completed. • The copied contract is linked to the original contract by including the original contract header ID. • Effective date will be today’s date as will the first travel and ticket dates (if they were before today’s date in the original contract). • Discontinue and last ticket date will default to the dates contained on the original contract, but you can change these dates. • A Distribution Group comprising the supplier copying the contract and the applicable selling levels will be created. Any other Distribution Groups from the original contract are deleted. You will need to add any others required. • The ticketing data is copied and cannot be edited in the new contract. ASK Travelport 5922: How do I copy contracts from another Agency Private Fares supplier code? 12.2 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 13: Admin and Master Account Code Functions This module looks at the different functions within the Admin menu. The options available to the user vary depending on the login level. Module Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: • Edit a profile • Unlock locked contracts (Site Admin level and above only) • Create a new Supplier (Galileo HQ level and above only) • Create a new user (Site Admin level and above only) • Create a Master Account Code • Search for Master Account Codes Admin The following screen shots show the Admin options available to each different user level. Depending on your access level, within the Admin window you can: • Create, search for and edit users • Unlock contracts • Create and search for supplier codes • Change from one supplier code to another • Search Terms of Use • Search for XML users Note: User profiles can only be created once the supplier code has been set up. Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines 13.1 Module 13: Main Menu Functions Response for User: ASK Travelport 5927: How do I edit my Agency Private fares profile? ASK Travelport 5926: How do I change my Agency private Fares password? Response for Site Admin: ASK Travelport 5928: How do I search for a list of User Ids in Agency Private Fares? ASK Travelport 5929: Can I create a new user for agency private Fares? ASK Travelport 5930: How do I unlock a contract from the Admin menu? 13.2 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Module 13: Main Menu Functions Master Account Code ASK Travelport 5944: What is a Master Account Code? Select ‘Master Account Code’ from main menu. New Master Account Codes ASK Travelport 5945: How do I create a Master Account Code? Search Master Account Codes ASK Travelport 5946: How do I search for existing Master Account Codes? Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines 13.3 Module 13: Main Menu Functions This page intentionally left blank. 13.4 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix A Agency Private Fares Contract Template Airline Rule ID Rule Description Date Loaded Date Deleted Date Changed Airline Contract Information Zone info / Zones required Maps to ► Agency Private Fares Window Zones Supplier (If received from another Agency Private Fares user) Airline Code Contract Header Rule/Contract Code Contract Header Net, Selling, or Net & Selling fare levels Contract Header Account Code Tour Code Travel Dates Contract Header Contract Header or Distribution/Ticketing Contract Header Ticket Dates Contract Header Booking Code Fares/Routes Fare Type Fares/Routes Passenger Type (Ad, Chd, Inf, Youth) Fares/Routes City Pairs and direction of travel Fares/Routes Currency Fares/Routes Fare (amount(s)) Fares/Routes Journey Type (One Way, Round Trip) Fares/Routes Agency Private Fares, Course Book Contract Header Data Coded (Y/N) Additional Notes Data Changed Appendix A Airline Contract Information Agency Private Fares Contract Template Fare Basis Code Agency Private Fares Window Fares/Routes Ticket Designator Fares/Routes Route Information (via cities and airlines or non/stop direct) Child/Infant/Youth ticket designator Fares/Routes Distribution Groups – Who can view and sell the fares Endorsements Distribution/Ticketing Tour Box Distribution/Ticketing Fare Box Distribution/Ticketing Commission Distribution/Ticketing Set Selling Levels Distribution/Ticketing Add Rules Text (for Fare Note display) Rules Text Day(s) of week travel is permitted Days/Week Seasons Seasons Travel restricted to specific flight numbers or flight number ranges Code Share Flight Rules Advance Purchase and Ticketing Adv Res / Tkt Minimum Stay requirements Min/Max Maximum Stay requirements Min/Max Permitted stopovers Stopovers Combinations: within this contract, with other contracts and/or with airline filed public or private fares. Combinations Agency Private Fares, Course Book Maps to ► Fares/Routes Distribution/Ticketing Codeshare Data Coded (Y/N) Additional Notes Data Changed Appendix A Airline Contract Information Agency Private Fares Contract Template Blackout dates Agency Private Fares Window Blackouts Surcharges Surcharges Discounts Discounts Agency Private Fares, Course Book Maps to ► Data Coded (Y/N) Additional Notes Data Changed Appendix B: Contracts WORLDWIDE PREMIUM ECONOMY SPECIAL NET FARE ADDENDUM FROM VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRWAYS Validity 01 November – 31 March ROUTE ADULT RETURN NET FARES MIDWEEK LHR – JFK - LHR LHR – EWR– LHR LHR – BOS – LHR LHR – IAD – LHR LHR – MIA – LHR LGW – MCO – LGW LHR – SFO – LHR LHR – LAX – LHR LGW – LAS – LGW GBP 900.00 GBP 900.00 GBP 900.00 GBP 875.00 GBP 1,060.00 GBP 1,060.00 GBP 1,500.00 GBP 1,500.00 GBP 1,550.00 Minimum Street Selling Price WEEKEND GBP 995.00 GBP 995.00 GBP 995.00 GBP 975.00 GBP 1,160.00 GBP 1,160.00 GBP 1,600.00 GBP 1,600.00 GBP 1,650.00 Net fare plus GBP60.00 CONDITIONS Application Flying Club miles ARE permitted with the above net fares Advance Purchase No advance purchase necessary Booking Class W Class – Premium Economy Fare Basis WXRT21VS and WWRT21VS Minimum Stay 7 Nights Maximum Stay 21 Days One Ways Not