Voters` Pamphlet
Voters` Pamphlet
Pierce County Official Local Voters' Pamphlet Primary Election - August 6, 2013 pierce county Pierce County MyVote App A powerful tool for voters! • Verify and update your voter registration. • Locate your closest ballot drop box. • Find out if your ballot was received. Like us • Connect with your elected official. See page 8 for more information. Follow us Message from Auditor Message fromthe the Auditor “When will elections move to internet voting?” My response to this frequently-asked question is, “Not anytime soon.” While online elections will likely be a reality in my lifetime, it’s unlikely to happen while I’m in office. Internet protection isn’t secure enough and public skepticism is too high. Voters must have confidence in the outcome of elections. Online elections simply haven’t earned that confidence yet. However, the Pierce County Auditor’s Office is doing what it can to empower voters with technology. By 2015, more Americans will access the internet from a mobile device (phone or tablet) than a desktop computer. Can government catch up with its citizens? Clearly, we must provide information and services anywhere, anytime, on any device. This year, we’ve launched an elections App for mobile devices. pierce county Handy and efficient, we hope Pierce County MyVote will increase participation and personal responsibility. This new App will allow you to: • Locate the closest ballot drop box and get driving directions, regardless of whether you’re at home or running errands. • Confirm when your ballot is received by the election center and verify there are no problems (most commonly, a missing signature). • View a list of your federal, state, and county representatives. No need to remember what district you live in. We have a personalized list for you. • Access contact information for elected officials. You can launch mail or a phone call from your mobile device for your federal, state and county representatives, without any research at all. • Update your voter registration, address, or name change with Pierce County MyVote. There’s no need to drive to the election center (although we’re always glad to see you!). Download the Pierce County MyVote App today! Get it on It’s my pleasure to serve as your Pierce County Auditor. Julie Anderson 253-798-3189 2 Table of Contents This pamphlet contains all races and issues that are on the ballot for this election. Your ballot will contain only the races and issues that you are eligible to vote on. See page 7 to learn how to determine which district you reside in. Ballot Drop Boxes - No Stamp Required ....................................................................................4 Voting Centers...............................................................................................................................5 Not registered to vote?.................................................................................................................6 What can you vote on?.................................................................................................................7 Pierce County MyVote ..................................................................................................................8 I Voted Stickers ..............................................................................................................................9 Sample Ballot ......................................................................................................................... 9 - 11 Primary Election FAQ's ...............................................................................................................12 26th Legislative District ..............................................................................................................13 Port of Tacoma ......................................................................................................................14 - 15 City of Auburn ......................................................................................................................16 - 19 City of Bonney Lake ............................................................................................................ 20 - 21 City of DuPont ..................................................................................................................... 22 - 23 Town of Eatonville .............................................................................................................. 24 - 25 City of Lakewood ................................................................................................................ 26 - 27 City of Pacific ....................................................................................................................... 28 - 31 City of Sumner .................................................................................................................... 32 - 33 Town of Wilkeson ................................................................................................................ 34 - 35 Puyallup School District No. 3 ........................................................................................... 36 - 37 Peninsula School District No. 401 ...................................................................................... 38 - 39 Fife School District No. 417 ................................................................................................ 40 - 41 Fire Protection District No. 3 (West Pierce Fire & Rescue) ......................................................42 Fire Protection District No. 27 ............................................................................................ 44 - 45 Peninsula Metropolitan Park District ................................................................................. 46 - 47 Don't wait to mail your ballot until the last minute! Your ballot must be postmarked by August 6, 2013 to be counted. If you mail your ballot on Election Day, check the mail pick-up time to ensure it will be postmarked on time. You can drop off your ballot (see page 4) or mail your ballot anytime after you have voted it. 3 Ballot Drop Boxes - No Stamp Required Open June 21, 2013 through August 6, 2013. (Closes 8:00 p.m. August 6th) Anderson Island Sumner Gig Harbor Fire Station 6711 Kimball Dr Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Sumner Library 1116 Fryer Ave Sumner, WA 98390 Key Center Fire Station 8911 Key Peninsula Hwy, KPN Lakebay, WA 98349 Tacoma Pt. Fosdick Safeway 4811 Pt. Fosdick Dr NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Anderson Island Park and Ride Yoman Rd (near Villa Beach Rd) Anderson Island, WA 98303 Purdy Fire Station 5210 144th St NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332 Bonney Lake Lakewood Bonney Lake (South) Park and Ride 184th Ave E Bonney Lake, WA 98391 Lakewood City Hall 6000 Main St SW Lakewood, WA 98499 Browns Point/ Northeast Tacoma NE Police Substation 4731 Norpoint Way NE Tacoma, WA 98422 DuPont DuPont Ross Plaza 1500 Wilmington Dr DuPont, WA 98327 Eatonville Barney's Corner 40512 Meridian E Eatonville, WA 98328 Edgewood Edgewood City Hall 2224 104th Ave E Edgewood, WA 98372 Fife Fife Municipal Court 3737 Pacific Hwy E Fife, WA 98424 4 Gig Harbor/Key Peninsula Lakewood (SR512) Park and Ride 10417 South Tacoma Way Lakewood, WA 98499 Kandle Park Police Substation 5140 N 26th St Tacoma, WA 98407 72nd Street Transit Center 1319 E 72nd St Tacoma, WA 98404 Pierce County Annex 2401 S 35th St Tacoma, WA 98409 Pierce County Community Connections 3602 Pacific Ave Tacoma, WA 98418 Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities 6315 S 19th St Tacoma, WA 98466 Parkland/Spanaway Parkland/Spanaway Library 13718 Pacific Ave S Tacoma, WA 98444 Tacoma Dome Park and Ride 610 Puyallup Ave E Tacoma, WA 98421 Roy Y Park and Ride SR 507 and Pacific Ave S Spanaway, WA 98387 County-City Building 930 Tacoma Ave S Tacoma, WA 98402 (Outside 2nd Floor Entrance) Puyallup Puyallup Library 324 South Meridian Puyallup, WA 98371 South Hill Library 15420 Meridian E Puyallup, WA 98375 Steilacoom Steilacoom Library 2950 Steilacoom Blvd Steilacoom, WA 98388 University Place University Place Fire Department 3631 Drexler Dr W University Place, WA 98466 All drop boxes close at 8:00 p.m. on August 6, 2013. Maps, directions, and photos are available online: Voting Centers Open August 6th only 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Voting Centers are an extension of our main office. Services available: • Accessible voting using touch screen equipment. • Ballot drop off. • Provisional ballots. • Voting assistance from Election staff. • Voter registration. Gig Harbor Civic Center 3510 Grandview St Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Puyallup Library 324 South Meridian Puyallup, WA 98371 Pierce County Election Center 2501 S 35th St, Suite C Tacoma, WA, 98409 Clover Park Technical College Rotunda - Bldg 3 (Enter from Lakeview Ave SW) 4500 Steilacoom Blvd SW Lakewood, WA 98499 Pierce County Maintenance Facility (196th St and Canyon Rd) 4812 196th St E Spanaway, WA 98387 Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities (TACID) 6315 S 19th St Tacoma, WA 98466 • Bring photo ID. • If you want to vote on the accessible voting equipment, don't return your ballot. For more information on accessible voting in Pierce County, call us or visit our website: Center for Independence 253-582-1253 (voice) 800-724-8172 Hearing, Speech & Deafness Center 253-474-1748 (TTY) 253-292-2209 (videophone) 253-475-0782 (voice) Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities 253-565-9000 (voice) 711 (TTY) 5 Registering to Vote Not registered to vote? To register to vote in the state of Washington, you must be: • A citizen of the United States. • A legal resident of Washington state. • At least 18 years old by election day. • Not under the authority of the Department of Corrections. H How to register: • Online - • In person - Pierce County Elections Division, 2501 S 35th St, Suite C, Tacoma, WA 98409 • By mail - Call the Elections Division (253-798-VOTE) and we will mail you a form. Registration Deadlines: Primary Election • It's not too late to register in person for the Primary Election. In person deadline (new Washington voters only) July 29, 2013. General Election 6 • Online or mail October 7, 2013. • In person deadline (new Washington voters only) October 28, 2013. What can you vote on? 1. Review your voter registration card to identify your voting districts 1-8+-6;5:> ')9015/:65 &6:-8"-/19:8):165)8, 12/1/1936 ! $ 0036 29-555 WA005555 & *)336:=133*-4)13-,:6>6;-)+0-3-+:165 ! $ # # # " ! !##(%! MERRILL HESS !#&"$ 11023 12TH ST S $& TACOMA WA 98407-1199 2. Download the Pierce County MyVote App • Check your registration status. • View your sample ballot. • Find your nearest drop box or voting center. • Find out if we've received your ballot. 3. Visit our website and check Info By Address at 4. Helpful Staff • Under Voter Resources, click Info By Address. • Enter your address to find your district information, elected officials, and more. 253-798-VOTE (8683) or 800-446-4979 7 Pierce County MyVote App Pierce County MyVote is available on your mobile device. My Voter Registration My Elected Officials • Verify that you’re registered in Pierce County. • Change your voter registration. • Register to vote. • Find out who represents you. • Contact your representative. Ballot Boxes and Voting Centers My Voting History (Was my ballot received?) • Verify your ballot was received. • Find out if there is a problem, which prevents us from counting your ballot. • View your voting history. • Locate the ballot drop and voting center closest to you. • Pinpoint drop boxes on a map. • View photos of each drop box and voting center. My Sample Ballot • View a sample of the ballot you will be voting. Download the Pierce County MyVote App today! Get it on 8 Sample Ballot Instructions Port of Tacoma Nonpartisan Offices Use a pencil or blue ink pen to vote for one connect the arrow. No red ink. Vote for one choice in each contest. Write In If you make a mistake, call us at City of Auburn 253-798-VOTE (8683) for a replacement ballot. If unable to vote for one call, draw a line through the entire incorrect choice. You may make another selection. To vote for a write-in candidate, write the name and connect the arrow. Write In Who Donates to Campaigns? vote for one For a list of the people and organizations that donated to state and local candidates and ballot measure campaigns, visit Partisan Office Write In City of Bonney Lake READ: Each candidate for partisan office may state a political party that he or she prefers. A candidate’s vote for one preference does not imply that the candidate is nominated or endorsed by the party, or that the party approves of or associates with that candidate. 26th Legislative District Partisan Office Write In City of DuPont vote for one vote for one (Prefers Democratic Party) (Prefers Republican Party) Write In Write In 9 Sample Ballot Town of Eatonville City of Sumner vote for one vote for one Write In Write In City of Lakewood Town of Wilkeson vote for one vote for one Write In Puyallup School District No. 3 Write In City of Pacific vote for one vote for one Write In Peninsula School District No. 401 Write In vote for one vote for one Write In Write In Fife School District No. 417 vote for one Write In 10 Sample Ballot Fire Protection District No. 3 (West Pierce Fire & Rescue) Property Tax Levy for Maintenance and Operation Expenses The Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 3 (West Pierce Fire & Rescue) adopted Resolution No. 050113-004 concerning a proposition to finance maintenance and operation expenses. If approved, Proposition No. 1 will authorize the District to levy, without regard to the dollar rate and percentage limitations imposed by Ch. 84.52 RCW, a property tax upon all taxable property within the District of approximately: Levy Collection Approximate Levy Levy Year Year Rate Per $1,000 of Amount Assessed Value 2013 2014 2014 2015 $1.60 $1.60 $11,174,138 $11,174,138 to be used for maintenance and operations and to maintain the current level of fire and emergency medical services, all as provided in Resolution No. 050113-004. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved? Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 27 vote for one Write In Peninsula Metropolitan Park District vote for one Write In 11 Primary Election FAQ's PER PER Trim FF Pierce Co Instruction Score 1 Use a pe Vote for What is a Primary Election? core 2 RunDate: 06/05/2013 08 42 Why is the 26th Legislative District, State Senator position being voted on this year? Who votes for this office? st 6, 2013 hington s e arrow. one choic Port of Ta coma Nonpartisa n Offices e ink pen to No red ink . e in each vote for on e contest. If you ma ke a mista ke, call us 253-798-V at OTE (8683 ) for a replacem ent ballo t. If unab le to call, draw a line thr ough the entire inc orrect ch oice. You make anoth may er selectio n. PIERCE • A primary election is conducted when three or more candidates file for office. • The purpose of a primary is to reduce the field of candidates. • The top two vote getters will advance to the general election. Type: 1003 llot – Augu unty, Was ncil or blu connect th 02-106 ection Ba to Campaig Town of Eatonville vote for on e ns? Score For a list of the pe ople and izations tha organt donated to state an local cand d idates an d ballot me campaigns asure , visit ww w.pdc.wa.g ov. Write In • State law requires an election to be held this year to elect a person to fill this vacant seat. • This is a partisan office, state law requires this race to appear on the primary and general election ballot even though only two candidates filed. • Only voters living in the 26th Legislative District will vote on this issue. Where are all the candidates for the City of Tacoma? • In 2013, there are no primary elections in the City of Tacoma, because only one or two candidates filed for each office. • All City of Tacoma candidates will appear on the General Election ballot and appear in the 2013 General Election Voters' Pamphlet. 12 Score Write In To vote for a write-in candidate, write the name an d connec arrow. t the Who Dona tes O t Precinct: Primary El 106 • Nonpartisan primary elections are held in races where three or more candidates file for office. • Races with two or less candidates will be on the general election ballot. • This is why many voters will only be voting on a few offices or issues in the primary. Í*#!Î 02 1-1003 Why does the ballot only contain a few races? 26th Legislative District, State Senator Nathan Schlicher Jan Angel (Prefers Democratic Party) (Prefers Republican Party) Elected Experience: State Senator, 2013 - Present. Elected Experience: State Representative 2009–present, County Commissioner 2001–2008 _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Owner, Schlicher Physician Services, LLC; Emergency Medicine Doctor, St. Joseph’s Medical Center; Associate Director, TeamHealth Patient Safety Organization; Attorney Of Counsel, JGKMW; Editor, Emergency Medicine Advocacy Handbook. Education: Central Kitsap High Graduate; Pacific Lutheran University (BA); University of Washington School of Law (JD) and School of Medicine (MD). Community Service: Legislative Chair, Washington Chapter American College of Emergency Physicians, led reforms saving $30 million a year; Leadership in Excellence Award, AMA; 911 Network Advocate of the Year, ACEP; Guardian of Emergency Medicine, WA-ACEP; Eagle Scout; Member, Gig Harbor UMC; former Lay Leader and Lay Preacher Bryn Mawr UMC. Statement: My top priority is putting people back to work and getting past this stubborn recession. Traditionally, we’ve had strong leadership on the Peninsula. Derek Kilmer and Norm Dicks were champions for creating jobs. I’ll keep that track record going and I’m proud to have their support. As we continue to do this work, I’m concerned about partisan gridlock in Olympia. I saw too much bickering in my first year in the senate and I know we can do better. I promise to focus on commonsense solutions and getting things done. I believe Olympia must use your tax dollars wisely. That’s why I rejected pay during special session. Legislators shouldn’t be rewarded when they can’t finish their work on time. With three kids who’ll soon attend public school, I have a personal stake in education. We must prepare our children to compete in the global economy. I will also take my experience as an ER doctor and work to make healthcare more affordable and accessible. I’m a proud Bremerton native currently living in Gig Harbor with my wife and children. And with your support, we can send commonsense, results driven leadership to Olympia. It’d be an honor to earn your vote. For More Information: (253) 509-8880 _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: 30+ years business: Commercial banker, co-owned property/ casualty insurance company, CFO, construction/liaison mgt./IBEW union, business owner/locations Kitsap/ Pierce, Realtor, Mortgage banker, Managed $330M county budget, 1,200 employees, 16 bargaining unions. Education: Council of State Governments Western Legislative Academy graduate, NYU County Leadership Institute graduate, WA. Association of Counties/WSU Certified Public Official graduate, attended University of Alaska, CSU, Southern Colorado State College, Business Administration/banking. Community Service: Rotary, Chamber of Commerce: past President/13 yr. board member/Port Orchard, current board/Gig Harbor, member/Bremerton. Numerous regional, state, national boards, and awards. Statement: In Olympia, I am working hard to create a better environment for you and your family, small business, local governments and strengthening our state economy. In order to grow our economy, we must strengthen small business so they can create and retain jobs. I have a proven record of working across the aisle to get things done. I remain committed to Education and continue to fight to “fund education first”, taking the politics out of education funding. I believe our education system must be transparent and accountable, as government must also be. It is our obligation to well educate all our children and grandchildren so they can compete in this global economy. I have always believed in living within my means. I am committed to making sure our state government does that as well. Government can do more with less of your hard earned money through careful auditing, better prioritization and creative solutions. Together, we can govern with fairness and efficiency to ensure we are responsive in meeting the needs of our citizens. I will continue to fight for accountability, efficiency and transparency - things you should expect from your government. Jan Angel For More Information: (360) 519-3049 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 13 continued Port of Tacoma - Commissioner, Position No. 1 Eric Holdeman Connie Bacon Elected Experience: None Elected Experience: Commissioner, Port of Tacoma, 16 years. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Director, PNWER’s Center for Regional Disaster Resilience; Former Director of Security, Port of Tacoma; Former Director, King County Office of Emergency Management; Retired, U.S. Army Infantry Officer Education: BA in Education from Concordia University; Emergency Management Professional Development Series Graduate Community Service: President, WA State Emergency Management Association; Advisory Board Member, UW Master Infrastructure Planning & Management Program of Instruction; Former Pierce County Board Member, Mount Rainier Chapter of the American Red Cross Statement: Eric Holdeman is an expert in port safety and security, a small business owner and veteran of the U.S. Army. He is a nationally recognized expert in disaster preparedness, and writes for Emergency Management Magazine. He is also the Director for the Pacific Northwest Economic Region’s (PNWER) Center for Regional Disaster Resilience, working to protect the economic wellbeing of the Northwest. The Port of Tacoma plays a major role in our region’s economy, helping to generate tens of thousands of family wage jobs. Unfortunately, this is at risk because of poor decision making by port leadership. Much of the port’s infrastructure is outdated. One terminal has the oldest cranes on the West Coast. A $700 million port expansion was mismanaged. Eric supports a “back to basics” approach to port management: preventive maintenance, more careful budgeting and better-planned expansions to the port. Additionally, the port has seen deaths and serious injuries in recent months; safety is another priority for Eric. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Washington State Economic Development Commission, 6 years; Executive Director, World Trade Center Tacoma, 5 years; Special Assistant to Governor Booth Gardner, 8 years; Corporate PR Director, now Multicare Medical Center, 5 years; Center for Urban Waters Board, 5 years; Co-Chair, Water Partners of Tacoma, 3 years; Transportation Club, 15 years; Propeller Club, 15 years; Senior Fellow, American Leadership Forum. Education: Bachelor Economics/Journalism, Syracuse University; Masters Public Administration, Evergreen State College. Community Service: Tacoma/Pierce County Chamber Board; Asia/Pacific Cultural Center Board; Advisory Board, Pacific Lutheran University School of Business; Bates Technical College Presidential Search Committee; UWT Advisor. Statement: For the past 16 years, Connie Bacon has served with distinction as a Port of Tacoma Commissioner. Her experience and dedication to the long-term economic viability of the Port is unmatched. Community, business and labor leaders agree - Connie Bacon deserves our support for reelection as Port of Tacoma Commissioner. Connie Bacon has fought hard to revitalize and modernize the Port. Together with her fellow Port Commissioners, Connie led the Port through the economic crisis by strategically and successfully finding new trade partners and developing a ten-year plan with the specific strategies we need for sustained, economic growth at the Port. We now have expanded shipping lines and cutting edge marketing strategies, while at the same time we have implemented aggressive efforts to protect and enhance our environment. Eric and his wife Mary have two grown children and four grandchildren. The couple has lived in Puyallup for 25 years and they are active in their church. Eric enjoys gardening. Both love spending time with their children and grandchildren. Connie Bacon has earned our support because of her unparalleled record of accomplishment, her fiscal responsibility and her tireless work for our community. For More Information: (253) 848-5095 For More Information: (253) 584-1433 14 Let's keep Connie Bacon working to bring new jobs to the Port by expanding our trading opportunities in an increasingly complex and competitive global marketplace. Please support Connie Bacon - she has the experience, leadership, and commitment we need now more than ever. Thank you. The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Port of Tacoma - Commissioner, Position No. 1 Andre (Doctor Dre) Young _________________________________ Elected Experience: None Other Professional Experience: Business Owner: Toyi Toyi Enterprises, Inc., a Maritime Cargo Shipping & Vessel Services; Imara Kijana Enterprises, Inc., an Export and Import Business; Imprisoned Citizens Advocacy Unlimited, Inc. Education: BA in Political Science, University of Puget Sound Community Service: Tacoma Pierce County Black Collective; Board Member, House of Scott Funeral Services; National Association for the Advance of Colored People; The Facts Newspaper Statement: The Port of Tacoma does not have what it should in the way of Commissioners, to provide the necessary creativity for a diverse community. The Commissioners overall approach does not align themselves with the community colleges, vocational schools, and universities toward developing new careers. There are no training programs or seminars pertaining to international trade and the maritime business. The Port of Tacoma Commissioners should be about outreach to all sectors of our community where those alluded to people would be seen and their voices would be heard. The Port of Tacoma should have an economic development policy and plan for training in Marine Cargo Shipping & Vessel Services, Maritime Professional Apprenticeship Programs and Export & Import Vocational Training Programs aligned with Africa, Central and South America. In which this type of innovation will enhance employment in the Maritime professionals for licensed captains, chief engineers, assistant engineers, senior officers, junior officers, cooks, chefs, wipers, oilers, and watch keepers to man its personally owned shipping vessels carrying cargo to international destinations. Today, almost all finished and semi-finished goods are shipped internationally within containers because of the numerous ports located along the Pacific coastal waterways. Thank you for your vote. For More Information: (253) 209-5494 Dave Dormier _________________________________ Elected Experience: I have years 23 years of experience working with elected officials and federal, state and local regulatory bureaucrats. This includes planning, permitting, environmental assessment, and engineering of industrial and commercial business projects throughout Washington State to grow jobs. Other Professional Experience: 23-year career as a registered Professional Civil Engineer in the State of Washington for Industrial and Commercial businesses, Port lease projects, Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Union Pacific Railroad expansions, environmental restoration and shoreline improvements. Education: University of Idaho, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Community Service: 15 years 4H equine and dog leadership, Boys and Girls Club, PTA, Coaching, Youth Ministries, Church Board Member. Statement: The Port of Tacoma is the Crown Jewel in our trade capability. With the only Ship to Rail facility on the west coast, it can generate new jobs and revenues for Pierce County that could offset taxes. Major efficiency issues in transportation at the Port of Tacoma if left unaddressed will allow jobs to disappear. Completion of the Panama Canal Expansion will attract Asia-Pacific shippers to move container traffic to Gulf and eastern US ports. The only way to gain container traffic is to solve the limited railyard and highway capacity issues that currently exist. My plan is to keep and grow jobs in Pierce County by expanding rail and highway capacity. I’ll champion the Puget Sound Gateway project to make highway 167 a commerce corridor, and push for Railroad freight efficiency through a proposal for an offsite railyard staging facility. I will fight to end the Federal government harbor maintenance tax. Canada’s Port Rupert was designed as a new “ship to rail” port to flow freight across Canada for delivery to the USA to avoid this taxation. This Tax makes the Port uncompetitive with Canada . Dave Dormier will provide Effective Leadership for More Jobs, More Revenue, and Lower Taxes For More Information: (206) 745-2477 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 15 continued Auburn - Mayor Scot Pondelick _________________________________ Elected Experience: Member of: King County Veterans Advisory Board (Subcommittees: Programs and Finance) and Washington Diversity and Veterans Foundation (Executive Board Member). Other Professional Experience: U.S. Army veteran Scot Pondelick is running for Auburn Mayor. After graduating from Auburn Riverside High School and Green River Community College, Pondelick joined the Army and trained to become an Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician. After eight years of service and three