Boeheim Foundation Grant Expands Nutrition Education
Boeheim Foundation Grant Expands Nutrition Education
FOR FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS OF THE CROUSE HEALTH FOUNDATION INSIDE Message from the President 2 “Puncture” Movie Premiere Raises Funds for Oncology Services 3 Hockey Classic to Benefit NICU 4 Milestones & Memories Contributors July 1, ’11 November 30, ’11 6-7 Copyright ©2012 Crouse Health Foundation. All rights reserved. For information visit us online at Boeheim Foundation Grant Expands Nutrition Education T he Jim and Juli Boeheim Foundation has awarded Crouse Health Foundation a $10,000 grant in support of Crouse Hospital’s efforts to address the major health issues of diabetes and obesity, especially in young children. The grant will help to expand nutrition education activities at Hughes Magnet Elementary School in Syracuse. Funding is provided for a monthly nutrition program, held on PTO meeting nights, to educate staff, parents and children on healthier habits using portion control at meals, easy to prepare recipes and more healthful food choices including fruits and vegetables. The first goal of this project is to encourage healthy eating habits for the Hughes student and their family. The second goal is to reduce the onset of type 2 diabetes in children — healthy eating has been clearly linked to the reduced risk of the development of chronic diseases. The third goal is to improve the overall wellness of the Hughes students, school personnel, and families. The “Healthy Habits at Hughes” program began its evening monthly meetings last October at Hughes’ open house and will run through June 2012. Each program features a Crouse Hospital registered dietitian presentation and a cooking demonstration by the hospital’s executive chef, Todd Corcoran. Information presented includes healthy food choices, how to shop for and prepare healthy food and how to maintain portion control. A different educational topic and recipe will be presented each month in a fun family atmosphere and attendees will leave with meal samples. Wegman’s has generously agreed to provide fruits and vegetables for the demonstrations and for distribution to Hughes students. For instance, the day after the December “Healthy Habits at Hughes” program, each student received fresh broccoli and cauliflower with a low-fat ranch dip to help expose them to a greater number of healthier food options. 2012 ISSUE 1 Foundations for the Future A MESSAGE FROM THE President Dear Friends: s we begin a new year I want to take a moment to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to all members of Paul Kronenberg, MD the Crouse family – donors, volunteers, employees and physicians – for your support over this past year. Your dedication and commitment to our mission has been strong and focused, and we are very appreciative. We have seen many changes within the organization over the past 12 months, new initiatives developed, physical plant improvements and consistently high patient volumes. All this against a backdrop of change and uncertainty related to healthcare reform. But like any great organization, we have, collectively, weathered these changes with a positive attitude and a healthy dose of Crouse spirit. That, in turn, has put us in a good position as we move into 2012. While I do not expect the challenges to diminish (in fact, we all need to prepare for continued changes and uncertainty on the federal, state and local levels), I feel very confident about where Crouse is headed – and what it will take to get us there. You can expect continued work and development on our five strategic focus areas: improving the customer experience; increasing revenue; lowering costs; IT development; and preparing for healthcare reform. And you can expect that we will continue to be an organization that lives its core values, respects its team members, and believes in open and honest communication at all times. Thank you for your work and commitment to keeping Crouse focused on our mission and for doing your part to keep Crouse healthy and moving forward. A Paul J. Kronenberg, MD President & CEO, Crouse Hospital 2 2012 Issue 1 “Puncture” Movie Premiere Raises Funds for Crouse’s Oncology Services Pictured are Chris Evans, Adam Kassen and Jesse L. Martin O ver 300 people gathered at The Palace Theatre on Sunday, November 20 for the Syracuse premiere of “Puncture” as a memorial tribute to Allen Krassenbaum and in support of Crouse