Here`s - Ashland School District
Here`s - Ashland School District
GRIZZ-O-GRAM Parent Newsletter Ashland High School Volume 20, Number 4 January 2012 Principal’s Message Without innovation, public schools are destined to go the way of the post office in the age of email. Ashland High School is committed to innovating so that our students continue to have exceptional educational opportunities. In the 2011-2012 school year, we are moving forward with no fewer than 24 significant initiatives; here are updates on a few of them. • 1:1 Student Technology In the 21st century, it’s important that technology is integrated into learning and to do so, we believe each student needs his/her own device. In collaboration with our IT Department, we distributed ten iPads and netbooks to students in grades 9-12 to conduct some research. We hope to recommend a personal device (or a menu of devices) as a school supply in the near future. Of course, we will address the needs of our students who qualify for free and reduced meals. For the first time, students and staff can access WiFi across 90% of the campus. We hope to offer a variety of computer science classes in the next few years. • Advisory and Taking Care of Business (TCB) Time Thanks to the herculean efforts of our teachers and the support of Allison French, Advisory is off to a strong start. Each student has a Personal Education Plan and the opportunity for silent journal writing every other day. Seniors launched college and scholarship applications six weeks earlier than last year. Information about opportunities is communicated more effectively and issues regarding attendance and academic progress are caught sooner. The vast majority of students are making the most of their TCB Time too. It is the first school wide change implemented as part of the AHS Redesign. It’s also a work in progress and on January 10th we gathered teachers and students to revise the content for second semester based on the feedback we received from our Student Senate and survey results. 9th and 10th graders requested more community building time and 11th graders want more information about the college search. Seniors requested personal finance and real world information. We will offer seniors seminars on budgeting, debt and credit cards and a 1:1 mock interview in April. • Proficiency Based Credits Following the implementation of Advisory, the second phase of the AHS Redesign involves expanding how students may earn credits. Currently students may take classes at AHS, SOU, RCC, online classes with BYU or OR Online and earn elective credits for independent studies, internships and work experience. In the next few years, they will also be able to develop learning plans to study a subject area and create a portfolio of evidence demonstrating their proficiency without taking the class at AHS. I honor the Physical Education and Health Department for moving forward first with this planning. • Interventions in Reading and Writing New diploma requirements call for the Class of 2012 to pass the state reading test or an equally rigorous assessment. The Class of 2013 must pass the reading and writing tests or equally rigorous assessments. The Class of 2014 (and all that follow) must pass the reading, writing and math assessments as well as take three years of math with content in Algebra or higher. In order to identify and support students to reach these higher benchmarks, Susan Minor developed a Reading and Writing Lab this year. Many students have passed their reading tests and “graduated” from that class. We are exploring systematic math interventions as well. It is inspiring to work on these initiatives with a staff that moves forward with innovations, because they make sense for students, even in the face of deep budget reductions and larger class sizes. We want AHS students to continue to have exceptional educational opportunities. I would love to hear your ideas as well. All the Best, Michelle Zundel AHS Finals Schedule Semester 1 JANUARY 25 8:00‐9:15 Review and Study Session 9:15‐9:30 Break 9:30‐11:00 Exam Period 1 11:00‐12:00 Lunch 12:00‐1:30 Exam Period 3 1:30‐2:20 Review and Study Session 2:20‐3:45 Teacher Grading Time JANUARY 26 8:00‐9:30 Exam Period 5 9:30‐10:00 Break 10:00‐11:30 Exam Period 6 11:30‐12:30 Lunch 12:30‐2:00 Exam Period 7 2:00‐3:45 Teacher Grading Time JANUARY 27 8:00‐9:15 Review and Study Session 9:15‐9:30 Break 9:30‐11:00 Exam Period 2 11:00‐12:00 Lunch 12:00‐1:30 Exam Period 4 1:30‐3:45 Teacher Grading Time Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 Calendar of Events JANUARY 30 & 31 No School – In-service Days FEBRUARY Virtual Enterprise Students Receive Expert Advice from Local