deployments to Iraq, Pondelick has returned to Auburn with fresh ideas for rebuilding our community. Education: No information submitted Community Service: Involvements: Co-founder and Fundraising Chair of the South King County Veterans Stand Down and Resources Fair and Auburn VFW Service Officer. Statement: My name is Scot Pondelick and I was born and raised in Auburn. When I was 18, I joined the Army and devoted myself to serving our country. Since I’ve been out of the Army, I have devoted myself to my hometown. Growing up in Auburn, I always felt we had a great sense of community and I want to ensure that sentiment is not lost. Auburn is growing but we need to manage that growth properly. We need to establish diversity and a proper balance of businesses and homes. That includes ensuring that our roadways and infrastructures are properly maintained. By sustaining and improving our infrastructure, we can restore our path to real economic growth. Auburn’s future depends on living within its means. We need to limit government waste by effectively using all funds in a manner that benefits our city and our citizens the most. Auburn cannot allow government owned businesses that continue to lose money without facing consequences. With all of us working together, we can regain that sense of community I remember as a kid. It’s not just about living in Auburn; it’s about becoming involved and coming together to achieve common goals. For More Information: (253) 569-3879 16 John T. Partridge _________________________________ Elected Experience: Auburn City Councilmember since 2010 (Finance Chair); Sound Cities Association – Member; Association of Washington Cities – Member; King County Regional Law Safety Justice – Member (2013 Chair); National League of Cities Public Safety Crime Prevention – Member Other Professional Experience: Eighteen years of small business ownership and operation experience: Partridge Insurance Agency. Education: Auburn Senior High School, 1982; Multnomah Bible College, Bachelor of Science, 1997 Community Service: Auburn Fire and Police – Chaplain 1997-2004; Auburn Noon Lions Club – Member 2002-2012 (Past President); Auburn High School PTSA – Founders Award and Charter Treasurer; Backstretch Chapel - Board Member; Sons of Italy Lodge #1955 – Member Statement: John Partridge is Auburn’s mayoral candidate for change. Four years ago, voters elected him to do a job and he did it. His record as a city councilmember is clear; he brought fresh perspectives, accountability and balance to city government. Listening to the public and hearing all the facts, John stood alone and voted to maintain our local municipal court. When the city faced sizeable increases to a contract with King County for diminished animal control services, it was John Partridge who led the effort to forge partnerships creating the Auburn Valley Humane Society. This work created jobs, resulted in better services, reduced operational costs and opened a premium animal shelter that was recently dedicated on A Street. John’s priorities are: Safety of our families and community; Secure funding for roads and walkways; Making sure your voice is heard. His vision is to see Auburn continue to emerge as a destination for families and businesses. John inspires involvement in the policy making process and assures that your priorities are considered. A vote for John Partridge is a vote for a better future for our community and its children. John is endorsed by your Valley Professional Firefighters. For More Information: (253) 350-4922 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Auburn - Mayor Nancy Backus _________________________________ Elected Experience: 10 years Auburn City Council - past 2 years as Deputy Mayor - elected unanimously by the entire council; boardmember Valley Regional Fire Authority Other Professional Experience: 24 years of experience and solid leadership performance in both Finance and Employee Benefits at The Boeing Company. Education: Graduate: Auburn High School; Green River Community College (A.A. in Business); and City University (B.S. in Accounting); also Graduate of Leadership Institute of South Puget Sound and Dale Carnegie Leadership Advantage Program. Community Service: 33 years leadership with Miss Auburn Scholarship Program, participant: Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk; American Cancer Society Relay For Life; Washington Elementary School PTA President, Statement: I am proud to be endorsed by IAM Local 751 and Seattle King County Realtors! Being Mayor of Auburn is similar to being the CEO of a corporation with a $250 million budget and 350+ employees. We’ve all faced some difficult economic times over the past few years, and we need leadership that understands finances as we emerge and thrive. Auburn deserves a Mayor that has experience, vision, passion and courage to lead – willing to listen to differing opinions and make informed decisions . I am that leader! Lost or damaged ballot? Spilled coffee on your ballot? Threw it out with the recycling? Never received it? If you need a replacement, contact Pierce County Elections. You can call, email, or visit our website to request another ballot. Requests for replacement ballots are processed daily. Don’t wait until the last minute! Jobs : Economic development’s critical to a city’s success; I will continue to focus on attracting and retaining the right kind of business to Auburn. Roads: Our roads need repairs, yet funding isn’t readily available. Creative options must be identified and developed to save and improve our streets. Safety: Our police do a great job, but we need more than 100 for a city of 72,000. I’ll work to find appropriate funding sources. My years of City Council experience and at Boeing, and my dedication to the people of Auburn make me uniquely qualified to be your next Mayor! I'm asking for your vote to continue moving Auburn forward - together! Pierce County Elections: For More Information: (206) 459-9680 253-798-VOTE (8683) or 800-446-4979 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 17 continued Auburn - Council, Position No. 4 Frank Lonergan Yolanda Trout Elected Experience: City Council Member Snoqualmie, WA Dec 1997 to Dec 2001; Treasurer North West Locksmith Association Jan 2006 to Present. Elected Experience: Appointed, Auburn Planning Commissioner; Appointed, Governor Locke Early Learning Foundation Commissioner. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Eight years active duty US Navy with Ship Board, Air Field and Structural Firefighting training; Retired US Air Force Reserve; Lock Security Technician, White Knight Safe & Lock; Reserve Police Officer Education: AA Electronic Systems Technology Mount Hood Community College, Gresham, OR; Certificate of completion, Association of Washington Cities for AWC’s Certified Municipal Leadership training program November, 2001 Community Service: Director Kiwanis of the Valley, Conductor Auburn Eagles 2298; Provide emergency rekey for domestic violence victims Statement: As an elected official it is not my place to tell you what you need and are going to get, but to listen to what your wants and needs are and get the city to that point. As an elected official it is my duty to make tough financial decisions that promote a safe and healthy environment for you to raise your families and live in peace. It is my job to make sure you have streets that are drivable, parks that are safe, attractive and inviting and to make it convenient and attractive for you to support local business. It is my responsibility to do this in a way that doesn’t add more and more tax burden to you the citizen. I pledge to you that I will constantly work to those goals. I am a person who is stifled by the restraints of a box so I tend to think and work outside the box whenever and where ever possible. Signing our issues away to another entity such as King County is not the answer to tough problems, it is a surrender. It is always better to keep local control over our issues and programs, at reasonable costs. For More Information: (253) 261-8302 18 _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Small Business Owner: Bilingual Pre-School Childcare; Founder of Concern Citizen of Highway SR12; Lobby for safety, widening a highway on the eastside of the State. Worked with State of Washington's DOT to bring first "Please Don't Drink and Drive" signs where my brother was killed. Education: Graduated: Walla Walla High School/ Walla Walla Community College with a Early Education Degree Community Service: Auburn Noon Lion's; Auburn School District , Committee for Equity and Excellent; Auburn Veterans Parade Chair; Federal Way AmeriCorps; C.E.R.T'S, Community Emergency Reponses Team Statement: I'm the 9th child of 18 born to Miguel and Emma Cortinas, migrant farm workers in Walla Walla, WA coming from a large family I learn to give back. I am running for City Counicl Position 4 because I want to ensure that everyone in Auburn has an equal opportunity to be heard and served. I share the same concerns as many Auburn Citizens about education, economic development, jobs, public safety, and declining road conditions. I won't just talk about these issues, I will do something about them. I have a history of getting things done on the eastside of the mountains and here in our local community and with the help from my neighbors we had cameras install for a park being used for drug activities, and activated a block watch network in our neighborhood. My reputation as a hard worker and relentless advocate for education and safer neighborhoods are just a few of the attributes I offer for my role in City Counical. I will work hard for Auburn because I believe that together we can open the line of commuication between state, federal and city governments to ensure Auburn continues to be "more that we imagined. " For More Information: (253) 939-5707 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Auburn - Council, Position No. 4 Thomas Sauers _________________________________ Elected Experience: No information submitted Other Professional Experience: Business management skills and training, leadership and teamwork. Managing and coaching. Instructor in Martial Arts. Automotive trained technician. Education: Business Management Degree, Green River Community College. High School Diploma, Kent Meridian Senior High. Automotive Training, Green River Community College and Renton Vocational Technical Institute. Electronics, Highline Community College and Criminal law, Green River Community College. Who donates to campaigns? View contributors for candidates and measures. Public Disclosure Commission Toll Free (877) 601-2828 Community Service: I volunteer as Vice President and Sr/Jr Director of Sound View Little league and manage/ coach the 50/70 baseball team. Volunteer as Vice President and Ethic Chairperson of Norpoint Soccer Association and coach. Watchdog for Browns Point Elementary School from January 2009 to June 2010. Statement: "Voice of the People for the People" No more promises, no more lies, no more excuses, time for change! Leadership you can trust, works well with others, believes in moral and ethical values and principals. I care deeply about our community and have become increasingly concerned about the direction our city is heading with our current leadership. I have resided in Auburn for 14+ years and is a local to the State of Washington for 44 years. I am an accomplished service technician with 20+ years of service and experience in the automotive field and have provided high excellence of customer service. I consult with clients on the purchase of new or used vehicles. I understand business from an owner's perspective. I provide great quality of leadership in my managing, coaching and instructing skills. I am continuously working on improving my management skills regularly through training. As your Auburn City Council Member, I will advocate to make our streets safer, work with local banks, credit unions and financial institutions to provide affordable loans, attract more businesses to create more local jobs and work with the citizens, businesses and city officials to make Auburn the #1 city in the State! For More Information: (253) 229-7609 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 19 continued Bonney Lake - Mayor Neil Johnson _________________________________ Elected Experience: Mayor 2006 to present; City Council 2002-2005; Advanced Certified Municipal Leader, Leadership Training National League of Cities; Other Professional Experience: Currently Sales Manager, Rotary Offset Press; 26 years experience in advertising, both retail and print. I have owned various types of retail businesses - Furniture, Espresso and Hydro-seeding. Education: General Business Administration Community Service: BLS L.L Girls Fast Pitch 20012008&2013. Sumner Soccer Club 1998-2004; 2012-present Girls basketball 2000-2005. Beautify Bonney Lake 2004-20013; Kiwanis and Lions; BL Days 2003 – 2013. Chamber of Commerce 2004 and 2005 Statement: We have come a long way in building a strong community, so let’s stay the course to complete what we have started. My theme has always been “Think Bonney Lake First”, and everything I have tried to do is with the best interests of the community in mind. Since becoming your Mayor in November 2005, we have been successful in securing $3.0 million in grants for the City. James Rackley _________________________________ Elected Experience: Bonney Lake Council Member, 14 Years Other Professional Experience: Rainier Communications Commission; Puyallup River Watershead Council Education: University of Puget Sound Accounting/Economics; Class of 1978 Community Service: Member Butify Bonney Lake, Since Inception Statement: Aprils “MPD” ballot measure was a complete waste of thousands of dollars. I lay this at the feet of the Mayor and deputy Mayor for convincing the council that it had enough support and backing of the citizens to pass. With less of 1/3 of the voters even interested in voting and defeated by over 80% this had neither. If the Mayor doesn’t k now this city better than this he shouldn’t be reelected. I will lead this city back to what we should be doing, not what the Mayor wishes he could do. I ask for your support and your vote. During this time, I have worked with the council to create a long-term vision and an atmosphere of “team”. The city continues to achieve stability among staff in all departments keeping costs down, which allows us to focus on long term planning, planning for growth, continued efficient and effective public safety, improvement of our local lakes, parks, and implementing the sidewalk, streetlight and downtown plans. Over the last number of years, we have been able to work with council in bringing a much needed Good Sam health complex, the soon to be completed Franciscan complex, and improvements to the Eastown and Midtown areas. In addition, we continue to work on improving current