Brochure Cover - Altamaha River Partnership
Brochure Cover - Altamaha River Partnership
Near the mouth of the river, many fish that typically live in saltwater share the Altamaha River’s waters with freshwater species. “Altamaha Egret” by Sandy Jones © 2012 The diverse recreational opportunities along with the natural beauty of this wide, meandering river make it a primary resource for freshwater recreational activity in southeast Georgia. Fishing enthusiasts can find an abundance of freshwater fish species, including American shad, striped bass, the endangered shortnose sturgeon, American eel bullhead, channel catfish, white catfish crappie, largemouth bass, the introduced flathead catfish, redbreast, bluegill, and redear sunfish. Altamaha River Partnership 239 NE Park Avenue, Suite E Baxley, GA 31513 Please join us our mission to Promote, Preserve and Protect The Mighty Altamaha River! For more information, send email to, or mail your membership request with contact information, and check made payable to Altamaha River Partnership: Unbridled by dams, this free-flowing waterway is inhabited by a broad range of animals including rare freshwater mussels such as the Georgia spiny mussel, alligators, and the rare rainbow snake. A cornucopia of wild plants and animals live in or near this mighty river. Biologists have documented upwards of 120 rare plants and animals in the Altamaha River watershed, including some unique to the area. The river and associated watershed is a vibrant, biologically diverse natural system bearing the distinction of being one of the most biologically diverse river systems found anywhere in the Southeast. The Nature Conservancy named it one of the “75 Last Great Places” left in the world. • All interested private citizens (Dues $25). The Altamaha River is truly a paradise for photographers, paddlers, birders, naturalists, fishermen, and hunters, offering boundless outdoor recreational opportunities for everyone who njoys the great outdoors! The flood plains and sandy ridges represent drastically different habitats that are home to a fascinating array of wild plants and animals. Here barred owls, wild turkeys, white-tailed deer, and others share the land with gopher tortoises and indigo snakes. The list of trees found in this corridor include the longleaf pine, tupelo, swamp chestnut, willow and water oaks. Some of the rare forms of plant life that live here are Georgia plume, Radford dicerandra, Florida corkwood, hairy rattleweed, greenfly orchid and Alabama milkvine. At the mouth of the Altamaha River, about 55,000 shore and sea birds are known to congregate on the fragile islands found there. These tiny bits of land are among the most important stopover and nesting sites along the Georgia coast. • Two members from each of the following agencies: DCA, GDEcD, GA Coastal Management Program, DNR Sport Fisheries Division, and NRCS staff providing technical assistance to the Coastal GA and Seven Rivers RC&D Councils; • One representative of any business located in or doing business in the Altamaha River Watershed; • One representative from each of the following nonprofit organizations and shall be appointed by their respective Board of Directors: The Nature Conservancy, McIntosh County Seed, Coastal Georgia RC&D Council, Seven Rivers RC&D Council, Altamaha Riverkeepers, and the Georgia Nature Based Tourism Association; • One representative from each of the eleven counties bordering the Altamaha River and shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners of each county (dues $250); Membership in The Altamaha River Partnership includes: Membership in the Partnership Natural Resources & Public Recreation APPLING COUNTY Carter's Bight Landing Boat & canoe launch area, restrooms, playground area, Deen's Landing Boat & canoe launch area, restrooms, Greater Tattnall Chamber of Commerce As you gently paddle out into the river, you are entering a very special place. Originating at the confluence of the Oconee and Ocumulgee rivers near Lumber City, the Altamaha River slowly winds its way some 137 miles before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean between Darien and Brunswick. Along the way, the river flows past rich bottomland forests, cypress swamps, and tidal marshes. The Altamaha River “Altamaha Afternoon” by Sandy Jones © 2012 During the spring and fall migration periods, untold numbers of migrating perching birds and songbirds rest and feed in the woodlands hugging the river before resuming their epic flights. Warblers, threshes, and vireos are especially prevelant. Eason's Landing Boat & canoe launch area, restrooms, Al r ive eR ope O ho GLYNN COUNTY Altamaha Regional Park On the Altamaha River, this Glynn County Park offers boat ramp, food, bait, gas services, camping, RV