permitted Open Dated Returns Not permitted Stopovers Not applicable Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.1 Appendix B: Contracts Child Fare Applicable for children aged between 2-11 years of age inclusive. Pay 67% of the adult net fare. Infant Fare Applicable for infants under 2 years of age and not occupying a seat. Pay 10% of the adult net fare. Blackouts 20-26 December incl. Endorsements NON END / REFUNDS RESTRICTED. CHANGES GBP100.00. VALID VS ONLY Airport Taxes To be collected IN ADDITION to the above net fares. Please see CRS at time of ticketing for correct values to be collected. Security Charge Not applicable. Date Changes Permitted – once ticket is issued a charge of GBP100.00 per ticket will be applicable. Route / Name Changes Strictly not permitted. Cancellations Once ticket is issued a cancellation charge of GBP100.00 per ticket will be applicable. Within 24 hours of departure no refund is given. Any unused portion of the ticket is non-refundable. Tour Code A1234567 Ticket Type IT Commission 0 B.2 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts AMERICAN AIRLINES CONTRACTED FARE RATES These fares are valid on AA London Heathrow- John F Kennedy (JFK) routings only These fares are valid from 01August through 31July next year Base Rates GBP275.00 midweek, GBP 325.00 weekend Selling Price not to exceed GBP345.00 / 395.00 respectively RULES OF NET FARE DEAL Application Advantage Miles not permitted. Advance Purchase These fares must be purchased at least 14 days before departure. Tickets must be issued at time of sale. Booking Class Q class. Minimum Stay 7 Days Maximum Stay 1 Month One Ways Not applicable Open Tickets Not permitted Stopovers Not permitted Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.3 Appendix B: Contracts Child Fares Accompanied children pay 75% of the adult fare. Unaccompanied minors not permitted at this fare. Infant Fare Pay 10% of adult fare. Tour Code AA73736574 Endorsements VALID AA ONLY/ NON REF/RESTRICTED CHANGES Security Charge See CRS on date of reservation/booking/confirmation. It is not included in this fare and must be charged in addition. PFC/TAX See CRS on date of confirmation for applicable taxes. Cancellations 100% non-refundable before/after departure. Changes Inbound only GBP100.00/USD 175.00. Flight Restrictions Not valid on AA115 Outbound ex LHR. Days of Week Midweek as Monday thru Friday in both directions. Weekend as Saturday and Sunday in both directions. Half of each fare value for crossover fare values. Blackouts 20 November through 30 November 16 December through to 31 December Ticketing Instructions Bulk Tour tickets (BT), must be issued on AA paper. Electronic Tickets only. Baggage Allowance B.4 2 Pieces Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts Malaysia Airline System Kuala Lumpur Special Valid Travel dates 01May-15May 16May-25May 26May-15Jun Today for 1 week only LHR – KUL Return Only Adult Child GBP300.00 GBP200.00 GBP350.00 GBP250.00 GBP400.00 GBP300.00 Valid MH3 LHR-KUL season 1 2 3 Valid MH4 KUL-LHR Infants pay 10% of adult fare. Fares are Net min selling fare +10% / commission 0% Booking class: S Fare Basis: SPECMH plus season number Min stay: 7 days Max stay: 1 month Fare box: BT Deal no: SPECMH All reservations and ticketing must be completed by the end of this week. Non Refundable. Changes Not Permitted Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.5 Appendix B: Contracts BRITISH AIRWAYS Contract date of issue 01/09/xx British Airways short term net specials For immediate loading. The following fares are available for immediate sale for the following routings Route LHR-CDG LHR-FRA LHR-GVA LHR-MAD LHR-BCN LHR-LIS LHR-CPH LHR-OSL LHR-ARN Midweek GBP 40.00 GBP 50.00 GBP 60.00 GBP 60.00 GBP 70.00 GBP 70.00 GBP 90.00 GBP100.00 GBP110.00 Weekend GBP 49.00 GBP 59.00 GBP 69.00 GBP 69.00 GBP 79.00 GBP 79.00 GBP 99.00 GBP109.00 GBP119.00 Minimum selling to Net CDG/FRA/GVA +GBP20.00 Minimum selling to Net MAD/BCN/LIS +GBP25.00 Minimum selling to Net OSL/ARN/CPH +GBP30.00 Fare Basis CDG/FRA/GVA Fare Basis CDG/FRA/GVA Fare Basis MAD/BCN/LIS Fare Basis MAD/BCN/LIS Fare Basis OSL/ARN/CPH Fare Basis OSL/ARN/CPH LXSALE1 M/W LWSALE1 W/E LXSALE2 M/W LWSALE2 W/E LXSALE3 M/W LWSALE3 W/E Midweek Monday through Friday (OB/IB) Weekend Saturday and Sunday (OB/IB) Fares valid from date of contract header till 31/03/yy B.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts BRITISH AIRWAYS All fares booked in L class No waitlist permitted Open jaw permitted in Spain only, higher fare applies Codeshare (IB) flights permitted using BA codeshare flight number only All fares return only Instant purchase : Res/Ticket at same time Tickets to read NonEnd/Non Ref Refunds not permitted prior to or after departure Deal code BAEU03 Ticket Type IT Minimum 3 days Maximum 28 days Child: No discount Infant: Discount by 80% of adult selling fare Non Seasonal fares Baggage 23KG (INF 1PC) Open Return not permitted Name changes not permitted No BA Miles TOD Not permitted Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.7 Appendix B: Contracts Singapore Airlines Apex Business Class Fare From London/Manchester Valid for Sale: Today – 01 May Valid for Travel: 01 Apr xx – 01 Feb yy Fares in GBP Zone 1 – Zone 2 – Zone 3 – SIN/BKK/BWN/DPS/HAN/HKT/JKT/KUL/PEN/SGN BJS/HKG/SHA/CMB/MLE ADL/BNE/MEL/SYD/PER/COK/RGN/TPE/DEL/OSA/ SOC/XMN Seasons L 01 Apr – 01 Sep K 02 Sep – 24 Dec H 25 Dec – 01 Feb General rules: Fares Ex provincial points Taxes and Charges Ticketing info B.8 Zone 1 2200.00 2300.00 2400.00 Zone 2 2300.00 2400.00 2500.00 Zone 3 2400.00 2500.00 2600.00 Nett fares in GBP for round trip journeys. To be sold and issued in the UK only. Book in J class. Charge GBP 100.00 return on UK domestic sectors on BD in D Class to LHR from ABZ/EDI/GLA/INV/LBA/MME As applied with the automated fare quote. IT to be shown in the Fare box. Tour code SQIT Date of booking and “Valid SQ/MI” to be entered in the endorsement box. JLITX/JKITX/JHITX fare basis. E tickets must be issued. Form of payment box must read SQ** Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts Ticketing Time Limit One way fares Open Jaw Stopovers Children Infant Changes to reservations Validity Cancellation fees Silkair Routes Tickets must be issued at least 14 days before departure of the outbound date of travel. Not permitted. Open jaw permitted, apply half and half of the return fares. 