parks and look for other opportunities to acquire open space for future recreation needs in the Bonney Lake area. For More Information: (253) 863-3812 20 For More Information: (253) 862-5326 jmrackley@AOL.COM The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Bonney Lake - Mayor Mike Munson _________________________________ Elected Experience: No information submitted Other Professional Experience: I have been self-employed for the past 16 years working in the construction industry. Education: Sumner Senior High Community Service: No information submitted Statement: My concerns for the city revolve around one simple principle: Doing what’s right for the citizens of the City. In order to do so, I will increase government accountability not only fiscally, but ethically too. The City of Bonney Lake has made some very costly mistakes in the past due to some shortsighted perspectives. I would like to minimize these errors that limit funding for programs that could truly benefit our citizens and eliminate frivolous spending. Essentially, we need to enact a “No Excuses” policy in the City. Return your ballot early! Why? Why? • Your vote will be included in the first tabulation of results. • Why take the chance your ballot will be received too late and not counted? • We’ll have more time to connect with you if we have any difficulty verifying your signature. You can return your ballot through the mail or at a ballot deposit site as early as the day you receive it! For More Information: (253) 255-5432 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 21 continued DuPont - Council, Position No. 3 Laurie Fait Michael Gorski Elected Experience: Appointed to Pierce County Conservation Futures Citizens' Advisory Board in 2012. Since 2009 I have served on Sequalitchew Creek Watershed Council. Elected Experience: Proudly none! _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Legislative Coordinator with Washington State Department of Health, Office of Radiation Protection. Served as Outreach Coordinator during statewide H1N1 Pandemic Emergency Response. Education: Paralegal studies, Highline Community College and Edmonds Community College. Professional certifications in Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program, Camp Murray, and Public Health Informatics, Bellevue College. Community Service: A founding member of Take Back DuPont, a citizens group working together for a better community. Powderworks Park patrol. Puyallup High School Alumni Association. Statement: DuPont is a great place to live, work and play. We're blessed with beautiful surroundings, a wellplanned community and a rich history. But I believe our city is at a significant crossroad. Due to bad budget decisions in the past, our city cannot pay its bills and basic services have been cut too much to compensate. Our community lacks critical emergency response services which leaves citizens in jeapordy. We don't have enough police protection for a city of our size. We must create an environment where businesses can flourish and succeed. Because of these and other issues facing the city, citizens have lost faith in leadership. I think it's time for a change that brings new faces to city council. With your support and vote I believe I can be an agent for change and bring solutions that are needed for DuPont. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: 10 years experience in Technical Program Management at Intel and Microsoft; 18 years in Quality Engineering, all at Fortune 500 corporations; 6 years as Consulting engineer specializing in advanced statistical tolerance modeling and lean engineering. Education: BS - Mechanical Engineering; Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan Community Service: Junior Achievement Mathematics Tutor 2003; Treasurer Intel DuPont Golf League at the Home Course 2005-2010; Proprietor of 2008-2012; Community Blogger for Seattle Post-Intelligencer 2008-2013; Co-Chairman of Against Committee for 2012 DuPont Prop 1 Statement: More than a decade ago the citizens of DuPont passed the first EMS levy, and have renewed that levy at every opportunity, yet we still do not have reliable medical transport. The citizens need a clear understanding why the funds we provide are not sufficient to provide the service we expect. My primary focus as a councilman will be to resolve this issue with clarity and finality. The citizens of DuPont are wise, participating in community programs and the government process. Whether it is through voting, survey responses, or direct contact with city hall, DuPont citizens provide feedback. That feedback appears to go largely ignored or misunderstood by our elected representatives. City council must communicate with the community it represents. I will do so effectively and without pretense. DuPont City Council needs to reaffirm our vision with quantifiable actions that address issues with the funding and staffing of our core services, our approach to stewardship of both natural and manmade resources, and our execution and timeliness on problem resolution. DuPont is a great place to live because of its citizens and they deserve a council that not only acknowledges their voice but acts decisively to resolve community issues. For More Information: (253) 441-1421 22 For More Information: (253) 306-4163 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. DuPont - Council, Position No. 3 John Ehrenreich _________________________________ Elected Experience: 2004 to present, DuPont City Councilmember Other Professional Experience: Forest Economist at Washington Forest Protection Association; Treasurer and Policy Chair, Society of American Foresters; Past President, Western Forest Economists Education: Advanced Certified Municipal Leader, Association of Washington Cities; BS Business Economics and MS Forest Economics, University of Idaho Community Service: Lowered DuPont Retail Sales Tax by six-tenths of a percentage point as city delegate to Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area boundary review; lobbied state to obtain funding for historic preservation and proposed skatepark; DuPont Tree Board; last two DuPont EMS levy propositions; school bond and M&O levies; Past President, Bay Colony Condominiums; AWC Nominating Committee Statement: I would appreciate your vote for re-election. DuPont has nearly tripled in size since I first joined the City Council in 2004, and it remains a great place to live, work and play. While nearly all the credit goes to the citizens themselves, the city has played an important role. The city delivers targeted, effective and efficient services. As a result, we have the lowest tax rates in the area. Even if the recent levy had passed, we would still have tax rates significantly below average. Write-ins Think twice. A write-in line is provided on your ballot for each race regardless of the number of candidates. You have the option to write in the name of a candidate not on the ballot. Frivolous write-ins, such as Mickey Mouse, result in additional work and expenses to process. You do not need to make a selection in every race for your votes to count. Write-in votes are not tallied by name unless the total number of write-in votes could make a difference in the results of the election. Mistakes have been made. But I have listened and learned, and I have some great thoughts about the future of our beautiful city. I would like to bring to the citizens some proposals regarding city trees, public transportation, ambulance service, and others. The Sequalitchew Creek restoration efforts will need unbiased and thoughtful attention. Now is not the time to listen to the negative elements or polarizing figures that would take our city backwards. We continue to need a City Council that will work as a team to solve our problems, with respect for each other and our fellow citizens, even when we disagree. We need to take DuPont forward. Re-elect John in 2013! h Write In Mich For More Information: (253) 964-9042 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 23 continued Eatonville - Mayor Gordon B. Bowman Mike Schaub Elected Experience: Eatonville Town Council 2009-present, Chairman Public Safety Committee Elected Experience: Six years as elected Town Treasurer _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Administrator Christian Life Church and School 1975-1989, Pastor Eatonville Christian Fellowship 1989-present Education: Graduated 1972 from Western Washington University with a BA in Education and a BS in History Community Service: 23 years Pastor Eatonville Christian Fellowship, 20 years volunteer firefighter/EMT/chaplain for Eatonville Fire Department, 18 years volunteer chaplain Pierce County Sheriff's Department, 23 years substitute teacher Eatonville School District, 13 years Summer School teacher Eatonville School Distirct Statement: I believe in a common sense approach to government. We can not spend money we do not have. The mayor and the town council must work together to maintain the high quality services we have, while at the same time live within our current economic reality. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: 19 years state government experience. 9 years with the Department of Revenue working with excise taxes. The last 10 years working with the Office of Financial Management in state accounting and financial management. Education: AA Degree - Business & Accounting - Pierce College; BA Degree - Business Administration/Finance - Pacific Lutheran University; Additional accounting coursework - Saint Martin's University Community Service: 11 years coaching AAU and high school girls basketball. Worked with the Save the Roxy Committee to help the local historic theater go digital. Statement: Our small town atmosphere and community are important cornerstones to our town. In the last six years as Town Treasurer I have seen the financial health of our community deteriorate with little focus on improving it. I feel it is time to utilize my experience and background to help make a difference in our government and community. It is time to look at what services our town government provides and find the most efficient and transparent manner to provide them. My number one goal is to improve and strengthen the Town’s financial health. As a government, we have some very difficult discussions ahead of us, with the Town’s financial health at the heart of it. I have observed a breakdown in the communications with our community and also between the town and council. My education and work experience in governmental accounting and financial management give me the skills necessary to put Eatonville back on the right path. I have nineteen years experience in state government, which includes nine years working in government operations and the last ten years working in state accounting and financial management. I believe my leadership and experience will help improve the community’s trust in our government. For More Information: (360) 832-3479 24 For More Information: (253) 832-4455 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Eatonville - Mayor James R. Valentine Carl (Bud) Lucas Elected Experience: Six years Eatonville Town Council; Two Years Association of Washington Board of Directors Elected Experience: None _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Four years Eatonville Planning Commission; Director of Parks and Recreation, Fircrest, Washington;Town Administrator, Fircrest, Washington; Chairman Eatonville Finance Committee; Chairman Eatonville Legislative Committee Education: Gaston Technical College; Central Oregon Community College; Central Washington State College Community Service: Animal Control Eatonville; South Pierce Historical Society Statement: I have served Eatonville as your councilmember for almost six years and four years as a Planning Commissioner. I want to be your next Mayor and I want your vote. You have an opportunity to select the right person to lead our town into a new unified beginning. I have the experience and a plan to meet the many challenges facing Eatonville in many community wide concerns. Here are a few points that I will make fundamental as your Mayor. Control spending and establish fiscal accountability. Improve public safety. Initiate community planning. Improve delivery of public services. Implement open door policy in the Mayors office. Promote transparency in government. Implement an efficient and cost effective administration. I have twenty five years of town government experience and with your vote and support will effectively accomplish these goals. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Tacoma Fire Department 28 years, Assistant Chief and Firefighter/Paramedic; Contractor; Olsen Brothers Drywall and Painting, Foreman Education: Tacoma Community College, Paramedic Certification; Bates Vocational-Technical School, Apprenticeship Program Community Service: Eatonville Fire Department, Volunteer Chief; Eatonville Public Safety Committee; Eatonville Economic Development Committee; Eatonville School District Levy Committee, Media Chair; Cruiser Boosters, Chair; Eatonville High School Senior Surprise, Chair; Eatonville Elementary School, PTO President; Eatonville Visitors Center; Evergreen Presbyterian Church, Elder; St. Joseph Hospital Firefighters' Burn Center, Chair; Habitat for Humanity; Lions Club Statement: As a retired administrator with the City of Tacoma, I believe my record of innovation and fiscal responsibility would be instrumental in Eatonville's ability to continue providing vital services to its residents. At Tacoma Fire I instituted the first department-run accredited paramedic school in the nation, eliminating the cost of out-sourced training. I managed a new 1.2 million dollar fire station construction project on budget, and passed federal Medicare and Washington State audits. These experiences equipped me, in 2008, to develop Eatonville's current full-time paid and volunteer Advanced Life Support Fire Department, and build the fire station addition at a cost of 25% of real value. The Fire Department operated under budget during my 3 1/2 years as Chief. I believe all departments should be operating within their allocated budgets, which has not always been the case. During my 34 years in the community I've had the pleasure of contributing in many capacities and have attended Council meetings for the past five years. Being retired, I can commit the time and effort necessary to the office of Mayor. I believe my record of problem-solving and fiscal responsibility make me uniquely qualified to protect the best interests of the community. For More Information: (253) 279-8834 For More Information: (360) 832-6256 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 25 continued Lakewood - Council, Position No. 5 Bryan L. Thomas _________________________________ Elected Experience: Has been appointed by the Lakewood City Council to the Public Safety Advisory Committee. Other Professional