hookups, fishing, and swimming, with recent improvements to the floating docks, ramp and waterfront pavilion. The facility now meets American Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. US 341 north of Brunswick, Georgia. (912) 264-2342, Blythe Island Regional Park On the South Brunswick River, county park with fishing boating, dock, marina services, boat hoist, camping, RV hookups, hiking & biking trails, two manmade lakes, six-mile canoe trail, Hwy 303, Blythe Island Drive, Brunswick, Georgia. (912) 261-3805, Brunswick Landing Marina Full service marina, lift, 15 docks with 314 slips, restrooms, ice, fiberglass & other repairs, bottom cleaning & painting, laundry room, convenient to Historic Downtown Brunswick. 2429 Newcastle Street, Brunswick, GA. (912) 262-9264, Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation State Historic Site Historic rice plantation in the Altamaha Delta, with an antebellum home, museum, rice fields. US Hwy 17 north of Brunswick, Georgia. (912) 264-7333, Morningstar Marina Golden Isles Full service marina, lift, permanent & transient slips, restrooms, ice, and restaurant on the Frederica River. Torras Causeway, St. Simons Island, Georgia. (912) 634-1128. Sidney Lanier Park At the base of the Sidney Lanier Bridge on U.S. 17, this new City park provides a boat ramp (no fee), picnic tables and shelters, fishing pier, and bike trail. Brunswick, Georgia. (912) 267-5500, Jekyll Island Club Historic District Museums, historic tours, golf, waterpark (in season), beach, fishing, boating, birding, marina, shopping, restaurants, lodging, and camping. Jekyll Island, Georgia. (877) 4-JEKYLL, River onee Oc O cm er Riv ee ulg Wayne County Tourism Board (912) 538-8687 • Landings: 20, 21, 23, 25 (229) 868-6365 • Landing: 29 Telfair County Chamber of Commerce (912) 557-6323 • Landings: 15, 16 (912) 583-4676 • Landings: 27, 28 Montgomery County Development Authority (912) 545-2143 • Ludowici, Georgia Landings: 9, 12 Long County Visitors Center (912) 240-0106 • Landings: 24, 26 Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis Board of Tourism (912) 437-6684 • Landings: 2, 3, 5 Darien/McIntosh County Chamber of Commerce (912) 554 –7400 • Landings: 1, 4 Glynn County Board of Commissioners (912) 367-7731 • Landings: 14, 17, 18, 19, 22 Baxley-Appling County Board of Tourism All ages enjoy activites on the river, from picnics on the banks to organized family-oriented canoe and kayak excursions. Nearby towns offer a variety of activities for visitors to enjoy, including annual festivals, fishing tournaments, and other river-related activities. Restaurants, lodging and guest services are conveniently located throughout the region. Contact local outfitters, visitor centers, or Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources for current river conditions and activities in your destination region. Falling Rocks Park On the Altamaha River, offering RV and tent camping sites with restrooms, picnic facilities, and nature trails. Deans Landing Road. (912) 367-8100, (912) 427-2028 • Landings: 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 Darien BrunswickGolden Isles The Birds of the Altamaha River Corridor list is downloadable from the Altamaha River Partnership website. Additional birding resources including birding site descriptions and directions are available on the Georgia Ornithological Society’s website, “Sustaining the river that sustains us” Charleston Moody Forest Natural Area On the Altamaha River, one of the nation’s last remaining old-growth forests of longleaf pines 200-300+ years old and mammoth tupelo cypress 600+ years old. Home to rare plants, birds and animals including the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker, gopher tortoise, and eastern indigo snake. Baxley, Georgia. (912) 366-9549, Golden Isles Parkway - US Hwy. 341 - Passes through Hazlehurst to the Coast of Georgia: shopping, dining and entertainment. Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis Board of Tourism, (912) 375-4543. Riv er AT L A N T I C O C E A N Savannah 280 280 The Altamaha River Partnership is a coalition of state, regional, and local representatives formed in 1998 to promote nature-based tourism and associated economic development opportunities within 11 counties bordering the Altamaha River. Each county offers visitors a unique aspect of the Altamaha River’s abundant natural resources as it flows through south central Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean. Become A Member of ARP! Get Involved! Lake Mayers 170-acre county-owned lake with fishing, boating, swimming, and water sports. Public beach and residential area. US Highway 341 at Buckhead Rd., Baxley, Georgia. (912) 367-8100, This brochure is made possible in part by a grant from the Federal