1 permitted in SIN only either outbound or inbound. 75% of adult net fare. 10% of adult net fare. Date changes permitted to outbound and inbound travel. Valid SQ services Not valid on any codeshare services Min stay 7 nights Max stay 6 months Zone 1 £200.00 before dep Zone 2 £250.00 before dep Zone 3 £300.00 before dep No refunds permitted after dep Travel in C Class on MI for SIN to/from COK/HKT/RGN/SOC/XMN Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.9 Appendix B: Contracts Egyptair Europe/Africa/Far East Egyptair Net Fares valid from Cairo, Aswan, Luxor, Hurghada. Valid for sale – Today – 01Jul Valid for Travel – 01 Jan – 31 Dec All fare in Egyptian Pounds EGP General Rules Direct services or MS online connection at Cairo to be used on all routes, no stopovers permitted. Fare box must read IT. Must be sold with land arrangements. Commission 0% Tour codes as applicable to destination continent: Europe – MSEU, Africa – MSAF, Far East - MSFE Endorsements: Valid Egyptair/Non re-routable Recommended minimum selling: Net fare + EGP500.00 Blackouts – 15 Dec – 25 Dec B.10 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts Egyptair EUROPE Algiers Amsterdam Athens Barcelona Berlin Brussels Budapest Casablanca Dusseldorf Frankfurt Geneva Istanbul London Madrid Milan Moscow Munich Paris Rome Vienna Booking Class Min/Max Stay Seasons BLO Basic 2000 2300 1200 1800 2000 2100 1700 2200 2250 2100 2100 1500 2500 2050 2150 1600 2100 2500 2150 2450 B oneway BHO Peak 2100 2400 1300 1900 2100 2200 1800 2300 2350 2200 2200 1600 2600 2150 2250 1700 2200 2600 2250 2550 B oneway BLR6M Basic 2200 2500 1400 2000 2200 2300 1900 2400 2450 2300 2300 1700 2700 2250 2350 1800 2300 2700 2350 2650 B return 7/6m Basic 01 Jan - 01 Jun BHR6M QLR3M Peak Basic 2300 2400 2600 2700 1500 1600 2100 2200 2300 2400 2400 2500 2000 2100 2500 2600 2550 2650 2400 2500 2400 2500 1800 1900 2800 2900 2350 2450 2450 2550 1900 200 2400 2500 2800 2900 2450 2550 2750 2850 B Q return return 7/6m 0/3m Peak 02 Jun - 31 Dec QHR3M Peak 2500 2800 1700 2300 2500 2600 2200 2700 2750 2600 2600 2000 3000 2550 2650 2100 2600 3000 2650 2950 Q return 0/3m Advance purchase – 7 days Ticketing - Must be issued 7 Days before departure Refunds – Before dep fare less EGP200.00. After dep non refundable Rebooking – 1 Free to outbound flight additional EGP200.00 Child discount – 67% Infant – 10% Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.11 Appendix B: Contracts Egyptair AFRICA BL6M Basic Abidjan Accra Addis Ababa Entebbe Johannesburg Lagos Nairobi Tripoli 4700 4700 3200 3600 5500 4000 3800 2700 BH6M Peak 4800 4800 3300 3700 5600 4100 3900 2800 Booking Class Min/Max Seasons B 3d/6m Basic 01 Jan- B 3d/6m 01 Jun QL3M Basic 4900 4900 3400 3800 5700 4200 4000 2900 QH3M Peak 5000 5000 3500 3900 5800 4300 4100 3000 Q 0/3m Peak 02 Jun Q 0/3m - 31 Dec RT journeys only. Advance purchase – Not applicable Ticketing – Must be issued within 7 days of the reservation being made Refunds – Before dep fare less EGP200.00. After dep non refundable Rebooking – 1 Free to outbound flight at additional EGP200.00 Child discount – 50% Infant – 10% B.12 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts Egyptair FAR EAST Bangkok Kuala Lumpur Mumbai Osaka Tokyo BS6M 4300 4100 4300 6000 6000 QS1Y 4400 4200 4400 6100 6100 MS3M 4500 4300 4500 6200 6200 HS2M 4600 4400 4600 6300 6300 KS1M 4700 4500 4700 6400 6400 Booking class Min/Max B 0/6m Q 3d/4m M 0/3m H 3d/2m K 7d/1m RT journeys only. Season – All year fares Advance purchase –Not applicable Ticketing - Can be issued up to departure date Refunds – Before dep fully refundable/After dep full refund less EGP500.00 Rebooking – Free to outbound flight Child discount – 67% Infant – 10% Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.13 Appendix B: Contracts Swiss International Air Lines UK FARES PROGRAM NAME HOTFARES 20XX VALIDITY SALES 01-02-20XX-31-03-20XX TRAVEL 01-03-20XX-30-06-20XX DATE OF ISSUE 24 JAN 20XX Origin City Destination City Fare GBP LCY LHR LCY LHR LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BHX MAN LCY LHR BOM CAI JFK BOS DXB HKG JNB LAX NBO RUH TLV SAO YUL 300 185 175 160 190 270 300 187 280 265 150 360 210 Book in B.14 Q Class FBC QSSUK Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts Swiss International Air Lines UK Conditions PROGRAM NAME HOTFARES 20XX Application Seasons Departure One Way Min stay Max stay Sales Period Travel Outbound Travel Inbound Fare Class and Fare Basis Reservations and Ticketing Stopovers Routing Transfers Combinations Discounts Penalties Ticket Fuel Surcharge VALIDITY SALES 01-02-20XX-31-03-20XX TRAVEL 01-03-20XX-30-06-20XX DATE OF ISSUE 24 JAN 20XX For sales only in UK n/a only ex BHX MAN LCY LHR not permitted Saturday night 1 month 01 Feb - 31 Mar only 01 Mar - 30 Jun 05 Mar - 31 Jul see fares sheet Ticket within 72 hours of reservation PTA/TOD not permitted Not permitted Travel LX only, not permitted on LX016/017 to/from JFK or LX40004999 codeshare flights 1 in each direction in ZRH Open Jaw not permitted Infant up to 2 years 90% discount Child 02-11 years No discount, apply adult fare Unaccompanied Minor Not permitted Changes Not permitted Rerouting Not permitted Cancellation Not permitted Refund Not permitted LX document only (724) Fare IT (No fare shown on passenger coupon) Commission net ticket with 0% IT code IT5SSUK Taxes, Fees to be collected separately Endorsement LX only / non refundable / no change of res / GLON/QSPUK Baggage 20kg or piece concept as applicable To intercontinental destinations, add