Experience: Bryan has a rich mix of business development, operations, and budgeting experience in the aviation industry. He is an experienced leader and manager of contracts up to $1.5 million. Education: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Human Resource and Organizational Management; Enrolled in Masters of Arts in Organizational Management, graduation 9/2013. Community Service: Bryan currently serves the community as chairperson of the Public Safety Advisory Committee; Police Officer Interview Panel; Member of Communities in Schools; Community Emergency Response Team and serves on Little Church on the Prairie’s Board of Deacons. Statement: I will bring the current City Council fresh ideas from a new perspective and see the Council more precisely reflect our community’s diversity. As a longtime resident of Lakewood, I am inspired by the progress made towards making Lakewood a world-class city. I will use the established momentum for continued economic growth that accommodates all citizens. I have a strong desire to see community safety issues enhanced and feel we need more programs made available for homeless and lower-income families. As a parent of two school-age Clover Park School District students, I will support expanded programs and recreational activities for our youth. Bryan and his wife have three children. For More Information: (253) 380-7164 26 John Simpson _________________________________ Elected Experience: Faculty President, Pierce College, 1998 Other Professional Experience: History Professor, Pierce College; Journalist, Ranger Newspaper Education: Central Michigan University, BA, History; Pacific Lutheran University, MA, History Community Service: Lakewood City Council, pro tempore, 2003; Lakewood Redevelopment Advisory Board, 1999 - 2003; LESA Board, 2003 - 2006; Lakewood Chamber of Commerce; Lakewood Historical Society Statement: I seek to serve on the Lakewood City Council. A history professor at Pierce College, I have worked with students – Lakewood’s future - for 23 years. I serve on the College Cabinet with administration officials in writing policies and balancing multi-million dollar budgets. My sense of service led me to become a Lakewood City Council member (pro tempore) in 2003. I worked for economic growth, public safety, parks and recreation, education, and cooperation with the area’s military neighbors. From 1999 to 2003 I served on Lakewood’s Redevelopment Advisory Board. That group worked for sustained economic growth. From 2003 thru 2006 I served on the Law Enforcement Support Agency (LESA) Board to highlight Lakewood’s law enforcement needs. I served as an airman and officer for 21 years in the Air Force Reserve. My service focused on worldwide movements of military assets. I have the experience and common sense to serve effectively on the City Council. Economic growth, protecting our citizens, good relations with the military, recreation and education for our children are my motivation. A friend once said, “A city is as good as the citizens willing to hold elected office.” I ask for your vote. Thank you. For More Information: (253) 414-4678 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Lakewood - Council, Position No. 5 Ria J. Johnson Don Daniels Elected Experience: I have a history in public service and am now seeking elected office. Elected Experience: No information submitted _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Kids at Hope NW. Federal Grant under The Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Coalition. The Tacoma Urban League. Allen Realtors and Mercedes-Benz PT Assistant Education: Steilacoom High School. Graduate of Clover Park High School-AIHS. Costco University. Working towards an Associate in Science Ft. Steilacoom Pierce College Community Service: City of Lakewood Volunteer. Proud Member of Clover Park Kiwanis and the Lakewood First Lions. Board member of Community Health Care. Past board of Lakewood's Promise and United Way Community Impact. Filipino Community Association supporter. Pierce County Volunteer. Ethnic Fest Volunteer Coordinator. Statement: As a child of a retired Navy father and Filipino mother, I have grown to understand the personal values of consistency, responsibility, and community. JBLM is Pierce County’s leading employers, and Lakewood is at the forefront of welcoming and supporting our troops. We have increasing demands for jobs and economic development as well as the need to support our youth and education. I seek your vote because of my strong background rooted in Service, Devotion and Passion for the City of Lakewood. We live in a growing, innovative thinking and diverse community and our Council should reflect us. I want to serve and preserve those qualities that make Lakewood unique and beautiful. My pledge to you is to be accessible, listen and work hard with the integrity you deserve. I invite you to call or write me about the issues that you are concerned with. I believe that our City government will function best if we address these challenges together, and I promise to be your partner by investing in our community with exciting visions we can have together. I am a committed public servant, ready to lead, and would be honored to have your support. Thank You! For More Information: (253) 376-7828 _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: As a territory manager in the safety industry for the last 25 years serving Pierce, Kitsap, and So. King County. Former Co-Owner with wife in the food/beverage industry in Lakewood. Education: Gov. John Rogers High School, 1973 Community Service: Past Pres. Rotary Club of Fife-Milton, current member of Lakewood Rotary, board member of Lakewood United, Lakewood Community Foundation, Chair of the Lakewood Planning Advisory Board. Statement: I am a longtime Lakewood resident and a former small business owner. Together with my wife Lisa, we have six children and eleven grandchildren. I will be a leading voice for positive, sensible growth in our community with the willingness to listen to citizens' concerns, and strategically find solutions. I can make tough decisions with a clear conscience yet a humble resolve. I will collaborate with the business community, labor, city's economic development, and chamber of commerce leaders to create and maintain family wage jobs. Government must prioritize core services, and live within its means. Public safety is a priority! I will ensure that the city's law enforcement and courts are effectively resourced, while maintaining our high standards to recruit, and to protect citizens and their property. I will work with our community safety officers, and neighborhood associations in each district to have an open dialog with city government. I have a desire to ensure our city government is responsive, transparent, and honest. With your vote, I pledge to be positve, persistent, and a powerful advocate for all citizens of Lakewood. It would be my privilege to serve you. Don Daniels For More Information: (253) 370-0583 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 27 continued Pacific - Council, Position No. 4 Vic Kave Dave Stookey Elected Experience: No information submitted Elected Experience: No information submitted Other Professional Experience: No information submitted Other Professional Experience: No information submitted Education: No information submitted Education: No information submitted _________________________________ _________________________________ Community Service: No information submitted Community Service: No information submitted Statement: No statement submitted Statement: No statement submitted For More Information: (253) 351-6896 For More Information: (253) 334-9810 28 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Pacific - Council, Position No. 4 Leanne Guier _________________________________ Elected Experience: I have been a resident of the City of Pacific for 17 years. I served for 4 years on the Planning Commission prior to accepting the appointment to council in 2008, at which time I was the chair. I am a 17 year Steamfitter by trade and have recently been promoted to Business Development Specialist at UA Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 32. I serve on the Board of Directors for Terry Home since 2008. I also have served as Vice President of the White River Valley Lions Club. Other Professional Experience: No information submitted Education: Graduated North Central High School; Completed 5 year Steamfitter apprenticeship training Community Service: No information submitted Statement: I am running to retain my seat on council because I believe in our city and its’ citizens. In the last several months there have been some real challenges facing our city and I am dedicated to see our city move past these challenges and continue to grow as the thriving community we are. I have chaired the Human Services Committee, sat on Public Works Committee, and currently sit on the Finance and Public Safety Committees. I have actively participated in our city’s community events for the past 7 years, including Pacific Days and our annual Spring Cleanup. My neighbors are important to me and I have demonstrated that by spending the weekend at the Community Center facilitating volunteers during the flood in January 2009, then helping with sandbag walls to help protect the homes afterward. When the ice storm hit in January of 2012, I spent my weekend at the Community Center providing a warm shelter and hot food for citizens who were without power. In both of these instances, I was overwhelmed by the support of our community to help on another in times of need. This is a community I am proud to serve. All About Community About the Auditor’s Office The Auditor’s Office is made up of four divisions: Elections Conducts and certifies all federal, state and local elections for over 440,000 registered voters in Pierce County. Performs signature verification checks on petitions. And, every ten years, redraws precinct lines based on updated redistricting plans. Licensing Renews vehicle and vessel license tabs, processes title transfers, issues plates and various permits for vehicles and vessels. Oversees ten licensing subagents. Issues marriage, business, and pet licenses. And, processes passport applications, including photos. Recording Records, scans, and indexes documents for the public record. Recorded documents include deeds, mortgage documents, easements, powers of attorney, liens, military discharge papers, and land records. Collect or exempt tax due from sellers after the sale or transfer of property. Animal Services Provides 24 hour-a-day response to public safety concerns involving animals in unincorporated Pierce County and within contracted jurisdictions. Rescues injured and abused animals. Enforces county and state laws. Provides community education. Check us out online. For More Information: (253) 288-0960 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 29 continued Pacific - Council, Position No. 5 Stacy May Knudtson Gary Nitschke Elected Experience: None Elected Experience: No information submitted _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Pacific Partnerships Education: Welding certificate from GRCC Community Service: No information submitted Statement: I am a mother of five, with my youngest a senior at Auburn Riverside. I am a member of Pacific Partnerships. I have been actively involved in our City Council meetings since I became concerned with city government in June of 2012. I am running for Pacific City Council, Position #5, because I want to make a difference in out City. I plan to work collaboratively with current and future City leaders to ensure Pacific is a safe and prosperous community to live and work. I want Pacific to be a city with a strong sense of community that we all can feel proud to live in. For More Information: (253) 334-4465 30 _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Musical Instrument Repair Technician Laborer/Jack of All Trades Education: High School Graduate, 2 years Community College, 2 years Technical College Community Service: No information submitted Statement: I haven't missed a City Council meeting or Workshop in the past 26 months. I attend Planning Commission, Park Board, Finance Committee, Civil Service Committee, Public Works Committee, Special meetings, Events, and Pacific Partnerships meetings. I volunteer at the Community Service/Senior Center on a regular basis. I've lived in Pacific for 12 years. The former and current Mayor asked me to be on the council. Over the past 26 months I've learned quite a bit and thank everybody for there kindness especially those who got me volunteering around town. I want to add that I'm currently a member of the South King County Genealogical Society. I have certification in emergency management. I am president of the Friends Of Algona/Pacific Library. While in college I was placed on the National Deans list of Honor. While in technical college I served on the student council. I'm a Certified Musical Instrument Repair Technician. For More Information: (253) 939-6777 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Pacific - Council, Position No. 5 Stacey D. Jackson, Sr. _________________________________ Elected Experience: No information submitted Other Professional Experience: No information submitted Education: No information submitted Community Service: No information submitted Statement: No statement submitted For More Information: (253) 735-7229 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 31 continued Sumner - Council, Position No. 1 Ed Hannus _________________________________ Elected Experience: In December 2013 I will complete my first term as an elected City of Sumner Councilmember. I'm looking forward to serve the residents of Sumner a second four year term. I currently serve on the City Council as a member of the Public Works and Public Safety committees and a commissioner on the Rainier Cable Commission. Other Professional Experience: I was a civil and private corporation servant for more than 45 years. I responded to Federal, State Local and Legislative authorities thru my administrators regarding Transportation, Engineering, Environmental and Management issues in the City of Sumner, Project Manager. Education: No information submitted Community Service: No information submitted Statement: The City of Sumner is faced with several community concerns which are in the process of being resolved. Namely:Sounder Train Station Parking; Pending Golf Course Sale; Finding the Best Use for the Red Apple Structure and Property; Orton Junction; Coal Trains; and Revitalize the City's Downtown Core. These issues are being reviewed by City Council Members,City Staff and the City Attorney who will bring forward to the City Council legal alternatives to resolve these issues. Melony (Kirkish) Pederson _________________________________ Elected Experience: This would be my first elected position. Other Professional Experience: I am currently a consultant with a sustainable building firm. Previously I've been a project manager and lead designer at several firms. Education: BA in Urban Studies from UW-Tacoma; BS in Architecture from UW-Milwaukee; LEED AP Interior Design &Construction; LEED AP Neighborhood Development Community Service: Co-host of "The Table" a citizen/ council discussion group; Design Commissioner for Sumner; Volunteer with Sumner School's; Art Docent and past Art Docent Coordinator; Volunteer with the Seattle Architecture Foundation Statement: My hope in becoming the next member of your city council is threefold. One is to create a space in our city’s government where citizens feel comfortable sharing their concerns, ideas and dreams. The second is to bring balance to our council where ideas can be freely vetted, discussed and shared back with the community. Last but not least is to maintain fiscal responsibility with our city’s resources when it comes to utilizing our great city staff, awarding contracts and tracking our budget. I'm looking forward to continue my support of your community needs in this fantastic community of Sumner. Thank you Coming from a background in Architecture, Urban Studies and Project Management has taught me to problem solve on several scales; everything from working with a couple on their dream kitchen within the confines of their budget to being part of the team responsible for releasing the latest national sustainable design standards. Through these experiences I’ve learned it’s critical to remain open to new ideas; very rarely do you find yourself in an “either or” situation. Given the right mindset and ability to collaborate there’s typically a third or fourth option superior to either of the first two. It’s also important to learn from history. For More Information: (253) 863-8969 For More Information: (253) 370-5734 I'm thrilled that the Pierce and Kitsap County YMCA has brought forward an alternative plan to re- locate Sumner's YMCA so that Sumner Families are within walking distance of the Facilty. The YMCA has also planned for many more programs that will be available to it's Members. 