Entrepreneurs The Virtual Enterprise (VE) class had two entrepreneurs visit recently. Savana Rose made “rounds” in th class on Jan. 9 to talk with individual students and small groups in each VE’s business departments (executives, operations, financial, advertising, sales, marketing, web design, human resources, Community 101). On Jan. 9, Rodger Busse (The Rust Doctor) shared his expertise on being successful at trade fairs through booth design, advertising and sales strategies. Students are fine-tuning their business ideas with the help of these community partners. Thank you! AHS 2011 Grad Returns to Foods Class for Dough Tanner Fenderson, class of 2011, taught two Foods 2 classes the art and science of pizza dough. He also showed them dough tossing and stretching techniques, and how to construct a perfect pizza. Thanks Tanner! 1 First day of the second semester 3 Regional Acting Competition 8 Parent Academy: College 101 7PM Library 8 Booster Club Meeting 7-8:30 Small Gym Classroom 9 Virtual Enterprise mini-trade fair, upper commons. 10 Last Day to ADD a class for second semester 13 School Board Meeting Civic Center 7PM 6SULQJ6SRUWV3DUHQW0HHWLQJ30LQWKHFRPPRQV 14 Stringing Telegrams AMS/AHS Orchestra 16 9th and 10th Grade Parent Meeting: College Prep and PSAT 7:00-8:30PM IVC 16 Career Day 8:00-11:50 (Periods 5, 6 & 7 12:40-2:05PM) 16 Seniors: Deadline for OSAC Early Bird Scholarship 18 Winter Formal 20 No School-Presidents’ Day 25 Music Ensemble Festival 26-27 Band Corvallis Trip )LUVWGD\RI6SULQJ6SRUWVSUDFWLFHV 29 Last Day to DROP a class without a penalty 29 Senior Project Presentations (Early Bird) 2:30-4:00 MARCH 1 Student-led Conferences in Advisory Classrooms 1 Seniors: Deadline to submit OSAC Scholarship 2 First Friday Art Walk with AHS student artists 6HQLRUV'HDGOLQHWRVXEPLW/RFDO6FKRODUVKLSV 7-17 West Side Story: Musical Performances 2 & 5 Conferences in the Commons 3 SOMEA Solo Ensemble Vocal Festival at NMHS 6 Parent Academy: Empty Nest Syndrome 7PM Library 10-12 Virtual Enterprise Regional Trade Fair, Oakland CA. 12 School Board Meeting Civic Center 7PM 13 AHS/AMS Orchestra Concert @ AMS 13 Junior Parents Meeting re. College Prep 7:00-8:30 IVC 14 Booster Club Meeting 7-8:30 Small Gym Classroom 15 Juniors Class Meeting: College Prep 2:10-3:00 IVC 20 AHS/AMS Band Concert (tentative) 22 SOMEA Band Festival 23-April 2 Spring Break For details go to page 11 page 2 Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 page 3 AHS AP Coordinator: Megan Wilson Regularly scheduled AP exams will be held May 7 – 18 with alternate late exams being held May 23 – 25. The 2011-12 Bulletin for AP Students and Parents has arrived. Some students are taking more than one AP class and in an effort to make sure that each student only receives one bulletin, each bulletin has been labeled and delivered to the AP classes. If for some reason a student does not get a bulletin first semester, please have the student speak with Megan Wilson second semester. Students will be asked on exam day to sign that they have read and agreed to the policies and procedures outlined in the 2011-12 Bulletin for AP Students and Parents. TIMELINE… Jan. 09 Feb. 06 Mar. 15 Apr. 09 – 13 Apr. 13 – 20 May 11 May 07 – 18 May 23 – 25 Bulletin for AP Students and Parents are delivered to AP classes Start collecting money for AP exams Deadline to order regularly scheduled AP exams at $87 each MANDATORY PRE-ADMINISTRATION SESSIONS Extended deadline to order regularly scheduled AP exams at $135 each Deadline for ordering alternate late AP exams at $127 each Regularly scheduled AP exams Alternate It is very important that we order the exams correctly the first time, so that students do not have any additional fees to pay because of any over-sights, so have the student PAY ATTENTION to the dates of their exams. LATE TESTING is allowed (using an alternate form of the examination) only in extreme hardship. These hardships are those in which students generally have a choice between the scheduled date and requesting an alternate date. Students must pay the additional $40 fee at the time they sign up. Those that are approved for a reduced rate are not subject to the additional $40 for whatever reason. LATE TESTING Additional Fee Incurred: $40 per exam ($127 each) • Academic contest/event • Ordering error • Athletic contest/event • Other school event • Conflict with non-AP and non-IB exam • School closing (local decision, nonemergency) • Family commitment PAYMENT METHODS… 1. Credit / Debit Main Office ONLY. Student will not be signed up for an exam until the receipt is given to Megan Wilson. 