GBP10.00 per half return as Q surcharge in fare calculation Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.15 Appendix B: Contracts Summer London-Malta Directional Net Airfares Contract Return net fares to Malta in GBP 01Aprxx to 31Octxx Low Shoulder 16Apr-24May 30May-09Jul 01Oct-19Oct 27Oct-31Oct Applies Mon-Thu Mon-Thu Mon-Thu Fri-Sun Fri-Sun Fri-Sun Club Class Class X H Q X H Q D Fare Basis XJXIT672 HJXIT502 QJXIT501 XJWIT673 HJWIT506 QJWIT505 DJIT671 LHR 94 114 134 106 126 146 310 LGW 84 104 124 96 116 136 270 STN 84 94 104 96 106 116 - High Shoulder 10Jul-20Jul 01Sep-30Sep Applies Mon-Thu Mon-Thu Mon-Thu Fri-Sun Fri-Sun Fri-Sun Club Class Class X H Q X H Q D Fare Basis XKXIT672 HKXIT502 QKXIT501 XKWIT673 HKWIT506 QKWIT505 DKIT671 LHR 114 134 154 126 146 166 330 LGW 104 124 144 116 136 156 290 STN 94 114 134 106 126 146 - Peak 01Apr-15Apr 25May-29May 21Jul-31Aug 20Oct-26Oct Applies Mon-Thu Mon-Thu Mon-Thu Fri-Sun Fri-Sun Fri-Sun Club Class Class X H Q X H Q D Fare Basis XHXIT672 HHXIT502 QHXIT501 XHWIT673 HHWIT506 QHWIT505 DHIT671 LHR 124 144 164 136 156 176 340 LGW 114 134 154 126 146 166 300 STN 104 124 144 116 136 156 - • • • • • B.16 Fare season is determined by the outbound flight for the round trip. Booking class, day of week, and airport are directional, and apply ½ and ½ where return flight sector differs from outbound sector component. Special fares in X class are restricted availability and may not be available all flights or seasons Refer to flight schedules for days of operation. Stansted Services are “no frills”. No free catering/drinks Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts Summer London-Malta Directional Net Airfares Contract Quick Reference Rules Application Valid KM only May be sold and advertised as seat-only airfares Book via GDS on space available basis or from agreed allocation The Tour Operator must manage allocation utilisation with swaps remaining at the discretion of Air Malta Validity Min stay Max stay Stopover One stopover in CTA permitted on LGW-CTA-MLA service only, Q class only. Additionally, Italian taxes must be charged. Reservations GDS bookings made any time up to 35days before departure = Ticket issued not later than 28 days before departure. GDS bookings made less than 35days before departure = Ticket issued within 7 days of booking. GDS bookings made less than7 days before departure = Ticket issued within 24 hours of booking. Discounts Infant 0-1 years not occupying a seat, charge 10% of fare Child 2-11 years pays 75% of adult fare Unaccompanied Child not permitted Round up discounted fares to next higher GB Pound. Date/Flight Changes After Ticket issue charge of GBP 30.00 Upgrade of itinerary/season/day of week applied as difference in fare plus GBP30.00 reissue fee Refunds After Ticket issue. Fares non-refundable, except in approved compassionate cases; taxes refundable on application. Lost Ticket After Ticket issue. FOI and reissue of replacement documents can only be done at KM ticket office, at charge of USD50.00 for individual or family booking. Agency Private Fares, Course Book n/a 3 months for X/H/Q Class. 1yr for D class B.17 Appendix B: Contracts BRITISH AIRWAYS Route Deals BA agrees to make available to the Group, the following percentage Discount for use on eligible travel between the following city pair Routes in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. From London To Fare Basis Stockholm ARN Athens ATH Copenhagen CPH Rome FCO Kiev KBP Larnaca LCA Vienna VIE Warsaw WAW Tel Aviv TLV Nairobi Barbados BGI Kingston KIN Cairo CAI Dubai DXB Kuwait KWI Muscat MCT Islamabad ISB Hong Kong HKG Singapore SIN Sydney SYD New York JFK Washington Dulles IAD Seattle SEA Fare Basis Cabin Europe JFLBA J JFLBA JFLBA JFLBA JFLBA JFLBA JFLBA JFLBA JFLBA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA J2BA Booking Class J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Net Fare discount 18 % 18 % 18 % 18 % 18 % 18 % 18 % 18 % 18 % 12 % 15 % 15 % 12 % 12 % 12 % 12 % 10 % 20 % 20 % 20 % 15 % 15 % 15 % Other destinations J2BA Booking Class as shown Ticketed fare basis codes should be amended to show JDEAL for all destinations. B.18 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts BRITISH AIRWAYS Route Deals Rules as those with the quoted public fares with the following exceptions: Routing One Way or Round Trip journeys are permitted. Valid BA only. Open Jaw Permitted. Surface to point of turnaround construction not permitted. Combinations Permitted with a “BA only” fare. A “BA only” fare is one which must be flown solely on BA Mainline, pursuant to the relevant fare rules. Upgrades Permitted Changes Permitted Cancellation/Refund One Way. Round Trip Full refund if cancelled before departure Full refund if cancelled before departure of outbound flight. Refund 80% of value of unused coupon if cancelled after departure of outbound flight. Refund taxes and fees applicable to cancelled sector. The appointed travel agent shall calculate all refunds and shall report the applicable amounts through the BSP. Endorsements REFER GG AIR BAG NUK; Valid BA only; Non Re-routable; Refer changes issuing agent; Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.19 Appendix B: Contracts May 200X-APR 200Y Roundtrip Fares ex LGW and MAN Fare Basis ATL BNA BOS BWI CLT RDU FMY JAX PDX Low 01Nov16Dec0X 24Dec0X29Mar0Y Shoulder 01May-30Jun0X 01Sep-19Oct0X 30-31Oct0X High 20-29Oct0X 01Jul-10Jul0X 22Aug-31Aug0X Peak 11Jul-21Aug0X 30Mar-15Apr0Y Xmas 17Dec-23Dec0X LLXCUK 235 LKXCUK 350 LHXCUK 470 LPXCUK 485 LXXCUK 473 314 402 585 634 585 235 350 510 550 567 230 350 488 488 483 288 415 570 595 604 DFW 230 365 505 550 567 FLL 305 435 585 610 585 EWR LGA 221 340 446 478 446 MCO TPA 250 380 470 565 557 MEM 280 400 505 550 567 MIA 225 330 450 565 557 MSP 280 400 570 550 578 MSY 294 425 560 600 609 ORD 230 345 540 550 557 PHL 237 355 488 488 485 SAN SEA 288 410 560 595 604 SFO 240 360 560 595 567 STL 288 350 510 540 578 SLC 