Trends in time: results from the NICE registry, PHJ van der Voort
Trends in time: results from the NICE registry, PHJ van der Voort
Netherlands Journal of Critical Care Copyright © 2009, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Intensive Care. All Rights Reserved. Received July 2008; accepted January 2009 orIGINAl Trends in time: results from the NICE registry PHJ van der Voort, F Bakhshi-raiez, DW de lange, rJ Bosman, E de Jonge, H Joore, r de Waal, rMJ Wesselink, G van Berkel, r van Maanen, NF de Keizer on behalf of the Dutch National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE)Foundation. Abstract - Introduction The NICE registry contains data from individual intensive care admissions concerning severity of illness and outcome. This study was undertaken to analyze the trends in time related to crude mortality and severity of illness corrected mortality. Methods Data on all patients admitted from January 1 1999 to January 1 2008 were used. Patients who did not fulfil the inclusion criteria for the SAPS II prediction model were excluded. To analyze trends in time for individual ICUs, this study uses data from ICUs that participated in the NICE registry for a minimum of 5 years between January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2008. Repeated cross-sectional data analysis was performed for Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR), and longitudinal data analysis using Variable Live Adjusted Displays (VLAD both on individual and national level were used. Results Overall, 243 182 patients were included in the NICE registry. Of these, 144 696 met the SAPS II inclusion criteria and were included in this study. In the non-cardiac surgery population, the SAPS II model was customized on 9227 admissions from 13 ICUs between 1999 and 2000 to obtain a baseline Dutch SMR of 1.0 for comparison of subsequent years. In individual ICUs, the SAPS II model was customized on 15 863 admissions from 20 ICUs that participated in NICE for a minimum of five years between 2001 and 2002 to obtain a baseline SMR of 1.0 for comparison of subsequent years. From 2001 to 2007 in the non-cardiac surgery population, a significant decrease in SMR was shown from 1.0 tot 0.83 (p=0.023). This decrease was most significant in patients after elective surgery (p=0.01). Seven (25%) individual ICUs showed a significant decrease in their SMR. The VLAD curve for individual ICUs showed a highly variable course. Conclusion Over time, the NICE registry showed a significant improvement in SMR for all patient groups nationwide, and for 7 individual ICUs. Longitudinal analysis for individual ICUs by VLAD curve shows a variable course between ICUs and within an individual ICU over time. This information can be used for quality improvement initiatives both locally and nationwide. Keywords - NICE, mortality, quality of care, VLAD curve, intensive care Introduction Quality improvement in individual intensive care units (ICU) benefits from a structured and continuous approach. Usually, the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle (Shewhart and Demming cycle) is followed [1]. To guide this quality cycle, especially in the check and act phases, it is necessary to collect data. Continuous collection of data should show an improvement over time on comparison with the previous situation. These changes in results over time may represent an improvement or decline in quality. Data obtained to measure potential changes in quality are called quality indicators. Or, in other words: a quality indicator is a screening tool to identify potentially sub-optimal clinical care [2]. Quality indicators measure the structure, the process and the outcome of care [3], and may serve as instruments to improve health care [4]. Structure indicators are related to those resources and means which enable treatment and care to be given. Process Correspondence PHJ van der Voort Email: 8 indicators refer to the activities related to treatment and care. Outcome is defined as the state of health of a patient that can be attributed to an intervention or to the absence of an intervention. The Dutch National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE) was founded in 1996 according to the ideas of intensivists [5]. Over the 12 years that followed, an increasing number of ICUs collected the Minimal Data Set (MDS) and exported these data to NICE for purposes of benchmarking in a national database. This MDS contains individual patient data on severity of disease on admission and outcome data such as ICU and hospital mortality and length of stay. As such, the NICE database primarily contains outcome indicators. Well known limitations of outcome data are that reasons for adverse outcomes are difficult to identify, and that possibilities for direct improvement are limited. In addition, they may stigmatize institutions and are subject to manipulation of data [6]. To overcome some of these limitations, recently some additional structure and process indicators have been defined by the Dutch Society of Intensive Care, which began to be collected in 2008 [7]. Currently available outcome indicators from the NICE database can be used by intensivists and ICU managers in the NETH J CRIT CARE - VOLUME 13 - NO 1 - FEBRUARY 2009 NJCC_01 v7 bwerk.indd 8 10-02-2009 13:11:13 Netherlands Journal of Critical Care Trends in time: results from the NICE registry following two ways. 1) The data from an ICU aggregated over a period of time can be compared with aggregated data from other ICUs and also with the national average over the same period of time (cross-sectional analysis). 