2. Cash or Check Library OR Main Office. Student will not be signed up for an exam until the receipt is given to Megan Wilson. If students are paying by check, it should be made out to Ashland High School. (DO NOT INCLUDE SS# ON CHECKS) 3. Scholarships Send students to Megan Wilson ASAP if the cost is an issue. There may be scholarships available, but paperwork must be filled out beforehand. Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 page 4 REFUNDS… If a student pays for an exam and decides not to take it, he/she will receive a refund, minus a $13 fee per exam that the College Board charges for returns. ACCOMMODATIONS… If you have a student that has a disability, is on an IEP, 504 Plan, etc., and may need extra time (student must be utilizing extra time on school-based tests) or has other special needs, such as Braille, photo-enlarged, etc., contact Megan Wilson as soon as possible. The postmark deadline to submit the eligibility form is February 17, 2012. This process can take up to seven weeks to get approval from the AP Program and must be approved before AP testing begins. EXAMS OFFERED… For those students interested in earning a college credit by taking an AP exam WITHOUT taking an AHS AP class, please see your counselor for more information. If you are currently taking an AHS AP class, your AP teacher will give you the information needed to take the exam. AP EXAMS OFFERED WITH AHS CREDIT • • • • • Calculus AB English Language and Composition English Literature and Composition Environmental Science Physics B • • • • Psychology United States Government and Politics United States History World History AP EXAMS OFFERED WITH NO AHS CREDIT • • • • • • • • • • • Art History Biology Calculus BC Chemistry Chinese Language and Culture Comparative Government and Politics Computer Science A European History French Language German Language Human Geography • • • • • • • • • • • Japanese Language and Culture Latin; Vergil Macroeconomics Microeconomics Music Theory Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Physics C: Mechanics Spanish Language Spanish Literature Statistics Studio Art Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 2012 State of Jefferson High School Academic Scavenger Hunt VIDEO DEPT. NEWS: Do you like challenges, mysteries and searching for unusual answers? Join the AHS Scavenger Hunt Team! The dates for the 2012 Scavenger Hunt are Wednesday February 1-Friday February 3rd. The location will be the AHS Library. An informational meeting will be Monday January 23rd in the library at 2:30. Experienced team members will be on hand to share information about past Scavenger Hunts, the excitement of solving challenging questions and the thrill of competing against other "State of Jefferson" Scavenger Hunt high school teams. Adjudication Day will be Tuesday, February 7th at Southern Oregon University. For more information contact Scavenger Hunt Coordinator, Hazel Smith or Judy Kimball in the AHS Library. 541-482-8771 Ext 119 Video 1 students are in the midst of rehearsals and recording their final video productions at the RVTV Studio on the SOU campus. It’s wonderful to see AHS students using the new studio cameras and HD switcher board while working on their talk/interview/entertainment shows. Video 2 Students are also completing their final video short films, with subjects ranging from stop-action animation on clouds, to a Parkour Tag game, to a psychological thriller, to a Saipan trip documentary. All projects need to be completed before Semester 1 finals and students are busy meeting their deadlines. Promos for the AHS Video festival can now be viewed on the Rogue News online edition. EARLY REMINDER: The AHS Video/Film Festival is set for April 26, 2012….Mark your Calendars! Any comments or questions please contact: Ms. Dawisha on Red days, Ext: 248. See you at the movies!!! SPRING ATHLETICS! Check schedules and get necessary forms at: MARK YOUR CALENDAR! There will be an important informational meeting for all parents of student-athletes who will be participating in a spring sport on Monday, February 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the AHS Commons. The first day of official practice for SPRING sports will be: Monday, February 27th Before your son or daughter will be allowed to participate in practice, you must have completed the following: page 5 All 9th and 11th graders are required to get a physical and turn in the appropriate form to the Athletic Office. This also applies to 10th and 12th graders who did not play a sport at Ashland High School last year. All 10th and 12th graders who have a physical on file from last year need to have their parents fill out a Medical History form and turn it in to the Athletic Office. ALL athletes need to turn in a completed