304 440 590 630 604 CUN/MEX 465 483 735 735 735 YMQ YOQ YYZ 287 387 504 509 519 CARIBBEAN 465 468 720 720 735 Caribbean comprises: ANU AUA BDA BGI BZE CZM FPO GCMG ND GUA KIN MBJ NAS PLS PUJ SDQ SJO SKB STT STX SXM UVF CVG DTW WAS IAH CLE PIT DEN LAS LAX PHX S Class Buy up Travel in S class permitted for additional GBP40.00 O/W or GBP 80.00 RT Weekend Surcharge For travel on Fr/Sa/Su, GBP15.00 return Fare Basis codes LLWCUK/LKWCUK/LHWCUK/LPWCUK/LXWCUK as applicable. Combinations L class and S class are combinable on ½ and ½ basis. Most restrictive conditions apply. When stopovers are made, all fares to be calculated to highest rated point. Open Jaws permitted at ½ and ½ of respective fares. UK Add-ons BA. ABZ/EDI/GLA/JER-LGW; ABZ/BHD/EDI/GLA-MAN S class for GBP30.00; L class for GBP 65.00 BD. EDI/GLA/ABZ-MAN Book US flight number on BD in same class as international flight GBP30.00 OW Book BD flight number on BD in V class GBP30.00 OW, Q class GBP65.00 OW B.20 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts Application RT or OJ from UK to US/Canada/Caribbean - L or S Economy class only One Way fares not permitted. Open returns not permitted. All taxes/charges to be levied in addition to the fares. Fuel surcharge to be included must be added to the net fare and be shown in the fare calculation box as a Q surcharge. Validity Min stay Max stay Stopover One free stopover in PHL/CLT/NYC permitted. L class - one additional stopover can be taken at charge of GBP70.00 S class - three additional stopover can be taken at charge of GBP70.00 each If there is not a same day connection and the passenger is required to overnight, this is not considered a stopover. Backtracking not permitted except for connection purposes. Reservations Code Share Any time International flights on US Airways only from LGW/MAN All codeshares permitted within USA/Canada/Caribbean. US Airways flight numbers must be booked. Tickets must be issued 28 days before departure. For journeys booked less than 28 days before departure, ticketing must be completed within 72 hours of reservation. Ticketing Saturday Night 90 days for L Class. 180days for S class Discounts Infant 0-1 years not occupying a seat, charge 10% of fare Child 2-11 years pays 75% of adult fare during High/Peak/Xmas seasons. Child 2-11 years pays 67% of adult fare during Low/Shoulder seasons. Unaccompanied Child not permitted Cancel GBP100.00 fee for cancellation before departure. No refund for cancellation after departure or in case of a no-show. Reroute not permitted. Date changes permitted free of charge before ticket issue providing all rules are still met. After ticket issue: inbound flight/date may be changed at fee of GBP100.00/USD150.00; outbound flight/date may not be changed. Name changes not permitted. Changes PTA Not permitted Ticketing Net Remit Ticketing Car CodeGF946TEST1 to be added Ticket Fare – show full Y fare on passenger coupon Endorsement NON ENDORSABLE/NON REROUTABLE/NON REFUNDABLE Fare Basis See fare table. For weekend travel, substitute W for X. For S class buy up, substitute S for L. For Child and infant tickets, add CH or IN Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.21 Appendix B: Contracts OFFLINE FARES UK - PORTUGAL From To RBD Season Fare Basis Fare UK except MME MME LIS LIS LIS LIS W W V V F 16Jan-30Apr F 16Jan-30Apr F 16Jan-30Apr F 16Jan-30Apr WAUKTO WAUKTO VAUKTO VAUKTO 140 185 161 206 UK except MME UK except MME OPO FAO OPO FAO W W WLUKTO WKUKTO 133 152 UK except MME MME MME OPO FAO OPO FAO OPO FAO V V n/a VLUKTO VKUKTO n/a 178 197 MME OPO FAO - L 16Jan-02Febr K 03Feb-16Mar // 01Apr30Apr H 17Mar-31Mar L 16Jan-02Febr K 03Feb-16Mar // 01Apr30Apr H 17Mar-31Mar n/a n/a UK except MME UK except MME OPO FAO OPO FAO Q Q QLUKTO QKUKTO 162 181 UK except MME MME MME OPO FAO OPO FAO OPO FAO Q Q Q QHUKTO QLUKTO QKUKTO 238 207 226 MME OPO FAO Q L 16Jan-02Febr K 03Feb-16Mar // 01Apr30Apr H 17Mar-31Mar L 16Jan-02Febr K 03Feb-16Mar // 01Apr30Apr H 17Mar-31Mar QHUKTO 283 UK except MME UK except MME FNC PXO FNC PXO W W WLUKTO WKUKTO 187 206 UK except MME MME MME FNC PXO FNC PXO FNC PXO W W n/a WLUKTO WKUKTO n/a 232 251 MME FNC PXO - L 16Jan-02Febr K 03Feb-16Mar // 01Apr30Apr H 17Mar-31Mar L 16Jan-02Febr K 03Feb-16Mar // 01Apr30Apr H 17Mar-31Mar n/a n/a UK except MME UK except MME FNC PXO FNC PXO V V VLUKTO VKUKTO 206 225 UK except MME MME MME FNC PXO FNC PXO FNC PXO V V V VHUKTO VLUKTO VKUKTO 295 251 270 MME FNC PXO V L 16Jan-02Febr K 03Feb-16Mar // 01Apr30Apr H 17Mar-31Mar L 16Jan-02Febr K 03Feb-16Mar // 01Apr30Apr H 17Mar-31Mar VHUKTO 295 MME UK except MME UK except MME = BFS BRS EDI GLA LBA MAN BHX ABZ B.22 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts OFFLINE FARES UK - PORTUGAL Application RT or SOJ from UK offline points to Portugal One Way fares not permitted. Open returns not permitted. All taxes/charges to be levied in addition to the fares. Sales Permitted from 16Jan Validity Min stay Max stay Stopover Not permitted except: UK-FNC 1 permitted either outbound or inbound at LIS UK-PXO 1 permitted either outbound or inbound at LIS or FNC Routing TP/BD/BE/SN flights 2 transfers permitted in each direction; 1 in LON/BRU and 1 in Portugal 1 additional transfer permitted in FNC for flights to/from PXO Combinations Outbound and inbound may be booked in different RBD. Charge ½ rt fare each way. Reservations Any time. Ticketing must be completed at time of reservation. Ticketing Endorsement VALID TP ONLY/NON REFUNDABLE Fare Basis See fare table; Fare Box BT ; FOP Box NON REF; Tour Code TPUKTO6543 Code Share TP numbered flights according to letter of fare basis. BD numbered flights - Q class - between UK domestic points and LHR SN numbered flights - B class - between UK domestic points and BRU BE numbered flights - M class - between UK domestic points and LGW Discounts Child 25%; Infant 90% ; Unaccompanied minor permitted Cancel No refund for cancellation at any time Changes Reroute and rebooking permitted at any