2) Data can be collected over time to analyse change (longitudinal analysis). These changes can be used for evaluation of local quality improvement programmes or to identify unexpected changes in care. On an aggregated level, longitudinal national improvement in care can be observed. In general, NICE provides its participants with two different mortality outcome indicators, the Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) and the Variable Live Adjusted Displays (VLAD) curve. The SMR gives an overall estimation of performance over a certain period (cross-sectional) and can be used for benchmark purposes. On the other hand, the VLAD curve enables cumulative monitoring over a certain period of time (longitudinal), and can be used to analyse changes over time in individual ICUs or aggregated data. Care should apply to six quality domains as defined by the Institute of Medicine and should therefore be safe, effective, efficient, patient centered, timely, and equitable. This report is a summary of analyses from the NICE database and focuses on mortality as an indicator of effectiveness. It is focused on trends in time for the general Dutch ICU population as well as on trends in time in individual ICUs . patients admitted to the participating ICUs. The data are for all ICUs uniformly defined and collected [8]. The participating ICUs are a mixture of tertiary, teaching and non-teaching settings in urban and non-urban hospitals. The registry contains all variables necessary to calculate, among other things, the APACHE II, SAPS II and MPM24II prognostic models [9-12]. Since January 2007 the data for APACHE IV have also been collected. As the aim of the study is to analyze trends in time, we wanted to include data covering a long period of time and a large number of admissions. Therefore, the analyses for the general non-cardiac surgery population and for the individual ICUs were performed on data over different time periods. To analyze trends in time for the non-cardiac surgery population, this study uses a dataset from the NICE registry with data on all patients admitted from January 1 1999 to January 1 2008. To analyze trends in time for individual ICUs, the study uses data from ICUs participating in the NICE registry for a minimum of 5 years between January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2008. SAPS II prognostic model The SAPS II model [10] is used for the calculation of case mixadjusted mortality risks. The selection of the SAPS II model for this study is based on the fact that the SAPS II model has been demonstrated to have the best fit to the Dutch ICU population [13]. For calculation of the mortality risks, the exclusion criteria defined by the SAPS II model were applied to the data: all re-admissions within the same hospital stay, admissions after cardiac surgery, burns, missing information on admission type, and those younger than 18 years, were excluded from the analysis. Materials and Methods Data In 1996 the Dutch National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE) foundation started collecting data on patients admitted to Dutch ICUs. The NICE database contains observational data on Table 1. Baseline demographics in consecutive years 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Number of admissions 10843 12910 14387 20703 25224 31471 35925 44621 48302 Number of ICUs 9 21 22 32 33 36 48 58 59 Male (%) 65.8 64.9 64.7 61.8 62.4 61.7 61.6 60.8 59.8 Medical (%) 21.3 25.0 28.3 33.4 34.7 34.8 35.5 38.0 41.5 Urgent surgery (%) 11.2 11.0 12.1 16.2 14.0 13.7 13.7 15.4 15.8 Elective surgery (%) 67.6 64.1 59.6 50.4 51.3 51.5 50.8 46.6 42.7 Age (mean) 61.7 61.8 61.6 61.3 62.3 62.2 62.8 62.8 62.8 Age Survivors (mean) 61.3 61.0 60.6 60.2 61.3 61.2 61.7 61.6 61.5 Age Non-survivors (mean) 65.0 66.3 67.0 67.1 67.8 67.7 68.5 68.9 69.5 ICU Length of stay (median) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ICU mortality (%) 8.1 9.7 10.6 10.5 11.0 9.9 10.1 10.5 11.0 Hospital mortality (%) 12.4 14.1 15.6 15.6 16.1 14.8 15.6 16.1 16.7 Number of admissions included for SAPS II 3909 5585 7383 11960 14762 18098 21851 28147 32101 SAPS II Score (mean) 34.8 35.1 34.1 33.5 34.7 34.5 34.3 34.6 34.78 SAPS II Probability (mean) 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.23 0.24 0.24 SMR based on original SAPS II model 1.03 1.02 1.04 0.91 0.90 0.87 0.88 0.82 0.83 Admission type: NETH J CRIT