Athletic Contract, including signatures from Baseball Crew Equestrian Golf Softball Tennis Track & Field both the student and the parent, to the Athletic Office. All athletes must purchase a Student Body Card in the main office. *IF YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER WAS CLEARED TO PLAY A FALL AND/OR WINTER SPORT IN 2011-12, THEY SIMPLY NEED TO SIGN UP FOR A SPRING SPORT IN THE ATHLETIC OFFICE. THE PAPERWORK IS GOOD FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR. Questions? Call Athletic Office directly (541) 482-2377 or email: Athletic Director: Athletic Secretary: Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 page 6 Counseling Center News COUNSELORS Stephen Smith Counselor, A-K Amy Kennedy Counselor, L-Z Glenna Stiles Counselor, Alternative Programs Jennifer Marsden ASPIRE Director Michelle Gordon Counseling Office Secretary/Scholarships Counseling Office # 541-482-2278 Main Office Fax # 541-482-2172 FAFSA INFORMATION and INSTRUCTIONS A recent change in the law has forced to mention as a free assistance service. The will cleverly connect you to the legitimate FinAid website, run by Fastweb guru Mark Kantrowitz. It contains lots of useful, free financial aid information. PIN numbers, My FSA, FAFSA4caster 1) As soon as possible, apply for two Federal PIN numbers, one for the student and one for a parent or guardian. Website for registration is PINWebApp/pinindex.jsp. You will receive an email telling you how to retrieve your PIN. Make sure you write down and keep handy the pass‐phrase used for registration, because you cannot be sent a reminder if you forget or lose your password. The PIN is an identifier that serves as an electronic signature for a parent and student, both of whom are required to sign the FAFSA. If you are filling out the FAFSA4caster, as mentioned below, you will be sent a PIN if you haven’t already applied for one. 2) Go to website, click on “My FSA” and then click on “Set Up Your Account”. Once you have created your MyFSA account, you can complete your MyFSA Profile. Using the Profile, you can add and update important information about yourself at any time. Whenever you update your profile, the information will automatically carry over to any of the other modules within “Student Aid on the Web”. After you fill out the information on your profile, click on “Financial Aid and Scholarship Wizard” to plan out your entire financial aid packages online in 8 simple steps! Notice that these are referred to as “packages” – the wizard will help you find and calculate virtually everything you need for any and all schools you are interested in. It will show you the deadlines for filing financial aid applications for the colleges you select, walk you through scholarship searches, help you estimate your expected family contribution & federal aid, and provide you a tool to interpret and analyze your financial aid award letters. 3) Once you are ready to apply for aid, use the FAFSA4caster at to transfer all of your FAFSA4caster data to FAFSA on the Web. Find the Money! Learn to write winning scholarship essays that will help pay for your college education. Class CG105 is available online or in class at RCC for 1 credit. Go to for class schedule. Recommendation Requests Private colleges require letters of recommendation and evaluation forms from teachers and the student’s counselor. Students who are applying to private colleges should pick up a “Recommendation Request Form” in the counseling office. After completing the form, they can make copies for each teacher they are asking to write recommendation letters. Make sure the evaluation forms for each college accompany the Recommendation Request. Remember that teachers and counselors are asked to write a lot of letters so get your requests in early and allow 2 weeks for letters to be completed. Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 page 7 OSAC Scholarship Information OSAC Deadlines Wednesday, February 16 Early Bird Review Deadline: Submit your eApp by February 16 and receive an early review of your application for errors, and receive a chance to win a $500 Early Bird Scholarship for the 2011-12 academic year! Error-free applications are entered into a drawing for a $500 Early Bird scholarship. You must fix errors by the final deadline of March 1 to be considered for scholarships. Tuesday, March 1 is the FINAL Deadline. Your complete application packet must be received by OSAC by March 1 to be considered for a scholarship. No exceptions. To Verify OSAC Received Your Application….After submitting your application, OSAC will send you an e-mail, acknowledging receipt of your eApp, and instruct you to check your e-Student