Newsletter 63 - Velocipedes Website


Newsletter 63 - Velocipedes Website
And other Hand Powered Rail Vehicles
Railway Trike (AUS) Railway Kalamazoo (AUS) Pump Car (US,GB) Velorail (FR,GB) Hajtany (HU)
Railbike (US,GB) Dresinsykling (NO) Handcar (US) Drezina [SI] Handhebeldraisine (DE)
Drezina (RU) Resiina (FI) Drezyny (PL) Skinne cykel (DK) Draisines (BE) Bicilinha (BR) Dresin
(NO) Biciclette Ferroviarie (IT) Spoorvegfiets (BE) Dressin (SE,NO) Dresina (SP)
Schienenvelo (CH) Dreziny (CZ) Railway Jigger (NZ) Cyclo Draisine (FR) Spoorfiets (NL)
Cykeldressin (SE) Ferroviarie Quadriciclo (IT) Google the black names, see what you get.
No 63 For this free email newsletter, contact: Or download
2 foot gauge: Statfold Barn Railway, dates for 2016 9th April, 4th June, 10th September.
News & Photo finds p8 to 13
raises £500 for
RNLI Lifeboats
During the Whitby Goth
The World’s biggest
Halloween Party
The North Yorkshire Moors
Velocipede Group had a brilliant fund
raising idea for the Lifeboats.
Phil Naylor built the coffin, with
Victorian handles and adapted the
velocipede to carry it. The whole group
with supporters laid the track and
worked tirelessly to keep it running for
the day. A wonderful effort.
Howard with enthusiasts who could not wait for the track to be laid.
Photo from Tam
Photos from Howard Smith
Mushroom drumming up customers on the Promenade
Moving Pictures of Morticia from the Yorkshire Post
Phil hard at work
Look at those heels
The Lifeboat crew had a go
Two very cheerful Vampires
The Abbey Floodlit
Bram Stoker
Whitby receives this treatment at Halloween because the author
Bram Stoker based Dracula here when he wrote the book in 1897.
Bram Stoker visited Whitby in 1890 and it inspired him as the
perfect place to set Dracula. (One wonders what sort of holiday
inspires Dracula).
Coffin rides can be undignified
A rider with an exoskeleton
Scary, those have to be white contact lenses
Sidesaddle, or does she have 3 legs?
The goggles on hats seem a fixture
I have no idea what
More sidesaddle
The lifeboat ladies selling tickets
Magnificent Lamp
Undertaker and client both look cheerful
For pictures of the attenders TRY
End of play
No trees were harmed in the making of this eNewsletter
A new Cruise Ship Vista Carnival
launching in May 2016 will have a twin track pedal
powered hanging monorail above the top deck “Skyride”.
You can view a virtual tour including the monorail at
Jacqui taken to task on complaining
about Shiny Gloss Paint
It has been pointed out our Row Boat is glossy but there was no old timber left when
we found it only metal and no brasses.
It is used at Rallies in all weathers to grab
bystanders and give them rides.
I don’t mind standard machines for track use outdoors being re-timbered and
painted to protect them from the weather, it is the old, original, complete,
unique ones that should be left alone. (We are so close to copies being easy and
relatively cheap with modern technology, if you want a bright shiny new one on the
track.) Link below, this is the company scanning real locomotives, this is very
high tech at the moment but it will get more reasonable in price with time )
2 Wheels from Australia
Try for the maker
eNewsletter 53 on our website was a Monorail Special
Click on
See No. 53
in an international parts swap with Mark Lythall
These have been glossed and I asked for it.
I know Australian customs are fanatical about not allowing the transport of any biological
material across borders. It is either obviously sterile or it’s into their incinerator. We agreed
on a finish with no old wood showing to take no chances. They are destined for our display
stand with suitable substitute rims from old car and truck wheel centres.
2 Photo Finds
sent in by
Chain Crank Car
European ? or
American, it looks very
like an American Farm Wagon
Anyone know where?
I believe it has early “Morgan” chain.
The resemblance to a farm wagon
with the wood wheels and the front
seat is very striking.
The brake pivot is present between
the wheels (ORANGE ARROW)
but the levers and blocks are missing.
The vertical brake handle possibly
rested in the yoke (BLUE ARROW)
Photographer unknown, please contact us if it is yours and tell us the story.
French Chain Crank Car 1950’s, Narrow Gauge about 600mm/2foot
It looks a special purpose machine, I suggest laying field drains or a pipeline, there are semi circular brackets along the footplate (RED ARROWS)
and “V” brackets stood above the deck (ORANGE ARROWS). Which would protect the flanges on pipes carried. Remember I can be wrong.
Jacqui. The upright support for the crank is probably a length of steel channel with a slot for the chain to pass through
HOT NEWS 1643-1715 Louis XIV’s hand powered
rollercoaster car at Marley-le-Roi was called “Roulette” (from
Christian Wolmar’s “The great Railway Revolution”).
but the 1½” channel is no longer available. So we are drawing up the
angle frame version “4057” of 1946. This has “round holes” & “star”
wheels that are available off the shelf from Mark Hambly @ £50 each.