time at fee of GBP45.00 per change. outbound flight/date may not be changed. In case of a no-show, charge GBP70.00 to change to another flight/date. Name changes not permitted. Upgrade to higher class on the grid on same flight by paying additional amount, subject to GBP45.00/EUR68.00 minimum Surcharges As per public fares. TOD / PTA Not permitted none 3M Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.23 Appendix B: Contracts North American Contracts United Airlines Meeting Plus Fares Valid: 01JUL – 31DEC Adult Net Fares based on Area Pricing Area 1 Area 2** Arizona California Nevada Colorado** Montana North Dakota South Dakota Utah Wyoming** ** = JAC and GUC are excluded in the pricing Area 1 to Area 1 Area 1 to Area 2 Area 2 to Area 2 $297.00 USD net $481.00 USD net $457.00 USD net Conditions: ~ Fares are valid daily ~ UA must show as the ticketing carrier ~ Fare basis code of HR7MTGN ~ Ticket Designator is 530DM ~ Endorsement box must include “VALID UA/UAX ONLY” ~ Tour Code Box must contain “IT530DM” ~ Fares valid for round trip only ~ Advance Purchase of 7 days ~ Two day minimum stay ~ Thirty day maximum stay ~ $100.00 USD change fee once tickets are issued. Itinerary changes to the outbound flight must be made 7 days prior to the outbound departure date. ~ Ticket is refundable less a $100.00 USD refund fee ~ Stopovers not permitted ~ No additional discounts apply ~ All pricing is net and do not include any applicable taxes, fees or surcharges B.24 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix B: Contracts MeetingWorks® Zone Fares for LAS Valid 01JUL – 31DEC These fares are only valid to/from LAS from areas listed. All fares quoted are net. One way is not permitted. From: Alberta or British Columbia Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin Amount $434.00 CAD 14 Day AP Fare Basis BMWCA14 7 Day AP Fare Basis N/A $774.00 CAD BMWCA14 N/A $551.00 USD $675.00 USD BMWD14 - BMWD7 $385.00 USD $460.00 USD BMWD14 - BMWD7 Minimum Stay – 2 nights Maximum stay – 30 days Only published routings are applicable These fares are not combinable with published fares Travel not valid on code share with Northwest Airlines. A $100.00 change fee for any changes to itinerary. Entire tickets are refundable less $100.00 administrative cancel fee. No partial refunds permitted. Tickets not changed or refunded by expiration of the contract will have no value. Fares listed do not include taxes and surcharges. For tickets issued outside the United States, local ticketing requirements must be met. OnePass miles may be accrued. Upgrades are permitted according to the rules of the reward being applied. One free stopover is permitted in either direction at Newark Liberty, Houston or Cleveland, as long as the routing is valid. Agency Private Fares, Course Book B.25 Appendix C: Answers Module 5: Standard Contract 1. In addition to the Header screen, Fares/Routes and Routing screen, what is the other screen which must be completed to create a minimum viable contract? Distribution 2. What is the entry to find the airline routing and tariff numbers from a Fares Display? FH*line number In Galileo. FDline number in Apollo 3. How many characters make up the contract rule ID? 4 alphanumeric 4. What is the difference between a ‘One Way’ and ‘One Way only’ fare? A one way contract will automatically be doubled to make round trip fares, which will show on a FD, by using -RT 5. What is the definition of a complex routing? A routing involving other airlines in addition to the contract airline Module 6: Optional Screen Functionality Create the contracts as instructed by your trainer. There are many variables in the way the contracts may be set up, so if you have any questions, please ask your trainer as you complete them. Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines C.1 Appendix C: Answers Module 7: View and Edit a Contract 1. During Modules 5 and 6 you created a number of Contracts. Commit all of those which have not yet been committed. Search for contract. Click on required contract. Edit. Commit. 2. Retrieve the third contract you created. Change the Minimum Stay rule, you can choose the new regulation. Commit the contract. Search for contract. Click on required contract. Edit. Select “Rules Text” and write new Minimum stay. Select “Min/Max” and change the details to reflect the new ruling. Commit 3. Retrieve the contract you have just amended. Check the changes have been implemented and date/time stamped. Search for contract. Click on required contract. View Changes. Close. Module 8: Zones 1. Can a zone be created containing these codes ADL;SYD;BNE;MEB; No – MEB is the airport code for Melbourne, you must use city codes - MEL 2. You have created and saved a Zone for QANTAS flights Australia to Europe called QFAUSEH. QANTAS now adds a new city (ASP perhaps) to it’s routings and therefore needs it included in the contract. What do you do ? You can amend the contract by adding an additional city, (From QFAUSEH + ASP to EUROPE) or create a new zone (QFAUSEH2 ?!) including the new city and change the contract (From QFAUSEH2 to EUROPE). You cannot amend the contents of the zone. 3. Create a zone for cities in the USA for routings from Europe. Include cities NYC, BOS, WAS, PHL, PIT, BAL. Include your initials in the name, and give a good description. TSEU2US East coast USA cities for contracts from Europe. NYC, BOS, WAS, PHL, PIT, BAL C.2 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix C: Answers 4. Once you have created your Europe to USA zone, you find you need a similar one for travel from the UK only. Copy the current zone and add two more cities YTO and YMQ. Rename the new one in an appropriate manner. Search for the zone. Highlight the name in the Search Zone Result box. Click on Copy. In the copied Zone, add new name; edit the city codes. Save and Close 5. Once you have created your new zone, you now find you do not need it after all. Take the steps to delete the copied zone. Search for the zone. Highlight the name in the Search Zone Result box. Click on Delete. Click on O.K. in the pop-up box. Module 9: Distribution Groups 1. Give the steps to creating a Global Distribution Group. From the Home page, click on the New Distribution Group button. Give name to the Distribution Group, and add a description. Select Travel Agency, Geography or Both. Complete the boxes Select Security levels. Save & Close 2. How do you cancel a Global Distribution Group? Agency Private Fares, Course Book Instructor Guidelines C.3 Appendix C: Answers Search ; All Distribution Groups; highlight the group in the Search Result window; click on Delete button. Remember there is no warning with this delete function. 