Profile for verification that transcripts were successfully uploaded or transmitted to OSAC. If the status is “Valid eApp Accepted,” congratulations! If it reads “Review Pending,” check back until you receive the “Valid eApp Accepted” message. If it reads “eApp Problem,” correct the problem and submit by the deadline in the message. SCHOLARSHIPS Please visit our website for more scholarship information and instructions at Any questions on the individual scholarships can be directed to the counseling staff. Please encourage your son or daughter to come in to the counseling office and apply for every scholarship for which they are eligible. All scholarship applications should be started at least three weeks before they are due. Many will require letters of recommendation and essays. Please allow time for teachers and counselors to write your letters and our registrar time to prepare an official transcript, if required. Applying for scholarships is a tough job which requires good organizational and time management skills. • New this month: Rogue Federal Credit Union 3@ $1500 & Southern Oregon Latino Scholarship Fund‐ $1000‐$3000, RCC Foundation‐Average award $1300 LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS The community of Ashland is supporting our senior students with 25 scholarships. Last year over $110,000 was awarded to AHS students to further their education. The local scholarship applications have been available online at since December 15, 2011. Click on the red highlighted “local scholarships” and you will come to the instructions, the local list of scholarships, and the applications. The applications are fillable PDFs and may be saved to your computer. There are scholarships for every type of student and we encourage all students to search and apply for all th scholarship for which they are eligible. The deadline is March 7 , 2012. Western Oregon University will again be offering a one‐time $500 High School Partnership Scholarship to students involved with their school's ASPIRE program. This opportunity allows ASPIRE program coordinators to nominate up to two students per program, per school for this one‐time $500 award. See your ASPIRE mentor or Jennifer Marsden if you plan on attending Western Oregon University. SOPHOMORE STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO APPLY FOR AN EXCITING SUMMER OPPORTUNITY! The Rotary Club of Ashland will be sponsoring students to attend their summer camp at Dorena Oregon, June 18 ‐ 23. st Deadline for application is April 1 . Go to for more information about their program. The Grange CO‐OP will be awarding 7 @ $500 and 1 @ $1500. To be eligible a student must have a 3.0 GPA or higher, participated in FFA, 4H, DECA, FBLA, or Student Body Leadership. Requirements are: essay, intended secondary education, intended career field, and a letter of recommendation. Additionally, a video uploaded to YouTube is optional. th Deadline is February 15 . Submit essays to Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 page 8 Junior Parent Meeting Parents of junior college‐bound students will have a workshop presented by Steve Smith on Tuesday, March 13, from 7‐8:30 in the IVC Center. He will cover information on selecting colleges, standardized testing, financial aid, and scholarships. The meeting will describe the process of applying to private and public colleges. Copies of the updated AHS College Handbook will be available at this th time. This parent meeting will be followed by an afternoon workshop for juniors at 2:10 on Thursday, March 15 in the IVC Center. This workshop will cover how to select and apply to public and private colleges as well as scholarships and financial aid. PSAT SCORES th th th The counselors will meet with parents of 9 and 10 grade students on Thursday, February 16 in the IVC Center 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Amy Kennedy will review and interpret the sophomore PSAT scores with parents. Steve Smith will talk about preparing students for college including being eligible for very selective colleges. Sat and ACT Testing Information The SAT and ACT are nationally administered tests, which require an extensive application, either mailed or completed online. Both the SAT and the ACT are urging people to complete the application online, and flyers explaining the process are available in the counseling office. The registration materials must be postmarked or completed online by the deadline indicated. Help is available in the counseling office for students who have questions or need assistance completing the application. *Juniors are encouraged to sign up for the March test in Medford. The later test dates are administered