Highway Administration through the Georgia Recreational Trails Program, with thanks to Glynn County Community Development & Finance Departments ~ Cover Photo Credit: Yolanda Santiago White ~ Produced by Bluemoon Publishing, Brunswick, Georgia for The Altamaha River Partnership © 2012 All rights reserved. (912) 568-7808 • Alamo, Georgia Wheeler County Chamber of Commerce Vidalia Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Jacksonville 341 Birding on The Altamaha A. Randall Tuten Environmental Park Certified Schoolyard Habitat/Outdoor Classroom. This park includes one-mile nature trail, 500’ boardwalk, wetlands, two ponds, covered amphitheater, restrooms, and over 100 species of trees. Hwy 15 South, on the Appling County Middle School campus. Baxley, Georgia. (912) 367-8630. The Yamassee Bike Trail - Follow the 27 mile bike trail signs throughout Montgomery County past the pecan orchards and cotton fields, Mount Vernon, Alston, Uvalda, and historic Long Pond. Trail maps and information, (912) 538-8687. Woodpecker Trail - Highway 121, begins in North Carolina and travels through Surrency, Georgia, to Florida. Wiregrass Trail - Georgia Hwy 57 in Long, Tattnall, McIntosh counties: history and scenic beauty. Southern Passages - “The Atlantic Heritage Coast” - Explore the small towns, villages, and rural treasures off I-95 from South Carolina through Georgia to Florida. Colonial Coast Birding Trail - Glynn and McIntosh County seashores, salt marshes, rice fields, woodlands, tidal rivers, & wetlands - come and enjoy the beauty! Over 300 species of birds have been sighted in a variety of habitats. Darien Welcome Center, (912) 437-6684; Brunswick Golden Isles Visitors Bureau, (912) 265-0620. Altamaha River Canoe Trail - 137 scenic miles of the Altamaha River from its confluence near Lumber City, Georgia, to the Atlantic Coast between Darien and Brunswick, Georgia. Altamaha Historic Byway - Tour the 17 mile byway connecting the Sapelo Island Ferry with Darien, Fort King George, the Altamaha Waterfowl Management Area, and Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation. 4 handicapped-accessible fishing sites and 4 public boat ramps along the route. Darien Welcome Center (912) 437-6684; Golden Isles Visitors Bureau (912) 265-0620. Scenic Trails & Byways F L O R I DA G E O R G I A 301 ta ma ha 341 Lumber City Columbus Macon The corridor offers numerous birding opportunities and sites ranging from xeric sandhills to barrier island beaches. As you drift down the river, watch for swallow-tailed kites, ospreys, bald eagles, and wood storks soaring overhead. Other birds you may see and hear along the river include prothonotary, yellow-throated and Swainson’s warblers, great crested flycatchers, and northern parulas. “Banks of the Altamaha” by Yolanda White © 2012 Atlanta The Altamaha River and surrounding landscape provides critical habitat for nesting, breeding and feeding Neotropical migratory birds, colonial water birds and year round residents. S O U T H C A RO L I N A Chattanooga JEFF DAVIS COUNTY Bullard Creek Wildlife Management Area On the Altamaha, 12,978 acres of mixed pine and hardwood, swamps, bottomlands, and ponds. Hunting, fishing, nongame viewing (bird watching and gopher tortoises), walking trail & horse trail, boating, canoeing, and primitive camping. (912) 379-9303, Towns Bluff Park & Heritage Center/RV Park & Campground Simple, relaxed, fun outdoor activities, with 2 miles of walking nature trails & a horse trail leading into Bullard Creek Preserve.Closest landing to the headwaters of the Altamaha River. Enjoy canoeing, biking, hiking, fishing, birdwatching, RV & primitive camping year round. Hazlehurst, Georgia. (912) 379-9303, (912) 375-4543, LONG COUNTY Griffin Ridge WMA On the Altamaha, over 5,600 acres, hunting, fishing, nature trail (912) 545-2143. MCINTOSH COUNTY Altamaha Waterfowl Management Area 21,000 acres in the Altamaha River Delta owned and managed by the state for waterfowl; a major destination on Georgia’s Coastal Birding Trail. This WMA includes: Butler Island Plantation - Wildlife habitat for alligators, deer, herons, egrets, ducks, and other wading birds; Ansley/Hodges Memorial Observation Tower - With viewing stand and nature trail off Hwy 17, Darien, Georgia. A Pass is required for this WMA: A three-day pass is $3.50-$7 and includes fishing; a three-day pass for small groups of 8 or less is $10; annual individual pass is $19; annual small-group pass is $35. Purchase your pass online at; for more information: (912) 437-6684, or Darien Bike Path and Walking Trail Pick up a map at the Welcome Center and follow the marked signs on a self-guided tour amidst live oaks and Spanish moss in historic Darien, Georgia. (912) 437-6684, St. Simons Marina On the Frederica River, a county marina with