The Shepherd`s Scroll - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


The Shepherd`s Scroll - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
The Shepherd’s Scroll
2101 S. Prospect Avenue, Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: 217-352-1732  Fax: 217-352-4807 
Celebrating 50 Years of Faith, Service and Community
Volume 46, No. 7 July 2013
Pastor ’s Perspective …
Last month I came across this picture on one of the blogs
I like to read (In the Meantime). The picture was taken at
Spirit of Christ Lutheran Church, St. Louis Park, MN. I
really like this picture. It shows an empty church; however, that’s not the reason I like it.
hours a week to be the church. To be the church outside
the church. To live out our belief that all are created in
the image of God and that God loves and values all of us.
To live out Jesus’ command to love our neighbor and to
serve as Jesus taught us to serve.
You see, in our Lutheran language we are a church that
weekly gathers around Word and Sacrament, and that is
a good thing. But there’s more: we gather to confess
our sins in the presence of God and of one another, to
hear the promise of forgiveness. We gather to pray for
one another. We gather to support one another.
Then we are sent. Sent to “Go in Peace, to serve the
Lord.” The church quickly becomes empty, the church
has left the building. The question is, what’s next? How
will you serve the Lord? Where will you serve the Lord?
We gather together in worship for one hour a week.
(OK, sometimes a little longer ) but that leaves 167
2 The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
Last month I talked about “Exiles.” This group is invested in their Christian faith but feel lost between the dominant culture and the church and have chosen to drop out of church. What follows is an excerpt from David Kinnaman’s book, “You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church… and Rethinking Faith.”
Jason Fisher
Youth & Family Guy
“As Christianity moves from the mainstream to play a
more marginal role in our culture, and as North America
becomes more religiously pluralistic, I believe that exiles
are the people most able to help us navigate these
changes. When the Christian faith is no longer autopilot
for the broader culture, Christians who are comfortable
in two worlds can orient the Christian community toward faithfulness in a new setting.
Once in Babylon, Daniel was put on a dietary and training program that was to last three years and include the
replacement of his religious upbringing with ‘the language and literature of the Babylonians’ (Dan. 1:4) This
was, obviously, a significant threat to the young Israelite’s beliefs, traditions, and faith. Rather than totally
resisting their reeducation, however, Daniel and friends
chose, in those early days of their exile, to refuse only
the diet proposed by the court officials. And even in this
small resistance, we are told that Daniel deferred the
final decision to the Babylonian official: ‘Test us for ten
days on a diet of vegetables and water. …Then you can
decide whether or not to let us continue eating our
diet’ (Dan. 1:12-13). The young Israelites seem to have
cooperated with many elements of their indoctrination
program, and I want to suggest that they did so because
they had to find a way to navigate a new cultural reality.
The spiritual choices that had been automatic back at
home in the nation of Judah were no uncertain, fluid,
and almost certainly dangerous. They were pushed into
a period of spiritual improvisation. The world they inhabited-much like the one in which we find ourselves-
was characterized by greater complexity and more religious pluralism, as well as competing spiritual and political narratives of truth.
To God-fearing people in different circumstances, the
adjustments that Daniel and other biblical exiles made
may have appeared to be inexcusable or even unforgiveable compromises. Yet in Daniel’s case, and in the
cases of Esther, Ezekiel, and others, God blessed the
exiles during times of cultural and spiritual upheavalnot because they did exactly as their parents would
have done, but because they found new ways to be
genuinely faithful. And not only that. The work of the
exiles led eventually to spiritual renewal within their
faith community. God used exiles like Daniel and Esther
to restore his people.
The challenge for the Christian community is how to
respond to the growing number of exiles. Will we do
what we can to equip them to make the choices that
faced Daniel in Babylon-choices about balancing cultural accommodation and faithful, Christ-centered living?
Will we listen to and take to heart their prophetic critiques of the church’s posture toward our increasingly
pluralistic society? Will we change our structures, guided by the unchanging truths of Scripture, to nurture
their gifts and unique calling into a world deeply loved
by, yet in many ways hostile to, God? If so, I believe we
will see the next generation flourish in a new cultural
context as they find new ways to be faithful, new ways
to be in, not of.”