Hospital’s Oncology Services. Allen’s son Adam Kassen, director of “Puncture,” was joined at the premiere by the film’s lead actor Chris Evans (of recent “Captain America” fame) and actor Jesse L. Martin (“Law & Order” and “Rent”) for the special screening of the film and a Question & Answer session following the movie. Patron ticket purchasers enjoyed a VIP Reception with Kassen, Evans and Martin in advance of the film showing. Mark Kassen, Allen’s son, who was co-director of the film with his brother Adam and the other leading actor in “Puncture,” was unable to attend the festivities as originally planned because he was on location in New Mexico shooting his next feature film. $35,000 was raised in support of Crouse Hospital’s Oncology Unit, a place near and dear to the Krassenbaum/Kassen family due to Allen having been a frequent patient prior to his September 14, 2011 passing. A Fayetteville resident, Allen Krassenbaum was a well-known pharmacist and political activist. In gratitude for the care Allen received at Crouse, his widow, Karen Krassenbaum, and sons Adam and Mark worked with the Crouse Health Foundation to create this unique event in support of Crouse. “Puncture” tells the true story of two young struggling lawyers in Houston, Texas who expose a conspiracy in the pharmaceutical industry when they take on the case of an ER nurse who is pricked by a contaminated needle on the job. Following the movie screening, Adam Kassen, Chris Evans and Jesse L. Martin answered audience members’ questions providing insight into the film production and the status of the real-life case. Crouse Beneficiary of 2012 SADA Charity Preview C Pictured above presenting the 7th annual Umeshchandra Patil Family Educational Award to Dawn Jolly (right), Certified Surgical Technologist at Crouse Hospital’s Madison-Irving Surgery Center is Crouse Hospital CEO & President Dr. Paul Kronenberg (left). Dawn will attend the 2012 Association of Surgical Technologists’ National Conference in Washington, DC. Patil Award Winner n 2005, Drs. Umesh and Vijay Patil established the Patil Family Foundation Fund within the Crouse Health Foundation’s IEndowment Fund. The fund awards up to $3,500 to a technician, LPN or RN working in Surgical Services (Main OR, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Interventional Radiology, the Cardiac Cath Lab, Endoscopy, and Labor and Delivery) for continuing education, professional development or training in the area of surgical services. Winners are asked to share what they learn with their colleagues to extend the benefits of the award to other staff. NICU Nurse Lina Mamont (center) accepted all the items from (left to right) Brian Stevens, Instructor David Nichols, Kevin Klee, Mike Perez, Christopher Gebhart and Craig Branch (who was joined by sons Ruell, 9, and Ezra, 5.) F ive apprentice electricians and an instructor from the Central New York Joint Apprenticeship Training Center (CNYJATC) visited Crouse Hospital in December with holiday gifts for the babies in the Baker Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. This special donation, funded through the apprentices’ “Cans-4-Kids” fundraising drive, included two “bouncy” seats and an assortment of premature infant sleeper outfits, socks, and blankets. This is the second year the apprentices have visited with gifts, and we are honored to have been chosen again as one of the beneficiaries of their holiday effort. rouse Health Foundation has again been selected to be a beneficiary of the SADA Charity Preview. This 14th annual event will be held on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 in conjunction with the Syracuse Auto Dealers Association’s auto show. Over $1.8 million has been raised for local charities during the past thirteen SADA Charity Previews. Festivities begin at 6:30 p.m. at The Oncenter. As guests mingle among the newest vehicles, they are treated to great food, drinks and musical entertainment. Held the night before the Auto Show opens to the public, attendees can leisurely view all the latest models Central New York auto dealers have to offer. Net proceeds from Crouse ticket sales will be used to benefit the Breast Health Center at Crouse Hospital. Recently named a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence, renovations and expansion are being made to the center to enhance patients’ experience. The Breast Health Center currently performs close to 10,000 mammograms and 600 core biopsies each year. To