3. You need to add another office IATA number to an already created Global Distribution Group. How do you do it ? Search ; All Distribution Groups ; highlight the group in the Search Result window; click on Open button. Type the number in the IATA/PCC box ; click >> to transfer it. Save & Close. 4. You are creating a contract in which your (already created) Distribution Group “Head Office” will fit almost perfectly. However you want the security details to be YES in the “Update” box in this contract only. Your move. In the contract, click the Distribution Group button. Highlight “Head Office” group in the left window; click on >> to move to the Groups in this Contract window. Highlight in right window; click on Edit; amend the Security Level box; click Open button. Type the number in the IATA/PCC box ; click Save & Close. Module 11: Create a New Calculated Contract Create the contracts as instructed by your trainer. There are many variables in the way the contracts may be set up, so if you have any questions, please ask your trainer as you complete them. C.4 Instructor Guidelines Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix C Agency Private Fares Contract – VS Example, Module 4 Airline VIRGIN VS Rule ID VST1 Rule Description VS USA PREMIUM ECONOMY RETURNS Date Loaded 01APR04 Airline Contract Information Date Deleted Maps to ► Agency Private Fares Window Zones Data Coded (Y/N) Y Additional Notes Supplier (If received from another Agency Private Fares user) Airline Code Contract Header Y (G0EA7) Contract Header Y VS Rule/Contract Code Contract Header Y VST1 Net, Selling, or Net & Selling fare levels Contract Header Y NET AND SELLING Account Code Tour Code N/A Y A1234567 Travel Dates Contract Header Contract Header or Distribution/Ticketing Contract Header Y 01NOVxx-31MARxx Ticket Dates Contract Header Not specified Booking Code Fares/Routes Y W - premium economy Fare Type Fares/Routes Y ECONOMY Passenger Type (Ad, Chd, Inf, Youth) Fares/Routes Y ADULT (child/infant on discount) ADT City Pairs and direction of travel Fares/Routes Y As per list Currency Fares/Routes Y GBP Fare (amount(s)) Fares/Routes Y As per list Journey Type (One Way, Round Trip) Fares/Routes Y RT Zone info / Zones required Agency Private Fares, Course Book C.7 Instructor Guidelines NEW ZONE SET UP Data Changed Agency Private Fares Contract – VS Example, Module 4 Airline Contract Information Fare Basis Code Agency Private Fares Window Fares/Routes Data Coded (Y/N) Y Ticket Designator Fares/Routes N/A Route Information (via cities and airlines or non/stop direct) Child/Infant discount / ticket designator Fares/Routes Y Direct only Fares/Routes Y CH IN Distribution Groups – Who can view and sell the fares Endorsements Distribution/Ticketing Y TONYS TRAVEL / LONDON AGENTS Distribution/Ticketing Y VALID VS ONLY. REF RESTRICT Tour Box Distribution/Ticketing Already entered on Header Fare Box Distribution/Ticketing IT Commission Distribution/Ticketing Net 0 Set Selling Levels Distribution/Ticketing Y NET + GBP 60.00 (at least) Add Rules Text (for Fare Note display) Rules Text Y Canx/change charges, flying club etc. Day(s) of week travel is permitted Days/Week Y mon-thu X fri-sun W . Charge ½ + ½ Seasons Travel restricted to specific flight numbers or flight number ranges Code Share Seasons Flight Rules N/A N/A Codeshare Y NOT PERMITTED Advance Purchase and Ticketing Adv Res / Tkt Y NO Minimum Stay requirements Min/Max Y 7 DAYS Maximum Stay requirements Min/Max Y 21 DAYS Permitted stopovers Stopovers Y NOT PERMITTED Combinations: within this contract, with other contracts and/or with airline filed public or private fares. Combinations Y Open Jaw in USA. Charge ½ applicable fares for each leg. C.6 Maps to ► Appendix C Instructor Guidelines Additional Notes Data Changed WXAP21 (mon-thu) WWAP21 (fri-sun) Agency Private Fares, Course Book, Appendix C Airline Contract Information Agency Private Fares Contract – VS Example, Module 4 Data Coded (Y/N) Y Y Additional Notes Blackout dates Surcharges Agency Private Fares Window Blackouts Surcharges Discounts Discounts Y CHD 33% INF 90% Agency Private Fares, Course Book Maps to ► C.7 Instructor Guidelines 20Decxx-26Decxx incl. SECURITY CHARGE N/A Data Changed Appendix D: Display and Quote Agency Private Fares in Galileo® Fare Display Entries Fare display entry modifiers for private fares displays are added to the ® initial entry in the same way as with normal Galileo fares i.e. once the basic fares entry is correct, the Agency Private Fares modifier may be added in any order. Listed below are examples of the most frequently used entries: Entry/Format Response FD14JANLONFRA Fare Display, Public fares and private fares without an account code are returned. FD14JANLONFRA:N Basic Fare Display, only public fares are returned. FD14JANLONFRA:P Basic Fare Display, only airline private fares and agency private fares with no account code are returned. FD14JANLONFRA:C Basic Fare Display Only NET fares are returned. If you have specified a selling range this will not appear. FD14JANLONFRA–PRI–ABC With account code ABC. The entry must be made in this specific order. Displays public and private fares without account codes, and with specified account code. FDLONDEL14AUG-PRI-ABC-XYZ Specify multiple account codes, up to a maximum of 3 FDBRULAX15SEP-PRI-ABC@@US67 With Account code ABC and specified contract rule ID FD14JANLONFRA–PRI*XG4 Displays private fares that are secured to another PCC. Note: The :P or :C modifier may be appended to the end of any of the above entries. Please refer to Focalpoint Help pages or AskGalileo for further information. Agency Private Fares, Course Book D.1 ® Appendix D: Display and Quote Agency Private Fares in Galileo Fare Display Examples Some of the entries above may not display depending on the Sell and/or Ticket authority of the agency as filed by the airline, or by the agency in the Agency Private Fares Distribution Group. Agency with Sell and Ticket authority or Agency with Sell authority, linking with an agency that has Ticket authority The private fares are shown with a – in front. Agency with Sell authority only Private fares are shown with an S- to indicate ‘sale’ authority only. D.2 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix D: Display and Quote Agency Private Fares in Galileo Agency with Ticket authority only Private fares are shown with a T- to indicate ‘Ticket’ authority only. Fare Display for Net fare level – authorised This example shows an agency with Sell and Ticket authority. An agency with only Ticket authority is also able to view the fares but they would show T- before the carrier. An agency with Sell only authority, or linking to a Ticketing agency are not able to display net fare levels. They would receive the response ‘No fares found for input request’ Agency Private Fares, Course Book D.3 ® Appendix D: Display and Quote Agency Private Fares in Galileo Net fare information Display – authorised Net fare information can be displayed from the fare display, showing details such as Tariff numbers and Tour codes. This is displayable for any agencies with Ticket only, or Sell and Ticket authority. D.4 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix D: Display and Quote Agency Private Fares in Galileo Fare Quote Entries Fare quote modifiers for private fares quotes are added to the initial ® format entry in the same way as with normal Galileo i.e. once the basic fare quote entry is correct, the Agency Private Fares modifier may be added in any order. Listed below are examples of the most frequently used entries. Entry/Format Response FQ Basic fare quote entry. All Public fares and private fares with an account code are considered. FQ-THOMSON Public fares, private fares without an account code, and private fares with the account code specified. FQ-SWISS@@EUR93 For account code specifying a contract code. This also considers public fares and private fares without an account code. FQ:-ABC Only private fares with specified account code FQ:-ABC@@UA23 Only private fares with specified account code and contract rule ID FQBB Fare Quote Best Buy. This entry considers public fares and private fares without an account code, and private fares with an account code specified. Using this entry validates availability. FQ:P Fare Quote for private fares only without an account code. Public fares are not considered. FQ:A Fare Quote for airline private fares only without an account code. FQ:G Fare Quote for agency private fares only without an account code. FQ:N Fare Quote for public fares only. Private fares are not displayed. FQ:C Fare Quote at the NET level. Fares without an account code may be displayed. FQ–* Fare Quotes that are secured to another PCC. Public and private fares without an account code may be displayed. Note: Please refer to Focalpoint Help pages or AskGalileo for further information. Agency Private Fares, Course Book D.5 ® Appendix D: Display and Quote Agency Private Fares in Galileo Fare Quote Examples The responses given at the time of Fare Quote, and the displayable detail within the filed fare will depend on whether the agency has Sell and/or Ticket authority. Agency with Sell and Ticket authority or Agency with Sell authority, linking with an agency that has Ticket authority The ‘Net Ticket Data Exists’ heading is displayed in response to a FQ or FQTAxxx (where xxx is the pseudo city code of the ticketing agency the user is linking to.) An agency with Sell only authority would not be able to access the net fare data. D.6 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix D: Display and Quote Agency Private Fares in Galileo Net Ticket Display (*NTDn) To access the summary display type *NTDn. This shows the net fare amount and the two levels of the ticket fare (audit and passenger). In this example IT will show in place of a fare on the passenger coupon. To access the detail display type *NTDn/D. Extra information such as the fare calculation, fare basis and tour codes displayed. Agency Private Fares, Course Book D.7 ® Appendix D: Display and Quote Agency Private Fares in Galileo Fare Quote Net level fare – authorised If only a net fare level exists it can be quoted by agents with Sell and Ticket authority only, using the FQ:C entry. An agency with Sell authority only, Ticket authority only, or Sell authority linking to an agent with ticket authority cannot quote the fare. They will receive the response ‘No valid fare for input criteria’. The net ticket details as available as before using the *NTDn or *NTDn/D entries. D.8 Agency Private Fares, Course Book Appendix D: Display and Quote Agency Private Fares in Galileo Notes Agency Private Fares, Course Book D.9 Appendix E: Contract Spreadsheet Rule ID Airline Creation date Deletion date Owner / Creator Comments example TG01 Thai 05-Sep07 live Fred. Paper contract in main office file. Thai economy non flexible fares Europe-BKK and addons for Spring07 It is recommend that each office keeps a log of the APFs that are set up within the system. This will reduce the chances of duplication, and confirm the 'ownership' of each contract. Agency Private Fares, Course Book E.1 Instructor Guidelines 2 Agency Private Fares, Course Book