K-UTEC Prospect en


K-UTEC Prospect en
K-UTEC AG Salt Technologies
„Cum grano salis sano“
„Salt – vital to your health!“
A Treasure trove of experience
Over 50 years of experience with salt …
… Does not appear over night. Since the 1950s the mining of
potash and rock salt has been researched and developed in
Sondershausen in Northern Thuringia. As an integral part of
the state owned Potash Company, which had up to 32,000
employees, the Potash Research Institute at the time inherited
all associated tasks of development within the former state
owned Potash Company of the German Democratic Republic.
K-UTEC AG Salt Technologies has continued with this tradition
since the reunification of Germany. Privatised since 1992,
a public company since 2008, today the business advises,
examines, plans and researches for the salt mining and
processing industries throughout the whole world, undertaking
projects and tasks of every size. We strive to develop a solution
for all salts and every type of deposits. We are able to answer
any questions that the miners have as well as any procedural,
analytical, geotechnical and geophysical questions. This
concentration on the salt itself, the year long experiences,
many successful projects around the world, but above all the
highly qualified employees, have helped to create the current
reputation of K-UTEC AG Salt Technologies.
Executive Board
Salt Technologies
Executive Director
Dr. Heiner Marx
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 100
Executive Director
Dr. Volker Asemann
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 101
Christiane Lücke
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 102
Range of services
Achieving the best for our customers …
Process design
… Is always our aim. For us the best means creating conditions which allow the highest possible
amount of the desired salt material to be produced in the highest quality, with the lowest
manufacturing costs and of course causing the least possible damage to the environment. The
department of Chemical and Physical Engineering possesses, with its longstanding expertise and
own technological centre, the ideal requirements for the qualified development of complete
processing machinery of different mineral salts, oxides and hydroxides, above all potassium and
magnesium compounds. However, the business activities reach much further afield.
Knowledge and experience in the areas of process development
and process evaluation
Project feasibility evaluations
Implementation of asset development projects
Special experience with the processing of inorganic salts
according to industrial standards
Pilot tests to model all typical potash process steps
Estimate of investment and operating costs (CAPEX / OPEX)
Calculation of evaporation areas and pond designs
Basic engineering for process plants for the extraction of
inorganic salts
Mass balances for complete processes
Detailed process description for the individual process stages
and for all process flows
Block and process flow diagrams (BFD, PFD)
Selection and calculations for suitable equipment and machinery
Site plans
Sample planning, instructions on sample preparation,
analysis and evaluation
Regulations on measuring, construction and control technology,
infrastructure, health, safety and environmental protection
Department of
Chemical and Physical Engineering
Dipl.-Chem. Stephan Kaps
Telefon +49 (0) 3632.610 110
Feasibility studies
Basic engineering
Preparation of equipment lists
Scoping studies
Pilot tests on solar evaporation of brine (sea water),
water from salt lakes, industrial water
Assessment of raw materials and production technologies
Department of
Chemical and Physical
Comparison between process variants
Special rules for turnkey plant assembly
Piping and instrumentation diagram / P&ID
Range of services
Selected Customers
Process development for the production
of fertilisers and industrial salts
Plant design, assistance with construction
and commissioning
DEUSA International GmbH
Sinohydro Mining Corp., People’s Republic of China
Raw materials
Description of plant functions, measuring and control functions,
and automated processes
Sinochem Corp., People’s Republic of China
Archean Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd., Republic of India
ERCOSPLAN Ingenieurbüro Anlagentechnik GmbH
Cementos Pacasmayo, Republic of Peru
Xstrata Zink GmbH
Salmueras Sudamericanas S. A., Republic of Peru
MSE - Magnesium Solutions Europe GmbH
Cleveland Potash Ltd.,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Mined rock salts (marine evaporite), industrial salt
crystallisation, natural brine, bittern, seawater
Description of machinery and equipment
Solutions from brine extraction
List of fittings
Suitable waste water, refuse
Preparation of tender documents
Project control / project management
Potassium chloride and potassium sulphate as fertiliser or
industrial salt (sylvite, MOP, KCl99, SOP)
Monitoring of commissioning
ICL Fertilizers, State of Israel
Performance tests
ICL Fertilizers Iberpotash s.a., Kingdom of Spain
Training and instruction for customer staff
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Sodium chloride, sodium sulphate
Technical equipment
Calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate
Jaw crushers, roll mill, disc mill, impact mill, sieves
The Bangchak Petroleum Publik Company Ltd.,
Kingdom of Thailand
Aluminium hydroxide, aluminium oxide, alum, aluminate
Stirring reactors of various sizes with double shells and with
different fittings (loop reactors)
Potassium and magnesium salts
Magnesium compounds (MDH, CCM, DBM)
Boric acid, pentaborate, borax
Maschinenfabrik Köppern GmbH
ALKIM ALKALI Kimya Anonim Sirketi, Republic of Turkey
Salinen Austria AG, Republic of Austria
Evaporation plant
Quiborax S.A., Republic of Chile
Vacuum cooling system
IMIDRO, Islamic Republic of Iran
Extraction of reusable materials from waste
Solar pond simulation
NEDMAG Industries, Netherlands
Recycling process for the recovery of:
Flotation cell
Nickel-cobalt mixtures and rare earths from scrap NiMH
Thickeners, purifying funnel, band filter or centrifuge
VARTA AG - European Portable Battery Association,
Federal Republic of Germany/ Swiss Confederation
Lithium salts
Nickel and chromium from hydroxide sludge
Potassium from spent electrolytes in the electrolysis of
Magnesium dross
Roller compactor, granulating drum, pan granulator, mixer
ESTA (electrostatic separator), magnetic separator
TATA - Chemicals Ltd., Republic of India
Multiplex Constructions Pty Ltd., Commonwealth of Australia
Hatch, Canada
Societe Chimique Alkhimia, Republic of Tunisia
Range of services
We want to know precisely, very precisely …
Salt analysis and mineralogy
Environmental and mineral analysis
… As only exact knowledge about the materials creates the foundation of well grounded decisions
for processes, technology and investment. In the laboratories of K-UTEC AG solid and liquid samples
are analysed and evaluated, chemically and mineralogical, for customers from all over the world,
specifically for salt chemistry and waste analytics. Also incorporated in this field of work is the
analysis of underground gas samples, as well as finding solutions to complex, analytical questions in
the area of method development and validation. The reliability of our testing methods is guaranteed
by regular audits in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17025.
Salt analysis
Analysis of complex matrices and mixtures of substances
All types of salts and minerals
Analysis of main components using wet chemical process
Salts of natural and industrial origin
Routine trace analysis for inorganic parameters
Analysis of lyes and concentrated salt solutions
Routine trace analysis for organic parameters
Mineral analysis
Equipment and methods
Salts of saline origin
ICP-AES, AAS, ion chromatography, voltammetry, GCMS, GC,
If technology no longer helps …
Salts from industrial processes
… Then experience is the only answer. The determination of the actual mineralogical compound of
a sample can often only be identified with the help of microscopy, which also supports the X-ray
diffraction phase analysis. And with mineral elements of less than 1% a high degree of experience
and expert knowledge is just as important.
Products from the processing of saline salts
At K-UTEC we have both.
ICP-AES, AAS, elemental analyser XRF, XRD
Industrial crystalline waste (e.g. filter dust)
Equipment and methods
Ion chromatography
Mineralogical analysis with X-ray diffractometer, polarising,
phase contrast and stereo microscopes
Department of
Chemical and Physical
Dr. Dipl.-Chem. Oliver Braun
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 154
Dr. Dipl.-Krist. Joachim Schaal
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 152
Waste Management and Backfilling
Dipl.-Chem. Dittmar Lack
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 142
Sampling of solid, liquid and gaseous substances
Testing for heavy metals, sum parameters
organic matter (PAC, PCB, VOHC, BTEX, OHC), etc.