accommodate growing patient volume and care for patients in optimum surroundings, Crouse will be expanding the total square footage of the Breast Health Center, adding space to extend the waiting room and registration areas. The expansion will also include more private and comfortable changing rooms, a dedicated room for clinical breast exams and teaching, along with an improved reading room with private consultation space for radiologists and certified nurse navigators, to create a more comfortable and personal environment. Tickets may be purchased individually for $125 per person or as sponsorship packages at the following levels: • Bronze Sponsorship - $625 (includes 5 tickets plus video and printed recognition) • Silver Sponsorship - $1,250 (includes 10 tickets plus video and printed recognition) • Gold Sponsorship - $2,500 (includes 20 tickets plus video and printed recognition) For more information and/or to purchase tickets in support of Crouse Health Foundation, please contact Phyllis Devlin at the Foundation office, (315) 470-7008 or phyllisdevlin@ Tickets are purchased through the Syracuse Auto Dealers Association, 770 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13203. Also visit for more information concerning the Syracuse Auto Dealers Association and the Auto Show. 3 Crouse’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit benefits once again from the generosity and enthusiasm of Team Believe M Brown & Brown Empire State/ Crouse Hospital Hockey Classic Saturday, February 4, 2012 Games at 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 7:30 pm Syracuse Crunch vs. Rochester Americans embers of Team Believe, a nonprofit founded by running enthusi- asts in Syracuse, helped secure a $1,250 grant from the Ironman Foundation for the benefit of Crouse’s Baker Neonatal Intensive Care Unit by having the most spirited and fashionable aid stop during Syracuse’s Ironman 70.3, which was held on September 18, 2011. Ironman Syracuse, one of approximately 50 races in a series hosted by Ironman USA, attracted over 1,900 athletes in its second running in Syracuse. Approximately 35 volunteers from Team Believe were onhand to give out water and power gels to the field of athletes during the event. Team Believe Board Member and Fleet Feet Syracuse store manager, Brendan Jackson, led the crew. Hockey Classic to Benefit Crouse NICU T he 2nd annual Brown & Brown Empire State Crouse Hospital Hockey Classic planned for Saturday, February 4th at the War Memorial, The Oncenter will again benefit Crouse Hospital’s Baker Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The Hockey Classic, presented by Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, will feature an amateur hockey team tournament, casual reception and Syracuse Crunch game. New this year, the Hockey Classic will have four men’s hockey teams participating in a tournament that includes “play-in” games on Friday, February 3rd. Festivities on Saturday the 4th begin at 1:30 p.m. in the War Memorial Arena with the two losing teams playing in the tournament consolation game. The two winning teams will compete in the tournament championship game at 3:30 p.m. Pizza and snacks will be offered at a reception that includes Border Patrol floor hockey, face painting, Syracuse Crunch mascot visits and other family-friendly activities. At 7:30 p.m., the Syracuse Crunch will faceoff against their rival Rochester Americans. A silent auction of sports memorabilia will feature Crunch, NHL and NFL player-signed items. “Pucks for Preemies” signed by Syracuse Crunch players will be on sale and attendees can purchase chances to win on the Crunch prize wheel. Net proceeds will benefit Crouse Hospital’s Baker Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, a NYS Level IV regional referral center for premature and the most critically-ill infants in the fifteen-county area it serves. Crouse Hospital’s NICU cares for babies born as young as 24 weeks gestation and weighing just 500 grams. Neonatologists provide coverage 24/7, 365 days per year caring for 800 – 1,000 infants annually. Hockey Classic tickets are $22 per person and include admission to all the amateur hockey games, the Hockey Classic reception and Syracuse Crunch game. Tickets can be purchased through Crouse Health Foundation by calling Kate O’Brien (315) 470-8076, via e-mail at or online at I You too can GoodSearch to benefit Crouse f you set your Internet search engine at home or office to and select the Crouse Health Foundation as your charity of choice, the Foundation will get at least 1 cent for every search you do. Although that may not seem like very much, those pennies do add up, and some non-profit organizations are receiving several hundred to several thousand dollars a year from GoodSearch. In fact, for searches done from October 2010 to September 2011, the Crouse Health Foundation received a check for $517.76. Over the five years we’ve been a beneficiary, we’ve received a total of $2,015 from GoodSearch searches. If you need instructions on how to change your search engine, simply contact us…and thanks for GoodSearching to benefit Crouse! 