CARE - VOLUME 13 - NO 1 - FEBRUARY 2009 NJCC_01 v7 bwerk.indd 9 9 10-02-2009 13:11:13 Netherlands Journal of Critical Care PHJ van der Voort, F Bakhshi-Raiez, DW de Lange, RJ Bosman, E de Jonge, H Joore, R de Waal, RMJ Wesselink, G van Berkel, R van Maanen, NF de Keizer Previous studies have shown that prognostic models may produce unreliable predictions and consequently unreliable impressions about health care performance if, in an external population, prognostic reliability is poor [14]. Poor model prognostic reliability can be avoided by customizing models to the population concerned [15,16]. As a consequence, in order to measure the real changes in ICU performance and not the shortcomings of the performance of the model, the SAPS II model was customized to the Dutch ICU population. In order to do this, we used first level customization in which a new logistic regression equation is fitted with observed in-hospital death as the dependent variable and the logit-transformed original prediction as the independent variable [17]. First level customization does not change the influence of individual covariates included in the model, but calibrates their joint influence to the observed mortality in the external dataset. To customize the SAPS II model to the non-cardiac surgery population, we used data on all admissions between 1999 and 2001. In 2002 and 2003, a large number of smaller ICUs with a slight difference in case mix started participating in the NICE registry. Applying the customized SAPS II model to analyze trends in time for these individual ICUs was not suitable as the baseline SMR was no longer 1.0. Therefore, to include the maximum number of ICUs participating in the registry for a minimum of five years for individual analysis, and to obtain a baseline SMR of 1.0, the SAPS II was also customized for individual ICUs participating in the NICE registry for a minimum of five years. To customize the SAPS II model for this part of the analysis, we used data on all admissions from these ICUs between 2001 and 2002. SMR trend The SMR with 95% confidence interval is calculated by dividing the observed in-hospital mortality to the predicted case mix-adjusted mortality. To assess the trend in SMR in the general population, a weighted linear regression was fitted using “log(SMR)” as dependent variable and the calendar-years as covariate. Considering yearly changes in the standard error of the “log(SMR)”, “1/standard error” was added to the model as weight. To analyze the SMR trend for individual ICUs, again, a weighted linear regression was fitted using “log(SMR)” as dependent variable and the calendar-years as covariate and “1/ standard error” was added to the model as weight. VLAD curve For the calculation of the VLAD curve, the individual SAPS IIpredicted mortalities (pmortality) for each survivor were added, and 1 – pmortality was subtracted for each patient who died during hospital stay. If a patient with a high probability of survival survived, a low positive score was awarded, whereas if the same patient died, Figure 1. Distribution of reasons for admission to ICU. The SAPS II model was customized for the general non-cardiac surgery population on 9227 admissions from 13 ICUs between 1999 and 2000. For individual ICUs, the SAPS II model was customized on 15 863 admissions from 20 ICUs between 2001 and 2002. From January 1st 2001 to January 1st 2008, 22 1028 patients were admitted to 59 Dutch ICUs. The analysis of trends in time for the non-cardiac surgery population was based on 135 469 of these admissions who met the inclusion criteria for SAPS II model. Twenty-eight ICUs with a total of 129,770 admissions participated in the NICE registry for a minimum of five years between January 1 2003 and January 1 2008. The analysis of trends in time for the individual ICUs was based on 77 394 admissions from those ICUs who met the inclusion criteria for SAPS II model. 10 NETH J CRIT CARE - VOLUME 13 - NO 1 - FEBRUARY 2009 NJCC_01 v7 bwerk.indd 10 10-02-2009 13:11:15 Netherlands Journal of Critical Care Trends in time: results from the NICE registry a high negative score would be awarded. The cumulative survival curve was obtained by summations of these scores over time. Analysis The analyses for the non-cardiac surgery population were further stratified for the different admission types, i.e. medical, urgent surgery and elective surgery. Continuous values were expressed as means ± SD and categorical values were expressed in absolute and relative frequencies. Crude mortality is presented as a percentage of ICU admissions. In all cases, a two-sided p value of 0.05 was defined as statistically significant. SPSS 14.0 for Windows was used to perform the statistical analyses. results The demographics of the overall population in each calendar year are shown in Table 1. Figure 1 provides the distribution of the reasons for ICU admission per year. SMR Figures 2 a-d show the annual SMR based on the customized SAPS II model for the total non-cardiac