32 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Sumner - Council, Position No. 1 Jody T. Wilkins Earle Stuard Elected Experience: I have not been elected to any public office. Elected Experience: Member of Sumner Planning Commission since 2009. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Member of International Association of Business Communicators (IABC); Member of Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) co-operative Education: Sumner High School; Seattle Pacific University Community Service: Deacon at Mars Hill Church Federal Way; Community Coordinator for the Puget Sound Blood Center Statement: I am proud to have grown up in Sumner, finishing 1st grade as a Maple Lawn Seagull. I drove a bulb digger down rows of daffodils for Roger and Tom Knutson before I could drive a car. I walked countless miles irrigating acres of turf grass where now stand distribution centers and a golf course. I rode my Schwinn to the Spartan Drive Inn for the best and greasiest fries I’ve had before or since. Today, Sumner remains a great place to raise my four young sons because the changes have been stewarded well—property taxes are kept low, services continue to improve with technology and innovation, and its residents take seriously the importance of community, relying on each other first and working together for something we all value: our small-town quality of life. Cherishing these values is one thing. Maintaining them doesn’t happen by accident, however. It requires leadership willing to embrace what’s good about our storied past as well as make good, long term decisions that will protect our common future. I look forward to working with other thoughtful men and women on the council to take the steps necessary for Sumner to become a model for cities everywhere. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: 38 year career in Finance department for the City of Bellevue where I managed the division budget process, helped departments keep expenses within their budgets, audited claims for the Council and was assigned as the agent to work with FEMA and Washington State Emergency Management to obtain reimbursement of expenses associated with presidentially declared disasters. Education: BA in Business Administration - University of Washington Community Service: Participated in local food drives and community service projects; Mentored Eagle Scout candidates; Assistant high school track coach for 12 seasons; Currently serving as the ecclesiastical leader of local church. Statement: My wife and I have lived in Sumner since 2002 and have thoroughly enjoyed our association with this great community. I want to serve the citizens of Sumner and contribute to the City’s success by making wise decisions now that will preserve our quality of life well into the future. I will be the voice of reason on the Council as issues are debated and will add a fresh, new perspective while promoting an efficient, common sense approach to city government. I bring many years of municipal experience to the Council including a reputation of having the highest standards of ethics. I will continue the work toward fiscal responsibility by promoting sound, sustainable budget decisions. I intend to maintain our low tax levy rate, and will promote saving unspent budget money in a reserve fund as a hedge against future tax increases. I support the YMCA and will work for greater pedestrian safety by encouraging sidewalks where none exist. I support expansion of the City's parks system to meet the demands of our growing population and will do my best to preserve Sumner's unique downtown charm and way of life. I would greatly appreciate your support in this election. For More Information: (253) 826-4443 For More Information: (253) 261-7624 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 33 continued Wilkeson - Mayor David Wright Doug Paulson Elected Experience: Wilkeson Planning Commission; White River Senior Housing Project; Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce Elected Experience: Mayor for the Town of Wilkeson 2002-2006 _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Pierce County General Contractor; Licensed Marine Engineer; Certified Emission Control, Brake and Light Technician; Certified Hazmat, Confined Space Entry, Refrigeration Eng.; Journeyman Cabinet Making and Millwork Education: Western Oregon University, Interdisciplinary Studies; India Tango Marine Firefighting graduate; Hatch and Kirk Electromotive Diesel Course; Chemeketa Community College Cabinetmaking and Millwork _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: King County Maintenance Planner Education: No information submitted Community Service: No information submitted Statement: I believe in fair and consistent actions and the town employees are one of our greatest assets and they shall be respected and allowed to maintain the town's infrastructure and finances. Community Service: Various construction projects for town of Wilkeson; Volunteer for American Mother's Association Projects; Owned and operated county sanctioned battered women's shelter; Adult volunteer Roseburg High School ROTC Program Statement: Wilkeson has traditionally relied upon timber sales and grants as a source of income, and fallen short of sustainable income people of this town should expect. There are several areas the town might pursue to generate income for projects that could well qualify for matching grant funds and improve our quality of life. Our waste treatment plant has a capacity beyond our needs and should offer a transfer station for the National Park portable waste stations. Income produced at the plant would offset townspeoples' sewer charges, which should be renegotiated again now that the previous plant is paid for and several new hookups have been added.. There is no reason this town should have one of the highest rates in the state. The annual trash collection day has been a great success. We should explore offering this option on a regular basis and consider reasonable fees that compete with the cost of driving to the other facilities in Pierce County. Lastly, our children stand in the cold and rain waiting for the school bus. Wilkeson needs shelters from weather for these students. As Mayor I would work for these improvements. As a community, we should all work for these goals. For More Information: (253) 961-8795 34 For More Information: (206) 909-4554 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Wilkeson - Mayor Robert D. Walker _________________________________ Elected Experience: Wilkeson City Council 1 term Other Professional Experience: School Teacher, Math and PE, White River School District 1992-2013 Education: White River High School, B.S., Pacific Lutheran University, MA Ed. Technology, City University Community Service: Volunteer Firefighter and EMT15 yrs., Wilkeson and Pierce Co. Dist. 12, Captain 2 yrs, Assistant Chief 1 yr. Statement: My family moved to Wilkeson 56 years ago, Iwas 3 mo. old.My father has been a local business owner and served on the city council several years.My wife Bonnie and I have been married for 36years, with 5 children, and 11 grandchildren.I personally feel a strong responsibility to the citizens and the city of Wilkeson.We have such a caring community and I want to see it continue. Wilkeson is where I chose to raise my family.I am a hard worker and would love the opportunity to manage the City. I would like to manage with of the citizens. I would like to welcome new businesses into the town instead of seeing them leave.Wilkeson has a great history and we need to share this history with others. We need to make strong associations with the cities around us, working together to create connections, even while maintaining our unique identity. Ther is no place like Wilkeson and ther will never be. Your signature matters Sign the voter declaration on the back of your return envelope before sending it back. Take your time and sign with your everyday signature. Before any ballot can be counted, state law requires that we make sure the signature on the ballot envelope matches the signature on file in your voter registration record. If you forget to sign, or if the signature doesn’t match, elections staff will contact you so that your ballot can be counted. 7/26/2013 253-555-1960 David Clarke For More Information: (360) 829-1530 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 35 continued Puyallup School District No. 3 - Director, Position No. 4 Karen Edwards Margie Silver Elected Experience: This is my first time seeking public office. Elected Experience: No information submitted _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Congressional Grant Coordinator for the Institute for Simulation and Interprofessional Studies, UW Medicine; Hospital Administrative Officer, Department of Primary Care, Reynolds Army Community Hospital, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Hospital Administrative Officer, US Army Active Duty (1995-2000), Madigan Army Medical Center, Fort Lewis (JBLM), Washington Education: Master of Public Health, University of Washington; Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, Florida State University Community Service: Edgerton PTA Vice-President 20122013, Puyallup Family Co-op Secretary 2009-2013, Classroom Volunteer at Firgrove and Edgerton Elementary Schools, Art Docent, Fall Festival Chairperson, Assistant Girl Scout Leader Statement: When the Army brought us back to Washington 11 years ago, we chose Puyallup for the schools and to be close to family. We are invested in this school district with our two children, who are in the third and fifth grade. I am running for School Board because I want parents to choose Puyallup for its high-quality schools once again, like we did years ago. Volunteering in the Puyallup School District for the past five years has shown me that our district is not reaching its full potential. We should be offering all students the choice to participate in innovative district-run programs while promoting equity and fiscal responsibility. Further, the District could do more to communicate with parents and our community about the services they provide and the resources required to make these programs successful. These are my top priorities as your next School Board member. Parents, students and teachers in our District deserve a change from the status quo. I will work tirelessly to ensure our Puyallup Schools are exceptional, that we focus on communication , and that we offer the most innovative and cost-effective educational opportunities our children deserve. I sincerely thank you for your vote. For More Information: (253) 376-0109 36 _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Neuroscientist (Learning and Memory Specialist), McCartney and Associates; DIBELS Evaluator (Reading Assessment) and Health Screener for PSD. Puyallup Library Employee. Johnson & Johnson, Neurotoxicology Laboratory Chief. Triton College, Physiology/ Anatomy Instructor. Thirteen year Puyallup resident. Married 29 years to Ross, Puyallup Tribe dentist. Two sons, PSD graduates- currently Maxwell at PLU and Griffin at WWU. Education: Ph.D. Neuroscience, University of Illinois; M.S. Pharmacology/Physiology, University of Chicago; B.S. Microbiology, Michigan State University. Community Service: ERHS Site Committee, Senior Boards Judge, Scholarship Chair-ERHS and FJH. Active Member-PTA /Booster Clubs- ERHS, Ferrucci Jr. High, Hunt, and Wildwood Elementary. Pierce Conservation District and Community Empower Network volunteer. Statement: Thirteen years ago, we moved to Puyallup because of its excellent schools. Now however, our schools are seeing financial difficulties, overseas competition, program cuts, and over-crowded classrooms, while students are having modern stressors at home that affect their learning. We need honest dialog among our citizens to identify and solve these issues and a new way to look at the challenges we are facing but maintaining our rigorous educational standards. We should demand performance accountability while rewarding quality staff. I’ve been fortunate to work with all class levels and in all of the Puyallup schools, employed as a health and reading screener and as a volunteer, to see what tools would work to help all our children reach their full potential. For example, we need to tap into the vast potential volunteer pool that has not been accessed, improve our graduation rate by reaching out to disenfranchised students, revamp the Culminating Project process to become more useful, and encourage high school students to obtain college credit. These improvements, among others would reduce the frustration that students, parents, and teachers experience in our common goal to produce competent, contributing citizens. The real safeguard