3 The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
Youth Events
Street Hockey Dates
Tuesdays, July 2, 16, & 30
Thursdays, July 4 & 18
Good Shepherd Parking Lot
3:30–5 pm for 5th Grade up through High School. We
will provide equipment, drinks, snacks, and ice cream so
invite friends to our front parking lot.
Pool Parties
Sunday, August 11 — Embrace Grace Event
Sunday, August 25 — At the Cunningham’s
Sunday, July 14, 4-6 pm
Goodwill in Champaign
Our high school youth are invited to help Jason pick out
a dress from Goodwill to wear while we play paintball.
After choosing a dress we will grab some food at
Chipotle and talk about wedding parables in the New
Firemark Paintball
Wednesday, July 17, 2-6 pm
Dewey, IL
Cost is $25 for admission, gun rental, face mask, and
200 rounds. Release of liability forms and $25/
participant is due on July 14. The release of liability
form can be obtained off of their website at http:// The event is for high
school students and their mentors!
Turkey Run Camp Out
Monday & Tuesday, August 12 & 13
Turkey Run State Park Indiana
All incoming Freshmen are invited to join the High
School group as we do some hiking, camping, tubing,
and telling of Holy Ghost Stories around the campfire.
We will leave Good Shepherd by 9 am on Monday and
return by 8 pm on Tuesday. Adults have the option of
commuting back on Monday or spending the night. If
you are interested in attending contact Jason so we
know how much food to purchase for the trip.
Saturday, September 21, 3:30 pm
Champaign County Fairgrounds
Embrace GRACE
Sunday, July 7, 5:30-7 pm
Pizza, ice cream, and games in the Fellowship Hall for
all middle and high school youth.
Jason is assembling a team for the CarX Crazy K to run
on behalf of the Canteen Run. This 3 mile obstacle
course “race,” donates the entire $50 registration fee
per person towards the Charity of your choice. No athletic skill or specific age required, and any donation
amount is welcome. Only 9 spots available so contact
Jason if interested and will get you registered online.
4 The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
Mark Your Calendar
WELCA Book Club
July 11, 9:30 am, in the Choir Room
July book has been changed from Defending Jacob by William Landay to The
Orchard by Teresa Weir.
Theresa Weir (aka Anne Frasier) writes
her memoir to document and capture a
farming era. She married into a prominent local family and finds it more difficult and dangerous than she expected.
She and her husband marry after a short courtship and
move into a home on the apple orchard property. It is
an unforgettable story of struggle, resilience and love in
the American Heartland (Illinois and Burlington, Iowa).
The book may forever change the way you think about
farmers and family.
All are welcome to join us for the discussion of The Orchard by Theresa Weir.
What We’re Reading in August: The Secret Keeper by
Kate Morton. Questions? Contact Jan Nuss at 356-1298
WOMEN’S Bible Study Circles
Anna Circle will meet Wednesday, July 3, at 12:30 pm.
Ruth Circle will meet at 9:30 am on Tuesday, July 16, in
the Choir Room. We will use the July Gather study.
Please join us!
Rachael Circle is not meeting in summer, but will resume Bible study in September.
LOMC Swing Choir
On Wednesday, July 24, the Swing Choir from Lutheran
Outdoor Ministries Center will perform a concert at Good
Shepherd Lutheran Church. This group of talented high
schoolers from around the state will share their music
ministry with us. The concert is free and open to everyone. A free-will offering will be collected to help offset the
costs of the tour. Please support these young people and
join us for the concert.
Don’t forget to order your custom pewter ornament as
a commemorative item celebrating our 50th anniversary
at Good Shepherd. Deadline to order ornaments is August 1! Ornaments should be in by Thanksgiving. Cost is
$23.45 plus tax. We need a minimum of 100 ornaments
to place the order so think of all your family and friends
who might enjoy this keepsake item. Order forms are in
the narthex. Please contact Ruth Meyer at 359-4868 or if you have any questions.
SUMMER Worship Hours
Sunday 9:00 am Services will
continue through Sunday, September 1.