boat hoist, ice, water, gas, bait, permanent & transient dockage. Near Epworth By The Sea, St. Simons Island, GA. (912) 638-9146. Natural Resources & Public Recreation Champney River Landing On the Altamaha River, public boat ramp, freshwater handicapped-accessible fishing, picnic tables, restrooms. Hwy 17 south of Darien, Georgia. (912) 437-6684, DDA Docks at Skipper’s Restaurant Darien River, food, restrooms, public docks & boat ramp, handicapped-accessible fishing, Fort King George State Historic Site On the Altamaha River, reconstructed 18th century fort, a frontier fortification with tours, museum and film, picnic area. Fort King George Dr., Darien, Georgia. (912) 437-4770 Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge More than 2,860 acres with 15 miles of paved roads and trails to enjoy. Fishing, boat ramp, and fishing pier. North of Eulonis off US Hwy 17 on Harris Neck Rd/CO Rd 246. (912) 832-4608, (912) 437-6684 TATTNALL COUNTY Gordonia-Alatamaha State Park Offering shelters, camping, water, restrooms, showers, lake, swimming, golf, and playground. Reidsville, Georgia. (912) 557-7744, reservations (800) 864-7275, TELFAIR & WHEELER COUNTIES Little Ocmulgee State Park 1,277 acre State park with tent, trailer and RV sites, cottages, lodge, restaurant, conference facilities, 265 acre lake with beach, tennis courts, picnic shelters, group camp/pioneer camp, amphitheater, 2.6 mile trail and boardwalk, boating, ramp, fishing, canoe and pedal boat rentals (seasonal). US Highways 319 & 441, McRae, Georgia. (229) 868-7474. Wallace Adams Memorial Golf Course Play eighteen holes at scenic Little Ocmulgee State Park. McRae, Georgia. (229) 868-6365, Lewis Island Natural Area Over 6,000 acres, contains the largest known grove of ancient bald cypress in Georgia. Excellent camping, kayaking, birding, and fishing; Lewis Creek. Contact local outfitters or call (912) 437-6684 TOOMBS COUNTY Gray’s Landing On the Altamaha River, ramp, picnic tables, grills, camping, restrooms, landing, and Benton Lee's Steakhouse. 138 Benton Powell Rd., Uvalda, Georgia. (912) 538-8687. WAYNE COUNTY Mossy Oaks RV Park & Campground 26 sites, 30 & 50 amp, full hookup, water and electricity only. 21162 Whaley Road, Jesup, Georgia 31546 (912) 427- 4452 Heritage Park Campground Perfect for overnight fishing trips. For information regarding hookups and pricing, contact Connie Carpenter, 203 Jaycee Landing Rd., Jesup Georgia, 31545, (912) 588-9222. Jaycee Landing On the Altamaha River, boat ramp, country store, bait and tackle, ice, restrooms, picnic tables and shelter. Camping on the bluff at Heritage Park Campground. A Georgia Go Fish Project. US 301 on Jaycee Landing Road, Jesup, GA (912) 588-9222 . Lake Grace Enjoy camping and fishing at this enormous man-made lake stocked with fish; fishing permits required for out-of-state visitors. RV park and private campgrounds with fishing lakes nearby; small fees apply. Jesup,GA; Contact Charles Herrin (912) 579-6475, Waterfront Park On the Darien River, public docks, fishing pier, boardwalk, shelter, picnic tables, children’s playground. (912) 437-6684, (912) 437-6659 McMillan Creek Greenway A project that includes walkways and trails along McMillan Creek, urban forest restoration, and improved natural habitat for all ages to enjoy. (912) 427-1313, MONTGOMERY & WHEELER COUNTIES Cooper-Conner House, c. 1798 Oldest house in Montgomery County. Slave labor was used in the construction by Richard Cooper, a Revolutionary Soldier buried at Dead River Cemetery. Moved to the Brewton-Parker College campus in 1991 for preservation, furnished with period furniture, the house is available for viewing anytime. (912) 538-8687 or (912) 583-2241. Paradise Park On the Altamaha River, ramp (fee), food and ice, and camping. Off Hwy 341 south of Gardi, Georgia. Penholloway Swamp Wildlife Management Area Exceptional wildlife habitat on 42,0000 acres off River Road adjacent to Paradise Park Road. (912) 427-3233. Oconee River to the Altamaha River Boating, fishing, paddling, hiking, and birding. All ages will enjoy this scenic waterway! (912) 557-7744, (800) 864-7275, The Yamassee Bike Trail Follow the 27 mile bike trail signs throughout scenic Montgomery County orchards and cotton fields. Please call for trail maps and information, (912) 538-8687. “Landing 29 At Lumber City” by Yolanda Santiago White © 2012 Rayonier Wildlife Management Area Exceptional habitat on 105,000 acres for the elusive whitetail deer, hogs, and other wildlife. GA 32 (Check Station). (912) 427-3233, SanSavilla Wildlife Management Area Exceptional wildlife habitat on 17,814 acres. GA 341 south of Jesup at Mount Pleasant, Georgia. (912) 427-3233, “Below the Confluence” by Yolanda Santiago White © 2012
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