of American democracy is education. For More Information: 253-223-4808 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Puyallup School District No. 3 - Director, Position No. 4 Kathy Yang _________________________________ Elected Experience: Shaw Road Elementary PTA, Membership CoChair, 2008-2009. Good Samaritan Foundation Board Secretary, 20102013. Other Professional Experience: Washington State Attorney General's Office, Consumer Protection Division; Civil and Criminal Litigation Attorney; Trust Officer for Nationsbank; Assistant Operations Manager for Dreamline Construction, LLC, Sumner, WA. Education: B.A. in English from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL; J.D. and LLM in Taxation from the University of Washington School of Law, Seattle. Community Service: Good Samaritan Foundation Board of Directors, 2004-2013. The Campaign for Good Samaritan Hospital Committee. Former PTA Legislative Representative. Kalles Junior High Booster Club. Sunday School Teacher, Korean-American Baptist Church. Active classroom volunteer. Statement: Setting high expectations for all kids is important, but strong schools are about more than just test scores. As a committed classroom volunteer and with my own two children, I know that one size doesn't fit all. My goal is simple: that all Puyallup students reach their full potential according to their interests and abilities On the school board, I'll be an independent voice for our children. I will support and respect teachers as professionals and ensure our limited tax dollars are invested where it matters most -- in the classroom. Families should be engaged. Learning should be personalized. Students should be safe. Achievement should be high. Here in Puyallup, we have schools we can be proud of. My husband, Anthony Kim, and I moved to this community fourteen years ago and set down roots firmly believing that strong schools are the foundation of strong communities. We are proud to send our kids, Jordan and Jonas, to Puyallup schools, and we are proud to live in this community. Let's work together toward safer schools, smarter kids, and a stronger community. Thank you for your consideration, and I ask for your support. For More Information: (253) 864-9007 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 37 continued Peninsula School District No. 401 - Director, District No. 5 David Olson _________________________________ Elected Experience: This is my first political experience Other Professional Experience: Manager, US Bank (current); United States Navy (retired) Education: B.S. Organizational Leadership Community Service: Board, Gig Harbor/FISH Food Bank; Coordinator, Drug Education for Youth; Junior Achievement; Harvest Fest; Tacoma Rescue Mission; Salvation Army Family Shelter; Habitat for Humanity Statement: Your children and grandchildren deserve the very best from our schools. As taxpayers, you should be confident that your money is well spent. Sadly, schools have fewer resources. After-school programs and the arts are being eliminated due to budget reductions. To create new opportunities and efficiencies, the School Board can develop partnerships with community organizations such as Parks and Recreation, Chamber of Commerce, and Rotary, to name a few. Through innovative ideas, realistic policies, and high expectations, the school board, along with the active and strong Parent Teacher Association, can create a positive learning environment in the schools. For 28 years, the US Navy was my career. Following that, my family has had the pleasure of living in Gig Harbor for eight years. We chose Gig Harbor because it is a great community with many blessings. Three of our four children attended Goodman Middle School and graduated from Gig Harbor High School. Having lived around the world, my wife (an educator) and I have seen first-hand how a lack of education and after-school programs affect entire communities. I am committed to helping your children, and grandchildren, achieve an outstanding education to prepare them for a successful future. For More Information: (253) 858-7623 38 Curt Carroll _________________________________ Elected Experience: Memorial Union Vice President OSU 1988-89 Corvallis, OR; Memorial Union President OSU 1989-90 Corvallis, OR; St Pius Creit Union Vice President 19971998 Aurora, CO; St Pius Credit Union President 1999-2002 Aurora, CO; Harbor Soccer Club Program Director 2004-2007 Gig Harbor, WA; Harbor Hoops Vice President 2006 Gig Harbor, WA; Harbor Soccer Club Vice President 2007-2011 Gig Harbor, WA; Harbor Soccer Club Program Director 2011-2013 Other Professional Experience: American Fireworks Assocation - AFA Education: Rossevelt High School 1985; Oregon State University - BS 1991 Community Service: Peninsula School District Highly Capable Board Member; Knights of Columbus St. Nicholas Church; Harbor Heights PTA; Goodman Middle School VPO Statement: My goal as an elected Pennisula School District Board Member representing district #5 is to bring the board to the parents and students of Harbor Heights and Goodman Middle School. This means attending school activites that are planned by the schools where parents and students are already present. Not additional meetings where parents are expected to take additonal time away from their families. I have seen multiple activities where the school board is looking for our input. However, the board is not getting to the most important level You The Parents and Students. When I take on any challenge I commit for multiple years to get any and all jobs done. This is what I see is important to be a successful Peninsula Board Member. I appreciate your support and look forward to your support! For More Information: (253) 858-7773 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Peninsula School District No. 401 - Director, District No. 5 Rick Jones _________________________________ Elected Experience: I serve on the Peninsula School District Board of Directors. I was voted into this position unanimously by the current Board members to fill a vacant seat. It is a wonderful opportunity to serve that I am very thankful for. Other Professional Experience: I am a third generation professional pilot. I've flown in many different capacities, but am currently the Chief Pilot of a locally based private jet. It is my dream job. Education: B.A. Western Washington University; A.A. Bellevue Community College Community Service: Besides being on the Peninsula School District Board of Directors, I'm also very active in several local youth sports organizations. Statement: "What's best for the kids"? We wear many hats on the School Board. It is a great honor to serve in this very important volunteer position. I'm constantly humbled by being part of this group that helps shape and support the education of our greatest asset....our children. Every single decision we make has to always be about "what's best for the kids?" Always. I would love to have your vote and be able to continue to serve you and our wondeful community. It means a lot to me. Thank you so much for your support. For More Information: (253) 208-7322 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 39 continued Fife School District No. 417 - Director, District No. 5 Enid T. Duncan John C. West _________________________________ _________________________________ Elected Experience: City Council member, Edgewood (voted Best Council Member 2007 by The Signal newspaper) Elected Experience: My elected experience includes 2 terms (2011-present) as Treasurer for American Society for Quality (ASQ) Seattle Section 606 and 1 Term as Secretary (2009-2010). Other Professional Experience: Business owner since 1988; Tutor for children with learning differences since 2002 Education: B F A from Pacific Lutheran University (Graduated with Honors); MA ED from Goddard College (Graduated with Honors) Community Service: Pierce County Arts Commissioner; Parenting Programs through STAR Project; Drug Prevention at State Level with DSHS; Collaborated with Rotary Club to develop sports park in Sumner; Child First Project in Pierce County; Economic Development Board, Edgewood; Volunteered in classroom at Fife School District for many years Statement: Education has given alot of credit to brain based curriculum. I believe that it is a very important assertion during my studies and working with several children, I have personally experienced the development of skills such as reading and spelling when such curriculum is applied. It is my passion and joy to see that the education of children will be the kindling of the fire of learning. It is my conviction that our school community will be best served when our students thrive and succeed. For More Information: (253) 334-0296 40 Other Professional Experience: I am a proven leader with executive presence and practical engagement experience. A tried and tested innovator and problem solver with more than 15 years’ experience in organizational excellence, program management and performance improvement. I have worked in Finance, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Software Services Aerospace, Defense, Automotive industries, managed operations, consulted key executives, lead key strategic programs and developed individual talent. Education: No information submitted Community Service: No information submitted Statement: I am proud to say I’m a product of Fife public schools. I believe our community has something special in our School District, we have cultivated a culture of excellence and with it great expectations for our staff and students alike. It is my genuine desire to lend my skills and devotion to the Fife School District to sustain and continue our tradition of excellence in these trying economic times. As district 5 board member, I will draw on my reputation for passionate service and acute problem solving skills to ensure that our school district continues to gain in student learning and community satisfaction. I’m asking you to please support me in my bid to represent District 5 post for Fife Public School Board. For More Information: (206) 391-9684 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Fife School District No. 417 - Director, District No. 5 Bruce Burnside _________________________________ Elected Experience: 10 years on Fife School Board; 5 years as President and Vice President Other Professional Experience: Employed at Vance Lift Truck Service since 1974; 25 years as General Manager Education: High School graduate Community Service: I was a part of a group that helped start the charter for Fife-Milton Little League. I served ten years with the Fife High School Booster Club, 5 years as president. During that time, along with the FHS scholarship committee we were able to provide over $150,000.00 to fund needs for all students at FHS. Additionally we helped annually fund over $30,000.00 in scholarships to graduates of Fife High School. Statement: Greetings Fife School District Community My name is Bruce Burnside and I am seeking to be your school board representative to the Fife School District for my 3rd term and starting my 10th year. Four of the five board members, including myself, do not currently have children attending Fife Schools and we are all here for all the right reasons. We all care about a quality learning experience for your children and gladly give our time to help ensure that it continues. I am proud of our board and all the district employees that make up the Fife School District. I am also proud of the tough financial decisions we have made while keeping our focus on your children’s education. I would encourage you to go to the district web site and see some of the great things happening at our schools. I would also encourage you to join in by volunteering at our schools in some way. Be a part of this great district, you won’t be disappointed. Thank you for your past support of me and the Fife School District. I hope I have earned your vote again this year. For More Information: (253) 606-6000 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 41 Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 3 (West Pierce Fire & Rescue) Proposition No. 1 Property Tax Levy for Maintenance and Operation Expenses Ballot Title The Board of Fire Commissioners of Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 3 (West Pierce Fire & Rescue) adopted Resolution No. 050113-004 concerning a proposition to finance maintenance and operation expenses. If approved, Proposition No. 1 will authorize the District to levy, without regard to the dollar rate and percentage limitations imposed by Ch. 84.52 RCW, a property tax upon all taxable property within the District of approximately: Levy Year 2013 2014 Collection Year 2014 2015 Approximate Levy Rate Per $1,000 of Assessed Value $1.60 $1.60 Levy Amount $11,174,138 $11,174,138 to be used for maintenance and operations and to maintain the current level of fire and emergency medical services, all as provided in Resolution No. 050113-004. Should Proposition No. 1 be approved? Explanatory Statement Full resolution text available at West Pierce Fire & Rescue is requesting renewal of the maintenance and operation levy for a period of two years. This M&O levy has supplemented the fire district's regular levy for many years. In 1939, the legislature established fire districts to serve rural areas, rather than urban areas such as Lakewood and University Place. The regular levy is inadequate to provide fire, emergency medical and rescue services to two cities with more than 98,500 citizens, a hospital, two colleges, a major state mental institution, a regional golf course, and a regional shopping mall. This levy will fund over 35% of the fire district’s budget. It will cost approximately $1.60 per thousand dollars of assessed value in 2014. With the estimated decline in assessed property values, WPFR taxpayers will pay less in 2014 than in 2011 on a median priced home. If this special levy is approved by the voters, the law prohibits any further tax levies for maintenance and operational support of the fire district for this two-year period. West Pierce Fire & Rescue is a fully paid fire district, providing fire suppression, fire prevention and code enforcement, emergency medical services and rescue services throughout Lakewood and University Place. Statement For Statement Against West Pierce Fire & Rescue needs your support. We are asking you to Vote Yes to continue funding our operations. This is not a new tax, but a renewal of the current levy. Citizens in WPFR have seen a 7.9% decline in taxes over the last two years and will pay less in taxes to WPFR in 2014 than in 2011. At the same time we continue to provide the high level of service the public expects, by working diligently to operate more effective and efficient. The merger of the University Place and Lakewood Fire Departments has created operational efficiencies that generate over $900,000 in annual savings. Additionally, employees have provided more than $1.3 million in concessions since 2009. No statement was submitted against this issue. Vote Yes to allow West Pierce Fire & Rescue to maintain the exceptional service level our citizens have come to expect during times of need. Vote Yes and Keep Help Coming! Committee Members: Layne Bladow, 253-596-9533, Bart Dalton, Citizens for West Pierce Fire & EMS 42 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Ballot Secrecy Is my vote secret? Yes. Secrecy of the ballot is mandated by Washington State law and is upheld in all elections. Can my ballot be tracked to me? No. No one can trace a ballot back to a particular voter. How does my ballot remain anonymous? Voter 1. Places the voted ballot in the inner secrecy envelope. 