surgery population and for medical, emergency surgery and elective surgery patients separately. In seven ICUs the SMR decrease was significant. The number of admissions in the database for some ICUs was too small to demonstrate a statistical significant decrease in SMR. In hospital Figures 2 a-d. Bars represent hospital mortality Figure 2a: Crude mortality and SMR (+/-95%CI) per calendar year for non- Figure 2c: Crude mortality and SMR (+/-95%CI) per calendar year for cardiac surgery population emergency surgical patients Figure 2b: Crude mortality and SMR (+/-95%CI) per calendar year for Figure 2d: Crude mortality and SMR (+/-95%CI) per calendar year for medical patients elective surgical patients Linear regression analysis of these data showed a significant association between a decreasing SMR with increasing calendar years in all groups. The results are presented in Table 2. The decrease in SMR is highest for elective surgical patients. Table 2. Results of weighted linear regression analysis with “log(SMR)” as dependent variable and the calendar-years as covariate. COEFFICIENT OF CALENDAR YEAR P-VALUE Non-cardiac surgery population -0.014 0.020 Medical patients -0.011 0.020 Emergency surgery patients -0.015 0.010 Elective surgical patients -0.024 0.023 NETH J CRIT CARE - VOLUME 13 - NO 1 - FEBRUARY 2009 NJCC_01 v7 bwerk.indd 11 11 10-02-2009 13:11:16 Netherlands Journal of Critical Care PHJ van der Voort, F Bakhshi-Raiez, DW de Lange, RJ Bosman, E de Jonge, H Joore, R de Waal, RMJ Wesselink, G van Berkel, R van Maanen, NF de Keizer 10, the SMR decreased(!) from around 0.72 in the first three years to 0.23 in 2007. This decrease was not significant (Coefficient of calendar year = -0.065). A closer look at the data showed that the decrease reflected a change in data gathering method rather than a change in care performance, i.e. the hospital started using a new PDMS at the end of 2006 and had difficulties with data collection and extraction resulting in incorrectly low SMRs. None of the ICUs showed a significant increase in SMR over time. Table 3: Results of weighted linear regression analysis with “log(SMR)” as dependent variable and the calendar years as covariate. * indicates a P value of < 0.05. Discussion This study shows that on a national level the SMR is following a gradual but significant decrease. Apparently, the quality of care, measured by the outcome indicator mortality, is improving. However, we do realize, that mortality is not the only or the ideal way to evaluate quality of care. It is also shown that over the years, an increasing number of ICUs have been participating in the database and the observed decline in SMR may be caused by the inclusion of ICUs with an SMR lower than that of the ICUs that participated in the NICE registry earlier . This may be caused by change in case mix due to the increasing number Figures 3 a-d. give the VLAD curves for the general population and for individual admission types. Figure 3 a: VLAD curve for non-cardiac surgery population Figure 3 c: VLAD curve for emergency surgery patients Figure 3 b: VLAD curve for medical patients Figure 3 d: VLAD curve for elective surgical patients As far as the individual ICUs are concerned, the extend of the SMR decrease seems to be ICU specific. Figure 4 shows per hospital per calendar year the SMR based on the customized SAPS II model. The results of the weighted linear regression analysis for these hospitals are presented in Table 3. Figure 4. Crude mortality and SMR (+/-95%CI) per hospital (numbers 1 -28) per calendar year 12 NETH J CRIT CARE - VOLUME 13 - NO 1 - FEBRUARY 2009 NJCC_01 v7 bwerk.indd 12 10-02-2009 13:11:18 Netherlands Journal of Critical Care Trends in time: results from the NICE registry of participants. For example, it was shown that the decrease in SMR is most apparent in elective surgery patients. Other explanations for the gradual decrease of SMR could be an improvement in perioperative care and an improvement in postICU care. Longitudinal analysis of the data of individual ICUs as represented in a VLAD curve gives additional information as it provides insight into the SMR trend over time. It not only shows when the SMR increases or decreases, but also shows when this change occurred. Also in ICUs with a non-significant change in SMR, the VLAD curve can give information about the performance. However, the slope of the VLAD curve depends on the number of patients included in the analysis. As a consequence, VLAD curves cannot be used for quantitative comparison between individual ICUs (benchmarking). For this reason, we have shown four representative VLAD curves. In our analysis, the SAPS II model was used to correct for severity of illness. Previously, we have shown that the SAPS II model is the best fit to the Dutch population [13]. As the APACHE IV model has been applied to the data provided by the NICE participants since 2007, it is expected to replace the SAPS II model within a few years. The VLAD curves of the participating