Photo Raymond Catterson
Jacqui has measured up John Wilkinson’s “7526”
of 1956 Wickham steel frame pump car
and build a machine to test the drawings before publishing them.
Kevin bought the programme for the 2015
London to Brighton Veteran Car Run and
1-inch Block Chain is available
From R M Fowler Ltd.
They are of laminated construction
New from Lary Shaffer Fairbanks Morse/Sheffield 1907
Track Appliances
Tam has sent in
This you won’t believe
1-inch pitch in a variety of thicknesses, see the website.
A castor on the rail head and a ball race on the side of the groove
Gravity ride on tram track from Phil
Photo and diagram from their website
Block Chain used to have a solid block but these laminated ones will do
the same job.
For real suffering for the hobby of Hand Power on Rails
Click on
It starts with an aerial shot, has a lyrical Strauss Waltz to
accompany it and ends in mud wrestling in a railway cutting.
German Hire Line and unique turntable from Roger Whiffin
For filming Rallies this may do
Editors News
We passed the 2,500 emails from the website mark, then the
operating system on our old Apple Mac died.
We now have a new machine with “terabytes” of memory, a 27inch screen with the best picture quality I have ever seen outside a
cinema. (I think that’s my Christmas present from Kevin a bit early).
All our computer security worked, the “stand alone” computer
with the archive was unaffected and the backup box was ready to
put all the information into the new machine. (Kevin is good at
computers; I am not).
The Archive has 12,000 pictures, (the transfer counted them)
which is frightening, I will have to look at them all again on the new
screen to see what I missed.
There are over 20 themed eNewletter “skeletons” in preparation
for the next several years.
Your eNewsletter over 2016
Howard in India Wonderful Photos, good enough to build
from. We are short of two 12-inch Curved Spoke wheels to build a copy
of one of the Darjeeling Gravity cars that Howard photographed. Anyone
help ? A ride on one of these machines on the Darjeeling comes in the
“hen’s teeth,” rare invitation only, category. Mark Twain had a ride on
one and if I want to join him I will have to build one and find a long
steep incline.
Cary Williams’ “Red Cross” machine Wonderful Photos
of an unbelievable survivor, still in the original beautiful patinated
I would love to build a copy of this machine. It is mostly wood and folds
up small enough to fit into an army kit bag. Hence the obsession with
finding Block Chain, see previous page.
Wickham steel frame Pump Car
Drawings and new build next year, account to be written as it
With photos. See my suffering in colour. (With New .dxf combined
spoke crank large gear and matching small gear for laser cutting
designed by Mark Egerton.) Trevor Catterson is building one of these as
well so expect lots of Trevor’s lovely photos of his build
A 2 part Ireland Special by Andrew Waldron
with photos by Peter Nicholson the Classic Traction
Correspondent, of The Railway Magazine.
The definative story of Hand Power on Rails in Ireland, it is a beaut.
A “Blue Sky” edition looking at a possible Hand Power
Starter Museum/Store.
Website over 2016
Nigel Shaw has had over 10,000 hits on the site and that is a
fantastic number, how else could so many people have a look at us.
It also has a “search” that works beautifully. Thank you Nigel.
WW1 2-foot Pump Car, downloadable “Build One”
Book. I built this machine over 40 days with help from Lary
Shaffer, Mark Egerton, Kevin, and Alan Frodsham, I sent out a
report to the special interest group each evening. I have since sent
out dozens of sets of the 46 parts, which has been more work than
building the machine, so assembling the account into a book is a
necessity. (The .dxf drawings for laser cut gears do not work if they are
embedded in a pdf so we will try them as separate non-pdf downloads
on the website).
Norwegian Disk Wheel Track Bike, downloadable
“Build One” Book covering machines by Trevor
Catterson, Chris Hunt and Jacqui. (The .dxf drawings for
laser cut wheels as separate non-pdf downloads on the website).
No trees were harmed in the making of this eNewsletter
“I have been thinking”
often a cue to run but I think this one MAY work
WW1 pumper axle having the bottom of the angle grinder cut keyway, filed
Home-made wheel press
I was about to make this wheel press, for removing wheels to slide
on our 4 layer, laser cut small axle gear, by Mark Egerton.
You only need to laser this pattern 4 times
it will make all the layers. Flip two over
4 layer laser cut axle gear
Then the thought came, why not split the gear to fit around the
axle rather doing all the work taking the wheel off.
You would assemble and bolt the 8 halves to fit your existing
wheelset axle, around a prepared (angle grinder cut) keyway.
Drive in the key and after testing, tack weld the key and the gear
just to be sure.
I will consult a proper engineer, Mark Egerton first, then measure
the axle.
Mark’s Comments
I'd say that'll work just fine!
Make sure the bolt holes are a close fit at laser cut stage ie, 10mm for a M10
bolt and ream them if required so there is no slop in them.
The tolerances on the fit for the gears you'll need for this application will be