in Grants Pass. SAT PREP CLASSES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! This SAT prep class will provide you with effective strategies for answering both the verbal and math sections of the test as well as honing your writing skills for the essay portion. You will learn to control test anxiety, learn how to manage your time during the test and gain helpful tips. There are two sessions available: Jan 3‐26 Tues & Thurs, 7‐9pm, and rd April 10‐May 3 . The cost for the session is $195. Ages 15‐18 can register at SOU by calling (541)552‐6452 or go to www.sou/youth. COLLEGE TESTING Dates & Fees Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Dates TEST DATE March 10 May 5 June 2 TEST DEADLINE ($47 Fee) SAT SAT /Subject Tests SAT /Subject Tests February 10 April 6 May 8 LATE DEADLINE(extra $24) February 24 April 20 May 22 LOCATION North Medford High School Grants Pass High School Grants Pass High School Register online at ACT Test Dates TEST DATE DEADLINE (Fee $33)* LATE DEADLINE (extra $21) LOCATION February 11 April 14 June 9 January 13 March 9 May 4 January 20 March 23 May 18 Ashland High School Ashland High School OIT Klamath Falls *Fee without writing sample is $34, fee with writing is $48.50. Late registration is an additional $21.00. Register online at Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 page 9 Help AHS Students Achieve their College and Career Goals The AHS ASPIRE program is looking for new mentors. The goal of ASPIRE is to help students access educational opportunities after high school. ASPIRE mentors receive training in all aspects of the road to higher education, so they can support students as they explore college and vocational school options, admissions, financial aid and scholarship opportunities. ASPIRE mentors work one‐ on‐one with students throughout the year. No experience is needed, and mentors decide how much time to commit. To learn more about joining our mentoring team, contact Jen Marsden: 541.482.8771 x 130; Summer Exchange Student Program Summer 2012 Rotary Short Term Exchange Program (STEP) The Rotary Short Term Exchange Program is a more informal summer program than the 9‐month school year exchange program. Students participating in the Rotary STEP must be between 15 and 17.5 years old on Aug. 15, 2012. Students selected through an interview process for STEP are matched with a student in another country. The U.S. student spends one month with a student and his/her family in another country and the following month the two students’ return to the US to spend a month with the U.S. family. The STEP program fee of $100 covers the matching service, two mandatory training sessions, and a program shirt. The families are responsible for all other costs. Applications for the Short‐term exchange are due by Noon, February 1, 2012 at the AHS Counseling Office. Interviews with both the student and his/her parents or guardians will be held by Feb. 10 in the evening on the AHS campus. Students will be notified by email of their interview time. rd An informational meeting will be held at lunch in the Counseling Office on Monday, January 23 . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Dessert 2 3 Breakfast 1) Yogurt Bar 2) Breakfast Sandwich Lunch 1) Yakisoba Noodles 2) Pizza 3) Orange Chicken w/ Rice ◊ 4 9 Breakfast 1) Waffle & Sausage 2)Yogurt Parfait w/Graham Crackers Lunch 1) Spaghetti & Meatballs ® 2)Stuffed Cheese Stix w/ Marinara 3) Pizza ◊ 10 Breakfast 1) Biscuits & Gravy w/ Sausage 2) Oatmeal Bar Lunch 1) Fajita Pita 2) Grilled Veggie Pita ◊® 3) Greek Chicken Pita ◊® 11 Breakfast HOM 1) French Toast & Ham 2) Breakfast Sandwich Lunch 1) Pesto Pasta ◊ 2) Pizza ◊ 3) Cheeseburger & Home Fries Breakfast 1) French Toast & Ham 2) Breakfast Sandwiches Lunch 1) Marinara Chicken Sandwich 2) Pizza ◊ 3) Chicken Nuggets & Fries 12 Breakfast 1) Egg Scramble & Tots 2) Bagel & Cheese stick Lunch 1) Baja Burrito ® 2) Quesadilla w/ Beans ◊ 3) Chicken Burger & Fries 16 17 18 19 No School No School Breakfast 1) Yogurt Bar 2) Breakfast Sandwich Lunch 1) Spaghetti & Meatballs ® 2) Pizza ◊ 3)Stuffed Cheese Stix w/Marinara◊ 23 Breakfast 1) Waffle & Ham 2) Yogurt Bar Lunch 1) Tamale Pie ◊ ® 2)Grilled Cheese Sandwich & Tomato Soup 3) Chicken Burgers & Fries 30 24 Breakfast 1) Biscuits & Gravy w/ Sausage 2) Oatmeal & Tots Lunch 1) Turkey or Veggie Pot Pie ◊ ® 2) Pizza ◊ 3) Cheeseburger & Fries 31 No School No School ® =Scratch and Fresh made recipes Friday Dessert Breakfast 1) Biscuits & Gravy w/ Sausage 2)Oatmeal Bar Lunch 1) Tacos w/ Beans ® 2) Quesadillas & Beans ◊ 3) Nachos Breakfast 1) Biscuits & Gravy w/ Sausage 2)Oatmeal Bar Lunch 1) Chicken or Veggie Fajita ® 2) Quesadillas & Beans ◊ 