Wednesday 6:30 pm Services
will continue through Wednesday, August 7 (please note this is a correction from previous announcements). Wednesday worship will be
brief and informal. This is a great chance for those who
plan to be out of town for the weekend, but wish to
worship at GSLC before going away. Communion will
be served at both services.
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on
Sunday, August 25, after worship.
6-9 pm DCSF Adaption Certif.
6-9 pm DCSF Adaption Certif.
10:00 am Illini Stitchers
6-9 pm DCSF Adaption Certif.
14 8th Sunday After Pentecost
9:00 am Worship/HC
4-6 pm Say Yes to the Dress
21 9th Sunday After Pentecost
9:00 am Worship/HC
1:00 pm Dreamcatchers
28 10th Sunday After Pentecost
9:00 am Worship/HC
9:30 am Staff Meeting
3:30 pm Street Hockey
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
9:30 am Staff Meeting
3:00 pm Girl Scouts T2019
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
9:30 am Staff Meeting
9:30 am Ruth Circle
3:30 pm Street Hockey
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
7:00 pm Worship & Music Cmt
9:30 am Staff Meeting
3:00 pm Girl Scouts T2019
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
7:00 pm Council Meeting
Independence Day
6:30 am Men’s Bible Study at
6:00 pm Girl Scouts T2251
6:30 pm Canteen Run
8:00 pm Venture Crew
10:00 am Men’s Coffee
6:30 pm Worship Service
8:00 pm AA Meeting
6:30 am Men’s Bible Study at
12:00 pm HCE Staley Meeting
10:00 am Men’s Coffee
6:30 pm Worship Service
8:00 pm AA Meeting
3:30 pm Street Hockey
6:00 pm Girl Scouts T2216
6:30 pm Canteen Run
8:00 pm Venture Crew
10:00 am Men’s Coffee
2-6 pm Paintball Party
6:30 pm Worship Service
8:00 pm AA Meeting
6:30 am Men’s Bible Study at
6:00 pm Girl Scouts T2251
9:30 am WELCA Book Club
6:30 pm Canteen Run
8:00 pm Venture Crew
10:00 am Men’s Coffee
6:30 pm Worship Service
8:00 pm AA Meeting
6:30 am Men’s Bible Study at
Office Closed
3:30 pm Street Hockey
6:00 pm Girl Scouts T2216
6:30 pm Canteen Run
8:00 pm Venture Crew
Office Closed
10:00 am Men’s Coffee
12:30 pm Anna Circle
6:30 pm Worship Service
8:00 pm AA Meeting
9:30 am Staff Meeting
3:30 pm Street Hockey
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
6:30 pm Property Comm.
7:00 pm Evangelism Comm.
10:00 am Illini Stitchers
6:00 pm 50th Anniversary
8:00-8:45 Monday through Friday– Low-Impact Aerobics, Fellowship Hall, $4.00 per session
12 noon each Wednesday—Announcements Deadline
9:00 am Worship/HC
(Evening—GLC Waseca, MN, Mission Group in FH)
7 7th Sunday After Pentecost
July 2013
(Evening—GLC Waseca, MN,
Mission Group in FH)
5 The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
Jeretta Hecht & Dorothy Oakley
Offering Sorters
Sherrill Houchens, Dorothy Oakley,
Betsy Kakoma, & Luke Meyer
Jenelle Keene & Susan Hinrichs
Luke Meyer
Nursery Worship
Ruth Meyer & Joe Chamley
Betsy Kakoma
Rebecca Nef-Heffernan
Jim & Barb Hack
Kristine Scheu & Nadine Neal
Ashley Massey
Dorothy Oakley & Nancy Holm
Becky Fisher, Betsy Kakoma,
Tom Holm, & Sherrill Houchens
Tom Holm, Agatha Barnes,
Becky Fisher, & Wendy Hillertz
Donna Clark & Jenelle Keene
Steve & Myrna Johnson
Holly Snider & Dana VanDeveer
Nancy Holm
Joe Chamley & Wendy Hillertz
Peggy Olson
Donna Anglin
Nancy Holm, Wendy Hillertz,
Sherrill Houchens, & Betsy Kakoma
Laurie Johnson &
Marcia Peterson
Sandie Osterbur &
Samantha Fisher
Agatha Barnes
Dorothy Oakley & Tom Holm
Team B: Shelly & Robby Cekander
Jeanne McMurray
Marcia Peterson
Tom Holm, Dorothy Oakley,
& Becky Fisher
Susan Hinrichs & Alan Carroll
Joe Davis & Brittany Anglin