Range of services
Selected Customers
R&D activities
Analysis of:
Specialist areas and competencies
Salts and their lyes
Water / wastewater / sludge / sewage sludge / sediments
Waste and recycling materials
Soil / contaminated soil
Gases and air
Oils and fuels
Building materials and work materials
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Mining: Analysis of gases, lyes, salts and minerals
Experience and expertise in the areas of calculations, evaluation
and consulting
Pollutants in the workplace, in the home or in the environment
(pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, asbestos, PCB,
wood preservative)
Development and validation of methods
Calculation of ionic balances and mineral compositions
DAKKS accreditation
The specialist department for Chemical and Physical Engineering
is a test laboratory accredited to DIN EN ISO 17025. A dedicated
team of chemists, analysts and mineralogists guarantees a high
level of reliability with determining, evaluating and interpreting
analytical data.
Officially recognised wastewater testing laboratory pursuant to
Art. 8 Regulation of the Free State of Thuringia on Wastewater
Self-monitoring (ThürAbwEKVO)
Officially recognised waste and residual waste testing
laboratory pursuant to Art. 7 Law of the Free State of Thuringia
on Waste and Residual Waste (ThAbfAG) in conjunction with
Art. 3 par. 1 Regulation of the Free State of Thuringia on
Landfill Self-monitoring (ThürDepEKVO)
Asse-GmbH - Gesellschaft für Betriebsführung
und Schließung der Schachtanlage Asse II
Ercosplan - Group of Companies
UGS - Untergrundspeicher- und Geotechnologiesysteme GmbH
Menteroda Recycling GmbH
BfS - Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz
(Federal Office of Radiation Protection)
Research Partners:
AiF e.V. - Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller
Forschungsvereinigungen “Otto von Guericke” e.V.
BioPlanta GmbH Leipzig
Local facilities:
Envinronmental Agencies, Sewage treatment plants, etc.
Elemental Minerals Ltd., Commonwealth of Australia
Eramet Research, Republic of France
Range of services
When a mine’s productive life is at an end …
… it is usually a long time before the follow-up work is fully completed. As well as recultivating the
areas and slag heaps above ground, and sealing shafts, an important issue is to secure underground
cavities to avoid the risk of gradual or sudden subsidence of the surface. In such cases, the cavities
are filled with backfill, material either from the mine itself or elsewhere. The Disposal and Backfilling
Material Technology department assists the operators of backfill mines or successor companies,
and also operators of active mines with backfilling obligations or backfilling operations, to increase
the use of deposits with a comprehensive range of services relating to formulation development,
testing the minability of waste material, process development of backfilling material.
Special problems call for individual solutions.
In particular, this applies to mining in saline horizons. Standard construction materials, for example
based on cement or gypsum, fall down here because of their limited or total lack of stability
under a very wide range of saline conditions. In addition, the construction materials used must
be compatible with the mineral salt outcrops and should not damage the latter during installation
or in their hardened state The Construction Materials unit within the specialist department for
Disposal and Filling Material Technology develops and supplies special construction materials for
civil engineering applications and solution mining in line with the requirements of the disposal
site concerned for dam constructions, flow barriers, shaft seals, injection work, temporary or
permanent sealing of bore holes, and other construction and protective measures.