3) Chicken Burger & Fries 25 Breakfast HOM 1) French Toast & Ham 2) Breakfast Sandwich Lunch 1) Popcorn Chicken &Fries 2) Quesadillas & Beans ◊ 3) BBQ Turkey Sandwich 1 Breakfast 1) Biscuits & Gravy w/ Sausage 2)Oatmeal Bar Lunch 1) Tacos w/ Beans ® 2) Quesadillas & Beans ◊ 3) Nachos 5 Breakfast 1) French Toast & Ham 2) Breakfast Sandwiches Lunch 1) Alfredo Pasta ◊ 2) Pizza ◊ 3) Mashed Potatoes & Gravy 26 Breakfast 1) Egg Scramble & Tots 2) Bagel & Cheese stick Lunch 1) Sloppy Joes ® 2) Pizza ◊ 3) Chicken Burger & Fries 2 Breakfast 1) French Toast & Ham 2) Breakfast Sandwiches Lunch 1) Marinara Chicken Sandwich 2) Pizza ◊ 3) Chicken Nuggets & Fries 6 Breakfast 1) Cinnamon Roll 2) Bagel & Cheese Stick Lunch 1) Fish Wrap 2) Black Bean Pasta ◊ ® 3) Hot Dogs & Chips 13 Breakfast 1) Cinnamon Roll 2) Breakfast Sandwich Lunch 1)Turkey OR Tofu Asian Rice ◊® 2) Fishburger & chips 3)Leek and Potato Soup ◊ ® 20 Breakfast 1) Cinnamon Roll 2) Bagel & Cheese Stick Lunch 1) Yakisoba Noodles ® 2) Egg Rolls & Plain Rice ◊ 3)Chicken Nuggets w/Fries Breakfast includes Milk and fruit. Cold cereal is offered daily as a third option. $1.75 Lunch Includes Bottomless Offering Bar and Milk. Custom made sandwiches and wraps are daily fourth option $3.35 Extra white milk may be purchased. $.50 27 Breakfast 1) Cinnamon Roll 2) Breakfast Sandwich Lunch 1) Tacos w/ Beans 2) Bean & Cheese Burrito ◊ 3) Fish N Chips 3 Breakfast 1) Cinnamon Roll 2) Bagel & Cheese Stick Lunch 1) Fish Wrap 2) Black Bean Pasta ◊ ® 3) Hot Dogs & Chips ◊ = vegetarian or can be made vegetarian This year we are partnering with Rogue Valley Farm to School to present seasonal local produce each month: In accordance with Federal law and US Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Pears Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 page 10 Senior All‐Night Update Friday, June 8th at 11pm the fun begins, when the Class of 2012 meets at the Ashland Gym to start their Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Adventure!! “The Senior All Night party is the parent and community response to provide a safe and fun environment for the graduates where they can make memories that will last a lifetime.” ************Be in the know!!! “like” us on Facebook **** “Ashland High School Senior All Night” *** Senior All Night (SAN) Raffle Kick‐Off at Louie’s on the Plaza – 5:30 ‐7:30 th Julie Kasiah( is coordinating the SAN Raffle and the kickoff party will be on February 12 from 5:30 – 7:30pm at Louie’s on the Plaza. Only 200 tickets will be sold at $50 each and the winner will receive $2,012!!! The owner, Melissa Jensen, is a parent of a graduating senior and has agreed to donate 100% of proceeds that evening to the SAN. Senior parents…. come join in the fun and pick up some raffle tickets to sell! Ashland High School supporters…. please plan on dinner at Louie’s to support the SAN! 100% is…well…100%!!!!!!!!!!!! Price Change – The SAN committee voted to set the ticket price at $55. With this price everything is included: transportation to and from Vallejo, California, food at the gym during check‐in, snacks on the bus in a personal cinch sack with a water bottle, breakfast at Denny’s, Six Flags park admission, all‐you‐can eat lunch, and $5 for dinner. What a deal, huh? The price of admission on the website is listed as $54.99 so everything else is included for a single penny! Scholarships will be available!! More details to come. Tickets will go on sale after Spring Break. SAN Bottle Drive to Pay for Your Ticket – Danna Gibson ( is leading the charge for the SAN Bottle Drive. The bottle drive will take place on the second Saturday of every month through May (Feb 11, Mar 10, Apr 14 and May12). Finances a little tight? Here’s a way to help pay for your ticket! Volunteers will canvas neighborhoods hanging notices on doors announcing the Bottle Drive. On the scheduled Saturday, volunteers will meet, gather the cans, meet again at a scheduled location with the “loot”, sort and bag it, then drop the bags at the store (already in bags…no standing at the machines for hours on end!) Twenty percent (20%) will go to the SAN fund and the remainder will be divided among the volunteers and deposited in the SAN account as a credit toward the volunteer’s ticket price. For example – 12 volunteers gather $800 of cans. SAN gets $160, 12 volunteers get $53 credit each toward their ticket price. I bet you’re interested now! Send an email to Danna and she’ll get you on the list and keep you posted! If you’d like to donate bottles for any of the second Saturday pick‐ups, please send Danna and email with your name, address and contact number. Thanks in advance for supporting SAN and working hard to