ICUs based on the SAPS II data show variable slopes. Both increasing and decreasing lines can be found indicating variable performance between ICUs or indicating different case mixes as there are case mix differences between ICUs which were not corrected for by the SAPS II model. Lead-time bias for example, referring to the treatments given just before ICU admission, may influence predicted mortality and SMR, and was not corrected for in SAPS II model [18]. A decreasing line might be an indication of decreasing performance, although the SMR may still be below 1, but should always lead to profound analysis. Structure and process data can be used to obtain explanations. As shown in the VLAD curves, a variable slope over time does occur as well. This phenomenon should alert ICU managers to the necessity of analyzing the cause. A change in case mix of the population Table 3. Results of weighted linear regression analysis with “log(SMR)” as dependent variable and the calendar years as covariate. * indicates a P value of < 0.05. ICU NUMBER COEFFICIENT OF CALENDAR YEAR ICU NUMBER COEFFICIENT OF CALENDAR YEAR 1 -0.010 15 0.005 2 -0.021 * 16 0.841 3 -0.059 * 17 -0.026 * 4 -0.022 18 0.002 5 0.006 19 -0.012 6 -0.005 20 -0.016 * 7 -0.005 21 -0.021 8 -0.013 22 -0.032 9 -0.027 * 23 0.004 10 -0.065 24 -0.024 11 -0.029 25 -0.002 12 -0.046 26 0.022 13 0.0208 27 -0.032 * 14 -0.015 28 -0.021 * Not all VLAD curves for individual ICUs are presented here for reasons of space. The VLAD curves for four individual ICUs are shown in Figures 5a-d. Panel A shows the VLAD curve for hospital 26 with an SMR of around one and a temporary slight increase of the VLAD curve over recent years. Panel B shows the VLAD curve for hospital 15 with a stable period, then a decrease with an SMR of more than 1 and then again a stable period with an SMR of around 1 and then a decrease of the curve and an SMR of more than 1. Panel C shows the VLAD curve for hospital 2 with a stable increase of the curve corresponding with an SMR of less than 1 or a lower mortality than expected. Panel D shows the VLAD curve for hospital 21 initially with a stable curve corresponding with a SMR of 1 but a decreasing curve in 2004 and 2006 corresponding with a SMR higher than 1 and an increasing curve in the last year corresponding with a SMR below 1. NETH J CRIT CARE - VOLUME 13 - NO 1 - FEBRUARY 2009 NJCC_01 v7 bwerk.indd 13 13 10-02-2009 13:11:18 Netherlands Journal of Critical Care PHJ van der Voort, F Bakhshi-Raiez, DW de Lange, RJ Bosman, E de Jonge, H Joore, R de Waal, RMJ Wesselink, G van Berkel, R van Maanen, NF de Keizer is rarely the underlying cause but an intensive search for other reasons should be made to identify a cause that might have changed the slope in upward or downward (e.g. hospital 10 Results section). The quarterly feedback that is provided by NICE may be helpful but usually more profound analysis of local data is necessary. In addition, Statistical Process Control charts that will be provided in the future may help in deciding whether chance may play a role [19,20]. The extended NICE database with structure, process and outcome indicators combined with TISS data and predefined complications which are currently under construction, will provide care givers and ICU managers with the information to improve the quality of care. The local PDCA cycle can continuously receive input from the NICE database. Local and national quality projects as well as local and national research can benefit from this database. Conclusion Over time, the aggregated SMR for all participating ICUs in the NICE registry has declined. However, this may be due to a change in case mix due to the increasing number of participating ICUs. Individual analysis of outcome data over time (VLAD) shows that some ICUs consistently perform better than expected but that other ICUs perform consistently or occasionally worse than expected. In some ICUs, there is a significant decrease in SMR over time. The NICE feedback for individual ICUs with their own data compared with national data may indicate an inadequate level of care, and should be used as input for local quality initiatives as well as quality improvement on a national level. Figure 5a-d Figure 5a: SMR and VLAD curve for IC 26 Figure 5c: SMR and VLAD curve for IC 2 Figure 5b: SMR and VLAD curve for IC 15 Figure 5d: SMR and VLAD curve for IC 21 14 NETH J CRIT CARE - VOLUME 13 - NO 1 - FEBRUARY 2009 NJCC_01 v7 bwerk.indd 14 10-02-2009 13:15:47 Netherlands Journal of Critical Care Trends in time: results from the NICE registry references 1 12 Zimmerman JE, Kramer AA, McNair DS, Malila FM: Acute Physiology and Chronic 2 AHQR. Guide to patient safety indicators. 2003. Agency for health care research Health Evaluation (APACHE) IV: Hospital mortality assessment for today’s critically ill and quality. patients. Crit Care Med 2006 ;34(5):1297-310. 3 13 Peek N, Arts DG, Bosman RJ, van der Voort PH, de Keizer NF. 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