Suitability testing of industrial waste for
backfilling and landfill
Formulation development for mining mortar, backfill and dam construction materials
Expert reports
Formulations for backfilling materials for hydraulic and
mechanical processes
(hydraulic, pump, drop and big-bag backfilling)
Mine suitability reports for the recycling of industrial waste as
backfill material
Expert evaluation of waste for storage in an underground
Preparation of the necessary documents to apply for approvals
for backfill materials pursuant to Art. 4 Health Protection in
Mining Regulation (GesBergV)
Consultancy and general services
Advising on mine backfills and underground landfills with
regard to the safe recycling and disposal of waste
Long-term proofs of safety for the storage of chemotoxic waste
in salt rock
Assessing the nature of the waste
Preparation of safety data sheets, operating instructions
Classification of waste in accordance with the German
Regulation on Hazardous Substances (Gefahrstoffverordnung)
Environmental impact assessments
Department for
disposal and filling
material technology
Disposal and Filling Material
Dipl.-Chem. Dittmar Lack
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 142
Mobil +49 (0) 160.788 25 16
Preparation of processing technology parameters
Proof of the structural suitability of waste and backfill materials
Proof of host rock tolerance
Evaluation and investigation of gas emission performance
Mortar systems based on different saline solutions
and binding agents (with a focus on MgO)
Particle-free supersaturated saline solutions and salt hydrate
melt as injection media
Dam construction materials with and without expansion
Construction materials with deposit character as advance
working elements for dam construction sites
Range of services
Process development and plant design
Selected Customers
Backfill and construction material
testing laboratory
DMT GmbH & Co. KG
Akzo Nobel Industrial Chemicals B.V., Netherlands
Focus areas of testing
GTS Grube Teutschenthal Sicherungs GmbH & Co. KG
Particle size distribution using sieving, laser particle analysis and
photo-optical particle analysis
GSES - Glückauf Sondershausen Entwicklungs- und
Sicherungsgesellschaft mbH
Cleveland Potash Ltd.,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Basic engineering
True, gross, bulk and tapped density, density of liquids,
Proctor density
IBeWa - Ingenieurgesellschaft für Bergbau, Wasser- und
Deponietechnik Wilsnack& Partner
Preparation of application documents for environmental
approval process
Pressure and tensile strength testing
IfG - Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH
Measurement of elasticity modulus
K+S Entsorgung GmbH
Pressure compaction behaviour
(accelerated and extended time tests)
Recycling of waste material, either from the mine itself or
elsewhere, in mines and caverns (hydraulic and pump backfill),
as well as waste in drop and big-bag backfilling
Manufacture of backfill products and granulated and
compacted backfill materials
Support with environmental approval process
Technological assistance with the commissioning of backfilling
Concepts for erecting sealing structures in the saline formation
Planning, support and monitoring of dam structures
Oedometric test, setting behaviour, swelling and
shrinkage behaviour
Rheological measurements (viscosity, flow characteristics)
Measurements on the pump test rig (pipe viscometers)
Determination of gas emissions (quality, quantity)
Thermal analysis (DTG, DSC)
Climatic tests
Abrasion measurements on granulates
Static strength of individual grains
Minex GmbH
MMG Mitteldeutsche MONTAN GmbH
NDH Entsorgungsbetreibergesellschaft mbH
Styromagnesit Steirische Magnesitindustrie GmbH
Wacker Chemie AG Salzbergwerk Stetten
Bauhaus-University Weimar
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus
University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen
Ruhr University of Bochum
Freiburg University of Mining and Technology
Clausthal University of Technology
University of Leipzig
MUEG - Mitteldeutsche Umwelt- und Entsorgung GmbH
Zimmermann Sonderabfallentsorgung
und Verwertung GmbH & Co. KG
Sinohydro Mining Corp., Democratic People’s Republic of Laos
CIMM Chilean Research Center for Mining and Metallurgy,
Republic of Chile
Range of services
“Better safe than sorry”
Investigation and project evaluation
Mine planning and consulting
This proverb has a very special relevance in the field of mining. The risks to miners from the
surrounding rock mass, and also the risks for investments in mine workings and equipment, are
often serious and difficult to foresee. The field of geomechanics creates a basis for determining
the geomechanical status of mine workings. Complex status analyses for the rock are prepared
and continually updated, based on data derived from technical measurements (e.g. rock stresses,
lateral strains on pillars, seismic monitoring, backfill quality tests, etc.) and incorporating customer
data (e.g. occurrences of surface subsidence, geological fissures, etc.). In addition, answers are also
found to unique issues relating to rock mechanics in the saline formation.