earn your ticket! Parent Dance During Winter Formal, Saturday February 18th – Put it on your calendar… in pencil! We are still trying to finalize the details with the Elks Club, but we are hoping to have a dance for the parents while the kids are at the Winter Formal. Nothing fancy, just good old fun. It will be an evening of great music, great friends and great fun! Refreshments will be st available for purchase from the Elks. Tickets available for Pre‐Sale at Louie’s Bar & Grill starting February 1 ! There will be a limited number of tickets available so get ‘em early! Business/Corporate/Parent Sponsorships of SAN – Lori Tapp ( (541‐621‐1821) and Susan Roudebush ( are heading the Sponsorship gathering team. Please consider sponsoring the Senior All Night or giving a scholarship to a graduating senior to make sure all of our seniors have a safe, fun graduation night. Upcoming Meetings‐ Meetings are in the classroom in the small gym on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30pm. Senior Parents…please plan on attending! Contact Mary at 541‐482‐5653 or if you need more information. • Thursday, February 2nd Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 page 11 Support Ashland High School Theatre 18 years partnership with OSF 2011-2012 Become a Sponsor Your name or business will be listed in all AHS playbills and you will receive show passes for the musical and plays worth $10--$20 each. Main Show Corporate Gold Sponsor $1500 or more (10 passes and 1 page color ad) Main Show Corporate Silver Sponsor $800 or more e (8 passes and ¼ page color ad) Theatre Angel $450 or more (6 passes) Benefactor $250 or more (4 passes) Patron $150-249. (2 passes) Donor $55-149. (1 pass) Or Advertise your business in our playbill! Sorry, no passes for advertisements. Our playbill space is limited! Send ready art by e-mail or instructions for our graphic artist. Playbill is an 8- page booklet of full 8 ½ x 11 pages All ads are Black and White (interior pages) unless back cover page requested. Add $300 per ad for color. 8 ½ x 11 Playbill Full page b/w Ad size 7 ½”x 10” All year $700. ½ Page b/w Ad size 4” x 71/2” All year $400. ¼ Page b/w Ad size 2”x 7 ½ ” or 7 ½” x 2” All Year $300. 1 /8 Page b/w (Business card) Ad size 2”x 3 ¼ ” All year $200. Amount enclosed $_________ Check to AHS Theatre Fundraiser Attn: Betsy Bishop 201 S. Mountain Ave. Ashland OR 97520 (541) 482-8771 ext. 260 Email: Cell: 541-840-6410 The Smash Broadway Musical Hit is coming! West Side Story plays AHS Theatre from March 7-17. The Romeo & Juliet musical love story is set on the gang-infused streets of New York. With a book by Arthur Laurents, music by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, West Side Story remains one of the favored and most powerful dramatic musicals of all times. The show revolves around doomed lovers Tony and Maria, caught in the middle of a clash between the Jets, a self-styled Anglo gang, and the Sharks, a Puerto Rican gang. The 1957 musical, which was made into a film in 1961 starring Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer and Rita Moreno, features such classic songs as "Tonight," "Somewhere" and "I Feel Pretty." Suzanne Seiber and Christine Williams direct 35 actors, singers and dancers in this show. Suzanne Seiber is the choreographer. Holly Johnson and Jennifer Schloming are the musical directors. Mason McLellan is the stage manager assisted by Bronte Kennedy. Tickets will go on sale in late January online at www.showtix and in February in downtown Ashland at Paddington Station, Tree House Books and Music Coop. Reserved $22; General $17; Student/Senior $12. Reserved tickets are only sold online. Seven evening shows play Wednesday through Saturday March 7—17. A $10. preview show will be Wednesday, March 7 at 7:30. Matinees will be Sunday, March 11 and Saturday, March 17 at 2 p.m. Grizz-O-Gram January 2012 Mark your calendars ~ the next Ashland Food Project pick‐up is February 11! Community Service Opportunity: Ashland Emergency Food Bank Students who participate in this project earn DOUBLE community service hours towards their Service Learning credit! Ashland Emergency Food Bank needs AHS student volunteers. Shift One: 10 ‐ 12:30 pm Shift Two: 12:00 ‐ 2:30 pm Email student's name and shift time to Susan Harris at Just sign up and show up to: 560 Clover Lane, Ashland OR (The Food Bank is located opposite the Holiday Inn Express. Heading East on Ashland St. (Hwy.66), Clover Lane is the first turn on the right after the bridge over the I‐5.) Ashland Public Schools #5 Ashland High School 201 S. Mountain Ave. Ashland, OR 97520 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 8 Ashland, OR 97520 page 12