Nathan Reifsteck &
Alex Swanson-Linville
Dana VanDeveer
July 28
9 am
July 21
9 am
Sherrill Houchens, Nancy Holm,
&Betsy Kakoma
Donna Wagner
Dorothy Oakley, Agatha Barnes,
& Joe Chamley
Dick & Jeanne McMurray
Alice & Charles Carroll
July 14
9 am
Team A: Wendy Hillertz, Pastor Tom, & Jason Fisher
Patty Hart
Sherrill Houchens
Food Delivery
Flower Delivery
Fellowship Servers
Communion Assistants
Ruth and Zachary Meyer
& Joe Chamley
Linnea & Louis DiBerardino
Altar Flowers
Chancel Care
Jacob Meyer & Maggie Paul
July 7
9 am
S E R V I N G S C H E D U L E F O R J U LY 2 0 1 3
6 The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
7 The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
This & That
assistants and lay readers, and are asked
to be available for most of the Sundays
during their chosen month. Thank you!
GSLC family,
Thank you for welcoming me into this congregation and nurturing my faith for the last 6+ years.
Words cannot express what a
blessing GSLC has been in my life. You all have been so
important to me and I will miss you tremendously. I
look forward to hearing about GSLC’s continued work
through God and of course, return visits to check in. If
you ever find yourself in the Quad City area, please do
look me up!
God’s blessing to you all,
— Debby Rehn
LOMC Swing Choir IS COMING...
On Wednesday, July 24, Good Shepherd will be hosting the Swing Choir
from the Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center (LOMC). Around 20 high
schoolers from all over the state will
be performing a concert for us and
the community. We will provide
them with an evening meal at church
and housing for the choir and their
group leaders on Wednesday. So we are looking for volunteers who can host 2 – 4 people in their home that evening.
You would be asked to provide them with an evening snack,
a warm bed (not a blanket on the floor, please), and breakfast on Thursday morning. You would also be responsible for
getting them back to church at the specified time so that
they can head on to their next destination. Speaking from
experience, the Swing Choir is a lot of fun and provides a
great experience for the young people involved. Please help
to make sure their experience at Good Shepherd is a positive
one! If you would like to help with the dinner and/or host
some of the kids in your home, please contact Kara Greer at or 355-1377 – or you may sign the
form in the narthex.
Signups are now available for Summer Worship Teams
for the month of August! Please sign up on the large
poster in the narthex to serve during the 9 am service.
Team members serve as ushers, greeters, communion
VBS Thank You!
Thank you for helping to make Kingdom Rock VBS a success! We had 37 kids join us for a week of fun, faith,
and fellowship (over half of whom were visitors)!
Preschool/Kindergarten Class
Teacher: Morgan York
Helpers: Luke Meyer, Luke Smith, & Mi Young Park
1st grade
Leaders: Hayley Beals & Harrison York
2nd-3rd grade
Leader: Tyra Greer
4th-6th grade
Leaders: Roxy Todd & Matt
Skits: Jason Fisher, Joe Davis, and Andrea Cunningham
Snacks: Susan Hinrichs, Megan Ray, Maya Greer,
Charles Carroll
Games: Zach Meyer, Jake Meyer, Joe Davis, Peggy Olson
Music: Kara Greer
Imagination Station: Alan Carroll, Ryan Ray, Max Baloun
Bible Adventures: Jason Fisher
Snacks for Helpers: Dana VanDeveer, Ruth Meyer, Amy
Chamley, Jodi Davis, Marla Todd, Linda Pein
Craft: Hannah Hart, Kara Greer, Andrea Cunningham
We would also like to thank Pastor Tom, Yvona, and
Dennis for their help and support as well as everyone
who donated funds and supplies!