4 2012 Issue 1 Charity for Children T his past October, Charity for Children awarded the Crouse Health Foundation a grant of $2,135 to further the work of Crouse Hospital’s Baker Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Through this generous gift, Baker NICU staff purchased ten infant car seats for distribution to families of limited means. They also purchased books and equipment for a year’s worth of infant CPR classes, estimating that 400 to 500 NICU parents will participate in these life-saving programs. Based in Syracuse, Charity for Children focuses on providing services directly for children as well as assistance to families who often struggle to overcome the challenges associated with having a seriously-ill child. We deeply appreciate this donation and the opportunity to partner with Charity for Children for the benefit of Central New York’s tiniest hospital patients. Pictured are Penny Fuller, Crouse Hospital NICU Clinical Nurse Specialist; Kathleen Miller-Murphy, Charity for Children Board of Directors President; Nina M. Albino, Charity for Children Executive Director; Kathy Costello, Crouse Hospital NICU Nurse Manager; and Carrie Berse, Crouse Health Foundation President. Birthday Party Benefits NICU I nstead of presents for her birthday, Avery Moses asked her friends to make a donation to the Baker Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Crouse Hospital. Most girls her age would have excitedly accepted a variety of toys and games as their birthday gifts. Avery was perfectly happy enjoying a birthday celebration with her friends knowing she was making a difference in the lives of others. Her selfless act was not only a special way to commemorate Avery’s birthday, but also held significant meaning for her family. Avery’s birthday donation was made in memory of her twin sisters as well as in recognition for the special care her brother received in Crouse’s NICU. Santa and Mrs. Claus Visit F or six years, Toni Hunter-Barnes and her husband, Larry Barnes, have delighted Crouse Hospital patients with their Santa and Mrs. Claus visit at Christmastime. Bringing 250 new Teddy Bears with them, “Santa” and “Mrs. Claus” visited Crouse’s 4 South Irving Unit, the Kienzle Family Maternity Center and other areas of the hospital in December 2011. As a Crouse Hospital nurse, Toni knows first-hand how much visits like these can mean to patients hospitalized over the holidays. Pictured above are Crouse Hospital NICU Nurse Manager Kathy Costello graciously accepting Avery’s donation during her visit to Crouse. She and her mother, Kristen Moses, were given a tour of the NICU where Avery learned first-hand how her donation will have a positive impact on Crouse’s tiniest patients. 5 MILESTONES & MEMORIES CONTRIBUTORS MILESTONES & MEMORIES – SAYING THANK YOU FOR LIFE’S MANY GIFTS T he Milestones & Memories special occasions giving program of the Crouse Health Foundation provides an avenue for donors to mark an important milestone in their life or honor the memory of someone dear. Gifts may be given to celebrate the birth of a child, to express thanks for a successful surgery, or to observe a special birthday or anniversary. Gifts also may be given in memory of a dear friend or family member. In each edition of Foundations for the Future, you will find a listing of recent IN HONOR contributions made to our Milestones & Memories giving program. We’re pleased to recognize these special gifts and are sincerely grateful these donors have chosen to commemorate a milestone or memory in this meaningful way. To learn more about the Milestones & Memories program or the other giving programs Crouse Health Foundation has to offer, please contact the Foundation Office at (315) 470-7702 or IN MEMORY In Honor of Karen A. Bacsik, M.D. Joyce G. Carmen In Honor of Dr. Rao Davuluri Connie and Larry Semel In Memory of Garry Adams John E. Adams In Honor of Joseph G. Battaglia, M.D. The Solomon Family In Honor of Eileen Hall Anthony C. Hall In Memory of Jameson L. Adams John and Penny Adams Ann J. Olmstead In Honor of William P. Berkery, M.D. Leona Hardy Mary Louise Hartenstein In Honor of Carole Lillis Kate Lillis O’Brien In Honor of MacDowell Moses Avery Moses In Memory of Sue Adams John E. Adams In Memory of David M. Beers Jean T. Beers In Honor of Cardiology, P.C. Staff Mrs. Jean M. Breed Willard and Linda Cohen John and Carol Simiele In Honor of SMH Graduates Ruth E. Dunn In Honor of Crouse Hospital Christine D. Manwaring In Honor of Beckett Lincoln Wallace In Memory of Bernard C. Brown Anonymous Carlena Wallace In Honor of Crouse Hospital 4 North Staff Rhoda Freedman In Honor of Kirk Wardell Kathryn Wardell In Honor of Crouse Hospital 4 South Staff Janet and Larry Wolf In Honor of Marshia K. Witting Nancy Light and Francis House Anne Marie Panto Rev. J. Robert Yeazel In Honor of Dr. David B. Tyler Connie and Larry Semel In Honor of Michaela Cullen Amy Cullen In Memory of Lenora Berse Joanne Skeval In Memory of Miriam D. Brown Mike, Cindy and Mike Charles Willie and Ann Hunt Monday Mah Jongg Mavens Barbara Nies In Memory of Henry E. Buczek Helen Buczek Have You Included Crouse Health Foundation in Your Will? In Memory of Clyde L. Canfield Dorothy M. Canfield f you have, please let us know. We’d like the opportunity to say “thank you.” In Memory of Louise J. Caruso Joseph Caruso For more information on how to make a charitable bequest, save on estate taxes, or set up a life income plan for a spouse, child or loved one, please contact Carrie Berse, President, at (315) 470-7004 or In Memory of John and Frances Centra Constance Nardiello I All responses are kept confidential and information is provided without obligation. 6 2012 Issue 1 In Memory of Sally Weber Domres, R.N. Dorothy Davis Shirley O’Keefe In Memory of Dolores Eicholzer Ernest Eicholzer In Memory of Matthew D. Fox Marcia Mathews In Memory of William Franz Carrie Berse Richard and Bonnie Evans Mrs. Nancy Ewanyk In Memory of Daniel Bernard Brown Laurie and Brian Garvin Judy McCulty Anonymous In Memory of Arlene N. Burnham Dorothy Davis James and Shirley F. O’Keefe In Memory of Jeffery S. Davenport Carol M. Davenport Porter Schermerhorn, Jr. In Memory of Gianna Faith Comerford Barbara Motyka In Memory of Michael Gagnon John and Jo Giacovelli In Memory of Lysbet D. Galey Sharon Billings Doris Darrone Carol Egle John Galey Marge Jock Karen Magnarelli Ray Middle School-Baldwinsville Marcia C. Schwartz In Memory of George and Afendra Ganotis Mr. and Mrs. John Ganotis In Memory of Molly Gigliotti Frank and Joan Gigliotti In Memory of Florence A. Gilbert William and Dorothy Gilbert In Memory of Donald Gitzen Mary Gitzen July 1 - November 30, 2011 In Memory of Betty Grasso John and Jo Giacovelli In Memory of Allen Krassenbaum Elizabeth Allen W. David and Kathryn Baker In Memory of Mary Jane Grimshaw Joseph S. and Evalyn G. Basloe Alex J. Grimshaw, Sr. Carrie Berse Helen Clancy and the Staff In Memory of T. John Haley of Menorah Park Anonymous Dan Cutforth, Jane Lipsitz Bettie and Jim Bird & the Elves William and Joyce Cahill Cliff and Jane Forstadt Frances Haberlen Peter Gingold Tom and Dorie Kruczek Samuel J. Jacobs Barbara McKean Mrs. Merece H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Al Ricci Allan and Rita Kanter Mrs. Jere R. Shank Kimry Moor Home Alan Silver Owners Association Jon M. Maloff In Memory of Audrey and Bill Marcus Donald and Craig Hanson Judy and Mel Oster Marilyn Hanson John and Anne Palazzoli Dr. Barry and Naomi Reiss In Memory of Father George Hartnett Jordan Rouss Josephine Pellizzari Ryan Stowell In Memory of Jonathan J. Heerkens Armida and Daniel Horton Joy M. Winters-Buck In Memory of Pauline I. Herriman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pacheck In Memory of Molly M. Jerry Roslyn S. Wilkins and Family In Memory of Tannor J. Kuttruff Barbara K. Rosenfeld In Memory of John and Billy Lewis Virginia Lewis In Memory of Robert Lutz Mary J. Lutz In Memory of Patricia A. Maher In Memory of Datus W. Johnston, Jr. Joanne Skeval Dawn O. Johnston and Family In Memory of Daniel F. Mathews In Memory of Meda Kenty Marcia Mathews Timothy and Donna Carr Linda Ann Cole In Memory of Patricia McGrath Margaret and Willis Day Harold H. McGrath, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eastman Elizabeth