Progress Report: #1 Colorado’s Oldest & Best SciFi Literary Convention October 23-25, 2015 Hyatt Regency Hotel Denver Tech Center, 7800 E. Tufts Ave. Author Guests of Honor: Fantastic Activities: GOH Speeches Author KEVIN HEARNE The author of seven novels in the fantasy series, The Iron Druid Chronicles, and the forthcoming Star Wars novel, Heir to the Jedi. His novel, Tricked, was on the New York Times' best seller list. Shattered his first work released in hardcover, was on the USA Today best sellers list. KRISTINE KATHRYN RUSCH Award-winning author of scifi, fantasy, mystery, romance, women's fiction and much more. She also writes as Kristine Grayson and Kris Nelscott. Author of the Fey series, Retrival Artists, the Diving series and many others. Artist GOH: URSULA VERNON The author and illustrator of Nurk, Digger, Dragonbreath and a number of other projects. Her work has been nominated for an Eisner award, "Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition" and a number of Webcomics Choice Awards. Toastmaster: JAMES VAN PELT Local author, James Van Pelt’s fiction has appeared in numerous publications, including Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Asimov's, Realms of Fantasy, and Weird Tales. A finalist for the 1999 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. PLUS over 90 other authors, artists, and speakers 1 Autographings Largest SciFi & Fantasy Art Show in Rocky Mtns. The Legendary Critter Crunch Robotic Competition Gaming of all kinds Con Suite w/ free drinks & snacks Japanese Anime Special Events Literacy Auction CosPlay and Costuming Programs Panel Discussions Innovative Programs Parties & Socializing and much much more PROGRAMMING: PREPARING BEGINS Vendors/Authors/Publishers— Hit Your Target Market! Should you be advertising in the MileHiCon 47 progress reports? Does your business rely on science fiction, fantasy, and horror literature, gaming, and hobby fans? If the answer is yes, then we have your target market and at advertising rates you won’t believe. The MileHiCon 47 progress reports will be both printed and e-mailed to over 4000 potential customers. Spring has sprung and thoughts are starting to turn to MileHiCon programming! We have a great lineup of guests for MileHiCon 47 has--authors Kevin Hearne and Kristine Kathryn Rusch, artist Ursula Vernon, and James Van Pelt as toastmaster, there’s a lot of talent to draw on. We are already gathering panel and presentation ideas as well as proposals for kids and active track programs and workshops. Meg Ward joins us as kids/active track coordinator this year, and she plans to have several programs based on our guests of honor oeuvre. So if you have an idea for either a kid-friendly item or a hands-on costuming or other workshop suitable for maker-inclined older fans, shoot us an email to Expect the usual cornucopia of programming, from literary and publishing panels to science presentations, art programs and demonstrations, and more. We’re looking for workshops on costuming, art, and other hands-on activities for adults and kids alike. We’ll be bringing back the Fan Forums (Once Upon a Time? Orphan Black?), so if you have a favorite show or focused topic you’d like to suggest, please do so! Program ideas already turned in for consideration include: Top Ten Horror Films * It Comes in Pins! When fans Brew * Which Divergence Faction Would You Be? * Surviving Zombies workshop * Gained in Translation * What Astronomers See When they Watch Star Trek * Five Fantasy Worlds That You Wouldn't Want to Visit * You Always Remember Your First: SF/F or H? * Who Shot First: A Star Wars Quiz * Creating Kindle Covers That *Aren’t* A Disaster * Ten Mistakes Writers Make … also MHC Meet, Munch & Mingle, Critter Crunch, Masquerade/Literacy Auction, and more! Keep an eye on the MileHiCon Facebook page for more ideas, or send your own ideas to and we’ll see you at the convention! Advertising Rates: Half Page ¼ Page 1/8 Page E-Mail Banner Ad Ad Size: 3.5” x 9” 7” x 4.5” 3.5” x 4.5” 1.75” x 2.25” 2” x 6” Image Area Cost $145 $145 $110 $90 $110 Art Work Specifications: All body artwork and page layouts must be in black and white. No color ads will be accepted for placement in the body of the program book or for the progress reports. A good black and white copy is acceptable. We can also accept the following file formats: .jpg, .pcx, tif, gif, pdf, and bmp for digitally produced artwork. Deadlines: Space reservation—05/01/15, artwork—8/15/15 Mail Payment To: MileHiCon, P.O. Box 487, Westminster, CO 80036, Make checks payable to “MileHiCon”” Call for more info: 720-234-7829 E-Mail Digital Files To: Convention and Event Sponsorships also available. Contact Linda at for more information. will be updated with a lot more details. Thank you for your continued support of MileHiCon gaming. HOTEL HIGHLIGHTS! This year MileHiCon will once again take place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel—Denver Tech Center, 7800 E. Tufts Ave., Denver, CO. The room rates are single/double = $93/night, triple/quad = $143/night. Studio Suite = $159/night. Please reserve your room (s) as early as possible. Go to the Hyatt/MileHiCon passkey website or call 303-779-1234 to make your reservations and REMEMBER to tell them you are with MileHiCon to get the convention rates. CALLING ALL ARTISTS MileHiCon is proud to host the largest science fiction and fantasy art show in the Rocky Mountain region. Last year was another great show and we anticipate the show will be even better this year. Display panels will be 4’ x 4’ and tables will be 1.5’ x 6’. Contact Cheryl at for pricing and more information on the art show. COSPLAY/COSTUME CONTEST One of the most fun traditions at MileHiCon is the Costume Contest. We will again have an excellent light and sound setup, experienced stage staff, and all kinds of help for both the experienced and inexperienced costumers. Look for the Costume Contest Rules on the MileHiCon website and in future progress reports. MileHiCon is also looking for filo art for use in the program book. Good black and white copies are preferable. Do not send originals, we will not return them. Please send all filo art work to LITERACY AUCTION DONATIONS NEEDED GAMING GALA The round-the-clock Gaming Room is looking for Game Masters again this year; please email Dustin Hatchett at if you are interested. Allowing people to learn new games is one of the staples of the game room; to facilitate this we will have the “Sharing Shelf” stocked with games that can be picked up and played anytime during the weekend. Please reference the gaming website link on the MileHiCon main page as it At MileHiCon’s Literacy Auction you can bid on rare books, autographed books, original artwork, collectibles, SF, fantasy and horror items generously donated by guests and fans alike. All proceeds are given to a charity for the purchase of books and reading education. Every year your donations have been fantastic. Thank you and please keep them coming. If you have items to donate to the auction, please contact CeCe at . 2 Calling All Mad Scientists and Robot Enthusiasts entry forms and receive your competitor ribbons. Again, arrive early. 5) Compete, have fun, and win original trophies created by sculptor Rod Ford. Entering the Critter Crunch does not entitle you to a full MileHiCon membership. Your entrance fee only entitles you and two assistants to enter the competition. It does not allow you to attend the rest of the convention. If you want to attend the rest of the convention, you will have to purchase your membership at the registration desk at participant/speaker rates. Family and/or friends who only want to watch the competition must purchase at least a Sunday convention membership. Critter Crunch Competition: Here’s your chance to show what that gray matter upstairs can do. For years now you’ve watched and said, I can make a better critter than that. Well, now’s the year to show everyone you’re not all hot air. Start working on that critter NOW!!! Here’s all you have to do: 1) Read and follow the rules located on the MileHiCon website, There may be some changes to the rules, so read them closely. 2) Build your critter. Your critter will be evaluated prior to the competition to assure that it stays within all the specifications listed in the rules. Arrive at least an hour early. 3) Send in your entry fee (20# division - $7 or 2# division $4) to the MileHiCon address, P.O. Box 487, Westminster, CO 80036. Entry fees may be paid at the door; however, they will increase and there is no guarantee that space will be available in the competition line-up. Again, arrive early. 4) Be at MileHiCon 47 on October 25, 2015. Check the MileHiCon website for exact times. You must check-in at the MileHiCon registration desk to complete your The 12th Annual MileHiCon Float-illa Race Join us at the indoor pool Friday night for a fun competition and tradition: the MileHiCon Critter Float-illa Race. What can you do with a milk carton? How fast can you design it to go? Show up at the pool on Friday and let everyone see just how inventive and creative you are. Check on the MileHiCon website for competition rules and updates. For more information about either of these competitions, contact John Morse at AUTHORS ROW TABLE SPACE AVAILABLE CONSUITE SPONSORSHIPA GOOD IDEA Authors Row has proven to be a very successful endeavor and we have decided to continue it this year. Authors Row is a display opportunity for authors and publishers attending MileHiCon. If you want to participate, request the application from Author’s Row Coordinator Christine at You will be sent further instructions on where and when to send the application and required fees. MileHiCon ConSuite Sponsorship is an excellent way to promote your club, shop, activity, etc. Here’s how it works. You bring the munchies, host the ConSuite for two hours and MileHiCon provides the beverages. While you’re hosting the room you are free to promote your organization through fliers, conversation, activities, etc. Sometimes the best way to a fan’s heart is through his/her stomach. So bring your killer nachos, crunchable cookies, or what have you, to the ConSuite! Contact Tina at to reserve your time slot now! FAN TABLES Because of the extra space we have available at the hotel, MileHiCon is offering a few tables to fan organizations. These will be limited so make your reservations early. The table does not include free memberships to the convention. Please contact Christine at The AVISTRUM ACADEMY OF SORCERY is Back MileHiCon is once again proud to announce the inclusion of THE AVISTRUM ACADEMY OF SORCERY to the activities available during the weekend. To attend both MileHiCon and Avistrum events a fee of $60 adult, $38 child for the weekend will be charged. A limit of 100 sorcery students may attend Avistrum events, so purchase your memberships today. The Avistrum Academy of Sorcery is an interac- tive theatrical experience where YOU become part of the story! Throughout the weekend the show will include: The Sorting Ceremony Interactive Storyline Full Class Schedule Dark Wizard's Ball Quidditch Tournament on the Playstation 2! House Points Given (or taken away!) Awarding of the House Cup For more information, visit the Avistrum website at Contact Headmaster Dowling with any questions at 3 MileHiCon 47 P.O. Box 487 Westminster, CO 80036 PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID Denver, CO Permit 1240 Like us on Facebook Visit us on Pinterest Give us a Tweet Follow us on Google + Mail-In Membership Registration Name(s) Address $42 Nov. 1-Apr. 30 $44 May 1-Oct. 1 $46 at the door Children under 12 half price. AVISTRUM & MHC Rate: Adult $60, Child $38 MileHiCon Adult Qty:__________ Child Qty:__________ City State MHC (only) 3-Day Rate: Avistrum ZIP Phone Adult Qty:__________ Child Qty: __________ 20# Critter ($7) Qty: __________ 2# Critter ($4) Qty: __________ Total Enclosed: $__________ E-mail Please include the names and addresses for each individual membership. For Credit Card Payments: (Visa & Master Card) Name On Card:_________________________________________ Card No: _______________________________________________ Security No. (on back of card) _____________ Exp. Date:___________________ Signature:______________________________________________ MAIL TO: MileHiCon 47 P.O. Box 487 Westminster, CO 80036 Register Online!! For more information, call 720-234-7829. Website: e-mail:
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