2. Places the secrecy envelope in the outer return envelope. 3. Signs the outer return envelope and drops off at a ballot drop box (page 4) or puts a first class stamp on it and mails back to the Pierce County Auditor's Office. At the Election Center 4. Voter’s signature is verified, the outer return envelope with the voter’s name and address is opened and separated from the inner secrecy envelope. 5. Secrecy envelopes are mixed with other secrecy envelopes. 6. The secrecy envelopes are opened and the ballots removed. This maintains the secrecy of the ballot. urces Corp E4c h 3P ec ion: 78 Opt Vers oratio n RF m Tri PE pe Ty 320 1-1 re Sco 1 ce Offi ion Elect te vo re Sco 2 te vo rty Pa moc te vo ratic Pa c Copy te vo e on for ) rty Pa ratic ) rty moc Pa De an ) fers blic rty pu Pa (Pre Re ratic ) fers rty moc Pa (Pre De ratic fers moc (Pre De rs fe (Pre e In rit W Sco te vo Pa te vo pu an blic ) o Pa ) rty CE PIER nD Ru : ate 12 6/20 06/0 4:44 19:4 a ) Pr Last : inted 0 07:4 /12 6/11 an ) blic rty pu Pa Re ) an ce fers blic en pu (Pre efer Re Pr ) fers rty rty Pa Pa (Pre No ratic ) tes rty moc Pa (Sta De ratic ) fers oc rty re m (P Pa De an fers blic pu (Pre Re fers (Pre In e rit W 320 1-1 moc rty te vo Pr efer en ce Pa (2CE e on for ) ) rty N ratic ) tes rty moc (Sta Pa De an fers blic pu (Pre Re fers ton (Pre hing ice e In Was Off rit W of an Sco vo te re e on for is te Sta part Non ratic Pa e on for ) rty en ce ) ) rty Pa ts Pa Righ No ) man tes rty Pa e Hu (Sta Th ion ) fers titut rty ns Pa (Pre Co ratic ) fers rty moc (Pre Pa De an rs ic ) fe bl rty pu Pa (Pre Re ratic fers moc (Pre De fers (Pre e In rit W e on for De re e on for ) rty ratic ) rty moc Pa De an ) fers blic rty pu (Pre Pa Re an fers blic pu (Pre Re fers (Pre e In rit W e on for rty Pa te vo te vo re e on for ) rty fers (Pre rty Pa 3 ton Pa Inde ) rat ce fers en moc (Pre efer De Pr ) fers rty rty Pa (Pre Pa No an ) tes blic rty ) pu (Sta t Pa rty Re lis Pa pu p. fers po (Pre Inde Neo rs racy fe oc m (Pre De fers (Pre e In rit W e on for ) an blic ) pu rty Re Pa ) fers rty form (Pre Pa Re an ) fers blic rty pu Pa (Pre Re ratic ) fers rty moc (Pre Pa De an ) fers blic rty pu Pa (Pre Re ratic ) fers rty moc (Pre Pa De an rs ) fe blic rty pu (Pre Pa Re rs ican fe bl pu (Pre Re fers re (P e In rit W re Sco 5 De fers (Pre e In rit W e on for ) rty p Re es ffic ral de n O Fe tisa Par return envelope 58 hing Was ices of ff te n O Sta tisa Par Pa ratic ) rty moc Pa De an ) fers blic rty pu Pa (Pre Re ) ratic fers rty moc (Pre t Pa De en ) ce nd fers pe en (Pre efer Inde Pr rs ) fe rty rty Pa (Pre Pa No an ) tes rty blic ta pu (S t Pa Re en ) nd fers pe rty (Pre Pa Inde an ) fers blic rty pu (Pre Pa Re an rs ic fe bl pu (Pre Re rs fe (Pre e In rit W s right 2000 W ices of ff te n O Sta tisa Par rt th r pa rty e fo al pa e’s e idat litic idat at th ed nd rs ca a po nd th ch ate A ca ply endo Pa : Ea st ers. t im or rty that ay ef no ed AD RE e m e pr es inat the pa with do offic or sh ce nom that ates he eren e is or soci at ef y, as rt or id pr e in nd pa idat ca the es of nd by prov e. ca e idat on ap ly nd ca r on e fo ce. 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Pierce County has a public viewing area that allows any member of the public to observe ballot processing. 43 continued Fire District No. 27 - Commissioner, Position No. 1 Robert Tarant Colleen M. Adler Elected Experience: No information submitted Elected Experience: None _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: No information submitted Education: No information submitted Community Service: No information submitted Statement: Raised in the sheet metal & roofing trade, worked two years at the U. S. Capitol, served ten years in the U. S. Navy, sailed for thirty eight years as a Merchant Seaman, have been involved with fire suppression/prevention in one capacity or another for most of my adult life. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Dispatcher, Supervisor, Assistant Director of Pierce County Fire Communications. Current position: Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for West Pierce Fire & Rescue. Education: BA Organizational Management from Northwest University. Currently completing certificate in Emergency Management from Western Washington University. Community Service: Current Board Member, Past President, Past Treasurer of Kiwanis Club of Clover Park. Current Vice President of Citizen Corps Council of Pierce County. Statement: I have worked for West Pierce Fire & Rescue (Lakewood Fire) for over 20 years. My experience there as a dispatcher and in developing Community Emergency Response Teams has given me a solid understanding of the value of volunteers in emergency service. Anderson Island has been my home for the past eight years and I have admired how the fire district has engaged with the community to create a strong, welltrained responsive group of volunteers. As a commissioner I would do my best to represent the interests of the residents of Anderson Island by offering support for the continued growth and training of our first responders through conscientious budgeting, expanded grant opportunities and demonstrated respect for our paid fire staff as well as our volunteers. I understand that the role of the fire commissioner is to work cooperatively with the other board members to govern the district while respecting the chain of command within the district. I believe my understanding of the fire service and my work with volunteers make me a sound candidate for the position of Fire Commissioner. For More Information: (253) 303-2664 44 For More Information: (253) 377-9998 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Fire District No. 27 - Commissioner, Position No. 1 Roberta (Bobbi) Sullivan Dave Albertson Elected Experience: Elected by Juvenile Court Judge to CASA (court appointed advocate for Juvenile Rights) making recommendations for placements, in or out of their home. Elected Experience: President, Downtown Everettt Assoc, President of Columbia Center Assoc, Treasurer and President of Riviera Community Club Board of Trustees. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Employment: 25 years with State of Utah Division of Youth Corrections; Duties: Youth Counselor, Case Manager, Juvenile Parole Officer, Lead Counselor in Juvenile Secure Facility, Placement Programs and Facilities for Youth, First Aid/ CPR Trainer for Staff. Work experience with several public agencies: Division of Family Services (DHFS), Juvenile Probation and Juvenile Court, Brigham City, Utah Police Department, Logan City, Utah Police Department. Education: Utah State University, Bachelor Degree in Psychology Community Service: Vice President Anderson Island Crime Task Force. Statement: I have lived on Anderson Island for six years, been active in Island activities. Because of my experiences with several boards, working with different governmental agencies, and my qualifications, as well as my experiences in the business world, I feel my focus for the Anderson Island Fire Department would be beneficial. For More Information: (253) 235-1557 _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: 32 years as a department Store executive, including positions of Vice President of both the Bon Marche (Now Macys), and Lamonts Aparrel. 15 years as a Realtor and top agent at Prudential Northwest Realty with national recognition for acheivement. Education: Graduated Clover Park High School, Allied Stores Executive training graduate, Mykutt real estate license training graduate, hundreds of hours of continuing real estate education. Top honors from the school of hard knocks. Community Service: Member Board of Directors, Federal Way Boys and Girls Club. Statement: Full time Anderson Isl Resident since 2006, I love our island and the people who live here. I greatly appreciate our outstanding volunteer fire department and have seen first hand the selfless and professional efforts of these volunteers. There can be no better way for me to serve our island community than to support our fire fighters while using my years of business experience to apply good fiscal management of our district. It would be a true honor and serious responsibility to serve our community in this capacity. For More Information: (206) 719-1616 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 45 continued Peninsula Metropolitan Park Dist. - Commissioner, Pos. No. 1 Matthew Finn Judy Pagni Elected Experience: Precinct Committee Officer & County Convention Delegate Elected Experience: First time candidate _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: Entrepreneur & small business owner Education: Bachelor of fine arts & visual communication, the NW College of Art Community Service: No information submitted Statement: I am a husband and father of two little girls. My family and I love to spend time at the many beautiful parks in our area, especially Sehmel Park that my three year old affectionately calls; "Simple Park." Because of this, maintaining our many parks for Gig Harbor is important to me. However as a small business owner who helps shoulder the cost of them, a sensible budget, which reduces the burdens on taxpayers, is also very important to me. Living within your means is a lesson every small business owner knows well. _________________________________ Other Professional Experience: With ten years in the financial industry, I have the experience, to help PenMet remain fiscally sound and less of a burden to tax payers. Education: BA University of Oregon Community Service: Active in the SMART (start making a ready today progam); March of Dimes Volunteer; Big Brothers and Big Sisters mentor Statement: PenMet Parks needs a woman’s voice—a mom’s voice on the Parks Commission. I want to be your voice. As a mother of two young children, I want to make sure that PenMet creates a park system that is suited to everyone in our community with adequate open space, ballfields, trails, playgrounds, community gardens, recreation, and off-leash dog parks to satisfy our needs. Our entire community benefits from a diverse, healthy park system and I want to continue PenMet’s great start. Just as important, we have to prudently manage our limited resources to ensure our parks stay open and grow without burdening our taxpayers. With ten years’ experience in the finance industry, I can make sure that PenMet maximizes our tax dollars, avoids overspending and the pitfalls that make government too large and inefficient. The choices PenMet makes the next few years will not only impact the community our children are raised in, but future generations as well. We need a strong, passionate and diverse board to balance all of our voices, needs and wants. I ask for your vote in helping make the Gig Harbor Peninsula a great place to live and thrive. Vote Pagni for Parks! For More Information: (253) 851-4666 46 For More Information: (253) 509-0418 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. Peninsula Metropolitan Park Dist. - Commissioner, Pos. No. 1 Kurt Grimmer _________________________________ Elected Experience: New candidate. Other Professional Experience: 30 years of experience in the financial services industry. Bank Auditor; Bank Controller; Real Estate Financing & Management; Financial Advisor Election Results Unofficial results for the Primary Election will be posted at approximately 8:15 p.m. on August 6th. Education: BA, University of Puget Sound Community Service: Peninsula Athletic Association Board of Commissioners; Coach and recreation supervisor for 25 years with the Peninsula Athletic Association. Statement: Having lived in Gig Harbor for 30 years while raising three kids, I have a deep appreciation for our community and the amenities it offers. The Pen-Met Park District has a made a good start at establishing a quality park system. I would like to be a part of continuing that trend. The Park District has accumulated several quality parcels of land for future development and use. It is important that these parcels are utilized in a manner that benefits the Peninsula community. Going forward as the economy and land values improve, tax revenues for the Park District will increase, thereby providing funds for capital improvements. During this period it is vital to have input from our community (the owners) on an appropriate purpose and use of the District’s properties. This should address functionality based on the recreational desires of the community and careful analysis of the cost-benefit associated with any improvements. As a Board member and volunteer with the Peninsula Athletic Association I have direct experience in organizing and supervising recreational activities at the major athletic and recreational facilities in the Peninsula. I am passionate about parks and recreation, and look forward to contributing to an excellent Park District. Pierce County Elections continues to process ballots and report results from Election Day until the election ends on certification day. Election results are posted daily. Final certified results will be available August 20, 2013. For current results visit: For More Information: (253) 312-3460 The statements above are printed exactly as submitted. No spelling, grammatical or other corrections have been made. The Pierce County Auditor's Office does not confirm that the statements printed are true or fact. The candidate or campaign committee is responsible for content. 47 See page 8 for more information. • Connect with your elected ofæcial. • Find out if your ballot was received. 253-798-VOTE (8683) or 800-446-4979 If you do not receive your ballot by July 26, 2013, contact us to request a replacement ballot: Follow us Like us • Locate your closest ballot drop box. • Verify and update your voter registration. A powerful tool for voters! Pierce County MyVote App pierce county Primary Election - August 6, 2013 Voters' Pamphlet Pierce County Official Local Residential Customer August 6, 2013 Primary Election Pierce County Auditor's Office 2501 S 35th St, Suite C Tacoma, WA 98409 (253) 798-VOTE ECRWSS NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID TACOMA, WA PERMIT NO. 19
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