Todd Baptism
Levi John Todd, born on May 13, 2013, to Marla and
John Todd, was baptized June 16, 2013. Serving as
sponsors for Levi are Ann Todd, Kyle Hubb, and
Jeremy & Claire Keyes.
8 The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
At the congregational
meeting on June 16, the
following individuals
were elected to serve
two-year terms on Council: Sean McKendall, Kristine Scheu, Tim Smith,
Joe Chamley, John Hart, and John Todd. Joy Kammerling
recently agreed to serve on Council to fill the final vacancy.
Those on council include the above six and also the following continuing members: Linnea DiBerardino, Jim
Hack, Bob Olson, and Jennifer Byers-York.
Committee assignments will be held at the July meeting
of Council.
The Backpack Drive is Back!
The Service Committee is organizing Good Shepherd’s annual backpack and school supply drive and we need your
help! We hope to gather at
least 50 backpacks along with
school supplies to stuff them
and deliver them to children in
need at empty tomb the second
week of August.
By June Waller
Ashton and I were honored to represent Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at the Central/Southern Illinois Synod Assembly June 6-8, 2013, in Springfield, Illinois. Three hundred
fifteen voting members were present.
The theme of the assembly was “Blessed to Be a Blessing”.
Pastor Susan Briehl from the Indiana-Kentucky Synod (ELCA)
led three inspiring Bible studies that shared her vision of how
we can put our faith into action.
There were a wide variety of forums offered and we participated in learning about our relationship to Madagascar,
changes in health care plans for church workers, the Wartburg Parish plan, and ways to improve our ministry through
Pastor John Roth chaired the convention. Assembly business
included passing a proposed balanced 2014 budget, reports
of Synod staff, introduction of new pastors, and reports of
Synod-wide ministries. Our own Meret Kammerling was
elected to a two-year term as a youth representative to the
Synod Council.
Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson from the ELCA delivered a
video message about the larger mission of the ELCA.
A resolution was passed allowing pastors on leave from call
to serve as voting members to the Synod Assembly.
Thursday evening’s Festival of Worship was an inspiring service. Good Shepherd was well represented in the service as
Jason Fisher assisted with communion, Betsy Kakoma sang in
the choir, and Ashton Waller read the Old Testament lesson.
We are requesting:
• Backpacks – girls, boys, or unisex
• School supplies – note pads, glue, pencils, pens,
folders, scissors, crayons, markers, or anything else a
child would need for the school year. (Many local
stores have lists available and will be running back-to
-school specials!)
Please help us make sure local kids start their school
year off on the right foot with the supplies and backpacks they need! We will bless the packs and supplies
on August 4th, so please drop them off by that date.
Boxes will be set out in the narthex.
Robert Sampson, a self taught musician, entertained us at
the banquet with a wonderful selection of music as well as
his personal testimony.
We felt spiritually enriched and thankful for this opportunity
to represent Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
9 The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
11 Benefits of Being Positive
Over the years I've done a lot of research on the positive effects of being positive and the negative effects of
being negative. The research is clear. It really does pay
to be positive and the benefits include enhanced health
and longevity, happiness, career advancement, athletic
performance, team building and financial success. Being
positive is not just a nice way to live. It’s the way to live.
In this spirit here are 11 benefits of being positive.
1. Positive People Live Longer - In a study of nuns, those
that regularly expressed positive emotions lived on average 10 years longer. (The Nun Study)
2. Positive work environments outperform negative
work environments. (Daniel Goleman)
3. Positive, optimistic sales people sell more than pessimistic sales people. (Martin Seligman)
4. Positive leaders are able to make better decisions
under pressure. (
5. Marriages are much more likely to succeed when the
couple experiences a 5:1 ratio of positive to negative
interactions whereas when the ratio approaches 1:1,
marriages are more likely to end in divorce. (Gottman)
6. Positive people who regularly express positive emotions are more resilient when facing stress, challenges
and adversity. (Several Studies)
7. Positive people are able to maintain a broader perspective and see the big picture which helps them identify solutions where as negative people maintain a narrower perspective and tend to focus on problems.