Mine planning
Planning of exploratory measures
Planning for underground and solution mining
Geological and hydrogeological tests
Extraction planning and dimensioning
Feasibility studies
Planning of backfill measures
Geological modelling and reserve estimates
Planning the recycling of mine waste and industrial waste
(underground backfill)
CAPEX/OPEX cost estimates for underground and solution
mining, and processing of rock salt
Planning of backfill and pillar deconstruction measures
Like a Swiss army knife
Environmental impact assessments
Planning of underground landfills
The Mining department has just about as many functions and applications as a Swiss army knife:
there are many different tasks and projects extending to the four corners of the globe: deposit
modelling, mine planning steps for underground extraction operations or for solution mining,
maintenance concepts for abandoned mines, including securing of abandoned shafts, technical
feasibility studies with varying degrees of detail, with CAPEX/OPEX cost calculations, production
of customised measurement technology for solution mining, geological mapping, and much more
Project evaluations
Technical and economic assessments for greenfield and
brownfield projects
Geotechnical monitoring and support
Risk assessments
Profitability studies
Geological investigation and analysis
Geomechanical expert reports, verification of stability
Evidence protection process
Backfill evaluation for underground backfills and underground
Concept and implementation planning for sealing structures in
shafts and drifts
Risk assessments for montane gases and influent solutions
Department of
Geomechanics and Mining
Dr.-Ing. Axel Stäubert
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 170
International Mining
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Fliß
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 186
Dipl.-Geol. Anne Allendorf-Schicht
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 184
Range of services
Selected Customers
Monitoring, safekeeping and renaturation
Wacker Chemie AG Salzbergwerk Stetten
Akzo Nobel Industrials Chemicals B.V., Netherlands
Planning, construction, installation and support with
geotechnical and hydrological measuring systems
SWS - Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG
The Bangchak Petroleum Plc. Ltd., Kingdom of Thailand
NDH Entsorgungsbetreibergesellschaft mbH
Cleveland Potash Ltd.,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Fluid and solid content in shafts
Solution content and density measurements in flooded mines
Inflow monitoring equipment
Planning, construction, installation and supervision of seismic
monitoring equipment and systems for flood monitoring and
cavity surveillance
Planning for post-operational phases
Maintenance concepts, subsequent usage options, risk
assessments and valuations
Planning and implementation of investigation measures in
shafts (drilling investigation and on-site exploration) and in
abandoned mines
Stability estimates and risk assessments for abandoned mines,
solution inflows and gas inlets
Concept and implementation planning for shaft and mine
maintenance, including construction support and supervision
Planning of renaturation of mine locations and slag heap
Rehabilitation of disused mines
GSES - Glückauf Sondershausen Entwicklungs- und
Sicherungsgesellschaft mbH
BfS - Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz
(Federal Office of Radiation Protection)
DBE - Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Bau und Betrieb von Endlagern
für Abfallstoffe mbH
GVV - Gesellschaft zur Verwahrung und Verwertung von
stillgelegten Bergwerksbetrieben mbH
TLBA - Thüringer Landesbergamt
(State Mining Office of Thuringia)
PtJ - Projektträger Jülich / Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
IfG - Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
(TU Bergakademie Freiberg)
Sinochem Corp., People’s Republic of China
Sinohydro Mining Corp., Democratic People’s Republic of Laos
SIMBALIK Group InversionsLimitada, Republic of Chile
CementosPacasmayo S.A.A, Republic of Peru
North American Salt Company, United States of America
Range of services
And yet it moves!
Geophysical exploration
Seismological monitoring
This apocryphal remark by Galileo also applies to what is beneath the earth: to the many small
and medium movements within mine workings, which characterise the additional geomechanical
dynamics of horizons that are used for mining. It is the job of the Geophysics specialist department to
record and localise these movements, calculate their epicentre and magnitude, and finally to draw
the right conclusions from them. The department’s tasks include the development of hardware
and software, conception and plant engineering, erection and operation of facilities on behalf of
the customer, including daily evaluation and alerts, along with seismic measurements. Customers
who require stationary or temporary seismic monitoring equipment include mine operators, cavern
operators, geothermal power plants, abandoned mines, etc.
Conception, development and surveillance of seismic monitoring
equipment and measures
Geoelectric sounding, mapping, 2D/3D tomography
Surface and bore hole radar
Seismic reflection and refraction, surface wave seismology
Bore hole seismology, VSP measurements
Seismic and electromagnetic tomography
Sonar investigation
Making visible what was previously invisible …
… is the ambitious aim of our experts in the field of geophysical exploration. A wide range of
geophysical measuring methods, the latest technology, decades of expertise, particularly in the
fields of potash and salt mining – from these components, we produce the data that the customer
requires concerning deposits, subsoil, dikes, open pit dumps, etc., which then serve as a basis
for making decisions about additional measures. We make visible what was previously invisible,
whether it is above ground on saline deposits, or by investigating cavities close to the surface,
conducting close inspections underground in the bore hole, or calculating stratigraphic horizons
using seismic, geoelectric or radar-assisted methods.
Measurements of bore hole deviation
Camera inspections
Gravimetry, magnetics and VLF measurements
Cavity investigation
Deposit exploration
Hydrogeological and geohydraulic investigation
Investigation of layer boundaries and geological structures
Preliminary survey of the route
Locating pipes and cables
Department of
Geophysical Monitoring
Dipl.-Geophys. Astrid Gessert
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 172
Geophysical Investigation
Dipl.-Geophys. Thomas Schicht
Telefon +49 (0) 36 32.610 187
Operation of seismic monitoring systems
Long-term monitoring of parameters
Localisation of seismic activity and qualification of seismic events
(determination of the strength/magnitude, epicentre, etc.)
Interpretation based on the geological and local characteristics
Issue of alerts in accordance with specific customer guidelines
Combination of seismic monitoring equipment and shock
measuring points according to DIN 4150
Range of services
Selected Customers
Shock measuring points
Certification and qualification
Individual measuring points for mobile or permanent
A team composed of qualified geophysicists and experienced
engineers guarantees the efficient execution of projects,
from preparation of the concept and planning, through to
GVV - Gesellschaft zur Verwahrung und Verwertung von
stillgelegten Bergwerksbetrieben mbH
ICL Fertilizers Europe,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
LMBV - Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche
Bergbauverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
CementosPacasmayo S.A.A, Republic of Peru
Combination of measuring points to monitor large areas
Application in mines, quarries
Application in the field of oil and gas production
Application to monitor gas storage facilities
Construction site monitoring/documentation
Monitoring/documentation of blasting operations
Monitoring of shock-sensitive machinery and equipment
The specialist department for Geophysics is
certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008
Registered quality geophysics company according to the
Professional Association of German Geoscientists (BDG)
Officially registered pursuant to Art. 26 Federal Pollution
Control Law (BImSchG) for the performance of shock
NDH-E - NDH Entsorgungsbetreibergesellschaft mbH
Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres, Karlsruhe
Research Centre
Rheinkalk GmbH - Lhoist Group
BfS - Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz
(Federal Office of Radiation Protection)
DBE - Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Bau und Betrieb von Endlagern
für Abfallstoffe mbH
GSES - Glückauf Sondershausen Entwicklungs- und
Sicherungsgesellschaft mbH
esco - european salt company GmbH & Co. KG
SALSUD - SalmuerasSudamericanas, Republic of Peru
North American Salt Company, United States of America
Kopalnia Soli Klodawa S.A., Republic of Poland
K-UTEC AG Salt Technologies
Am Petersenschacht 7 | D-99706 Sondershausen
Phone +49 (0) 36 32.61 00 | Fax +49 (0) 36 32.61 01 05
E-Mail info@k-utec.de | Web www.kutec.de