Furth In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardner J. Thomas McKnight, M. D. Eugene and Marie Gravina Marilyn H. McKnight Thomas Hanyak John and Maureen Hickey In Memory of John R. Michaels, M.D. Clark and Mary Horan Steven and Laurie Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. James F. Jordan Carrie Berse Gertrude Kenty Kathleen Binsack Leslie and John Kolodziey Kimberly Boynton John and Elena Massaro Cardiology, P.C. Peter and Lucille Massaro ClearPath Diagnostics Roberta Massaro The Commane Family Mary and Thomas McGraw of Baldwinsville Carol Coker McMahon Ronald and Susan Coppins Eileen Vanderpool Crouse Hospital Medical Staff Helen Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daviau Alan and Gerry Dudley In Memory of Michael Knapp Annette Gelber Francis and Antoinette Scalzo Jay and Maryellen Giese Warren and Nancy Gross Dick and Sue Heimerman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Henderson Sandra and Thomas Hodson David and Gail Karn John Kosakowski Bruce and Janette Lupone The Manning Family Michael and Elizabeth McLane Robert M. Michaels Robert T. Michaels Kristyna and Jim Mills Christopher and Susan Moak Frederick Morey June and Fred Noack Michael and Denise Nolan Pat Riccardi and Family Aprille Santola and Stephen Fogg Mr. and Mrs. William M. Savage Dr. and Mrs. David J. Seeley Signature Crest Builders Betty VanSanford Spafford Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC Robert and Diane Todd Urology Consultants of Syracuse, LLP/ Drs. Richard Kronhaus and Harvey Sauer Gary and Barb Warner Mr. and Mrs. Richard Westcott Westside Podiatry Center, LLP Katrina and Karl Wolff In Memory of Thomas Russell Barbara and Michael Blundell Jean Blundell Mary Lou Green In Memory of Thomas R. Simon, M.D. Crouse Hospital Medical Staff In Memory of SMH Alumnae Ruth Dunn In Memory of Theodore N. Smith, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. John Luchsinger In Memory of Catherine Snyder Thomas E. Snyder, M.D. In Memory of Members of the Dyonizy Stankivitz Family Charles J. Stankivitz In Memory of Roger Swanson Douglas Swanson In Memory of Kenneth and Harriet Taylor David and Ellen Bacon In Memory of Marie J. Usiatynski David J. Usiatynski In Memory of Gianna Rose Van Pelt John and Jo Giacovelli In Memory of Stewart C. Miller Carl F. and Sharon Miller In Memory of Marion Vieau John E. Adams In Memory of Keegan P. Millett Cindy and Andy Clark Gillian and David Kanter John and Mary Millett In Memory of Gerald Westcott Janet Westcott In Memory of Grace E. and Sarah G. Moses Avery Moses In Memory of Meggan A. Nowalk Gene and Sandra Nowalk Harvey and Shirley Halstrom In Memory of Ashling L. O’Brien Richard and Kimberly O’Brien In Memory of Philip C. Pinsky Rhoda Freedman In Memory of Bill Proper Helen Guarino In Memory of Leona White Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Scalzo, Sr. In Memory of Jodie E. Wiegand Christopher Wiegand In Memory of Warren Wilkins Roslyn S. Wilkins and Family In Memory of Russell Wilson June Wilson In Memory of Frederick I. Wolf Janet and Larry Wolf In Memory of Anabel Zucker Anonymous 7 736 Irving Avenue Syracuse, New York 13210 Address service requested INFORMATION IS ONLY A PHONE CALL OR CLICK AWAY To learn more about the Crouse Health Foundation’s activities and giving opportunities, please call the Foundation office at (315) 470-7702, or e-mail us at KEY FOUNDATION STAFF Carrie Berse, FAHP President Phyllis Devlin Director of Development SAVE THE DATE TRIBUTE EVENING Monday, July 16, 2012 Crouse Classic Golf Tournament Friday, September 14, 2012 Tribute Evening Gala T ribute Evening 2012 will feature an extended reception, gourmet dinner, tribute presentation and entertainment. General tickets and patron opportunities are available. Tables of ten and individual attendees are welcome. Souvenir program ads are available at various prices. A Bellevue Country Club Syracuse gain in 2012, golfers can choose between a morning or afternoon flight playing the captain and crew format. Foursomes and individual golfers are welcome. Registration fee includes 18 holes greens fee, cart, breakfast buffet, barbecue luncheon, on-course snacks and beverages, reception, buffet dinner, golfer gift, golf contests and awards. Inquiries concerning sponsorship opportunities, reservations or for more information, please contact Phyllis Devlin, Director of Development at (315) 470-7008 or
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