(Barbara Fredrickson)
8. Positive thoughts and emotions counter the negative
effects of stress. For example, you can't be thankful and
stressed at the same time. (Several Studies)
9. Positive emotions such as gratitude and appreciation
help athletes perform at a higher level. (
10. Positive people have more friends which is a key
factor of happiness and longevity. (Robert D. Putnam)
11. Positive and popular leaders are more likely to garner the support of others and receive pay raises and
promotions and achieve greater success in the workplace. (Tim Sanders)
Following is a list of favorite hymns given to us by members of our congregation in honor of our 50 years.
Just a Closer Walk with Thee, I’ll Fly Away,
Golden Slippers, Down by the Riverside, We
Shall Gather at the River, Will the Circle Be
Unbroken, Nearer My God to Thee, When
the Roll is Called Up Yonder, When the
Saints Go Marching In, Over in the Gloryland, Earth and All Stars #731, Be Thou My
Vision #793, For the Beauty of the Earth #879, Great is Thy
Faithfulness #733, To God Be the Glory, Living for Jesus,
Beautiful Savior #838, Amazing Grace #779, When Peace Like
a River #785, Lift High the Cross #660, Praise to the Lord, the
Almighty #858, Spirit of Gentleness #396, Here I Am Lord
#574, Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee #836, Angels We Have
Heard on High #289, Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us #789, I
Know That My Redeemer Lives #619, A Mighty Fortress Is
Our God #504, This Is My Father’s World #824, The King of
Love My Shepherd Is #502, Children of the Heavenly Father
#781, The First Noel #300, How Great Thou Art, Holy, Holy,
Holy #473, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, We Are Called,
Lord of the Dance, Blest Be the Tie that Binds, You Have
Come Down to the Lake Shore, Borning Cry #732, For All the
Saints #422, Here in This Place #532, I Love to Tell the Story
#661, Immortal, Invisible God, Only Wise #834, Leaning on
the Everlasting Arms #774, My Life Flows On in Endless Song
#763, On Our Way Rejoicing #537.
Historically June and July are tighter months in regards
to membership contributions. We realize summer time
offers members of our congregation an opportunity to
travel. We wish you safe travels and hope that you will
take an opportunity to worship on the road. We hope
at the same time you will continue to support Good
Shepherd’s mission through your pledged commitments.
8/1/12 to 5/31/13
General Fund balance
Reserve Fund balance
10 The Shepherd’s Scroll
July 2013
Church Staff
Pastor…………………………………...Thomas Hillertz
Pastor Emeritus…………....Edward D. Schneider
Youth & Family Minister………….....Jason Fisher
Parish Assistant.………...……………....Yvona Vlach
Parish Nurses……………………....Celeste Coverdill
Elizabeth Kakoma
Organist………………………………………....Linda Pein
Choir Director………………………….…...Jill Crandall
Treasurer……………………………...Dana VanDeveer
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
2101 S. Prospect
Champaign, IL 61820
Permit #180
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
(Lunch Noon—1 pm)
Fridays: 7:30 am to 12:00 pm
The deadline for the August Scroll is Friday,
July 19, at Noon.
The deadline for bulletins/announcements is
Wednesday at Noon, each week.
Summer Worship SCHEDULE
Sundays at 9:00 am
(through September 1)
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
(through August 7)
Holy Communion served at both services.
Food Pantry
The food pantry is in need of jelly, tea, instant and ground coffee, sugar, salt, spaghetti sauce, dish soap, disposable diapers,
tooth paste and body soap.
Thank you to all GSLC members who have
provided gifts of food and monetary donations to purchase perishable items!
If you have prayer requests that you want included on the prayer
chain, contact Nicole Paul at 351-1032. Names to be included in
the Sunday announcements can be submitted by contacting the
church office at 352-1732 or
Hospitalized? Please call the church office if you or a family member is in the hospital. You or a family member need to notify us directly, as hospital staff do not normally call clergy.
50th Anniversary…….Monday, 7/1
Property………………...Tuesday, 7/2
Evangelism..……………Tuesday, 7/2
Council………….………..Tuesday, 7/9`
Worship & Music…….TBD
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm