Avanza`s Triarchic Model
Avanza`s Triarchic Model
TRIARCHIC MODEL, AVANZA CONSULTORES “To be involve in customer’s success is our passion” Our service model is based on three essential factors, those are critical to consider a person as “the right person for the right job”. Professionals involved on the assignment must analyze very carefully following critical factors to decide on applicant’s suitability: Organization’s culture (*) Customer’s expectations Applicant’s motivation APPLICANT’S MOTIVATION APPROPIATE APPLICANT CUSTOMER’S EXPECTATIONS ORGANIZATION’S CULTURE * Cultural models: Internal focus + Flexible = Collaborative culture, promote long term development External focus + Flexible = Creative culture, promote innovation Internal focus + Rigid = Monitoring culture, promote to do ‘same things under same rules’ External focus + Rigid = Competitive culture, promote short term performance CHILE Av. Apoquindo 6410. Oficina 1102, Las Condes, Santiago / Phone: (+56 2) 2264 6500 PERÚ Av. Víctor Belaunde 147 - Edificio Real Seis, Piso 6. San Isidro, Lima / Phone: (+51 1) 7124349 info@avanza.cl / www.avanza.cl